




History   1890   1901  1902   1905   1906   1907   1908   1909   1910   1911   1912   1914   1915   1916   1917   1918   1919   1920   1921   1922   1923   1924   1925  
  1926   1927   1928   1929   1930   1931   1933   1935   1936   1937   1938   1939   1940   1941   1942   1943   1944   1945   1948   1949   1950   1951   1952   1953  
  1954   1955   1956   1957   1958   1959   1960   1961   1962   1963   1964   1965   1966   1967   1968   1969   1970   1971   1972   1973   1974   1975   1976   1977  
 1979   1980   1982   1983   1984   1985   1986   1987   1988   1989   1990   1992   1993   1994   1995   1996   1997   2000   2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006 
  2007   2008    2009   2010   2011   2014   
1901 - On December 24th, the U.S. Government allowed the use of the words "Post Card" or "Postcard" to be printed on the undivided back of privately printed cards.
1907 - Divided Back: Postcards with a divided back were finally permitted on March 1, 1907. The address had to be written on the right side of the back of the postcard while the left side was reserved for writing messages.
1915-1930 - White Border Era.
1930-1945 - Linen Era.
1939 - A new type of photographic production process called "Photochrome" first appeared on postcards.  They were known as "chromes"  After the war Mike Roberts led the way with "WESTCO" cards soon to be followed by other firms such as Dexter Press of Nyack, New York, and Plastichrome Company of Boston.
1942 - KODACOLOR Film for prints first introduced.
1946 - Kodak marketed EKTACHROME Transparency Sheet Film
1951 - The three-digit area code began on November 10, 1951.
1960+ By 1960 the standard size enlarged to 4 x 6.
1963 - The use of five-digit Zip codes began in July of 1963.
C.E. Wheelock Co., Peoria, Illinois (1907-1909)
L.L. Cook Company, was founded in 1921 and was one of the two largest postcard publishing companies in Milwaukee, Wisc. They bought the other large postcard publisher in Wisconsin, the E.C. Kropp Company, in 1956. They continued to produce postcards into the 1960s. In 1969 the L.L. Cook Company was sold to the General Aniline & Film (GAF) Corporation.
Detroit Photographic Company was launched as a photographic publishing firm in the late 1890s by Detroit businessman and publisher William A. Livingstone, Jr., and photographer and photo-publisher Edwin H. Husher. In 1905 it became the Detroit Publishing Company.  It went into receivership in 1924.  They liquidated their assets in 1932.

Dexter Press: Thomas A. Dexter began Dexter Press, a one-man shop in Pearl River, New York, in 1920.  He produced the very first natural color post card in 1932.  During that same time period, the Burney brothers, located in Aurora, Missouri, were quickly becoming one of the largest road map printers in the country.  In 1980, the two companies combined forces to create MWM Dexter.

DOPS (Stamp box)  Published between 1925 and 1942.
E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, WI  (1907-1956), Began as Kropp  in 1898. Sold to L.L. Cook in 1956.
Petley Studios, Inc.  Bob (Robert Teeple) Petley was born on November 11, 1912, in Akron, Ohio and passed away on July 7, 2006. In 1946, with twelve black and white humorous postcards he created, he started his postcard company, Petley Studios, Inc., which would later become the nations largest publisher and distributor of scenic color postcards with dealers in Arizona, New Mexico, West Texas, southwestern Colorado, and eastern California. In 1984 Petley sold his postcard business to Bruce Finchum.
V.O. Hammon Publishing Company, Chicago, IL. published pictorial postcards from 1900 - 1923.
Curt Teich - A guide to dating Postcards published by Curt Teich.
1898 1c May 29, 1978 10c
January 1, 1952 2c March 22, 1981 12c
August 1, 1958 3c November 1, 1981 13c
January 7, 1963 4c February 17, 1985 14c
January 7, 1968 5c April 3, 1988 15c
May 16, 1971 6c February 3, 1991 19c
March 2, 1974 7c January 1, 1995 20c
September 14, 1975 8c July 1, 2001 21c
December 31, 1975 9c June 30, 2002 23c
Printing Printing Process Definitions  
Circa 1890
(Side Note) The Whiting House. "Boat Landing, Lake Geneva, Wis."  Back: Made in Germany. James Leonard, Pub., Lake Geneva, Wis. C.E. Wheelock & Co., Peoria, ILL, Exclusive Importers. 190565". PM 6/9/13. The Whiting House, built in the early 1870s was destroyed by fire in 1894. This is the original property where the Hotel Geneva was built in 1911-12.  I believe this to be an early four color collotype printing process.  5.4 x 3.4.  See our Wright Study of the Hotel Geneva. 0009.02.1208
C 1901-02
Fine Arts Building Circa 1901-02. Front: "Chicago. Fine Arts Bldg." On December 24, 1901, the U.S. Government allowed the use of the words "Post Card" or "Postcard" to be printed on the undivided back of privately printed cards. So this card would have been produced most likely in 1901. But the photograph would have been taken earlier. Photographs and Post cards dating between April 1901 through circa 1905 included a large awning on the first floor. This photograph most likely taken between 1897-1900. Image is printed in a tinted "Collotype" process. The front image is enhanced with glitter. Back: "Post Card. Koelling & Klappenbach, Publishers Chicago, Ill. No. 233. Printed in Germany. This side (of post card) is for the address." Postmark December 6, 1905. K&K published post cards during the 1880s through 1906. They published post cards in tinted Collotype in Germany. See our Wright Study of Browne's Bookstore 0048.03.0312
C 1905
Grave of John Keats, Circa 1905. Face: Real photo postcard, printed in blue ink. Hand written or printed in a dark gray ink, "Keats." Verso: "Post Card. This Side For The Address. Place One-Cent Stamp Here (within a box, dotted lines)." Undivided back. Keats was born on October 31, 1795 and died on February 23, 1821 in Rome and was buried in the Protestant Cemetery, Rome. His last request was to be placed under a tombstone bearing no name or date, only the words, "Here lies One whose Name was writ in Water." Joseph Severn and Charles Brown erected the tomb stone. Under the relief of a lyre with broken strings, includes the epitaph, "This Grave contains all that was Mortal of a Young English Poet Who on his Death Bed, in the Bitterness of his Heart at the Malicious Power of his Enemies Desired these Words to be engraven on his Tomb Stone: "Here lies One Whose Name was writ in Water. 24 February 1821." On December 24, 1901, the U.S. Government allowed the use of the words "Post Card" or "Postcard" to be printed on the undivided back of privately printed cards. On March 1, 1907, postcards with a divided back were finally permitted. The address had to be written on the right side of the back of the postcard while the left... Continue...  For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study.   0058.11.0414
Circa 1902
Fine Arts Building Circa 1902. Front: "5483. Fine Arts Building Chicago." The trees in the foreground are very similar to the 1901 photograph and look to be just a bit smaller in the 1903-04 postcard. There are no awnings on the Annex Building to the right in 1901, they are visible in 1903-4. The awnings are visible in this postcard. The printing is not clear enough to be able to read the reader board above the door on the left. Frank Lloyd Wright designed three projects in the Fine Arts Building. Browne's Bookstore (1907 - S.141), Thurber Art Galleries (1909 - S.154) and Mori Oriental Art Studio (1914 - S. 181). 3.5 x 5.5. See our Wright Study of Browne's Bookstore 0052.03.1211
Hillside Home School II, Spring Green, Wisconsin, 1905-6 (1902 - S.069). Real Photo Post Card. View of the Hillside Home School from the Southwest. This may be one of the earliest photographs of the Hillside Home School. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902 and completed in 1903. Postmarked May 4, 1906, this photograph was most likely was taken in 1905-1906 or even a year earlier. Three students can be seen in front of the building, giving the building a sense of scale.
       Ellen (Nell) and Jane Lloyd Jones, Frank Lloyd Wrights aunts, formed the Hillside Home School in 1887 and ran it until 1915 when it closed. After attending the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wright headed for Chicago in 1887 and accepted a position as draftsman in the architectural firm of Joseph Lyman Silsbee. That year, his Aunts drafted him to design a school building for them, Hillside Home School I, a large shingle styled building. It reflected the designs of his mentor Silsbee, and in the style of his first project, Unity Chapel, in Spring Green. As the school grew, so did the need for more space. Wright designed Hillside Home School II in 1902, which was completed in 1903. (Plate X, Ausgefhrte Bauten.) It eventually became part of the Taliesin Fellowship...  Continue...
C 1905
Lowell & Agnes Walter Residence, Cedar Rock, Quasqueton, Iowa, Circa 1905 (1945 - S.284). Postcard view of Cedar Rock from the South around 1905, the future site of the Walter Residence. Cedar Rock is a limestone bluff overlooking the Wapsipinicon River. Text on face: "Scenes In and In The Vicinity of Quasqueton, Iowa." Verso: "Post Card." The back is undivided. Postcards with a divided back were permitted on March 1, 1907. Lowell Walter was a successful businessman. Lowell Walter started the Iowa Road Building Company in 1917. That same year he married Agnes Neilsen, and together they built the company. Their company was successful, and they began investing in farmland. Des Moines, where they continued to maintain a winter home, was about two and a half hours from Quasqueton. So, in order to better manage their farms, they decided to build a summer home. They purchased 11.5 acres of land on the Wapsipinicon River, Cedar Rock. In 1942, they contacted Frank Lloyd Wright to design their summer home. In 1944 they sold their business in order to dedicate themselves to their farming enterprise. Plans for their home were completed in 1945, construction began in 1948, they occupied Cedar Rock in 1950. They continued investing, and by 1973, they managed 18 farms totaling 5,000 acres. 5.5 x 3.4 0058.57.1023
C 1906
Abraham Lincoln Center Circa 1906 (1903 - S.095). Designed for Frank Lloyd Wright uncle, Reverend Jenkin Lloyd Jones. As the All Souls Church outgrew their facility, Reverend Jones wanted a facility that could meet the needs of the community as well as the Church. The design went though many modifications. A perspective view of the first design for "The Lincoln Center" was published in The Architectural Review, June 1900, Spencer, p.72. Floor plans for the ground floor and Auditorium were published on page 71. A revised design for the "Abraham Lincoln Center," Frank Lloyd Wright and Dwight Heald Perkins, Associated Architects, was published in The Chicago Architectural Annual, 1902. Jones was still dissatisfied, and Wright resigned as architect. Perkins also resigned. Elements of Wright's original design remained, but the finished project lost many of Wright's ideas. In 1907, a model of the Abraham Lincoln Center was displayed at an exhibition of Frank Lloyd Wright's work at the Art Institute of Chicago. Text of face: "This Building Is Dedicated to Public Service Honoring the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. Democrat. Bronze Tablet, East Front. Abraham Lincoln Center . N. E. Cor. of Oakland Blvd. and Langley Ave. Chicago." Hand written of face: "194 Lakewood Blvd. Flat 1...  Continue... 0064.22.0119
C 1906
Hillside Home School II, Circa 1906 (1902 - S.069). Front: "Hillside Home School, 4 Miles From Spring Green, Wis." (Published by E. C. Kropp, Milwaukee.) View from the South. Hand Written on face: "Dear friend, Since we won a base ball game & day at Spring Green thought I'd let you know. Alan and Amy are going down to your place to-morrow. Elma." Verso: "Post Card. This Side is for the Address." P. M. "Spring Green. Apr 6, 1907." Hand Written on verso: "Miss. Ebet. Uren, Mineral Point, Wis." Postcards with a divided back were finally permitted on March 1, 1907. This post card is not divided on the back. View from the South. Ellen (Nell) and Jane Lloyd Jones, Frank Lloyd Wright's aunts, formed the Hillside Home School in 1887. Wright designed Hillside Home School I in 1892 (1897 - S.001). As the school grew, so did the need for more space. Wright designed Hillside Home School II in 1902, which was completed in 1903. (Plate X, Ausgefuhrte Bauten.) The building was constructed of light rose colored sandstone, heavy oak beams and red roof tiles. The gymnasium/theatre was on the left, two floors of classrooms and offices in the center, and a three story assembly hall on the right. The windows were diamond patterned leaded glass. 5.5 x 3.5 B&W halftone. 0064.15.0515
Nathan G. Moore Residence 1906.  "Residence N. G. Moore, Oak Park, ILL."  Published by V. O. Hammon Pub. Co., Chicago.  Photograph or first design built in 1895.  Redesigned after 1923 fire.  No. 954.  PM 6/28/07  (Dating: Have verified that No. 750 was published in 1905.  This PC has a divided back.  Research indicated that divided backs were finally permitted on March 1, 1907.)  5.4 x 3.5. 0064.01.0307
C 1906
Unity Temple, Oak Park, Illinois, Circa 1906, (1904 - S.096). Designed in 1905, Unity Temple was completed in 1908. Presentation drawings were dated 1906, and many were published in the booklet The New Edifice of Unity Church, 1906. This postcard illustration was published in the booklet. The booklet was published to promote the new building, and one can speculate that it is not unlikely that postcards were also published for the same purpose. Postcards with a divided back were permitted on March 1, 1907. Prior to 1907, the back was slickly for the address. This postcard is undated, but most likely published in 1906. Text: "Unity Church, Oak Park, Illinois." Verso: "Post Card. This Side For Address Only." Note: Prior to Wright's design, it was called "Unity Church." The title Wright used on his drawings was "Unity Temple" and it became known as Unity Temple after that. The title on this postcard was still Unity Church which dates it prior to completion of construction. Hand written on face: "7/10/10. Dear Alice, Your card rec'd and glad to hear from you. Yes the pink twins have made their debut. This is a picture of the peculiar church we told you about. The Bride and Groom are flourishing. Write again. Agnes." P.M. Jul 12, 1910. Printed in three color: Cyan, yellow and black. 5.25 x 3.25. 0064.27.0120
C 1907
Abraham Lincoln Center, Chicago, Illinois, Circa 1907 (1903 - S.095). Designed for Frank Lloyd Wright uncle, Reverend Jenkin Lloyd Jones. As the All Souls Church outgrew their facility, Reverend Jones wanted a facility that could meet the needs of the community as well as the Church. The design went though many modifications. A perspective view of the first design for The Lincoln Center was published in The Architectural Review, June 1900, Spencer, p.72. Floor plans for the ground floor and Auditorium were published on page 71. A revised design for the Abraham Lincoln Center, Frank Lloyd Wright and Dwight Herald Perkins, Associated Architects, was published in The Chicago Architectural Annual, 1902. Jones was still dissatisfied, and Wright resigned as architect. Perkins also resigned. Elements of Wrights original design remained, but the finished project lost many of Wrights ideas. Text on face: Vacant Lot Gardening by Abraham Lincoln Centre at S. W. Cor. Langly Ave and 40th St., Chicago. Verso: The Space Above is Reserved for Postmark. Post Card. Semi-divided back. Two-thirds of right is reserved for address. Divided backs were allowed by the post office in 1907. 5.5 x 3.5 0080.65.0824
C 1907
B. Harley Bradley Residence, Kankakee, IL Circa 1907 (1900 - S.052). Face: "Greetings from Kankakee, IL. One of Kankakee's Beautiful Residences. Home of Mr. B. H. Bradley." Verso: "Post Card. (Left:) This Space May Be Used For Communication. (Right:) The Address Only To Be Written Here. (Top right in box:) Place Stamp Here." Warren Hickox, Sr. purchased two adjoining lots and gives one to his daughter Anna Hickox Bradley and the other to his son Warren Hickox, Jr. In 1900, both hired Frank Lloyd Wright to design homes for the properties. The Bradley residence was built in 1901. Published in The B. Harley Bradley House, 2019, p.2, and dates the view circa 1902-1903. Postcards with a divided back were finally permitted on March 1, 1907. 5.5 x 3.5. 0080.44.1219
George Fabyan Villa Windmill Circa 1907 (1907 - S.129). Published by TC Co. Chicago. View of the Windmill at York Center before Fabyan purchased, moved and restored it in 1907, Colonel George Fabyan commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to remodel an existing house, Fabyan Villa, in Geneva, Illinois. The remodel left little trace of the existing home. The villa encompassed approximately 300 acres. The windmill was built in the 1850s and was located in York Center, now part of Lombard Illinois. Over the years, neglect left it in disrepair. Fabyan purchased it in 1914 and moved it to his estate and fully refurbished it. The authentic Dutch windmill stands five stories tall, and was considered one of only a few authentic Dutch windmills in the country. Text of face: "Windmill on Aurora, Elgin & Chicago Railway. 701" Text on divided verso: "This Space for Writing Messages. Post Card. [Place Stamp Here. Domestic One Cent. Foreign Two Cents.] This space for Address only. TC Co. Chicago (logo)." Note: We have a copy of a postcard using this image that reads: "701. Old Dutch Wind Mill at York Centre, East of Myer's Road Station, Aurora, Elgin & Chicago Railway." Undivided back, post marked Apr 17 1907. The printing of this card utilizes four inks, but different printing processes. The black plate has a half-tone dot pattern. The cyan (light blue), magenta and yellow use a cellotype or photogravure process. 3.4 x 5.4. 0080.42.0619
C 1907-08
Fine Arts Building Circa 1907-08. Front: "Michigan Ave. Opposite Grant, Chicago. Auditorium. Fine Arts Bldg. Chicago Club. Stratford Hotel. Railway Exchange Bldg. Art Institute." Verso: "100. Michigan Ave. Opposite Grant, Chicago. This thoroughfare is one of the principle boulevards of the city, being a connecting link with the other numerous boulevards and parks. On this boulevard is located great Art Museum, Auditorium Hotel, and other magnificent structures. Grant Park at the present is in course of construction, but when completed will be one of the finest parks and pleasure grounds ion the world. In this park will also be located the magnificent Field's Museum." Bottom Left: " "Women's World" Largest Circulation in the World - greatest reading value in the World. Send 25c for full year's subscription and this set of 50 Post Cards, went free and postpaid at once." Frank Lloyd Wright designed three projects in the Fine Arts Building. Browne's Bookstore (1907 - S.141), Thurber Art Galleries (1909 - S.154) and Mori Oriental Art Studio (1914 - S. 181). 5.5 x 3.5. See our Wright Study of Browne's Bookstore or Thurber Art Galleries. 0085.15.0811
C 1907
 Mrs. Thomas Gale Residence, Oak Park (1904 - S.098). Postcard of Elizabeth Court, Oak Park, Illinois circa 1907. Published by V. O. Hammon Pub. Co., Chicago. The Mrs. Thomas Gale Residence, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1904 is on Elizabeth Court in Oak Park. Text on face: Elizabeth Court, Oak Park, Ill. No. 952. V. O. Hammon Pub. Co., Chicago. Verso: Divided back. Postcards were first allowed in 1907. 3.5 x 5.5 0080.64.0424
Larkin Co. Souvenir Postcard Folder. 22 panels. Cover: "Souvenir Views. Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Write only address on this side.: Verso: Larkin Co. Monograph. Panel 1: A Section of the Larkin Office Force. The Administration Building will accommodate 1800 workers. Panel 2: The Larkin Co. Administration Building. Panel 12: Transcribing letters to Larkin Customers. Over 200 typewriters in the Larkin typewriting department. Panel 16-17: "The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y., 1907. Fifty acres of floors - Still growing. World's largest manufacturer of Soaps, Toilet Articles and Perfumes. The only great manufactories (sic) in the world devoted to cooperation with consumers. The entire product goes direct from Factory to Family, without tribute to middlemen. The Original Larkin Factory, 1875." 4.75 x 3. 0080.35.0517
C 1907
Midway Gardens (1913 - S.180). Sans Souci Amusement Park Circa 1907. Before Midway Gardens, the Sans Souci Amusement Park covered the grounds where Midway gardens would be built. Sans Souci opened in the Summer of 1899 and closed in 1913. It was Chicago's first amusement park. Text on face: "Sans Souci Amusement Park, 60th Str. and Cottage Grove Ave., Electric Tower and Airships, Chicago." Text on verso: "No. 175. Publ. by Franklin Post Card Co., Chicago, Ill. Made in Germany. Post Card. (58998)." 3.5 x 5.4. 0080.45.0720
Circa 1907
"Rocky Roost, Lake Mendota, Madison, Wis."  Robert M Lamp Cottage. Published by "E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, No 5144". (B&W, Red Text) Postmarked 9/5/09. 5.5 x 3.6. See our Wright Study of Rocky Roost. 0080.05.0203
Circa 1907
"Rocky Roost, Lake Mendota, Madison, Wis." Published by "E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, No 5144". (B&W, Red Text) 5.5 x 3.6. See our Wright Study of Rocky Roost. 0080.09.0910
Circa 1907
"Rocky Roost, Lake Mendota, Madison, Wis." (Color)  Robert M Lamp Cottage.  Possibly published by E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee. Postmarked 1/14/10. 5.4 x 3.4. Two copies. See our Wright Study of Rocky Roost. 0080.06.1008 0080.08.0710
Circa 1907
Rookery Building Lobby, Circa 1907 (1905 - S.113). "Rotunda, Rookery Bldg, Chicago. No. 171. V. O. Hammon Pub. Co, Chicago and Minnnapolis. (m.s.)" The Rookery Building was designed by Burnham and Root in 1888. Wright's offices were located in the building from 1898-1899. Edward C. Waller, a client of Wright's, became manager of the Rookery Building and retained Wright in 1905 to remodel the Entryway and Lobby. Wright removed most of Root's original iron ornamentation and simplified it with geometric designs. He also encased much of Root's elaborate wrought iron finishes with white carved and gilded Carrara marble. He simplified the ironwork design, added large prairie styled urns and designed hanging light fixtures. Verso: "V. O. Hammon Publishing Co, Chicago." Postmarked 1909. Hammon produced card No. 954, N. G. Moore Residence, which is postmarked June 28, 1907. Verso matches this design. This is card No. 171, circa 1907. Printed four-color process. 5.5 x 3.5. 0080.14.0313
C 1908
Bitter Root Valley, Montana Circa 1908. View of an orchard in the Bitter Root Valley, Montana. Frank Lloyd Wright designed two projects for the Bitter Root Valley Irrigation Company. The Bitter Root Inn (1908), and the Como Orchard Summer Colony, University Heights (1909). They were two separate projects over forty miles apart. Chicago financiers W. I. Moody and Frederick D. Nichols (1906 - S.118) were early developers of the Bitter Root Valley. By 1904 Moody was General Manager of the Muncie Works, producing Iron and Steel as well as operating Natural Gas Wells. Their offices were in the Rookery Building in Chicago. Wright remodeled the Rookery in 1905 (S.113). Moody visited the Bitterroot Valley in 1905. By 1907 they had purchased and sub-divided large sections of the valley into 10 acre parcels for fruit orchard development. They paid $2.50-$15 per acre and resold "apple orchard tracts" at $400-$1,000 per acre. The company quickly became rich. By 1909 three rail lines ran to Missoula, Montana, with a connecting spur to the Bitterroot Valley. Most likely because of Nichols" relationship with Wright and Moody's knowledge of Wright, he was hired to design two developments. Como Orchard Summer Colony (S.144) and the Town of Bitter Root. In February 1909 Wright, Moody and Nichols...  Continue... 0085.52.0422
C 1908
George A. Lawrence Residence, Galesburg, Illinois Postcard, Circa 1908 (1859-1934). (Seymour). Ralph Fletcher Seymour was artist in residence at Know College, Galesburg, Illinois, in 1937. Seymour etched a series of season greeting cards of the home circa 1937. The Lawrence Residence is a 5,390 square foot home built by George A. Lawrence in 1898 at a cost of $80,000. Built of Colona Sandstone with marble columns, the Lawrence house was the most expensive house built in Galesburg during the 19th century. Lawrence graduated from Knox College in 1875 and became a successful local attorney and banker, and was a longtime trustee of Knox College. His wife Ella (1857 - 1924), was also a Knox graduate, and was one of the founders of the local Daughters of the American Revolution. They had five children, but two passed away in infancy, a son who died at the age of 12, and a daughter that died at the age of 9. Their fifth child, was a daughter, Ella Rebecca Lawrence (1891-1975). Rebecca was on the faculty of Knox College from 1913-16. After she married John Marshall Lowrie in December, 1916, they moved to New York City. In 1928, she wrote Cambric Tea, a book about growing up in Galesburg. Following her husband's death in 1954...  Continue... 0085.53.1122
Hillside Home School II, 1908 (1902 - S.069). Front: "Hillside Home School, 4 Miles From Spring Green, Wis." (Published by W. J. Graff Jewelry & Music Co., Pub.) View from the Southwest. Three students can be seen in front of the building. Ellen (Nell) and Jane Lloyd Jones, Frank Lloyd Wright's aunts, formed the Hillside Home School in 1887 and ran it until 1915 when it closed. After attending the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wright headed for Chicago in 1887 and accepted a position as draftsman in the architectural firm of Joseph Lyman Silsbee. That year, his Aunt's drafted him to design a school building for them, Hillside Home School I, a large Shingle styled building, reflected the designs of his mentor Silsbee, and in the style of his first project, Unity Chapel, in Spring Green. As the school grew, so did the need for more space. Wright designed Hillside Home School II in 1902, which was completed in 1903. (Plate X, Ausgefuhrte Bauten.) It eventually became part of the Taliesin Fellowship complex. When Wright began the Taliesin Fellowship in 1932, he began restoring and remodeling the building. When magnified, the front side of the paper has a wormy pattern stamped into the surface of the paper. Although it is not a four color printing process, it does appears to have four plates when magnified...  Continue... 0085.30.1213
Hillside Home School II, 1908 (1902 - S.069). Front: Hillside Home School, 4 Miles From Spring Green, Wis. (Published by W. J. Graff Jewelry & Music Co., Pub.) View from the Southwest. Three students can be seen in front of the building. Ellen (Nell) and Jane Lloyd Jones, Frank Lloyd Wrights aunts, formed the Hillside Home School in 1887 and ran it until 1915 when it closed. After attending the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wright headed for Chicago in 1887 and accepted a position as draftsman in the architectural firm of Joseph Lyman Silsbee. That year, his Aunts drafted him to design a school building for them, Hillside Home School I, a large Shingle styled building, reflected the designs of his mentor Silsbee, and in the style of his first project, Unity Chapel, in Spring Green. As the school grew, so did the need for more space. Wright designed Hillside Home School II in 1902, which was completed in 1903. (Plate X, Ausgefhrte Bauten.) It eventually became part of the Taliesin Fellowship complex. When Wright began the Taliesin Fellowship in 1932, he began restoring and remodeling the building. When magnified, the front side of the paper has a wormy pattern stamped into the surface of the paper. Although it is not a four color printing process, it does appears to have four plates when magnified...  Continue... 0085.61.1024
C 1908
Hillside Home School II, Circa 1908 (1902 - S.069). Front: "Hillside Home School, 4 Miles From Spring Green, Wis." (Published by W. J. Graff Jewelry & Music Co., Pub.) View from the Southwest. Three students can be seen in front of the building. Ellen (Nell) and Jane Lloyd Jones, Frank Lloyd Wright's aunts, formed the Hillside Home School in 1887 and ran it until 1915 when it closed. After attending the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wright headed for Chicago in 1887 and accepted a position as draftsman in the architectural firm of Joseph Lyman Silsbee. That year, his Aunt's drafted him to design a school building for them, Hillside Home School I, a large Shingle styled building, reflected the designs of his mentor Silsbee, and in the style of his first project, Unity Chapel, in Spring Green. As the school grew, so did the need for more space. Wright designed Hillside Home School II in 1902, which was completed in 1903. (Plate X, Ausgefuhrte Bauten.) It eventually became part of the Taliesin Fellowship complex. When Wright began the Taliesin Fellowship in 1932, he began restoring and remodeling the building. When magnified, the front side of the paper has a wormy pattern stamped into the surface of the paper. Although it is not a four color printing process, it does appears to have four plates when magnified...  Continue... 0094.37.1213 0085.60.0824
"The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y. Over Fifty Acres of Floors. 1875 - 1908"  "The Larkin Co. are the World's largest Manufacturers of Soaps and Toilet Preparations and important Food Specialists..."  Shows facility including the Wright Larkin Building.  This illustration is the same as the Larkin Co. Letterhead 1917, Negative and 1910 Post card but in color.  5.4 x 3.5. 0085.02.0801 0085.03.0207
Larkin Administration Building, 1908 (1903 - S.093). Postcard. Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Larkin Administration Building in 1903. Arial view of the Larkin Factories, with the Wright designed Larkin Administration Building in the lower left. Text on face: "The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y. Over Fifty Acres of Floors. The World's Largest Manufactory of Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet Preparations and Food Products. The Entire Product Goes Directly from Factory to Family Without Tribute to Middlemen. Visitors Always Welcome. 1. The Administration Building. 2. The Factories. 3. The Power House. 4. Original Larkin Factory, 1875." Verso: "Post Card. Buffalo Post Card Co. Buffalo, N. Y. This Space May Be Used For Message. For Address Only." Post Marked: "Aug 12 1908." 5.4 x 3.5. 0085.51.0521
C 1908
Frank L. Smith Home, Dwight, Ill., Circa 1908, (Frank L. Smith Bank, Dwight, Ill (1905 - S.111). View of the home of Frank L. Smith. In 1905, Frank L. Smith commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design a bank in Dwight, Illinois. Test on face: Residence of Col. F. L. Smith, Dwight Ill. Photo by Crandall." Printed using a photogravure process. Text on verso: Post Card. This space for writing. This side is for the Address. Vertical text on left: The Fair Store. John Dieter, Importer and Publisher, Dwight, Ill. Made in Germany. Bottom right: 131183. Postmark: Mar 31 1909. 5.5 x 3.5 0085.58.0224
Circa 1908
Harvey P. Sutton Residence, Southeast Elevation circa 1908 (1905 - S.106). "Res. H. P. Sutton McCook Neb. Pub. By McConnell." Real photo postcard circa 1908. Viewed from the Southeast. Lower level: the dining room is on the left, living room and terrace in the center, reception room on the right. Cantilevered roof extends over the veranda. Bedrooms are on the upper level. Courtesy of the Oak Park Public Library. 8 x 4.75 sepia tone photograph of real photo postcard. See our Wright Study of the Sutton House. 0085.31.0414
Circa 1908
Lowell & Agnes Walter Residence, Cedar Rock, Quasqueton, Iowa, Circa 1908 (1945 - S.284). Postcard view of Cedar Rock from the South around 1908, the future site of the Walter Residence. Cedar Rock is a limestone bluff overlooking the Wapsipinicon River. Text on face: "H 9843. Cedar Rock on the Wapsipinicon River, Independence, Iowa." Verso: "Post Card." "Pub. By H. W. Oliver, The Bibliopole & Post Card Man, Indenpence, Iowa. (Germany)." Printed in Germany using the Photogravure process. The back is divided. Postcards with a divided back were permitted on March 1, 1907. Lowell Walter was a successful businessman. Lowell Walter started the Iowa Road Building Company in 1917. That same year he married Agnes Neilsen, and together they built the company. Their company was successful, and they began investing in farmland. Des Moines, where they continued to maintain a winter home, was about two and a half hours from Quasqueton. So, in order to better manage their farms, they decided to build a summer home. They purchased 11.5 acres of land on the Wapsipinicon River, Cedar Rock. In 1942, they contacted Frank Lloyd Wright to design their summer home. In 1944 they sold their business in order to dedicate themselves to their farming enterprise. Plans for their home were completed in 1945...  Continue... 0085.55.1023
Fred B. Jones Gate Lodge Circa 1909 (Penwern) (1901 - S.084). Frank Lloyd Wright designed four buildings for Fred Jones. The Residence, the Gate Lodge with water tower and greenhouse, the barn with stables, and the Boathouse. Text on face: "Penwern Lodge, Mr. Jones Residence, Delevan Lake, Wis." Verso: "Post Card. This Space May Be Used For Writing (left). This Side For The Address Only (right)." Stamp box: "Place Stamp Here, Domestic, Great Britain, Germany One Cent. Foreign: Two Cents." The postcard is printed with a dot pattern that appears to be a dark brown ink, with the text in black. The blue sky and green grass and trees appear to be printed in color using a cellotype, photogravure process. Cyan for the blue. Green or cyan and yellow for the green. 5.5 x 3.5. 0086.17.0518
1909 Larkin Administration Building (1903 - S.093) Circa 1909. Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Larkin Administration Building in 1903. "The entire output of the Larkin Factories goes direct from Factory to Family, thus saving for customers the profits and expenses of wholesalers and retailers. The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y. Over Fifty Acres of Floors. The World's Largest Manufactories of Soaps and Toilet Preparations. Visitors Welcome." Inside: "Some views from the Home of The Larkin Idea, Buffalo, N.Y. Includes six photographs, one titled "A group of clerks: Administration Building." 11 x 3.5 folded to 5.5 x 3.5. Post Marked 9/14/09. 0086.08.0912
1909 "Larkin Product and Premium List" Order Form for the Fall and Winter Edition (62nd).  Pre-paid advertising Reply Card, 1909.  Includes cover with illustration of the Larking Building.  PM 10/11/09. 5.5 x 6.5, folded to 5.5 x 3.25. 0086.02.0407
1909 "Madison, Wis. The Rocky Roost In Lake Mendota." Back: "The Hugh C. Leighton Co., Manufacturers, Portland, ME., U.S.A. (#) 15040. Made In Germany." PM 7/29/14. Circa 1909. There seems to be a mix of different processes. The sky has a definite cyan (blue) halftone dot pattern, used in today's printing process. But this process appears only in the sky. The rest of the postcard, including the water in the bottom half, is printed in color using a cellotype, photogravure or lithograph process, a more uneven "dot" process. Under magnification, it appears that the magenta (red), cyan (blue) and yellow plates most resemble the cellotype process. The black plate is a very fine photogravure process printed over the three other colors. Printed in Germany. The Hugh C. Leighton Co. manufactured postcards from 1906-1909. They merged with Valentine & Sons in 1909. 5.4 x 3.4. See our Wright Study of Rocky Roost. 0086.03.1209
1909 Scoville Park Fountain (1903 - S.094). "The Oak Park Fountain" 1909. "Erected by the Oak Park Horse Show Association, Dedicated and Presented to the Village July 24, 1909" (Left) "Published by the Fine Arts Society of Oak Park for the Parks and Playground Fund" (Right). Back: "The profit from the sale of this card accrues to the Parks and Play-Grounds Fund. This card is used by Oak Park's loyal citizens. Copyright 1909, by The Fine Arts Society of Oak Park." In Bock's autobiography he writes, "At he time the Unity Temple was being built I was also commissioned to design a drinking fountain "for man and beast" in Oak Park... I showed my design to Frank and asked how he liked it. He looked at it at length with approval, then made a suggestion, took a pencil and poked a square hole through the center shaft, changing it... The only difficulty was that now he began to lay claim to the whole project, and so stated to the committee. Mr. Woodward come to my rescue..." (P90). The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation maintains that the fountain was a result of a collaboration by Wright and Bock, the sculpture on the fountain being by Bock, dating the design to 1903. 5.5 x 3.25. 0086.07.0812
George C. Stockman House, Mason City, Iowa, 1909/1992 (1908 - S.139). Set of eight historic postcards. Historic view of the front of the house from the street. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1908. In the April, 1907 issue of Ladies Home Journal, Frank Lloyd Wright proposed his "Fireproof House for $5000." Wright adapted this plan in 1908 for the Stockman House. Text on verso: Stockman House Exterior, circa 1909. Designed in 1908 by Frank Lloyd Wright for one of Mason City, lowa's pioneer physicians, Dr. George C. Stockman. Photographed in 1909, shortly after completion, published in 1992 as a set. 6 x 4.
0086.35.0124 (1-7)
C 1910
B. Harley Bradley Residence, Kankakee, IL Circa 1910 (1900 - S.052). Face: "David Bradley Mfg. Works, Bradley, near Kankakee, Ill. - 16." Text in illustration: "David Bradley Plows." Verso: E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee." and "10967." David Bradley's eldest son was Byron Chapman Bradley who married , Alice M. Wilbur. Their son was B. Harley Bradley. In 1910, the Bradley family sold the factory to Sears, Roebuck and Co., at which time it was renamed the "David Bradley Manufacturing Works". They manufactured plows. The plant was located north of Kankakee, and later the area was named Bradley, Illinois. 5.5 x 3.5. 0094.68.1019
Henderson Residence circa 1910 (1901 - S.057). Frank B. Henderson commissioned Wright to design a home in 1901. They lived in the home until 1908 when they moved to Elkhart, Indiana when he became Vice President of the Brass Mfg. Co. Francis L. and Marion Hankey purchased the home in 1908 and lived there until 1920 with their three daughters. Text on face: "Residence of Mr. F. L. Hankey, Elmhurst, Ill. W. H. Wilcox, Pub." Verso postmarked "Sep 10 1910." 5.5 x 3.5. 0094.55.0618
C 1910
Hillside Home School II, Circa 1910 (1902 - S.069). (Published by E. C. Kropp, Milwaukee.) View of the Hillside Home School from the Southwest. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902 for two Aunts, Ellen and Jane Lloyd Jones. Romeo and Juliet can be seen in the background on the left. To the right of center in the background is what the Wisconsin Historical Society called the" West Cottage." An unidentified building is in the background to the far right. Text of Face: "Main Building, Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wis." Verso: Addressed to: Miss Laura Bragdon, Cuml. Mills, Maine. Hand written text: "Would you like to receive our catalog of a co-educational, non sectarian school , situated in a picturesque country valley 35 miles west of Madison? It is on the accredited list of all the leading Universities and Colleges. A large corps of teachers, excellent opportunities in Art, Music and Domestic Science." Postmarked: Hillside. Mar 12 -. Printed in three color: Black, light blue and red. 5.5 x 3.5. 0094.51.0717
C 1910
Hillside Home School II, Circa 1910 (1902 - S.069). (Published by E. C. Kropp Co, Milwaukee.) Text upper left: "Hillside Home School, Near Spring Green, Wis." The photograph used in this postcard was taken circa 1906 (S#64.15). Here the image is cropped tighter and printed in color. The verso has a divided back, and matches the back of S#94.37, even though this one is published by Kroop, not Graff. View of the Hillside Home School from the Southwest. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902 for two Aunts, Ellen and Jane Lloyd Jones. The building was constructed of light rose colored sandstone, heavy oak beams and red roof tiles. The gymnasium/theatre was on the left, two floors of classrooms and offices in the center, and a three story assembly hall on the right. The windows were diamond patterned leaded glass. Text top left, burgundy or dark brown. Text top right and roof, are in red. The roof is possibly hand tinted. It almost appears to be a wash. The sky has a very light blue dot or photogravure pattern that fades down while a very light red dot or photogravure pattern fades up toward the top. The building has a light gray dot or photogravure pattern. The grass and trees are printed with yellow and green ink. The black ink is a dot pattern. So possibly it appears to be printed in six colors: burgundy, red, light blue, light gray...  Continue... 0094.56.0119
C 1910
Hillside Home School I Circa 1910 (Not Dated) (1887 - S.001). View of the Hillside Home School Building I. This is considered the first building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Ellen (Nell) and Jane Lloyd Jones, Frank Lloyd Wrights aunts, formed the Hillside Home School in 1887 and ran it until 1915 when it closed. The private school accepted students between the ages of seven and seventeen. It espoused non-conventional teaching methods, and was the first coeducational school in the nation. After attending the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wright headed for Chicago in 1887 and accepted a position as draftsman in the architectural firm of Joseph Lyman Silsbee. That year, his Aunts drafted him to design a school building for them, Hillside Home School I, a large Shingle styled building, reflected the designs of his mentor Silsbee, and in the style of his first project, Unity Chapel, in Spring Green. As the school grew, so did the need for more space. In 1902 Wright designed a second and larger building for his aunts, Hillside Home School II (S.069) which later was incorporated into the Taliesin Fellowship complex. This building was demolished in 1950. Text on face: Spring Green, Wis.; Wrights.; Main Street.; State Bank.; High School. Text on verso: Post Card. Pub. By The Variety Store...  Continue... 0094.106.1123
C 1910
Hillside Home School, Spring Green, Wisconsin, Circa 1910 (1902 - S.069). Four photographs of Summertime at Hillside Home School. Ellen (Nell) and Jane Lloyd Jones, Frank Lloyd Wrights aunts, formed the Hillside Home School in 1887 and ran it until 1915 when it closed. The private school accepted students between the ages of seven and seventeen. It espoused non-conventional teaching methods, and was the first coeducational school in the nation. Four photographs depicting summer activities at Hillside Home School. Horses, horse and buggy, and hay wagon. Almost giving the impression of a page out of a scrapbook. Printed in three color, Black, red and yellow. Yellow may be hand tinted. Text: Summertime at Hillside Home School Farm, Hillside, Wis. (Note: The Hillside Home School used the address Hillside, Wisconsin, not Spring Green, Wisconsin.) The back of the post card was exactly like: S#94.37 (Circa 1910) and S#94.56 (Circa 1910). 5.5 x 3.5. 0094.107.1223
C 1910
Hillside Home School II, Circa 1910 (1902 - S.069). Copy Negative and Contact sheet for a postcard of Hillside Home School. View from the east. The main entrance is on the left and leads to the assembly room on the left. The sky bridge leads to the arts and science wing on the right. Text on face: Hillside Home School - Hillside, Wis. Published in Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesin, Henning, 2011, p.107. Negative and contact sheet are 5 x 4 0094.114.0604
C 1910
Fred B. Jones Gate Lodge and Water Tower Circa 1910 (Penwern) (1901 - S.084). Real photo postcard of the Gate Lodge and Water Tower for Fred B Jones. Viewed from the East. Frank Lloyd Wright designed four buildings for Fred Jones. A) The Residence (1900). B) Gate Lodge with water tower and greenhouse (1901). C) Barn with stables (1901). D) Boathouse (1900). Text on face: "Jones. Delavan Lake. 1328_." Verso, divided back: "Post Card. Message Here (left). Address Here (Right)." The post card is used, with a hand written note and is postmarked, "Delavan, Wis. May 30, __ 1-30P.)" Note: the year did not print in the postmark. A Benjamin Franklin one cent stamp, Scott #331, produced in 1908, is affixed to the back. Real photo postcard. 5.5 x 3.5. 0094.93.0821
1910 The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y. Over Fifty Acres of Floor Space. Visitors Welcome. This illustration is the same as the Larkin Co. Letterhead 1917, Negative and 1908 Post card but in color. Two Postmarks, Dec 30, 1910 Buffalo NY and Jan 14 1911 Trumansburg NY.  5.5 x 3.5. 0094.01.0305
1910 The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y.  Over Fifty Acres of Floor Space. Visitors Welcome. This illustration is the same as the Larkin Co. Letterhead 1917 and Negative but in color. Same Card as #94.01, with minor changes: Smoke and back is printed in different color.  5.5 x 3.5. 0094.04.0307
The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y. 1910 (S.093 - 1903). Text on face: "Handling Orders from Larkin Customers. One of the departments in the Larkin Administration Building, Buffalo, N. Y. More than one thousand clerks are required to handle the orders and correspondence from over two million customers. Wrapping Toilet Soap in the Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N. Y. Larkin Company are the world's largest manufactures of soaps and toilet preparations. 199F4536-10." Postmarked Sept 2, 1910. Top left photograph from the interior of the Larkin Administration Building. 5.4 x 3.4. 0094.49.0317
The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y. 1910 (S.093 - 1903). Text on face: "Handling Orders from Larkin Customers. One of the departments in the Larkin Administration Building, Buffalo, N. Y. More than one thousand clerks are required to handle the orders and correspondence from over two million customers. Wrapping Toilet Soap in the Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N. Y. Larkin Company are the world's largest manufactures of soaps and toilet preparations." Postmarked "Jul 20 1910." Top left photograph from the interior of the Larkin Administration Building. Very similar to S#94.49. 5.4 x 3.5 0094.105.1023
1910 The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y.  Over Fifty Acres of Floor Space.  Visitors Welcome. 1910. 99F4536-11. This illustration is the same as the Larkin Co. Letterhead 1917, Negative and 1908 Post card but in color.  Postmarked: Aug 31, 1910, Buffalo NY. 5.5 x 3.5. 0094.02.0506
"Larkin Product and Premium List" Order Form Post Card for the 1910 Spring Summer Edition (63rd). "Larger and More Attractive Than Ever... Over 1700 premiums, many new offers. Rugs, Carpets, Tapestry Couch-Covers and Curtains, Wall-Papers, Lamps, Clocks and Hammocks, in colors; Silverware, Jewelry, Furniture, House-Furnishings, Stoves, etc., and the Latest Fashions in Wearing-Apparel: - Suits, Coats, Skirts, Wash Dresses, Waists, Etc." Includes cover with illustration of the Larking Building. 5.5 x 3.25. 0094.41.0214
Park Inn, Mason City, Iowa 1910. Real Photo Postcard of the Park Inn. Part of the City National Bank Building complex completed in 1910. Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by attorneys, James E.E. Markley and James E. Blythe to design a building for their bank. Markley made Wright's acquaintance while visiting his daughter during her stay at the Hillside Home School, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Wright was commissioned to design both the City National Bank and Park Inn Hotel in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. Construction was completed in August 1910. Lamps have not yet been installed to the exterior of the building nor have the street lights been installed. Sign reads: "Park Inn. Now Open For Business." Sign lower right reads: "Heinsen's Oysters. Received Fresh Dailey." Text on face: "Mason City Iowa. Washburn." Verso: "Post Card." Left: "Messages." Right: "Address." Text stamp box: "X Kruxo X. Kruxo (vertically on the left and right), One Cent Stamp Here (center), X Kruxo X." Kruxo manufactured real photo postcards from 1910 - 1920's. 5.5 x 3.5 0094.104.1023
C 1910 Park Inn, Mason City, Iowa. Circa 1910. (21869) Park Inn, Mason City, Iowa. Circa 1910. Part of the City National Bank Building complex completed in 1910. Ver." Right:y early image, before any signage or lamp posts. Exterior light fixtures have not been installed. Text upper right: "Park Inn, Mason City, Iowa." Postmarked "Sep 17, 1912." Verso: Divided back. Left: "This Space For Writing Messages "This Space for Address Only." Text: "R.T. -21869." 5.4 x 3.4. 0114.03.1204
Pettit Memorial Chapel, Belvidere, Ill. Post Card. Built in 1906. Postmarked 1/30/1911 1910.00.1201
C 1910
Joseph J. Walser Residence, Chicago, Illinois Circa 1910 (1903 - S.091). Copy photograph of a postcard of the Joseph J. Walser Residence viewed from the Northeast. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1903, the house sat on an uncrowded lot, in the newly annexed Austin neighborhood. The front entrance to the house is on the left side which leads into the reception room. The stairs in the foreground to the right lead up to a walled porch with a door that leads to the living room. Although there are slight differences, the Walser is very similar in design to the Barton, De Rhodes and Horner houses. The Living Room faces the street (left), the dining room is at the back of the house. The lot in the foreground, to the right (North) of the house, still appears to be vacant. Photographer unknown. Copy 5.5 x 3.5 B&W photograph. 0094.113.1224
Lowell & Agnes Walter Residence, Cedar Rock, Quasqueton, Iowa, 1910 (1945 - S.284). Postcard view of Cedar Rock from the South around 1910, the future site of the Walter Residence. Cedar Rock is a limestone bluff overlooking the Wapsipinicon River. Lowell Walter was a successful businessman. Lowell Walter started the Iowa Road Building Company in 1917. That same year he married Agnes Neilsen, and together they built the company. Their company was successful, and they began investing in farmland. Des Moines, where they continued to maintain a winter home, was about two and a half hours from Quasqueton. So, in order to better manage their farms, they decided to build a summer home. They purchased 11.5 acres of land on the Wapsipinicon River, Cedar Rock. In 1942, they contacted Frank Lloyd Wright to design their summer home. In 1944 they sold their business in order to dedicate themselves to their farming enterprise. Plans for their home were completed in 1945, construction began in 1948, they occupied Cedar Rock in 1950. They continued investing, and by 1973, they managed 18 farms totaling 5000 acres. Postmarked: "Quasqueton Oct 14 1910 Iowa." 5.5 x 3.4. 0094.100.0623
Hillside Home School II, Circa 1911 (1902 - S.069). View of the Hillside Home School II from the east. The main entrance is on the left and leads to the assembly room on the left. The sky bridge leads to the arts and science wing on the right. Text on face: Hillside Home School, Spring Green, Wis. Very similar view as S#0094.114. Printed in two color: black and light blue (cyan?). Text on verso: Post Card. Message. Address. Text lower right: Plate 6391. Postmarked Nov 10 1916. Similar view published in Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesin, Henning, 2011, p.107. 5.5 x 3.5 0104.50.0125
Park Inn, Mason City, Iowa. Circa 1911 (1909 - S.156). Real photo pasted to face of postcard. Photograph circa 1911. Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by attorneys, James E.E. Markley and James E. Blythe to design a building for their bank. Markley made Wright's acquaintance while visiting his daughter during her stay at the Hillside Home School, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Wright was commissioned to design both the City National Bank and Park Inn Hotel in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. Construction was completed in August 1910. Lamps have been installed to the exterior of the building and the street lights have also been installed. Stores have been opened, but no signage has been installed. Text: "Souvenir from (in photo:) The Park Inn, Mason City Ia." Text on verso: "Post Card. For Correspondence. St. Paul Souvenir Co., St. Paul. Made in St. Paul." 5.5 x 3.5 0104.39.1023
Frank L. Smith Bank, Dwight, Ill (1905 - S.111). Bird's Eye View of Dwight, Ill., looking north-west from water tower. Very early image of the Bank. Taken before the clock was added. In 1905, Frank L. Smith commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design a bank in Dwight, Illinois. Text on face: Looking North from Water Tower, Dwight, IL. Printed using a photogravure process. Text on verso: Post Card. This space for writing. This side is for the Address. Vertical text on left: Made in Germany. The Fair Store. Jno. Dieter, Importer and Publisher, Dwight, Ill. Postmark: Jun 19, 1911. 5.5 x 3.5 0104.43.0224
Circa 1912
City National Bank, Mason City Circa 1912 (1909 - S.155). (21875) Very early image of the City National Bank and Park Inn Building. Text upper right: "City National Bank Building, Mason City. Iowa." Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by attorneys, James E.E. Markley and James E. Blythe to design a building for their bank. Markley made Wright's acquaintance while visiting his daughter during her stay at the Hillside Home School, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Wright was commissioned to design both the City National Bank and Park Inn Hotel in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. Construction was completed in August 1910. Verso: Divided back. Left: "This Space For Writing Messages." Right: "This Space for Address Only." Text: "R.T. -21875." 5.4 x 3.4. 0114.38.1122
Circa 1912
City National Bank, Mason City Circa 1912 (1909 - S.155). (21876) "City National Bank, Mason City. Iowa." Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by attorneys, James E.E. Markley and James E. Blythe to design a building for their bank. Markley made Wright's acquaintance while visiting his daughter during her stay at the Hillside Home School, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Wright was commissioned to design both the City National Bank and Park Inn Hotel in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. Construction was completed in August 1910. Verso: "Bloom Bros. Co. Scenic America. Post Card. Bloom Bros. Co., Minneapolis, Minn." Divided back. "Correspondence Here. RT-21876. Address Here." Postmarked possibly "Aug. 5 1914." 3.4 x 5.4. 0114.18.1015
Circa 1912
City National Bank, Mason City Circa 1912 (1909 - S.155). "12056. South Main Street, Mason City, Ia." City National Bank is on the far right. Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by attorneys, James E.E. Markley and James E. Blythe to design a building for their bank. Markley made Wright's acquaintance while visiting his daughter during her stay at the Hillside Home School, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Wright was commissioned to design both the City National Bank and Park Inn Hotel in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. Construction was completed in August 1910. Verso: "Pub. By The Acmegraph Co., Chicago." Divided back. This side for the Address." Postmarked "Sep 2 - 13." 5.4 x 3.4. 0114.21.1216
Circa 1912
City National Bank, Mason City Circa 1912 (1909 - S.155). View of Main Street looking North. The City National Bank building can be seen on the left. Text on face: 12041. North Main Street, Mason City, Ia. Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by attorneys, James E.E. Markley and James E. Blythe to design a building for their bank. Markley made Wright's acquaintance while visiting his daughter during her stay at the Hillside Home School, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Wright was commissioned to design both the City National Bank and Park Inn Hotel in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. Construction was completed in August 1910. Verso: Post Card. This Side For The Address. Vertical text left side: (W) Pub. By The Acmegraph Co., Chicago. Top left, Logo: The Acmegraph Co., Chicago. Postmarked Mar 30 1914. 5.5 x 3.5 0114.43.0224
Circa 1912 1) The Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. Circa 1912. Frank Lloyd Wrights original illustration for the proposed Hotel Lake Geneva in 1911. This early illustration included a proposed three story section on the East end that was never built. Illustration was exhibited at the Chicago Architectural Club at the Art Institute on May 5, 1913. It was published in the Architectural Record, June 1913.
       Designed in 1911 "The Geneva" opened in August 1912. Within two years, it changed hands due to financial difficulties. By the end of 1914 and the beginning of 1915 the name was changed to the "Hotel Geneva", and it stayed the Hotel Geneva most of its life. Back: Motor to Lake Geneva. Just the right distance an the roads in good shape. Stop at The Geneva the finest resort hotel in the middle west. European plan. Every room with bath. Large dining rooms. Meals a la Carte. You will like them. Printed message on the left, typed address on the right. Used as a direct mail advertisement. P.M. May 1, 1913, just in time for the summer season. Published by Acmegraph Co., Chicago. (#) 11910. 5.4 x 3.4.
Circa 1912
2) The Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. Circa 1912 (1911 - S.171). Frank Lloyd Wrights original illustration for the proposed Hotel Lake Geneva in 1911. This early illustration included a proposed three story section on the East end that was never built. Illustration was exhibited at the Chicago Architectural Club at the Art Institute on May 5, 1913. It was published in the Architectural Record, June 1913.
       Designed in 1911 "The Geneva" opened in August 1912. Within two years, it changed hands due to financial difficulties. By the end of 1914 and the beginning of 1915 the name was changed to the "Hotel Geneva", and it stayed the Hotel Geneva most of its life. Back: Hand written on the left, Believe me this is some place. P.M. Sep 3, 1914. Published by Acmegraph Co., Chicago. (#) 11910. 5.4 x 3.4.
Circa 1912
3) The Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. Circa 1912 (1911 - S.171). Frank Lloyd Wrights original illustration for the proposed Hotel Lake Geneva in 1911. This early illustration included a proposed three story section on the East end that was never built. Illustration was exhibited at the Chicago Architectural Club at the Art Institute on May 5, 1913. It was published in the Architectural Record, June 1913.
       Designed in 1911 "The Geneva" opened in August 1912. Within two years, it changed hands due to financial difficulties. By the end of 1914 and the beginning of 1915 the name was changed to the "Hotel Geneva", and it stayed the Hotel Geneva most of its life. Verso: Published by Acmegraph Co., Chicago. [Place Stamp Here Domestic One Cent Foreign Two Cents] (#) 11910 (Number smaller than S#114.13). 5.4 x 3.4.
Circa 1912
4) The Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. Circa 1912 (1911 - S.171). Frank Lloyd Wrights original illustration for the proposed Hotel Lake Geneva in 1911. This early illustration included a proposed three story section on the East end that was never built. Illustration was exhibited at the Chicago Architectural Club at the Art Institute on May 5, 1913. It was published in the Architectural Record, June 1913.
       Designed in 1911 "The Geneva" opened in August 1912. Within two years, it changed hands due to financial difficulties. By the end of 1914 and the beginning of 1915 the name was changed to the "Hotel Geneva", and it stayed the Hotel Geneva most of its life.
This image published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Kelmscott Gallery, 19..., p.13. Delineated by Allen M. Weary.
       Verso: Post Card. Vertical text on the left: Pub. by The Acmegraph Co., Chicago. (Acme logo). Divided back, text on right: This Side For The Address. Top right: [Place Stamp Here Domestic One Cent Foreign Two Cents], within box. Bottom right: 11910. Hand written on verso: Today 31 - June 1/1915. 5.4 x 3.4. (S#114.49)
Circa 1912
Lake Geneva Hotel, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, Circa 1912 (1911 - S.171). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1911 as "The Geneva Inn." The Geneva opened in August 1912. Within two years, it changed hands due to financial difficulties. By the end of 1914 and the beginning of 1915 the name was changed to the Hotel Geneva, and it stayed the Hotel Geneva most of its life. During its final years it was known as "The Geneva Inn."
       This may be one of the very first photographs taken of the Geneva Inn, possibly as early as 1912 during the final stages of construction. Notice the lack of any landscaping, even in the large vases. Later pictures show the addition of large round lights at the entrance. The two tall decorative poles at the entrance (far right) were dramatically shortened in later pictures.
       Text hand written in the negative, on the face: "The Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. 19019." Text on verso: "Post Card. This Space for Address Only. Genuine Photograph. C. R. Childs, Photographer. Post Cards, Chicago." Post marked 1914. 5.5 x 3.5
Circa 1912 "The Geneva" Lake Geneva, Wis. Circa 1912-13. "The Geneva" opened in August 1912. Within two years, it changed hands due to financial difficulties. By the end of 1914 and the beginning of 1915 the name was changed to the "Hotel Geneva". This card was produced before the transition period. This card was reprint later, with the new name change. This may be one of the earliest images of the Hotel Geneva. Notice the lack of any landscaping, even in the large vases. Possible decorative flag flying from left "Light Pole" as seen in the original drawings. "Light Poles" are at full height. Back: "Post Card. (Left) This space may be used for correspondence. (Right) For address only." (2213. Published by V. O. Hammon Pub. Co., Chicago.) 5.4 x 3.4.  (Two copies) 0114.12.0513 0114.19.1115
Circa 1912
"The Geneva," Lake Geneva, Wis., circa 1912. Designed in 1911, The Geneva opened in August 1912. "Light Poles" are at full height. Lack of "Hotel Geneva" lettering above Lobby windows. Globe lights not installed yet. Down spouts above Lobby windows have not been installed. (Published by V. O. Hammon Pub. Co., Chicago.) Verso: 2213. Published by V. O. Hammon Pub. Co., Chicago. "Motor to Lake Geneva. Just the right distance an the roads in good shape. Stop at "The Geneva" the finest resort hotel in the middle west. European plan. Every room with bath. Large dining rooms. Meals a la Carte. You will like them. Open the year "round" Printed message on the left, typed address on the right. Used as a direct mail advertisement. P.M. May 1, 1913, just in time for the summer season. 5.5 x 3.5.


1912 3464. "The Geneva," Lake Geneva, Wis., circa 1912. Designed in 1911, The Geneva opened in August 1912. "Light Poles" are at full height. Lack of "Hotel Geneva" lettering above Lobby windows. Globe lights not installed yet. Down spouts above Lobby windows have not been installed. (Published by E. A. Bishop, Pub. Racine, Wis. Made in U. S. A.) On back, C. T. Photochrom. R-37748. Post marked Aug 23, 1913. 5.4 x 3.4. 0114.08.0212
Circa 1912
Robert M. Lamp Cottage, Rocky Roost, Lake Mendota, Wisc. Circa 1912 (1893 - S.021) Remodel (1901). Text on face: "Rocky Roost, Governors Island, Madison, Wis." If appears to be printed in more than four colors. Rocky Roost is in the very center on the card. Text on verso: Top left: "This space for writing messages." Left: "Published expressly for S. H. Knox & Co. U. S. A." Right: "Post Card. This Space for Addresses Only." Lower center: "A-14634." Postmarked: "Sep 1912." 3.4 x 5.4. 0114.36.0321
Circa 1912
Park Inn, Mason City, Iowa. Circa 1912 (1909 - S.156).  "12048. Park Inn, Mason City, Ia." Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by attorneys, James E.E. Markley and James E. Blythe to design a building for their bank. Markley made Wright's acquaintance while visiting his daughter during her stay at the Hillside Home School, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Wright was commissioned to design both the City National Bank and Park Inn Hotel in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. Construction was completed in August 1910. Verso: "Pub. By The Acmegraph Co., Chicago." Divided back. This side for the Address. Verso has the same back as S#114.21 which is postmarked "Sep 2 - 13." 5.4 x 3.4. 0114.25,0718
Circa 1912
Park Inn, Mason City, Iowa. Circa 1912 (1909 - S.156). Read Photo Postcard. Text on face: "Park Inn Mason City Ia - X185." Three signs read: "Rosebud - Cigars" (left). Written on the glass in window below: "Billiards." Center: "Park Inn. European." Right: "Cafe." Sign in window: "Cafe. J. H. Sundell." There is a waitress standing in the window. Verso: "Post Card. Correspondence Here | Name and Address Here." Stamp box on verso: " AZO ." Published by AZO. AZO manufactured cards between 1910 to 1930. Real photo postcard. 5.4 x 3.4. 0114.26,0718
Circa 1912
Park Inn, Mason City, Iowa. Circa 1912 (1909 - S.156). Upper text on face: "Park Inn, Mason City, Iowa." Text lower right: "8278." Three signs read: "Rosebud" (left). Center: "Park Inn. European." Right: "Cafe." This is the exact same image as S#114.26. But there is an automobile in the street. The image for this postcard was either taken at the same time, or the automobile was added. Verso: "Post Card. For Correspondence | For Address Only." Stamp box on verso: "Place Postage Stamp Here." 5.5 x x 3.5. 0114.37.0821
Circa 1912
Park Inn, Mason City, Iowa. Circa 1912 (1909 - S.156). Perspective view of the Park Inn. Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned to design both the City National Bank and Park Inn Hotel in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. Construction was completed in August 1910. The Park Inn sign has been installed, and the balcony has been landscaped. Text on face: "Park Inn. European. J. H. Sundell, Prop. Mason City, Iowa." Text on verso: "New Park Inn Hotel. European. Mason City, Iowa. J. H. Sundell, Proprietor. Telephone 138. Caf Open All Night. Grill in Connection. Merchants Lunch at Noon. We Strive to Please. Absolutely Modern. Rooms Without Bath, $1.00 Up. Rooms with Bath, $1.50 Up. Light Sample Rooms." 5.5 x 3.5 0114.41.0923
C 1914
City National Bank, Mason City Circa 1914 (1909 - S.155). "City National Bank, Mason City. Iowa. 3" Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by attorneys, James E.E. Markley and James E. Blythe to design a building for their bank. Markley made Wright's acquaintance while visiting his daughter during her stay at the Hillside Home School, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Wright was commissioned to design both the City National Bank and Park Inn Hotel in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. Construction was completed in August 1910. Two street lights have been added outside on the sidewalk. A sign on the far left side has been added and reads: "Mossman & Barsalou. Lands." Mossman & Barsalou are on the lower level and the entrance is down the stairs on the far left. There is also a sign tat reads "Shine Parlor Downstairs. Verso: "Post Card. Message | Address. American Post Card Company, Mason City, Iowa." Real photo postcard. 5.5 x 3.5 0124.58.1023
Circa 1914
City National Bank, Mason City Circa 1914 (1909 - S.155). Real Photo Postcard. View of Main Street looking South. City National Bank is on the far right. A barber shop pole is outside the front left corner of the bank. Both automobiles and horse drawn buggies are using the street. Street car tracks are embedded in the street. Electric wires overhead would indicate electric street cars. Lettering at the top of the building on the left reads City Bank. Possibly the building the City National Bank used before the building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1909. Text on face: Main St. South From State. Mason City, Iowa. - 6167. Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by attorneys, James E.E. Markley and James E. Blythe to design a building for their bank. Markley made Wright's acquaintance while visiting his daughter during her stay at the Hillside Home School, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Wright was commissioned to design both the City National Bank and Park Inn Hotel in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. Construction was completed in August 1910. Verso: Post Card. Text in the top right corner: Genuine Photograph. Vertical text on left side: L. L. Cook Company, Lake Mills, Wis. 8-4. Center vertical text dividing two sides: Sterling Quality. Real photo postcard. 5.5 x 3.5 0124.61.0224
Circa 1914
City National Bank, Mason City Circa 1914 (1909 - S.155). View of Main Street looking North. City National Bank is on the left. A barber shop pole is outside the front left corner of the bank. Both automobiles and horse drawn buggies are using the street. Street car tracks are embedded in the street. A street car can be seen in the distance in the center of the street. Text on face: South Main St., Mason City, Ia. Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by attorneys, James E.E. Markley and James E. Blythe to design a building for their bank. Markley made Wright's acquaintance while visiting his daughter during her stay at the Hillside Home School, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Wright was commissioned to design both the City National Bank and Park Inn Hotel in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. Construction was completed in August 1910. Verso: Post Card. Address. Lower left: <W>. Lower right: Plate 6082. Postmarked: Mar 10 - 15. 5.5 x 3.5 0124.62.0224
Circa 1914
City National Bank, Mason City Circa 1914 (1909 - S.155). View of Federal Avenue at night. City National Bank is on the left. Street car tracks are embedded in the street. .Text on face: Federal Ave., At Night, Mason City, Iowa. Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by attorneys, James E.E. Markley and James E. Blythe to design a building for their bank. Markley made Wright's acquaintance while visiting his daughter during her stay at the Hillside Home School, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Wright was commissioned to design both the City National Bank and Park Inn Hotel in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. Construction was completed in August 1910. Verso: Post Card. This space for writing message. This space for address only. Center vertical text dividing two sides: C. T. American Art. Code: R-46986. Note: This C.T. Code dates the card as 1914. 5.5 x 3.5 0124.63.0224
C 1914
Designed in 1911 as "The Geneva Inn", "The Geneva" opened in August 1912. Within two years, it changed hands due to financial difficulties. By the end of 1914 and the beginning of 1915 the name was changed to the "Hotel Geneva", and it stayed the Hotel Geneva most of its life.
       This postcard appears to use what may be the earliest photograph of the Lake Geneva Hotel S#114.40. Either a color photograph was taken at the same time, or the image was colorized. The trees now have leaves, and flowers have been added the large urns and built in planters. The two flag poles have been eliminated.
       Text on face: The Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. This also appears to be heavily airbrushed. Postcard S#0104.02, 1914-1915 is the exact same image, with the two front light poles intact, and missing leaves and flowers.
       Text on verso: Post Card. Address. Upper right, stamp box: Inside all four corners are the letters E C K Co which indicates it was published by E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, WI. Text lower right: Plate 4102. Postmarked Sep 15, 14. 5.4 x 3.4.
C 1914
Lake Geneva Hotel Circa 1914 (1911 - S.171). Designed in 1911 as "The Geneva Inn", "The Geneva" opened in August 1912. Within two years, it changed hands due to financial difficulties. By the end of 1914 and the beginning of 1915 the name was changed to the "Hotel Geneva", and it stayed the Hotel Geneva most of its life.
       This postcard appears to use what may be the earliest photograph of the Lake Geneva Hotel S#114.40. Either a color photograph was taken at the same time, or the image was colorized. The trees now have leaves, and flowers have been added the large urns and built in planters. The two flag poles have been eliminated. It also appears to use the updated image S#0124.25, but has added a white border.
       Text on face: The Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. Text on verso: Post Card. Address. Vertical text on left: Pub. By Joe Nutini, Palace of Sweets. Upper right, stamp box: Inside all four corners are the letters E C K Co which indicates it was originally published by E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, WI. Text within stamp box: Place Stamp Here. Domestic One Cent. Foreign Two Cents. Text lower right: No. 4102. 5.5 x 3.5
C 1914
Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin Circa 1914-1915 (1911 - S.171) (Published by C.R. Childs, Chicago). Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1911 as "The Geneva Inn." The Geneva opened in August 1912. Within two years, it changed hands due to financial difficulties. By the end of 1914 and the beginning of 1915 the name was changed to the Hotel Geneva, and it stayed the Hotel Geneva most of its life. During its final years it was known as "The Geneva Inn." Text: "Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. 19019-r." This postcard matches S#0104.02 except that the text has been moved to the top. This image may be one of very first photos taken of the Hotel Geneva, even taken as early as 1912 while it was still called the "The Geneva". Notice the lack of any landscaping, even in the large vases. Later pictures show the addition of large round lights at the entrance. The two tall decorative poles at the entrance (far right) were dramatically shortened in later pictures. 5.5 x 3.5 0124.59.1223
Cir 1914-15 "Hotel Geneva" Lake Geneva, Wis." Circa 1914-15 (1911 - S.171). "The Geneva" opened in August 1912. Within two years, it changed hands due to financial difficulties. By the end of 1914 and the beginning of 1915 the name was changed to the "Hotel Geneva". This card most likely produced during the transition period, hence the title of [ Hotel "Geneva" ]. This also appears to be reprint of an earlier postcard, with the new name change. This may be one of the earliest images of the Hotel Geneva. Notice the lack of any landscaping, even in the large vases. Possible decorative flag flying from left "Light Pole" as seen in the original drawings. "Light Poles" are at full height. Back: "Post Card. (Left) This space may be used for correspondence. (Right) For address only." (Published by V. O. Hammon Co., Chicago.) 5.5 x 3.5. 0124.20.0812
C 1914-15 "Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. 19019-r."  This may be one of very first photos taken of the Hotel Geneva, even taken as early as 1912 while it was still called the "The Geneva".  Notice the lack of any landscaping, even in the large vases.  Later pictures show the addition of large round lights at the entrance.  The two tall decorative poles at the entrance (far right) were dramatically shortened in later pictures.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0104.02.0906
1914 "The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y. Fidelity to an idea and an ideal built the Larkin Factories of today from small beginnings."  (Bottom) "Over 64 Acres of Floor Space."  Back: "Over 150,000 Larkin clubs are in operation today." The "Terminal Warehouse" on the left was constructed in 1912.  PM 8/24/14  10.7 x 3.6. 0124.01.0207
1914 "The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y. Fidelity to an idea and an ideal built the Larkin Factories of today from small beginnings."  (Bottom) "Over 64 Acres of Floor Space."  Back: "Over 150,000 Larkin clubs are in operation today." The "Terminal Warehouse" on the left was constructed in 1912.)  (Same as #124.01 but back is reversed.)  10.75 x 3.5. 0124.02.0407
Midway Gardens, Chicago, Illinois, Real Photo Postcard 1914 (1913 - S.180). Real Photo Postcard. View of the Midway Gardens at night from the Southeast. Very early nighttime photograph. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1913. On June 27th, 1914, the Midway Gardens officially opened with the National Symphony Orchestra. It had two excellent years as an entertainment center providing exceptional dining, orchestra music, opera, exotic dancers and in 1915, Anna Pavlova, the famous Russian Dancer. Although success at first, Midway Gardens struggled financially. After only two years, on May 31, 1916, Midway Gardens was sold to the Edelweiss Brewery, turned into a beer garden and renamed "Edelweiss Gardens." The building was demolished in October of 1929. Text on face: Midway Gardens, Chicago." Text on verso: "Post Card. Correspondence Address." Stamp box on verso: "AZO ." Published by AZO. AZO manufactured cards between 1910 to 1930. Real photo postcard. 5.4 x 3.4. 0124.49.1121
Observation Platform for Island Woolen Mills circa 1914 (1912 - S.143). Face: Island Woolen Mills Dam, Baraboo, Wis. Carla Lind writes in Lost Wright, 1996, that William McFetridge met Wright when he worked briefly for Sullivan during the period when Wright also worked there. When his father past away, he began working for the family business. Documentation is lacking that confirmes Wright designed the Observation Deck, it is believed that Wright designed the geometric observation platform on rthe abutments where thje concrete met the earthen banks.The mill closed in 1949 and was demolished in 1972.
       Verso: Post Card. No. 7796. E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Stamp Box: E (interior top left corner), C (t. r. c.), K (b. l. c.), Co (b. r. c.). Postmarked: Feb 2 1915." Note: Flowers do not bloom in February in Wisconsin, and snow covers the ground most of the time. This postmark would indicate that this image was take prior to 1915, indicating 1914 or before. 5.5 x 3.5

Observation Platform for Island Woolen Mills (Published by E.C. Kropp Co, Milwaukee, Wis.)  "Island Woolen Mills Dam, Baraboo, Wis. Postmarked June 4, 1918. Storrer 143, 1912. Demolished in the early 1970's.  5.5 x 3.5.

Observation Platform for Island Woolen Mills circa 1913 (1912 - S.143). Face: "Island Woolen Mills Dam, Baraboo, Wisc. Carla Lind Writes in "Lost Wright", 1996, that William McFetridge met Wright when he worked briefly for Sullivan during the period when Wright also worked there. When his father past away, he began working for the family business. Documentation is lacking that confirms Wright designed the Observation Deck, but Wright lived only 35 miles away. The mill closed in 1949 and was demolished in 1972. Back: Post Card. 7796. E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee. Stamp Box: E (interior top left corner), C (t. r. c.), K (b. l. c.), Co (b. r. c.). Interesting printing process. Plates use a four-color dot pattern, but the sunset and water use solid thin horizontal lines. 5.5 x 3.5 0128.15.0114
Taliesin I, Spring Green, 1914 (1911 - S.172). View from the Northeast of Frank Lloyd Wright living quarters at Taliesin. The fountain is in the foreground, the porte-cochere in the background. The original entry to Taliesin was up the hill on the far right, through the porte-cochere to the courtyard on the left. One in a series of postcards taken early in 1914. Wright designed and built Taliesin in 1911 after returning from Europe where he had prepared the drawing for the one hundred plate folio "Ausgefuhrte Bauten." Eight other postcards in this series is published in Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin, Henning, 2011. Fire destroyed Taliesin I on August 15, 1914, killing Mrs. Cheney and two of her children. Text on face: "Frank Lloyd Wright Home." Text on verso: "Post Card. Correspondence Here Name and Address Here" Stamp Box: " A Z O Place Stamp Here." Real photo postcard. Published by AZO. AZO manufactured cards between 1910 to 1930. 5.4 x 3.4. 0124.32.0519
Taliesin I, Spring Green, Fountain 1914 (1911 - S.172). Real photo post card. Taliesin I, view of the fountain from the Northeast. The fountain is in the foreground, the porte-cochere is on the right. The original entry to taliesin was up the hill on the far left, through the porte-cochere to the courtyard. Behind the fountain is a large Ming-dynasty jar. In the background on the upper right, clothes are hung on a line to dry.
       Taliesin I had stairs on the left side of the fountain. It also had grass in front of the fountain, not a small pond which was added later.
Wright designed and built Taliesin in 1911 after returning from Europe where he had prepared the drawing for the one hundred plate folio Ausgefhrte Bauten. Fire destroyed Taliesin I on August 15, 1914, killing Mrs. Cheney and two of her children. Text on verso: Post Card. Correspondence Here. Name and Address Here. Stamp Box: ▲ A Z O ▲ Place Stamp Here. Real photo postcard. Published by AZO. AZO manufactured cards between 1910 to 1930. This postcard is published in Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin, Henning, 2011, p.2. Real photo post card. 5.4 x 3.4.
Taliesin I, Spring Green 1914 (1911 - S.172). Real photo postcard. View on August 16, the day after the fire that destroyed Taliesin I. Visitors, three women on the left, four women and two children on the right survey the devastation. Taliesin I was designed by Wright in 1911, it was partially destroyed by fire on August 15, 1914. Randolph Henning wrote: "Prominent in this view looking northwest from the ruins of the lower level is the living room's limestone fireplace, with the remnants of the kitchen to its left. The open portal in between was Taliesin's original entry hall." Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin, Henning, 2011, p.54-55. When Wright published An Autobiography he wrote about the tragedy. "Alone. I remained in what was left of Taliesin I, in the little bedroom back of the undestroyed studio workshop. Working to get work started on Taliesin II. No one seemed near to me. The gaping black hole left by fire in the beautiful hillside was no less empty, charred and ugly in my own life. The tragedy that resulted in the destruction of Taliesin I had left me in strange plight. From the moment of my return to that devastating scene of horror I had wanted to see no one and I would see no one but the workmen. Those nights in the little back room were black, filled with strange unreasoning terrors. No moon... Continue... 0124.34.0819
C 1914
Taliesin Dam (and Hydroelectric Plant), Spring Green, Wisconsin, Circa 1914 (1920 - S.219). Real photo postcard view of dam built around 1914, and before the Hydroelectric Plant was built in 1920. Postmarked April 1915, the foliage would date the view during the summer of 1914. Taliesin would be seen in the background toward the upper right. Text: The Dam Below Frank Lloyd Wrights Bungalow New Spring Green, Wis. 0815. Text on verso: Post Card. Correspondence Here (left side). Name and Address Here (right side). Postmarked April 1915. Real photo postcard. 5.5 x 3.5 0124.60.1223
C 1915
City National Bank, Mason City, Iowa, Circa 1915 (1909 - S.155). View of Central Park, Mason City. It is across the street from the City National Bank and the Park Inn. The ity National Bank can be seen on the far right. Text: Central Park, Mason City IA. Verso: Post Card. Address. Lower left: <W>. (The letter W within a diamond.) Right: Plate 6080. The verso matches S#0128.08. Possibly published by E.C. Kropp. 5.5 x 3.5 0128.72.0124
C 1915
E-Z Polish Factory Postcard Circa 1915 (1905 - S.114). Aerial view of the E-Z Polish Factory from the Northeast. Not dated. Illustrated after the building was altered by adding two floor atop the original two floors in 1913. The additions were designed by Harry H. Mahler. The building shown on the left, now demolished was actually much larger than illustrated. It covered nearly all of the East elevation. The building to the right, is not consistent with what is there today. It is actually taller than the E-Z Polish building. The two smaller buildings in the back center, actually follow the floor plan of Wright's original floor plan for the building. Illustration is vaguely reminiscent of the illustration for the Larkin factories., letters along roof top, etc. Text on face: "Stove Polish. E-Z. Show Polish. Martin & Martin. The E-Z Plant The Guarantee of a Good Shine. Courtesy of "William Everett Martin House," Lesniak, 2000, p.45. 10 x 6 B&W photograph. 0128.58.0319
C 1915
Lake Geneva Hotel Circa 1915 (1911 - S.171). Designed in 1911 as "The Geneva Inn", "The Geneva" opened in August 1912. Within two years, it changed hands due to financial difficulties. By the end of 1914 and the beginning of 1915 the name was changed to the "Hotel Geneva", and it stayed the Hotel Geneva most of its life. Text on face: " "The Hotel Geneva," Lake Geneva, Wis." Street almost appears not to be paved. This also appears to be heavily airbrushed. Postcard #0104.02, 1914-1915 is the exact same image, with the two front light poles intact, and missing leaves and flowers. White bordered postcards began in 1915. Text on verso: "Post Card. Address. K. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee 4102." Postmarked "Aug 17 1922." 5.5 x 3.5. 0128.50.0217
C 1915
Hotel Geneva Circa 1915 (Hammon Publishing Co.). Text on face: Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. Name has changed to "Hotel Geneva". The top of the "Light Poles" have been trimmed. Large white globes have been added to the front corners above the Lobby. Printed using the Photogravure process. 5.4 x 3.5. The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1911.00.0402
C 1915
Hotel Geneva Circa 1915 (Hammon Publishing Co.) Text on face: Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. Similar to S#1911.00, also produced by Hammon, but bushes in front to the left are shorter. Either not as mature, or they have been trimmed. Name has changed to "Hotel Geneva". The top of the "Light Poles" have been trimmed. Large white globes have been added to the front corners above the Lobby as well as larger white globes atop the pedestals on either side of the lobby. Printed using the Photogravure process. 5.4 x 3.5 0128.53.0118
C 1915 Hotel Geneva Circa 1915.  Real photo PC.  (J.J. Gregory - Cedar Rapids, Ia)  Actual photographic Postcard. Name has changed to "Hotel Geneva". The top of the "Light Poles" have been trimmed.   The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1910.00.1104
C 1915
Hotel Geneva. Circa 1915.  Real photo PC. Published by AZO.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1910.01.1202
C 1915
Ingwald Moe Residence, Gary, Indiana, Moe (Gary) Theater Postcard Circa 1915 (1909 - FLLW #0531). Postcard of the Moe (Gary) Theater in Gary Indiana. Ingwald Moe was a Norwegian immigrant and contractor with offices in Chicago. In 1897 he married Louisa Schaible of Ann Arbor, Michigan. They had three children. In 1898 they moved to Gary, Indiana. Moe saw an opportunity in the expanding steel economy. He opened an office on Broadway in Gary. According to Jane Morocco, "Moe played an important role in developing the city of Gary. He was one of the founders of the Gary Commercial Club and the chamber of commerce, and also had a major role in the planning and building of the Gary Gateway. He erected some of the community's largest buildings, including the bathing pavilion at Marquette Park, Gary Theater, Post-Tribune Building, Methodist Hospital, and city hall. He was also proprietor of Gary's first motion picture theater, located at 766 Broadway. In 1922, under his guidance, construction of Route 12, also known as Dunes Highway, began." Trailside Museum: The Legend of Virginia Moe, 2015. The Gary Theater opened in 1913, at the corner of Broadway and Fifth Avenue. It began as a vaudeville theater, but over time became a movie theater. It could seat over 1100 people... Continued... 0128.71.1123
C 1915
Louis Sullivan. National Farmers Bank Building Circa 1915. Text on Face: "North Cedar Street and National Farmers Bank Building, Owatonna, Minn. Designed by Louis Sullivan in 1908, with decorative elements by George Elmslie. Text on verso: "Bloom Bros. Co., America. Post Card. The Bloom Bros. Co., Minneapolis. Minn. R-42180." 5.4 x 3.4 0128.51.1217
Circa 1915 Park Inn, Mason City, Ia. Circa 1915.  Published by E.C. Kropp, Plate 6072.  Part of the City National Bank Building complex built in 1909. Very early image, signage installed, but before lamp posts were installed in the
street. 5.5 x 3.5
Circa 1916
Hillside Home School II, Circa 1916 (1902 - S.069). Front: "Hillside Home School, 4 Miles From Spring Green, Wis." (Published by W. G. Correll, Pub. Spring Green, Wis.) View from the Southwest. Three students can be seen in front of the building. Ellen (Nell) and Jane Lloyd Jones, Frank Lloyd Wright's aunts, formed the Hillside Home School in 1887 and ran it until 1915 when it closed. After attending the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wright headed for Chicago in 1887 and accepted a position as draftsman in the architectural firm of Joseph Lyman Silsbee. That year, his Aunt's drafted him to design a school building for them, Hillside Home School I, a large Shingle styled building, reflected the designs of his mentor Silsbee, and in the style of his first project, Unity Chapel, in Spring Green. As the school grew, so did the need for more space. Wright designed Hillside Home School II in 1902, which was completed in 1903. (Plate X, Ausgefuhrte Bauten.) It eventually became part of the Taliesin Fellowship complex. When Wright began the Taliesin Fellowship in 1932, he began restoring and remodeling the building. When magnified, the front side of the paper has a wormy pattern stamped into the surface of the paper. Printed in a single color, black. Postmarked Feb 15, 1917. 5.5 x 3.5. 0132.21.0214
Circa 1916
"Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis." Circa 1916 (1911 - S.171). Envelope: "Colored Souvenir of Lake Geneva and Young Men's Christian Association College Camp. Price Twenty Five Cents. V.O. Hammon Pub. Co.,Chicago." Inside: Souvenir strip of twenty postcard images printed on both sides and folded in an accordion fold. Hotel Geneva is the top image. This image first appeared in 1912. First known as the Training School of the YMCA (1890-1896) and subsequently as the Secretarial Institute and Training School (SITS) (1896-1903). It became the YMCA College or Association College (1913-1933), and was finally named George Williams College in 1933 in honor of the man who founded the YMCA movement in 1844. The strip also includes the interior of Yerkes Observatory, athletic field, water sports, residences of John J. Mitchell, Wm. J Wrigley, Jr., and S. B. Chapin. The N.W. Military Academy was established on the shored of Lake Geneva in 1915. (Published by V. O. Hammon Co., Chicago.) Envelope 6.25 x 4.25, Folder 6 x 4. Folder: Pp 20. 0132.19.1213
1916 (Side Note)  "Kaufmann's Department Store, Pittsburgh, PA." Edgar J. Kaufmann, Sr., Office, Pittsburgh (1937 - S.233). This is the department store that was owned by Edgar J. Kaufmann, Sr., who commissioned Wright to build Fallingwater. In 1937, Kaufmann commisioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design his personal office  at the Kaufmann's Department Store. Verso: "Pittsburgh promotes progress." (Published by I. Robbins & Sons, Pittsburgh, PA)  Randson.  #R-44727. (PM 9/15/16) 5.5 x 3.5. 0132.02.0207
1916 (Side Note)  "Kaufmann's Department Store, Pittsburgh, PA." Edgar J. Kaufmann, Sr., Office, Pittsburgh (1937 - S.233). This is the department store that was owned by Edgar J. Kaufmann, Sr., who commissioned Wright to build Fallingwater. In 1937, Kaufmann commisioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design his personal office  at the Kaufmann's Department Store. 5.4 x 3.4. 0132.03.0307
1916 "The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y. Fidelity to an idea and an ideal built the Larkin Factories of today from small beginnings."  Bottom: "Over 64 Acres of Floor Space."  #18377.  Published by E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee.  (In 1919 Larkin employed 2,225 people.  The "Terminal Warehouse" on the left was constructed in 1912.)  PM 8/29/18. 11.3 x 3.8. 0132.01.0207
C 1917-18
Hotel Geneva Circa 1917-18 (1911 - S.171). Text of face: "Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. 1454." Text on verso: "Pub. By Arnold's Drug Store, Lake Geneva, Wis. Photo-Tone Mfg. By The Sturgis Lithograph Co., Sturgis, Mich." In the foreground is a singular pole with a crosspiece. Hanging from the cross piece is a sign that reads "Hotel Geneva." To the right is a lamp post with a single globe. To the right is a three stepped entrance column with a single light mounted to the tallest column. Many flags would indicate the time period during world war I. Five flags are visible including the two above the lobby. There are round glass globes above the lobby as well as on top of the columns in front of the lobby. "Hotel Geneva" lettered across the front of the Lobby above the windows. There is a smoke stack above the chimney. 5.5 x 3.5 0138.34.0320
Circa 1917 "The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y. circa 1917 (1903 - S.093). Fidelity to an idea and an ideal built the Larkin Factories of today from small beginnings." Bottom: "Over 75 Acres of Floor Space. Larkin Co., Important pure food specialists and world's largest manufacturers of soaps. Perfumes and toilet preparations. The entire output of the Larkin Factories goes direct from factory to family, saving customers the expenses and profits of wholesales and retailers. By the Larkin plan, the money that stocks your pantry will also furnish your home. Visitors welcome." #18377. Published by E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee. 11.25 x 3.8. PM 8/27/21 0138.06.1012
1918 "The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y. A National Institution, Co-operatively owned by 1,800 Employees."  "Over 75 Acres of Floor Space."  #18377.  (Published by The Larkin Company) (In 1919 Larkin employed 2,225 people. The "Terminal Warehouse" on the left was constructed in 1912.)  11.25 x 3.75. 0139.02.0107
Ralph Fletcher Seymour Post Card 1918. World War I Red Cross Post Card. Face: "Artists" Aid To The Red Cross. I want this simple message to reach you Christmas day. When friends bespeak each other in the good old-fashioned way: And this is just the substance of the message that I send. - The thought of you is playing on the heart-strings of a friend. G.H." Signed Ralph Fletcher Seymour." Verso: "This little card is a warm and friendly greeting to you from your own people. You in turn may write you name and a message below and send it back to some one in your home town." Post marked: "U.S. Army Post Office M.P.E.S., Nov 8, 1918." Illustrated by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Printed in two-color. 5.5 x 3.5 0139.10.1216
1919 "Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis." "Published by Lake Geneva Dry Goods Co. #21016 N" Circa 1919. Postmarked Sept. 24, 1919. B&W image, hand tinted and printed in four color. Printed by E. C. Kropp Co. 5.5 x 3.5.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0141.01.1008
Cir 1919-21 Hotel Geneva Circa 1919-1921 (1911 - S.171). Text on face: "3581. Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis." Building has been painted white. One flag is visible on the top left corner of the Lobby. Large globe light has been added to the patio pedestals. Landscaping is flourishing. "Hotel Geneva" lettered across the front of the Lobby above the windows. Light poles visible above base. "Entrance Hotel Geneva" sign and five globe street light visible in the foreground on the corner. The earliest postmark seen to date using this image is August 1921. Verso: "E. A. Bishop. Publisher Racine, Wis. Made in U. S. A. R-80820. Post Card. Message May Be Written On This Side. Address Only On This Side." 5.5 x 3.5.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0141.04.1101
Cir 1919-21 Hotel Geneva Circa 1919-1921 (1911 - S.171). (Minor changes to S#141.04.) Text on face: "3581. Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin" Building has been painted white. One flag is visible on the top left corner of the Lobby. Large globe light has been added to the patio pedestals. Landscaping is flourishing. "Hotel Geneva" lettered across the front of the Lobby above the windows. Light poles visible above base. "Entrance Hotel Geneva" sign and five globe street light visible in the foreground on the corner. Verso: (Text and layout varies from S#141.04.) "E. A. Bishop. Publisher Racine, Wis. Made in U. S. A. R-80820. Post Card. This Space for Writing Message. This Space for Address Only." One cent Franklin stamp affixed to back. 5.5 x 3.5. 0141.05.0712
Hotel Geneva 1920's.  The earliest postmark I have seen to date is August 26, 1921. (VO Hammon Publishing Co.)  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1920.00.0102
Hotel Geneva 1920's B&W Souvenir Booklet.  Horace C. Baker Co., Inc. Green Bay, Wis.  Right side of post card is a booklet with small hinge flap for sealing. Inside is accordion fold with 12 B&W photos of Lake Geneva, Wis. One includes Hotel Geneva.   The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1920.03.0704
Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. - 21.  E. C. Knopp Co., Milwaukee.  #24783-N  Post Marked Aug 8, 1930.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1920.02.0404
C 1920
Taliesin II, Spring Green, Wis. Circa 1920 (1914 - S.182). View of the Garden Courtyard looking Northwest. The drafting room windows on the right are open. (Published by Co-Mo Photo Company, Mason City, Iowa.) Text on face: "Antique Chinese Bronze in Entrance Court." Frank Lloyd Wright's Bungalow, near Spring green, Wis. 00802." The gate at the end of the drive is open. Plantings have overtaken the trellises in front of the fireplace mass. According to Randolph Henning, the vessel is Japanese, and probably was purchased during Wright's four month visit to Japan with Mamah Borthwick in early 1913. Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin, 2011, p.42. Fire destroyed Taliesin I on August 15, 1914. Taliesin II was redesigned and construction started soon after. The gates were added to Taliesin II. Compare images on page 30 (Taliesin I) and page 38 (Taliesin II), Frank Lloyd Wright Select Houses 2, Pfeiffer, 1990. Real Photo Postcard. 5.5 x 3.5. 0142.26.0420
C 1920
Taliesin II, Spring Green, Wis. Circa 1920 (1914 - S.182). View of the Garden Courtyard looking Northwest. (Published by L. L. Cook Company, Lake Mills, Wis., 84.) Text on face: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Bungalow, near Spring green, Wis. 0827." Just beyond the stairs on the far left, leading up to the tea circle, the Flower in the Crannied Wall is nearly overcome in vegetation. At the end of the drive, the gate has been closed. Plantings have overtaken the trellises in front of the fireplace mass. Ears of corn hang from the trellis on the right. Printed on verso: "Post Card. Genuine Photography." Printed vertically down the center of the card: "Sterling Quality." Hand written on verso: "String Bean, Wis. Aug 23 1920. Dear Friend, I got here alright. The ponies(?) and Old Buddy standing the trip in grand shape. I am sending you a view or two of the "burg" I spent a good deal of time loafing, going to school, etc. I caught swine cold of course but as you know that is an old story with me. As ever, F. E. OH." Published in Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin, Henning, 2011, p.33. Real Photo Postcard. 5.5 x 3.5. 0142.16.1218
C 1920
 Taliesin II, Spring Green, Wis. Circa 1920 (1914 - S.182). View of the Garden Courtyard looking Northwest. (Published by L. L. Cook Company, Milwaukee.) Text on face: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Bungalow, near Spring green, Wis. 0823." Possibly photographs at the same time as S#0142.16. Corn husks and gate are in the same position. Just beyond the stairs on the far left, leading up to the tea circle, the Flower in the Crannied Wall is nearly overcome in vegetation. At the end of the drive, the gate has been closed. Plantings have overtaken the trellises in front of the fireplace mass. Ears of corn hang from the trellis on the right. Text on verso: "Post Card. The L. L. Cook Company, Milwaukee." Text top right: "Defender. (Horizontal diamond.) Defender." Very similar postcard published in Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin, Henning, 2011, p.33. Real Photo Postcard. 5.4 x 3.4 0142.34.0623
"Greetings from Lake Geneva."  Mini (half size) Souvenir Folder of Lake Geneva, Wis.  Postage required: One Cent. (Published by E. A. Bishop, Racine, Wis.) #2329.  Post Marked Aug 1921.  One image inside of Hotel Geneva.  4.25 x 3.12.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0144.01.0606
Charles L. Morgan set of 6 post cards 1921. 1) "The New Field Museum - Grant Park - Chicago. Chase Morgan." 2) "Adams Street and Art Institute. Chas Morgan 1921." 3) "Wrigley Building from The Tribune Building. Chas Morgan." 4) "Banking District of Chicago. Chas Morgan 1921." 5) "University Club and Monroe Building from Grant Park. Chas Morgan." 6) "Lincoln Park Way Drive, 1921. Chas Morgan." Verso, six cards: "Post Card. Architectural Sketch Studio, Chicago, Illinois. Series of Chicago." Six Post Cards, 3.6 x 5.5.
0144.10.1116 (A-F)
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" Front View of reflecting pool. July 4, 1922, the first section of the Imperial Hotel opened. August 1923 the hotel complete. This is a very early image, possibly before completion.  The sculptures on either side of the reflecting pool have not been installed, as well as the spires atop the towers of the entry way.  I believe this to be an early hand tinted collotype printing process or photogravure.  This printing process was used with postcards until the late twenties.  Back: "Union Postale, Universelle. Carte Postale."  5.5 x 3.6. 0147.01.0807
"The Teikoku Hotel (Tokyo)" 1922. Front View of reflecting pool. July 4, 1922, the first section of the Imperial Hotel opened. August 1923 the hotel complete. This is a very early image, possibly before completion. The sculptures on either side of the reflecting pool have not been installed, as well as the spires atop the towers of the entry way. Black and white, printed with a standard half-tone dot pattern. Verso: "Post Card. Printed in Japan.". 5.5 x 3.6 0147.12.0417
"The Imperial Hotel (Greater Tokyo)" C1923. View Pool and Front Entrance. May be near the completion of construction. The abstract pool sculptures have not been installed yet. Landscaping is near completion. Printing is collotype or photogravure printing process . This printing process was used with postcards until the late twenties. Verso: "Post Card." Made in Japan Seikaido Tokyo." Published by Seikaido, Tokyo. 5.5 x 3.5. 0156.37.0513
C 1922-23 
"The Imperial Hotel" C1922-23. View Pool and Front Entrance, automobiles in the foreground on the right. Note: Tall abstract pool statues on the left and right side of the reflecting pool have not yet been installed. Landscaping around pool is consistent with 171.13. Verso: Lacking text and dividing line other than a dotted line for postage and five Japanese characters on the far right.  5.5 x 3.5. 0171.17.0713
C 1922-23
"The Imperial Hotel" C1922-23. View Pool and Front Entrance, automobiles in the foreground on the right. Color version of S#0171.17. Note: Tall abstract pool statues on the left and right side of the reflecting pool have not yet been installed. It appears to be a B&W photograph, hand tinted, then printed in four-color. Verso: "Carte Postale. Kobundo Nakamura" and five Japanese characters on the far right. 5.5 x 3.5. 0147.26.0420
C 1922-23
"The Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" C1922-23. Front View of reflecting pool. July 4, 1922, the first section of the Imperial Hotel opened. August 1923 the hotel complete. This is a very early image. Same style and back as S.0147.01. The sculptures on either side of the reflecting pool have been installed, but the Sphere Sculptures above the Entrance have been removed. I believe this to be an early hand tinted collotype printing process or photogravure. This printing process was used with postcards until the late twenties. Back: "Union Postale, Universelle. Carte Postale.". 5.5 x 3.6. 0147.04.0611
C 1922-23
"Teikoku Hotel, Tokyo" C1922-23. Front View with reflecting pool. On July 4, 1922, the first section of the Imperial Hotel opened. August 1923 the hotel was complete. This is a very early image. The sculptures on either side of the reflecting pool have been installed, as well as the spires atop the towers of the entry way. But it is missing the two taller sphere sculptures that are set higher and further back above the entry way. I believe this to be an early hand tinted collotype printing process or photogravure. This printing process was used with postcards until the late twenties. Back: "Carte Postale. Postkarte - Cartolina Postale - Post Card. OTKPbITOE IINCbMO. Made in Japan." 5.5 x 3.6. 0156.09.1110
C 1922
Taliesin, Spring Green, Wis. Circa 1922-26. (Produced by AZO) "The Terra Cotta Figure in the Garden, Frank Lloyd Wright's Bungalow, near Spring green, Wis. 0504" Wright originally used a plaster cast of a sculpture by Richard Bock, "Flowers in the Crannied Wall," as a focal point in the courtyard. Recently it was moved under cover toward the west end of Hill Wing (See: Wisconsin Magazine of History, Holzhueter, August 2005). It was also used in the entry of the Dana House. Real Photo Postcard. 3.4 x 5.4. 0147.02.0809
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" Circa 1923. Front View of reflecting pool. July 4, 1922, the first section of the Imperial Hotel opened. August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image, the growth of the landscaping around the reflecting pool is consistent with the 1922 view. But it is missing the two taller "Sphere Sculptures" that are set higher and further back above the entry way. I believe this to be an early collotype printing process or photogravure. This printing process was used with postcards until the late twenties. Back: "Union Postale, Universelle. Carte Postale." and is exactly the same as the 1922. 5.5 x 3.6. 0156.05.0809
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" C1922-23. Front View of reflecting pool. July 4, 1922, the first section of the Imperial Hotel opened. August 1923 the hotel complete. This is a very early image.. The sculptures on either side of the reflecting pool have been installed, as have the tall Sphere Sculptures above the Entrance. On September 1, 1923 a major earthquake destroyed Tokyo. The Imperial Hotel stood. A Tribute to Wright. The tall "Sphere Sculptures" above the entrance vanished almost immediately. A clue to their disappearance may be a photograph in "The Imperial, The First 100 Years", 1990, p.135. Photographed after the earthquake, sections of the broken Sphere Sculptures are seen in the balcony below where they originally stood. Verso: "Post Card. Made in Japan.". 5.5 x 3.5 0147.27.0122
Circa 1923 
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" (All in Caps), 1923. View of entrance looking across the pool. This is one of just a few photographs that include the two taller "Sphere Sculptures" that are set higher and further back above the entry way (see Sphere Sculpture note). They are not visible in the 1922 postcard, and are not seen in later postcards or images. What remains on the top of the left column are the two spheres that are actually part of he column itself. Each side is different. There was a matching set in the front of the balcony inside the Theatre. They are visible in a number of photographs and drawings in "Frank Lloyd Wright in Imperial Hotel" Akashi, 1972, pages 170-171, 190-191, 202, 215, 219, 271, 287, 335. All that is visible in Cary James' "The Imperial Hotel" 1968, are the remnants of the two spheres that are part of he column itself (Plate 10). Both sets were removed, the set at the Entry and the set in the Theatre. One possible explanation is that they were damaged or fell during the earthquake, or because of their height, the fear that they might fall. (See 156.13) Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." 5.5 x 3.5. 0156.30.0113
Circa 1923
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" C1923. View from North Bridge of inner Court Garden and Pool in the foreground. The Main Dining Room is on the far right. Part of a set of early color postcards. Published at the same time as 156.08 and 156.11. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." 5.5 x 3.5. 0156.12.0511
Circa 1923
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. View of the outdoor Garden Court between the center Dining Room and outside bedroom wing. Bedroom Wing is on the left. The walkway is in the background and runs from the Main Lobby to the bedroom wing. The Dining Room is on the far right out of the picture. The table and chairs are situated just outside on the Dining Room patio. This early postcard shows the color scheme of the Imperial Hotel as Wright intended it. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." 5.5 x 3.5. 0156.29.0713
Circa 1923 
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" C1923. View of the Main Lobby, from the North. The opening in the center leads into the Dining Room. Looking South. This early postcard shows the interior color scheme of the Imperial Hotel as Wright intended it. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." (Note: Both cards are exactly the same front and back, but text on face is in caps and has been moved to lower left corner.) 5.5 x 3.5. (Two copies.) 0156.27.0713 0156.38.0813
Circa 1923 
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. View of the Main Dining Room, from the second level between the Dining Room and Lobby. Not only did Wright design the furniture in the Dining Room, but the ceramic dinnerware and tea service. This early postcard shows the interior color scheme of the Imperial Hotel as Wright intended it. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." (Note: Both cards are exactly the same front and back, but text on face is in caps.) 5.5 x 3.5. (Two copies.) 0156.28.0713 0156.39.0813
Circa 1923 
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" C1923. View of the Promenade, which was later called "Peacock Alley". When facing the Imperial Hotel, this ran between the two long outside bedroom wings on the second floor toward the rear of the hotel. This view was from the outside looking toward the center. In the center, the Auditorium and Parlor were on the left and right. Like #156.19, there is a carpet draped over the balcony wall. Wright added this touch to many of his presentation drawings. This early postcard shows the interior color scheme of the Imperial Hotel as Wright intended it. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." (Note: Both cards are exactly the same front and back, but text on face is in caps and has been moved to the bottom.) 5.5 x 3.5. (Two copies.) 0156.26.0713 0156.40.0813
Circa 1923
"Imperial Hotel Auditorium (Theater), Tokyo" Circa 1923. View of seating and balconies. July 4, 1922, the first section of the Imperial Hotel opened. August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image, as Wright intended. The two taller sphere sculptures and large vases were removed as well as later renovations. These "Sphere Sculptures" match the two that appeared briefly above the main entryway, (see Sphere Sculpture note). Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. Sen Domesic. 8 Sen Foreign." 5.5 x 3.65. 0156.08.0710
Circa 1923
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" C1923. View of Bedroom Suite. July 4, 1922, the first section of the Imperial Hotel opened. August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image, as Wright intended. Of interest are the prairie styled elements seen in the furniture and trim. The tall lamp is reminiscent of the one Wright designed for the Hollyhock House Living Room. Part of a set of early color postcards. Published at the same time as 156.08 and 156.12. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. . Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign" 5.5 x 3.5. (Note: Both cards are exactly the same front and back, but text on face is in caps and has been moved to the bottom.) 5.5 x 3.5. (Two copies.) 0156.11.0511 0156.41.0814
Circa 1923
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" (All in Caps), 1923. View of the Banquet Hall on the fourth floor, from the end of one of the short sides to the other. It shows the center of the room. The stage is to the left or the right of the center. Peacock carvings cover the inside four corners. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." 5.5 x 3.5. 0156.42.0813
  1923 Real Photo Post Card Set: Wright was commissioned and began designs for the Imperial Hotel in 1915. Construction began in 1917 and on July 4, 1922 the first section of Wright's Imperial Hotel opened. In August 1923 the hotel was complete. On September 1, 1923 a major earthquake destroyed Tokyo. The Imperial Hotel stood. A Tribute to Wright. This set may be the earliest record of the Imperial Hotel as Wright intended. Some elements recorded in these photo postcards were removed or over time disappeared. The "Sphere Sculptures" (156.13) vanished almost immediately. Carpets draped over the balcony ledges. Interior built-in planters with live plants. In 1925 some of these images were published in the magazine Wendingen, Volume VII, No. 8 and then "The Life Work of the American Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright".  
Imperial Hotel (1915 - S.194) (1923) Imperial Hotel  (Front View) (Real photo Postcard)  This is one of just a few photographs that include the two taller "Sphere Sculptures" that are set higher and further back above the entry way. They are not visible in the 1922 postcard, and are not seen in later postcards or images.  What remains on the top of the left column are the two spheres that are actually part of he column itself.  Each side is different. There was a matching set in the front of the balcony inside the Theatre. They are visible in a number of photographs and drawings in "Frank Lloyd Wright in Imperial Hotel" Akashi, 1972, pages 170-171, 190-191, 202, 215, 219, 271, 287, 335. All that is visible in Cary James' "The Imperial Hotel" 1968, are the remnants of the two spheres that are part of he column itself (Plate 10).  Both sets were removed, the set at the Entry and the set in the Theatre. One possible explanation is that they were damaged or fell during the earthquake, or because of their height, the fear that they might fall.  5.3 x 3.25. 0156.13.0405
Imperial Hotel (1915 - S.194) 1923. View of entrance from under the Portico. Curve stairs from the driveway are on the left. Stairs to the Lobby are on the right. Produced at the same time as S#156.13. The back is exactly the same. (Real photo Postcard) 5.3 x 3.25. 0156.14.0912
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. In 1925 this image was published in "The Life Work of the American Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright" on page 120. July 4, 1922, the first section of the Imperial Hotel opened. August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image of the Imperial Hotel. Published at the same time as S#156.13 and S#156.14. The back is exactly the same. (Real photo Postcard) 3.25 x 5.3. 0156.15.0912

"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. View of the Auditorium on the second and third levels and the Banquet Hall on the fourth level. This is the tallest portion of the Imperial Hotel, in the center near the back. Photographed from the long Northeast side looking South. In 1925 this image was published in "The Life Work of the American Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright" on page 120. July 4, 1922, the first section of the Imperial Hotel opened. August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image of the Imperial Hotel. Published at the same time as S#156.13 and S#156.14. Matches 156.15, but verso is different. (Real photo PC) 5.3 x 3.25.

"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. View across the Pool and Garden from the Dining Room, looking at the walkway that runs between the main lobby and the long outside Northeast bedroom wing of the Imperial Hotel. Looking North. Built in planter vase is on the far left, Walkway is in the center, Bedroom wing is in the background and on the right. The Dining Room is just beyond the Main Lobby. In 1925 this image was published in the magazine Wendingen, Volume VII, No. 8 and then "The Life Work of the American Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright" on page 115. (Real photo Postcard) 5.3 x 3.25. 0156.16.0313

"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. View across the Pool and Garden from the Dining Room, looking at the walkway that runs between the main lobby and the long outside Northeast bedroom wing of the Imperial Hotel. Looking North. Built in planter vase is on the far left, Walkway is in the center, Bedroom wing is in the background and on the right. The Dining Room is just beyond the Main Lobby. In 1925 this image was published in the magazine Wendingen, Volume VII, No. 8 and then "The Life Work of the American Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright" on page 115. Matches 156.16, but verso is different. (Real photo PC) 5.3 x 3.25.


"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. Viewed from Northwest walkway of the inner Court Garden and Pool. The Main Dining Room is on the far right. The Northwest walkway runs between the Main Lobby and the long outside Northeast bedroom wing of the Imperial Hotel. Looking Southeast. In the background is the tallest section which housed the Theater and upper Banquet Hall on the fourth floor. This is the same image as color postcard #156.12. (Real photo Postcard)  Back of 0156.16: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. (Published by AZO.) Back of 0156.31: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." Different backs may indicate a second run published by another company. 5.3 x 3.4. 0156.17.0313 0156.31.0713
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. Viewed from second level of the Northwest walkway. On the left is the tallest section which housed the Theater and upper Banquet Hall on the fourth floor. The Main Dining Room is two stories tall, and the upper windows can be seen in the center past the columns in the foreground. The walkway on the far right leads to the upper level of the Main Lobby. Looking Southeast. (Real photo Postcard) Back of 0156.18: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Back of 0156.32: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." Different backs may indicate a second run published by another company. 5.3 x 3.4. 0156.18.0313 0156.32.0713
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. (Real photo PC) Viewed from upper level of the Banquet Hall. The Dining Room and Main Lobby are on the left. The Garden Court can be seen in the center, and the Bedroom Wing is on the right. The back matches the back of 156.12. The text color is a dark gray. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." 5.3 x 3.4. 0156.33.0713
"The Imperial Hotel (Tokyo)" 1923. Viewed from second level of the Northeast garden, looking Northwest. To the left is the main Dining Room, the Entrance and the Lobby are beyond it. The walkway to the right leads to the Northeast Bedroom Wing to the far right. Although borderless, the verso matches #156.18 and others dated 1923. Verso: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Place Stamp Here (within a square with smaller square on each corner of the larger square.) (Real photo PC) 5.3 x 3.3. 0156.61.1117
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan, Circa 1923 (1915 - S.194). The Beauty Spot in Tokyo. Viewed from second level of the Northeast garden, looking Northwest. To the left is the main Dining Room, the Entrance and the Lobby are beyond it. The walkway to the right leads to the Northeast Bedroom Wing to the far right. This is the same image as #156.61, but published by a different company, Tokyomatsumura. Verso: Carte Postale. Tokyomatsumura. The verso is also decorated with an artist pallet that is decorated with and landscape scene. 5.5 x 3.5. 0156.103.0524
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. View of the Main Lobby, North corner, photographed from the second level. Note the carpet (center right) draped over the balcony. Wright added this touch to many of his presentation drawings. Looking North. (Real photo Postcard) 5.3 x 3.25. 0156.19.0313

"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. View of the Main Lobby, North corner, photographed from the second level. Note the carpet (center right) draped over the balcony. Wright added this touch to many of his presentation drawings. Looking North. Matches 156.19, but verso is different. (Real photo PC) 5.3 x 3.25.

"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. View of the Main Lobby, from the North. The opening in the center leads into the Dining Room. The furniture in the foreground can be seen in #156.19. Looking South. (Real photo Postcard) 5.3 x 3.25. 0156.20.0313
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. View of the Main Dining Room, from the second level between the Dining Room and Lobby. Not only did Wright design the furniture in the Dining Room, but the ceramic dinnerware and tea service. (Real photo Postcard) 5.3 x 3.25. 0156.21.0313
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. View of the Promenade, which was later called "Peacock Alley". When facing the Imperial Hotel, this ran between the two long outside bedroom wings on the second floor toward the rear of the hotel. This view was from the outside looking toward the center. In the center, the Auditorium and Parlor were on the left and right. Like #156.19, there is a carpet draped over the balcony wall. Wright added this touch to many of his presentation drawings. (Real photo Postcard) Back of 0156.22: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. (Published by AZO.) Back of 0156.34: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." Different backs may indicate a second run published by another company. 5.3 x 3.4. (Three copies) 0156.22.0313 0156.34.0713 1920.04.0405
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. (Real photo PC) View of the Promenade, which was later called "Peacock Alley". When facing the Imperial Hotel, this ran between the two long outside bedroom wings on the second floor toward the rear of the hotel. This view was from the outside looking toward the center. In the center, the Auditorium and Parlor were on the left and right. Like #156.19, there is a carpet draped over the balcony wall. Wright added this touch to many of his presentation drawings. The back matches the back of 156.12. The text color is a dark gray. Verso: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Place Stamp Here." Second copy: "Place Stamp Here" is within a box, and there are smaller boxes on each corner." 5.4 x 3.4. 0156.60.1017

"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. (Real photo PC) View of the Promenade, which was later called "Peacock Alley". When facing the Imperial Hotel, this ran between the two long outside bedroom wings on the second floor toward the rear of the hotel. This view was from the outside looking toward the center. In the center, the Auditorium and Parlor were on the left and right. Like #156.19, there is a carpet draped over the balcony wall. Wright added this touch to many of his presentation drawings. The back matches the back of 156.12. The text color is a dark gray. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." Matches 156.34. 5.3 x 3.4.

"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. (Real photo PC) View of seating and balconies of the Auditorium (Theater). Matches #156.08. July 4, 1922, the first section of the Imperial Hotel opened. August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image, as Wright intended. The two taller sphere sculptures and large vases were removed. These "Sphere Sculptures" match the two that appeared briefly above the main entryway, (See Sphere Sculpture note). The back matches the back of 156.08, but the text color is a dark gray. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." Two copies. 5.3 x 3.4. 0156.35.0713 0156.55.0317
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. (Real photo PC) View of seating and balconies of the Auditorium (Theater). Matches #156.08. July 4, 1922, the first section of the Imperial Hotel opened. August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image, as Wright intended. The two taller sphere sculptures and large vases were removed. These "Sphere Sculptures" match the two that appeared briefly above the main entryway, (See Sphere Sculpture note). The back matches the back of 156.08, but the text color is a dark gray. Verso: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Place Stamp Here." Third copy: "Place Stamp Here" is within a box, and there are smaller boxes on each corner. 5.3 x 3.4. 0156.59.1017
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. View of the Banquet Hall on the fourth floor, from the end of one of the short sides to the other. It shows the center of the room. The stage is to the left or the right of the center. Peacock carvings cover the inside four corners. (Real photo Postcard) Back of 0156.23: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Back of 0156.36: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 8 Sen Foreign." Different backs may indicate a second run published by another company. 5.3 x 3.4. 0156.23.0313 0156.36.0713
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" 1923. View of the inside corner of the Banquet Hall on the fourth floor. Two massive Peacock carvings cover both sides on the four inside corners of the second level. A central element of the banquet hall were the eight abstract Oya stone peacock carvings, four sets of two. All eight carvings were identical, and the they came to call the Banquet Hall the "Peacock Room". Built-in planters, a Wright signature, are formed at the base of the corner. (Real photo Postcard) 5.3 x 3.25. 0156.24.0313
"Greater Tokyo, Imperial Hotel," 1923. View of entrance looking across the pool. This is one of just a few photographs that include the two taller "Sphere Sculptures" that are set higher and further back above the entry way. They are not visible in the 1922 postcard, and are not seen in later postcards or images. What remains on the top of the left column are the two spheres that are actually part of he column itself. Each side is different. There was a matching set in the front of the balcony inside the Theatre. They are visible in a number of photographs and drawings in "Frank Lloyd Wright in Imperial Hotel" Akashi, 1972, pages 170-171, 190-191, 202, 215, 219, 271, 287, 335. All that is visible in Cary James' "The Imperial Hotel" 1968, are the remnants of the two spheres that are part of he column itself (Plate 10). Both sets were removed, the set at the Entry and the set in the Theatre. On September 1, 1923 a major earthquake destroyed Tokyo. The Imperial Hotel stood. A Tribute to Wright. The "Sphere Sculptures" (156.13) vanished almost immediately. A clue to their disappearance may be a photograph in "The Imperial, The First 100 Years", 1990, p.135. Photographed after the earthquake, sections of the broken Sphere Sculptures are seen in the balcony below where they originally stood. Back: "Post Card. Made in Japan Seikaido, Tokyo." 5.5 x 3.5. 0156.46.0714
"Imperial Hotel." 1923. View of entrance looking across the pool. This is one of just a few photographs that include the two taller "Sphere Sculptures" that are set higher and further back above the entry way. They are not visible in the 1922 postcard, and are not seen in later postcards or images. What remains on the top of the left column are the two spheres that are actually part of he column itself. Each side is different. There was a matching set in the front of the balcony inside the Theatre. They are visible in a number of photographs and drawings in "Frank Lloyd Wright in Imperial Hotel" Akashi, 1972, pages 170-171, 190-191, 202, 215, 219, 271, 287, 335. All that is visible in Cary James' "The Imperial Hotel" 1968, are the remnants of the two spheres that are part of he column itself (Plate 10). Both sets were removed, the set at the Entry and the set in the Theatre. On September 1, 1923 a major earthquake destroyed Tokyo. The Imperial Hotel stood. A Tribute to Wright. The "Sphere Sculptures" (156.13) vanished almost immediately. A clue to their disappearance may be a photograph in "The Imperial, The First 100 Years", 1990, p.135. Photographed after the earthquake, sections of the broken Sphere Sculptures are seen in the balcony below where they originally stood. Verso: "Carte Postale." 5.4 x 3.5. 0156.57.0917
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo." C1923. View of entrance looking across the pool. This is one of just a few photographs that include the two taller "Sphere Sculptures" that are set higher and further back above the entry way. They are not visible in the 1922 postcard, and are not seen in later postcards or images. What remains on the top of the left column are the two spheres that are actually part of he column itself. Each side is different. There was a matching set in the front of the balcony inside the Theatre. They are visible in a number of photographs and drawings in "Frank Lloyd Wright in Imperial Hotel" Akashi, 1972, pages 170-171, 190-191, 202, 215, 219, 271, 287, 335. All that is visible in Cary James' "The Imperial Hotel" 1968, are the remnants of the two spheres that are part of he column itself (Plate 10). Both sets were removed, the set at the Entry and the set in the Theatre. On September 1, 1923 a major earthquake destroyed Tokyo. The Imperial Hotel stood. A Tribute to Wright. The "Sphere Sculptures" (156.13) vanished almost immediately. A clue to their disappearance may be a photograph in "The Imperial, The First 100 Years", 1990, p.135. Photographed after the earthquake, sections of the broken Sphere Sculptures are seen in the balcony below where they originally stood. Back: "Post Card. Made in Japan. Tokyo, Japan." 5.5 x 3.5. 0156.53.1115
Imperial Hotel 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the Imperial Hotel just after the earthquake that demolished Tokyo. Wright was commissioned and began designs for the Imperial Hotel in 1915. Construction began in 1917 and on July 4, 1922 the first section of Wright's Imperial Hotel opened. In August 1923 the hotel was complete. The opening ceremony for the Imperial Hotel was taking place on September 1, 1923. At 11:58 am the ceremony was interrupted by a massive earthquake that destroyed most of Tokyo. The Imperial Hotel stood. A Tribute to Wright. When the earthquake struck at noon, many families were cooking over open fires. As building collapsed, many caught on fire. Of the 134 fires stat were started, only 57 could be extinguished. The balance of the fires burned for three days. This image shows thick smoke in the air. This photograph published in B&W in "The Imperial, The First 100 Years" Osano, 1990, p.133. Text on verso: "Carte Postale." 5.6 x 3.5 0156.100.1023
Imperial Hotel 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the Imperial Hotel just after the earthquake that demolished Tokyo. Wright was commissioned and began designs for the Imperial Hotel in 1915. Construction began in 1917 and on July 4, 1922 the first section of Wright's Imperial Hotel opened. In August 1923 the hotel was complete. The opening ceremony for the Imperial Hotel was taking place on September 1, 1923. At 11:58 am the ceremony was interrupted by a massive earthquake that destroyed most of Tokyo. The Imperial Hotel stood. A Tribute to Wright. When the earthquake struck at noon, many families were cooking over open fires. As building collapsed, many caught on fire. Of the 134 fires stat were started, only 57 could be extinguished. The balance of the fires burned for three days. This image shows thick smoke in the air. This photograph published in "The Imperial, The First 100 Years" Osano, 1990, p.133. Note - the image in this postcard has been flipped horizontally. Text on verso: "Union Postale Universelle. Carte Postale." Printed using the Photogravure process. 5.4 x 3.5. 0156.63.0218
Imperial Hotel 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the Imperial Hotel just after the earthquake that demolished Tokyo. Wright was commissioned and began designs for the Imperial Hotel in 1915. Construction began in 1917 and on July 4, 1922 the first section of Wright's Imperial Hotel opened. In August 1923 the hotel was complete. The opening ceremony for the Imperial Hotel was taking place on September 1, 1923. At 11:58 am the ceremony was interrupted by a massive earthquake that destroyed most of Tokyo. The Imperial Hotel stood. A Tribute to Wright. When the earthquake struck at noon, many families were cooking over open fires. As building collapsed, many caught on fire. Of the 134 fires stat were started, only 57 could be extinguished. The balance of the fires burned for three days. This image shows thick smoke in the air. Similar photograph published in "The Imperial, The First 100 Years" Osano, 1990, p.133. Note - the image in this postcard has been flipped horizontally. Text on verso: "Union Postale Universelle. Carte Postale." Printed using the Photogravure process. 5.4 x 3.5. 0156.64.0218
Imperial Hotel 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the Imperial Hotel just after the earthquake that demolished Tokyo. Wright was commissioned and began designs for the Imperial Hotel in 1915. Construction began in 1917 and on July 4, 1922 the first section of Wright's Imperial Hotel opened. In August 1923 the hotel was complete. The opening ceremony for the Imperial Hotel was taking place on September 1, 1923. At 11:58 am the ceremony was interrupted by a massive earthquake that destroyed most of Tokyo. The Imperial Hotel stood. A Tribute to Wright. When the earthquake struck at noon, many families were cooking over open fires. As building collapsed, many caught on fire. Of the 134 fires stat were started, only 57 could be extinguished. The balance of the fires burned for three days. This image shows thick smoke in the air. Similar photograph published in "The Imperial, The First 100 Years" Osano, 1990, p.132. Note - where S#156.64 was flipped horizontally, this one is printed correctly. Text on verso: "Union Postale Universelle. Carte Postale." Although it is the same text as S#156.64 the back is different. Printed using the Photogravure process. 5.4 x 3.5. 0156.66.0918
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.1923. United States Navy sailors bringing relief supplies into the Imperial Hotel, Japan. On September 1, 1923 a major earthquake destroyed Tokyo, Japan. The Imperial Hotel stood. A tribute to Frank Lloyd Wright. Coordinating with the U.S. Embassy, U.S. sailors deliver and unload relief supplies at the Imperial Hotel. Note the glass window leaning against the wall in the background. The Truscon Steel Co. Of Japan was a major supplier during construction of the Imperial Hotel. It would stand to reason that Truscon would also be involved in the relief effort. An additional photograph of the relief effort is published in "The Imperial, the First 100 Years", 1990, p. 135. Text on truck: "Truscon Steel Co. Of Japan." Text along the bottom and verso in Japanese. Printed in one color using the photogravure printing process. 5.5 x 3.6. 0647.44.0720
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan, Circa 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the Imperial Hotel entrance. The reflecting pool is on the left. Photographed after the earthquake. Both upper "Sphere Sculptures" have been removed. The earthquake knocked over the "Sphere Sculptures." Construction began in 1917 and on July 4, 1922 the first section of Wrights Imperial Hotel opened. In August 1923 the hotel was complete. The opening ceremony for the Imperial Hotel was taking place on September 1, 1923. At 11:58 am the ceremony was interrupted by a massive earthquake that destroyed most of Tokyo. The Imperial Hotel stood. A Tribute to Wright. Text on verso: Union Postale Universelle. Carte Postale. Printed using the Photogravure process. 5.5 x 3.5. 0156.102.0524
  Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan," Circa 1923. Set of 12 B&W Real Photo Postcards of the Imperial Hotel. Postal square includes three overlapping letters. "T G S CO."  
C 1923
1) "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" Circa 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the main entrance from across the reflection pool. Text upper right: "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan." Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1915. On August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image, shortly after the earthquake. The two taller sphere sculptures on the balcony, are missing. The two taller sphere sculptures and large vases were removed, possibly due to fears of damage from earthquakes. Verso: "Post Card." Postal square includes three overlapping letters. "T G S CO." (Real photo postcard.) 5.25 x 3.3. 0156.89.0822
C 1923
2) "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" Circa 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the back entrance of the Imperial Hotel. Text lower left: "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan." Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1915. On August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image, shortly after the earthquake. Verso: "Post Card." Postal square includes three overlapping letters. "T G S CO." (Real photo postcard.) 5.25 x 3.3. 0156.90.0822
C 1923
3) "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" Circa 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the inner courtyards of the Imperial Hotel. The main lobby in in the foreground on the lower left. Text lower right: "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan." Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1915. On August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image, shortly after the earthquake. Verso: "Post Card." Postal square includes three overlapping letters. "T G S CO." (Real photo postcard.) 5.25 x 3.3. 0156.91.0822
C 1923
4) "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" Circa 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of entrance to the Imperial Hotel from under the Portico. Curve stairs from the driveway are on the left. Stairs to the Lobby are on the right. Text upper left: "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan." Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1915. On August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image of the Imperial Hotel. Verso: "Post Card." Postal square includes three overlapping letters. "T G S CO." (Real photo postcard.) 5.25 x 3.3. 0156.92.0822
C 1923
5) "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" Circa 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the Garden Court. Text lower left: "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan." Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1915. On August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image of the Imperial Hotel. Verso: "Post Card." Postal square includes three overlapping letters. "T G S CO." (Real photo postcard.) 5.25 x 3.3. 0156.93.0822
C 1923
6) "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" Circa 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the lobby, upper level. Furniture was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Text lower left: "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan." Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1915. On August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image of the Imperial Hotel. Verso: "Post Card." Postal square includes three overlapping letters. "T G S CO." (Real photo postcard.) 5.25 x 3.3. 0156.94.0822
C 1923
7) "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" Circa 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the main lobby from the upper level. Furniture was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Text lower right: "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan." Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1915. On August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image of the Imperial Hotel. Verso: "Post Card." Postal square includes three overlapping letters. "T G S CO." (Real photo postcard.) 5.25 x 3.3. 0156.95.0822
C 1923
8) "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" Circa 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the lower level. Furniture designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Text lower left: "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan." Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1915. On August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image of the Imperial Hotel. Verso: "Post Card." Postal square includes three overlapping letters. "T G S CO." (Real photo postcard.) 5.25 x 3.3 0156.96.0822
C 1923
9) "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" Circa 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the Long Promenade, "Peacock Alley", second level. Furniture and furnishings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Text upper right: "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan." Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1915. On August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image of the Imperial Hotel. Verso: "Post Card." Postal square includes three overlapping letters. "T G S CO." (Real photo postcard.) 5.25 x 3.3. 0156.97.0822
Circa 1923
10) "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan," C1923. View of seating and balconies. On August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image, which includes the two taller sphere sculptures and large vases in the balcony, as Wright intended. The two taller sphere sculptures and large vases were removed, possibly due to fears of damage from earthquakes. These "Sphere Sculptures" match the two that appeared briefly above the main entryway, (See Sphere Sculpture note). Back: "Post Card." Postal square includes three overlapping letters. "T O S CO." (Real photo postcard.) (See Sphere Sculpture note)5.25 x 3.3. 0156.10.0311
C 1923
11) "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" Circa 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the banquet hall on the fourth level. Text upper right: "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan." Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1915. On August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image of the Imperial Hotel. Verso: "Post Card." Postal square includes three overlapping letters. "T G S CO." (Real photo postcard.) 5.25 x 3.3. 0156.98.0822
C 1923
12) "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" Circa 1923 (1915 - S.194). View of the banquet hall on the fourth level, tables are set for a banquet. Text upper left: "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan." Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1915. On August 1923 the hotel was completed. This is a very early image of the Imperial Hotel. Verso: "Post Card." Postal square includes three overlapping letters. "T G S CO." (Real photo postcard.) 5.25 x 3.3 0156.99.0822
C 1924
City National Bank, Mason City Circa 1924 (1909 - S.155). Real Photo Postcard. View of State Street, Mason City. The City National Bank Building is on the far right. Accordning to Wright on the Park, In 1922, after the farm crisis of 1920, the City National Bank closed its 1910 location and was merged with another local bank. By 1925, four of the five Mason City banks present in 1920 had failed. The City National Bank building was sold separately in 1926 and underwent an unsympathetic remodeling into a new commercial use in that year.
       This postcard is postmarked Oct 13 1924. The sign on the corder of the building reads, Laird Clothes. This might indicate that either the new owner of the building leased it to the clothing store, or it was sold in 1924, not 1926.
       Text on verso: Post Card. Postmarked: Oct 13 1924. Real Photo Postcard. 5.5 x 3.4
C 1924
"The Imperial Hotel (Tokyo)" Circa 1924. View Pool and Front Entrance. Real photo postcard. Low bushes in the left foreground are visible and consistent with circa 1923-5. Landscaping in the area to the left of the pool is also consistent with early postcards. Lilly pads are also consistent. Pool sculptures on left and right side of the pool have been installed, but upper sphere sculptures destroyed during the earthquake are missing. Verso is blank. Real photo postcard. 5.4 x 3.3. 0157.14.0914
C 1924
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Circa 1924. View Pool and Front Entrance. Real photo postcard. Low bushes in the left foreground are visible and consistent with circa 1923-5. Landscaping in the area to the left of the pool is also consistent with early postcards. Lilly pads are also consistent. Pool sculptures on left and right side of the pool have been installed, but upper sphere sculptures destroyed during the earthquake are missing. Verso is blank. Real photo postcard. 5.4 x 3.3. 0157.15.0914
C 1924
Taliesin II, Spring Green, Wis. Circa 1924 (1914 - S.182). View of the Porte Cochere and fountain from the Northeast. To the left, out of the picture, is the sitting room in the private residence. In 1914, the driveway to Taliesin came up from the Southwest and entered Taliesin from beyond the Porte Cochere. At the time, there was a single column supporting the roof. Stairs were between the column and the fountain and are visible in drawings and photographs in Frank Lloyd Wright Select Houses 2, page 28 and 33. The photograph on page 33 is published in the Journal of Organic Architecture + Design, page 48, and is identified as Taliesin II, and dated circa 1915. Fire destroyed Taliesin I on August 15, 1914. Taliesin II was redesigned and construction started soon after. In April 1925, fire struck Taliesin for the second time and destroyed the living quarters. Wright rebuilt again, Taliesin III, expanding and enlarging the Dining and Living Room.  Plans for Taliesin III are published in Frank Lloyd Wright Select Houses 2, page 44 and show that the single column was replaced with two columns, moved closer to the fountain, and the stairs removed. This postcard is consistent with the 1925 plans, but prior to enclosing the Porte Cochere. The stones in the columns are consistent with the stone today. It is also interesting to note... Continue... 0164.14.0623
C 1924
Taliesin II, Spring Green, Wis. Circa 1924 (1914 - S.182). View of the Porte Cochere fountain from the Northwest. Behind the camera is the Porte Cochere and the sitting room in the private residence. In 1914, the driveway to Taliesin came up from the Southwest and entered Taliesin from beyond the Porte Cochere. At the time, there was a single column supporting the roof. Stairs were between the column and the fountain and are visible in drawings and photographs in Frank Lloyd Wright Select Houses 2, page 28 and 33. Also see S#0124.32 for another view. The photograph on page 33 is published in the Journal of Organic Architecture + Design, page 48, and is identified as Taliesin II, and dated circa 1915.
       Fire destroyed Taliesin I on August 15, 1914. Taliesin II was redesigned and construction started soon after. In April 1925, fire struck Taliesin for the second time and destroyed the living quarters. Wright rebuilt again, Taliesin III, expanding and enlarging the Dining and Living Room. Plans for Taliesin III are published in Frank Lloyd Wright Select Houses 2, page... Continue...
Circa 1925
"Scenic Southwestern Wis. "A Thrill in Every Mile" ". Real Photo Postcard which includes eight smaller postcards, one of which is of the Taliesin Dam and Hydroelectric Plant (1920 - S.219). Text on small inset reads "Dam at Frank Lloyd Wright's Famous Bungalow Taliesin near Spring Green, Wis. - 429." After years of adverse weather, the Hydroelectric Plant Building was demolished in 1946. Published by DOPS, who produced postcards between 1925 to 1945. 5.4 x 3.5. 0171.08.0910
Circa 1925
"(Greater Tokyo) The Imperial Hotel" C1925 (1915 - S.194). View Pool and Front Entrance. Low bushes in the left foreground are visible and consistent with circa 1923. Low fence in foreground. Landscaping in the area to the right of the pool is also consistent with early postcards. Taller bushes are visible on the left and right side of the far end of the pool. Small concrete pad is visible on the right side of the pool in the grass in the foreground. In the same location as the lanterns that adorned the four corners of the pool (249.23). Image matches #171.13 and #171.18, but text is different and back is different. Image appears to be a B&W photograph which was hand tinted, scanned and printed in a four-color process. Verso: "Post Card." Made in Japan Seikaido Tokyo." Extensive Japanese text top left. Published by Seikaido, Tokyo. 5.5 x 3.5. 0171.34.1020
Circa 1925
"The Imperial Hotel (Greater Tokyo)" C1925. View Pool and Front Entrance. Low bushes in the left foreground are visible and consistent with circa 1923. Low fence in foreground. Landscaping in the area to the right of the pool is also consistent with early postcards. Taller bushes are visible on the left and right side of the far end of the pool. Small concrete pad is visible on the right side of the pool in the grass in the foreground. In the same location as the lanterns that adorned the four corners of the pool (249.23). Images matches #171.13, but text is different and back is different. Printing is collotype or photogravure printing process . This printing process was used with postcards until the late twenties. Verso: "Post Card." Made in Japan Seikaido Tokyo." Published by Seikaido, Tokyo. 5.5 x 3.5. 0171.18.0513
Circa 1925
"The Imperial Hotel, Tokyo. 288" View of the Pool and Front Entrance. Low bushes in the left foreground are visible and consistent with circa 1923. Low fence in foreground. Landscaping in the area to the right of the pool is also consistent with early postcards. Taller bushes are visible on the left and right side of the far end of the pool. Small concrete pad is visible on the right side of the pool in the grass in the foreground. In the same location as the lanterns that adorned the four corners of the pool (249.23). Verso: "Post Card." Made in Japan Seikaido Tokyo." Published by Seikaido, Tokyo. (Real photo postcard.) 5.3 x 3.4. 0171.13.1112
Circa 1925
"The Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" C1925. View Pool and Front Entrance. Real photo postcard. Low bushes in the left foreground are visible and consistent with circa 1923. Low fence in foreground. Landscaping in the area to the right of the pool is also consistent with early postcards. Lilly pads and landscaping on the right side of the pool are consistent with #171.13. Verso: "Post Card." Made in Japan Seikaido Tokyo." 5.3 x 3.4. 0171.19.1013
Circa 1925
"The Imperial Hotel" C1925. View Pool and Front Entrance. Low bushes in the left foreground are visible and consistent with circa 1923-25. Low fence in foreground. Landscaping in the foreground and area to the right of the pool is also consistent with early postcards. Taller bushes are visible on the left and right side of the far end of the pool. Landscaping is very similar to #171.13 and 171.19. Verso: "Carte Postale." Stamp box: An illustration of a bird and text "Kobundo Nakamura". Published by Kobundo Nakamura. 5.5 x 3.5. 0171.20.1213
C 1925
Imperial Hotel C 1925 (1915 - S.194). The imperial Hotel is one of three buildings, top left. View of the front entrance. B&W halftone with a solid light blue in the background. Verso is similar to #147.12 and S#249.23. Text on verso: "Post Card." "Made in Japan." 5.5 x 3.6. 0171.28.0318
C 1925-28
Taliesin Dam and Hydroelectric Plant, Spring Green Circa 1925-1928 (1920 - S.219). Real Photo Postcard of the Taliesin Dam and Hydroelectric Plant. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1920. Due to water damage, weather and lack of maintenance, the exterior walls deteriorated. Text on face: Dam at Frank Lloyd Wrights Bungalow - Taliesin - near Spring Green, Wis. - SIX3-. Text on verso: Post Card. Correspondence. Address. The stamp box is a dotted line with the letters D O P S, one letter in each corner. Published by DOPS which manufactured postcards between 1925 - 1942. After years of adverse weather, the Hydroelectric Plant Building was demolished in 1946. This postcard is published in Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesin, Henning, 2011, p.72-73. 5.5 x 3.5. 0171.39.0824
"Souvenir Folder of Lake Geneva, Wis."  Postage required: One Cent. (Published by E. A. Bishop, Racine, Wis.  (c) C.T. & Co.) #2789.  Inside images #56466.  Post Marked Sept. 1, 1926.  One half size image inside of Hotel Geneva.  6.25 x 4.24. The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1926.00.1101
C 1926
"The Imperial Hotel" "The Great Building of Tokyo" C1926. View Pool and Front Entrance from the street, automobiles in the foreground. Light poles around pool are visible. Upper sculptures, knocked over during earthquake, are missing. Landscaping consistent with 0198.05 (C1927). Short white posts across front of reflecting pool are visible on the left. Of interest is what appears to be the low wall visible on the far right. Verso: Carte Postale. Stamp box: Illustration of bird, "Kobundo Nakamura." Verso matches 171.20 (C.1925). 5.6 x 3.6. 0172.25.0515
C 1926  "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" Circa 1926. Front View, cars in drive. Design printed on right side. Hand tinted B&W image, but printed in four-color dot pattern. Back: "Post Card.". Acquired from Japan. 5.5 x 3.5. 0531.27.1110
C 1926
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan, Circa 1926 (1915 - S.194). Imperial hotel at night. Looking across the reflection pool to the entrance of the Imperial Hotel. Text on face: Teikoku Hotel, Tokyo. The verso is the same as #531.27. Text on verso: Post Card. Printed by Tauseido. Seko. Mihonbasal, Taokyo, Japan. 5.5 x 3.6 0172.56.0124
C 1926
Imperial Hotel C 1926 (1915 - S.194). Possible text on face: Top, "Kyoto Institute of Technology." Lower left: Shogun Shichirai Temple Fountain. (Google translation.) Front view: cars in drive. Same image as S#172.25. View Pool and Front Entrance from the street, automobiles in the foreground. Light poles around pool are visible. Upper sculptures, knocked over during earthquake, are missing. Landscaping consistent with (198.05 1927). Short white posts across front of reflecting pool are visible on the left. Of interest is what appears to be the low wall visible on the far right. Verso: Carte Postale. Stamp box. Hand written on verso: "Upper - The Imperial Hotel - which is built on floating foundations - to make it earthquake proof." 5.5 x 3.5. 0172.40.0218
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo Japan."  Postcard Cover for set of four postcards (Next four postcards).  (Note, have verified date as 1926.) 0531.06.0107
"Peacock Alley, Imperial Hotel, Tokyo."  (Part of set of four.)  Not dated.  5.375 x 3.3.  (Two cards, one is part of set.) 0531.07.0107 0531.05.0602
"Main Dining Hall, Imperial Hotel, Tokyo."  (Part of set of four.)  Not dated.  5.375 x 3.3.  (Two copies) 0531.08.0107 0531.17.0307
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo"  (Exterior Main Building).  (Part of set of four.)  Not dated.  5.375 x 3.3. 0531.09.0107
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo"  (Exterior Wing).  (Part of set of four.)  Not dated. I have seen this same image as a Real Photo PC which I would date in the 1920's.  5.375 x 3.3.  (Two cards, one is part of set.) 0531.10.0107 0531.04.1006
Cir 1926-30
The Larkin Factories, Buffalo, N.Y. (1903 - S.093) Circa 1926-1930. Front: "The Home of the Larking Idea - The Larkin Factories Buffalo, N. Y." Verso: "The Larkin Factories celebrated their fiftieth anniversary in 1925. "More than a Half Century of Service of American Homes. Over 50 years ago..." Printed with a yellow and black plate only. Could have been printed during the depression era, hence, two color instead of four color printing. Postmarked Aug 2, 1932. 11.3 x 3.6. 0172.12.0911
Robie House (1906 - S.127) 1926. Verso: "Post Card. Administration Building - The Chicago Theological Seminary at 5757 Woodlawn Avenue. This beautiful residence has been purchased for administration purposes during the construction of new buildings at University Avenue and Fifty-eighth Street. The Seminary was founded in 1855, and has sent out more than 3,000 trained leaders to fields of Christian service." According to "Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House", Hoffmann 1984, Robie sold the house in December 1911 to David Lee Taylor (page 89). David died in October, 1912 and his wide sold the Robie House to Marshall Dodge Wilber in November 1912 (page 90). Wilber sold the house to the Chicago Theological Seminary on June 9, 1926 for $90,000 (page 92). The Robie House was threatened with demolition in 1957. William Zeckendorf bought the Robie House in August 1958 for $125,000. (See 0172.07) 5.75 x 3.75. 0172.29.0816
C 1926-29
Taliesin III, Garden Courtyard, Spring Green, Wis. Circa 1926-29 (1925 - S.218). Real Photo Postcard. Taliesin III, Spring Green Garden Courtyard. View of the Garden Courtyard looking Southeast toward the expanded private residence. In the foreground stands a young boy and his dog. In the background standsd a young man standing on the wall and and a boy sitting on the roof. All three are unidentified. Text on face: Main Entrance Frank Lloyd Wright Bungalo Near Spring Green, Wis. 289 Moen. Text of verso: Moen Photo Service, La Crosse, Wis. Post Card, Correspondence. Address. Stamp box: There is a small square in each corner of the stamp box. Between all four squares on each side are the letters A Z O. Published in Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesin, Henning, 2011, page 61. Real Photo Postcard. 5.5 x 3.5 0172.60.0125
C 1926-29
Taliesin III, Spring Green, Wis. Circa 1926-29 (1925 - S.218). Taliesin III, Spring Green Tower and Hill Apartment. Viewed from the South toward the Tower and Hill Apartment. "The Hill Tower was originally planned primarily as a farm unit but was later adapted for housing and fellowship functions." "Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin," Henning, 2011, page 36, and published on the cover. The Southwest wall of the tower is covered with decorative horizontal boards and holes, creating a dovecote. A large dinner bell sets in the balcony. Text on face: "The Tower, Frank Lloyd Wright Bungalow, Near Spring Green, Wis. 2810." Text of verso: "Moen Photo Service, La Crosse, Wis. Post Card, Correspondence. Address. Place Stamp Here E K K P." Real Photo Postcard. 5.5 x 3.5. 0172.39.0917
Frank L. Smith Bank, Dwight, Ill (1905 - S.111) circa 1927. (Real Photo Postcard.) Published by AZO. Lettering on left window: "The First National Bank of Dwight. Capitol and Surplus $60,000.00. 3 per cent interest paid on savings deposits. Law - Loan - Land and Insurance Offices of Frank L. Smith. Land Man. If you deal with me you get results." Hand written on negative across the bottom: "First National Bank, Dwight, Ill. 12317." On April 13, 1926, Smith runs against Senator McKinley in primary, wins election by 102,000 majority and denies McKinley re-election to U.S. Senate. Smith wins general election. November 2, Smith wins Senate election by 67,000 votes. On December 7, 1926, McKinley passed away, before his term ended on March 3, 1927. The Governor appoints Smith to fill vacancy of William B. McKinley seat, but U.S. Senate denied his appointment. On March 4, 1927, even though elected, Senate again refused to seat Smith. Hand written on verso: "Note the name on the window. This is where he does it. Nice & cool here this A.M. Home Sat." Signed: "Albert B." Postmarked Jul 22, 1927. Stamp Box on verso: AZO with two 'up' and two 'down' triangles (1910-1930). 5.4 x 3.5. For more information see out Wright Study. 0198.12.0813
"Imperial Hotel" C1927. Front View with reflecting pool. Landscaping is filling out. No water lilies in pool. No foliage in eight urns at far end of pool. White border. Back: "Post Card." Postal square "Tokyo, Japan" and includes two overlapping triangles, one inversed. "Made in Japan." 5.6 x 3.3. 0198.07.0512
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" C1927. Front View with reflecting pool. The two taller sphere sculptures that are set higher and further back above the entry way are missing. Hand written of face: "Feb 21 - 28". Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address.". Postmarked Feb 22, 1928. 5.25 x 3.4. 0198.05.1110
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" C1927. Front View with reflecting pool. The two taller sphere sculptures that are set higher and further back above the entry way are missing. This is the exact same image as S#198.25, down to the shadows, but water lilies were either added to this image, or were removed from S#198.25. Verso: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address." Acquired from a collector in Germany. 5.6 x 3.6 0199.15.1123
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" C1927. Front View with reflecting pool. The two taller sphere sculptures that are set higher and further back above the entry way are missing. This is the exact same image as S#199.15, down to the shadows, but water lilies were either removed from this image, or were added to S#199.15. Verso: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address." The bottom of the front, and the back matches #198.05. Acquired from a collector in London. 5.25 x 3.4. 0198.25.0518
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" C1927. Imperial Hotel night view. Viewed from the upper level above the Main Dining Room, looking Southeast. In the background is the tallest section which housed the Theater and upper Banquet Hall on the fourth floor. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address." "Postage: 1 1/2 Sen Domestic, 8 Sen Foreign. 5.25 x 3.4. (See 0198.05) 0198.09.1012
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" C1927. Illustration of the Imperial Hotel. Reflecting Pool in foreground. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address." "Postage: 1 1/2 Sen Domestic, 8 Sen Foreign. 5.25 x 3.4. 0198.10.1012
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" C1927. View of the Main Dining Room, from the second level between the Dining Room and Lobby. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address." "Postage: 1 1/2 Sen Domestic, 8 Sen Foreign. 5.25 x 3.4. 0198.11.1012
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" C1927. View of the Long Promenade, "Peacock Alley", second level. Furniture and furnishings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address." "Postage: 1 Sen Domestic, 8 Sen Foreign. 5.25 x 3.4. 0198.15.0114
Residence of Frank L. Smith 1927 (1905 - S.111). In 1905, Frank L. Smith commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design a bank in Dwight, Illinois. Test on face: "Residence of Col. Frank L. Smith, Dwight Ill. 115749" Text on verso: Post Card. [Place One Cent Stamp Here]. Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C.T. Photo-Finish" Post Card (Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.) Note: "115749" dates this card 1927 per the Curt Teich dating chart. 5.5 x 3.5. 0198.28.0918
1928 "Arizona Biltmore - Phoenix, Arizona" #14340. (Published by DOPS)  Real photo.  5.4 x 3.5.  DOPS (Stamp box)  published postcards between 1925 and 1942. 0215.03.0407
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Ariz. Circa 1928 (1927 - S.221). Real photo post card of the Arizona Biltmore main entrance. Text on face: "Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona. 13823." View of the entrance to the Arizona Biltmore. (Published by DOPS.) "DOPS" (Stamp box). DOPS published postcards between 1925 and 1942. 5.4 x 3.5. 0215.35.1221
C 1928
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Ariz. Circa 1928 (1927 - S.221). Text on face: "Patio of Arizona Biltmore - Phoenix, Ariz. 4890." View looking toward the main building from under the covered walkway. (Published by DOPS.) Real photo post card. DOPS (Stamp box) published postcards between 1925 and 1942. 5.4 x 3.5. 0215.26.0419
C 1928

Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Ariz. Circa 1928 (1927 - S.221). Text on face: "Arizona Biltmore - Phoenix, Ariz. 4882." View of the entrance to the Arizona Biltmore. (Published by DOPS.) Real photo post card. DOPS (Stamp box) published postcards between 1925 and 1942. Postmarked: "May 15, 1942." 5.4 x 3.5.

"Arizona Biltmore, The Desert Hotel"  (Printed by Neuner Corporation, Los Angeles)  3.5 x 5.5. 0215.02.0207
Arizona Biltmore 1928 (1927 - S.221) View of the Lobby. "The stone walls and flush lighting system of Arizona Biltmore are distinctive." Verso: Arizona Biltmore. Near Phoenix. (Printed by Neuner Corporation, Los Angeles) 3.5 x 5.5. 0215.16.1116
Arizona Biltmore 1928 (1927 - S.221) View of the Ballroom. "The ballroom of Arizona Biltmore presents a symphony in color tones." Verso: Arizona Biltmore. Near Phoenix. (Printed by Neuner Corporation, Los Angeles) Postmarked Sept 18, 1934. 3.5 x 5.5. 0215.17.1116
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona, Circa 1928 (1927 - S.221). Real photo post card. View of Biltmore Cottages with Squaw Peak in the background. Text on face: Biltmore Cottages and Squaw Peak, Phoenix, Arizona. 13821. Verso: Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Stamp Box: AZO on all four sides with a small square in each corner. Place Stamp Here inside stamp box. 5.5 x 3.5 0215.40.0624
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona, Circa 1928 (1927 - S.221). Real Photo Post Card. View of patio and reflecting pool at the Arizona Biltmore. Text on face: Patio - Arizona Biltmore - Phoenix, Ariz. 1055. Text on verso: Post Card. Correspondence. Address. DOPS Stamp Box: Box is dotted. Letters D O P S within box, with one letter in each corner. DOPS published postcards between 1925 and 1942. 5.4 x 3.5 0215.41.0924
Frank L. Smith Bank, Dwight, Ill (1905 - S.111) circa 1928. Face: View of "West Main Street, Dwight. Ill." #122896 (Curteich dating system dates this card 1928). Back: "Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C.T. Photo-Finish" Post Card (Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.) On April 13, 1926, Smith runs against Senator McKinley in primary, wins election by 102,000 majority and denies McKinley re-election to U.S. Senate. Smith wins general election. November 2, Smith wins Senate election by 67,000 votes. On December 7, 1926, McKinley passed away, before his term ended on March 3, 1927. The Governor appoints Smith to fill vacancy of William B. McKinley seat, but U.S. Senate denied his appointment. On March 4, 1927, even though elected, Senate again refused to seat Smith. On February 9, 1928, Smith abandoned his effort to take his seat and resigned even though he and the Governor considered him to be the rightful senator. A special election was called to fill the vacated Senate seat, and Smith reran in the special election Primary. On April 10, 1928, Smith was defeated in the primary by Otis F. Glenn, who went on to win the general election. 5.5 x 3.5. For more information see out Wright Study. 0215.11.1113
Taliesin Dam and Hydroelectric Plant, Spring Green Circa 1928 (1920 - S.219) (Late 1920s). Reproduction post card. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1920. Due to water damage, weather and lack of maintenance, the exterior walls deteriorated. Text on face: The Dam at Frank Lloyd Wright Bungalow near Spring Green, Wis. - 237. After years of adverse weather, the Hydroelectric Plant Building was demolished in 1946. 5.5 x 3.5 0215.39.1023
Arizona Biltmore, 1929, (Published by Stotter News Agency, Phoenix Arizona. Tichnor Quality Views) 0370.02.0306
1929 Arizona Biltmore, 1930s, (Published by Harry Herz, Phoenix Arizona. C.T. American Art Colored) 243: 4628-29 0249.08.0306
1929 Arizona Biltmore, 1929 (C.T. American Art Colored) "#245 Lobby, Arizona Biltmore Phoenix" (4637-29) (Published by Harry Herz, Phoenix, Arizona) "Arizona Biltmore Interiors are impressively striking. Great halls with decorative columns, glass-walled dining rooms with marvelous outlooks, an octagonal ball room of massive proportions, and an Arizona garden dotted with sahuaro and other desert growth as well as more formal plants, enter into the ensemble."  5.5 x 3.5 0228.05.0606
1929 Arizona Biltmore, 1929 (C.T. American Art Colored) "#245 Entrance, Arizona Biltmore Phoenix" (4638-29) (Published by Harry Herz, Phoenix, Arizona)  "This space for writing messages."  5.5 x 3.5. 0228.07.1106
1930s Arizona Biltmore, 1930s  "C 502 Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona".  (Published by Bob Petley, Phoenix, Arizona)  "Arizona Biltmore Hotel. Internationally famed for fine cuisine and luxurious hospitality this fabulous winter resort is the mecca for those who seek the best."  5.5 x 3.5.  Two copies. 0249.10.0107 0249.12.0207
Hotel Geneva PC 1930's (E.A. Bishop Publisher #3582, 4A-H193)  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1930.00.0102
C 1930
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan. (Japanese characters)" Front View of reflecting pool. Circa 1930. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage, 1 Sen Domestic, 6 Sen Foreign. (Japanese characters left and right.)" Very similar to S#300.04, but an earlier date. Concrete panel in foreground has not been added. Missing the two taller "Sphere Sculptures" that are set higher and further back above the entry way. Printed with a standard four-color dot pattern. Very unusual paper not seen on other postcards. When magnified, the front side has small uneven round indents or impressions pressed into the surface, giving it a canvas look when reflecting light on the surface. 5.6 x 3.6. Have verified 1935 PM. 0249.06.0402
C 1930 "Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan. (Japanese characters)" Front View of reflecting pool. Circa 1930. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage, 1 Sen Domestic, 6 Sen Foreign. (This version missing Japanese characters left and right.)" Very similar to S#300.04, but an earlier date. Concrete panel in foreground has not been added. Missing the two taller "Sphere Sculptures" that are set higher and further back above the entry way. Printed with a standard four-color dot pattern. Very unusual paper not seen on other postcards. When magnified, the front side has small uneven raised embossed squiggles on the surface, giving it a canvas look when reflecting light on the surface. 5.6 x 3.6. Have verified 1935 PM. 0249.19.1209
C 1930
"Imperial Hotel. Tokyo. Japan." Circa 1930. View of the Pool and front Entrance of the Imperial Hotel. Lanterns adorn the four corners of the pool. Poles appear to the left and right of the Entrance. Image is almost an exact match of #249.29. Verso matches it exactly but text is a brown ink. Verso: "Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 6 Sen Foreign." During the 1920s, foreign postage rates printed on the back of postcards were 8 Sen. By the late 1920s (1928), rates dropped to 6 Sin, and continued during the early 1930s. Hand written on verso "Tokyo 20-5-1930" (May 20, 1930) 5.6 x 3.6. 0249.30.0213
C 1930
"The Imperial Hotel." Circa 1930s. View of the Pool and front Entrance of the Imperial Hotel. Lanterns adorn the four corners of the pool. "Roof Garden" text above entrance. 1930 Brochure offered "Roof Top Dining." Verso: "Post Card. This side is for the Address." 5.5 x 3.5. (S#249.47) 0249.47.1017
C 1930
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan. Circa 1930. View of front pool and entrance. Greenery is overtaking the pool as well as the upper portion of the Porte Cochere. Similar to S#0249.23. Palm trees are visible in the center. They are similar to S#0249.47. Verso: Five Japanese characters down the right side. 5.5 x 3.5 0249.62.0423
C 1930
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan, Circa 1930 (1915 - S.194). Real Photo Post Card. View of front pool and entrance. Greenery is overtaking the pool as well as the upper portion of the Porte Cochere. Greenery has even covered the tow sculptures on the roof of the Porte Cochere, between the two large urns. Similar to S#0249.62. Text on Verso: Post Card. Vertical text on left side: Imperial Hotel: Tokyo. Also includes five Japanese characters down the left side. Real Photo Post Card. 5.4 x 3.4 0249.71.0924
C 1930 "Imperial Hotel (Greater Tokyo)." Circa 1930. View of front pool and entrance. Of interest is the lamp post in the foreground, on the left side. Not seen in the early postcards, it appeared in the 1930s. Verso: Top left: Paragraph in Japanese. Right: "Post Card". Within stamp box: Globe, "Made in Japan". Five Japanese characters down the right side. 5.5 x 3.5 0249.23.0611
C 1930
The Imperial Hotel. Circa 1930s. View of the Pool and front Entrance of the Imperial Hotel. Lanterns adorn the four corners of the pool. Roof Garden text above entrance. 1930 Brochure offered Roof Top Dining. Very similar to S#0249.23, lanterns, vegitation and tall vertical poles on the rooftop. It is also very similar to S#0249.47, and it matches the verso. Verso: Post Card. This side is for the Address. 5.5 x 3.5 0249.66.0324
C 1930s "The Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" Circa1930s. View from North Bridge of inner Court Garden. The Main Dining Room is on the far right. Refer to S#0156.12 (C1923) and S#0531.09 (1926). Awning has been removed, lower right. Verso: "B54". Real Photo Postcard or possibly part of a photo package. 5.8 x 3.5. Two copies. 0249.25.1111 0249.39.0914
C 1930s
"The Imperial Hotel, Tokyo" Circa1930s. View from North Bridge of inner Court Garden. The Main Dining Room is on the far right. Refer to S#0156.12 (C1923) and S#0531.09 (1926). Awning has been removed, lower right. Logo on the bottom left: "T.Y" within an artists pallet. Same image as 249.25, but no white border, different cropping, and has a post card back. Verso: "Post Card. Stamp box has an artist easel and the letters T Y & Co. Real Photo Postcard. 5.4 x 3.4. 0249.43.0116
C 1930
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan Circa 1930 (1915 - S.194). View of the Imperial Hotel from the entrance toward the front of the hotel. The large urn that was placed between the reflecting pool and the entrance is to the far right. The lantern and landscape is very similar to S#0249.43. Text on verso: Post Card. Vertical text on left side: Made in Japan Seikaido Tokyo. Verso matches S#0156.37. 3.6 x 5.5 0249.64.0324
C 1930s
"Imperial Hotel. Tokyo. Japan." Circa 1930s. View of the Pool and front Entrance of the Imperial Hotel. Lanterns adorn the four corners of the pool. Poles appear to the left and right of the Entrance. Possibly flag polls, but flags are not evident to date on any post cards. Verso: "Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 6 Sen Foreign." During the 1920s, foreign postage rates printed on the back of postcards were 8 Sen. By the late 1920s (1928), rates dropped to 6 Sin, and continued during the early 1930s. Printing process: There is a four color dot pattern, but does not appear to be the standard CMYK (Cyan: blue; Magenta: red; Yellow; K: Black). It appears that the Yellow dot has been replaced with a green dot. Normally green is achieved by blending blue and yellow, but it does not appear that the yellow dot overlaps the blue. It appears to be a green dot. Visually it gives the appearance of a B&W image that has been hand tinted, then printed in four color. One copy is part of a four postcard set enclosed in an envelope. 5.6 x 3.6. Envelope: 5.75 x 3.75. 0249.29.1012
C 1930s
"Imperial Hotel. Tokyo. Japan." Circa 1930s. View of the back Entrance of the Imperial Hotel, the Southeast end. Viewed from the East. Verso: "Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 6 Sen Foreign." During the 1920s, foreign postage rates printed on the back of postcards were 8 Sen. By the late 1920s (1928), rates dropped to 6 Sin, and continued during the early 1930s. Printing process: There is a four color dot pattern, but does not appear to be the standard CMYK (Cyan: blue; Magenta: red; Yellow; K: Black). It appears that the Yellow dot has been replaced with a green dot. Normally green is achieved by blending blue and yellow, but it does not appear that the yellow dot overlaps the blue. It appears to be a green dot. Visually it gives the appearance of a B&W image that has been hand tinted, then printed in four color. Two copies. One copy is part of a four postcard set enclosed in an envelope. 5.6 x 3.6. Envelope: 5.75 x 3.75. 0249.26.0212 0249.49.0419
C 1930s
"Imperial Hotel. Tokyo. Japan." Circa 1930s. Viewed from upper level of the Banquet Hall. The Dining Room and Main Lobby are on the left. The Garden Court can be seen in the foreground, and the Bedroom Wing is on the right. The entrance is to the top left. Verso: "Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 6 Sen Foreign." During the 1920s, foreign postage rates printed on the back of postcards were 8 Sen. By the late 1920s (1928), rates dropped to 6 Sin, and continued during the early 1930s. Printing process: There is a four color dot pattern, but does not appear to be the standard CMYK (Cyan: blue; Magenta: red; Yellow; K: Black). It appears that the Yellow dot has been replaced with a green dot. Normally green is achieved by blending blue and yellow, but it does not appear that the yellow dot overlaps the blue. It appears to be a green dot. Visually it gives the appearance of a B&W image that has been hand tinted, then printed in four color. One copy is part of a four postcard set enclosed in an envelope. 5.6 x 3.6. Envelope: 5.75 x 3.75. 0249.50.0419
C 1930s
"Imperial Hotel. Tokyo. Japan." Circa 1930s. View of the Banquet Hall on the fourth floor. Peacock carvings cover the inside four corners. Verso: "Postage. 1 Sen Domestic. 6 Sen Foreign." During the 1920s, foreign postage rates printed on the back of postcards were 8 Sen. By the late 1920s (1928), rates dropped to 6 Sin, and continued during the early 1930s. Printing process: There is a four color dot pattern, but does not appear to be the standard CMYK (Cyan: blue; Magenta: red; Yellow; K: Black). It appears that the Yellow dot has been replaced with a green dot. Normally green is achieved by blending blue and yellow, but it does not appear that the yellow dot overlaps the blue. It appears to be a green dot. Visually it gives the appearance of a B&W image that has been hand tinted, then printed in four color. One copy is part of a four postcard set enclosed in an envelope. 5.6 x 3.6. Envelope: 5.75 x 3.75. 0249.51.0419
1930s Robie House 1930s.  "The Chicago Theological Seminary - Women's Residence Halls at 5733 and 5757 Woodlawn Avenue.  These beautiful homes are used exclusively for women students of the Seminary which was founded in 1855, and has sent out more than 3,000 trained leaders to fields of Christina service."  5.4 x 3.5. 0249.13.0707
C 1930
Romeo and Juliet Windmill, Spring Green, Circa 1930 (late 1920's-early 1930's) (1896 - S.037). Real Photo Postcard of the Romeo and Juliet Windmill. Designed in 1896 by Frank Lloyd Wright for his two aunts Ellen and Jane Lloyd-Jones and the Hillside Home School, it was completed in 1897. They requested it to stand in harmony with Hillside Home School I, the building he had designed for them ten years earlier. Wright's 60 foot tall structure functioned as a windmill and a belvedere. The design combined a diamond-shaped column wedged into an octagonal structure, symbolizing the embrace of Shakespeare's lovers. "...The reservoir finished, the Aunts intended to erect a windmill over it. This was decided upon by a family gathering which the clan usually held to make such decisions concerning the school or important affairs of their own. Said Aunt Nell, managerial mind of the school: "Why not a pretty windmill tower in keeping with our school building instead of an ugly steel tower or, for that matter, the timber ones I have seen? I am going to ask Frank for a design." An Autobiography, Wright, 1932, page 130. The original windmill was covered in shingles, and in 1938 it was resurfaced in board and batten siding.
       A standard windmill can be seen in the background on the far left... Continue...
Koshien Hotel by Arata Endo, Circa 1930. "Koshien Hotel (Midway between Osaka-Kobe), Koshien Hyogoken Japan." Arata Endo was Wright's assistant on the Imperial Hotel. The Koshien Hotel was designed in 1930 and was commissioned by the former Imperial Hotel manager Aisaku Hayashi. 5.5 x 3.5. 0249.18.0809
C 1931 "Imperial Hotel Tokyo Japan. (Japanese characters.)" Front View of reflecting pool. Circa 1931. Back: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Postage, 1 Sen Domestic, 6 Sen Foreign." Very similar to S#249.06, but at a later date. Concrete panel in foreground has been added. Missing the two taller "Sphere Sculptures" that are set higher and further back above the entry way. Printed with a standard four-color dot pattern. 5.6 x 3.6. Have verified 1931 PM. 0300.040809
Arizona Biltmore, 1935, "Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona"   Back: "The Arizona Biltmore - in the desert - 8 miles from Phoenix - superb, unique. Golf, swim, ride, skeet, sun bathe. Music and dancing.  A spot in the sun for a real rest."  Made in U.S.A. by E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 21391.  PM 3/24/42.  5.5 x 3.5. 0397.03.0207
Arizona Biltmore, 1935, "Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona.  The "Golden State Limited" of the Rock Island Lines affords the Quickest Daily Service by Many Hours from Chicago."  Back: "Rock Island. "Route of the Rockets"." (Made in U.S.A. by E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 21391.)  Note: Same number as above, but produced for the Rock Island Railroad.  Note: The Golden State Limited was a joint train of the Rock Island and Southern Pacific railroads that ran between Chicago and Los Angeles starting on October 2, 1902.  On January 4, 1948, the all lightweight Golden State replaced the Golden State Limited.  5.5 x 3.5. 0397.04.0207
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona. Circa 1935 (1927 - S.221). View of Cottage roof tops. Elevan single-story cottages and four two-story cottages were originally completed. Text on face: Arizona Biltmore in The Desert Moonlight. Text on verso: Arizona Biltmore. In the desert. Phoenix. (Coat of arms logo.) Space for Message / Address. Vertical text on left siee: The Arizona Biltmore Is One of the Seven Most Beautiful Hotels in the World. More Sunshine in Winter than Anywhere Else in America. Magnificent, Dry Climate. Open Nov. To May. Note: the coat of arms logo matches the verso of S#0397.03. 5.5 x 3.5 0397.84.0324
Hotel Geneva, 1935. "View from the Municipal Recreation Building, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. 5A-H328"  Back: Bishop Post Card Co., Racine, Wisconsin.  C.T. Art-Colortone.  (P.M. 7/7/50)  5.5 x 3.5.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0397.05.0807
"Arizona Biltmore and Camel Back Mountain, Phoenix Arizona".  Herz Post Cards, San Diego, Calif.  "C.T. Art Colortone" Made Only by Curt Teich & Co., Inc., Chicago. (601, 6A-H703, Herz).  5.5 x 3.5. 0501.05.0305
1936 Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona. (P-33, 6A-H705, Lollesgard) 0501.04.0504
Arizona Biltmore, 1936. "603. Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona. 6A-H705." Arizona Biltmore viewed from the Southwest. Verso: Herz post cards, 1565 Ebers Street, San Diego, Calif. "C.T. Art-Colortone" Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Made only by Curt Teich & C0., Inc., Chicago. (Note: Curt Teich Dating places this card #6A-H705 as 1936.) 0404.28.0316
"Arizona Biltmore and Camel Back Mountain Phoenix, Arizona, P-46."  6A-H703 Distributed by Lollesgard Specialty Co., Tucson, Arizona. Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C.T. Art-Colortone".  5.5 x 3.5. 0404.07.0207
"Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona - 18"  (Published by Harry E. Strong, Phoenix, Arizona - AJY)  Back: "Located at the base of the foothills surrounding the rich Salt River Valley, this hotel, with its beautiful and splendidly landscaped grounds, its golf course and background of desert and mountains, is one of the World's great winter resorts."  Don Keller Photo.  24807N.  5.5 x 3.5. 0404.06.0107
"Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona - 18"  (Published by Strong's News Agency, Phoenix, Arizona)  (Natural Color Postcard Made in U.S.A. by E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis. (IAL)  Back: "Located at the base of the foothills surrounding the rich Salt River Valley, this hotel, with its beautiful and splendidly landscaped grounds, its golf course and background of desert and mountains, is one of the World's great winter resorts."  24807N.  5.5 x 3.5. 0404.08.0207
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona, 1936 (1927 - S.221). Real Photo Postcard. View of Entrance to the Arizona Biltmore Hotel. Text on face: "Entrance to the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, near Phoenix, Arizona." Logo bottom right: Frashers Fotos, Pomona. Calif. Text on verso: Post Card. Address. Published by Frashers, Inc., Pomona. Calif. Postmarked 2/25/42. Real photo postcard. 5.4 x 3.5 0404.02.0506
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona, 1936 (1927 - S.221). Real Photo Postcard. View of Entrance to the Arizona Biltmore Hotel. This is the same image as S#404.02. Text on face: "Entrance to the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, near Phoenix, Arizona. B7523." Logo bottom right: Frashers Fotos, Pomona. Calif. Text on verso: A Frashers Foto Card. Scenic Photos of the West. Address. Stamp box: A dotted line forms a box. EKC placed in the center of the top line of the box. Horizontal center text: Lollesgard Specialty Co., Tucson, Arizona. Real photo postcard. 5.4 x 3.5 0404.47.0224
Arizona Biltmore, 1936 (1927 - S.221). View of the Entrance and tower of the Arizona Biltmore. Text on face: "Arizona Biltmore Hotel Near Phoenix, Arizona. Modernistic Style, Aztec Motive Architecture. (Published by Frashers, Inc., Pomona. Calif.) Stamp box corners: "E. K. K. P." Frasher's Fotos. Real photo postcard. 3.5 x 5.4. 0404.33.0619
Arizona Biltmore, 1936 (Published by Frasher's, Inc., Pomona. Calif.)  Frasher's Fotos.  Real photo.  "The Pool, Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Near Phoenix, Arizona."  5.5 x 3.5. 0404.03.1206
Arizona Biltmore, 1936 (Published by Frasher's, Inc., Pomona. Calif.)  Frasher's Fotos.  Real photo.  "Arizona Biltmore Hotel and Grounds Showing Mountainous Background Near Phoenix, Arizona."  5.5 x 3.5. 0404.05.0107
Arizona Biltmore, 1936,  Real Photo Postcard. "Arizona Biltmore Hotel and Grounds Showing Mountainous Background Near Phoenix, Arizona"  (Published by Frasher's, Inc., Pomona. Calif.)  Frasher's Fotos.  Real photo.  Same image as 404.05. Image is so clear, two men are visible walking on the road. 5.4 x 3.4.  PM 4/9/37. 0404.09.0307
Arizona Biltmore, 1936, Real Photo Postcard. "Arizona Biltmore Hotel and Grounds Showing Mountainous Background Near Phoenix, Arizona. B3316" (Published by EKC, Distributed by Lollesgard Specialty Co., Tucson, Arizona.) A Frashers Foto Card. Scenic photos of the west. Real photo. Same image as 404.05 but this version by ETC. The image is so clear, two men are visible walking on the road. 5.4 x 3.4. EKC published postcards between 1939 to 1950. 0501.16.0809
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona 1936, (1927 - S.221). Real Photo Postcard. Text on face: Arizona Biltmore Hotel and Grounds Showing Mountainous Background Near Phoenix, Arizona. The image is so clear, two men are visible walking on the road. Text on verso: Post Card. Pub. by Frashers, Inc., Pomona. Calif. Very lsimilar photograph as S#404.05, S#404.09 and S#501.16. Real Photo Postcard. Postmarked: Feb 13 1937. 5.5 x 3.5 0404.48.0324
Fallingwater, Kaufman House, Bear Run, Pennsylvania, Circa 1940 (S.230 - 1935). Real photo postcard. Verso. Text top left: The Museum of Modern Art. 11 West 53 Street, New York 19, N.Y. Text bottom left: House for Edgar Kaufman, "Falling Water's. Bear Run, Pa., 1936. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. (Photo: Hendrich-Blessing). Vertical text in the center: Genuine Photo - v. Leer's Fotodrukindustrie, Amsterdam-Holland. 5.4 x 3.4. 0429.02.0207
 1937 / C1950 PC Fallingwater, Kaufman House, Bear Run, Pennsylvania, 1937 (S.230 - 1935). 1937/Circa 1950. Real photo postcard. Photograph taken in 1937, published circa 1950. Verso: Text top left: The Museum of Modern Art. 11 West 53 Street, New York 19, N.Y. Text bottom left: House for Edgar Kaufman, "Falling Water's. Bear Run, Pa., 1936. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. A house intimately related to its natural setting. The main living space is cantilevered over the stream. (Photo: Hendrich-Blessing). Vertical text in the center: Genuine Photo - The Garraway Company, Rutherford, N. J., USA.. 5.4 x 3.4. 0429.62.0323
Fallingwater, Kaufman House, Bear Run, Pennsylvania, 1937 (S.230 - 1935). 1937/Circa 1963. Real photo postcard. Photograph taken in 1937, published circa 1963. Real photo postcard. Possibly published in conduction with the exhibition "Fallingwater": A Frank Lloyd Wright House Revisited, MOMA Exhibition #731, 1963 November 1 - December 1, 1963. (Note: By 1960 the standard size enlarged to 4 x 6.) Verso: Text top left: The Museum of Modern Art. 11 West 53 Street, New York 19, N.Y. Text bottom left: House of Edgar Kaufman, "Falling Water". Bear Run, Pa., 1936. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. A house intimately related to its natural setting. (Photo: Hendrich-Blessing). Vertical text in center: Printed in Western Germany. 5.75 x 4.2. 1565.46.1114
Wright at 70, 1937. Real photo postcard. Frank Lloyd Wright at the office of Architectural Forum. He is sitting at a table, looking straight at the camera. In December 1937, Wright visited the offices in preparation for publishing the January 1938 issue of Architectural Forum, which Frank Lloyd Wright designed and wrote. This image was published on page 1 of the January 1938 issue of Architectural Forum. In this image, cigarette was airbrushed out of Wright's mouth. (See original.) Time, Inc., published Architectural Forum, Life and Time Magazine. (Note: Many postcards have been produced related to Wright's work, but this is the only portrait postcard of Frank Lloyd Wright that we have ever seen to date. One can only speculate, was this postcard produced in conjunction with the article published in Architectural Forum?) Photographed by Peter Stackpole. Stackpole was one of the original four staff photographers listed by Life Magazine which launched in November 1936. The other three photographers were Margaret Bourke-White, Alfred Eisenstaedt and Thomas McAvoy. Real photo postcard. Verso: "Post Card. D O P S (Stamp Box). Address. All rights reserved - The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee." The DOPS (Developed Out Prints) process dated between 1925 to 1945. Early DOPs, were unstable and lost highlight detail over time (as this one has). 0429.26.0615
Wright at 70, 1937. Real photo postcard. Frank Lloyd Wright at the office of Architectural Forum. He is sitting at a table, looking straight at the camera. In December 1937, Wright visited the offices in preparation for publishing the January 1938 issue of Architectural Forum, which Frank Lloyd Wright designed and wrote. This image was published on page 1 of the January 1938 issue of Architectural Forum. In this image, cigarette was airbrushed out of Wright's mouth. (See original.) Time, Inc., published Architectural Forum, Life and Time Magazine. (Note: Many postcards have been produced related to Wright's work, but this is the only portrait postcard of Frank Lloyd Wright that we have ever seen to date. One can only speculate, was this postcard produced in conjunction with the article published in Architectural Forum?) Photographed by Peter Stackpole. Stackpole was one of the original four staff photographers listed by Life Magazine which launched in November 1936. The other three photographers were Margaret Bourke-White, Alfred Eisenstaedt and Thomas McAvoy. Real photo postcard. Verso: "Post Card. Kodak - Paper (Stamp Box). Address. All rights reserved - The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee." 5.5 x 3.5. 0429.40.0718 0429.64.0224
"Greetings from Lake Geneva, Wisconsin."  Souvenir Folder.  Postage required: One and a half Cents.  Published by E. A. Bishop, Racine, Wis. #D-4314.  One is Post Marked June 24, 1938.  One image inside of Hotel Geneva.  6.2 x 4.24.  (Two Copies)  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1938.00.0102 1938.02.0103
Hotel Geneva 1938.  "1944 Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. E. A. Bishop. 8A-H609"   Back: Copyright by E. A. Bishop, Racine, Wis.  C.T. Art-Colortone.  Two copies.  (P.M. 8/4/46 & 8/22/44)  5.5 x 3.5.  (Have verified a 7/11/39 postmark.)  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0460.07.0102 0460.08.0807
Hotel Geneva 1938. (Published in 1952, first published in 1938.) View of Hotel Geneva from Flatiron Park looking South. Verso: "Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. E. F. Godfrey, Lake Geneva, Wis. Genuine Curteich - Chicago "C. T. Photochrom" Post Card (Reg. U.S. Post Off.). 2C-P2587. (Printed 1952.) 5.5 x 3.5. 0460.19.1014
C 1938
Hotel Geneva Circa 1938. "Lake Geneva, Wis.  18 Miniature Postcards from original photographs."  "Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin."  Set includes one postcard of the Hotel Geneva.  4.5 x 3.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0142.02.0906
C 1938
"Hotel Geneva Circa 1938. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin."   This may have been sold separately or as part of of the above set of 18.  4.5 x 3.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0142.01.0703
C 1938
Hotel Geneva Circa 1938 (1911 - S.171). Face: "Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. #B-1286". Back: "Post Card. (Right) Address. Box: EKC, Place Stamp Here. All rights reserved - The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee" (Originally published by EKC. "B-1287" missing "L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee." So set was probably originally published by by EKC, then republished by L. L. Cook at a later date.) Real Photo Post Card. Would have been produced the same time as B-1287 & B-1290. 5.5 x 3.5 0460.14.1213
C 1938 Hotel Geneva - Circa 1938 (Published by L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee)   "Beautiful Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis.  #B-1290".  Real Photo Post Card,  Postmark 8/27/47.  Would have been produced the same time as B-1287.  5.5 x 3.5.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0531.03.0806
C 1938 Hotel Geneva Circa 1938.  "Lake Geneva, Wis. From Hotel Geneva.  B-1287". Postmarked Aug. 12, 1943.  Real Photo Post Card. 5.5 x 3.5.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0595.02.0305

S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. (Published by S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.).  "An authentic original in the world's modern architecture. The new headquarters office of S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. Makers of Johnson's Wax, Racine, Wis. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright."  5.5 x 3.25.

Circa 1938
Taliesin III, Spring Green (1925 - S.218) Circa 1938. Real Photo Postcard. Viewed from the South of the Southeast side of the residence. Taken before extensive renovations were made to the residence and catwalk to the far right. Text on face: "Taliesin, Spring Green, Wis. B-597." Verso: "Post Card. All rights reserved - The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee." Stamp Box: Dotted line with "Kodak" intersecting it at the top and "Paper" at the bottom. "Place Stamp Here" inside box. Real Photo Postcard. (Two copies) 5.4 x 3.5 0460.22.0317 0460.38.0224
Circa 1938  Taliesin III, Spring Green (1925 - S.218) Circa 1938. Frank Lloyd Wright designed Taliesin III in 1925. Real Photo Postcard. View of forecourt. Statue of girl holding rooster. "Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin. B-603." Verso: Stamp Box: Dotted line with the EKC logo intersecting it at the top. "Place Stamp Here" inside box. This stamp box design was used between 1930 to 1950. Published by EKC. "All rights reserved - The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee." Similar view in "Life Work of the American Architect" 1925, p43. View from opposite end of forecourt in "Selected Houses 2", p38. 5.4 x 3.5. 0531.38.0912
Circa 1938
Taliesin III, Spring Green (1925 - S.218) Circa 1938. Real Photo Postcard. View of forecourt. Statue of girl holding rooster. "Taliesin, Spring Green, Wis. B-603.'s Verso: "Post Card. D O P S (Stamp Box). "Place Stamp Here" inside box. Address. All rights reserved "The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee." The DOPS (Developed Out Prints) process dated between 1925 to 1945. Early DOPs, were unstable and lost highlight detail over time. Three unidentified men can be seen in the opening beyond the wall. Similar view in "Life Work of the American Architect" 1925, p43. View from opposite end of forecourt in "Selected Houses 2", p38. 5.4 x 3.5 0460.35.0823
Circa 1938  Taliesin III, Spring Green (1925 - S.218) Circa 1938. Frank Lloyd Wright designed Taliesin III in 1925. Real Photo Postcard. Viewed from the Southeast across the top of the hill. South corner of dining-room and tower at Taliesin. "Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin. B-604." Verso: Stamp Box: Dotted line with the EKC logo intersecting it at the top. "Place Stamp Here" inside box. This stamp box design was used between 1930 to 1950. Published by EKC. "All rights reserved - The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee." 5.4 x 3.5. 0531.37.0912
Circa 1938
Taliesin III, Spring Green (1925 - S.218) Circa 1938. Real Photo Postcard. View of Taliesin from the hillside. Similar view: 0397.26.0514 -9 A&B. Text on face: " Residence FLW, Taliesin, Spring Green, Wis. B-605." Verso: "Post Card. All rights reserved - The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee." Stamp Box: Dotted line with the EKC logo intersecting it at the top. "Place Stamp Here" inside box. This stamp box design was used between 1930 to 1950. 5.4 x 3.5 0460.23.0417
Circa 1938  Taliesin III, Spring Green, Wisconsin, Circa 1938 (1925 - S.218). Real Photo Postcard. A similar view was published in the January 1938 issue of Architectural Forum, p.17. The caption reads: South corner of dining room unit... Looking from the South across the top of the Hill Garden... Dining Rooms, Kitchen and Apprentices rooms. Text: Taliesin. Spring Green, Wis. B-606" Circa 1938. Produced by The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee. Real Photo Postcard. Two copies. 5.5 x 3.5. 0647.04.0507 0460.37.1223
Circa 1938
Taliesin III, Spring Green Circa 1938 (1925 - S.218). Real Photo Postcard. View toward garden court and Wright's residence and forecourt from the studio (Frank Lloyd Wright Taliesin, GA Traveler 002 (2002) Pfeiffer/Futagawa, page 136-137). Text on face: "Taliesin. Spring Green, Wis. B-607." Verso: "Post Card. All rights reserved - The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee." Similar partial view, Charles Manson photograph (S#0531.18). Note, this card was used as a First Day Cover, Postmarked: "Spring Green, WI. 53588. June 8, 1966." Two 2-cent Frank Lloyd Wright stamps are cancelled, "First Day of Issue." 5.4 x 3.5. 0460.24.0819
Circa 1938
Taliesin III, Spring Green, Circa 1938 (1925 - S.218). Real Photo Postcard. View from the South looking up at Frank Lloyd Wright's private quarters. There is a large Chinese vessel top left. Text on face: "B-608." Verso: Stamp Box: Dotted line with the EKC logo intersecting it at the top. "Place Stamp Here" inside box. This stamp box design was used between 1930 to 1950. Published by EKC. " 5.4 x 3.5 0460.34.0523
1939 Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona. Postmarked 2/14/42 & 5/5/44. (P-30, 9A-H273, Lollesgard)  "The Hotels in the Valley of the Sun are among the county's finest. The Arizona Biltmore is one of the most prominent in luxurious Hotel surroundings with well appointed bungalows in spacious gardens, offering every convenience to its guests who have come to Arizona to rest and play, and above all to be in the sum." 5.5 x 3.5.  Two copies. 0501.03.0504 0501.08.0506
Arizona Biltmore, 1939 (1927 - S.221). Text on face: "Arizona Biltmore Hotel and Near Phoenix, Ariz. Showing Camelback Mt. B7532" Text on verso: "A Frashers Foto Card. Scenic photos of the West. Address. Lollesgard Specialty Co., Tucson, Arizona." There is a dotted line outlining the placement of a stamp, with an "EKC" breaking the top of the box. EKC published postcards between 1939 to 1950. Real photo. The image is so clear, the Paulson residence (1939) can be seen in the background at the base of the mountain on the right. 5.5 x 3.5. 0501.32.0417
Arizona Biltmore, 1939 (1927 - S.221). View of the entrance to the Arizona Biltmore. Text on face: "Entrance Arizona Biltmore Hotel and Near Phoenix, Arizona. B3324. (Logo: Frashers Fotos.)" Text on verso: "A Frashers Foto Card. Scenic photos of the West. Address. Lollesgard Specialty Co., Tucson, Arizona." There is a dotted line outlining the placement of a stamp, with an "EKC" breaking the top of the box. EKC published postcards between 1939 to 1950. Real photo postcard. 5.5 x 3.5. 0501.37.1217
"Greetings from Lake Geneva, Wisconsin."  Souvenir Folder.  (Published by E. A. Bishop, Racine, Wis. #D-5746.  One image inside of Hotel Geneva.  6 x 4.24.  (Note: Later number than 1938 version, but images date from around 1912.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1939.00.0306
"Greetings from Lake Geneva, Wisconsin" Souvenir Folder of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Inside: "View from Recreation Building." Image Circa 1935.  Folder Circa 1939. Postage required: One and a half Cents. Published by E. A. Bishop, Racine, Wis. #D-5746. One image inside of Hotel Geneva.  (Note: Same number as 1939 version, but images similar to 1938 versions.). 6 x 4.2.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0501.15.0109
Hotel Geneva, Circa 1939. "716 - Where Are You?  Mark the spot and Mail this card to a Friend.  Scenes on an Auto Trip around Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.  107732-N."  Back: Copyright by E. A. Bishop, Racine, Wis.  (P.M. 6/6/42)  5.5 x 3.6.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0501.13.0807
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.  "1975 - The Offices of S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., Racine Wisconsin."  #9A-H1645. Back: "C.T. Art-Colortone".  5.5 x 3.5.  PM 11/30/40. 0501.12.0207
C 1940
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona, Circa 1940 (1927 - S.221). Real photo postcard. Aerial perspective of the Arizona Biltmore with the vast desert in the background. Text on face: Biltmore. Text on verso: Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Stamp box on verso: "A Z O on all four sides, a small square on each corner. Published by AZO. AZO manufactured cards between 1904 to 1940. Postcards with squares in each corner were produced between 1926-1949. Possibly a view of the Pauson House in the background. Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Pauson House in 1939, and it was destroyed by fire in 1942. The dessert rubblestone wall ruins remained for years. Real photo postcard. (Two copies.) 5.5 x 3.5. 0531.129.0124 0531.130.0824
C 1940
"Biltmore Hotel Near Phoenix, Arizona, B-133" Published by EKC. Real Photo Post Card. 5.4 x 3.5. 0531.58.0316
Arizona Biltmore view from the South, across the canal, 1940s (1927 - S.221). Text on face: "Arizona Biltmore From Canal, Phoenix, Arizona L-23." Verso: "Post Card. Address. EKC, Place Stamp Here. All Rights Reserved - The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee" Real photo post card. 5.4 x 3.5. 0531.68.0317
C 1940
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona, Circa 1940s (1927 - S.221). View from the South, across the canal. Real photo postcard. Similar view as S#531.68. Text on verso: Arizona Biltmore Hotel. Phoenix, Arizona. Post Card." Postmarked: January 14, 1948. Real photo post card. 5.4 x 3.4 0531.117.0124
1940s  "Biltmore Hotel Near Phoenix, Arizona, B-132"  Back: The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee.  Real photo.  5.4 x 3.5. 0531.02.0307
1940s  "Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona, B-137"  Back: "The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee."  Real photo.  5.4 x 3.5. 0531.19.0707
1940s  "Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona, B-142"  Back: The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee.  Real photo.  5.5 x 3.5. 0531.01.0606
C 1940
Arizona Biltmore, Circa 1940 (S.221 - 1927). View of the Arizona Biltmore and the desert beyond from the hilltop. Text on face: "Hilltop View of Arizona Biltmore Hotel, North of Phoenix, Arizona. Frashers Fotos. X 52." Verso: "Post Card. Address. Lollesgard Specialty Co., Tucson, Arizona." Real photo postcard. 5.5 x 3.5. 0531.78.0419
C 1936/1940
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona, Circa 1936/1940 (S.221 - 1927). View of the Entrance and tower of the Arizona Biltmore. Real photo postcard. Photograph taken circa 1936, published circa 1940. Same photograph as S#404.33. Text on face: Arizona Biltmore Hotel, near Phoenix, Arizona. Frashers Fotos. X 53. Verso: Post Card. Address. Lollesgard Specialty Co., Tucson, Arizona. Real photo postcard. 3.5 x 5.5 0531.116.0124
C 1940
Arizona Biltmore, Circa 1940 (S.221 - 1927). View of the Arizona Biltmore and the desert beyond from the hilltop. Text on face: "Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona." Verso: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address.." PM Jan 2 1947. Real photo postcard. 5.5 x 3.5. (Similar to S#0531.78) 0531.86.0620
C 1940
Arizona Biltmore, Circa 1940 (S.221 - 1927). View of the entrance from the Southeast. Text on face: "Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona. Frashers Fotos. X 54." Two patio umbrellas set on the upper terrace to the left of the entrance, similar to S#501.37. Verso: "Post Card. Address. Published by Frashers, Inc., Pomona, Calif." Postmarked "Apr 12 1947." (1c Stamp U. S. A. Postage.) Photograph taken circa 1940. Real photo postcard. 5.5 x 3.5. 0531.75.0319
C 1940
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona, Circa 1940 (S.221 - 1927). View of the entrance from the Southeast. Real photo postcard. Text on face: Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona. (Logo: Frashers Fotos. Pomona, Calif) Two patio umbrellas set on the upper terrace to the left of the entrance, similar to S#501.37. Two gentleman are nearing the entrance. Same photograph as S#531.75. Verso: Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Published by Frashers, Inc., Pomona, Calif. Stamp box: One letter each inside corner: E K K P. Photograph taken circa 1940. Real photo postcard. 5.5 x 3.5 0531.115.0124
1940s  Arizona Biltmore, 1940s  "Entrance Patio Arizona Biltmore - Phoenix, Ariz. L-63"  Back: "The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee"  Real photo.  PM 3/2/47.  5.5 x 3.4. 0531.15.0207
1940s  Arizona Biltmore, 1940s "Arizona Biltmore Pool -  Phoenix, Arizona L-141".   Back: "All Rights Reserved - The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee".  Real photo. PM 1/27/47. 5.4 x 3.5. 0531.20.1007
C 1940
Arizona Biltmore, 1940s "One of the Cottages, Arizona-Biltmore. L-142" A two-story cottage can be seen to the left. Camelback mountain can be seen in the background. Verso: "Post Card. EKC (In Stamp Box). All Rights Reserved - The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee" Real photo postcard. 0531.79.1118
C 1940
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona, Circa 1940s (1927 - S.221). View of the patio, Arizona Biltmore. Real photo postcard. Text on face: The Patio - Arizona Biltmore - Phoenix, Arizona L-22." Verso: Post Card. Address. EKC, Place Stamp Here. All Rights Reserved - The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee Postmarked: Nov 26, 194_. Real photo postcard. 5.4 x 3.5 0531.118.0124
Arizona Biltmore Dining Room, 1940s (1927 - S.221). Text on face: "Main Dining Room, Arizona - Biltmore. L-144." Of interest are the free standing floor lamps, six to eight feet tall. They are square at the top, and include two patterned glass blocks per side. Verso: "Post Card. Address. EKC, Place Stamp Here. All Rights Reserved - The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee" Real photo post card. 5.4 x 3.5 0531.69.0317
1940  Canyon Hotel Lounge, Yellowstone National Park (c) 37776. Copyright by Haynes Inc., Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. OB-H369. Back: Canyon Hotel Lounge, one of the show places of the park, is the front wing of the hotel situated on the north side of the Grand Canyon. Copyright by Haynes Inc., Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, U.S.A. Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C.T. Art-Colortone" Post Card (Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.) [Place one cent stamp here] 5.5 x 3.5. 1940 (Relates to Blair Residence) For more information on the Blair Residence see our Wright Study. 0531.24.0909
C 1940
Taliesin, Spring Green, Taliesin III, Circa 1940 (1925 - S.218). Real Photo Postcard. View of the Garden Court from the West. Studio fireplace mass is on the left. The Entrance is in to the right, the private quarters are to the far right. The roof above the Studio has three sections of roof. Text on face: "Taliesin. Spring Green, Wis. P-3075" Verso: "Post Card. Address. All Rights Reserved - The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee." Stamp Box: Dotted line with the EKC logo intersecting it at the top. "Place Stamp Here" inside box. This stamp box design was used between 1930 to 1950. A similar view and landscape was photographed by Wayne Anderson. Real Photo Postcard. 5.4 x 3.5. 0531.91.1221
Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1940 / Circa 1950 (1937 - S.241). Real photo postcard. Photograph taken in 1940 by Pedro Guerrero, post card published circa 1950. This photograph was published in Picturing Wright, Guerrero, 1994, p.40. The caption in the book reads: "This photograph of the entrance to the drafting room first appeared in the 1940 MOMA exhibit of Mr. Wright's work." Verso: Text top left: The Museum of Modern Art. 11 West 53 Street, New York 19, N.Y. Text bottom left: View of pool and work room wing of Taliesin West, Maricopa Mesa near Phoenix, Arizona, 1938. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. A great and poetic building, designed in subtle harmony with its magnificent setting of desert and mountains. (Photo: P. E. Guerrero). Vertical text in the center: Genuine Photo - The Garraway Company, Rutherford, N. J., USA.. 5.4 x 3.4. 0531.99.0323

1941 Phoenix PC Booklet.  Inside: Arizona Biltmore, C.T. Art-Colortone. (D-6475, Curt Teich) Curt Teich & Co., Inc. Chicago U.S.A. Phoenix Arizona "In the Valley of the Sun" 4 x 6"

Circa 1941  Florida Southern College, Annie Pfeiffer Chapel Interior, "E-564. Annie Pfeiffer Chapel (Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright) Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida." Published by EKC. All rights Reserved - The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee. Real Photo Post Card, viewed from the Northeast. Note: Work on the Chapel is still being completed. Ground breaking May 24, 1938, Dedicated March 9, 1941. The Esplanades, built between 1941 and 1958 is under construction and the sidewalk has not been poured. 5.4 x 3.4. 0571.03.1108
Circa 1941
Florida Southern College, Annie Pfeiffer Chapel Interior, Circa 1941. Text on face: "Annie Pfeiffer Chapel (Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright) Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida E-566." Published by The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee. Text on verso: "EKC. All rights Reserved - The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee." Ground breaking on the Chapel began on May 24, 1938. It was dedicated March 9, 1941. Appears to be taken about the same time period as "E-564." which was under construction but near completion. It appears that half the chairs in the balcony have not been upholstered, and well as quite a few on the main level. Foliage has been planted in the balcony planters. Real Photo Post Card, view of the interior. 5.4 x 3.4. 0571.18.0117
Circa 1941 
Florida Southern College, Annie Pfeiffer Chapel Interior, Circa 1941. "F-289(?). Annie Pfeiffer Chapel - Florida Southern College - Lakeland, Florida. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright." Published by EKC. All rights Reserved - The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee. Real Photo Post Card, viewed from the Northeast. Ground breaking May 24, 1938, Dedicated March 9, 1941. The Esplanades, built between 1941 and 1958 appears to be under construction. 5.5 x 3.5. 0571.17.0316
1941  "L-28 - Annie Pfeiffer Chapel. Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Fla. 1B-H1041"  Back: "Lakeland News Co., Lakeland, Fla. Genuine Curteich - Chicago "C.T. Art-Colortone"  Post Card R 8. U.S. Pat. Off.) (Annie Pfeiffer Chapel - Ground breaking May 24, 1938, Dedicated March 9, 1941. 5.4 x 3.4. 0571.04.1208
"Annie Pfeiffer Chapel, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida - 44." Circa 1942. Designed in 1938, ground breaking took place on May 24, 1938, and it was dedicated on March 9, 1941. Verso: The chapel is the first unit of the E. Stanley Jones Foundation. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, world famous architect, and built by the students of the college from Florida materials." Published by Lakeland News Co., Lakeland, Florida. A "Natural Color Card" Made by E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis. - LIL." #32229. Box: E C K Co. (Note: We have verified a similar postcard post marked February 18, 1942.) 5.5 x 3.4. 0593.16.0916
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona, Circa 1942 (1927 - S.221). View of the Arizona Biltmore lobby. The carpet is this image is the same as 1929 - S#215.16. Text on verso: Color Card. Kodachrome Reproductions by Mike Roberts for Intermountain Tourist Supply, Phoenix, Ariz. Lobby of the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona. VC996. Mike Roberts published postcards from 1939-1996. Kodachrome was first developed in 1935. 5.4 x 3.5 0593.22.0124
Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida, Frank Lloyd Wright, 1942/2012 (1941 - S.251). Photographed in 1942-1968, published as a postcard in 2012. Frank Lloyd Wright visits the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel. Set of 14 postcards from a 15 postcard set first published in booklet form in 2007, republished in postcard form in 2012. Text on face: "Frank Lloyd Wright, 1942. Florida Southern College." Text on verso: "Frank Lloyd Wright in front of the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel, his signature building at Florida Southern College, May 1942. His Child of the Sun campus collection was constructed 1938-1958. (Courtesy Dan Sanborn, Special Collections, Lakeland Public Library, College, (C) 2007 Arcadia Publishing, Inc." Photographs were first published in The... Continue...
Arizona Biltmore, Circa 1943 (S.221 - 1927). "Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona." Verso: "Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona. Located 9 miles from Phoenix in the foothills of the Salt River Valley. One of the finest winter resorts in the country. Giant Post Card. Giant Card Co. - 415 W. Lynwood - San Antonio, 1, Texas. [3c Stamp U. S. A. Postage.] 9 x 7. 0595.06.1214
Hotel Geneva 1943.  Post Card of Hotel Geneva, Curteich-Chicago "C.T. Art-Colortone", E.F. Godfrey, OC-H1943.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1943.00.0702
Late 40's
Hotel Geneva Post Card (A "Natural Color Card" E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis.  #7285)  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1945.00.1002
Circa 1945  "Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. 6" Circa 1945 (1911 - S.171). Tree to the left of the Lobby and tall evergreens in front of the lobby are consistent with #0531.03. "Hotel Geneva" lettering over lobby only outlined. Smaller globes above lobby are missing, but larger on stair pedestals are still there. Single light posts along river front. Smoke stack and lobby gutters are gone. Awning is above the entrance to the dining room on the far left. Real Photo Post Card. Back: "Post Card. (Left) Correspondence. (Right) Address. Box: EKC, Place Stamp Here" (Published by EKC.) 5.4 x 3.5. 0647.16.0712
Circa 1945 
"Andy Gump Monument, City Park, Lake Geneva, Wis. 11" Circa 1945 (1911 - S.171). Andy Gump was a character in the Chicago Tribune comic strip. He was so popular that as a thank you, the Tribune had a statue made of Gump and placed it on Sidney Smith's property in Lake Geneva. Past away in 1935, the town, moved it to the downtown city park. Hotel Geneva can be seen in the background. Viewed from the Southeast. Part of the S#647.16 Series. Real Photo Post Card. Back: "Post Card. (Left) Correspondence. (Right) Address. Box: EKC, Place Stamp Here" (Published by EKC.) 5.4 x 3.5. 0647.21.0214
Circa 1945 
"View from the Riviera, Lake Geneva, Wis. 40" Circa 1945 (1911 - S.171). Most likely photographed from one of the docks in front of the Riviera. Hotel Geneva can be seen in the background. Viewed from the Southwest. Part of the S#647.16 Series. Real Photo Post Card. Back: "Post Card. (Left) Correspondence. (Right) Address. Box: EKC, Place Stamp Here" (Published by EKC.) 5.4 x 3.5. 0647.22.0214
1945  Robie House 1945.  "Woodlawn House - The Chicago Theological Seminary"  #5B105-N.  Back: "The Chicago Theological Seminary, Woodlawn House, 5757 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois."  Genuine Curteich, Chicago "C.T. American Art"  5.5 x 3.5. 0647.10.0607
1945  "Taliesin. Spring Green, Wis. 793-H"  Circa 1945.  (Produced by The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee)  Real Photo Postcard.  Upper court and Garden, Studio (left), Private Residence (left).  5.4 x 3.5. 0647.05.0507
Taliesin III Circa 1945 (1925- - S.218). Face: "Taliesin. Spring Green, Wis. 793-H" Circa 1945. Upper court and Garden, Studio (left), Private Residence (right). Verso: "Post Card. Correspondence." Real Photo Postcard. Postmarked Aug 6 1968. 5.4 x 3.5. 0647.31.0817
Taliesin III, Spring Green, Wisconsin, Circa 1945 (1925 - S.218). Real Photo Postcard. View of the dining room and tower from the Soiutheast. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1925. Taliesin was a work in progess, and in some respects, and architectural lab for Wright and his students. It was constantly evolving. Text on face: Taliesin. Spring Green, Wis. 794-H." Text on verso: Post Card. All rights reserved - The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee. Real Photo Postcard. 5.4 x 3.5 0647.51.0624
1945  "Taliesin. Spring Green, Wis. 795-H"  Circa 1945.  (Produced by The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee)  Real Photo Postcard. Hill apartment, Tower in background left.  5.4 x 3.5. 0647.06.0507
1945  "Hillside. Spring Green, Wis. 796-H"  Circa 1945.  (Produced by The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee)  Real Photo Postcard. Staff apartments on far west end of complex.  5.4 x 3.5. 0647.07.0507 0647.08.0507
1945  "Taliesin. Spring Green, Wis. 801-H"  Circa 1945.  (Produced by The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee)  Real Photo Postcard. Living Room.  5.4 x 3.5. 0647.09.0507
1948  "Classrooms at Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida. LA-104"  Back: "Classrooms at Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Fla. Designed by famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright."  Tichnor Quality views.  Made only by Tichnor Bros, Inc., Boston, Mass.  #88868.  (Three Seminar Buildings were built in 1941.  The Esplanades were built between 1941 and 1958.  5.4 x 3.4. 0746.10.0207
1948  "Annie Pfeiffer Chapel at Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida.  LA-105"  Back: "The Chapel is the first unit of the E. Stanley Jones Foundation. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, world famous architect, and built by the students of the college from Florida Materials."  Tichnor Quality views.  Made only by Tichnor Bros, Inc., Boston, Mass. #88869  (Annie Pfeiffer Chapel: Ground breaking May 24, 1938, Dedicated March 9, 1941.  Dedication of Library 1945.  Dedication of Administration Building and Waterdome 1948.  5.4 x 3.4 . 0746.05.0107
1948  "Administration Bldg. Overlooking Meditation Pool, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida. LA-106" (Published by Tichnor Quality views. Made only by Tichnor Bros, Inc., Boston, Mass. #88870)   Back: "A four year accredited coeducational college established in 1885 and located in the heart of the citrus belt in beautiful central Florida.  Students from 36 states and 14 countries study here in a year-round delightful climate." Tichnor Quality views. Made only by Tichnor Bros, Inc., Boston, Mass. #88870  (Dedication of Administration Building and Waterdome 1948.  Two copies.  5.4 x 3.4. 0746.08.0207 0746.09.0207
1948  Hotel Geneva, Lake Geneva, Wis. 1948.  Fairbanks Card Company, Brookline, Mass.  5.5 x 3.5.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0746.11.0307
1949  Arizona Biltmore,  (Published by Bob Petley, Phoenix, Arizona)  Natural Color Card.  K40 Kodachrome by Jerry McLain.  "Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix. Internationally famed for fine cuisine and luxurious hospitality, this fabulous winter resort is the mecca for those who seek the best."  Not dated but have verified a 1949 Postmark.  5.5 x 3.5. 0798.05.0606
1949  "L-17 - Florida Southern College, Administration Bldg. Lakeland, Florida."  Back: "Florida Southern College.  A four year accredited coeducational college established in 1885 and located in the heart of the citrus belt in beautiful central Florida. Students from 36 states and 14 countries study here in a year-round delightful climate." Lakeland News Co., Lakeland, Fla. Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C.T. Art-Colortone".  #9B-H983.  (Dedication of Administration Building and Waterdome 1948.  5.4 x 3.4. 0798.08.0207
V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior.  Real Photo postcard.  Photo by Maynard Parker "San Francisco Store Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for V. C. Morris. Silver, Glass, China, Linens, Accessories, Gifts. 140 Maiden Lane Off Union Square."  Built in 1948.  Published in "An American Architect" Kaufmann/Wright 1955, Page 20;  "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Living City" De Long 1998 Page 55, 99.  3.5 x 5.4. 0746.07.0207
1949  V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior.  Real Photo postcard.  Photo by Maynard Parker "San Francisco Store Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for V. C. Morris. Silver, Glass, China, Linens, Accessories, Gifts. 140 Maiden Lane Off Union Square."  Built in 1948. Published in "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Living City" De Long 1998 Page 99;  "The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright" Levine 1996 Page 369. Two copies. 5.4 x 3.5. 0746.06.0405 0798.35.0418
V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Circa 1949 (1948 - S.310). "San Francisco Store Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for V. C. Morris. Silver, Glass, China, Linens, Accessories, Gifts. 140 Maiden Lane Off Union Square." Built in 1948. Photo by Maynard Parker. Real Photo postcard. Two copies. 3.5 x 5.5. 0798.30.1217
V.C. Morris Gift Shop Exterior Entrance 1949 (1948 - S.310). "V. C. Morris Gift Shop. 140 Maiden Lane, San Francisco. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Maynard Parker Modern Photography." Designed in 1948, published in the Architectural Forum, February, 1950, p.79; "An American Architect," Kaufmann/Wright 1955, Page 20; "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Living City" De Long 1998 Page 99. Verso: "Photo Post Card. Address. Angeleno Photo Service - 1030 So. Alvarado, L. A. 6, Calif. Kodak - Place Stamp Here - Paper." 3.5 x 5.5 0798.28.1117
V.C. Morris Gift Shop Interior 1949 (1948 - S.310). "V. C. Morris Gift Shop. 140 Maiden Lane, San Francisco. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Maynard Parker Modern Photography." Designed in 1948, published in the Architectural Forum, February, 1950, p.83; "An American Architect," Kaufmann/Wright 1955, Page 20; "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Living City" De Long 1998 Page 99. Verso: "Photo Post Card. Address. Angeleno Photo Service - 1030 So. Alvarado, L. A. 6, Calif. Kodak - Place Stamp Here - Paper." 5.5 x 3.5. 0798.29.1117
V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Circa 1949 (1948 - S.310). View of the main level, entrance and ramp from the second level. Published on the cover of Architectural Forum, February 1950, and in V.C. Morris, 1950, p.9. Verso: "San Francisco Store Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for V. C. Morris. Silver, Glass, China, Linens, Accessories, Gifts. 140 Maiden Lane Off Union Square." Built in 1948. Photo by Maynard Parker. Real Photo postcard. 3.5 x 5.5. 0798.34.0318
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona  (Published by Freeman Studios, Berrien Springs, Michigan, #41646)  Arizona Biltmore Hotel - Approaching the front of the Hotel you get your first glimpse of the unique architecture and the beautiful landscaping of this outstanding Resort.  Photography by John D. Freeman.  5.5 x 3.5. 0831.13.1206
"Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona" "Arizona Biltmore Hotel - Colorful approach to the popular pool and cabana area where one enjoys delicious food at lunch with a background of soft music."  Photograph by John D. Freeman.  (Published by Freeman Studios, Berrien Springs, MI)  #41650  5.5 x 3.5. 0831.14.0307
Arizona Biltmore, 1950. "Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona Biltmore Hotel bungalows - where you can be by yourself yet part of everything - and close enough for the same quick service as in the main hotel. Rooms and suites. Photograph by John D. Freeman." (Published by Freeman Studios, Berrien Springs, Michigan) #41648. 5.4 x 3.5 0831.38.0514
Arizona Biltmore, 1950s, (Published by Jim Sexton, Phoenix. Micro-Krome by H.S. Crocker Co.) 0831.06.0306

K-1 - Hotel Geneva at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, E. F. Godfrey, Lake Geneva, Wis. #OC-K400.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards.

Hotel Geneva Post Card  (Colour picture Publishers, #P22375.  Wisconsin Post Card Co.)  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1950.01.0702
Imperial Hotel of Tokyo.  Part of a set of eight post cards of Tokyo.  "Inperial" typo.  (1950 Ford in foreground.)  5.5 x 3.5. 0831.08.0506
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan". Circa 1950. View of front pool and entrance. Short bamboo fence in foreground. Possibly American flags flying above either side of the entrance. The car on the far left appears to be a 1950 Ford, see 831.08. Verso: "Post Card, Correspondence, Address. 5.5 x 3.5. 0831.23.0611
C 1950 
S.C. Johnson Research Tower at night (1944 - S.238) circa 1950. Face: "Research and Development Tower. S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. Racine, Wisconsin - 7. Back: "Twilight view of the famous Research and Development Tower at the home of Johnson's Wax in Racine, Wisconsin. The building is only 13 feet across at the narrowest point at the base. Natural Color Post Card Made in U.S.A. by E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis. - BCL. 2765N. Stamp box: E C K Co., A natural color Post Card." The Research Tower was designed in 1944, construction began in 1947 and the opening ceremony was held on November 17, 1950. 3.5 x 5.5. 0831.28.0813
C 1950 
S.C. Johnson Administration Building and Research Tower Circa 1950 (1944 - S.238). Face: "Administration and Research Center. S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. Racine, Wisconsin - 8. Verso: "The famous Administration and Research Center of S. C. Johnson and Son, Inc., in Racine, Wisconsin, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The glass and brick tower is the tallest cantilever construction in the world. Natural Color Post Card Made in U.S.A. by E. C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis. - BCL. 2767N." The Research Tower was designed in 1944, construction began in 1947 and the opening ceremony was held on November 17, 1950. 3.5 x 5.5. 1831.64.0917
"The Offices of S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., Racine Wisconsin."  #OC-H2098.  Back: "The unique 15 story Research and Development Tower, with adjoining buildings, completes the group of buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for S.C. Johnson & Son."  Service Paper Co.,  Racine, Wis.  Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C.T. Art-Colortone"  5.5 x 3.5. 0831.15.0407
C 1950s
Taliesin Romeo and Juliet Windmill Circa 1950s (1896, 1938 - S.037). Text on face: "Taliesin, Spring Green, Wis. P3077." Text on verso: "Post Card. Correspondence. Address." The original Romeo and Juliet windmill was covered in shingles. In 1938 it was resurfaced in board and batten siding. This view is post 1938. Verso matched back of S#1377.51 dated circa 1959. Published in "Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin", Henning, 2011, p.91. Real photo postcard. 3.5 x 5.5. 0831.07.0506
C 1950
Unity Temple, Circa 1950. Real photo postcard of the Unity Temple. Undated, and publisher unknown. Verso: Post Card. Correspondence. Address. Verso matches Taliesin PC S#1377.51, circa 1959. 5.5 x 3.5 0831.47.0415
1951 Arizona Biltmore Pool & Cabanas (P-73, 1C-H1031).  Distributed by Lollesgard Specialty Co., Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona.  Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C.T. Art-Colortone".  Arizona Biltmore Swimming Pool and Cabanas, with P.K. Wrigley Residence and Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Background.  5.5 x 3.5 0501.06.0506
Hotel Geneva. "12 - View from the Municipal Recreation Building, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin".  "Genuine Curteich, Chicago "C. T. Photochrom" Post Card (Reg. U.S. Post Off.)". 1C-P1888.  (Published in 1951 by Curt Teich, Chicago)  The C.T. Guide indicates that "The "P" indicates the ".C.T. Photochrom" process. Most of the cards printed with this new process were reprints of cards the Teich Company produced in other styles."  This is a reprint of the 1935 (5A-H328). This is the same image, but the boat has been added, and the three strollers on the sidewalk have been removed from this version. 5.5 x 3.5. The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0857.05.1208
S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.  (2C-H1403)  (Published in 1952 by Curt Teich, Chicago)  "The Administration and Research Center of S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. in Racine, Wisconsin - designed by Frank Lloyd Wright."  Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C.T.  Art-Colortone"  In 1931 a new printing process was developed, and this style added another letter after the decade letter.  An "H" was added if the card was printed using the "Art Colortone Method" also called linen cards. 5.5 x 3.5. 0910.07.1106
Florida Southern College, Industrial Arts Building Pavilion (1942 - S.254), aerial view 1953. "L-31 - The Industrial Arts Building, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Fla. 3C-H850." Back: "Lakeland News Co., Lakeland, Fla. Genuine Curteich - Chicago "C.T. Art-Colortone" Post Card R 8. U.S. Pat. Off.) Originally designed in 1942 as a student center, it was redesigned in 1950 as the Ordway Industrial Arts Building. Wright visited the campus on October 24, 1951 and inspected the 30,000 square foot building. It was dedicated in March 1952 and called the Horsey Building, after J. William Horsey, a Canadian businessman, an early supporter of the building. It was rededicated in 1956 as the Lucius Pond Ordway Building. The center section of the building included the Pavilion and Amphitheater with an inner grass court yard on either side. P.M. Mar 8, 196_. 5.5 x 3.5. 0987.64.1113
Hotel Geneva Post Card (A genuine Kodachrome reproduction.  L.L. Cook Co.  1953.  #405.  #67711.)  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 0987.04.0303
C 1953-54
"Teikoku Hotel," Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, circa 1953-4. View of the entrance from across the street. On December 1, 1952 the first annex was opened (seen top right behind Imperial Hotel). Lettering "Imperial Hotel" appeared across the top around 1953-54. Verso: "Post Card. Correspondence (left side), Address (right side)." Balance of the text is Japanese. Overlapping circular design in stamp area. 5.5 x 3.5. 0987.67.0914

Bradley Residence, Yesteryear Restaurant, Kankakee, IL. 1953 (1900 - S.052). Between 1953 and 1985, the house served as the Yesteryear Restaurant. Drawing by R. Misselhorn. 5.5 x 3.5.

Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix Arizona 1954. Aerial view of the Arizona Biltmore and the mountains in the background. Verso: "Arizona Biltmore Hotel - aerial view of the magnificent setting in its own 1400 acres of lush lawn's and brilliant flower gardens. More winter sunshine then any other area in the country (U.S. weather Bureau statistics). (4C-K834) Published in 1954 by Curt Teich. "4C" indicates 1954. A "K" was used, beginning in the late 1940s, to indicate "Curteichcolor" which is a chrome postcard printing process. The back matches #1045.05. 5.4 x 3.4. 1045.47.0518
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix Arizona.  "Arizona Biltmore Hotel bungalows - where you can be by yourselves yet part of everything - and close enough for the same quick service as in the main hotel.  Rooms and Suites." (4C-K830)  (Published in 1954 by Curt Teich. A "K" was used, beginning in the late 1940s, to indicate "Curteichcolor" which is a chrome postcard printing process.)  5.5 x 3.5. 1045.05.1206
Hotel Geneva. "Hermansen's Hotel Geneva. A fine Resort Hotel on the Lake - in town. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Copyright 1955, The L. L. Cook Co. #88163. From a Natural Color Transparency. The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee, Wis." June 12, 1956. 5.4 x 3.5. According to Allen Hermansen, the car on the left in this image was a brand new car he had just purchased.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1092.19.1008
Circa 1955
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" (1915 - S.194). Circa 1955. View of Main Lobby. Entrance Lobby is to the left (out of picture), Dining Room is to the right past the green curtain. Verso: Post Card. Imperial Hotel. Cable Address "IMPHO" Tokyo. Correspondence, Address. 5.5 x 3.5. Two copies, one postmarked 11/20/59. 1092.47.0912 1092.52.0713
Circa 1955
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan". Circa 1955 (1915 - S.194). View of the Long Promenade, "Peacock Alley". Second level. Verso: Post Card. Imperial Hotel. Cable Address "IMPHO" Tokyo. Correspondence, Address. 5.5 x 3.5. 1092.45.0212 1092.46.0912
Circa 1955
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan". Circa 1955 (1915 - S.194). Ground floor. View of the Garden Court. The Dining Room is on the right. Verso: Post Card. Imperial Hotel. Cable Address "IMPHO" Tokyo. Correspondence, Address. 5.5 x 3.5. 1092.44.0212
Circa 1955 
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" (1915 - S.194). Circa 1955. View of Main Entrance over the reflecting pool. Verso: Post Card. Imperial Hotel. Cable Address "IMPHO" Tokyo. Correspondence, Address. 5.5 x 3.5. Hand dated in message 1/31/58. 1092.53.1012
C 1955
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan" (1915 - S.194). Circa 1955. View of Main Entrance over the reflecting pool. Verso: Post Card. Cable Address "IMPHO" Tokyo. Correspondence, Address.  Post Mark "55-8-10." 5.5 x 3.5. 1092.83.0515
C 1955
Taliesin Fellowship Complex (1932 - S.228). "Hillside. Spring Green, Wis. 800-H" Circa 1955. (Produced by The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee) View from the Southwest. In the Spring of 1952, a fire devastated the Theater on the west end (left) of the facility and the two story section in the center of the complex. Wright took the opportunity to make changes. He completely changed the Theatre that was destroyed, retaining the masonry walls, but lowering the height of the roof. He lowered the center section, lowering it to a single story. He also extended the lower level of the assembly hall to the south. Real Photo Postcard. Postmarked June 8 1966. 5.4 x 3.5. 1092.121.1119
C 1955 

Frank Lloyd Wright Circa 1955 (Not Dated). Real Photo Postcard. Frank Lloyd Wright is facing the camera, but looking slightly to the right of it. He is resting his head upon his right hand. He is wearing a suit and tie, and has an overcoat over his left shoulder. Text bottom right: "Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin. 1195-F." Text on verso: "Post Card. All rights reserved - The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee." The text on the face would indicate that this photograph was taken at Taliesin, Spring Green. But in our file we have a record of this photograph with the stamp on the verso: "Arizona Photographic Associates, Inc., 1330 NO. 21st Ave., Phoenix, Arizona." Herb McLaughlin became a photographer in 1937 in Hammond, Indiana. He sold his business and moved his family to Phoenix in 1945 and formed McLaughlin & Co. Photography. In 1947 he purchased McCulloch Brothers Inc. And acquired their extensive negative collection. In 1955 he changed his companies name to Arizona Photographic Associates. So possibly photographed by Herb McLaughlin at Taliesin West, Scottsdale. Real Photo Postcard. Three copies. 3.4 x 5.4

1092.171.0821 1092.252.0224
"Annie Pfeiffer Chapel, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida." (1956) Verso: "Annie Pfeiffer Chapel, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida." "LK. 4 - Ridge Distributing Co., P. O. Box 382, Lakeland, FLA." "Natural Color Reproduction - Curteichcolor Art-Creation Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." Place Stamp Here 6C-K884 (dates this card 1956). 5.5 x 3.5 1147.71.0216
Florida Southern College, Anne Pfeiffer Chapel 1956 (1938 - S.251). Text of verso: "Anne Pfeiffer Chapel, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida. LK. 4 - Lakeland New Co., Lakeland, FLA." "Natural Color Reproduction - Curteichcolor Art-Creation Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." Place Stamp Here 6C-K884 (dates this card 1956). Postmarked: "Mar 20 1957." Same image as S#1147.71 but without the white border. 5.5 x 3.5 1147.77.0216
The Price Tower.  Set of six postcards.  (Published by the H. C. Price Co., Bartlesville, Oklahoma) H. C. Price Company 1) Four-color of Exterior, Daytime.  "Price Tower.  Apartment and office building. Bartlesville, Oklahoma.  Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright."  Postcard  included in The Price Tower Promotional Folder.  Same image as four-color print #1. 3.25 x 5 1093.22.0507
The Price Tower.  Set of six postcards.  (Published by the H. C. Price Co., Bartlesville, Oklahoma) H. C. Price Company 2) Exterior Day Time.  "Price Tower. Apartment and office building. Bartlesville, Oklahoma.  Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright."  B&W of exterior during the day.  Postcard  included in The Price Tower Promotional Folder.  Same image as print #5.  Two copies. 3.25 x 5 1093.07.0303 1093.23.0507
The Price Tower.  Set of six postcards.  (Published by the H. C. Price Co., Bartlesville, Oklahoma) H. C. Price Company 3) Exterior at Night.  "Price Tower. Apartment and office building. Bartlesville, Oklahoma.  Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright."  B&W of exterior at night.  Postcard  included in The Price Tower Promotional Folder.  Same image as duotone print #3.  Two copies. 3.25 x 5 1093.08.0303 1093.24.0507
The Price Tower.  Set of six postcards.  (Published by the H. C. Price Co., Bartlesville, Oklahoma) H. C. Price Company 4) Four-color of Exterior at Night.  "Price Tower.  Apartment and office building. Bartlesville, Oklahoma.  Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright."  Postcard  included in The Price Tower Promotional Folder.  Four-color of exterior at night. 3.25 x 5 1093.25.0507
The Price Tower.  Set of six postcards.  (Published by the H. C. Price Co., Bartlesville, Oklahoma) H. C. Price Company 5) Four-color of Exterior at Night.  "Price Tower.  Apartment and office building. Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright."  Postcard  included in The Price Tower Promotional Folder.  Four-color of exterior at night.  Two copies. 3.25 x 5 1093.09.0303 1093.26.0507
The Price Tower.  Set of six postcards.  (Published by the H. C. Price Co., Bartlesville, Oklahoma) H. C. Price Company 6) Line Drawing of Price Tower.  "Price Tower.  Apartment and office building. Bartlesville, Oklahoma.  Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright."  Postcard  included in The Price Tower Promotional Folder.  B&W line drawing of Price Tower.  Two copies. 3.25 x 5 1093.10.0303 1093.27.0507
Frank Lloyd Wright and Clough Williams-Ellis at Portmeirion, Wales, 1956. Frank Lloyd Wright, of Welch decent, visited Wales in 1956 to receive an honorary doctorate from Bangor University. While in Wales, he stayed with Clough Williams-Ellis in Portmeirion, Wales. Ellis was the architect that created Portmeirion. As the story is told, on the day Wright was to receive the award, Wright ordered a taxi to take him to Taliesin, about 50 miles South, to seek out his roots. Panicking that Wright would not be back in time for the ceremony, Ellis dispatched as motorcycle to apprehend Wright and get him to the ceremony on time. Text on verso: "Clough Williams Ellis. Portmeirion, Wales LL48 6ET. Frank Lloyd Wright and Clough Williams-Ellis at Portmeirion. 1956. Monochrome print. Photographed by News Chronicle (Manchester). " (Note: Photograph taken in 1956. Postcard not dated.) Acquired from Great Britain. Postcard 4.25 x 6. 1147.113.9421
Frank Lloyd Wright working on a large drawing of the Mile High Building "The Illinois", 1956. Text on face: "World Famous Architect Frank Lloyd Wright in his drafting room at Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin." Frank Lloyd Wright in his drafting room at Taliesin Spring Green, finishing the drawing of the Mile high Building. Three drawings were prepared for the news conference held on October 16, 1956, in conjunction with "Sixty Years of Living Architecture," exhibited in Chicago from October 16, 17 and 18, 1956 at the Hotel Sherman. On October 16, Wright held a Press conference at the Hotel Sherman to open the exhibition and unveil the Mile High Building "The Illinois" for the first time. Wright proposed the building for Chicago. Text on verso: "Edgar L. Obma A. P. S. A., Dodgeville, Wisconsin." Photograph by Edgar Obma. 7.75 x 4.75. 1147.91.1118
 Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan Circa 1957 (1915 - S.194). View of Main Entrance from the right side of the reflecting pool. Text on face: "Teikoku Hotel." Note: The Automobile to the far right is a 1956 Ford Fairlane. Verso: "Post Card. Correspondence, Address." Similarities to S#0987.67.0914. 5.5 x 3.5 1205.135.1122
"Main Building Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan." Front View across reflecting pool. Circa 1958. Back: "Post Card. Imperial Hotel Correspondence. Cable Address "Impho" Tokyo. Address. 5.7 x 4.1. 1259.16.1209
"Imperial Hotel" C1958. Front View, reflecting pool in foreground. 1958 Annex (second) can be seen in the background above the roof line. Printing process on face is one I have never seen before. It is not a collotype or photogravure, but almost a mix of the photogravure and a diagonal hatch mark process. Back: "Post Card.". Stamp box has illustration of the Eiffel Tower (Paris). Acquired from Japan. 5.5 x 3.5. 1259.20.1110
C 1958
"The Imperial Hotel" C1958. Front View, reflecting pool in foreground. 1958 Annex (second) can be seen in the background above the roof line. Printing process on face is one I have never seen before. It is not a collotype or photogravure, but almost a mix of the photogravure and a diagonal hatch mark process. Same image as 1259.20, but minor changes. Verso: "Post Card.". Stamp box has letters "Stamp" within. 5.5 x 3.5. 1259.49.0116
"Johnson's Wax Administration & Research Center, Racine, Wisconsin. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright."  (Published in 1954 by Curt Teich.  Curteichcolor #D-12119.  8.5 x 5.5. 1259.10.0506
Price Tower, Bartlesville, Oklahoma (1952 - S.355) ONK-432 Price Tower, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, the famous architect, this is one of the most unusual Office-Apartment Buildings in the southwest. Oklahoma News Co., 909 W. 23rd St., LU. 4-4754, Tulsa, Okla. Curteichcolor (R) 3-D Natural Color Reproduction (Reg. U. S. A. Pat. Off.) Place Stamp Here 8C-K1823 (dates this card 1958). (Two copies) 3.4 x 5.4. 1259.11.0107 1259.40.0411
"LAL-5.  Chapel, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida."  Lusterchrome, made only by Tichnor Bros., Inc., Boston 15, Mass.  #K-3655.  (Note: Verified K-2617 as 1955)  5.5 x 3.5. 1377.29.0307
Florida Southern College, Administration Buildings 1959 (1945 - S.255). The Administration Buildings seen from across the Water Dome. Text on verso: "LAL-6. Administration Building, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida." Lusterchrome, Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Made only by Tichnor Bros., Inc., Boston 15, Mass. K-3656. 5.5 x 3.5. 1377.81.0916
"Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida." Aerial view 1959. Back: "Aerial view of "Florida Southern College," showing college president's home, Polk County Science Building, Chapel, Library, Administration Building, and Water Dome. City of Lakeland in the background." LK.II - Ridge Distributing Co., P. O. Box 382, Lakeland, FLA. Curteichcolor 3-D Natural Color Reproduction (Reg. U. S. A. Pat. Off.) Place Stamp Here 9C-K1881 (dates this card 1959). 5.4 x 3.4 1377.67.0114
Taliesin Garage, Circa 1959. "Taliesin. Spring Green, Wis. 760-H." Real Photo Postcard. (Note: 1959 Pontiac on far left.) 5.4 x 3.5. 1377.51.0811
1960s Arizona Biltmore, Mid to late 1960s  (Published by Petley Studios, Phoenix, Arizona)  "Entrance to the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona.  Internationally famed for fine cuisine and luxurious hospitality this fabulous winter resort is one of the most prominent in the "Valley of the Sun".  It is surrounded with well appointed bungalows and colorful gardens."  Color Photograph by Bob Petley.  #44622 PHO-14.  I have also seen this same card without the text on the front.  5.5 x 3.5. 1458.11.0107
1) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Exterior 1960. Set of eight Real Photo Postcard. Viewed from the Southwest. Photographed after the grand opening in October 1959. Text on verso: "The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York 28, N. Y." (Note: Post office mangled post card during shipping.) 6 x 4 B&W Real Photo postcard. 1458.135.0623
2) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Exterior 1960. Set of elevan Real Photo Postcard. Viewed from the Southwest. Photographed after the grand opening in October 1959. Text on verso: "The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York 28, N. Y." 6 x 4 B&W Real Photo postcard. 1458.98.0620 1458.126.0622
3) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Exterior at Night, 1960. Set of elevan Real Photo Postcard. Photograph taken after the grand opening after dark. Text on verso: "The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York 28, N. Y." 6 x 4 B&W Real Photo postcard. 1458.54.0213
4) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Exterior 1960. Set of elevan Real Photo Postcard. Viewed from the North. Photographed after the grand opening in October 1959. Text on verso: "The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York 28, N. Y." 6 x 4 B&W Real Photo postcard. 1458.97.0620
5) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Exterior 1960. Set of elevan Real Photo Postcard. Viewed from the North. Photographed after the grand opening in October 1959. Text on verso: "The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York 28, N. Y." 6 x 4 B&W Real Photo postcard. 1458.96.0620
6) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY, Exterior 1960. Set of eleven Real Photo Postcard. View of the Guggenheim Museum exterior from the North. Photographed after the grand opening in October 1959. Text on verso: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York 28, N. Y. 6 x 4 B&W Real Photo postcard. 1458.138.0224
7) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Interior 1960. Set of elevan Real Photo Postcard. View of the main gallery. Photographed after the grand opening in October 1959. The sculpture on the left is "The Miracle (Seal [I]) (Le Miracle)," 1930-32, by Constantin Brancusi, b. 1876, Hobitza, Romania; d. 1957, Paris. The tall sculpture to the right is "St. Sebastian, No. 2," 1957, by Eduardo Paolozzi, b. 1924, Leith, Scotland; d. 2005, London. Both were part of the Guggenheim collection. Text on verso: "Main Gallery. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York 28, N. Y." 6 x 4 B&W Real Photo postcard. 1458.99.0620
8) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Interior 1960. Set of elevan Real Photo Postcard. View of the ramp bays. Photographed after the grand opening in October 1959. Text on verso: "Bays on ramp gallery. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York 28, N. Y." 6 x 4 B&W Real Photo postcard. 1458.100.0620
9) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY, Interior 1960. Set of eleven Real Photo Postcard. View of the Guggenheim Museum interior Ramp Gallery at the base of the ramp. Photographed after the grand opening in October 1959. Text on verso: Ramp Galleries and Entrance to High Gallery. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York 28, N. Y. 6 x 4 B&W Real Photo postcard. 1458.139.0224
10) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY, Interior 1960. Set of eleven Real Photo Postcard. View of the Guggenheim Museum interior Ramp Gallery mid way down the ramp. Photographed after the grand opening in October 1959. Text on verso: Ramp Galleries. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York 28, N. Y. 6 x 4 B&W Real Photo postcard. 1458.140.0224
11) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Interior 1960. Set of elevan Real Photo Postcard. Photograph taken after the grand opening. The sculpture in the center top is "St. Sebastian, No. 2," 1957, by Eduardo Paolozzi, b. 1924, Leith, Scotland; d. 2005, London. The sculpture in the background to the right is "The Miracle (Seal [I]) (Le Miracle)," 1930-32, by Constantin Brancusi, b. 1876, Hobitza, Romania; d. 1957, Paris. Both were part of the Guggenheim collection. Text on verso: "Main Gallery from above. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York 28, N. Y." 6 x 4 B&W Real Photo postcard. 1458.53.0213
C 1960 "Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. 5th Avenue (88th to 89th Sts.) New York City. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. A museum with major examples of painting, sculpture and the graphic arts of the recent past. Color photo by A. Devaney. Natural Color by Mike Roberts. Alfred Mainzer, Inc. 39-33 29th St., Long Island City I, N.Y. #432. #C13284." (Opened December 1959.) Circa 1960. 5.5 x 3.5. 1458.26.0807
1960 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1960. Back: "The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Fifth Avenue and 88th Street, designed by the late Frank Lloyd Wright, houses a major collection of contemporary art. The Galleries are in the larger circular building and administrative offices in the smaller. P36592. Plastichrome(R) by Colourpicture Publishers, Inc., Boston 30, Mass., U.S.A. Manhattan Post Card Pub. Co., Inc., 913 Broadway, N.Y.C. N.Y." P.M. 9/13/63. Photographed by Ezra Stoller, taken minutes before or after the cover of "The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright", which was photographed by Ezra Stoller. The women in the red coat on the far left appear in both, as do the cars on the right. The landscaping and shadows are consistent. 5.4 x 3.4. 1458.34.0810
1960 FDC PC - "Guggenheim Museum: Newest and most modern art museum.  Ramp-like construction designed by Frank Lloyd Wright."   (Opened December 1959.)  (K76.  Published in 1960 by Progressive Publications, Inc.  244 W. 49th St., N.Y.  #52928)  5.5 x 3.5.  Row of two 2c Stamps, cancelled June 8, 1966 Spring Green.  (See second Guggenheim PC) 1280.91.0399
C 1960 Hotel Geneva 1960's. Back: "Hermansen's Hotel Geneva. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright 1912." Note: This image first published in 1955. According to Allen Hermansen, the car on the left in this image was a brand new car he had just purchased. By 1960 the standard size was 4 x 6. Gift from Allen Hermansen. 5.9 x 4.1.  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1458.28.0709
Hotel Geneva Post Card  (Colourpicture Publishers, #P44734.  Wisconsin Post Card Co.)  The History of the Hotel Geneva viewed through Post Cards. 1960.00.0103
1960s Imperial Hotel (1960s)  "Main Building"  5.6 x 4.  (Three copies) 1458.12.0400 1458.13.0400 1458.14.0400
1960s Imperial Hotel (1960s)  "Bird's-Eye View"  5.6 x 4.  (Three copies) 1458.15.0400 1458.16.0400 1458.17.0400
Circa 1960
Lindholm Service Station Circa 1960 (1956 - S. 414). Front: "Intersection Highway 33 and Cloquet Ave. Cloquet, Minn." Ray W. Lindholm's first contact with Frank Lloyd Wright was for the design of his home just outside of Cloquet Minnesota (1952 - S.353). R. W. Lindholm was the president of Lindholm Oil, Inc., a distributor of petroleum headquartered in Cloquet. The company owned several gas stations in Minnesota. Lindholm commissioned Wright again in 1956 to design a service station on Highway 33 in Cloquet. Wright utilized his earlier Broadacre City service station design, which he had exhibited as early as 1930. Construction began on April 27, 1958 and opened on October 31, 1958. The waiting room is in the glass enclosed second level. It was constructed of concrete block with a terne metal roof. This was Wright's only service station. Back: "The world famous Master Architect Frank Lloyd Wright designed this beautiful service station. Only he could have had the daring and engineering skill to extend a Cantilever Canopy thirty-two feet out in space with little visible support. Cloquet is proud to have this copper sheathed masterpiece." Published by Plastichrome by Colourpicture Publishers, Inc., Boston 15, Mass., USA. #P30621. 5.4 x 3.4. 1458.45.0114
Circa 1960 "Robie House. 5757 Woodlawn Avenue. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect 1909. Wright's most famous prairie house. Cited in 1959 by the commission on Chicago architectural landmarks for "The bold interplay of horizontal planes about the chimney mass, and the structurally expressive piers and windows." It was saved from demolition through purchased (1957) by Mr. William Zeckendorf, president of Webb & Knapp, Inc. and was used temporarily as headquarters for his firm during construction of the Hyde Park urban renewal program. A Chicago Heritage Committee Card. P.O. Box 4513, Chicago 80, Ill." Circa 1960. 6 x 4. Two copies, One is stamped on verso "Sep 1966, Field Enterprises". 1458.29.0110 1458.35.0310
Circa 1960
 1) Rookery Building Lobby, Circa 1960 (1905 - S.113). Not dated. View of the lobby stairway from the first to the second level. The Rookery Building was designed by Burnham and Root in 1888. Wright's offices were located in the building from 1898-1899. Edward C. Waller, a client of Wright's, became manager of the Rookery Building and retained Wright in 1905 to remodel the Entryway and Lobby. Wright removed most of Root's original iron ornamentation and simplified it with geometric designs. He also encased much of Root's elaborate wrought iron finishes with white carved and gilded Carrara marble. He simplified the ironwork design, added large prairie styled urns and designed hanging light fixtures. Verso: "The interior court, of The Rookery, remodeled by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1905, is richly ornamented in patterned design, in gold and white." 5.5 x 3.25. 1458.133.0323
Circa 1960
2) Rookery Building Lobby Stairway, Circa 1960 (1905 - S.113). Not dated. View of the lobby stairway from the first to the second level. The Rookery Building was designed by Burnham and Root in 1888. Wright's offices were located in the building from 1898-1899. Edward C. Waller, a client of Wright's, became manager of the Rookery Building and retained Wright in 1905 to remodel the Entryway and Lobby. Wright removed most of Root's original iron ornamentation and simplified it with geometric designs. He also encased much of Root's elaborate wrought iron finishes with white carved and gilded Carrara marble. He simplified the ironwork design, added large prairie styled urns and designed hanging light fixtures. Verso: "Beautiful stairway, in rich marble and ornamented grill work, leading to the 2nd floor of The Rookery, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1905. Truly a landmark of Chicago." 5.5 x 3.25. 1458.127.0722
Circa 1960
3) Rookery Building Lobby, Circa 1960 (1905 - S.113). Not dated. View of the Lobby looking toward the suspended stairs. The Rookery Building was designed by Burnham and Root in 1888. Wright's offices were located in the building from 1898-1899. Edward C. Waller, a client of Wright's, became manager of the Rookery Building and retained Wright in 1905 to remodel the Entryway and Lobby. Wright removed most of Root's original iron ornamentation and simplified it with geometric designs. He also encased much of Root's elaborate wrought iron finishes with white carved and gilded Carrara marble. He simplified the ironwork design, added large prairie styled urns and designed hanging light fixtures. Verso: "The magnificent lobby of The Rookery, The first skyscraper built in Chicago - designed by Frank Lloyd Wright - richly embroidered in gold and white - is an example of the Prairie School style." 5.5 x 3.25. 1458.128.0722
Circa 1960
4) Rookery Building Spiraling Staircase Circa 1960 (1905 - S.113). Not dated. View of the spiraling staircase. The Rookery Building was designed by Burnham and Root in 1888. Wright's offices were located in the building from 1898-1899. Edward C. Waller, a client of Wright's, became manager of the Rookery Building and retained Wright in 1905 to remodel the Entryway and Lobby. Wright removed most of Root's original iron ornamentation and simplified it with geometric designs. He also encased much of Root's elaborate wrought iron finishes with white carved and gilded Carrara marble. He simplified the ironwork design, added large prairie styled urns and designed hanging light fixtures. Verso: "The spiraling stairway, in rich ornamentation, adds magnificence to The Rookery designed by Frank' Lloyd Wright in 1905. Without doubt, the most beautiful office building lobby in Chicago." 5.5 x 3.25. 1458.129.0722
1960s "Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona".  Arizona office of Taliesin Associated Architects, and campus of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, established in 1932 by Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright.  (Produced by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.  Photograph by John Amarantides.)  Not dated.  3.5 x 5.5. 1628.05.0107
1960s "Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona".  (Exterior)  Arizona office of Taliesin Associated Architects, and campus of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, established in 1932 by Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright.  (Produced by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.  Photograph by John Amarantides)  (Amarantides conducted Taliesin Festival of Music, 1964. He was also involved with the technical revisions of 1966 Wright Stamp)  Not dated.  3.5 x 5.5. 1628.08.0107
1960s "Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin.  Wisconsin office of Taliesin Associated Architects, and campus of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, established in 1932 by Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright."  Copyright - The L. L. Cook Co.  #108707.  From an Ektachrome Transparency,  The L. L. Cook Co., Milwaukee, Wisc.  5.5 x 3.5. (Two copies) 1458.18.0207 1458.24.0707
1960s "Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin."  Exterior.  "Wisconsin office of Taliesin Associated Architects, and campus of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, established in 1932 by Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright."  Produced by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.  Photograph by John Amarantides)  Not dated.  3.5 x 5.5. 1628.06.0305
1960s "Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin."  Dining Room.  "Wisconsin office of Taliesin Associated Architects, and campus of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, established in 1932 by Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright."  Produced by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.  Photograph by John Amarantides)  Not dated.  3.5 x 5.5. See Wright Study of March Balloons. 1628.07.0305
Circa 1960s FDC PC. Unitarian Meeting House (S.291 - 1947), Madison, Wisc, Circa 1960's.  "The meeting house of the First Unitarian Society of Madison, Frank Lloyd Wright, architect."  (#14393-B.  Pub. by Wm. Wollin Studio, Madison, Wis.  53703.  Printed Circa 1960 by Dexter Press, Inc. New York.).  5.5 x 3.5.  Row of two 2c Stamps, cancelled June 8, 1966 Spring Green. 1280.93.0399
Circa 1960s Unitarian Meeting House (S.291 - 1947), Madison, Wisc, Circa 1960's. "The meeting house of the First Unitarian Society of Madison, Wisconsin. Frank Lloyd Wright, architect. The prow or apex pointing North is a steeple within the building. It is enclosed by louvers of 2 by 12 inch planks, the space between being filled by stationary panes of glass 2 by 4 feet long." Published by W. Wollin Studio, Madison, Wis. 53703. #14393-B. Made by Dexter Press, Inc. West Nyack, New York. (W. Wollin Studio was formed in 1960.) (Note: "-B" tends to be from the 1960s, "-C" tends to be from the 1970's) 5.4 x 3.5. 1458.33.0210
Unitarian Meeting House (S.291 - 1945-6) , Madison, Wisc, Circa 1960's. View of the interior auditorium. Verso: "Auditorium of meeting house of First Unitarian Society, Madison, Wisconsin. Building and furnishings designed by FLW." Published by William Wollin Studio, Madison, Wis. 58259. Genuine Natural Color. Made by Dexter Press, Inc. West Nyack, New York. (W. Wollin Studio was formed in 1960.) "Place Stamp Here. Dexter." 5.5 x 3.5 1458.60.0917
Circa 1960 "Universalist Church. (Originally Unity Church). Lake Street at Kenilworth Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect 1906. Detail of entrance to the auditorium which is carefully scaled for intimacy (400 seats arranged on a main floor, mezzanine and balcony). The interior space and forms reflect the monolithic reinforced concrete exterior. Interior is cream colored with green trim and oak molding. A Chicago Heritage Committee Card. P.O. Box 4513, Chicago 80, Ill." Circa 1960. 4 x 6. 1458.30.0110
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, 1961 (S.399 - 1956). Panoramic view of the Cross, Mall and Church. The church was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1956, built in 1961. Verso: "Greek Orthodox Church of The Annunciation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Panoramic view of Church, Mall and Cross. Photograph by John Amarantides, Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Kolorvue by Artvue Post Card Co., 225 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. #14581." 5.5 x 3.5. 1483.33.1112
1961 "Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.  Erected - 1961 - seating capacity 800."  (From an Ektachrome Transparency. Published by The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee, Wis.  #112-Z, #56292-B)  5.5 x 3.5. 1483.04.0606
1961 FDC PC -  "Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.  Erected - 1961 - seating capacity 800."  (From an Ektachrome Transparency. Published in 1961 by The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee, Wis.  #112-Z, #56292-B)  5.5 x 3.5.  Row of two 2c Stamps, canceled June 8, 1966 Spring Green. 1280.92.0399
C 1961
Florida Southern College, Administration Buildings, Lakeland, Florida, Circa 1961 (1945 - S.255). View of the Administration Buildings from across the water dome. Two female students are standing on the far left, two are sitting on the rim, Back: "The beautiful and very modern Emil Watson- Administration buildings from across the J. Edgar Wallwater Dome, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida.." LK.12 - Ridge Distributing Co., P. O. 382, Lakeland, FLA. Curteichcolor 3-D Natural Color Reproduction (Reg. U. S. A. Pat. Off.) P.M. Nov 11, 1964. Image published in the 1962 Interlachen, p. 19. 5.4 x 3.4. 1483.21.1113
C 1961
Snow Flake Hotel Circa 1961 (Taliesin Associated Architects - 1961). Three views of the motel. "Snow Flake Motel. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation." Verso: "Snow Flake Motel. 135 Lake Shore Drive, St. Joseph, MI 49085. 57 air-conditioned - soundproof rooms with TV, direct dial phones, and individual ice makers. Heated swimming pools, mirror pool with fountains and colored lights and children's pool. Cocktail lounge, coffee shop and conference rooms. Located on business I-94 just five minutes south of Saint Joseph - Benton Harbor, Michigan. Phone (616) 429-3261. Snow Flake Motel. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Photographed and published by Penred Studio, Burrian Center, Michigan. Made by Dexter Press, Inc. West Nyack, New York. 92656-B." (For dating: "-B" tends to be from the 1960s, "-C" tends to be from the 1970's, "-D" the 80's) 3.5 x 5.5 1483.34.0618
1962 Marin County Civic Center Administration Wing Circa 1962 (S.416-417 - 1957). Designed in 1957, the Administration Wing was completed in 1962, the Hall of Justice in 1970. Verso: "This beautiful building is the show place of Marin County. It is the creation and design of Frank Lloyd Wright. For information and fiscal data write to Civic Center Committee, c/o Michael Mitchell, Marin County Auditor-Controller, Civic Center, San Rafael, California." Bottom left: "SC8184 - Color photo by Aero Photographers". Center: "Natural Color by Mike Roberts, Berkeley 2, Calif." Published by Mike Roberts, Berkeley 2, Calif. Mike Roberts published postcards from 1939-1996. (Note the lack of a zip code. The use of five-digit zip codes began in July of 1963.) 5.5 x 3.5. 1526.13.0811
1964 Arizona Biltmore, 1964  (Published by Petley Studios, Phoenix, Arizona #D-13812. Copyright by Curt Teich & Co., Inc., Chicago)  "Phoenix, Arizona. In the Valley of the Sun."  Booklet of 14 Views. Inside: "Pool and Cabanas - Arizona Biltmore."  Note: Wright's Paulson House ruins in background, top left hand corner. 6 x 4. 1596.03.0806
  Set of ten postcards of Fallingwater. Published between 1964-1969. Purchased on June 11, 1969.  
1964 "Fallingwater, world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 204 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Please call or write: admission by reservation only. Below falls." Photo by W. Galen Barton. Plastichrome by Colourpicture, Boston, Mass 02130. #P65702. 5.5 x 3.5. 1596.05.0707
1964 "Fallingwater, world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 204 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Please call or write: admission by reservation only. Entrance area." Photo by W. Galen Barton. Plastichrome by Colourpicture, Boston, Mass 02130. #P65705. 3.5 x 5.5. Two Copies. 1596.06.0707 1596.19.0711
1964 "Fallingwater, world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 204 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Please call or write: admission by reservation only. Entrance drive." Photo by W. Galen Barton. Plastichrome by Colourpicture, Boston, Mass 02130. #P69988. 1964. 3.5 x 5.5. 1596.20.0711
1964 "Fallingwater, world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 204 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Please call or write: admission by reservation only. South elevation." Photo by W. Galen Barton. Plastichrome by Colourpicture, Boston, Mass 02130. #P69989. 5.5 x 3.5. 1596.07.0707
1964 "Fallingwater, world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 204 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Please call or write: admission by reservation only. Overall view." Photo by W. Galen Barton. Plastichrome by Colourpicture, Boston, Mass 02130. #P69991. 1964. 3.5 x 5.5. 1596.21.0711
1964 "Fallingwater, famed architectural masterwork of Frank Lloyd Wright. Built for Edgar J. Kaufman in 1936, The house is now owned by Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Guided tours by advance reservation. Call or write Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 204 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa." A Natural Color Card Published by Modern-Ad, Butler, Pa. #80950. (Richard Miller began producing post cards in 1955 and published them through his company, Modern-Ad of Butler, Pennsylvania.) 5.5 x 3.5. 1596.08.0707
1964 "Main Living Room at Fallingwater, world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed in 1936 for Liliane S. And Edgar J. Kaufmann. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 204 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Please call or write: admission by advance reservation only. Photograph by Michael Fedison" Natural Color Card Published by Modern-Ad, Butler, Pa. #89970. (Richard Miller began producing post cards in 1955 and published them through his company, Modern-Ad of Butler, Pennsylvania.) 5.5 x 3.5. 1596.09.0707
1964 "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 204 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Please call or write: admission by reservation only. Entrance Drive." W. Galen Barton - Distributor - Photographer.  #112990. 5.5 x 3.5. 1596.10.0707
1964 "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 204 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Please call or write: admission by reservation only. Guest House Terrace." W. Galen Barton - Distributor - Photographer.  #112993. 5.5 x 3.5. 1596.11.0707
1964 "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 204 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Please call or write: admission by reservation only. Below Falls/Winter." W. Galen Barton - Distributor - Photographer.  #112995.  3.5 x 5.5. 1596.12.0707
C 1964
Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida, Aerial View Circa 1964. Aerial View of the campus from the South. Text on face: "Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida." The first building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright was the Pfeiffer Chapel, 1938, completed in 1941. The last and 8th building, the Danforth Chapel, designed in 1954 was completed in 1955. The Branscomb Auditorium, the large building in the foreground was designed by Nils Schweitzer, a protege of Frank Lloyd Wright. It was completed in 1963, and the first performance was in 1964. Text on Verso: "Florida Southern College Campus. The world's largest complex of Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture, Lakeland, Florida. LK. 10 - Ridge Distributing Co., P. O. Box 382, Lakeland, Florida. Curteichcolor 3-D Natural Color Reproduction (Reg. U. S. A. Pat. Off.) ADK-1220.". Postmarked: "Mar 25 1966." 5.5 x 3.5. 1596.77.0120
Florida Southern College, Polk Science Building, Lakeland, Florida, Circa 1964 (1953 - S.256). The Florida Southern College Archives dates this card 1958 - 1968. Postmarked "19_4." Image of the Florida Southern College Polk Science Building and Planetarium. Verso: Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida. The Polk Science Building and Planetarium. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Published by General Post Card Co., Box 131, East Greenville, Pa. #R11279." 5.5 x 3.5. 1596.60.0316
Circa 1964 "Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. The last large design of Frank Lloyd Wright produced a fine arts center which commands notice from the world. Completely circular in design, with two-level pedestrian bridges extending two hundred feet from either side, this magnificent view illustrates the success of the designer's hope that the structure would seem to say "Welcome to Arizona"." "Color Photo by Bob Petley." Pub. And Distributed by Petley Studios, Phoenix, Arizona. #PH-3. (Constructed between 1962-1964, and opened in 1964 the building is named for Dr. Grady Gammage.) 5.5 x 3.5. 1596.16.0110
Circa 1964
Snow Flake Hotel Circa 1964 (Taliesin Associated Architects - 1961). View of the motel from the center. "Snow Flake Motel. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation." Aerial view of motel. Verso: "Snow Flake Motel. 3822 Red Arrow Hwy., St. Joseph, MI 49085. "Michigan's Most Unique Motel." 58 Spacious Rooms - Colored TV - Direct Dial Phones - Swimming Pool - Cocktail Lounge - Restaurant - Cable - 4 Miles from Swimming Beach at Lake Michigan. Located 1 Mile North of I-94 - Exit 23, just 5 minutes south of Saint Joseph Michigan. Snow Flake Motel. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. #8187-E." According to the National Registry of Historic Places: "Around 1958, Sahag Sarkisian. a wealthy oriental rug dealer in St. Joseph . approached Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin Fellowship (which became Taliesin Associated Architects after Wright's death) about designing a unique luxury motel for his recently purchased property... Sarkisian got the idea to consult Wright from his friend Carl Schultz, who had just moved into his new residence in St. Joseph designed by the architect. The extent of Wright's direct involvement in the design remains unclear, but he is said to have flown over the proposed site and approved it . (1) (Interview with Carlene Lymburner. who with her husband purchased the Snow Flake...  Continue... 1596.69.0518
Circa 1965
Frank Lloyd Wright, Grady Gammage Auditorium Circa 1965. Real Photo Postcard of Frank Lloyd Wright and the Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium at the Arizona State University at Tempe. The Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1959 before his death. Opening ceremonies took place in September 1964. Text on face: "Frank Lloyd Wright, Spring Green, W8sconsin. The Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium on the campus of Arizona State University at Tempe. It was designed by the late Famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The illustration of Wright is from a stamp produced in 1962. Text on verso: "Photo Post Card (top). Address (right). There is an uncanceled 2 cent Frank Lloyd Wright stamp affixed to the top right corner. 5.5 x 3.5. 1628.102.0921
Circa 1965 "Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium. Last large design of Frank Lloyd Wright. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona is the proud home of this most imposing and fascinating piece of construction in the State of Arizona. The auditorium seats 3000 in long, wide-spaced arcs of seats unbroken by aisles, and provides excellent acoustics conditions throughout.  It will serve the university and community as concert hall, opera, and drama theater." "Agfachrome Photo by Bob Petley." Pub. by Petley Studios, 4051 E. Van Buren, Phoenix, Arizona. #79498. (Constructed between 1962-1964, and opened in 1964 the building is named for Dr. Grady Gammage.) 5.3 x 3.5. 1596.13.1208
Circa 1965 "The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York , N.Y. 10028." (Opened December 1959.) Circa 1965. 6 x 4. 1628.09.0807
Circa 1965 "Museum, view looking down to the main floor. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York , N.Y. 10028." (Opened December 1959.) Circa 1965. 6 x 4. 1628.10.0807
Circa 1965 "Main Gallery. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave., New York , N.Y. 10028." (Opened December 1959.) Circa 1965. 4 x 6. 1628.11.0807
Circa 1966 "Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium.  Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.  The last large design of Frank Lloyd Wright produced a fine arts center which commands notice from the world.  Completely circular in design, with two-level pedestrian bridges extending two hundred feet from either side, this magnificent view illustrates the success of the designer's hope that the structure would seem to say "Welcome to Arizona"."  ASU Photograph by John Pilch.  (Pilch, Richard R. 1967-1996, Physical Education Faculty)  Published by Petley Studios, 4051 E. Van Buren, Phoenix, Arizona. #79905. (Published late 60's)  (Constructed in 1964, the building is named for Dr. Grady Gammage.)  5.5 x 3.5. (Note: Have verified a P.M. dated Feb. 1966.) 1846.05.0207
Circa 1966

Postcard Packet circa 1966. Envelope and 14 Postcards. Envelope: "Join The Conservancy and see Fallingwater free. The beauty of Fallingwater changes with each season... backpacking at the 3,000-acre Bear Run Nature Reserve... Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is a private, non-profit conservancy of over 7,000 members..." In October 1963 Edgar Kaufmann Jr. donated Fallingwater and 1,543 acres surrounding Bear Run. Fallingwater was open to public tours in 1964. By the end of 1964 membership in the conservancy reached 5,421. Between 1963-1969, visitation was allowed by advanced reservations only. 1965: 6,331 members. By 1981 Fallingwater and the Bear Run Nature Reserve included 3,600-acres, and in 1982, 3,700 acres. Membership reached 9,000 in 1982. By 1988 Bear Run Nature Reserve reached 4,200 acres. (Three sets)

1679.08.0913 1679.09.0913 1679.10.0913
Circa 1966
Postcard 1, Below Falls. "Fallingwater, world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 204 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Please call or write: admission by reservation only. Below Falls." W. Galen Barton - Distributor - Photographer. <K> 112988.  
Circa 1966

Postcard 2, Below Falls/Summer. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. Below Falls/Summer." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #340337. 5.5 x 3.5

Circa 1966
Postcard 3, Below Falls/Fall. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. Below Falls/Fall." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #400637. 5.5 x 3.5  
Circa 1966
Postcard 4, Overall View. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. Overall View." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #471149. 5.5 x 3.5  
Circa 1966
Postcard 5, South Elevation/Summer. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. South Elevation/Summer." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #400635. 5.5 x 3.5  
Circa 1966
Postcard 6, South Elevation/Fall. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. South Elevation/Fall." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #400633. 5.5 x 3.5  
Circa 1966
Postcard 7, East Elevation/Spring. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. East Elevation/Spring." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #511149. 5.5 x 3.5  
Circa 1966
Postcard 8, Main Terrace. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. Main Terrace." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #571148. 5.5 x 3.5  
Circa 1966
Postcard 9, Living Room. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. Living Room." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #370108. 5.5 x 3.5  
Circa 1966
Postcard 10, Fireplace and Dining Area. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. Fireplace and Dining Area." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #4711533. 5.5 x 3.5  
Circa 1966
Postcard 11, Living Room Fireplace. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. Living Room Fireplace." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #370109. 5.5 x 3.5  
Circa 1966
Postcard 12, Guest House and Pool. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. Guest House and Pool." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #340336. 5.5 x 3.5  
Circa 1966
Postcard 13, Guest House Terrace. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. Guest House Terrace." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #370106. 5.5 x 3.5  
Circa 1966
Postcard 14, Guest House Interior. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. Guest House Interior." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #370107. 5.5 x 3.5  
1967 "Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, Erected 1961 - seating capacity 800." 112-Z, 97070.  Published by The L.L. Cook Co., Milwaukee, Wisc.  Booklet of twelve images, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  From an Ektachrome Transparency.  3.75 x 2.8. 1720.04.0207
Circa 1967 Hotel Geneva, Aerial View Circa 1967. Back: "Aerial View of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Showing Municipal Building, Boat Docks and Bathing Beach. The lake covers and area of 5.504 acres with 26 miles of shoreline. A Summer Paradise. Published by Wisconsin Post Card Co., Lake Geneva, Wisconsin 53147. Johnson Printing, Inc., Eau Claire, Wisconsin. #J4561." P.M. July 30, 1971. Note: Swimming pool can be seen in front of Hotel Geneva Lobby. By December 1967, a swimming pool could be seen in photographs of the Hotel Geneva. 5.5 x 3.5.  See our Wright Study of the Hotel Geneva. 1720.11.1010
1968 "The Spring Green designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, On the Wisconsin River at Highway 23, Spring Green, Wisconsin."  (Produced by Dells Photo Service, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin.) #J4520.  Planned by Wright as a teahouse for Taliesin guests in the late 1940s, the Spring Green, is the only restaurant he designed.  The restaurant was designed in 1953, begun in 1957, halted at Wright's death, completed in 1968.  In 1995, the Taliesin Preservation Commission purchased the building and converted it into the Frank Lloyd Wright Visitor Center.  3.5 x 5.5.  The Spring Green. 1757.03.0107
1968 "The Spring Green designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. On the Wisconsin River at Highway 23, Spring Green, Wisconsin. Luncheons and Dinners Daily except Monday. Private Dining room for Parties, Cocktail Lounge." (From an Ektachrome Transparency, The L.L. Cook, Co., Milwaukee, Wis.) #103246. (PM 8/15/68) 3.5 x 5.5. 1757.08.0707
1968 "Phoenix Arizona" Folder. (1968 folder of 14 images.)  Inside: "Pool and Cabanas - Arizona Biltmore and Camelback Mountain."  (Published by Petley Studios, Phoenix, Arizona)  #D-15535  (Copyright 1968 Curt Teich & Co., Inc., Chicago, U.S.A.)  6.2 X 3.9. 1757.04.0307
1969 Arizona Biltmore, (9DK-780)  "The Arizona Biltmore, in sunny Phoenix.  Nestled at the foot of towering mountains, with Phoenix at its doorstep, the Arizona Biltmore is acclaimed one of five outstanding resorts in America. Golf, tennis, swimming, riding - everything is here for a complete vacation."  (Published in 1969 by Curt Teich. A K" was used, beginning in the late 1940s, to indicate Curteichcolor" which is a chrome postcard printing process.)  5.5 x 3.5. 1803.03.0606
1970 Arizona Biltmore (Aerial View).  Back: "The Arizona Biltmore in sunny Phoenix.  Nestled at the foot of towering mountains, with Phoenix at its doorstep, the Arizona Biltmore is acclaimed one of five out-standing resorts in America.  Golf, tennis, swimming, riding - everything is here for a complete vacation." (OEK-567) (PM 1/3/74)  5.5 x 3.5. 1846.04.0207
Circa 1970? Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Circa 1970? (S.399 - 1956). Face: "Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church". Verso: "Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Wisconsin born architect Frank Lloyd Wright's last major work, the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, is now a famed Milwaukee landmark. C. J. Wilson Photo." Published by the Scofield Souvenir & Postcard Co., Germantown, Wisc. MW5, P314824. Plastichrome by Colourpicture, Boston, Mass. 02130. Wavy or scalloped edges date back to the 1950's. 6 x 4. 1846.15.0811
C 1970
Bradley Residence, Yesteryear Restaurant, Kankakee, IL. Circa 1970 (1900 - S.052). Between 1953 and 1985, the house served as the Yesteryear Restaurant. This version of the postcard includes an early use of an area code: "Area Code 815. Phone 939-3131." Drawing by R. Misselhorn. 5.5 x 3.5. 1846.138.0422
C 1970
Bradley Residence, Yesteryear Restaurant, Kankakee, IL. Circa 1970 (1900 - S.052). Between 1953 and 1985, the house served as the Yesteryear Restaurant. This version of the postcard includes an early use of an area code: "Area Code 815. Phone 939-3131." Text on verso: "Yesteryear... An Inn. Harrison Avenue at the River - Kankakee, Illinois. Area Code 815. Phone 939-3131.
Gracious dining, in an atmosphere of beauty and quiet elegance, a toast to the memories of your innocent pleasures of yesteryear and to all your beautiful pleasures tomorrows. Overnight quest accommodations available.
"The food is famous, you'll be intrigued with the decor, and, the service will spoil you forever."
A delightful river setting... house and garden by Frank Lloyd Wright circa 1900... six interesting shops on the court... open every day, 11:30 'til 8:30: Saturdays 'til 9; Sundays and Holidays, noon til 7 p.m. Marvin Hammack, Ray Schimel." "Photo by Latimer Studio, 419 E. Benton St., Aurora, Ill." "Place Stamp Here, 29080" 7 x 5.
C 1970 Oak Park Fountain, Circa 1970. Back: "The Wright-Bock Fountain erected in 1909 by the Oak Park Horse Show Association, relocated and restored in Scoville Green, Oak Park, Illinois, in 1969. A Project of the Tourism Committee of the Oak Park - River Forest Chamber of Commerce. 65223-C. Pub. By Michael West Photography, Oak Park, Ill. 386-5800. Made by Dexter Press, Inc. West Nyack, New York. ("-B" tends to be from the 1960s, "-C" tends to be from the 1970's) 5.5 x 3.5. 1846.09.0809
C 1970
River Terrace Restaurant Circa 1970 (1953 - S.367). The River Terrace Restaurant viewed from the South. The terrace of the far left has not yet been enclosed. Verso: "The Spring Green designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. On the Wisconsin River at Highway 23, Spring Green, Wisconsin. Gracious Dining, Private Dining room for Parties, Cocktail Lounge. Phone 608-588-5911 for reservations. #J4866. Photo by John A. Trumble." (Produced by Dells Photo Service, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. 53965) Planned by Wright as a teahouse for Taliesin guests in the late 1940s, the Spring Green, is the only restaurant he designed. The restaurant was designed in 1953, begun in 1957, halted at Wright's death, completed in 1968. In 1995, the Taliesin Preservation Commission purchased the building and converted it into the Frank Lloyd Wright Visitor Center. 3.5 x 5.5. (S#1846.33) 1846.33.0816
1970 "Taliesin. Frank Lloyd Wright Residence, Spring Green, Wisconsin.  Wisconsin office of Taliesin Associated Architects, and campus of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, established in 1932 by Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright." Copyright, Joboul Publ. #108707. From an Ektachrome Transparency, Aero Co. Evanston, IL. SPW-1. 6 x 4. 1846.06.0707
1970 "Hillside School, Spring Green, Wisconsin.  Wisconsin office of Taliesin Associated Architects, and campus of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, established in 1932 by Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright." Copyright: The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation 1970. #119609.  Photograph by John Amarantides / The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. SPW-3. 6 x 4. 1846.07.0707
1970 "The Spring Green Restaurant, on the Wisconsin River. Designed by the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architect.  Spring Green, Wisconsin" Copyright, Joboul Publ. #128246. From an Ektachrome Transparency, Aero Co. Evanston, IL. SPW-4. 6 x 4. 1846.08.0707
C 1970 Unity Temple (S.094), Circa 1970s. Back: "The Unity Temple (Unitarian-Universalist Church in Oak Park) by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1906, Oak Park, Illinois. A Project of the Tourism Committee of the Oak Park - River Forest Chamber of Commerce. 6522302-C. Pub. By Michael West Photography, Oak Park, Ill. 386-5800. (Note, not included on back, but see #1846.09: Made by Dexter Press, Inc. West Nyack, New York.) (For dating: "-B" tends to be from the 1960s, "-C" tends to be from the 1970's) 5.4 x 3.5. 1846.12.0510
C 1971 Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium Aerial C1971. Front: "Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona". Back: "Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. Aerial view of Tempe and the Arizona State University Campus. The beautiful Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, is in the center of the view. To the right of "A" Mountain in the background is the Sundevil Stadium packed with football fans, watching the post season "Fiesta Bowl" game. Aerial photo by Bob Petley." Published by Petley Studios, 4051 E. Van Buren, Phoenix, Arizona. #P301519. Plastichrome(R) (Constructed between 1962-1964, and opened in 1964 the building is named for Dr. Grady Gammage.) (The Fiesta Bowl was first played at the Sundevil Stadium in 1971 and continued there until 2006. ASU played in five of the first seven Fiesta Bowls. The round ASU Music Building (to the left of the Auditorium) was designed by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and completed in 1971.) 6 x 4. 1867.06.0410
1972 "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman.  Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservation.  Livingroom."  W. Galen Barton, Photographer.  Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO.  #370108.  5.5 x 3.5. 1909.03.0307
1972 "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman.  Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservation. Livingroom Fireplace."  W. Galen Barton, Photographer.  Produced by Henry McGrew Printing, Kansas City, MO.  #370109.  5.5 x 3.5. 1909.04.0307
1972 "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman.  Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservation.  Below Falls/Winter."  W. Galen Barton, Photographer.  Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO.  #400636.  3.5 x 5.5.  Two cards, one PM 9/21/73. 1909.05.0307 1909.06.0307
Frank Lloyd Wright Exhibition at the Yellowstone Art Center, Billings, Montana, October 1 - November 17, 1973. Front: Image of the Museum with round display announcing exhibition. Back: "#1871. Yellowstone Art Center - Formerly the Yellowstone County Jail, built in 1898 and remodeled in 1916. Since 1964 the former jail has been utilized as a center for regional, national and international exhibitions, classes and museum sales shop. Yellowstone art center, 401 No. 27th St. Billings, Montana. Phil Bell Photo. Published by Billings News Inc., Billings, Mont. 59103. #136670." 5.5 x 3.5. 1940.07.1113
C 1973 "The Spring Green designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, on the Wisconsin River at Highway 23, Spring Green, Wisconsin. Gracious Dining, Private Dining room for Parties, Cocktail Lounge." (Produced by Dells Photo Service, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin 53965.) #J5236. 3.5 x 5.5. 1757.07.0707
Related Item: Nakoma-Nakomis, Winnebago Indian Memorials: Two Sculptures by Frank Lloyd Wright 1924

Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation & Hubbard Associates

Small Poster or Card (5.5 x 8.5) announcing the exhibit or sale of the two sculptures. (There is a 20 page pamphlet describing the recent castings.  This is related to that pamphlet.)

Spring Green Bank, exterior view, circa 1974 (Taliesin Associated Architects - 1972). Text on verso: "Bank of Spring Green, Spring Green, Wisconsin. Architecture by Taliesin Associated Architects of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, William Wesley Peters, Chief Architect. Photo & Pub. by Lou Coopey, Lone Rock, Wisconsin 53556. Made by Dexter Press, Inc. West Nyack, New York. 93061-C." (For dating: "-B" tends to be from the 1960s, "-C" tends to be from the 1970's, "-D" the 80's) 5.5 x 3.5 1963.40.0421
Taliesin: Spring Green, Wisconsin. View of Taliesin from across the pond. Verso: "Taliesin. Home of Frank Lloyd Wright. Spring Green, Wisconsin. Color photo by Masur. International Post Card. Distributed by Kuefler Photo, 1613 - 87th Place, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140. Curteichcolor (R) 3-D Natural Color Reproduction (Reg. U. S. A. Pat. Off.) Place Stamp Here 4ED-542 (dates this card 1974). 6 x 4. 1963.21.1210
Postcard Packet (large) 19756. Envelope and 18 large postcards. Envelope: "Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 204 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pensylvania 15222." Envelope size 9 x 6. (One full set, one partial set) Second set includes envelope and 16 postcards: #1, 2, 4 (2), 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14 (3), 16, 17, 18. (S#1996.18, 1996.19) 1996.18.0913 1996.19.0913
Postcard 1, Lower Bear Run. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Lower Bear Run." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 2, Upper Falls/Autumn. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Upper Falls/Autumn." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 3, West Elevation/Winter. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. West Elevation/Winter." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 4, West Elevation/Summer. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. West Elevation/Summer." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 5, Lower Falls/Summer. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Lower Falls/Summer." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 6, Overall View. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Overall View." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 7, East Elevation/Autumn. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. East Elevation/Autumn." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 8, Southeast Elevation/Night. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Southeast Elevation/Night." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 9, Southeast Elevation/Rhododendron. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Southeast Elevation/Rhododendron." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 10, Fireplace and Dining Area. "Fallingwater world-famous masterwork by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Endowed and given in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Please call or write: Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pa., 1546l4. Phone: 412-232-0060. Fireplace and Dining Area." W. Galen Barton, Distributor/Photographer. Produced by McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO. #4711533. 5.5 x 3.5  
Postcard 11, Master Bedroom Terrace. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Master Bedroom Terrace." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.   
Postcard 12, Making Room For A Tree. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Making Room For A Tree." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 13, Living Room. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Living Room." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 14, Living Room/Night. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Living Room/Night." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 15, Dining Area/Stairway. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Dining Area/Stairway." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 16, Library. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Library." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 17, Guest House Walkway Canopy. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Guest House Walkway Canopy." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
Postcard 18, Guest House and Pool/Spring. "Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman. Entrusted in their memory to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 15464 (412) 329-8501. Guest House and Pool/Spring." Photographed by Harold Corsini. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy 1975. 5.5 x 8.  
C 1976
Frank Lloyd Wright Studio, Oak Park Circa 1976. The Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation was established in 1974, to acquire and preserve Wright's Home and Studio in Oak Park. In 1976, the Home and Studio was declared a National Historic Landmark. The $3 million restoration was completed in 1987. Verso: "Frank Lloyd Wright Studio, Oak Park, Illinois 60302. Built 1898. Photo by Don Kalec. Pub. By FLW Home and Studio Foundation. 66847-D" Printed by Dexter Press, West Nyack, New York. 6 x 4. 2020.35.0318
C 1976
V.C. Morris Gift Shop, San Francisco, California, Circa 1976 (1948 - S.310). View of the entrance. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. Text on verso: "Helga Howie, San Francisco, 140 Maiden Lane, 956-5450. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright. 6283-D." During the late 1970s through the mid 1980s The building was operated by Helga Howie, a fashion designer. Helga Howie was mentioned in an article published in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, January 30, 1976. Her clothing store close around 1985. 3.5 x 5.5. (Two copies) 2020.42.0520 2020.44.0520
C 1976
V.C. Morris Gift Shop, San Francisco, California, Circa 1976 (1948 - S.310). View of the interior. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. Text on verso: "Helga Howie, San Francisco, 140 Maiden Lane, 956-5450. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright. 6282-D." During the late 1970s through the mid 1980s The building was operated by Helga Howie, a fashion designer. Helga Howie was mentioned in an article published in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, January 30, 1976. Her clothing store close around 1985. 5.5 x 3.5. 2020.43.0520
C 1977
Unity Temple, Oak Park, Illinois, Circa 1977 (Not Dated) (1904 - S.096). View of Fallingwater photographed in 1937 by Hedrich Blessing. Postcard announcing an evening with photographer Jack Hedrich, to benefit the Unity Temple Restoration Foundation. "Jack Hedrich, President of Hedrich Blessing, the nation's best known architectural photography firm, will present: Not All Wright But All Great. Some of the best from over 1 million photos. Many never seen before. Included: Wright's famous "Fallingwater" and Taliesin, plus "giants" of the 30's and 40's... Mies, Saarinen, Keck and Keck... the Art Deco "Century of Progress," more! Thursday, October 27th, 8 p.m. Benefit for the Unity Temple Restoration Foundation. At Unity Temple, Lake and Kenilworth, Oak Park, Illinois." Note: The date is Thursday, October 27th. The year is not indicated. 1960, 1966 and 1977 have a Thursday, October 27. A phone number is listed, but does not include an area code. Area codes began in 1951. The Unity Temple Restoration Foundation was formed in 1973, so the logical date would be October 27, 1977. 7 x 5.5 2033.34.0623
1979? "Frank Lloyd Wright Studio, 1898. Oak Park, Illinois 60302"  (Published by FLLW Home & Studio Foundation)  Not Dated.  Photo by Donald G. Kalec.  Made by Dexter Press, West Nyack, New York. 5.5 x 3.5. 1979.16.0806
Circa 1980 "Frederick C. Robie House.  5757 S. Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, Illinois."  (Published by Chicago Architectural Foundation #64550-D.  Made by Dexter Press, West Nyack, New York) Photo by Thomas A. Heinz.  Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1909, the Robie House is now owned and maintained by the University of Chicago. (Note: In 1963 the Robie House was given to the University of Chicago.  In 1997 the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, assumed control and responsibility for restoration and operation as a museum.)  6 x 4. 1980.19.0806
Circa 1980
Spring Green Bank, exterior view, circa 1980's (Taliesin Associated Architects - 1972). "Bank of Spring Green, Spring Green, Wisconsin." Verso: "Bank of Spring Green, Spring Green, Wisconsin. Architecture by Taliesin Associated Architects of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, William Wesley Peters, Chief Architect. Pub. And Photo by Lou Coopey, Richland Center, Wisconsin 53581. Made by Dexter Press, Inc. West Nyack, New York. 18299-D." (For dating: "-B" tends to be from the 1960s, "-C" tends to be from the 1970's, "-D" the 80's) 9 x 4 1980.33.0914
Circa 1980
Spring Green Bank, interior view, circa 1980's (Taliesin Associated Architects - 1972). "Bank of Spring Green, Spring Green, Wisconsin." Verso: "Bank of Spring Green, Spring Green, Wisconsin. Architecture by Taliesin Associated Architects of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, William Wesley Peters, Chief Architect. Pub. And Photo by Lou Coopey, Richland Center, Wisconsin 53581. Made by Dexter Press, Inc. West Nyack, New York. 11101-D." (For dating: "-B" tends to be from the 1960s, "-C" tends to be from the 1970's, "-D" the 80's) 9 x 4 1980.34.0914
Circa 1980
"Unity Temple (Unitarian Universalist Church)"  (Published by FFLW Home and Studio Foundation #69524-D.  Made by Dexter Press, West Nyack, New York)  Photo by Donald G. Kalec.  "By Frank Lloyd Wright in 1906. Lake Street at Kenilworth Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60302".  6 x 4. 1980.20.0806
C 1982
V.C. Morris Gift Shop, San Francisco, California, Circa 1982 (1948 - S.310). View of the interior. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. Text on face: "Helga Howie, Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. Helga Howie. 140 Maiden Lane, San Francisco, 94108. 733 Madison Avenue, New York 10021." During the late 1970s through the mid 1980s The building was occupied by Helga Howie, a fashion designer. Helga Howie was mentioned in an article published in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, January 30, 1976. Her clothing store close around 1985. Text on verso dated 2-14-87. "One of the luckiest days of my life was the day I walked into Helga's shop and found you... 4 x 5.75 1982.67.0921
C 1983

Pettit Memorial Chapel, Belvidere, Ill. (1906 - S.116) Circa 1983. Text on verso: "Pettit Memorial Chapel. Belvidere Cemetery - Belvidere, Illinois. Designed by: Frank Lloyd Wright. Prairie School Design. Erected in 1907 by Emma Pettit as a memorial to her husband. The chapel was restored in 1981 by the Junior Woman's Club. It is listed on the National and Illinois Register of Historic Places." Published by MWM Color Press, Aurora, Missouri. 194,297. The Pettit Memorial Chapel was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places on December 1, 1978. 5.5 x 3.5.

 Rookery Building Lobby 1984 (1905 - S.113). View of the lobby lo0okingh toward the suspended stairway. The Rookery Building was designed by Burnham and Root in 1888. Wright's offices were located in the building from 1898-1899. Edward C. Waller, a client of Wright's, became manager of the Rookery Building and retained Wright in 1905 to remodel the Entryway and Lobby. Wright removed most of Root's original iron ornamentation and simplified it with geometric designs. He also encased much of Root's elaborate wrought iron finishes with white carved and gilded Carrara marble. He simplified the ironwork design, added large prairie styled urns and designed hanging light fixtures. Restoration removed a stairway leading from the ground floor to the second floor which was just to the right of the suspended stairs. Verso: "Rookery Bldg. lobby after remodeling by Frank Lloyd Wright, 1905. Photo: Chicago Historical Society, Barnes-Crosby Collection. Copyright 1984 by the Chicago Historical Society. Manufactured in the U.S.A. Dover Publications, Inc., 31 East 2nd Street, Mineola, N.Y. 11501." 6 x 4.25. 1984.61.0722
Circa 1984
"Frank Lloyd Wright Studio 1898" Circa 1984 (1897 - S.004). Sign seen to the right: "Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio. Undergoing Historic Restoration to 1909 Design." Back: "Frank Lloyd Wright Studio 1898. Forest and Chicago Avenues, Oak Park, Illinois" Combining his home and work life, in 1898 Wright added this studio complex to his 1889 home. The bold geometric exterior forms are clearly expressive of the interior spaces - a two-story draughting room with suspended balcony (left), reception hall and office (center), and private octagonal library (right). (Published exclusively for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, 951 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60302) (Pub. By H. K. Barnett, Allison Park, PA 150101) FLLW-18 #131492" Very similar image published in "Building a Legacy" 2001, p. 30. 9 x 4. 1984.40.0913
1985? "Frank Lloyd Wright Home - 1889.  Forest & Chicago Avenues, Oak Park, Illinois"  (Published exclusively for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, 951 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60302.  #FllW-2 631562)  Not Dated.  Pub. by H. K. Barnett, Allison Park, Pa. 15101.  Using stained shingles, common brick, and diamond-paned casement windows, Wright's first home, designed for his bride, Catherine, was one of the first shingle style housed in the midwest. To the left is the studio, added in 1898.  6 x 4. 1985.19.0806
Circa 1985 "Mrs. Thomas Gale House, Oak Park, Illinois - 1909, Frank Lloyd Wright, architect" (Published exclusively for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, 951 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60302. #FllW-1 631561)  Not Dated.  Pub. By H. K. Barnett, Allison Park, Pa. 15101.  With its cantilevered flat roof, projecting balconies, bands of casement windows wrapping around corners, and cream colored stucco walls, the Gale house was unique in Wright's work and a forerunner of the Kaufmann house "Fallingwater" of 1936.  Photo by Don Kalec.  6 x 4. 1985.20.0806
1986 Atelier International,  Front: "602 Midway, 1 / Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright."  (Produced by Atelier International, Ltd. New York, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Washington DC.)  Back: "We are Please to announce the most recent additions to our Masters Collection: The furniture designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. Shown is the Midway 1 Chair designed in 1914."  Furniture manufactured by Cassina. 4 x 6. 1986.26.0507
1986 Atelier International,  Front: "603 Midway, 2 / Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright."  (Produced by Atelier International, Ltd. New York, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Washington DC.)  Back: "We are Please to announce the most recent additions to our Masters Collection: The furniture designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. Shown is the Midway 2 Chair designed in 1914."  Furniture manufactured by Cassina. 4 x 6. 1986.27.0507
1986 Atelier International,  Front: "604 Midway, 3 / Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright."  (Produced by Atelier International, Ltd. New York, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Washington DC.)  Back: "We are Please to announce the most recent additions to our Masters Collection: The furniture designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. Shown is the Midway 3 table designed in 1914."  Furniture manufactured by Cassina. 4 x 6. 1986.28.0507
1986 Atelier International,  Front: "605 Allen Table and 601 Robie Chairs / Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright."  (Produced by Atelier International, Ltd. New York, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Washington DC.)  Back: "We are Please to announce the most recent additions to our Masters Collection: The furniture designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. Shown are the Robie chairs designed in 1908, and the Allen table, designed in 1917."  Furniture manufactured by Cassina. 4 x 6. 1986.29.0507
1986 Atelier International,  Front: "606 Barrel / Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright."  (Produced by Atelier International, Ltd. New York, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Washington DC.)  Back: "We are Please to announce the most recent additions to our Masters Collection: The furniture designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. Shown is the Barrel chair, designed in 1937."  Furniture manufactured by Cassina. 4 x 6. 1986.30.0507
1986 Atelier International,  Front: "607 Taliesin / Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright."  (Produced by Atelier International, Ltd. New York, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Washington DC.)  Back: "We are Please to announce the most recent additions to our Masters Collection: The furniture designs of Frank Lloyd Wright.  Shown is the Taliesin Chair designed in 1949." 4 x 6. 1986.20.0506
Frank Lloyd Wright Decorative Designs, A Folio of Postcards (Published by Pomegranate Publications, Petaluma, CA) A boxed portfolio of 12 postcards, two each of six designs. "Regarded by many as the "Father of American architects," Frank Lloyd Wright is not widely known as a graphic designer. This selection of twelve postcards (two each of six designs) presents some of his finest graphic decorative designs, five for Liberty magazine covers and one for a mural..."  1) "City by the Sea" Mural Design, 1956. (Copyright 1982.)  2) "Bird in the Cage," design for Liberty magazine cover, April 1927. (Copyright 1984.)  3) "July Fourth", design for Liberty magazine cover, 1927. (Copyright 1984.)  4) "Saguaro Forms", design for Liberty magazine cover, November 1927. (Copyright 1984.)  5) "Old Fashioned Window", design for Liberty magazine cover, 1927. (Copyright 1985.)  6) "Jewelry Shop Window"...  Continued...
1986.56.0514 1-6
1987 Fallingwater: Summer / Southwest Elevation  (Produced by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy)  Photography by Christopher Little.  "Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed in 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufmann.  Entrusted in their memory to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy."  4 x 5.5.  (Two Copies) 1987.23.0506 1987.31.0404
1987 Fallingwater: Fall / Southwest Elevation  (Published by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy)  "Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed in 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufmann.  Entrusted in their memory to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy."  Photography by Christopher Little.  4 x 5.5. 1987.41.1206
1987 Fallingwater: Early Fall at Dusk / Southwest Elevation  (Published by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy)  Photography by Thomas A. Heinz.  "Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed in 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufmann. Entrusted in their memory to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy."  5.5 x 4.  (Two Copies) 1987.29.0806 1987.34.0404
1987 Fallingwater: Summer / East Elevation  (Published by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy)  Photography by Thomas A. Heinz.  "Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed in 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufmann.  Entrusted in their memory to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy."  5.5 x 4.  (Two Copies) 1987.28.0806 1987.33.0404
1987 Fallingwater: Living Room  (Published by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy) Photography by Christopher Little.  "Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed in 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufmann.  Entrusted in their memory to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy."  5.5 x 4.  (Two Copies) 1987.27.0806 1987.32.0404
1987 Fallingwater: Fall / Southeast Elevation  (Published by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy)  Photography by Christopher Little.  "Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed in 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufmann.  Entrusted in their memory to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy."  5.5 x 4. 1987.35.0404
1987 Fallingwater: Winter / Southwest Elevation  (Published by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy)  Photography by Thomas A. Heinz.  "Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed in 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufmann.  Entrusted in their memory to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy."  5.5 x 4. 1987.36.0404
1987 Fallingwater: Guest House & Pool  (Published by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy) Photography by Christopher Little.  "Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed in 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufmann.  Entrusted in their memory to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy."  5.5 x 4. 1987.37.0404
1987 Fallingwater: Winter / Overall View  (Published by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy) Photography by Thomas A. Heinz.  "Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed in 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufmann.  Entrusted in their memory to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy."  5.5 x 4. 1987.38.0404
1987 Fallingwater: Summer at Dusk / Overall View  (Published by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy)  Photography by Thomas A. Heinz.  "Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed in 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufmann.  Entrusted in their memory to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy."  5.5 x 4. 1987.39.0404
1987 Taliesin: Spring Green, Wisconsin  (Published by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation) Photography by Anthony Puttnam.  "Wisconsin office of Taliesin Associated Architects, and campus of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, established in 1932 by Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright."  4 x 5.75. 1987.30.0806
Dr. Isadore and Lucille Zimmerman Residence, Manchester, NH, 1954 (1950 - S.333). Exterior view of the Zimmerman Residence in 1954. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1950. Text on verso: "The Zimmerman House. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1950 for Isadore and Lucille Zimmerman, Manchester, NH. A Goft in 1988 to The Currier Gallery of Art. North Elevation. Photograph by Laurier C. Durette, 1954." Postcard published in 1988, photographed in 1954. 6 x 4. 1988.119.0821
1989 Fallingwater: Summer / View from the Falls  (Published by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy)  Photography by Thomas A. Heinz.  "Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright's world-famous masterwork, designed in 1936 for Liliane S. and Edgar J. Kaufman.  Entrusted in their memory to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy."  4 x 5.5. 1989.42.0404
Meyer May Residence (1908 - S.148), Set of five postcards 1989. Set of five postcards and an envelope produced by Steelcase. 1) Exterior view of the Meyer May Residence from the Southeast. Verso: "The Meyer May House in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Generally regarded as the most completely and authentically restored of all Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie houses. Designed in 1908 for the owner of a gentlemen's clothing store and restored to its original design context in 1986 by Steelcase Inc. 1989 Steelcase Inc. Grand Rapids, MI 49501. Form Number S-291." 2) View of the Living Room. Verso: "Living Room Library Alcove. Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Meyer May house in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1908. The architect positioned the house for maximum solar effect on skylights... Continue...
1989.101.0316 (1-5)
Wright at Ocotillo Desert Camp, Chandler, AZ, in what is possibly is Wright's Packard. 1929. (Published by Fotofolio, New York) Back: "Frank Lloyd Wright, Olgivanna, Svetlana & Iovanna, Ocotillo Desert Camp, Chandler, Arizona, 1929. Photographer Unidentified." " The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Fotofolio, Pox 661, Canal Sta., NY, NY 10013. P466. ISBN 1-1881270-62-9." 4.25 x 6. 1990.01.0913
C 1990
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, New York Circa 1990 (Not Dated) (1956 - S.400). View of the front facade of the Guggenheim Museum. Text on verso: "Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. 1071 Fifth Avenue. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright's only New York City building, opened in October 1959, is an organic spiral of reinforced concrete designed to showcase Solomon R. Guggenheim's pioneering collection of nonobjective art, displayed on a quarter-mile skylit ramp that descends to a handsome atrium. N.Y.C. Landmark August 14, 1990. Photograph Copyright Charles J. Ziga." This appears to be pulled from a book of postcards. The left side is perforated. 6.5 x 4.75 1990.192.0823
1990? "Arthur Heurtley House - 1902, Oak Park, Illinois.  Frank Lloyd Wright, architect"  This house, with its compact form, continuous bans of casement windows, and living spaces on the second floor, is one of Wright's early masterpieces.  The banded brickwork, low hipped roof, and wide overhanging eaves all serve to emphasize the horizontal lines and tie the building to the breadth of the Illinois landscape.  (Published exclusively for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, 951 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60302)  FLLW-14 #101195 (Pub. By H. K. Barnett, Allison Park, PA 15101)  5.8 x 4. 1990.59.0507
C 1990
"Imperial Hotel, Tokyo." Photograph circa 1960. Verso: "The legendary Frank Lloyd Wright Imperial Hotel, a melange of Mayan and art deco employing volcanic rock and molded terra-cotta surfaces. 1923-1967. Possibly produced around 1990 when "The Imperial, The First 100 Years" was published. 5.8 x 4.1. 1990.136.0418
1990? "Nathan G. Moore House, Oak Park, Illinois - 1895.  Reconstructed after fire - 1923. Frank Lloyd Wright, architect" One of the most picturesque houses in the village, the Moore House is unusual because it was one of the few major pre-Prairie style houses Wright designed in an historic style (English Tudor). According to Wright, the house was built for a man who did not want to shock his neighbors, so it does not demonstrate the level of design innovations Wright had already achieved.  (Published exclusively for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, 951 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60302)  FLLW-7 #761424  (Pub. By H. K. Barnett, Allison Park, PA 15101)  5.8 x 4. 1990.58.0507
Circa 1990
Packet of five postcards, Wright designed homes in Oak Park Circa 1990. Envelope is a yellow handmade Japanese paper (washi). Front of envelope: "Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright (5). Houses in Oak Park - [A]." Inside: "Architectural renderings by Takashi Satoh. Frank Lloyd Wright Association (Japan). Seta 4-7-11-107, Setagaya, Tokyo 158 (phone 709-1305)." Five postcards with pen and ink hand drawn renderings of: A) Frank Lloyd Wright House & Studio (#3) B) Mrs. Thomas Gale House (#6) C) Frank Thomas House (#9) D) Nathan G. Moore House (#11) E) Edwin H. Cheney House (#20). Back: Map and list of 25 homes and buildings in Oak Park designed by Wright. Produced by the Frank Lloyd Wright Association, Japan. Note: This packet was given to Kathryn Smith by Masami Tanigawa in the early 1990s. Acquired from Kathryn Smith. Postcards 5.9 x 3.9. Packet 7.4 x 4.4 1990.02.1113
A) Frank Lloyd Wright House & Studio (#3)  
B) Mrs. Thomas Gale House (#6)  
C) Frank Thomas House (#9)  
D) Nathan G. Moore House (#11)  
E) Edwin H. Cheney House (#20)  
Circa 1990
Packet of five postcards, Wright designed homes in Oak Park Circa 1990. Envelope is a red handmade Japanese paper (washi). Front of envelope: "Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright (6). Houses in Oak Park - [B]." Inside: "Architectural renderings by Takashi Satoh. Frank Lloyd Wright Association (Japan). Seta 4-7-11-107, Setagaya, Tokyo 158 (phone 709-1305)." Five postcards with pen and ink hand drawn renderings of: A) Heurtley House (#5) B) Beachy House (#8) C) H. Adams House (#17) D) W. Martin House (#18) E) Fricke House (#22). Back: Map and list of 25 homes and buildings in Oak Park designed by Wright. Produced by the Frank Lloyd Wright Association, Japan. Note: This packet was given to Kathryn Smith by Masami Tanigawa in the early 1990s. Acquired from Kathryn Smith. Postcards 5.9 x 3.9. Packet 7.4 x 4.4. 1990.03.1113
A) Heurtley House (#5)  
B) Beachy House (#8)  
C) H. Adams House (#17)  
D) W. Martin House (#18)  
E) Fricke House (#22)  
1990 "Pilgrim Congregational Church, 2850 Foothill Boulevard, P.O. 993183, Redding, CA 96099-3183, (530) 243-1233. Provided by Olan Mills Directory Division." Circa 1990. 5.5 x 3.5. 1990.74.0809
1990? "Frank Thomas House - 1901, Oak Park, Illinois.  Frank Lloyd Wright, architect" The first of Wright's  "Prairie houses" built in Oak Park, the Thomas house has its main living spaces raised a full story, a circuitous entry route, and exquisite art glass windows.  (Published exclusively for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, 951 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60302)  FLLW-19 #20108249  (Pub. By H. K. Barnett, 915 Cedar Crest Ct. Wexford, PA 15090)  5.8 x 4. 1990.60.0507
1990? "Octagonal Library 1898.  Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Oak Park, Illinois.  Frank Lloyd Wright architect"  Lit with a skylight and high banded windows, the octagonal library is free of distractions from the nearby street - a perfect place for concentration study or consultation with a client.  Photo by John Miller, Hedrich-Blessing.  (Published exclusively for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, 951 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60302)  FLLW-23 #33123460  (Pub. By H. K. Barnett, Allison Park, PA 15101)  4 x 5.8. 1990.61.0507
1990? "Studio Reception Room 1898.  Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Oak Park, Illinois. Frank Lloyd Wright, architect"  5/8/07 The intricate art glass skylight, with its tapestry-like pattern, adds a tremendous sense of excitement to the room.  Besides being a place fro receiving clients and contractors, the reception room served as a link between the draughting room to the east, Wright's private office to the south, and the octagonal library to the west.  Photo by John Miller, Hedrich-Blessing.  (Published exclusively for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, 951 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60302)  FLLW-24 #33123461  (Pub. By H. K. Barnett, Allison Park, PA 15101)  4 x 5.8. 1990.61.0507
1990? "Frank Lloyd Wright Home - 1889.  Forest and Chicago Avenues, Oak Park, Illinois" (Published exclusively for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, 951 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60302)  FLLW-28 #33123465  (Pub. By H. K. Barnett, 915 Cedar Crest Ct., Wexford, PA 15090)  Using stained shingles, common brick, and diamond-paned casement windows,  Wright's first home, designed for his bride, Catherine, was one of the first shingle style housed in the midwest.  To the left is the studio, added in 1898.  5.9 x 4.1. 1990.53.1206
1990? "Playroom 1895.  Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Oak Park, Illinois.  Frank Lloyd Wright architect"  (Published exclusively for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, 951 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60302)  FLLW-29 #36127805  (Pub. By H. K. Barnett, 915 Cedar Crest Ct., Wexford, PA 15090)  Designed by Wright for the use of his six children, the playroom is a brilliant example of how he would play with space.  But as expansive as it is, the room is really scaled and built for children.  The mural by Giannini depicts the Wright children's favorite story of the Genie and the Fisherman from the Arabian Nights.  5.9 x 4.1. 1990.54.1206
1990? "Frank Lloyd Wright Studio 1898.  Forest and Chicago Avenues, Oak Park, Illinois" (Published exclusively for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, 951 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60302)  FLLW-30 #36127807  (Pub. By H. K. Barnett, 915 Cedar Crest Ct., Wexford, PA 15090)  Combining his home and work life, in 1898 Wright added this studio complex to his 1889 home.  The bold geometric exterior forms are clearly expressive of the interior spaces - a two-story draughting room with suspended balcony (left), reception hall and office (center), and private octagonal library (right).  9 x 4. 1990.55.1206
1990 Wright at 87 (1954) (Published by Fotofolio, New York, F124)  "Frank Lloyd Wright, 1954." Photograph by Yousuf Karsh. 6 x 4.25. 1990.50.0806
1990 Wright at 89 (1956) (Published by Time Inc., Fotofolio, New York, P41) Time Inc. "Frank Lloyd Wright, 1956." Life Photograph by Alfred Eisenstaedt. Alfred Eisenstaedt writes in Time Magazine (June 11, 1956, page 17) and Modern Photography that "I shall always remember my assignment to photograph Frank Lloyd Wright. It was done under such rushed, almost impossible conditions." He had just photographed Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer and Dr. Jacques Maritain in Princeton, N.J. early in the day. He rushed back to his office. Caught a plane to Madison arriving a midnight. Had a few hours of sleep, and rushed to Taliesin to photograph Wright the next day. He was only at Taliesin for two hours. All were shot within 45 minutes and with three rolls of film. This is just one of the many images photographed that day. An in depth article describing his photo shoot at Taliesin is published in Modern Photography, September 1957, pages 52-57, 110-112. 4.25 x 6. 1990.49.0706
8) George C. Stockman House, Mason City, Iowa, 1992 (1908 - S.139). Set of eight historically significant postcards. View of the front of the house from the street, after the house was moved and saved from destruction. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1908. In the April, 1907 issue of Ladies Home Journal, Frank Lloyd Wright proposed his "Fireproof House for $5000." Wright adapted this plan in 1908 for the Stockman House. The house went though a number of different owners, and in 1987, it was put up for auction, and purchased by the First United Methodist Church next door for parking. The River City Society was formed to save the house from destruction. In 1989 the house was moved a couple blocks away to its present location, remodeled, and in 1992, it was opened to the public for viewing. Text on verso: Stockman House Exterior, 1992. Moved from its original site in October, 1989, to its present location, 530 1st St. N.E., it is owned by the River City Society for Historic Preservation, P.O. Box 565, Mason City, lowa 50401, which is continuing its restoration. Photographed and published in 1992 as a set. 6 x 4. 1992.161.0124
C 1992
George C. Stockman House Circa 1992 (1908 - S.139). View from the Southeast. Set of eight postcards. In the April, 1907 issue of Ladies Home Journal, Frank Lloyd Wright proposed his "Fireproof House for $5000." Wright adapted this plan in 1908 for the Stockman House. The house went though a number of different owners, and in 1987, it was put up for auction, and purchased by the First United Methodist Church next door for parking. The River City Society was formed to save the house from destruction. In 1989 the house was moved a couple blocks away to its present location, remodeled, and in 1992, it was opened to the public for viewing. Text on verso: "View from the Southeast. George C. & Eleanor Stockman House. Frank Lloyd Wright - 1908. Mason City, Iowa." 6 x 4
1992.129.0620 (1-8)
1993 Wright at 28 (Circa 1895) (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio Foundation. #3268)  "Frank Lloyd Wright: Wright was about 28 at the time this picture was taken, circa 1895.  Just two years earlier he had left the employment of Louis Sullivan and begun his independent practice of architecture.  Photo a gift of David and Gladys Wright."  4.25 x 6. 1993.48.0706
1994 "The Dana-Thomas House" Interior.  (Published in 1994 by the Dana-Thomas House Foundation) #39746-E.  The Dana-Thomas House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for Springfield socialite, Susan Lawrence Dana, completed in 1904.  Panoramic view of reception area looking northeast: dining room, reception hall and living room, including original art glass and furniture.  The Data-Thomas House is administered by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency and is listed on the National Register.  #3190.  9 x 4. 1994.48.1206
1994 "The Dana-Thomas House" Exterior.  (Published in 1994 by the Dana-Thomas House Foundation) #39741-E.  The Dana-Thomas House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for Springfield socialite, Susan Lawrence Dana, completed in 1904.  Southeast facade photo taken 1991 following restoration.  The Data-Thomas House is administered by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency and is listed on the National Register.  #3191.  9 x 4. 1994.49.1206
1995 Aaron Green - Frank Lloyd Wright Field Office. "Frank Lloyd Wright, architect. American, 1867-1959. Frank Lloyd Wright's San Francisco Office, 1951-59. Redwood, glass, textiles, and other media. 27 x 40 ft. (8.2 x 12.2 m).  Women's Committee Acquisition Fund, 93.29. (C)1995 The Carnegie Museum of art, Carnegie Institute. Photography / Peter Harholdt." 6 x 4. 1995.50.0809
Frank Lloyd Wright. Box of Twenty Five Postcards (Published by fotofolio, New York) A box of twenty five postcards. Pp 25. Box 4.5 x 6.25, Postcards 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514
1) "Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin East, Wisconsin, 1947. Photographed by Arnold Newman. AN19." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -1
2) "Frank Lloyd Wright, 1954. Photographed by Yousuf Karsh. F124."At Taliesin West. Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -2
3) "Frank Lloyd Wright, 1952. Photographed by Fred Stein. P358." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -3
4) "Marin County Civic Center, Entrance. San Rafaelo, California, 1957-62. Frank Lloyd Wright and Aaron G. Green, Associate. Photographed by Lucile Fessenden Dandelet. A454." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -4
5) "Frank Lloyd Wright, S.C. Johnson & Son. Administration Building, Racine, Wisconsin, 1936-39. Column Load Test. P464." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -5
6) "Frank Lloyd Wright in Hillside Drafting Room. Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin, 1956. Photographed by Obma. P465." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -6
7) "Frank Lloyd Wright, 1958. Photographed by Hans Namuth. F598." Wright at the Guggenheim during construction. Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -7
8) "Frank Lloyd Wright. Unity Temple, Oak Park, Illinois, 1905-08, Perspective. AP696." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -8
9) "Frank Lloyd Wright. Lake Tahoe Summer Colony, Lake Tahoe, California. Project, c 1922-24. Perspective of cabin. AP700." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -9
10) "Frank Lloyd Wright. Isidore Heller House, Chicago, Illinois, 1897. Perspective. AP701." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -10
11) "Frank Lloyd Wright and Aaron G. Green, Associate. Marin County Fair Pavilion. San Rafaelo, California. Project. 1957-62. Interior Perspective. AP702." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -11
12) "Frank Lloyd Wright. Little Dipper, Kindergarten and Playhouse for Aline Barnsdall. 1923, Perspective. AP703." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -12
13) "Frank Lloyd Wright. Solar Hemicycle, Herbert Jacobs House. Aerial Perspective. AP704." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -13
14) "Frank Lloyd Wright. Fallingwater, Edgar J. Kaufmann House. 1934-37. Perspective. AP707." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -14
15) "Frank Lloyd Wright. St. Mark's-In-The-Bouwerie Tower. Project, 1927-31, Perspective. AP708." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -15
16) "Frank Lloyd Wright. Taliesin Fellowship Complex, Spring Green, Wisconsin. Partially realizes. 1933, Areal perspective. AP709." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -16
17) "Frank Lloyd Wright. Lindholm Oil Company Service Station, Cloquet, Minnesota. 1956-57, Perspective. AP701." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -17
18) "Frank Lloyd Wright & Lloyd Wright, Associate. Cottage Group Hotel & Sports Club for Huntington Hartford. Project 1946-48. Perspective sports club. AP711." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -18
19) "Frank Lloyd Wright. Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan. C. 1912-23, (Demolished 1968). AP712." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -19
20) "Frank Lloyd Wright. Ralph Jester House. Palos Verdes, California. Project, 1938-39. Plan & Elevation. AP713." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -20
21) "Frank Lloyd Wright. American System-Built Houses for the Richards Company, 1915-17. Advertisement in Chicago Sunday Tribune, June 8, 1917. AP714." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -21
22) "Frank Lloyd Wright. Lake Tahoe Summer Colony, Lake Tahoe, California. Project. C. 1922-24. Perspective, Cabin Barge. AP720." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -22
23) "Frank Lloyd Wright. Frederick C. Robie House. Chicago, Illinois. 1908-10. Perspective and Partial Plan. Drawn by Heinrich Klumb, c. 1930. AP721." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -23
24) "Frank Lloyd Wright. "A Home in a Prairie Town," For Ladies" Home Journal. Project, 1900. Published February, 1901. AP723." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -24
25) "Frank Lloyd Wright. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City, 1943-59. Working Drawing, 1956. GUG 6685." Postcard 6 x 4.25. 1995.69.0514 -25
1996 Pope-Leighey House.  WLP 101.  Published by C. Harrison Conroy Co. Charlotte, NC.  Frank Lloyd Wright's Pope-Leighey House (1940).  3.5 x 5.  (Two Cards) 1996.49.0406 1996.50.0406
1996 Pope-Leighey House.  WLP 102.  Published by C. Harrison Conroy Co. Charlotte, NC.  Frank Lloyd Wright's Pope-Leighey House (1940).  3.5 x 5.  (Two Cards) 1996.51.0406 1996.52.0406
1996 "Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona".  The Garden Room.  Taliesin West is the international headquarters for the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation including the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, School of Architecture and Taliesin Architects.  (Produced in 1996 by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation - Photo by Natascha T. Payton.)  5.75 x 4. 1996.54.0107
Larkin Administration Building Post Card.  Buffalo, NY  1903-06.  Detail of upper facade showing pier sculptures by Richard Bock.  The globes depicted here represent the Larkin Company's aspirations and its world-wide trade for the procurement of ingredients for soaps, perfumes and other toiletry products.  Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society. 1997.18.0600
  Monona Terrace Auditorium and Civic Center, Madison Wisconsin, set of six postcards 1997.  
1) Monona Terrace Auditorium and Civic Center, Madison Wisconsin, 1997. Viewed from the South. Verso: "Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, Madison, Wisconsin. Designed by Wisconsin native Frank Lloyd Wright at the peak of his creative genius, the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center is one of the country's premier conference and convention facilities. 1997 City of Madison. Illustration by Jim Anderson 1995 City of Madison. All rights reserved. 1995 Taliesin Architects, Ltd. Design: MANI - Graphics & Co. MTPC2/52097." 5.9 x 4.2 1997.77.0617 -1
2) Monona Terrace Auditorium and Civic Center, Madison Wisconsin, 1997. Aerial view from the South. Verso: "Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, Madison, Wisconsin. Designed by Wisconsin native Frank Lloyd Wright at the peak of his creative genius, the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center is one of the country's premier conference and convention facilities. 1997 City of Madison. Illustration by Jim Anderson 1995 City of Madison. All rights reserved. 1995 Taliesin Architects, Ltd. Design: MANI - Graphics & Co. MTPC2/52097." 5.9 x 4.2 1997.77.0617 -2

3) Monona Terrace Auditorium and Civic Center, Madison Wisconsin, 1997. Viewed from the Southeast. Verso: "Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, Madison, Wisconsin. Designed by Wisconsin native Frank Lloyd Wright at the peak of his creative genius, the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center is one of the country's premier conference and convention facilities. 1997 City of Madison. Illustration by Jim Anderson 1995 City of Madison. All rights reserved. 1995 Taliesin Architects, Ltd. Design: MANI - Graphics & Co. MTPC2/52097." 5.9 x 4.2

1997.77.0617 -3
4) Monona Terrace Auditorium and Civic Center, Madison Wisconsin, 1997. Viewed from the East. Verso: "Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, Madison, Wisconsin. Designed by Wisconsin native Frank Lloyd Wright at the peak of his creative genius, the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center is one of the country's premier conference and convention facilities. 1997 City of Madison. Illustration by Jim Anderson 1995 City of Madison. All rights reserved. 1995 Taliesin Architects, Ltd. Design: MANI - Graphics & Co. MTPC2/52097." 5.9 x 4.2 1997.77.0617 -4
5) Monona Terrace Auditorium and Civic Center, Madison Wisconsin, 1997. Viewed from the Northeast. Face: "Lakeside Plaza. Monona Terrace. Taliesin Architects. A public place by Frank Lloyd Wright. Madison Wisconsin. Monona Terrace design venture. "Verso: "Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, Madison, Wisconsin. Designed by Wisconsin native Frank Lloyd Wright at the peak of his creative genius, the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center is one of the country's premier conference and convention facilities. 1997 City of Madison. Illustration by Jim Anderson 1995 City of Madison. All rights reserved. 1995 Taliesin Architects, Ltd. Design: MANI - Graphics & Co. MTPC2/52097."  5.9 x 4.2 1997.77.0617 -5

6) Monona Terrace Auditorium and Civic Center, Madison Wisconsin, 1997. Viewed from the Northwest. Face: "Olin Terrace. Monona Terrace. Taliesin Architects. A public place by Frank Lloyd Wright. Madison Wisconsin. Monona Terrace design venture. "Verso: "Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, Madison, Wisconsin. Designed by Wisconsin native Frank Lloyd Wright at the peak of his creative genius, the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center is one of the country's premier conference and convention facilities. 1997 City of Madison. Illustration by Jim Anderson 1995 City of Madison. All rights reserved. 1995 Taliesin Architects, Ltd. Design: MANI - Graphics & Co. MTPC2/52097."  5.9 x 4.2

1997.77.0617 -6
C 2000
Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright under Preservation (1). Folder of five postcards, published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Association, Setagaya, Japan. Architectural renderings by Takashi Satoh. Not Dated. A folder of 10 postcards of the Jiyu Gakuen Girls' School was published in 2003, rendered by Takashi Satoh.  1) Robie House. Text on verso: Post Card. Frederick C. Robie House, Chicago, Ill., 1909. (Adlai Stevenson Institute of International Affairs.) Frank Lloyd Wright Association, Japan.  2) Aline Barnsdall House, Hollyhock. Text on verso: Post Card. Aline Barnsdall House, (Hollyhock) Los Angeles, Cal., 1920 (Cultural Research, Olive Hill Foundation.) Frank Lloyd Wright Association, Japan.  3) Tazaemon Yamamura House. Text on verso: Post Card. Tazaemon Yamamura House, Ashiya, Japan, 1924 (Guest House, Yodogawa Steel Works Ltd.) Frank Lloyd Wright Association, Japan. Continue...
2000.102.0624 (A-E)
Beth Sholom Synagogue, Elkins Park, PA., 2000 (1954 - S.373). View of the Beth Sholom Synagogue from the South. The entrance is on the left. Text on verso: "Beth Sholom Synagogue, 1959 - 60. Frank Lloyd Wright. Happy Holidays & All the Best for 2000. See you at the May Convention! (Signatures) From AlA Philadelphia and the AIA Bookstore & Design Center. See the history of American architecture: Philadelphia AIA Convention 2000, May 4 - 7. Photo Peter Olsen, Philadelphia." 6 x 4. 2000.97.0223
2000 "The Frederick C. Robie House (1910) represents the culmination of Frank Lloyd Wright's renowned work in the revolutionary architectural genre known as the Prairie Style." (Produced by the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust.  In 2000, the Home and Studio Foundation changed its name to the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust to better reflect the dual stewardship of the Home and Studio and Frederick C. Robie House.)  Photo: Chris Barrett, Hedrich-Blessing.  These were tickets for touring the Robie House, right side was perforated and removed at he time of the tour.  5.5 x 3.6.  (Three copies) 2000.36.0802 2000.37.0802 2000.38.0802
"The Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio (1889 / 1898) served as the design laboratory of America's best-known architect for the first 20 years of his career."  (Produced by the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust.  In 2000, the Home and Studio Foundation changed its name to the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust to better reflect the dual stewardship of the Home and Studio and Frederick C. Robie House.)  Photo: Jon Miller, Hedrich-Blessing.  This was a ticket for touring the Wright Home and Studio, top side was perforated and removed at he time of the tour.  5.5 x 3.6. 2000.39.0802
2000 Romeo and Juliet Windmill.  "Taliesin is the Spring Green, Wisconsin, home of architect Frank Lloyd Wright.  The Octagon-shaped Romeo and Juliet Windmill on the property has been restored to its 1938 appearance and stands overlooking Hillside Home School."  Photo by Gari Walz.  Produced by the Frank Lloyd Wright Visitor Center.  #K22462.  5.9 x 4.1. 2000.41.0307
2000 Midway Barn.  "Taliesin is the Spring Green, Wisconsin, home of architect Frank Lloyd Wright.  The Midway farm is located on the 600 acre estate "midway" between Taliesin and Hillside Home School."  Photo by Pedro E. Guerrero.  Produced by the Frank Lloyd Wright Visitor Center.  5.9 x 4.1. 2000.42.0307
2000 Frank Lloyd Wright Hillside School.  "Hillside Home School at Spring Green represents Wright's first Wisconsin project.  Hillside School was established by Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright in 1932 as a School of Architecture.  Today, the facility is the is the architectural school of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.  Tours are available summer months."  Photo by Gari Walz.  Produced by Outdoor Horizons, Dodgeville, WI.  #76189735.  5.9 x 4.1. 2000.43.0307
2000 Taliesin.  "Taliesin is the Wisconsin home of architect Frank Lloyd Wright.  Wright constructed Taliesin in 1911 near the Hillside School overlooking the Wisconsin River.  The house constructed on a hill with a pond and waterfall reflects Wright's esthetic philosophy of a building being part of the natural surroundings."  Photo by Gari Walz.  Produced by Outdoor Horizons, Dodgeville, WI.  #K26982.  5.9 x 4.1. 2000.44.0307
2000 Wingspread Circa 2000. "Aerial view of Wingspread. Wingspread, completed in 1939, was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Built as a residence for H.F. Johnson, Wingspread is now an international educational conference center maintained by The Johnson Foundation in Racine, Wisconsin. Thomas A. Heinz photograph." 5.9 x 4.1. 2000.55.1209
2000 Wingspread Circa 2000. "The central chimney features five fireplaces. Wingspread, completed in 1939, was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Built as a residence for H.F. Johnson, Wingspread is now an international educational conference center maintained by The Johnson Foundation in Racine, Wisconsin. Thomas A. Heinz photograph." 5.9 x 4.1. 2000.56.1209
2000 Wingspread Circa 2000. "The east and south wings of Wingspread. Wingspread, completed in 1939, was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Built as a residence for H.F. Johnson, Wingspread is now an international educational conference center maintained by The Johnson Foundation in Racine, Wisconsin. Thomas A. Heinz photograph." 5.9 x 4.1. 2000.57.1209
  Jiyu Gakuen Girls" School (1921 - S.213). Undated set of eight postcards, descriptive sheet and envelop. The Jiyu Gakuen Girls" School began on April 15th, 1921 with thirty students. While working on the Imperial Hotel (1915-1923 - S.194), Frank Lloyd Wright was contacted by Mr. And Mrs. Hani. "This little school building was designed for the Jiyu-Gakuen - in the same spirit implied by the name of the school - a free spirit. It was intended to be simple happy place for happy children - unpretentious - genuine. It is built in no certified style. It has style all its own. Whether one likes or dislikes it, the style is harmoniously founded on right principles... The architects have felt this in working out this design with Mr. And Mrs. Hani, and are happy to see the building carrying its children as a tree carries its blossoms. The children seem to belong to the building in quite the same way as the flowers belong to the tree, and the building belongs to them as the tree belongs to its flowers... Frank Lloyd Wright, Arata Endo." Text reprinted from "Our Life in the Jiyu Gakuen" 1930. Postcards 5.9 x 4.1. Descriptive sheet 5.9 x 12 folded to 5.9 x 4. Envelope 4.75 x 6.7. 2001.55.1111
Postcard 1 Postcard 1: Early Birds-eye View. Possibly the winter of 1950-1960s. Original entry gate has been replaced. Balcony roof overhang has been braced. Wright's design consisted of the larger building in the center incorporating a two-story Living Room/Classroom in the front. The rear included an Assembly Hall on the first floor and a Dining Hall on the second floor, two classrooms on either side. Additional classrooms were added later creating a U-Shaped building seen today. Arata Endo was Wright's assistant on the Imperial Hotel. He was most likely responsible for the additional classrooms.  
Postcard 2 Postcard 2: Front view in the spring. The trees seen above have matured. Original entry gate has been restored. Balcony roof overhang has been braced. Wright's design consisted of the larger building in the center incorporating a two-story Living Room/Classroom in the front. The rear included an Assembly Hall on the first floor and a Dining Hall on the second floor, two classrooms on either side.  
Postcard 3 Postcard 3: Front view in the summer. Most likely taken after the 2001 restoration. Balcony roof overhang brace has been removed. Wright's design consisted of the larger building in the center incorporating a two-story Living Room/Classroom in the front. The rear included an Assembly Hall on the first floor and a Dining Hall on the second floor, two classrooms on either side.  
Postcard 4 Postcard 4: Side view in the summer of the additional classrooms on the right. Most likely taken after the 2001 restoration at the same time as PC3. These additional classrooms were added later creating a U-Shaped building seen today. Arata Endo was Wright's assistant on the Imperial Hotel. He was most likely responsible for the additional classrooms.  
Postcard 5 Postcard 5: View of the two-story Living Room/Classroom from under the second floor balcony. Most likely taken after the 2001 restoration. Wright's design consisted of the larger building in the center incorporating this two-story Living Room/Classroom in the front. The rear included the Assembly Hall on the first floor and a Dining Hall on the second floor. The light fixtures and furniture were designed by Wright.  
Postcard 6 Postcard 6: View of the two-story Living Room/Classroom windows. Most likely taken after the 2001 restoration. Wright's design consisted of the larger building in the center incorporating this two-story Living Room/Classroom in the front. The rear included the Assembly Hall on the first floor and a Dining Hall on the second floor. The furniture were designed by Wright.  
Postcard 7 Postcard 7: View of the Dining Hall. Most likely taken after the 2001 restoration. Wright's design consisted of the larger building in the center incorporating a two-story Living Room/Classroom in the front. The rear included the Assembly Hall on the first floor and this Dining Hall on the second floor. The light fixtures were designed by Wright.  
Postcard 8 Postcard 8: View of Class Room. Most likely taken after the 2001 restoration. Wright's design included two classrooms where on either side of the main building.  
Description Descriptive sheet . "This little school building was designed for the Jiyu-Gakuen - in the same spirit implied by the name of the school - a free spirit. It was intended to be simple happy place for happy children - unpretentious - genuine. It is built in no certified style. It has style all its own. Whether one likes or dislikes it, the style is harmoniously founded on right principles... The architects have felt this in working out this design with Mr. And Mrs. Hani, and are happy to see the building carrying its children as a tree carries its blossoms. The children seem to belong to the building in quite the same way as the flowers belong to the tree, and the building belongs to them as the tree belongs to its flowers... Frank Lloyd Wright, Arata Endo." Text reprinted from "Our Life in the Jiyu Gakuen" 1930. Text in English and Japanese. Includes illustration of Floor Plan. 5.9 x 12 folded to 5.9 x 4.  
Envelope Envelope for containing eight Postcards and Descriptive sheet. 4.75 x 6.7.  
2002 Front: "The Gordon House - Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, at the Oregon Garden" (Produced by The Oregon Gardens, Silverton, OR)   Back: "Gordon House.  The Gordon House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, is one of the best examples of a "Usonian" home.  It is the only Frank Lloyd Wright home open to the public in the Pacific Northwest.  Completed in 1964, the house was relocated to the Oregon Gardens in March 2001."  5.75 x 4.  (Ten copies)

2002.63.0302 Thru 2002.80.0507

Jiyu Gakuen Girls" School 2003 (1921 - S.213). Set of eight illustrated postcards of the Jiyu Gakuen Girls" School that Frank Lloyd Wright designed in 1921. Includes envelope and descriptive sheet. The Jiyu Gakuen Girls" School began on April 15th, 1921 with thirty students. From the descriptive sheet: "The Myonichikan of Jiyu Gakuen (1921 -). Myonichikan is the school building where Jiyu Gakuen began. Yoshikazu dnd Motoko Hani founded Jiyu Gakuen (Freedom School) on this site in 1921. The building was designed by the famous American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, who was at the time in Japan working on designing the Imperial Hotel. Wright was introduced to the couple by their friend Arata Endo, who was also engaged in the hotel project as an assistant to Wright. After hearing the Motoko's idea of initiating their own school, Wright undertook the design of the school...  Continue...
2003.59.0519 (1-10)
2004 Maxicard - Watson.  "Frank Lloyd Wright, architect.  Interior view of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York (1943-59), Skylight.  Photographed by David Heald (c) 2004 SRGF, NY.  Published by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation."  One 37c stamps (#3910a) canceled January 19, 2006 New York. 6 x 4.25.  Published by Terry Watson, Lithia Springs, CA.  (One Copy) 3910.02.1206
C 2005 Zimmerman Dining Room Table. Back: "Frank Lloyd Wright (1967-1959). The Zimmerman House, 1950. Dining Table, Dining Chairs and Table Lamp, 1951-2. Cypress and cypress plywood. Bequest of Dr. Isadore J. and Lucille Zimmerman. The Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester, NH. Published by Graphique de France, Boston, USA / Paris, France. WE100." 5.9 x 4.1. (Three copies)  For more information on the Zimmerman Residence see our Wright Study. 2005.26.0907 2005.27.0907 2005.28.0907
2006 Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona.  (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation)  "Taliesin West Entrance.  Taliesin West is the international headquarters for the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation including the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, School of Architecture and Taliesin Architects."  5.75 x 4. 2006.14.0307
2007 Frank's Home.  "Frank Lloyd Wright built magnificent houses.  So why couldn"t he create a home."  The play takes place over three days, beginning August 31, 1923.  The grounds of Olive Hill, Hollywood, CA.  A new play by Richard Nelson.  Directed by Robert Falls.  5 x 7. 2007.04.0207
Decorative Designs: A Book of Postcards (Published by Pomegranate Communications, Inc., Petaluma, CA) First published in 2000. "Seeking perfection in every ornament, Frank Lloyd Wright designed exquisite patterns for the rugs, carpets, murals, and mosaics that adorned his architectural masterpieces. These dazzling, highly abstract works of graphic art reflect Wright's long time fascination with geometric motives, which he believed represented specific principles... This postcard book features 30 of Wright's most imaginative textiles, window, and mural designs; it also includes several patterns created for the cover of liberty magazine." (Back cover) Original list price $9.95. 7 x 4.75 (Third Edition) Pp 62 2008.35.0517
Drawings For The Guggenheim: A Book of Postcards (Published by Pomegranate Communications, Inc., Petaluma, CA) Pomegranate Communications "After setting off a storm of controversy, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum soon found its place in the pantheon of American architecture. This is a building no less adventurous than the modern art hung from it's curved walls, and it's soaring atrium and spiraling ramp splendidly suggests a twentieth-century temple built to celebrate the arts. A valedictory campaign pursued by Frank Lloyd Wright during his final decade and a half, the museum was the culmination of a lifetime of building and a remarkable response to a number of contemporary aestatic currents. The fifteen pencil sketches and watercolors in this booklet in this postcard book convey the evolution of Wright's Manhattan masterpiece." (Back cover) Original list price $7.95. 7 x 4.75 (First Edition) Pp 30 2009.45.0517
Beth Sholom Synagogue, A Book of Postcards (Published by Pomegranate Comm, Inc., Petaluma, CA) Pomegranate Comm, Inc. A book of 20 postcards. "Frank Lloyd Wright (American, 1867-1959) began to work on Beth Sholom late in 1953, after Rabbi Mortimer J. Cohen persuaded him to except the commission for the only synagogue he ever designed. The building was to be among the most important of the architect's late career. The two men establish the fruitful working partnership, and Wright according to the rabbi a rare honor by identifying him as the co-author of the project. Together they created a remarkable "Mt. Sinai wrought in modern material." The synagogue, one of a small group of religious buildings Wright completed, is his only non-Christian house of worship. Beth Sholom was dedicated on September 20, 1959, just over five months after Wright's death." Original list price $8.95. 7 x 4.75 Pp 42 (First Edition) 2010.30.0817

Liberty Magazine Cover Designs. Box of 20 Postcards, two each of 10 designs. 2010. (Published by Pomegranite Communication, Inc. Petaluma, CA) Ten of the twelve illustrations Frank Lloyd Wright created and proposed for the covers of Liberty Magazine, between 1926 and 1928: 1) Frozen Spheres (FLLW 2604.034);  2) Jewelry Shop Window (FLLW 2709.001).  3) March Balloons (FLLW 2604.020);  4) Bird in the Cage (FLLW2604.009);  5) May Basket (FLLW 2604.018);  6) Old Fashion Window (FLLW 2604.036);  7) July Fourth (Flags) (FLLW 2604.004);  8) September (Desert Triangles) (FLLW 2604.017);  9) Saguaro Forms and Cactus Flowers (FLLW 2604.005);  10) December Gifts (FLLW 2604.006);  Box of 20 Postcards, two each of 10 designs. Box 4.75 x 6.5, Postcards: 4.25 x 6. Original cost $9.95.

The Architect's Vision: A Book of Postcards (Published by Pomegranate Communications, Inc., Petaluma, CA) Pomegranate Communications. First published in 2009. "A preliminary chat, a small scale model, an AutoCAD rendering-all can render the architect's vision, but a pencil drawing that sets the imagined building against sky and land and trees communicates scale and setting as no other medium can. Frank Lloyd Wright (American, 1867-1959) began his career as a draftsman in the office of Joseph Lyman Silsbee, then that of Louis Henri Sullivan-both architects produced magisterial drawings themselves, and Wright always employed skilled draftsmen in his own practice. Much influenced by German fin-de-sicle renderings and Japanese prints, the thirty drawings in this collection show us buildings that never got off the drafting table as well as masterpieces that have recently been lovingly restored to their original glory." (Back cover) Original list price $7.95. 7 x 4.75" Pp 62 (Second Edition) 2011.20.0517
Wright Plus Post Card Portfolio Folder 2014. (Published by Pigment & Hue Inc. for the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust.) "All Wright Housewalk. Frank Lloyd Wright 125 Years, Home and Studio 1889-2014. An American Legacy. 11 Keepsake Postcards. The Frank Lloyd Wright Trust celebrates 2014 as the legacy year to mark the 125th anniversary of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio and the 40th anniversary of the Trust itself. In 1889, Wright designed and built his family home and workplace in Oak Park, Illinois with a $5000 loan from his employer Louis Sullivan. In 1974, the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust was founded, as the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, to restore the Home and Studio and open the site for tours. Today the Frank Lloyd Wright...  Continue...
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