BOOKS (1980 - 1989) 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Bottom
Architecture of the Western World (Hard Cover - DJ) Ed Raeburn, Michael Original HC List Price $?, PB List Price $19.95. (First Crescent Books Edition 1984) Pp Cover, 10 15 20 27 32-3 35 237 243 250-1 268 282 284 1980.01.1201 1980
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin,1980 Parish Directory (Published by Marick Publications, Lisle, Ill) Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Directory includes Staff, Parish Council and church family. Cover includes photographic detail. Included with directory is the 1980 Financial Report. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 20 1980.22.0709 1980
Ezra Stoller, Photography of Architecture 1939-1980 (Soft Cover) (Published by Max Protetch Gallery, New York, New York) Drexler, Arthur Produced in conjunction with an exhibition held at Max Protetch Gallery, New York, December 4, 1980 - January 12, 1981. "In the years after World War II, when American optimism about modern architecture was at its zenith, architectural photography assumed a new importance. Photographs were no longer simply records of built facts, or even poetic interpretations. They became missionary tracks published into the world, teaching the people the demanding but redemptive art... Continue... Pp 20 1980.64.0422 1980
Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover)
Zevi, Bruno Published by Studio paperback. Text is in German. (Second Edition) Pp 286 1980.06.0804 1980
Frank Lloyd Wright: Drawings for the Coonley House (Soft Cover) Hasbrouck, Marilyn Printed in conjunction with an exhibition on Nov 15 - Dec 31, 1980, Prairie Avenue Bookstore. (First Edition) Pp 8 1980.03.0902 1980
Frank Lloyd Wright Selected Drawings Portfolio Volume Two (Boxed) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Wright Olgivanna Lloyd This edition is limited to seven hundred copies, of which ten copies are not for sale. Plates 51 - 100. This copy is Numbered A248. Each set comes with A) Numbered cardboard packing box. B) Blue cloth boxed cover. C) Four page introduction by Olgivanna Lloyd Wright. D) Numbered cover that lists plates. E) Stringed blue cloth board for lifting place from box. F) Plates 51 - 100. Each drawing is mounted to a stiff board. 14 drawings have never been published. Original List Price $500.00. 15 x 20.5. (First Edition) Pp 51-100 1980.15.0305 1980
Furniture Designed By Architects (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Whitney Library of Design, An Imprint of Watson-Guptill Publications, New York. The Architectural Press LTD, London) Page, Marian Chapter 11: Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867-1959, Pp 92-107. Back Cover: "Furniture Designed by Architects covers 26 prominent architects whose work, spanning two centuries, encompasses a broad spectrum of styles. Organized in eight chapters, the book begins with a review of the work of Kent and Adam, who's furniture inspired Sheraton and Hepplewhite in Britain and the Federalist cabinet-makers of America. In the Victorian era, Americans Alexander Jackson Davis, champion of... Continue... Pp 224 1980.63.0122 1980
GA 15: Global Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin East, Spring Green, Wisconsin. 1925-. Taliesin West, Paradise Valley, Arizona. 1938-. (Published by A.D.A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 1972)
Photographed by Futagawa, Yukio; Text by Tanigawa, Masami First published in 1972. Published in Japanese and English. Photographic essay on Taliesin , Spring Green and Taliesin West. Begins with an essay by Masami Tanigawa. Includes 13 B&W and color photographs of Taliesin West, 12 photographs of Taliesin. Concludes with Aerial perspective, elevation and ground plan illustrations of Taliesin West (5) and Taliesin (5). Original list price 2400 Yen. 10 .25 x 14.25. (Second Edition) (Sweeney 1876) Pp 48 1876.01.0305 1980
GI 9: Global Interior #9: Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright 1 (Soft Cover) (Published by A. D. A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo) Futagawa, Yukio First published in 1975. Edited and photographed by Yukio Futagawa. Text in Japanese. Interior and exterior photographs of 26 homes. Cover printed horizontal, book published vertical. Original cover price Y3,600. 9 x 11. (Second Edition, see page 184) (Sweeney 1966) Pp 184 1966.01.0207 1980
GI 10: Global Interior #10: Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright 2 (Soft Cover) (Published by A. D. A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo) Futagawa, Yukio First published in 1976. Edited and photographed by Yukio Futagawa. Text in Japanese and English. Interior and exterior photographs of 26 homes. Cover printed horizontal, book published vertical. Original cover price Y3,600. 9 x 11 (Second Copy) (Second Edition, see page 184) (Sweeney 1999) Pp 184 1999.01.0207 1980
Life Imitates Architecture: Taliesin and Alden Dow's Studio (Soft Cover) (Published by Architectural Research Laboratory, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan) Robinson, Sidney K. An in depth study of Taliesin and Alden Dow's Studio. From the introduction: "The quality of Taliesin and Alden Dow's Studio depends not only on their attractive impact on our senses, but on the implications they present regarding art in life. This study will examine their material history, their social arrangement, and the large lessons that may be drawn from these small places." 5.5 x 8.5 (First Edition) Pp 74 1980.59.0221 1980
Measured Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright In Japan (Soft Cover) (Published by Gurafikku Sha, Tokyo)Tanigawa, Masami Published in Japanese and English. The study of the architectural works of Frank Lloyd Wright in Japan. The introduction includes photographs of Wright's work in Japan. Following the introduction there on four chapters which includes the Hayashi House (1917 - S.206), Yamamura House (1918 - S.212), Motion Picture Theater (1918 project) and the Jiyu Gakuen School (1921 - S.213). Each chapter includes photographs, perspective drawings and measured drawings. Chapter 3 includes... Continue... Pp 114 1980.51.0419 1980 The Chicago School of Architecture, A History of Commercial and Public Buildings in the Chicago Area, 1875 1925 (Soft Cover) (Published by The Unity of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.) Condit, Carl W. First published in 1952 as "The Rise of the Skyscraper". "This thoroughly illustrated study traces the history of the world-famous Chicago school of architecture from its beginnings with the functional innovations of William Le Baron and others to their imaginative development by Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright." (Publisher's Description.) Includes references to Wright, one photograph of Francis Apartments and three photographs of the interior of the Rookery Building... Continue... Pp 238 1573.01.0810 1980
The Dallas Theater Center, An Idea That Was Big Enough (Soft Cover) (Published by the Dallas Theater Center, Dallas, Texas) Cory, Joyce Burke Chapter V. The Architect. "And from the earth there rose a man, Who grew to shape the sunlight in his hands." Iovanna Lloyd Wright. It should not be necessary to review the life of a man as famous as Frank Lloyd Wright, but the factors that influence him in developing the idea and ideals which shaped his architecture are pertinent to the understanding of the work of art which was to be called the Dallas Theater Center. It is especially relevant that a clear picture of Mr. Wright's theory... Continue... Pp 115 1980.54.0320 1980
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (Soft Cover) Guggenheim Foundation First published in 1975. 1980 Version, 15,000 Copies Printed. (Second Rev) (Sweeney 1969) Pp 49 1969.02.0799 1980
Utagawa Kuniyoshi. An Exhibition of the Work of Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861) (Soft Cover) (Published by The Springfield Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, Massachusetts) Henning, Robert Jr. Published for 'An exhibition of the work of Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861), based on the Raymond A Bidwell Collection of Japanese Prints at the Springfield Museum of Fine Arts Springfield, Massachusetts. To fully understand Kuniyoshi and his art, one must have a clear picture of the times in which he lived and the forces which molded his character. In 1797, Edo was a bustling city with a population approaching one million. It had grown to these proportions from... Continue... Pp 253 (UnPaginated) 1980.66.1222 1980
Wisconsin Stories: Frank Lloyd Wright in Spring Green, 1911-1932 (Published by The State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison) Twombly, Robert C. Reprinted from the Wisconsin Magazine of History, Spring 1968. Includes 16 photos and one illustration. 7.5 x 10. Original list price $1.50. (First Edition) Pp 20 1980.17.0606 1980 Life Imitates Architecture: Taliesin and Alden Dow's Studio (Published by Architectural Research Laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) Robinson, Sidney K. Original List Price $7.50. Pp 74 1980? An Index and Guide to "An Autobiography", the 1943 Edition, by Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by ...) Cowles, Linn Ann Original List Price $12.00. Pp 113 1981 1981
A Guide to the Architecture of River Forest (Published by The Architectural Guide Book Committee, River Forest, Ill. Funds to launch the project were provided by the River Forest Centennial Commission.) Editor: Fields, Jeanette S.; Intro: Steiner, Frances "Only 20 minutes west of Chicago's Loop, the tree-lined village of River Forest boasts some of the world's most beautiful examples of Prairie School designs, all in a compact 2.4 square miles." (From back cover.) Features 61 structures, 91 photographs, many never published before, and a biography of 10 architects and partnerships. Wright homes include: 1) William Winslow; 3) Chauncey Williams; 6) Isabel Roberts; 16) J. Kibben Ingalls; 43) E. Arthur Davenport; 46) River... Continue... Pp 68 1981.28.0712 1981
Chicago School Architects and Their Critics (Hard Cover) (Published by UMI Research Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan) Charernbhak, Wichit Preface: "It was several years ago when I was a young student studying for a bachelor of architecture degree at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand that I first became aware of the architecture of the late nineteenth century in Chicago. Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright where then everybody's heroes. Through a few courses in the history of Western architecture, I was awakened to an appreciation of the concept and philosophy of the Chicago School. Yet, it was not... Continue... Pp 214 1981.145.1217 1981
Frank Lloyd Wright: Three Quarters of a Century of Drawings (Hard Cover DJ) (English Version. Published by Horizon
Press, New York. Printed in Italy April 1981)Izzo, Alberto; Gubitosi, Camillo; Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Angrisani, Marcello Originally published in Italy in 1976. Italian and French language editions 1976, 1977, 1981. This is the first published edition in the US by Horizon. (Sweeney 2000) (Third Edition) Pp 189 2000.01.0103 1981
Frank Lloyd Wright: Three Quarters of a Century of Drawings (Soft Cover) (English Version. Published by Horizon Press, New York. Printed in Italy April 1981) Izzo, Alberto; Gubitosi, Camillo; Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Angrisani, Marcello Originally published in Italy in 1976. Italian and French language editions 1976, 1977, 1981. This is the first published edition in the US by Horizon. (Sweeney 2000) (Third Edition) Pp 189 2000.02.0404 1981
Frank Lloyd Wright: Three Quarters of a Century of Drawings (Soft Cover) (English Version. Published by Centro Di. Printed in Italy April 1981) Izzo, Alberto; Gubitosi, Camillo; Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Angrisani, Marcello A catalog for a traveling exhibition of 232 illustrations. This version included an index to drawings. Originally published in Italy in 1976. (Sweeney 2000) (Fourth Edition) Pp 189 2000.03.1007 1981
Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture and Urbanism (Published by a + u Publishing Co., Ltd, Tokyo) (Soft Cover) Text in Japanese. This is a compilation of Wright's work chronologically from his earlier to his later works. It is divided between his public buildings and his private homes. Original cover price 3200. 8.5 x 11.5 (First Edition) Pp 232 1981.15.0407 1981
Frank Lloyd Wright's Hanna House, The Clients Report (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England) Hanna, Paul & Jean Original HC List Price $25.00, SB List Price $12.50. (Second Edition) Pp 148 1981.02.1299 1981
Frank Lloyd Wright's Hanna House, The Clients Report, Second Edition (Soft Cover) Hanna, Paul & Jean Original SC List Price $12.50. (Second Edition, Third Printing) Pp 148 1981.02.0199 1981
Frank Lloyd Wright Kelmscott Gallery (Published by Kelmscott Gallery, Chicago) (Soft Cover) Elliott, Scott Exhibition catalogue for an exhibition at Kelmscott Gallery, Chicago, September - October 1981, which includes example's of Wright's creative efforts in every category. 84 items which included 78 photographs, illustrations, drawings, renderings, plans, and ephemera. 8.8 x 9. Two copies. (First Edition) Pp 64 1981.16.0407 1981.36.0413 1981
Frank Lloyd Wright personlich (Hard Cover, DJ) (Published by Artemis, Publishers for Architecture, Zurrich, Munchen) Tafel, Edgar German edition of "Years with Frank Lloyd Wright, Apprentice to Genius." From the special vantage point of a former apprentice who for nine years lived and worked under "the fury and wrath of genius," Edgar Tafel presents a wonderfully revealing portrait of America's greatest architect. Unpredictable, cantankerous, a striking figure with white hair, cape and cane, Frank Lloyd Wright was an individualistic spirit who delighted in acting out his own myth. Here is an intimate view of the... Continue... Pp 224 1981.37.1013
Frank Lloyd Wright / Steelcase (Soft Cover) Steelcase Accompanies the traveling exhibit of the Johnson Wax desk manufactured by Steelcase. (First Edition) Pp 14 1981.03.0302 1981
GA 36: Global Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright, Soilomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City, N.Y. 1943-59; Marin County Civic Center, California. 1957-1970. (Soft Cover) (Published by A. D. A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo) Edited and Photographed by Futagawa, Yukio; Text by Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks First Published in 1975. Interior text in Japanese and English. Includes 31 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price 2000, second edition 2400. 10.2 x 14.25. (Second Edition) (Sweeney 1965) Pp 48 1965.01.0907 1981
Mortgage Burning Celebration (Published by the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Milwaukee, WI) Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Program for the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Mortgage Burning Celebration. Saturday, September 12, 1981 at the Pfister Hotel. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 8 1981.18.0709 1981
The Architect (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Simon & Schuster, New York) Levin, Meyer A novel that draws from the life of Frank Lloyd Wright. Original HC List Price $15.50. 5.75 x 8.75. (First Edition) Pp 431 1981.04.1202 1981
The Domestic Scene (1897-1927): George M. Niedecken, Interior Architect (Soft Cover) (Published by the Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, Wisc.)
Robertson, Cheryl; Marvel, Terrence; Niedecken, George M. Published in conjunction with an exhibition held November 19, 1981 though January 17, 1982 at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Foreword: "Though George Niedecken studied and traveled in fin-de-siecle Europe, his roots remain strong in Milwaukee and Wisconsin. He returned to Milwaukee to work as an artist, furniture designer and interior architect planner. The Jacobson gift and loan posed the challenge to present Niedecken's work in the context of his time. Reconstructing... Continue... Pp 108 1981.146.0818 1981
We Chose the Country (Soft Cover) (Published by Roger H. Hunt, Madison, Wisconsin) Jacobs, Herbert First published in 1948 by Harper and Row, Inc. Kirkus Book review: "A family piece, extolling the freedom, simplicity and healthfulness of country life as opposed to the restrictions and conventions of city life. The Jacobs family, Herbert and Katherine-and their children, Susan, Elizabeth and Bill, decide to leave their beautiful and comfortable Frank Lloyd Wright house in Madison, Wisconsin, and move to an old run-down farm (but it has a wonderful view) about nine miles outside of Madison. Not... Continue... Pp 306 1981.148.1019 1981
Wingspread - the Building (Stiff Soft Cover) (Published by the Johnson Foundation)
Kinch, Richard; Johnson Foundation Original SC List Price $5.00. (First Edition) Pp 32 1981.06.0603 1981
Writings on Wright, Selected Comments on Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England) Brooks, H. Allen "In this book Allen Brooks has produced biography and architectural history by the unorthodox method of weaving many voices together into a single fabric. The focus is on the reality and myth of Frank Lloyd Wright. The writings cover Wright's personality and life style, Wrights clients and his work, and more recent evaluations by Lewis Mumford and Reyner Banham, among others." (Back Cover.) Original HC List Price $17.50, 6 x 9 (First Edition) Pp 229 1981.01.0201 1981 1932-1982 - The Taliesin Fellowship: A Directory of Members Kassler, Elizabeth B. Original List Price $5.00. 1982 1982
Cedar Rock - The Walter Residence - Quasqueton, Iowa (Soft Cover) Iowa Department of Natural Resources Descriptive booklet describing the Walter Residence, Cedar Rock and its history. Includes six photographs. Two Copies. (First Edition) Pp 12 1982.16.0804 1982.27.0405 1982
Country and Suburban Homes of the Prairie School Period (Published by Dover Publications, Inc. New York) (Soft Cover) von Holst, Hermann Valentin First published in 1913 as 'Modern American Homes' by American Technical Society, Chicago. Originally as 108 plates with 424 photographs and floor plans. Includes two Wright homes, four photographs. Original Dover cover price $5.95. 8.75 x 12. (First Edition) Pp 123 1982.30.0307 1982
Drawings and Illustrations by Southern California Artists before 1950 (Soft Cover) (Published by the Laguna Beach Museum of Art, Laguna Beach, California) Moure, Nancy Dustin Wall; Essays by: Moure, Nancy Dustin Wall; Neuerburg, Norman; Ryman, Herbert; Ehrlich, Susan
An exhibition at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art from August 6-September 16, 1982. "...Frank Lloyd Wright and Rudolph Schindler created unique and important architectural drawings to accompany their architectural statements." Includes one illustration of the "Hollyhock House, View from the Southwest before 1912." 1,350 copies printed. 8.5 x 11 (First Edition) Pp 64 1982.42.0613 1982
Early Work "Ausgefuhrte Bauten 1911" (Soft Cover) (Published by Dover) Frank Lloyd Wright Original SC List Price $7.50. (Second Edition) Pp 141 1732.03.1198 1982
50 Years of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. The Early Years. (Soft Cover) Netting, M. Graham "Fallingwater & Bear Run". Original HC List Price $53.00, SC List Price $26.50. (First Edition) Pp 23-29 1982.17.1004 1982
Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) Heinz, Thomas A. Original SC List Price $16.95. (First Edition) Pp 96 1982.02.0482 1982
Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) Heinz, Thomas A. Original HC List Price $19.95. (First Edition) Pp 96 1982.15.0404 1982
Frank Lloyd Wright, L'Avenir De L'Architecture (The Future of Architecture) Les origines du post-modernisme 1 (The origins of post-modernism) (French) (Soft cover) (Published by Denoel/Gonthier, Paris, France, as part of their Bibliotheque Mediations Series) Wright, Frank Lloyd First published in 1953, this French edition is published in two volumes. A collection of previously published work including: "A Conversation with Hugh Downs," broadcast May 17, 1953; "Modern Architecture;" "Two Lectures;" "Architecture and Modern Life;" "An Organic Architecture;" "Organic Architecture." Cover photograph of The Guggenheim Museum by Rene Burri. 4.25 x 7 (First Edition) Pp 1-183 1982.58.0718 (1) 1982
Frank Lloyd Wright, L'Avenir De L'Architecture (The Future of Architecture) Les origines du post-modernisme 2 (The origins of post-modernism) (French) (Soft cover) (Published by Denoel/Gonthier, Paris, France, as part of their Bibliotheque Mediations Series) Wright, Frank Lloyd First published in 1953, this French edition is published in two volumes. A collection of previously published work including: "A Conversation with Hugh Downs," broadcast May 17, 1953; "Modern Architecture;" "Two Lectures;" "Architecture and Modern Life;" "An Organic Architecture;" "Organic Architecture." Cover photograph of The Guggenheim Museum by Rene Burri. 4.25 x 7 (First Edition) Pp 184-346 1982.58.0718 (2) 1982
Frank Lloyd Wright Selected Drawings Portfolio Volume Three (Boxed) (Published by A.D.A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Wright Olgivanna Lloyd This edition is limited to five hundred copies, of which ten copies are not for sale. Plates 101-150. This copy is Numbered A177. Each set comes with: A) Numbered cardboard packing box; B) Terra Cotta cloth boxed cover; C) Four page introduction by Olgivanna Lloyd Wright; D) Numbered cover that lists plates; E) Stringed blue cloth board for lifting place from box; F) Plates 101-150. Each drawing is mounted to a stiff board. Original List Price $500.00. 15 x 20.5. Box: 16.25 x 21.5... Continue... Pp101-150 1982.51.0517 1982.63.0720 1982
GA Houses Special Issue, Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright 1 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (Published by A. D. A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo) Futagawa, Yukio Published in Japanese with some text in English. Special Edition of a volume that was first published in 1975, GI 9: Global Interior #9: Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright 1. Edited and photographed by Futagawa, Yukio. Text in Japanese. Interior and exterior photographs of 26 homes which include the Frank Lloyd Wright Residence, Play Room and Studio, the Winslow, Bradley, Willits, Martin, and Davenport Residences, the Fricke Residence and Martin Alterations, the... Continue... Pp 184 1982.64.0821 1982
GA Houses Special Issue, Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright 2 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (Published by A. D. A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd. TokPfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited by Futagawa, Yukio Published in Japanese and English. Special Edition of a volume that was first published in 1976, GI 10: Global Interior #10: Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright 2. Edited and photographed by Futagawa, Yukio. Text in Japanese and English. Introduction by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer. Interior and exterior photographs of 26 homes which include the Willey Residence, Fallingwater, the Hanna, Wingspread Lloyd Lewis Residence and Farm Unit, the Pope, Schwartz, Sturges, Pew, Affleck, Baird, Wall... Continue... Pp 184 1982.65.0821 1982
Guide to Frank Lloyd Wright & Prairie School Architecture in Oak Park (Soft Cover) (Published by the Oak Park Bicentennial Commission of the American Revolution; The Oak Park Landmark Commission; The Village of Oak Park) Sprague, Paul E.; Foreword by H. Allen Brooks First published n 1976 Includes an introduction by Sprague, maps for locating buildings, a photograph and description for each building listed. 27 of the 79 homes and buildings were designed by Wright. Closes with a biography of each architect. Original list price $3.50. 6 x 9. Two copies. (Third Edition) Pp 96 1982.10.0402 1982.41.1212 1982
Hiroshige: 100 Famous Views of Edo Mead, Katherine Harper Catalog for exhibition by the Elvehjem Museum of Art at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Elvehjem gifted 2,800 Japanese prints. Many came from Frank Lloyd Wright collection. (First Edition) See 'Fireworks at Ryogoku Bridge' Pp 49 1982.18.1004 1973/1982
Historic Architecture in Mississippi (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by the University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi) Crocker, Mary Wallace See 1973... (Fourth Edition - 1982) (Sweeney 1911) Pp 96-99 1911.00.1212 1982
In The Cause of An Organic Architecture: The Fingernail Moon Press. A 5 x 5 x 4 Square Paper. (Soft Cover) (Published by The Fingernail Moon Press, Clinton, Iowa) Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Feddersen, Phil H. "Art is the Creation of Beauty. But nothing is arbitrary nothing is insulated in beauty. It depends forever on the necessary & the useful. It is the sign of health & of virtue. The plumage of the bird, the plumage of an insect has a reason for its rich colors in the constitution of the animal. Fitness is so essential to Beauty that it has been taken for it. The most perfect form to answer an and is beautiful. This holds true in all animals. Why not in Architecture? ... We feel in seeing a noble building which rhymes well, as we... Continue... Pp 8 1982.54.0517 1982
Letters to Apprentices, Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by The Press at California State University, Fresno, CA) Selected and with commentary by: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks This first ever published collection of letters by Frank Lloyd Wright reveals an articulate genius at his intimate best, witty, wise, wistful, devastating, sometimes all within a single page. Written for the most part to his apprentices, these letters also serve to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Taliesin fellowship, the "school" Frank Lloyd Wright founded in 1932 (cover description). Original Hard Cover List Price $17.95, Soft Cover List Price $8.95. 5.75 x 8.75. (First Edition) Pp 211 1982.04.1099 1982
Letters to Apprentices, Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover, Set of three in box cover) (Published by The Press at California State University, Fresno, CA) Selected and with commentary by: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks This first ever published collection of letters by Frank Lloyd Wright reveals an articulate genius at his intimate best, witty, wise, wistful, devastating, sometimes all within a single page. Written for the most part to his apprentices, these letters also serve to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Taliesin fellowship, the "school" Frank Lloyd Wright founded in 1932 (cover description)... Continue...
Pp 211 1982.33.0110 1982
Metropolitan Museum of Art - Fall 1982 (Soft Cover) Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. Original SC List Price $8.95. (First Edition) Pp 56 1982.05.0499 1982
Racine: A Guide to Architectural Styles 1840 - 1940 (Published by the Racine Landmark Preservation Commission, Racine, Wisc.) Long, Robert D. A field guided that is made up of 39 architectural examples in Racine. It also includes two sections of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings. The Hardy House and the S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc., Administration Building and Research Tower. With one photograph of each. 5.5 x 8.5 (First Edition) Pp 44 1982.44.0514 1982
The Home & Studio of Frank Lloyd Wright in Oak Park, Il 1889-1911 (Soft Cover) Kalec, Donald G. Revise, update and revision to Sweeney #1967 (First Edition) Pp 30 1982.13.0702 1982
The Innovators: 16 Portraits of the Famous and the Infamous (Hard Cover - DJ) Nash, Jay Robert Chapter 14: Frank Lloyd Wright, The Grand Architect of the Earth (First Edition) Pp 240 1982.07.0401 1983 1983
An Interview With Ethel C. Marden (Published by the Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis) Marden, Ethel C.; Aspray, William Abstract: Marden discusses the early use of computers by the U.S. government as seen from the National Bureau of Standards, where she was employed following World War II. She discusses the results of the construction of the Standards Eastern Automatic Computer (SEAC) and points to the prominent role in its design of people who had worked on ENIAC. Marden describes the enthusiasm and work... Continue... See our Wright Study on the Marden Residence. Pp 30 1983.35.1215 1983
An Update on Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), And Some Sources for Review (Soft Cover) (Published by Vance Bibliographies, Monticelio, Illinois) Bibliographic Research Library Introduction: Since many consider Frank Lloyd Wright to be the dean of American architects, it stands to reason that his work is discussed most widely in the architectural literature. And so it is. Also there has been extensive bibliographical coverage of his writings and those about him. Consequently the purpose of this brief bibliography is not to duplicate what has already been produced, but to update and list the major bibliographic instruments that will give one access to this vast body of... Continue... Pp 6 1983.40.0717 1983
Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Henschelverlag Kunst und Gesellschaft, Berlin.) Lysiak, Waldemar Text in German. A Polish edition was first published in 1982 by Artady, Warsaw. Title of Original Polish Issue: Frank Lloyd Wright. From Polish translated by Renate Boning. Printed in Poland. Includes an additional 60 pages of plates. 7.9 x 9.25 (First Edition) Pp 28 (88) 1983.29.1213 1983
Frank Lloyd Wright and Japanese Prints: The Collection of Mrs. Avery Coonley (Soft Cover) (Published by The American Institute of Architects Foundation, The Octagon, Washington, D.C. This catalog has been made possible by the Waldron Faulkner Memorial Catalog Fund.) (Note: Mrs. Waldron (Elizabeth Coonley) Faulkner, is the daughter of Avery and Queene Ferry Coonley.) Meech-Pekarik, Julia; Introduction: Stein, Susan R. Catalog for the Exhibition held at The Octagon from April 26 through July 3, 1983. "In 1926, the Bank of Wisconsin foreclosed on Wright's mortgage, taking possession of Taliesin and its contents. To ward of bankruptcy, Wright was forced to sell many of his Japanese prints at auction through the Anderson Galleries in New York City, in 1927. Mrs. Coonley, impelled not only by the beauty of the Japanese prints but by the desire to be of financial assistance to Wright, purchased many of the prints shown in the present exhibition at the Anderson Sale and acquired others from the architect personally..." Includes five photographs, seven... Continue... Pp 14 1983.30.0214 1983
Frank Lloyd Wright. A Research Guide to Archival Sources (Hard Cover) (Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York & London) Meehan, Patrick J. "The primary goal of this book, in the words of its dedicated and indefatigable author Patrick J. Meehan, is to provide an organized working guide to Frank Lloyd Wright archival material in the widest sense of the term. The research guide locates, records and describes original manuscripts, drawings, letters, documents, and, importantly, furniture, building fragments and other artifacts that are in collections accessible to the public. The research guide thus points the way to countless treasures... Continue... Pp 681 1983.41.0917 1983
Frank Lloyd Wright: Art in Design (Two Copies) (Soft Cover) Hanks, David A. Exhibit catalog for the inaugural exhibit at the Hirschl & Adler Modern galleries, NY, February 5 - February 26, 1983. (First Edition) Pp 56 1983.05.0102 1983.06.0302 1983
Frank Lloyd Wright - Drawings, 1893-1959 (Soft Cover) Edited by Pfeiffer, Bruce B. Drawings from 1893 - 1959. Exhibition and sales for the preservation of Taliesin. Sept 16 to Oct 16, 1983 at Max Protectch, 37 W. 57th, New York 10019. Catalog of listed items. Related item Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings - GA Gallery. (First Edition) Pp 61 1983.03.1000 1983
Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings & Plans of Frank Lloyd Wright, Early Period (Soft Cover) (Published by Dover) Frank Lloyd Wright (Wasmuth) Original SC List Price $8.95. (First Edition) 1983.04.0999 1983
Frank Lloyd Wright in Oak Park & River Forest. (Soft Cover) (Published By Sigma Press, Chicago, Illinois) Steiner, Frances H. Includes a list of 30 buildings in the Oak Park and River Forest area. 8.5 x 9.5. (First Edition) Pp 64 1983.14.0405 1983
Frank Lloyd Wright: Six Buffalo Houses (Soft Cover) (Published by The Louis Sullivan Museum, Buffalo, New York) Randall, John D. The Creativity of Frank Lloyd Wright. Something like the spectacle of the sunrise, intellectual analysis of Frank Lloyd Wright's houses is paled by matters of the heart. In visiting, your feelings - the sensations from an orchestrated living environment are far more important than simply seeing the sensitive design of detail or spatial qualities. The message is "spiritual" content. Architectural buffs learn the meaning of form-fitness and of the expansive intrigue of architectural space. For all... Continue... Pp 16 1983.62.0524 1983
Furniture Designed By Architects (Soft Cover) (First Soft Cover printing. Published by Whitney Library of Design, An Imprint of Watson-Guptill Publications, New York) Page, Marian First published in 1980 by Whitney Library of Design. Chapter 11: Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867-1959, Pp 92-107. Back Cover: "Furniture Designed by Architects covers 26 prominent architects whose work, spanning two centuries, encompasses a broad spectrum of styles. Organized in eight chapters, the book begins with a review of the work of Kent and Adam, who's furniture inspired Sheraton and Hepplewhite in Britain and the Federalist cabinet-makers of America. In the Victorian... Continue... Pp 224 1983.57.1121 1983
GA 15: Global Arch: Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin East, Spring Green, Wisconsin. 1925-. Taliesin West, Paradise Valley, Arizona. 1938-. (Revised edition) Futagawa, Yukio; Tanigawa, Masami (Possibly published for the Japanese Market.) First published in 1972 by A.D.A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd., Tokyo. Revised Edition. Published in Japanese and English. Photographic essay on Taliesin , Spring Green and Taliesin West. Begins with an essay by Masami Tanigawa. Includes 13 B&W and color photographs of Taliesin West, 12 photographs of Taliesin. Concludes with Aerial perspective, elevation and ground plan illustrations of Taliesin West (5) and Taliesin (5). 10.25 x 14.25. (Sweeney 1876) Pp 48 1876.02.1119 1983
Guide to the Architecture of Metro Phoenix. Soft Cover (Published by Phoenix Publishing, Inc., Phoenix, AZ) Central Arizona Chapter AIA, Ch. 3: Montooth, Charles Includes many images and description of Wright Buildings in Phoenix area. Chapter 3: Frank Lloyd Wright. Additional text, photos and illustrations about Wright. Pp 178-187. 9 x 6. (First Edition) Pp 200 1983.15.0405 1983
Joseph Jacob Walser House (Digital Edition) (Submitted to The Commission on Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks.) Anonymous Originally submitted to the Commission on Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks in January, 1981. Revised February, 1983. Historical information related to the Walser House, the community and Frank Lloyd Wright. It also includes seven photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 11 Pp 20 1983.55.0720 1983
Kings of Infinite Space (Published by Academy Editions and Architectural Design, London) (Hard Cover) Jencks, Charles In the BBC film, 'Kings of Infinite Space', Charles Jencks debates with Michael Graves and Philip Johnson the merits of Pre-Modern and Post-Modern architecture. This 'book of the film' fills out the whole debate in much greater detail showing the work of the two great American architects - Wright and Graves. 9 x 9.5. (First Edition) Pp 104 1983.20.0507 1983
Man About Town (Hard Cover) (Published by The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass and London, England) Muschamp, Herbert Original HC List Price $15.00. 6.25 x 9.5. Frank Lloyd Wright in New York City. (First Edition) Pp 214 1983.16.0706 1983
Man About Town (Soft Cover) (Published by The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass and London, England) Muschamp, Herbert Original SC List Price $7.95. 6 x 9. Frank Lloyd Wright in New York City. (First SC Edition) Pp 214 1983.02.0201 1983
Prairie School Architecture. Studies from '˜The Western Architect' (Soft Cover) Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, Cincinnati, Toronto, London, Melbourne. First published in 1975 by University of Toronto Press) Brooks, H. Allen A reprint of '˜The Western Architect', December 1911 issue (S#102C). "The Western Architect, published in Minneapolis between 1902 and 1931, was the only journal to document extensively the architecture of the Prairie School..." Reprints sections include: Frank Lloyd Wright; Griffin; Purcell, Feick & Elmslie; Maher; Drummond; Van Bergen; Tallmadge & Watson and Sullivan, and an introduction for each. Chapter 1: "City National Bank of Mason City, Iowa." December 1911. Includes eight photographs... Continue... Pp 333 1983.36.1215 1983
The Pope-Leighey House (Soft Cover) Morton, Terry B.; Contributing editors: Brooks, H. Allen; Pop, Loren B.; Leighey, Marjorie F.; Chadwick, Gordon; Rickert... Many changes throughout this edition. Bullock dropped as co-editor. (First Edition of Second Printing) Pp 120 1983.13.0105 1983
Wingspread - The Sculpture (Soft Cover) (Published by The Johnson Foundation, Inc., Racine, Wisconsin) Nordness, Lee "The major works of the Wingspread group of contemporary sculpture are place throughout the Foundation grounds, as was the wish of the donor, Irene Purcell Johnson, wife of Herbert F. Johnson. Mrs. Johnson offered wingspread one major piece of sculpture a year until her death. She also acquired a group of smaller bronzes for the interior." Includes a biography of the artist, a description and photograph of the sculpture. Includes 17 sculptures. 8 x 8 (First Edition) Pp 36 1983.44.0318 1983
Wingspread - the Setting (Soft Cover) Johnson Foundation (First Edition) Pp 12 1983.08.0603 1983
Writings on Wright, Selected Comments on Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England) Brooks, H. Allen First printed in hard back in 1981. "In this book Allen Brooks has produced biography and architectural history by the unorthodox method of weaving many voices together into a single fabric. The focus is on the reality and myth of Frank Lloyd Wright. The writings cover Wright's personality and life style, Wrights clients and his work, and more recent evaluations by Lewis Mumford and Reyner Banham, among others." (Back Cover) Original list price $7.95, 6 x 9 (First SC Edition) Pp 229 1983.38.0116 1984 1984
A Desert Walk With Cornelia Brierly. Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Spring Seminar, Taliesin West 3/24/84. (Soft Cover) Frank Lloyd Wright; Brierly, Cornelia; Kearney, Thomas H.; Peebles, Robert H.
Spiral bound notebook includes: A) An excerpt from a Sunday Morning Talk, Given to the Apprentices on "Desert Life", Frank Lloyd Wright Nov. 29, 1952 (3 pages). (Not included in "Collected Writing" Vol 5.) B) One page excerpt from "An Autobiography" by FLLW. C) Ten pages - "A Day at Taliesin - 24 March 84 - Notes For A Desert Walk" by Cornelia Brinkley. D) Ten pages, excerpts from "Arizona Flora" by Thomas H. Kearney, Robert H. Peebles, Univeristy of California Press 1951. Loose... Continue... Pp 25 1984.19.1104 1984
A History of Way & Williams, With a Bibliography of Their Publications: 1895-1898 (Published by George S. MacManus Co., Philadelphia. The first edition of this book consists of five hundred copies printed by KNA Press Inc. of Kennet Square, Pennsylvania with the help of Henry Morris.) Kraus, Joe W. "The renewed interest in fine printing that swept into England and the United States in the 1890s received its impetus from the Kelmscott Press and other private presses in England, but the idea of combining the best talents of printers, designers and artists was soon taken up by a few venturesome publishers... In February 1896, he (Chauncey Williams) joined with his neighbor, William H. Winslow... and the Auvergne Press was established... Frank Lloyd Wright, who had designed both houses... Continue... Pp 111 1984.35.0311 1984
Chicago Furniture: Art, Craft, & Industry 1833-1983 (Soft Cover) (Published by The Chicago Historical Society in association with W. W. Norton & Company, New York / London) Darling, Sharon "This profusely illustrated volume covers 150 years of the design and manufacture of furniture in Chicago. By tracing the economic and social evolution of this industry, it also vividly reflects the pattern of industrial growth and westward expansion of the nation as a whole. It will appeal to furniture lovers and to anyone interested in American customs manners and domestic life from the early nineteenth to the present. It shows how the demands of production merged with changing aesthetics to form a... Continue... Pp 416 1984.51.0317 1984
Frank Lloyd Wright and The Prairie School (Soft Cover) Brooks, Allen Original SC List Price $14.95. (Fourth Edition) Pp 120 1984.03.0199 1984
Frank Lloyd Wright, Decorative Objects, Prints, Drawings, Florida Projects (Soft Cover) Bass Museum of Art Catalog for a Wright exhibit at the Bass Museum of Art, City of Miami Beach, June 22 - September 9, 1984. (First Edition) Pp 62 1984.10.0304 1984
Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings - GA Gallery (Soft Cover) Forward: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Catalog for An Exhibition for the Benefit of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. GA Gallery Oct 27-Dec 1984. Max Protetch Jan 11 - Feb 9, 1985. Sale of drawings for establishing endowment funds. Related Item: Frank Lloyd Wright - Drawings, 1893-1959. Original list price $19.95. (First Edition) Pp 121 1984.17.1204 1984/87/89 Frank Lloyd Wright In His Renderings 1887-1959, Volume 12 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (First Published in 1984 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1987 and 1989) Author: Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Publisher's Description: The development of Modern Architecture has been strongly influenced by the accomplishment of Frank Lloyd Wright. His professional career as an architect spanned more than seventy years and produced more than 400 buildings. With the generous cooperation of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are able to present to you the first complete works of Frank Lloyd Wright. Volume 12 consists of 200 selected renderings that are often... Continue... Pp 389 1984.38.0812 1984.60.0422 1984
Frank Lloyd Wrights Robie House (Soft Cover) Hoffmann, Donald Original SC List Price $12.95. (First Edition) Pp 98 1984.08.1001 1984
Frank Lloyd Wrights Usonian Houses: Designs for Moderate Cost One-Family Homes (Soft Cover) Sergeant, John Original SC List Price $16.95. (First Paper Edition) Pp 207 1984.02.0401 1984
Frank Lloyd Wright's Warehouse in Richland Center, Wisconsin (Soft Cover, Spiral Bound) (Published by Richland County Publishers, Richland Center, Wisconsin) Scott, Margaret "The book is not written for the locality alone but for the public in general in an effort to add whatever the local people may contribute to Wrightian memorabilia. Numerous persons in the area were interviewed by Bruce Barrett, a former apprentice at the Taliesin Fellowship and at present a volunteer at the Warehouse at this time when it is being made a new source of cultural and historical concern. The book is not a resume of the thesis by Randolph Henning who approached its past... Continue... Pp 230 1984.49.1216 1984
Letters to Architects, Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by The Press at California State University, Fresno, CA) Selected and with commentary by: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks More than any others, the letters Frank Lloyd Wright wrote to architects speak from the heart. They reveal, from the inside out, what it means to be a genius struggling to reach out and touch his fellows. They proclaim, defend, and exalt his primary passion, Organic Architecture, and in the process reveal his very self. As might be expected his is a many-sided self (cover description). Original HC List Price $18.95. 5.75 x 8.75. (First Edition) Pp 227 1984.04.1299 1984
Letters to Architects, Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover, Set of three in box cover) (Published by The Press at California State University, Fresno, CA) Selected and with commentary by: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks More than any others, the letters Frank Lloyd Wright wrote to architects speak from the heart. They reveal, from the inside out, what it means to be a genius struggling to reach out and touch his fellows. They proclaim, defend, and exalt his primary passion, Organic Architecture, and in the process reveal his very self. As might be expected his is a many-sided self (cover description). In 1986... Continue...
Pp 227 1984.33.0110 1984
Paradise Peak West (Soft Cover) Paradise Peak West Descriptive folder for the Paradise Peak West Activity Center. Originally designed as a resort complex called San Marcose Water Gardens in 1928 for Dr. Alexander Chandler. Built as it was originally designed. Pp 4 1984.13.0404 1984
Prairie School Architecture in Minnesota Iowa Wisconsin (Published by the Minnesota Museum of Art, Saint Paul, Minnesota) Larson, Paul; Sandeen, Ernest R.; Lathrop, Alan K.; Lathrop, Philip; Hanks, David Allen First printed in 1982, for the exhibition held at the museum February 14 - April 10, 1982. Foreword: "This catalogue accompanies one of the largest exhibitions of Prairie School material ever assembled. Catalogue and exhibition reflect the original work of more than dozen men who redefined American architecture in the tumultuous years before World War I. The diversity of this school of architecture, theory and design was first comprehensively explored in H. Allen Brooks' 1972 volume The Prairie... Continue... Pp 103 1984.41.0214 1984
Rosenbaum House (Soft Cover) Valley Properties Four page descriptive pamphlet about the Rosenbaum House. Includes history and six photos. (First Edition) Pp 4 1984.15.0304 1984
The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright Max Protetch Gallery Announcement for above exhibition. For the Benefit of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation 12 January - 16 February 1985 (dates are slightly different). (First Edition) Pp 1 1984.18.1204 1984
The Master Architect: Conversations with Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, Chichester, Brisban, Toronto, Singapore) Edited by Meehan, Patrick J. Wright's previously unpublished conversations with such notables as Carl Sandburg, Mike Wallace, Alistair Cooke and Hugh Downs. 8.5 x 9.5. Original Second Edition HC List Price $22.95. (Second Edition HC DJ) (First Edition HC) Pp 330 1984.09.0102 1984.28.0806 1984
The New Edifice of Unity Church (Soft Cover) (Revised Edition. Published by Temple, Oak Park) Johonnot, Rodney F. "The New Edifice of Unity Church, Oak Park, Illinois. FLW, Architect. Descriptive and historical Matter by Dr. Rodney F. Johannot, Pastor. Published by The New Unity Church Club, June, Nineteen Hundred and Six." Reprint of the original 1906 booklet. It was reprinted in 1961. This 1984 edition varies from the 1961. A new section "The Edifice Expressive of the Faith" appears at the end of this edition along with a list of the original committee members. It includes one additional... Continue... Pp 20 1984.45.1015 1984
The Robie House of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) Connors, Joseph Original SC List Price $18.00. (Second Edition, First SC edition printed 1985) Pp 86 1984.05.0400 1984
The Robie House of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) Connors, Joseph Original HC List Price $25.00. (Third Edition, Second HC edition, printed in 1989) Pp 86 1984.11.0404 1985 1985
A Field Guide to Landmarks of Modern Architecture in the United States (Soft Cover) (Published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey) Stimpson, Miriam F. Back Cover: "Tour the most magnificent architectural wonders of the modern world. With this alphabetically arranged handbook as your guide, you'll travel to more than 500 famous buildings in dozens of cities across the country... Line drawings of each structure helps you to more thoroughly appreciate the hallmarks of modern architecture..." Includes an illustration and description for seventeen building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Hollyhock House, V.C. Morris Shop, Pfeiffer Chapel... Continue... Pp 436 1985.74.0620 1985 A Prophet Without Honor in His Own Country: Francis F. Browne and The Dial (Digital Edition) (Published by The Chicago Literary Club, Chicago) Regnery, Henry "...the fact that we are meeting here this evening as members of a club which he founded some 110 years ago is evidence that his influence continues, but however all that may be, I am strongly of the opinion that the achievement of Francis F. Browne as founder of The Dial and its editor for thirty-five years, in the present state of the cultural life of Chicago needs to be better known and appreciated..." (p1). "...but a complete... Continued... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 14 1985.33.0311 1985 Arizona Biltmore - Jewel of the Desert (Published for Arizona Biltmore by: Sequoia Comm., Santa Barbara, CA) Miles, Candice St. Jacues History and information about the Arizona Biltmore. 8.75 x 12. (First Edition) Pp 64 1985.17.0406 1985
Barnsdall Art Park - (Stiff cover. "Barnsdall Art Park" embossed on cover) (Published by the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department) Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department Includes a history of Barnsdall Park, the Mission Statement, Exhibition Program, as well as information about Frank Lloyd Wright and the Hollyhock House. Includes four photographs related to Frank Lloyd Wright and the Hollyhock House. 9 x 12 Gift from Kathryn Smith. (First Edition) Pp 16 1985.59.0616 1985 Crowning of the American Landscape, The Eight Great Spaces and Their Buildings (Hard Cover - DJ) Creese, Walter L. (First Edition) Pp 298 1985.03.0301 1985
Frank Lloyd Wright: American System-Built Homes in Milwaukee (Published by North Point Historical Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) McArthur, Shirley DuFresne Preface: "This manuscript represents the extended collection of historical materials gathered in preparation for a nomination to the National Register of Historic Places of the American System-Built Homes in Milwaukee. A study, first estimated to take only three of four months, extended as collateral research was undertaken to establish an historical background supportive of Frank Lloyd Wright's association with the homes including other Prairie School architecture introduced by the same... Continued... Pp 104 1985.62.1216 1985 Frank Lloyd Wright & Le Corbusier: The Great Dialogue (Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York) (Hard Cover DJ) Doremus, Thomas Considered as embodiments of opposing views for many years, Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier have actually been closer in theory and application of Modern principles than many critics have allowed. 10.75 x 8.75. (Second Edition) Pp 192 1985.28.0207 1985 Frank Lloyd Wright and Susan Lawrence Dana (Soft Cover) Heyman, Mark; Taylor, Richard Two Lectures given at The Town and the Prairie Conference, Springfield, Illinois, April 1984. (First Edition) Pp 37 1985.10.0504 1985 Frank Lloyd Wright: Architectural Drawings and Decorative Arts (Published by Fischer Fine Art Limited, London) Hanks, David A.; Toher, Jennifer; Graf, Otto Antonia A catalog for a traveling exhibit. 27 June - 30 August 1985, Fischer Fine Arts Limited, London. 18 October - 24 November 1985, Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt. 7 December 1985 - 21 January 1986, Galerie M. Knoedler, Zurich. 4 February - 26 February 1986, Galerie Wurthle, Vienna. Exhibit included 47 items that included drawings, furniture and decorative art. Most items were for sale. Text is partially in English and German. Includes 100 photographs and... Continued... Pp 96 1985.29.0507 1985 Frank Lloyd Wright - The Early Years. Presented by IC Industries and The Art Institute of Chicago. (Published by IC Industries, Inc., and The Art Institute of Chicago) Zukowsky, John; Glassman, Paul The Frank Lloyd Wright 1910 Wasmuth Portfolio Calendar. IC Industries and The Art Institute of Chicago presents this calendar featuring illustrations from the 1910 Frank Lloyd Wright Wasmuth Portfolio. The portfolio consists of one hundred original lithographs documenting Wright's architectural designs from 1891-1909. This historic document is part of the extensive collection of architectural materials owned by the Art Institute of Chicago. IC Industries acquired the... Continued... Pp 88 1985.32.1010 1985.41.0313 1985/1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1914-1923, Volume 4 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (First Published in 1985 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989) Author: Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Publisher's Description: The development of Modern Architecture has been strongly influenced by the accomplishment of Frank Lloyd Wright. His professional career as an architect spanned more than seventy years and produced more than 400 buildings. With the generous cooperation of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are able to present to you the first complete works of Frank Lloyd Wright. Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically... Continued... Pp 265 1985.82.0422 1985/1988
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1924-1936, Volume 5 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (First Published in 1985 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1988) Author: Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Publisher's Description: The development of Modern Architecture has been strongly influenced by the accomplishment of Frank Lloyd Wright. His professional career as an architect spanned more than seventy years and produced more than 400 buildings. With the generous cooperation of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are able to present to you the first complete works of Frank Lloyd Wright. Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically survey... Continued... Pp 269 1985.40.0812 1985.83.0422 1985/1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Preliminary Studies 1889-1916, Volume 9 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (First Published in 1985 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989) Author: Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Publisher's Description: The development of Modern Architecture has been strongly influenced by the accomplishment of Frank Lloyd Wright. His professional career as an architect spanned more than seventy years and produced more than 400 buildings. With the generous cooperation of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are able to present to you the first complete works of Frank Lloyd Wright. Volumes 9-11 present selected preliminary studies... Continued... Pp 203 1985.84.0422 1985 Frank Lloyd Wright, The Complete Works, in 12 Volumes. Announces A Significant Architecture & Design Publishing Event! (Catalog published by Graybooks, Houston, TX.) Graybooks Frank Lloyd Wright's designs and buildings are now being published in their entirety for the first time. Thanks to the cooperation of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and A.D.A. Edita Publishers, under the exacting supervision of Mr. Yukio Futagawa, Editor of "Global Architecture", we will have available a lavishly presented, but moderately priced collector's item. Vol. 1-11, $75-85; Vol. 12, $119; The Set, $995. Catalog includes other volumes sold by Graybooks. 5.5 x 8.5. Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 16 1985.37.0811 1985
Il Futuro Dell' Architettura.(The Future of Architecture - Italian) (Soft Cover) (Printed in Bologna by La Fotocromo Emiliana on behalf of Nicola Zanichelli Editore S.p.A. Bologna, Italy) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Introduction: Bertagnin, Mauro Printed in Italian. First published in 1953 by Horizon Press. Begins with an introduction by Mauro Bertagnin: "This volume collects a series of writings which at the time of their publication in the United States aroused keen interest for their contribution to the deepening of knowledge of Wright's thought and work. In fact, these are little-known or fragmented texts that the 1953 edition brings together under the title The Future of Architecture, grouping the conferences held in Princeton... Continued... Pp 322 1985.81.0721 1985 Kings of Infinite Space (Published by Academy Editions and Architectural Design, London) (Soft Cover) Jencks, Charles Revised Enlarged Edition. In the BBC film, 'Kings of Infinite Space', Charles Jencks debates with Michael Graves and Philip Johnson the merits of Pre-Modern and Post-Modern architecture. This 'book of the film' fills out the whole debate in much greater detail showing the work of the two great American architects - Wright and Graves. This second edition adds 12 additional color plates, five of which are Wright building. There are also a few minor changes. 9 x 9.5. Original SC List... Continued... Pp 104 1985.02.0399 1985 Master Builders, A Guide to Famous American Architects (Soft Cover) Brooks, H Allen Chapter on Frank Lloyd Wright. Original SC List Price $9.95. (Fourth Edition) Pp Cv, 118-23 1985.04.0801 1985
150 Years of Chicago Architecture (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by the Paris Art Center/ Musee Galerie De La Seita, Paris, in conjunction with the Institute of French Architecture) Glibota, Ante; Edelmann, Frederic; Chapter 2, Essay by Fermigier, Andre Text in English and French. First published as a French edition in 1983 or 1984 in conjunction with exhibitions held in eight locations in Paris, titled Chicago 1 through Chicago 8. They all opened on October 5, 1983, with three of the shows lasting until January 14, 1984, with a Regional Presentation held in three locations during February, March and April 1984. Chicago 2 was titled: "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie School." This Premier Edition published in 1985 in conjunction... Continued... Pp 383 1985.85.0522 1985 Realization of Usonia: Frank Lloyd Wright in Westchester (Published by The Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY) Beard, Rick; Henken, Priscilla; Henken, David Published to accompany an exhibition at The Hudson River Museum, 3 February through 7 April, 1985. ˜Broad-Acre' Project' by Priscilla Henken originally appeared in the June 1954 edition of 'Town and Country Planning' a British journal (Sweeney 1013). Includes 35 photos and illustrations. 8.5 x 9. (First Edition) Pp 36 1985.18.0606 1985 Taliesin (Soft Cover) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Two Copies. (First Edition) Pp 28 1985.05.0801 1985.05.0502 1985
The Artists of Taliesin (Soft Cover) (Publishe by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Taliesin West, Scottsdale, AZ) The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Includes the wrork of thirty Taliesin Artists. Introduction: Frank Lloyd Wright said, "Universality is no virtue in itself. It may only be weakness or default. To the individual we must look for that quality in life we call creative."
Taliesin life is based on the principal of participation in all work, of learning by doing. Acquiring the expertise necessary for architecture, however, is not the only accomplishment expected. There are related activities... Continued...Pp 24 (NP) 1985.87.0224 1985 The Elvehjem Anonymous Exhibitions: Japanese Woodblock Prints and Master Drawings from the Permanent Collection. (First Edition) Pp 4 1985.12.1004 1985 The Prairie School Tradition. The Prairie Archives of the Milwaukee Art Center. (Published by Whitney Library of Design, an imprint of Watson-Guptill Publications, New York) Spencer, Brian A. Based on a major architectural exhibition held at the Milwaukee Art Center in the fall of 1977 "An American Architecture: Its Roots, Growth and Horizon". Includes a large section on Wright and those he influenced, as well as the work of those that worked for Wright. First published as a Hard Cover in 1979. Listed as a First Edition Soft Cover. Original Cover Price $19.95. 9 x 12. (First Edition) Pp 304 1985.27.0207 Circa 1985 The Price Tower. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright (Produced by The Price Tower, Bartlesville, Oklahoma) The Price Tower Booklet traces the history of the Price Tower, outlines some of its special features and presents a brief biography of its famous architect. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Donated by the Price Tower Arts Center. Pp 16 1985.31.0410 1985
The Wisconsin: River of a Thousand Isles (Soft Cover) (Published by The University of Wisconsin Press, A North Coast Book) Derleth, August First published in 1942. "The Shining Brow". Section VII, Chapter 7. "If I were suffered to apply the word genius to only one living American, I would save it for Frank Lloyd Wright.' So said Alexander Woollcott a decade ago, and since Woollcott is not overly given to superlatives, the owner of Taliesin on the shores of the Wisconsin just below Tower Hill, across the river from Spring Green, had every right to be proud of that accolade. This kind of adulation was sweet wine for a man who... Continued... (Sweeney 572) Pp 301-308 0572.03.1212 1985
Thomas Hart Benton, Frank Lloyd Wright, Studies In The History of Art III (Published by Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Benton, Thomas Hart; Introduction: Onorato; Edited and Afterword: Fels, Thomas Weston
A Transcript of the Addresses and Exchanges Between Frank Lloyd Wright & Thomas Hart Benton, Providence, Rhode Island, November 11, 1932. "...I remember, as case in point, the second house I was asked to build. The first house I built was the Winslow House" it was a radical house, radical in true sense of the term. But my next second client came to me with a small illustration in his hand which he had cut out of some English magazine with a... Continued... Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 20 1985.57.0616 1985 Treasures of Taliesin (Published by The Press at California State University, Fresno. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Seventy-Six Unbuilt Designs. 29 drawings never before published. (First Edition) Pp 160 1985.09.0802 1986 1986
A Day At Taliesin, September 20, 1986, Hosts and Hostesses (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Spring Green, Wisconsin) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Your Hosts and Hostesses. A biographical list of the Hosts and Hostesses for A Day At Taliesin, September 20, 1986. Some include; William Wesley Peters; John deKoven Hill; Richard Carney; Thomas Casey; Cornelia Brierly; Kay Rattenbury; Kenneth Lockhart; Frances Nemtin; Charles Montoopth; Ling Po; Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer; Heloise Crista; John Rattenbury; Arnold Roy; Susan Lockhart; Kathryn Smith. It includes three maps: Taliesin Spring Green Complex; Taliesin; Hillside. It also includes a list of Participants... Continued... Pp 20 1986.70.0616 1986 American Buildings and Their Architects, Volume 5. The Impact of European Modernism in the Mid-Twentieth Century (Soft Cover) (Published by Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, Toronto, Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Karachi, Petaling Jaya, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Cape Town, Melbourne, Auckland) Jordy, William H. First published 1972. Six chapters. Chapter V: The Encompassing Environment of Free-Form Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum. Whatever its faults - and who can unreservedly praise it? - the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is a liberating building. It is liberating, first, in the simple sense of being the worthy, unusual scheme that would never be built' but was. As such it encourages audacity in the Future." First published in 1972 by... Continued... (Sweeney 1877) Pp 279-359 1877.02.1010 1877.04.0612 1986 American Buildings and Their Architects, Volume 4. Progressive and Academic Ideals at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. (Soft Cover) (Published by Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, Toronto, Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Karachi, Petaling Jaya, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Cape Town, Melbourne, Auckland) Jordy, William H. First published 1972. Seven chapters. Chapter III: The Organic Ideal: Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House. "None of Wright's early houses is more familiar than the Frederick C. Robie House (1908 - 10) in Chicago. Emphatically representative of his ideas in architectural design as these had developed prior to World War I, it has provided the customary image of the ˜prairie house'." First published in 1972 by Doubleday & Co., Inc, Garden City, New York. First issued in... Continued... (Sweeney 1878) Pp 180-216 1878.04.0612 1986 An American Genius: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Philosophical Library, New York) Einbinder, Harvey Original HC List Price $17.95. 6.25 x 9.25. (First Edition) Pp 435 1986.17.0105 1986
A Thousand Years of Stained Glass (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Doubleday & Company, Inc. Garden City, New York) Brisac, Catherine Dust jacket: "For centuries, the unearthly beauty of stained glass has graced the chapels and cathedrals of Europe. From its origins in antiquity - through the Gothic and Romanesque periods - and on into the twentieth century, the delicate balance of light, form, and color that is stained glass has given radiant testimony to the artist's ability to both inspire us and renew our spirits; its kaleidoscopic richness and beauty have made places like Chartres, Notre-Dame, and Sainte... Continued... Pp 200 1986.85.0119 1986
Cassina: 603 Midway, 2. Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by Cassina, Milan, Italy). Cassina Catalog section for Midway Gardens chairs. Cassina 603 Midway 2. The Characteristic of this chair is the lightness of the steel rod structural framework. It is part of a set that includes tables built along similar lines. Chairs in glossy enameled steel rod, white, red, blue, or grey. Removable seat and back padded with polyurethane foam. This model is also available without padded back. Fabric upholstery. Manufactured by Cassina, Milan, Italy. Acquired from the nephew of a diplomat... Continued... Pp 4 1986.141.0423 1986
Cassina: 603 Midway, 2. Frank Lloyd Wright (RF:GC). (Published by Cassina, Milan, Italy). Cassina Descriptive booklet for red framed Midway Gardens chairs, seat and back cushions are dark gray fabric. Cassina 603 Midway 2. The Characteristic of this chair is the lightness of the steel rod structural framework. It is part of a set that includes tables built along similar lines. Chairs in glossy enameled steel rod, white, red, blue, or grey. Removable seat and back padded with polyurethane foam. This model is also available without padded back. Fabric upholstery. Manufactured by Cassina, Milan, Italy. Booklet in plastic pouch: No. 671. Acquired from the nephew of a diplomat stationed in Rome in the... Continued... Pp 8 1986.138.0423 1986
Cassina: 603 Midway, 2. Frank Lloyd Wright (WF:GC). (Published by Cassina, Milan, Italy). Cassina Two descriptive booklets for white framed Midway Gardens chairs, seat and back cushions are dark gray fabric. Cassina 603 Midway 2. The Characteristic of this chair is the lightness of the steel rod structural framework. It is part of a set that includes tables built along similar lines. Chairs in glossy enameled steel rod, white, red, blue, or grey. Removable seat and back padded with polyurethane foam. This model is also available without padded back. Fabric upholstery. Manufactured by Cassina, Milan, Italy. Booklets in plastic pouch: No. 720 and No. 0729. Acquired from the nephew of a... Continued... Pp 8 1986.139.0423 1986.140.0423 1986
Cassina: 603 Midway, 2. Frank Lloyd Wright (BF:GC). (Published by Cassina, Milan, Italy). Cassina Descriptive booklet for blue framed Midway Gardens chairs, seat and back cushions are dark gray fabric. Cassina 603 Midway 2. The Characteristic of this chair is the lightness of the steel rod structural framework. It is part of a set that includes tables built along similar lines. Chairs in glossy enameled steel rod, white, red, blue, or grey. Removable seat and back padded with polyurethane foam. This model is also available without padded back. Fabric upholstery. Manufactured by Cassina, Milan, Italy. Booklet in plastic pouch: No. 522. Acquired from the nephew of a diplomat stationed in Rome in the... Continued... Pp 8 1986.137.0423 1986
Cassina: 603 Midway, 2. Frank Lloyd Wright (GF:GC) (Published by Cassina, Milan, Italy). Cassina Descriptive booklet for grey framed Midway Gardens chairs, seat and back cushions are dark gray fabric. Cassina 603 Midway 2. The Characteristic of this chair is the lightness of the steel rod structural framework. It is part of a set that includes tables built along similar lines. Chairs in glossy enameled steel rod, white, red, blue, or grey. Removable seat and back padded with polyurethane foam. This model is also available without padded back. Fabric upholstery. Manufactured by Cassina, Milan, Italy. Booklet in plastic pouch: No. 0890.(Booklet for No. 0661 is missing.) Acquired from the nephew of a... Continued... Pp 8 1986.136.0423 1986 Fallingwater, A Frank Lloyd Wright Country House (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Abbeville Press, Inc. New York) Edgar Kaufmann Original HC List Price $55.00. (First Edition) Pp 190 1986.01.0391 1986 Frank Lloyd Wright: A Modern Aesthetic (Soft Cover with DJ) FitzSimmons, Michael Auction Catalog for Martin, Coonley and Little House Pieces. Soft Cover with DJ. By the Struve Gallery. Original SC List Price $15.00. (First Edition) Pp 34 1986.08.0901 1986 Frank Lloyd Wright And The Johnson Wax Building (Soft Cover) (Published by Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York) Lipman, Jonathan Published on the occasion of an exhibition organized by the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, and exhibited at eleven locations from April 26, 1986 - December 31, 1988. 8.25 x 10. Original HC List Price $35.00, SC List Price $20.00. (First Edition) Pp 192 1986.02.1299 1986 Frank Lloyd Wright and Viollet-le-Duc: Organic Architecture and Design form 1850 to 1950 (Soft Cover) Kelmscott Enterprises Catalog for three Exhibits: 1) Armstrong Gallery, NY, March 12 - April 5, 1986 2) Tartt Gallery, Washington DC, April 12 - May 3, 1986 3) Lunn Ltd, Navy Pier, Chicago, May 8 - 13, 1986. (First Edition) Pp 85 1986.09.1201 1986 Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture and Nature (Soft Cover) Hoffmann, Donald Original SC List Price $7.95. (First Edition) Pp 87 1986.03.1100 1986
Frank Lloyd Wright. Architekturzeichnungen und Design (Architectural Drawings and Design) (Soft Cover) (Published by Cramers Kunstanstalt, Dortmund, Germany) Catalogue and Exhibition: Christiansen Published in German for the exhibition Frank Lloyd Wright. Architekturzeichnungen und Design (Architectural Drawings and Design). On behalf of the Dortmund Museum Society for the Care of Fine Arts. For the Museum of Art and Cultural History of the City of Dortmund, Germany. This catalog includes numerous photographs and illustrations. The exhibition included furniture, windows, decorative designs, photographs, drawings and illustrations. 8.5 x 10.75 Pp 102 1986.124.0922 1986
Frank Lloyd Wright, Collection Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by Fernand Hazan, Paris) (French) Treiber, Daniel Printed in French. "This study was undertaken in 1974 at the request of Henri Bonnemazou." From the cover flap: "In this monograph on the varied, remarkable and unusual work of Frank Lloyd Wright, Daniel Treiber sets out to trace the great metaphors of this original art of construction. This is an indispensable tool for anyone who wishes to find out about the architecture of the 20th century and about one of its most exceptional and topical masters." Original list price 150 Franks. 7 x 9.75 (First Edition) Pp 137 1986.63.0516 1986 Frank Lloyd Wright, Engagement Book 1987 (Soft Cover - Spiral Bound) (Published by Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Corte Madera, California) Introduction: Pfeiffer, Bruce B.: Quotes: Wright, Frank Lloyd The Renderings of Frank Lloyd Wright. "The great beauty of these drawings is evident in an unprecedented variety of forms. The work shown attests to the birth of a genuinely creative architecture at a time when all around the world architecture was moribund. For more than 500 years forms had been untrue to either time or man, and more recently the art of architecture was considered to be a matter of eclectic time-worn styles hung upon the framework of modern building techniques... Continued... Pp 112 1986.15.1002 1986.49.0912 1986/1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1887-1901, Volume 1 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (First Published in 1986 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989) Author: Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph - The Complete Set Volume 1-12. Publisher''s Description: The development of Modern Architecture has been strongly influenced by the accomplishment of Frank Lloyd Wright. His professional career as an architect spanned more than seventy years and produced more than 400 buildings. With the generous cooperation of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are able to present to you the first complete works of Frank Lloyd Wright. Volumes 1-8 are monographs... Continued... Pp 233 1986.119.0422 1986/1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1937-1941, Volume 6 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (First Published in 1986 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989) Author: Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Publisher's Description: The development of Modern Architecture has been strongly influenced by the accomplishment of Frank Lloyd Wright. His professional career as an architect spanned more than seventy years and produced more than 400 buildings. With the generous cooperation of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are able to present to you the first complete works of Frank Lloyd Wright. Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically survey... Continued... Pp 317 1986.120.0422 1986/1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Preliminary Studies 1917-1932, Volume 10 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (First Published in 1986 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989) Author: Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Publisher's Description: The development of Modern Architecture has been strongly influenced by the accomplishment of Frank Lloyd Wright. His professional career as an architect spanned more than seventy years and produced more than 400 buildings. With the generous cooperation of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are able to present to you the first complete works of Frank Lloyd Wright. Volumes 9-11 present selected preliminary studies... Continued... Pp 205 1986.121.0422 1986 Frank Lloyd Wright: Schumacher (Produced by F. Schumacher & Co.) F. Schumacher & Co. This booklet is from the Schumacher 1986 Frank Lloyd Wright Collection. This was the first full Schumacher Frank Lloyd Wright collection since the original Frank Lloyd Wright collection in 1955. The Collection includes Wallcoverings, Rugs, Panels and Sheers, Wovens, and Prints. The set included three slip cases which held bound sample books. One for print fabrics, one for woven fabrics and one for wallpapers. The slip case also included this booklet. Includes 38 photographs. 8.5 x 11.6. (First Edition) Pp 24 1986.31.0707 1986 Frank Lloyd Wright: Schumacher (Rugs only) (Produced by F. Schumacher & Co.) F. Schumacher & Co. This booklet is from the Schumacher 1986 Frank Lloyd Wright Collection. This was the first full Schumacher Frank Lloyd Wright Collection since the original Frank Lloyd Wright Collection in 1955. This booklet consisted of eight rug designs only, which were reproductions or adaptations of original designs. The full Collection includes Wallcoverings, Rugs, Panels and Sheers, Wovens, and Prints. The set included three slip cases which held bound sample books. One for print... Continued... Pp 12 1986.33.0709 1986 Frank Lloyd Wright, The Cassina/ai Masters Program (Published by Atelier International, Ltd., Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Washington DC) Cassina/ai The Cassina/ai Masters Program. In 1971, representatives from Cassina/Milan visited Taliesin West. The purpose of their visit was to ask for a license to manufacture the furniture designed by Wright. The effort came to naught. Fifteen years after that first visit (1986), the story took a different turn. The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation felt the time as right and contacted Atelier International, Cassina's exclusive distributor. They manufactured over thirty prototypes. On December... Continued... Pp 16 1986.32.0709 1986 Furnishings by George M Niedecken For Residence of Mr. ER Irving, Decator, Ill, Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. December 12, 1986 at 7:00 p.m. Sale No. 643. (Soft Cover) (Published by Phillips Ltd., New York) Shapiro, Andrew; Phillips Ltd. Auction catalog for 16 lots. Includes history, description and twenty photographs, of which six are reprinted from "Western Architect, 1913" which show examples of items in their original setting. Estimated sale price as well as hand written selling price. Original Soft Cover List Price $10.00 by mail. 8 x 10. (First Edition) Pp 32 1986.18.0305 1986 Guide to Frank Lloyd Wright and Prairie School Architecture in Oak Park (Soft Cover) Sprague, Paul E. Original SC List Price $4.95. (Fifth Edition) (Two Copies) Pp 96 1986.10.0102 1986.10.0502 1986 Johnson Wax Magazine (Hard Cover - DJ) Lindner, Joe W., Editor (First Edition) Pp 64 1986.05.0800 1986 Letters to Clients, Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by The Press at California State University, Fresno, CA) Selected and with commentary by: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks From the hundreds of clients in his lifetime, and the thousands of letters to and from them, the letters to clients presented here focus upon sixteen representative buildings. These include large buildings and small, early ones and late, buildings for easy clients and for difficult ones, even an unbuilt project for a colorful Hollywood personality. The buildings range from the world famous Fallingwater built for Edgar Kaufman to the near anonymous gem of a Pauson house that burned... Continued... Pp 320 1986.06.1299 1986 Letters to Clients, Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover, Set of three in box cover) (Published by The Press at California State University, Fresno, CA) Selected and with commentary by: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks From the hundreds of clients in his lifetime, and the thousands of letters to and from them, the letters to clients presented here focus upon sixteen representative buildings. These include large buildings and small, early ones and late, buildings for easy clients and for difficult ones, even an unbuilt project for a colorful Hollywood personality. The buildings range from the world famous Fallingwater built for... Continued...
Pp 320 1986.34.0110 1986
Lloyd Wright Drawings (Soft Cover) (Published by GA Gallery, Tokyo.) Introduction: Wright, Eric Lloyd Catalog for exhibition held at GA Gallery, Saturday September 20 - Sunday, October 26, 1986, and Max Protetch Gallery, New York, Tuesday, January 6 - Saturday, January 31, 1987. Organized by Max Protetch Gallery in cooperation with The Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities. "It is fitting that this exhibition of my father's drawings should open in Japan, for it was the art of the Japanese prints, especially the landscape prints of Hokusai and Hiroshige, that... Continued... Pp 31 1986.75.0817 1986 New World Odyssey, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church and Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) Gurda, John Original SC List Price $14.00. (First Edition) Pp 134 1986.07.0601 1986
Pizza Tiger (Soft Cover) (Published by Random House, Inc., New York) Monaghan, Tom; With Anderson, Robert Inscribed by the author. "Founder of Domino's, the world's largest pizza company, and owner of the Detroit Tigers, Monaghan here joins the tycoons who have ventured into autobiography. His company, having grown in 25 years from a modest pizza restaurant into an international chain of 2600 stores during the franchising boom of the '60s and '70s, now has $1.1 billion in annual sales. Stressing that spiritual values derived from his Catholic seminary days take precedence over... Continued... Pp 346 1986.88.0219 1986
Stephen A. Foster House. Preliminary Staff Summary of Information Submitted to the Commission on Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks (Digital ) (Published by the Commission on Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks, Chicago, Illinois) Commission on Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks Introduction: Japanese art, architecture, and design have had a persistent influence in America since the middle of the nineteenth century. Except for the years of and immediately after World War Il, this influence, which gained momentum after the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition and after the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, both of which contained Japanese buildings and exhibits, has continued to today. Its most obvious impress has been on the design of the... Continued... Pp 11 1986.122.0622 1986 Taliesin Gates: A Taliesin Designed Custom Home Community In the Spirit of Frank Lloyd Wright (Produced by Taliesin Associated Architects, Scottsdale) Taliesin Associated Architects Sales booklet, sections include Frank Lloyd Wright; Organic Architecture; Taliesin Gates; Community; Civilization, Beauty and Serenity; Taliesin Services. Samples designs by John Rattenburey, Arnold Roy, Charles Montooth, Tony Puttnam and Stephen Nemtin Thirty photographs and illustrations. Includes photostat of logo. 9 x 12. Pp 20 1986.25.0507 1986 The Chicago School of Architecture, A History of Commercial and Public Buildings in the Chicago Area, 1875 1925 (Soft Cover) (Published by The Unity of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.) Condit, Carl W. First published in 1952 as "The Rise of the Skyscraper". "This thoroughly illustrated study traces the history of the world-famous Chicago school of architecture from its beginnings with the functional innovations of William Le Baron and others to their imaginative development by Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright." (Publisher's Description.) Includes references to Wright, one photograph of Francis Apartments and three photographs of the interior of the Rookery Building... Continue... Pp 238 1573.02.0613 1986
The Dominos Pizza Collection of the Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. A Calendar For 1987 Published by Dominos Farms Activities Corp., Ann Arbor, Michigan) Dominos Pizza The Domino's Pizza Collection of the Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright was established in the fall of 1985 with the purchase of a few pieces from a private collector. Within a year, this collection grew to become the largest of its kind in the world. Open to the public, this collection is on permanent display at the Domino's Pizza, Inc. World Headquarters complex, located at 30 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Thomas S. Monaghan, founder and president of... Continue... Pp 28 1986.128.0423 1986 The Fountainhead (Hard Cover DJ) (A Bobbs-Merrill Book, Published by Macmillan Publishing Company, New York) Rand, Ayn Originally published in 1943. The Fountainhead (based on Wright) is a story of one man, Howard Roark, and his struggles as an architect in the face of a successful rival, Peter Keating, and a newspaper columnist, Ellsworth Toohey. But the book addresses a number of universal themes: the strength of the individual, the tug between good and evil, the threat of fascism. 6.25 x 9.25. (Edition not stated.) Pp 727 1986.24.0707 1986 The Guggenheim Correspondence (Hard Cover - DJ) Frank Lloyd Wright, Pfeiffer, Bruce B. Original HC List Price $35.00. (First Edition) Pp 308 1986.04.0700 1986
The Renderings of Frank Lloyd Wright 1987 Calendar (Spiral bound at the top.) (Published by Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Corte Madera, California) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks "The great beauty of these drawings is evident in an unprecedented variety of forms. The work shown attests to the birth of a genuinely creative architecture at a time when all around the world architecture was moribund. For more than 500 years forms have been untrue to either time or man, and more recently the art of architecture was considered to be a matter of eclectic time-worn styles hung up on the framework of modern building techniques..." Includes twelve illustrations... Continued... Pp 12 1986.118.0222 1987 1987
Architecture in Michigan. Revised and Enlarged Edition (Soft Cover) (Published by Wayne State University Press, Detroit) Andrews, Wayne First published in 1967. This revised and enlarged edition was first published in 1982. Publisher's description: "Architecture in Michigan, a pictorial survey of Michigan architecture from 1831 to the present, explores the architecture of Detroit and many other cities, towns, and villages. Here is Romantic Michigan, before the Civil War, with dozens of examples of Greek, Gothic, and Italian villas from Grosse lIe to Grass Lake, Tecumseh, and Ypsilanti, as well as Gothic... Continued... Pp 181 1987.107.0119 1987 Arizona Biltmore (Published by Westin Resorts, Seattle, WA) Soft Cover Westin Resorts The history of the Arizona Biltmore as well as an essay on the artwork of the Arizona Biltmore. Includes 13 photos and one illustration. 6 x 9. (First Edition) Pp 14 1987.26.0606 1987 Cut & Assemble Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House (Soft Cover) Gillon, Edmund V, Jr. Original SC List Price $5.95. (First Edition) Pp 31 1987.02.0899 1987 Frank Lloyd Wright A collection of Wallcoverings, Companion Fabrics and Borders. F. Schumacher & Co. Schumacher Wallpaper sample book of Frank Lloyd Wright designs. 131 samples of wallpaper, borders and fabric. 13.5 x 17.5 x 1.5. (First Edition) Pp 142 1987.18.0704 1987 Frank Lloyd Wright, Engagement Book 1988 (Hard Cover - Library Bound) (Published by Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Corte Madera, California) Introduction: Pfeiffer, Bruce B.: Quotes: Wright, Frank Lloyd "In 1930 Frank Lloyd Wright delivered a series of six lectures at Princeton University which were then published by the university press in the book Modern Architecture: Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930... In his talks Frank Lloyd Wright was discussing the great benefits available because of the machine, the need for an indigenous architecture for the United States, the need for simplicity and the need for an altogether new philosophy in architectural terms." (Introduction.) All quotes are from... Continued... Pp 72 1987.03.0100 1987.73.0912 1987 Frank Lloyd Wright: His Living Voice (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by The Press at California State University, Fresno) Selected and with commentary by Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks The material used in this book are selections from the Sunday talks that Frank Lloyd Wright gave to his apprentices, 289 taped talks, never before available, that spanned the last decade of his life... In sum, this book presents a side of Frank Lloyd Wright more varied and personal than can be found anywhere else. Relaxed, at his ease, his mind free to wander the universe as he talks to his "boys and girls," he is the source for an endless stream of memorable passages, some witty... Continued... Pp 207 1987.75.0613 1987 Frank Lloyd Wright: His Living Voice (Soft Cover) (Published by The Press at California State University, Fresno) Selected and with commentary by Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks The material used in this book are selections from the Sunday talks that Frank Lloyd Wright gave to his apprentices, 289 taped talks, never before available, that spanned the last decade of his life... In sum, this book presents a side of Frank Lloyd Wright more varied and personal than can be found anywhere else. Relaxed, at his ease, his mind free to wander the universe as he talks to his "boys and girls," he is the source for an endless stream of memorable passages, some witty... Continued...
Pp 207 1987.04.1100 1987 Frank Lloyd Wright: In The Realm of Ideas (Soft Cover) (Published by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and the Scottsdale Arts Center Association) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation A booklet describing the upcoming national tour of "Frank Lloyd Wright: In The Realm of Ideas" Exhibition. "This is an exhibition of ideas. Using the work of Frank Lloyd Wright as examples and his own words as explanatory text, the exhibition highlights and illustrated those ideas that constitute the Foundation upon which everything he built is based. Introduction; Context of the Exhibition; Freedom of Space; Nature of the Site; Materials and Methods; Building for Democracy... Continued... Pp 16 1987.57.0507 1987 Frank Lloyd Wright In The Realm of Ideas (Published by the Scottsdale Arts Center Association and The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale) Scottsdale Arts Center Association and The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Invitation Cover: Frank Lloyd Wright In The Realm of Ideas, Traveling Exhibition 1988-1990. Inside: Experience the genius and creative spirit that is Frank Lloyd Wright. Tour the "Usonian Automatic Exhibition House and exhibit before this unprecedented two-year tour begins in Dallas in January 1988. ...requests the honor of your presence at a private preview to celebrate the upcoming national tour of the exhibition" Frank Lloyd Wright In The Realm of Ideas, December 14, 1987. Includes Envelope. 7 x 5.25 Pp 3 1987.58.0507 1987/1988
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1902-1906, Volume 2 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (First Published in 1987 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1988) Author: Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Publisher's Description: The development of Modern Architecture has been strongly influenced by the accomplishment of Frank Lloyd Wright. His professional career as an architect spanned more than seventy years and produced more than 400 buildings. With the generous cooperation of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are able to present to you the first complete works of Frank Lloyd Wright. Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically survey... Continued... Pp 233 1987.136.0422 1987/1988
Frank Lloyd Wright Preliminary Studies 1933-1959, Volume 11 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (First Published in 1987 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989) Author: Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Publisher's Description: The development of Modern Architecture has been strongly influenced by the accomplishment of Frank Lloyd Wright. His professional career as an architect spanned more than seventy years and produced more than 400 buildings. With the generous cooperation of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are able to present to you the first complete works of Frank Lloyd Wright. Volumes 9-11 present selected preliminary studies... Continued... Pp 225 1987.137.0422 1987 Frank Lloyd Wright: Selections from the Domino's Pizza Collection. A Calendar for 1988. (Published by Domino's Farms Corp., Ann Arbor, MI) Domino's Pizza Information on The National Center for the Study of Frank Lloyd Wright at Domino's Farms, The Dominos's Pizza collection of Decorative Arts, The Archives, and The Preservation Program at Domino's Pizza headquarters. The calendar includes images related to the Little, Willits, Dana, Coolnley, Leigh, Trier, Hickox, Martin and Husser Residences, Midway Gardens, Taliesin West, House Beautiful, Liberty covers, Imperial Hotel, Copper Urn and Schumacher. Cover is the Husser dining room set. 12.5 x 12.5. Pp 24 1987.74.1012 1987 Important Frank Lloyd Wright and American Arts & Crafts including Ceramics (Soft Cover) Christies 12/12/87 (First Edition) Pp 113 1987.05.0899 1987 In the Cause of Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by the Architectural Record, a McGraw-Hill Publication, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Preface: Gutheim, Frederick A compilation of essays by eight who knew him, and a complete list of 16 essays by Wright from the Architectural Record 1908-1928, and one from 1952. A) F. LL. W. At Taliesin West, 1958. Eight photographs by Mildred F. Schmertz. B) Eight essays by those who knew him: Elizabeth Kassler; Henry Klumb; Andrew Devane; Elizabeth Wright Ingraham; Karl Kamrath; Victor Hornbein; Edgar Kaufmann, Jr; Bruno Zevi. C) Eleven drawings by Frank... Continue... (Sweeney 1971) Pp 246 1971.02.1299 1987 Many Masks, A Life of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York) Gill, Brendan Gill, architectural critic for the New Yorker, was friends with Wright and his third wife. Debunking yet sympathetic, this biography separates the man from the self-made myths. Wright portrays himself as innocent hero-victim of a corrupt society, but here we see an artful dodger molded by a boyhood filled with shame and anguish. Gill evaluates which of Wright's projects failed by the architect's own standards, and which ones succeeded. 6.25 x 9.5. Two copies. (First Edition) Pp 544 1987.06.0399 1987.43.0507 1987
Marin County Civic Center, 1962-1987 (Soft Cover) (Printed by The Friends of The Marin County Free Library for the Anne T. Kent California History Room, Marin County Free Library.) Anonymous "We will never have a culture of our own until we have an architecture of our own. An architecture of our own does not mean something that is ours by the way of our own tastes. It is something that we have knowledge concerning. We will have it only when we know what constitutes a good building and when we know that the good building is not one that hurts the landscape, but is one that makes the landscape more beautiful than it was before that building was built. In Marin County you... Continue... Pp 8 1987.94.0616 1987 Modern Architecture, Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930 (This facsimile edition published by Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville) (Hard Cover, Printed) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Original Preface by Smith, E. Baldwin; New introduction by Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks. First published in 1931 by Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, after Wright delivered a series of six lectures at Princeton University in 1930. The six lectures included "Machine, Materials and Men"; "Style in Industry"; "The Passing of the Cornice"; "The Cardboard House"; "The Tyranny of the Skyscraper"; "The City". In 1953, this book was reprinted in full as part of "The Future of Architecture" pages 67-182 (S.913). 8.5 x 11. (Second Edition) Pp 115 1987.42.0407 1987
Teater's Knoll: Frank Lloyd Wright's Idaho Legacy (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Northwood Institute Press, Midland, Michigan) Whiting, Henry II; Waite, Robert G. Dust jacket: "Teater's Knoll: Frank Lloyd Wright's Idaho Legacy is an unusual book in the sense that it is a biography of a building. It tells the story of the life cycle of the Archie Teater Studio, which is treated throughout the book as a living object. It's birth, life, decline, and rebirth are thoroughly chronicled in these pages. Additional characters include Frank Lloyd Wright, the Teater Studio's architect, who was enjoying the busiest and most notorious period of his long career. Archie... Continued... Pp 188 1987.133.1021 1987 The American Wing, at The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Originally published in 1985 by Bradford D. Kelleher, Publisher, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. This 1987 first edition is published by Harrison House, distributed by Crown Publishers, Inc., New York) Davidson, Marshall B.; Stillinger, Elizabeth "The American Wing of the Metropolitan Museum is the home of America's most important and wide ranging collection of the painting, sculpture, and decorative arts that have flourished in this country since our earliest days. Brilliantly photographed and discussed are: 17 of the famous period rooms, authentic settings that give us a vivid sense of the changing styles of American life, from the Hart Room, before 1674 to the living room of the Little house completed by Frank Lloyd... Continued... Pp 352 1987.63.1109 1987
The Book of Buffalo Pottery (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Schiffer Publishing Ltd., West Chester, Pennsylvania) Altman, Seymour & Violet First published in 1969. The reader will find all the facts, statistics, and details resulting from the research of these dedicated authors. Every kind of ware the firm is know to have made is discussed or pictured. Here, too, is the fascinating background story of the John D. Larkin mail-order company, which founded the pottery that made Deldare, Abino, Blue Willow, advertising and commemorative pieces, game sets, pitchers and jugs, and other articles dating from its early days that are cherished and highly valued... Continued... Pp 196 1987.97.0117 1987
The Chairs of Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by the Yale University School of Architecture, New Haven, CT) Preface: Gorlin, Alexander. Introduction: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks An Exhibition sponsored by Yale University, November 2-20, 1987. "Frank Lloyd Wright was not a furniture designer; he was an architect who designed furniture..." Includes nine photographs, eight of which are by Henry Fuerman, and 13 illustrations. Twelve essays by: Vincent J. Scully, Jr.; Kent C. Bloomer; Donald Hoffman; Neil Levine; Jonathan Lipman; Grant Carpenter Manson; John O'Hern; Patrick L. Pinnell; George Ranalli; Michael Sorkin; Jack Quinan; Tod Williams. Original list price... Continued... Pp 44 1987.82.0814 1987
The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. An Overview - 1987 (Published by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation The School and its History. Mission and Purpose. The Taliesin Fellowship, In Wisconsin. In Arizona. Faculty. Taliesin Council. The Learning Program. An overview of the School of Architecture. Includes many photos and illustrations. 8.5 x 8.25. Gift from Kathryn Smith. (First Edition) Pp 44 1987.95.0616 1987
The Making of A Modern Japanese Architecture. 1868 To The Present. (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Kodansha International Ltd., Tokyo and New York. Stewart, David B. "With its hundreds of plates and its reliance on primary sources, this sophisticated study defines what is essentially Japanese about modern Japanese architecture. Late 19th century Meiji banks and schools, reeking ornate orderliness, might have been at home in Victorian England. But Frank Lloyd Wright's rebuilding of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo presaged an influx of modernism... Stewart also shows how Westerners like Wright and Le Corbusier borrowed from and, in turn, influenced... Continued... Pp 304 1987.96.0317 1987 The Meyer May House: Grand Rapids, Michigan Steelcase; Scully, Vincent The Meyer May House Press Kit. Includes booklet with matching envelope, Brochure and DVD. (First Edition) Pp 16 1987.16.0304 1987
Tropical Splendor, An Architectural History of Florida (Published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York) Hatton, Hap "The architecture of Florida is amazingly varied and eternally fascinating - buildings bazaar and buildings beautiful are as much a part of the state's appeal as the sun, the sea, and the citrus. The indulgence of fantasy and this stretch of imagination, the accommodation of nature and the stubborn denial of it, humble dreams and hubris are all embodied in the buildings of the Sunshine State. Now, in this visually stunning book, Hap Hatton gives us a comprehensive, wonderful Lee informative and... Continued... Pp 210 1987.99.0417 1987 Truth Against The World: Frank Lloyd Wright Speaks for an Organic Architecture (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, Chichester, Brisban, Toronto, Singapore) Edited with Introduction by Meehan, Patrick J. A collection of Wright's most important speeches. Includes topics ranging from Wright's philosophy of education to his view of democracy to his Broadacre City project. Over 300 photographs. 8.5 x 9.5. (First Edition) Pp 473 1987.12.0806 1987 Unity Temple Restoration Foundation (Published by The Unity Temple Restoration Foundation) Skvarla, Melvyn A. Details restoration progress. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 12 1987.24.0406 1988 1988
Administration Center, The World's Most Modern Office Building. Johnson Wax, Racine Wisconsin. (Published by Johnson Wax) Johnson Wax Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Includes details about Wright and S. C. Johnson and Son Administration Building. Included when tickets were purchased for the tour. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 5 1988.37.0507 1988
ai/Cassina Masters Collection Catalog (Soft Cover) (Published by Atelier International, Ltd, New York) Atelier International/ Cassina Loose pages from an ai/Cassina four-ring binder. Consists of an introduction and five sections. 1) Charles R. Mackintosh. 2) LeCorbusier. 3) Gerrit T. Rietveld. 4) E. Gunnar Asplund. 5) Frank Lloyd Wright. Examples include: A) 601 Robie. High back chair. Three photographs and illustration with dimensions. B) 602 Midway, 1. Side chair. Four photographs and illustration with dimensions. C) 603 Midway, 2. Side chair. Ten photographs and illustration with dimensions... Continue... Section 5: Pp 22 1988.101.1018 1988
Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright in Wisconsin (Soft Cover) (Published by the Madison Public Library, Madison, Wisconsin) Madison Public Library A booklet that lists the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright in Wisconsin. This guide was compiled with the aid of The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright : A Complete Catalog, Storrer, 1978. Number of copies published, 500. 5.5 x 8.5 (First Edition) Pp 8 1988.97.0617 1988
Desert Life, Desert Foliage At Taliesin West (Soft Cover. Front Cover: Saguaros, Yarn Painting by Cornelia Brierly) (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Brierly, Cornelia, Wright, Frank Lloyd First published in 1984 as "A Desert Walk" as a spiral bound notebook. This edition includes: A) An excerpt from "An Autobiography" by Frank Lloyd Wright. B) An excerpt from a Sunday Morning Talk, Given to the Apprentices on "Desert Life", Frank Lloyd Wright Nov. 29, 1952. C) Desert Foliage At Taliesin West. Brierly. D) An additional excerpt from "An Autobiography" by Frank Lloyd Wright. Illustrations by Ling Po. Original list price $5.00. 7 x 8.5 (Fourth Printing)
Pp 26 1988.100.0118 1988
Domino's Mansion, Thomas Monaghan, Gunner Birkerts And The Spirit of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Planning Research Organization For A Better Environment Press, Troy, Michigan) Bugbee, Gordon P.; Forward by Scully, Vincent "Domino's Mansion" shows how lessons of Frank Lloyd Wright helped to harmonize a large corporate office building near Ann Arbor, Michigan, with its natural setting. Thomas Monaghan, President of Domino's Pizza, Inc., admires Wright. His original goal at Domino's Farms was to fulfill an unbuilt Prairie mansion design of Wright's as his home office building. Gunnar Birkerts, his architect, applied Wright's organic design process to produce instead a dramatic half-mile-long building as nerve center to... Continue... Pp 184 1988.02.0899 1988
Domino's Mansion, Thomas Monaghan, Gunner Birkerts And The Spirit of Frank Lloyd Wright (Deluxe Boxed Version) (Published by Planning Research Organization For A Better Environment Press, Troy, Michigan) Bugbee, Gordon P.; Forward by Scully, Vincent "Domino's Mansion" shows how lessons of Frank Lloyd Wright helped to harmonize a large corporate office building near Ann Arbor, Michigan, with its natural setting. Thomas Monaghan, President of Domino's Pizza, Inc., admires Wright. His original goal at Domino's Farms was to fulfill an unbuilt Prairie mansion design of Wright's as his home office building. Gunnar Birkerts, his architect, applied Wright's organic design process to produce instead a dramatic half-mile-long building as nerve center to... Continue... Pp 184 1988.38.0507 1988
Drawings by Utagawa Kuniyoshi. From the collection of the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden (Soft Cover) (Published by SDU Publishers, The Hague) Forrer, Matthi Back cover: The comprehensive corpus of preliminary drawings for prints by Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861) which has survived is unique. No other artist in the world of Japanese prints has left us such a large amount of preparatory drawings. Kuniyoshi's graphic oeuvre has, especially in recent times, been the subject of various studies and exhibitions. This attention did not include, however, his preparatory designs for woodblock prints. Yet Kuniyoshi's drawings clearly indicate... Continue... Pp 146 1988.136.1222 1988
Fallingwater: What Modern Methods Might Have Done (Printed and bound by Miller) Miller, Mark W. Private essay most likely compiled and written for a college engineering course. Includes six color photographs from Miller's visit to Fallingwater. 8.5 x 11 Pp 14 1988.74.0714 1988
Frank Lloyd Wright 1941-1959. A Selection of Buildings and Projects (A record of a seminar held at the Southern California Institute of Architecture from January to April 1988) Authors: Boscanin, Nikola; Steele, Scott; Tal, Orly; Lew, Edwin; Yang, Tien-Chu; Pattratara, Anan; Beltramo, Fernando; Skepner, Brad; Moore, Monique; Herrera, Anthony; Pan, Chia-Hsiang; Watari, Gayle; Beg, Conway; Gubel, Gustavo...
Edited by: Smith, Kathryn; "This book is a product of a seminar focusing n the projects and buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright designed between 1941 and 1959... to analyze for common motifs and themes, which the whole group tackled together; and fifteen specific subjects the various building types Wright addressed in those prolific years, which we examined individually. The fifteen topics included Usonian Houses of modest or ore generous sizes and budgets, housing projects, hotels and apartments, resorts and... Continue... Pp 75 (Printed singled sided) 1988.49.0711 1988
Frank Lloyd Wright and Folk Architecture (Paperback) Wydick, Susan Published by the Dana-Thomas House Foundation. Type is hand written and illustrated. Original SC List Price $8.00. (First Edition) Pp 31 1988.17.0404 1988
Frank Lloyd Wright, Building for Democracy Engagement Book 1989 (Hard Cover - Library Binding) Pomegranate Calendars & Books Original HC List Price $11.95 (First Edition) Pp 70 1988.03.0400 1988
Frank Lloyd Wright, Collection Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Boston, Berlin) (German) Treiber, Daniel; Translated from the French by Priska Brutsche. Printed in German. "This study was undertaken in 1974 at the request of Henri Bonnemazou." From the cover flap: "In the seventy-year period of his work by the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1869 - 1959) developed an unrivaled variety of architectural forms and ideas. Based on the principle of his teacher Louis Henri Sullivan he developed the plan from the inside outwards. Wright created buildings that are designed from the realities of the countryside, of purpose, materials... Continue... Pp 136 1988.89.0516 1988
Frank Lloyd Wright, Decorative Designs Collection (Two Copies) (Soft Cover) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Original sticker on cover $5.00. Cover photographed in 1957 by Edgar L. Obma. (First Edition) Pp 24 1988.08.0100 1988.13.0902 1988
Frank Lloyd Wright, Diary (Hard Cover) (Published by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo Company, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) Photography: Futagawa, Yukio Published in English in conduction with the release of the monumental twelve volume set Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph. Includes 52 pages with a space to right for each day of the week, and includes 52 photographs by Yukio Futagawa. The end of the book includes one ad for: "Frank Lloyd Wright, 12 vols. Edited and photographed by Yukio Futagawa. Text by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer." (First Edition) 9.25 x 8 Pp 120 1988.126.0422 1988
Frank Lloyd Wright in Los Angeles 1919-1926: An Architecture for the Southwest (Soft Cover) School of Architecture, University of Southern California An Exhibition at The National Center for the Study of Frank Lloyd Wright, Domino's Farms, Ann Arbor, Michigan. March 24, 1988 - May 30, 1988. Originally organized for The Municipal Art Gallery of the City of Los Angeles, Barnsdall Art Park. (First Edition) Pp 16 1988.20.1204 1988
Frank Lloyd Wright: In The Realm of Ideas (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Southern Illinois university Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville) Edited by Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks and Nordland, Gerald. This collection of essays complements a traveling exhibition of Wright's work organized by the Scottsdale Arts Center Association. Five essays by: Jack Quinan, Aaron G. Green, E.T. Casey, Narciso G. Menocal and Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, cover different aspects of Wright's work, from his early career in Chicago to his principles of organic architecture. Itinerary includes six locations from January 1988 through August 1990. Includes 151 photographs and illustrations. 11.25 x 10.25... Continue... Pp 191 1988.04.1100 1988
Frank Lloyd Wright: In The Realm of Ideas (Soft Cover) (Published by Southern Illinois university Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville) Edited by Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks and Nordland, Gerald. This collection of essays complements a traveling exhibition of Wright's work organized by the Scottsdale Arts Center Association. Five essays by: Jack Quinan, Aaron G. Green, E.T. Casey, Narciso G. Menocal and Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, cover different aspects of Wright's work, from his early career in Chicago to his principles of organic architecture. Itinerary includes six locations from January 1988 through August 1990. Includes 151 photographs and illustrations. 11.25 x 10.25. Original SC List Price $45.00. (Fourth Edition) Pp 191 1988.39.0707 1988/1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1907-1913, Volume 3 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (First Published in 1988 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989) Author: Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Publisher's Description: The development of Modern Architecture has been strongly influenced by the accomplishment of Frank Lloyd Wright. His professional career as an architect spanned more than seventy years and produced more than 400 buildings. With the generous cooperation of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are able to present to you the first complete works of Frank Lloyd Wright. Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically... Continue... Pp 269 1988.123.0422 1988/1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1942-1950, Volume 7 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (First Published in 1988 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989) Author: Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Publisher's Description: The development of Modern Architecture has been strongly influenced by the accomplishment of Frank Lloyd Wright. His professional career as an architect spanned more than seventy years and produced more than 400 buildings. With the generous cooperation of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are able to present to you the first complete works of Frank Lloyd Wright. Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically survey... Continue... Pp 359 1988.124.0422 1988/1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1951-1959, Volume 8 (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (First Published in 1988 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989) Author: Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed: Futagawa, Yukio Publisher's Description: The development of Modern Architecture has been strongly influenced by the accomplishment of Frank Lloyd Wright. His professional career as an architect spanned more than seventy years and produced more than 400 buildings. With the generous cooperation of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are able to present to you the first complete works of Frank Lloyd Wright. Volumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically survey... Continue... Pp 391 1988.125.0422 1988
Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater (Published by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy) (Soft Cover) Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Original SC List Price $6.95. Two copies. (First Edition) Pp 17 1988.18.0404 1988.29.0806 1988
Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel (Published by Dover Publications, Inc., New York) (Soft Cover) James, Cary As destruction of Wright's Imperial Hotel loomed, Cary documents the condition of the structure in 1965. Includes 46 numbered pages of text, 63 photographic plates and six illustrations and floor plans in fold out spreads. 8 x 10.5. Original SC List Price $7.95. (First Soft Cover Edition) Pp 140 1988.05.0900 1988
Important Frank Lloyd Wright & American Arts & Crafts including Ceramics (Soft Cover) Christie's 6/11/88 Auction Catalog (First Edition) Pp 111 1988.15.0404 1988
In Pursuit of Order, Frank Lloyd Wright from 1897 to 1915 (Published by Struve Gallery, Chicago, Illinois) FitzSimmons, Michael Catalog for an exhibition of Frank Lloyd Wright items created between 1897 and 1915, held from December 9, 1988 through January 16, 1989 at the Struve Gallery. Includes 28 photographs of examples of glass, furniture, books, light fixtures and drawings. Includes an introduction and description of each item. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 30 1988.44.0709 1988
Interior Design (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Harry S. Abrams, Inc., New York) Pile, John F. Dust Jacket: "To make a living and working areas as useful, comfortable, and attractive as possible is a goal that comes close to being universal. This all-engrossing subject has never before receive the comprehensive treatment that it does in interior design... Interior design is itself a design tour de force. In their range and quality the more than 700 illustrations, many of them full-page or larger and 137 of them in color, are outstanding..." Touches on Frank Lloyd Wright's work, and includes nine photographs... Continue... Pp 541 1988.107.0820 1988
Many Masks, A Life of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Ballantine Books, New York) Gill, Brendan Gill, architectural critic for the New Yorker, was friends with Wright and his third wife. Debunking yet sympathetic, this biography separates the man from the self-made myths. Wright portrays himself as innocent hero-victim of a corrupt society, but here we see an artful dodger molded by a boyhood filled with shame and anguish. Gill evaluates which of Wright's projects failed by the architect's own standards, and which ones succeeded. Copyright 1987. Original SC List Price $12.95. (First... Continue... Pp 544 1987.07.1100 1988
Mark These Important Dates From The National Center for the Study of Frank Lloyd Wright in Your Calendar (Published by The National Center for the Study Frank Lloyd Wright, Domino's Farms, Ann Arbor, Michigan) The National Center for the Study Frank Lloyd Wright Includes catalog of items for sale, Calendar of Special Events at the Center for 1989 and an 18x22 calendar on the inside when opened up fully. Photo of the Robert Evans Residence and a dining room chair. 6 x 11, opens to 18 x 22. (First Edition) Pp 12 1988.28.0606 1988
National Register of Historic Places, Hamilton, Montana. Historic Resources of Hamilton, Montana. (Published by the United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Washington D.C.) Michels, Kirk Inventory - Nomination Form. History of Hamilton, Montana and the surrounding area. Includes historical information on the Big Ditch Development, the Bitterroot District Irrigation Co., and the two planned communities designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, which included "University Heights near Darby and the town of Bitterroot near Corvallis." 8.5 x 11, Digital and printed version. For more information on the Bitter Root Inn see our Wright Study. Pp 21 1988.47.1009 1988
Romanza - The California Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) Gebhard, David Original HC List Price $29.95. (First Edition) Pp 133 1988.07.0400 1988
Six Decades of Frank Lloyd Wright in Madison, Wisconsin. A Tour Sponsored by The Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio Foundation. September 25, 1988 (Produced by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio Foundation, Oak Park, Illinois) Twiss, Richard E. A tour booklet for a tour which included: Harold Bradley house (Sullivan), University Heights Neighborhood, Elliot House (Maher), Gilmore (Wright), Ely House (Frost), Morehouse House (Keck and Keck), Herbert Jacobs House I (Wright) and the Unitarian Meeting House (Wright). Includes an itinerary, all within a folder. 8.5 x 11, Folder 9.5 x 12 (First Edition) Pp 16 1988.96.0617 1988
The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. A Guide to Extant Structures (Soft Cover) (Published by W A S Productions, Newark, NJ) Storrer, William Allin This is a guide to the extant architectural work of Frank Lloyd Wright. Each building in this 8th edition of the Guide is identified by both a name and a number... Each extant Wright-designed structure is here referenced, as much as possible, by its proximity to an interstate highway... 5.5 x 8.5 (Eighth Edition) Pp 32 1988.87.1015 1988
The Biography of Lloyd Wright. Son of Frank Lloyd Wright. Architect and Designer of the Wayfarers Chapel (Published by The Wayfarers Chapel, Rancho Palos Verdes, California) Martin, Rev. Ernest O. "Lloyd Wright viewed the commission to build the Wayfarers Chapel as a ˜God-given opportunity for a God-given purpose.' The Chapel became his most famous building, for its structure unites his considerable talents in art, architecture, and landscape design in a simple, yet wondrous creation in an Eden-like setting on the shore of the Pacific... Lloyd Wright was born in Oak Park, Illinois, on March 31, 1890, the oldest of six children born to Frank Lloyd Wright and Catherine Tobin... Continue... Pp 12 1988.103.0619 1988
The Ennis-Brown House (Soft Cover) (Produced by the Trust for Preservation of Cultural Heritage) Trust for Preservation of Cultural Heritage Booklet produced to help raise funds for the preservation and reconstruction of the Ennis-Brown House. Stylized emboss of decorative block on cover. Original SC List Price $10.00. (First Edition) Pp 20 1988.16.0404 1988
The Frank Lloyd Wright Art Glass Window Collection: Oakbrook-Esser Studios (Published by Oakbrook-Esser Studios, Oconomowoc, Wisc.) "Presenting The Frank Lloyd Wright Art Glass Window Collection. Frank Lloyd Wright was the first to present America with an original, indigenous architecture based on the principles of Nature. Few have approached his genius for translating the simple forms of Nature into design for the human scale. His windows, like the structures that contained them, were both decorative - and functional - providing ornamental shading, color and pattern without impeding natural light... Continue... Pp 20 1988.137.0123 1988
The Nature of Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London) (Hard Cover DJ) Edited by: Bolon, Carol R.; Nelson, Robert S.; Seidel, Linda Papers were presented at a symposium, organized to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House, by the Department of Art of the University of Chicago, held in October 1984. Authors included Vincent Scully, Joseph Connors, Neil Levine, David Van Zanten, Donald Hoffman, Gwendolyn Wright, Julia Meech-Pekarik, Thomas H. Beeby, Lloyd Wright, Larzer Ziff. 8.25 x 8.25. Original cover price $29.95. (First Edition) Pp 193 1988.41.1008 1988
The Nature of Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London) (Hard Cover) Edited by: Bolon, Carol R.; Nelson, Robert S.; Seidel, Linda Papers were presented at a symposium, organized to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House, by the Department of Art of the University of Chicago, held in October 1984. Authors included Vincent Scully, Joseph Connors, Neil Levine, David Van Zanten, Donald Hoffman, Gwendolyn Wright, Julia Meech-Pekarik, Thomas H. Beeby, Lloyd Wright, Larzer Ziff. 8.25 x 8.25. Original cover price $29.95. (First Edition) Pp 193 1988.06.1100 1988
The Oak Park Home and Studio of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) Abernathy, Ann; Thorpe, John Original SC List Price $9.95. (First Edition) Pp 48 1988.09.0102 1988
Tour of Historic Places: Frank Lloyd Wright & Associates (Published by Preservation-Racine, Inc., Racine, Wisconsin) Kalec, Don Includes information on S. C. Johnson and Son Administration Building and Research Tower, Wingspread, The Golden Rondelle, and the Wright Apprentices. Includes 16 photographs and illustrations. Included when tickets were purchased for the tour. 5.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 64 1988.36.0507 1989 1989
9 Commentaries on Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. Original HC List Price $32.50. (First Edition) Pp 158 1989.06.1299 1989
American Arts and Crafts and Architectural Designs. New York, June 16, 1989. (Published by Sotheby's, New York) Sotheby's Auction catalog which includes seven items. Front and back cover: Avery Coonley Playhouse window circa 1912, estimated sale price $225,000 - 300,000. Includes ten photographs Original cover price $18.00. 8.25 x 10.6. (First Edition) Pp 50 1989.43.1206 1989
Architectural Paper Scale Model Kit, Robie House, Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Taliesin West, Scottsdale) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Peters, William Wesley; Velduijzen van Zanten, Victor "...The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation has commissioned Mr. Victor W.J. Velduijzen van Zanten, of Rotterdam, Ho0lland, to develop a line of models of Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings..." Peters. Pfeiffer provides a brief history and overview of the Robie House. Scale: 1/5" = 1'-0", 1:60. Includes a four page assembly instruction, one sheet of vellum and 22 sheets for the model, enclosed in a box. Box 17 x 8.75. (First Edition) Pp 27 1989.62.0707 1989
Cassina: 609 Coonley, 1 (Published by Cassina, Italy) Cassina Descriptive booklet for Avery Coonley low back chair. Booklet Description: "Dining Chair, Coonley House, Scottswood, Riverside, Illinois, 1907. The Avery Coonley house, Riverside, Illinois, 1907, was one of the best executed and most completely detailed of all Wright's residential work. Every element throughout the house came directly from his designs, including the overall architectural concepts and the individual features of furniture and decorative objects. The slat-back chair traces its roots to the very beginning of his work, in his own home at Oak Park, through the Dana, Husser, Clark, Little, Willits and other houses. In each instance he... Continue... Pp 8 1989.133.0223 1989
Dana-Thomas House. Springfield, Illinois. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. (Published by the Dana-Thomas House Foundation, made possible through funding from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts.) Dana-Thomas House Foundation In 1981 the State of Illinois purchased the Dana-Thomas House from Charles C. Thomas Publishers. Includes a short biography on Susan Laurence Dana, sections on: The Significance of he Dana-Thomas House, Space in the Dana-Thomas House, Art Glass, Nature and the Architect, and ends with a short biography on Frank Lloyd Wright. Twenty-eight photographs and illustrations throughout. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 20 1989.77.1011 1989
Frank Lloyd Wright: 1990, Selections From The National Center for the Study of Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by Universe, New York) National Center for the Study of Frank Lloyd Wright 1990 Calendar. "The National Center for the Study of Frank Lloyd Wright was founded in 1986 by Domino's Pizza, Inc. Founder Thomas S. Monaghan to encourage the public to learn more about this important American architect and his unique contribution to modern architecture..." Includes photographs from their collection. Willits chair and Wasmuth Print, 1910. Midway Garden Sprite head and plate. Taliesin "Origami" and Trier Chairs. Little Chairs (4), window and Chest... Continue... Pp 28 1989.82.0513 1989.88.0514 1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Address Book (Hard Cover - Library Binding) Pomegranate Calendars & Books (In Original Box) (First Edition) Pp 44+ 1989.02.0400 1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Folder (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation PR Folder used for promotional material. 9 x 12. Pp 4 1989.61.0507 1989
Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by Fearon/Janus, Belmont, California, Simon & Schuster Supplementary Education Group) Kelley, Patrick Part of the series: Biographies from American History. Illustrated by James Balkovek. Students book about Frank Lloyd Wright. Touches on his history and his work. 5 x 7. (Third Edition) Pp 32 1989.89.0714 1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio for Children (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation) Marohn, Ann; Illustrated by Sanford, John Children's coloring book. Includes 25 illustrations of the exterior and interior of the Home and Studio. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 24 1989.49.0507 1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1902-1906 Volume 2. Soft Cover (First Published in 1986 by A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo. Reprinted 1989) Text: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited and Photographed:
Futagawa, YukioVolumes 1-8 are monographs which chronologically survey the developments of Wright's architectural style. Illustrations consist of photographs and drawings of completed buildings and relevant projects. Original SC List Price 8500 $68.00. 12 x 12. (Second Edition) Pp 261 1989.33.0405 1989
Frank Lloyd Wright: Preserving an Architectural Heritage, Domino's Collect (Hard Cover) (Published by E. P. Dutton, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc., New York. Published simultaneously in Canada by Fitzhenry and Whiteside, Limited, Toronto) Hanks, David A. Published in conjunction with an exhibition organized by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in cooperation with The National Center for the Study of Frank Lloyd Wright. This book is a survey of the decorative designs by the great architect that are now in the Domino's Pizza Collection in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Original HC list price $35.00. 9.25 x 11.25. (First Edition) Pp 156 1989.63.0807 1989
Frank Lloyd Wright: Preserving an Architectural Heritage, Domino's Collect (Soft Cover) (Published by E. P. Dutton, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc., New York. Published simultaneously in Canada by Fitzhenry and Whiteside, Limited, Toronto) Hanks, David A. Published in conjunction with an exhibition organized by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in cooperation with The National Center for the Study of Frank Lloyd Wright. This book is a survey of the decorative designs by the great architect that are now in the Domino's Pizza Collection in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Original SC List Price $22.50. 9 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 156 1989.03.0500 1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Selected Houses 3 (Soft Cover) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Original SC List Price $40.00. (First Edition) Pp 175 1989.14.0399 1989
Frank Lloyd Wright's Larkin Building, Myth and Fact (Soft Cover) (Published by The Architectural History Foundation, New York, New York. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England) Quinan, Jack A must for studying the Larkin Building. Frank Lloyd Wright's Larkin Building was demolished only forty-six years after its 1904 completion. Quinan's in depth study of the Larkin Building in Buffalo, New York is an invaluable resource. Quinan's draws on engineering documents, personal accounts and other papers he acquired from the family of Darwin D. Martin, a Larkin executive who proposed commissioning Wright to design the company's offices. With more than one... Continue... Pp 189 1989.64.1007 1989
Frank Lloyd Wright: The Crowning Decade 1949-1959 (Published by The Press at California State University, Fresno) (Soft Cover) Edited by Pfeiffer, Bruce B. Selected and with commentary by Bruce Books Pfeiffer. Original SC List Price $13.95. 6 x 9. (First Edition) Two Copies Pp 201 1989.04.1100 1989.40.0706 1989
Frank Lloyd Wright: The Crowning Decade 1949-1959 (Published by The Press at California State University, Fresno) (Hard Cover - DJ) Edited by Pfeiffer, Bruce B. Selected and with commentary by Bruce Books Pfeiffer. Original SC List Price $13.95. 6.25 x 9.25. (First Edition) Pp 201 1989.23.0502 1989
Frank Lloyd Wright Unbuilt Designs. 1990 Engagement Book. (Hard Cover) (Published by Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Petaluma, CA)
Pomegranate Calendars & Books 39 illustrations. Original HC List Price $5.00. 7 x 10. (First Edition) Pp 121 1989.31.0305 1989
GA Houses 27: Global Architecture (Published by A.D.A. Edita Tokyo Co. Ltd. Tokyo) Tanigawa, Masami "Frank Lloyd Wright, Yamamura House. An Architectural Relic' from the Lean, Lost Years... Originally known as the Yamamura House, it is now under the ownership of the Yodogawa Steel Works, Ltd. which has restored and opened it to the public, but it was originally designed by that master of architecture from the United States of America, Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959). Back in May, 1974, it was designated as an Important Cultural Treasure; meaning that, as one... Continue... Pp 6-21 1989.98.0815 1989
Important American Arts & Crafts & Architectural Designs (Soft Cover) Christie's 6/10/89 (First Edition) Pp 124 1989.05.0799 1989
Memories of an American Artist: Richard W. Bock (Hard Cover - DJ) Pierre, Dorathi Bock (Second Edition) Pp 155 1989.01.0900 1989
"Sisters" Under the Eaves (Compiled by Barbara A. Kopplin, Flagg Township Library, Rochelle, Illinois) Kopplin, Barbara A. Compilation includes: 1) Introduction, Illinois Library Article; Evansville, Wis: 2) 75th Anniversary Eager Free Public Library 3) Ten photographs 4) National Register article reprint (3) 5) Dedication of Library 1908 article reprint 6) Description 7) Reprint of the Prairie School Review 1981; Rochelle, IL: 8) History 9) Fourteen photographs and illustrations; Merrill, Wis: 10) Description 11) National Register article reprint 12) Six photographs; Tomah, Wis: 13) Reprint of "History of the Tomah... Continue... Pp 101 1989.44.0307 1989
Sotheby's: 20th Century Decorative Arts 3/10-11/89 (Soft Cover) Sotheby's 11 Items (First Edition) Pp 570-581 1989.15.0501 1989
The Prairie House, Frank Lloyd Wright, 1990 Calendar (Published by Pomegranate Calendars & Books, Petaluma, California) Pomegranate Calendars Includes thirteen illustrations of Wright's Prairie houses. Original cover price $12.95. 16 x 14. (First Edition) Pp 28 1989.45.0307 1989
The Zimmerman House, Historic Structure Report (Comb Bound, Soft Cover) (Published by The Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester, NH) Tilton + Lewis Associates, Inc. In collaboration with Donald Kalec; Edited by Carla Lind Report prepared for The Currier Gallery of Art detailing the condition and structure of the Zimmerman House. "Since the Zimmermans' intent became know to the Currier, the Gallery has systematically collected and catalogued information about the residence, taped interviews with Lucille Zimmerman and the original contractor, Vincent Swanburg, now both deceased, with supervising Taliesin apprentice John Geiger and others. The documentation is exhaustive... It is such information that must be... Continue... Pp 62 1989.84.0114 1989
Working With an Architect: The Littles and Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Produced by The Domino's Center for Architecture & Design for The Smithsonian Institute Traveling Exhibit Services) Domino's Center for Architecture In 1972, after efforts were exhausted to preserve the Little House on its site, interior rooms were saved. The Metropolitan Museum of Art installed the Living Room. The Allentown Art Museum installed the Library. The Minneapolis Institute of Art installed remnants of other rooms. The Domino's Center for Architecture and Design purchased the Bedroom Wing and displayed portions of it. Includes five photographs and six illustrations. 8.5 x 11. Two copies. (First Edition) Pp 12 1989.18.0202 1989.50.0207
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©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2024