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Lake Geneva Hotel, Lake Geneva, WI (1911) (S.171)

(Note, due to the fact that the internet is constantly changing, and items that
are posted change, I have copied excerpts of the text, but give all the credits available.)

Whiting House, Lake Geneva Wisconsin
The Whiting House, built in the early 1870s was destroyed by fire in1894.  The lake front property sat vacant for 17 years while attempts were made to reconstruct a new motel.  This was  finally accomplished by Arthur L. Richards and John J. Williams.  Map location of the original Whiting House.
1: The Whiting House, built in the early 1870s was destroyed by fire in1894.  This is the original property where the Hotel Geneva was built. Boat landing with Whiting House in background.  Shows original lagoon in front of the Whiting House.  Postcard printed in Germany and published by James Leonard Publishing, Lake Geneva, Wis.
2: The Whiting House, built in the early 1870s was destroyed by fire in1894.  This is the original property where the Hotel Geneva was built.  Postcard published by Artistic Publishing Association, Boston, MA.
3: Circa 1890s. Boat landing with Whiting House in background.  Shows original lagoon in front of the Whiting House. The “Hotel Clair” Building is on the left in the background.
3a: Detail. Boat landing with Whiting House in background.
October 2008
Text by Douglas Steiner, Copyright 2008.
The Whiting House was located half a block south of the corner of Broad and Main Streets.  To locate the Whiting Houses' original location on Google's interactive map, click on the link below.



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