V. C. MORRIS Date: 1945
Title: V.C. Morris House "Seacliff," Scheme 1, San Francisco, CA, Perspective 1945 (Project 1945 - FLLW #4303).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Perspective view from sea level. Another view was published in the January 1948 Architectural Forum, p.90-91, "This ocean front house at San Francisco is planned for a cliff site dropping sheer about 110 ft. from lot level to tide water. The Structure is earthquake proof, built of reinforced steel and concrete. Concrete top slabs, throughout, are waterproof and covered with 16 in. of top soil, planted to grass, flowers, and shrubs. A house to the ocean, a garden to the neighbors." Text: Pacific Dwellings for Mr. And Mrs. V. C. Morris, San Francisco, Frank Lloyd Wright Architect." Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1917-1942, Pfeiffer, 2009, p.72.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 0647.38.1219Date: 1955
Title: V.C. Morris House "Seacliff," Scheme 2, San Francisco, CA, Elevation 1955 (Project 1955 - FLLW #5412).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Elevation from sea level for the V.C. Morris House "Seacliff," Scheme 2. This revision to the first design from 1945, lowered the house and placed it closer to the beach. Text: "Elevation." Additional illustrations published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1943-1959, Pfeiffer, 2009, p.417.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 1092.134.1219Date: 1956
Title: V.C. Morris House "Quietwater," Stinson Beach, CA, Perspective 1956 (Project 1956 - FLLW #5729).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Perspective view from sea level of the V.C. Morris House "Quietwater." After the Mr. And Mrs. Morris abandoned "Seacliff," they opted to purchased a piece of property where the house could be built on the beach. Mr. Morris died while Wright was working on the plans. Text: "Quietwater. Cottage for Mr. & Mrs. V. C. Morris, San Francisco, Calif. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect." Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1943-1959, Pfeiffer, 2009, p.468.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 1147.105.1219Date: 1956
Title: V.C. Morris House "Quietwater," Stinson Beach, CA, Elevation and Ground Plan 1956 (Project 1956 - FLLW #5729).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Elevation and ground plan for the V.C. Morris House "Quietwater." After the Mr. And Mrs. Morris abandoned "Seacliff," they opted to purchased a piece of property where the house could be built on the beach. Mr. Morris died while Wright was working on the plans. Upper illustration: Elevation. Lower illustration: Ground plan. Hand written: "Sand. V. C. Morris." Text: "Quietwater." Additional illustrations published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1943-1959, Pfeiffer, 2009, p.468.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 1147.106.1219V. C. MORRIS GIFT SHOP (1948 - S.310) Date: 1948
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, San Francisco, CA, Preliminary Study, 1948, FLLW #4802 (1948 - S.310).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. Preliminary study for the V.C. Morris Gift Shop. A composite of the spiral ramp and the arched entrance. "As visitors (from the world over) enter through the arch they stand for a moment to gaze at the rhythmic spiral forms of the central ramp, on and up to the patterned fantasy of the hanging screen with its groups of luminesce opalescent bubbles appearing to ascend in clusters through the ceiling. It is for them a breathless moment..." V. C. Morris. Published in the Architectural Forum, February, 1950, p.83. Text: "4802.01." Additional illustrations published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1943-1959, Pfeiffer, 2009, p.172-175.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 0746.25.1219Date: 1948
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, San Francisco, CA, Front Elevation, 1948, FLLW #4802 (1948 - S.310).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. Front Elevation for the V.C. Morris Gift Shop. At first glance the face of the building appears to be a flat solid brick wall, broken by the semi-circular entrance to the building. The details are subtle. But as you look closer, there is depth to the design. The face of the building protrudes about the thickness of one brick, and is bordered by the vertical perforated light column on the left, a concrete band near the top, and a second near the bottom, capping the row of inset square lights. The right side steps back and is nearly overlooked. As you step into the half glass, half brick semi-circular portal, each successive row of brick and glass reduces the size of the entrance, much the same as Wright’s hallways. The entrance feels restrictive and confined, but as you step through the doorway you feel a released. "As visitors (from the world over) enter through the arch they stand for a moment to gaze at the rhythmic spiral forms of the central ramp, on and up to the patterned fantasy of the hanging screen with its groups of luminesce opalescent bubbles appearing to ascend in clusters through the ceiling. It is for them a breathless moment..." Quote: V. C. Morris. Published in the Architectural Forum, February, 1950, p.83. Text: "Street Elevation. Gift Shop For Morris V. C. Maiden Lane, San Francisco, Cal. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect." FLLW #4824.08. Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1943-1959, Pfeiffer, 2009, p.175.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 0746.26.1219Date: 1948
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, San Francisco, CA, Upper Floor Plan, 1948, FLLW #4802 (1948 - S.310).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. Upper Floor Plan for the V.C. Morris Gift Shop. "As visitors (from the world over) enter through the arch they stand for a moment to gaze at the rhythmic spiral forms of the central ramp, on and up to the patterned fantasy of the hanging screen with its groups of luminesce opalescent bubbles appearing to ascend in clusters through the ceiling. It is for them a breathless moment..." Quote: V. C. Morris. Published in the Architectural Forum, February, 1950, p.83. Text: "Sheet 2. Plan of Mezzanine Level. Gift Shop For Morris V. C. Maiden Lane, San Francisco, Cal. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect." FLLW #4824.07. Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1943-1959, Pfeiffer, 2009, p.175.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 0746.27.1219Date: 1948
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, San Francisco, CA, Detail of Upper Floor Plan, 1948, FLLW #4802 (1948 - S.310).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. Detail of Upper Floor Plan for the V.C. Morris Gift Shop. "As visitors (from the world over) enter through the arch they stand for a moment to gaze at the rhythmic spiral forms of the central ramp, on and up to the patterned fantasy of the hanging screen with its groups of luminesce opalescent bubbles appearing to ascend in clusters through the ceiling. It is for them a breathless moment..." Quote: V. C. Morris. Published in the Architectural Forum, February, 1950, p.83. Text: "Sheet 2. Plan of Mezzanine Level. Gift Shop For Morris V. C. Maiden Lane, San Francisco, Cal. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect." FLLW #4824.07. Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1943-1959, Pfeiffer, 2009, p.175.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 0746.28.1219Date: 1949
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior Entrance 1949 (1948 - S.310).
Description: Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. At first glance the face of the building appears to be a flat solid brick wall, broken by the semi-circular entrance to the building. The details are subtle. But as you look closer, there is depth to the design. The face of the building protrudes about the thickness of one brick, and is bordered by the vertical perforated light column on the left, a concrete band near the top, and a second near the bottom, capping the row of inset square lights. The right side steps back and is nearly overlooked. As you step into the half glass, half brick semi-circular portal, each successive row of brick and glass reduces the size of the entrance, much the same as Wright’s hallways. The entrance feels restrictive and confined, but as you step through the doorway you feel a released. Published in the Architectural Forum, February, 1950, p.79; "An American Architect" Kaufmann/Wright 1955, Page 20; "The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright" De Long 1998 Page 55, 99. Label pasted to verso: "The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. The V. C. Morris Shop, Maiden Lane, San Francisco." Stamped on verso: "Oct 30 1953." Photographed by Maynard Parker.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0798.31.0218Date: 1949 Description: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior. Real Photo postcard. Photo by Maynard Parker “San Francisco Store Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for V. C. Morris. Silver, Glass, China, Linens, Accessories, Gifts. 140 Maiden Lane Off Union Square.” Built in 1948. Published in ”An American Architect” Kaufmann/Wright 1955, Page 20; “Frank Lloyd Wright and the Living City” De Long 1998 Page 55, 99.
Size: 3.5 x 5.4
S#: 0746.07.0207Date: 1949
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop Exterior Entrance 1949 (1948 - S.310).
Description: "V. C. Morris Gift Shop. 140 Maiden Lane, San Francisco. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Maynard Parker Modern Photography." Designed in 1948, published in the Architectural Forum, February, 1950, p.79; "An American Architect," Kaufmann/Wright 1955, Page 20; "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Living City" De Long 1998 Page 99. Verso: "Photo Post Card. Address. © Angeleno Photo Service - 1030 So. Alvarado, L. A. 6, Calif. Kodak - Place Stamp Here - Paper."
Size: 3.5 x 5.5
S#: 0798.28.1117Date: 1949
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior 1949 (1948 - S.310).
Description: Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. "As visitors (from the world over) enter through the arch they stand for a moment to gaze at the rhythmic spiral forms of the central ramp, on and up to the patterned fantasy of the hanging screen with its groups of luminesce opalescent bubbles appearing to ascend in clusters through the ceiling. It is for them a breathless moment..." V. C. Morris. Published in the Architectural Forum, February, 1950, p.83; “Frank Lloyd Wright and the Living City” De Long 1998 Page 99; “The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright” Levine 1996 Page 369; Built in USA, 1952, p.119. Stamped on Verso: "Built in USA: Postwar Architecture, Museum of Modern Art, 11 West 53rd Street, New York 19, N.Y. January 21 - March 15, 1953." Also: "Maynard Parker, Modern Photography, Los Angeles 26, Calif." Label pasted to verso: "Frank Lloyd Wright, Store for V.C. Morris, San Francisco, Calif., 1949." Clipping pasted to verso: "The beautiful curving staircase of the Morris store in San Francisco, designed by Wright, actually is a ramp without steps. Curves are the main design theme." Stamped on clipping: "Feb 22 1953." Photographed by Maynard Parker.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0798.32.0218Date: 1949 Description: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior. Real Photo postcard. Photo by Maynard Parker “San Francisco Store Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for V. C. Morris. Silver, Glass, China, Linens, Accessories, Gifts. 140 Maiden Lane Off Union Square.” Built in 1948. Published in “Frank Lloyd Wright and the Living City” De Long 1998 Page 99; “The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright” Levine 1996 Page 369. Two Copies.
Size: 5.4 x 3.5
S#: 0746.06.0405, 0798.35.0418
Date: 1949
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop Interior 1949 (1948 - S.310).
Description: "V. C. Morris Gift Shop. 140 Maiden Lane, San Francisco. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Maynard Parker Modern Photography." Designed in 1948, published in the Architectural Forum, February, 1950, p.83; "An American Architect," Kaufmann/Wright 1955, Page 20; "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Living City" De Long 1998 Page 99. Verso: "Photo Post Card. Address. © Angeleno Photo Service - 1030 So. Alvarado, L. A. 6, Calif. Kodak - Place Stamp Here - Paper."
Size: 5.5 x 3.5
S#: 0798.29.1117Date: 1949 Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior 1949 (1948 - S.310).
Description: "Inside he finds release in the world of undreamed fantasy, all gold and gray and white, dominated by a ramp that spirals up like a Jacob’s ladder - or a wave checked in its break - toward light that filters through a translucent screen of plastic disks and half-bubbles, clustered in brass tubing and suspended beneath skylights. The circular spiral of the ramp is the pervading theme, developed in endless variation: reduced to disk or hole, elongated as cylinder or tube, blown into domes and spheres. Shapes of mass and void become complex, involute, as these basic forms cut through each other in space and light, yet it is all so vigorously organized that the total effect is one of singleness, breadth and peace. The visitor tends to extend his pleasure from the building to the wares displayed in the satiny black walnut cases and the circular wall niches. His transformation into a customer is accomplished with dignity and dispatch." Architectural Forum, February 1950, p.79-85. Published on page p.81. Photographed by Maynard Parker.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 0746.19.0215
Date: 1949
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Circa 1949 (1948 - S.310).
Description: "San Francisco Store Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for V. C. Morris. Silver, Glass, China, Linens, Accessories, Gifts. 140 Maiden Lane Off Union Square." Built in 1948. Photo by Maynard Parker. Real Photo postcard. Two copies.
Size: 3.5 x 5.5
S#: 0798.30.1217, 0798.33.0318Date: 1949
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Circa 1949 (1948 - S.310).
Description: View of the main level, entrance and ramp from the second level. Published on the cover of Architectural Forum, February 1950, and in V.C. Morris, 1950, p.9. Verso: "San Francisco Store Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for V. C. Morris. Silver, Glass, China, Linens, Accessories, Gifts. 140 Maiden Lane Off Union Square." Built in 1948. Photo by Maynard Parker. Real Photo postcard.
Size: 3.5 x 5.5.
S#: 0798.34.0318Date: 1950
Title: V. C. Morris (Soft Cover) (Published bu V. C. Morris, San Fransico, CA)
Author: Mr. And Mrs. V. C. Morris; Kaufmann, Edgar Jr.; Mock, Elizabeth; Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: A Booklet describing the V.C. Morris Gift Shop designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. Most of the photographs, text and the floor plan were published in the February 1950 Architectural Forum. Text: A) "A Word From The Owners – Mr. And Mrs. V. C. Morris," text published on p.82, 84 of Arch. Forum. B) "The Morris Shop," transcribed from an article by Edgar Kaufman, Jr. Published in Art News, February 1950. C) Text from The February 1950 Architectural Forum by Elizabeth Mock, "The Architectural Observer." D) Text from the February 1950 Architectural Forum by "The Plastics Representative." E) And finally on the back cover, "A Word from the Architect. Untrue to say that any store I have done or might do either ‘Upsets’ any ‘Rules’ of ‘Commercial Architecture’ or sets up new ones of its own. Correct to say that whatever unfailingly interests me is the exception as necessary to prove any rule both useful and useless. In Organic Architecture every opportunity stands alone. Frank Lloyd Wright." Also published in the February 1950 Architectural Forum. The illustration of the floor plan on the inside front cover is new. Three of the eight photographs were not published in the Architectural Forum. Three copies. Third copy includes envelope. (First Edition) (Sweeney 799)
Size: Envelope: 12 x 9; Booklet: 8.6 x 11.5
Pages: Pp 12
S#: 0799.00.0318, 0799.00.0522, 0799.00.0822
Left: Booklet envelope with flap.
Below: Booklet envelope.Date: 1950
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Floor Plan1950 (1948 - S.310).
Description: Floor plan published on the inside front cover of "V.C. Morris." Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. One of the main design features of the V. C. Morris Gift Shop is the ramp that leads from the first floor to the second. Although construction of the Guggenheim Museum (1956 - s.400) did not begin until 1956, Frank Lloyd Wright first conceived the spiral ramp for the Guggenheim in 1943. The V. C. Morris Gift Shop was Frank Lloyd Wright's first opportunity to complete a circular ramp, which connected the first and second floors.
Size: 8 x 10 Color photograph.
S#: 0831.69.0418Date: 1954
Title: Sixty Years of Living Architecture Exhibition, Los Angeles 1954 (Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation project #5427).
Description: A traveling exhibition of Wright's work, consisting of models, photographs and original drawings. A Preview of the exhibition was held in Philadelphia (January 1951). The world wide tour opened in Palazzo Strozzi Florence, Italy (June 1951). In "Sixty Years" (New York), Wright notes that from Florence the Exhibition traveled to "Switzerland, France, German and Holland". The Exhibition catalogs are dated: Paris (April 1952), Zurich (End of May 1952), Munich (May 16 - June 15, 1952), and Rotterdam (dated June 1, 1952). After two years in Europe the exhibition crossed the Atlantic to Mexico City, then to New York (1953). After an exhibition in Los Angeles, June, 1954, the final exhibition took place in Chicago, October, 1956. The Los Angeles exhibition premiere was held at Barnsdall Park’s Municipal Art Center on June 1, 1954, then open to the public from June 2 to July 11, and was extended to July 25, 1954. A temporary pavilion, similar to the pavilion in New York, was attached to the line of kennels that reached from the house to the garage. Exhibition Panel #98. "Shop for V. C. Morris, San Francisco, Cal., 1948." Sixty Years of Living Architecture Exhibition, Los Angeles 1954. Interior photograph and three drawings of the V. C. Morris Shop. Photographed by Loch Crane in June, 1954.
Size: B&W 2.25" negative, high res scan, and 8 x 8 B&W photograph
S#: 1045.42.1116-31Date: 1962 Title: Wright at 89. Circa 1956. Press photograph for "Architecture: Man in Possession of His Earth".
Description: Includes three images. 1) V. C. Morris Gift Shop (S.310 - 1948). Caption on face below image; "Interior of Morris store, San Francisco (Maynard L. Parker)." Originally photographed in 1948. 2) Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright in a horse draw carriage., circa 1956. Caption on face below image; "Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright (John Engstead). 3) Rendering of the Pilgrim Congregational Church (Project 1958). Caption on face below image; "Architect’s rendering of Pilgrim Congregational Church – Redding, California." Caption pasted on verso; "Memoir from a Master Builder. Frank Lloyd Wright’s last book, "Architecture: Man in Possession of His Earth," explains architecture in terms of building materials (Doubleday, $5.95). Prefaced by a biography of the late architect by his daughter, Iovanna Lloyd Wright, the volume is illustrated throughout with sketches, renderings, and photographs. Picture Release Date: November 2, 1962. Book Release Date: November 9, 1962. From: Louise Thomas. Doubleday & Co., 575 Madison Ave., N.Y. 22, N.Y. MU8-5300.)
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
Date: Circa 1965
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop Note Card, San Francisco, CA, Circa 1965 (Not Dated) (1948 - S.310).
Description: Note Card for the V.C. Morris Gift Shop Building located at 140 Maiden Lane in San Francisco. Lacking is the name "V. C. Morris Gift Shop" so it would possibly indicate that this was produced after the V.C. Morris Gift Shop closed. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. Vere C. and Lillian Morris passed away in 1957 and 1959. In 1960, the building was purchased by Allan Adler, a silversmith. In 1968 the Edward Marshall Boehm Art Gallery, managed by Reese Pally, moved into the space. During the late 1970s through the mid 1980s The building was operated by Helga Howie, a fashion designer. Helga Howie was mentioned in an article published in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, January 30, 1976. Her clothing store close around 1985. Marsha Handley ran a gallery called Xanadu Gallery until June 2015. In August 2017, ISAIA Napoli, an Italian men’s fashion store, moved into the building. In 1950 a booklet describing the V.C. Morris Gift Shop was produced. The cover was printed in gilt and red ink. This note card utilizes the same design and is printed in gilt and red ink, but the text reads "140 Maiden Lane" instead of "V. C. Morris." So most likely produced post 1959. Circa 1965 is a guess. Printed single side on cream card stock.
Size: 7 x 5
S#: 1628.101.0821Date: Circa 1976
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, San Francisco, California, Circa 1976 (1948 - S.310).
Description: View of the entrance. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. Text on verso: "Helga Howie, San Francisco, 140 Maiden Lane, 956-5450. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright. 6283-D." During the late 1970s through the mid 1980s The building was operated by Helga Howie, a fashion designer. Helga Howie was mentioned in an article published in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, January 30, 1976. Her clothing store close around 1985. (Two copies)
Size: 3.5 x 5.5.
S#: 2020.42.0520, 2020.44.0520Date: Circa 1976
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, San Francisco, California, Circa 1976 (1948 - S.310).
Description: View of the interior. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. Text on verso: "Helga Howie, San Francisco, 140 Maiden Lane, 956-5450. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright. 6282-D." During the late 1970s through the mid 1980s The building was operated by Helga Howie, a fashion designer. Helga Howie was mentioned in an article published in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, January 30, 1976. Her clothing store close around 1985.
Size: 5.5 x 3.5.
S#: 2020.43.0520Date: Circa 1982
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, San Francisco, California, Circa 1982 (1948 - S.310).
Description: View of the interior. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. Text on face: "Helga Howie, Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. Helga Howie. 140 Maiden Lane, San Francisco, 94108. 733 Madison Avenue, New York 10021." During the late 1970s through the mid 1980s The building was occupied by Helga Howie, a fashion designer. Helga Howie was mentioned in an article published in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, January 30, 1976. Her clothing store close around 1985. Text on verso dated 2-14-87. "One of the luckiest days of my life was the day I walked into Helga’s shop and found you...
Size: 4 x 5.75
ST#: 1982.67.0921Date: 2016
Title: V. C. Morris Gift Shop, Landmark Designation Report (Published by the Historic Preservation Commission. San Francisco, CA)
Author: Ferguson, Shannon; Historic Preservation Commission
Description: Includes and extensive history. "Overview: The V. C. Morris building, both the exterior and interior, is significant for its architecture and as the work of master architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright’s design for the V. C. Morris Gift Shop breaks the rules of conventional department store design. Instead of a visually open storefront and open floor plan, the building’s solid brick facade with narrow arched tunnel entrance gives no indication of the interior’s double-height, mezzanine-ringed, top-lit circular interior space with distinct sales areas. The V. C. Morris Shop represents Wright’s conscious departure from the formal principles of modern shop design resulting in a building so different from typical shops that it instantly attracted the attention and praise of architectural critics in the United States and Europe. It is the first building to be constructed using what became his favorite structural shape, the spiral, which dominated his work throughout his final years. The V. C. Morris Gift Shop was also the first time Wright incorporated the Romanesque arch in five decades, a design motif which he had often used in his early work..."
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 29
ST#: 2016.49.0620Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: Set of 20 exterior and 66 interior photographs of the V.C. Morris Gift Shop, January 4, 2018. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. At first glance the face of the building appears to be a flat solid brick wall, broken by the semi-circular entrance to the building. The details are subtle. But as you look closer, there is depth to the design. The face of the building projects out about the thickness of one brick, and is bordered by the vertical perforated light column on the left, a concrete band near the top, and a second near the bottom, capping the row of square inset lights. The right side steps back and is nearly overlooked. As you step into the half glass, half brick semi-circular portal, each successive row of brick and glass reduces the size of the entrance, much the same as Wright’s hallways. The entrance feels restrictive and confined, but as you step through the doorway you feel a released. Beautifully maintained, it appears much the same today as it did 70 years ago. On a trip from Washington D.C. to Seattle with my son-in-law, we stopped to view the V.C. Morris Gift Shop. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Set of 20 exterior and 66 interior high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (1-20); 2018.02.0418 (1-66)
(See additional images.)
(See additional images.)V. C. Morris Gift Shop - By Douglas M. Steiner - 2018
V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310). Set of 20 exterior and 66 interior photographs of the V.C. Morris Gift Shop, January 4, 2018. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. At first glance the face of the building appears to be a flat solid brick wall, broken by the semi-circular entrance to the building. The details are subtle. But as you look closer, there is depth to the design. The face of the building projects out about the thickness of one brick, and is bordered by the vertical perforated light column on the left, a concrete band near the top, and a second near the bottom, capping the row of square inset lights. The right side steps back
and is nearly overlooked. As you step into the half glass, half brick semi-circular portal, each successive row of brick and glass reduces the size of the entrance, much the same as Wright’s hallways. The entrance feels restrictive and confined, but as you step through the doorway you feel a released. Beautifully maintained, it appears much the same today as it did 70 years ago. On a trip from Washington D.C. to Seattle with my son-in-law, we stopped to view the V.C. Morris Gift Shop. Set of 20 exterior and 66 interior high res 20 X 13.5 digital images. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018. FLOOR PLAN EXTERIOR MAIN LEVEL SPIRAL RAMP SECOND FLOOR Floor Plan
V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Floor Plan1950 (1948 - S.310). Floor plan published on the inside front cover of "V.C. Morris." Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. One of the main design features of the V. C. Morris Gift Shop is the ramp that leads from the first floor to the second. Although construction of the Guggenheim Museum (1956 - s.400) did not begin until 1956, Frank Lloyd Wright first conceived the spiral ramp for the Guggenheim in 1943. The V. C. Morris Gift Shop was Frank Lloyd Wright's first opportunity to complete a circular ramp, which connected the first and second floors. 8 x 10 Color photograph. #0831.69.0418 Exterior Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 1) Viewed from the East. At first glance the face of the building appears to be a flat solid brick wall, broken by the semi-circular entrance to the building. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-1)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 2) Viewed from the East. The face of the building projects out about the thickness of one brick, and is bordered by the vertical perforated light column on the left, a concrete band near the top, and a second near the bottom, capping the row of square inset lights. "After doing everything but stores for 40 years, Frank Lloyd Wright emerges with this iconoclastic shop for V. C. Morris, San Francisco dealer in modern silver, glass, China and linen." Elizabeth Mock, February 1950, Architectural Forum. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-2)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 3) Viewed from the South. As you step into the half glass, half brick semi-circular portal, each successive row of brick and glass reduces the size of the entrance, compressing the space. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-3)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 4) Viewed from the South. Each successive semi-circle of brick is not only reduced in size , but steps inward, drawing you toward the interior. The gate was a later addition. "Today every freshman architect, every Main Street merchant, knows that a modern store has an open front and a free-flowing plan. Frank Lloyd Wright knows these things too. He might even be said to have invented them. And it is in full and happy consciousness of heresy that he has chosen to ignore them, along with all the other cliches of contemporary store design." Elizabeth Mock, February 1950, Architectural Forum. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-4)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 5) Viewed from the Southwest. The left is bordered by a vertical perforated light column, and a horizontal row of square inset lights near the sidewalk. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-5)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 6) Viewed from the Southwest. "Instead of the conventional open front, his shop presents too it's narrow street a big blank wall of golden yellow brick." Elizabeth Mock, February 1950, Architectural Forum. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-6)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 7) Viewed from the Southwest. "Instead of the conventional open plan, there is a great spiral ramp modeling of the interior into sharply defined sales areas." Elizabeth Mock, February 1950, Architectural Forum. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-7)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 8) The face of the building is bordered by a vertical perforated light column on the left. "Instead of conventionally correct scientific lighting, illumination is here that is in the final bully, atmospheric." Elizabeth Mock, February 1950, Architectural Forum. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-8)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 9) Detail of the perforated light column. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-9)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 10) Detail of the brick face. Mortar is racked on the horizontal lines, flush on the vertical. "Consider the facade. It is not open, nor is it truly shut, for the wall is negated as snobbish barrier by the compelling invitation of the funneled archway and negated as awesome mass by the paradoxical brick-into-glass entrance vault that reveals the brickwork as a thin veneer. The passerby is arrested by the bold bare wall, quiet, urbane, elegant among its vociferous neighbors, and is tantalized by his glimpse of the interior. Anticipating delight through surprise (an emotional sequence generally overlooked), he tends to accept the invitation of the flaring arches." Elizabeth Mock, February 1950, Architectural Forum. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-10)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 11) Detail of the brick forming the semi-circular opening in the face of the building. Mortar is racked on every joint of the semi-circle. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-11)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 12) Concrete base of the light column and first semi-circle. The red tile does not appear in the Maynard Parker photographs published in the February 1950, Architectural Forum. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-12)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 13) Detail of the damaged red tile. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-13)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 14) Detail of the damaged to the face of the concrete nameplate from years of name changes. The gate was not part of Wright’s original design. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-14)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 15) Detail of the original face of the concrete nameplate. "V. C. Morris." Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-15)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 16) Detail of the concrete band near the bottom, capping the row of square inset lights. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-16)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 17) Detail of the square inset lights. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-17)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 18) When originally completed, this circle contained 12 round light embedded in the concrete within the larger circle, lighting the interior of the entrance. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-18)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 19) As you step into the half brick, half glass semi-circular portal, each successive row of brick and glass reduces the size of the entrance, compressing the space. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-19)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Exterior 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 20) As you step into the half brick, half glass semi-circular portal, each successive row of brick and glass reduces the size of the entrance, compressing the space. As the last piece of curved glass meets vertical glass, it becomes a glass corner. A planter is built into the right side of the entrance. The square decorative lights running below the concrete, lead you to the interior of the store. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.01.0418 (-20)Main Level Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 1) View of the half brick, half glass semi-circular entrance from the ramp. The Entrance to the V. C. Morris shop is one of Wright’s jewels. The lines continually flow, they are never static. As you step into the portal, each successive row of brick and glass reduces the size of the entrance, compressing the space. As the last piece of curved glass meets vertical glass, it becomes a glass corner. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-1)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 2) View of the half brick, half glass semi-circular entrance. As the brick and glass form semi-circles, so does the concrete formed pieces on the left. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-2)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 3) Detail of the glass and brick entrance. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-3)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 4) Detail of the brick design. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-4)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 5) Detail view of the glass and brick of the entrance. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-5)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 6) Each successive row of brick and glass reduces the size of the entrance, compressing the space. As the last piece of curved glass meets vertical glass, it becomes a glass corner. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-6)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 7) View of the entrance planter from the interior. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-7)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 8) Detail view of the glass and brass entrance. To the right is an area Wright called the "Rest Room" with built-in seating. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-8)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 9) Detail view of the entrance and built-in planter. The small table was designed by Wright, and can be seen in "V.C. Morris", 1950, p.9. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-9)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 10) Detail view of an original small table designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-10)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 11) Detail view of an original small table designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-11)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 12) Original two-piece semi-circular display table designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. It is actually two quarter tables. Shown prominently in "V.C. Morris", 1950, p.2, 5, 6-7, 9, 12. In Wright’s floor plan, it was placed directly below the hanging planter. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-12)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 13) Detail of the original two-piece semi-circular display table designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-13)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 14) An original smaller semi-circular display tables designed by Frank Lloyd Wright is tucked under the larger table. Shown prominently in "V.C. Morris", 1950, p.2, 5, 6-7, 9, 12. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-14)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 15) Beginning of the ramp. Wall, handrail, shelving, all as Wright designed it 70 years ago. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-15)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 16) Original built-in curved shelving follows the form of the ramp. The end of the three shelves are circular in design. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-16)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 17) As the built-in curved shelving follows the form of the ramp, it merges with built-in shelving under the ramp. The end of the three shelves are circular in design. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-17)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 18) View of the shelving built-in under the ramp. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-18)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 19) The built-in shelves under the ramp are comprised of three separate curves. The fourth is a semi-circle cut out of the vertical pieces. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-19)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 19B) Detail of the built-in shelves under the ramp which are comprised of three separate curves. The fourth is a semi-circle cut out of the vertical pieces. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-19B)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 20) Detail of the built-in shelves under the ramp. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-20)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 21) Built-in display and storage cabinets are to the left of the front door, running along the Southern wall and continuing along the Eastern wall behind the ramp. The embedded lighting matches the lighting of the exterior wall on the opposite side. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-21)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 22) Detail of the built-in display and storage cabinets and lighting. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-22)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 23) The ramp is to the left. Built-in display and storage cabinets run along the Southern wall and continuing along the Eastern wall behind the ramp. The embedded lighting matches the lighting of the exterior wall on the opposite side. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-23)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 24) Built in display and storage run along the wall behind the ramp. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-24)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 25) The center of the store is circular, with the ramp revolving around it. So is this secondary circular room at the Northwest corner. The floor-to-ceiling built-in curved shelves are original. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-25)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 26) From the room at the Northwest corner, looking back toward the entrance. Above is one of the circular openings in the ramp. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-26)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 27) Detail of the circular hole in the ramp, looking up toward the ceiling lighting. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-27)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 28) Built-in seating and shelving in the secondary circular room are original. The "Rest Room" is to the left. The floor-to-ceiling built-in curved shelves are to the right. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-28)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 29) Fully circling the first floor, we are back at the entrance, with the "Rest Room" just behind the wall in the background. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-29)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 30) Built-in seating covers the Western wall of the "Rest Room." It also includes original built-in shelving. The entrance is on the left. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-30)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 31) Another view of the built-in shelves and seating in the "Rest Room." Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-31)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 32) From the "Rest Room" looking back toward the Northeast corner at the back of the store through one of the many circular openings in the walls. Wright designed small mini shelves for many of the openings, to display singular items that were for sale. The circular ramp can be seen in the background. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-32)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 33) Another view from the "Rest Room" looking toward the ceiling. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-33)The Spiral Ramp Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 34) One of the main design features of the V. C. Morris Gift Shop is the ramp that leads from the first floor to the second. Although construction of the Guggenheim Museum (1956 - s.400) did not begin until 1956, Frank Lloyd Wright first conceived the spiral ramp for the Guggenheim in 1943. The V. C. Morris Gift Shop (1948 - S.310) was Frank Lloyd Wright's first opportunity to complete a circular ramp, which connected the first and second floors. The David Wright Residence (1950 - S.322) included an exterior ramp which lead up to the residence that was suspended above the ground. The Hoffmann Auto Showroom (1954 - S.380) included an interior ramp, but it only encircled a turntable, giving viewers the opportunity to view the automobiles from above. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-34)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 35) Wright continues the circular theme within the walls of the ramp. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-35)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 36) "There is an unaccountable atmosphere of spacious uplift in this smallish rectangle, the center of which is quite free and open to a plastic sky as around it sweeps a little slow-rising majestic ramp which seems to unroll space around about one as the symbolic red-carpet did under-foot. In the periphery of this circle and the corners behind it are the counters and displays of the shop. Each corner has it specialty. The inviting ramp leads to a mezzanine containing less formal wears for buffets and occasional serving (and at the back, the offices). The most remarkable corner is that devoted to silver: it has a special light-reflecting cupola of gold -- a celebration of the noble metals well displayed beneath it."
Edgar Kaufmann, February 1950, Architectural Forum. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-36)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 37) View of the ceiling, hanging planter and ramp through one of the round portals. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-37)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 38) "Inside he finds release in a world of undreamed fantasy all gold and gray and white, dominated by a ramp that spirals up like Jacob's ladder -- or a wave checked in its break -- toward light that filters through a translucent screen of plastic disks and have bubbles, clustered in brass tubing and poised, suspended beneath skylights. The upward trending circular spiral of the ramp is the pervading theme of the store developed in endless variations: reduced to disk or hole, elongated as cylinder or tube, blown into domes or spheres. Shapes of mass and void become complex, involute, as these basic forms cut through each other in endless seeming space and light. Yet all is so vigorously organized that the total effect is one of singleness, breath and peace that conveys to one a sense of great well-being." Elizabeth Mock, February 1950, Architectural Forum. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-38)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 39) "A local firm working closely with the architect fabricated the plastic parts. The ceiling was composed of 24 large concave dorms, 6 feet 8 inches in diameter plus flange, and 96 convex dorms, 22 inches in diameter plus flange. Domes in both sizes were formed from 3/16 inch thick sheets of acrylic plastic." February 1950, Architectural Forum. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-39)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 40) View of the ramp from the North. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-40)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 41) View of the ramp as it reaches the second floor. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-41)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 42) "The ceiling was a victory snatched from defeat. To mask two skylights, 30' x 15', the architect intended a so-called "mosaic screen" of flash glass which the building regulations rendered difficult. We had found a man in the city who had already made for us models in plastic of the little windows for the front. Mr.W right thought their quality wonderful, said we must have the same material for the suspended light diffusing ceiling. He called in the plastics representative, worked out the screen, which is 40 feet squarte, cut off at the corners by the plastered circular screen wall of the room. You don't think of the screen as a shape at all, you look up and it gives the effect of a New Year's Eve. Sunlight and daylight constantly change the opalescent color, sometimes it is sky blue. At night fluorescent lights make the whole ceiling glow, but the lights themselves are not evident. And the necessary evil of the sprinkler system is turned to account as part of the design..." Mr. And Mrs. V. C. Morris, February 1950, Architectural Forum. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-42)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 43) The design and placement of the circular forms on the ramp walls is almost reminiscent of "March Balloons" which first appeared in Midway Gardens. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-43)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 44) "A 44 inch hemispheric bowl of clear plastic holds aquatic plants and fish, a 38 inch pole holders flowers. This, like the fish bowl is free blown." February 1950, Architectural Forum. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-44)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 45) As you move around the ramp the walls appear fluid. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-45)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 46) In many of Wright's Usonian homes, light flowing through perforated blocks and light screens cast constantly changing shadows as the sun moves across the sky. Here too, as you move about the store, the form and design constantly changes. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-46)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 47) View of the ramp from the top. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-47)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 48) View of the ramp from the top. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-48)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 49) View of the ramp from the second floor. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-49)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 50) View of one of the small build in shelves. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-50)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 51) View of one of the small build in shelves. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-51)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 52) View of one of the small build in shelves. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-52)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 53) View of one of the small build in shelves. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-53)Second Floor Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 54) View of built-in shelving, Southeast corner. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-54)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 55) View toward the second floor Southwest corner, from the East. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-55)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 56) View toward the second floor Southwest corner, from the North. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-56)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 57) Detail view of the Southwest corner. Original built-in shelves and seating. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-57)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 58) View toward the second floor Southwest corner, from the North. There is a glimpse of the entrance on the first floor through the circular hole in the ramp wall. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-58)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 59) Detail view of the ceiling design. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-59)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 60) Detail view of the ceiling design. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-60)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 61) Detail view of the ceiling design. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-61)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 62) Larger bowls are concave, smaller domes are convex. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-62)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 63) The plastic domes are suspended in a lattice work of steel, trimmed in wood. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-63)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 64) The smaller domes were free blown, requiring the perfect blend of heat and air pressure. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-64)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 65) Larger domes were formed from four sections, carefully cemented together. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-65)Date: 2018
Title: V.C. Morris Gift Shop, Interior Main Level 2018 (1948 - S.310).
Description: 66) The ceiling was composed of 24 large concave dorms and 96 convex dorms. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner January 4, 2018. Copyright 2018.
Size: Original high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
ST#: 2018.02.0418 (-66)