ST# |
1960 |
Frank Lloyd Wright On
Architecture: Selected Writings (Soft
(Published by Universal Library,
Gosset & Dunlap, New York) |
Frank Lloyd
Wright, Edited by Gutheim, Frederick |
First published in 1941 by Duell, Sloan and Pearce,
New York, as the first volume
in the Frank Lloyd Wright trilogy.
List Price $1.65. (First University Library SC version)
(Sweeney 532) |
Pp 275 |
0532.01.0399 |
Dallas Theater Center (Hard Cover) (Published by the Dallas Theater
Center, Dallas, Texas) |
Andrews, Leonard E. B. |
Produced in conjunction
with the opening of the Dallas Theater Center, designed by Frank Lloyd
Wright in 1955. Includes articles Robert D. Stecker, Paul Baker, Jane
Scholl, Eliot Elisofon, Allen R. Bromberg, Lon Tinkle, John Rosenfield,
Virgil Miers, Harwell Hamilton Harris, W. Kelly Oliver, Gene McKinney,
Aline de Grandchamp, and Ramsey Yelvington. Chapter 10: "The Wright
Taliesin Theaters. Frank Lloyd Wright loved the theater. Of all its many
forms his first love was the small...
Continue... (Sweeney
1378) |
Pp 38 (Unpaginated) |
1378.00.1123 |
The Master
Builders: Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright
(Hard Cover, DJ) (This is a Borzoi Book, published by Alfred A. Knopf,
Inc., New York. Published Simultaneously in Canada by McClelland &
Stewart, Ltd.) |
Blake, Peter |
The story of modern architecture is told in this absorbing and
beautifully illustrated book through the lives and works of the three
men who changed the face of the cities we live in..." (Publisher’s
description.) Section 3 (15 Chapters): "Frank Lloyd Wright: and the
Mastery of Space. Frank Lloyd Wright was, very probably, the last of the
true Americans. This is not intended to suggest that he was of Red
Indian origin (which he wasn’t) or that his ancestors came over on the
Pp 399 |
1379.00.0710 |
The Master Builders: Le
Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover, DJ)
(Published by Victor Gollancz Ltd., London) |
Blake, Peter
This British edition is not
a copy of the American edition. Different size, different plates. Dust
jacket: Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright: these
three, the greatest names in twentieth-century architecture, are the
"Master builders" of this most important and absorbing book. These
three, more than any of their colleagues, are the men responsible for
the changing face of the cities of today. The United Nations building in
New York or the UNESCO headquarters would...
Continue... (Sweeney
1379) |
Pp 306 |
1379.00.1223 |
Frank Lloyd Wright: Una Mostra
Della Sua Opera Nell'ultimo Decennio Presentata Dagli Stati Uniti
'America Alla Xii Triennale di Milano 1960 (A Show Of His Work In the
last decade Presented From the United States of America At XII Milan
Triennale) |
Scarpa, Carlo; Wright, Frank Lloyd |
A catalogue for a
commemorative exhibition on Frank Lloyd Wright on the first floor of the
XII Milan Triennale. (Inside) "This publication was prepared in
collaboration with the United States Information Agency, on the occasion
of the United States at the XII Milan Triennale: The Work of Frank Lloyd
Wright in the past decade - The Man above the machine. The exhibition
has been designed and engineered by Paul Gotz and Walter McQuade and...
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1389) |
Pp 40 |
1389.00.0815 |
Usonia, Aspectos de la obra de
Wright (Aspects of the work of Wright) (V.1 Stiff Cover, DJ; V2: Stiff
Cover, both fit within a Slip Case) (Published by Ediciones Infinito,
Buenos Aires) |
Sacriste, Eduardo |
Two volume set with slip
case. Volume One: "A year after the death of Frank Lloyd Wright, - a
year during which his vigorous personality has endured and strengthened
- Ediciones Infinito is proud to present his readers with this essay on
the "master of Taliesin'. Usonia is the first book about Wright written
by an Argentine architect, expert of his work and the significance of
it; Hence his interest for Spanish- speaking reader."
(Dust Jacket.)
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1393)
Continue... |
Vol 1: Pp 99 plus 40 plates. Vol
2: 10 Sheets |
1393.00.0517 |
Usonia, Aspectos de la obra de
Wright (Aspects of the work of Wright) (Volume 2 only, rebound in red
hard cover by the library.) (Published by Ediciones Infinito, Buenos
Aires) |
Sacriste, Eduardo |
Volume Two only: Ten folded
sheets set within a stiff cover. 1) Hanna plot plan; 2) Pauson (2) and
Lloyd Lewis (2) floor plans; 3) S.C. Johnson floor plan; 4) S. C.
Johnson Construction detail and elevation; 5) Fallingwater Plot Plan; 6)
Fallingwater Floor Plan (2) and Elevation; 7) Jacobs I Detail, Elevation
and Plot Plan; 8) Jacobs II Detail, Elevation and Plot and Floor Plan;
9) Willey and Erdman Plot Plan; 10) Comparative Schemes. 6 x 9, Unfolded
single sheets 18 x 12. |
Vol 2: 10 Sheets |
1393.01.0517 |
Frank Lloyd Wright (Masters of
the World Architecture Series) (Hard Cover) (Published by George
Braziller, Inc, New York) |
Scully, Vincent Jr. |
Original HC List Price $5.95. (First
Edition) (Sweeney 1394) |
Pp 125 |
1394.00.0999 |
Frank Lloyd Wright (Masters of
the World Architecture Series) (Soft Cover) (Published by George
Braziller, Inc, New York) |
Scully, Vincent Jr. |
Original SC List Price $2.95.
(Fourth Edition) (Sweeney 1394) |
Pp 125 |
1394.01.0504 |
Frank Lloyd Wright (Masters of
the World Architecture Series) (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by George
Braziller, Inc, New York) |
Scully, Vincent Jr. |
Original HC List Price $5.95.
(Fifth Edition) (Sweeney 1394) |
Pp 125 |
1394.02.0701 |
Louis Sullivan (Masters of the
World Architecture Series) (Hard Cover) (Published by George Braziller,
Inc., New York) |
Bush-Brown, Albert |
Only the Heroic Scale
measures Louis Sullivan. The titanic task he set himself was to shape
his society through architecture, as the Parthenon did for Athens, the
Cathedral for Paris. He was the first prophet to build for the American
condition. His childhood dream, the mighty Craftsman, was a grandiose
vision come to a boy on a farm during a summer vacation, but it had the
drive and momentum of a whole civilization.
At eighteen,
standing in the Sistine Chapel, he communed in silence with...
Continue... |
Pp 128 |
1394.03.0923 |
Frank Lloyd Wright, Master
Architect (Soft Cover) (Published by the United States Information
Service. Not Dated.) |
United States Information Service;
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
Published for foreign
distribution upon the death of Frank Lloyd Wright. Introduction: Early
in his career Frank Lloyd Wright already was regarded as an
architectural genius. He began by introducing the American "prairie
house" concept and went on to develop many other new forms. He attacked
prevailing theories of design and extended the bounds of architectural
thinking. An individualist who embodied the American pioneer
heritage, Wright believed in freedom above...
Continue... (Sweeney 1399) |
Pp 32 |
1399.00.1123 |
Frank Lloyd Wright: Writings and
Buildings (Hard Cover) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Selected by
Edgar Kaufmann & Ben Raeburn |
book was designed to fill the need for a compact, comparatively
inexpensive volume which surveys the immense range of Frank Lloyd
Wright's lifework. The achievement of the master architect is here
presented in his own words and works -- the text complemented by more
than 150 illustrations, a rich abundance of drawings, photographs, plans
and sketches from the early 1890s to 1959... "The greatest of all
architects," as he has been...
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1401)
Continue... |
Pp 346 |
1401.00.0800 1401.01.1200 |
Frank Lloyd Wright: Writings and
Buildings (Soft Cover) (Published by Meridian Books, Inc., New York) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Selected by
Edgar Kaufmann & Ben Raeburn |
book was designed to fill the need for a compact, comparatively
inexpensive volume which surveys the immense range of Frank Lloyd
Wright's lifework. The achievement of the master architect is here
presented in his own words and works -- the text complemented by more
than 150 illustrations, a rich abundance of drawings, photographs, plans
and sketches from the early 1890s to 1959... "The greatest of all
architects," as he has been...
(First Paper Edition) (Sweeney
Continue... |
Pp 346 |
1401.02.0998 |
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,
Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by The
Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and Horizon Press, New York) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Guggenheim,
Harry F. |
Edited and Designed by Ben Raeburn, Editor of Horizon Press. Original
cover price $3.95. 8.25 x 10.25. Two copies, one with and one without
dust jacket.
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1405) |
Pp 72 |
1405.00.0305 1405.04.0407 |
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,
Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by The Solomon R.
Guggenheim Foundation and Horizon Press, New York) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Guggenheim,
Harry F. |
Edited and Designed by Ben Raeburn, Editor of Horizon Press. Three
Copies. Original SC List Price $3.95. 8 x 10.
(First Edition) (Sweeney 1405) |
Pp 72 |
1405.01.1299 1405.02.0103
1405.03.0806 |
The Shining Brow (Hard Cover -
DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) |
Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd |
of the boxed three volume set.Original HC List Price $4.50.
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1406) |
Pp 300 |
1406.00.0899 |
A History of Modern
Architecture (Published in the U.S. by Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.,
Publishers, New York) |
Joedicke, Jurgen |
First published in
1959. Translated from German by James C. Palmes. Chapter three: "Frank
Lloyd Wright." Describes Wright's connection with the School of
Chicago, the idea of organic, relationship with nature, Wright's early
houses, his influence on Europe and Wright's later work. Includes
thirteen photographs and two illustrations of Wright's buildings. 7.5 x
10.25. (Second Edition) |
Pp 30-37 |
1407.03.0607 |
Architecture in America. A
Photographic History From The Colonial Period To The Present (Hard Cover
DJ) (Published by Atheneum Publishers, New York) |
Andrews, Wayne |
In 257 photographs, magnificently
reproduced, the entire range of American architecture, from the
beginning to the present, is brilliantly surveyed... Wayne Andrews is a
writer who thirty-six years ago began wondering what American
architecture looked like. Since that time he and his camera have
explored forty-five states and the District of Columbia. Architecture in
America is the record of his quest. No other photographer has succeeded
in documenting so many phases of our architecture...
Continue... |
Pp 179 |
1458.70.0219 |
Historic Wisconsin Architecture
(Soft Cover) (Published by The Wisconsin Chapter of the American
Institute of Architects) |
Perrin, Richard W. E. |
Chapter Five. This volume divides
Wisconsin into four sections. Ch. 1: Introduction. Ch. 2: Southeast. Ch.
3: Southwest. Ch. 4: Northeast. Ch. 5: Frank Lloyd Wright. Chapter five
includes twelve buildings designed by Wright, a description and
photograph, and a map showing their locations. They include: Hardy,
Johnson Wingspread, S. C. Johnson Headquarters, Bock, American System
Houses Milwaukee, Unitarian Church, Gilmore, Pew, Jacobs I & II, Erdman,
Taliesin. All photographs by the author...
Continue... |
Pp 32-35 |
1458.136.1023 |
Historic Wisconsin Architecture
(Hard Cover, originally published as a soft cover booklet.) (Published
by The Wisconsin Chapter of the American Institute of Architects) |
Perrin, Richard W. E. |
Chapter Five. This volume divides
Wisconsin into four sections. Ch. 1: Introduction. Ch. 2: Southeast. Ch.
3: Southwest. Ch. 4: Northeast. Ch. 5: Frank Lloyd Wright. Chapter five
includes twelve buildings designed by Wright, a description and
photograph, and a map showing their locations. They include: Hardy,
Johnson Wingspread, S. C. Johnson Headquarters, Bock, American System
Houses Milwaukee, Unitarian Church, Gilmore, Pew, Jacobs I & II, Erdman,
Taliesin. Original price $1.00. 5.5 x 8 (First Edition) |
Pp 32-35 |
1458.103.0720 |
Hudson Vitamin Products - 1961
Calendar (Soft Cover) |
Hudson Vitamin Products |
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,
New York City. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. |
Pp 14 |
1458.06.0802 |
Louis Sullivan As He Lived, The
Shaping of American Architecture (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Horizon
Press, New York) |
Connely, Willard |
"Genius the master had, or
rather, genius had him," Frank Lloyd Wright has written. "Genius is
possessed him. It reveled in him. And he squandered it." Here is the
first detailed life story of this possessed, richly endowed, reckless
man. It is a full length biography of magnetic interest in which we
witness the growth of the youthful genius -- son of parents practiced in
the yards -- into an architect already active early in his teens, and
ultimately a partner, in his twenties, in the great firm of Adler and...
Continue... |
Pp 322 |
1407.04.0618 |
Taliesin Festival of Music and
Dance 1960 (Published by the Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green. Front
and back cover printed in gold, green and black on stiff cover stock.) |
Taliesin Fellowship |
Presented at the Tempe Union High
school for the Pacific Arts Association Conference April 12, 1960 - 8:30
p.m. Choreography By Iovanna Lloyd Wright. Music By Olgivanna Lloyd
Wright. Arranged and Orchestrated by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer. Conducted By
John Amarantides. Music Program designed by Eugene Masselink. "Praise ye
the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of
his power... The 150th Psalm. 6.5 x 10 (First Edition) |
Pp 12 |
2072.13.0821 |
1960/1978 |
Theory and Design in
the First Machine Age (Soft Cover) (Published by Praeger Publishers,
Inc., New York) |
Banham, Reyner |
First published
in 1960 (fifth edition). Chapter 11: Holland: Berlage and attitudes to
Wright. The rapid evolution of de Stijl theory and practice may be
largely attributed to the clear-cut polemical situation in which the
group's architects found themselves, with their own Rationalist,
mechanistic, abstract approach in direct opposition to the
fantasticated, handicraft, figurative approach of the Wendingen group in
Amsterdam. But, as is so often the case in polemics of this kind, the
violent opponents had...
Pp 338 |
1978.69.1023 |
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
(Soft Cover) (Published by Braun & Cie, Mulhouse, Paris) |
Guggenheim Foundation |
This is more about the collection
of paintings in the museum than the building. (First Edition) |
Pp 90 |
1406.01.0200 |
1961 |
The Master Builders: Le
Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover, DJ) (This
is a Borzoi Book, published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York.
Published Simultaneously in Canada by McClelland & Stewart, Ltd.) |
Blake, Peter |
story of modern architecture is told in this absorbing and beautifully
illustrated book through the lives and works of the three men who
changed the face of the cities we live in..." (Publisher's description.)
Section 3 (15 Chapters): "Frank Lloyd Wright: and the Mastery of Space.
Frank Lloyd Wright was, very probably, the last of the true Americans.
This is not intended to suggest that he was of Red Indian origin (which
he wasn't)... (Second Edition) (Sweeney
Continue... |
Pp 263 -390 |
1379.01.0501 |
Frank Lloyd Wright: A Biography
(Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York) |
Farr, Finis |
jacket: This is the first full-length biography of Wright, the greatest
American Architect who became one of the great American legends. "I
intend," said Wright on more than one occasion, "to be the greatest
architect who ever lived." Original HC List Price $5.95. 5.75 x 8.75.
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1459) |
Pp 293 |
1459.00.0799 |
The New Edifice of Unity Church
(Soft Cover) (Published by Offset Press Inc., Oak Park, Ill.) |
Johonnot, Rodney F. |
This was first published in 1906 (Sweeney 59) and
Wright was one of the three on the Brochure Committee. Original SC List
Price $3.50. (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1463) |
Pp 20 |
1463.00.0302 |
Architecture in America: A Battle of Styles (Published by
Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. New York) |
Edited by: Coles, William A.; Reed, Henry Hope Jr. 1-3) Wright, Frank
Lloyd 4) Moholy-Nagy, Sibyl 5) Zevi, Bruno 6-8.. |
compilation of articles. Includes articles written by and about Wright.
1) "Louis Sullivan - His Work" Arch Record July 1914. 2) "The Art and
Craft of the Machine" Catalogue of the Fourteenth Exhibition of the
Chicago Architectural Club 1901. 3) "An Organic Architecture: The
Architecture of Democracy" published by Lund Humphries & Co 1939. 4)
"Frank Lloyd Wright and The Ageing of Modern Architecture" Progressive
Architecture May 1959. 5) "Architecture as Space...
(First Edition)
Continue... |
Pp 412 1) 50-1 2) 51-57 3)
58-59 4) 116-117 5) 132-133 6) 350-351 7) 351-353 8) 354-362 9)
362-368... |
1464.05.0407 |
Architecture Today & Tomorrow (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by McGraw -Hill
Book Company, Inc. New York, Toronto, London) |
Jones, Cranston |
Cranston expounds on the
exhibition catalog Form Givers
published in 1959. Part One: The Form Givers (Chapters 1-7). Chapter 1:
Louis Sullivan (Pp 2-5). Chapter 2: Frank Lloyd Wright: The American
Architect (Pp 6-27). "It is no more possible to consider the work of
Frank Lloyd Wright as something a part from his striking personality
then it is possible to consider the work of Pablo Picasso without
becoming aware of the commanding presence of Picasso himself. The two
share much in common...
Continue... |
Pp 243 |
1483.36.0719 |
A Special Study Set of Fine Art Reproductions (Prepared by The
University Prints. Cambridge, Mass.) |
University Prints |
"Harvard Fine Arts 197B." Box
set of 96 single sheets. Architectural photographs including five
buildings by Wright. Plate Numbers: 100 Robie House, Chicago; 101
Millard House, Pasadena, CA; 366 Fallingwater, Bear Run PA; 367 Johnson
& Sons Tower, Racine WI; 392 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
(Revised from 1959 set which included two photographs of the Guggenheim
model. This is of actual building.) Box 5.5 x 8.5. (Revised Edition) |
Pp 96 |
1483.06.0107 |

A Special Study Set of Fine Art Reproductions (Prepared by The
University Prints. Cambridge, Mass.) |
University Prints |
"Comprehensive Survey, American Art and Architecture, 706 Prints" Box
set of 706 single sheets. Architectural photographs including 5
buildings by Wright. Plate Numbers: 68 Warren Hickox House, Kankakee,
Illinois; 71 Larkin Building, Buffalo, NY; 73 W. W. Willits House,
Highland Park, Illinois; 75 W. H. Winslow House, River Forest, IL; 76
Plans of Early Houses By Wright. Winslow, Hickox, Husser and Willitts;
80 Unity Temple, Oak Park, IL; 81 Coonley House...
(Revised Edition)
Continue... |
Pp 706 |
1483.09.0507 |
A Study of The Architectural Imagery of Frank Lloyd
Wright (Hard Cover)(Published by Norris Kelly Smith and Columbia
Smith, Norris Kelly |
Doctoral thesis by Norris Kelly Smith. From the title
page: "Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Faculty of Philosophy, Columbia
University." This doctoral thesis was revised and published as
Frank Lloyd Wright, A Study in
Architectural Content, published by Prentice-Hall, Inc, in 1966.
Although revised in the 1966 edition, the chapters in the book follow
closely the chapters in the thesis. Abstract. Advisor: Meyer Schapiro...
Pp 244 |
1483.37.0320 |
Conversations with Artists (Soft
Cover) (Published by Capricorn Books, New York. First published in
1957.) |
Rodman, Selden; Introduction by
Eliot; Alexander |
Chapter 2. The Poles of
Architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright and Philip Johnson, pages 43-74,
106d-e. "But it cannot be described (Taliesin). It has to be seen. Or,
better, lived in. For, as Wright was to say later himself, "…The trouble
with architecture is he architects. They don't understand that it isn't
the roof and the four walls that make a house, but the spaces between
them - the living spaces." " Includes two photographs and one
illustration related to Wright. Original Soft Cover list price $1.45. 5
x 8. |
Pp 234 |
1483.16.0410 |
Florida Southern College; Interlachen 1961 (Yearbook) (Published by
Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida) |
Florida Southern College |
Includes 19 images related to
Wright's buildings, which include the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel, Esplanade,
E. T. Roux Library, Polk Science Building, Waterdome and Watson
Administration Building. 9.25 x 12.25. (First Edition) |
Pp 7-9 14-20 28-29 47 163-164 230 |
1483.08.0307 |
Modern Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy (Hard Cover DJ)
(Published by Prentice-Hall International, London; George Braziller, New
York) |
Scully, Vincent, Jr |
This book is in an attempt to
define the historical dimensions of modern architecture and to evaluate
its meaning in terms of modern life. Although it is not intended as a
historical survey, it shows how the rise of the architecture of
democracy is related to the roots and formulation of contemporary
thought. Professor Scully traces the major developments which have taken
place in modern architecture beginning with the democratic and
industrial revolutions of the late eighteenth century and the... Continue... |
Pp 128 |
1483.32.1217 |
Monona Terrace Auditorium and Civic Center (Soft Cover) (Published by
Citizens for Monona Terrace, Inc.) |
Peters, William Wesley |
Pamphlet describing the proposed
Monona Terrace project. Statistics, costs, construction and features,
and facilities. 9 x 6. (First Edition) (Two copies) |
Pp 8 |
1464.01.0305 1464.02.0307 |
People of Purpose (Hard Cover) (Published by Spencer Press, Inc.,
Chicago) |
Editor: Zim, Herbert S.; Drexler, Arthur; Untermeyer, Louis; Rand, Ayn;
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Fitch, James M. |
Chapter 2: "Frank
Lloyd Wright: Twentieth-Century Genius". A collection of quotes and
excerpts from seven books and articles. 1) Introduction: Quote from
Arthur Drexler, "Frank Lloyd Wright was unquestionably the greatest of
American architects..." 2) Excerpts from "Makers of the Modern World",
Untermeyer, 1955. 3) Excerpts from
"The Fountainhead", Rand, 1943. 4) "A Shockproof Hotel", excerpts
from "An
Autobiography", Wright, 1943. 5) "Home...
(First Edition)
Continue... |
Pp 26-53 |
1483.19.0213 |
Report to LaFayette Design Project (Produced by the Frank Lloyd Wright
Foundation, Spring Green Wisconsin, Scottsdale, Arizona) |
Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Forward by Aaron G. Green |
From the Frank Lloyd Wright
Foundation, Taliesin Associated Architects. Aaron G Green AIA Architect
Associated. Introduction. Background Analysis. Basis Planning
Considerations. Master Plan for Business District. Statement to the
Business Community. The Upgrading of Mt. Diablo Boulevard. Festival.
Signs. Poles and Wires. Questionnaire. Ways and Means. Includes nine
photographs and eight illustrations. Original list price $5.00. 8.5 x
11. (First Edition) |
Pp 32 |
1483.14.0110 |
13) "The Midway Gardens, 1914 - 1929" |
3) Fern, Alan M. 4) Iannelli,
Alfonso 5) John Lloyd Wright 6) Wright, Frank Lloyd |
exhibition of the building by Frank Lloyd Wright, and the sculpture by
Alfonso Iannelli. April 24 - May 20, 1961, Lexington Hall Gallery, 5831
University Avenue. Sponsored by the College Humanities Staff, The University
of Chicago. Includes: 1) Acknowledgments 2) Materials of Exhibition 3)
"The Midway Gardens" 4) "Architecture and Sculpture in the Making of
Midway Gardens" 5) "A letter to Mr. Iannelli from John Lloyd Wright" dated
June 10, 1954...
Continue... |
Pp 17 |
1526.08.0407 |
The Johnson Foundation: Wingspread, Racine, Wisconsin (Published by The
Johnson Foundation, Racine, Wisconsin) |
Peters, Gerald; O'Brien, James E.; Kincaid, Dorothy |
A pamphlet that includes reprints
of four articles about Wingspread. Dates include: November 27, 1960;
March 12, 1961; March 22, 1961; April 24, 1961. 8.5 x 11. (First
Edition) |
Pp 10 |
1464.04.0307 |
Wingspread: Dedication Ceremony. June 24, 1961 (Published by The
Johnson Foundation, Racine, Wisconsin) |
The Johnson Foundation |
A pamphlet for the dedication of
Wingspread. The home was designed by Wright in 1938 for Mr. And Mrs. H.
F. Johnson. In 1960, through a gift of the Johnson's, it become the
headquarters of The Johnson Foundation. 7.3 x 9.75. (First Edition) |
Pp 8 |
1464.03.0307 |
1962 |
Frank Lloyd Wright: A Biography
(British Version) (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Jnathan Cape,
London) |
Farr, Finis |
First published in the US, 1961.
Different version from US copy. 6 x 8.9. (First British Edition) 6 x 9 |
Pp 224 |
1459.01.0405 |
Marin County Civic Center
(Published by the Marin County Board of Supervisors) (Soft Cover) |
Marin County Board of Supervisors |
Pamphlet published for the
dedication of the building, October 1962."Beauty is the moving cause of
nearly every issue worth the civilization we have, and civilization
without a culture is like a man without a soul. Culture consists of the
expression by the human spirit of the love of beauty." Frank Lloyd
Wright, From an address to the people of Marin County, July 1957.
"Democracy, Gospel of Individuality. Only human values are life-giving.
No organic values are ever life taking. When man...
Continue... (Sweeney
1485) |
Pp 28 |
1485.00.0101 1485.00.0217 |
Marin County Civic Center, San
Rafael, California (Published by the Marin County Board of Supervisors) |
Marin County Board of Supervisors |
Pamphlet published for the
dedication of the building, October 1962. Includes five illustrations.
Smaller version of S.1485. 6.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) |
Pp 4 |
1485.01.0307 |
Living Architecture, Frank Lloyd
Wright (Hard Cover) (Published by Britannica Books, Chicago) |
Ransohoff, Doris |
Original HC List Price $2.95. 5.6 x 8.5.
(Compton's) (First Edition) Two copies.
(Sweeney 1486) |
Pp 191 |
1486.00.0499 1486.00.0899 |
Louis Sullivan. An Architect in
American Thought (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Prentice Hall, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.) |
Paul, Sherman |
Dust jacket: Louis Sullivan.
An Architect in American Thought treats Sullivan's writings
thoroughly for the first time and serves to place this remarkable man
not only in the intellectual context of his day but the main stream of
American thought. Louis Sullivan is remembered as a genius in
architecture, as a developer of the modern skyscraper, and is the
teacher of Frank Lloyd Wright. His theory of fundamentalism, which
insisted that form should follow function, broke new ground for
Continue... |
Pp 176 |
1526.63.0321 |
The Intellectual Versus The City.
From Thomas Jefferson to Frank Lloyd Wright. (Hard Cover, DJ) (Published
by Harvard University Press and The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Copyright by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.) |
White, Morton & Lucia |
Chapter 12: "Architecture against the City: Frank Lloyd Wright. ...A
powerful artist, a dramatic personality and lively writer, he dominates
twentieth-century American architecture in a way that makes him an
inevitable representative of his discipline in a study like the present
one." 6.25 x 9.5.
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1487) |
Pp 189-99 |
1487.00.1102 |
The Drawings of Frank Lloyd
Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published for the Museum of Modern Art by
Horizon Press, New York) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Introduction
by Drexler, Arthur |
Published in conjunction for the
exhibition "The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright." The Wright show will
remain until May 6. Enough Wright drawings to fill all the first floor
exhibition areas were amassed by Wilder Green and Arthur Drexler from
more than 8000 in the files of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. The
well-known Wright genius for presentation is here documented from its
earliest to its latest days... Includes 303 Illustrations. Original HC
List Price $15.00...
(Sweeney 1489) |
Pp 320 |
1489.00.0199 1489.00.0305 |
Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright, The (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by
Bramhall House, New York, a division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., by
arrangement with Horizon Press) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Introduction
by Drexler, Arthur |
Jacket: "This definitive new collection, one of the most important and
exciting books of Frank Lloyd Wright's work ever published, gives us the
privilege of watching the master architect at work. It is in the
magnificent drawings from his own hand - many never published before,
and never seen anywhere outside the architect's studios - that he
reveals to us, with astonishing clarity, the making and meaning of is
architecture... Continue...
(Sweeney 1489) |
Pp 320 |
1489.02.0215 |
Japanese Prints Exhibition (Soft Cover) (Published by Los Angeles
Municipal Art Commission, Los Angeles) |
Frank Lloyd Wright, L.A. Municipal
Art Department |
Catalog for an exhibition of Wright's Japanese Prints at the L.A.
Municipal Art Gallery, Barnsdall Park, from January 10 - Feb. 4, 1962.
Also includes a reprint from the 1917 Arts Club of Chicago, Sweeney
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1495) |
Pp 16 |
1495.00.1102 |
Architecture: Man in Possession
of His Earth (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Doubleday & Company, Inc.,
Garden City, New York. Biography by Iovanna Lloyd Wright. Designer and
editor Patricia Coyle Nicholson.) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Wright,
Iovanna Lloyd |
Is this Wright's "last testament to the
art he did so much to perfect", a "Memoir from a Master Builder" his
"last book"? So claims the Publisher. "In this profusely and handsomely
illustrated work Mr. Wright, characteristically original, explains
architecture in terms of its basic, common materials. Each new material,
as it was discovered or developed, came to be used in a different way...
As he introduces the material - stone, brick, wood... (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1496)
Continue... |
Pp 128 |
1496.00.0998 |
Frank Lloyd Wright: Man Over
Machine (Published by the Art Gallery and Museum, Hong Kong. Printed by
the Government Printer) |
Art Gallery and Museum, City Hall
Hong Kong |
Catalog: A Usis Exhibition, Art
Gallery and Museum, City Hall Hong Kong. September 28th to October 28th
1962. Includes 42 items. Price stamped on back 20c. 8 x 5.25. (First
Edition) |
Pp 16 |
1497.01.0406 |
Florida Southern College; Interlachen 1962 (Yearbook) (Published by
Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida) |
Florida Southern College |
Includes 18 images related to
Wright's buildings, which include the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel, Esplanade,
E. T. Roux Library, Frank Lloyd Wright Memorial, Ordway Arts Vista, Polk
Science Building, William H. Danforth Chapel, Waterdome and Watson
Administration Building. 9.25 x 12.25. (First Edition) |
Pp 5 8-9 12-13 16-20 194-195 |
1526.07.0307 |
1963 |
The Natural House (Soft Cover)
(Published by The New American Library, New York, Toronto, London. A
Mentor Book.) |
Wright, Frank
First New American Library
edition. Copyright 1954 by Horizon Press Inc. Publication date not
indicated, but published in 1963. Original cover price $1.25. 4.25 x 7.
(Third Edition)
(Sweeney 991) |
Pp 224 |
0992.06.0898 |
The Living City (Soft Cover)
(Mentor Books are published in the United States by the New American
Library of World Literature, Inc., New York.) |
Wright, Frank
First Mentor Books edition.
Copyright 1958 by Horizon Press Inc. "A master architect of the
twentieth century unfolds his revolutionary idea for a city of the
future, a brilliant solution to the ills of urbanization whereby man can
attain dignity in his home, his work, his community. Broadacre City is a
decentralized community in which the distinction between country and
city is obliterated. It is a vast design of dwellings " prefabricated
cottage apartment-office building, home for sloping ground...
(Sweeney 1218)
Pp 255 |
1218.05.0617 |
Architecture: Man in Possession
of His Earth (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Macdonald & Co.
(Publishers) Ltd., London, Made and printed in Great Britain by Henry
Hildesley Ltd., London. Biography by Iovanna Lloyd Wright. Designer and
editor Patricia Coyle Nicholson.) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Wright,
Iovanna Lloyd |
published in 1962 by Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York.
Exactly the same version as the U.S. edition with the exception of a new
Dust Jacket. Is this Wright's "last testament to the art he did so much
to perfect", a "Memoir from a Master Builder" his "last book"? So claims
the Publisher. "In this profusely and handsomely illustrated work Mr.
Wright, characteristically original, explains architecture in terms of
its basic... Continue...
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1496)
Pp 128 |
1496.01.0200 |
Guide to Chicago & Midwestern
Architecture (Two Copies) (Soft Cover) (Published by Burnham Library of
Architecture, Art Institute of Chicago) |
Burnham Library of Architecture,
Art Institute of Chicago |
is a revised version of Sweeney 747, Buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright in
Six Middle Western States, 1949. This edition contains Buildings by
Frank Lloyd Wright in Seven Middle Western States 1887-1959. Two copies
different cover wraps, but same paper inside. Same text. (First
(Sweeney 1527) |
Pp 28 |
1527.00.0503 1527.00.0404 |
Four Great Makers of Modern
Architecture: Gropius, Le Corbusier, Mies vander Rohe, Wright.
(Published by the Trustees of Columbia University, New York) |
Dow, Alden B.; Kaufmann, Edgar
Jr.; Manson, Grant; Churchill, Henry S.; Collins, George R.; Smith... |
Verbatim record of a symposium held at the School of Architecture from
March to May 1961. Includes chapters by: Dow: "The Continuity of Idea
and Form" Pp 24; Kaufmann: "The Fine Arts and Frank Lloyd Wright" Pp 27;
Manson: "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Tall Building" Pp 38; Churchill: "The Social Implications of the Skyscraper" Pp 44; Collins:
City: Wright's Utopia Reconsidered" Pp 55; Smith: "The Domestic
Architecture... (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1528)
Continue... |
Pp 296 |
1528.00.0306 |
Problems of the 19th & 20th
Centuries. Studies in Western Art. Acts of the Twentieth International
Congress of the History of Art. Volume IV (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published
by Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ) |
Introduction: Hitchcock,
Henry-Russell; Scully, Vincent Jr.; Brooks, H. Allen; Jacobs, Stephen
W.; Meeks, Carroll L... |
volume contains papers presented at the Twentieth International Congress
of the History of Art, held in New York City September 7-12, 1961. Five
presentations include: "Frank Lloyd Wright and Twentieth-Century Style"
by Scully; "The Prairie School, the Midwest Contemporaries of Frank
Lloyd Wright" by Brooks; "California Contemporaries of Frank Lloyd
Wright, 1885-1915" by Jacobs; "Wright's Eastern-Seaboard
Contemporaries... (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1529)
Continue... |
Pp 1-87 |
1529.00.1013 |
The House Beautiful, 1963
Facsimile Edition (Two Copies) (Hard Cover) (Published by W.R.
Hasbrouck, A.I.A., The Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) |
Gannet, William C. |
Originally designed By Frank Lloyd Wright in 1897. This is a much more
accurate reproduction than the 1996 version. Limited to 1,000 copies.
Original HC List Price $22.50. Two Copies. (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1530) |
Pp 55 |
1530.00.1200 1530.00.0404 |
Four Santa Barbara Houses:
1904-1917 (Soft Cover) (Published by The Art Gallery of the University
of California, Santa Barbara) |
Gebhard, David |
pamphlet for an exhibition presented by the Art Gallery of the
University of California, Santa Barbara, September 17 - November 12,
1963. Exhibition on four homes, one of which is the Stewart House (1909
- S.160). "The most adventuresome of these four Santa Barbara houses, in
terms of a bold articulation of interior space, is the Wright's house of
1909. The cruciform plan of this house, with its two-storied, balconied
living room, and low... (First Edition) (Sweeney
Continue... |
Pp 4 (+4 photographs) |
1531.00.0113 |
Architecture: Nineteenth and
Twentieth Centuries (Hard Cover) (First published in 1958. Published by
Penguin Books, Baltimore, Maryland) (The Pelican History of Art, Edited
by Nikolaus Pevsner) |
Hitchcock, Henry-Russell |
Chapter 19: "Frank Lloyd Wright and His California Contemporaries".
Summarizes Wrights life and work, and touches on Maybeck, Howard, Green
and a few other California Architects. Also heavily included in "The
Detached House in England and America". Includes eight floor plans
including the Heller, Husser, Hickox, Willitts, Glasner, Millard, Willey
and Jacobs Residences. Twelve black & white plates include the Winslow
(p128a), Hickox (p142a)... (Second Edition) (Sweeney
Continue... |
Pp 253-279, 320-335 |
1532.00.0113 |
The Highway and the City (Soft
Cover) (A Harvest Book. Published by Hartcourt, Brace & World, Inc., New
York) |
Mumford, Lewis |
A compilation of
23 articles written by Mumford between 1953 and 1963, including two
concerning Frank Lloyd Wright. 1) "What Wright Hath Wrought", published
in the New Yorker, December 5, 1959, "The Skyline: What Wright
Hath Wrought" (S.1339). 2) "Postscript: In Memoriam: 1869-1959",
published in The Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and
Letters and the National Institute of Arts and Letters as "Frank
Lloyd Wright", 1960... (First Edition) (Sweeney
Continue... |
Pp 124-142 |
1533.00.0113 |
Buildings, Plans And Designs,
Frank Lloyd Wright (Folio) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (First
Edition 1963 Printing) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Forward by
Peters, William Wesley |
In 1910, Frank Lloyd Wright
published the Wasmuth Portfolio entitled "Ausgefuhrte Bauten und
Entwurfe". It consisted of 100 loose elephant folio plates of drawings
and plans by Wright and was published by Ernst Wasmuth in Berlin. In
1963 Horizon Press republished the complete set in its original size,
including the case shown here. Also includes a 32 page booklet. "To thus
make of a dwelling place a complete work of art, in itself as expressive
and beautiful...
(Sweeney 1534)
Continue... |
Pp 100 + 32 |
1534.00.1100 1534.01.0716 |
Buildings, Plans & Designs -
Folio (Single Sheet) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) |
Frank Lloyd Wright |
Emma Martin House (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1534) |
Plate #74 |
1534.74.0200 |
Buildings, Plans & Designs -
Folio (Single Sheet) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) |
Frank Lloyd Wright |
Edward C. Waller House (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1534) |
Plate #91 |
1534.91.0200 |
Buildings, Plans And Designs,
Frank Lloyd Wright (Folio) (Published in Japanese, publisher unknown) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
Published in Japanese, English and German. In
1910 Frank Lloyd Wright produced the "Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe
von Frank Lloyd Wright," published by Ernst Wasmuth, in Berlin.
Each set consisted of two portfolios with a combined total of one
hundred separate plates and tissue overlays. Printed in German. Each
plate was 25.2" x 16." Included in the portfolios was a 32 page booklet.
In 1963, Horizon Press reproduced the portfolio as a single set, same
dimensions, in English. The order of the... Continue... |
Folio, 50 Plates, Booklet: Pp 22 |
1534.03.1021 |
Frank Lloyd Wright: Schriften Und
Bauten (Hard Cover, Red DJ, Black Square) (Published by Albert Langen
and Georg Muller, Munchen, Wien. Printed in Germany. It appears that the
only change between this and the next volume is the dust jacket.) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Selected by
Edgar Kaufmann & Ben Raeburn |
Printed in German. This book was designed to fill the need for a
compact, comparatively inexpensive volume which surveys the immense
range of Frank Lloyd Wright's lifework. The achievement of the master
architect is here presented in his own words and works -- the text
complemented by more than 150 illustrations, a rich abundance of
drawings, photographs, plans and sketches from the early 1890s to
1959... "The greatest of all architects... (First Edition) (Sweeney
Continue... |
Pp 332 |
1535.00.1214 |
Frank Lloyd Wright: Schriften Und
Bauten (Hard Cover, Black DJ, Red Square) (Published by Albert Langen
and Georg Muller, Munchen, Wien. Printed in Germany. It appears that the
only change between this and the previous volume is the dust jacket.) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Selected by
Edgar Kaufmann & Ben Raeburn |
Printed in German. This book was designed to fill the need for a
compact, comparatively inexpensive volume which surveys the immense
range of Frank Lloyd Wright's lifework. The achievement of the master
architect is here presented in his own words and works - the text
complemented by more than 150 illustrations, a rich abundance of
drawings, photographs, plans and sketches from the early 1890s to
1959... "The greatest of all architects...
(First Edition) (Sweeney
Continue... |
Pp 332 |
1535.00.0823 |
Roots of Life (Hard Cover DJ)
(Published by Horizon Press, New York) |
Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd |
Part of the boxed three
volume set. Original HC List Price $4.50.
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1536) |
Pp 256 |
1536.00.0899 |
la casa sulla cascata di F. L.
Wright, 25 anni dopo (Soft Cover) (Published by ET/AS Kompass, Italy) |
Zevi, Bruno & Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. |
prophecy and Fallingwater," Zevi. "Twenty five Years of the House on
the Waterfall, Frank Lloyd Wright architect" : Kaufmann. This is a
reprint from two separate articles in the August 1962 issue of
L'Architettura. The text is in Italian and English. This soft
cover edition is laid out differently then the hard cover version. It
has printed each article separately as it appears in the publication.
The HC version combines the two articles. Includes... (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1537)
Continue... |
Pp 80 |
1537.00.0301 |
A Singing Reed (Hard Cover DJ)
(Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago, Alderbrink Press.) |
Iris, Scharmel |
A compilation of 63 poems. "Acknowledgment is due the following
magazines in which some of these poems first appeared: The New York
Times, The Ladies Home Journal., The Little Review, The Stylus,
Poetry." Introduction: "...Scharmel Iris comes before us today in a
volume that does not depend for its reception upon his life history of
struggle with misfortune or upon the praise of other poets. He stands
upon his work. These selections from a great mass, the production of
years, seems to me to be of a singularly uniform excellence..." Robert
Morss Lovett.. Signed by the author. Original cover price $3.00. (First
Edition) 6.1 x 9.25. |
Pp 64 |
1565.45.1114 |
Exhibition of Designs by Frank
Lloyd Wright at Unity Temple. Lake St. & Kenilworth, Oak Park.
(Published by the Chicago Heritage Committee with the Cooperation of the
Unitarian Universalist Church, Oak Park) |
Barbour, Ted;
Hasbrouck, W. R.; Iannelli, Alfonso |
Pamphlet for the
"Exhibition of Designs by Frank Lloyd Wright",
featuring Furniture, Fabrics, Sculpture and Drawings. September 29,
1963. It also included a visit to three Wright homes: Winslow, Chauncey
Williams and Thomas Gale. Cover design by
Alfonso Iannelli
(1888-1965). Iannelli was a major American sculptor, poster and graphic
designer. He collaborated with Frank Lloyd Wright on the
Midway Gardens, Chicago,
1912-1915. 7 x 8.5. (Two copies.) |
Pp 4 |
1565.39.0213 1565.52.0817 |
Rookery Building, (HABS No.
ILL-1030), 209 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.
(Published by Historic American Building Survey, Office of Archeology
and Historic Preservation, National Park Service, Arlington, Virginia.) |
Osmund R. Overby |
"Photographs, Written Historical and Descriptive Data" (13 sheets),
Measured Drawings (8 sheets completed in August 1967, one of which
relates to Wright's remodel), and Photographs (two of the original Lobby
and two of Wright's remodeled Lobby). The Rookery building was designed
by Burnham and Root in 1888. Edward C. Waller, a client of Wright's,
managed the Rookery Building in 1905 and retained Wright in 1905 to
remodel the Entryway and Lobby. Wright's...
Continue... |
Pp 13 |
2086.01.0512 |
The Future of Architecture
(Published as a Mentor Book by the New American Library of World
Literature, Inc., New York) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
First published by Horizon Press
in 1953. Includes 41 photographs and one illustrations. Original cover
price 95c. 4.25 x 7.1. (First Mentor Edition) |
Pp 352 |
1565.16.0207 |
Drei Meisterarchitekten, Le
Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright (Three Master
Architect) (German) (Soft Cover) (Published by R. Piper & Co., Verlag,
Munchen) |
Blake, Peter |
Printed in
German. "The story of modern architecture is told in this absorbing and
beautifully illustrated book through the lives and works of the three
men who changed the face of the cities we live in..." (Publisher's
description.) Section 3 (15 Chapters): "Frank Lloyd Wright: and the
Mastery of Space. Frank Lloyd Wright was, very probably, the last of the
true Americans. This is not intended to suggest that he was of Red
Indian origin (which he wasn't) or that his ancestors...
(Sweeney 1379) |
Pp 372 |
1565.51.0516 |
1964 |
American Architecture and Other
Writings (Published by Atheneum, New York, by arrangement with Harvard
University Press. First published by Harvard University Press in 1961.
First Atheneum Edition.) |
Schuyler, Montgomery |
"Preface: In 1892 Montgomery Schuyler published a
volume of his essays under the modest title American Architecture -
Studies. Culled from magazine articles which appeared during the
preceding decade, the seven essays in this volume have long been
recognized as among the most perceptive, urbane, and progressive
critical writings on certain aspects of nineteenth-century American
architecture..." The last essay in this volume, "An Architectural...
Continue... (Sweeney 91B) |
Pp 312-316 |
0091.01.0516 |
Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture
and Space (Soft Cover) (Published by Penguin Books) |
Blake, Peter |
Originally published in 1960
as a section in "Master
Builders". Original SC List Price $1.45.
(Fourth Edition)
(Sweeney 1566) |
Pp 138 |
1566.00.0998 |
The Chicago School of
Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Random House, New York) |
Peisch, Mark
HC List Price $4.95.
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1567) |
Pp 177 |
1567.00.0102 |
The Chicago
School of Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by Random House, New
York) |
Peisch, Mark |
SC List Price $2.95.
(First SC Edition)
(Sweeney 1567) |
Pp 177 |
1567.01.1098 |
The Chicago
School of Architecture,.. |
Condit, Carl W. |
published in 1952 as "The Rise of the Skyscraper"...
Continue... |
Pp 238 |
1573.01.0810 |
Gammage Memorial Auditorium; Designed By Frank Lloyd Wright (Large
Booklet) (Soft Cover) (Published by Arizona state University, Tempe,
AZ) |
Edited by:
Smith, Dean |
Descriptive booklet for the Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium Designed
By Frank Lloyd Wright. "They had walked the length and breadth of the
campus that warm May afternoon in 1957, seeking a site for a university
auditorium that was as yet only an improbable dream... Mr. Wright
studied the grassy area in momentary silence, noting its circular
frontage bounded by a busy highway, and then declared: "I believe this
is the site. The structure...
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1569) |
Pp 36 |
1569.00.0502 |
Gammage Memorial Auditorium; Designed By Frank Lloyd Wright (Small
Booklet) (Soft Cover) (Published by Arizona State University) |
Edition) |
Pp 5 |
1569.02.0401 |
The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright,
From 1893-1900, Bt Robert C. Spencer, Jr. A Prairie School Press
Reissue. (Soft Cover) (Published as a reissue by The Prairie School
Press, Park Forest, Illinois) |
Spencer, Robert
C. Jr. |
Prairie School Press reprint of an article originally published in
Architectural Review,
June 1900 (Sweeney 41).
"The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright." Frank Lloyd Wright was 33 when this
extensive 12 page article was published. An article summarizing the work
of Frank Lloyd Wright, merely seven years into his career.
"The last year of the century finds the majority of our prominent and
successful architects still busily engaged...
Continue... (Sweeney 1571) |
Pp 13 |
1571.00.0124 |
American Buildings Survey, Isidore Heller Residence (Published by the
Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, Nation Park Service,
Arlington, Virginia) |
Rudd, J.
William |
Photographs, Written
Historical and Descriptive Data. Includes historical information and
events connected with the structure, architectural information, a
description of the exterior, interior and site. 8.5 x 11.
See our Wright Study on the
Heller Residence. |
Pp 7 |
1596.43.0614 |
Imperial Hotel Story (Soft Cover) (Published by The Imperial Hotel,
Japan) |
Hessell |
(See Sweeney
1814) (First Edition) |
Pp 62 |
1571.01.0399 |
Inspiration, An Essay By
Louis H. Sullivan, Architect. Read at the Third Annual Convention of the
Western Association of Architects at Chicago, November 17, 1886.) (Soft
Cover, Stiff cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher
Seymour) |
Sullivan, Louis
H. |
Henry Sullivan was born in 1856 and died in 1924. Frank Lloyd Wright
worked in his office, before starting his own firm, and years later
wrote, "I have tried - with honest arrogance - to describes the tragedy,
triumph, and significance of the great man who invariably signed himself
Louis H. Sullivan; to tell you why I, through never his disciple - nor
that of any man - called him Liebermeister." Sullivan was 30 years old
when he read this before the convention. "The following essay...
Continue... |
Pp 36 |
1596.55.0116 |
L'Architechture Du XX Siecle (The Architecture of the
Twentieth Century) (Hard Cover) (Published by Julliard, Paris. Printed
in Switzerland) |
Georges and Rosamond |
Printed in French. "This book prepared under the direction of Monique
Schneider-Maunoury. The texts and illustrations in this book have been
selected from
L'Oeil Magazine of Art,
Architecture and Decoration, directed by Georges and Rosamond Bernier.
Chapter 5: Frank Lloyd
Wright, Pp
48-59. 18 photographs and illustrations include: SC Johnson, Robie,
Imperial Hotel, Fallingwater, Taliesin West, Taliesin, Unitarian Meeting
House, Pauson, Florida Southern College (2), David Wright (2), Mile...
Continue... |
Pp 282 |
1596.27.0314 |
Modern Gardens and the Landscape (Soft Cover)
(Published by The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Dist. by Doubleday &
Co., Garden City, NY) |
Elizabeth B. |
Lloyd Wright included on pages15, 80-1, 89, 91, 93-5, 6 Photographs
Original SC List Price $2.75. (First Edition) |
Pp 96 |
1571.02.0302 |
Paintings from
the Huntington Hartford Collection in The Gallery of Modern Art
(Published by The Foundation for Modern Art, Inc., New York) |
Weinhardt, Carl
J., Jr., Director; Potter, Margaret, Curator |
Catalogue composed of 50
plates which include Cassatt, Dali, Degas, Hopper, Monet, Pissarro,
Sargent, Toulouse-Lautrec and Turner, to name a few. "Another important
American collector has decided to share his collection with the general
public..." Weinhardt. "...The public display of the Huntington Hartford
Collection is a setting specially designed for it states the belief of
its founder that within the...
our Wright Study on the Huntington Hartford Resort Project. |
Pp 69 |
1596.49.0515 |
Loren B. Pope
House, Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) (Published by the
National Park Service, Washington, D.C.) |
Myer, Donald B. |
Photographs and Written
Historical and Descriptive Data. "The Loren B. Pope House is an example
of a Usonian House as designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1940. This
represents the architect's efforts in low priced housing. It is one of
the few buildings in the Washington, D. C, area by this architect. The
Loren B. Pope House was built in 1940 in Falls Church, Virginia, a
suburb of Washington, D. C, by Loren...
For more information see
our Wright Study on the Pope-Leighey House. |
Pp 9 |
1596.54.0815 |
The Contemporary Bearing Wall,
Architectural Studies (Soft Cover) (Published by the Structural Clay
Products Institute, Washington D.C.) |
Structural Clay Products Institute |
Cover illustration: Larkin Building, Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect.
Although the cover illustration of the Larkin Building, designed by
Wright in 1903, the content of the booklet does not mention Wright or
his work. AIA File No. 5-Q. 11 x 8.5 (First Edition) |
Pp 28 |
1596.70.0918 |
The Contemporary Bearing Wall,
Construction Techniques (Soft Cover) (Published by the Structural Clay
Products Institute, Washington D.C.) |
Structural Clay Products Institute |
Cover illustration: Larkin Building, Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect.
Although the cover illustration of the Larkin Building, designed by
Wright in 1903, the content of the booklet does not mention Wright or
his work. AIA File No. 5-Q. 11 x 8.5 (First Edition) |
Pp 16 |
1596.71.0918 |
The Contemporary Bearing Wall,
Structural Design (Soft Cover) (Published by the Structural Clay
Products Institute, Washington D.C.) |
Structural Clay Products Institute |
Cover illustration: Larkin Building, Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect.
Although the cover illustration of the Larkin Building, designed by
Wright in 1903, the content of the booklet does not mention Wright or
his work. AIA File No. 5-Q. 11 x 8.5
(First Edition) |
Pp 36 |
1596.72.0918 |
Pre-Raphaelites. A Loan Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Members
of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and Their Associates. (Soft Cover)
(Published by the Herron Museum of Art, Indianapolis, and the Gallery of
Modern Art, New York, and includes the Huntington Hartford Collection.) |
Coley, Curtis
G. |
Catalogue for an exhibition
held at the Herron Museum of Art, Indianapolis and the Gallery of Modern
Art, New York, and included the Huntington Hartford Collection. "The
name, "Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood," probably coined by Rossetti, was
meant ot express the fundamental attitude of the group: that painting
since Raphael had suffered from the formalization and synthesization
which follows the adoption...
our Wright Study on the Huntington Hartford Resort Project. |
Pp 103 |
1596.50.0515 |
Spanish Earth
(Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) |
Iris, Scharmel |
Compilation of 64 poems. "This
is the fifth book of poems by Scharmel Iris, poet-in-residence at Lewis
College, whose greatness as a poet has been acclaimed by some of the
noted writers of our age. He is internationally recognized. Salvador de
Madariaga, historian of the Spanish race, writes in his preface to the
assembled poems, "This poetry is Spanish poetry, written in English..."
Roy Campbell... says in his epilogue: "I have no hesitation in
pronouncing this book a triumph of the poetic imagination..." (Back
cover.) Original list price $3.00. (First Edition) 6 x 9.25 |
Pp 77 |
1596.48.1014 |
The Johnson Foundation and its Wingspread (Published
by The Johnson Foundation, Racine, Wisconsin) |
Oliver, William |
"In the
village of Wind Point, which touches the northeast corner of Racine,
there stands a lighthouse on the sore of Lake Michigan. A short distance
away is a building called Wingspread - it too is a lighthouse of sorts,
casting a beam of light which penetrates the darkness of ignorance
shrouding a true understanding of man and the universe in which he
lives." Reprinted from the Autumn 1964 Issue of Wisconsin Tales and
Trails. Includes ten photographs and two illustrations. 9 x 12. (First
Edition) |
Pp 8 |
1596.15.1109 |
1965 |
La casa sulla cascata di F.
Ll. Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright's
Fallingwater (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by ET/AS Kompass, Italy) |
Zevi, Bruno & Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. |
prophecy and Fallingwater" Zevi. "Twenty five Years of the House on the
Waterfall, Frank Lloyd Wright architect" Kaufmann. This is a reprint
from two separate articles in the August 1962 issue of
L'Architettura. The text is in Italian and English. This hard
cover edition is laid out differently then the soft cover version. It
combines the text from both articles at the front of the book. Includes
123 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price L. 3500. 9.5 x
12.75. (Second Edition: 1965)
1537) |
80 |
1537.01.0301 |
Valley of the God-Almighty Joneses (Hard Cover -
DJ) (Published by Appleton-Century, New York) |
Barney, Maginel Wright |
Written by Frank Lloyd Wright's Sister. Original
HC List Price $4.95.
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1597) |
156 |
1597.00.0902 |
Wright: il Museo Guggenheim (Stiff Soft
Cover) |
Cresti, Carlo |
(Italian) Original SC List Price Lire 800. (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1600) |
Pp 7+ |
1600.00.0501 |
Lloyd Wright America's Greatest Architect (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published
by Harcourt, Brace and World, New York) |
Jacobs, Herbert |
A stormy
genius, idolized by his devoted students and followers but misunderstood
and often mistrusted by those too conventional to follow his swift
imagination, Wright was the leading force in the development of modern
architecture. Jacobs commissioned Wright to design two homes for his
family. Original HC List Price $3.95 5.75 x 8.25. (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1601) |
Pp 223 |
1601.00.0899 |
The Work
of Frank Lloyd Wright,
The Great Wendingen Edition (Hard Cover - Boxed Slip Cover) (Published
by Horizon Press, New York) |
Wijeveld, H.
Th. |
of the 1925 version. Printed like the original, on one side and
folded. Original HC List Price $42.50. (First Edition)
Five copies. (Sweeney 1604) |
Pp 164 |
1604.00.0698 1604.00.1098 1604.00.0800
1604.00.0305 1604.00.0613 |
Work of
Frank Lloyd Wright,
The Wendingen Edition (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published
by Bramhall House, a division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., New York) |
Wijeveld, H.
Th. |
This BH
version does not have the double folded pages. The BH cloth cover of the
first edition is more in keeping with the original Horizon cover. The
fourth and sixth editions have a black spine with a three in wrap, and
the rest of the cover in a beige cloth. Original HC List Price $14.98,
$42.50 for the Sixth Edition. 12 x 12.75. (First, Fourth and Sixth
Edition - Three copies.) (Sweeney 1604) |
Pp 164 |
1604.02.0500 1604.02.0799 1604.02.0307 |
Barnsdall, Aline; Residence A (HABS No. CAL-375), 4800 Hollywood
Boulevard, Los Angeles, California. (Published by Historic American
Building Survey, National Park Service, Western Office, San Francisco,
California.) |
Winter, Robert; Girvigian, Raymond |
Architectural and Historical Significance; Historical Information;
References, Architectural Description; First and Second Floor Plans.
Corresponds with a set of six photographs. 8.5 x 11 |
Pp 9 |
1628.51.1115 |
Famous Buildings. A Photographic Guide to the City's Architectural
Landmarks and Other Notable Buildings (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by The
University of Chicago Press, Chicago & London) |
by: Siegel, Arthur; Foreword: Bach, Ira J.; Essays: Duncan, Hugh
Dalziel; Condit, Carl W. |
Begins with two essays. The first, "The Chicago School: Principles..."
by Duncan, and "The Chicago School: ...and Practice": by Condit. Of the
92 examples, it includes Wright buildings. #15: Rookery Building and
Wright remodel. #29: Charnley House. $33: Sullivan House. #37: Francis
Apartments. #38: Francisco Terrace Apartments. #41: Heller House. #52:
E-Z Polish Building. #57: Robie House. During 1961-62,
Laird Scott was
a Senior... Continue... See
our Wright Study on the Heller Residence. |
Pp 230 |
1628.45.0514 |
C 1965
Frank Lloyd Wright (Untitled) (Plans & Elevations) (Soft Cover)
(Publisher not noted. Bound in a stiff stock, with a red square on the
cover. All pages are printed on blue-print stock. Possibly a one-off or
printed in a limited edition. No publishing information.) |
Anonymous |
Blue print copies of Frank Lloyd Wright's floor plans and elevations,
bound in a soft cover. No title page, no publishing information, not
dated. All pages are printed on blue-print paper including the list at
the front of the book and all drawing. The first 14 pages is a numbered
list of all 369 plans. Numbered list includes Name, address and date of
plan. The list is compiled by date, beginning in 1887 and ending in
1957, with the addition of the last drawing by Bruce Goff dated 1965.
All are Wright projects...
Pp 383 |
1628.103.1021 |
Modern Architecture U.S.A. Presented by the Museum of Modern Art and the
Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts (Soft Cover)
(Published by the Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY) |
Drexler, Arthur |
A booklet that accompanied an exhibit on modern architecture in the
United States shown at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1965.
introduction by Arthur Drexler. A series of 69 important buildings over
the years are each briefly discussed with a b/w photograph, and in some
cases, a floor plan. From Frank Lloyd Wright's 1906 Unity temple in Oak
Park, to Philip Johnson's 1964 New York State Theater in Lincoln Center,
New York. Includes Frank...
Pp 36 |
1628.108.0424 |
Salvador Dali 1910-1965. An Exhibition in the Gallery
of Modern Art. Including the Huntington Hartford Collection. December
18, 1965 - February 28, 1966. (A: Soft Cover, B: Library rebound)
(Published by The Foundation for Modern Art, New York) |
Weinhardt, Carl
J.; Rousseau, Theodore; Canton, Francisco Javier; Dali, Salvador |
"It is hard to believe that
twenty-five years have elapsed since the Museum of Modern Art presented
the first major Dali exhibition in this country. During those years the
artist has continued to work at his richly productive pace. Thus it is
high time for another survey, which not only covers his stylistic
evolution since 1941, but one which goes back to he very beginning..."
The catalogue includes 150 plates, the exhibition...
our Wright Study on the Huntington Hartford Resort Project. |
Pp 160 |
1628.49.0515 |
The Judgment Seat. Introduction
by Dame Edith Sitwell (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher
Seymour) |
Iris, Scharmel |
"To run across a book of
beautiful poems in today's troubled world may be likened to the finding
of a cool spring in a desert - not often come upon! It is a pleasure to
announce the publication of a new book of this character. The comments
by notables in the field of literature bear out, give substance to this
statement. The Judgment Seat is Scharmel Iris' latest publication." Dust
jacket. Comments by Carl Sandburg, T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound and Robert
Frost. Original list price $3.00. C 6 x 9.25
(First Edition) |
Pp 65 |
1628.54.1116 |
Vidas Ilustres - September 19,
1965 - (Published by the "Organizacion Editorial Novaro, S.A." Naucalpan
de Juorez, State of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico) |
Macotela, Fernando: Literary
Adaptation |
Published in Spanish.
Introduction: (Frank) Lloyd Wright, Arquitecto Del Futuro (Architect of
the Future).
Presentamos en este cuaderna tustrado una historia que... We Present in
this ribbed frame a story that will certainly attract the attention of
young people, for its dynamism, for its human value, and, above all, for
demonstrating how individual effort, when supported by the firm decision
to succeed, manages to reach its goal. That story is that of the great
American architect Frank Lloyd Wright...
Pp 32 |
1628.107.0423 |
1966 |
A Testament - (Hard
Cover Slip Case) (Published by Shokokusha, Tokyo. Translated by Masami
and Yoshiko Tanigawa.) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
Edition. Frank Lloyd Wright separates this volume into two books. Book
One - Autobiography. Unlike other volumes that Wright revised and
updates, this does not appear to be a revision of his early "An
Autobiography, but a fresh autobiography of his life. Book Two - The New
Architecture. "Frank Lloyd Wright presents an illuminating synthesis of
the nine great principles upon which he has unremittingly based his
lifework. This is the basic account of his creative life and ideas...
(Sweeney 1149) |
Pp 257 |
1149.04.1017 |
Frank Lloyd Wright Vision and Legacy (Soft Cover) |
Committee of Architectural Heritage |
A catalog for exhibition Sept. 15 - Oct. 1, 1965
at the University of Illinois, to raise funds for the restoration of the
Robie House. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1629) |
32 |
1629.00.0404 |
Frank Lloyd Wright,
Pioneer of Organic Architecture (Egypt) (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by
National House for Printing and Publishing, Egypt) |
Hammad, Mohammad;
Karim, Sayed |
Published in Arabic.
Volume reads from back to front. Text is all in Arabic. Many photographs
and illustration throughout. This may have been an unauthorized edition.
The photographs are of a poor quality. It appears that the photographs
were scanned from other books, not original photographs. They have the
appearance like a Zerox copy. The cover portrait is a copy of the
illustration and frontispiece from
Frank Lloyd Wright, Rebel in Concrete, Forsee, 1959, and illustrated...
(Sweeney 1631) |
Pp 231 |
1631.00.1223 |
Architects on Architecture: New Directions in America (Hard Cover) |
Heyer, Paul |
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1632) |
60-6 |
1632.00.0201 |
American Buildings Survey, Chicago & Nearby Illinois Areas (Soft Cover)
(Published by The Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) |
Compiled by:
Rudd, J. William, |
A list of measured drawings, photographs and
written documentation, in the survey 1966. Compiled and edited by
Historic American Buildings Survey. Published in conjunction with the
exhibit of the Historic American Building Survey which opened in January
1966 in Chicago and traveled throughout the United States for the next
couple years. Survey incorporates sixteen building by Wright and
includes three photographs and illustrations pertaining to Wright's
buildings. 6 x 9.
(First Edition) (Sweeney
1633) |
Pp 52 |
1633.00.1212 |
1966  |
A Guide to the Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright
in Oak Park & River Forest, Ill (Soft Cover) (Published by The Prairie
School Press) |
Edited by The Oak Park Public Library; Intro by W.R. Hasbrouck |
Original SC List Price $1.00. (First
Edition) (Sweeney 1634) |
31 |
1634.00.0602 |
Frank Lloyd Wright: A Study in Architectural
Content (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood
Cliffs, NJ) |
Smith, Norris Kelly |
Two copies, one with, and one without a
dust jacket. Original HC List Price $5.95. 6 x 8. (First and Second
Edition) (Sweeney 1636) |
178 |
1636.00.0606 |
Frank Lloyd Wright: A Study in Architectural Content (Soft Cover)
(Published by Prentice-Hall, Inc.) |
Smith, Norris Kelly |
Original SC List Price $2.45 (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1636) |
178 |
1636.01.0401 |
Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover
with Slip Cover) (Japanese) (According to Sweeney, published by Kajima
Kenkyusho or Kajima Institute, Tokyo. Translated by a Japanese friend
as: Kajima Institute Publishing Group, Tokyo) |
Tanigawa, Masami |
description: "Not Seen. Cited in the bibliography published by the Oak
Park Public Library.") It appears to be a biography on the life of Frank
Lloyd Wright. Chapters include: Imperial Hotel Designer; Birth 1867 or
1869; Frubel's Benefits; To Chicago! Sullivan's Office; Chicago; First
Golden Era; First Golden Era II; Misfortune, Adversity; Escape from the
USA; Second Golden Era II; Light Positioning; Notes about Organic
Architecture, Afterward; Reference Book...
Continue... (Sweeney 1644) |
Pp 215 |
1644.00.1017 |
Die Zukunft Der Architektur
(Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Albert Langen, Georg Muller, Verlag GmbH,
Munchen, Wien) |
Wright, Frank
Lloyd |
Future of Architecture" published in
German. This volume follows the outline of the original volume published
in 1953. A collection of previously published work including "A
Conversation with Hugh Downs" broadcast May 17, 1953; "Modern
Architecture"; "Two Lectures";
"Architecture and Modern Life"; "An
Organic Architecture"; "Organic
Architecture". This edition does not include as many photographs,
and they are published in the center of the book. 8 x 10.25
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1645) |
Pp 250 |
1645.00.0613 |
Ein Testament: Zur neuen
Architektur (A Testament to the New Architecture) (Soft Cover)
(Publisher: Ernesto Grassi. Editors: Ursula / Eginhard Hora Munchen.
German translation by Peter Jonas.) |
Wright, Frank
Lloyd |
German soft cover edition of
A Testament. Herausgeber: Ernesto Grassi. Redaktion: Ursula / Eginhard
Hora Munchen. Deutsche Ubertragung von Peter Jonas. (Publisher: Ernesto
Grassi. Editors: Ursula / Eginhard Hora Munchen. German translation by
Peter Jonas.) (Copyright Albert Langen - Georg Muller, Munchen) Includes
some of the photographs nad drawings that appeared in the original
English edition. 4.5 x 7.5.
(First SC Edition)
(Sweeney 1646) |
Pp 185 |
1646.00.0613 |
1966  |
L'Avenir De L'Architecture (Soft
(Published by Editions Gonthier) |
Frank Lloyd
Wright |
French Version of "The Future of Architecture".
Original SC List Price 15 F + TL = 15,40 F (First
Edition - Paperback) (Sweeney 1647) |
Pp 252 |
1647.00.1201 |
Frank Lloyd Wright, His Life, His Work, His Words
(Hard Cover) (Published by Horizon Press) |
Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd |
Original HC List Price $10.00 (First Edition) (Sweeney
1648) Three copies, Two with Dust Jackets. |
Pp 224 |
1648.01.0699 1648.02.0501 |
1966  |
Men of Modern Architecture
(Hard Cover - DJ)
(Published by Macrae Smith Company Philadelphia) |
Forsee, Aylesa |
Chapter Two: Frank Lloyd
Wright: Uncommon Architect, Uncommon Man. Original HC List Price $4.75
Edition) |
35-64 |
1652.01.0102 |
Oscar Steffens House, (HABS No. ILL-1063), 7631 North
Sheridan Road, Chicago. (Published by Historic American Building Survey,
Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, National Park Service,
Arlington, Virginia.) |
Rudd, J.
William |
"Written Historical and Descriptive Data" (5 sheets), "Measured
Drawings" (6 sheets), and Photographs (two photocopies of a photograph
and floor plans published in "Frank
Lloyd Wright, Ausgefuhrte Bauten"
(Executed Buildings), 1911. In April, 1963, just before the destruction
of the Steffens Residence, architects R. Gardner and J. William Rudd
recorded precise measurements...
(Sweeney 2083) For more
information see our Wright Study on the Oscar Steffens Residence. |
Pp 12 |
2083.00.0512 |
Witness To Our Time (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by The Viking Press,
Inc., New York, New York) |
Eisenstaedt, Alfred |
Dust jacket: "Both as a
collection of great photographs and for its coverage of famous people
and historic events by a single photographer, witness to our time is
unique in the history of book publishing. From the late 1920s to the
year 1966, Alfred Eisenstaedt " a staff photographer of life from its
beginning in 1936 " has probably traveled more miles and photograph more
people in high -- and low -- places than any other living photographer.
That fabulous record of a life behind the lens is set... Continue... |
Pp 343 |
1679.30.0122 |
1967 |
The Architecture of Wisconsin (Hard Cover DJ) Published by The State
Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison) |
Perrin, Richard W. E. |
Published in
Commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of
Wisconsin Magazine of History,
1917-1967. Preface: These essays on the architecture of Wisconsin first
appeared in somewhat different form in the Wisconsin Magazine of
History... Chapter 16, p.134-162. "A Prophet in His Own Country." First
publishes in August,
1964 issue. "Frank Lloyd Wright, distinguished American architect,
was born in Richland Center, Wisconsin... At the time of his death he
was immersed... Continue...
(Sweeney 1592) |
Pp 175 |
1592.01.0720 |
F. LL. Wright 1,
Contemporary Architects Series (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Bijutsu
Shuppan - sha, Tokyo) |
Photography: Futagawa,
Yukio Text: Urabe, Sshizutaro; Amano, Taro |
First published in 1967. Text is in Japanese and a
some English. Number 1, a photographic essay of Frank Lloyd Wright
designed Public Buildings. 74 plates, including 13 in color; 23 plans
and sections. 68 photographs by Yukio Futagawa.
F. LL. Wright 2 was published in
1968. An American edition of this volume was published in 1970,
Lloyd Wright, I: Public Buildings.
Plated in B&W and color. (Second Edition) 8 x 10.25 |
Pp 118 |
1680.01.0422 |
Architectural Essays From The Chicago School: Thomas Tallmadge, Louis
H. Sullivan, Jens Jensen and Frank Lloyd Wright. From 1900 to 1909. A
Prairie School Press Reissue (Published by The Prairie School Press,
Forest Park, IL) |
Edited by W.R. Hasbrouck: 1) Thomas Tallmadge: 4-7) Wright,
Frank Lloyd |
Includes reprints of the
following articles: 1) "The Chicago School" The Architectural Review,
April 1908, Pp 69-74. Includes three Wright photographs. (S#83). 2)
"Current Periodicals" The Architectural Review, April 1908, Pp 78.
Includes five Wright photographs. 4) "A Home in a Prairie Town"
The Ladies Home Journal, February 1901, Pp 17. Includes five
illustrations. (S#45). 5) "A Small House
with Lots of Room in It" The Ladies Home Journal, July 1901, Pp 15.
Includes six illustrations... Continue... (Sweeney 1682) |
20 |
1682.00.1206 |
1967  |
The Japanese Print: An Interpretation (Hard Cover,
Boxed Slip Case) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) |
Frank Lloyd |
Revised Edition.
The Japanese Print: An Interpretation was first printed in 1912 by
Ralph Fletcher Seymour (S.109). In 1905, Frank Lloyd Wright toured
Japan. In 1906, Wright exhibits his collection of
Japanese Hiroshige Prints at the Art
Institute of Chicago. In 1908, Wright and three other major collectors
exhibit their
Japanese Prints at the
Art Institute of Chicago. It was the largest exhibit of Ukiyo-e prints
ever displayed in America. Wright designed the exhibition installation
for the Art Institute... Continue... (Sweeney
1686) |
144 |
1686.00.1123 |
Oriental Art. Snuff Bottles. Bronzes, Jades. Pottery & Porcelains.
Paintings. Furniture & Decorative Objects. (Produced by Parker, Bernet
Galleries, Inc., New York) |
Parker, Bernet Galleries, Inc. |
Estate of the Late Senator Theodore Francis Green and other Owners.
Public Auction December 14 and 15. A total of 499 items, which included
119 items sold by an "Arizona Educational Institution" (The Frank Lloyd
Wright Foundation). Item [148] "Japanese Carved and Lacquered Statue of
Daruma" 22.5 inches tall, pictured on page 19, is clearly pictured in
"Frank Lloyd Wright A Biography" Farr, 1961, plate 20, on the
top shelf in the Studio at Taliesin. Purchased for $2,100 by Mrs. Mary
Griggs Burke...
Continue... |
Pp 92 |
1720.05.0110 |
American Art Since 1900, A Critical History (Soft
(Published by Frederick A. Praeger, New York, Washington) |
Rose, Barbara |
Includes references on Wright and seven
photograph. Original SC List Price $3.95 (Second Edition) |
320 |
1686.01.0301 |
Architecture in
Michigan. A photographic Survey (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Wayne
State University, Detroit) |
Andrews, Wayne |
Wayne Andrews was
born on September 5, 1913. He graduated from Harvard College in 1936. He
was the Curator of Manuscripts at the New York Historical Society, and
an editor at Charles Scribner's Sons. He received a doctorate at
Columbia University in1956. His PhD was published as Architecture,
Ambition, and Americans, Harper's, 1955. He was the American Art
Professor at Wayne State University, Detroit from 1964 to 1983. He
published many articles: Harper's Bazaar - July 1948, Pp 76;
Continue... |
Pp 112 Unpaginated |
1720.36.0417 |
Frank Lloyd Wright,
His Life. His Works. His Views (Egypt) (Stiff Soft Cover) (Published by
Arab Renaissance House, Egypt) |
Mahmoud, Mohammed
Tawfiq; Fathi, Hassan |
Published in Arabic. Volume reads from back to front. Text is all in
Arabic. Many photographs and illustration throughout. A few color
plates. This may have been an unauthorized edition. The photographs are
of a poor quality. It appears that the photographs were scanned from
other books, not original photographs. They have the appearance like a
Zerox copy. Cover illustration adapted from a
Frank Lloyd
Wright Foundation First Day Cover, 1966, which may have been adapted
from an earlier illustration...
Pp 946 |
1720.99.1223 |
Monona Basin Project, Schematic Master Plan (Soft
Cover) (Published by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation) |
Peters, William Wesley, Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation |
Schematic Master Plan for the City of Madison,
Wisconsin. The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, December 1967. Double
Paper Cover, Embossed. (First Edition) |
90 |
1686.02.0304 |
Monona Basin Project, Schematic Master Plan (Printed for distribution
as a public information service of the City of Madison) |
Peters, William Wesley |
Excerpts from the more extensive report, Schematic
Master Plan for the City of Madison, Wisconsin. The Frank Lloyd Wright
Foundation, December 1967. (First Edition)
9 |
1686.03.0306 |
Sources of Modern
Architecture, A Bibliography (Published by Lund Humphries, London, for
the Architectural Association, London) (An edition was published in New
York by George Wittenborn.) |
Compiled by: Sharp, Dennis |
Includes a section on Frank Lloyd Wright (pages
38-39). "In 1900, as Hitchcock has remarked, "he came to maturity". The
prairie house period began. People in America were beginning to take
notice of his writings, lectures and buildings. During the next decade
Europe became aware of the work of this remarkable architect..." It
includes a short bibliography and a list of 29 books and articles by and
about Wright. (Paper Number 2 of 3.) 8.25 x 11.6. (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1685) |
56 |
1685.00.0613 |
The Natural House
(Hard Cover Slip Case) (Published by Shokokusha, Tokyo,. Translated by
Raku Endo) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
Japanese Edition. Published in Japanese. This
Japanese edition divides this volume in two parts, Book One: 1936-1953;
and Book Two: 1954.
From the dust jacket, Horizon Publishing Edition, 1954: When Frank Lloyd
Wright turns his attention to one of the most important personal
problems now facing practically everyone in our society - it is a time
for rejoicing.
The world's greatest architect here meets the urgent problem...
Continue... |
Pp 200 |
0992.11.0724 |
The Wise Bamboo (Published by the Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland,
Vermont and Tokyo.) |
Morris, J. Malcolm |
Originally published in
1954. This special edition for sale in Japan, okinawa and Korea only,
being a complete and unabridged reproduction of the first American
Edition. Six hectic, funny and exciting years as manager of Tokyo's
Imperial Hotel. Portions of this book were first published as an article
"The Saturday Evening Post" 1952 in an article entitled "My
Six Fantastic Years at the Imperial Hotel." Original cover price
¥540 or $1.50. 4.75 x 7.1. (Fourteenth Edition) |
253 |
1720.10.0810 |
Twenty Letters to a Friend (Hard Cover) (Published by Harper & Row, New
York and Evanston) |
Alliluyeva, Svetlana; Translated by Priscilla Johnson McMillan |
Svetlana Stalina, daughter
of Joseph Stalin, later known as Svetlana Alliluyeva, created an
international stir when she defected from the Soviet Union in 1967.
Fourteen years after her father's death, She traveled to India, where
she sought political asylum at the U.S. embassy. She arrived in the U.S.
one month later, settling in Princeton, N.J., and denouncing the Soviet
Union. Married four times, she had two children in Russia, from her
first two marriages, and a third child, Olga, from her fourth...
Continue... |
246 |
1720.21.0313 |
1968 |
The Living City (Hard Cover Slip
Case) (Published by Shokokusha, Tokyo,. Translated by Masami and Yoshiko
Tanigawa.) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
Japanese Edition. In 1930
Wright gave his renowned lecture on The City at Princeton University. In
1932 he published his now classic indictment as "The Disappearing City".
Wright continued to work on his thesis and in 1945 republished it as
"When Democracy Builds". With this third and final version, "The Living
City" he expanded and rewrote it completely. This edition is a
translation of the third and final version. Inscribed: "To Mr. & Mrs. W.
R. Hasbrouck. (From)...
(Sweeney 1218)
Pp 295 |
1218.06.1017 |
with Henry Brandon (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Houghton Mifflin
Company, Boston) |
Brandon, Henry;
Wright Frank Lloyd |
Chapter 3:
"Frank Lloyd Wright: Beyond Modern Architecture. He was not just a
creative genius, he was a visionary with a poetic pathos. Like so many
geniuses, he was an eccentric and like so many eccentrics he was
egocentric, and because he was so flamboyantly, so rebelliously
egocentric he tended to be tyrannical. But, as everything he did, even
his tyranny was in the grand manner... November 1957." One of 15
interviews. Original list price $4.95. 5.6 x 8.75 (Sweeney
1721) |
Pp 55-62 |
1721.00.0613 |
F. LL. Wright 2,
Contemporary Architects Series (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Bijutsu
Shuppan - sha, Tokyo) |
Photography: Futagawa,
Yukio Text: Ikuta, Tsutomu; Misawa, Hiroshi |
Text is in
Japanese. Number 2, a photographic essay of Frank
Lloyd Wright designed private residences. The first, "F. LL.
Wright, 1" a study of Wright public buildings, was published in 1967.
Also includes a list of buildings in Oak Park and River Forest. Includes
66 plates, some in color. 8 x 10.25
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1722) |
Pp 120 |
1722.00.0418 |
The Robie House, Frank Lloyd Wright (HABS) (Soft
Cover) (Published by The Prairie School Press) |
Prairie School Press |
Reprint of the drawings completed by the Historic
American Building Survey (HABS). 14 drawings. Original SC List Price
$2.50 (First Edition) (Sweeney 1723) |
15 |
1723.00.0404 |
The Imperial Hotel: Frank Lloyd Wright and the Architecture of Unity
(Published by the Charles E, Tuttle Company, Inc. Rutalnd, Vermont and
Tokyo, Japan) (Hard Cover DJ) |
James, Cary |
As destruction of Wright's Imperial Hotel loomed,
Cary documents the condition of the structure in 1965. Includes 46
numbered pages of text, 63 photographic plates and six illustrations and
floor plans in fold out spreads. 7.75 x 10.5. Original HC List Price
$7.50. Two copies. (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1725) |
140 |
1725.00.1198 1725.01.1106 |
Frank Lloyd Wright - Rebel Architect (Hard Cover
- Library Binding) (Published by Franklin Watts, Inc. New York) |
Naden, Corinne J. |
He may well have been America's greatest
architect. He was probably the most influential architect of any age.
Years ahead of his time, he created a new kind of architectural
expression that has never been equaled. Two Copies 5.75 x 8.5. (First
and Second Edition) (Sweeney 1729) |
147 |
1729.00.1000 1729.02.0105 |
People of Destiny,
Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - Library Binding) (Published by
Childrens Press, Chicago) |
Richards, Kenneth G. |
Original HC Library Binding List Price $5.25.
8.75 x 11.25. (First Edition) (Sweeney
1730) |
96 |
1730.00.0301 |
Imperial Hotel
1921-67 (Hard Cover, Boxed) (Published by Kajima Institute Publishing
Company, Tokyo.) |
Watanabe, Yoshio
Photographer. Text: Naito, Tachu; Akashi, Shindo; Yamamoto, Gakuji |
Text in
Japanese. A photo essay of the Imperial Hotel. 56 illustrations, nine
color plates. Inscribed: "To Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Hasbrouck. (From) Masami
Tanigawa." Acquired from the estate of Wilbert and Marilyn Hasbrouck.
Original list price Y2500. 10 x 9.5
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1731) |
Pp 102 |
1731.00.1017 |
Early Work "Ausgefuhrte Bauten 1911"
(Hard Cover - Boxed Slip Cover) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) |
Frank Lloyd Wright |
Original HC Slip Cover List Price $15.00. (First
Edition) (Sweeney 1732) |
143 |
1732.00.0199 |
Early Work "Ausgefuhrte Bauten 1911"
(Hard Cover) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) |
Frank Lloyd Wright |
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1732) |
143 |
1732.00.0100 |
Early Work "Ausgefuhrte Bauten 1911"
(Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Bramhall House, New York) |
Frank Lloyd Wright |
(First Edition)
(Sweeney 1732) |
143 |
1732.02.0899 |
Architecture in Chicago &
Mid-America. A Photographic History (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by
Atheneum Publishers, New York) |
Andrews, Wayne |
Dust jacket: "Here in 260
stunning photographs (all but 31 of which are the work of Mr. Andrews)
is a magnificently comprehensive survey of the important buildings of
the middle west from the days of the Greek and Gothic Revivals to the
present. All of the world-famous Chicago skyscrapers are included, and
for the first time the masterpieces of Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd
Wright, and Eliel and Eero Saarinens in this area are gathered together
in one book. But Mr. Andrews has not slighted...
Continue... |
Pp 186 |
1757.22.0219 |
Southern College; Interlachen 1968 (Yearbook) (Published by Florida
Southern College, Lakeland, Florida) |
Southern College |
"On the
following pages the statements have been taken from the texts of books
by Frank Lloyd Wright. These comments on education with the photographs
of buildings conceived by Mr. Wright comprise a tribute the inspiration
distilled from his philosophy," "...its architecture will cause it to
become a beacon of light." p.1. "No school exists without something to
teach..." p. 2. Includes 8 images related to Wright's buildings, which
include the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel and Polk Science Building. 9 x 12.25.
(First Edition) |
Pp Cover 1 2 11
13 20 40 208-9 |
1757.12.1213 |
Great Modern Architecture (Published by Studio Vista Limited, London
and E.P. Dutton and Co., Inc, New York) |
Cantacuzino, Sherban |
First three chapters in the book pertain to
Wright. 1: Unity Temple; 2: Taliesin West; 3: S.C. Johnson and Son
Administration Building. Includes 15 photographs and four
illustrations. First published in 1966. Original Soft Cover price
$1.95. 5 x 7.25. (Second Edition) |
8 -27 |
1732.05.1006 |
Keats. A Bibliography
and Reference Guide with an Essay on Keats' Reputation. (Hard Cover DJ)
(Published by the University of Toronto Press, Toronto) |
MacGillivray, J. R. |
First published in
1949. Preface. This Bibliography and Reference Guide is intended to
provide a convenient joint catalog of Keats' published writings (in
there many additions) with significant books and articles about the poet
and his work, from 1816 to 1946. It is hope that both parts will be of
use not only to students of Keats but also, in some degree, to scholars
whose center of interest may be elsewhere in the literature between his
time and ours. Comment on Keats from Hunt and Jeffrey (or...
Pp 210 |
1757.51.1220 |
The Fountainhead (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Bobbs-Merrill Company,
Inc., Indianapolis, New York) |
Rand, Ayn |
Originally published in 1943. This version
published on the 25th anniversary. The Fountainhead (based on Wright)
is a story of one man, Howard Roark, and his struggles as an architect
in the face of a successful rival, Peter Keating, and a newspaper
columnist, Ellsworth Toohey. But the book addresses a number of
universal themes: the strength of the individual, the tug between good
and evil, the threat of fascism. 5.8 x 8.5. (First Edition) |
741 |
1757.06.0607 |
The Letters of Carl Sandburg (Hard Cover - DJ)
(Published by Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., New York) |
Ed. Mitgang, Herbert |
Original HC List Price $12.50. (First Edition) |
577 |
1732.01.0999 |
The Spring Green (Published by The Wisconsin River Development
Corporation) |
Keland, W.H. |
Spiral bound presentation booklet for "The Spring
Green", which included the Restaurant (completed), proposed Ski Slopes,
Homes, Country Club and Golf Course. The restaurant was designed in
1953, begun in 1957, halted at Wright's death, completed in 1968.
Project to date has not begun. Embossed logo on cover. 10.75 x 11.25.
(First Edition) |
22 |
1732.02.0205 |
Westinghouse Corp. 1969 Calendar. (Published by The Westinghouse
Printing Division, Pittsburgh) |
Storycraft Inc., Westinghouse Electric Corp. |
Spiral bound calendar. Cover illustration and story, Project Community
Center, Point Park, Pittsburgh, 1947. Includes illustration and full
page biography. 11 x 8.5. |
Cover - 2, 12 (April), 36 |
1732.03.0205 |
Wisconsin Men (Hard Cover) (Published by Franklin Publishing,
Milwaukee) |
Georgiady, Nicholas; Louis Romano |
Library binding. Biography for children. Six
stories. Chapter five: Frank Lloyd Wright, Pp 23-26. 6.5 x 8.75.
(First Edition) |
32 |
1732.04.0506 |
1969 |
in New York, A Photographic History (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by
Atheneum, New York) |
Andrews, Wayne |
255 photographs, magnificently reproduced, the incredible range of the
architecture of New York State, from Manhattan Island to Chautauqua
County, is surveyed by a connoisseur (dust jacket). Section on Frank
Lloyd Wright, pages 147-155. Includes photographs of Darwin D. Martin
Residence, Larkin Building (2), Boynton and Davidson Residences, Heath
Residences (2), Friedman Residences (2), Guggenheim Museum (3) plus the
cover. Original list price $17.50...
Continue... (Sweeney 1758) |
Pp 188 |
1758.00.0613 |
Frank Lloyd Wright: Humane
Architektur (Soft Cover) (Published by Bertelsmann Fachverlag Reinhard
Mohn, Gutersloh, Berlin. Bauwelt Fundamente 25.) |
Edited by: Braatz, Wolfgang;
Rogers, Ernesto N. |
Published in German. Back
cover: "You are the form builders and the form connoisseurs - or you are
not architects with passion! shouted Wright to the students in 1959, a
week before his death. The writings selected for this volume testify to
the passion with which he himself lived, built and taught as the
patriarch of modernism and a living, organic architecture." Eighteen
chapters, partial list: Foreword by Wolfgang Braatz. 1) Essay by Ernesto N. Rogers: "The
last encounter with Frank...
Continue... (Sweeney 1759) |
Pp 273 |
1759.00.0422 |
The Loren
Pope House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover, Spiral Bound) (Published by
The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona, Spring Green,
Wisconsin. Printed single sided.) |
Frank Lloyd; Pope, Loren; Peters, William Wesley |
Copies of documentation of
correspondence between Loren Pope and Frank Lloyd Wright from 1939
through 1949, printed single sided, spiral bound. August 18, 1939. "Dear
Mr. Wright. There are certain things a man wants a during life, and, of
life. Material things and things of the spirit. The writer has one
fervent wish that includes both. It is a house created by you..." Thus
begins the correspondence between Loren Pope and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Included are copies of 62 documents...
Continue... |
Pp 98 |
1803.29.0522 |
Pope-Leighey House (Soft Cover) (Published by The National Trust for
Historic Preservation, Washington D.C.) |
Bullock, Helen
Dudpry & Morton, Terry B. Contributing editors: Brooks, H. Allen; Pop,
Loren B.; Leighey, Marjorie... |
An exact
reprint of Historic Preservation - April -September 1969. Only
difference is the cover. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1760) |
Pp 120 |
1760.00.0102 |
Chicago Architects and Their Clients (Hard Cover) (Published by MIT
Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London England) |
Eaton, Leonard
K. |
Lloyd Wright and Howard Van Doren Shaw. Original HC List Price $10.00. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1762) |
Pp 259 |
1762.01.1101 |
Chicago Architects & Their Clients (Soft Cover) (Published by MIT
Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London England) |
Eaton, Leonard
K. |
Lloyd Wright and Howard Van Doren Shaw. Original SC List Price $3.95. (First Paper Edition) (Sweeney 1762) |
Pp 259 |
1762.02.1200 |
Fine Japanese Prints. Auction
catalog for the Estate of the late Blanche B. McFetridge, Property
formerly in the Frank Lloyd Wright collection. November 20-21, 1969.
(Soft Cover) (Published by Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc. New York) |
Galleries |
preface about Wright and prints. Auction includes 433 prints and catalog
includes 36 illustrations. Also included is final bids. Original SC List
Price $3.00, By Mail $4.00. 7 x 10.25. Two copies. (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1771) |
Pp 128 |
1771.01.0512 |
1969  |
Frank Lloyd Wright Festival:
Oak Park - River Forest, Ill - May 30 - July 4, 1969 (Soft Cover)
(Published by Oak Park - River Forest Chamber of Commerce) |
Edited by
Sanderson, Warren |
A program and calendar of events celebrating Frank
Lloyd Wright Day - June 8, 1969. Includes photos, drawings and map for
31 homes. (First Edition)
(Sweeney 1774) |
Pp 36 |
1774.00.0302 |
The Book of
Buffalo Pottery (Hard Cover, DJ) (Published by Crown Publishers, Inc.,
New York, and simultaneously in Canada by General Publishing Company
Limited.) |
Altman, Seymour
& Violet |
reader will find all the facts, statistics, and details resulting from
the research of these dedicated authors. Every kind of ware the firm is
know to have made is discussed or pictured. Here, too, is the
fascinating background story of the John D. Larkin mail-order company,
which founded the pottery that made Deldare, Abino, Blue Willow,
advertising and commemorative pieces, game sets, pitchers and jugs, and
other articles dating from its early days that are cherished and highly
Continue... |
Pp 192 |
1803.11.0812 |

Industrial Revolution Runs Away (Hard Cover - Boxed Slipcase)
(Published by Horizon Press, New York) |
Wright, Frank
Lloyd |
1932 Wright published his now classic indictment on the city as "The
Disappearing City". Wright continued to work on his thesis and
in 1945 republished it as
Democracy Builds".
In 1958 he published his third and final version, "The
Living City" which he expanded and rewrote completely. In 1969
Horizon Press published a new boxed version of "The
Disappearing City", with Wright's hand written revisions titled
"The Industrial Revolution Runs Away". It is a facsimile of the
original edition reproducing each page as subsequently revised and
written in Wright's own hand. This edition also includes facing pages
presenting the new text complete with the revisions.
Three Copies...
Continue... (Sweeney 1775) |
Pp 187 |
1775.00.0600 1775.03.1102 1775.06.0919 |
The Industrial
Revolution Runs Away (Hard Cover - Boxed Slipcover) (Published by
Horizontal Press, New York) |
Wright, Frank
Lloyd |
In 1932 Wright published his now classic indictment on the city as "The
Disappearing City". Wright continued to work on his thesis and
in 1945 republished it as
Democracy Builds".
In 1958 he published his third and final version, "The
Living City" which he expanded and rewrote completely. Wright
has now gone back to the original. This edition includes a facsimile of
the author's copy of the original 1932 edition of The Disappearing City
as revised in his hand and contains...
(Sweeney 1775) |
Pp 187 |
1775.04.1210 |
The Industrial Revolution Runs Away - News
Release (Published by Horizontal Press, New York) |
Horizon Press |
Original News Release found inside slipcase. "For Immediate Release.
A Rare Facsimile and New Text by Frank Lloyd Wright. The Horizon Press
double edition of The Industrial
Revolution Runs Away/The Disappearing City comprises one of the
most important documents in the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. It will be
published on December 1st. The writing of
The Disappearing City -- first published in 1932, almost
immediately thereafter out of print and long sought since -- was a
startling act of...
Continue... |
Pp 1 |
1775.05.1210 |
Avenue State Bank 1969-1970
Calendar (Published by the Avenue State Bank, Oak Park) |
Avenue State Bank |
"Avenue State Bank salutes the
architecture of FLW in Oak Park, 1893-1911. Logical Calendar, 1969-70."
Includes four illustrations by Joseph Hennessy. Illustrations include:
1) Isabel Roberts
House. Caption: "Long shadows of Prairie sun, caught in bold line of
roof and eave, at home in the quaint village, at home in the autumn
eve." 2) Unity Temple. Caption: "Strong fort, brave temple, unafraid of
time, pledged to all tomorrows, by promises of yesterday." 3) W. H.
Winslow House. Caption: "Bright smile...
Continue... |
Pp 20 |
1803.25.0318 |
Chicago's Famous Buildings. A
Photographic Guide to the City's Architectural Landmarks and Other
Notable Buildings (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by The University of
Chicago Press, Chicago & London. Second Edition Revised and Enlarged) |
Edited by: Siegel, Arthur;
Foreword to the First and Second Edition: Bach, Ira J.; Essays: Duncan,
Hugh Dalziel; Condit, Carl W. |
Begins with two essays. The
first, "The Chicago School: Principles..." by Duncan, and "The Chicago
School: ...and Practice": by Condit. Of the 112 examples, it includes
Wright buildings. #14: Rookery Building and Wright remodel. #23:
Sullivan House. #24: Charnley House. #28: Francis Apartments. #28:
Francisco Terrace Apartments. #33: Heller House. #41: E-Z Polish
Building. #47: Robie House. #60 Wright House and Studio. #61...
Continue... See
our Wright Study on the Heller Residence. |
Pp 272 |
1803.19.1016 |
and Fugenia Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall (Soft Cover) (Published by
the Taliesin Associated Architects, Scottsdale, AZ) |
Associated Architects |
"The Civic
Center Site. The performing Arts Hall has been designed and oriented to
form a part of the fully developed Civic Center Master Plan which was
prepared by the Taliesin Associated Architects as part of their contract
with the City of Sarasota... The project was begun in 1968 and was
completed in December, 1969. Includes an illustration of the Hall, four
floor plans, and an illustration of the master plan. 9.5 x 12 (First
Pp 8 |
1803.14.0415 |
Architecture International Exhibition, New York Feb. 10 To March 23,
1932. Museum of Modern Art. (MOMA) (Published for The Museum of Modern
Art by Arno Press) (Hard Cover DJ) |
Henry-Russell, Jr. |
York, Feb. 10 To March 23, 1932. Museum of Modern Art. First published
in 1932 by The Plandome Press of New York, 5000 original copies printed.
Reprint Edition, 1969. A catalogue for the exhibit held at MOMA on the
leaders of the International Style. Part II, First Chapter "Frank Lloyd
Wright." Includes a biography on Wright; Description of the "Model in
the Exhibition: Project for House on the Mesa, Denver Colorado;
Chronology of his life; List of work completed through 1932...
Continue... |
Pp 29-55 |
1775.02.1006 |
Only One Year
(Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Harper & Row, New York and Evanston) |
Svetlana; Translated by Paul Chavchavadze |
major purpose in writing this book was "To answer it fully, to make
perfectly clear what the free world feels like after the Communist
world, she describes in moving, personal detail her daily life in the
U.S.S.R.; Stalin, his yes-men, and some of the men now in power (like
Kosygin and Suslov); the steadfast and difficult life of the Moscow
intellectuals who made up her own close circle and are "still behind
those bars... without any promise of better and freer life. Perhaps just
the contrary.' "...
Continue... |
Pp 444 |
1803.13.0313 |
The Robie
House, John Barnard, Monte Models |
Barnard, John |
Cut &
Assemble. Scale model of Robie House. 1 Foot = 1 Inch. |
1775.01.0801 |