Date: 1949 Title: Buildings By Frank Lloyd Wright in Six Middle Western States: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin (Soft Cover) (Published by Burnham Library of Architecture, The Art Institute of Chicago)
Author: Compilation of the Material has been carried out by Library Assistant Etta Arntzen
Description: Type written text. "The following list is intended for those who would like to see some of the Frank Lloyd Wright architecture in the Middle West." Most of the data is based on Hitchcock’s "In The Nature of Materials". Mr. Masselinck also assisted. An annotated list by areas, including address, date of construction, owner’s name and a brief description. Was revised in 1954, and republished in 1963 as "Guide to Chicago & Midwestern Architecture". (First Edition) (Sweeney 747)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 13
S#: 0747.00.1212
Date: 1954 Title: Buildings By Frank Lloyd Wright in Six Middle Western States: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin (Published by Burnham Library of Architecture, The Art Institute of Chicago)
Author: Originally compiled by Library Assistant Etta Arntzen
Description: Type written text. Originally published in 1949. "This list is an extension of our list of the same title prepared in 1949." Most of the data is based on Hitchcock’s "In The Nature of Materials". Mr. Masselinck also assisted. An annotated list by areas, including address, date of construction, owner’s name and a brief description. "Corrected addresses, recent remodeling and demolitions have been noted where known." Was republished in 1963 as "Guide to Chicago & Midwestern Architecture". (Second Edition) (Sweeney 989)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 14
S#: 0989.00.1212
Date: 1963 Title: Guide to Chicago & Midwestern Architecture (Two Copies)
Author: Burnham Library of Architecture, Art Institute of Chicago
Description: This is a revised version of Sweeney 747, Buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright in Six Middle Western States, 1949. This edition contains Buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright in Seven Middle Western States 1887-1959. Two copies different cover wraps, but same paper inside. Same text. (1st Edition)
(Sweeney 1527)Size:
Pages: Pp 28
ST#: 1527.00.0503, 1527.00.0404
Date: 1958
Title: A Guide to Significant Chicago Architecture of 1872 To 1922 (Privately published by John D. Randall in a limited edition, Glencoe, Illinois)
Author: Randall, John D.
Description: The primary purpose of this guide is to make it easier for students and visitors to know the work of Chicago's greatest architects.
While it is true that seeing and studying the buildings will bring greater understanding, it is also true that the greater the understanding of architecture, the more one can learn from the buildings themselves. Since they must be seen today, we must consider the times during which they were conceived. We must make allowances for later developments in order to fully appreciate them.
It is hoped that the guide, besides serving those pursuing architecture as a profession, will serve some who are appreciative of architecture's importance in everyday life. The nominal discussion is directed primarily to such lay interest.
While the guide is not a text but rather an annotated list, it is hoped that something of the basic principles of architecture will be learned as these buildings are compared with both their contemporaries and later buildings. Perhaps the question as to why these particular structures are named will interest some to learn more about architecture...
The Guide identifies 64 building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and out of 10 photographs, three are of Wright building, Heurtley (2), Willits (1).
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 59
S#: 1259.88.0123Date: 1966 Title: A Guide to the Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright in Oak Park & River Forest, Ill (Soft Cover) (Published by The Prairie School Press)
Author: Edited by The Oak Park Public Library; Intro by W.R. Hasbrouck
Description: Original SC List Price $1.00. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1634)Size:
Pages: Pp 31
ST#: 1634.00.0602
Date: 1969 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Festival: Oak Park - River Forest, Ill - May 30 - July 4, 1969
Author: Ed. Sanderson, Warren
Description: A program and calendar of events celebrating Frank Lloyd Wright Day - June 8, 1969. Includes photos, drawings and map for 31 homes. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1774)Size: 8 x 8
Pages: Pp 36
S#: 1774.00.0302
Date: 1969
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Festival Commemorative stamps.
Description: Oak Park, River Forest, ILL., May 30 - July 4 (1969) Illustrated by Joe Hawa. Nine stamps. (Published by Oak Park - River Forest Chamber of Commerce, Oak Park, Ill.)
Size: 1.6 x 1"
S#: 1774.01.0915
Date: 1969
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Festival Commemorative stamps.
Description: Oak Park, River Forest, ILL., May 30 - July 4 (1969). Illustrated by Joe Hawa. Text at bottom: "Oak Park-River Forest Chamber of Commerce. Oak Park, Illinois. 1969 Commemorative Seal." (Published by Oak Park - River Forest Chamber of Commerce, Oak Park, Ill.) Four Sheets.
Size: Single stamp: 1.6 x 1". Full sheet, fifty stamps.
S#: 1774.02.0517, 1774.03.0617, 1774.04.0624, 1774.05.0624Date: 1973 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture, Oak Park, River Forest, Illinois (Soft Cover) (Published by Oak Park - River Forest Chamber of Commerce, Oak Park, Ill.)
Author: Ed: Sanderson, Warren
Description: Originally published in 1969 as a program and calendar of events celebrating Frank Lloyd Wright Day - June 8, 1969. Includes photos, drawings and map for 31 homes and structures. Original price $1.00. (Two copies) (Second Edition) (Sweeney 1918)
Size: 8 x 8
Pages: Pp 28
S#: 1918.00.0500, 1918.00.1111
Date: 1974 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright. Prairie School of Architecture. A selection of Material in the Oak Park Public Library (Soft Cover, Self Cover) (Published by the Oak Park Public Library, Oak Park, Illinois)
Author: Oak Park Public Library
Description: This booklet lists a selection of titles from the library’s extensive holdings, with the aim of suggesting the variety of materials available. Sections include: Some reading about the Prairie School and its background; Works by and about Frank Lloyd Wright and their actives in the Prairie School; Important first editions; Foreign language editions; Pamphlets, catalogs, etc.; Periodicals; Non-print materials; Guides to area architecture available for purchase. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1946)
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: Pp 8
S#: 1946.00.1111
Date: 1974
Title: The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, The: A Complete Catalog (Hard Cover DJ) (The Mit Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London)
Author: Storrer, William Allin; Foreword: Henry-Russell Hitchcock
Description: "This work is, first of all, the only publication that documents all of the buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright that were actually constructed. Taken simply as a chronological listing, it is definitive and complete and includes a significant number of authentic buildings not found in previous listings. But beyond this, the book also offers a short commentary on each building and a picture of each extant structure. Most of the illustrations are photographs taken by Dr. Storrer himself while inspecting the sites, although a few are drawings that serve to illustrate structures since demolished or otherwise not accessible to the photographer. Over a hundred of the buildings have never before appeared in a publication..." Original list price $9.95. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1948)
Size: 5 x 8.25
Pages: Pp 450
S#: 1948.00.0616Date: 1978 Title: The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Catalog (Hard Cover DJ)
Author: Storrer, William Allin
Description: Second Edition. First printing. Originally published in 1974. New Material in this edition. (Sweeney 1948)
Pages: Pp 450
S#: 1948.01.1104
Date: 1991 Title: Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, The: A Complete Catalog - PB
Author: Storrer, William Allin
Description: Second Edition. Ninth printing. Originally published in 1974. New Material in this edition. (Sweeney 1948)
Pages: Pp 450
S#: 1948.02.0393
Date: 2002 Title: The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Catalog - HC
Author: Storrer, William Allin
Description: Third Edition. First printing. Originally published in 1974. Photography in color. (Sweeney 1948)
Pages: Pp 512
S#: 1948.03.0504
Date: 1976
Title: Guide to Frank Lloyd Wright & Prairie School Arch in Oak Park (Soft Cover ) (Published by the Oak Park Bicentennial Commission of the American Revolution; The Oak Park Landmark Commission; The Village of Oak Park)
Author: Sprague, Paul E.; Foreword by H. Allen Brooks
Description: "The term ‘Prairie School’ refers to a group of architects working in the Chicago metropolitan area between 1890 and 1917 who shared the common I deal of producing an original style of architecture not derived from or inspired by the storage buildings..." (Sprague.) Foreword by H. Allen Brooks. Includes an introduction by Sprague, maps for locating buildings, a photograph and description for each building listed. 27 of the 79 homes and buildings were designed by Wright. Closes with a biography of each architect.(First Edition) (Sweeney 2005)
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: Pp 96
S#: 2005.00.0917Date: 1982 Title: Guide to Frank Lloyd Wright & Prairie School Architecture in Oak Park (Soft Cover) (Published by the Oak Park Bicentennial Commission of the American Revolution; The Oak Park Landmark Commission; The Village of Oak Park)
Author: Sprague, Paul E.; Foreword by H. Allen Brooks
Description: First published n 1976 Includes an introduction by Sprague, maps for locating buildings, a photograph and description for each building listed. 27 of the 79 homes and buildings were designed by Wright. Closes with a biography of each architect. Original list price $3.50. Two copies. (Third Edition)
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: Pp 96
ST#: 1982.10.0402, 1982.41.1212
Date: 1986 Title: Guide to Frank Lloyd Wright and Prairie School Architecture in Oak Park
Author: Sprague, Paul E.
Description: Original SC List Price $4.95. (Fifth Edition) (Two Copies)
Pages: Pp 96
ST#: 1986.10.0102, 1986.10.0502
Date: 1976
Title: Historic Architecture: The Hasbrouck Sprague Survey of Historic Architecture in Oak Park (Soft Cover Spiral Bound) (Published by the Landmarks Commission, Village of Oak Park, Illinois. April, 1974 - March, 1965.)
Author: Hasbrouck, Wilbert R.; Sprague, Paul E. (April 19, 1970)
Description: Text by Wilbert R. Hasbrouck, Paul E.Sprague April 19, 1970. Sections: 1) Introduction & Survey Program. 2) Architectural Styles in Oak Park. Includes 23 photographs, Four of which were designed by Frank Lloyd Wright: Walter Gale, Heurtley, Goodrich and Fricke. 3) Oak Park Architects. A list of 11 architects, one of which is Frank Lloyd Wright. 4) Buildings of Architectural Merit in Oak Park, Illinois. The list identifies 25 designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. 5) Five maps identifying the significant buildings in Oak Park. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 44
S#: 2020.46.0422Date: 1978 Title: The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, A Guide to Extant Structures (Published by The MIT Press) (Soft Cover)
Author: Storrer, William Allin
Description: Originally published in 1973, this is the Fifth Edition. “Nine works, not previously listed in the Guide, are included in this Fifth Edition”. Includes 166 maps that are drawn by hand. 6 x 8.5. (Fifth Edition)
Pages: Pp 50
ST#: 1978.27.0207
Date: 1988 Title: The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. A Guide to Extant Structures (Soft Cover) (Published by W A S Productions, Newark, NJ)
Author: Storrer, William Allin
Description: This is a guide to the extant architectural work of Frank Lloyd Wright. Each building in this 8th edition of the Guide is identified by both a name and a number... Each extant Wright-designed structure is here referenced, as much as possible, by its proximity to an interstate highway... (Eighth Edition)
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 32
ST#: 1988.87.1015
Date: 1991 Title: The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, Guide to Extant Structures (Soft Cover)
Author: Storrer, William Allin
Description: Original SC List Price $13.95 (Twelfth Edition)
Pages: Pp 67
ST#: 1991.03.0393
Date: 1981 Title: A Guide to the Architecture of River Forest (Published by The Architectural Guide Book Committee, River Forest, Ill. Funds to launch the project were provided by the River Forest Centennial Commission.)
Author: Editor: Fields, Jeanette S.; Intro: Steiner, Frances
Description: "Only 20 minutes west of Chicago’s Loop, the tree-lined village of River Forest boasts some of the world’s most beautiful examples of Prairie School designs, all in a compact 2.4 square miles." (From back cover.) Features 61 structures, 91 photographs, many never published before, and a biography of 10 architects and partnerships. Wright homes include: 1) William Winslow; 3) Chauncey Williams; 6) Isabel Roberts; 16) J. Kibben Ingalls; 43) E. Arthur Davenport; 46) River Forest Tennis Club. (First Edition)
Size: 6 x 9.
Pages: Pp 68
ST#: 1981.28.0712
Date: 1990 Title: A Guide to the Architecture of River Forest (Soft Cover) (Published by The Architectural Guide Book Committee, River Forest, Ill.)
Author: Editor: Fields, Jeanette S.; Intro: Steiner, Frances
Description: First published in 1981. "Only 20 minutes west of Chicago’s Loop, the tree-lined village of River Forest boasts some of the world’s most beautiful examples of Prairie School designs, all in a compact 2.4 square miles." (From back cover.) Features 75 structures, 114 photographs, many never published before, and a biography of 10 architects and partnerships. Wright homes include: 1) Waller Gates; 2) William Winslow; 6) Chauncey Williams; 10) Isabel Roberts; 21) J. Kibben Ingalls; 53) E. Arthur Davenport; 56) River Forest Tennis Club; 69) Walter Gerts Remodel. (Second Edition)
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: Pp 86
ST#: 1990.104.0314
Date: 1983
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright in Oak Park & River Forest. (Soft Cover) (Published By Sigma Press, Chicago, Illinois)
Author: Steiner, Frances H.
Description: Includes a list of 30 buildings in the Oak Park and River Forest area. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 9.5.
Pages: Pp 64
ST#: 1983.14.0405Date: 1983 Title: Guide to the Architecture of Metro Phoenix. Soft Cover (Published by Phoenix Publishing, Inc., Phoenix, AZ)
Author: Central Arizona Chapter AIA, Ch. 3: Montooth, Charles
Description: Includes many images and description of Wright Buildings in Phoenix area. Chapter 3: Frank Lloyd Wright. Additional text, photos and illustrations about Wright. Pp 178-187. 9 x 6. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 200
ST#: 1983.15.0405
Date: 1985
Title: A Field Guide to Landmarks of Modern Architecture in the United States (Soft Cover) (Published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey)
Author: Stimpson, Miriam F.
Description: Back Cover: "Tour the most magnificent architectural wonders of the modern world. With this alphabetically arranged handbook as your guide, you'll travel to more than 500 famous buildings in dozens of cities across the country... Line drawings of each structure helps you to more thoroughly appreciate the hallmarks of modern architecture..." Includes an illustration and description for seventeen building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Hollyhock House, V.C. Morris Shop, Pfeiffer Chapel, Wright Home and Studio, Robie House, Rookery Building, Unity Temple, Juvenile (Corbin) Center, Guggenheim Museum, Price Tower, Fallingwater (Illustration on the front and back cover, Beth Sholom Synagogue, Dallas Theater Center, Pope-Leighey, Unitarian Meeting House, S.C. Johnson and Taliesin Spring Green. Also includes additional Wright mentions. Original list price $16.95. (First Edition)
Size: 7 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 436
ST#: 1985.74.0620Date: 1988
Title: Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright in Wisconsin (Soft Cover) (Published by the Madison Public Library, Madison, Wisconsin)
Author: Madison Public Library
Description: A booklet that lists the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright in Wisconsin. This guide was compiled with the aid of The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Catalog, Storrer, 1978. Number of copies published, 500. (First Edition)
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 8
ST#: 1988.97.0617Date: 1988
Title: Six Decades of Frank Lloyd Wright in Madison, Wisconsin. A Tour Sponsored by The Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio Foundation. September 25, 1988 (Produced by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio Foundation, Oak Park, Illinois)
Author: Twiss, Richard E.
Description: A tour booklet for a tour which included: Harold Bradley house (Sullivan), University Heights Neighborhood, Elliot House (Maher), Gilmore (Wright), Ely House (Frost), Morehouse House (Keck and Keck), Herbert Jacobs House I (Wright) and the Unitarian Meeting House (Wright). Includes an itinerary, all within a folder. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11, Folder 9.5 x 12 (Right)
Pages: Pp 16
ST#: 1988.96.0617Date: 1990 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Six Buffalo Houses (Publisher not noted. This booklet is an outgrowth of the former Louis Sullivan Museum’s 8 year campaign to save the Guaranty Building.)
Author: Randall, John D.
Description: First published in 1983. Includes information on six homes: 1) The Heath House; 2) The Martin House; 3) The Baton House; 4) The Gardener’s Cottage (Martin); 5) The Davidson House; 6) The Martin Summer House (Graycliff). Also includes information on the Larkin Administration Building 1904-1906, razed 1950. (Second Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 8.4
Pages: Pp 14
ST#: 1990.106.0414
Date: 2008 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Six Buffalo Houses (Publisher not noted. This booklet is an outgrowth of the Louis Sullivan Museum’s eight year campaign (1973-1981) to save Adler and Sullivan’s Guaranty Building (1895-1896) in downtown Buffalo. Informal museum is now closed.)
Author: Randall, John D.; Aronoff, Jason; Mahoney, Patrick J. Mahoney
Description: First published in 1983, revised in 1990 by John D. Randall. Revised in 1999 by Jason Aronoff, and in 2008 by Patrick J. Mahoney and Jason Aronoff. Includes information on six homes: 1) The Heath House; 2) The Martin House; 3) The Baton House; 4) The Gardener’s Cottage (Martin); 5) The Davidson House; 6) The Martin Summer House (Graycliff). Also includes information on the Larkin Administration building, Blue Sky Mausoleum, The Rowing Boathouse (Yahara River), and the Buffalo Filling Station. (Fourth Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 18
ST#: 2008.16.0212
Date: 1991 Title: Wright Sites (Soft Cover) (Published by Princeton Architectural Press, New York)
Author: Edited by Sanderson, Arlene
Description: Original SC List Price $8.95. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 56
ST#: 1991.12.1200
Date: 1995 Title: Wright Sites In and Around Chicago. Special Edition for the ABA (American Booksellers Association) Show held June 3-5 1995 in Chicago. (Soft Cover) (Published by Princeton Architectural Press, New York)
Author: Edited by Sanderson, Arlene
Description: This was a hand out (Not for Sale) to promote the revised edition of Wright Sites. It included only Wright Sites in Chicago. (2004: The publisher's recollection was that a couple hundred copies were published. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 16
ST#: 1995.32.0404
Date: 1995 Title: Wright Sites: A guide to Frank Lloyd Wright Public Places. (Soft Cover) (Published by Princeton Architectural Press)
Author: Edited by Sanderson, Arlene
Description: Revised Edition. Original SC List Price $12.95. (Second Edition)
Pages: Pp 128
ST#: 1995.37.0904
Date: 2001 Title: Wright Sites: A guide to Frank Lloyd Wright Public Places. Revisited and Revised. (Soft Cover) (Published by Princeton Architectural Press, New York)
Author: Edited by Sanderson, Arlene
Description: Includes five new entries in this edition. Original SC List Price $14.95. 5.5 x 9. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 143
ST#: 2001.38.0205
Date: 2017
Title: Wright Sites. A Guide to Frank Lloyd Wright Public Places. Fourth Edition. (Soft Cover) (Publioshed by the Princeton Architectural Press, New York)
Author: Editor: Hoglund, Joel
Description: Publishers Description: Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) revolutionized American architecture through his innovative treatment of space, light, and materials. America's best-known architect of the twentieth century, Wright designed buildings and structures that continue to thrill and inspire.
Wright Sites is the only comprehensive guide to all Wright-designed structures currently open to the public in the United States and Japan. In celebration of the 150th anniversary of the architect's birth, this revised fourth edition includes sites newly opened to the public, updated descriptions and access information, and, for the first time, color photographs of each site.
During his seven-decade career, Wright designed more than one thousand structures -- approximately five hundred were built and of those...
Original list price $22.95. (First Edition) .
Size: 5.5 x 9
Pages: Pp 160
ST#: 2017.56.0624Date: 1992 Title: Guide to Frank Lloyd Wright’s California
Author: Zimmerman, Scot
Description: Original SC List Price $14.95. (Second Edition)
Pages: Pp 106
ST#: 1992.10.0200
Date: 1993
Title: AIA Guide to Chicago (Soft Cover) (Published by Harcourt Brace & Company, San Diego, New York, London)
Author: Sinkevitch, Alice
Description: Publisher’s description: "Chicago is justly celebrated as the birthplace of modern architecture. Some of the greatest American architects, including Louis H. Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, designed buildings that became landmarks. But the history of Chicago cityscape was also written by architects – sometimes obscure, sometimes anonymous – who kept alive the romance of traditional design. And the treasures are found not only in the central city but also in Chicago’s diverse neighborhoods..." individual buildings are featured, along with more than four hundred photos-many taken expressly for this volume-and thirty-five specially commissioned maps. The book is arranged geographically so that the user, whether Chicago citizen or visitor, can tour each area of the city as conveniently as possible. Building descriptions focus on the illuminating-but easily overlooked-details that give the behind-the-scenes, often unexpected story of why a building took the shape it did. And in the best Chicago tradition, this guide does not shy away from opinions where opinions are called for." Includes 50 entries related to Frank Lloyd Wright and numerous photographs of Wright’s work including Wright’s Home and Studio and Robie House on the cover. Original list price $30.00. (First Edition)
Size: 4.75 x 10
Pages: Pp 541
ST#: 1993.92.0119Date: 2004
Title: AIA Guide to Chicago (Soft Cover) (Published by Harcourt, Inc., Orlando, Austin, New York, San Diego, Toronto, London)
Author: Sinkevitch, Alice
Description: Publisher’s description: "Completely revised and updated, AIA Guide to Chicago, Second Edition is the liveliest and most wide-ranging guide ever written about Chicago's architecture. More than a thousand individual buildings are featured, along with more than four hundred photos-many taken expressly for this volume-and thirty-five specially commissioned maps. The book is arranged geographically so that the user, whether Chicago citizen or visitor, can tour each area of the city as conveniently as possible. Building descriptions focus on the illuminating-but easily overlooked-details that give the behind-the-scenes, often unexpected story of why a building took the shape it did. And in the best Chicago tradition, this guide does not shy away from opinions where opinions are called for." Includes 50 entries related to Frank Lloyd Wright and numerous photographs of Wright’s work including the Robie House on the cover. Original list price $30.00. (Second Edition)
Size: 5 x 10
Pages: Pp 574
ST#: 2004.88.0119Date: 1993 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Companion (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Storrer, William Allin
Description: Original HC List Price $90.00. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 492
ST#: 1993.04.0199
Date: 1993
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Companion (CD) (Published by the University of Chicago Press, Chicago and Prairie Multimedia)
Author: Storrer, William Allin
Description: The definitive multimedia reference on the architecture of FLW. Experience FLW and his architecture as never before – from his earliest years through the development of Prairie architecture and the creation of his diverse, democratic Usonian architecture. Based on the critically acclaimed book by William Allin Storrer, the Companion CD-Rom brings the entire book to life with text, color photography maps, floorplans, illustrations and movies. Coverage of every Wright building. Over 700 floor plan drawings. More than 1,000 photographs amd Illustrations. Maps to Wright structures. Movie walkthroughs of Wright’s buildings. Original list price $59.95.
Size: Case 5.25 x 7.5
ST#: 1993.126.1023Date: 2003
Title: The Frank Lloyd Wright Companion (CD) (Published by Prairie Multimedia, Wayne, IL)
Author: Storrer, William Allin
Description: The definitive multimedia reference on the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. Experience Frank Lloyd Wright and his architecture as never before – from his earliest years through the development of Prairie architecture and the creation of his diverse, democratic Usonian architecture. Based on the critically acclaimed book by William Allin Storrer, the Companion CD-Rom brings the entire book to life with text, color photography maps, floor plans, illustrations and movies. Coverage of every Wright building. Over 700 floor plan drawings. More than 1,000 photographs and Illustrations. Maps to Wright structures. Over 50 minutes of movie walkthroughs of Wright’s buildings.
Size: Case 5.25 x 7.5.
ST#: 2003.54.0516Date: 1993
Title: Ridgeland Revealed, Guide to the Architecture of the Ridgeland-Oak Park Historic District (Soft Cover) (Published by the Oak Park Historic Preservation Commission, Oak Park, Illinois)
Author: Edited by Sanderson, Arlene
Description: A guide to the historic buildings in Oak Park. Ridgeland and Oak Park grew side by side, and in 1902 consolidated and incorporated as the Village of Oak Park. Includes historical content, a biography on architects and two buildings in Oak Park designed by Frank Lloyd Wright: George Smith (2) and Unity Temple (76). (First Edition)
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: Pp 102
ST#: 1993.93.0319Date: 1995 Title: Finding the Wright Places in California (Soft Cover) (Published by H.J. Michel Publishing Services for Hollyhocks / the Bookstore, Hollyhock House, Los Angeles)
Author: Michel, Henry J.
Description: "This guide book contains detailed maps and directions. It is illustrated with computer-art images of the featured Frank Lloyd Wright buildings and with photographs of the art glass, furniture and ornamentation of his famous Hollyhock House." (Back cover) Original list price $8.95. (Second Edition)
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 87
ST#: 1995.74.0415
Date: 2000 Title: Finding the Wright Places in California and Arizona (Soft Cover) (Published by Michel Publishing Services, Sherman Oaks, California)
Author: Michel, Henry J.
Description: Maps and directions to Wright’s major works in the Southwest. Plus 17 cameo stories of his life. Original SC List Price $11.50. (First Edition)
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 104
ST#: 2000.29.0305
Date: 1996 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright - Field Guide, Volume 1, Upper Great Lakes (Soft Cover)
Author: Heinz, Thomas
Description: Original SC List Price $40.00. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 168
ST#: 1996.01.0201
Date: 1997 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright - Field Guide, Vol 2, MetroChicago (Stiff Soft Cover) (Published in Great Britain by Academy Editions, a division of John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex)
Author: Heinz, Thomas
Description: The Frank Lloyd Wright Field Guide series provides the first comprehensive visitors' guide to all of Wright's buildings in the United States. Each guide is written and compiled by an acknowledged expert on Frank Lloyd Wright, Thomas A Heinz. With his highly readable and informative style, Heinz presents each building page by page, providing brief histories and background details, information on accessibility and viewing, and directions from Interstate routes. Every entry is accompanied by a photograph and location map produced by the author. There are four books in the Field Guide series: Upper Great Lakes. MetroChicago, West, and East, Each guide is arranged geographically, beginning in the northwest and ending in the southeast of the region covered. (Publisher’s description.) (First Edition)
Size: 5.5 x 8
Pages: Pp 168
ST#: 1997.54.0811
Date: 1997 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright - Field Guide, Vol 2, MetroChicago (Soft Cover) (Published in Great Britain by Academy Editions, a division of John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex)
Author: Heinz, Thomas
Description: The Frank Lloyd Wright Field Guide series provides the first comprehensive visitors' guide to all of Wright's buildings in the United States. Each guide is written and compiled by an acknowledged expert on Frank Lloyd Wright, Thomas A Heinz. With his highly readable and informative style, Heinz presents each building page by page, providing brief histories and background details, information on accessibility and viewing, and directions from Interstate routes. Every entry is accompanied by a photograph and location map produced by the author. There are four books in the Field Guide series: Upper Great Lakes. MetroChicago, West, and East, Each guide is arranged geographically, beginning in the northwest and ending in the southeast of the region covered. (Publisher’s description.)
Size: 5.25 x 8
Pages: Pp 168
ST#: 1997.63.1014
Date: 1999 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright - Field Guide, Volume 3, West (Soft Cover)
Author: Heinz, Thomas
Description: Original SB List Price $40.00. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 168
ST#: 1999.29.0802
Date: 2005 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright - Field Guide, Includes All United States and International Sites (Hard Cover) (Published by Northwester University Press, Evanston, Illinois)
Author: Heinz, Thomas
Description: "The Frank Lloyd Wright Field Guide provides the first complete visitors' guide to all of Wright's buildings in the United States and around the world. This new, single-volume edition is written and compiled by architect and Frank Lloyd Wright expert Thomas A. Heinz, AIA. In a highly readable and informative style, Heinz presents each building page by page, providing brief histories and background details, information on accessibility and viewing, and driving directions. Every entry is accompanied by a photograph and location map. Buildings are arranged geographically. A cross-referenced index enables each building to be easily accessed by location or client or building name." (Publisher’s description) Original list price $39.95. (First Edition)
Size: 5.75 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 528
ST#: 2005.42.0316
Date: 1999 Title: A Guide to Oak Park’s Frank Lloyd Wright and Prairie School Historic District (Published by the Oak Park Historic Preservation Commission, Village of Oak Park, Illinois)
Author: Wickes, Molly; Irvin, Kate
Description: "The Frank Lloyd Wright and Prairie School of Architecture Historic District contains a truly remarkable collection late nineteenth and early-twentieth-century residential architecture. Within the 78-block historic district is the single greatest concentration of residences designed by the Prairie School; in the world... Includes five walking tours featuring one hundred eighteen structures, an illustrated guide to architectural styles, and architect’s’ biographies. Original list price $22.00. (First Edition)
Size: 6 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 144
ST#: 1999.70.0413
Date: 2001
Title: A Guide to Chicago's Murals (Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London)
Author: Gray, Mary Lackritz
Description: Back cover: "Chicago is a city known for its fabulous architecture and public sculpture by artists such as Picasso and Calder, but anyone who has seen the gorgeous lunettes in the Auditorium Theater or the South Side's Wall of Respect, which inaugurated the city's contemporary mural movement, knows that Chicago has an equally rich tradition of mural painting. Through these murals, the history of Chicago and the nation is writ in churches and lobbies, on viaducts and school walls. Mary Gray's A Guide to Chicago's Murals is the first definitive handbook to the treasures that can be found all over the city." Includes a section of Charles L. Morgan and the Powhatan Building, p.172-173. Also includes a biography, p. 441. (First Edition)
Size: 6 x 7.75
Pages: Pp 488
ST#: 2001.85.0321Date: 2002 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Field Guide (Soft Cover) (Published by Running Press, Philadelphia)
Author: Clayton, Marie
Description: Original SC List Price $9.95. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 480
ST#: 2002.37.1202
Date: 2012
Title: Traveling Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright Projects in the Great Plains (Hard Cover) (Published by Creekside Publishers, Sedona, AZ)
Author: Nelson, Carl E.
Description: Publisher’s description: "After gazing upon Fallingwater, one of the most famous pieces of architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright in 2005, architect Carl Nelson began a journey. Standing in front of Fallingwater ignited a passion within Nelson and inspired him to travel across the United States visiting other Wright projects. Nelson and his wife meticulously researched and planned trips across Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Illinois and now their detailed itineraries are now available in Traveling Wright: Frank Lloyd Wright Projects In The Great Plains. Take your own Wright-inspired road trip guided by a book complete with maps, day-to-day itineraries, descriptions and photographs of twenty-three Wright landmarks. Nelson includes contact information for the sites which are open to the public. Whether you want to plan a road trip around Wright projects, like Nelson, or just include a couple Wright stops on your cross-country trip don’t travel across Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa or Illinois without Traveling Wright." Original list price $35.00. (First Edition)
Size: 9.25 x 8.75
Pages: Pp 106
ST#: 2012.33.0919BACK TO TOP
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