Letter from Aaron Green to Mr. And
Mrs. Wright 1955 (1951 - S.348).
In 1951, Frank Lloyd Wright and
his associate Aaron Green, opened up a field office together in
San Francisco Californica. Wright used it while working on his
northern California projects, culminating in the Marin County
Civic Center. Wright used it until his death in 1959. Aaron
Green continued to use the space for his own office and as
headquarters for the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation through 1988.
Green participated in
about forty of Wright's projects and saw the completion of the
Marin County Civic Center after Wright’s death. Letter is not
dated, but Frank Lloyd Wright responded to Aaron Green’s letter
on January 12, 1955.
Text: "Dear Mr. And Mrs. Wright: We trust you have had a
wonderful holiday season and extend fullest good wishes for
1955. I regret to inform you of Gertrude Pauson’s death. She
went to sleep in the evening and did not awaken. Rose,
Jeannette, and Jean join me in affectionate regards. Signed:
“Aaron.” Gertrude Pauson
was Green's sister-in-law,. The Rose and Gertrude Pauson House
(1939 - S.250), Phoenix, Arizona, was designed by Wright in 1939
and built 1940-1942. It was destroyed by fire in 1942.
Printed on a plain sheet of beige letter stock with the
watermark: “Permanized Clover Bond, Rag Content U. S. A.” This
is the same type of stock Taliesin West used.
11 x 8.5
1092.285.0125 |

Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to
Aaron Green 1955 (1951 - S.348).
In 1951, Frank Lloyd Wright and his
associate Aaron Green, opened up a field office together in San
Francisco Californica. Wright used it while working on his
northern California projects, culminating in the Marin County
Civic Center. Wright used it until his death in 1959. Aaron
Green continued to use the space for his own office and as
headquarters for the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation through 1988.
Green participated in
about forty of Wright's projects and saw the completion of the
Marin County Civic Center after Wright’s death. This letter is
in response to an undated letter from Aaron Green to
Mr. and Mrs. Wright.
Text: "Dear Aaron: As usual - worth having. All our best to you
both. Affectionately, F. LL. W (Signed). Frank Lloyd Wright.
January 12, 1955." Next to his signature, Wright pens: "Am glad
Gertrude - is at rest -" referring to Green's sister-in-law,
Gertrude Pauson. The Rose and Gertrude Pauson House (1939 -
S.250), Phoenix, Arizona, was designed by Wright in 1939 and
built 1940-1942. It was destroyed by fire in 1942. Frank Lloyd
Wright’s response concerning Gertrude was in response to a
letter from Aaron Green to Wright informing his of her death.
The body of Wright's letter refers to the Los Altos Civic
Center, a project Wright deemed as "worth having". This letter
is accompanied by two dozen pages of correspondence regarding
the project, which, despite Wright traveling to the San
Francisco suburb in 1954, did not come to fruition.
Printed on Taliesin West letterhead. Beige laid stock with the
watermark: “Permanized Clover Bond, Rag Content U. S. A.”
11 x 8.5
1092.284.0125 |
1) Los Altos Civic Center Project Correspondence, Site
Development Plan Report 1955 (1951 - S.348).
Site Development Plan Report for the Los Altos Civic Center
Project. In 1951, Frank Lloyd Wright and his associate Aaron
Green, opened up a field office together in San Francisco
Californica. Wright used it while working on his northern
California projects, culminating in the Marin County Civic
Center. Wright used it until his death in 1959. Aaron Green
continued to use the space for his own office and as
headquarters for the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation through 1988.
Green participated in
about forty of Wright's projects and saw the completion of the
Marin County Civic Center after Wright’s death.
This Los Altos Civic Center Project Correspondence was a project
Wright deemed as "worth having". Although Wright traveled to the
San Francisco suburb in 1954, the project did not come to
fruition. Report:
“Subject: Los Altos Civic Center Site Development Plan. To: Los
Altos City Council. From: Lawrence Livingston, Jr., Planning
Consultant. (Report is dated January 10, 1955.)
“On October 4, 1954, the City Council retained our services to
prepare a site development plan for a civic center and community
center to be located on a parcel of approximately 10 acres on
San Antonio Road opposite Edith The property has Avenue, then
owned by Mr. and Mrs. J. Gilbert Smith. The property has since
been purchased by the City.
“The purpose of this report is to summarize the procedures
followed in preparing the site development plan and to explain
the plan for the benefit of those who will use it: the City
Council, the City Planning Commission, engineers, architects and
landscape architects who will prepare detailed plans for
improvements, and the citizens of Los Altos who, through their
elected representatives, ultimately will decide on the nature
and timing of the stages of construction...” 12 Page Report,
8.5 x 11
1092.286.0125 |
2) Los Altos Civic Center Project
Correspondence, Letter from Green to Mayor 1955 (1951 - S.348).
Letter from Aaron Green to Mayor Witt for
the Los Altos Civic Center Project. In 1951, Frank Lloyd Wright
and his associate Aaron Green, opened up a field office together
in San Francisco Californica. Wright used it while working on
his northern California projects, culminating in the Marin
County Civic Center. Wright used it until his death in 1959.
Aaron Green continued to use the space for his own office and as
headquarters for the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation through 1988.
Green participated in about forty of Wright's projects and saw
the completion of the Marin County Civic Center after Wright’s
death. This Los
Altos Civic Center Project Correspondence was a project Wright
deemed as "worth having". Although Wright traveled to the San
Francisco suburb in 1954, the project did not come to fruition.
Letter: “Hon, Clarence O. Witt, Mayor. Los Altos, California.
(Letter is dated May 16, 1955.)
“Dear Sir:
has come to my attention that you are Interested in considering
local architects for design of the projected Los Allos City
Hall. I would be pleased to be included in the list of those
whose professional services you are considering and will be glad
to submit qualifications in person or otherwise.
“Although maintaining offices in San Francisco, with work
throughout the state, I have been a resident of Los Altos for
the past four years and a portion of my professional activity is
carried on in the Los Altos area...” 1 Page letter,
8.5 x 11
1092.287.0125 |
3) Los Altos Civic Center Project
Correspondence, Letter from Green to Wright 1955 (1951 - S.348).
Letter from Aaron Green to Frank Lloyd
Wright concerning the Los Altos Civic Center Project. In 1951,
Frank Lloyd Wright and his associate Aaron Green, opened up a
field office together in San Francisco Californica. Wright used
it while working on his northern California projects,
culminating in the Marin County Civic Center. Wright used it
until his death in 1959. Aaron Green continued to use the space
for his own office and as headquarters for the Frank Lloyd
Wright Foundation through 1988.
participated in about forty of Wright's projects and saw the
completion of the Marin County Civic Center after Wright’s
death. This Los
Altos Civic Center Project Correspondence was a project Wright
deemed as "worth having". Although Wright traveled to the San
Francisco suburb in 1954, the project did not come to fruition.
Letter: Hand written: Original Sent withot revisions, June 16 /
1955. “Dear Mr.
“It was a pleasure to speak with you in New York, and am very
pleased that you express interest in the Los Altos Civic Center
Project. Actually the project will be a very small thing of that
kind, but I see no reason why It cannot be distinguished with
quality In lieu of quantity. Although the City Council has not
yet made an official decision ,I am gratified that my meeting
with the concerned committee indicated that they were more than
interested at the possibility of obtaining your services.
order not to seem to act as a salesman in your behalf, but
rather as a resident interested in the best for the community, I
asked with me i to speok for you in gratitude as your clients.
order not to seem to act as a salesman in your behalf, but
rather as a resident Interested in the dest for the community, I
asked Dr. and Mrs. Hanna, The Morrises, and Arthur Mathews to
attend the meeting with me; to speak for you in gratitude as
your clients. I stated definitely, as usual, that you do not
solicit work, but that I hoped we might be able to interest you
in the prolect since it seems a worthy one...” 3 Page Letter,
8.5 x 11
1092.288.0125 |
4) Los Altos Civic Center Project
Correspondence, Letter from Mayor Witt to Wright 1955 (1951 -
Letter from of Los Altos Mayor Witt to
Frank Lloyd Wright c/o Aaron Green concerning the Los Altos
Civic Center Project. In 1951, Frank Lloyd Wright and his
associate Aaron Green, opened up a field office together in San
Francisco Californica. Wright used it while working on his
northern California projects, culminating in the Marin County
Civic Center. Wright used it until his death in 1959. Aaron
Green continued to use the space for his own office and as
headquarters for the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation through 1988.
Green participated in about forty of Wright's projects and saw
the completion of the Marin County Civic Center after Wright’s
This Los Altos Civic Center Project Correspondence was a project
Wright deemed as "worth having". Although Wright traveled to the
San Francisco suburb in 1954, the project did not come to
Letter: “July 15, 1955. Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright, c/o Mr. Aaron G.
Green, 319 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, California.
“Dear Sir:
“On a
recently acquired ten acre Civic Center site, the City of Los
Altos is planning to construct a City Hall and Police
Station in the immediate future. Ultimate
development will probably include a Community Center, Youth
Center, Art Center, and Library in addition to the two municipal
“The City is desirous of obtaining an architectural layout for
the entire site to insure that there will be sufficient guidance
to provide in the future for a harmonious development services
for immediately.
“In discussion, we have tentatively decided to follow the
following procedure, and should appreciate your comments on
Signed: “Clarence O. Witt, Mayor.” 2 Page Letter,
8.5 x 11
1092.289.0125 |
5) Los Altos Civic Center Project
Correspondence, Letter from Green to Mayor Witt1955 (1951 -
Letter from of Aaron Green to Mayor Witt
concerning the Los Altos Civic Center Project. In 1951, Frank
Lloyd Wright and his associate Aaron Green, opened up a field
office together in San Francisco Californica. Wright used it
while working on his northern California projects, culminating
in the Marin County Civic Center. Wright used it until his death
in 1959. Aaron Green continued to use the space for his own
office and as headquarters for the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation
through 1988.
Green participated in about forty of Wright's projects and saw
the completion of the Marin County Civic Center after Wright’s
This Los Altos Civic Center Project Correspondence was a project
Wright deemed as "worth having". Although Wright traveled to the
San Francisco suburb in 1954, the project did not come to
Letter dated July 22 : 1955. “Hon. Clarence C. Witt, Mayor. City
of Los Altos, California.
“Dear Sir:
you for your Interest in Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright in relation to
design of the Los Altos Civic Center.
“Regarding your request for comment on problems attendant to
this project, It is impossible for me to reply officially for
Mr. Wright in any manner, particularly in view of the fact that
a proposal concerning fees might be misconstrued by Mr. Wright
as a solicitation for work in competition with other
processionals. However, I shall advise you, through recent
experience, of Mr. Wright's fee procedure for a project somewhat
“Regarding your request for an appointment with Mr. Wright
during his visit to the area next week, I am pleased to arrange
an appointment in the late afternoon or the evening of July 27,
or the morning of July 28, at Mr. Wright's San Francisco Office
at 319 Grant Avenue. 1am sure that Mr. Wright will be glad to
provide you with his comment and advice regarding the Civic
Center project...) 3 Page Letter,
8.5 x 11
1092.290.0125 |

6) Los Altos Civic Center Project
Correspondence, Letter from Green to Wright 1955 (1951 - S.348).
Letter from of Aaron Green to Frank Lloyd
Wright concerning the Los Altos Civic Center Project. In 1951,
Frank Lloyd Wright and his associate Aaron Green, opened up a
field office together in San Francisco Californica. Wright used
it while working on his northern California projects,
culminating in the Marin County Civic Center. Wright used it
until his death in 1959. Aaron Green continued to use the space
for his own office and as headquarters for the Frank Lloyd
Wright Foundation through 1988.
participated in about forty of Wright's projects and saw the
completion of the Marin County Civic Center after Wright’s
This Los Altos Civic Center Project Correspondence was a project
Wright deemed as "worth having". Although Wright traveled to the
San Francisco suburb in 1954, the project did not come to
fruition. Letter dated
August 9 / 1955.
“Dear Mr. Wright,
“The Lenkurt group are extremely enthusiastic at the preview you
presented of their future possibilities and you have probably by
now heard from them as l suggested they write you directly. They
have asked me to meet with them this week to discuss the outline
of their plant operation and general requirements which they are
now preparing to send you. Apparently they have assiduously
investigated the purchase of a completely new site according to
your suggestions but told me that the single promising piece
developed complications which would undoubtedly add major delay
beyond practicability. In view of that they are continuing with
the thought of their present site meanwhlle dealing as fast as
possible for the acquisition of the adjacent property you
wanted... “Enclosed are
clippings which will indicate the status of the peripatetic Los
Altos situation and repercussions of your visit. Sometimes I
wonder if a thing of this kind, involved with uninformed and
sometimes biased opinions publicly expressed by petty city
officials, should not be cancelled out at an early stage as
being beneath your dignity. If after perusing these clippings
you feel such is true, kindly let me know and I shall take steps
to immediately withdraw your name from consideration. Of course
I did not Initially anticipate what has developed regarding your
services being openly discussed as part of a group consideration
of architects. I have
apparently personally incurred the animosity of the mayor with
my emphasis that this not be done and my criticism of their
manner of attempting to make an evaluation...”
Signed: “Aaron.” Hand
written at the bottom: “P.S. Gumps are holding Japanese screens
you liked for Price House - 3 screens, 4 panels each, each 98 ½"
long x 34 ½" - 900.00 less 20%. - They are shipping you Chinese
box ($150.00 less 20%).” 2 Page Letter,
8.5 x 11
1092.291.0125 |
Date: 1995
Aaron Green - Frank Lloyd Wright Field Office.
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright, architect.
American, 1867-1959. Frank Lloyd Wright’s San Francisco Office,
1951-59. Redwood, glass, textiles, and other media. 27 x 40 ft.
(8.2 x 12.2 m). Women’s Committee Acquisition Fund, 93.29.
(C)1995 The Carnegie Museum of art, Carnegie Institute.
Photography / Peter Harholdt."
6 x 4
1995.50.0809 |