ARTIFACTS Date: 1902, 1990 Title: Dana House Roof Tile.
Description: Original clay tile removed during the 1981 restoration, and silk screened with the Prairie Sumac window design. Illustration by R. Raymond, 1983. Silk screened in September 1990. #31 out of 275.
Size: 6 x 14
ST#: 1990.45.0406
Date: 1981Title: Dana House Frieze.
Description: Plaster of Paris section of exterior frieze created from original mold. Created during the 1981 restoration of the home.
Size: 5.5 x 6.5
ST#: 1981.11.0406
White outline on right indicates section of sample above.
Date: Circa 2010
Title: Dana Residence Mini Hardwood Screen Circa 2010 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Mini light screen adapted from the art glass "sumac" windows of the Susan Lawrence Dana Residence designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. Laser-cut out of a cherry veneer and mounted into a cherry base. tem# WLAC01.
Size: Mini screen 4.25" x 10.25" x .2". Base: 5.5" x 2" x .75".
ST#: 2010.37.0117
BOOKS Date: 1970 Title: Bannerstone House: A Frank Lloyd Wright House
Author: Tom R. Cavanaugh & Payne E.L. Thomas
Description: Dana House. In 1944 Charles C. Thomas, a publisher purchased the Dana House with most of its original furnishings. He maintained the house and its contents as the headquarters of his publishing firm and renamed it Bannerstone House. Original SC List Price $3.75. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1805)
Pages: Pp 41
S#: 1805.00.0902
Date: 1985 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright and Susan Lawrence Dana
Author: Heyman, Mark; Taylor, Richard
Description: Two Lectures given at The Town and the Prairie Conference, Springfield, Illinois, April 1984. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 37
ST#: 1985.10.0504
Date: 1988 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright and Folk Architecture
Author: Wydick, Susan
Description: Published by the Dana-Thomas House Foundation. Type is hand written and illustrated. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 31
ST#: 1988.17.0404
Date: 1989 Title: Dana-Thomas House. Springfield, Illinois. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. (Published by the Dana-Thomas House Foundation, made possible through funding from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts.)
Author: Dana-Thomas House Foundation
Description: In 1981 the State of Illinois purchased the Dana-Thomas House from Charles C. Thomas Publishers. Includes a short biography on Susan Laurence Dana, sections on: The Significance of he Dana-Thomas House, Space in the Dana-Thomas House, Art Glass, Nature and the Architect, and ends with a short biography on Frank Lloyd Wright. Twenty-eight photographs and illustrations throughout. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 20
ST#: 1989.77.1011
Date: 1990 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Dana-Thomas House. Its History, Acquisition, and Preservation (Soft Cover) (Published by the Illinois Historical Preservation Agency, Springfield)
Author: Hallmark, Donald P.
Description: Reprint of an article published in the Illinois Historical Journal, Summer, 1989. Published in booklet form. "Springfield’s Dana Thomas House, designed by eminent American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, resulted from a two-year collaboration among an architect of genius, a female client who wanted a unique residence that would be the talk of Springfield society, and a group of young artisans, designers, and architects who had allied themselves with Wright in his Oak Park studio..." Includes 17 photographs. Hallmark is the site manager of the Dana-Thomas House State Historical Site.
Size: 7.5 x 9.5
Pages: Pp 14
ST#: 1990.115.1215
Date: 1992
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Dana-Thomas House. Its History, Acquisition, and Preservation (Soft Cover) (Published by the Illinois Historical Preservation Agency, Springfield)
Author: Hallmark, Donald P.
Description: Reprint of an article published in the Illinois Historical Journal, Summer, 1989. Published in booklet form. "Springfield’s Dana Thomas House, designed by eminent American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, resulted from a two-year collaboration among an architect of genius, a female client who wanted a unique residence that would be the talk of Springfield society, and a group of young artisans, designers, and architects who had allied themselves with Wright in his Oak Park studio..." Includes 17 photographs. Hallmark is the site manager of the Dana-Thomas House State Historical Site. 7.5 x 9.5 Gift from Kathryn Smith. (Second Edition)
Pages: Pp 14
ST#: 1992.109.0616Date: 1992
Title: The Dana-Thomas House, Springfield, Illinois. Fact Book & Tour Guide (Soft Cover) (Published by David Diederich, Printed by the Association of Illinois Electric Cooperative)
Author: Diederich, David
Description: Explore the fascinating history of the Dana-Thomas house, Susan Lawrence Dana and Frank Lloyd Wright. Discover hundreds of dates and details about: Architectural Features of this and Other Frank Lloyd Wright Projects; History of the Buildings and Property; Restoration of Site and Furnishings; Susan Lawrence Dana & Family; Frank Lloyd Wright and Family; Craftsman and Artisans for House; What Happened When – 100 Years from 1850 to 1950. (First Edition)
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 72
ST#: 1992.128.0520Date: 1994 Title: Great American Houses And Their Architectural Styles (Published by Abbeville Press, Publishers, New York, London, Paris)
Author: McAlester, Virginia and Lee; Photography By McLean, Alex
Description: Chapter 23: Dana Thomas House, Springfield, Illinois, Prairie Style. "Wright’s determination to open up the box is clearly evident in the Dana-Thomas House. Some fifteen different floor levels are found throughout the house. Balconies, elevated walkways, and overlooks are emphasized at every turn, creating many unusual and interlocking spaces." Includes 19 photographs, one floor plan and two illustrations. Drawings by Larry Boerder, Floor plan by Carol Boerder-Snyder. Pages 176, 179,190, 265, 294-307, 334. (Also includes chapter on Gamble House.) Original list price $60.00. (First Edition)
Size: 10.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 348
ST#: 1994.57.1109
Date: 1995 Title: Dana House - Frank Lloyd Wright (Stiff Soft Cover)
Author: Heinz, Thomas
Description: Original SC List Price $30.00. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 80
ST#: 1995.01.1199
Date: 1996 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Dana House (Soft Cover)
Author: Hoffmann, Donald
Description: Original SC List Price $14.95. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 116
ST#: 1996.41.0904
Date: December 10, 2002 Title: An Important Lamp by Frank Lloyd Wright for Susan Lawrence Dana House Tuesday 10, December 2002, Christie’s New York. (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Christie’s International Media Division, London)
Author: Anonymous; Hanks, David A.
Description: A hard cover auction catalog devoted to a single item, the double pedestal Susan Lawrence Dana lamp designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Estimated sale price $1,200,00-$1,800,000. Sale Price of lamp $1,800,000. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 63
ST#: 2002.55.0205
Date: 2010
Title: Dana Residence Restoration 2010-11 (1902 - S.072).
Author: State of Illinois Capital Development Board
Description: The Dana Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. In 1981, the State of Illinois purchased the Dana Residence and its furnishings. The home became a state historic site under the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (IHPA). Extensive reservations were completed between 1987-1990 to restore it to its 1910 appearance. Due to budget cuts, the house was closed to visitors between December 2008 until April 2009. The Dana House was closed for 11 months in 2011 for renovations to the interior and exterior.
1) Project Manual, Produced by the State of Illinois Capital Development Board, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. Prepared by Johnson Lasky Architects. Rehabilitate Interior and Exterior, General, Electrical, Heating, Ventilation. Dated December 9, 2010.
Size: Spiral bound 8.5 x 11.
Pages: Pp 496
ST#: 2010.36.0818 (1)Date: 2010
Title: Dana Residence Restoration 2010-11 (1902 - S.072).
Author: State of Illinois Capital Development Board
Description: 2) Projects Plans, Produced by the State of Illinois Capital Development Board, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. Prepared by Johnson Lasky Architects. Rehabilitate Interior and Exterior, General, Electrical, Heating, Ventilation. Dated December 9, 2010. Forty-nine sheets include: Title Sheet, Construction Plan, Site Plan, Floorplans Roof and Eve Plan Building Elevations, Building Sections, Windows, Doors, Heating, Ventilation, Electrical, Fire and Security.
Size: 30 x 42.
Pages: 49 Sheets (Stapled)
ST#: 2010.36.0818 (2)Date: 2011
Title: Susan Lawrence: The Enigma in the Wright House ( Soft Cover) (Published by Bookstand Publishing, Morgan Hill, CA)
Author: Volkmann, Roberta
Description: "In 1902 Susan Lawrence commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to "remodel" her deceased father's home in Springfield, Illinois. The project grew and became a blonde Roman brick mansion with 35 rooms on 16 different levels. An anomaly in Springfield, the house is a masterpiece that still stands today as one of Wright's finest Prairie designs. Now called the Dana-Thomas House, it is an Illinois State Historic Site that has been visited by thousands. The woman behind the project, Susan Lawrence, lived during a period in history when women were finding their voices and carving out new places in society. As the world changed around her, she assumed several names and played many roles. She entertained lavishly, traveled the world, championed the rights of women and African-Americans, shared her time and money, and led seekers of spiritual truths. With over 50 images, this book captures Susan Lawrence's complex and independent lifestyle that matched the home Frank Lloyd Wright designed for her -- unconventional and dramatic." (Publisher’s description.) Original list price $19.95. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 106
ST#: 2011.22.0718
BROCHURES Date: 1984 Title: Dana-Thomas House State Historic Site. (Published by the Dana-Thomas House State Historic Site.)
Description: Informational brochure for the Dana-Thomas House (S.072 - 1902). "Springfield’s Dana-Thomas House is the best preserved and most complete of Frank Lloyd Wright’s early ‘Prairie’ housed. The structure has changed little since it construction in 1902-04 for Springfield socialite and women’s activist Susan Lawrence Dana." Includes historic and tour information, two illustrations and five photographs. 100,000 printed. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 3.75 x 9
Pages: Pp 8
ST#: 1984.37.0811
Date: 1993 Title: Dana-Thomas House State Historic Site. (Published by the Illinois Department of Conservation.)
Description: Informational brochure for the Dana-Thomas House (S.072 - 1902). "Springfield’s Dana-Thomas House is the best preserved and most complete of Frank Lloyd Wright’s early ‘Prairie’ housed. The structure has changed little since it construction in 1902-04 for Springfield socialite and women’s activist Susan Lawrence Dana." Includes historic and tour information, two illustrations and five photographs. 3.5 x 9.3 site schedule inserted. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 3.75 x 9
Pages: Pp 8
ST#: 1993.66.0811
Date: 1998 Title: Dana-Thomas House State Historic Site. (Published by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency.)
Description: Informational brochure for the Dana-Thomas House (S.072 - 1902). "Springfield’s Dana-Thomas House is the best preserved and most complete of Frank Lloyd Wright’s early ‘Prairie’ housed. The structure has changed little since it construction in 1902-04 for Springfield socialite and women’s activist Susan Lawrence Dana." Includes historic and tour information, two illustrations and five photographs. 200,000 printed. (Two copies.) One copy is a gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 3.75 x 9
Pages: Pp 8
ST#: 1998.41.0305, 1998.65.0811
LIGHTING Date: Circa 1950?
Title: Dana Style Lamp, Single Pedestal.Description: The Dana Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. Not only did Wright design the home, but the furnishings as well including a single-pedestal and double-pedestal table lamps as well as the suspended and wall sconce. Dana Style Lamp Art Glass Single Pedestal Base. Non-Wright art glass shade. Base manufactured by Dale Tiffany, #7581/327. The base is similar to a Dana Lamp, but that is it, only similar. Antique verde finish. Art glass panel: eight vertical pieces, small horizontal row top and bottom. No markings on base. Not dated, circa 1950??
Size: Base: 9.75 W x 7 D x 16.75 extends to 24.5 with neck. Four feet are 1.75 x 1.75 x 1.75. Art glass panel: 5.5 W x 10.75.
S#: 0831.70.1000
Date: Circa 1950?
Title: Dana Style Lamp, Single Pedestal Base Only.
Description: The Dana Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. Not only did Wright design the home, but the furnishings as well including a single-pedestal and double-pedestal table lamps as well as the suspended and wall sconce. Dana Style Lamp Art Glass Single Pedestal Base. Non-Wright art glass shade. Base manufactured by Dale Tiffany, #7581/327. The base is similar to a Dana Lamp, but that is it, only similar. Antique verde finish. Art glass panel: 5.5 W x 10.75. Art glass panel: seven vertical pieces, small horizontal row top and bottom. No markings on base. Not dated, circa 1950??
Size: Base: 9.75 W x 7 D x 16.75 extends to 24.5 with neck. Four feet are 1.75 x 1.75 x 1.75.
S#: 0831.71.1217
Date: Unknown
Description: Dana Style Lamp Double Pedestal. Stained glass lamp by Dale Tiffany. Antique Verde Finish. #7582/328 Unknown date.
Size: 27" W x 15" L x 26" H
ST#: 1990.44.0306
Date: 1990s
Title: Dana Style Butterfly Chandelier.
Description: The Dana Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. Not only did Wright design the home, but the furnishings and lighting. Lighting styles included the chandelier, the single- and double-pedestal table lamps and the wall sconce. Not as detailed as the original, it also does not carry the price tag of the Yamagiwa (1999.83) reproduction of $38,000. No markings, and manufacturer not known. Not dated, circa 1990s??
Size: 17" x 17" x 14" high, 41.5" total height
ST#: 1990.142.0603Date: 1992
Title: Dana Single Pedestal Lamp Plans 1992 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Blueprint plans for building a single pedestal Dana lamp. The Dana Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. Not only did Wright design the home, but the furnishings as well including a single-pedestal and double-pedestal table lamps as well as the suspended and wall sconce. “The enclosed plans were derived from the Dana design. Changes were made to facilitate construction by crafts people with tools found in small shops. There are two major differences between the original lamp and these plans; a lamp harp is used to support the shade instead of two posts & the base is made of walnut rather than metal. Included in the package: ● 4 Sheets of plans, 30" × 42" ● Full size glass patterns. ● 2 Dana lamp styles. ● Complete bill of material. ● Exploded views. ● Detailed parts drawings. ● Assembly instructions. ● 8 Photographs.
1) Sheet 1: Blueprint: Bill of Material. 30" × 42." 2) Sheet 2: Blueprint: Wood Details. 30" × 42." 3) Sheet 3: Blueprint: Patterns – 1. 30" × 42." 4) Sheet 4: Blueprint: Patterns – 2. 30" × 42." 5) Color photograph of Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Stained Glass Plans & Patterns.” Original 8 x 10 color photograph.
6) Assembly instructions photograph #1 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 1. Set up for ladder triangles.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph. 7) Assembly instructions photograph #2 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 2. Grinding angle on zincs.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph. 8) Assembly instructions photograph #3 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 3. Angle grinding setup.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph. 9) Assembly instructions photograph #4 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 4. Shade assembly - step 1.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph. 10) Assembly instructions photograph #5 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 5. Shade assembly - step 2.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph. 11) Assembly instructions photograph #6 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 6. Setup for optical edge fabrication.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph. 12) Assembly instructions photograph #7 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 7. Installation of 4-way spider.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph. Original cover price $75.00.
Size: Cover sheet: 8.5 x 11. Blueprints (4): 30" × 42." Color Photograph (1): 8 x 10. B&W photographs (7): 5 x 3.5.
ST#: 1992.152.1222 (1-12)
Left: 1) Sheet 1: Blueprint: Bill of Material. 30" × 42."
Right: 2) Sheet 2: Blueprint: Wood Details. 30" × 42."
Left: 3) Sheet 3: Blueprint: Patterns – 1. 30" × 42."
Right: 4) Sheet 4: Blueprint: Patterns – 2. 30" × 42."
Left: 5) Color photograph of Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Stained Glass Plans & Patterns.” Original 8 x 10 color photograph.
Left: 6) Assembly instructions photograph #1 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 1. Set up for ladder triangles.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
Right: 7) Assembly instructions photograph #2 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 2. Grinding angle on zincs.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
Left: 8) Assembly instructions photograph #3 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 3. Angle grinding setup.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
Right: 9) Assembly instructions photograph #4 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 4. Shade assembly - step 1.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
Left: 10) Assembly instructions photograph #5 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 5. Shade assembly - step 2.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
Right: 11) Assembly instructions photograph #6 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 6. Setup for optical edge fabrication.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
Lower Left: 12) Assembly instructions photograph #7 for Dana Lamp. Text on verso: “Dana Lamp Instructions 7. Installation of 4-way spider.” Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.Date: 2017
Title: Dana Sumac Vase Lamp 2017, Dana House, Springfiled, Illinois (1902 - S.072).
Description: An adaptation of the Dana Sumac Vase. In 1902, Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Susan Dana House. Amoung other things that he designed for the house was the Sumac Vase. Designed and produced in 1902, executed by Teco Pottery, Chicago, Illinois. Very large in size for a vase: 24.25 x 11.5 x 11.5 in. On April 20, 2023, Sothebys New York sold an original vase for $635,000.
In 1998, the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio began selling reproductions of the Dana Sumac Vase. It was slightly less than half size, measuring 11.75 x 5.75 x 5.75 in. The glazed terra cotta vase was manufactured by the Teco Art Pottery Company. It sold for $200.
In 2017, the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio began selling this lamp, an adaptation of the Dana Sumac Vase. Original cost $179.00.
Size: The ceramic lamp base measures 14 x 6.75 x 6.75 in. with a 3 in. neck. Total height of base 17 in. Shade measures 14 x 14 by 11.5 in. tall. Total height of lamp is 28 in. tall.
ST#: 2017.52.0324![]()
MAPS Date: 1983 Title: Illinois State Map 1983, Dana-Thomas House.
Description: Cover has Dana-Thomas House Illustration, Frank Lloyd Wright Architect.
ST#: 1983.11.0303
PHOTOGRAPHS Date: Circa 1902 Title: Dana-Thomas Residence(1902 - S.072) Circa 1902.
Description: Study for the presentation drawing of the Studio. Hand written on drawing, bottom right corner: "Study for Dana Studio, 1900, Frank Lloyd Wright." Cut-away view of the two-story vaulted studio. Stairs lead up to the studio, windows in the far wall are broken by ribbed beams and trim, and an arched beam. The fireplace is under the balcony on the right. Published in "Frank Lloyd Wright’s Dana House," Hoffmann, 1996, p.92.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 0052.07.0514
Date: Circa 1902 Title: Dana-Thomas Residence(1902 - S.072) Circa 1902.
Description: Preliminary Dining Room presentation drawing. Watercolor on paper. Cut-away view of the vaulted dining room, complete with ribbed trim, furniture, hanging lamps, sculpture, carpet and wallpaper. Published in "Frank Lloyd Wright’s Dana House," Hoffmann, 1996, p.23.
Size: Original 7.5 x 9.25 B&W photograph.
S#: 0052.06.0514
Date: 1908
Title: Dana-Thomas Residence Circa 1908 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Deigned by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902 for Susan Lawrence Dana, it was completed in 1904. Single photograph with three images on it.
1) Portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright slightly facing to the right. Hair has just a touch of gray. Caption: "Top Left: Frank Lloyd Wright, Dana Thomas House architect. Photo taken during House construction (sic)."
2) Susan Lawrence Dana, looking slightly to the right. Caption: "Top Right: Susan Lawrence Dana, circa 1910. She hired Wright to design a house suitable for entertaining."
3) View of the entrance to the Dana House. Caption: "Right: Dana-Thomas House entrance shortly after construction was completed." Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Ausgefuhrte Bauten, Wright, 1911, p.35. Text: Photos Courtesy of Illinois State History Library.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0085.49.0720Date: Circa 1910 Title: Dana-Thomas Residence (1902 - S.072). Flower in the Crannied Wall Sculpture Circa 1910.
Description: The Dana-Thomas House was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902 for Susan Lawrence Dana. The back of the sculpture is inscribed with the following poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson. "Flower in the crannied wall. I pluck you out of the crannies. I hold you here, root and all, in my hand. Little flower—but if I could understand. What you are, root and all, and all in all. I should know what God and man is." Photographed by Frederick O. Bemm, who was a staff photographer for the Art Institute of Chicago and later owned and operated a studio.
Size: Original 5 x 6.5 B&W photograph.
S#: 0094.28.0513
Date: Circa 1930
Title: Dana Residence, Springfield, Illinois, Circa 1930 (Not Dated) (1902 - S.072).
Description: View of the Dana Residence entrance from the South. An unidentified dapper young man is dressed in a top hat and overcoat. The Dana residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. The building in the background on the right was demolished and is now a parking lot for the Dana Residence Tours. This photograph was removed from a scrapbook.
Size: Original 2.25 x 3.25 B&W photograph.
S#: 0249.72.1024Date: Circa 1935-1940
Title: 1) Dana Residence, Springfield, Illinois, Circa 1935-1940 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Set of nine photographs of the Dana Residence held in the collection of the Oak Park Public Library. View of the Dana Residence from the Southeast. The entrance is on the left through the arched entry. The Living Room is on the right. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. These photographs were produced in the late 1970s. Hand written on verso: "Dana 60F." Photographed by Gilman Lane.
Size: Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
S#: 0397.65.0920 -1Date: Circa 1935-1940
Title: 2) Dana Residence, Springfield, Illinois, Circa 1935-1940 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Set of nine photographs of the Dana Residence held in the collection of the Oak Park Public Library. View of the Dana Residence from the Southeast. The entrance is on the left through the arched entry. The Living Room is on the right. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. These photographs were produced in the late 1970s. Hand written on verso: "Dana 60E." Photographed by Gilman Lane.
Size: Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
S#: 0397.65.0920 -2Date: Circa 1935-1940
Title: 3) Dana Residence, Springfield, Illinois, Circa 1935-1940 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Set of nine photographs of the Dana Residence held in the collection of the Oak Park Public Library. View of the Dana Residence from the East. The Living Room is in the center. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. These photographs were produced in the late 1970s. Hand written on verso: "Dana 60I." Photographed by Gilman Lane.
Size: Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
S#: 0397.65.0920 -3Date: Circa 1935-1940
Title: 4) Dana Residence, Springfield, Illinois, Circa 1935-1940 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Set of nine photographs of the Dana Residence held in the collection of the Oak Park Public Library. View of the Dana Residence from the South. The Entrance is in the center. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. These photographs were produced in the late 1970s. Hand written on verso: "Dana 60B." Photographed by Gilman Lane.
Size: Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
S#: 0397.65.0920 -4Date: Circa 1935-1940
Title: 5) Dana Residence, Springfield, Illinois, Circa 1935-1940 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Set of nine photographs of the Dana Residence held in the collection of the Oak Park Public Library. View of the Dana Residence from the Southeast. The Gallery is to the left. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. These photographs were produced in the late 1970s. Hand written on verso: "Dana 60A." Photographed by Gilman Lane.
Size: Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
S#: 0397.65.0920 -5Date: Circa 1935-1940
Title: 6) Dana Residence, Springfield, Illinois, Circa 1935-1940 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Set of nine photographs of the Dana Residence held in the collection of the Oak Park Public Library. View of the Dana Residence from the South. The Gallery is to the left, an enclosed porch and bedroom in the center, the Entrance on the right. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. These photographs were produced in the late 1970s. Hand written on verso: "Dana 60H." Photographed by Gilman Lane.
Size: Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
S#: 0397.65.0920 -6Date: Circa 1935-1940
Title: 7) Dana Residence, Springfield, Illinois, Circa 1935-1940 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Set of nine photographs of the Dana Residence held in the collection of the Oak Park Public Library. View of the Dana Residence from the South. The Gallery is to the left, an enclosed porch and bedroom in the center, the Entrance on the right. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. These photographs were produced in the late 1970s. Hand written on verso: "Dana 60C." Photographed by Gilman Lane.
Size: Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
S#: 0397.65.0920 -7Date: Circa 1935-1940
Title: 8) Dana Residence, Springfield, Illinois, Circa 1935-1940 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Set of nine photographs of the Dana Residence held in the collection of the Oak Park Public Library. View of the Dana Residence from the South. The enclosed yard is on the left, the West end of the house is on the right. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. These photographs were produced in the late 1970s. Hand written on verso: "Dana 60D." Photographed by Gilman Lane.
Size: Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
S#: 0397.65.0920 -8Date: Circa 1935-1940
Title: 9) Dana Residence, Springfield, Illinois, Circa 1935-1940 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Set of nine photographs of the Dana Residence held in the collection of the Oak Park Public Library. View of the Dana Residence from the Southwest. The enclosed yard is in the center, the West end of the house is on the right. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. These photographs were produced in the late 1970s. Hand written on verso: "Dana 60G." Photographed by Gilman Lane.
Size: Original 5 x 3.5 B&W photograph.
S#: 0397.65.0920 -9Date: 1983 Title: Dana-Thomas Residence Dining Room 1983 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Caption on face: "12/24/83 - Springfield, Ill. This is the dining room of Frank Lloyd Wright - designed home which was built for Dana. The home was the site of many lavish parties. After Dana died, a publishing firm used the house for its offices. In 1981, the state bought the house for $1 million. The building, one of Wright’s ‘Prairie-style houses’, is open to the public. UPI." Stamped on verso: "Dec 28 1983". Acquired from the archived of the Chicago Tribune.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
ST#: 1983.27.0911
Date: 1983 Title: Dana-Thomas Residence Reception area 1983 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Caption on face: "12/24/83 - Springfield, Ill. Seventy-nine years ago, Frank Lloyd Wright created a home for Springfield socialite Susan Lawrence Dana. Among the 35 rooms in the $60,000 house was a bowling alley. This view shows the reception area, which is two stories tall. UPI." Stamped on verso: "Dec 28 1983". Acquired from the archived of the Chicago Tribune.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
ST#: 1983.26.0811
Date: 1987 Title: Dana-Thomas Residence (1902 - S.072) 1987.
Description: View from street. Caption pasted to verso: "The Dana-Thomas House in Springfield, regarded by some art historians as one of the best preserved of Frank Lloyd Wright’s early ‘Prairie’ homes." Article pasted to verso: "Springfield – An 11th-hour fund-raising campaign is under way to acquire at action next month a handful of key items from the original household of a Frank Lloyd Wright-designed home here. With Gov. Thompson’s enthusiastic support, a private, nonprofit group has set out to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in hopes of returning the objects to the Dana-Thomas House, regarded by art historians as one of the best preserved and most complete of Wright’s early ‘Prairie houses. The objects, including some deemed irreplaceable by the manager of the home, now a state historic site, are to go on the block at Christie’s in New York on Dec. 12. ‘The coming auction offers us the rate opportunity to preserve objects designed by one of the world’s greatest architects and top display them for generations to come in their original surroundings, Springfield’s magnificent Dana-Thomas House,’ Thompson said in kicking off the drive." Stamped on verso: "Nov 26 87". Acquired from the archives of the Associated Press.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W Print.
ST#: 1987.66.0311
Date: 1987
Title: Dana Residence Frieze 1987 (1902 - S.072).
Description: One 8 x 10 B&W photograph and set of 9 - 35mm B&W negatives. The Dana Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. Created of plaster, then painted. Size 55.25 x 24.5. This frieze ran along the top of the Dana House. Plaster and paint, 55 1/4 × 24 5/8. Photographed December 25, 1987. Negative #16-23, 31.
Size: One 8 x 10 B&W photograph and set of 9 - 35mm B&W negatives.
ST#: 1987.103.0214 (1), 1987.103.0214 (2-9)Date: 1988 Title: Dana-Thomas Residence (1902 - S.072) Single Pedestal Lamp1988.
Description: Printed on face: "Springfield, Ill., Jan 25 - Wright Furnishings - Gov. James Thompson displays an art glass table lamp designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Springfield, Ill., Monday morning, Jan. 25. The lamp and four other works of art, a cabinet and three drawings were recently purchased in a New York City auction through money collected from 160 donors. The items are to be displayed in the state owned Dana-Thomas House in Springfield.1988." Stamped on verso: "Feb 3 ‘88." Acquired from the archives of the Chicago Tribune.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
ST#: 1988.75.0714
Date: 1990
Title: Dana-Thomas Residence 1990 (1902 - S.072).
Description: View of the Courtyard from the Northwest. The Kitchen is on the left, the Reception area is in the center, the Gallery is to the right. Hand written on verso: "Frank Lloyd Wright designed Dana-Thomas House. Courtesy of the Springfield, Illinois Convention & Visitors Bureau." Same image as #1993.37-4. Photographed by Doug Carr.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
ST#: 1990.156.0919Date: 1990 Title: Dana-Thomas Master Bedroom Sitting Room 1990 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Caption on face: "(Sept 2) Restoration completed – A sitting room is part of the master bedroom of the Dana-Thomas House in Springfield, Illinois. (AP - Seth Perlman) 1990. Slug: Restoring Wright." Clipping pasted to verso: "An award has been given for the restoration of the Dana-Thomas House in Springfield, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright." Stamped on verso: "Sept 5 90". Photographed by Seth Perlman. Acquired from the archived of the Chicago Tribune.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
ST#: 1990.89.0811
Date: 1990 Title: Dana-Thomas Residence (1902 - S.072) 1990.
Description: Double pedestal table lamp. Caption printed on face: "Designed for the house - This desk lamp was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for the Dana-Thomas House in Springfield, Illinois were it is on display. Illinois’ Gov. James R. Thomson bought the lamp at an auction for $704,000. (Seth Perlman) 1990." Stamped on verso: "Sep 5 90." Photographed by Seth Perlman. Acquired from the archived of the Chicago Tribune.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
ST#: 1990.96.1012
Date: 1990 Title: Dana-Thomas Residence (1902 - S.072) 1990. Double pedestal table lamp.
Description: Clipping pasted on verso: "Springfield - Would you spend $6 million for a house? What if it boasted one bowling lane, two barrel-vaulted ceilings, six-bedrooms, four bathrooms, 100 pieces of custom-designed oak furniture and 450 art-glass windows, doors and light fixtures, designed by one of the world’s greatest architects? If you’re an Illinois taxpayer, you just did. And believe it or not, you got a bargain. It is the Dana-Thomas House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for Springfield socialite Susan Laurence Dana in 1904. Now, after a three year, $5 million restoration, the Prairie-styled mansion has reopened to the public. The restoration landmark is expected to attract 100,000 visitors in the next year, but none could be happier than Gov, James R. Thompson. In 1981 he urged the legislature to buy the house for $1 million from the heirs of its second owner, the Thomas Publishing Co." Caption pasted to verso: "Phone calls from Gov. James R. Thomson helped raise the $704,000 cost of returning this table lamp to the living room of the Dana-Thomas House." Stamped on verso: "Sep 16, 1990".
Size: Original 10 x 8 color Print.
ST#: 1990.92.0512
Date: 1990 Title: Dana-Thomas Residence (1902 - S.072) 1990. Dining Room.
Description: Clipping pasted on verso: "Springfield - Would you spend $6 million for a house? What if it boasted one bowling lane, two barrel-vaulted ceilings, six-bedrooms, four bathrooms, 100 pieces of custom-designed oak furniture and 450 art-glass windows, doors and light fixtures, designed by one of the world’s greatest architects? If you’re an Illinois taxpayer, you just did. And believe it or not, you got a bargain. It is the Dana-Thomas House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for Springfield socialite Susan Laurence Dana in 1904. Now, after a three year, $5 million restoration, the Prairie-styled mansion has reopened to the public. The restoration landmark is expected to attract 100,000 visitors in the next year, but none could be happier than Gov, James R. Thompson. In 1981 he urged the legislature to buy the house for $1 million from the heirs of its second owner, the Thomas Publishing Co." Caption pasted to verso: "A musicians’ gallery overlooks the dining room with its huge ceremonial dining set. The alternating tall and short chairs make serving easier." Stamped on verso: "Sep 16, 1990".
Size: Original 8 x 10 color Print.
ST#: 1990.93.0512
Date: 1993 Title: Dana-Thomas House packet of 20 Slides 1977-1993 (1993.37). (Published by the Dana-Thomas House Foundation.)
Description: "The Dana-Thomas House. The Dana-Thomas House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, for Springfield socialite Susan Lawrence Dana, was completed in 1904. The Dana-Thomas House is administered by the Illinois his stork preservation agency and is listed on the national register. Packet of 20 slides."
Size: Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital images.
ST#: 1993.37.0305 (1-20)
1) Dana-Thomas House Exterior Viewed From the Southeast. The Entrance is in the center. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Doug Carr. 1. South Facade 1993. SP20-045. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -1)
2) Dana-Thomas House Exterior Viewed From the Southeast. The Living Room is toward the right. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. 2. East Facade 1993. Photo: Art Grossmann. St. Louis, MO. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -2)
3) Dana-Thomas House Entrance. View of the Entrance with the door open. "Flower in the Crannied Wall" sculpture by Richard Bock can be seen on the interior. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Doug Carr. 3. Detail of Main Entry 1993. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -3).
4) Dana-Thomas House Courtyard. View of the Courtyard from the Northwest. The Kitchen is on the left, the Reception area is in the center, the Gallery is to the right. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Doug Carr. 4. Courtyard Looking Southeast 1990. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -4)
5) Dana-Thomas House Courtyard and Reflecting Pool. View of the Courtyard and Reflecting Pool from the Northwest. The entrance to the Reception area is in the background, the Reflecting Pool and Conservatory is to the right. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Doug Carr. 5. Detail of Reflecting Pool 1990. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -5)
6) Dana-Thomas House Frieze. Detail view of Frieze. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Doug Carr. 5. Detail of Frieze 1990. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -6)
7) Dana-Thomas House Sculpture. "Flower in the Crannied Wall" sculpture by Richard Bock. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Thomas A. Heinz. 7. Entry Sculpture by R. W. Bock 1977. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -7)
8) Dana-Thomas House Reception Hall. View of the Reception Hall from the North. The Entrance is in the lower background. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. 8. Reception Hall 1993. Photo: Art Grossmann. St. Louis, MO. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -8)
9) Dana-Thomas House Reception Hall. View of the Reception Hall from the South. The Dining Room is on the left, the Reception area to the right, the Living Room is through the doorway in the background on the right. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Art Grossmann. 9. Panorama View Reception Hall 1993. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -9)
10) Dana-Thomas House Reception Hall. View of the "Moon Children Fountain" by Richard Bock, in the Reception area. The Bedroom is to the left, the Dining Room is on the right. The doors on either side of the fountain lead to the Courtyard in the background. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Art Grossmann. 10. Moon Children Fountain 1993. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -10)
11) Dana-Thomas House Dining Room. View of the Dining Room from the Reception area. The Kitchen to the left, the Parlor is to the right. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Art Grossmann. 11. Barrel Vaulted Dining Room 1993. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -11)
12) Dana-Thomas House Dining Room and lighting. View of the Dining Room, the Butterfly lamp as well as a wall sconce. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Doug Carr. 12. Detail of Dining Room 1993. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -12)
13) Dana-Thomas House Double Pedestal table lamp. Detail of the Dana House Double Pedestal Art Glass table lamp. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Doug Carr. 13. Double Pedestal Art Glass Lamp 1993. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -13)
14) Dana-Thomas House Conservatory Hallway. Detail of the Dana House Conservatory Hallway from the West. The Courtyard is on the left, the Enclosed Porch is on the right. The far end of the Hallway opens to the reception area. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Doug Carr. 14. Conservatory Hallway 1993. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -14)
15) Dana-Thomas House Master Bedroom. View of the Master Bedroom from the West. The Master Bedroom sets above the Living Room. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Doug Carr. 15. Detail of Master Bedroom 1990. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -15)
16) Dana-Thomas House Parapet with Butterly Lamp. View of the Gallery Parapet with hanging Butterfly Lamp. The Gallery is behind the camera. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Doug Carr. 16. Parapet Area with Butterfly Lamp 1991. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -16)
17) Dana-Thomas House Gallery. View of the Gallery from the West. The Parapet is through the opening toward the left. It leads to the Conservatory. Two Wright designed print tables are in the foreground. All furniture was designed by FLW. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Doug Carr. 17. Gallery 1990. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -17)
18) Dana-Thomas House Gallery Fireplace. View of the Gallery Fireplace from the East. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Doug Carr. 18. Detail of Gallery 1991. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -18)
19) Dana-Thomas House Art Glass Doors. View of the Reception Hall Art Glass Doors. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Tom Owen. 19. Reception Hall Art Glass Doors 1986. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -19)
20) Dana-Thomas House Sumac Art Glass. Detail of the Sumac Art Glass windows. Text on face: "The Dana-Thomas House. Photo: Leland Cook. 20. Detail of the Sumac Art Glass 1986. SP20-45. Dist. DTH Foundation." Original 35mm Color slide and high-res 10 x 7 digital image. (ST#1993.91 -20)Date: 1996 / 1963
Title: Dana Residence, Springfield, Illinois, 1996 (1902 - S.072).
Description: Plate 31 from Frank Lloyd Wright, Buildings, Plans and Designs, New York: Hudson Press, 1963. Susan Lawrence Dana House, Springfield, Illinois. Gallery." On display at the Exhibition, "Artful Interiors: Rooms with a View" at The New York Public Library, November 16, 1996 - March 29, 1997. Label pasted to verso: " ‘Susan Lawrence Dana House, Springfield, Illinois. Gallery.’ Plate 31 In Frank Lloyd Wright, Buildings, Plans and Designs, New York: Hudson Press, 1963. On view in the exhibition, Artful Interiors: Rooms with a View, The New York Public Library, Edna Barnes Salomon Room (Room 316), November 16, 1996 - March 29, 1997. Credit: Art & Architecture Collection. The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs."
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
ST#: 1996.89.0221
POSTCARDS Date: 1994 Title: “The Dana-Thomas House” Interior. (Published in 1994 by the Dana-Thomas House Foundation)
Description: #39746-E. The Dana-Thomas House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for Springfield socialite, Susan Lawrence Dana, completed in 1904. Panoramic view of reception area looking northeast: dining room, reception hall and living room, including original art glass and furniture. The Data-Thomas House is administered by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency and is listed on the National Register. #3190.
Size: 9 x 4
ST#: 1994.48.1206
Date: 1994 Title: “The Dana-Thomas House” Exterior. (Published in 1994 by the Dana-Thomas House Foundation)
Description: #39741-E. The Dana-Thomas House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for Springfield socialite, Susan Lawrence Dana, completed in 1904. Southeast facade photo taken 1991 following restoration. The Data-Thomas House is administered by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency and is listed on the National Register. #3191.
Size: 9 x 4
ST#: 1994.49.1206
POSTERS Date: 1990
Title: The Dana-Thomas House. A Frank Lloyd Wright Design (Published by Stan Squires, Springfield, Illinois)
Description: "The Dana-Thomas House. A Frank Lloyd Wright Design. Springfield, Illinois." Illustration of the main entrance to the Dana-Thomas House. Illustrated by Stan Squires. In an effort to raise funds for the Dana-Thomas House, Stan Squires illustrated and produced 1700 signed and numbered posters which were sold in the Sumac Shop, located in the Dana Carriage House, with profits going to the Dana-Thomas House. Limited edition prints were signed and numbered by Springfield artist Stan Squires. Printed in a series of 1700 on 80% Cotton fiber paper. Numbered in pencil: "1456/1700."
Size: Original size: 19" x 25". This poster is stained and trimmed to 17.75 x 23.75.
ST#: 1990.174.0121Date: Circa 2008 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: The Dana Thomas House (Published by PosterEnvy, Westford, MA)
Author: PosterEnvy
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright, The David (Dana) Thomas House, Springfield, IL. Studio/Gallery looking East. (First Edition)
Size: 12 x 18
Pages: 1
ST#: 2008.09.0211
Title: Dana House "Flower in The Crannied Wall" Sculpture Model 2008.
Description: "Flower in the Crannied Wall" was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and Richard Bock for placement in the entrance alcove of the Susan Lawrence Dana House (Springfield, Illinois, 1902 - S.072), where it can still be seen. The final design executed by Bock combined ideas from both architect and sculptor. Named after the Alfred Lord Tennyson poem, which is also shown on the back, the sculpture symbolically represents the human attempt to understand nature and the universe. Wright was so taken by the piece that he commissioned a second version to be placed at his Taliesin estate in Spring Green, Wisconsin. (Manufacturer’s description.) (Manufactured by Haeger Potteries, East Dundee, Illinois.) Text engraved on back: "Flower In The Crannied Wall I Pluck You Out Of The Crannies Hold You Here Root And All In My Hand Little Flower. But If I Could Understand What You Are Root And All And All In All. I Should Know What God And Man Is." After145 years in business, Haeger Potteries ceased its manufacturing operations in East Dundee, Illinois in 2016. Hand-cast sandstone pottery. Licensed by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Original list price $165.
Size: 22.5 x 6.5 x 6.75.
ST#: 2008.34.0617
Licensed by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.Flower In The
Crannied Wall
I Pluck You Out
Of The Crannies
Hold You Here
Root And All In My
Little Flower.
But If I Could
What You Are
Root And All
And All In All.
I Should Know
What God
And Man Is.
Alfred Lord TennysonDate: 2015
Title: Dana House "Flower in The Crannied Wall" Sculpture Model 2015.
Description: "Flower in the Crannied Wall" was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and Richard Bock for placement in the entrance alcove of the Susan Lawrence Dana House (Springfield, Illinois, 1902 - S.072), where it can still be seen. The final design executed by Bock combined ideas from both architect and sculptor. Named after the Alfred Lord Tennyson poem, which is also shown on the back, the sculpture symbolically represents the human attempt to understand nature and the universe. Wright was so taken by the piece that he commissioned a second version to be placed at his Taliesin estate in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Text engraved on back: "Flower in the Crannied Wall, I Pluck You out of the Crannies; Hold You Here, Root and All, in My Hand, Little Flower—but If I Could Understand What You Are, Root and All, and All in All, I Should Know What God and Man Is." Alfred Lord Tennyson. Label on base: "Summit Collection. Made in China." "Summit Collection. Arcadia, CA." Distributed by Summit Collection. Manufactured of cold cast resin. Hand painted. Original list price $124.99.
Size: 18" x 5.25" x 5.25"
ST#: 2015.40.0422
Text engraved on back:
Flower In The
Crannied Wall
I Pluck You Out
Of The Crannies
Hold You Here
Root And All In My
Little Flower.
But If I Could
What You Are
Root And All
And All In All.
I Should Know
What God
And Man Is.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
TRADING CARDS Date: 1995 Title: Architects Trading Cards: The Dana House.
Description: Architects Trading Cards: The Dana House By Frank Lloyd Wright. (Published by Acme Studios Inc., Hawaii)
Size: 2.75 x 3.75 each
Pages: Boxed set of 36 Trading Cards.
ST#: 1995.01.1299
HISTORIC ILLINOIS Date: 1981 Title: Historic Illinois - October 1981 (Published bimonthly by the Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Historic Sites, Springfield, Illinois)
Author: 2) Allen, James
3) Taylor, Richard S.
4) Urbas, AndreaDescription: 1) "Wright-Designed House Newest State Historic Site. On August 5, 1981, the Illinois Department of Conservation acquired its newest state historic site, purchasing the Dana-Thomas House in Springfield..."
2) "Springfield’s Dana-Thomas House. Buildings are too often the lease understood aspect of material culture, and this is especially the case where great architects are involved..." Includes 9 photographs.
3) "Susan Lawrence, the Woman Who Hired Frank Lloyd Wright. To portray Susan Lawrence as a frivolous and flamboyant eccentric seems far too easy..." Includes 3 photographs.
4) "Pettit Memorial Chapel. Pettit Memorial Chapel, designed in 1907 by Frank Lloyd Wright, is the only remaining example of his cemetery architecture. Located at the entrance to Belvidere Cemetery in Belvidere, the Prairie styled building was in continuous use until it fill into disrepair..." Includes 4 photographs. Original cover price $1.00Size: 8.5 x 11.
Pages: 1) P.2 2) Pp Cov-3, 12-14 3) Pp 4-5, 14 4) Pp 10-11
ST#: 1981.139.0714
Date: 1982 Title: Historic Illinois - April 1982 (Published bimonthly by the Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Historic Sites, Springfield, IL)
Author: Allen, James; Patterson, John; Taylor, Richard;
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright and Springfield’s Lawrence School. In November, 1902 the Springfield Board of Education voted to erect a new grade school on the city’s south side. One board member, Edward W. Payne, reported played an important role in convicting his associates that such a school was needed in what then seemed like a rather sparsely settled area..." Includes four photos and one illustration. Original list price $1.00.
Size: 8.5 x 11.
Pages: Pp 1-3, 12-13
ST#: 1982.39.0812
©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2024