BOOKS (1990-1999) 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Bottom
A Bibliography of Frank Lloyd Wright Sources in the Illinois State Historical Library (Soft Cover) (Published by the Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, IL) Heerman, George "In early September, 1990, the Historical Sites Division of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency will reopen the Frank Lloyd Wright - designed home in Springfield, Illinois for the first time in three years. Throughout its long history, the Illinois State Historical Library has acquired and maintained a collection of published resources on architecture. The philosophy of the design for the places where we work and the places where we live has always been a topic... Continue... Pp 9 1990.131.0517 1990
A Day At Taliesin, March 17-18, 1990 (Produced by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Folder includes: 1) Schedule of Events 2) Taliesin Days Speakers: Ballinger; Gluckman; McClintock; Muller; Olsberg; Senkevitch; Shore; Uttal and Kathryn Smith. 3) Hosts and Hostesses: Some include: Cornelia Brierly; Richard Carney; Thomas Casey; Heloise Crista; Penny Fowler, Dixie Legler; Kenneth Lockhart; Susan Lockhart Lockhart; Charles Montoopth; Oscar Munoz; Frances Nemtin; William Wesley Peters; Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer; Ling Po; John Rattenbury... Continue... Pp 35 1990.123.0616 1990
Affordable Dreams: Teachers Guide (Spiral Bound Soft Cover) Ferris, Michele (First Edition) Pp 32 1990.08.0501 1990
A Guide to the Architecture of River Forest (Soft Cover) (Published by The Architectural Guide Book Committee, River Forest, Ill.) Editor: Fields, Jeanette S.; Intro: Steiner, Frances First published in 1981. "Only 20 minutes west of Chicago's Loop, the tree-lined village of River Forest boasts some of the world's most beautiful examples of Prairie School designs, all in a compact 2.4 square miles." (From back cover.) Features 75 structures, 114 photographs, many never published before, and a biography of 10 architects and partnerships. Wright homes include: 1) Waller Gates; 2) William Winslow; 6) Chauncey Williams; 10) Isabel Roberts; 21)... Continue... Pp 86 1990.104.0314 1990
An Architecture for Democracy: The Marin County Civic Center, A Narrative by the Associated Architect. (Soft Cover) (Published by Grendon Publishing, San Francisco) Green, Aaron G.: with DeNevi, Donald P. Original SC List Price $22.50. 10 x 10. (First Edition) Pp 142 1990.34.0305 1990
Darwin D. Martin House. An Historic Structure Report: Condition Survey And Preliminary Restoration Plan. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect 1904 (1/3) (Soft Cover, Spiral Bound) (Published by The Darwin Martin House and Hasbrouck Peterson Associates, Buffalo, New York.) Hasbrouck Peterson Associates; Hanks, David A. An Historic Structure Report. One of three volumes of the Condition Survey And Preliminary Restoration Plan for the Darwin Martin House.
Executive Summary, Page i: The Darwin D. Martin House in Buffalo, New York, was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1904. It was the realization of a site plan and single family residence design which Frank Lloyd Wright had been developing over the previous five years. Ultimately, the Martin... Continue...Pp 41 1990.196.0424 1990
Darwin D. Martin House: Art Glass Inventory, Condition Survey And Preliminary Restoration Plan. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect 1904 (2/3) (Soft Cover, Spiral Bound) (Published by The Darwin Martin House and Hasbrouck Peterson Associates, Buffalo, New York.) Hasbrouck Peterson Associates; Hanks, David A. Art Glass Inventory. One of three volumes of the Condition Survey And Preliminary Restoration Plan for the Darwin Martin House.
Introduction to Art Glass, Page 3: The Darwin D. Martin House art glass represents one of Frank Lloyd Wright's most elaborate and complex schemes in this medium and is remarkable in its aesthetic quality. Windows vary from simple geometric grids with a minimum of colored glass to elaborate schemes... Continue...Pp 227 1990.197.0424 1990
Darwin D. Martin House: Furnishings Inventory, Condition Survey And Preliminary Restoration Plan. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect 1904 (3/3) (Soft Cover, Spiral Bound) (Published by The Darwin Martin House and Hasbrouck Peterson Associates, Buffalo, New York.) Hasbrouck Peterson Associates; Hanks, David A. Furnishings Inventory. One of three volumes of the Condition Survey And Preliminary Restoration Plan for the Darwin Martin House.
Introduction to Furnishing, Page i: The majority of the furniture in the Darwin D. Martin House was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright to be integral to the architecture of the house. Although Wright's concept of the furniture was probably formulated with the initial design of the house, furniture was still... Continue...Pp 150 1990.198.0424 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright: 1991, Selections From The National Center for the Study of Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by Universe, New York) Domino's Pizza Collection 1991 Calendar. Approximately 70 original Wright pieces from the Domino's Pizza Collection are currently on tour through the Smithsonian Institute Traveling Exhibition, Seattle, Chicago, Buffalo, Denver, Philadelphia and Dallas, 1989-1991. Includes photographs from their collection. Martin, Hickox, Coonley and Coonley Playhouse Windows, Schumacher fabric (2), Wright Liberty drawings and books, Fallingwater table, Heritage-Henredon table, Imperial... Continue... Pp 28 1990.109.0514 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright, a cura di Bruno Zevi (Soft Cover) (Published by Nicola Zanichelli S.p.A., Bologna, Italy) Zevi, Bruno Italian Version, Originally published in 1979. Original cover price: L. 17 000. 5.75 x 8.25. Pp 280 1990.46.0506 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright Address Book (Soft Cover) (Published by Dover Publications, Inc., New York) Dover Publications Front cover photographed by Fred Stein, new York City, 1952. Original cover price $1.00. 4.25 x 5.75. (First Edition) Pp 32 1990.72.0707 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright and Madison: Eight Decades of Artistic and Social Interaction (Published by the Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, Madison) Essays by: Filipowicz, Diane; Hamilton, Mary Jane; Heggland, Timothy; Holzhueter, John O.; Kalec... Editor: Sprague, Paul E. Published after an exhibit by the same name held at the Elvehjem Museum of Art at the University of Wisconsin - Madison from September 2 to November 6, 1988. 14.4 x 10.25. (First Edition) Pp 218 1990.56.0207 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright, Decorative Designs Collection, Second Edition (Soft Cover) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Original cover price $9.00. (Second Edition) Pp 36 1990.14.0102 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings. Masterworks from the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Harry N. Abrams, Incorporated, New York) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Published in conjunction with the exhibition by the same name, January 13 - April 8, 1990 at the Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix. 309 illustrations, including 134 plates in color. Original HC list price $65.00, SC list price $37.50. 10.75 x 11.75. (First Edition) Pp 303 1990.01.0199 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright, Engagement Book 1991 - Designs for Houses (Spiral Bound Soft Cover) Pomegranate Calendars & Books Original SC List Price $11.95. (First Edition) Pp 110 1990.09.0901 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright: Genius! The Artist & the Process (Hard Cover, Library Binding) Murphy, Wendy Buehr Original HC Library Binding List Price $42.95. (First Edition) Pp 128 1990.13.0102 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright: In The Realm of Ideas. February 16 - May13, 1990. Marin County Civic Center (Produced by Dessy-Sclater & Associates) Edited by Brown & Collins. Text by Pfeiffer & Nordland Exhibition catalog held at the Marin County Civic Center from February 16 - May 13, 1990. "This is an exhibition of ideas. Using the work of Frank Lloyd Wright as an example and his words as explanatory text, the exhibition highlights and illustrates those ideas that constitute the foundation upon which everything he built is based. The forms are irrevocably his, yet the ideas are eternal and we witness their manifestation throughout the whole panorama of architecture... Continue... Pp 28 1990.91.0312 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1914-1923 Volume 4. (Soft Cover) (First Published in 1985 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1990) Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically survey the developments of Wright's architectural style. Illustrations consist of photographs and drawings of completed buildings and relevant projects. Original SC List Price 8760 $65.00. 12 x 12. (Second Edition) Pp 265 1990.35.0405 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1924-1936 Volume 5. (Soft Cover) (First Published in 1985 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1990) Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically survey the developments of Wright's architectural style. Illustrations consist of photographs and drawings of completed buildings and relevant projects. Original SC List Price 8500 $65.00. 12 x 12. (Second Edition) Pp 265 1990.36.0405 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1937-1941 Volume 6. (Soft Cover) (First Published in 1986 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1990) Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically survey the developments of Wright's architectural style. Illustrations consist of photographs and drawings of completed buildings and relevant projects. Original SC List Price 9800 $75.00. 12 x 12. (Second Edition) Pp 317 1990.37.0405 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1942-1950 Volume 7. (Soft Cover) (First Published in 1988 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1990) Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically survey the developments of Wright's architectural style. Illustrations consist of photographs and drawings of completed buildings and relevant projects. Original SC List Price 9800 $75.00. 12 x 12. (Second Edition) Pp 359 1990.38.0405 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1951-1959 Volume 8. (Soft Cover) (First Published in 1988 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1990) Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically survey the developments of Wright's architectural style. Illustrations consist of photographs and drawings of completed buildings and relevant projects. Original SC List Price 10090 $77.00. 12 x 12. (Second Edition) Pp 389 1990.39.0405 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright In His Renderings 1887-1959 Volume 12. (Soft Cover) (First Published in 1984 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1990) Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Volumes 12 consists of 200 selected renderings that are often considered works of art in themselves. In order to communicate the exquisite quality of the original works, special attention has been paid to the selection of paper and the printing process. Original SC List Price 12360 $95.00. 12 x 12. (Second Edition) Pp 389 1990.40.0405 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright's Dana-Thomas House. Its History, Acquisition, and Preservation (Soft Cover) (Published by the Illinois Historical Preservation Agency, Springfield) Hallmark, Donald P. Reprint of an article published in the Illinois Historical Journal, Summer, 1989. Published in booklet form. "Springfield's Dana Thomas House, designed by eminent American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, resulted from a two-year collaboration among an architect of genius, a female client who wanted a unique residence that would be the talk of Springfield society, and a group of young artisans, designers, and architects who had allied themselves with Wright in his Oak Park studio... Continue... Pp 14 1990.115.1215 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright Selected Houses 2 (Stiff Soft Cover) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Original SC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 175 1990.05.0399 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright Selected Houses 4 (Stiff Soft Cover) (Published by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1996) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks In 1963, Edgar Kaufmann Jr. gave his home, Fallingwater, to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy with the intent that it be opened to the public for tours. His gift constitutes one of the most magnanimous acts in the annals of architectural and fine art history. This one Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Photography by Yukio Futagawa building, undoubtedly the most famous private residence built in a free, democratic society, has been widely published the... Continue... Pp 159 1990.06.0623 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright Selected Houses 5 (Stiff Soft Cover) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Original SC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 189 1990.07.0399 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright Versus America, The 1930s (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London) Johnson, Donald Leslie "Frank Lloyd Wright versus America combines interpretation, factual revelation, and anecdote in a highly readable narrative, pursuing answers to such questions as why until 1936 "it took intelligence to hire Wright but only money thereafter" (Leonard Eaton), why Wright changed from "simply a very good architect to the Greatest American Genius" (Reyner Banham), why the Soviets and British were fascinated by him, and why his architecture of this period differed so greatly... Continue... Pp 436 1990.15.0202 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright, Six Buffalo Houses (Publisher not noted. This booklet is an outgrowth of the former Louis Sullivan Museum's 8 year campaign to save the Guaranty Building.) Randall, John D. First published in 1983. Includes information on six homes: 1) The Heath House; 2) The Martin House; 3) The Baton House; 4) The Gardener's Cottage (Martin); 5) The Davidson House; 6) The Martin Summer House (Graycliff). Also includes information on the Larkin Administration Building 1904-1906, razed 1950. 8.5 x 8.4. (Second Edition)
Pp 14 1990.106.0414 1990
Frank Lloyd Wright Versus America, The 1930s (Soft Cover) (Published by The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London) Johnson, Donald Leslie "Frank Lloyd Wright versus America combines interpretation, factual revelation, and anecdote in a highly readable narrative, pursuing answers to such questions as why until 1936 "it took intelligence to hire Wright but only money thereafter" (Leonard Eaton), why Wright changed from "simply a very good architect to the Greatest American Genius" (Reyner Banham), why the Soviets and British were fascinated by him, and why his architecture of this period differed so greatly... Continue... Pp 436 1990.112.1014 1990
The Marin County Civic Center (Soft Cover) (Published by the Anne T. Kent California History Room, Marin County Free Library.) Salter, Jack D. Informational booklet on Frank Lloyd Wright and history concerning the Marin County Civic Center. "In 1956 the Board of Supervisors authorize the purchase of a 140-acre site north of San Rafael for development of the Civic Center that would organize under one roof departments which were scattered throughout the county. The site acquisition triggered a political battle between those who favored hiring a local architect with a traditional point of view and those who wanted an architect... Continue... Pp 12 1990.146.0119 1990
Important 19th and 20th Century Architectural Objects and Designs, including Prints, Drawings, Photographs, Books, Periodicals and Letters Relating to Frank Lloyd Wright and other Chicago Architects. April 21, 1990 (Published by Leslie Hindman, Inc., Chicago) Leslie Hindman Auctioneers Catalog of 534 lots with a majority being related to Wright. Includes 95 photographs related to Wright items. 8 x 10. Cover item sold for $5,200 plus a 10% buyers fee. (First Edition) Pp 120 1990.52.1206 1990
Rescue of a Landmark: Frank Lloyd Wright's Darwin Martin House (Soft Cover) (Published in 2000 by Western New York Wares, Inc., Paperback) Quinlan, Marjorie L. Original SC List Price $9.95, 2000 SC List Price $13.95. (First Edition) Pp 101 1990.02.0899 1990
The Architect & the American Country House 1890-1940 (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Yale University Press, New Haven & London) Hewitt, Mark Alan "Wealthy Americans began building opulent country estates in the late 1880s and continued to do so for the next fifty years. In this beautifully illustrated and informative book, we view the breadth and aesthetic vitality of these American country houses through the expert eye of a practicing architect. Mark Hewitt introduces the largely forgotten group of architects who designed the houses, reveals the tastes and foibles of the clients who commissioned them, and reevaluates the significance of... Continue... Pp 312 1990.130.0317 1990
The Imperial. The First 100 Years. 1890 - 1990. (Soft Cover, Dust Jacket) (Copyright by the Imperial Hotel, Ltd. Tokyo. Produced by ADEX Ltd., Japan, Tokyo. Printed by Toppan Printing Company.) Osano, Masakuni; Inumaru, Ichiro "The year 1990 marks the one hundredth anniversary of the opening of the Imperial Hotel. Includes a comprehensive history of the pre-Wright Imperial Hotel, the Wright designed Imperial Hotel, the demolition, partial reconstruction and preservation of the Wright Imperial Hotel in the Meiji Mura Architectural Park, and the modern Imperial Hotel. Note: No author is indicated, the forward is written by Masakuni Osano, Chairman of the Board, and Ichiro Inumaru, President and... Continue... Pp 316 1990.76.0510 1990
The Imperial Hotel, 1890-1990, 100th Anniversary (Published by the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo)
Imperial Hotel Published in Japanese and English. Left to right, 33 pages in English. Right to left, 95 pages in Japanese. "The Imperial at 100" includes text and photographs of Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel. Additionally, text and photographs on Wright's original Imperial Hotel. Front cover (left to right) in English. Back cover, (right to left) in Japanese. Two copies, gift from Kathryn Smith. 7.1 x 10.1 Pp 128 1990.154.0519 1990.155.0519 1990
The Wisconsin Story (First Published in 1987 by Apple Corps Publishing, Oklahoma City, OK) (Hard Cover, Library Binding) English, Billie Joan; Calhoun, Sharon Cooper Children's Book. Chapter 25: "A Wisconsin Profile: Frank Lloyd Wright". Profile on Wright page 161. Includes one photograph. Library binding. 8 x 10.25. (First published in 1987, Second Edition) Pp 202 1990.57.0307 1991 1991
1991 Country Home Collection (Hard Cover - Library Binding) Cooper, Steve A Slice of Wright. A chapter on Monaghan's Vacation Home (First Edition) Pp 24-30 1991.14.0401 1991
Affordable Dreams: The Goetsch-Winckler House and Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by the Kresge Art Museum, East Lancing, Michigan) Bandes, Susan J. Original SC List Price $21.95. (First Edition) Pp 109 1991.15.0501 1991
Architecture. The Natural and the Manmade (Soft Cover) (Published by St. Martin's Press, New York) Scully, Vincent Pages 339-346: "Wright's movement toward the primordial -- you cannot and must not be called the "primitive," though Wright's generation may well have thought of it in those terms -- is all the more striking because Wright did not begin that way. Instead he began in the suburbs with the American suburban lot. I recently heard a historian expatiating on Wright's parallel cross-axis as if he had been designing on the moon. Few critics, and almost no Europeans, least of all those who are... Continue... Pp 388 1991.88.0218 1991
Bitter Root Project (Published by The Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation Records. National Archives and Records Administration, Denver, Colorado) Bridges, Kelly "Thousands of acres of newly irrigable land were purchased by newcomers. These newly settled lands became the subdivisions of East Side Addition, Hamilton Heights, ... and University Heights. Each of these divisions saw the construction of golf courses and large inns. Additionally, many of these divisions planted acres of McIntosh Apple orchards. Intense advertising to attract even more people to these lands occurred... Continue... For more information on the Bitter Root Inn see our Wright Study. Pp 13 1995.51.1109 1991
Buffalo's Architectural Heritage, Buffalo's Buildings With Historic Highlights (Soft Cover) (Published by Ron Colgrove, Printed by Guerra Press, South Wales/Buffalo, New York) Acknowledge-ments: Colgrove, Ron; Martin House: Bernard, Dr. Kathy L. First published in 1982. Twelve Frameable Drawings by Ron Colgrove. Each illustration is accompanied by a lengthy description , each by a different author. The eleventh illustration is of the Darwin D. Martin House. Text by , Dr. Kathy L. Bernard. The twelfth illustration is the Prudential Building by Louis Sullivan. 11 x 14 (Second Edition) Pp 28 1991.93.0320 1991
Fallingwater: 1992 Calendar (Published by Abbeville Press, Inc. New York) Photography by Christopher Little "Fallingwater. Considered Frank Lloyd Wright's domestic masterpiece, Fallingwater is recognized worldwide as the paradigm of organic architecture. Annually more than Photography by Christopher Little 100,000 visitors make the pilgrimage to its remote mountain site in southwestern Pennsylvania. This beautifully photographed calendar captures the changes and moods of the house through the seasons of the year, revealing the true spirit of... Continue... Pp 24 1991.39.0506 1991.110.0123 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) Costantino, Maria Original HC List Price $16.95. Also published as a French version. (Second Edition) Pp 112 1991.01.1100 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Taschen) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. (Publisher's description.) An appendix includes a biography, and completed works. Text in English, German and French. (First Edition) Pp 175 1991.04.1100 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by The Taliesin Preservation Commission, Inc., working in partnership with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Spring Green, Wisconsin) The Taliesin Preservation Commission, Inc. Making a case for supporting the Taliesin Preservation Commission. "Working in partnership to express one vision... preserving Taliesin for the 21st Century... The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Philosophy and Mission... The Taliesin Preservation Commission, Inc... Taliesin History... Taliesin Today... Vision and Needs for the Future... Cultural Tourism... Proposed Taliesin Preservation and Visitor Center Estimates... Frank Lloyd Wright on Taliesin. Includes eight historic photographs by Pedro... Continue... Pp 20 1991.81.0616 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright: 30 Architectural Drawings (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Petaluma, CA) Pomegranate Artbooks Book of 30 postcards. 7 x 4.75. (First Edition) Pp 64 1991.37.0406 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright: 1992, Selections from the Domino's Center for Architecture & Design. A Calendar for 1992. (Published by Universe. New York) Domino's Pizza "The Domino's Center for Architecture & Design was founded in 1986 as part of the Domino's Pizza World Headquarters, Ann Arbor, Michigan. This comprehensive collection, on view to the public, includes furniture, windows, metalwork and drawings from many of Wright's major commissions..." The calendar includes 40 images related to Liberty Magazine, Barnsdall, Coonley, Dana, Copper Urn and weed holder, Bradley, Hillside Home School, Beachy, Little, Richard Smith... Continue... Pp 24 1991.78.0116 1991.112.0124 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright America's Greatest Architect (Hard Cover) (Published by Easton Press, Norwalk, Connecticut) Jacobs, Herbert Collector's Edition, bound in genuine leather. Wright's Luxfer Prism Glass design used on cover. 6 x 8.75. (First Easton Press Edition) (Sweeney 1601) Pp 223 1601.01.0506 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright, A Primer on Architectural Principles (Soft Cover) (Published by Princeton Architectural Press, New York) Authors: Frampton, Kenneth; Graf, Otto; Lipman, Jonathan; MacCormac, Richard; Mackenzie, Archie; McCarter, Robert (2); Finnell, Patrick; Seligmann, Werner
Editor: McCarter, Robert Nine essays that illuminate the complex and creative mind of Frank Lloyd Wright at work. Focusing on Wright's work itself - the buildings and projects that Wright understood as the "particular" examples of his "general" principles of design - this book is written from the perspective of architects, rather than art historians, and offers a more complete understanding of Wright than that offered by more traditional studies. Over 400 photographs and diagrammatic analyses complement the... Continue... Pp 308 1991.05.1000 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright, A Primer on Architectural Principles (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Princeton Architectural Press, New York) Authors: Frampton, Kenneth; Graf, Otto; Lipman, Jonathan; MacCormac, Richard; Mackenzie, Archie; McCarter, Robert (2); Finnell, Patrick; Seligmann, Werner
Editor: McCarter, Robert Nine essays that illuminate the complex and creative mind of Frank Lloyd Wright at work. Focusing on Wright's work itself - the buildings and projects that Wright understood as the "particular" examples of his "general" principles of design - this book is written from the perspective of architects, rather than art historians, and offers a more complete understanding of Wright than that offered by more traditional studies. Over 400 photographs and diagrammatic analyses complement the... Continue... Pp 308 1991.60.0511 1991.61.0511 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright: Architectural Drawings and Decorative Designs - 1992 Calendar (Published by Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Petaluma, CA) Pomegranate Calendar & Books Original SC List Price $13.95. (First Edition) Pp 28 1991.26.1104 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright: Architectural Drawings and Decorative Arts. 1992 Engagement Calendar (Published by Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Petaluma, CA) Pomegranate Calendar & Books Includes fifty-two Frank Lloyd Wright architectural drawings and decorative designs. Original cover price $11.96. 6.5 x 9. (First Edition) Pp 114 1991.55.0510 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright: Domestic Architecture and Objects (Stiff Soft Cover)
Introduction by Meehan, Patrick J. Booklet of 20 Postcards. Originally SC List Price $8.95. (Second Edition) Pp 44 1991.27.1004 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright In Michigan (Soft Cover) (Published by Reference Publications, Inc., Algonac, Michigan) Northup, A. Dale; Introduction: Manson, Grant Carpenter No. 4 In The Series "Michigan Monographs." Back cover: "This is the first comprehensive examination of the houses designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Michigan. Many of them have never before been viewed in such depth and detail. As well as exploring the design evolution of this great architects work in Michigan, the book also recounts the interaction between Wright and his clients which made for a perfect union in what Wright advocated as a Usonian democracy." 11 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 100 1991.92.1019 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1887-1901 Volume 1. (Soft Cover) (First Published in 1986 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989 and 1991) Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically survey the developments of Wright's architectural style. Illustrations consist of photographs and drawings of completed buildings and relevant projects. Original SC List Price 8760 $65.00. 12 x 12. (Third Edition) Pp 246 1991.32.0405 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1907-1913 Volume 3. (Soft Cover) (First Published in 1987 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989 and 1991) Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically survey the developments of Wright's architectural style. Illustrations consist of photographs and drawings of completed buildings and relevant projects. Original SC List Price 8760 $65.00. 12 x 12. (Third Edition) Pp 269 1991.33.0405 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright Preliminary Studies 1889-1916 Volume 9. (Soft Cover) (First Published in 1985 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989 and 1991) Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Volumes 9-11 presents selected preliminary studies that were executed in the course of developing Wright's significant projects, most of which are published for the first time. Original SC List Price 8760 $65.00.12 x 12. (Third Edition) Pp 203 1991.34.0405 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright Preliminary Studies 1917-1932 Volume 10. (Soft Cover) (First Published in 1986 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1990 and 1991) Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Volumes 9-11 presents selected preliminary studies that were executed in the course of developing Wright's significant projects, most of which are published for the first time. Original SC List Price 8760 $65.00. 12 x 12. (Third Edition) Pp 205 1991.35.0405 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright Preliminary Studies 1933-1959 Volume 11. (Soft Cover) (First Published in 1987 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989 and 1991) Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Volumes 9-11 presents selected preliminary studies that were executed in the course of developing Wright's significant projects, most of which are published for the first time. Original SC List Price 8760 $65.00. 12 x 12. (Third Edition) Pp 225 1991.36.0405 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright Remembered (Hard Cover - DJ) Meehan, Patrick J. Original HC List Price $29.95. (First Edition) Pp 254 1991.06.0100 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright Retrospective (Stiff Soft Cover) Published by Mainichi Newspapers This was for a major Japanese Exhibitions that took place in four different locations, from Jan 2 - July 28, 1991. (First Edition) Pp 294 1991.02.0401 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright Selected Houses 1 (Stiff Soft Cover) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Original SC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 207 1991.07.0399 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright Selected Houses 6 (Stiff Soft Cover) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Original SC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 175 1991.08.0399 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright Selected Houses 7 (Stiff Soft Cover) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Original SC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 175 1991.09.0399 1991
Frank Lloyd Wright Selected Houses 8 (Stiff Soft Cover) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Original SC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 183 1991.10.0399 C 1991
Freeman House (Folder) (Published by the University of Southern California, School of Architecture) University of Southern California Presentation Folder. Cover: Embossed Freeman House Block. Flap: "Freeman House. School of Architecture, 2-4 Watt Hall, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-0291." 9 x 12 Pp 6 1991.83.0616 1991
Louis Sullivan And The Chicago School (Hard Cover - DJ) Frazier, Nancy Original Hard Cover List Price $15.99, Soft Cover List Price $12.99. (First Edition) Pp 112 1991.11.1100 1991
Monona Terrace, A Public Place By Frank Lloyd Wright (Prepared by the Department of Planning and Development, City of Madison, Wisconsin) Deptartment of Planning Madison In 1938, Frank Lloyd Wright proposed the development of a major public building complex on the shore of lake Monona in downtown Madison. Wright, an American architect raised in Wisconsin, is considered by some to be the greatest American architect of all time and one of the finest architects in the world During his 70-year professional career, he made important contributions to the modern movement in architecture. A great designer, he was also... Continue... Pp 95 1991.109.0822 1991
National Register of Historic Places, Stevensville, Montana. Historic and Agricultural Resources of Stevensville, Montana. (Published by the United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Washington D.C.) Montana State Historical Preservation Office Staff Multiple Property Documentation Form. History of Stevensville, Montana and the surrounding area. Includes historical information on the "Apple Boom", the Big Ditch Development and the Bitterroot District Irrigation Co. "The new townsite of Bitterroot was platted just north of Stevensville, and the Bitterroot Inn, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, was built in 1920 and served as an informal headquarters for the Chicago... Continue... For more information on the Bitter Root Inn see our Wright Study. Pp 30 1991.49.1009 1991
Quintin Blair House, National Register of Historic Places (Published by the United States Department of the Interior National Park Service, Washington, D.C.) Massey, Rheba; Johnson, Mike The Quintin Blair house retains excellent integrity of setting, materials, workmanship, location, feeling, and association. The design represents the major focus of Wright's architecture after World War II the design of private homes that integrate with and reflect their natural setting. The house is truly the work of a master architect and worthy of listing on the National Register of Historic Places for its exceptional significance... Continue... For more information on the Blair Residence see our Wright Study. Pp 17 1991.48.0909 1991
Squandered Fortune, The Life and Times of Huntington Hartford (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York) Gubernick, Lisa Rebecca Story of the creation of that great retail empire, and of the heir who frittered away those vast holdings. The last of the brand-name scions, Huntington Hartford spent a lifetime and his millions trying to live up to his birthright. Hartford wanted to be more than just another aristocratic playboy. He was determined to change the way America thought about the arts -- Tom Wolfe called him a new Martin Luther - and his crusade included... Continue... See our Wright Study on the Huntington Hartford Resort Project. Pp 272 1991.73.0515 1991
The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Catalog (Soft Cover) Storrer, William Allin Second Edition. Ninth printing. Originally published in 1974. New Material in this edition. Original HC List Price $19.95, SC List Price $16.96. (Sweeney 1948) Pp 450 1948.02.0393 1991
The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, Guide to Extant Structures (Soft Cover) Storrer, William Allin Original SC List Price $13.95 (Twelfth Edition) Pp 67 1991.03.0393 1991
The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. An Overview - 1990-91 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Mission and Purpose. The School and its History. The School Today. Resources: The Buildings in Wisconsin. The Buildings in Arizona. The Taliesin Fellowship. Faculty and Staff. The Learning Program. An overview of the School of Architecture. Includes many photos and illustrations. 8.5 x 8.5. Gift from Kathryn Smith. (First Edition) Pp 53 1991.80.0616 1991
The 1912 And 1915 Gustav Stickley Craftsman Furniture Catalogs (Soft Cover) (Jointly published by The Athenaeum of Philadelphia and Dover Publications, Inc., New York) Stickley, Gustav Back cover: "Studying, exhibiting, and collecting Gustave Stickley's austere, functional designs for furniture and other home furnishing continue to be major pursuits of scholars, curators, dealers, and collectors in the decorative field. This volume brings back into print two original Craftsmen catalogs illustrating and describing a broad range of Stickley's furniture designs, complete with the original captions citing materials, dimensions, and prices. Among the furniture... Continue... Pp 67 + 33 1991.91.1018 1991
The Preservationist's Progress (Hard Cover - DJ) Howard, Hugh Chapter 7: The Artists Collector - Chapter on Wright. Original HC List Price $22.95. (First Edition) Pp 272 1991.16.0901 1991
The Meeting House, Heritage and Vision (Soft Cover) (Published by The Friends of the Meeting House, Madison, Wisconsin) Hamilton, Mary Jane "When, nearly forty-six years ago, First Unitarian Society members began to discuss a replacement for the church that the Madison congregation had used since 1886, they had no intention of constructing one that would subsequently influence the form of countless other religious buildings..." 12 x 9. (First Edition) Pp 32 1991.72.0914 1991
The Wright Address Book (Hard Cover) Domino's Center for Architecture and Design Original HC List Price $15.95. (First Edition) Pp 112 1991.22.0603 1991
The Wright Space (Hard Cover - DJ) Hildebrand, Grant The pattern and meaning in Frank Lloyd Wright's houses. Original HC List Price $55.00. (First Edition) Pp 192 1991.23.0804 1991
The Wright Space (Soft Cover) Hildebrand, Grant The pattern and meaning in Frank Lloyd Wright's houses. Original SC List Price $40.00. (Fourth Edition) Pp 192 1991.20.0902 1991
Three American Architects: Richardson, Sullivan, Wright, 1865-1915 (Soft Cover) O'Gorman, James F. Original SC List Price $15.00. Pp 170 1991.19.0702 1991
Trademarks of Base-Metal Tableware. Late 18th century to circa 1900 (including marks on Britannia metal, iron, steel, cooper alloys and silver-plated goods) (Copyright Ministry of Supply and Services Canada. Published under the authority of the Ministry of the Environment, Ottawa, 1991) Woodhead, Eileen Invaluable for dating the marking on the bottom of the Midway Gardens dish. 8.5 x 11. (For more information see our Wright study on the Midway gardens dish.) Pp 331 1991.58.1010 1991
Wright Sites (Soft Cover) (Published by Princeton Architectural Press, New York) Edited by Sanderson, Arlene Original SC List Price $8.95. (First Edition) PP 56 1991.12.1200 1991
Yesterdays Houses of Tomorrow (Hard Cover - DJ) Jandl, H Ward Ch 7: Usonian Houses: Frank Lloyd Wrights vision of affordable housing. Original HC List Price $29.95. (First Edition) Pp 116-125 1991.13.1200 1992 1992 Architectural Monographs No 18: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (First published in Great Britain in 1992 by Academy Editions, London. Published in the United States by St. Martin's Press, New York) Heinz, Thomas A.
Heinz, Thomas A. Heinz introduces aspects that have previously gone unnoticed. Concentrating primarily on residences, He examines construction techniques that are just as unorthodox as the architect himself, indicating that Wright's approach to detailing was pragmatic rather than conventional and was based on traditional common sense. Previously unpublished sketches on tracing paper provide a rare insight into Wright's design progression. (Publishers description.) Original... Continue... Pp 143 1992.03.0401 1992.63.0907 1992 Arts & Crafts and Architectural Designs (Published by Christie, Manson & Woods International, Inc. New York) Christie's Saturday December 12, 1992. Including Works From the Domino's Center for Architectural and Design. Includes item #'s 157-176 by Wright. Includes printed sheet of final sale prices. 8.25 x 10.5. (First Edition) Pp 68 1992.52.0405 1992
The Arts & Crafts Movement, in America 1876-1916 (Soft Cover) (Published by the Trustees of Princeton University. Distributed by Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey) Edit: Clark, Robert Judson; Ch. 2) Hanks, David A.; Ch. 4) Thompson, Susan Otis First published in 1972, in conjunction with an exhibition by the same title, organized by the Art Museum, Princeton University, and The Art Institute of Chicago. Exhibited at The Art Museum, Princeton University, 21 October - 17 December 1972; The Art Institute of Chicago, 24 February - 22 April 1973; and Renwick Gallery of the National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, 1 June - 10 September 1973. Chapter 2: "Chicago and the Midwest" has a section... Continue... Pp 268 1992.104.1215 1992 "At Taliesin". Newspaper Columns by Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship 1934-1937 (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by the Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale & Edwardsville) Henning, Randolph C. Original HC List Price $39.95 (First Edition) Pp 322 1992.26.0702 1992
Auldbrass, The Plantation Complex Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. A Documented History of Its South Carolina Lands (Hard Cover) (Published by Southern Historical Press, Inc., Greenville, SC) Loring, Jessica Stevens "Old Brass" was the name given to a tract of land in South Carolina that includes over 4,000 acres. "In the mid 1930s the Savanna River Lumber Co. Which owned the tract of land slid into bankruptcy. C. Leigh Stevens took over the responsibility of reorganizing the company, and ended up "with its shares held by Stevens." Old Brass was one of many holdings owned by the reorganized Savanna River Lumber Co. The modern history of "Auldbrass" which Wright adapted from Old... Continue... Pp 147 1992.119.0118 1992 Barnsdall House: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) Steele, James Original SC List Price $29.95 (Second Edition) Pp 60 1992.40.0803 1992
Barnsdall Park, Taliesin Architects Response to Request (Spiral Bound) (Produced by the Taliesin Architects, Scottsdale, AZ) Taliesin Architects Copy of the response from the Taliesin Architects for a Request for Qualifications for the Master Plan for the future development of Barnsdall Park. Spiral bound booklet includes: Letter from John Rattenbury; Taliesin Architects Experience; List of Planning Projects; Biographies of John Rattenbury, Eric Lloyd Wright, Louis Wiehle, William E. Mims, Laurence W. Heiny, Kathryn Smith and others; Letters of Reference. 8.5 x 11 Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 70 1992.110.0616 1992
Book of Special Days (Published by Rizzoli International Publications, Inc. New York) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation A calendar journal book. Cover illustration is the Frank Lloyd Wright cover design for Liberty Magazine, Project, 1926. 4 x 6.5 (First Edition) Pp 128 1992.106.0516 1992
Cassina: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Cassina S.p.A., Milano, Italy) Cassina A Catalog of Frank Lloyd Wright furniture produced by Cassina. Published in Italian, English, German and French.
Furniture includes: 1) 601 Robie, 1. High back chair, dining room, Robie House, 1908. 2) 606 Barrel. Wingspread barrel chair, 1937. 3) 605 Allen. Allen dining room table, 1917. 4) 602 Midway, 1. Wood chair, Midway Gardens, 1914. 5) 603 Midway, 2. Steel chair, Midway Gardens, 1914. 6) 604 Midway, 3. Steel... Continue...Pp 39 1992.166,1124 1992 Conception and Construction: The Drawings, Models and Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover Spiral Binding) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation 1993 Engagement Calendar. Original SC List Price $11.95 (First Edition) Pp 108 1992.39.0503 1992
Concrete Abstractions, Details of Hollyhock House, Los Angeles, California (Soft Cover) (Published by Couturier Gallery, Los Angeles, CA. One thousand copies printed.) Cowan, Craig A volume resulting from the exhibition "Concrete Abstractions" exhibited in Hollyhock House Gallery from April through September of 1991. "Constructed between 1919 and 1921 for oil heiress Aline Barnsdall, Hollyhock House was Frank Lloyd Wright's first Los Angeles Commission. Barnsdall met Wright in Chicago in 1914 where she proposed that he design a theater for her. A trip to the West Coast shifted her plans from the Midwest to Los Angeles and in 1919... Continue... Pp 36 1992.108.0616 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) Costantino, Maria French Version. Originally published as an English version. (First Edition) Pp 112 1992.02.0401 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - Library Binding) McDonough, Yona Zeldis Original HC List Price $14.35, Library Binding $19.95. 7.5 x 9.5. (Chelsea House Library of Biography) (First Edition) Pp 112 1992.42.0804 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) McDonough, Yona Zeldis Original SC List Price $7.95. 7 x 9.25. (Chelsea House Library of Biography) (Third Edition) Pp 112 1992.05.0101 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright: 125th Birthday Celebration (Produced by the Taliesin Preservation Commission, Spring Green) Taliesin Preservation Commission "A Man and His Legacy." Saturday, June 6, 1992, Spring Green, Wisconsin. "...a very young faith undertook to build that house. It was the same faith that plants twigs for orchards, vineslips for vineyards, and small whips to become beneficent shade trees: and it planted them all about" For the preservation of Taliesin. $1000 per person. Includes vellum insert with silhouette of Wright. 4.2 x 5.8. Pp 6 1992.61.0807 1992
Frank Lloyd Wright: 1993, Selections from the Dominos Center for Architecture & Design. A Calendar for 1993. (Published by Universe. New York) Dominos Pizza The Dominos Center for Architecture & Design was founded in 1986 as part of the Dominos Pizza World Headquarters, Ann Arbor, Michigan. This comprehensive collection, on view to the public, includes furniture, windows, metalwork and drawings from many of Wrights major commissions... The calendar includes 40 images related to Liberty Magazine, Midway Gardens, House Beautiful, Barnsdall, Coonley, Dana, Copper Urn, Imperial... Continue... Pp 24 1992.162.0124 1992
Frank Lloyd Wright Fallingwater, 1993 Calendar (Published by Abbeville Press, Inc., New York) Principle Photography: Little, Christopher Inspired by the Abbeville Book, "Fallingwater." "Fallingwater. Considered Frank Lloyd Wright's domestic masterpiece, Fallingwater is recognized worldwide as the paradigm of organic architecture, where a building becomes an integral part of its natural setting. Annually more than 100,000 visitors make the pilgrimage to it's remote mountain site in southwestern Pennsylvania. This beautifully photographed calendar chapters of changes and moods... Continue... Pp 28 1992.120.0618 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright: A Biography (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Alfred A. Knopf) Secrest, Meryle Wright remains for many historians America's preeminent architect, the force of his personality and the strength of his reputation endure untarnished. Drawing on the massive archives of the Wright Memorial Foundation, Secrest writes with authority and compassion about Wright's long and turbulent career. Her exhaustive scholarship provides fresh insights into Wright's personality, making this biography essential reading for anyone with an interest in American architecture. 6.5 x 9.5. Original HC List Price $30.00. (First Edition) Pp 634 1992.06.0599 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright: A Biography (Soft Cover) (Published by Alfred A. Knopt, Inc., New York) Secrest, Meryle Wright remains for many historians America's preeminent architect, the force of his personality and the strength of his reputation endure untarnished. Drawing on the massive archives of the Wright Memorial Foundation, Secrest writes with authority and compassion about Wright's long and turbulent career. Her exhaustive scholarship provides fresh insights into Wright's personality, making this biography essential reading for anyone with an interest in American architecture. 6.1 x 9.2. (First Edition) Pp 634 1992.60.0607 1992
Frank Lloyd Wright and Hiroshige (Hard Cover) Published by Kyoto Shoin, Co., Ltd, Kyoto, Japan) Introduction: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Essay: Meech, Julia; Edited by Alpha Cubic Gallery Published in English and Japanese. "Introduction to the Publication of Hiroshige's "Edo Meisho Harimaze Zue"." In 1987 Mr. Roger Keyes and his wife visited Taliesin West to study and Identify more than 700 surimono that had been stored for over 75 years. In Frank Lloyd Wright's collection they were thrilled to find an almost complete set of Hiroshige's Edo Meisho Harimaze Zue. They made arraignments to be brought to Japan and prepared for an edition... Continue... Pp 88 1992.142.0322 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright & the Prairie School in Wisconsin - An Architectural Touring Guide (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Prairie Oak Press, Madison) Visser, Kristin A guide to Wright buildings in Wisconsin. Includes 46 Wright designed buildings as well as 36 additional prairie style. Original cover price $24.95. 8.75 x 9.75. (First Edition) Pp 252 1992.58.0806 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright & the Prairie School in Wisconsin - An Architectural Touring Guide (Soft Cover) (Published by Prairie Oak Press, Madison, Wisconsin) Visser, Kristin A comprehensive guide to the Wisconsin buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright Original SC List Price $16.95. (Second Edition) Pp 252 1992.18.1101 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright and Wichita: The First Usonian Design (Soft Cover) Kingsbury, Pamila D. This essay was written in conjunction with "Frank Lloyd Wright - Wichita: The First Usonian Design", a commemorative exhibition showing at the Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum, Wichita Kansas, June 1992 through April 1993. Original SC List Price $12.95. (First Edition) Pp 37 1992.17.1001 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright Between Principle and Form (Soft Cover) (Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold) Laseau, Paul & Tice, James Original SC List Price $34.95. (Second Edition) Pp 204 1992.01.0301 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright Collected Writings - Volume 1 (Soft Cover) (Published by Rizzoli, New York) Edited Pfeiffer, Bruce B. Original HC List Price $60.00, SC List Price $40.00. (First Paper Edition) Pp 352 1992.19.1201 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright Collected Writings - Volume 2 (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Rizzoli, New York) Edited Pfeiffer, Bruce B. Original HC List Price $60.00, SC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 384 1992.07.0899 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright Collected Writings - Volume 2 (Soft Cover) (Published by Rizzoli, New York) Edited Pfeiffer, Bruce B. Original SC List Price $40.00. (First Soft Cover Edition) Pp 384 1992.54.0506 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright: Hollyhock House and Olive Hill (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Rizzoli International Publications) Smith, Kathryn Original HC List Price $45.00. (First Edition) Pp 224 1992.08.0492 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie Style Masterpiece. The meticulously restored 1901 "Henderson House". (Published by Schiller Real Estate, Elmhurst, Illinois)
Balluff, Gail M. Four page descriptive pamphlet about the Henderson House. Description and six photos. Includes two single descriptive sheets, one printed two sides. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) For more information on the Henderson Residence see our Wright Study. Pp 8 1992.49.0593 1992
Frank Lloyd Wright's Dana-Thomas House. Its History, Acquisition, and Preservation (Soft Cover) (Published by the Illinois Historical Preservation Agency, Springfield) Hallmark, Donald P. Reprint of an article published in the Illinois Historical Journal, Summer, 1989. Published in booklet form. "Springfield's Dana Thomas House, designed by eminent American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, resulted from a two-year collaboration among an architect of genius, a female client who wanted a unique residence that would be the talk of Springfield society, and a group of young artisans, designers, and architects who had allied themselves with Wright in his... Continue... Pp 14 1992.109.0616 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House (Soft Cover) Hoffmann, Donald Original SC List Price $11.95. (First Edition) Pp 118 1992.24.0102 1992 Frank Lloyd Wright: The Great Drawings. 1993 Calendar (Published by Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Petalum, CA) Pomegranate Calendars & Books Includes twelve drawings and description for each. Original list price $13.95. 16 x 14. (First Edition) Pp 28 1992.59.1106 1992 Guggenheim Museum - A-Z (Soft Cover) Guggenheim Foundation (First Edition) Pp 296 1992.09.0899 1992 Guide to Frank Lloyd Wright's California (Soft Cover) Zimmerman, Scot Original SC List Price $14.95. (Second Edition) Pp 106 1992.10.0200 1992 International Styles: Ex 15 (MOMA) (Stiff Soft Cover) Riley, Terence (First Edition) Pp 224 1992.11.0399 1992 My Father Who is on Earth (Soft Cover) (Published by Dover Publications, Inc., New York) Wright, John Lloyd An unconventional portrait of an unconventional man - Frank Lloyd Wright, stormy petrel of architecture. The author is his son, who tells the things only he could tell about his father. Original SC List Price $5.95. (Second Edition) (Sweeney 648) Pp 195 0648.03.0400 1992 Taliesin 1911-1914: Wright Studies Volume 1 (Hard Cover - DJ) Edited: Menocal, Narciso Five Studies: Neil Levine, Scott Gartner, Anthony Alofsin, Narciso Menocal, Anthony Alofsin. Original HC List Price $50.00. (First Edition) Pp 141 1992.25.0502 1992 Taliesin 1911-1914: Wright Studies Volume 1 (Soft Cover) Edit: Menocal, Narciso Five Studies: Levine, Neil; Gartner, Scott; Alofsin, Anthony; Menocal, Narciso; Alofsin, Anthony. Original SC List Price $22.50. (First Edition) Pp 141 1992.16.0701 1992
The Building of Pilgrim Congregational Church, 1957-1967, Redding California (Soft Cover) (Published by Pilgrim Congregational Church, Redding, California)Ashbaugh, Barbara L. "...Committee members traveled to the city to meet Mr. Wright when his renderings for the Marin Civic Center were made public. As Ray Wells recalls, Meeting Frank Lloyd Wright was quite a thrill. He was exceedingly deferential to this young minister. I was about as naive as he was arrogant, but he reaches across and tapped my knee as we sat in a tight circle in Aaron's office and said, "Well Domini," A familiar Scottish term for a reverend - "how long do you suppose we'll keep... Continued... Pp 14 1992.107.0615 1992 The Complete 1925 "Wendingen" Series (Soft Cover) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Wijeveld, H. Th.; Intro Hoffmann, Donald Original SC List Price $12.95. Wendingen Edition (Dover) (First Paper Edition) Pp 165 1604.03.0101 1992
The Dana-Thomas House, Springfield, Illinois. Fact Book & Tour Guide (Soft Cover) (Published by David Diederich, Printed by the Association of Illinois Electric Cooperative) Diederich, David Explore the fascinating history of the Dana-Thomas house, Susan Lawrence Dana and Frank Lloyd Wright. Discover hundreds of dates and details about: Architectural Features of this and Other Frank Lloyd Wright Projects; History of the Buildings and Property; Restoration of Site and Furnishings; Susan Lawrence Dana & Family; Frank Lloyd Wright and Family; Craftsman and Artisans for House; What Happened When - 100 Years from 1850 to 1950. 5.5 x 8.5 (First Edition) Pp 72 1992.128.0520 1992
The Jessie And William Adams House (Digital copy) (Published by the Commission on Chicago Landmarks, Chicago) Wittman, Timothy N. "The Jessie and William Adams House is one of a small number of residences in the city of Chicago by Frank Lloyd Wright. Designed in 1900 and built early the following year, this house represents an important period of experimentation in the architect's career, extending from roughly 1893 through 1910, during which Wright laid the theoretical basis for the formation of the Prairie School. In addition to its interest relative to its design and its architect, this structure is unique in... Continued... Pp 20 1992.126.1119 1992
The Rehabilitation of The Seth Peterson Cottage (Soft Cover Spiral Bound) (Published by Eifler & Associates, Architects, Chicago, Illinois) Eifler & Associates, Architects The Rehabilitation of The Seth Peterson Cottage. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect, 1958. Frank Lloyd Wright designed a cottage for Seth Peterson to be built at Mirror Lake in 1958. Through a series of unfortunate events, the cottage was left to deteriorate until 1989, when a group of concerned citizens banded together to save the cottage. The Rehabilitation of the Seth Peterson Cottage is an extremely significant event for a number of reasons. Historically... Continued... Pp 17 1992.154.0323 1992 The Wright State: Frank Lloyd Wright in Wisconsin (Soft Cover) (Published by The Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) Lipman, Jonathan; Levine, Neil Published in conjunction with an Exhibition entitled "The Wright State. Frank Lloyd Wright In Wisconsin", September 11 - November 8, 1992. The Milwaukee Art Museum celebrates the 125th anniversary of Frank Lloyd Wright's birth with a major exhibition of rarely seen drawings, models, photographs, furniture and textiles by the master architect. Original SC List Price $19.95. 10.6 x 9.2. (First Edition) Pp 96 1992.13.0101 1992 The Wright Style. Recreating The Spirit of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Simon & Schuster, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo.) Lind, Carla "If you've ever wanted to step inside a house designed by frank Lloyd Wright or if you've ever dreamed of living in one The Wright Style offers the next best thing: an extraordinary look inside dozens of Wright's incomparable houses, all of them filled with countless inspiring ideas from America's favorite architect. From "pure" Wright houses to homes where his decorative magic has been mixed with related styles, the book captures the essence of the architect's timeless designs the... Continued... (Third Edition) Pp 224 1992.14.0499 1992 Truth Against The World: Frank Lloyd Wright Speaks for an Organic Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by The Preservation Press, National Trust for Historic Preservation. Washington DC) Edited with Introduction by Meehan, Patrick J. A collection of Wright's most important speeches. Includes topics ranging from Wright's philosophy of education to his view of democracy to his Broadacre City project. Over 300 photographs. Original SC List Price $24.95. (First Edition) Pp 477 1992.57.1201 1993 1993 About Wright: An Album of Recollections by Those Who Knew Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by John Wiley & Sons) Tafel, Edgar In this nostalgic scrapbook, associates of Frank Lloyd Wright describe the architect as a constant stream of energy, a virtuoso draftsman, a man of theatrical presence and hubris with a supreme belief in the importance of his own work. Tafel, an architect and author of Apprentice to Genius, supervised the construction of several of Wright's most famous buildings. Here he stitches together letters, photos, news clips and interviews with Wright's apprentices, clients... Continued... (Second Edition) Pp 326 1993.18.0302 1993
About Wright: An Album of Recollections by Those Who Knew Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by John Wiley & Sons) Tafel, Edgar In this nostalgic scrapbook, associates of Frank Lloyd Wright describe the architect as a constant stream of energy, a virtuoso draftsman, a man of theatrical presence and hubris with a supreme belief in the importance of his own work. Tafel, an architect and author of Apprentice to Genius, supervised the construction of several of Wright's most famous buildings. Here he stitches together letters, photos, news clips and interviews with Wright's apprentices, clients... Continued... (Second Edition) Pp 326 1993.77.0315 1993
AIA Guide to Chicago (Soft Cover) (Published by Harcourt Brace & Company, San Diego, New York, London) Sinkevitch, Alice Publisher's description: "Chicago is justly celebrated as the birthplace of modern architecture. Some of the greatest American architects, including Louis H. Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, designed buildings that became landmarks. But the history of Chicago cityscape was also written by architects - sometimes obscure, sometimes anonymous - who kept alive the romance of traditional design. And the treasures are found not only in the... Continued... Pp 541 1993.92.0119 1993 Angels of Reality: Emersonian Unfoldings in Wright, Stevens and Ives (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Southern Illinois University Press) Hertz, David Michael Emerson's influences on three artists. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect; Wallace Stevens, Poet; Charles Ives, Composer. Original HC List Price $34.95. (First Edition) Pp 354 1993.35.1104 1993
Art of This Century. The Guggenheim Museum and Its Collect (Soft Cover) (Published by The Guggenheim Museum, New York) Krens, Thomas; Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Feeser, Andrea; Dennison, Lisa; Govan, Michael; Blessing... Publisher's description: This lavishly illustrated book explores a century of modern art through the exceptional holdings of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice. Engaging, accessible essays introduce a range of art-historical issues, from the depiction of women in Impressionist works to the Guggenheim's influential role in presenting new artistic currents, such as Minimalist, Conceptual and site-specific... Continued... Pp 340 1993.95.0820 1993 Be Seated: A Book About Chairs (Hard Cover - DJ) Giblin, James Cross Touches on Wright's influence and two photos on pages viii and 98. Original HC List Price $15.00, Library Binding $14.89. (First Edition) Pp 136 1993.29.0103 1993 Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble, Inc., New York, by arrangement with Brompton Books Corp., Greenwich, CT.) Hart, Spencer Hard cloth cover is navy blue. Color of text on cover and colored end plates are dark red. 12x10. (First Barnes & Noble Edition) Pp 128 1993.43.0306 1993 Frank Lloyd Wright, American Architect for the Twentieth Century (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Smithmark Publishers Inc., New York. Produced by Brompton Books Corp.) Sommer, Robin Langley Original HC List Price $19.90. (First Edition) (Two Copies) Pp 176 1993.02.1200 1993.02.1298 1993
Frank Lloyd Wright and Japan, The Role of Traditional Japanese Art and Architecture in the Work of Frank Lloyd Wright. (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York) Nute, Kevin "Frank Lloyd Wright's admiration for traditional Japanese pictorial art is well known, as is his insistence that neither the art nor the architecture of Japan had any direct formal influence on his won work. This book examines the evidence that, quite apart from their philosophical lessons, certain forms of Japanese art and architecture did in fact have a significant formal impact on Wright's early work, and one which would appear to cast light on his general approach to design. More... Continued... Pp 244 1993.88.1017 1993 Frank Lloyd Wright & The Book Arts (Soft Cover) (Published by the Friends of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries, Inc.
Hamilton, Mary Jane Printed in conjunction with an exhibition in the Department of Special Collection, Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fall 1992. Limited to 1000 copies. Original SC List Price $19.95. (First Edition) Pp 105 1993.25.0902 1993 Frank Lloyd Wright: Architect, An Illustrated Biography (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Rizzoli and the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation) Boulton, Alexander O. Original HC List Price $24.95. (First Edition) Pp 128 1993.03.0199 1993 Frank Lloyd Wright Collected Writings - Volume 3 (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Rizzoli, New York) Edited by Pfeiffer, Bruce B. Original HC List Price $60.00, SC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 352 1993.30.0603 1993 Frank Lloyd Wright Collected Writings - Volume 3 (Soft Cover) (Published by Rizzoli, New York) Edited by Pfeiffer, Bruce B. Original SC List Price $40.00. (First Soft Cover Edition) (Two copies) Pp 352 1993.44.0506 1993.45.0506 1993 Frank Lloyd Wright Companion (Hard Cover - DJ) Storrer, William Allin Original HC List Price $90.00. (First Edition) Pp 492 1993.04.0199 1993
Frank Lloyd Wright: Dream Houses. A Universe 1994 Calendar (Spiral bound. Soft cover) (Published by Universal Publishing, New York) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Frank Lloyd Wright was born as the Civil War closed and died as the Space Age opened. During the ninety-two years of his lifetime, he witnessed the Industrial Revolution turn into the Atomic Era. During seventy-two of those years... he was involved in the practice of architecture... Original list price $18.99 Canada. 8 x 7 Pp 112 1993.75.0814 1993 Frank Lloyd Wright East (Soft Cover) (Published by Gibbs-Smith Publisher, Salt Lake City) Heinz, Thomas A. From Fallingwater to the Guggenheim Museum, thirty photographs celebrate a broad range of Wright's styles in the East. Original SC List Price $12.95. 7 x 8. (First Edition) Pp 64 1993.54.0906 1993 Frank Lloyd Wright Furniture (Soft Cover) (Published by Gibbs-Smith Publishers, Salt Lake City) Heinz, Thomas A. Thirty photographs celebrating Wright's experimental genius in home furnishings. Photographs include examples of: Frank Lloyd Wright Studio chair; Bradley armchair; Willits armchair (2); Dana dining set, music cabinet, library chair; Boynton dining set; Larkin desk, armchair; Barton dining room breakfront; Four chair designs (Beachy); Roberts side and armchair, dining room set; Coonley end table; Robie slant back; Greene couch; Booth canopied bed, wall sconce, floor lamp... Continued... Pp 64 1993.52.0906 1993.72.0913 1993 Frank Lloyd Wright Midwest (Soft Cover) (Published by Gibbs-Smith Publisher, Salt Lake City) Heinz, Thomas A. A portfolio of private homes and public buildings by Wright in his home region. Original SC List Price $12.95. 7 x 8. (First Edition) Pp 64 1993.53.0906 1993 Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater, The House and Its History (Soft Cover) (Second, Revised Edition) (Published by Dover Publications, Inc., New York) Hoffmann, Donald: Introduction by: Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. First published in 1978. "Preface to the Second Edition. This book presents a new study grown upon the skeleton of a previous book. My lack of access to the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives severely handicapped the earlier edition... The documents related to Fallingwater, said Mr. Wright, could not be made available until the archives were completely catalogued. Memories and hearsay, unfortunately, acquire a specious life of their own as they take further... Continued... (Second Edition) Pp 116 1993.67.0811 1993 Frank Lloyd Wright Stained Glass (Soft Cover) (Published by Gibbs-Smith Publisher, Salt Lake City) Heinz, Thomas A. Iridescent stained-glass windows displaying the genius of American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Original SC List Price $12.95. 7 x 8. Two copies. (First & Third Edition) Pp 64 1993.55.0906 1993.36.0105 1993 Frank Lloyd Wright: The Masterworks (Soft Cover) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks See republished 2000 edition... Pp 312 1993.01.0201 1993
Great American Speeches (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Gramercy Books, A division of Random House, Inc., New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd Chapter 27. "The Art and Craft of the Machine: Democracy and New Forms in Architecture. Chicago Arts and Crafts Society, Hull House, Chicago, Illinois, March 6, 1901. That the Machine has dealt art in the grand old sense a death-blow, none will deny - the evidence is too substantial: art in the grand old sense, meaning art in the sense of structural tradition, whose craft is fashioned upon the handicraft ideal, ancient or modern; an art... Continued... Pp 119-122 1993.112.0821 1993 Important Works by Frank Lloyd Wright From Dominos Center (Soft Cover) Christies 6/12/93 (First Edition) Pp 101 1993.05.0899 1993 In The Arts & Crafts Style (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Quarto Inc., London. Distributed by Chronicle Books, San Francisco) Mayer, Barbara Wright was a prominent figure in the Arts & Crafts Movement. This book touches on Wright's influence on the Arts & Crafts movement. Original HC List Price $35.00. 9.5 x 11. (Sixth Edition) Pp 224 1993.47.0506 1993 Living Museums (Hard Cover - DJ) Gale, Ian & Bryant, Richard Ch. 5: Pope-Leighey House Original HC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 36-41 1993.15.0596 1993 Oilmans Daughter, Biography of Aline Barnsdall (Hard Cover - DJ) Karasick, Norman & Dor (Signed) Original HC List Price $25.95. (First Edition) Pp 268 1993.07.0400 1993
Pittsburgh/Fallingwater, Architectural Study Tour 1993. The Gamble House, USC (Stiff Cover, Sing Sheets, Bound by a plastic slide bar) (Self published, or possibly published by the Gamble House, University of Southern California) Joy, Miller Yei Sketch studies of an architectural tour of Fallingwater and Pittsburgh. "As an architect, I looked forward to experiencing "Fallingwater" as a "trip of a lifetime" and the opportunity and privilege to sketch this experience. I was not disappointed and was rewarded with perfect weather, time to enjoy the beauty of the area and the companionship of my wife and FOGH friends. The tour the tours around the city of Pittsburgh added a delightful bonus... Fallingwater... Continued... Pp 31 1993.113.0921 1993
Ridgeland Revealed, Guide to the Architecture of the Ridgeland-Oak Park Historic District (Soft Cover) (Published by the Oak Park Historic Preservation Commission, Oak Park, Illinois) Edited by Sanderson, Arlene A guide to the historic buildings in Oak Park. Ridgeland and Oak Park grew side by side, and in 1902 consolidated and incorporated as the Village of Oak Park. Includes historical content, a biography on architects and two buildings in Oak Park designed by Frank Lloyd Wright: George Smith (2) and Unity Temple (76). 6 x 9. (First Edition) Pp 102 1993.93.0319 1993 Shining Brow (Soft Cover) (Published by Faber and Faber, London, Boston) Muldoon, Paul This opera was commissioned by Madison Opera, a division of the Madison Civic Music Association of Madison, Wisconsin, where it received its premiere in April 1993. It was commissioned as a libretto for American composer Daron Aric Hagen, Shining Brow can be read as a dramatic poem in its own right. Displaying all the structural ingenuity and subtle resonance that have marked Paul Muldoon as the most influential poet of his generation, it tells, with suitable... Continued... (Second Edition) Pp 86 1993.71.1012 1993 Taliesin West: An Interpretive Guide. In the realm of ideas. (Soft Cover) (Published by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale) Editor: Lucas, Suzette A. What is architecture; Wright Background; Wright and Arizona; Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship; Nature of the site; Methods and materials; Destruction of the box; Building for Democracy; Taliesin West. Includes 31 photographs and two illustrations. 7 x 10. Three copies. (First Edition) Pp 28 1993.24.0802 1993.46.0506 1993.59.0907 1993 The Kaufmann Office - Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) Wilk, Christopher Original HC List Price 14.95 (Approx $25.95). (First Edition) Pp 88 1993.06.0800 1993 The Seven Ages of Frank Lloyd Wright: A New Appraisal (Soft Cover) Hoppen, Donald W. SC (Capra Press) Original HC List Price $49.00, SC List Price $25.00. (First Edition) Pp 186 1993.19.0302 1993 The Wright Style: Frank Lloyd Wright, Engagement Book 1994 (Hard Cover - Library Binding) Pomegranate Calendars & Books Original HC List Price $16.95. (First Edition) Pp 110 1993.20.0502 1994 1994 Colors By Wright. The Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright - 1995 Calendar (Published by Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Rohnert Park, CA) Contributions by: Little, Christopher; Bromley, Judith; Lautman, Andrew D.; Street-Porter, Tim; Shulman, Julius; Vertikoff, Alexander; Bowditch, Richard; Highsmith, Carol; Miller, Jon; Boucher, John; Korab, Balthazar; Bromley, Judith; Beall...
Project Dir: Maddex, Diane; "Nature was the inspiration for Frank Lloyd Wright - and the source of his color palette. From his basic building materials of brick, stone and wood he extracted subtle browns and warm tans. From Indian pots and the barns of his native Wisconsin he adopted a reddish brown iron oxide he called it Cherokee red and used in a range of hues..." Homes include: Winslow, Fallingwater, Dana-Thomas, Robert Llewellyn Wright, Storer, Hollyhock, Taliesin West, Rosenbaum... Continued... (First Edition) Pp 24 1994.70.1212 1994
Conflict & Creativity, Architects & Sculptors in Chicago 1871 - 1937. The Arts Club of Chicago, September 20 - October 22, 1994 (Soft Cover) (Published by The Arts Club of Chicago, Chicago) Catalogue essay by Samuelson, Timothy; Installation by Vinci, John "Chicago's reputation as a creative architectural center is based on the work of Louis H. Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, john Wellborn Root and others, who redefined American architecture during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Despite their individual and collective geniuses, these architects did not achieve their reputations as innovators by working alone... This exhibition does not attempt to comprehensively include the work of all the important architectural sculptors that have worked in Chicago... Continued... Pp 16 1994.97.1116 1994
Contemporary's Attractions, Book Four, Birthplaces of Ideas (Soft Cover) (Published by Contemporary Books, Chicago) Tiersky, Ethel; Chernoff, Maxine
"A four book reading series that takes students to some of our nation's most popular tourist sites. Each book contains six stories about famous places, things, and people - and the fascinating facts behind them... (Back Cover) Chapter 3: "The House That Wright Built." Biographical information on Frank Lloyd Wright; Taliesin; His early years; Scandal; Tragedy; Taliesin today; What Wright built; Facts; Questions to ask, and an answer key. Includes a portrait and two photographs of Taliesin. 8 x 9.25 (First Edition) Pp 32-45 1994.87.0515 1994 Details of Frank Lloyd Wright, California Work 1909-74 (Hard Cover - DJ) Dunham, Judith "Celebrated for his sensitive choice of materials, his innovative use of space, and his ability to merge architecture and the natural world, Frank Lloyd Wright was equally attentive to the structural and decorative details that give each of his buildings its distinctive character. His influence was profound in California, and his work there is a true reflection of this philosophy. Details of Frank Lloyd Wright: The California Work, 1909-1974 features the exterior and interior design... Continued... Pp 144 1994.03.0199 1994
Details of Frank Lloyd Wright, The California Work 1909-1974 (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Thames and Hudson, L:td, London) Dunham, Judith Great British Edition. "Celebrated for his sensitive choice of materials, his innovative use of space, and his ability to merge architecture and the natural world, Frank Lloyd Wright was equally attentive to the structural and decorative details that give each of his buildings its distinctive character. His influence was profound in California, and his work there is a true reflection of this philosophy. Details of Frank Lloyd Wright: The California Work, 1909-1974 features the exterior and... Continued... Pp 144 1994.112.0719 1994 Early Work of the Great Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Gramercy) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Wijeveld, H. Th.; Introduction by Frazier, Nancy 1994 reprint. Wendingen Edition. Original HC List Price $22.95. (First Edition) Pp 164 1604.04.1098 1994 Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright, Architecture in Detail (Soft Cover) (Published by Phaidon Press, Inc. London, New York) McCarter, Robert Original SC List Price $14.95. 11.5 x 11.5. (First Edition) Pp 60 1994.15.1101 1994 Fallingwater in 3D Studio: A Case Study and Tutorial (Published by Onward Press, Santa Fe, NM) (Soft Cover) Sanchez, Laura & Alex Includes a 3.5 inch computer disc. Original list price $80.95. 7 x 9. (First Edition) Pp 388 1994.42.0406 1994 First Impressions: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) Rubin, Susan Goldman (Second Edition) Pp 92 1994.25.0103 1994 Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Taschen) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. (Publisher's description.) An appendix includes a biography, and completed works. Text in English, German and French. (Second Edition) Pp 175 1994.31.0604 1994 Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. (Publisher's description.) An appendix includes a biography, and completed works. Text in English, German and French. (First B&N Edition) Pp 175 1994.04.0800 1994 Frank Lloyd Wright: American System-Built Houses (Published by the Museum of Modern Art, New York) MOMA A Portfolio Set of Six Prints. American System-Built Houses for the Richards Company. 1915-17. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. David Rockefeller, Jr. Fund, Ira Howard Levy Fund, and Jeffrey P. Klein Fund. Print 1994 The Museum of Modern Art, New York 2956. Portfolio: 12.5 x 15.25, Individual Sheets: 12.25 x 15. (See individual Sheets.) (First Edition) Pp 6 1994.43.0506 1994 Frank Lloyd Wright & Le Corbusier: The Romantic Legacy (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK & New York) Etlin, Richard Original HC List Price $59.95. (First Edition) Pp 222 1994.13.0501 1994 Frank Lloyd Wright and the Meaning of Material (Hard Cover - DJ) Patterson, Terry L. Original HC List Price $46.95. (First Edition) Pp 260 1994.30.0404 1994 Frank Lloyd Wright: Architect. (Soft Cover) (Published by The Museum of Modern Art, New York) Edited by Riley, Terence with Reed, Peter. Essays by: Alofsin, Anthony; Cronon, William; Frampton, Kenneth... Published on the occasion of the exhibition Frank Lloyd Wright: Architect, at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, February 20 - May 10, 1994. Original SC List Price $29.95. 9.5 x 12. (First Edition)
Pp 344 1994.24.1102 1994 Frank Lloyd Wright: Architect. (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by The Museum of Modern Art, New York)
Edited by Riley, Terence with Reed, Peter. Essays by: Alofsin, Anthony; Cronon, William; Frampton, Kenneth... Published on the occasion of the exhibition Frank Lloyd Wright: Architect, at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, February 20 - May 10, 1994. Original HC List Price $65.00. 10 x 12.25. (First Edition) Pp 344 1994.35.0305 1994 Frank Lloyd Wright Chicagoland (Soft Cover) (Published by Gibbs-Smith Publisher, Salt Lake City) Heinz, Thomas A. A portfolio of Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings in the Chicago area, featuring Prairie style. Original SC List Price $12.95. 7 x 8. Two copies. (First Edition) Pp 64 1994.26.1202 1994.45.0906 1994 Frank Lloyd Wright Collected Writings - Volume 4 (Hard Cover - DJ) (Rizzoli International Publications, Inc. New York) Ed Pfeiffer, Bruce B. 1939 - 1949. Handsomely illustrated with photographs, architectural drawings and plans, this fourth volume of Wright's collected writings bristles with his prickly, opinionated views. Original HC List Price $60.00, SC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 384 1994.05.0199 1994 Frank Lloyd Wright Collected Writings - Volume 4 (Soft Cover) (Rizzoli International Publications, Inc. New York) Ed Pfeiffer, Bruce B. 1939 - 1949. Handsomely illustrated with photographs, architectural drawings and plans, this fourth volume of Wright's collected writings bristles with his prickly, opinionated views. Original HC List Price $60.00, SC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 384 1994.37.0405 1994
Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings: A Portfolio of Six Prints. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. (Published by The Museum of Modern Art, New York) The Museum of Modern Art Text on portfolio verso: Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings: A Portfolio of Six Prints. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. (C) 1994 The Frank Lloyud Wright Foundation. Print portfolio (C) 1994 The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
1) Frank Lloyd Wright. Boulder House, Liliane and Edgar J. Kaufmann House. Palm Springs, California. Project, 1951. Aerial perspective. Pencil, color pencil, and ink on tracing paper, 25 1/4 35 1/4". The Frank Lloyd... Continued...Pp 6
1994.150.06241994 Frank Lloyd Wright For Kids: His Life and Ideas (Soft Cover) (Published by Chicago Review Press, Chicago) Thorne-Thomsen, Kathleen Both a biography and an activity book, this great title brings you the story of a boy growing up on an American farm... a boy who sees structures and harmonies in the landscape around him in details such as the small yellow squares on an ear of corn and the patterns of freshly tilled soil. It is the story of a young man becoming a great architect as he uses his love of nature's colors and shapes in his unique designs. Inventive activities help children understand and appreciate the... Continued... Pp 138 1994.18.0102 1994 Frank Lloyd Wright Glass Art (Hard Cover - DJ) Heinz, Thomas Original HC List Price $90.00. (First Edition) Pp 264 1994.06.0199 1994
Frank Lloyd Wright: Interiors and Furniture (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Academy Editions, A Division of John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, and Ernst & Sohn, Hohenzollerndamm, Berlin) Heinz, Thomas Dust Jacket: "The scarcity of documentation that exists on the furniture of Frank Lloyd Wright, one of the twentieth century's most famous and influential architects and designers, has engendered much speculation as to what he actually contributed to the field of furniture design. No direct influence was exerted upon the young architect in this area, although the Arts & Crafts movement was of interest to Wright; his created designs reveal a response... Continued... Pp 264 1994.109.0318 1994.149.0524 1994
Frank Lloyd Wright Lighting Collection (Yamagiwa) (Published by the Yamagiwa Corporation, Tokyo, Japan and Yamagiwa USA Co., Westlake Village, CA) Yamagiwa Corporation Catalogue for the collection of Frank Lloyd Wright designed lighting fixtures manufactured by Yamagiwa Corporation. The collection includes: 1) Dana-Thomas House Suspended Lamp. Sumas 1. 2) Dana-Thomas House Single Pedestal Table Lamp. Sumas 2. 3) Dana-Thomas House Double Pedestal Table Lamp. Sumas 3. 4) Dana-Thomas Wall Sconce. Sumas 4. 5) Dana-Thomas Table Lamp. Sumas 5. 6) Robie Wall Sconce, Wooden. Robie 1. 7) Robie Wall... Continued... Pp 34 1994.129.0321 1994 Frank Lloyd Wright: Masterworks (Published by Universal Publishing, New York) Pfeiffer, Bruce B. 1995 Calendar. Includes 25 illustrations. 13 x 13. (First Edition) Pp 28 1994.47.0906 1994
Frank Lloyd Wright, Public Buildings. 1995 Desk Calendar (Published by The Museum of Modern Art, New York, and Neues Publishing Company, New York) MOMA Printed on single sheets that are held up by a plastic CD case. Fourteen single sheets. Twelve illustrations of Wright's public buildings. Completed buildings include Unity Temple and Marin County. Additional 10 uncompleted projects. Plastic CD case 4.75 x 5.5. Original list price $7.95. (First Edition) Pp 28 1994.73.1113 1994
Frank Lloyd Wright. Residences for America. Drawings from the Wasmuth (1910) and American Systems - Built (1915 - 1917) Folios. A Book of Postcards. (Soft Cover) (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, CA) Pomegranate Artbooks Back Cover: This book of postcards presents thirty elegant architectural drawings by American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959). Included are designs selected from the 1910 "Wasmuth portfolio," a rare and prized collection of Wright's drawings published by the distinguished German architectural publisher Ernst Wasmuth covering Wright's work to that time. Also shown are examples of Wright's "American System-Build Houses," designs for prefabricated... Continued... Pp 68 1994.127.0221 1994 Frank Lloyd Wrights Life & Homes (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, CA) Lind, Carla Wright at a Glance Series. A summary of Wright's life and career as well as dramatic color photographs of his three homes capture the essence of this innovative man who forever changed the way we look at the spaces around us. 23 color photographs, 14 black & white photographs. (Publisher's description) Original cover price $9.95. (First Edition) Pp 57 1994.14.0901 1994 Frank Lloyd Wrights Lost Buildings (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, CA) Lind, Carla Wright at a Glance Series. As hard as it is to imagine, about 100 of Wright's buildings, one of every five built, have been demolished. Houses, apartment buildings and recreation and business structures all succumbed to real estate pressures, changing tastes or sheer neglect. This book by Carla Lind is the first to trace some of these major losses. Poignant illustrations document Wright's monumental achievements that are no longer around: the world-renowned Imperial Hotel, the festive Midway... Continued... Pp 57 1994.07.0199 1994 Frank Lloyd Wrights Prairie Houses (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, CA) Lind, Carla Wright at a Glance Series. Hugging the ground, with low, sheltering roofs and spacious interiors, Wright's Prairie houses have long been favorites among his hundreds of buildings. This book details the origins of the style, showing typical features and furnishings, and walks readers through ten of the most fascinating examples. (Publisher's description) Original cover price $9.95. (First Edition) Pp 57 1994.02.0401 1994
Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Houses (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, California) Wright at a Glance Series. One of the architectural problems that challenged Frank Lloyd Wright throughout his career was how to provide moderate-cost houses that were every bit as good as more expensive ones. His solution was the Usonian house. This book presents a dozen of these innovative structures that became models for so many American houses. The Wright-at-a-Glance series showcases the work of one of the world's best-known architects. Comprising twelve books... Continued... Pp 57 1994.98.0117 1994 Frank Lloyd Wright West (Soft Cover) (Published by Gibbs-Smith Publishers, Salt Lake City) Heinz, Thomas A. A portfolio of public and private buildings showcasing Frank Lloyd Wright's environment-specific designs in California, Arizona and Japan. Original SC list price $12.95. 7 x 8. Two copies. (First Edition) Pp 64 1994.20.0402 1994.46.0906 1994
GA Houses 40: Global Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright 1 (Soft Cover) (Published by A.D.A. Edita Tokyo Co. Ltd. Tokyo) McCarter, Robert Essays on Residential Masterpieces: Folded Space, Boundless Place. The Houses of Frank Lloyd Wright, Part 1: 1895-1915. "Throughout his extraordinary life, the design of the American house was the primary task and mission Frank Lloyd Wright gave himself as an architect. By studying these houses, and the fundamental ordering principles developed and presented therein, we may better understand Wright's system of design. This essay is the first of three..." Includes... Continued... (First Edition) Pp 10-21 1994.74.1213 1994
GA Houses 43: Global Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright 3 (Published by A.D.A. Edita Tokyo Co. Ltd. Tokyo) McCarter, Robert Essays on Residential Masterpieces: Woven Space, Anchored Place. The Houses of Frank Lloyd Wright, Part 3: 1935-1959. "...This essay is the third of three that together attempt to outline Wright's design development throughout his career, and to indicate the critical part played in this development by his designs for houses. The essays are intended to make evident the consistent and systematic qualities underlying all of Wright's designs... The extraordinary series of houses... Continued... (First Edition) Pp 10-23 1994.106.0617 1994 Great American Houses And Their Architectural Styles (Published by Abbeville Press, Publishers, New York, London, Paris) McAlester, Virginia and Lee; Photography By McLean, Alex Chapter 23: Dana Thomas House, Springfield, Illinois, Prairie Style. "Wright's determination to open up the box is clearly evident in the Dan-Thomas House. Some fifteen different floor levels are found throughout the house. Balconies, elevated walkways, and overlooks are emphasized at every turn, creating many unusual and interlocking spaces." Includes 19 photographs, one floor plan and two illustrations. Drawings by Larry Boerder, Floor plan by Carol Boerder... Continued... Pp 348 1994.57.1109 1994 In The Landscape, 1995 Universal Calendar, Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover - Spiral Bound) Forward: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Original SC List Price $14.25. (First Edition) Pp 108 1994.01.0201 1994
Jiyu Gakuen Myokokan Measured Drawings. Design: Frank Lloyd Wright, Arata Endo. Actual Measurement: Japan Architectural Society Jiyu Gakuen Asukan Real Measurement Subcommittee (Soft Cover) (Published by the Historical Design Committee of the Architectural Society of Japan) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Okumura, Akio Published in Japanese. First printed and published in June 1975, limited to 350 copies. Published by the Historical Design Committee of the Architectural Society of Japan.
Reprinted in June 1994, limited to 500 copies. Reprint "Japan Remains of Architecture Exhibition" Executive Committee. Reprinted by the permission of the Architectural Society of Japan.
Three Sections: 1) Measured drawings: 77 plates. 2) Text: 25 pages... Continue...Pp 121 1994.153.1124 1994
My Father, Frank Lloyd Wright. (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville) Wright, John Lloyd; Intro: Menocal, Narciso G. "A New Edition Including Comments, Responses, and Documents By Frank Lloyd Wright and John Lloyd Wright." Jacket: "John assured his father that he would like the book and sent him a copy on its publication - March 29, 1946. A few days later, Frank Lloyd Wright returned it with numerous comments penciled in the margin, responding to what his son had written, and with a request that a new, second copy be sent to him. John complied with the request but first transcribed not only... Continue... Pp 231 1997.60.0314 1994 Picturing Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks) Guerrero, Pedro, E. Original HC List Price $29.95. (First Edition) Pp 176 1994.08.1200 1994 Prairie Art Glass Drawings. Drawings of windows designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Soft Cover) (Published by Prairie Designs of California, Brisbane, CA) Casey, Dennis J. Contains twenty scale drawings of windows from houses designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. It also contains detailed information about came and glass, including a chart showing came profiles and the style of came used in individual windows. 8.5 x 11. Original SC List Price $13.50. (First Edition) Pp 34 1994.22.0802 1994
Sullivan, Wright, and Elmslie. The Celtic Imagination and the Chicago School of Architecture. (Published by Kelmscott Enterprises, Inc.) Elliot, Scott "At the approach of the Twentieth Century a few of the leading architects and designers were calling for a return to nature as the guiding force in the construction and ornamentation of buildings and their furnishings... Wright's use of ornament became increasingly restrained. Everything was symbolic. The circle represented infinity, the triangle structural unity, and the square integrity. The color red was the source of life. Wright's personal insignia was a red square probably derived from the seal... Continue... Pp 19 1994.104.0417 1994
The Art of Frank Lloyd Wright. January 20-February 20, 1994, The Krasl Art Center, St. Joseph, MI (Soft Cover with stiff dust wrapper) (Published by Kelmscott Enterprises, Inc., Chicago) A&B) Elliott, Scott; E) Dahlquist, Carol Mock-up exhibition catalog to accompany the exhibition with a special emphasis on Wright buildings in Southwest Michigan: Schultz, Anthony, Harper and the Snowflake Motel. Because it was a mock-up the binding was hand-sewn. The finished, printed catalogue was never produced with fewer than 50 preliminary mock-ups made, and according to Kelmscott, they have not been seen since. The museum would not approve a budget for the catalogues. Reproductions in B&W as well as 24 colored... Continue... Pp 102 (unpaginated) 1994.105.0417 1994 The Fountainhead (Soft Cover) (Published by Plume, an imprint of Dutton Signet, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc., New York) Rand, Ayn The Fountainhead (based on Wright) has become an enduring piece of literature, more popular now than when published in 1943. On the surface, it is a story of one man, Howard Roark, and his struggles as an architect in the face of a successful rival, Peter Keating, and a newspaper columnist, Ellsworth Toohey. But the book addresses a number of universal themes: the strength of the individual, the tug between good and evil, the threat of fascism. Original cover price $17.95. 6 x 9. (Sixth Edition) Pp 736 1994.54.0507 1994 The Oral History of Modern Architecture. Interview with the Greatest Architects of the Twentieth Century (Published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York) Peters, John Interview with many Architects including Wright. Many of the chapters touch on Wright, with Chapter 7 devoted to Wright (Pp 110-135). Includes 24 photographs and four illustrations related to Wright on pages Cover, 3, 53, 82-3, 85, 89, 91-92, 97-8, 100, 110-133. Also includes Audio CD with Peters interviewing Wright (10:22). Original cover Price $75.00. 9.25 x 11.5. (First Edition) Pp 320 1994.50.0107 1994 The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (Published by the Guggenheim Museum Publications, New York) (Hard Cover DJ) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Photographs by David Heald, William H. Short and Lee B. Ewing. Includes 74 photographs and illustrations. 10.25 x 10.25. Original HC List Price $14.95. (First Edition) Pp 89 1994.16.0407 1994 The Trouble with Thin Ice (Hard Cover DJ) (Produced by HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. New York) Crespi, Camilla T. First published in 1993. Novel, Fiction: Tensions rise at the Christmas Eve dinner, when local widow Elizabeth Dobson announces that she's selling Rock Perch, her Frank Lloyd Wright house. Original list price $18.00. 5.6 x 8.5. (Third Edition) Pp 275 1994.56.0907 1994
The World of F.L. Wright. Yodogawa Steel Mill State Guest House Restoration Commemoration (Hard Cover) (Published by the Yodogawa Steel Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan) Yodogawa Steel Co., Ltd.; Commentary by Masami Tanikawa Published in Japanese. First published in 1989. This volume was published to commemorate the restoration of the Yamamura Residence (1918 - S.212)
Page 1 (Google Translation): Wright, who designed the "Yodokou State Guest House", built his own residence and design office and named it Taliesin. Taliesin" means "shining brow" in Welsh. To build a building around the forehead without losing the... Continued...Pp 32 1994.151.0724 1994 The Wright Family Library (Soft Cover) (Published by The Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation Research Center, Oak Park, Illinois) Klinkow, Margaret "Of all the books that the Wright family acquired during their Oak Park years, a small but enlightening collection has been gathered together again in the Research Center of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation. The following list includes books owned by Frank Lloyd Wright, his wife Catherine, and their children, primarily, as well as books of Catherine's parents, the Tobins, and Frank's mother, Anne Wright." (Label on back cover $7.50.) 7 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 27 1994.71.0513 1994 The Wright Style, 1995 Engagement Calendar (Soft Cover) (Published by Pomegranate Calendar & Books, Rohnert Park, CA) Project Director: Maddex, Diane; Adapted: Lind, Carla Natural colors and materials, stylized designs, strong geometrics, wide open spaces, built-in furniture, brilliant siting - together, these features create the signature of Frank Lloyd Wright. No other architect in this century has left such a profound mark on how our buildings look: he indelibly changed the way we think about he spaces in which we live. Adapted from the book "The Wright Style" Lind, 1992. Includes many detailed images of Wright's work. Original list price $12.95. 6.5 x 9. (First Edition) Pp 112 1994.68.0912 1994 They All Fall Down. Richard Nickel's Struggle to Save America's Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by The Preservation Press, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington D.C.) Cahan, Richard "Nickel also drove to Taliesin in Wisconsin to interview Frank Lloyd Wright. Sleepy at first, the 85-year-old Wright later gruffly monopolized the conversation offering little help and putting Nickel off... A year later... Wright must have been impressed by Nickel. He told Richard that his photos of the Bartlesville, Oklahoma, skyscraper were the best he had ever seen and seemed surprised that Nickel had discovered Adler and Sullivan's Loeb Apartments ..." page... Continued... (First Edition) Pp 261 1994.67.0512 1994 Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century: Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier. (Soft Cover) (Published by MIT Press) Fishman, Robert First published in soft cover by MIT Press in 1982. "As Robert Fishman writes of three of urban planning's greatest visionaries, Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier, they 'hated the cities of their time with an overwhelming passion. The metropolis was the counter-image of their ideal cities, the hell that inspired their heavens. 'Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century" is the story of the dreams of these three men, each of whom saw the salvation of civilization in his own... Continued... Pp 332 1982.03.0301 1994 Wright in Hollywood (Hard Cover - DJ) Sweeney, Robert L. Original HC List Price $58.00. (First Edition) Pp 271 1994.09.0500 1995 1995
Andersen Art Glass Collection (Soft Cover) (Published by the Andersen Corporation, Bayport, MN) Andersen Corporation Catalog for the Frank Lloyd Wright Series of window and patio doors. Includes information about Wright, quotes, and a time line. Includes four reproductions: Colonnade (Unity Temple); Prairie Rhythm (Avery Coonley home); Wichita (Henry J. Allen home); and Eucalyptus (Ennis home). Includes fifteen photographs and many illustrations. 11 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 16 1995.49.0809 1995
Architecture and Construction (Hard Cover, Library Binding) (Published by Scholastic Voyages of Discovery, New York, Toronto, London, Auckland, Sydney) Scholastic Voyages of Discovery First published in France in1994 under the title "L'art de construire" by Editions Gallimard Jeunesse. This is excellent for children to learn the different works of architecture around the world. It also shows how the structures were made and stories about famous architects. Chapter 13: The House on the Waterfall. Includes six photographs related to Fallingwater. Original cover price $19.95. 8 x 9. (First Edition) Pp 26, 26a&b, 27 1995.47.0707 1995
A Taliesin Legacy: Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright's Apprentices (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold) Guggenheimer, Tobias S. Original HC List Price $64.95. (First Edition) Pp 256 1995.23.0702 1995
Dana House - Frank Lloyd Wright (Stiff Soft Cover) Heinz, Thomas Original SC List Price $30.00. (First Edition) Pp 80 1995.01.1199 1995
Down To Earth, Insiders view of Frank Lloyd Wright's Tomek House (Soft Cover) (Published by Southern Illinois University Press) Moran, Maya Original HC List Price $39.950, SC List Price $24.95. (First Edition) Pp 133 1995.02.0800 1995
Finding the Wright Places in California (Soft Cover) (Published by H.J. Michel Publishing Services for Hollyhocks / the Bookstore, Hollyhock House, Los Angeles) Michel, Henry J. "This guide book contains detailed maps and directions. It is illustrated with computer-art images of the featured Frank Lloyd Wright buildings and with photographs of the art glass, furniture and ornamentation of his famous Hollyhock House." (Back cover) Original list price $8.95. 5.5 x 8.5 (Second Edition) Pp 87 1995.74.0415 1995
Frank Lloyd Wright: 1996 Engagement Calendar (Soft Cover, Spiral Bound) (Published by te Neues Publishing Company, New York) te Neues Publishing Company "Frank Lloyd Wright is America's most famous architect and many would argue its greatest. Born in 1967, Wright grew up in rural Wisconsin in the decades following the Civil War and witnessed nearly a century of unprecedented technological invention and scientific discovery before his death at the threshold of the space Age in 1959..." Includes one portrait and 28 illustrations. Original list price $13.95. 6.5 x 8.5 Pp 92 1995.80.0516 1995 Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture Collection (Soft Cover) (Published by E & FN Spon, An Imprint of Chapman & Hall, London, Glasgow, Weinheim, New York, Tokyo, Melbourn, Madras. First published in French in 1986 by Fernand Hazan, Paris) Treiber, Daniel "This study was undertaken in 1974 at the request of Henri Bonnemazou." From the cover flap: "In this monograph on the varied, remarkable and unusual work of Frank Lloyd Wright, Daniel Treiber sets out to trace the great metaphors of this original art of construction. This is an indispensable tool for anyone who wishes to find out about the architecture of the 20th century and about one of its most exceptional and topical masters." Originally published in French in 1986. Original SC List Price $54.95. 7 x 9.75 (First English Edition) Pp 136 1995.28.0603 1995
Frank Lloyd Wright Collected Writings - Volume 5 (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published Rizzoli International Publications, Inc. New York) Ed Pfeiffer, Bruce B. This volume contains the last ten years of the writings of Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959), including the famous works "The Natural House" (1954), "A Testament" (1957), and "The Living City" (1958). Also includes "Beauty". Original Hard Cover list price $60.00. 8x10. (First Edition) Pp 352 1995.03.0199 1995 Frank Lloyd Wright Collected Writings - Volume 5 (Soft Cover) (Published Rizzoli International Publications, Inc. New York) Ed Pfeiffer, Bruce B. This volume contains the last ten years of the writings of Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959), including the famous works "The Natural House" (1954), "A Testament" (1957), and "The Living City" (1958). Also includes "Beauty". Original Soft Cover list price $40.00. 8x10. (First Edition) Pp 352 1995.42.0405 1995
Frank Lloyd Wright Collection of Surimono (Hard Cover - DJ) Mirviss, Joan B. Original HC List Price $70.00. (First Edition) Pp 313 1995.04.1000 1995
Frank Lloyd Wright, Designs for Living, A Book of Postcards Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, CA) Pomegranate Artbooks Frank Lloyd Wright (1867 - 1959) helped change the shape of American houses. In his seventy-year career, he designed more than three hundred residences. From his first house - his own home in Oak Park, Illinois, begun in 1889 - to his last, Wright experimented with a variety of materials and techniques to find the most effective designs for living. He called all his works organic architecture - buildings that grew from the site, the materials and the needs of the... Continue... Pp 64 1995.68.0913 1995 Frank Lloyd Wright In Word and Form (Soft Cover) (Published by G.K. Hall & Co., Simon & Schuster Macmillan, New York) Hertz, David Michael Considers Wright's architectural vision in light of his extensive writings. Original SC List Price $30.00, HC List Price $85.00. 6 x 9.25. (First SC Edition) Pp 171 1995.40.0205 1995
Frank Lloyd Wright: No Passing Fancy. A Pictorial History (Soft Cover) (Published by Betty K. Pppas, St. Louis, Missouri) Pappas, Bette Koprivica Theodore and Bette Pappas Residence. Preface: For the last thirty years people have asked my husband and me how we came to choose Frank Lloyd Wright as our architect. Did we get to meet him personally? Was he very expensive? What was it like living in a home designed by him? Once, a woman came up to us at a dinner party, after learning Mr. Wright had designed a home for us, and asked is she could touch us. During our twenty years of occupancy, from 1964 to 1984, we have given... Continue... Pp 57 1995.89.0517 1995 Frank Lloyd Wright: Prairie Houses. 1996 Pocket Calendar (Published by Pomegranate Calendar & Books, Rohnert Park, CA) Maddex, Diane, Project Director Pocket calendar includes photographs of Wright designed homes and text to accompany. Original list price $6.95. 3.5 x 5.75. (First Edition) Pp 95 1995.52.1109 1995
Frank Lloyd Wright's Dining Rooms (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, CA) Lind, Carla Wright at a Glance Series. Furnished with high-backed chairs in a room of their own or tucked into a corner of the living room, Frank Lloyd Wright's dining areas represent some of his most perfectly conceived interior spaces. Frank Lloyd Wright's Dining Rooms pictures more than two dozen of his best designs and traces the changes in his own way of thinking about how people should dine. (Publisher's description Original cover price $9.95. (First Edition) Pp 57 1995.24.1002 1995 Frank Lloyd Wright's Fireplaces (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, CA) Lind, Carla Wright at a Glance Series. As Wright's houses changed over the course of his career, one dominant feature remained constant: a fireplace. In all he designed more than one thousand, each meant to anchor the home architecturally and spiritually. This book captures the appeal hearths held for Wright, showing the many variations he achieved. (Publisher's description) (Second Edition) Pp 57 1995.30.0404 1995
Frank Lloyd Wrights Furnishings (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, CA) Lind, Carla Wright at a Glance Series. From built-in furniture to lighting, textiles, tableware, and mosaics, this book introduces readers to the wealth of interior objects that bear the Wright imprint. Not afterthoughts, but parts of the architectural whole, Wright's furnishings and decorative pieces created a sense of repose--the key in his mind, to a proper home. (Publisher's description) (Second Edition) Pp 57 1995.05.0199 1995
Frank Lloyd Wrights Glass Designs (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, CA) Lind, Carla Wright at a Glance Series. Glass offered Wright an ideal medium through which to accomplish his goal of opening up Americans' living spaces. This book explores many facets of the architect's work with this "magical material", including his world-renowned art glass designs. The Wright-at-a-Glance series showcases the work of one of the world's best-known architects. Comprising little twelve books in all, this series offers an overview of Wright's life, buildings, and designs. (Publisher's description) (Fourth Edition) Pp 57 1995.06.1299 1995 Frank Lloyd Wright: The Phoenix Papers. Volume I: Broadacre City (Published by the Herberger Center for Design Excellence, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Arizona State University ; Tucson, Ariz. Tempe, AZ . Distributed by the University of Arizona Press.) Project Editor Zygas, Paul K. "Thirty-five years after his death, interest in his creative work, accomplished over a period of more than seventy years, is at an all-time high..." A compilation of essays from a symposium hosted by Arizona State University on February 2, 1991, and an exhibition February 2, 1991 to present (1994). Authors include: Gary Herberger, John Meunier, H. Allen Brooks, K. Paul... Continue...
Pp 162 1995.59.0112 1995
Frank Lloyd Wright: The Phoenix Papers. Volume II: Natural Pattern of Structure (Soft Cover) (Published by the Herberger Center for Design Excellence, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Arizona State University ; Tucson, Ariz. Tempe, AZ . Distributed by the University of Arizona Press.) (Published after the symposium and concurrent exhibition by the same title that was held in 1991.) Project Editor Johnson, Linda Nelson "Frank Lloyd Wright's hold over the imagination of the American public is greater today than at any time since he began to design buildings in the 1880s. His extant works of architecture, including public sites such as his own Home and Studio, Fallingwater, and the Guggenheim Museum, are visited by literally hundreds of thousands of people every year..." Authors include: Jeffrey M. Chusid, Lionel March, Donald P. Hallmark, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, and Linda Nelson Johnson. The exhibition was... Continue... Pp 159 1995.84.1116 1995 Grove Park Inn Arts & Crafts Conference 1995 (Soft Cover) Frank Lloyd Wright "The Art and Craft of the Machine". Reprint of an address before the Hull House in Chicago, 1903. (First Edition) Pp 36-37 1995.33.0504 1995
Historic Arts And Casting Metalwork Collection Portfolio (Soft Cover) (Published by Historic Arts And Casting, Inc., West Jordan, Utah) Historic Arts And Casting Portfolio of the Historic Arts And Casting Metalwork Signature Collection.
In the tradition of the master designers, Historical Arts & Casting, Inc. is offering an exclusive collection of decorative metalworks. Our Signature Collection represents works from prominent architects and designers of the 19th and 20th centuries...
Previously only a select few have been able to enjoy the enduring beauty... Continue...Pp 28 1995.117.1124 1995
Measured Drawings of Wright's Japanese Work (Stiff Cover DJ) (Published by Shokousha Publishing Company, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) Tanigawa, Masami Published in Japanese and English. Translated by Yoshiko Tanigowa and Margo Stipe. "Frank Lloyd Wright is best known in Japan as the architect of the Imperial Hotel. Located in the center of Tokyo, the hotel faced Hibiya Park and was within view of the Imperial Palace compound. When the hotel company announced plans in 1967 to demolish the aging building a concerted effort was mounted to save it. These efforts were in vain, however, and in January 1968, less than half a... Continue... Pp 110 1995.92.0618 1995
Prairie Art Glass Drawings Volume 2. Drawings of windows from houses designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Soft Cover) (Published by Prairie Designs of California, Brisbane, CA) Casey, Dennis J. Contains twenty scale drawings of windows designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. This volume also describes how the windows were sized without changing the scale of the design. It also contains a chart showing came profiles and the style of came used individual windows. 8.5 x 11. Original SC List Price $14.50. (First Edition) Pp 35 1995.27.1102 1995 Taliesin, The Work of a Lifetime (Published by the Taliesin Preservation Commission, Spring Green, Wisconsin) Taliesin Preservation Commission Descriptive booklet pertaining to Taliesin, Spring Green. Includes history of Taliesin and additional descriptive sections on Hillside, Midway Farm, Romeo and Juliet, Tan-Y-Deri, Unity Chapel, Wright's Landscape and the Frank Lloyd Wright Visitor's Center. 11.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 20 1995.63.0413 1995 The Covers of Wendingen 1918-1931 (Soft Cover, Spiral bound) (Published by 010 Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands) Oldewarris, Hans "The Dutch magazine Wendingen was published from 1918 to 1931. Initiated by the architect Wijdeveld its first issue caused a sensation. There was nothing about its exceptional square format, its typography or binding that related to the typographic style of the day. Its pages are attached as in a Japanese block book, were stitched together with raffia. Here, for the first time, the covers of all 116 issues of Wendingen are reproduced in full colour... Continue... Pp 68 1995.62.0113 1995 The Great Achievements of the Oak Park Years. Frank Lloyd Wright, Early Visions. The complete Frank Lloyd Wright: Ausgefuhrte Bauten of 1911, Supplemented by Additional Illustrations From Frank Lloyd Wright: Chicago, 1911. (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Gramercy Books, New York.) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Forward by: Frazier, Nancy; English Translation: Goldstein, Brigitte This Gramercy edition is an unabridged reproduction of the Ausgefuhrte Bauten, a collection of photographs of architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright that was first published in Berlin by Ernst Wasmuth in 1911. C. R. Ashbee's introduction and all of the captions have been newly translated from the original German for this edition. A German-English glossary of terms found in the ground plans is also included. Another unique feature of this Gramercy edition is a special section containing... Continue... Pp 166 1732.04.1298 1732.04.0607 1995
The Prairie School: Design Vision for the Midwest (Soft Cover) Foreword by Twombly, Robert Art Institute of Chicago, Museum Studies. Original SC List Price $10.50. (First Edition) Pp 192 1995.13.0102 1995
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (Published by the Guggenheim Museum Publications, New York) (Hard Cover DJ) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Photographs by David Heald, William H. Short and Lee B. Ewing. Includes 74 photographs and illustrations. 10.25 x 10.25. Original HC List Price $14.95. (Second Edition) Pp 89 1995.45.1101 1995
The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Legare Street Press, and imprint of Creative Media Partners, Austin) Spencer, Robert C. Jr. A reprint of June 1900 issue of The Architectural Review. Reprint 1995. It was first reprinted, original size, in 1964 by The Prairie School Press. This volume is reduced, and includes every page of the issue.
Back cover: This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
This work is in the public domain in the United States of America... Continue...Pp 34 1995.116.0324 1995
The Wright House for Chi of Sigma Chi (Soft Cover, Spiral Bound) (Republished by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation) Leavenworth, Russell E. A revised, corrected and enlarged edition of an earlier volume originally published in 1989. After a fire in November, 1940, Russell Leavenworth recounts his quest to have Frank Lloyd Wright design a new fraternity house for his chapter at Hanover College, Hanover, Indiana. This edition includes correspondence, floor plans, drawings, their trip to Taliesin, Spring Green, meeting Wright, the battle over the Wright design, the chairman of the house resigning and Leavenworth... Continue... Pp 99 1995.75.1015 1995
Understanding Frank Lloyd Wright's Architecture (Soft Cover) Hoffmann, Donald Original SC List Price $10.95. (First Edition) Pp 102 1995.07.0500 1995
Usonien: When Democracy Builds (Hard Cover) (Published by Verlag Gebr. Mann, Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd First published in the U.S. in 1945. First published in German in 1950. This edition appears to be a reprint, using the original 1950 German/English plates, and also includes an additional section, "Nachwort Von Bernd Nicolai (Epilogue from Bernd Nicolai) pages 167-171. In 1932 Wright published his classic indictment on the city as "The Disappearing City". Wright continued to work on his thesis and in 1945 republished it as "When Democracy Builds". Copyright 1945... (Sweeney 800) Continue... Pp 170 +Plates 0800.01.1217 1995 Wright Architecture 1996 Calendar (Published by Universal Publishing, A Division Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York) Photographs by Paul Rocheleau Includes 13 photographs. Original list price $11.95. 13 x 13. (First Edition) Pp 28 1995.46.0407 1995
Wright At Home. The Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. 1996 Calendar (Spiral Bound) (An Archetype Press Calendar. Published by Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Rohnert Park, California) Maddex, Diane Unlike many architects who yearn to build monuments, Frank Lloyd Wright (1867 -- 1959) always viewed his major challenge as designing a house for an average family. Through seven decades of work, he strove to make residences stimulating, honest, comfortable, affordable and complete works of art -- I feat he called the "tall modern American opportunity in architecture..." Homes included in the calendar: Rayward (3 photographs), Willits (2), May (2), Taliesin... Continue... Pp 28 1995.93.0718 1995 Wright in Arizona: The Early Work of Pedro E. Guerrero. A selection of Photographs from the Pedro E. Guerrero collection. (Soft Cover) (Published by Arizona State University, Herberger Center for Design Excellence, Phoenix) Boyle, Bernard Michael Catalog for an exhibition at the Gallery of Design, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Arizona State University, 8 January - 2 February 1996. 1200 copies of this catalog were printed. Original SC List Price $19.95. (First Edition) Pp 47 1995.31.0404 1995 Wright Design. Frank Lloyd Wright. A Universal 1996 Calendar (Copyright 1991 by Domino's Center for Architecture and Design. Published by Universal Publishing, a division of Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York) Domino's Center for Architecture and Design Frank Lloyd Wright and Architectural Photography. The Chicago firm of Henry Fuermann & Sons collaborated with Wright in documenting his early commissions. Evidence indicates that Wright participated in the process by arranging furnishings and selecting perspective views. In 1989, The Domino's Center for Architecture & Design purchased an important collection of 200 glass negatives by Henry Fuermann & Sons, and a few unidentified photographers. This... Continue... Pp 112 1995.58.0112 1995 Wright Sites In and Around Chicago. Special Edition for the ABA (American Booksellers Association) Show held June 3-5 1995 in Chicago. (Soft Cover) (Published by Princeton Architectural Press) Edited by Sanderson, Arlene This was a hand out (Not for Sale) to promote the revised edition of Wright Sites. It included only Wright Sites in Chicago. (2004: The publisher's recollection was that a couple hundred copies were published. (First Edition) Pp 16 1995.32.0404 1995 Wright Sites: A guide to Frank Lloyd Wright Public Places. (Soft Cover) (Published by Princeton Architectural Press) Edited by Sanderson, Arlene Revised Edition. Original SC List Price $12.95. (Second Edition) Pp 128 1995.37.0904 1996 1996 Andersen Art Glass Collection (Published by the Andersen Corporation, Bayport, MN) Andersen Corporation Catalog for the Andersen Art Glass Collection which includes a section for the Frank Lloyd Wright Series of window and patio doors. Includes four reproductions: Colonnade (Unity Temple); Prairie Rhythm (Avery Coonley home); Wichita (Henry J. Allen home); and Eucalyptus (Ennis home). Includes fourteen photographs pertaining to the Wright reproductions. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 10 1996.62.0809 1996
Christies Collectibles: Art Deco Ceramics (Hard Cover - Library Binding) Hay, Jane The Connoisseurs Guide Original List Price $12.95. (First Edition) Pp 9, 77 1996.02.0301 1996
Drawings By Frank Lloyd Wright, Posterbook (Published by te\he Neues Publishing Company, New York, Kempen Germany,. Printed in Hungary) Wright, Frank Lloyd Frank Lloyd Wright is America's most famous architect and many would argue its greatest. Born in 1867, Wright grew up in rural Wisconsin in the decades following the Civil War and witnessed nearly a century of unprecedented technological invention and scientific discovery before his death at the threshold of the Space Age in 1959.
Wright's architectural career spanned seven decades. Early on, he defined the principles for what he called "organic... Continue...Pp 6 1996.101.0624 1996
Fallingwater: Frank Lloyd Wright's Romance With Nature (Hard Cover - DJ) Waggoner, Lynda S. Original HC List Price $18.95. (First Edition) Pp 80 1996.04.1199 1996
Famous Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) LaFontaine, Bruce Original SC List Price $5.00. (Coloring Book) (First Edition) Pp 47 1996.14.0601 1996 First National Bank of Dwight Collection 1905-1920 (Published by the Ryerson & Burnham Archives, Ryerson and Burnham Libraries, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago) Ryerson & Burnham Archives The collection was given to the Burnham Library in 1969 by the First National Bank of Dwight, Illinois. The collection contains approximately four hundred items. 8.5 x 11. Pp 9 1996.60.0309 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble, Inc., New York, by arrangement with Brompton Books Corp., Greenwich, CT.) Hart, Spencer Fourth Reprint 1996. Hard cloth cover has been changes to black in this edition. Color of text on cover and colored end plates are dark red. 12x10. (Fourth Edition) Pp 128 1996.05.1199 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright: Blank Book. (Published by te Neuss Publishing Company, New York and te Neuss Verlog, Germany) te Neuss Publishing Company Wright illustration of Guggenheim Museum (1943) wraps around cover, spine and back cover. A blank book with lines pages, a journal. 5.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 80 1996.46.0205 1996 Frank Lloyd Wright: Blank Book. (Published by te Neuss Publishing Company, New York and te Neuss Verlog, Germany) te Neuss Publishing Company Wright illustration of "Seacliff" (project, 1943) wraps around cover, spine and back cover. A blank book with lines pages, a journal. 5.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 80 1996.45.0205 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright Design (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble, New York, by arrangement with Saturn Books Limited) Costantino, Maria Over 100 full-color reproductions. 9.75x13. (Second Edition) Pp 128 1996.06.1199 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright: Designs for American Landscape 1922-1932 (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, in association with the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, and the Library of Congress, Washington D.C.) Delong, David G.; Spirn, Anne Wheston; Peatross, C. Ford; Sweeney, Robert L. Published in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name, which was exhibited at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal from June 18 to September 22, 1996, and the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., fall of 1996. Four essays are illustrated with 179 original drawings. Original HC List Price $45.00. 9.25 x 12. (First Edition) Pp 207 1996.07.0299 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright: Designs for American Landscape 1922-1932 (Soft Cover) (Published by the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal) Delong, David G. Text in French and English. Published in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name, at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal from June 18 to September 22, 1996. Includes 15 color plates. 8 x 9.25. Original SC List Price $15.95 Canadian ($11.75 US) (First Edition) Pp 43 1996.22.0402 1996 Frank Lloyd Wright, Early Masterpieces, 1997 Calendar (Published by Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Rohnert Park, CA, in cooperation with the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, Oak Park, IL) Project Director: Maddex, Diane; Editorial Assistant: Flis, Kristi Frank Lloyd Wright launched his prolific seventy-five year career with an intensely creative period known as his "first golden age". .. The energy and imagination of this period are reflected in these photographs of Wright's early masterpieces..." Includes 25 photographs of: The Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio; Charnley House; Unity Temple; Heller House; Thomas House; Robie House and the Dana-Thomas House. Original list price $11.95. 13.25 x 12. (First Edition) Pp 28 1996.69.1112 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright East (Soft Cover) (Published by Gibbs-Smith Publisher, Salt Lake City) Heinz, Thomas A. From Fallingwater to the Guggenheim Museum, thirty photographs celebrate a broad range of Wright's styles in the East. Original SC List Price $12.95. 7 x 8. (Fourth Edition) Pp 64 1996.08.1199 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright - Field Guide, Volume 1, Upper Great Lakes (Soft Cover) Heinz, Thomas Original SC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 168 1996.01.0201 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright, Force of Nature (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Todtri Productions Limited, New York) Nash, Eric Peter Frank Lloyd Wright was the avator of American Architecture. His highly original aesthetic and singular philosophy placed him, during his lifetime, in the forefront of modern architecture and resulted in a doctrine for American building design that continues to this day. This volume is a spirited introduction to the designs of an architectural master, showcasing his public and private work from the early Prairie Houses to the splendid S. C. Johnson buildings and the controversial Guggenheim... Continue... Pp 80 1996.09.1199 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio, Oak Park (Hard Cover DJ) (Published in cooperation with The Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation by Edition Axel Menges, Stuttgart, Germany) Harrington, Elaine; Photographs by Hedrich-Blessing Opus 23. "It was in his house in Oak Park that Frank Lloyd Wright made his first contributions to the modern movement. In 1889 he designed the first part of the house, in 1895 he added to it for his wife, Catherine, and their family, and in 1898 for his architectural practice. The entire building was a learning laboratory of modern architecture. While not a Prairie School house, it led to the development of the Prairie School. Wright's constant changes to this complex paralleled the... Continue... Pp 56 1996.77.0416 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright: Maverick Architect (Hard Cover - DJ) Davis, Frances A. Davis tells the story of a brilliant architect - sometimes difficult, sometimes controversial, but always dedicated to finding new ways to share his vision with the world. 6.25 x 8.75. Original HC List Price $25.26. (First Edition) Pp 128 1996.24.0602 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright Midwest (Soft Cover) (Published by Gibbs-Smith Publisher, Salt Lake City) Heinz, Thomas Original SC List Price $12.95. 7 x 8. (Fourth Edition) Pp 64 1996.10.0599 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright's California Houses (Hard Cover - DJ) Lind, Carla Wright at a Glance Series. Always an experimenter, in the 1920's Wright debuted an innovative building system with four striking houses in the Los Angeles area. This book features these internationally renowned compositions and a fifth that shares their exotic form. (Publisher's description) Original cover price $9.95. (First Edition) Pp 57 1996.25.0802 1996 Frank Lloyd Wright's Dana House (Soft Cover) Hoffmann, Donald Original SC List Price $14.95. (First Edition) Pp 116 1996.41.0904 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright Selected Houses 4 (Stiff Soft Cover) (First published in 1990 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo.) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks In 1963, Edgar Kaufmann Jr. gave his home, Fallingwater, to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy with the intent that it be opened to the public for tours. His gift constitutes one of the most magnanimous acts in the annals of architectural and fine art history. This one Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Photography by Yukio Futagawa building, undoubtedly the most famous private residence built in a free, democratic society, has been widely published the world... Continue... Pp 159 1996.99.0399 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, CA) Lind, Carla Wright at a Glance Series. Probably the most famous modern house in America, Fallingwater---the Pennsylvania country home placed right over a waterfall---was Frank Lloyd Wright's greatest triumph. This book captures the spirit of this exceptional design, tracing its creation and construction as well as showing its breathtaking interior and exterior spaces. (Publisher's description) Original cover price $9.95. (First Edition) Pp 57 1996.26.0802 1996
Frank Lloyd Wrights Fifty Views of Japan (Soft Cover) (Published by Promegranate Artbooks) Edited by Birk, Melanie (1905 Photo Album) Original SC List Price $20.00. (First Edition) Pp 128 1996.11.0199 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright's First Houses (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, CA) Lind, Carla Wright at a Glance Series. Wright first came to fame with his airy Prairie houses, but before designing any of them he built or remodeled many other houses, most of them in the Chicago area in which he lived. This book presents a dozen of his earliest works from 1891 to 1897 and shows how he developed his distinctive architecture. (Publisher's description) Original cover price $9.95. (First Edition) Pp 57 1996.27.0802 1996
Frank Lloyd Wright's Public Buildings (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, CA) Lind, Carla Wright at a Glance Series. Renowned as an architect of houses, Frank Lloyd Wright also created revolutionary designs for offices, theaters, schools, churches, and other public buildings. Frank Lloyd Wright's Public Buildings surveys the broad range of the architect's nonresidential work and features some of Wright's best-loved structures. (Publisher's description) Original cover price $9.95. Two Copies. (First Edition) Pp 57 1996.23.0602 1996.28.0802 1996 Frank Lloyd Wright's Masterpieces 1997 Engagement Calendar (Published by Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Rohnert Park, CA) Korab, Balthazar Includes exterior and interior images of Wright homes. Original List Price $13.95. 6.75 x 9. (First Edition) Pp 112 1996.59.1007 1996
Goff on Goff, Conversations and Lectures (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by the University of Oklahoma Press, Norman and London) Edited and with an Introduction by Welch, Philip B.; Foreword: Dyson, Arthur "Architect Bruce Goff was not afraid to be different. One of the most innovative designers the United States has produced in the twentieth century - a member of a select band that included Frank Lloyd Wright (with whom Goff worked), Louis Sullivan, and Mies Van der Rohe - he rode the crest of the architectural wave that swept through the country with the post-World War II technological revolution. In the 1950s, when Goff was head of the University of Oklahoma... Continue... Pp 338 1996.80.1117 1996
Great People of the 20th Century (Hard Cover) Time Editors Chapter on Wright. (First Edition) Pp 159, 180 1996.16.0801 1996 Kentuck Knob (Soft Cover) Waggoner, Susan (First Edition) Pp 18 1996.37.0404 1996
Lost Wright, Frank Lloyd Wright's Vanished Masterpieces. (Hard Cover DJ) (Produced by Archetype Press, Inc. Washington D.C. Published by Simon & Schuster Editions, New York) Lind, Carla Dust Jacket. "Despite Frank Lloyd Wright's renown as America's most celebrated architect, more than one hundred of his buildings -- one of every five built -- have been destroyed. Thirty-one burned, two fell to natural disasters, four were shops or offices that changed use, and twenty-two were meant to be temporary. But the majority were razed either for economic reasons or because fashions changed. Gone are his majestic Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and the playful... Continue... Pp 177 1996.13.0599 1996
Lost Wright, Frank Lloyd Wright's Vanished Masterpieces. (Hard Cover DJ) (Produced by Archetype Press, Inc. Washington D.C. Published by Pomegranate Communications, Inc. Petaluma, CA) Lind, Carla First published by Simon & Schuster. Minor revisions. Dust Jacket. "Despite Frank Lloyd Wright's global renown, more than one hundred of his buildings--one of every five built--have been destroyed. Gone are his majestic Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and the playful Midway Gardens in Chicago. Buffalo has lost the innovative Larkin Administration Building. Gone, too, are notable residences such as the palatial Little House in Minnesota and the stables in Mississippi he designed... Continue... Pp 177 1996.85.0818 1996 Pope-Leighey House (Published by the National Trust for Historic Preservation) Pretzer, Michael Adapted from an article by Pretzer which originally appeared in the March/April 1994 Historic Preservation. Includes 3/4" removable banner wrap. Original SC List Price $6.50. 4.5 x 8. (First Edition) Pp 16 1996.48.0406 1996 Private Homes: Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright. 1997 Calendar (Published by te Neues Publishing Company, New York and te Neues Verlag, Kemper, Germany) te Neues Publishing Introduction describing Wright's life and work is printed in English and German. Includes 12 full page illustrations and 13 small photographs and illustrations. Original list price $12.95. 11.75 x 11.75. (First Edition) Pp 28 1996.55.1106 1996
Profiles of Power & Success. Fourteen Geniuses Who Broke the Rules (ST#1996.82) Landrum, Fene N., Ph.D. Frank Lloyd Wright's life would have been unbelievable had it been a novel or movie. Ayn Rand described him best in her superlative philosophical novel the Fountainhead (1943), a tale about good versus evil featuring an architect as the good or "heroic man" and the establishment as evil. Her protagonist , Howard Roark (alias Wright), fought evil by destroying his creation rather than allow meritocracy to defile it... "The Bell Curve is wrong," claims Gene Landrum. "In fact, too... Continue... Pp 134-147 1996.82.0718 1996
The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Princeton University Press) Levine, Neil Original HC List Price $85.00. (Third Edition) Pp 524 1996.34.0902 1996
The House Beautiful (Designed By Frank Lloyd Wright in 1896-1897) (Hard Cover, DJ) (Published by Pomegranate Communications, Inc., Petaluma, CA) Gannett, William Channing; Arthur, John This centennial edition is the first trade edition to reproduce the full text, gravure photographs, and Wright's design of the original. Each page of the original was photographed and reproduced (on a slightly smaller scale) to duplicate as closely as possible the delicate, elegant quality of Wright and Winslow's hand printing. The twelve gravure photographs are included in an introductory section, and a foreword by art historian and independent curator John Arthur has... Continue... Pp 80 1996.12.0600 1996
The Master Builders: Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by W.W. Horton & Company, New York, London) Blake, Peter Section 3 (15 Chapters): "Frank Lloyd Wright: and the Mastery of Space". Reissued in 1996. First Edition of the 1996 Version Original SC List Price $18.95. 5.5 x 8. (Sweeney 1997) Pp 285 -412 1997.01.0202 1996 The Prairie School: Frank Lloyd Wright and His Midwest Contemporaries (Soft Cover) (Published by W. W. Norton & Company, New York, London) Brooks, H. Allen First published in 1972 by the University of Toronto Press. First published as a Norton paperback in 1976. Republished in 1996. "One of the most original and dynamic developments in American architecture, the Prairie School was a regional manifestation of the international revolt and reform which occurred in the visual arts during the early years of the century. Inspired by Louis Sullivan and given guidance and prominence by Frank Lloyd Wright, the members of the movement... Continue... (Sweeney 1869) Pp 373 1996.63.0510 1996 20th Century Fine Paintings, March 3, 1996 (Published by Treadway Gallery, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Treadway Gallery, Inc. Arts & Crafts featuring the collection of David Allswang of Oakland, CA. Includes five items by Wright. Lot 433 Imperial Hotel chair 1930 which sold for $5,000 and Lot 437 (cover) Rendering of "A play resort and sports club for Huntingtron Hartford" which sold for $65,000 plus a 10% buyer's premium. Includes five photographs including the cover. Also includes final sale results. Original list price $30.00. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 174 1996.57.0107 1996 Unity Temple: Frank Lloyd Wright and Architecture for Liberal Religion (Soft Cover) (HC Published by Cambridge University Press) Siry, Joseph M. Original HC List Price $79.95, SC List Price $34.99. (First Edition) Pp 365 1996.42.0904 1996
Wright Architecture - 1997 Calendar Universe Publishing Photographs by Farrell Grehan. Original List Price $10.95. (First Edition) Pp 24 1996.20.0102 1997 1997
Architecture Source Book (Hard Cover - DJ) Gibberd, Vernon References to Wright. (First Edition) Pp 192 1997.01.0399 1997 Barnsdall Park, A New Master Plan for Frank Lloyd Wright's California Romanza (Published by Spacemaker Press, Washington D.C., Cambridge, MA) Simo, Melanie; Forward: Smith, Kathryn The Barnsdall Park Master Plan was prepared by Peter Walker William Johnson and Partners for the City of Los Angeles, Department of Recreation and Parks. Featuring historic photographs and drawings by Frank Lloyd Wright, this... Continue... Pp 63 1997.46.1109 1997 Bexley Heath Ltd.: Spring 1997 (Bexley Heath Ltd., Grand Rapids, MI) Bexley Heath Ltd.; Heinz, Thomas A. Bexley Heath Ltd. is proud to present reproductions of design by Frank Lloyd Wright selected by Thomas A. Heinz. Includes 16 Wright reproductions. They include four chairs: the Dana tall back dining chair; the Larkin slant back chair; the Reclining spindle chair and the Martin barrel chair. Two... Continue... Pp 12 1997.45.0709 1997
Bexley Heath Ltd.: Fall1997 Price List (Published by Bexley Heath Ltd., Grand Rapids, Michigan) Bexley Heath Ltd.; Heinz Price list for the Bexley Heath Ltd. Line of Frank Lloyd Wright reproductions. Includes prices and illustrations of 16 Wright reproductions that include: four chairs: the Dana tall back dining chair; the Larkin slant back chair; the Reclining spindle chair and the Martin barrel chair. Three lamps: The wood table lamp and the Sherman Booth wood floor lamp, and the addition of the Taliesin Pole lamp not included in the Spring catalog. Six tables: the Octagonal leg extension table first... Continue... Pp 14 1997.65.0413 1997 Books on Frank Lloyd Wright, 1997/98 (Soft Cover) (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio Foundation, Oak Park) Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio Foundation "Our catalog for 1997 contains 162 listings - everything in print - on Frank Lloyd Wright. Includes ten illustrations. Acquired on a visit to the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio. Original price, no charge. 5.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 28 1997.53.0698 1997 Chicago Days. 150 Defining Moments in the Life of a Great City (Soft Cover) (Published by Cantigny First Division Foundation, Wheaton, Illinois.) Staff of the Chicago Tribune, Edited by Swanson, Stevenson "Frank Lloyd Wright's First House. With a loan from "Lieber Meister," the young architect begins his search for new style. August 19, 1889, The Chicago Tribune. His employer had just given him a five-year contract and yet, already supremely self-confident at the age of twenty-two, Frank Lloyd... Continue... Pp 276 1997.48.0510 1997 Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by Barnes & Noble Books, New York by arrangement with Phaidon Press Limited, London) (Hard Cover DJ) McCarter, Robert First published in 1994 by Phaidon Press, Inc. London. Includes history of Fallingwater, original drawings, photographs and detailed drawings. 12 x 12. (Second Edition) Pp 60 1997.41.0407 1997
Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) Thomson, Iain Original HC List Price $24.95. 9.5 x 12.25. (First Edition) Pp 256 1997.20.0602 1997
Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Phaidon Press Limited, London) McCarter, Robert This book provides a comprehensive critical overview of the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, one of the great masters of modern architecture. Beautifully illustrated with a wealth of photographs of many of Wright's best known buildings, Frank Lloyd Wright explores the key themes in the architect's work, presenting the consistent and systematic qualities that underlie all of his designs. Robert McCarter's text analyses Wright's work chronologically, emphasizing key designs and work relating to that... Continue... Pp 368 1997.62.0514 1997
Frank Lloyd Wright: 1998 Calendar (Published by Dorset Press, New York) Dorset Press Includes photographs of the Unitarian Meeting House, Guggenheim, Pfeiffer Chapel, Fricke, Lykes, Frank Lloyd Wright Studio, Fallingwater, Storer, S. C. Johnson Headquarters, Moore, Gammage, and May. Photographs by Balthazar Korab. 12 x 12. Original list price $10.95 (First Edition) Pp 24 1997.86.0120 1997
Frank Lloyd Wright - A Gatefold Portfolio (Hard Cover Library Binding Spiral Bound) Sommer, Robin Langley Includes some of Wright's most celebrated residential, public, and religious structures, including Wright's . Home and Studio, Thomas House, Dana-Thomas House, Unity Temple, Robie House, Storer House, Ennis-Brown House, Taliesin (Hillside), Fallingwater, Wingspread, Taliesin West... Continue... Pp 134 1997.04.0599 1997
Frank Lloyd Wright and Japan (Published by the Stichting Siebold Council, Japan. Special cooperation: The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Phoenix Art Museum. Sponsored by Imperial Hotel, Ltd.) Hata, Shinji Catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition "Frank Lloyd Wright and Japan", at five different museums from January 4 - September 21, 1997. Printed in Japanese. Supervised by Hiroyuki Kano, Bruce Brooks Preiffer. Produced by Penny Fowler, Margo Stipe, Kikuko Inoue, Kazumi Yagi, Yoichiro Mizuguchi. Covers Wright's relationship with Japan and Japanese influence on Wright. Includes a section on the Imperial Hotel, Taliesin, Japanese prints, Japanese fans, Japanese... Continue... Pp 168 1997.58.1213 1997 Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier: The romantic legacy (Soft Cover) (Published by Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK & New York) Etlin, Richard (Second Edition) 8.5 x 11. Pp 222 1997.34.0506 1997
Frank Lloyd Wright: A Retrospective View (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Grange Books, an imprint of Grange Books Pic, London) Copplestone, Trewin This volume is a tribute to the man who remains as controversial and widely-discussed as he was in his own lifetime. Here is a survey of his finest buildings, complete with floor plans, architectural renderings, and full-color photographs of interiors, exteriors, and architectural details... Continue... Pp 112 1997.03.0599 1997 Frank Lloyd Wright: Cassina I Maestri
Cassina USA Cassina Catalogue is in four languages. Includes photos and illustrations for a line of Wright reproduced furniture. 16 pieces of furniture in the line. Stitched into the center spread is a large 13 x 32" reproduction of the Fallingwater rendering. (First Edition) Pp 44 1997.29.0404 1997 Frank Lloyd Wright - Field Guide, Vol 2, MetroChicago (Stiff Soft Cover) (Published in Great Britain by Academy Editions, a division of John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex) Heinz, Thomas The Frank Lloyd Wright Field Guide series provides the first comprehensive visitors' guide to all of Wright's buildings in the United States. Each guide is written and compiled by an acknowledged expert on Frank Lloyd Wright, Thomas A Heinz. With his highly readable and informative style, Heinz presents each building page by page, providing brief histories and background details, information on accessibility and viewing, and directions from Interstate routes. Every entry is accompanied by... Continue... Pp 168 1997.54.0811 1997
Frank Lloyd Wright - Field Guide, Vol 2, MetroChicago (Soft Cover) (Published in Great Britain by Academy Editions, a division of John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex) Heinz, Thomas The Frank Lloyd Wright Field Guide series provides the first comprehensive visitors' guide to all of Wright's buildings in the United States. Each guide is written and compiled by an acknowledged expert on Frank Lloyd Wright, Thomas A Heinz. With his highly readable and informative style, Heinz presents each building page by page, providing brief histories and background details, information on accessibility and viewing, and directions from Interstate routes. Every entry is accompanied by... Continue... Pp 168 1997.63.1014 1997
Frank Lloyd Wright: Master Builder (Soft Cover) (Published by Universe Publishing, A Division of Rizzoli, International Publications, Inc., New York) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks This volume is a revised edition of Frank Lloyd Wright: The Masterworks, first published in 1993.
Publishers Description: This Remarkable Book presents twenty-five of the most renowned and significant buildings of America's premier architect, from his early Prairie work in Oak Park, Illinois, in the 1890s to his daring creations of the 1940s and 1950s.
Published in association with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation... Continue...Pp 240 1997.10.0801 1997
Frank Lloyd Wright. Maitre de l'architecture americaine (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Abbeville Press, New York, London, Paris) Smith, Kathryn A French edition, and exact version of the English edition published in 1998. "Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is unquestionably America's most celebrated architect. Even today, almost forty years after his death, he continues to tower over the architectural landscape. In fact, his career was so long and his accomplishments so varied it can be difficult still to grasp the full range of Wrights achievement. In this refreshing new study, Wright scholar Kathryn Smith does just that, exploring the grace and beauty found in... Continue... Pp 144 1997.76.0217 1997 Frank Lloyd Wright Residences for America. Drawings from the Wasmuth (1910) and American Systems - Built (1915 - 1917) Folios. Book of Postcards. (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohnert Park, CA) Pomegranate Artbooks Book of 30 postcards. Originally published in 1994. Original list price $9.95. 7 x 4.75. Two copies. (Third Edition) Pp 68 1997.35.1206 1997.42.0607 1997
Frank Lloyd Wright: The Seat of Genius, Chairs 1895-1955 (Published by Eaton Fine Art, Inc., West Palm Beach, Florida) Fowler, Penny; Eaton, Mary Anna Published for an exhibition by the same title held at Eaton Fine Art, Inc., February 28 - April 25, 1997. "Were it not for the evidence of his architecture, the legend of Frank Lloyd Wright (1867 -1959) would nearly eclipse his life's work. A heroic and iconoclastic character, Wright's persona took on mythic proportions during his life and became even more fabled after his death. No modern artist or architect has had such widespread admirers and detractors, regarding... Continue... Pp 76 1997.64.0414 1997
Frank Lloyd Wright's First Golden Age - 1998 Calendar Pomegranate (First Edition) Pp 24 1997.19.0102 1997
Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesin & Taliesin West (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers) Smith, Kathryn Original HC List Price $39.95, SC List Price $24.95. (First Edition) Pp 160 1997.05.0399 1997 Geniuses & Other Eccentrics. Photographing My Friends (Soft Cover) (Published by Green Trees Press, San Francisco) Rodman, Selden A compilation of impressions and photographs of 182 Writers, Poets, Painters, Sculptors, Architects and Radical Thinkers. Chapter 171: Frank Lloyd Wright. "I think I must be one of the few people - certainly only one of the few still alive - to have visited Frank Lloyd Wright at both Taliesin East and Taliesin West. I photographed the great architect in both his homes, and at the second visit, in Arizona, which came twenty-two years later, he looked younger. The secret of this longevity was not... Continue... Pp 188 1997.57.0113 1997 Monona Terrace: Frank Lloyd Wright's Vision on the Lake. (Soft Cover) (Published by Madison Newspapers, Inc.) Hokanson, Margo O'Brien; Kades, Deborah History and construction of Monona Terrace. 11 x 8.5. Original SC List Price $10.95. (First Edition) Pp 64 1997.32.0105 1997 Murder in Perspective. An Architectural Mystery. (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Walker and Company, New York. Published simultaneously in Canada by Thomas Allen & Son Canada, Limited, Markham, Ontario) Miles, Keith Frank Lloyd Wright is Merlin Richards's hero, and the handwritten note in the famous architect's own hand - "If you make it to America, come and see me" - is all it takes to persuade the young, Welsh architect to strike out on his own. It is an invitation, Richards decides, and a chance to learn from the master. Nowhere in Wright's note.... Continue... Pp 250 1997.55.1211 1997
Notes on John Marin and Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Anthology Film Archives, New York City) Davis, Jim Editor's Introduction: "These accounts about painter John Marin and architect Frank Lloyd Wright are from the journals and notebooks of Jim Davis, painter, light sculptor, and film-maker who was a friend of both Marin and Wright. Davis met them in the 1940s when each was a legend. Davis knew he was in the presence of remarkable artists, so it is not surprising that he began to make notes on his meetings with them. In 1950 both Marin and Wright asked Davis to make.... Continue... Pp 124 1997.79.0718 1997 Preserving Wright at the Edge of the Prairie. The Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy Annual Conference. Buffalo, New York, September 17-21, 1997 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy) Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy Informational booklet for the The Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy Annual Conference. " "The prairie." Wright once said, "begins west of Buffalo." Thus, he delineated the widest possible interpretation of his beloved prairie and conveniently encompassed the city that held some of his most important buildings. Wright's relationship with Darwin D. Martin, one of the city's leading industrialists at the turn-of-the-century, resulted in the design of over 30 buildings. 13 of which were realized... Continue... Pp 24 1997.52.0711 1997
Stained Glass Window Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) Casey, Dennis J. Sixteen glass patterns. Original SC List Price $3.95. (First Edition) Pp 32 1997.27.0103 1997 The Architecture Pack (Hard Cover) (Published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York) Van Der Meer, Ron; Sudjic, Deyan Pop-up book that includes a page on Fallingwater. Pop-up of Fallingwater, loose fold-out with illustration and layout, and four photographs. Original HC List Price $50.00. 11.25 x 11.25. (First Edition) Pp 36 1997.33.0305 1997
The California Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) Gebhard, David Republished with different title. Original SC List Price $19.95. (First Paperback Edition) Pp 133 1997.02.0299 1997
The Genius of Frank Lloyd Wright: Oak Park (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble, New York) Sommer, Robin Langley (First Edition) Pp 80 1997.06.0299 1997
Unity Temple: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) McCarter, Robert Original SC List Price $29.95. (First Edition) Pp 60 1997.15.1201 1997
Usonia, Frank Lloyd Wright's Design for America (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by The Preservation Press) Rosenbaum, Alvin Originally published in 1994. Original Hard Cover list price $29.95. (Fifth Edition) Pp 216 1997.07.0499 1997
Visions of Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) Grehan, Ferrell Original HC List Price $35.00, SC List Price $29.95. (First Edition) Pp 160 1997.08.0899 1997
Wingspread, The history of a place where ideas that make a difference are born and nurtured and grow. (Soft Cover) (Published by The Johnson Foundation, Inc., Racine, Wisconsin) Canine, Craig "We call the house "Wingspread" because spread its wings it would." - Frank Lloyd Wright. An in-depth descriptive pictorial book with sections that touch on the home and its history. It also includes: The roots of the family; Wingspread's site; Wingspread's plan; The construction; The home; The conference center and Materials. 7 x 10 Pp 48 1997.61.0614 1997 Working With Mr. Wright: What It Was Like (Soft Cover) (HC Published by Cambridge University Press) Besinger, Curtis; Forward: O'Gorman, Thomas J. First Published in 1995. This is the first paperback edition. Original HC List Price $49.95, SC List Price $28.00. (First Edition) Pp 313 1997.31.0704 1997 Wright Houses, The Houses of Frank Lloyd Wright. 1998 Engagement Calendar (Soft Cover) (Published by Universe Publishing, a Division of Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York) Rocheleau, Paul "When I began to photograph Frank Lloyd Wright houses, my exposure to contemporary architecture was limited. My experience was primary in seventeenth - to nineteenth-century periods, and within that time frame, I had photographed both private and museum properties... The same cannot be said, however, of a Frank Lloyd... Continue... Pp 112 1997.56.0912 Notes on John Marin and Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Anthology Film Archives) Davis, Jim Original SC List Price $10.95. Pp 124 Frank Lloyd Wright's Seth Peterson Cottage (Hard Cover) (Published by Prairie Oak Press) Eifler, John; Visser, Kristin Original HC List Price $16.95. Pp 100 Frank Lloyd Wright: Presentation and Conceptual Drawings (Set of four CDs) (Produced by Luna Imaging, Inc. and the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and Archives, Dist. by Oxford University Press) Luna Imaging, Inc. and the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and Archives 5,000 digital images. Original set List Price $1,250.00. Measured Drawings of Wright's Work in Japan. Tanigawa, Masami Original SC List Price $44.00. Pp 110 1998 1998 A Hostel in the Mountains: Contemporary Construction in the Canadian Rockies. A Master's Degree Project submitted to the Programme of Architecture Faculty of environmental design. The University of Calgary (Published by the National Library of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario) Howiett, Jeff "As we re-examine the human presence in our national parks, it is important to consider how the built environment can assist the appreciation and preservation of our natural surroundings." Includes an in-depth analysis of the Banff Pavilion and its site. Includes seven photographs... Continue... Pp 107 1998.63.0910 1998
An Autobiography (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble) Frank Lloyd Wright (First Edition) Pp 561 1998.03.0899 1998
An American Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble) Frank Lloyd Wright, Edited by Kaufmann, Edgar "As revolutionary as the structures themselves are the principles that governed Frank Lloyd Wright's approach to architecture. In this celebrated volume, first published in 1955, these guiding principles are elucidated in an evocative joining of text and image." This Barnes & Noble version... Continue... Pp 269 1998.04.1099 1998 Arts & Crafts Design In American, A State By State Guide (Soft Cover) (Published by Chronicle Books, San Francisco. Produced by Archetype Press, Inc., Washington D.C.) Massey, James; Maxwell, Shirley "Gustav Stickley, Green and Green, Frank Lloyd Wright, Bernard Maybeck, William Morris, Louis Tiffany. The work of these arts and crafts masters can be seen firsthand across the country. State by state, Arts & Crafts Design in America guides you to the finest examples of this remarkable style, including furniture, architecture, decorative arts and more." (Back cover.) Includes many of Wright's works. Original list price $22.95. 6 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 272 1998.70.1212 1998 Celebrate the Century. A Collection of Commemorative Stamps. 1900-1909 (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by the United States Postal Service and Time-Life Custom Publishing, Richmond, Virginia) Noden, Merrell; Peterson, Eve Descriptive text of Wright and the Robie House. Includes eight photographs, one of which is the Robie stamp, and one illustration. 8.75 x 11.5. (First Edition) Pp 72-77 1998.53.1206 1998 Covering History, Time Magazine Covers 1923-1997 (Published and updated in 1973, 1983, 1991, 1998 by Time Inc.) Isaacson, Walter "In 1923 America was busy doing what it does best: reinventing itself for the challenge to the future... Two young graduates of Yale University, Briton Hadden and Henry Luce, rose to the challenge with a new concept: the weekly news magazine...) Includes every cover published from 1923-1997... Continue... Pp 88 1998.61.0298 1998
50 Favorite Rooms By Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Smithmark Publishers, New York) Maddex, Diane Original HC List Price $22.98. (First Edition) Pp 128 1998.09.1099 1998
Frank Lloyd Wright (Stiff Soft Cover) (Published by Borders Press) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd... Continue... Pp 175 1998.05.1100 1998 Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) Zevi, Bruno Chronological examination of Wright's work. Text is in German. Published by Birkhauser. Original SC List Price $24.95. (First Birkhauser Edition) Pp 286 1998.26.0403 1998
Frank Lloyd Wright: 1999 Calendar Dorset Press Photographs by Thomas A. Heinz, Balthazar Korab and Davis Heald. Original List Price $11.95. (First Edition) Pp 24 1998.16.1298 1998 Frank Lloyd Wright: A Biography (Soft Cover) (Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London) Secrest, Meryle Meryle Secrest is the first biographer to have full access to the Wright Archives. Her study of the architect, more than five years' work and illustrated with 121 photographs, is a stunning feat of biographical narrative, sustained analysis and compassionate insight. 5.25 x 8. Original SC List Price $20.00. (Second Edition) Pp 634 1998.28.0904 1998 Frank Lloyd Wright Address Book Pomegranate (Published by Pomegranate Artbooks, Rohert Park, CA) (Hard Cover - Library Binding) Pomegranate Artbooks Address book which includes 43 photographs. 7 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 124 1998.54.0107 1998 Frank Lloyd Wright American Architect (Soft Cover) (Published by Gallopade International) Marsh, Carole Children's activity booklet. Original SC List Price $2.99. 5.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 12 1998.31.0105 1998
Frank Lloyd Wright America's Master Architect (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Abbeville Press, New York, London, Paris) Smith, Kathryn "Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is unquestionably America's most celebrated architect. Even today, almost forty years after his death, he continues to tower over the architectural landscape. In fact, his career was so long and his accomplishments so varied it can be difficult still to grasp the full range of Wright's achievement. In this refreshing new study, Wright scholar Kathryn Smith does just that, exploring the grace and beauty found in all facets of Wright's work: from office... Continue... Pp 144 1998.19.0402 1998
Frank Lloyd Wright America's Master Architect. A Tiny Folio. (Hard Cover) (Published by Abbeville Press, New York, London, Paris) Smith, Kathryn "Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is unquestionably America's most celebrated architect. Even today, almost forty years after his death, he continues to tower over the architectural landscape. In fact, his career was so long and his accomplishments so varied it can be difficult still to grasp the full range of Wright's achievement. In this refreshing new study, Wright scholar Kathryn Smith does just that, exploring the grace and beauty found in all facets of Wright's work: from office... Continue... Pp 288 1998.12.1101 1998 Frank Lloyd Wright and Midway Gardens (Hard Cover - DJ) Kruty, Paul Original HC List Price $60.00. (First Edition) Pp 362 1998.27.0404 1998
Frank Lloyd Wright and the Living City (Hard Cover - DJ) Delong, David G. Original HC List Price $65.00. (First Edition) Pp 334 1998.20.0502 1998
Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie (Hard Cover - DJ) Birk, Melanie Original HC List Price $18.95. (First Edition) Pp 80 1998.11.0901 1998
Frank Lloyd Wright, Engagement Book 1999 - Masterpieces (Hard Cover) Archetype Press Original HC List Price $16.95. (First Edition) Pp 125 1998.06.0199 1998 Frank Lloyd Wright, Louis Sullivan and the Skyscraper (Soft Cover) (Published by Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, New York) Hoffmann, Donald Original SC List Price $12.95. 9.25 x 10.5. (First Edition) Pp 92 1998.30.0105 1998 Frank Lloyd Wright - The Lost Years (Soft Cover) (Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London) Alofsin, Anthony Original SC List Price $35.00. (First Paper Edition) Pp 397 1998.29.0700 1998
Frank Lloyd Wright Unbuilt Projects. A Book of Postcards (Published by Pomegranate Communications, Inc., Rohnert Park, CA) Pomegranate Communications A book of thirty postcards. "Widely credited with revolutionizing American architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright (1967-1959) produced one innovation after another over the course of his long career. In their transformation of steel and cement into diaphanous, ethereal forms, Wright's unrealized designs most graphically embody his love of the grand gesture. Wright's modernism had a slightly anarchic, distinctly American coloration..." (Back Cover). Original List Price $9.95. Three copies. (First and Second Editions) Pp 68 1998.85.1216 1998.104.0607 1998.105.0920 1998
In Wright's Shadow. Artists and Architects at the Oak Park Studio (Soft Cover) (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation.) Martone, Fran Produced to commemorate the centennial of Wright's Oak Park, Illinois, architectural studio, the booklet focuses on sixteen artists and architects who worked for Wright between 1898 and 1909. Mahony, Griffin, Bock, Ostertag, White, Giannini, Elmslie, Van Bergen, Sullivan, Niedecken... "One hundred years ago, Frank Lloyd Wright, arguably America's most famous architect, founded his Oak Park, Illinois, studio. This studio was to become the birthplace of a uniquely American style of... Continue... Pp 25 1998.92.9217 1998
Johnson Wax Administration Building and Research Tower, Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Phaidon Press Ltd, Regent's Wharf, London) Carter, Brian "Frank Lloyd Wright's innovative streamlined brick and glass Administration Building and Research Tower (Racine, Wisconsin, 1936 and 1944), built for the company of S C Johnson & Son, are landmarks in the history of both American architecture and in building for the working environment. The Administration Building, designed during the Depression, was a beacon of holistic office architecture design. Wright was responsible for conceiving everything... Continue... Pp 60 1998.93.0817 1998
Julius Shulman, Architecture and its Photography (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Taschen, Koln, Lisboa, London, New York, Paris, Tokyo) Shulman, Julius Dust jacket: American photographer Julius Shulman's images of Californian architecture have burned themselves into the retina of the 20th century. A book on modern architecture without Shulman is inconceivable. Some of his architectural photographs, like the iconic views of Frank Lloyd Wright's or Pierre Koenig's remarkable structures, have been published countless times. The brilliance of buildings like those by Charles Eames, as well as those of his... Continue... Pp 299 1998.117.0514 1998
Lloyd Wright, The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright Jr. (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York) Weintraub, Alan (Produced and Photographed); Essay: Hines, Thomas S.; Remembrance by Wright... Dust jacket: Frank Lloyd Wright Jr., known as Lloyd Wright (1870-1978), is arguably one of the greatest undiscovered architects of the 20th century. Over a ten year period, architectural photographer Alan Weintraub has documented his buildings in colour and in fine detail. This monograph offers a comprehensive presentation of Lloyd Wright's complete oeuvre. Lloyd Wright had a style all of his own. His gemlike construction fusing landscape with built form... Continue... Pp 275 1998.98.0818 1998 Many Masks, A Life of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Da Capo Press, New York) Gill, Brendan Gill, architectural critic for the New Yorker, was friends with Wright and his third wife. Debunking yet sympathetic, this biography separates the man from the self-made myths. Wright portrays himself as innocent hero-victim of a corrupt society, but here we see an artful dodger molded by a boyhood filled with shame and anguish... Continue... Pp 544 1998.40.0305 1998 Midway Barn and Farm Building (Model Booklet) (Published by Ertl Collectibles Limited, Dyersville, IA) Ertl Collectibles Limited Information booklet that accompanied the Cold Cast Porcelain model of the Midway Barn and Farm Buildings. Includes information of the model, Wright and his career, and the... Continue... Pp 16 1998.60.0405 1998
National Register of Historic Places, Snow Flake Motel, St. Joseph, Michigan (Published by the United States Department of the Interior National Park Service, Washington, D.C.) Greiff, Glory-June Around 1958, Sahag Sarkisian. a wealthy oriental rug dealer in St. Joseph . approached Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin Fellowship (which became Taliesin Associated Architects after Wright's death) about designing a unique luxury motel for his recently purchased property... Sarkisian got the idea to consult Wright from his friend Carl Schultz, who had just moved into his new residence in St. Joseph designed by the architect. The extent of Wright's direct involvement... Continue... Pp 46 1998.115.0223 1998 Rendering Real and Imagined Buildings. The Art of Computer Modeling (Hard Cover - DJ) (Includes CD) (Published by Rockport Publishers, Inc.) Novitski, B.J.; Forward: Mitchell, William J. It has been nearly fifty years since anyone has walked through Frank Lloyd Wright's Larkin Building... explores the world of buildings that were, that could have been or that are yet to be. The book presents 27 buildings from an ancient temple to a house by Frank Lloyd Wright to an airport... Continue... Pp 175 1998.66.0811 1998
Studies and Executed Buildings By Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) Frank Lloyd Wright, Introduction by Alofsin, Anthony Very close to Sweeney 1970, but a little larger in size, and a few changes. Published by Rizzoli. Original HC List Price $80.00. (First Edition) Pp 226 1998.21.0702 1998
The Arts & Crafts Price Guide, Furniture. Limbert, Stickley Brothers, Lifetime, Shop of the Crafters, Frank Lloyd Wright. A decade of Auction Results, 1987-1997. (Hard Cover) (Published by Treadway Gallery Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio) Treadway, Don "Introduction. As we approach the 21st Century and the 100th Anniversary of the Arts & Crafts Movement in America, we have witnessed the emergence of Limbert, Lifetime and Stickley Brothers furniture makers to a significant place in the world of collecting. The interest in the designs by makers from this period has rivaled that of any in the antique world. Comparatively, the Arts & Crafts market is a recent phenomenon with much scholarly... Continue... Pp 168 1998.116.0323 1998
The Bridge and the Building: The art of government and the government of Art (Soft Cover) (Distributed by Pradbin Publishers, Danville, California) Radford, Evelyn Morris Original 1974 description. A study of the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Marin County Civic Center and the Golden Gate Bridge. "Who would ever think, seeing the beautiful Frank Lloyd Wright designed Civic Center of Marin County, that it was born in controversy and still is the subject of debate... Radford explains the history of Marin County, its politics, the principal figures involved in making the Center a reality, and the effect of the controversy on the... Continue... Pp 156 Unpaginated 1998.112.1021 1998
The Chicago School of Architecture. A History of Commercial and Public Buildings in the Chicago Area, 1875-1925. Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London.) Condit, Carl W. First published in 1952 as "The Rise of the Skyscraper". "This thoroughly illustrated study traces the history of the world-famous Chicago school of architecture from its beginnings with the functional innovations of William Le Baron and others to their imaginative development by Louis Sullivan and FLW." (Publisher's Description.) Includes references to Wright and one photograph of Francis Apartments and three photographs of the interior of the Rookery... Continue... Pp 238 1573.03.0318 1998
The Ferro-Concrete Style (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Hennessey + Ingalls, Santa Monica, California. Originally published in 1928 by the Architectural Book Publishing Co., Inc.) Onderdonk, Francis S. Originally published in 1928. Preface: The purpose of this book is to trace the beginning of the Ferro-Concrete Style and to indicate the developments which are to be expected in the future.
Readers who glance thru the illustrations before reading the text should bear in mind that some of the buildings are shown as aberrations and not as examples of the Ferro-Concrete Style. A few photographs of buildings constructed of other materials have been added... Continue...Pp 265 1998.119.0924 1998
The Life & Works of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) Costantino, Maria Includes more than 200 full-color photographs that define his career, divided into six major phases. 12.25 x 12.25. (Second Edition) Pp 176 1998.07.0599 1998 The Origins of Modern Architecture, Selected Essays From "Architectural Record". (Soft Cover) (Published by Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, New York. Published in Canada by General Publishing Company, Ltd, Toronto. Published in the United Kingdom by Constable and Company, Ltd, London. Edit and with an introduction by Uhlfelder, Eric; Wright, Frank Lloyd Encompassing 22 articles originally published in the Architectural Record between 1891 and 1914 and includes in total, Frank Lloyd Wright's seminal essay "In the Cause of Architecture" first published March, 1908. Includes 87 photographs and illustrations originally published in 1980 and include: The Larking Building, Hillside Home... Continue... Pp 50-116 1998.68.0113 1998
The Seven Ages of Frank Lloyd Wright: The Creative Process (Soft Cover) Hoppen, Donald W. (Dover Edition, First published in 1993 by Capra Press) Original SC List Price $12.95. (First Edition) Pp 188 1998.02.0301 1998 Wright Architecture 1999 Calendar (Soft Cover) (Published by Universe Publishing, a Division of Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York) Grehan, Farrell Photographs by Farrell Grehan. Includes 24 photographs. Original SC List Price 10.95. 12 x 12. (First Edition) Pp 28 1998.44.0305 1998
Wright Houses, 1999. The Houses of Frank Lloyd Wright. 1999 Engagement Calendar (Soft Cover Spiral Bound) (Published by Universe Publishing, a Division of Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York) Grehan, Farrell Photography by Farrell Grehan. "To walk about a Wright home is to comprehend the formidable difficulties of architectural photography. In recognizing that the flatness of a photograph is severely limiting to what was conceived in space, one begins to see a substitute vision. My goal is to appreciate and convey, with the aid of various light conditions and changes in viewpoint, Wright's particular poetry. I hope that what means the most to me can in someway describe his concepts to the reader... Continue... Pp 112 1998.95.0917 1998
Wright Rooms (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Chartwell Books, Inc., Edison, New Jersey) Hart, Spencer Original HC List Price $17.99. (Second Edition) Pp 144 1998.08.0599 1999 1999
A Guide to Oak Park's Frank Lloyd Wright and Prairie School Historic District (Published by the Oak Park Historic Preservation Commission, Village of Oak Park, Illinois) Wickes, Molly; Irvin, Kate "The Frank Lloyd Wright and Prairie School of Architecture Historic District contains a truly remarkable collection late nineteenth and early-twentieth-century residential architecture. Within the 78-block historic district is the single greatest concentration of residences designed by the Prairie School; in the world... Includes five walking tours featuring one hundred eighteen structures, an illustrated guide to architectural styles, and architect's" biographies... Continue... Pp 144 1999.70.0413 1999
Barbara Streisand Collection: Important Am Arts & Crafts (Soft Cover) Christie's 11/29/99 (First Edition) Pp 199 1999.12.1201 1999
Basic Frank Lloyd Wright. Legend And Fact About America's Most Creative Architect. (Soft Cover) (Published by One Palm Books, an imprint of Michel Publishing Serves, Sherman Oaks, CA) Michel, Henry J. In this compact volume are related the significant events in the architect's life from his unsettling boyhood in a disruptive family environment in the mid-nineteenth century, through a series of personal excesses and tragedies while at the same time he blazes a new trail for American architecture. The book concentrates on his personal life as it also chronicles, in layman's language, the legendary stories of his professional triumphs. (Publisher's description.) Original list price $9.95. 5.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 64 1999.67.0112 1999
Building A Dream, The Sara Smith Story (Published by the Smith Publishing Group, Inc. Santa Barbara, CA) (Hard Cover DJ) Watterson, Kathryn Included in the story is the building of the Sara and Melvyn Maxwell Smith Residence (S.287 1946) in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Includes 23 photographs related to the home. Original cover price $20.00. 6.5 x 9.75. (First Edition) Pp 250 1999.55.0307 1999
Christies New York: Important 20th Century Decorative Art, Including Arts & Crafts and Architectural Designs. 11 June 1999 (Published by Christies, New York) Christies New York Christies Auction Catalog, June 11, 1999. Lots 1-148. Lots 12-18 relate to Frank Lloyd Wright and include items from: House Beautiful, Avery Coonley Playhouse, Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio, Isabel Roberts, Sherman Booth, Avery Cooley (2).
Lot 16: A single Sherman Booth Floor Lamp. Description: Lot 16. A Mahogany Floor Lamp. Frank Lloyd Wright, for the Sherman M. Booth Residence, Glencoe, Illinois, circa 1915. 65" x 10" x 14". Price realized ... Continue...Pp 164 1999.107.0699 1999
50 Favorite Furnishings By Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) Maddex, Diane Original HC List Price $19.98. (First Edition) Pp 128 1999.07.0300 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Gramercy Books, an imprint of Random House Value Publishing, Inc., New York, Toronto, London, Sydney, Auckland) Two Copies Copplestone, Trewin With such figures as Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright is recognized as a creative architectural genius. His singular individual achievement, as a native-born American, was to gather together the strands of American historical architecture and create a corpus of work which is both modern and essentially American. (Publisher's description.) Includes 67 color plates. Original HC List Price $9.99. 9.5 x 12.25. (First Edition) Pp 76 1999.01.0900 1999.43.0305 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble, Inc., New York, by arrangement with Brompton Books Corp., Greenwich, CT.) Hart, Spencer Fifth Reprint 1999. Front & back cover photos changed from fourth reprint (1996). Color of text on cover and colored end plates changed to red from a dark red. (Fifth Edition) Pp 128 1999.34.0404 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Phaidon Press Limited, London) McCarter, Robert This book provides a comprehensive critical overview of the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, one of the great masters of modern architecture. Beautifully illustrated with a wealth of photographs of many of Wright's best known buildings, Frank Lloyd Wright explores the key themes in the architect's work, presenting the consistent and systematic qualities that underlie all of his designs. Robert McCarter's text analyses Wright's work chronologically, emphasizing key designs and work relating to that... Continue... Pp 368 1999.02.0200 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Carlton Books Limited, London) Stungo, Naomi Dust Jacket: Frank Lloyd Wright was the first truly organic architect. His use of recurring elemental themes and materials open-plan layouts, clean, geometric lines, water, stone, wood, prairie and sky resulted in buildings that perfectly reflected, enhanced and assimilated their environments. Wright's vast oeuvre included the magnificent private house, so Stungo, Naomi representative of his Utopian vision, Fallingwater in Pennsylvania; the monumental Johnson... Continue... Pp 80 1999.19.0201 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright: American Architect for The Twentieth Century (Stiff Soft Cover) Sommer, Robin Langley First Paper back reprint. Republished by Sweet Water Press. Cover photo changes. Original SC List Price $17.99. (First SC Edition) Pp 176 1999.36.0604 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright and Colleagues: Indiana Works (Soft Cover) (Published by the John G. Blank Center for the Arts, Michigan City, Indiana) Stodola, Barbara; Monberg, Gregory H.; Owings, Frank N. Jr. Foreword by Brockway, Lee J. An exhibition organized by Barbara Stodola, July 24 - October 24, 1999. At the John G. Blank Center for the Arts, Michigan City, Indiana. Three essays include: Frank Lloyd Wright and His Colleagues; Wright's First Step into Indiana - Wolf Lake Resort; Usonia in Indiana. A section also includes a list of The Colleagues. "Forward. Frank Lloyd Wright, the most widely recognized architect of the century, design several buildings in Indiana and across the state that still bring mixed... Continue... Pp 48 1999.95.0719 1999.105.1123 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright and George Mann Niedecken, Prairie School Collaborators (Soft Cover) (Published by the Milwaukee Art Museum and the Museum of Our national Heritage, Lexington Massachusetts) Robertson, Cheryl Published as a permanent collection catalog and temporary exhibition catalog at the Milwaukee Art Museum, October 5, 1995 - February 4, 1996. An exhibition of 193 items. Original SC list price $40.00. 11 x 9.25. (First Edition) Pp 116 1999.59.0907 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture 3's (Hard Cover) McCarter, Robert; Steele, James; & Carter, Brian This was first published as three separate books. Two are here. In 1992 as "Barnsdall House" and in 1997 as "Unity Temple". My assumption is that there is a third called "Johnson Wax". Original HC List Price $45.00. (First Edition) Pp 1999.04.0500 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright: A Retrospective View (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Grange Books, an imprint of Grange Books PLC, Hoo, Nr Rochester, Kent, Great Britain) Copplestone, Trewin This volume is a tribute to the man who remains as controversial and widely-discussed as he was in his own lifetime. Here is a survey of his finest buildings, complete with floor plans, architectural renderings, and full-color photographs of interiors, exteriors, and architectural details. (Publisher's Description.) The only change from the first edition is the cover. The interior remained the same. (Third Edition) Original list price 19.99 ($30.00) 9.5 x 12.25 Pp 112 1999.78.0116 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright - A Visual Encyclopedia (This editions published by Thunder Bay Press, San Diego, CA. Produced by PRC Publishing Ltd, London) (Hard Cover - DJ) Thomson, Iain An A to Z chronicle of Wright's work, family, friends, and the major events that shaped his career. Over 1,000 photographs include interior and exterior shots of his most acclaimed architectural masterpieces. 9.25 x 12.25. Original HC List Price $24.98. (First Edition) Pp 416 1999.03.0200 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright, Designs for Living, 2000 Pocket Calendar (Soft Cover, Spiral Bound) (Published by Pomegranate Communications, Inc., Rohnert Park, CA) Pomegranate Comm, Inc. Frank Lloyd Wright helped change the shape of American houses. Over a seven-decade career, more than three hundred of his residences were built. Wright experimented throughout his lifetime to find the most effective designs for living - stressing natural materials and colors, wide-open spaces, built-in furniture, stylized designs, strong geometrics, and careful setting. Original list price $8.95. (First Edition) 3.75 x 5.75 Pp 96 1999.75.0814 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright, Engagement Book 2000 - Masterworks (Hard Cover) Pomegranate Original HC List Price $16.95. (First Edition) Pp 125 1999.05.0200 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright: Europe and Beyond (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by University of California Press) Edited by Alofsin, Anthony Original HC List Price $55.00. (First Edition) Pp 286 1999.16.1201 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright - Field Guide, Volume 3, West (Soft Cover) Heinz, Thomas Original SB List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 168 1999.29.0802 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright For Kids: His Life and Ideas (Soft Cover) (Published by Chicago Review Press, Chicago) Thorne-Thomsen, Kathleen Both a biography and an activity book, this great title brings you the story of a boy growing up on an American farm... a boy who sees structures and harmonies in the landscape around him in details such as the small yellow squares on an ear of corn and the patterns of freshly tilled soil. It is the story of a young man becoming a great architect as he uses his love of nature's colors and shapes in his unique designs. Inventive activities help children understand and appreciate the... Continue... Pp 138 1999.72.0413 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright: Master Builder (Soft Cover) (Japanese Edition) (Published in Japan by Kajima Institute Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, arranged with Universe Publishing, New York) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Published in Japanese. This volume is a revised edition of Frank Lloyd Wright: The Masterworks, published in 1993.
Publishers Description English Edition: This Remarkable Book presents twenty-five of the most renowned and significant buildings of America's premier architect, from his early Prairie work in Oak Park, Illinois, in the 1890s to his daring creations of the 1940s and 1950s.
Published in association... Continue...Pp 240 1999.108.0824 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright: Masterworks, A Book of Postcards (Soft Cover) Pomegranate Books Booklet of 30 Postcards. Originally SC priced at $9.95. (Second Edition) Pp 64 1999.09.0601 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater (Hard Cover - DJ) Stoller, Ezra; Introduction by Levine, Neil Original HC List Price $19.95. (First Edition) Pp 90 1999.14.1201 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright's Hanna House Restoration (Soft Cover) (Published by Hanna House Board of Governors and the Leland Stanford Junior University Board of Trustees, Stanford University, California) Turner, Paul V.; Wattis, Paul L. And Phillis "The Hanna House was pivotal in Frank Lloyd Wright's career as the first built design that fully used his revolutionary concepts of non-rectilinear geometry. It exemplifies the modern exploration of free, open spatial planning and it is one of America's architectural treasures." Title page. "In 1989, the Loma Prieta earthquake damaged many building at Stanford University, including the Hanna House, one of Frank Lloyd Wright's most innovative works. Following the earthquake, the house had to be... Continue... Pp 20 1999.87.0217 1999
Frank Lloyd Wrights Taliesin West (Hard Cover - DJ) Stoller, Ezra; Introduction by Levine, Neil Photographs by Ezra Stoller, Introduction by Neil Levine. Original HC List Price $19.95. (First Edition) Pp 100 1999.11.1101 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright's Living Space (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by the Northern Illinois University Press, DeKalb, Illinois) Satler, Gail From the dust jacket: "The space within the building is the reality of that building." So says Frank Lloyd Wright in "The Destruction of the Box," an address in which he recalls for his audience the origins of his break with previous architectural thought. According to Satler, Wright's approach, "organic architecture, " reveals space as a lived and living entity, one that achieves its full meaning only when it becomes inscribed with the actual practices of those who inhabit it. This sociological... Continue... Pp 194 1999.74.0414 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright's Masterworks, 2000 Calendar (Published by Pomegranate Communications, Inc. Rohnert Park, California) Maddex, Diane Includes 12 full size illustrations, 12 detail illustrations, description for each illustration and 12 quotes by Wright. Original cover price $16.95. 16 x 13.5. (First Edition) Pp 28 1999.50.1106 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright's Monona Terrace (Hard Cover - DJ) Mollenhoff, David V.; Hamilton, Mary Jane Original HC List Price $55.00. (First Edition) Pp 323 1999.28.0602 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin Fellowship (Published by Truman State University Press, Kirksville, Missouri) (Hard Cover DJ) Marty, Myron A. & Shirley L. This book tells the story of the Taliesin Fellowship, created by Frank and Olgivanna Lloyd Wright in 1932, in the words of men and women who joined the Fellowship, some as early as the 1930s, and remained with it into the 1990s. Many of the storytellers worked side by side with Wright, who died in 1959, and almost all of them lived and worked with Olgivanna Lloyd Wright, who survived her husband by 26 years. Includes 110 B&W photographs. Original cover price $65.00. 8.75 x 11.25... Continue... Pp 312 1999.57.0507 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright: The Western Work (Hard Cover - DJ) Legler, Dixie Original HC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 142 1999.08.0501 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright, Visionary Architect. Part of The People to Know Series. (Library Binding) (Published by Enslow Publishers, Inc., Springfield, NJ) Wright, David K. Frank Lloyd Wright's innovative designs grew out of his belief that a building should harmonize naturally with its setting and enhance the landscape. In an astoundingly prolific career that spanned three-fourths of a century, Wright designed more than a thousand buildings, about half of which were built. As an author, educator, and a philosopher, he has twenty published books. Wright also founded a school of architecture to train others in the field. He has influenced and inspired architects... Continue... Pp 128 1999.73.1113 1999
Frank Lloyd Wright: Windows of the Darwin D. Martin House (Soft Cover) (Published by the Burchfield-Penney Art Center / Buffalo State College Foundation, Inc., Buffalo, NY) Edited by Quinan, Jack. Essays by Lownie, Theodore; McCarter, Robert; Quinan, Jack Published in conduction with an exhibition at the Burchfield-Penney Art Center from July 31 - November 28, 1999. Curated by Theodore Lownie. "The Darwin D. Martin House is a National Historic Landmark, the highest designation that can be accorded to a structure by the federal government... The leaded glass at the Martin Estate, among the richest created by Wright, was designed for installation in both the vertical and horizontal planes of the structures, between the piers and the... Continue... Pp 40 1999.69.0912 1999
Guggenheim New York / Guggenheim Bilbao (Soft Cover) (Published by Princeton Architectural Press, New York) Stoller, Ezra; Iovine, Julia V. Flip-over format has two cover, depending on how the book is held. Ezra Stoller's crisp black-and-white photos show readers the New York museum shortly after it opened in 1959. One half of the book contains 30 duotone photographs of the Guggenheim Museum. Original SC List Price $14.95. 5 x 7. (Second Edition) Pp 80 1999.44.0405 1999
Guide to the Olgivanna Lloyd Wright Letters, 1926-1931 to Maude E. DeVine (Published by the Department of Special Collections, Stanford University Library, Stanford, CA) Stanford University A list and brief description of the 25 letters and 1 postcard written to Maude E. DeVine, from 1926-1931. The letters span the period of the bank seizure of Taliesin, Wright's work on The Biltmore Hotel, San Marcos resort, Graycliff, other projects, struggle with Miriam, children. Description includes dates, location when written and brief summary. DeVine was the friend who transcribed the manuscript of Wright's autobiography. P 8.5 x 11. Pp 4 1999.61.0310 1999
If This House Could Talk, Historic Homes, Extraordinary Americans (Published by Simon & Schuster, Inc., New York) (1: Hard Cover DJ; 2: Hard Cover, Signed by Author) Brownstein, Elizabeth Smith Chapter Two: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Storer Residence and Auldbrass Plantation." Includes ten photographs and one illustration. Original cover price $35.00. 9.5 x 9.5. (First Edition) Two copies Pp 10-19 1999.56.0407 1999.58.0507 1999
John D. Larkin: A Business Pioneer (Published by Daniel I. Larkin, Amherst, New York. Distributed by Western New York Wares, Inc. Buffalo, New York.) Larkin, Daniel I. Autobiography of John D. Larkin includes involvement with Wright. Written and autographed by Grandson. Includes three photographs and one illustration of the Larkin Building. Original cover price $14.95. 6 x 9. First published in 1998. (Third Edition) Pp 212 1999.49.1206 1999
Landmarks in the Life of the First Unitarian Society of Madison (Soft Cover) (Published by the Friends of the Meeting House, First Unitarian Society, Madison, Wisconsin) Edited by: Gaebler, Max "Introduction. The pieces selected for this small collection do not purport to represent the landmarks in the 120-year history of the First Unitarian Society of Madison. Rather are they intended as recollections f a few memorable moments in that history that coast light upon the very special tradition it represents. Though all were presented in our justly famous Meeting House, the scope of their messages is far broader..." Max Gaebler. Authors include: Michael A. Schuler, Preface; Merle E. Curti, Our Golden... Continue... Pp 73 1999.86.1116 1999
Memories... The Personal Prop of Barbara Streisand (Soft Cover) Christie's 12/2/99 (First Edition) Pp 115 1999.13.1201 1999
Merchant Prince and Master Builder (Hard Cover - DJ) Cleary, Richard L. Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Merchant Prince and Master Builder: Edgar J. Kaufmann and Frank Lloyd Wright, organized by and held at the Heinz Architectural Center from April 10 to October 3, 1999. Original HC List Price $14.98. (First Edition) Pp 200 1999.31.1002 1999
National Register of Historic Places, Duey Wright House (Published by the United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Washington D. C. Service) Hettinga, Mary Jane "The Duey and Julia Wright house, a 1958 Frank Lloyd Wright design, is located at 904 Grand Avenue, one mile south of Wausau's city center. Grand Avenue is also Business Highway 51, a busy four-lane highway, but the noise does not intrude into the house because of the mature trees and the placement of the house. The site is at the edge of a level lot of approximately 1 1/2 acres, overlooking, and 80 feet above, the Wisconsin River. The shape of... Continue...
Pp 30 1999.103.1221 1999
Prairie Style: Houses and Gardens by Frank Lloyd Wright and Prairie School (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Archetype Press, Inc., Washington D.C., Stewart, Tabori & Chang, New York) Legler, Dixie Original HC List Price $45.00. (First Edition) Pp 209 1999.15.1201 1999
Schumacher Press Kit Folder "Schumacher: Introducing 1999 Frank Lloyd Wright Collection". F. Schumacher & Co. Includes four descriptive sheets, PR Release, reprint of an article published in "Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies" 1995, and Folder. 9 x 12. Pp 4 1999.27.0800 1999
Schumacher Descriptive Sheet #1. F. Schumacher & Co. "Schumacher. Introducing 1999 Frank Lloyd Wright Collection. Inspired by Wright's personal collection of Japanese works of art, passion for nature, as well as the stained glass interiors of some of Wright's homes, Schumacher's 1999 Frank Lloyd Wright Collection extracts the essence of nature in 30 beautiful patterns..." Designed in eight earth-tone colors including Poppy, Chamois, Adobe, Jasper and Tahoe Blue. The three available designs include Prairie Foliage in ten colorways... Continue... Pp 2 1999.27A 1999
Schumacher Descriptive Sheet #2. F. Schumacher & Co. "Schumacher. Introducing 1999 Frank Lloyd Wright Collection. Inspired by Wright's personal collection of Japanese works of art, passion for nature, as well as the stained glass interiors of some of Wright's homes, Schumacher's 1999 Frank Lloyd Wright Collection extracts the essence of nature in 30 beautiful patterns..." Designed in eight earth-tone colors including Poppy, Chamois, Adobe, Jasper and Tahoe Blue. The three available designs include Fern Stencil, Bougainvillaea and Incense. 8.5 x 11. Pp 2 1999.27B 1999
Schumacher Descriptive Sheet #3. F. Schumacher & Co. "Schumacher. Introducing 1999 Frank Lloyd Wright Collection. Inspired by Wright's personal collection of Japanese works of art, passion for nature, as well as the stained glass interiors of some of Wright's homes, Schumacher's 1999 Frank Lloyd Wright Collection extracts the essence of nature in 30 beautiful patterns..." Designed in eight earth-tone colors including Poppy, Chamois, Adobe, Jasper and Tahoe Blue. The four available designs include Trellised Vine, Willits Glass, Masselink... Continue... Pp 2 1999.27C 1999
Schumacher Descriptive Sheet #4. F. Schumacher & Co. "Patterson, Flynn & Martin. 1999 Frank Lloyd Wright Collection. Inspired by Wright's personal collection of Japanese works of art, passion for nature, as well as the stained glass interiors of some of Wright's homes, Schumacher's 1999 Frank Lloyd Wright Collection extracts the essence of nature in 30 beautiful patterns including the Maple Leaf Custom Rug." 8.5 x 11. Pp 2 1999.27D 1999
Schumacher announces new line of fabrics, wallpapers and floor coverings, 1999. F. Schumacher & Co. "Frank Lloyd Wright's Passion. Schumacher beautifully captures the essence of Wright's botanicals in a new line of Home Furnishings. Over two years ago, the Schumacher design team was invited to Taliesin West, Frank Lloyd Wright's home and architectural laboratory in Scottsdale, AZ. Inspired by Wright's vast private collections of botanical representations, especially those in Japanese art..." 8.5 x 11. Pp 2 1999.27E 1995
"Make Designs to Your Heart's Content": The Frank Lloyd Wright/Schumacher Venture. Reprint of an article published in "Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies", Vol. 21, No. 2, 1995. Thurman, Christa C. Mayer "In 1976, the Art Institute's Department of Textiles acquired a textile and wallpaper sample book, or folio, titled "Schumacher's Taliesin Line of Decorative Fabrics and Wallpapers Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.", along with thirteen fabrics of varying lengths. Today, nearly twenty years later, this purchase has proven to be a wise one, for copies of the folio are rare, with only twelve examples known to exist..." History of Wright's textile designs and the Wright / Schumacher venture. Includes eleven photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 11. Pp 153 - 163 1999.27F 1999
Tales of Taliesin (Signed) (Soft Cover) (Published by Herberger Center for Design Excellence, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona) Brierly, Cornelia Brierly was one of the first apprentices to attend Wright's school of architecture. Before long, she was a working colleague of the master architect; during the last thirty years of his career, she made important design contributions to many of his building projects. This memoir tells the story of nearly seventy years spent with the Taliesin Fellowship. She celebrates the fellowship as a way of life and brings to life a vibrant community that is still going strong, forty years after Wright's death... Continue... Pp 176 1999.06.0300 1999
The Art & Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. (Soft Cover with stiff easel) (Published by Avalanche Publishing, Huntington Beach, California) Heinz, Thomas A. A 2000 Desktop Easel Calendar By Thomas A. Heinz. A twelve month calendar includes twenty four images of the Barton, Fallingwater, Willits, Barton, Wingspread, Martin, Pope, Hollyhock, Lykes, Taliesin, Bogk, Tracy, Dana homes and the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church and Imperial Hotel. Original list price $9.95. 7.6 x 5.9. (First Edition) Pp 28 1999.68.0912 1999
The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by Dover Publication, Inc., New York) (Soft Cover) Hanks, David A. Dover reprint of the 1979 edition published by E. P. Dutton, New York. Original soft cover price $17.95. 7.75 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 232 1999.30.0802 1999
The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, 1998 Annual Report (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation 1) A letter from the Chairman and President / CEO. 2) Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. 3) Taliesin Architects. 4) William Wesley Peters Library. 5) Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. 6) Public Access. 7) Educational Outreach Program. 8)Taliesin Preservation Commission. 9) Development. 10) Members and Donors. Includes 21 photographs. 8.5 x 11. Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 31 1999.84.0616 1999
Treasures of Taliesin (Published by Pomegranate Communications, Inc. San Francisco) (Hard Cover) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks. With appreciation to Margo Stipe for assistance this revised edition. Seventy-Six Unbuilt Designs. 29 drawings never before published. This edition completely redesigned. Original HC list price $50.00. 13.5 x 10.5. (Second Edition) Pp 164 1999.45.0406 1999
Twentieth-Century Houses: (Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture 3's) (Hard Cover) McCarter, Robert First section of this three part book is about Fallingwater. This was first published as a separate book in 1994 as "Fallingwater". Original HC List Price $19.95. (First Edition) Pp 1-60 1999.35.0404 1999
Wright Architecture 2000 Calendar (Published by Universe Publishing, a Division of Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York) Bromley, Judith Photographs by Judith Bromley. Includes 24 photographs. Wright's Oak Park Home and Studio (2), Unity Temple, Coonley Playhouse, William Martin, Roberts, Robie, Dana-Thomas (2), Heller, Willits (2). Original SC List Price 10.95. 12 x 12. (First Edition) Pp 28 1999.71.0413 1999
Yamagiwa Frank Lloyd Wright Lighting Collection Catalog (Published by Yamagiwa U.S.A. Corporation, Westlake Village, CA)
Yamagiwa Silver and yellow folder includes 15 single flyers printed two sides, Intro letter and price sheet. Also included in the folder are three different postcards . Single Sheets: 1) Frank Lloyd Wright Lighting Collection (Cover). 2) Midway Garden Table Lamp. Midway / S2302. $960. 30 3/8 H x 13 3/4 W x 29 D. 3) Robie Wall Sconce, Wooden. Robie 1 / B2324. $650. 7 H x 11 1/4 W x 13 1/8 D. 4) Robie Wall Sconce, Metal. Robie 2 / B2326. $2000. 7 1/8 H x 8 7/8 W x 11 D. 5) Storer... Continue...
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