YEAR TITLE AUTHOR DESCRIPTION PAGES ST# 1932 New York Times Book Review - April 3, 1932 1) Anonymous 2) Longmans, Green and Co. 1) Review: An Autobiography. "The Autobiography of a Fighting Architect. Frank Lloyd Wright Tells the Story of His Battle for a Humane Functionalism in Building". (Sweeney 310) 2) Ad: For "An Autobiography". 1) Pp 4 2) Pp 17 0310.00.1005 0310.01.1005 1949 New York Times Book Review - July 10, 1949 Hamlin, Talbot Review: Genius and the Mobocracy "A Great American Architect Pays Tribute to His Teacher." (Sweeney 755) Pg 3 0755.00.0798
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