Date: 1926 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: Aus dem Lebenswerke eines Architekten (Hard Cover) (Published by Verlag Ernst Pollak, Berlin)
Author: Fries, H. De
Description: Published in German. Considered the first comprehensive study of the architects work. Commentary by H. De Fries (3), Frank Lloyd Wright (4), Richard Neutra and an excerpt from a speech by Von H. P. Berlage. Over 100 photographs and illustrations, nine in color. Illustrations include: Dohany Ranch Project (12); Imperial Hotel (6); Coonley (3); Wright (1); Taliesin (4); Millard (7); Sullivan's Owatonna Bank(1); Larkin (4); Unity Temple (2); Dana (3); Martin (11); Thomas (1); Wright's Studio (1); Robie (2); Freeman (6); Barnsdall (4); Tahoe (17); Nakoma (2); Storer (4); Ennis (5); Barnsdale Little Dipper Project (3); Textile Block Construction (1); Floor Plans (9). Two copies. (First Edition) (Sweeney 172)
Size: 9 x 11.5
Pages: Pp 80
S#: 0172.00.1201, 0172.00.0419
Date: 1928 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright. Collection "Les Maitres de L'architecture Contemporaine", Publie Sous La Direction de Christian Zervos, Editions "Cahiers d'Art", 40, Rue Bonapart, Paris (V1o) (Collection "The Masters of the Contemporary Architecture", Volume 1) (Soft Cover) (Published under the Direction of Christian Zervos, Cahiers d'Art, Paris)
Author: Hitchcock, Henry Russel
Description: The first volume in the series on the masters of modern architecture. It includes an introduction by Hitchcock, photographs and a few floor plans of Wright's work completed between 1902 and 1923. Although the biography is only four pages, he provoked a response from Wright when he refereed to him as an old master, tied to the ornamentation of Sullivan, and Wright's concern for the picturesque. Hitchcock concluded, "He remains, it is time to say without reservation, the greatest architect and perhaps the greatest American of the early twentieth century." Two years later Wright would respond, "And I warn Henry right here and now, that having a good start, not only do I fully intend to be the greatest architect who has yet lived - but the greatest Architect who will ever live -." Forty-eight photographic and floor-plan plates include; Dana (2); Willets; Heurtley; Larkin; Frank Thomas (2); Unity Temple (2); Barton; Ross; Evans (2); Heath; Roberts; Robie; Steffens; Taliesin (5); Coonley (6); Bach; Midway Gardens (4); Imperial Hotel (5); Barnsdall (7); Millard (2). This book is the first of the Collection "The Masters of the Contemporary Architecture". Choice of documents by the architect Andre Lurcat. Original list price 30 francs (Approx $1.20) (First Edition) Two copies. (Sweeney 201)
Size: 9.3 x 11.1
Pages: Pp 37
S#: 0201.00.0314, 0201.01.0314
Date: 1959 Title: A Special Study Set of Fine Art Reproductions (Prepared by The University Prints. Cambridge, Mass.)
Author: University Prints
Description: "The Univ. of Rochester, 136 Prints."ť Box set of 136 single sheets. Architectural photographs including 11 buildings by Wright. Plate Numbers 71 Larkin Building, Buffalo, NY; 75 W. H. Winslow House, River Forest, IL; 80 Unity Temple, Oak Park, IL; 81 Coonley House, Riverside, IL; 100 Robie House, Chicago; 101 Millard House, Pasadena, CA; 366 Fallingwater, Bear Run PA; 367 Johnson & Sons Tower, Racine WI; 368 Johnson & Sons Interior, Racine WI; 369 Taliesin West, Phoenix, AZ; 392 Guggenheim Museum Project, New York.
Size: Box 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 136
S#: 1275.05.0405
Date: 1961 Title: A Special Study Set of Fine Art Reproductions (Prepared by The University Prints. Cambridge, Mass.)
Author: University Prints
Description: "Harvard Fine Arts 197B." Box set of 96 single sheets. Architectural photographs including five buildings by Wright. Plate Numbers: 100 Robie House, Chicago; 101 Millard House, Pasadena, CA; 366 Fallingwater, Bear Run PA; 367 Johnson & Sons Tower, Racine WI; 392 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York (Revised from 1959 set which included two photographs of the Guggenheim model. This is of actual building.) (Revised Edition)
Size: Box 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 96
S#: 1483.06.0107
Date: A Special Study Set of Fine Art Reproductions 706 (1961)
Title: A Special Study Set of Fine Art Reproductions (Prepared by The University Prints. Cambridge, Mass.)
Author: University Prints
Description: "Comprehensive Survey, American Art and Architecture, 706 Prints"ť Box set of 706 single sheets. Architectural photographs including 5 buildings by Wright. Plate Numbers: 68 Warren Hickox House, Kankakee, Illinois; 71 Larkin Building, Buffalo, NY; 73 W. W. Willits House, Highland Park, Illinois; 75 W. H. Winslow House, River Forest, IL; 76 Plans of Early Houses By Wright. Winslow, Hickox, Husser and Willitts; 80 Unity Temple, Oak Park, IL; 81 Coonley House, Riverside, IL (Revised in this edition to include exterior and interior); 100 Robie House, Chicago; 101 Millard House, Pasadena, CA; 102 Plans of later Houses by Wright, Millard, Willey and Jacobs; 366 Fallingwater, Bear Run PA; 367 Johnson & Sons Tower, Racine WI; 368 Johnson & Sons Interior, Racine WI; 369 Taliesin West, Phoenix, AZ; 392 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York (Revised from 1959 set which was two photographs of the Guggenheim model, actual building). (Revised Edition)
Size: Box 5.5 x 8.5.
Pages: Pp 706
S#: 1483.09.0507
Date: 1970 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by G. C. Sansoni, Florence, Italy. Published in English and Spanish in 1972.)
Author: Bardeschi, Marco Dezzi
Description: Published in Italian. Description from the 1972 English edition Dust Jacket: "In 1887, at the age of 18, Frank Lloyd Wright went to work as a draftsman in the Chicago offices of Adler in Sullivan, the outstanding architectural rebels of the day. While Sullivan wrestled with the problems of sky-scraper office blocks, his young assistant was allowed to deal with the lesser responsibility of designing private houses for the rich clients. Thus from the outside Wright was a stranger to industrial architecture and the problems of working class houses. Many of the clients were self-made man who wanted to escape from the towns which they - and Wright - saw as destructive machines. Wright was attracted by the idea of a free society of individuals and determined to found a new way of life for Americans through revolutionizing the one-family house... The extent of Wright's achievement is illustrated in this book by 38 black and white subjects and 40 pages of color." Text by Marco Dezzi Bardeschi, photographs by Liberto Perugi and Balthazar Korab. Original list price L.1200. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1804)
Size: 9.5x12.5
Pages: Pp 96
S#: 1804.00.0401
Date: 1972 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto. First published in Italian by G. C. Sansoni, Florence, Italy, 1970. Also published in Spanish in 1972.)
Author: Bardeschi, Marco Dezzi
Description: Published in English. Description from the 1972 English edition Dust Jacket: "In 1887, at the age of 18, Frank Lloyd Wright went to work as a draftsman in the Chicago offices of Adler in Sullivan, the outstanding architectural rebels of the day. While Sullivan wrestled with the problems of sky-scraper office blocks, his young assistant was allowed to deal with the lesser responsibility of designing private houses for the rich clients. Thus from the outside Wright was a stranger to industrial architecture and the problems of working class houses. Many of the clients were self-made man who wanted to escape from the towns which they - and Wright - saw as destructive machines. Wright was attracted by the idea of a free society of individuals and determined to found a new way of life for Americans through revolutionizing the one-family house... The extent of Wright's achievement is illustrated in this book by 38 black and white subjects and 40 pages of color." Text by Marco Dezzi Bardeschi, photographs by Liberto Perugi and Balthazar Korab. 9.5x12.5 (First Edition) (Sweeney 1868)
Size: 9.5 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 94
S#: 1868.00.0579
Date: 1972
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover) (Published in Spanish by S. A. Reunidas, Barcelona. First published in Italian by G. C. Sansoni, Florence, Italy, 1970. Also published in English by The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto in 1972.)
Author: Bardeschi, Marco Dezzi; Translated by Fernando Hernandez
Description: Observation: Our first impression from the cover, was that this book was about Lloyd Wright, Frank Lloyd Wright's Son. Text on the spine: Lloyd Wright. We quickly realized the publisher's misunderstanding. The title page has the same large block lettering as the cover, but reads "Frank Lloyd Wright." The balance of the book is a reprint of the Italian (1970) and English (1972) editions, but in Spanish. Published in Spanish. Description from the 1972 English edition Dust Jacket: "In 1887, at the age of 18, Frank Lloyd Wright went to work as a draftsman in the Chicago offices of Adler in Sullivan, the outstanding architectural rebels of the day. While Sullivan wrestled with the problems of sky-scraper office blocks, his young assistant was allowed to deal with the lesser responsibility of designing private houses for the rich clients. Thus from the outside Wright was a stranger to industrial architecture and the problems of working class houses. Many of the clients were self-made man who wanted to escape from the towns which they - and Wright - saw as destructive as a draftsman in the Chicago offices of Adler in Sullivan, the outstanding architectural rebels of the day. While Sullivan wrestled with the problems of sky-scraper office blocks, his young assistant was allowed to deal with the lesser responsibility of designing private houses for the rich clients. Thus from the outside Wright was a stranger to industrial architecture and the problems of working class houses. Many of the clients were self-made man who wanted to escape from the towns which they - and Wright - saw as destructive machines. Wright was attracted by the idea of a free society of individuals and determined to found a new way of life for Americans through revolutionizing the one-family house... The extent of Wright's achievement is illustrated in this book by 38 black and white subjects and 40 pages of color." Text by Marco Dezzi Bardeschi, photographs by Liberto Perugi and Balthazar Korab. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1868)
Size: 9.5 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 95
S#: 1868.01.1119Date: 1970 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright I: Public Buildings (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Simon and Schuster, New York)
Author: Pawley, Matrin; Photography by Futagawa, Yukio
Description: First published in Japanese in 1967. Dust jacket: "Frank Lloyd Wright's reputation rests largely on his houses designed for private clients, but as the author notes, 'Wright's lifelong adherence to the rugged individualism of the private did not....prevent him from concerning himself with the problems of society at large...'
All of Wright's public buildings reveal the extent of the architect's pioneering techniques and ideas. In 1906, Wright had been among the first to make use of reinforced concrete (Unity Temple, Oak Park, Illinois), and in 1916-22 he designed the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, where the success of his deep-pile foundations and integrated concrete construction in resisting earthquake damage was later proved. More significant in a social sense were the Larkin Building, Buffalo, New York (1904) - a 'single-purposed social organism' concerned with the productive activity of a large number of collaborating employees - and the Johnson Company's administrative offices (1936-1939) at Racine, Wisconsin, of which Wright himself wrote: 'Organic architecture designed this great building to be as inspiring a place to work in as any cathedral ever was in which to worship.' At Racine too the later tower (1944-50) housing research laboratories reveals the practical application of a much earlier idea: the analogy with a tree, with a tap-root foundation, and the central trunk with cantilevered floors..." 74 plates, including 13 in color; 23 plans and sections. 68 photographs by Yukio Futagawa. Original HC List Price $7.50. Two copies. (Firsts Edition) (Sweeney 1811)Size: 8 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 130
S#: 1811.00.0780, 1811.02.0105
Date: 1981 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture and Urbanism (Published by a + u Publishing Co., Ltd, Tokyo) (Soft Cover)
Description: Text in Japanese. This is a compilation of Wright's work chronologically from his earlier to his later works. It is divided between his public buildings and his private homes. Original cover price Ą3200. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11.5
Pages: Pp 232
ST#: 1981.15.0407ont>
Date: 1982 Soft Cover Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover)
Author: Heinz, Thomas A.
Description: Original SC List Price $16.95. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 96
ST#: 1982.02.0482ont>
Date: 1982 (Hard Cover - DJ) Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Heinz, Thomas A.
Description: Original HC List Price $19.95. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 96
ST#: 1982.15.0404ont>
Date: 1988
Title: Romanza - The California Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright
Author: Gebhard, David
Description: First Edition
Pages: Pp 133
ST#: 1988.07.0400Date: 1997
Title: The California Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright
Author: Gebhard, David
Description: Republished with different title. (First Paperback Edition)
Pages: Pp 133
ST#: 1997.02.0299Date: 1991 English Version Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Costantino, Maria
Description: Original HC List Price $16.95. Also published as a French version. (Second Edition)
Pages: Pp 112
ST#: 1991.01.1100ont>
Date: 1992 French Version Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Costantino, Maria
Description: French Version. Originally published as an English version. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 112
ST#: 1992.02.0401
Date: 1992 Title: Architectural Monographs No 18: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (First published in Great Britain in 1992 by Academy Editions, London. Published in the United States by St. Martin's Press, New York)
Author: Heinz, Thomas A.
Description: Heinz introduces aspects that have previously gone unnoticed. Concentrating primarily on residences, He examines construction techniques that are just as unorthodox as the architect himself, indicating that Wright's approach to detailing was pragmatic rather than conventional and was based on traditional common sense. Previously unpublished sketches on tracing paper provide a rare insight into Wright's design progression. (Publishers description.) Original HC List Price $55.00, SC List Price $45.00. (First SC Edition) 9.9 x 11.75. Second copy, minor changes: Original SC List Price $29.95. (First SC Edition)
Size: 9.9 x 12.
Pages: Pp 143
ST#: 1992.03.0401. 1992.63.0907
Date: 1993 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, American Architect for the Twentieth Century (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Smithmark Publishers Inc., New York. Produced by Brompton Books Corp.)
Author: Sommer, Robin Langley
Description: Original HC List Price $19.90. (First Edition) (Two Copies)
Pages: Pp 176
ST#: 1993.02.1200, 1993.02.1298
Date: 1999 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: American Architect for The Twentieth Century
Author: Sommer, Robin Langley
Description: First Paper back reprint. Republished by Sweet Water Press. Cover photo changed. (First PB Edition)
Pages: Pp 176
ST#: 1999.36.0604
Date: First Edition 1993 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble, Inc., New York, by arrangement with Brompton Books Corp., Greenwich, CT.)
Author: Hart, Spencer
Description: Hard cloth cover is navy blue. Color of text on cover and colored end plates are dark red. (First Barnes & Noble Edition)
Size: 12x10
Pages: Pp 128
ST#: 1993.43.0306
Date: Fourth Edition 1996 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble, Inc., New York, by arrangement with Brompton Books Corp., Greenwich, CT.)
Author: Hart, Spencer
Description: Fourth Reprint 1996. Hard cloth cover has been changes to black in this edition. Color of text on cover and colored end plates are dark red. (Fourth Edition)
Size: 12x10
Pages: Pp 128
ST#: 1996.05.1199
Date: Fifth Edition 1999 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble, Inc., New York, by arrangement with Brompton Books Corp., Greenwich, CT.)
Author: Hart, Spencer
Description: Fifth Reprint 1999. Front & back cover photos changed from fourth reprint (1996). Color of text on cover and colored end plates changed to red from a dark red. (Fifth Edition)
Pages: Pp 128
ST#: 1999.34.0404
Date: Sixth Edition 2001 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - No DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble, Inc., New York, by arrangement with World Publications Group, Inc., North Dighton, MA)
Author: Hart, Spencer
Description: Sixth Reprint 2001. No DJ. Color of end plates changed from red to a dark red in this sixth edition. (Sixth Edition)
Size: 12 x 10
Pages: Pp 128
ST#: 2001.42.0405
Date: Seventh Edition 2004 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by World Publications Group, Inc., North Dighton, MA, JG Press)
Author: Hart, Spencer
Description: First World Publications printing. Front & back cover same as 1993 and 1996 issues. Cloth cover is black and end plates are dark red. Inside has not changed. (Seventh edition)
Size: 11.75 x 9.75
Pages: Pp 128
ST#: 2004.49.0807
Date: 1993 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: Architect, An Illustrated Biography
Author: Boulton, Alexander O.
Description: (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 128
ST#: 1993.03.0199
Date: 1994 Title: Details of Frank Lloyd Wright, The California Work 1909-1974 (Hard Cover DJ)
Author: Dunham, Judith
Description: "Celebrated for his sensitive choice of materials, his innovative use of space, and his ability to merge architecture and the natural world, Frank Lloyd Wright was equally attentive to the structural and decorative details that give each of his buildings its distinctive character. His influence was profound in California, and his work there is a true reflection of this philosophy. Details of Frank Lloyd Wright: The California Work, 1909-1974 features the exterior and interior design elements of twenty-four California buildings created by this architectural legend. Scot Zimmerman's gorgeous full-color photographs and Judith Dunham's illuminating text lead readers room by room through each building, focusing on such features as entryways, furniture and cabinetry, woodwork and masonry, fenestration, fireplaces, terraces and landscaping. Organized chronologically, the book represents virtually every important period and type of building in Wright's career from textile-block houses and civic buildings to church and commercial buildings to residences, including the Morris Gift Shop and the Marin County Civic Center..." (Publisher's description.) 190 colour illustrations. Original HC List Price $35.00. (First Edition)
Size: 10.5 x 10
Pages: Pp 144
ST#: 1994.03.0199
Date: 1994
Title: Details of Frank Lloyd Wright, The California Work 1909-1974 (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Thames and Hudson, L:td, London)
Author: Dunham, Judith
Description: Great British Edition. "Celebrated for his sensitive choice of materials, his innovative use of space, and his ability to merge architecture and the natural world, Frank Lloyd Wright was equally attentive to the structural and decorative details that give each of his buildings its distinctive character. His influence was profound in California, and his work there is a true reflection of this philosophy. Details of Frank Lloyd Wright: The California Work, 1909-1974 features the exterior and interior design elements of twenty-four California buildings created by this architectural legend. Scot Zimmerman's gorgeous full-color photographs and Judith Dunham's illuminating text lead readers room by room through each building, focusing on such features as entryways, furniture and cabinetry, woodwork and masonry, fenestration, fireplaces, terraces and landscaping. Organized chronologically, the book represents virtually every important period and type of building in Wright's career from textile-block houses and civic buildings to church and commercial buildings to residences, including the Morris Gift Shop and the Marin County Civic Center..." (Publisher's description.) 190 colour illustrations. (First Edition)
Size: 10.5 x 10
Pages: Pp 144
ST#: 1994.112.0719Date: 1994
Title: Wright in Hollywood
Author: Sweeney, Robert L.
Description: (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 271
ST#: 1994.09.0500Date: 1996 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Force of Nature (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Todtri Productions Limited, New York)
Author: Nash, Eric Peter
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright was the avator of American Architecture. His highly original aesthetic and singular philosophy placed him, during his lifetime, in the forefront of modern architecture and resulted in a doctrine for American building design that continues to this day. This volume is a spirited introduction to the designs of an architectural master, showcasing his public and private work from the early Prairie Houses to the splendid S. C. Johnson buildings and the controversial Guggenheim Museum, all illustrated with 70 full-color photographs. (Publisher's description.) Original HC List Price $10.98. (First Edition)
Size: 9.5 x 13
Pages: Pp 80
ST#: 1996.09.1199
Date: 2013 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Force of Nature (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by New Line Books, New York)
Author: Nash, Eric Peter
Description: First published in 1996. Frank Lloyd Wright was the avator of American Architecture. His highly original aesthetic and singular philosophy placed him, during his lifetime, in the forefront of modern architecture and resulted in a doctrine for American building design that continues to this day. This volume is a spirited introduction to the designs of an architectural master, showcasing his public and private work from the early Prairie Houses to the splendid S. C. Johnson buildings and the controversial Guggenheim Museum, all illustrated with 70 full-color photographs. (Publisher's description.) Original HC List Price $12.95. (First Edition)
Size: 9.5 x 13
Pages: Pp 80
ST#: 2013.17.0317
Date: 1997 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: Master Builder (Soft Cover) (Published by Universe Publishing, A Division of Rizzoli, International Publications, Inc., New York)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: This volume is a revised edition of Frank Lloyd Wright: The Masterworks, first published in 1993.
Publisher’s Description: This Remarkable Book presents twenty-five of the most renowned and significant buildings of America's premier architect, from his early Prairie work in Oak Park, Illinois, in the 1890s to his daring creations of the 1940s and 1950s.
Published in association with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, this superbly illustrated volume features previously unpublished photographs for which renowned architectural photographers Michael Freeman and Paul Rocheleau gained unprecedented access to some of Wright's masterworks. The book examines in unsurpassed detail a selection of Wright's architecture that covers the phenomenal range of his work, including such internationally famous buildings as the Home and Studio in Oak Park, Taliesin West in Scottsdale, Arizona, Fallingwater in Mill Run, Pennsylvania, and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, as well as several lesser-known residences such as the Auldbrass Plantation in South Carolina and the Kenneth Laurent house in Rockford, Illinois.
The works featured here are succinctly documented by one of Wright's former apprentices, with text that details the development and execution of each commission. Also included throughout is a selection of Wright's extensive writings, unpublished talks, and private letters.
Frank Lloyd Wright: Master Builder takes the reader on a rich journey into Wright's world and fully demonstrates how Frank Lloyd Wright's vision completely changed the course of American architecture.
Original list price $25.00. (First Edition)Size: 6.5 x 8.25
Pages: Pp 240
ST#: 1997.10.0801
Date: 1999
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: Master Builder (Soft Cover) (Japanese Edition) (Published in Japan by Kajima Institute Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, arranged with Universe Publishing, New York)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: Published in Japanese. This volume is a revised edition of Frank Lloyd Wright: The Masterworks, published in 1993.
Publisher’s Description English Edition: This Remarkable Book presents twenty-five of the most renowned and significant buildings of America's premier architect, from his early Prairie work in Oak Park, Illinois, in the 1890s to his daring creations of the 1940s and 1950s.
Published in association with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, this superbly illustrated volume features previously unpublished photographs for which renowned architectural photographers Michael Freeman and Paul Rocheleau gained unprecedented access to some of Wright's masterworks. The book examines in unsurpassed detail a selection of Wright's architecture that covers the phenomenal range of his work, including such internationally famous buildings as the Home and Studio in Oak Park, Taliesin West in Scottsdale, Arizona, Fallingwater in Mill Run, Pennsylvania, and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, as well as several lesser-known residences such as the Auldbrass Plantation in South Carolina and the Kenneth Laurent house in Rockford, Illinois... (First Edition)
Size: 6.5 x 8.25
Pages: Pp 240
ST#: 1999.108.0824Date: 2000/1993 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: The Masterworks (Soft Cover) (Published by Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: First published in 1993. Reprinted in 2000. Republished in a smaller size and format in 1997. Publisher’s Description: This extraordinary book presents thirty-eight of the most renowned and significant buildings of America's premier architect, from his early Prairie work in Oak Park, Illinois, in the 1890s to his daring creations of the 1940s and 1950s.
In entirely new photographs taken especially for this book by two leading architectural photographers under the direction of co-editor David Larkin, such internationally famous buildings as the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Fallingwater and Wright's homes Taliesin, Taliesin West, and the Oak Park Home and Studio are seen afresh, benefitting from the photographers' special access.
Several lesser-known residences, such as Auldbrass Plantation in South Carolina, an array of wooden buildings that is Wright's American alternative to antebellum architecture, the William H. Winslow house in River Forest, Illinois, one of the architect's earliest and most surprisingly decorative houses, and the Kenneth Laurent house in Rockford, Illinois, a masterful curvilinear design, are seen in full color and demonstrate dimensions of Wright's work less often seen before. Public buildings, such as the dramatic concrete, glass, and steel Marin County Civic Center and Beth Sholom Synagogue show Wright as engineering virtuoso as well as creative architect. In addition to these existing masterworks, only the most famous of which are open to the public, the book covers buildings that have been demolished, notably the Larkin Company Administration Building, Midway Gardens, and the Imperial Hotel, which are represented here by drawings and rich archival photographs... Original SC List Price $75.00. (Reprinted Edition 2000)Size: 11 x 11
Pages: Pp 312
ST#: 1993.01.0201
Date: 2008 Title: American Masterworks, Houses of the 20th and 21st Century (Hard Cover, DJ) (Published by Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York)
Author: Edited by: Frampton, Kenneth; Larkin, David. Text by: Frampton, Kenneth
Description: An expanded edition of influential residence designs from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries includes profiles of three Frank Lloyd Wright signature homes. This beautiful, authoritative book celebrates great American residential design. Its wide-ranging content highlights the most important works by the influential architects of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Presented are approximately forty-five icons of modern architecture, including Fallingwater (pages 83-90), Storer (pages 42-48) and Sturges (pages 106-111) houses. First published in 1995, this expanded and updated edition includes twelve important additions to the canon. (Publishers description.) Original list price $85.00. (First Edition)
Size: 11.5 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 383
ST#: 2008.14.0811
Date: 1997 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: A Retrospective View (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Grange Books, an imprint of Grange Books Pic, London)
Author: Copplestone, Trewin
Description: This volume is a tribute to the man who remains as controversial and widely-discussed as he was in his own lifetime. Here is a survey of his finest buildings, complete with floor plans, architectural renderings, and full-color photographs of interiors, exteriors, and architectural details. (Publisher's Description.) Original HC List Price $16.95. (First Edition)
Size: 9.5 x 12
Pages: Pp 112
ST#: 1997.03.0599
Date: 1999 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: A Retrospective View (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Grange Books, an imprint of Grange Books PLC, Hoo, Nr Rochester, Kent, Great Britain)
Author: Copplestone, Trewin
Description: This volume is a tribute to the man who remains as controversial and widely-discussed as he was in his own lifetime. Here is a survey of his finest buildings, complete with floor plans, architectural renderings, and full-color photographs of interiors, exteriors, and architectural details. (Publisher's Description.) The only change from the first edition is the cover. The interior remained the same. (Third Edition) Original list price Ł19.99 ($30.00)
Size: 9.5 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 112
ST#: 1999.78.0116
Date: 2001 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: A Retrospective View (Hard Cover) (Published by Grange Books, an imprint of Grange Books Pic, Hoo, nr Rochester, Kent, Grate Britain)
Author: Copplestone, Trewin
Description: This volume is a tribute to the man who remains as controversial and widely-discussed as he was in his own lifetime. Here is a survey of his finest buildings, complete with floor plans, architectural renderings, and full-color photographs of interiors, exteriors, and architectural details. (Publisher's Description.) The only change from the first edition is the cover and the text on the title page. The interior remained the same. (Fourth Edition)
Size: 9.5 x 12
Pages: Pp 112
ST#: 2001.50.0511
Date: 1997 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright - A Gatefold Portfolio (Hard Cover Library Binding Spiral Bound)
Author: Sommer, Robin Langley
Description: Includes some of Wright's most celebrated residential, public, and religious structures, including Wright's . Home and Studio, Thomas House, Dana-Thomas House, Unity Temple, Robie House, Storer House, Ennis-Brown House, Taliesin (Hillside), Fallingwater, Wingspread, Taliesin West, Annie Pfeiffer Chapel, Beth Sholom Synagogue, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Marin County Civic Center. Original HC List Price $14.90. (First Edition)
Size: 10 x 12
Pages: Pp 134
ST#: 1997.04.0599
Date: 1997 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Thomson, Iain
Description: Original HC List Price $24.95. (First Edition)
Size: 9.5 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 256
ST#: 1997.20.0602
Date: 1997
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright. Maitre de l'architecture americaine (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Abbeville Press, New York, London, Paris)
Author: Smith, Kathryn
Description: A French edition, and exact version of the English edition published in 1998. "Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is unquestionably America's most celebrated architect. Even today, almost forty years after his death, he continues to tower over the architectural landscape. In fact, his career was so long and his accomplishments so varied it can be difficult still to grasp the full range of Wrights achievement. In this refreshing new study, Wright scholar Kathryn Smith does just that, exploring the grace and beauty found in all facets of Wright's work: from office desks and chairs to his first residential commissions, from magazine cover designs to major public buildings. The concise text and brilliant color photographs chart Wright's entire career, beginning with his apprenticeship to Adler and Sullivan before the turn of the century. Readers witness the Prairie period, Wright's years in Japan and California, his major designs of the late 1920s and 1930s, his Usonian houses, and the monumental late works of his last decades..." Dust Jacket. (First Edition)
Size: 10.5 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 144
ST#: 1997.76.0217Date: 1998
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright America's Master Architect (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Abbeville Press, New York, London, Paris)
Author: Smith, Kathryn
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is unquestionably America's most celebrated architect. Even today, almost forty years after his death, he continues to tower over the architectural landscape. In fact, his career was so long and his accomplishments so varied it can be difficult still to grasp the full range of Wright's achievement. In this refreshing new study, Wright scholar Kathryn Smith does just that, exploring the grace and beauty found in all facets of Wright's work: from office desks and chairs to his first residential commissions, from magazine cover designs to major public buildings. The concise text and brilliant color photographs chart Wright's entire career, beginning with his apprenticeship to Adler and Sullivan before the turn of the century. Readers witness the Prairie period, Wright's years in Japan and California, his major designs of the late 1920s and 1930s, his Usonian houses, and the monumental late works of his last decades..." Dust Jacket. Original list price $35.00.
Size: 10.5 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 144
ST#: 1998.19.0402Date: 1998
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright America's Master Architect. A Tiny Folio. (Hard Cover) (Published by Abbeville Press, New York, London, Paris)
Author: Smith, Kathryn
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is unquestionably America's most celebrated architect. Even today, almost forty years after his death, he continues to tower over the architectural landscape. In fact, his career was so long and his accomplishments so varied it can be difficult still to grasp the full range of
Wright's achievement. In this refreshing new study, Wright scholar Kathryn Smith does just that, exploring the grace and beauty found in all facets of Wright's work: from office desks and chairs to his first residential commissions, from magazine cover designs to major public buildings. The concise text and brilliant color photographs chart Wright's entire career, beginning with his apprenticeship to Adler and Sullivan before the turn of the century. Readers witness the Prairie period, Wright's years in Japan and California, his major designs of the late 1920s and 1930s, his Usonian houses, and the monumental late works of his last decades..." Publisher's description. Original list price $11.95.
Size: 4 x 4.5.
Pages: Pp 288
ST#: 1998.12.1101Date: 1997
Title: The Genius of Frank Lloyd Wright: Oak Park
Author: Sommer, Robin Langley
Description: (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 80
ST#: 1997.06.0299Date: 1997
Title: Visions of Wright
Author: Grehan, Ferrell
Description: (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 160
ST#: 1997.08.0899Date: 1998 Title: The Life & Works of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Costantino, Maria
Description: Includes more than 200 full-color photographs that define his career, divided into six major phases. (Second Edition)
Size: 12.25 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 176
ST#: 1998.07.0599
Date: 1998
Title: Wright Rooms
Author: Hart, Spencer
Description: (Second Edition)
Pages: Pp 144
ST#: 1998.08.0599Date: 1999 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Gramercy Books, an imprint of Random House Value Publishing, Inc., New York, Toronto, London, Sydney, Auckland) Two Copies
Author: Copplestone, Trewin
Description: With such figures as Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright is recognized as a creative architectural genius. His singular individual achievement, as a native-born American, was to gather together the strands of American historical architecture and create a corpus of work which is both modern and essentially American. (Publisher's description.) Includes 67 color plates. Original HC List Price $9.99. (First Edition)
Size: 9.5 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 76
ST#: 1999.01.0900 1999.43.0305
Date: 2002 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Select Editions is published by Selectabook Ltd., Devises, Wiltshire, Great Britain. Copyright 1999 Regency House Publishing Ltd.)
Author: Copplestone, Trewin
Description: First published in 1999 by Regency House Publishing Limited. With such figures as Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright is recognized as a creative architectural genius. His singular individual achievement, as a native-born American, was to gather together the strands of American historical architecture and create a corpus of work which is both modern and essentially American. (Publisher's description.) Includes 67 color plates. (First Select Editions Edition)
Size: 9.25 x 12
Pages: Pp 76
ST#: 2002.01.1212
Date: 1999 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright - A Visual Encyclopedia (This editions published by Thunder Bay Press, San Diego, CA. Produced by PRC Publishing Ltd, London) (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Thomson, Iain
Description: An A to Z chronicle of Wright's work, family, friends, and the major events that shaped his career. Over 1,000 photographs include interior and exterior shots of his most acclaimed architectural masterpieces. Original HC List Price $24.98. (First Edition)
Size: 9.25 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 416
ST#: 1999.03.0200
Date: 2000 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright - A Visual Encyclopedia (Published by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., New York) (Soft Cover)
Author: Iain Thomson
Description: First published in 1999 by PRC Publishing Ltd, London. An A to Z chronicle of Wright's work, family, friends, and the major events that shaped his career. Over 1,000 photographs include interior and exterior shots of his most acclaimed architectural masterpieces. Front and back cover are only difference in this edition. Original cover price $24.95. (Second Edition)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 416
ST#: 2000.34.0906
Date: 2002 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright - A Visual Encyclopedia (This edition published by PRC Publishing Ltd, London) (Soft Cover)
Author: Thomson, Iain
Description: First published in 1999 by PRC Publishing Ltd, London. An A to Z chronicle of Wright's work, family, friends, and the major events that shaped his career. Over 1,000 photographs include interior and exterior shots of his most acclaimed architectural masterpieces. Front and back cover are only difference in this edition. (Third Edition)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 416
ST#: 2002.51.0103
Date: 1999 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Carlton Books Limited, London)
Author: Stungo, Naomi
Description: Dust Jacket: Frank Lloyd Wright was the first truly organic architect. His use of recurring elemental themes and materials – open-plan layouts, clean, geometric lines, water, stone, wood, prairie and sky – resulted in buildings that perfectly reflected, enhanced and assimilated their environments. Wright's vast oeuvre included the magnificent private house, so Stungo, Naomi representative of his Utopian vision, Fallingwater in Pennsylvania; the monumental Johnson Wax factory in Wisconsin; the numerous "Prairie" and "Usonian" houses across the Midwest, and his final masterpiece, the New York landmark, the Guggenheim Museum.
Comprising more than 50 images, this book is an essential companion to a man whose influence on modern architecture has been immeasurable. This volume was revised and updated as Wright in 2024. Original HC list price $14.95. (First Edition)Size: 6.5 x 9
Pages: Pp 80
ST#: 1999.19.0201
Date: 1999
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: The Western Work (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Legler, Dixie
Description: Original HC List Price $40.00. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 142
ST#: 1999.08.0501Date: 2000 Title: The Vision of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Chartwell Books, Inc., Edison, NJ)
Author: Heinz, Thomas A.
Description: Dust Jacket: "Frank Lloyd Wright's career, sometimes tragic, sometimes tempestuous - at all times creative - has been examined and reexamined in numerous studies and articles both during his lifetime and since his death in 1959, which occurred shortly before the . completion of his most famous project, New York's Guggenheim Museum. His life continues to demand re-examination as the development Heinz, Thomas A. of architectural philosophy continues to inspire dramatic stylistic changes and new perspectives on the way we live today.
This concise consideration of Wright's life and work not only offers new insights into the character of this complex, powerful and at all times confident personality, but also the architectural legacy he left behind and which exists to this day in the vast number of homes and public buildings photographed mainly by the author himself."
Includes hundreds of photos, both archival and recent. Original HC List Price $29.99. (First Edition)Size: 12.25 x 9.5
Pages: Pp 447
ST#: 2000.04.0700
Date: 2002
Title: The Vision of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover, Deluxe Binding. Cloth end pages, gilt edges three sides.) (Published by Chartwell Books, Inc., Edison, NJ)
Author: Heinz, Thomas A.
Description: Publisher's Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright's career, sometimes tragic, sometimes tempestuous - at all times creative - has been examined and reexamined in numerous studies and articles both during his lifetime and since his death in 1959, which occurred shortly before the . completion of his most famous project, New York's Guggenheim Museum. His life continues to demand re-examination as the development of architectural philosophy continues to inspire dramatic stylistic changes and new perspectives on the way we live today.
This concise consideration of Wright's life and work not only offers new insights into the character of this complex, powerful and at all times confident personality, but also the architectural legacy he left behind and which exists to this day in the vast number of homes and public buildings photographed mainly by the author himself."
Includes hundreds of photos, both archival and recent. Original HC List Price $29.99.
Size: 12.25 x 9.5
Pages: Pp 447
ST#: 2002.149.0723Date: 2005 Title: The Vision of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Barnes & Noble, Inc. by arrangements with Regency House Publishing Ltd.)
Author: Heinz, Thomas A.
Description: First published by Chartwell Books, Inc. in 2000. Virtually every structure that Wright built is represented in this extensive survey of his life's work. His genius at architectural design enable him to work out extremely complex buildings in his head and translate them on to paper in a matter of hours. His often tempestuous and sometimes tragic life and career are given full coverage in this book. Includes hundreds of photos, both archival and recent. (First B&N Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 6.5
Pages: Pp 447
ST#: 2005.05.0606
Date: 2006 Title: The Vision of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Chartwell Books, Inc., Edison, NJ)
Author: Heinz, Thomas A.
Description: First published by Chartwell Books, Inc. in 2000. This size first published by Barnes & Noble, Inc., in 2005. Virtually every structure that Wright built is represented in this extensive survey of his life's work. His genius at architectural design enable him to work out extremely complex buildings in his head and translate them on to paper in a matter of hours. His often tempestuous and sometimes tragic life and career are given full coverage in this book. Includes hundreds of photos, both archival and recent. (First Edition Chartwell Books for this size.)
Size: 8.5 x 6.5
Pages: Pp 447
ST#: 2006.19.0707
Date: 2001 Title: Essential Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Parragon Publishing, Bath, UK)
Author: Knight, Caroline
Description: Original HC List Price $9.98. (First Edition)
Size: 8.25 x 11.5
Pages: Pp 256
ST#: 2001.03.1201
Date: 2004 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Parragon Publishing, Bath, UK)
Author: Knight, Caroline
Description: First published in 2001 as "Essential Frank Lloyd Wright". Only the cover has changed. This (second) edition published in 2004.
Size: 8.25 x 11.5
Pages: Pp 256
ST#: 2004.04.0804
Date: Frank Lloyd Wright ( Smaller Version 2004) Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Parragon Publishing, Bath, UK)
Author: Knight, Caroline
Description: First published in 2001 as "Essential Frank Lloyd Wright". This edition published in 2004. This is a first edition in this size. Original HC List Price $7.00.
Size: 5 x 6.75
Pages: Pp 256
ST#: 2004.16.0305
Date: 2005
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble Books, New York, by arrangements with Parragon Publishing)
Author: Knight, Caroline
Description: First published in 2001 as Essential Frank Lloyd Wright. Republished in 2004 as Frank Lloyd Wright. Published in a reduced size in 2004. All three by Parragon Publishing. This is a first edition in this size by Barnes & Noble.
Back cover: Frank Lloyd Wright drew inspiration from his native midwestern prairie, and coaxed Americans out of their box-like houses and into wide-open living spaces that better suited their changing lifestyles.
He pioneered the "organic" approach to architecture, which was a radical departure from the traditions of his day, dominated as it was by European styles that dated back hundreds of years. The influence of Frank Lloyd Wright's work can be seen in countless homes all over the world today.
Written with a comprehensive introduction, Frank Lloyd Wright presents 120 of his most important buildings, and looks in detail at all the aspects of his architectural style.
Size: 5 x 6.75
Pages: Pp 256
ST#: 2005.62.0123
Date: 2002 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright's Houses (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Heinz, Thomas A.
Description: This book takes a look at many unusual private homes designed by Wright, from the cantilevered "Fallingwater" in Pennsylvania to the "Desert-rose" concrete-block Lykes House in Phoenix, Arizona. Includes many popular examples of Wright's most famous houses. Three books in this series. Original HC List Price $9.99. (First Edition)
Size: 8.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 80
ST#: 2002.34.1002
Date: 2002 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright's Interiors (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Heinz, Thomas A.
Description: A photographic view of more than 1,000 interiors of homes, public buildings, and corporate buildings designed by Wright, matching interior design to architectural elements--comfort, convenience, and spaciousness. This incredible four-color book features his use of tradition, horizontal lines, natural elements, concrete, and three-dimensional space. Three books in this series. Original HC List Price $9.99. (First Edition)
Size: 8.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 80
ST#: 2002.32.1002
Date: 2002 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright's Public Buildings (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Heinz, Thomas A.
Description: With four color photographs throughout, this is a look at the most famous of Wright's public buildings, including corporate structures, churches, hotels, and museums. This book features some of his greatest designs--Unity Temple, Guggenheim Museum, Price Tower, Japan's Imperial Hotel, and many others. Three books in this series. Original HC List Price $9.99. (First Edition)
Size: 8.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 80
ST#: 2002.31.1002
Date: 2002 Title: Life & Works of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (This soft cover edition published by Barnes & Noble, Inc., New York) (Originally published by Regency House Publishing, Inc.)
Author: Heinz, Thomas A.
Description: This book takes you through the journey of the life and works of Wright. Filled with full-color photographs of every one of his existing building, as well as archival photos of many of his buildings that have been destroyed, this complete collection is an irresistible homage to Frank Lloyd Wright, the man and the architect. Original SC List Price $9.98, HC List Price $15.00. (First Edition)
Size: 6 x 6.5
Pages: Pp 400
ST#: 2002.35.1102
Date: 2002 Title: The World's Greatest Buildings. Masterpieces of Architectural (Soft Cover) (Published by Fog City Press, San Francisco, CA. A Weldon Owen Production)
Author: Cowan, Henry; Greenstein, Ruth; Hanna, Bronwyn; Haskell, John; Howells, Trevor, Malor, Deborah; Phillips, John; Ranieri, Thomas A.; Stiles, Mark; Sweeney, Bronwyn
Description: Showcases 100 of the world's most admired and timeless structures. Photographs, diagrams, and illustrations show not only what these building look like, but also how they were built. From Stonehenge to the pyramids of Egypt to the Panama Canal. (Publisher's description). Of the 100 structures, it includes three Wright buildings: Unity Temple (46-47), Fallingwater (144-145), Guggenheim Museum (170-171) as well as additional information on Wright (Cover, 16-17, 121, 152, 180). Includes twelve Wright photographs and illustrations. First published in 2000. This edition 2002. (Second Edition)
Size: 6.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 256
ST#: 2002.92.1009
Date: 2003 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: Year By Year (Soft Cover)
Author: Thomson, Iain
Description: (First Edition)
Size: 5.75 x 6.5
Pages: Pp 480
ST#: 2003.06.0504
Date: 2003 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright. American Architects Series. (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published By Rockport Publishers, Inc., Gloucester, Massachusetts)
Author: Kliczkowski, Sol; Cuito, Aurora
Description: Original HC List Price $14.99. (First Edition)
Size: 7.5 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 79
ST#: 2003.14.0105
Date: 2004
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: The Interactive Portfolio (Hard Cover - Boxed) (Published by Running Press, Philadelphia, London)
Author: Stipe, Margo
Description: "Fortunately for the many admirers of his architecture, theories, and designs, Frank Lloyd Wright was not only a lover of space and a man of vision - he was also a man who liked to save things. Since he opened his first office in Chicago in 1893, Wright held on to drawings, sketches, notes, photographs, manuscripts, and correspondence. Many of those artifacts survive today in his official archive at Taliesin West in Arizona. Produced in conjunction with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, this extraordinary book offers a fresh presentation of the documents of one of the world's most famous architects. It is, in effect, a museum in a book. The unique book "experience" contains 25 interactive, three-dimensional features, removable facsimiles of original documents, never-before-published architectural sketches, and an audio CD containing excerpts from Wright's weekly addresses at his architectural compound, as well as television interviews. Following the proven success of other Wright titles, this is an engaging journey into the life and work of the iconic American architect through words, pictures, and artifacts." (Publisher's description.) Original Boxed HC List Price $40.00. 11 x 11.5. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 92
ST#: 2004.10.0205Date: 2009
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: Sein Leben erzählt in Briefen, Plänen, Dokumenten (German Edition, Hard Cover - Boxed) (Published by Georg D. W. Callway, GmbH & Co. KG.)
Author: Stipe, Margo
Description: "A lot has been written about Frank Lloyd Wright's life and work. But this book is different: a unique collection of authentic documents brings out the unique work as well as the person and offers a view 'behind the scenes'. The colorful mixture of black-and-white photographs, color photographs, sketches, plans, hand-written letters, etc., in keeping with the original documents makes this book a priceless collector's item for lovers of modern architecture. Loving details, such as wrappers made of parchment paper or rattle, make you want to discover. Together with the audio CD a pleasure for all senses!" Two copies. (Publisher's description translated from German.) (First German Edition)
Size: 11 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 92
ST#: 2009.41.1216, 2009.56.0921Date: 2005 Title: The Atlas of Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by TAJ Books, Surrey, UK)
Author: Hook, Alex
Description: The Atlas of Frank Lloyd Wright examines a hundred of his finest buildings, state-by-state. From his earliest work in Chicago, most of the key buildings are covered including: Fallingwater, the Californian textile-block houses-Storer, Ennis, Barsndall and his Oak Park Home and Studio; both Jacobs houses, the Robie House and the Taliesin complex. (First Edition)
Size: 9 x 10.4
Pages: Pp 240
ST#: 2005.02.1205
Date: 2005 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: The Romantic Spirit (Hard Cover) (Published by Balcony Press, Los Angeles, CA)
Author: Bishop, Carol
Description: Carol Bishop made a pilgrimage across the United States in search of a way to express her deep connection to the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. Her experience of Wright's architecture transcended a mere understanding of his design philosophy. In Frank Lloyd Wright: The Romantic Spirit Carol Bishop's paintings and photographs capture both the radiant energy and the ephemeral quality of Wright's architecture. (Publisher's description.) Original list price $35.00. (First Edition)
Size: 6 x 8.25
Pages: Pp 144
ST#: 2005.33.051
Date: 2006 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: Life and Work, Architecture in Focus (Soft Cover) (Published by Konemann, an imprint of Tandem Verlag GmbH)
Author: Cobbers, Arnt
Description: Originally published in German, translated by Kirsten Dierolf and Bad Homberg. This biography of Wright provides plenty of details about the architect's life, the themes of his career, and specific buildings and projects that display his unique genius. It is heavily illustrated with black and white and color photographs, plan views, and drawings by Wright himself. (First Edition)
Size: 6.5 x 7.9
Pages: Pp 95
ST#: 2006.17.0607
Date: 2006 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie Houses (Hard Cover) (Published by Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York)
Author: Hess, Alan; Contributions by Smith, Kathryn; Photographs by Alan Weintraub.
Description: With the advent of Prairie style architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright embarked on a journey that would forever change the course of architecture. During this extraordinarily prolific period, roughly the first quarter of the twentieth century, Wright built the first great modern American houses. He cast aside many of the conventions of the past, opening up interior spaces so that there might be a more subtle flow of rooms. The plans for Prairie style architecture were based on a tartan plaid of main spaces and secondary spaces, of public rooms and circulation spaces. Their decentralized asymmetry did not follow the Beaux Arts insistence on a primary, often dominating, focal point - a vestige of its roots as a symbolic architecture for divine-right royalty. Focusing on interiors and details, the book features more than 70 Prairie style houses and other buildings. (Publisher's description.) Original cover price $50.00. Three copies. (First Edition)
Size: 10.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 276
ST#: 2006.10.0307, 2006.33.0411, 2006.34.0411
Date: 2007 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Mid-Century Modern (Published by Rizzoli International Publications, inc., New York, NY)
Author: Hess, Alan; Photography: Weintraub, Alan
Description: The mid-twentieth century was one of the most productive and inventive periods in Wright's career, producing such masterworks as the Guggenheim Museum, Price Tower, Fallingwater, the Usonian houses, and the Loveness House, as well as a vast array of innovative furniture and object design. With a variety of shapes and forms-ranging from honeycombs to spirals-this period is an important contribution to mid-century modernism. Mentoring such talents as Richard Neutra and Rudolph Schindler among others, Wright was one of the most influential proponents of the simplicity, democratic designs, and organic forms that characterize Mid-Century Modern. Original list price $55.00. (First Edition)
Size: 10.6 x 10.4
Pages: Pp 336
ST#: 2007.58.0410
Date: 2008 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright. The Buildings (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Rizzoli International Publications, inc., New York, NY)
Author: Photography: Weinstraub, Alan; Text: Hess, Alan; Contributions by: De Long, David G.; Smith, Kathryn
Description: Wright's major projects are showcased, including such seminal works as the Guggenheim Museum, Price Tower, Marin County Civic Center, Unity Temple, Florida Southern College and TaliesinWest. Archival imagery of the great demolished buildings, such as the Imperial Hotel and Midway Gardens, as well as inspiring visions conceived and drawn by Wright, among them The Baghdad Opera House and The Mile High "Illinois". All-new photography shows the buildings to an extent rarely seen (including such little-known gems as Beth Sholom Synagogue, Kalita Humphreys Theater, R.W. Lindholm Service Station, and many others.) (Publisher's description.) Original list price $75.00. (First Edition)
Size: 11.25 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 312
ST#: 2008.13.0711
Date: 2012
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Natural Design, Organic Architecture (Hard Cover) (Published by Rizzoli International Publications, Inc. New York)
Author: Hess, Alan; Photography Weintraub, Alan
Description: An unsung prophet of today's green movement in architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright was an innovator of eco-sensitive design generations ahead of his time. An architect and designer of far-reaching vision, it is not surprising that Frank Lloyd Wright anticipated many of the hallmarks of today's green movement. Across his work-which stands upon a philosophy Wright termed "organic" widespread evidence is seen of a refined sensitivity to environment, to social organization as impacted by buildings, and to sustainable and sensible use of space. The desire to work and live with nature to create livable homes and cities is an ongoing theme of American architecture and planning. This book explores Wright's lessons on how climate, sustainability, sunlight, modern technology, local materials, and passive environmental controls can become the inspiration for excellent design, and highlights a selection of Wright's buildings to show how he dealt with these issues. The book is organized by the green concepts Wright used-including passive solar design and the use of thermal massing, passive berm insulation, environmentally sensitive landscaping, passive ventilation systems, passive natural light, and intelligent and artful adaptation of technology-with examples from different houses. It shows how Wright evolved certain ideas that continue to spur discussions of green architecture design today. (Publishers description.) Original list price $55.00. (First Edition)
Size: 10.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 224
ST#: 2012.27.0718Date: 2007 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Panoramic Postcards (Published by Lightborne Publishing, Inc., in partnership with the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust, Oak Park)
Author: Schiff, Thomas R.
Description: Book of 16 postcards. Frank Lloyd Wright designed space rather than walls and floors, posts and lintels. "The space within becomes the reality of the building," he wrote. "Space is the breath of art." He designed "with an eye single to the altogether" to create buildings with "An entirely new sense of space-values" and an "expressive flow of continuous space." (Back cover.) Original list price $9.95. (First Edition)
Size: 9.5 x 4.5
Pages: Pp 36
ST#: 2007.69.0613
Date: 2008 Sarabrand Title: The Wright Experience, A Master Architects Vision (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Sarabrand Scotland Limited. Glasfow, Scotland)
Author: Hunt, Sara; Intro: Stipes, Margo; Contributors: Ehrich, Doreen; Hodge, Jessica; Sommer, Robin Langley;
Description: Fifty years after Wright's death, he is widely hailed as a genius who has exerted more influence on design than any other twentieth century architect. His lifelong quest to "break out of the box"ť and create organic architecture - relevant to its place and time, alive with natural light, and integrated with its setting - inspired him to realize innovations that were far ahead of his time. (Publisher's description.) Photography by Korab, Balthazar. Original Hard Cover list price $30.00. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 176
ST#: 2008.04.1009
Date: 2008 Metro Title: The Wright Experience, A Master Architects Vision (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Metro Books, New York by arrangement with Sarabrand Scotland Limited. First published by Sarabrand Scotland Limited, 2008)
Author: Hunt, Sara; Intro: Stipes, Margo; Contributors: Ehrich, Doreen; Hodge, Jessica; Sommer, Robin Langley;
Description: Fifty years after Wright's death, he is widely hailed as a genius who has exerted more influence on design than any other twentieth century architect. His lifelong quest to "break out of the box"ť and create organic architecture - relevant to its place and time, alive with natural light, and integrated with its setting - inspired him to realize innovations that were far ahead of his time. (Publisher's description.) Photography by Korab, Balthazar. Original Hard Cover list price $19.98. (First Metro Edition)
Pages: Pp 176
ST#: 2008.02.1008
Date: 2009 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright American Master (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York)
Author: Photographs by Weintraub, Alan; Text by Smith, Kathryn
Description: An overview of the work of this American genius, encompassing the entirety of Wright's long and extraordinarily prolific career. From his earliest work, such as the Home and Studio in Oak Park, IL, of 1889, to the wonderfully evocative textile block houses of Los Angeles of the mid-1920s, to such seminal masterpieces as Fallingwater, of 1935, in the Pennsylvania wilderness, and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, of 1956, in New York. Featuring more than a hundred works, from the well known to the obscure. (Publisher's description.) Original cover price $30.00. (First Edition)
Size: 9.75 x 6.75
Pages: Pp 400
ST#: 2009.04.0909
Date: 2011 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Complete Works 1885-1916 (Hard Cover, Boxed) (Published by Taschen GmbH, Hohenzollernring, Koln)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Editor: Gossel, Peter
Description: Volume 1 covers the early Chicago years and the Prairie Houses, the period which provoked a profound influence on European architects. Wright's architectural work during these early years was mostly residential, as it would be throughout his career, and from his earliest work, Frank Lloyd Wright demonstrated a knowledge of and respect for natural materials. In the ten years between 1896 and 1906 he developed and perfected the so-called "prairie house." Wright believed the architect should have complete charge of architectural design, and for him this meant interior furnishings as well as exterior landscape. The 1908 Avery Coonley residence, the administration building for the Larkin Soap Company (1903-1905), and the Unity Temple (1905) are examples of major works from the period. (Publisher's description.) Eight items from our collection were published in this volume. In 2015, these three volumes were condenced into a single volume. Original cover price $200.00. Gift from Taschen. (First Edition)
Size: 16 x 12.5.
Pages: Pp 527
ST#: 2011.01.0611
Date: 2010 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Complete Works 1917-1942 (Hard Cover, Boxed) (Published by Taschen GmbH, Hohenzollernring, Koln)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Editor: Gossel, Peter
Description: This second volume deals with the work after World War I, beginning with the Imperial Hotel, covering Wright's quest to design affordable houses to Fallingwater being the dramatic climax. From 1917 through the Depression, up until 1942, he designed continually. Wright saw many projects go unrealized, but built on new concepts. His block building system led to the famous Ennis house in Los Angeles. In 1936 he completed the Herbert Jacobs house, using his new "Usonian" techniques. He moved to Arizona at the age of 71 and started building Taliesin West. The Johnson Administration Building opened to great fanfare, nationwide publicity, and lines around the block waiting to tour inside. Despite adversity, Wright emerged from this era with reputation restored and vitality renewed, as manifested in Fallingwater and the Johnson building, while his Usonian homes began to alter the way Americans lived. (Publisher's description.) Items from our collection were published in this volume. In 2015, these three volumes were condenced into a single volume. Original cover price $200.00. Gift from Taschen. (First Edition)
Size: 16 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 488
ST#: 2010.01.0310
Date: 2009 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Complete Works 1943-1959 (Hard Cover, Boxed) (Published by Taschen GmbH, Hohenzollernring, Koln)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Editor: Gossel, Peter
Description: Part of an exhaustive three-volume monograph featuring all of Wright's 1,100 designs, both realized and unrealized. This volume covers the postwar years and the "living architecture" period. This volume starts in 1943, when Wright's organic "living architecture" introduced ideas for the use of solar energy and curved open spaces. In addition to many private projects and the Guggenheim museum, the period up to 1959 includes Wright's astonishing plans for a new Baghdad, his only realized high-rise tower in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, the crystal figure of the Beth Sholom Synagogue in Pennsylvania, and plans for an endless row of houses with floor plans based on hexagons. Text in English, German and French. (Publisher's description.) Six items from our collection were published in this volume. In 2015, these three volumes were condenced into a single volume. Original cover price $200.00. Gift from Taschen. (First Edition)
Size: 16 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 584
ST#: 2009.07.0509
Date: 2009 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, The Heroic Years: 1920 - 1932 (Hard Cover, DJ) (Published by Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright's wife, Olgivanna, is famously quoted as saying that "My husband seemed to thrive on hardships." From the years 1920 to 1932 Wright's fortunes were at a low ebb; he was plagued by financial, personal, and professional setbacks, but saw the time as one of challenges instead of one of defeat. Unable to find patrons, his imagination led to visionary, often splendid, architectural conceptions that laid the groundwork for the revolutionary architecture he would build in the decades to follow. During this period he designed almost fifty projects, of which only a few were realized, but those few are seen today as among his most important creations. Rare and unseen photos as well as little-known drawings from this period are on lavish display in this important work on the master architect. (Publisher's description.) Original list price $60.00. (First Edition) Two copies.
Size: 12.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 240
ST#: 2009.19.0911, 2009.20.0312
Date: 2010
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: 50 Key Buildings By America's Greatest Architect (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Quercus Publishing Plc., London. First published in 2009. This new edition published in 2010.)
Author: Wilkinson, Philip
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright has a strong claim to be North America's greatest architect. By the time he died, American architecture had been transformed and a new, distinctive kind of building had evolved that reflected the needs of people living in the cities and in The open spaces of the US. Frank Lloyd Wright was one of the most important creators of this new architecture, as well as the designer of some of America's most beautiful and memorable buildings. Wright's undoubted genius lay in his ability to think an idea through from basic principles. His concept of organic architecture started with the essential requirements of the building and the nature of the site. He thought outwards from these key tenets so that each building's facade and interiors, and even the furnishings, derived from them. This innovative approach inspired a new, uniquely American kind of architecture and left a legacy that is one of the greatest of any architect. Wright designed over 500 buildings of which some 400 still survive... (Dust Jacket) Original list price Ł40.00 (Approximately $60.00 US) 12 x 14.5 (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 176
ST#: 2010.24.1016Date: 2010 Title: Wright Panorama. Elements of Frank Lloyd Wright's Architecture in 360 Degrees. (Hard Cover, DJ) (Published by Lightborne Publishing, Inc. in partnership with The Westcott House Foundation and Orange Frazer Press, Wilmington, Ohio
Author: Foreward by: Wright, Eric Lloyd; Photography by: Schiff, Thomas R.; Essays by: Stipe, Margo; Perkins, Scott W.; Wojeik, Marta; Armstong, Cara
Description: Wright Panorama amplifies the artistry of Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture with expanse. In the more than 140 Tom Schiff panoramic photographs, Schiff reveals nearly eighty extant buildings in Wright's oeuvre from a unique perspective. Wright Panorama exhibits the great architect's prolific, varied, and iconic body of work, pulling from it a new shape and offering it renewed appeal. Eric Lloyd Wright's compelling foreword to Wright Panorama introduces Tom Schiff and four noteworthy Wright scholars. Since Wright's architecture embraced his strong belief in and respect for Nature, these scholars draw from this and contribute essays from a new nature-centric perspective. (Publisher's description.) Original list price $49.95. (First Edition)
Size: 16.5 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 174
ST#: 2010.04.0711
Date: 2011
Title: Poetic Principles of Organic Architecture (Soft Cover Spiral Bound) (Published by Ney Tait Fraser)
Author: Compiled and photographed by Fraser, Ney Tait; Text: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: A compilation of forty-three quotes by Frank Lloyd Wright. Each quote is preceded by a photograph by Ney Tait Fraser. Some photographs are scenes from nature, a majority are of the work by Frank Lloyd Wright. Dedicated to Frances Nemtin and B.D. Collier. Inscribed by the author. Acquired from a bookshop in the united Kingdom. (First Edition)
Size: 11 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 89
ST#: 2011.32.0222Date: 2017
Title: Poetic Principles of Organic Architecture (Soft Cover Spiral Bound) (Published by Ney Tait Fraser)
Author: Compiled and photographed by Fraser, Ney Tait; Text: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: First published in 2011. A compilation of forty-three quotes by Frank Lloyd Wright. Each quote is preceded by a photograph by Ney Tait Fraser. Some photographs are scenes from nature, a majority are of the work by Frank Lloyd Wright. Dedicated to Frances Nemtin and B.D. Collier. (Second Edition)
Size: 9 x 6.9
Pages: Pp 89
ST#: 2017.46.0222Date: 2014
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright On The West Coast (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Gibbs Smith, Layton, Utah)
Author: Wilson, Mark Anthony; Photography by Joel Puliatti
Description: Dust jacket: "Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings on the West Coast have not been thoroughly covered in print until now. Between 1909 and 1959, Wright designed a total of 38 structures up and down the West Coast, from Seattle to Southern California. These include well-known structures such as the Marin County Civic Center and Hollyhock House in Los Angeles, and many lesser-known gems such as the 1909 Stewart House near Santa Barbara. With more than 200 photographs by veteran architectural photographer Joel Puliatti and 50 archival images (many of which have never been seen in print before), this comprehensive survey of Wright's West Coast legacy features background information on the clients' relationships with Wright, including insights gleaned from correspondence with the original owners and interviews with many of the current owners." Original list price $50.00. (First Edition.)
Size: 11 x 12.25.
Pages: Pp 224
ST#: 2014.51.0621Date: 2014
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright The Rooms (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York)
Author: Photography: Weintraub, Alan; Text: Stipe, Margo
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright: The Rooms presents the warm interior spaces and exceptional design work of this beloved American master. Wright was an early proponent of "total design." Unsatisfied with what was available in designing a given space or home, he invented what was needed, developing a language of architectural detail and styling that is unique and which extended to the tables, bookcases, easy chairs, sofas, and cabinets; to rugs and murals; to stonework; to stained glass "light screens," which served as windows, doors, and room partitions; and lighting. This approach was manifested distinctly in each of his residential projects.
This book offers the reader an immersion into this work by means of extraordinary artful detail in intimately explored rooms and spaces. From the Oak Park Home and Studio in Illinois to the majestically appointed Darwin D. Martin House with its abundance of art glass, including Wright's famous "Tree of Life" and "Wisteria" designs, this luxurious volume ranges over the whole of Wright's oeuvre. It highlights a number of Wright masterpieces, including Hollyhock House, the mysterious Aztec-like home and arts complex built on a hill in Los Angeles; the Dana House, with its luminous "butterfly" transom glass; and the fabled living room at Fallingwater. Original Hard Cover list price $75.00. (First Edition)
Size: 11.25 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 336
ST#: 2014.50.0621Date: 2015
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover) (Published by Taschen GmbH, Hohenzollernring, Koln)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Editor: Gossel, Peter
Description: This volume is a condensed version of Pfeiffer's extensive three volume set. Publisher's description: A building by Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is at once unmistakably individual, and evocative of an entire era. Notable for their exceptional understanding of an organic environment, as well as for their use of steel and glass to revolutionize the interface of indoor and outdoor, Wright's designs helped announce the age of modernity, as much as they secured his own name in the annals of architectural genius. This meticulous compilation from Taschen's previous three-volume monograph assembles the most important works from Wright's extensive, paradigm-shifting oeuvre into one authoritative and accessibly priced overview of America's most famous architect. Based on unlimited access to the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives in Taliesin, Arizona, the collection spans the length and breadth of Wright's projects, both realized and unrealized, from his early Prairie Houses, through the Usonian concept home, epitomized by Fallingwater, the Tokyo years, his progressive "living architecture" buildings, right through to later schemes like the Guggenheim Museum, New York, and fantastic visions for a better tomorrow in the "living city."
This volume was condenced and republished in 2024. Original list price $70.00. (First Edition)
Size: 13.5 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 504
ST#: 2015.34.0819Date: 2023
Title: The Bootleg Homes of Frank Lloyd Wright, His Clandestine Work Revealed. (Soft Cover) (Published by The History Press, Charleston, SC)
Author: Hartnett, Robert J.
Description: Back Cover: The Secret Chicago Laboratory of Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie Style. Before Frank Lloyd Wright officially launched America's most famous architectural career, he was designing the building blocks of his legendary Prairie style on the side. In violation of his contract with his employers, Adler and Sullivan, Wright moonlighted as an independent architect from his Oak Park studio. From 1892 through the spring of 1893, he experimented with the elements that would become his signature in houses in Chicago, La Grange and Oak Park. The full roster of these "bootleg homes"ť has remained a matter of mystery and debate. Robert Hartnett seeks to provide the first definitive account of the hidden artifacts of Wright's storied legacy. Gift from the Author. (First Edition)
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: Pp 124
ST#: 2023.03.0623Date: 2024
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover) (Published by Taschen GmbH, Hohenzollernring, Koln)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Gossel, Peter
Description: In 2015, Taschen condensed their exhaustive three volume set (2009/2010/2011) into a single volume. This updated volume is a revised and condensed edition of the 2015 volume.
Publisher’s description: A building by Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959) is at once unmistakably individual and evocative of an entire era. Notable for their exceptional harmony with their environment, as well as for their use of steel and glass to revolutionize the interface of indoor and outdoor, Wright’s designs helped announce the age of modernity, as much as they secured his place in the annals of architectural genius.
This meticulous compilation from Taschen ‘s previous monograph assembles the most important works from Wright’s extensive, paradigm-shifting oeuvre into one authoritative overview of America’s most famous architect. Based on unlimited access to the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation’s archives at Taliesin West in Arizona, the collection spans the length and breadth of Wright’s projects, both realized and unrealized, from his early prairie houses, the Usonian concept homes, and the extraordinary Fallingwater to the Tokyo years, his designs for administrative buildings and places of worship, and later high-profile projects like the Guggenheim Museum in New York, as well as his fantastic visions for a better tomorrow with “The Living City.” Original list price $30.00. (First Edition)
Size: 6.5 x 8.75
Pages: Pp 511
ST#: 2024.08.1024Date: 2024
Title: Wright (Hard Cover) (Published by OH! Life, An Imprint of Welbeck Non-Fiction Limited, London, Sydney, Australia)
Author: Stungo, Naomi
Description: Back Cover: Frank Lloyd Wright was the most prolific and influential American architect of the twentieth century. During his remarkable career, which lasted more than seven decades, he designed nearly 1,000 buildings, every one highly imaginative and individual. Wright masterminded his projects down to the last detail, seeing each as a complete, fully integrated work of art, or gesamtkunstwerk.
From the Oak Park residences in Illinois - which introduced his pioneering Prairie style - to the modernist masterpiece that is Fallingwater, his groundbreaking creations are celebrated in this curated collection of images, accompanied by an essay on his life and work.
This appears to bne a revised and updated version of Frank Lloyd Wright, Stungo, 1999. Original list price $16.95. (First Edition)
Size: 5.25 x 7.4
Pages: Pp 111
ST#: 2024.12.1124
©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2024