CHICAGO Date: 1985
Title: 150 Years of Chicago Architecture (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by the Paris Art Center/ Musee Galerie De La Seita, Paris, in conjunction with the Institute of French Architecture)
Author: Glibota, Ante; Edelmann, Frederic; Chapter 2, Essay by Fermigier, Andre
Description: Text in English and French. First published as a French edition in 1983 or 1984 in conjunction with exhibitions held in eight locations in Paris, titled Chicago 1 through Chicago 8. They all opened on October 5, 1983, with three of the shows lasting until January 14, 1984, with a Regional Presentation held in three locations during February, March and April 1984. Chicago 2 was titled: "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie School."
This Premier Edition published in 1985 in conjunction with the exhibition held at the Museum of Science and Industry , Chicago, from October 1, 1985 - January 15, 1986. Chapter 2: "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie School" pages 96-123. "Since this text is destined for a Paris exhibition and even though Frank Lloyd Wright often expressed ambiguous if not downright hostile feelings towards France, its taste, Its « elegance », and its architects, we will hopefully be forgiven for starting with a French reference. The reference is Victor Hugo and the curious chapter in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, « This will kill that », which Wright read in his youth and which founded the bad conscience of the 19th century with regard to its architecture..." 104. This Chapter includes one portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright and 104 photographs, most of Wright’s work. (First Edition)
Size: 12 x 12
Pages: Pp 383
ST#: 1985.85.0522Date: 2004 Title: Chicago Skyscrapers in vintage Postcards (Published by Arcadia Publishing, Charleston SC, Chicago IL, Portsmouth NH, San Francisco CA)
Author: Hudson, Leslie A.
Description: Includes vintage postcards with references to Wright. Original list price $19.99. (First Edition) Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 6.5 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 128
ST#: 2004.60.0711
Date: 2004
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Chicago (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: O’Gorman, Thomas J.
Description: Focuses on more than 100 Wright designs in the Chicago area. Photographs by Simon Clay. Original HC List Price $24.95. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 415
ST#: 2004.08.1204Date: 2005
Title: The Chicago Architectural Club. Prelude to the Modern (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by The Monacelli Press, Inc. New York)
Author: Hasbrouck, Wilbert R.
Description: "In the late nineteenth century, Chicago - the birthplace of modern architecture in the United States - was a magnet for aspiring architects. The city was forced to rebuild after the destruction wrought by the Great Fire of 1871 and also to expand to accommodate a surge in the population. The seemingly endless demand for taller and more sophisticated buildings offered young draftsmen an unprecedented opportunity to influence the design of the American skyscraper. The Chicago Architecture Club: Prelude to the Modern documents the history of these draftsmen, the organization they founded, and its role in shaping architectural education and modern architectural practice. Founded in 1885, when architecture was an emerging profession and formal architectural education was in its infancy, the Club provided a setting where aspiring draftsmen could develop their skills by creating a professional network and participating in a lively program of lectures, design competitions, and social events. Wilbert R. Hasbrouck documents the personalities and politics of this impressive group, offering an in-depth look at the lesser-known men often largely responsible for the designs credited to their more famous employers. This comprehensive volume includes hundreds of drawings and photographs depicting a wide range of buildings that laid the groundwork for a uniquely American modern architecture." (Publisher’s description.) Original list price $75.00. 9.25 x 10.75 (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 639
ST#: 2005.44.1216
FRANCIS APARTMENTS (1895 - S.032) Date: 1895 Title: Francis Apartments
Description: Important Frank Lloyd Wright rendering; early presentation drawing for the Francis Apartments, 1895, demolished in 1971. Watercolor delineated for Wright by Paul Lautrup. Signed by Wright and Lautrup. The Francis Apartments were commissioned by the Terra Haute Trust Co. and built as middle-class housing on Chicago's south side. The only other known drawing linking Wright and Lautrup is the presentation drawing for the William Winslow House, 1893. That drawing is in the collection of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation in Oak Park, IL. This drawing was sold at auction on March 7, 2010, by Treadway / Toomey Gallery.
Size: 18" x 26"
Date: 1895
Title: Francis Apartments Perspective 1895 (1895 - S.032).
Description: Perspective view of the Francis Apartments. This illustration was published in The Architectural Review, June 1900, p.70. A variation was published as part of the Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright, Plate V (5). Text on sleeve: "Wright, F. L. - Francis Apts.3-1. Francis Apartments, render., Facade. Chicago, IL., USA. 1895. Wright, Frank Lloyd. U of Virginia FAIC." Acquired from the archives of the University of Virginia. 35mm slide, sandwiched between glass, plastic mount.
Size: 35mm slide, sandwiched between glass, plastic mount.
S#: 0018.51.0420Date: 1895
Title: Francis Apartments Floor Plan 1895 (1895 - S.032).
Description: Typical Floor Plan for the second and third floors of the Francis Apartments. A similar illustration was published in The Architectural Review, June 1900, p.70. Text on sleeve: "Wright, F. L. - Francis Apts.1-1. Francis Apartments, Plan, typical floor plan. Chicago, IL., USA. 1895. Wright, Frank Lloyd. U of Virginia FAIC." Acquired from the archives of the University of Virginia.
Size: 35mm slide, sandwiched between glass, plastic mount.
S#: 0018.52.0420Date: 1895
Title: Francis Apartments Ground Floor Plan 1895 (1895 - S.032).
Description: Ground Floor Plan for the Francis Apartments. Copy of plan published as part of the Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright, Plate V (5). A similar illustration was published in The Architectural Review, June 1900, p.70. Text on sleeve: "Wright, F. L. - Francis Apts.1-2. Francis Apartments, Plan, typical floor plan. Chicago, IL., USA. 1895. Wright, Frank Lloyd. U of Virginia FAIC." Acquired from the archives of the University of Virginia.
Size: 35mm slide, sandwiched between glass, plastic mount.
S#: 0018.53.0420Date: 1895
Title: Francis Apartments Perspective 1895 (1895 - S.032).
Description: Perspective view of the Francis Apartments. Copy of perspective published as part of the Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright, Plate V (5). A similar illustration was published in The Architectural Review, June 1900, p.70. Text on sleeve: "Wright, F. L. - Francis Apts.3-2. Francis Apartments, Render, east facade. Chicago, IL., USA. 1895. Wright, Frank Lloyd. U of Virginia FAIC." Acquired from the archives of the University of Virginia.
Size: 35mm slide, sandwiched between glass, plastic mount.
S#: 0018.54.0420Date: 1903
Title: The Brickbuilder - September 1903 (Published monthly by Rogers & Manson Boston)
Author: Spencer, Robert C. Jr.
Description: "Brick Architecture in and about Chicago." An article that includes the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. It includes extensive descriptions, and images of the The Winslow Stable (1894 - S.025); Francis Apartments (1895 - S.032); Heller (2) (1896 - S.038); Husser (1899 - S.046); Charnley.htm (1891 - S.009); Francisco Terrace (1895 - S.030); Winslow (1894 - S.024); Moore I (1895 - S.034). Very helpful in dating photographs of Wright’s early. Excerpts: The "Francis" apartment house on Forestville Avenue is bold and dignified in scheme yet refined in detail. Here Mr. Wright has used, in the lower story, a rich wall treatment of thin, flat band courses of Bedford stone with broad bands of flat terra-cotta ornament between them. The two entrance porches are ingeniously and delicately treated, but being in the angles of the porch, are not visible in the accompanying illustrations.
The "Francisco" apartments out on the west side, widely known as " Honeymoon Terrace," is another building designed on novel lines for collective housing by the same architect. One view shows an angle of the great courtyard which is treated as a small public garden and on which the majority of the apartment entrances face. The other gives a glimpse of the court through the main portal on Francisco Street. A staircase at each angle gives access to a gallery extending all around the porch from which the tenants enter their respective suites of three and four rooms. The premises, particularly the gardens, are kept with scrupulous care and the apartments are very popular with young married people of modest means who have no small incumbrances. (Digital edition.) (Sweeney 54)
Size: 10 x 13
Pages: Pp 178-187
S#: 0054.00.0119
Francis Apartments.Date: 2010 Title: 20th Century Art & Design, March 7, 2010, Treadway / Toomey (Published by Treadway / Toomey Gallery, Inc., Cincinnati, Oak Park)
Author: Treadway / Toomey Gallery, Inc.
Description: Item 308 "Important Frank Lloyd Wright rendering; early presentation drawing for the Frances Apartments, 1895, demolished in 1971. Watercolor delineated for Wright by Paul Lautrup. Sighed by Wright and Lautrup. The Francis Apartments were commissioned by the Terra Haute Trust Co. and built as middle-class housing on Chicago’s south side. Sixteen Wright items on pages: Cover, 47-49, 51. Original list price $35.00. (First Edition)
Size: Soft Cover 8.5 x 11.
Pages: Pp 200
ST#: 2010.02.0310
In 1895 Wright installed a carved stone plaque outside his Oak Park office which included his logo, a Celtic cross within a circle, within a square. He worked it into the top of the entrance gates in the Francis Apartments (S.032), and was also used on his Letterhead. He added it to the bottom right-hand corner of the title page "The Eve of St. Agnes", and was added through-out "The House Beautiful". Wright's Oak Park Plaque Francis Apartments Francis Apartment Gate Wright Letterhead
In 1895, Wright designed the Francis Apartments (S.032), overlapping geometric circles in a Sullivanesque pattern. Wright repeated this pattern along the base of the title page "The Eve of St. Agnes", framing his winged females within decorative foliated circles.
In 1910, Frank Lloyd Wright published the "Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright" (Studies and Executed Buildings), published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin. A set of two portfolios, each set of two portfolios consisted of 100 separate plates (sheets). Printed in German. The complete set consisted of 72 plates numbered I through LXIV and included eight with a or b. 28 were tissue overlays and were attached to the corresponding plates. Detail of Plate V (5) "Francis Rental House, Chicago."
Detail of Plate V (5) "Francis Rental House, Chicago." Gate, Planter Box and decorative pieces above the entrance at the far end of the courtyard are visible.
Date: Circa 1900-1910 Description: Francis Apartments (Circa 1900-10). Francis Apartments, 4304 South Forestville Ave. Chicago, Illinois (1895 - S.032). Designed by Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago. Demolished in 1971. Looking West on East 43rd Street, Forrestville Avenue is on the left.
Size: 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0094.16.0711
Date: Circa 1925-1935 Description: Francis Apartments (Circa 1925-35). Francis Apartments, Chicago (1895 - S.032). Designed by Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago. Demolished in 1971. Photographed from the Northeast, attributed to Gilman Lane. Large sign in first floor corner window, "Hydrox Ice Cream, Candy, Cigars."
Size: 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0171.09.0711
Date: Circa 1925-35
Title: Francis Apartments Circa 1925-35 (1895 - S.032).
Description: Viewed from the Northeast. The Francis Apartments were on the Southwest corner of 43rd and Forestville Avenue, with the enhance on Forestville. Designed by Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago, it was demolished in 1971. Attributed to Gilman Lane. Large sign in first floor corner window, "Hydrox Ice Cream, Candy, Cigars." Text on sleeve: "Wright, F. L. - Francis Apts.4-1. Francis Apartments, Ext. east facade. Chicago, IL., USA. 1895. Wright, Frank Lloyd. U of Virginia FAIC." Acquired from the archives of the University of Virginia.
Size: 35mm slide, sandwiched between glass, plastic mount.
S#: 0171.33.0420 Date: Circa 1925-1935
Detail of photograph on the left. Description: Francis Apartments (Circa 1925-35). Francis Apartments, Chicago (1895 - S.032). Designed by Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago. Demolished in 1971. Photograph of the entrance courtyard, attributed to Gilman Lane. Decorative pieces atop the entryway at the rear of the courtyard are visible, and show the consistency in design with the top of the Gate. (See detail on right.) The only sections of the Gate that remain are the stationary pieces. Planter is visible, but unattended.
Size: 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0171.10.0711
Date: 1965 Description: Francis Apartments (1965). Francis Apartments, Chicago (1895 - S.032). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago. Francis Apartments would be demolished in just six short years, 1971. Photographed from the Northeast by Harold Allen, June 17, 1965. HABS Ill,16-Chig,74-4.
Size: 8 x 10 B&W photograph
S#: 1628.16.0711
Date: 1965
Title: Francis Apartments Circa 1965 (1895 - S.032).
Description: Viewed from the East. The tan car on the left is a 1962 Dodge Dart. The red car in the center is a 1962 Olds Cutlet. The black car on the right is a 1965 Chrysler Newport. The Francis Apartments were on the Southwest corner of 43rd and Forestville Avenue, with the enhance on Forestville. Designed by Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago, it was demolished in 1971. Large sign in first floor corner window, "Solid Foods & Liquor. Groceries. Liquors." Text on sleeve: "Wright, F. L. - Francis Apts.4-2. Francis Apartments, Ext. east facade. Chicago, IL., USA. 1895. Wright, Frank Lloyd. U of Virginia FAIC." Acquired from the archives of the University of Virginia.
Size: 35mm slide, sandwiched between glass, plastic mount.
S#: 1628.72.0420 Date: 1965
Detail of photograph on the left.
Description: Francis Apartments (1965). Francis Apartments, Chicago (1895 - S.032). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago. Francis Apartments would be demolished in just six short years, 1971. Photographed from the East by Harold Allen, June 17, 1965. HABS Ill,16-Chig,74-5. Decorative pieces atop the entryway at the rear of the courtyard have been removed. (See detail on right.) The only sections of the Gate that remain are the stationary pieces. Planter has been removed and filled in.
Size: 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 1628.17.0711
Date: 1965 Description: Francis Apartments (1965). Francis Apartments, Chicago (1895 - S.032). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago. Francis Apartments would be demolished in just six short years, 1971. Detail of iron grille and geometric patterned terra-cotta facing on the South side, looking Northeast. Photograph by Harold Allen, June 17, 1965. HABS Ill,16-Chig,74-1. The only sections of the Gate that remain are the stationary pieces.
Size: 8 x 10 B&W photograph
S#: 1628.18.0711
Date: 1965
Detail of photograph on the left.
Description: Francis Apartments (1965). Francis Apartments, Chicago (1895 - S.032). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago. Francis Apartments would be demolished in just six short years, 1971. Photograph of entryway on the Northwest corner of the courtyard by Harold Allen, June 17, 1965. HABS Ill,16-Chig,74-2. Decorative pieces atop the entryway have been removed.
Size: 8 x 10 B&W photograph
S#: 1628.19.0711
Date: 1965 Description: Francis Apartments (1965). Francis Apartments, Chicago (1895 - S.032). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago. Francis Apartments would be demolished in just six short years, 1971. Detail of the geometric patterned terra-cotta facing. Photographed by Harold Allen, June 17, 1965. HABS Ill,16-Chig,74-3.
Size: 8 x 10 B&W photograph
S#: 1628.20.0711
Date: Circa 1970
Title: Francis Apartments Circa 1970 (1895 - S.032).
Description: Viewed from the Northeast. There appears to be a 1969 Lincoln Continental on the far right. The Francis Apartments were on the Southwest corner of 43rd and Forestville Avenue, with the enhance on Forestville. Designed by Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago, it was demolished in 1971. Large sign in first floor corner window, "Cut Rate Liquor." The two building seen on the far left are still there. The gas station on the left is gone. The buildings on the right have been demolished. Text on sleeve: "Wright, F. L. - Francis Apts.4-3. Francis Apartments, Ext. east facade. Chicago, IL., USA. 1895. Wright, Frank Lloyd. U of Virginia FAIC." Acquired from the archives of the University of Virginia.
Size: 35mm slide, sandwiched between glass, plastic mount.
S#: 1846.40.0420Date: Circa 1970
Title: Francis Apartments Circa 1970 (1895 - S.032).
Description: Detailed view of the geometric patterned terra-cotta. The Francis Apartments were on the Southwest corner of 43rd and Forestville Avenue, with the enhance on Forestville. Designed by Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago, it was demolished in 1971. Text on sleeve: "Wright, F. L. - Francis Apts.4-4. Francis Apartments, Ext. Detail of terracotta decoration. Chicago, IL., USA. 1895. Wright, Frank Lloyd. U of Virginia FAIC." Acquired from the archives of the University of Virginia.
Size: 35mm slide, sandwiched between glass, plastic mount.
S#: 1846.41.0420Description: Francis Apartments (1965). Francis Apartments, Chicago (1895 - S.032). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago. Demolished in 1971. Detail of the terra-cotta ornament bordering the entrance portal of the Francis Apartments, top and sides. Description: Francis Apartments (1965). Francis Apartments, Chicago (1895 - S.032). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago. Demolished in 1971. Entrance Gate to the Francis Apartments, on display at The Art Institute of Chicago. Description: Francis Apartments (1965). Francis Apartments, Chicago (1895 - S.032). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1895, for the Terre Haute Trust Company, Chicago. Demolished in 1971. Cast Iron Circular Grille from the Francis Apartments, on display at The Art Institute of Chicago.
Title: The Abraham Lincoln Center and All Souls Church Annual.(Digital copy) (Published by The Abraham Lincoln Center, Chicago)
Author: Abraham Lincoln Center
Description: Report of 1908. Also includes a directory of parish members. Some of the members that had a relationship to Frank Lloyd Wright include: Mr. And Mrs. Charles F. Harding, 4842 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. In 1903, Wright remodeled their dining Room (S.012). Their neighbors and also members included the McArthurs (1892 - S.011) two doors south. McArthurs lived at 4852 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Also listed as members were Mr. And Mrs. Frank L. Wright, Jenkin Lloyd Jones’ nephew, and Mrs. Anna L Wright, Wright’ mother and sister of Jenkin Lloyd Jones.
Size: 7.5 x 12
Pages: Pp 105
S#: 0086.22.1119
Date: 2019
Title: Kenwood (Harding) Dining Room Remodel 2019 (1903 - S.012).
Description: The Kenwood neighborhood is located South of downtown Chicago, and borders the Hyde Park neighborhood on the North. Frank Lloyd Wright remodeled a dining room at 4842 Kenwood Avenue. William Storrer suggests that it was 1903. Property records indicate that the house was built in 1889. In 1892, Wright designed two homes, two and three houses to the South, the George Blossom Residence (1892 - S.014) and the Warren McArthur Residence (1892 - S.011). Storrer wrote: "The client is not yet known, and no drawings have been found in the Taliesin archives." Records... Continue...
Size: High res 20 X 13.5 digital images.
Kenwood (Harding) Dining Room Remodel, Chicago 2019 (1903 - S.012). The Kenwood neighborhood is located South of downtown Chicago, and borders the Hyde Park neighborhood on the North. Frank Lloyd Wright remodeled a dining room at 4842 Kenwood Avenue. William Storrer suggests that it was 1903. Property records indicate that the house was built in 1889. In 1892, Wright designed two homes, two and three houses to the South, the George Blossom Residence (1892 - S.014) and the Warren McArthur Residence (1892 - S.011). Storrer wrote: "The client is not yet known, and no drawings have been found in the Taliesin archives." Records indicate that Charles Ford and Hattie Hover Harding lived in the house as early as 1903. Charles was born on November 20, 1854.
Hattie Hover Harding He graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1875. He met Hattie M. Hover, who graduated in 1877. They were married in 1882 and lived in Chicago. Hattie Hover Harding wrote an article, "Social Needs of Children" that was published in "The Elementary School Teacher," December 1903, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 205 - 209, and listed her address as "4842 Kenwood Avenue, Chicago." The University or Wisconsin listed this address as their residence in two directories, 1905 and 1911. An interesting connection was their membership at the Abraham Lincoln Center and All Souls Church. Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Abraham Lincoln Center in 1903 for his uncle, Reverend Jenkin Lloyd Jones. The Hardings were listed as members in 1908 in the directory, with their address listed on Kenwood Avenue. Frank Lloyd Wright was also listed as a member, as well as Wright client and Harding’s neighbor the MacArthur’s. The remodel included a built-in sideboard, paneling surrounding the room and incorporating the fireplace, dining table and chairs. Photographed during a visit to Chicago by Douglas M. Steiner October 18, 2019. Copyright 2019. Set of 8 high res 20 X 13.5 digital images. WILLIAM STORRS MACHARG RESIDENCE (1891 - S.010) Date: 1893
Title: William Storrs MacHarg (McHarg), Chicago, Illinois, 1893 (1891 - S.10).
Description: World’s Columbian Exposition Senior Management Staff. Published in The Inland Architect and News Record, (1893) Volume XXII, No. 5. Wm. Storrs MacHarg is #35, Second row, fifth from the right. Daniel Hudson Burnham is #44, First Row, fifth from the right. Frank Lloyd Wright designed the MacHarg Residence in 1891 while working for Louis Sullivan. MacHarg was the Chief Engineer in Chicago for water, sewage and fire-protection, and oversaw much of the related construction in Chicago. He was also part of the management team for the Chicago World's Columbian Exposition in 1893. Text: "The Director of Works and Staff of the World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago." Courtesy of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Size: 10.5 x 7.25 B&W B&W photograph.
S#: 0013.18.0620
Date: 1907
Title: illiam Storrs MacHarg (McHarg) House, Chicago, Illinois, Circa 1907 (Not Dated) (1891 - S.10).
Description: Real photo postcard of the MacHarg Residence viewed from the Northeast. To date, this is only the second photograph of the MacHarg House known to exist. It was discovered by Greg Brewer while researching the house for an article he published. It was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1891 while working for Louis Sullivan. Many of the residential designs that came to Adler and Sullivan, were turned over to Wright. But Grant Manson believes that this was one of the first “Bootlegged” houses, designed by Wright during that period. Demolished around 1926.
According to Greg Brewer, “Childs was a prolific photographer of Chicago neighborhoods in the early years of the twentieth century. It is estimated that the C.R. Childs Company produced between twenty-five and forty thousand real-photo postcard views of Illinois towns and cities and various locations in Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa. The Chicago History Museum has nearly ten thousand C.R. Childs images in its collection, but the postcard showing the BerryMacHarg house is not among them. Ths image... was discovered in the personal collection of LeRoy Blommaert, a resident historian of Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood and an authority on the work of C.R. Childs.” For additional information concerning Greg Brewers article see Nineteenth Century Magazine, Spring, 2024, p.34-37.
Text lower right: “Beacon St. S. near Leland Av. Sheridan Park, Chicago, Ill. 1617.”
Size: 10 x 7 B&W photograph
S#: 0080.63.0524
Left: Detail from phototime.Date: Circa 1909
Title: William Storrs MacHarg (McHarg) House, Chicago, Illinois, Circa 1909 (Not Dated) (1891 - S.10).
Description: View of the MacHarg Residence from the street. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1891 while working for Louis Sullivan. Many of the residential designs that came to Adler and Sullivan, were turned over to Wright. But Grant Manson believes that this was one of the first “Bootlegged” houses, designed by Wright during that period. Demolished around 1926. Very few photographs exist of the MacHarg Residence, and this was the only image that existed until Greg Brewer discovered a second. According to The American Architect and Building News, April 1893, MacHarg was the Chief Engineer in Chicago for water, sewage and fire-protection, and oversaw much of the related construction in Chicago. He was also part of the management team for the Chicago World's Columbian Exposition in 1893.
There was another connection between MacHarg and Wright. In 1894 Frank Lloyd Wright designed a house for William Winslow (S.024). In 1895 Wright designed the Francisco Terrace (S.030) and Waller (S.031) Apartments for Edward Waller. In 1895 Wright worked with Winslow and Chauncey Williams, two of his clients, and designed the title page for The Eve of St. Agnes. Beginning in 1896, Wright worked with Winslow designing and publishing The House Beautiful. In 1897, five men formed the American Luxfer Company, two of which were Wright friends and clients, Winslow and Waller.
William S. MacHarg was granted four patents related to the Luxfer Prism Company, granted in 1897. Winslow was granted 3 patents, Edward Waller was granted 2, and Frank Lloyd Wright was granted 41 patents.
Wright remodeled Edward C. Waller’s house (1899 - S.047) and designed the Waller Gates (1901 - S.065). Waller managed the Rookery Building (1905 - S.113) and retained Wright in 1905 to remodel the Entryway and Lobby. Wright’s offices were located in the building from 1898-1899. William Winslow’s headquarters were there along with the American Luxfer Prism Company.
A cropped version of this photograph exists at the Art Institute of Chicago. Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, Avery Library. 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
Size: 7 x 5.5 B&W photograph.
S#: 0086.28.0620Date: 1910
Title: The Michigan Alumnus. October, 1909 - July, 1910 (Digital Edition) (Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan)
Description: Obituary: William Storrs Macharg. William Storrs MacHarg was born in Albion, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1847. He was graduated from the University with the degree of Mining Engineer in 1868. For many years he has been a consulting engineer in the City of Chicago. He was interested particularly in hydraulic work. He arranged for the sewerage and water supply system and fire protection for the World's Columbian Exposition, and introduced the sewerage system in Chicago, which eliminated in a large extent the danger of polluted water. He held this position from 1890 to 1893, and became consulting engineer in the City of Chicago in 1897. He was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the City Club, the Chicago Association of Commerce, as well as Director in the Chicago Church Club. He died at his residence, 4632 Beacon St., of paralysis and heart disease, May 6, 1910.
S#: 0094.73.0620
©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2024