FUTURE OF ARCHITECTURE (1953) AN AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE (1955) A TESTAMENT (1957)MODERN ARCHITECTURE, BEING THE KAHN LECTURES FOR 1930 Date: 1931 Title: Modern Architecture, Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930 (Hard Cover - Illustrated Boards) (Published by Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Wright delivered a series of six lectures at Princeton University in 1930. The six lectures included "Machine, Materials and Men"; "Style in Industry"; "The Passing of the Cornice"; "The Cardboard House"; "The Tyranny of the Skyscraper"; "The City". "Preface. Prefaces, like all introductions, are usually unnecessary but courteous formalities. They are too often the transition between nothing that has gone before and something worthwhile that is to follow. Yet it was not so long ago that Frank Lloyd Wright, a man who most Europeans consider America's leading architect and designer, a man whose originality has influenced the trend of modern architecture in Europe, needed an introduction to most of his fellow countrymen. As early as 1903, at Hull House in Chicago, Frank Lloyd Wright challenged all romantic efforts to escape from the realities of a modern machine world when he objected to the formation of a Society of Arts and Crafts to perpetuate the pseudo-medieval dreams of Morris in Ruskin, and read a paper on "The Arts and Craft of the Machine..." E. Baldwin Smith. In 1953, this book was reprinted in full as part of "The Future of Architecture" pages 67-182 (S.913). Book Review in Saturday Review. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Second copy acquired from the Museum of Science and Industry, New York. (Designed Cover) Original list price $4.00. (First Edition)(Sweeney 250)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 115
S#: 0250.00.0801, 0250.02.0518
Date: 1931 Title: Modern Architecture, Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930 (Hard Cover - Cloth) (Published by Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Wright delivered a series of six lectures at Princeton University in 1930. The six lectures included ”Machine, Materials and Men”; “Style in Industry”; “The Passing of the Cornice”; “The Cardboard House”; “The Tyranny of the Skyscraper”; “The City”. In 1953, this book was reprinted in full as part of “The Future of Architecture” pages 67-182 (S.913). This cloth cover edition is exactly the same as the above printed cover. Note on cloth cover. Our research indicates that this volume was produced as a hard cover and covered in paper with a printed design. There is no indication that it was ever produced as a cloth cover with dust jacket. But it is interesting to note that we acquired a second cloth covered copy and both are exactly the same, and other than the cloth or paper cover, are exactly the same. There is no indication that either cloth covers were rebound. This leads us to wonder if the cloth covered versions were also produced by the publisher. Book Review in Saturday Review. Two Copies. (First Edition) (Sweeney 250)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 115
S#: 0250.01.0501, 0250.03.1011
Side note: Modern Architecture, Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930. Of interest is the illustration that proceeds Chapter 5. The illustration is entitled "Bock Ateliers. Concrete. Slab Roof. Stone Washes and Water Table. Windows Wrapping Corners to Express Interior Space. 1902." Bock met Wright in 1892 while working for Adler & Sullivan. Bock’s first commission from Wright was for the Frieze on the third floor of the Heller Home (1896 - S.038). He also worked on other Wright projects including the Stork (1898) and Boulder (1898) for Wright’s own Studio, the Dana Residence (1902 - S.072), Larkin Building (1903 - S.093), Scoville Park Fountain (1903 - S.094), Unity Temple (1904 - S.096), Martin (1904 - S.100), City National Bank (1909 - S.155), and Midway Gardens (1913 - S.180) just to name a few. In 1902 Wright to design a home and studio for Bock. It was designed in concrete. This was two years before the concrete Unity Temple, twenty-one years before Wright’s first concrete block home, the Millard Residence (1923 - S.214), and 49 years before the first Usonian Automatic, the Adelman Residence (1951 - S.344). Wright included the concrete "Bock Ateliers" in his 1910 Wasmuth Portfolio Plate LXII. Although the 1902 window casements were most likely designed in wood, Wright slightly modified the 1931 window design to include mitered glass corners, a precursor to Wright’s 1951 Usonian Automatic Homes. "Bock Ateliers" 1931 Modern Architecture. "Bock Ateliers" 1910 Wasmuth Portfolio Plate LXII.
Date: November 9, 1932 Title:
- Rebel... Prophet... Genius
- NOVEMBER 9th (1932) 8:30p.m.
Author: Albright Art Gallery
Description: This poster announced Frank Lloyd Wright's lectures on Modern Architecture. This was two years after he spoke at Princeton. Those lectures were published in 1931, in his book called MODERN ARCHITECTURE, Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930. My assumption would be that since the title was the same, he spoke on some of the same subjects that were published in his book. Along the lines of a "Book Tour".
Size: 11 x 14
S#: 0250.02.0401
Date: 1932 Title: BUFFALO COURIER EXPRESS, Sunday, Nov. 6th, 1932. To Lecture: Frank Lloyd Wright, internationally known architect and author of An Autobiography, will speak at the Albright Art Gallery Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. His subject will be Modern Architecture. Mr. Wright designed numerous structures in Buffalo.
Author: Buffalo Courier Express
Description: (Received this as a fax from the Albright Knox Art Gallery, Archive Department)
S#: 0250.03.0401
Date: 1932 Title: BUFFALO (N.Y.) EVENING TIMES, Thursday, Nov. 10th, 1932
Author: Buffalo Evening Times
Description: (Received this as a fax from the Albright Knox Art Gallery, Archive Department)
S#: 0250.04.0401
Date: 1932
Title: Rochester Democrat & Chronicle - November 14, 1932 (Published daily by the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Famous Architect to Address Gallery Group. Frank Lloyd Wright.
Frank Lloyd Wright, forerunner and interpreter of machine-age architecture and designer of mod. ern building form will speak this evening at 8:15 o'clock in the Little Theater of Memorial Art Gallery on "The Romance and Design of Modern Architecture."
Mr. Wright has won recognition abroad and in this country because of the distinctive beauty and originality of his architectural plans. His most well known building is the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo which was bitterly criticised when it was erected because of its radical designs and new engineering principles. It was, however, the only important building in Tokyo to withstand the earthquake of 1923. Many of Mr. Wright's plans and models are included in the Modern International Architectural Show which was on view at the Museum of Modern Art and which will come to the gallery in May.
Members of the gallery nave been asked to present their announcement cards at the door for admittance. There will be an admittance charge for non-members.
Original cover price 3c.
Size: 17 x 22
Pages: Pp 15
S#: 0361.25.0723Date: 1987 Title: Modern Architecture, Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930 (This facsimile edition published by Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville) (Hard Cover, Printed)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Original Preface by Smith, E. Baldwin; New introduction by Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks.
Description: First published in 1931 by Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, after Wright delivered a series of six lectures at Princeton University in 1930. The six lectures included ”Machine, Materials and Men”; “Style in Industry”; “The Passing of the Cornice”; “The Cardboard House”; “The Tyranny of the Skyscraper”; “The City”. In 1953, this book was reprinted in full as part of “The Future of Architecture” pages 67-182 (S.913). (Second Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 115
ST#: 1987.42.0407
Date: 2006 Title: The Greatest American Speeches (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Quercus Publishing Ltd, London)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Chapter 20: “Form and function seen as one: of such is democracy.” From a lecture given at Princeton (1930) and in London (1939). Includes brief history and excerpts. Original list price Ł20.00. (First Edition)
Size: 7.5 x 10.6
Pages: Pp 91-93
S#: 2006.20.0907
TWO LECTURES ON ARCHITECTURE Date: 1931 Title: Two Lectures on Architecture (Soft Wrap Around Cover) (Published by The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago. Printed by The Lakeside Press, R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company, Chicago.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: The text of the two lectures given to The Art Institute of Chicago on October 1&2, 1930. "In The Realm of Ideas. The idealist has always been under suspicion as performer, perhaps justly. The explorer (Henry Morton) Stanley wrote of a monkey caught and tied up overnight by a rope around the neck. The monkey gnawed the rope in two and departed, the knot still tied about the neck. Next morning found the monkey with the strange ‘Necktie’ trying to go home, but each approach to rejoin the tribe would bring wild cries from his fellows and such commotion – no doubt inspired by the Scribes - that monkey ‘with something new about him' now, would stop, dazed, pull at his ‘experience’ a little, and think it over. Then he would move toward his fellows again, but such commotion would result that he would have to give up. The Scribes had succeeded with the Pharisees. This kept up all day because the poor monkey kept trying to come home, (to ‘tell the truth’?). Finally, just before dark, the whole tribe, exasperated, rushed upon the suspected monkey … tore him limb from limb..." Two thousand copies were printed. Original SC List Price $0.75. In 1953, this book was reprinted in full as part of The Future of Architecture pages 183-219 (S.913). Photographs and illustrations include: Office Building project, Taliesin (4), Midway Gardens, St. Marks Tower, Ennis Residence, Gordon Strong Project. 7.5 x 10.5. (First Edition) (Four copies, one missing DJ) (Sweeney 261)
Size: 7.5 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 63
S#: 0261.00.0902, 0261.01.0907, 0261.02.1016, 0261.03.1221
Title: Architecture & Modern Life (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Harper & Brothers, New York and London)
Author: Brownell, Baker & Frank Lloyd Wright
Description: What is the effect of architecture on modern life? What, conversely, is the effect of modern life on architecture? What will be the architecture of tomorrow? In a work of unique scope and variety, an eminent architect and a student of contemporary thought survey the whole field of architecture in its relation to our modern social structure, define present trends, and dare to prophesy a future when society and architecture will complement each other in experience the ideals of a new and vital civilization. (Publishers description.) A collaboration between Wright and philosopher Baker Brownell. "In a work of unique scope and variety, an eminent architect and a student of contemporary thought survey the whole field of architecture in its relation to our modern social structure, define present trends, and dare to prophecy a future when society and architecture will complement each other in expressing the ideals of a new and vital civilization..." Dust Jacket.) Chapter I, "Architecture and Social Life" was jointly authored. Chapters II and IV by Wright, Chapters III, V and VI by Brownell. The final, Chapter VII, "Broadacre City, A Dialogue on the Nature of Structure in Architecture and in the Integral Life". Three photos by Edmund Teske, one by Baker Brownell, four illustrations by Wright, three photographs of the Broadacre City Model and four detail photographs of Broadacre City. In 1953, two of Wright's chapters in this book were reprinted in full as part of “The Future of Architecture” (S.913) pages 33-64 and pages 295-318. Book review in Saturday Review. Original list price $4.00. Two copies, one with a dust jacket. (First Edition) (Sweeney 405)
Size: 6.4 x 8.9
Pages: Pp 339
S#: 0405.00.1099, 0405.01.0517
Architecture & Modern Life Full Cover, Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Date: 1937 (Third Edition) Title: Architecture And Modern Life (Hard Cover) (Published by Harper & Brothers Publishing, New York and London)
Author: Brownell, Baker; Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: A collaboration between Wright and philosopher Baker Brownell. Chapter I, "Architecture and Social Life" was jointly authored. Chapters II and IV by Wright, Chapters III, V and VI by Brownell. The final, Chapter VII, "Broadacre City, A Dialogue on the Nature of Structure in Architecture and in the Integral Life". Three photos by Edmund Teske, one by Baker Brownell, four illustrations by Wright, three photographs of the Broadacre City Model and four detail photographs of Broadacre City. First Edition cover and spine, brown with gilt lettering and lines. Title page two color, brown and black. Third edition cover blank, spine in brown letters and lines. Title page one color, black. Original list price $4.00. (Third Edition) (Sweeney 405)
Size: 6.4 x 8.9
Pages: Pp 339
S#: 0405.03.0413
AN ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE Date: 1939 Title: An Organic Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy. Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Lund Humphries & Co. LTD., London)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: The Sir George Watson Lectures of the Sulgrave Manor Board. Four lectures delivered on four different evenings... "were given by Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright at the Royal Institute of British Architects during his visit to England in May, 1939, as holder of the Sir George Watson chair of the Sulgrave Manor Board." In 1953, the four lectures were reprinted in full as part of “The Future of Architecture” pages 221-293. Portrait of Wright on cover. Begins with a color photograph of Taliesin, and ends with 24 illustrated plates with included: A layout of Taliesin, six photographs of Taliesin, Spring Green, one of which includes Broadacre City models; Three photographs and two illustrations of Fallingwater; One photograph of the model, floor plan and side view of the Ardmore Experiment (Suntop Quadruple); Three illustrations of the Jacobs House; Three photographs and three illustrations of S. C. Johnson; and two photographs of Taliesin West. Original cover price Ł6. (First & Second Editions) (Sweeney 463)
Pages: Pp 56
S#: 0463.00.1014 (1st), 0463.01.0802 (2nd)
Date: 1940
Title: New Directions In Prose & Poetry (Hard Cover) (Published annually by New Directions, Norfolk, Connecticut)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Section IV Edited by Kaufmann, Edgar Jr.
Description: Section IV: New Directions in Design. I: "The New Design and Public Acceptance." Includes references to Wright. "...The most important contribution our design world has made (expressed in architecture and writing on it) is that of Frank Lloyd Wright; an organic concept based as much on inspiration as on experience. He emphasizes function and material as did the Bauhaus and adds, as their equivalents, the user and the environment. It would be hard to overestimate the fundamental changes which the inclusion of these two basic factors indicates..."
Section IV: II: "Excerpt From London Lectures." In May, 1939, Frank Lloyd Wright lectured at the Royal Institute of British Architects during his visit to England, as holder of the Sir George Watson chair of the Sulgrave Manor Board. These were published in "An Organic Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy," Wright, 1939. "In the meantime, what great creative work have we to show as an actual working basis for the life which we have led or as proof of its validity? Not much. No, it was truly an escapist life we have led. We will find there in that life just application of the word ‘escapist’ if the word has any meaning at all...
Section IV: III: "Taliesin West is the Arizona home of Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship. The base is large blocks of stone dumped, with cement, into forms. On this is erected a framework of rough stained red wood which supports roof and sides of double canvas flaps. It is one of the clearest of Mr. Wright’s poetic accomplishments." Includes five photographs of Taliesin West.
Size: 6.25 x 8.25
Pages: Pp 257-278
S#: 0502.01.0317Date: 1945
Title: F. L. Wright, Architettura Organica. L’Architettura della Democrazia (Organic Architecture. The Architecture of Democracy) (Hard Cover) (Published by Muggiani Tipografo, Milan, Italy)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Printed in Italian. First published in 1939 by Lund Humphries & Co. LTD., London. The Sir George Watson Lectures of the Sulgrave Manor Board. Four lectures delivered on four different evenings... "were given by Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright at the Royal Institute of British Architects during his visit to England in May, 1939, as holder of the Sir George Watson chair of the Sulgrave Manor Board." In 1953, the four lectures were reprinted in full as part of "The Future of Architecture" pages 221-293. Frontispiece is a color photograph of Taliesin West. Also includes a B&W plate of Frank Lloyd Wright with his apprentices at Taliesin, 1937. Label pastes on inside back cover, Net Price Ł400. (First Editions) (Sweeney 608)
Size: 5.75 x 8.6
Pages: Pp 180
S#: 0608.00.1017Date: 1959 Title: A Treasury of Great American Speeches (Hard Cover) (Published by Hawthorn Books, Inc., New York)
Author: Ed. Hurd, Charles; Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: A new integrity of human life. May 1939, given in response to an invitation to deliver the annual Sir George Watson Lectures of the Sulgrave Manor Board. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 194-9
S#: 1275.01.0102
Date: 1970 Version Title: An Organic Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: First published in 1939 (S.463). The Sir George Watson Lectures of the Sulgrave Manor Board. Four lectures delivered by Wright at the Royal Institute of British Architects in May, 1939. In 1953, the four lectures were reprinted in full as part of “The Future of Architecture” pages 221-293 (S.913). This facsimile edition published by M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1815)
Pages: Pp 56
S#: 1815.00.0303, 1815.00.0504
Date: 1974
Title: Le Matrici Di Una Architettura Organica. F. LL. Wright (The Matrix of An Organic Architecture) (Stiff Soft Cover with Wrapper) (Published by Teorema Edizioni, Florence)
Author: Brunetti, Fabrizio
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright's personality - the man and the architect - is still largely immersed in the mystery of the myth that he himself consciously created and carefully contributed to maintaining, has prevented, among other things, a historically correct assessment of the enormous architecture production and the vast theoretical commitment of the maximum protagonist of the organic movement. For this reason and why not lose the most current motives of Wright's heritage at such a crucial moment for the very survival of architecture, it is essential to re-read Wright's entire work by using the most appropriate tools of those that are so far..." (Translated from the dust jacket.)
Size: 6.5 x 9.4
Pages: Pp 183
S#: 1949.01.0417Date: 1982
Title: In The Cause of An Organic Architecture: The Fingernail Moon Press. A 5 x 5 x 4 Square Paper. (Soft Cover) (Published by The Fingernail Moon Press, Clinton, Iowa)
Author: Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Feddersen, Phil H.
Description: "Art is the Creation of Beauty. But nothing is arbitrary nothing is insulated in beauty. It depends forever on the necessary & the useful. It is the sign of health & of virtue. The plumage of the bird, the plumage of an insect has a reason for its rich colors in the constitution of the animal. Fitness is so essential to Beauty that it has been taken for it. The most perfect form to answer an and is beautiful. This holds true in all animals. Why not in Architecture? ... We feel in seeing a noble building which rhymes well, as we do in reading a perfect song that it is ‘spiritually Organic’..." Ralph Waldo Emerson. The portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright was engraved on boxwood by Barry Moser. Fingernail Moon Press by Phil H. Feddersen. (First Edition)
Size: Single sheet, folded to 5 x 5.
Pages: Pp 8
ST#: 1982.54.0517Date: 2017
Title: An Organic Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Lund Humphries, London. First published in 1939 by Lund Humphries. Republished in 1970 by M. I. T. Press.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Introduction: Saint, Andrew
Description: In May 1939, the celebrated American architect Frank Lloyd Wright visited London and gave four lectures at the Royal Institute of British Architects. The meetings were hailed at the time as the most remarkable events of recent architectural affairs in England, and the lectures were published as An Organic Architecture in September 1939 by Lund Humphries. The texts remain an important expression of the architect’s core philosophy and are being reissued now in a new edition to commemorate the 150th anniversary in 2017 of Frank Lloyd Wright’s birth. In the lectures, Frank Lloyd Wright discusses several of his recent projects, including his Usonian houses, his homes and studios at Taliesin, Wisconsin and Arizona, Fallingwater and the Johnson administration building. His charismatic, flamboyant character and hugely creative intelligence leap to life from the pages as he looks to the ‘Future’, both in terms of the then-imminent Second World War and his vision for cities. Includes 26 B&W photographs and illustrations. (Dust Jacket.) Original list price $29.99.
Size: 8 x 11
Pages: Pp 104
ST#: 2017.03.0417
ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE: THE LANGUAGE OF ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE Date: 1953 Title: Organic Architecture: Language of Organic Architecture
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: A revised version of Wright's description concerning Organic Architecture. Dated 20 May, 1953. In 1953, this was reprinted in full as part of “The Future of Architecture” pages 319-325 (S.913). (First Edition) (Sweeney 2068)
Pages: Pp 6
S#: 2068.00.0101
TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER #16 Date: 1953 Title: Taliesin Square-Paper #16: A Nonpolitical Voice From our Democratic Minority. (Published by Taliesin West, February 1953.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: “The Language of Organic Architecture.” Wright summarizes his thoughts on Organic Architecture. 8.5 x 8.5. Also published in the May 1953 issue of Architectural Forum. In 1953, this was reprinted in part as part of “The Future of Architecture” pages 319-325 (S.913).(First Edition) (Sweeney 2069)
Pages: Pp 8
S#: 2069.00.0406
THE FUTURE OF ARCHITECTURE Date: 1953 Horizon Edition DJ Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: A collection of previously published work including "A Conversation with Hugh Downs" broadcast May 17, 1953; "Modern Architecture"; "Two Lectures"; "Architecture and Modern Life"; "An Organic Architecture"; "Organic Architecture". Red letter version and “220 West 42nd Street” address on dust jacket. Review in Saturday Review. Original HC List Price $7.50. (First Edition) (Sweeney 913)
Size: 8.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 326
S#: 0913.01.0100
Date: 1953 Future of Architecture, Part of Boxed Set
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Boxed set of three which also includes “The Natural House” and “The Living City”. Red letter version and “220 West 42nd Street” address on dust jacket. Original HC list price $7.50. (First Edition) (Sweeney 913)
Size: 8.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 326
S#: 0913.00.0107
Date: 1953 Horizon Edition Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover) (Published by Horizon Press, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Original HC List Price $7.50. (First Edition) (Two Copies) (Sweeney 913)
Pages: Pp 326
S#: 0913.02.0999, 0913.04.0898
Date: 1953
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York. This edition does not indicate second edition, but is missing the red square on the front and back end pages.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "It begins with the long, widely discussed ‘Conversation’ (1953) in which Mr. Wright, at the height of his career, explains his aims and contributions in architecture. By gesture and example as he talks, he here brings home to us in the most graphic and exciting way the essence of his masterwork which has dominated the world of architecture in the twentieth century..." (Dust Jacket.) A collection of previously published work including "A Conversation with Hugh Downs" broadcast May 17, 1953; "Modern Architecture"; "Two Lectures"; "Architecture and Modern Life"; "An Organic Architecture"; "Organic Architecture". Review in Saturday Review. (Second Edition) (Sweeney 913)
Size: 8.25 x 10.25.
Pages: Pp 326
S#: 0913.07.1216Date: 1953 Horizon Milwaukee Binding Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover - Rebound by the Milwaukee Public Library) (Published by Horizon Press, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Original HC List Price $7.50. (Sweeney 913)
Pages: Pp 326
S#: 0913.03.0200
Date: 1953 Bramhall Version DJ Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Bramhall House, A Division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., New York) Second Copy
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Bramhall House published a less expensive edition. The only difference is that red square is missing. (Second Bramhall Edition) (Sweeney 913)
Pages: Pp 326
S#: 0913.06.0205
Date: 1953 Bramhall Version Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover) (Published by Bramhall House, A Division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Bramhall House published a less expensive edition. The only difference is that red square is missing. (Second Bramhall Edition) (Sweeney 913)
Pages: Pp 326
S#: 0913.05.0699
Date: 1953
Title: Brochure for The Future of Architecture, Wright, Horizon, 1953. “One of the Most Important Books Of Our Time. By the World's Greatest Architect. The Future of Architecture.
Description: The Future of Architecture will be happily welcomed, by those familiar with the life and work of the greatest living architect, as one of the most important books of our time.
To the growing number of readers and students throughout the world now eagerly becoming acquainted with Frank Lloyd Wright's vast achieve-ment, this volume, containing his major statements on architecture during the past quarter century, will serve as an indispensable survey.
It begins with the long, widely discussed "Conversation" (1953) in which Mr. Wright, at the height of his career, explains his aims and contributions in architecture. By gesture and example as he talks, he here brings home to us in the most graphic and exciting way the essence of his masterwork which has dominated the world of architecture in the twentieth century.
This section, uniquely illustrated with his buildings and the gestures of his hands running parallel with the accompanying text, renders his concepts of an organic architecture vividly alive. Even for those who have had the experience of seeing or...
Original list price for the book, $7.50 per copy. Brochure includes 7 photographs of Wright and his work.
Size: 10.25 x 13.6, folded to 3.5 x 6.75.
S#: 0913.08.1123Date: 1963 Mentor Version Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published as a Mentor Book by the New American Library of World Literature, Inc., New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: First published by Horizon Press in 1953. Includes 41 photographs and one illustrations. Original cover price 95c. (First Mentor Edition) (Sweeney 913)
Size: 4.25 x 7.1
Pages: Pp 352
S#: 1565.16.0207
Date: 1966 Title: Die Zukunft Der Architektur (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Albert Langen, Georg Muller, Verlag GmbH, Munchen, Wien)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "The Future of Architecture" published in German. This volume follows the outline of the original volume published in 1953. A collection of previously published work including "A Conversation with Hugh Downs" broadcast May 17, 1953; "Modern Architecture"; "Two Lectures"; "Architecture and Modern Life"; "An Organic Architecture"; "Organic Architecture". This edition does not include as many photographs, and they are published in the center of the book. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1645)
Size: 8 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 250
S#: 1645.00.0613
Date: 1966 French Version Title: L’Avenir De L’Architecture (Soft Cover)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: French Version of "The Future of Architecture" (First French Edition - Paperback) (Sweeney 913)
Pages: Pp 252
S#: 1647.00.1201
Date: 1970
Title: The Future of Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by A Plume Book from New American Library, Times Mirror, New York and Toronto)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "A Prophetic Vision of one man, Frank Lloyd Wright, dominates the world of architecture in the twentieth century. In this challenging volume the master architect looks back over his career and explains his aims, his ideas, his art. The book begins with the widely discussed 'Conversation' (1953). Mr. Wright's assessment of his work is accompanied by and highlighted with photographs of his buildings in an illustrated text which brings his concepts of an organic architecture vividly alive. The Future of Architecture also includes some of Frank Lloyd Wright's most controversial papers: The Princeton Lectures (1930), The Chicago Art Institute Lectures (1931), The London Lectures (1939). Here, too, is a definition of the Language of Organic Architecture as the architect has employed it throughout a lifetime of work." Original list price $2.95. (First Edition) (Sweeney 913)
Size: 5.25 x 8
Pages: Pp 352
S#: 1846.39.0120Date: 1970 Title: The Future of Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by A Meridian Book from New American Library, New York and Scarborough, Ontario)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: This version first published in 1970. "A Prophetic Vision of one man, Frank Lloyd Wright, dominates the world of architecture in the twentieth century. In this challenging volume the master architect looks back over his career and explains his aims, his ideas, his art. The book begins with the widely discussed 'Conversation' (1953). Mr. Wright's assessment of his work is accompanied by and highlighted with photographs of his buildings in an illustrated text which brings his concepts of an organic architecture vividly alive. The Future of Architecture also includes some of Frank Lloyd Wright's most controversial papers: The Princeton Lectures (1930), The Chicago Art Institute Lectures (1931), The London Lectures (1939). Here, too, is a definition of the Language of Organic Architecture as the architect has employed it throughout a lifetime of work." Original list price $6.95. (Sixth Edition)
Size: 5.25 x 8
Pages: Pp 352
S#: 1815.03.0304
Date: 1982
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, L’Avenir De L’Architecture (The Future of Architecture) Les origines du post-modernisme 1 (The origins of post-modernism) (French) (Soft cover) (Published by Denoel/Gonthier, Paris, France, as part of their Bibliotheque Mediations Series)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: First published in 1953, this French edition is published in two volumes. A collection of previously published work including: "A Conversation with Hugh Downs," broadcast May 17, 1953; "Modern Architecture;" "Two Lectures;" "Architecture and Modern Life;" "An Organic Architecture;" "Organic Architecture." Cover photograph of The Guggenheim Museum by Rene Burri. First Edition)
Size: 4.25 x 7
Pages: Pp 1-183
ST#: 1982.58.0718 (1)Date: 1982
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, L’Avenir De L’Architecture (The Future of Architecture) Les origines du post-modernisme 2 (The origins of post-modernism) (French) (Soft cover) (Published by Denoel/Gonthier, Paris, France, as part of their Bibliotheque Mediations Series)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: First published in 1953, this French edition is published in two volumes. A collection of previously published work including: "A Conversation with Hugh Downs," broadcast May 17, 1953; "Modern Architecture;" "Two Lectures;" "Architecture and Modern Life;" "An Organic Architecture;" "Organic Architecture." Cover photograph of The Guggenheim Museum by Rene Burri. (First Edition)
Size: 4.25 x 7
Pages: Pp 184-346
ST#: 1982.58.0718 (2)Date: 1985
Title: Il Futuro Dell' Architettura.(The Future of Architecture - Italian) (Soft Cover) (Printed in Bologna by La Fotocromo Emiliana on behalf of Nicola Zanichelli Editore S.p.A. Bologna, Italy)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Introduction: Bertagnin, Mauro
Description: Printed in Italian. First published in 1953 by Horizon Press. Begins with an introduction by Mauro Bertagnin: "This volume collects a series of writings which at the time of their publication in the United States aroused keen interest for their contribution to the deepening of knowledge of Wright's thought and work. In fact, these are little-known or fragmented texts that the 1953 edition brings together under the title The Future of Architecture, grouping the conferences held in Princeton in 1930, in Chicago in 1931 and in London in 1939 in a diachronic sequence, flanked by other Wrightian writings. The lectures of 1930 had already been published by the University of Princeton in 1931 under the title Modern Architecture and translated into Italian in the volume Architecture and Democracy (edited by Giuliana Baracco, Rosa e Ballo, Milan, 1945), with a note introductory by Edoardo Persico taken from Prophecy of architecture, a lecture given in 1935 in Turin. Also in 1931 the Art Institute of Chicago had edited the publication of Two Lectures on Architecture. The volume Architettura Organica (edited by Alfonso Gatto and Giulia Veronesi, Muggiani, Milan, 1946), Italian translation of Organic Architecture..." Original list price 18 000. (First Edition)
Size: 5.75 x 8.25
Pages: Pp 322
Title: An American Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Kaufmann, Edgar
Description: "Wright in now universally regarded as one of history’s great men - the man has liberated architecture, the man whose work is changing the face of the earth.” Includes 250 photographs and illustrations. The first page has a red square in the top right hand corner. Hand written note: It as given as a gift on Dec. 9, 1955. The dust jacket list the price as $10 on the front cover flap and the address for Horizon Press as 220 West 42nd Street, New York 36 on the back cover and back cover flap. It also lists the price for The Natural House as $6.50. Original cover price $10.00. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1050)
Size: 9.25 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 269
S#: 1050.00.1206Date: 1955
Title: An American Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Kaufmann, Edgar
Description: While this version indicates it to be a first edition, it varies from the first volume. The first page does not have a red square in the top right hand corner. The dust jacket list the price as $15 on the front cover flap and the address for Horizon Press as 156 Fifth Avenue, New York 10 on the back cover and back cover flap. It also lists the price for The Natural House as $7.50. Comparing this to the previous book leads me to believe that the red square in Wright publications may indicate a true first edition. Original HC List Price $15.00. (First Edition?) (Sweeney 1050)
Size: 9.25 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 269
S#: 1050.01.0999Date: 1955
Title: An American Architecture (Hard Cover) (Published by Horizon Press, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Kaufmann, Edgar
Description: This version matches the version with the red square. No DJ. Original HC List Price $15.00. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1050)
Size: 9.25 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 269
S#: 1050.02.0499Date: 1955
Title: An American Architecture (Hard Cover) (Published by Bramhall House, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Kaufmann, Edgar
Description: This Bramhall House version is the same on the inside, but has a different binding. (Third Bramhall Edition) (Sweeney 1050)
Pages: Pp 269
S#: 1050.03.0399Date: 1955
Title: Brochure for "An American Architecture," Wright, Horizon, 1955, edited by Kaufmann.
Description: "The incomparable Masterworks of Frank Lloyd Wright. An American Architecture. 250 Photographs, Original Drawings, Sketches, Plans Many Never Before Published. The Most Revealing Book By The World’s Greatest Architect. Frank Lloyd Wright's building designs -- for dwellings and skyscrapers, industrial plants and housing projects, hotels in theaters -- have enriched the world beyond measure; hardly a structure is now built anywhere that does not in some way bear the mark of his genius. And ‘organic architecture,’ the phrase long used by Mr. Wright to characterize his work, has now become a familiar term throughout the world..."
Size: Single sheet. Folded: 6" x 6," opens up to 9" x 12."
S#: 1050.05.0419Date: 1970
Title: An American Architecture (Hard Cover Slip Case) (Published by Shokokusha, Tokyo,. Translated by Masami and Yoshiko Tanigawa.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Ed Kaufmann, Edgar
Description: Japanese Edition. "Wright in now universally regarded as one of history’s great men - the man has liberated architecture, the man whose work is changing the face of the earth." His building designs – for dwellings and skyscrapers, industrial plants and housing projects, hotels and theatres – have enriched the world beyond measure; hardly a structure is now build anywhere that does not in some way bear the mark of his genius. And "organic architecture," the phrase long used by Mr. Wright to characterize his work, has now become a familiar term throughout the world. Heavily illustrated with photographs and illustrations. Inscribed: "To Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Hasbrouck. (From) Masami Tanigawa." Acquired from the estate of Wilbert and Marilyn Hasbrouck. Original cover price Y1800. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1050)
Size: 6.25 x 8.75
Pages: Pp 309
S#: 1050.04.1017
Left: Slip Cover Front
Right: Slip Cover BackDate: 1998
Title: An American Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Kaufmann, Edgar
Description: "As revolutionary as the structures themselves are the principles that governed Frank Lloyd Wright’s approach to architecture. In this celebrated volume, first published in 1955, these guiding principles are elucidated in an evocative joining of text and image.” This Barnes & Noble version is the same on the inside, but has added 25 color illustrations on pages I-XVI between pages192-3, has a different binding than the original, and is slightly smaller. (First Barnes & Noble Edition)
Size: 8.75 x 11.6
Pages: Pp 269
ST#: 1998.04.1099A TESTAMENT Date: 1957 Title: A Testament (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright separates this volume into two books. Book One - Autobiography. Unlike other volumes that Wright revised and updates, this does not appear to be a revision of his early "An Autobiography, but a fresh autobiography of his life. Book Two - The New Architecture. "Frank Lloyd Wright presents an illuminating synthesis of the nine great principles upon which he has unremittingly based his lifework. This is the basic account of his creative life and ideas – the Testament of a supreme master of his art." Over 200 illustrations, photographs, plans and original drawings, many published for the first time. Original HC List Price $12.50. Portrait of Wright by Valentino Sarra. Review in Saturday Review. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1149)
Pages: Pp 256
S#: 1149.00.0799
Date: 1957 Title: A Testament (Hard Cover) (Published by Bramhall House, a division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright separates this volume into two books. Book One - Autobiography. Unlike other volumes that Wright revised and updates, this does not appear to be a revision of his early "An Autobiography, but a fresh autobiography of his life. Book Two - The New Architecture. "Frank Lloyd Wright presents an illuminating synthesis of the nine great principles upon which he has unremittingly based his lifework. This is the basic account of his creative life and ideas – the Testament of a supreme master of his art." Over 200 illustrations, photographs, plans and original drawings, many published for the first time. Two Copies. (First and Second Editions) (Sweeney 1149)
Pages: Pp 256
S#: 1149.01.0305, 1149.01.0599
Date: 1966
Title: A Testament - (Hard Cover Slip Case) (Published by Shokokusha, Tokyo. Translated by Masami and Yoshiko Tanigawa.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Japanese Edition. Frank Lloyd Wright separates this volume into two books. Book One - Autobiography. Unlike other volumes that Wright revised and updates, this does not appear to be a revision of his early "An Autobiography, but a fresh autobiography of his life. Book Two - The New Architecture. "Frank Lloyd Wright presents an illuminating synthesis of the nine great principles upon which he has unremittingly based his lifework. This is the basic account of his creative life and ideas – the Testament of a supreme master of his art." (U. S. Dust jacket.) Inscribed: "To Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Hasbrouck. (From) Masami Tanigawa." Acquired from the estate of Wilbert and Marilyn Hasbrouck. Original cover price Y1400. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1149)
Size: 6.25 x 8.75
Pages: Pp 257
S#: 1149.04.1017
Left: Slip Cover Front
Right: Slip Cover BackDate: 1966 Title: Ein Testament: Zur neuen Architektur (A Testament to the New Architecture) (Soft Cover) (Publisher: Ernesto Grassi. Editors: Ursula / Eginhard Hora Munchen. German translation by Peter Jonas.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: German soft cover edition of A Testament. Herausgeber: Ernesto Grassi. Redaktion: Ursula / Eginhard Hora Munchen. Deutsche Ubertragung von Peter Jonas. (Publisher: Ernesto Grassi. Editors: Ursula / Eginhard Hora Munchen. German translation by Peter Jonas.) (Copyright Albert Langen - Georg Muller, Munchen) Includes some of the photographs nad drawings that appeared in the original English edition. (First SC Edition) (Sweeney 1646)
Size: 4.5 x 7.5
Pages: Pp 185
S#: 1646.00.0613
Date: 1972 Title: A Testament (Soft Cover) (Published by Avon-Discus.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright separates this volume into two books. Book One - Autobiography. Unlike other volumes that Wright revised and updates, this does not appear to be a revision of his early "An Autobiography, but a fresh autobiography of his life. Book Two - The New Architecture. "Frank Lloyd Wright presents an illuminating synthesis of the nine great principles upon which he has unremittingly based his lifework. This is the basic account of his creative life and ideas – the Testament of a supreme master of his art." Original SC List Price $1.65. (First SC Edition)
Pages: Pp 190
S#: 1149.06.0504
©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2024