BOOKS (1895-1919) BOOKS PUBLISHED BETWEEN: 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916
1917 1918 1919 Bottom
Hillside Home School, (Eighth) 1895-96 (Published by Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wisconsin. Printed by The Lakeside Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co.) Lloyd-Jones, Ellen C. & Jane Booklet for the eighth year of Hillside Home School. "This is a Home, Farm and Industrial School for a limited number of young women, boys and girls. It has passed beyond the experimental period and now recommends itself by its results. The large corps of teachers employed, in proportion to the limited number of pupils, makes it possible to give careful personal supervision. The location of the school removes it from the distractions of the city, and surrounds... Continue... Pp 24 0018.30.0313 1895 Copy
Hillside Home School Calendar, 1895 (Published by Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wisconsin) Lloyd-Jones, Ellen C. & Jane Twelve month calendar for the Hillside Home School for the year 1895. 21 photographs include the Hillside Home School I, Unity Chapel and the countryside. Possibly the first published of the Hillside Home School I and Unity Chapel. Photocopies from the State Historical Society, Madison, WI. Acquired from Kelmscott Galleries, Chicago. Two copies. Originals approximately 5.75 x 7.5 Pp 13 0018.31.0313 1895 Copy
Hillside Photo Album, Circa 1895 (Published by Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wisconsin) Lloyd-Jones, Ellen C. & Jane Collection of eight photographs of the Hillside countryside, many which were published in the 1895 Hillside Home School Calendar. Photocopies from the State Historical Society, Madison, WI. Acquired from Kelmscott Galleries, Chicago. Two copies. Originals approximately 8.25 x 6.25 Pp 9 0018.32.0313 1895
Nim And Cum, And The Wonder-Head Stories (Hard Cover) (Nin and Cum and The Wonder-Head Stories (Published by Way and Williams, Chicago. Printed by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. at the Lakeside Press, Chicago: MDCCCXCV [1895]) Yale, Catharine Brooks (Kraus 5) A collection of stories which include "Nim and Cum" and six stories told to "Wonder-Head" by "Aunt Frity". "Decoration (cover and inside illustrations) by Bruce Rogers. (Note: Rogers may have designed Way & Williams monogram.) Printed on laid paper with "Way and Williams" watermark. Boards covered in dark green cloth. Text, spine and cover design in gilt. Top edge trimmed and gilt, others uncut. Original list price $1.25. 4.6 x 6.875 (S#17.05) (First Edition) Pp 126 0017.05.1024 1895
The Poems of John Keats. The Penny Poets - XIX, The Masterpiece Library (Published by The Review of Reviews, London. Published for the Proprietor by Horace Marshall & Son, London. Printed by William Clowes and Sons) Keats, John; Edited by Stead, W.T. "Keats lived for twenty-five years among mortal men. This month, seventy-five years after his death, we are celebrating the centenary of his birth as that of one of the Immortals. Few of the men who were born a hundred years ago are held in such grateful remembrance as this consumptive youth... Continue... Wright designed the title page for the 1896 Auvergne Press edition of "The Eve of St. Agnes". (First Edition) For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 60 0018.28.0113 1895
The Poetical Works of John Keats. Edited by William T. Arnold. In Two Volumes, Vol. I. (Hard Cover) (Published by Merrill and Baker, New York. Bound in Half-calf and marble covers. End paper matches marbled cover. Leather on front and back cover died green, spine died brown. Gilt lettering on spine, and edges of leather. Text printed on beige laid paper. Top edge trimmed and gilt.) Keats, John; Edited: Arnold, William T. Not dated. Merrill and Baker published books as early as 1891. Inscribed on title page: "Paul E. Nist. Xmas 1895." Very similar to The Poetical Works of John Keats. 1884, published in a single volume. This volume is published in two volumes. It also appears to use the identical place. The frontispiece and title page were changed. "John Keats was born in London, 1795, died in Rome, 1821. His juvenile verses, pp. 3-62 of this edition, were published in 1817; his second volume, the... Continue... Pp 180 0018.57.0318 1895
The Poetical Works of John Keats. Given From His Own Editions and Other Authentic Sources and Collated With Many Manuscripts. Edited with Notes and Appendices By H. Buxton Forman. Complete Edition. Tan Cover (Published by Thomas Y. Crowell Co., New York. Copyright 1895, By Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Printed in the United States of America) Keats, John; Dole, Nathan Haskell; Forman, H. Buxton; Hunt, Leigh (Deluxe Edition, edges gilt three sides.) In 1883 Reeves first published a four volume set of Keats complete poetical works which included and extensive preface by Forman. In 1884 Reeves condensed the set into a single volume which included Forman's extensive Editor's Preface. In 1889 the four volume set was republished with minor... Continue... 5 x 7.25. Hard Cover. (First Edition) For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 661 0018.21.1010 1895
The Poetical Works of John Keats. Given From His Own Editions and Other Authentic Sources and Collated With Many Manuscripts. Edited with Notes and Appendices By H. Buxton Forman. Complete Edition. Burgundy Cover (Published by Thomas Y. Crowell Co., New York. Copyright 1895, By Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Printed in the United States of America) Note: First Version. This version is virtually identical to the second Crowell edition. Title, title page and portrait changed. Keats, John; Dole, Nathan Haskell; Forman, H. Buxton; Hunt, Leigh (Astor Edition embossed on front cover.) In 1883 Reeves first published a four volume set of Keats complete poetical works which included and extensive preface by Forman. In 1884 Reeves condensed the set into a single volume which included Forman's extensive Editor's Preface. In 1889 the four volume set was republished with minor revisions. In 1890 the single 1884... Continue... (First Edition) For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 661 0018.06.0610
The Poetical Works of John Keats. Given From His Own Editions and Other Authentic Sources and Collated With Many Manuscripts. Edited with Notes and Appendices By H. Buxton Forman. Complete Edition. (Hard Cover) (Published by Thomas Y. Crowell Co., New York and Boston. Copyright 1895, By Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.) Keats, John; Dole, Nathan Haskell; Forman, H. Buxton; Hunt, Leigh Published as part of the Gladstone Edition of Poets Series. Virtually the same edition as the 1895 and Astor, with slight change to title page. This 1895 edition includes the extensive biographical sketch by Nathan Haskell Dole, and includes Forman's notes as well as Hunt's Reviews from 1820 and 1844. Dole writes of his earlier work "It is interesting to note that the modern worshippers of Keats... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 661 0018.11.0710 1895
The Gladstone Edition of Poets (Published by Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., New York) Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Brochure for The Gladstone Edition of Poets Series includes "The Poetical Works of John Keats". "A new line of standard poets, well printed on good paper, from clear type, with frontispieces and specially designed title pages. Strongly and beautifully bound in cloth, with neat design, gilt top. Per vol., $0.75. Also published in Half Calf, Gilt Top, Full gilt back, marble paper sides. Per vol., $1.75." 3.5 x 5.75. Pp 4 0018.12.0710 1895
The Poetical Works of John Keats. Given From His Own Editions and Other Authentic Sources and Collated With Many Manuscripts. Edited with Notes and Appendices By H. Buxton Forman. Complete Edition. Burgundy Cover Hard Cover. (Published by Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., New York. Copyright 1895, By Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.) Keats, John; Dole, Nathan Haskell; Forman, H. Buxton; Hunt, Leigh In 1883 Reeves first published a four volume set of Keats complete poetical works which included and extensive preface by Forman. In 1884 Reeves condensed the set into a single volume which included Forman's extensive Editor's Preface. In 1889 the four volume set was republished with minor revisions. In 1890 the single 1884 volume was reissued as "Prose and Poetry, A Book of Fresh... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 661 0018.24.1011 1895
The Complete Poetical Works of John Keats with Notes and Appendices by H. Buxton Forman. (Deluxe Leather Hard Cover) (Published by Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York. Copyright 1895, By Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Printed in the United States of America) Note: Second Version. This version is virtually identical to the first Crowell edition. Title "Complete...", title page and portrait changed. Deluxe leather cover. Keats, John; Dole, Nathan Haskell; Forman, H. Buxton; Hunt, Leigh In 1883 Reeves first published a four volume set of Keats complete poetical works which included and extensive preface by Forman. In 1884 Reeves condensed the set into a single volume which included Forman's extensive Editor's Preface. In 1889 the four volume set was republished with minor revisions. In 1890 the single 1884 volume was reissued as "Prose and Poetry, A Book of Fresh... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 661 0018.08.0710 1895
The Complete Poetical Works of John Keats with Notes and Appendices by H. Buxton Forman. (Deluxe Leather and Green Cloth Hard Cover) (Published by Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York. Copyright 1895, By Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Printed in the United States of America) Note: This version is identical to the Crowell edition (0018.08). The cover and portrait are the only changes. Deluxe leather and cloth cover. Keats, John; Dole, Nathan Haskell; Forman, H. Buxton; Hunt, Leigh In 1883 Reeves first published a four volume set of Keats complete poetical works which included and extensive preface by Forman. In 1884 Reeves condensed the set into a single volume which included Forman's extensive Editor's Preface. In 1889 the four volume set was republished with minor revisions. In 1890 the single 1884 volume was reissued as "Prose and Poetry, A Book of Fresh... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 661 0018.25.0112 1895
The Complete Poetical Works of John Keats with Notes and Appendices by H. Buxton Forman. (Deluxe Leather Hard Cover, design stamped in leather. Tree with fruit, within a border, title gilt.) (Published by Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York. Copyright 1895, By Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Printed in the United States of America) Note: This version is identical to the Crowell editions (0018.08) & (0018.25) Title "Complete...", the cover and portrait (of one) are the only changes. Keats, John; Dole, Nathan Haskell; Forman, H. Buxton; Hunt, Leigh In 1883 Reeves first published a four volume set of Keats complete poetical works which included and extensive preface by Forman. In 1884 Reeves condensed the set into a single volume which included Forman's extensive Editor's Preface. In 1889 the four volume set was republished with minor revisions. In 1890 the single 1884 volume was reissued as "Prose and Poetry, A Book of Fresh... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study.
Pp 661 0018.37.0714 1895
The Poetical Works of John Keats. Given From His Own Editions and Other Authentic Sources and Collated With Many Manuscripts. Edited with Notes and Appendices By H. Buxton Forman. Vol. I and Vol. II. (Published by Thomas Y. Crowell & Company, New York: 46 East 14th Street. Boston: 100 Purchase Street. Copyright 1895, By Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Printed by Rockwell and Churchill, Boston.) Note: Third Version. This two volume version is virtually identical... Continue... Keats, John; Dole, Nathan Haskell; Forman, H. Buxton; Hunt, Leigh In 1883 Reeves first published a four volume set of Keats complete poetical works which included and extensive preface by Forman. In 1884 Reeves condensed the set into a single volume which included Forman's extensive Editor's Preface. In 1889 the... Continue... Wright designed the title page for the 1896 Auvergne Press edition of "The Eve of St. Agnes". Hard Cover 5 x 7.9. (First Edition) For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. V I: Pp 1-311 V II: Pp 313-661
0018.09.0710 0018.10.0710 1895
John Keats. A Critical Essay. By Robert Bridges. (Privately Printed, 1895. Two Hundred and Fifty Copies printed.) Bridges, Robert An extensive essay on the writings of John Keats. Bridges writes, "The Eve of St. Agnes... is much more powerful. It is well done throughout, and except for some expressions, criticism could only quarrel with the machinery of the story... The Eve of St. Agnes is not only a passionate tale, but it is very rich in the kind of beauty characteristic of Keats, and contains high poetry both of diction and felling... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 97 0018.07.0710 1895
The Poetical Works of John Keats. Given From His Own Editions and Other Authentic Sources and Collated With Many Manuscripts. Edited by H. Buxton Forman. Third Edition. Augmented and Corrected in Three Volumes. Vol. I-III. (Published by J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. Copyright, 1894 By J. B. Lippincott Company. Printed by J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, U. S. A.) Keats; Dole; Forman, H. Buxton This three volume set includes Forman's extensive Editor's Preface dated December 1883 with a Postscript dated January 1889. Forman writes: "The manuscripts of Endymoin, Lamia, The Eve of St. Agnes and portions of Isabella should be mentioned... Continue... Wright designed the title page for the 1896 Auvergne Press edition of "The Eve of St. Agnes". Hard Cover. 5.5 x 8.5. (Third Edition) For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 1-199
Pp 200-420
Pp 421-5970018.13.0810 0018.14.0810 0018.15.0810 1895
The House Beautiful (Hard Cover) (Published by James H. West Co., Boston Mass.) Gannett, William Channing 1895 Cloth Version, Pre Frank Lloyd Wright. This was published two - three years before Frank Lloyd Wright published his version. It was a version like this he read. "I brought out a copy of William C. Gannet's (Sp) 'The House Beautiful,' an essay which I admired very much...".(1) There at least two cloth hard cover version published by James H. West Co. This version: white cloth, gold stamped cover. Inside front and back cover white-ivory paper. Original HC List Price... Continue... Pp 60 0018.04.0301 1895
The House Beautiful (Hard Cover) (Published by James H. West Co., Boston Mass.) Gannett, William Channing 1895 Cloth Version, Pre Frank Lloyd Wright. This was published two - three years before Frank Lloyd Wright published his version. It was a version like this he read. "I brought out a copy of William C. Gannet's (Sp) 'The House Beautiful,' an essay which I admired very much...".(1) There at least two cloth hard cover version published by James H. West Co. This version: white cloth, gold stamped cover. The only difference between this and the above version is... Continue... Pp 60 0018.05.1101 1895
The House Beautiful (Soft Cover) (Published by James H. West Co., Boston Mass.) Gannett, William Channing 1895 Tinted Paper, Choice Edition. Pre Frank Lloyd Wright. This was published two-three years before Frank Lloyd Wright published his version. It was a version like this he read. "I brought out a copy of William C. Gannet's (Sp) 'The House Beautiful,' an essay which I admired very much...".(1) "Paper, choice edition, silk-stitched, white of tinted covers, put in entitled envelopes" (inside back cover). Original SC List Price choice edition 15 cents; cheap edition... Continue... Pp 26 0018.06.1101 1895
Volunteer Grain (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. One hundred and sixty copies printed from type, of which one hundred and fifty were for sale. Printed by John Wilson and Son on Laid paper with "Van Gelder Zonen and a "crowned fleur-de-lis symbol" watermark. Top edge gilt, others uncut.) Browne, Francis Fisher Kraus #1. One hundred and sixty copies were printed, of which one hundred and fifty were for sale. Printed on hand-made paper.(Critic1895, p94). According to The Publishers' Weekly, April 25, 1896, p716, the list price was net $2.25. Chauncey L. Williams (1895 - S.033), a client of Wright's, partnered with Washington Irving Way in 1895 to form... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 70 0018.16.0411 0018.29.1013 0018.60.0122 1895
Russian Fairy Tales,. From the Skazki of Polevoi (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by Richard Clay & Sons, Limited, London & Bungay. Trimmed top and side, top is gilt.) Bain, R. Nisbet Kraus #3. A compilation of twenty-four fairy tales. Preface: The existence of the Russian "Skazki" or "Marchen" was first made generally known to the British Public some twenty years ago by Mr. W. B. S. Ralston in his "Russian Folk Tales." That excellent and most engrossing volume was, primarily, a treatise on Slavonic Folk-Lore, illustrated with admirable skill and judgment, by stories, mainly selected from the vast collection of Afanasiev... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 264 0018.38.0115 1895
Queen Helen and Other Poems (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed at the De Vinne Press, with two reduced engravings from the composition of John Flaxman illustrating The Iliad of Homer. Printed on hand-made paper, top edge gilt, others uncut.) Cheney, John Vance Kraus #4. A compilation of fourteen poems. Queen Helen being the longest. Homeric Experiments include seven. "Note. These experiments are based on the English verse and prose of several translators; to whom, especially to Messrs. Lang, Leaf, and Meyers, is here offered most humble apology." Also includes Anacreon (2), Homer, The Iliad, The Odyssey, and Halcyone. Cover lettering and design... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 78 0018.18.0411 0018.20.0511 1895
Under The Pines and Other Verses (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed for Way and Williams by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co at the Lakeside Press, Chicago, from Plates made by The Dial Press: 1895. Printed on a very fine light beige laid paper with "Way and Williams" watermark. Top edge gilt, others uncut.) Coonley, Lydia Avery Kraus #6. A compilation of poems. "...Mrs. Coonley writes because she is moved to write. Her thought and her expression are transparently sincere. Her attitude toward life is one of unstinted helpfulness; her constant endeavor is to see the best in her fellows and to realize the best in herself. These characteristics pervade the poems collected in this volume. If the book invited destructive criticism, its spirit would disarm the... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 104 0018.41.1117 1895
The Little Room and Other Stories (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed for Way and Williams by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co at the Lakeside Press, Chicago, from Plates made by The Dial Press: 1895. Printed on laid paper with "Way and Williams" watermark. Top edge trimmed and gilt, others uncut.) Wynne, Madelene Yale Kraus #7. "The symbolism of these tales is so heavily veiled that some readers will see in them nothing but provoking mysteries: this is very likely to be the case with the title story. Yet the style is simple and pleasant, and the book furnishes an agreeable diversion, even to those readers who do not care to bother themselves with the meaning of the tales." Book Review: W. H. Carruth, The Agora, 1995-6. Six short stories including... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 145 0018.39.0415 0018.42.0518 1895
Paul & Virginia of a Northern Zone (Poul og Virginie under nordlig Bredde) From the Danish of Holger Drachmann. (Translated by Francis F. Browne.) (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed for Way and Williams by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co at the Lakeside Press, Chicago, from Plates made by The Dial Press: 1895) Printed on a very fine light beige laid paper with "Way and Williams" watermark. (Republished in 1901 as "Nanna, Story of Danish Love".) Drachmann, Holger; Re-written in English by Browne, Francis F. Kraus #8. "Introductory Note. Some years ago my excellent Danish friend, the lamented Thorkild A. Schoovelin, spoke to me in admiration of the works of his countryman Holger Drachmann, and suggested the project of making an English translation... and at his request I aided in the not easy task of giving to this charming Northern Idyll an adequate... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 208 0018.17.0311 1895
The Banquet of Plato (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Decorations by Mr. Bruce Rogers. Printed by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co. at the Lakeside Press, Chicago, on laid paper with "Way and Williams" watermark. Top of the pages are gilt, others are uncut.) Translated by Shelley, Percy Bysshe Kraus #9. Translated from the Greek of Plato. This fable was extracted from the Metamorphoses of Apuleius, originally written in Latin. A reprint of Shelley's little-known translation of "The Banquet of Plato," prefaced by the poet's fragmentary note on "The Symposium." Shelley: "I am employed just now, having little better to do, in translating into my faint and inefficient periods, the divine eloquence of Plato's Symposium; only... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 126 0018.35.0514 1895
Little Leaders (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed for Way and Williams by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co at the Lakeside Press, Chicago, from Plates made by The Dial Press: 1895. Bound in dark red buckram with gilt lettering. Printed on laid paper with "Way and Williams" watermark. Top edge is trimmed and gilt, others uncut.) Payne, William Morton Kraus #10. "To my old friend and fellow-worker, Francis Fisher Browne, who has done more than any other man to promote the interests of literature in Chicago. Preface. The contents of this little book consist of a series of papers reprinted from 'The Dial,' in which periodical, scattered through the past three years, they first did duty as editorial articles. The title now given to the collection is thus accounted for, as well... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 278 0018.33.0114 0017.04.0524 1895
Old English Fairy Tales (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Methuen & Co., London. Printed by Morrison and Gibb, Edinburgh on wove paper. Top edge trimmed and gilt, others uncut.) Collected by: Gould, S. Baring. Author of "Mehalah" "The Tragedy of the Caesars" "Old Country Life" Etc. Kraus 11: Boards covered in black cloth. Cover and spine in gilt. Cover illustration is the first of thirteen illustrations. "Preface. It has been to me a matter of surprise that no collection has been made and adapted to the reading of children of the old delightful English folk tales and traditionary stories that exist, scattered up and down in all manner of places." A collection of nineteen old English Fairy Tales. Nineteen illustrations by F. D. Bedford. Original list price $2.00. (First Edition) 5.25 x 7.75 Pp 400 0018.59.0521 1895
Vespertilia and Other Verses (Hard Cover) (Published by John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty, at the Edinburgh University Press, on a laid paper, uncut edges.) Watson, Rosamund Marriott (who wrote under the pseudonym Graham R. Tomson), Author of 'A Summer... Kraus #12. Title page and cover designed by R. Anning Bell. Of this edition, 650 copies were printed for England and America. A compilation of 45 poems. Vespertilia:
... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams.
In the late autumn's dusky-golden prime,
When sickles gleam and rusts the idle plough,
The time of apples dropping from the bough,
And yellow leaves on sycamore and lime ;
O'er grassy uplands farP 111 0018.34.0514 1895
The Death-Wake or Lunacy. A Necromaunt in three Chimeras. (Hard Cover) (Published by John Lane, London, Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. At the Ballantyne Press, London & Edinburgh. Prinhted on laid paper, top edges trimmed, others uncut.) Stoddart, Thomas. With an Introduction by Lang, Andrew Kraus #21. "Introduction. The extreme rarity of The Death-Wake is a reason for its republication, which may or may not be approved of by collectors. Of the original edition the Author says that more than seventy copies were sold in the first week of publication, but thereafter the publisher failed in business. Mr. Stoddart recovered the sheets of his poem, and his cook gradually, and perhaps not injudiciously... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 124 0018.19.0411 1896 1896
Essays in Criticism. The Study of Poetry. John Keats; Wordsworth. Edited by Susan S. Sheridan. Hillouse High School, New Haven, Conn. The Academy Series of English Classics. (Published by Allyn and Bacon, Boston and Chicago. Copyright, 1896, By Susan S. Sheridan. Printed by Norwood Press. J.A. Cushing & Co. - Berwick & Smith, Norwood, Mass. U.S.A.) Arnold, Matthew; Edited by Sheridan, Susan S. In Arnold's extensive essay on Keats he writes, "We who believe Keats to have been by his promise, at any rate, if not fully by his performance, one of the very greatest of English poets... Keats was a great spirit, and counts for far more than many even of his admirers suppose... No one else in English poetry, save Shakespeare, has in expression quite the fascinating felicity of Keats, his... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 101 0022.03.0312 1896
The Eve of St. Agnes (Published on a hand press by Auvergne Press, River Forest, Illinois) Keats, John, with an appreciation by Leigh Hunt. "Printed on a hand press by William H. Winslow & Chauncey L. Williams (both were Wright neighbors and clients), for pleasure and their friends, at The Auvergne Press, River Forest, Illinois; and finished the 19th day of December 1896. This copy is number 14 of an edition of sixty five copies, printed on hand-made paper. The title page of this little book is from a design especially made for it by Frank L. Wright. Title page published in: Graphic... Continue... (Sweeney 22) Pp 27 0022.00.1106 C 1896
The Eve of St. Agnes (Circa 1896 Caldwell Version) (Hard Cover) (Illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett. Under The Supervision of Geo T. Andrew. Published By H. M. Caldwell Co. (New York, Boston). (Geo T. Andrew was an artisan who worked on many books during this time period. Lacking a photographic process, the illustrations were engraved on wood by hand, creating exquisite reproductions of the original illustrations.) Keats, John Published with twenty five Illustrations by Edmund H. Garrett. Exactly like the Estes version, but the page with the copyright and date has been deleted. Cloth and gilt-stamped cover with floral illustration on the cover. Printed on heavy paper (card stock). Some references to this version being printed in 1890... Continue... Wright designed the title page for the 1896 Auvergne Press edition. First Caldwell edition. 7 x 8.9. For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 43 0022.01.0510 C 1896
The Eve of St. Agnes (1896 Caldwell Version II) (Illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett. Under The Supervision of Geo T. Andrew. Published By H. M. Caldwell Co. (New York, Boston). (Geo T. Andrew was an artisan who worked on many books during this time period. Lacking a photographic process, the illustrations were engraved on wood by hand, creating exquisite reproductions of the original illustrations.) (Note: Only change to this Version II is illustration pasted on... Continue... Keats, John Published with twenty five Illustrations by Edmund H. Garrett. Exactly like the Estes version, but the page with the copyright and date has been deleted. Cloth and gilt-stamped cover with floral and farm illustration on the cover. Printed on heavy paper (card stock). Some references to this version being printed in 1890. On April 11, 1896 Herbert M. Caldwell ran a full page ad in the Publishers" Weekly... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 43 0022.06.0810 C 1896
The Eve of St. Agnes (1896 Caldwell Version III) (Illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett. Under The Supervision of Geo T. Andrew. Published By H. M. Caldwell Co. (New York, Boston). (Geo T. Andrew was an artisan who worked on many books during this time period. Lacking a photographic process, the illustrations were engraved on wood by hand, creating exquisite reproductions of the original illustrations.) (Note: Only change to this Version III is the red cloth and illustration pasted... Continue... Keats, John Published with twenty five Illustrations by Edmund H. Garrett. Exactly like the Estes version, but the page with the copyright and date has been deleted. Red cloth and gilt-stamped cover with Christmas holly illustration with a printed silver background on the cover. Printed on heavy paper (card stock). Some references to this version being printed in 1890. On April 11, 1896 Herbert M. Caldwell ran a full page... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 43 0022.41.0914 C 1896
The Eve of St. Agnes (1896 Caldwell Version IV) (Illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett. Under The Supervision of Geo T. Andrew. Published By H. M. Caldwell Co. (New York, Boston). (Geo T. Andrew was an artisan who worked on many books during this time period. Lacking a photographic process, the illustrations were engraved on wood by hand, creating exquisite reproductions of the original illustrations.) (Note: Only change to this Version IV is the cloth and illustration pasted... Continue...
Keats, John Published with twenty five Illustrations by Edmund H. Garrett. Exactly like the Estes version, but the page with the copyright and date has been deleted. White cloth and gilt-stamped cover with floral illustration. Illustration is not printed in standard four color process. There appears to be at least 16 or more plates, yellow, olive, light, medium and dark green, brown, light and dark pink, orange, red and dark red, light and... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 43 0022.48.1215 C 1896
The Eve of St. Agnes (1896 Caldwell Version V) (Illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett. Under The Supervision of Geo T. Andrew. Published By H. M. Caldwell Co. (New York, Boston). (Geo T. Andrew was an artisan who worked on many books during this time period. Lacking a photographic process, the illustrations were engraved on wood by hand, creating exquisite reproductions of the original illustrations.) (Note: This version matches Version III, but green cloth on the cover instead of red.) Keats, John Published with twenty five Illustrations by Edmund H. Garrett. Exactly like the Estes version, but the page with the copyright and date has been deleted. Green cloth and gilt-stamped cover with Christmas holly illustration with a printed silver background on the cover. Illustration is not printed in standard four color process. There appears to be at least 16 or more plates, yellow, olive, light, medium and dark green, brown, light and dark pink, orange, red and dark red, light and dark... Continue... Pp 43 0022.56.0117 C 1896
The Eve of St. Agnes (1896 Caldwell Version VI) (Illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett. Under The Supervision of Geo T. Andrew. Published By H. M. Caldwell Co. (New York, Boston). (Geo T. Andrew was an artisan who worked on many books during this time period. Lacking a photographic process, the illustrations were engraved on wood by hand, creating exquisite reproductions of the original illustrations.) (Note: Only change to this Version VI is the cloth and illustration pasted to cover, front...
Keats, John Published with twenty five Illustrations by Edmund H. Garrett. Exactly like the Estes version, but the page with the copyright and date has been deleted. White cloth and gilt-stamped cover with floral illustration. Illustration is not printed in standard four color process. There appears to be at least 16 or more plates, yellow, olive, light, medium and dark green, brown, light and dark pink, orange, red and dark red, light and dark purple, light and medium blue, and grey. Printed... Continue...
Pp 43 0022.55.0117 1896
Poems by John Keats, Edited, With Introduction and Notes by Arlo Bates (Hard Cover) (Published as part of the Atbenaeum Press Series, by Ginn & Company, Boston, New York, Chicago, London) Keats, John; Bates, Arlo Bates writes "He continued in failing health through the spring, sometimes better and sometimes worse, unable to do any work beyond the revising of his last volume of poems for the press. This appears in the summer of 1820. It was called, "Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes and Other Poems". The fragment of "Hyperion" was included at the request of the publishers. The reviews... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 302 0022.02.0313 1896 (1908)
John Keats. The Apothecary Poet. By William Osler, M.D. (Read at the John Hopkins Hospital Club, October 29, 1895. Published in the John Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, Volume VII, No. 58, January, 1896.) (Reprinted here in An Alabama Student and Other Biographical Essays. By William Osler, M.D. Published by Oxford University Press Canadian Branch. Toronto, London. 1908)
Osler, William Osler writes, "When all the circumstances are taken into account, the English Parnassus affords no parallel to the career of Keats... In June, 1820, appeared Keats's third work, Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and other poems, which placed him in the first rank of English writers... All lovers of poetry cherish Keats's memory for the splendour of the verse with which he has enriched our literature. There... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 37-54 0022.04.0710 1897
The House Beautiful (Original Collotype Proof) (Proof photographed and hand printed by Frank Lloyd Wright circa 1896. Proof on Japanese tissue before publication of "The House Beautiful" by William Channing Gannett. Auvergne Press, River Forest, Ill., 1897. Design: Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright, Frank Lloyd After commissioning Wright to design his home in 1893, William Herman Winslow also charged him with the design of this book, which they printed together by hand. The text is a quintessential expression of Arts and Crafts philosophy, but the design, apart from its great emphasis on decoration does not follow the usual Arts and Crafts lines. Rather it shows the innovative brilliance of Wright, ahead of his time in bookwork, just as he was giving... Continue... (Sweeney 18) Proof 0018.01.0101 1896-98
The House Beautiful (Published by The Auvergne Press, River Forest. The Auvergne Press was established by two of Wright's clients, William H. Winslow and Chauncey L. Williams in the stable designed for Winslow.) Printed by hand by Winslow and Wright. Gannett, William Channing; Wright, Frank Lloyd Cover Binding - Book #69 of 90. The House Beautiful was produced in a limited edition of 90. Includes fragments of an original binding of copy number 69 of edition of 90 which were hand printed by Wright. This book was acquired by Kelmscott Gallery, Chicago in the early 1980s from a member of the Fletcher family. Fletcher was W. H. Winslow's business partner and brother-in-law to John Wellborn Root of Burnham & Root. The corner was... Continue... (Sweeney 18) Pp 55 0018.00.0806 1896-98
The House Beautiful, Title Page (1897) (Single sheet, folded, four pages) (Published by The Auvergne Press, River Forest. The Auvergne Press was established by two of Wright's clients, William H. Winslow and Chauncey L. Williams in the stable designed for Winslow.) Printed by hand by Winslow and Wright.
Gannett, William Channing; Wright, Frank Lloyd Sheet 3: Pages v-3. Pages 1-2 are the Title Pages. Page 3: "Flower in the crannied wall, I pluck you out of the crannies, I hold you here, root and all, in my hand, Little flower- but if I could understand. What you are, root and all, and all in all, I should know what God and man is." (Alfred, Lord Tennyson.) Wright would use this quote again with a sculpture in the Dana House. There are 18 sheets of paper folded once, creating four pages per sheet and sewn together... Continue... (Sweeney 18) Pages v-3 0018.49.1019 1896-98
The House Beautiful (Single Sheet, Four Pages, Two Page Spread) (Published by The Auvergne Press, River Forest. The Auvergne Press was established by two of Wright's clients, William H. Winslow and Chauncey L. Williams in the stable designed for Winslow.) Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Printed by hand by Winslow and Wright. Gannett, William Channing; Wright, Frank Lloyd Sheet 8: Pages 20-23 - Book 69 of 90. Auvergne Press, River Forest, Ill., 1896-98. After commissioning Wright to design his home in 1893, William Herman Winslow also charged him with the design of this book, which they printed together by hand. The text is a quintessential expression of Arts and Crafts philosophy, but the design, apart from its great emphasis on decoration does not follow the usual Arts and Crafts lines. Rather it shows the innovative brilliance... Continue... (Sweeney 18) Pp 20-23 0018.02.1200 1896-98
The House Beautiful (Published by The Auvergne Press, River Forest. The Auvergne Press was established by two of Wright's clients, William H. Winslow and Chauncey L. Williams in the stable designed for Winslow.) Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Printed by hand by Winslow and Wright. Gannett, William Channing; Wright, Frank Lloyd Half Sheet 14, Pages 46-47 (Possibly from Book 69 of 90.) Auvergne Press, River Forest, Ill., 1896-98. After commissioning Wright to design his home in 1893, William Herman Winslow also charged him with the design of this book, which they printed together by hand. The text is a quintessential expression of Arts and Crafts philosophy, but the design, apart from its great emphasis on decoration does not follow the usual Arts... Continue... (Sweeney 18)
Pp 46-47 0018.40.1217 1896-98
The House Beautiful, Sheet 16, Signed (Single sheet, folded, four pages, framed) (Published by The Auvergne Press, River Forest. The Auvergne Press was established by two of Wright's clients, William H. Winslow and Chauncey L. Williams in the stable designed for Winslow by Frank Lloyd Wright) Printed by hand by Winslow and Wright. Gannett, William Channing; Wright, Frank Lloyd Sheet 16: Pages 52-55. Pages 52-54 are a repeat of the same design. Page 55 includes the Printer's Device. Text: "We Have Printed Ninety Copies of This Book. This is Copy No. Sixty-nine. (Sixty-nine is hand-written.) Signed by W. H. Winslow and Frank Lloyd Wright and is hand-numbered "Sixty-nine. There are 18 sheets of paper folded once, creating four pages per sheet and sewn together. Frank Lloyd Wright designed the book, framing the text by William C... Continue... (Sweeney 18) Pp 52-55 0018.52.0822 1896
The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language. Selected and Arranged with notes by Francis Turner Palgrave, Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford. (Hard Cover) (Published by MacMillan and Co., Ltd. London and New York. Printed by Richard Cly and Sons, Limited, London and Bungay. Boards are covered in blue cloth. Design stamped and gilt on cover.) Keats, John; Palgrave, Francis T. This edition published as part of the Golden Treasury Series. First published in 1861, reprinted 23 times. Second edition 1891, reprinted three times, this is the third. A compilation of over 80 poets, Keats being included. Although The Eve of St. Agnes is not included, a number of Keats other poems are included. It begins with a short introduction by Francis T. Palgrave, dated August 1861. Boards... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 381 0022.42.1213 1896
The Were-Wolf. (Hard Cover) (Published by John Lane, At The Bodley Head, London, Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by W. H. White and Co., Edinburgh Riverside Press, on a laid paper, edges trimmed.) Housman, Clemence; With six Illustrations by Laurence Housman (sister). Kraus #15. "The great farm hall was ablaze with the fire-light, and noisy with laughter and talk and many-sounding work. None could be idle but the very young and the very old: little Rol, who was hugging a puppy, and old Trella, whose palsied hand fumbled over her knitting. The early evening had closed in, and the farm-servants, come from their outdoor work, had assembled in the ample hall, which gave space for a score or... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 123 0022.53.1117 1896/1895-6
Hand & Soul (Hard Cover) (Published by Thomas B. Mosher, Portland, Maine. First published in in 1895-96 by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by William Morris, at the Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, England. American and English editions finished the 24th Day of October, 1895. American edition received by Way & Williams in January, 1896.) Rossettt, Dante Gabriel Kraus #16. A facsimile of Hand & Soul first published by Kelmscott Press, England and Way & Williams, Chicago, in 1895 / 1986. Published on “Genuine Kelmscott Press Hand Made-Paper.” Top edge trimmed, others uncut.
"Hand and Soul" first appeared in "The Germ," the short-lived magazine of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. The original volume, 1895-1896, is the only volume printed... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams.Pp 56 0036.23.0524 1896
The Wood of The Brambles (Hard Cover) (Published by John Lane, The Bodley Head, London. Way and Williams, Chicago. Printed by Turnbull & Spears, Edinburgh, on laid paper. Top edge trimmed, other uncut.) Mathew, Frank (Kraus 18) "Prologue. To Lady Davern. When you told me Sir Dominick's history, as I stared at his likeness, I thought of this bokk, and wanted to dedicate it to you. The light of the rurf was lingering on you and the picture: and the snow was drifting unsteadily down beside the darkening windows. Here is the book, finished at last; but will you look at it now? I have made Sir Dominick tell he story, because it is hisr... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 462 0022.60.0524 1896
Ecce Puella and other Prose Imaginings (Published by Elkin Mathews, London, Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by R. ffolkard & Son, 22, Devonshire Street, Bloomsbury, London, W.C. Printed on laid Abbey Mills Greenfield paper, with "Crown (symbol) Abbey Mills, Greenfield" watermark. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Sharp, William Kraus #19. "Note. Ecce Puella" comprises all that the author cares to disengage from Fair Woman, an illustrated monograph which he undertook at the instance of the late Philip Gilbert Hamerton, for the Portfolio Series. It has, of course, been reworked into this, its essential form. "Love in a Mist" originally was published, with illustrations, in Good Words. "Fragments from the Lost Journals of Piero di Cosimo"appears... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 124 0022.12.0411 1896
Ecce Puella and other Prose Imaginings (Hard Cover) (Published by Elkin Mathews, London, Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by R. ffolkard & Son, 22, Devonshire Street, Bloomsbury, London, W.C. Printed on laid Abbey Mills Greenfield paper, with “Crown (symbol) Abbey Mills, Greenfield” watermark. Top edge folded, others uncut. Cover: Dark blue cloth.) Sharp, William Kraus #19. Page vi: Note. “Ecce Puella” comprises all that the author cares to disengage from Fair Woman, an illustrated monograph which he undertook at the instance of the late Philip Gilbert Hamerton, for the Portfolio Series. It has, of course, been reworked into this, its essential form. “Love in a Mist” originally was published, with illustrations, in Good Words. “Fragments from the Lost Journals of Piero di Cosimo" appears... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 124 0022.59.0424 1896
A Mountain Woman (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by University Press: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U. S. A., on Laid paper. Top edge gilt, others uncut. ) Peattie, Elia W. Kraus #23. "Foreword. Most of the tales in this little book have been printed before. "A Mountain Woman" appeared in Harpers" Weekly, as did "The Three Johns" and "A Resuscitation." "Jim Lacy's Waterloo" was printed in he Cosmopolitan, "A Michigan Man" in Lippincott's and "Up the Gulch" in Two Tales... E. W. P." Lettering and design n the cover stamped in silver. Back cover has the same design as the front minus... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 251 0022.08.0411 0022.38.0214 1896
Ode For The Bicentenary Commemoration of Henry Purcell, With Other Poems and a Preface on the Musical Setting of Poetry. (Published by Elkin Mathews, Vigo Street, London. Printed by R. Folkard & Son. Printed on laid Abbey Mills Greenfield paper, with "Crown (symbol) Abbey Mills, Greenfield" watermark. Top edge trimmed, others uncut. Note: This is the English first edition. Way & Williams version is second edition, only change includes "Way & Williams" on title page.) Bridges, Robert Kraus #24. Ode to Music. "Preface. The words of the Ode as here given differ slightly from those which appeared with Dr. Parry's Cantata, sung at the Leeds Festival and at the Purcell Commemoration in London last year. Since the poem was never perfected as a musical ode, - and I was not in every particular responsible for it, - I have tried to make it more presentable to readers, and in so doing... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 43 0022.19.0411 1896
Purcell Ode and Other Poems (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by University Press: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A. on laid paper with a fleur-de-lis design within an escutcheon topped by a horned crown, and a Van Gelder Zonen watermark. Top edge trimmed and gilt, others uncut.) Bridges, Robert Kraus #24a. The content of this version is consistent with the above (Kraus 24). Layout and plates differ. "Preface. The words of the Ode as here given differ slightly from those which appeared with Dr. Parry's Cantata, sung at the Leeds Festival and at the Purcell Commemoration in London last year. Since the poem was never perfected as a musical ode, - and I was not in every particular responsible for it, - I have tried to make it more... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 54 0022.39.0414 1896
Purcell Ode and Other Poems (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by University Press: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A. on laid paper with a fleur-de-lis design within an escutcheon topped by a horned crown, and a Van Gelder Zonen watermark. Top edge trimmed and gilt, others uncut. Note: Second copy, spine has been repaired. Stock covering spine is the same paper but different color. Boards have also been coated with a varnish. End pages have been replaced.) Bridges, Robert (Kraus 24a) The content of this version is consistent with the above (Kraus 24). Layout and plates differ. "Preface. The words of the Ode as here given differ slightly from those which appeared with Dr. Parry's Cantata, sung at the Leeds Festival and at the Purcell Commemoration in London last year. Since the poem was never perfected as a musical ode, - and I was not in every particular responsible for it, - I have tried to make it more... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 54 0022.46.1215 1896
The Colour of Life and Other Essays on Things seen and Heard (Hard Cover) (Published by John Lane: Vigo St., London. Way and Williams, Chicago. Printed by W. H. White and Co. LTD. Edinburgh Riverside Press. Printed on laid paper, top trimmed, others uncut.) Meynell, Alice Kraus #26. "The Colour of Life. Red has been praised for its nobility as the color of life. But the true colour of life is not red. Red is the colour of violence, or of life broken open, edited, and published. Or if red is indeed the colour of life, it is so only on condition that it is not seen..." A compilation of fourteen short stories. First edition includes four pages of reviews for the authors first two books. It also... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 103 0022.16.0411 0022.32.0213 0022.35.0713 1896
The Sonnet in England and other Essays (Published by John Lane, London. Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by J. Miller and Son, Edinburgh, on laid paper, top edge gilt, others uncut. Elkin Mathews monogram printed on back cover. First edition published in by Mathews and Lane in 1893. This second edition published by Land and Williams & Way.) Noble, J. Ashcroft Kraus #27. "The greater part of the contents of this volume has previously been printed. The first essay appeared in the Contemporary Review, the second in Fraser's Magazine, the third in the London Quarterly Review, the fourth in Macmillan's Magazine, and the papers on Robert Stephen Hawkers and Mr. Robert Buchanan are expansions of articles contributed to a work which, my own share in it being very... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 211 0022.07.0411 1896
From Cairo To The Soudan Frontier (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago, John Lane at the Bodley Head, London. Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. At the Ballantyne Press. London & Edinburgh.) Traill, H. D. Kraus #28 Printed on laid paper, pages are uncut. "This book first appeared serially in the columns of 'The Daily Telegraph,' to the Proprietors of which journals thanks are due for permission to reprint." "Preface: The sketches here published pretend to know other character than that of a record of impressions derived from a couple of brief tours in Egypt during the winter of 1893-4 and 1895-6. But it is hoped that their interest, such as it... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 256 0022.52.1117 1896
Three Irish Bardic Tales. Being Metrical Versions of The Three Tales known as The Three Sorrows of Story-Telling Otho (Hard Cover) (Published by J. M. Dent and Co., London. Way & Williams, Chicago. Note: This title page is from the English edition. American edition includes Way & Williams text.) Todhunter, John (Kraus #31) Preface: Two of the following poems are reprinted from a former volume, the third - 'The Fate of the Sons of Usna' - now appears for the first time. They are founded upon the three Bardic Tales traditionally known in Ireland as the 'Three Sorrows of Story-Telling.' Printed by Turnbull and Spears, Edinburgh, on laid paper, top edges gilt, others uncut. Original list price $1.50. Acquired from the University of Nottingham Library. 4.75 x 6.9 (First Edition) See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 160 0022.61.0524 1896
The Epistolary Flirt In Four Exposures (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed at the Lakeside Press by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co. 1896, on laid Abbey Mills Greenfield paper, with "Crown (symbol) Abbey Mills, Greenfield" watermark. Top edges cut and tinted yellow, others uncut. According to Kraus, there are a number of different versions. A&B: Red cloth, lettering and border in gold or black; C: White cloth, dark blue lettering and border on front and back cover.) Amory, Esmerie Kraus #32. The story is narrated in dialogue form and is told in "four exposures" (four scenes), with three characters. Ernestine, a woman who writes verses; Irwin, a man who writes verse; and Philip, a man who writes poetry. "Scene I. Place: The library of a city house. Present: Ernestine and Philip. Time: Evening. Philip. - How did it begin? Ernestine. - How does anything begin, Philip? First the blade, then the ear... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 100 0022.15.0411 1896
The Epistolary Flirt In Four Exposures (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed at the Lakeside Press by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co. 1896, on laid Abbey Mills Greenfield paper, with "Crown (symbol) Abbey Mills, Greenfield" watermark. Top edges cut and gilt, others uncut. Note: Version two, white cloth, drawing of a small angel illustrated in dark blue ink on a light blue background. Illustrated by Frank Hazenplug.) Amory, Esmerie Kraus #32.Only difference between this and red cover version is cover. The story is narrated in dialogue form and is told in "four exposures" (four scenes), with three characters. Ernestine, a woman who writes verses; Irwin, a man who writes verse; and Philip, a man who writes poetry. "Scene I. Place: The library of a city house. Present: Ernestine and Philip. Time: Evening. Philip. - How did it begin? Ernestine. - How does anything... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 100 0022.51.1017 1896
Green Arras (Published by John Lane at the Bodley Head, London. Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by R. Folkard & Son, 22, Devonshire St., Queen Sq., London.) Housman, Laurence Kraus #33. Compilation of over forty poems. Cover, Title-page, and Illustrations by the author. Each poem begins with a decorative initial capital letter. In addition to the title page, and initial caps, there are five additional illustrations Gilt lettering and design on cover. Printed on laid paper, pages are uncut. Original list price $1.50. 5.25 x 7.8. (First Edition) See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 90 0022.28.0212 1896
The Lucky Number (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed at the Lakeside Press by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co., on laid paper with a "Semper Paratus", a symbol of a "Dragon with wings holding a pole with two flags", "Cumberland" watermark. Top edges gilt, others uncut.) Friedman, I. K. Kraus #34. "Devereux is a Frenchman his name has told you that at a glance; he is a Frenchman out of France, a fish out of water, and the water is cleaner for the absence of the fish. Anxious as France is for an increased population she offered every inducement in the world to Devereux, and those of his compatriots who frequent his saloon, to stay in America. They had left their country to our country's detriment, true patriots... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 217 0022.43.0715 1896
The Real Issue (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed at the Lakeside Press by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co., on laid paper with a "Semper Paratus", a symbol of a "Dragon with wings holding a pole with two flags", "Cumberland" watermark. Top edges gilt, others uncut.) White, William Allen Kraus #35. "It was near the close of a long session - a session which had lasted a winter and a spring and a summer, and threatened to push itself into the first days of autumn, when Wharton, the western member, who had been in the house five terms, concluded to pack his valise and go home..." White was the editor of the Emporia Gazette in Kansas. "...believing that Kansas has never been properly..." Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 212 0022.09.0411 1896
Aucassin & Nicolete (Soft Cover) (Published by David Nutt, London. Way and Williams, Chicago. Translated June, 1887. Originally published in November, 1887. This is Way & Williams' First Edition.) Done in English by Lang, Andrew Kraus #36 Binding 1. "Introduction. There is nothing in artistic poetry quite akin to 'Aucassin and Nicolete.' By a rare piece of good fortune the one manuscript of the Song-Story has escaped those waves of time, which have wrecked the bark of Menander, and left of Sappho but a few floating fragments. The form of the tale is peculiar; we have nothing else from the twelfth or thirteenth century in the alternate prose and verse..." Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 51 0022.25.0611 1896
Aucassin & Nicolete (Hard Cover) (Published by David Nutt, London. Way and Williams, Chicago. Translated June, 1887. Originally published in November, 1887, in an edition of 550 small and 60 large paper copies. This version is identical to the soft cover version. Only difference is the addition of the hard cover over the soft cover version. Printed by the Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London, on laid Abbey Mills Greenfield paper, with "Crown... Done in English by Lang, Andrew Kraus #36 Binding 2. Dedicated to The Hon. James Russell Lowell. "Introduction. There is nothing in artistic poetry quite akin to 'Aucassin and Nicolete.' By a rare piece of good fortune the one manuscript of the Song-Story has escaped those waves of time, which have wrecked the bark of Menander, and left of Sappho but a few floating fragments. The form of the tale is peculiar; we have nothing else from the twelfth... Continue... Pp 51 0022.40.0514 1897 1897
The Real Issue, A Book of Kansas Stories (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed at the Lakeside Press by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co., on laid paper, some pages with "Way & Williams" watermark, and some with a "Semper Paratus", a symbol of a "Dragon with wings holding a pole with two flags", "Cumberland" watermark. Note: Second watermark is the same as the first edition. Possibly used sheets left over from first edition. Top edges gilt, others uncut.) White, William Allen Kraus #35. "It was near the close of a long session - a session which had lasted a winter and a spring and a summer, and threatened to push itself into the first days of autumn, when Wharton, the western member, who had been in the house five terms, concluded to pack his valise and go home..." White was the editor of the Emporia Gazette in Kansas. "...believing that Kansas has never been properly... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 212 0022.17.0411 0022.24.0511 1897
The Real Issue, A Book of Kansas Stories (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed at the Lakeside Press by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co., 1897, on laid paper, no watermarks this edition. Top edges cut, others uncut.) White, William Allen Kraus #35. First published by Way and Williams in 1896 under the title "The Real Issue". Added to copyright notice on page 4 "First Edition, November 25, 1896, Second Edition, January 6, 1897, Third Edition February 20, 1897, Fourth Edition April 26, 1897, Fifth Edition July 15, 1897. Cover design by Frank Hazenplug, design on the front cover only this time. Note "H" bottom left hand corner of cover. Original list price $1.25. 4.6 x 7. (Fifth Edition) See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 212 0022.21.0511 1897
The Eve of St. Agnes, Dramatic Ballad. From the Poem by Keats. Composed for Soli, Chorus and Orchestra. By Thomas Whitney Surette. Novello's Original Octavo Edition. (Published by Novello, Ewer and Co. London & New York. Copyright, 1897, by Novello, Ewer and Co.) Keats, John; Surette, Thomas Whitney To commemorate the one-hundredth anniversary of John Keats" birth (1895) Surette composed a ballad of the much loved "The Eve of St. Agnes" which was "received with genuine enthusiasm". "Mr. Surette's new dramatic ballad, founded on Keats's well-known poem... Continue... Wright designed the title page for the 1896 Auvergne Press edition of "The Eve of St. Agnes". Digital and printed version. 6.75 x 10. For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 63 0022.05.0710 1897
Hours With Famous Parisians (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed at the Lakeside Press by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co. 1897, on laid paper with a "Way & Williams" watermark. Top edges gilt, others uncut.) Henry, Stuart Kraus #38. "Note. Several of these sketches have appeared in London and New York periodicals." A compilation of short biographical sketches of twenty-two writers, actors, painters and composers. Stuart Henry, Author of "Paris Days and Evenings". Cover design printed on back cover also. Original list price $1.25. 4.6 x 6.9. Two copies. (First Edition). See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 227 0022.10.0411 0022.47.1215 1897
Bolanyo, A Novel (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by Blakely Printing Company, Chicago, for Way & Williams, May 1897, on laid paper, top edges gilt, others uncut.) Read, Opie. Author of A Kentucky Colonel, The Jucklins, etc. Kraus #39. "On the night of the 26th of April our company closed an engagement at the St. Charles Theater in New Orleans; and before the clocks began to strike the hour of twelve, our bags and baggage had been tumbled on board a steamboat headed for St. Louis. The prospects of the National Dramatic Company had been bright; competent critics had pronounced our new play a work of true and sympathetic art, before... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 309 0022.18.0411 0022.33.0313 0022.37.0114 1897
Dreams of To-day (Published by Way and Williams, Chicago. Printed by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Company at the Lakeside Press, on a laid paper with "Way and Williams" watermark. Top of the pages are gilt, others are uncut.) Pollard, Percival Kraus #40. "Opinions differ: some call it Life; others say it is all a dream. At any rate, there is so much of the one in the other, that a writer may be excused if he use the term "Dreams" for some of the pictures he fashions from the color of life... Percival Pollard, New York, April, 1897." A collection of fifteen short stories, several reprinted from Truth, Vogue, Wave and Chap-Book. Cover designed by Mr. Frank... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 264 0022.20.0511 1897
The Miracles of Madame Saint Katherine of Fierbois. Translated from the edition of the abbe J.J. Bourasse, Tours, 1858: by Andrew Lang. (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by The De Vinne Press, New York, U.S.A. Printed on Laid paper with "Van Gelder Zonen and a "crowned fleur-de-lis symbol" watermark. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) "This edition of "Miracles of Madame Saint Katherine of Fierbois" consists of fifty copies on Japan paper and three... Bourasse, Jean Jacques; Translated by Lang, Andrew Kraus #41. No. 193/350. American Edition. "The title-page, the head- and tail- pieces, and the initials in this book are the work of Selwyn Image. Preface. Invited by my friend Mr. Way to translate a little book as a companion to my version of "Aucassin and Nicolete," I could find nothing more curious than the Abbe Bourassse's edition of the Fierbois Chapel chronicle, "Les Miracles de Madame Sainte Katherine"... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 152 0022.22.0411 1897
The Miracles of Madame Saint Katherine of Fierbois. Translated from the edition of the abbe J.J. Bourasse, Tours, 1858: by Andrew Lang. (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago, David Nutt, London. Printed by The De Vinne Press, New York, U.S.A. Printed on Laid paper with "Van Gelder Zonen and a "crowned fleur-de-lis symbol" watermark. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) "This edition of "Miracles of Madame Saint Katherine of Fierbois" consists of fifty copies on... Bourasse, Jean Jacques; Translated by Lang, Andrew Kraus #41. No. 284/350. English Edition. "The title-page, the head- and tail- pieces, and the initials in this book are the work of Selwyn Image. Preface. Invited by my friend Mr. Way to translate a little book as a companion to my version of "Aucassin and Nicolete," I could find nothing more curious than the Abbe Bourassse's edition of the Fierbois Chapel chronicle, "Les Miracles de Madame Sainte Katherine... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 152 0022.11.0411 1897
Constantine. A Tale of Greece under King Otho (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago.) Horton, George; Author of "Song of the Lowly"; "In Unknown Seas"; "Aphrodessa Kraus #42. A Tale of Greece under King Otho. Constantine, was a German who became the first King of Greece after the liberated from the Ottomans. Horton is the author of "Song of the Lowly"; "In Unknown Seas" and "Aphrodessa. Printed by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. at the Lakeside Press, Chicago, for Way and Williams, 1897. Printed on cream, laid Abbey Mills Greenfield paper, with "Crown (symbol) Abbey Mills, Greenfield" watermark. Top... Continue... Pp 232 0026.13.0524 1897
The Story of Ab. A Tale Of The Time of The Cave Man (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago.) (Two copies) Stanley Waterloo. Author of A Man and A Woman, An Odd Situation, Etc. Kraus #44. "This is the story of Ab, a man of the Age of Stone, who lived so long ago that we can not closely fix the date, and who loved and fought well." "A Tale of the Time of the Cave Men. While the discoveries of science form the foundation of this work, the author has avoided the language of scientific exposition. Ab is a real man, and his people are real people, whose fortunes the reader follows with sympathy as... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 351 0022.27.1211 0022.49.0416 1897
Paul Travers' Adventures. Being a Faithful Narrative of a Boy's Journey Around the World; Showing His Mishaps, Privations and Ofttimes Trilling Experiences and how He Won His Reporter's Star. Otho (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago.) Clover, Sam T. Kraus #45. "This is a faithful narrative of a boy's journey around the world, showing his mishaps, privations, and ofttimes thrilling experiences, and how he won his reporter's star. The book contains twelve full-page illustrations by Bert Cassidy." Front and back covers also by Bert Cassidy. Printed during August 1897, by the Blakely Printing company, Chicago, for Way and Williams. Printed on laid paper, top edges gilt, others uncut. Original Hard Cover list price $1.25. 5 x 7.75 (First Edition) Pp 368 0026.12.0524 1897
The Teacup Club (Published by Way and Williams, Chicago. Printed by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. at the Lakeside Press, For Way & Williams, Chicago, U.S.A. 1897. Bound in dark red cloth. Lettering and decorations in silver. The cover design is repeated on the back cover. Printed on laid paper, top edge gilt, others are uncut.) Armstrong, Eliza Kraus #47. "Note. A portion of the matter in this little book originally appeared in The New York Journal and is used by the courtesy of W. R. Hearst, Esq." A satire on the progress of woman. The motion for organizing "The Teacup Club" for the advancement of woman, was made by a young girl who had quarreled with her lover. The motion having been carried, and the club organized, the topics suggested for discussion are: Woman... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 307 0026.09.0421 1897
Pippins and Cheese. Being the relation of how a number of persons ate a number of dinners at various times and places. (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. at the Lakeside Press, Chicago, for Way and Williams, Chicago, U.S.A. 1897. Printed on laid paper, top edges gilt, others uncut.) Peattie, Elia W. Kraus #49. A book of stories and conversations. The tales are each built about a dinner, breakfast, or luncheon, at which people of more or less wit are present. "Foreword. I desire to thank the proprietors of Harper's Weekly, and of the Cosmopolitan magazine, for courteous permission to reprint two of the stories in this book." A compilation of nine short stories. "Uniform with this volume, A Mountain Woman... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 282 0022.26.0711 0022.36.1213 1897
A Man And A Women. [A New Edition] (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed on laid paper, top edge gilt, others uncut. Red cloth cover, black lettering and border. Circular illustration of a face on the cover. Cover design repeated on the back cover. Printer's device on title page was designed by "FH", Frank Hazenplug.) This is the third Waterloo volume published by Way & Williams. Waterloo, Stanley Kraus #51. Copyright 1892 by Stanley Waterloo. First published in 1892 by F. J. Schulte and Company, Chicago. Excerpt, Chapter 1: "But for a recent occurrence I should certainly not be telling the story of a friend, or, rather, I should say, of two friends, or, rather, I should say, of two friends of mine. What that occurrence was I will not here indicate - it is unnecessary; but it has not been without its effect upon my... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 250 0022.31,0912 1897
A Night in Acadie (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed on the Press of Stromberg, Allen & Co. Chicago on laid paper. Top edge gilt, others uncut. Bound in dark blue cloth. Printed in medium green ink, stamped with silver foil. Cover design printed on the front and back covers.) Chopin, Kate Author of "Bayou Folk". Kraus 52. A compilation of twenty-one short stories including "A Night In Acadie".
“Mrs. Kate Chopin in the Acadians of Louisiana, finds a subject about which it would be difficult to write unpleasantly. She knows her subject thoroughly, and she has the rare good sense to make stories out of slight, themes. (The dialect writer too often feels that in writing or a simple people one's stories should have the crude triteness of a music hall... Continue...Pp 416 0026.14.1124 1897
The Choir Visible and Other Verse (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed on laid paper with the watermark W King Alton Mill. Top edge is trimmed and gilt, others uncut.) Adams, Mary M. Kraus #53. "The poems are bits of sentiment on love, nature, and the divinity of every-day life." A collection of nearly one hundred Odes, Lyrics and Sonnets. The cover and title page were designed by Mr. Frank Hazenplub. The cover is stamped and printed in gold and black, and is repeated on the back cover. The authors husband, Charles Kendall Adams was President of the University of Wisconsin while Chauncey Williams was in his... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 185 0022.50.0517 1897
The Muses Up To Date (Published by Way and Williams: Chicago. Printed during October 1897, by the Blakely Printing Company, Chicago, for Way & Williams. "Copyright 1898, By Way & Williams." Although published in October 1897, copyright would not be granted until January 1898. Printed on laid paper, top edges gilt, others uncut. Cover design by Alice Kellogg Tyler. Design printed on the back cover also, minus white ink.) Field, Henrietta Dexter and Roswell Martin Kraus #54. "The Author's Prologue. The attempt to write a series of plays for children presents at once the somewhat embarrassing question, who are children and what would they consider peculiarly appropriate in the line of plays? As to the first clause, the reader must decide for himself, but concerning the methods of play-construction for children the authors have entertained some positive options, based on observation... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 278 0022.29.0412 1897 The Enchanted Burro. Stories of New Mexico and South America (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed on the press of Stromberg, Allen & Company, Chicago. Printed on laid paper, top edges gilt, others uncut.) Lummis, Charles F. Author of The Land of Poco Tiempo, Strange Corners of Our country, A Tramp Across the Continent, etc. Kraus #55. A compilation of fourteen short stories including The Enchanted Burro. Five are about New Mexico, five about Peru, two of Bolivia and two not noted. Fifteen illustrations are from drawings by Charles Abel Corwin after photographs by the Author. Title page possibly designed by Frank Hazenplug. Small "H" in center of floral design. See "The Real Issue, A Book of Kansas Stories". Cover is printed on the front and... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 277 0022.34.0513 1897
Down Our Way. Stories of Southern and Western character (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed during October, 1897, by The Blakely Printing Company. Chicago, for Way & Williams, on aid paper. Top edges gilt, others uncut.) Judah, Mary Jameson Kraus #56. A collection of nine short stories. "Two of these stories have been published before: 'A Gentlewoman," under another title in the Arena, 1893, and 'An Adventure of a Lady of Quality,' in Harper's Magazine for January, 1895 -- more than a year before the announcement of a book with a similar title." Cover design on front and back covers. Original Hard Cover list price $1.25. 4.75 x 7. Two copies. (First Edition) See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 266 0022.44.0815 0022.54.0418 1897
A Book of True Lovers (Published by Way and Williams, Chicago. Printed by the Press of Stromberg, Allen & Co. Chicago. Printed on laid paper, top edges gilt, others uncut.) Thanet, Octave Kraus #57. A compilation of seven short stories. "Note: "The Strike at Glasscock's" was first published in the Northwestern Miller, "The Judgement on Mrs. Swift" and "The Court of Last Resort," in Peterson's Magazine (1893), "The Dilemma of Sir Guy the Neuter," in Scribner's Magazine, "The Ladder of Grief," in McClure's Magazine, "Why Abbylonia Surrendered," in Harper's Bazar, and... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 277 0022.13.0411 0022.23.0511 1897
Catharine Cole's Book (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Printed by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co. at the Lakeside Press, for Way and Williams, 1897. Printed on laid paper. Two versions produced. Blue cloth and deluxe white cloth covers. Blue cloth: title page one color, top edge gilt, trimmed three sides. Lettering in gold on front and back covers. Deluxe white cloth: title page two colors, top edge gilt, pages untrimmed, "Of this Edition de Luxe only three hundred... With an introduction by Davis, M. E. M. Foreword by Jefferson, Joseph. Copyright, 1897, By Martha Reinhard (Smallwood... Kraus #60. "Introduction. ...In this cozy, time-worn old house Mrs. Field may be said to have really begun her life-work. The young journalist, a widowed mother, and a breadwinner, had indeed gained a foothold else-where, but here were written those earnest and sympathetic letters which have so stirred and encouraged her fellow working-women; here were wrought into shape exquisite sketches, stories, bits of... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 381 0022.30.0512 1897
The Books of William Morris, Described With Some Account of His Doings in Literature and in The Allied Crafts (Hard Cover) (Published by Way and Williams, Chicago. Printed by Billing and Sons, Printers, Guildford, on wove paper, Top Edges gilt, others uncut. Very similar in appearance to the edition published by Frank Hollings, London, 1897.) Forman, H. Buxton, C.B., Author of "Our Living Poets," The Shelley Library," Etc., and Editor of The Works of Shelley and Keats. Kraus #61. William Morris (March 24, 1834 - October 3, 1896) was an English designer, artist, writer, and noted for his influence in the English Arts and Crafts Movement of the late 1800s. He founded the Kelmscott Press in 1891. "Preface. The object of the present work may be stated in a few words. Convinced that "the world of books is still," of all worlds in which an artist is privileged to live, the most "living works"..." Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 224 0022.14.0411 1898 1898
Halley's Pictorial Oak Park (Digital Edition) (Published by William Halley, Oak Park, IL) Halley, William The history of Oak Park, Illinois up through 1898. Includes information and a biography of Alonzo W. Pebbles, one of the original founders of Pebbles & Balch. Also indicates that Anna L. Wright and Catherine L Wright (Frank Lloyd Wright's mother and wife) were on the board of the Nineteenth Century Club (P 84). This copy originally belonged to Thomas H. Gale, "Real Estate and Loans". Gale was an early... Continue... See our Wright Study on the Pebbles & Balch Remodel. Pp 128 0032.05.1111 1898 Copy
Hillside Home School, (Eleventh) 1898-99 (Published by Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wisconsin. Printed by The Lakeside Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company, Chicago) Lloyd-Jones, Ellen C. & Jane Booklet for the eleventh year of Hillside Home School. "This is a Home School for a limited number of boys and girls. It has passed beyond the experimental period and now recommends itself by its results. The large corps of teachers employed, in proportion to the limited number of pupils, makes it possible to give careful personal supervision. It is found by those that are studying the deep problems of the education of children, that city environments are to... Continue... Pp 42 0032.13.0313 1898
Pocket Hand-Book of Electro-Glazed Luxfer Prisms (Digital Edition) (Published by the Luxfer Prism Companies, Chicago) Crew, Henry; Basquin, Olin H. Preface: The features of the present edition of the Luxfer Prism Hand Book are: A series of suggestions, illustrations and diagrams, calculated to show how Luxfer Prisms may be applied, and to add those intending to use them in making such applications. A series of tables, which compromise the information or data sufficient to enable anyone to determine the kind of quality of Luxfer Prisms to be used under the conditions of any given case. Reviews and testimonials showing to... Continue... Pp 287 0032.18.0720 1898
Poems on Mont Blanc and Switzerland (Soft Cover) (Illustrated by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Published by Earhart & Richardson, Cincinnati, Ohio; Philip M Justice, London, England) Fisher, Wm. Hubbell Seymour most likely arrived in Chicago no later than 1896 (Caxton, p. 10) at the age of around 20. He worked for J. Manz Engraving Co., first as an apprentice and then full time. On the side, Seymour published his first book in 1897, and formed his own publishing company in 1900. He also freelance other design work such as this volume in 1897, designing the cover and 20 illustrations. Published in 1898, and Fisher's dedication dated February 1, 1898, most of the... Continue... Pp 24 0032.14.1113 1898
The American Dictionary and Cyclopedia (Plate Only) (Published by Dictionary and Cyclopedia Co., New York and Chicago) Also published in: The Imperial Reference Library (Published by Syndicate Publishing Company. Philadelphia. 1898 in six volumes.) "John Keats, 1796-1820." Engraving of John Keats after Hilton's chalk drawing. This plate is from volume 14 of the 18 volume set. Signed in the bottom right hand corner by O. Grosch. Oscar Edward Grosch (1863-1928) was an American artist, painter and engraver who emigrated with his wife to Staten Island, NY from Germany in 1889. His work is held by the Smithsonian and the... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Plate 1 0032.10.0113 1898
The Caxton Club. Officers, Committees, Constitution and By-Laws, Annual Reports, List of Members. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Caxton Club, Art Institute Building, Chicago. 300 copies printed on a cream laid paper with a L.L. Brown Paper Company watermark by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. At the Lakeside Press, Chicago. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Caxton Club The Caxton Club was founded in 1895 by fifteen Chicago bibliophiles who desired to support the publication of fine books in the spirit of the prevailing Arts and Crafts Movement. The founders were collectors, publishers, designers, and librarians. Their primary objective was to publish books of quality, both in content and design, primarily for their own personal libraries. In addition to the subjects mentioned in the title, this volume also includes: Address of the President... Continue... Pp 83 0032.17.1215 Circa 189x
The Eve of St. Agnes (Tan Suede Cover) (Published by Henry Frowde, London. Printed by Horace Hart, Oxford, Printer to the University.) Keats, John Stamped tan suede cover, letters are gilt. Gilt letters repeated on the spine. Pages are trimmed three sides. Color portrait of Keats on frontispiece. Front end paper lining is a color illustration entitled "Isabella or the Pot of Basil" by M. Jameson. Back end paper lining is a color illustration entitled "The Eve of St. Agnes" by M. Jameson. This miniature is undated. Information is scarce concerning the... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 42 0032.06.1211 1898
The International Library of Famous Literature. Selections from the World's Great Writers, Ancient, Medieval and Modern, with Biographical and Explanatory Notes and with Introductions by Donald G. Mitchell and Andrew Lang. Compiled and arranged by Nathan Haskell Dole, Forrest Morgan and Caroline Ticknor. In Twenty Volumes. Volume XIV (Published by Merrill and Baker Publishers, New York. Copyright 1898.) Portrait of John Keats. This monumental twenty volume set was published by Merrill and Baker in 1898. The set included over 500 full page illustrations, one of which was this portrait of John Keats in volume 14. The artist not identified, possibly by P. Kramer after Hilton's chalk drawing. In 1819 or 1820, William Hilton drew a chalk drawing, of John Keats, sketched from life. Hilton... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pg 6519 0032.09.0113 1898
The Poetical Works of John Keats. Given from his own editions and other authentic sources and collated with many manuscripts. Edited by H. Buxton Forman. With seven portraits and ten other illustrations. (Hard Cover, rebound as a detur (gift) by Harvard University) (Published For Reeves and Turner by Gibbings and Company, Bloomsbury. Printed at Chiswick Press: - C. Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chauncery Lane) Keats, John; Forman, Harry Buxton Sixth Edition. The first, second and third editions were printed in 1883, 1884 and 1889. The four and fifth in 1895 and 1896. Forman writes: "The manuscripts of Endymoin, Lamia, The Eve of St. Agnes and portions of Isabella should be mentioned as especially fruitful of various readings and canceled passages... Hunt, in his admirable remarks upon The Eve of St. Agnes, points to the... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 597 0032.11.0113 1898
Three Merry Old Tales. Of The Myller That Stale The Nuttys & The Tayler That Stale the Sheep. Of The Woman That Folowyd Her Fourth Husbandys Herce & Wept. & Of Him That Sayd That a Womas Tong Was Lightist Mete of Degesti. From a copy of "A Hundred Merry Tales" in the Royal Library of the University of Gottingen. (Stiff Cover ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Printed on a buff paper in two color, dark green and gilt. The cover is stiff and covered... Shakespeare, William In some respects, Three Merry Old Tales was Seymour's first book published for commercial distribution. The first book Seymour produced on his own was completed in 1897, featuring John Keats" "Ode to Melancholy". He hand-lettered the text and designed the small book to imitate old wood block books. He printed an edition of only six copies using a Washington hand-proofing press. Although Three Merry Old Tales was a limited edition, he published 300 copies... Continue...
Pp 24 0032.21.0721 1898
Pearce Amerson's Will. With Illustrations by Orson Lowell. (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Boards are bound in deep blue cloth. Lettering and blossoms printed in yellow, borders and flower peddles in olive. Title and illustration is printed on the front and back cover. Printed on beige laid paper, top edge trimmed and gilt, others uncut. Printed at the University Press, In Cambridge, Massachusetts, for Way & Williams, 1898.) Johnston, Richard Malcolm. Author of "Dukesborough Tales", "Widow Guthrie", "Old Mark Langston", etc. Kraus #62. This story was first published in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, December 1892. This volume is the first to be published in book form. Dedication: "To the Old Bar of Georgia, among whose leaders great abilities were accompanied by Correspondence professional Honor and conservatism." "Preface. The favor accorded to this tale on its appearance in Lippincott's Magazine seemed to justify its... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 275 0032.20.0621 1898
Under the Stars and Other Songs of the Sea (Original: Soft Cover, light greenish gray wrappers. Note: This volume desecrated and rebound in a hard cover and pages trimmed by Forbes Library, Northampton, Mass.) (Published by Way and Williams, Chicago. This impression of one thousand copies was printed by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Company at the Lakeside Press, Chicago, for Way and Williams, in the month of May, Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-Eight. Printed on laid paper) Rice, Wallace; Eastman, Barrett Kraus #63. "Clear a voice sounds o"er the cannon. Of the Chesapeake and Shannon: "Keep the flag flying!" Lawrence, wounded lying -. Pain nor death his spirit shrinks: "Fight her till she strikes of sinks!" Through the battle's roar and rip, Above the cheers, across the years, That dying word our sailor hears: "Don"t give up the Ship! To the Wider Patriotism." A compilation of sixteen poems with notes that follow. Original list price $0.25. 4.6 x 6.7. (First Edition) See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 62 0032.03.0411 1898
Cuba And Other Verse (Hard Cover) (Published by Way & Williams, Chicago. Bound in dark olive green cloth, gilt lettering and illustration. Printed on beige laid paper. Top edge trimmed and gilt, others uncut.) Manners, Robert Kraus #64. A collection of 37 Poems, Sonnets, Stanzas, Songs and an Essay on Music.
“Cuba and Other Verse is a reprint of a published pseudonymously several years ago The authorship is now acknowledged by Mr. Robert Manners who puts forth this new edition through the press Messrs Way & Williams in a tasteful book The contents while not in any way remarkable are not undeserving of attention from readers of poetry.” The Dial, January 16, 1898... Continue...Pp 155 0032.23.1124 1898
Poems (Issued for Miss Florence Holbrook under the direction of Way & Williams. Copyright by Florence Holbrook, 1898. Printed by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co. at the Lakeside Press, Chicago, 1898.) Holbrook, Edmund S. Kraus #65. A collection of thirty-eight poems, under five sections which include; Devotionals, Patriotic, Chicago and the Great Fire, Personal, Appendix, and concluding with In Memoriam. Includes a Foreword from his Memoir. Includes a photogravure portrait of the author. Gilt lettering and border on cover, and repeated on the back cover. Printed on laid paper. Top edge gilt, others uncut. (First Edition) 5.1 x 7.75. See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 206 0032.12.1013 1899 1899
A Book of True Lovers (Hard Cover) (Published by Doubleday & McClure Co., New York. Printed by the Press of Stromberg, Allen & Co. Chicago. Printed on laid paper, top edges gilt, others uncut.) Thanet, Octave Kraus #57. Originally published by Way & Williams, 1897. Republished here, using the same plates with only a few minor changes. Cover illustration is only printed on the front cover, on the back cover. Cover designed by Mr. J. C. Leyendecker. Inside, change to the Title page only. It was announced on September 24, 1898, in "The Publishers' Weekly" that Herbert S. Stone & Co., New York and Chicago purchased the entire stock and good-will of Messrs... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 277 0036.09.0816 1899
Art In Tunes. An Armour Tech. Collection (Hard Cover) (Compiled & Published by Ernest Cantelo White in the Year MDCCCXCIX) White, Ernest Cantelo A collection of thirteen songs by various artists. Title Page: "Art In Tunes. Being a collection of Songs & Music written for the Glee, Mandolin, and Banjo Club of the Armour Institute of Technology." Cover and title page designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. 11.5 x 8.75 (First Edition) Pp 48 0036.19.1221 1899
Endymion And Other Poems (Hard Cover) (Published by Henry Altemus, Philadelphia. The cover is imprinted with a gold gilt design, and printed with purple, red and light green on a wood veneer. The spine is a dark green cloth, gilt lettering and floral design. The back cover is covered in wood veneer.) Keats, John; Morley, Henry Includes The Eve of St. Agnes. Begins with an introductory biographic sketch by H. M. (Henry Morley). Henry Morley (1822-1894) was a writer, Professor of English Literature and a close friend of Charles Dickens. "The Eve of St. Agnes, written in 1819, would suffer by the loss or change of any word in it." In addition to Endymion, poems include: .The Eve of St. Agnes, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on a... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 192 0032.08.1112 1899
Endymion And Other Poems (Hard Cover) (Published by Henry Altemus, Philadelphia. Boards are covered in cloth and paper. Cloth and spine are stamped with a floral design, printed in white and green, and gilt. Paper is printed with a floral design in magenta (red), light and dark blue, yellow (or green) and gilt on a stippled paper.) Keats, John; Morley, Henry Includes The Eve of St. Agnes. Begins with an introductory biographic sketch by H. M. (Henry Morley). Henry Morley (1822-1894) was a writer, Professor of English Literature and a close friend of Charles Dickens. "The Eve of St. Agnes, written in 1819, would suffer by the loss or change of any word in it." In addition to Endymion, poems include: .The Eve of St. Agnes, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on a... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 192 0036.05.0813 1899
Essays In Literary Interpretation (Hard Cover) (Published by Dodd, Mead and Company, New York. Printed by John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U. S. A. Boards bound in green cloth, cover and spine test and border in gilt. Top edge trimmed and gilt, other edges untrimmed.) Mabie, Hamilton Wright Originally published in 1892 and then again in 1893. "...It is enough that, except Shakespeare, no English poet has found such colour in our speech, has made it linger in the ear in phrase so rich and full. This magical note, heard only in the greatest poetry, is heard in Keats, - the evidence alike of the rare quality of his genius and its depth and power." (P.174) "The critical work of Mr. Hamilton W. Mabie is... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 222 0036.07.0115 1899
Father Goose, His Book. Author of "Mother Goose in Prose." Pictures by Wm. W. Denslow. "All the pages of verse in Father Goose, His Book have been hand-lettered by Ralph Fletcher Seymour." (Hard Cover) (Published by Geo. M. Hill Co., Publishers) Baum, L. Frank First published September 25th, 1899. Sixth Edition, October 1900. Introduction: "There is a fascination in the combination of jingling verse and bright pictures that always appeals strongly to children. The ancient "Mother Goose Book" had these qualities, and for nearly two centuries the cadences of its rhymes have lingered in the memories of men and women who learned them in childhood. The author and illustrator of "Father Goose"... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp (103) 0036.08.0216 1899 Copy
Hillside Home School, (Twelfth) 1899-00 (Published by Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wisconsin.) Lloyd-Jones, Ellen C. & Jane Booklet for the twelfth year of Hillside Home School. "This is a Home School for a limited number of boys and girls. It has passed beyond the experimental period and now recommends itself by its results. The large corps of teachers employed, in proportion to the limited number of pupils, makes it possible to give careful personal supervision. It is found by those that are studying the deep problems of the education of children, that city environments are to... Continue.. Pp 40 0036.02.0313 1899 Copy
Of Making One's Self Beautiful (Hard Cover) (Published by James H. West Company, Boston) Gannett, William C. Preface: "This little book is an up-gathering. In some form or other the papers printed here have all been printed before, but much has been rewritten. There are probably echoes running from one to another of the five. Certainly there are many echoes from other minds in all of them. One or two seem to be almost compact of echoes. All thanks to the originators of whatever may be good. W. C. C." A compilation of five previously published papers and books: of Faces and Their Making... Continue... Pp 131 0036.12.0412 1899
Sonnets from the Portuguese. With an introduction by Frank W. Gunsaulus. (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. This copy is one of 15 printed on vellum. "This book is number 7 of an edition limited to 505 copies. 15 of which are printed upon Imperial Japan Vellum Paper & 490 upon Dutch Hand-made, toned paper. Printed during the autumn of 1899 in Chicago, by Marsh & Grant, from plates made from drawings of each page; which were lettered & designed by Ralph... Browning, Elizabeth Barrett The third book published by Seymour. "Dr. Gunsaulus suggested a sequence of immortal love sonnets for my third book and offered to write an introduction. He coached me on how to sell the books, told me how to produce an announcement of its publication an how to enlarge on its unique quality of hand lettered pages. It took me months of nights to letter the Sonnets From the Portugese and his ample introduction but it was finally completed, plates made, the printing and binding done. The... Continue... Pp 44 0036.18.0621 1899
Sonnets from the Portuguese. With an introduction by Frank W. Gunsaulus. (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. "This book is number 323 (and 382) of an edition limited to 505 copies. 15 of which are printed upon imperial Japan Vellum Paper & 490 upon Dutch Hand-made, toned paper. Printed during the autumn of 1899 in Chicago, by Marsh & Grant, from plates made from drawings of each page; which were lettered & designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour.") Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Written circa 1845-1846, they were first published in 1850. It is a collection of 44 love sonnets written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning leading up to her 1846 marriage to Robert Browning. The third book published by Seymour." Dr. Gunsaulus suggested a sequence of immortal love sonnets for my third book and offered to write an introduction. He coached me on how to sell the books, told me how to produce an announcement of its publication an how to enlarge on its unique... Continue... Pp 44 0036.06.0415 0036.20.0623 1899
The Complete Poetical Works And Letters of John Keats (Hard Cover) (Published by Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco. Printed by the Riverside Press, Cambridge. Boards covered in green cloth. Design stamped on cover. Title in gilt on spine.) Keats, John; Scudder, Horace E. Part of The Cambridge Poets, Student's Cambridge Edition. Begins with a biographical sketch by Scudder. "...he wrote that great group of poems which begins with The Eve of St. Agnes and closed with Lamia. If one takes as in some respects the high-water mark of his genius the mystic "La Belle Dame sans merci," it is not perhaps too speculative a judgement which sees the keenest anguish... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 473 0036.04.0513 1899
The Poetical Works of John Keats. Chronologically arranged and edited, with a memoir, By Lord Houghton (Richard Monckton Milnes), D.C.L., Hon. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Volume One, Early Poems, Sonnets, Endymion, etc. (Hard Cover) (Published by Little, Brown, and Company, Boston. Printed by University Press: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A.) (Printed on ivory laid paper, gilt top edge.) Keats, John; Lord Houghton (Richard Monckton Milnes) This volume does not include "The Eve of St. Agnes". This volume begins with Houghton's Memoir. "The Life, Letters, and Literary Remains of John Keats, published first in 1848, and in a more complete form in 1867, contained the biography of the poet, mainly conveyed in the language of his own correspondence... The "Adonais" of Shelley remains the immortal literary monument of the life, work... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 230 0036.01.1212 1899
The Story of Ab. A Tale Of The Time of The Cave Man (Hard Cover) (Published by Herbert S. Stone & Company, Chicago & New York.) Stanley Waterloo. Author of A Man and A Woman, An Odd Situation, Etc. "This is the story of Ab, a man of the Age of Stone, who lived so long ago that we can not closely fix the date, and who loved and fought well." "A Tale of the Time of the Cave Men. While the discoveries of science form the foundation of this work, the author has avoided the language of scientific exposition. Ab is a real man, and his people are real people, whose fortunes the reader follows with sympathy as keen as if they were of our... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 351 0032.07.0811 1899
Under the Stars and Other Songs of the Sea (Hard Cover) (First published by Way and Williams, Chicago in 1898. This edition published by R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co. MDCCCXCIX (1899). Printed by R. R. Donnelley at the Lakeside Press, Chicago. The same plates appear to be used. Cover: Light greenish gray wrappers, Title and illustration of ship printed on the front and back cover. Printed on laid paper. Top edge trimmed, others untrimmed.) Rice, Wallace; Eastman, Barrett Title Page: "Under the Stars and Other Songs of the Sea. By Wallace Rice and Barrett Eastman. Clear a voice sounds o"er the cannon. Of the Chesapeake and Shannon: "Keep the flag flying!" Lawrence, wounded lying -. Pain nor death his spirit shrinks: "Fight her till she strikes of sinks!" Through the battle's roar and rip, Above the cheers, across the years, That dying word our sailor hears: "Don"t give up the Ship! Chicago. Way and Williams... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 62 0036.11.1220 1900 Circa 1900
Calkins" Tales of the West (Hard Cover) (This volume published by M. A. Donahue & Co., Chicago, circa 1900. First published by Donohue, Henneberry & Co., Chicago in 1893.) Calkins, Frank W. According to Joe W. Kraus, Way & Williams published this volume in 1895, but he was unable to locate a copy. It was reissued by Herbert S. Stone in 1899. It was first published as three volumes in one and as three separate volumes by Donohue, Henneberry & Co., Chicago in 1893. The three titles were, "Indian Tales", "Frontier Sketches" and "Hunting Stories". All three, published as a single volume, was titled "Calkins" Tales... Continue... See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp 430 0041.07.0412 Circa 1900
Ode to Nightingale. La Belle Dame Sans Merci (Soft cover, Cloth mounted to stiff paper) Edition De Luxe, (Privately Printed), Limited Edition. (Published by Johnson, Hickborn and Company, Ltd., London) Keats, John The Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society was formed in London in 1887 by Walter Crane, an artist and book illustrator. He was succeeded by British artist William Morris in 1891. In January of 1891 Morris formed the Kelmscott Press, for the purpose of producing books by traditional methods, inspiring what became known as the "Private Press Movement", resulting in an explosion of publishers in London... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 16 0041.11.0213 1900
The Caxton Club. Officers, Committees, Constitution and By-Laws, Annual Reports, List of Members. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Caxton Club, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. 300 copies printed on a cream laid paper with a L.L. Brown Paper Company watermark by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. At the Lakeside Press, Chicago. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Caxton Club The Caxton Club was founded in 1895 by fifteen Chicago bibliophiles who desired to support the publication of fine books in the spirit of the prevailing Arts and Crafts Movement. The founders were collectors, publishers, designers, and librarians. Their primary objective was to publish books of quality, both in content and design, primarily for their own personal libraries. In addition to the subjects mentioned in the title, this volume also includes: Address of the President... Continue... Pp 101 0041.19.1215 1900
The Complete Works of John Keats Vol. I of V. Poems Published in 1817. Endymion. (Hard Cover) (Published by Gowars & Gray, Glasgow. Cover design stamped and gilt. End pages are green.) Keats, John; Forman, Harry Buxton Part of The Complete Library Series. Volume I begins with a Preface and Memoir by Forman. "The three volumes of poetry published during Keats' life have been reproduced upon this plan; and their contents have been collated with all available manuscripts and printed issues of authority, the variations being given in foot-notes. The posthumous and fugitive poems in order of date (as exactly as that order can be ascertained) follow the contents of the three printed volumes..." 4.25 x 6.8 (First Edition)... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp i-l (50) +208 0041.18.0215 Circa 1900
The Eve of St. Agnes (Published by Thomas Y. Crowell and Co., New York. Not dated, Circa 1900) Keats, John Deluxe green leather cover, lettering and floral illustration gilt-stamped, end-paper gilt-floral design. Portrait of Keats by Joseph Severn from a miniature. Title page red, green and gilt design. Red ribbon book mark. Title page design is similar to, and the illustration is the same as published in the Crowell 1895 Poetical Works. Printed on laid paper with "Old Stratford USA" watermark... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 40 0041.04.0511 Circa 1900
The Eve of St. Agnes (Swede cover) (Published by Thomas Y. Crowell and Co., New York. Not dated, Circa 1900) Keats, John Possibly part of Crowell's Laurel Series. "This series has proved one of the most popular of our many effective lines of gift books. The binding is the popular ooze leather (swede) in three shades, red, green, brown; fancy end leaves, chaste gold stamping and each volume is boxed. Gilt top." (Illustration of the standard volume shows lettering in the top left corner.) The Publishers" Trade List Annual... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 40 0041.21.1215 1900
The Eve of St. Agnes. A Poem by John Keats with a preface written for it by Edmund Gosse. This books is No. 369 of an Edition Limited to 800 copies made upon L.L. Brown's H.M. paper 20 copies upon Japan vellum paper & 4 copies upon genuine parchment - printed in Chicago by R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. From plates made from drawings fro each page - designed & lettered by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. (Hard Cover) (Published at The Fine Arts Building Michigan Avenue Chicago Illinois USA... Keats, John In 1897 the Chicago Arts & Crafts Society was formed at the Hull House, Wright being one of the founding members. Seymour's work was strongly influenced by the Arts & Crafts movement. The first book Seymour produced on his own was completed in 1897, featuring John Keats" Ode to Melancholy. He hand-lettered the text and designed the small book to imitate old wood block books. His
second was "Three... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study.Pp 63 (Unnumbered) 0041.13.0613 C 1900
The Problem With Life. (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Printed For The Publisher, Ralph Fletcher Seymour, By R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Chicago. Gilt lettering and decoration stamped on cover. Printed on beige laid paper. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Ostrander, Dempster Title page: "Life is not a dream, a fitful sleep, Through which pale, wandering horrors creep; It moves from weakness onto power, Giving pleasure and pain each their hour." Dedication: "This little book. Written at a time when the heart of the author was throbbing with a great sorrow, is affectionately dedicated to a son, now peacefully sleeping in the silent fields of the dead; to wife, mother, and sisters weeping, because of a soul that has fled." Inscribed by the author: "Christmas 1900... Continue... Pp 59 0041.46.0921 1900
The Poetical Works of John Keats with a Memoir by James Russell Lowell. (Green Cloth) (Published by Houghton, Mifflin & Company, Boston and New York. Printed by The Riverside Press, Cambridge) (Not dated. In The Annual American Catalog 1900, an ad for Houghton, Mifflin & Company announced the publishing to this volume in 1900, page 258. Published as part of the New Cabinet Edition.) Keats, John; Lowell, James Russell This edition includes an engraved portrait of John Keats (K4C) with a facsimile signature. Similar to the Robinson (K4E) engraving but missing the bow. It begins with a comprehensive bibliography "The Life of Keats" signed J. R. L. (James Russell Lowell). "Three men almost contemporaneous with each other, - Wordsworth, Keats, and Byron, - were the great means of bringing back English poetry from... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 438 0041.09.0712 1900
The Poetical Works of John Keats with a Memoir by James Russell Lowell. (Blue Cloth) (Published by Houghton, Mifflin & Company, Boston and New York. Printed by The Riverside Press, Cambridge) (Not dated. In The Annual American Catalog 1900, an ad for Houghton, Mifflin & Company announced the publishing to this volume in 1900, page 258. Published as part of the New Cabinet Edition.) Keats, John; Lowell, James Russell This edition includes an engraved portrait of John Keats (K4C) with a facsimile signature. Similar to the Robinson (K4E) engraving but missing the bow. It begins with a comprehensive bibliography "The Life of Keats" signed J. R. L. (James Russell Lowell). "Three men almost contemporaneous with each other, - Wordsworth, Keats, and Byron, - were the great means of bringing back English poetry from... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 438 0041.12.1112 C 1900
The Poetical Works of John Keats. With a Memoir by James Russell Lowell. With Illustrations. (Hard Cover) (Published by Hurst & Company, New York. Burgandy cloth, small design stamped and gilt on cover. (Note: The Boston Public Library exhibition catalog dates this volume 188-?, p.12.) Border stamped and black. Spine in gilt, "Keat's [sic] Poems. Avon Edition. Hurst & Co, New York." Pages trimmed, gilt top.) Keats, John; Lowell, James Russel Publisher's Weekly, Sept 1900 - Announcement: Hurst's Avon edition of the poets. Title in colors. $1.00. This volume uses the plates from the 1867 edition published by James Miller (0000.11). The frontispiece is an engraving of John Keats by Oscar Edward Grosch after Hilton's chalk drawing. Some decorative illustrations signed "Pesoa Sc." This volume begins with a comprehensive bibliography... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 340 0041.17.0114 1900
The Sonnets of John Keats (Hard Cover) (Published by George Bell & Sons, London. Printed on thick laid paper. Trimmed and gilt on top. Side and bottom uncut.) Keats, John First published in 1898. "This edition of the Sonnets of John Keats, with decorated borders and initials by Christopher Dean, was published by Geroge Bell and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden, London, and printed at the Chiswick Press. MDCCCXCVIII. And reprinted MDCCCC." This volume is a compilation of 54 sonnets. "A beautiful little edition in parchment cover", The Literary World, 1898... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 54 0041.10.1212 1901 1901
Basia of Joannes Secundus. Translated into English Verse. To Which is Added the Epithalamium with the English Version of George Ogle. Edited with a Prefatory Memoir by Wallace Rice (Soft Cover, Stiff Boards) (Printed for Frank Morris At The Colonial Press. Printed on Dutch hand-made paper with a "Ruisdael" watermark. Pages untrimmed) Secundus, Joannes; Ogle, George Johannes Secundus (also Janus Secundus) 1511 - 1536, who died at the age of 26, was a poet of Dutch nationality. Frontispiece is an engraving signed "F. Bartolos si fc" (Francesco Bartolozzi). Title page and initials designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Title page signed lower right "Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Initial signed "S." Seymour rarely sign initials. Last page: "This Book is Number 178 [hand numbered] of an Edition consisting of Three Hundred and Sixty-five Copies printed... Continue... Pp 111 0049.18.0119 1901
Keats. By Sidney Colvin. Edited by John Morley. (Hard Cover) (Published by Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York and London) Colvin, Sidney; Edited by Morley, John Harper & Brothers first published this volume in 1887. The title page has been redesigned, as has the printer's mark. The balance of this volume uses the same plates as the 1887 volume. A biography and study of Keats life and work. "Science may one day ascertain the laws of distribution and descent which govern the firths of genius, but in meantime a birth like that of Keats presents to the ordinary mind a striking instance of nature's inscrutability. If we consider the other chief... Continue...
Pp 229 0049.19.0516 1901
Nanna, A Story of Danish Love. (Poul og Virginie under nordlig Bredde) From the Danish of Holger Drachmann. Re-written in English by Francis F. Browne. (Originally published in 1895 by Way & Williams, Chicago, as "Paul & Virginia of a Northern Zone".) (Hard Cover) (This 1901 edition published by A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, and printed on a very fine light beige laid paper.) Drachmann, Holger; Re-written in English by Browne, Francis F. "Introductory Note. Some years ago my excellent Danish friend, the lamented Thorkild A. Schoovelin, spoke to me in admiration of the works of his countryman Holger Drachmann, and suggested the project of making an English translation... and at his request I aided in the not easy task of giving to this charming Northern Idyll an adequate English setting. In revising the work for publication under a new... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 208 0048.02.0311 1901
Ode: On The Morning of Christ's Nativity. Prefaced by An Appreciation Taken in Part From the Works of Henry Hallam. (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Fine Arts Building, Chicago, Illinois. "This book is No. 106 of an edition limited to 1000 copies made upon handmade paper & 30 copies upon Japan vellum paper Printed in Chicago by R.R, Donnelley & Sons Co. From plates made from drawings for each page. Designed & lettered by Ralph Fletcher Seymour." Printed on handmade... Milton, John; Prefaced by an Appreciation taken in part from the works of Henry Hallam The fourth book illustrated, hand-lettered and published by Seymour in October 1900 was "The Eve of St. Agnes". This is Seymour's fifth volume, illustrated, hand-lettered and published by Seymour in early 1901. Printed in two color throughout, there are two title pages, four illustrations as well as decorative initial caps. "Concerning Milton's Ode. The Ode... was begun by Milton on Christmas Day, 1629. The poet was then twenty-one years of age & in his sixth academic... Continue... Pp 28 0049.11.1215 1901
The Caxton Club. Officers, Committees, Constitution and By-Laws, Annual Reports, List of Members. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Caxton Club, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. 300 copies printed on a cream laid paper with a L.L. Brown Paper Company watermark by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. At the Lakeside Press, Chicago. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Caxton Club The Caxton Club was founded in 1895 by fifteen Chicago bibliophiles who desired to support the publication of fine books in the spirit of the prevailing Arts and Crafts Movement. The founders were collectors, publishers, designers, and librarians. Their primary objective was to publish books of quality, both in content and design, primarily for their own personal libraries. In addition to the subjects mentioned in the title, this volume also includes: Address of the President... Continue... Pp 103 0049.10.1215 1901
The Complete Works of John Keats Vol. II of V. Lamia, Isabella & Posthumous Poems to 1818 Endymion. (Hard Cover) (Published by Gowars & Gray, Glasgow. Boards bound with Green leather. Cover design stamped and gilt. End pages are green.) Keats, John; Forman, Harry Buxton Part of The Complete Library Series. Volume II begins with a Preface by Forman. "The most important sources of new readings and cancelled passages in the present in the present volume are George Keats's little book of holographs and transcripts in the British Museum and Richard Woodhouse's Common-pace book of transcripts mentioned at pages xii-xiv of the Preface to Volume I of this edition..." 4.25 x 6.8 (First Edition)... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 243 0049.07.0215 1901
The Complete Works of John Keats Vol. III of V. Posthumous Poems 1812-1820. Essays & Notes. (Hard Cover) (Published by Gowars & Gray, Glasgow. Printed at the University Press by Robert Maclehose and Co., Glasgow. Cover design stamped and gilt. End pages are green.) Keats, John; Forman, Harry Buxton Part of The Complete Library Series. Volume II begins with a Preface by Forman. "The chronology of the poems published in this third volume is continuous with that of those forming the latter part of the second volume. As nearly as can be ascertained, that volume brings the Posthumous and Fugitive Poems down to the end of the year 1818, and those here following belong to the years 1819 and 1820..." 4.25 x 6.8 (First Edition)... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 291 0049.08.0215 1901
The Holton Primer (Hard Cover) (Lights to Literature Series) (Published by the Rand, McNally & Company, Chicago, New York) Holton, M. Adelaide Cover illustration by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Designed in Seymour's wood block style. Printed in two color, red and black. Front and back end pages also illustrated by Seymour. "This is the first book of the series. It is a primer throughout. It is a definite preparation for Book I. The lessons are short, dramatic, and interesting. They deal with the real things of child-life. Action lessons are frequent. Fully illustrated in half-tone with fourteen pages in three color." Original list... Continue... Pp 111 0049.16.0316 1901
The Odes of John Keats With Illustrations by R. (Robert) Anning Bell (Green leather covers medium boards, Gilt lettering and design. Pages are trimmed three sides, gilt on top, and printed on beige laid paper with Lion & Anchor logo and text "Chiswick Press".) (Published by George Bell and Sons, London. Printed at the Chiswick Press) Keats, John Illustrations by Robert Anning Bell, and are taken from the edition of Keats" poems in the "Endymion Series". "At its price there is not a miniature volume upon the bookseller's shelves fit to approach this charming edition. No black and white artist is more suited by temperament to deck the poet's verse and here Mr. Anning Bell has done some of his finest work. It is not extravagant praise to say that this little... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 42 0048.06.0313 1901
The Poetical Works of John Keats. Chronologically arranged and edited, with a memoir, By Lord Houghton (Richard Monckton Milnes), D.C.L., Hon. Fellow of Trin. Coll. Cambridge. (Hard Cover) (Published by George Bell & Sons, York St., Covent Gardens, London, and New York. Printed by Chiswick Press: C. Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane.) The Adline Edition of British Poets. First Aldine Edition. November 1876. Reprinted. 1879, 1882, 1883, 1886, 1890... Keats, John; Lord Houghton (Richard Monckton Milnes) Editor's Note. "The object of the chronological arrangement of this edition, and the consequent insertion of some pieces of comparatively little value, is to present a faithful self-drawn literary picture of the short and sad poetical life. Had Keats lived to maturity his claim on the larger sympathies of mankind... This volume alone contains all his works..." The volume begins with the Houghton Memoir... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 493 0048.05.0113 1901
The Tragedy of Francesca Da Rimini. Otis Skinner Presenting George H. Boker's Tragedy Francesca Da Rimini. With An Appreciation by Lyman B. Glover. (Soft Cover) (Published, designed and Illustrated by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) Boker, George H. "The Story of Rimini. Dante, whose Inferno Leigh Hunt aptly describes as "a sublime nightmare," became human and sincere at one moment during that gruesome and awful journey through the nether world of his own imagination, which he undertook accompanied by laurel-crowned Virgil. The episode of Francesca and Paolo, which has been appropriately recognized as "the most cordial and refreshing in the whole of that singular poem... 7.6 x 12.75 (First Edition) Pp 32 0049.09.0415 1902 1902
The Book of a Hundred Houses. A collection of Pictures, Plans and Suggestions for Householders (Hard Cover) (Published by Herbert S. Stone & Company, Eldridge Court, Chicago. Herbert S. Stone also published House Beautiful. Top edge trimmed and gilt, others uncut.) Editor: Dow, Joy Wheeler; Chapter written by: Granger, Alfred H. The article "An Architects Studio " by Alfred H. Granger was first published in the December 1899 issue of House Beautiful. It is reprinted in this volume. "An Architects Studio. When one attempts to describe almost any modern building, the first question to be asked is, "What style?" ...One of the most radical of these opponents is Mr. Frank L. Wright, whose house and studio I have the privilege of describing... One's first impression of the dining-room is its... Continue... (Sweeney 35B) Pp 207-214 0035.00.0317 (B) 1902
The Caxton Club. Officers, Committees, Constitution and By-Laws, Annual Reports, List of Members. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Caxton Club, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. 300 copies printed on a cream laid paper with a L.L. Brown Paper Company watermark by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. At the Lakeside Press, Chicago. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Caxton Club The Caxton Club was founded in 1895 by fifteen Chicago bibliophiles who desired to support the publication of fine books in the spirit of the prevailing Arts and Crafts Movement. The founders were collectors, publishers, designers, and librarians. Their primary objective was to publish books of quality, both in content and design, primarily for their own personal libraries. In addition to the subjects mentioned in the title, this volume also includes: Address of the President... Continue... Pp 105 0052.11.1215 1902
The Chicago Architectural Annual. A Selection of Work Exhibited at the Art Institute in March of the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Two. (Published by The Chicago Architectural Club.) Chicago Architectural Club There is no introductory text. Title Page: The Chicago Architectural Annual. Published by The Chicago Architectural Club. A Selection of Work Exhibited at the Art Institute in March of the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Two.
Hand written by Darwin D. Martin on title page: “Return to D. D. Martin. 145 Summit Ave.” This copy was owned by Darwin D. Martin. In 1888, Darwin Martin and Isdabelle Reidpath pledge to marry and build a house at... Continue... (Sweeney 49)Pp 56 (Unpaged) 0049.00.0215 0049.00.1124 1902
The New Industrialism (Hard Cover) (Published by National League of Industrial Art, Chicago) Wright, Frank Lloyd Part III of 3 parts. Chapter by Wright. "The Art and craft of the Machine." Text of a speech by the same title, given to the Daughters of the Revolution, Illinois on March 14, 1902. The original speech by the same title was first given at the Hull House on March 28, 1901 (S.43). Published by National League of Industrial Art for the Daughters of the Revolution. 6.3 x 9.75. (Limited to 500 Copies, of which this Copy is Number 51.) (First Edition) (Sweeney 50) Pp 79-111 0050.00.0602 1902
Adonais (Soft Cover) (Published at The De La More Press, London) Shelley, Percy Bysshe "The De la More Booklets are a happy idea. They consist of classical masterpieces in paper covers such as Shelley's Adonais, Keats Eve of St Agnes... These volumes are all carefully printed at the De La More Press on very fine paper specially made for them and are bound in an artistic manner. The price is 6d net each in art wrappers..." From an ad in 1905. Shelley once wrote of Keats: "The genius... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 43 0052.09.0415 1902
A Moment Each Day with George Eliot . A quotation for every day in the year selected from the works of George Eliot. (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Cover printed with black and white ink, and stamped with gold foil. Printed on handmade deckle-edged laid paper with "Van Gelder Zonen" and a "crowned fleur-de-lis symbol" watermark. Frontispiece: Illustration of "George Eliot at 30," title page and initials by Ralph Fletcher Seymour... Eliot, George; Compiled by Ella Adams Moore and the Students in her classes in literature Review: "Club women will be interested in the new book of quotations from George Eliot called "A Moment Each Day with George Eliot," which will soon be published in Chicago. The book has been made by Mrs. Ella Adams Moore, of the University of Chicago, aided by the students in her classes. Since these are nearly all club women the book will especially appeal to such women. It will be illustrated by copies of photographs taken by Mrs. Moore during her journeys through the... Continue... Pp [64] (unnumbered) 0052.16.1018 1902
Book-Plates of To-day (Hard Cover) (Published by Tonnele & Company, New York. Spine covered in light green cloth, boards covered in light beige paper. Paper label with title pasted to cover. Tissue between frontispiece (plate one) and title page.) Edited by Stone, Wilbur Macey; W.G. Bowdoin; Temple Scott; Wilbur Macey Stone; Willis Steell "American Designers of Book-Plates: Wm. Edgar Fisher. The book-plate designers of to-day are legion because they are many. Almost every one who can draw, and many who cannot, have ventured into the field of book-plate designing; and the result has been that many of the book-plates that are current have little to commend them to critical observers. The present increasing interest in these little bits of the graver's art has greatly encouraged the production of them, and new... Continue... Pp 62 0052.21.0421 1902
Book-Plates of Today (Hard Cover) (Published by Tonnele & Company, New York. Spine possibly covered in vellum, boards possibly covered hand-made paper. Paper label with title pasted to cover. Second label with publisher pasted to cover. This appears to be a more expensive edition than S#52.21, but inside pages are the same. Note: Eight book-plates laid inside front cover. Four are signed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, three of which are published in The Seymour Brochure.) Edited by Stone, Wilbur Macey; W.G. Bowdoin; Temple Scott; Wilbur Macey Stone; Willis Steell "American Designers of Book-Plates: Wm. Edgar Fisher. The book-plate designers of to-day are legion because they are many. Almost every one who can draw, and many who cannot, have ventured into the field of book-plate designing; and the result has been that many of the book-plates that are current have little to commend them to critical observers. The present increasing interest in these little bits of the graver's art has greatly encouraged the production of them, and new... Continue...
Pp 62 0052.22.0521 1902
Endymion & The Longer Poems of John Keats (Leather Hard Cover) (Published by J. M. Dent and Co.: Aldine House, London, W. C.) Keats, John Cover in brown leather, stamped and gilt. There is an illustration of an owl on the cover. The second line of The Eve of St. Agnes reads, "The owl, for all his feathers, was a-cold." Frontispiece is an illustration of the Charcoal Sketch of John Keats by Joseph Severn (K3). Title page is printed in two color. Begins with the Preface by Keats published in 1818. Includes The Eve of St. Agnes. Printed by: "Turnbull and Spears, Printers, Edinburgh." 3.5 x 6 (First Edition) Pp 233 0052.20.1116 1902
Keats's The Eve of St. Agnes and Other Poems. Edited, with Introduction and Notes By Katharine Lee Bates (Hard Cover) (Published by Silver, Burdett and Company, New York, Boston, Chicago. Part of The Silver Series of Classics. Design of cover is stamped and printed. Printed on beige paper, trimmed three sides.) Keats, John Introduction: "The world has heard much of the hardships and sorrows in the brief life of John Keats. Actual hardships they were, and heavy sorrows, yet surely his joys outweighed them all. He knew well the sonnets of Shakespeare - the volume of "Shakespeare's Poems" made a third of his knapsack library on one of his vacation trips - yet he could avow his belief that Shakespeare was a "perfectly happy creature." With souls like these, the rapture of creative effort... Continue... Pp 157 0052.18.0415 1902
Paulo & Francesca. Leigh Hunt. With Original Italian From Inferno of Dante. (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour at the Fine Arts Building, Chicago, Illinois. MDCCCCII. A Translation By Leigh Hunt. From Canto V, the Inferno of Dante Alighieri, in the triple rhyme of the Original. With the Italian from the edition of G. Barbera and a literal translation newly made for this edition by Katherine Reed. Together with a Commentary from the Writings of Leigh Hunt & Boccaccio... Continue... Alighieri, Dante; Hunt, Leigh; Boccaccio; Reed, Katherine "A commentary on the poem written in part by Leigh Hunt, & partly translated by him from Boccaccio. The episode of Paulo and Francesca has long been admired by the readers of Italian poetry, and is indeed the most cordial and refreshing one in the whole of that singular poem the Inferno, which some call a satire, and some an epic, and which, I confess, has always appeared to me a kind of sublime night-mare..." Of interest, when Frank Lloyd Wright published... Continue... Pp [34] (unnumbered) 0052.12.0116 0052.13.0217 1902
Shelley's Adonais and Alastor. Edited, With Introduction and Notes By Charles G. D. Roberts, M.A. (Hard Cover) (Published by Silver, Burdett and Company, New York, Boston, Chicago. Part of The Silver Series of Classics, which also included Keats "The Eve of St. Agnes" and Other Poems.) Shelley, Percy Bysshe; Roberts, Charles G. D. In Shelley's Introduction and biographical sketch, he writes, "On the 1st of July (1822) Shelley set out with Williams (one of his closest friends) in the Ariel (their yacht) to meet Leigh Hunt at Leghorn. On the afternoon of the 8th they left Leghorn... A storm was threatening... Then the bodies of Shelley and Williams were washed ashore. In Shelley's pocket was found a copy of Keats, doubled back... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 108 0052.02.0710 C 1902
The Eve of St. Agnes and Sonnets (Published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York and London. The Knickerbocker Press) Keats, John First published in 1893 as part of the 30 volume Literary Gems Series by Putnam's (#13.09). This volume published as part of the 56 volume Ariel Booklets Series. "A series of productions, complete in small compass, which have been accepted as classics of their kind." Not dated, but was advertised in 1902 publications. "A series of charming little books produced in the most delightful styles. Flexible red leather, with an appropriate design in gold on cover, gilt tops... Continue... Pp 84 0052.19.0916 1902
The Eve of St. Agnes (Hard Cover) (Published by The De La More Press, London. Boards covered with green leather, stamped and gilt. Cover design signed by B.M.M. Printed on hand made paper with a watermark. Three sides trimmed and gilt.) Keats, John Part of The De La More Booklet Series. "Selected Masterpieces of Prose and Verse printed at the De La More Press in dainty Booklets, suitable for Birthday Gifts... Also bound cloth, 1s. net; in moreen 1s. 6d. net; or in full lambskin extra gilt and gilt edges, 2s. 6d. net... The De La More Booklets are a happy idea. They consist of classical masterpieces in paper covers such as Shelley's... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 30 0052.08.0813 1902
The Poetical Works of John Keats. Reprinted From the Original Editions with Notes by Francis T. Palgrave, Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford. (Hard cover) (Published by Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., New York. Boards covered in red cloth. Design and text stamped on front and spine, gilt. Three sides trimmed, top is tinted.) Keats, John; Palgrave, Francis T. This version of "The Poetical Works of John Keats" was first published in 1884. It begins with a short introduction by Francis T. Palgrave, dated August 1884, and ends with his extensive notes on Keats writings. "Copiousness in exquisite detail, perpetual freshness of phrase, characterize all the poetry of Keats, and in the work of his earlier days are generally more conspicuous than unity of interest... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 298 0052.10.1213 1902
The Song of Demeter and her Daughter Persephone In Homeric Hymn. Walter Pater's Translation. (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago, USA. Front and back cover design in gilt. Printed throughout in red and black ink, two pages gilt. Printed on laid H. M. Paper, top edge trimmed and gilt others uncut) Pater, Walter Designed, illustrated and published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. "The Song of Demeter and her Daughter Persephone is a little bijou not four by five inches over all in a dainty cover of black cloth covered with a symbolic design of corn and gentians in gold. The text is all hand lettered by Mr. Seymour, the title page and first text pages rubricated, in a decorative border. The capitals and ornamental initials are rubricated throughout, a very strong red contrasting well with the clear... Continue... Pp 45 0052.15.1017 1902
XII Songs By Maurice Maeterlinck. With illustrations by Charles Doudelet. Translated from the French by Martin Schutze. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Ralph Fletcher Seymour Company, Chicago. Printed on beige handmade deckle-edged paper with "Old Domushire" watermark. Title page designed and lettered by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Twenty illustrations by Charles Doudelet. One of an edition of 400 copies of the book, Twelve Songs of Maurice Maeterlinck, November, Mcmii.) Maeterlinck, Maurice; Schutze The only complete translation of these poems into English. Foreword: "Maurice Maeterlinck has in the last few years become the herald of modern mysticism. In the "Serres Chaudes," his first poems, and in his early dramas, he sought to penetrate to the inner most core of life by am unresisting surrender to the stream of sensation. Every mood of which an extremely subtle soul is capable, the emotional significance of color, of sound, of wind and rain, of lightning and... Continue... Pp [34] (unnumbered) 0052.17.1018 1903 1903
Agamemnon: A Tragedy, Taken from the Greek of Aeschylus (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Fine Arts Building, Chicago) (Gilt lettering stamped on cover. Printed on handmade paper with "Brown Paper Co" watermark. Top trimmed, others uncut.) Fitzgerald, Edward "Printed in an edition of one hundred & sixty copies on paper & eight on Japan vellum. In the fifth month, MDCCCCIII, at the press of George F. McKiernan & Company for the designer & publisher Ralph Fletcher Seymour." Seymour began designing and publishing his own books in his spare time. In 1900 he took over space in the Fine Arts Building from Charles Francis Browne. Frank Lloyd Wright worked with Seymour in 1911 after his return from Europe... Continue... Pp 70 0054.06.0114 1903
Chicago In Picture and Poetry. With One Hundred Illustrations. (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago, For The Industrial Art League. Printed in September MCMIII at The Lakeside Press) Fiske, Horace Spencer Preface: "As pictures are often the truest expression of poetic suggestion and feeling, it has seemed best to let them take the chief place in the book; and it is hoped that they will tend to dissipate the impression so widely held that Chicago is utterly lacking in the things that make an appeal to the imagination and the sense of beauty. Chicago is so commonly identified in the public mind with the limits of Cook County that it seemed appropriate to include a few pictures taken... Continue... Pp 187 0054.08.0215 1903
Four Old Christmas Carols Taken from scarce reprints of early manuscripts. (Hard Cover) (Printed under the supervision of Ralph Fletcher Seymour for The Bobbs-Merrill Company , Publishers, Indianapolis. Blue cloth, imprinted with a design, lettering gilt.) Anonymous Announcement: "The Bobbs-Merrill Company have completed an arrangement with Ralph Fletcher Seymour by which the artistic books of his workmanship will in future be issued under the Bobbs- Merrill imprint. The first books published under this joint management are "The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise" and "Four Old Christmas Carols." "The Bookseller, January 1, 1904. Printed in red, blue, black and gold. The four songs include: 1) "In Excelsis Gloria... Continue... Pp 22 (Unpaged) 0054.09.0215 1903
The Caxton Club. Officers, Committees, Constitution and By-Laws, Annual Reports, List of Members. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Caxton Club, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. 300 copies printed on a cream laid paper with a L.L. Brown Paper Company watermark by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. At the Lakeside Press, Chicago. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Caxton Club The Caxton Club was founded in 1895 by fifteen Chicago bibliophiles who desired to support the publication of fine books in the spirit of the prevailing Arts and Crafts Movement. The founders were collectors, publishers, designers, and librarians. Their primary objective was to publish books of quality, both in content and design, primarily for their own personal libraries. In addition to the subjects mentioned in the title, this volume also includes: Address of the President... Continue... Pp 109 0054.10.1215 1903
The Eve of St. Agnes (Hard Cover) (Published by A. C. Curtis, Guildford, England. The Astolat Oakleaf Series. Printed by The Astolat Press, Guildford, England. Printed on handmade Laid paper with and "Unbleached Arnold" watermark. Top edges are trimmed, other edges uncut. Cover printed on grey paper covered boards, red cloth spine. Title and oak leaves and acorns design stamped and printed in dark green ink.) Keats, John During the 1890s A. C. Curtis operated a bookstore in Guildford, England, southwest of London. Complying the Arts & Crafts movement and the reemergence of finely crafted books, he formed The Astolat Press and began publishing books, much like Browne's Bookstore began doing in 1908. Curtis began publishing fine books possibly as early as 1896, but not confirmed until 1901. Curtis partnered with... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 23 0054.07.1114 Circa 1903
The Eve of Saint Agnes (Undated) (Published by George W. Jacobs & Co., Philadelphia. The Astolat Oakleaf Series. Printed by The Astolat Press, Guildford, England.) Endpaper printed on handmade paper with a "Lexham Airdried" watermark. Balance of the pages are printed on handmade Laid paper with an "Unbleached Arnold" watermark. Top edges are trimmed and gilt. Other edges uncut. Cover is red leather with gilt lettering and a stamped design consisting of oak leaves and acorns. Keats, John Undated edition of "The Eve of Saint Agnes". The "Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition Commemorating the Anniversary of the Death of John Keats" from 1921, dates this edition "189-?". During the 1890s A. C. Curtis operated a bookstore in Guildford, England, southwest of London. Being influenced by the Arts & Crafts movement and the reemergence of finely crafted books, he formed The Astolat... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 23 0054.04.1011 1903 Copy
Hillside Home School, (Seventeenth) 1903-04 (Published by Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wisconsin.) Lloyd-Jones, Ellen C. & Jane Booklet for the seventeenth year of Hillside Home School. "It is found by those that are studying the deep problems of the education of children, that city environments are to exciting and stimulating for the healthful growth of the child. He often becomes the victim of arrested development or of an overtrained nervous condition. In order to have a normal development the boy and the girl need the simple routine and the out-of-door of a country life... The school enters... Continue... Pp 41 0054.05.0313 1903
Poems You Ought To Know (Published by Fleming H. Revell Company, Chicago, New York, Toronto, London, Edinburgh.) Selected by Peattie, Elia W. (Literary Editor of the Chicago Tribune) The first time Peattie came to our attention during our study of "The eve of St. Agnes", published by Wright and two of his clients, Winslow and Williams. Sixty-five copies were printed, No. 24 was inscribed by the publisher (most likely Williams) to Elia W. Peattie. In 1896, Williams and Way published "A Mountain Woman" [23] by Elia W. Peattie, and a year later published a second book by Peattie, "Pippins and Cheese" [49]. Her name surfaced... Continue... Pp 233 0054.03.0411 1903
The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise (Hardcover) (Designed and published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. The cover is bound in leather. There are three outer gilt borders, and is printed in green and gilt. The leather on the edges of the inside front and back cover are stamped with a gilt design. One of twelve copies printed on Japanese imperial parchment. Top edge trimmed and gilt, others uncut. Pages are printed in red and black throughout.) Final page .. Continue... Abelard, Peter; Heloise One of twelve copies printed on Japanese imperial parchment. “Ralph Fletcher Seymour has designed and printed for the publishers The Bobbs-Merrill Company of Indianapolis, a new edition of ‘The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise.’ The book is printed from Mr. Seymour's own type and easily takes place among the best of his productions. The letters are reprinted from the English edition of 1722 and are supplied with a graceful, though anonymous narrative of... Continue... Pp 115 0054.26.1224 1903
The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise (Hardcover) (Designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour for the Publishers The Bobbs-Merrill Company Indianapolis. Printed on beige paper with the watermark "W King Alton Mill." Top edge trimmed and died, others uncut. The cover is printed in green and gilt. Pages are printed in red and black throughout.) Final page: "The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise, reprinted from the translation of 1722 in an edition of 515 copies... Continue... Abelard, Peter; Heloise "Ralph Fletcher Seymour has designed and printed for the publishers The Bobbs-Merrill Company of Indianapolis, a new edition of "The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise." The book is printed from Mr. Seymour's own type and easily takes place among the best of his productions. The letters are reprinted from the English edition of 1722 and are supplied with a graceful, though anonymous narrative of the lovers immortal passion. Aside from this narrative the present... Continue... Pp 115 0054.13.1017 1903
The Seymour Brochure. Bookplates from the designs of Ralph Fletcher Seymour (Digital Copy) (Printed at the Troutsdale Press, And sold by Charles E. Goodspeed, Boston) Seymour, Ralph Fletcher "This queer old world we live in holds but few results that have been achieved through logical trains of circumstance. The early training and environment of Scott, Burns, Lamb and Whittier might be considered anything but a reasonable preparation for the life work each was to undertake. And surely we would not deliberately lay a foundation of leather and shoe pegs, as did Bunyan, for so wonderful a superstructure as "Pilgrim's Progress." The book... Continue... Pp 16 plus 13 plates 0054.15.0621 1904 1904
A Defence of Poetry. Reprinted From The Edition of MDCCCXLV (Hard Cover) (Published by Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis. Designed by and printed under the supervision of Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Vellum spine over dark gray boards, gilt title on cover and spine. First and second title pages in red and black. Printed on French handmade beige laid paper with the watermark "ARCHES." Deckle edges.) Shelley, Percy Bysshe: Edited by Mrs. Shelley Reprinted from the edition of 1845. Title page designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. He incorporated the overlapping "RFS" into the design, and also his initials "RFS" along the bottom left. Frontispiece illustrated by Seymour. Signed "RFS" lower left in the illustration. "Preface by the Editor. We find, in the verse of a poet, "the record of the best and happiest moments of the best and happiest minds." But this is not enough - we desire to know the man. We desire to learn how much... Continue... Pp 90 0055.23.0321 1904
The Book of Ruth. Taken from an edition of the Bible printed at Oxford in 1680. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Bobbs Merrill Company, Indianapolis, USA. The design for the cover is stamped front and back. Title on cover is gilt. Indents on the cover are printed in a slightly darker green. Designed and illustrated by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Hand printed on beige paper in red and black ink.) The Bible, 1680 Oxford Edition "The Book of Ruth is chiefly notable for its very pleasing stamped binding, and for the illustrations, in the manner of the old wood-cuts, which accompany the text. The composition of this work is spotted by numerous paragraph marks, which add anything but beauty to its pages, and by the breaking of many of its lines following the use of the large initial letters at the beginning of each chapter. The paper and the printing are both good. These two volumes of Mr. Seymour's are... Continue... Pp 28 0055.24.0421 1904
Books In The House. An Essay on Private Libraries and Collections for Young and Old. (Hard Cover) (Published by arrangements with Ralph Fletcher Seymour, by The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis, U. S. A. Cover is blind stamped front and back with title in gold. The decorative illustration repeated on the back cover is upside down. Wood cut title page and is in two color. Printed on handmade deckle-edged laid paper with "Van Gelder Zonen" and a... Pollard, Alfred W. Book Review: "A more authoritative guide is offered in Mr. Pollard's "Books in the House," which has been published in an edition of 500 copies, "designed by and printed under the supervision of Ralph Fletcher Seymour at the press of R. R. Donnelly & Sons Co. in Chicago." It is very tastily made up, with bookish headpieces and ornamented initials for each chapter, and printed in the large black type now so common in privately printed books. Here we find the matured opinions of... Continue... Pp 83 0055.16.1018 1904
Her Infinite Varity, with illustrations by Howard Chandler Christly, Decorations by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis. Two copies. The docorations on the cover of this edition is in beige, second edition is in whitte.) Whitlock, Brand; Author of "The 13th District" "A state senator of Illinois yields to the persuasion of a woman lawyer and makes a great speech for woman suffrage. His fiance and a belligerent aunt immediately start from Chicago for the capital and by their efforts the bill is defeated when it comes to the vote. The author of The thirteenth district is evidently posted in all the tricks which the political lives of law makers are made strenuous and exciting." Publishers description, "The American Catalog", 1905, p. 305... Continue.. Pp 168 0055.05.0314 0055.33.0724 1904 Copy
Hillside Home School, (Eighteenth) 1904-05 (Published by Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wisconsin.)
Lloyd-Jones, Ellen C. & Jane Booklet for the eighteenth year of Hillside Home School. "It is found by those that are studying the deep problems of the education of children, that city environments are to exciting and stimulating for the healthful growth of the child... The school enters upon its eighteenth year with enlarged accommodations and greatly improved facilities. During the year 1903, a commodious and artistic school building was completed, containing - together with a most... Continue... Pp 46 0055.04.0313 1904
Old Love Stories Retold. Panel Designs by George W. Hood (Hard Cover) Published by The Baker & Taylor Co., New York. Printed by The Plimpton Press, Norwood, Mass. Nearly every page has a vertical panel on the outer edge illustrated by Hood. Also includes 13 illustrations by unidentified artists, including a portrait of John Keats by P. Kramer. Spine is bound in leather. Illustration on title page initialed AM.) Le Gallienne, Richard "In this book Mr. Le Gallienne's skill as a novelist and an essayist are best brought out. He recounts most attractively the famous love stories of the world such as Dante and Beatrice, Sidney and Lady Devereux, Paola and Francesca, Shelley and Mary, and others. The book is handsomely made with many designs and illustrations." The Publishers" Trade List Annual, August 1905, p.6... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 183 0055.09.0116 1904
The Caxton Club. Officers, Committees, Constitution and By-Laws, Annual Reports, List of Members. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Caxton Club, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. 300 copies printed on a cream laid paper with a L.L. Brown Paper Company watermark by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. At the Lakeside Press, Chicago. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Caxton Club The Caxton Club was founded in 1895 by fifteen Chicago bibliophiles who desired to support the publication of fine books in the spirit of the prevailing Arts and Crafts Movement. The founders were collectors, publishers, designers, and librarians. Their primary objective was to publish books of quality, both in content and design, primarily for their own personal libraries. In addition to the subjects mentioned in the title, this volume also includes: Address of the President... Continue... Pp 121 0055.08.1215 1904
The Eve of St. Agnes (Soft Cover - Wrap) (Published by George Routledge & Sons, Limited, London; E. P. Dutton & Co., New York) Keats, John Part of The Broadway Booklets series. "A new and attractive series of Gems of Literature, very choicely produced, and each illustrated by a Gem of Art.. Wrappers with Photogravure." The cover is illustrated by May Sandheim. Printed as a photogravure. Test in banner: "These lovers fled-away into the storm." Title page in two color. 4.4 x 5.5 (First Edition) Pp 46 0055.22,0416 1904
The Iron and Steel Works of The United States 1904 (Compiled and Published by The American Iron & Steel Association, Philadelphia, PA. Sixteenth Edition, Printed by Allen, Lane & Scott, Philadelphia) American Iron & Steel Includes information concerning W. I. Moody, General Manager of the Muncie Works, American Rolling Mill Corporation, with offices in the Rookery Building (S.113), Chicago, Ill. Moody was involved in financing and promoting the Como Orchard Summer Colony, University Heights (S.144) and the Bitter Root Inn (S.145). (Digital copy) For more information on the Bitter Root Inn see our Wright Study. Pp 468 0055.02.1009 C 1904
The Poems of John Keats (Hard Cover) (Published by Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd., London. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. Printed in Great Britain by Turnbull & Spears, Edinburgh. Stamped on spine: Scribner's.) Keats, John This volume appears to have first been published in 1902 by George Newnes Ltd (London) and Scribner's Sons (New York), "Bulletin and Review of the Keats-Shelley Memorial." 1913. Many ads also began appearing in 1902 for "Newnes Thin Paper Series." In 1904, Charles Scribner's Sons" ads began advertising "The Caxton Thin Paper Series. Printed in large, clear type on extremely thin but thoroughly... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 469 0055.06.0415 1904
Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans, Volume II (Digital Edition) (Published by The Biographical Society, Boston. Printed by Blimpton Press, Norwood, Mass.) Johnson, Rossiter; Brown, John Howard "Browne, Francis Fisher, editor and author... son of William Goldsmith Browne, a well-known poet and editor. He learned the printer's trade in his father's office in Chicopee, Mass. In the summer of 1862 he enlisted in the 46th Mass. Regiment, in North Carolina and in the Army of the Potomac. In 1866 he entered the law department of the University of Michigan. In 1867 he removed to Chicago, Ill... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 440 0055.03.0311 1905 1905
Blessed be Drudgery (Hard Cover) (Published by James Pott & Co., New York) Gannett, W. Channing "Of every two men probably one man thinks be is a drudge, and every second woman at times is sure she is. Either we are not doing the thing we would like to do in life, or, in what we do and like, we find so much to dislike, that the rut tires, even when the road runs on the whole a pleasant way. I am going to speak of the Culture that comes through this very Drudgery..." This volume was published in 1905. Ten years earlier, Gannett published a little volume entitled... Continue... Pp 32 0058.16.0816 1905
Buffalo of Today, Domestic and Industrial (Soft Cover) (Published by the Buffalo Chamber of Commerce, Buffalo, New York. Printed on a dark blue-gray cover stock. The cover is printed in four color: black, light blue, red, light yellow and gilt lettering and decorations.) Buffalo Chamber of Commerce Includes an illustration of the Larkin Factories (Frontispiece) and a photograph of the Darwin Martin Residence (Page 50). Introduction: Why is this book published? Merely to illustrate a portion of the industrial progress of Buffalo towards her inevitable destiny in the manufacturing world. Three immense, irresistible agencies are constantly operating to make this city the center of the greatest producing zone of the United States. Daniel Webster saw this in 1844... Continue... Pp 63 0058.38.0522 1905
Hearts & Masks, With illustrations by Harrison Fisher, Decorations by Ralph Fletcher Seymour (Hard Cover) (Published by The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis. Color paper printed label affixed to cover) MacGrath, Harold "While sitting in Mouquin's down town restaurant, New York City, a young man overhears a conversation, then picks up a paper and in the society news reads of a masquerade to be held at the Blankshire Hunt Club, New Jersey. He plans to go. Getting his disguise he hears more news. At the ball it is discovered there is a stranger present; jewels are stolen, detective work comes in. After a most involved plot the hero falls in love for life with a girl unknown when... Continue... Pp 187 0058.08.0314 1905
Larkin Products. The Standard of Excellence. Household Necessities and Luxuries (Published by the Larkin Co., Buffalo, N.Y.) Larkin Co. A catalog of Larkin Products. Frank Lloyd Wright's designs for the Larkin Administration building were completed in 1904. The finished building was ready for occupancy in August 1906. In the main lobby of the Larkin Administration Building, behind the semi-circular Telephone Operator's Station is an elaborately designed light fixture. Hung below, but part of the fixture is an "LCO" Monogram designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in the 1904 plans for the building. As early as... Continue... Pp 24 0058.37.0621 1905
The Caxton Club. Officers, Committees, Constitution and By-Laws, Annual Reports, List of Members. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Caxton Club, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. 300 copies printed on a cream laid paper with a L.L. Brown Paper Company watermark by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. At the Lakeside Press, Chicago. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Caxton Club The Caxton Club was founded in 1895 by fifteen Chicago bibliophiles who desired to support the publication of fine books in the spirit of the prevailing Arts and Crafts Movement. The founders were collectors, publishers, designers, and librarians. Their primary objective was to publish books of quality, both in content and design, primarily for their own personal libraries. In addition to the subjects mentioned in the title, this volume also includes: Address of the President... Continue... Pp 111 0058.12.1215 1905
The Social Secretary, With illustrations by Clarence F. Underwood, Decorations by Ralph Fletcher Seymour (Hard Cover) (Published by The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis) Phillips, David Graham; Author of The Plum Tree, The Cost, etc. etc. "A young Washington girl of good family, needing to earn a living, becomes secretary of a wife and manages her social life for her. The employer is a good woman of much humor who stays natural and attracts her surroundings. Her husband and son are more difficult to manage on the social stage but the heroine is competent and details of her dilemmas made some unexpected reading." Publishers description, "The American Catalog", 1906, p. 225. Includes 11 tissued... Continue... Pp 198 0058.07.0214 1905
The Social Secretary, With illustrations by Clarence F. Underwood, Decorations by Ralph Fletcher Seymour (Hard Cover) (Published by Grosset & Dunlap, New York) Phillips, David Graham; Author of The Plum Tree, The Cost, etc. etc. A young Washington girl of good family, needing to earn a living, becomes secretary of a wife and manages her social life for her. The employer is a good woman of much humor who stays natural and attracts her surroundings. Her husband and son are more difficult to manage on the social stage but the heroine is competent and details of her dilemmas made some unexpected reading." Publishers description, "The American Catalog", 1906, p. 225. Although dated... Continue... Pp 198 0058.22.1218 1906 1906
The Architectural Annual (Hard Cover) (Published by The Architectural League of America) Architectural League of America Includes three photographs related to Frank Lloyd Wright's work. Exterior of the Warren Hickox Residence (1900), exterior of the B. Harley Bradley Residence (1900). Caption: "Two Residences at Kankakee, Ill. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect, Chicago." Interior living room of the B. Harley Bradley Residence. Caption: "Residence Interior. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect, Chicago." Also includes work by Robert C. Spencer, Howard Shaw and Adler & Sullivan. Original list price $2.00. 8.5 x 10.75 (First Edition) Pp 190 0064.21.1017 1906 Copy
Hillside Home School, (Twentieth) 1906-07 (Published by Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wisconsin.) Lloyd-Jones, Ellen C. & Jane Booklet for the twentieth year of Hillside Home School. "It is found by those that are studying the all-important problems of the education of children that city environment is to exciting and stimulating for the healthy growth, and the child often becomes a victim of arrested development... Freedom from city distraction, abundance of pure air and water... The school building is a fine stone structure, with a well-equipped gymnasium, shop, home-science kitchen, and music... Continue... Pp 45 0064.11.0313 1906
Hiroshige: An Exhibition of Colour Prints from the collection of Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago) Wright, Frank Lloyd The Art Institute of Chicago. March the twenty-ninth, Nineteen hundred six. An exhibition catalog listing the prints in the exhibition. Introduction by Frank Lloyd Wright. While in Japan, Wright invested heavily in Japanese Prints as well as other items. One year later Wright exhibited over two hundred Hiroshige woodcut colour prints. He also purchased Japanese paper while in Japan which Wright used for the exhibition catalog. This solo exhibition was... Continue... Pp 12 0060.00.0405 1906
Larkin Co. Administration Building, Buffalo, N.Y. An Office Building of the Twenthieth Century to Accommodate 2000 Clerks Completed 1906. (Soft Cover) (Published by the Larkin Company, Buffalo, New York) Larkin Co. A booklet commemorating the opening of the Larkin Co. building in Buffalo, New York, for the dedication ceremony of the Larkin Administration Building. The front cover is heavily embossed. Back Cover: Administration Building. Larkin Co. Dedicated 1906. Buffalo, N.Y. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Paul F. P. Mueller, Builder. The new fire proof building to house the administrative force of the Larkin Co., we believed to be the finest, most complete private office building... Continue... Pp 4 0064.50.0923 1906
Songs of Innocence And of Experience: Showing The Two Contrary States of the Human Soul (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour Company, The Alderbrink Press, Chicago. Hardcover embossed with decorative border. Quarter vellum spine. Text stamped and printed. Handmade laid paper with a watermark. The design includes a crown, shild and banner. Text within design: “The P. M. Co. Quality.” Below design: “Hand-Made.” Top edge folded, others untrimmed, deckled edges. Two color title page.) Blake, William Limited edition. Each poem begins with a ornamental initial designed by Seymour. This volume is a compilation of 46 poems. Songs of Innocence (1789): 21poems, Songs of Experience (1794): 25 poems.
Songs of Innocence: Introduction.
Piping down the valleys wild,
Piping songs of pleasant glee,
On a cloud I saw a child,
And he laughing said to me:-
"Pipe a song about a lamb:"... Continue...Pp 62 0064.52.0424 1906
The Caxton Club. Officers, Committees, Constitution and By-Laws, Annual Reports, List of Members. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Caxton Club, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. 300 copies printed on a cream laid paper with a L.L. Brown Paper Company watermark by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. At the Lakeside Press, Chicago. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Caxton Club The Caxton Club was founded in 1895 by fifteen Chicago bibliophiles who desired to support the publication of fine books in the spirit of the prevailing Arts and Crafts Movement. The founders were collectors, publishers, designers, and librarians. Their primary objective was to publish books of quality, both in content and design, primarily for their own personal libraries. In addition to the subjects mentioned in the title, this volume also includes: Address of the President... Continue... Pp 115 0064.18.1215 1906
The Fading of The Mayflower. A Poem of The Present Time. Decorations by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. (Hard Cover) (Published by A. N. Marquis & Company) Printed on India tint linen paper with the watermark "Alexabndra." Top edge trimmed and gilt, others untrimmed with deckel edges. Bound in silk cloth. Tilton, Theodore Decorations by Ralph Fletcher Seymour drawings by WJ Enright There is also a life like portrait of the celebrated author 'A timely and brilliant book by one of the most gifted writers and lecturers of the Civil War period. Full of patriotic fervor, poetic beauty and human interest. It deals with the present-day questions of the get-rich-quick spirit, the crimes of the Money-Mad, the sordid greed of degenerate sons of Mayflower-Pilgrim ancestors, the worship of the Golden Calf, etc. It handles... Continue... Pp 114 0064.20.1016 1906
The Faery Queen. Old tales Retold For Young Readers. Rewritten in Simple Language. Decorations by Ralph Fletcher Seymour (Hard Cover) (Published by A. C. McClurg & Co, Chicago. Cover printed in Dark red, green and black on light green cloth. Inside pages are printed in three color, red, green and black on a beige stock, top and bottom trimmed, sides uncut.) Wilson, Calvin Dill Part of the Canterbury Tales Series. Frontispiece is an etching by Ralph Fletcher Seymour (signed overlapping "RFS" lower left) , as are the decorations.
"Foreword. "The Faery Queen," by Edmund Spencer, who is born in London in 1552, is one of the most splendid long poems in the English language. It is also a wonderfully interesting story-book, containing all sorts of adventures. But not many children are likely to read this... Continue...Pp 143 0064.34.0221 1906
The Poems of John Keats (Hard Cover) (Published by J. M. Dent & Co., London, and in New York by E. P. Dutton & Co. Front and back end pages illustrated for the Everyman series by R.K.L., 1905, in light green. Green cloth, small design stamped on cover, floral design and text stamped and gilt on spine. Pages trimmed, coloured top. Printed by Colston and Coy, Limited, Edinburgh.) Keats, John; Rhys, Ernest Part of the Everyman's Library series. Title Page: "Everyman will go with thee be they guide in they most need to go they side." Introduction: "At the beginning of the few brief years of extraordinary happiness which Keats enjoyed before his fatal illness declared itself , he wrote from Carisbrooke (18th April 1817): I find I cannot exist without poetry - without eternal poetry - half the day will not do... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 383 0064.14.0413 1907 1907
Fourth Exhibition to Be Held in the Carnegie Institute Galleries November, 1907. Pittsburgh Architectural Club A hard cover catalog for an exhibition held at the Carnegie Institute Galleries by the Pittsburgh Architectural Club. The list includes twelve illustrations, numbers 1305 - 1316, which included dwellings for Mr. C. Thaxter Show (sic Shaw), Montreal, Canada (Project, Remodel: 1906 - S.124); Mr. Avery Coonley, Riverside, 1ll. (2) (1907 - S.135); Mr. W. A. Glasner, Glencoe, Ill. (1905 - S.109); Thomas Paul Hardy (1905 - S.115); Mr. Walter Gerts, Glenco, Ill. (2) (1902... Continue... Pp 76 plus plates 0068.00.0317 1907
At The Foot of the Rainbow. Paintings in Color by Oliver Kemp. Designs and Decorations by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Grosset & Dunlap, New York) Porter, Gene Stratton “Illustrations in colors by Oliver Kemp Design and decorations Ralph Fletcher Seymour. The scene of this charming idyllic love story is laid in Central Indiana. The story is one of devoted friendship, and tender self sacrificing love; the friendship that gives freely without return, and the love that seeks first the happiness of the object. The novel is brimful of the most beautiful word painting of nature, and its pathos and tender sentiment will endear it to all.” (Publisher’s description.) Continue... Pp 258 0080.68.0225 1907
At The Foot of the Rainbow. Paintings in Color by Oliver Kemp. Designs and Decorations by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. (Hard Cover) (Published by Grosset & Dunlap, New York) Porter, Gene Stratton "Illustrations in colors by Oliver Kemp Design and decorations Ralph Fletcher Seymour. The scene of this charming idyllic love story is laid in Central Indiana. The story is one of devoted friendship, and tender self sacrificing love; the friendship that gives freely without return, and the love that seeks first the happiness of the object. The novel is brimful of the most beautiful word painting of nature, and its pathos and tender sentiment will endear it to all." (Publisher's description.)... Continue... Pp 258 0080.21.0314 1907
Cyclopedia of Architecture, Carpentry and Building, Volume I-10 (Hard Cover, Quarter Leather Binding) (Published by the American School Of Correspondence, Chicago) American School Of Correspondence Volume I of a ten volume set. "A General Reference Work On Architecture, Carpentry, Building, Superintendence, Contracts, Specifications, Building Law, Stair-building, Estimating, Masonry, Reinforced Concrete, Steel Construction, Architectural Drawing... Illustrated with over Three Thousand Engravings." Includes three typogravure photographs and two floor plans of work by Robert Spencer Jr. Typogravures are printed single side only. Typogravure is a photomechanical engraving and printing technique. 6.5 x 9.5 (First Edition) Pp 378 0080.59.0923 (1-10) 1907
Indian Love Letters (Hard cover) (Published by A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago. Decorations by Ralph Fletcher Seymour.) Ryan, Marah Ellis; Author of "For the Soul of Rafael" Publisher’s description: Seldom have love letters been penned which contained more of the beauty of pathos, the poignancy of despair, than these messages, which seem literally written with the heart's blood of the noble-minded Indian who sent them to a girl he had loved in the East.
But what place could he have in the thoughts and life of an American girl of birth and breeding? Yet he was inspired to write these letters, which breathe the spirit of renunciation... Continue...Pp 122 0080.20.0314 Circa 1907
Isabella or the Pot of Basil (S#80.19) (Published by George W. Jacobs & Company, Philadelphia) (Printed in England by T. N. Foulis, Edinburgh and London) (Both versions printed by Neill and Co., Ltd., Edinburgh) Keats, John A number of versions were published in this format by Jacobs in the United States, and Foulis in England. One was part of the "Envelope Books." The cover wrapped around forming an envelope (1907). This version is a padded cloth cover. Text is printed two sides on a thick cream colored stock. Illustrations are printed four-color (dot pattern) single-sided on a white matte stock. Four color... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 39 0080.19.1213 1907
Mr. Whistler's "Ten O'Clock" As Delivered in London At Cambridge And of Oxford. Together With His Propositions and Propositions No. 2. The Alderbrink Press certifies that this is one of three hundred copies of Mr. Whistler's lecture "Ten O"clock printed on English hand-made paper in Chicago, MCMVII. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Alderbrink Press, Chicago. The Alderbrink Press certifies that this is one of three hundred copies of Mr. Whistler's lecture "Ten O"clock printed on... Whistler, James McNeill Delivered in London, February 20, 1885. At Cambridge, March 24. At Oxford, April 30.
Ladies and Gentlemen: It is with great hesitation and much misgiving that I appear before you, in the character of The Preacher. If timidity be at all allied to the virtue modesty, and can find favor in your eyes, I pray you, for the sake of that virtue, accord me your utmost indulgence. I would plead for my want of habit, did it not seem preposterous, judging from precedent, that aught save... Continue...Pp 52 0080.54.0222 1907
Poems of Keats. Selected and With an Introduction by Arthur Symons. With coloured Illustrations by E. J. Sullivan. Light green cloth cover with gilt border and lettering. Printed illustration affixed to cover. Top edge trimmed and gilt, others uncut. (Hard Cover) (Published by George W. Jacobs & Co., Philadelphia) Keats, John; Symons, Arthur Part of The Golden Poets Series. Introduction: Keats had the courage of the intellect and the cowardice of the nerves. That 'terrier-like resoluteness' which a school-fellow observed in him as a boy was still strong when the first certainty of his death came to him. 'Difficulties nerve the spirit of a man,' he wrote, with a full sense of the truth to himself of what he was saying ; and there is genuine intellectual courage in the quaint summing-up: 'I never quite despair, and I read Shakespeare... Continue... Pp 240 0080.46.1217 Circa 1907/1912
Rembrandt. Illustrated with Eight Reproductions in Colour (Published by T. C. & E. C. Jack, London, Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. Color plates printed by Bemrose Dalziel, Ltd., Watford. Text printed by the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh. This volume "Bound by Riviere & Son of London for Browne's Bookstore". Top edge trimmed and gilt.) Israels, Josef Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669), Dutch painter and etcher. First published circa 1907 by Jack in London and Stokes in New York as part of the "Masterpieces in Colour" Series, each volume highlighting a different artist. 43 volumes were produced between 1907 and 1910, with "others in preparation. According to "News Notes of California Libraries" 1909, it was first published... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 80 0080.16.0413 1907
The Autograph Hunter and Other Papers (Hard Cover) (Privately Printed, Alderbrink Press, Chicago. Copyright 1907, Adrian H. Joline. "The Alderbrink Press certifies that this edition of "The Autograph Hunter and Other Papers" consists of an addition of 150 copies on hand-made paper printed for Mr. Adrian H. Joline in October MCMVII. Cover is not titled, but title is stamped in gold on a 1.25" x 1.9" leather label affixed to spine. Printed on handmade deckle-edged... Joline, Adrian Hoffman "NOTE. The title of this small volume is rather misleading, for it contains less about autographs than it does about Van Buren. But as these divarications are privately printed, nobody can very well complain. Only a few personal friends will ever read the papers, and they will probably utter no complaint. When the book is on the shelf, where it will undoubtedly repose during most of its existence, the title it bears will look as well as any other. New York, November, 1906." (From the... Continue... Pp 243 0080.39.1118 1907
The Caxton Club. Officers, Committees, Constitution and By-Laws, Annual Reports, List of Members. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Caxton Club, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. 300 copies printed on a cream laid paper with a L.L. Brown Paper Company watermark by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. At the Lakeside Press, Chicago. Paper weight is a bit lighter than years past. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Caxton Club The Caxton Club was founded in 1895 by fifteen Chicago bibliophiles who desired to support the publication of fine books in the spirit of the prevailing Arts and Crafts Movement. The founders were collectors, publishers, designers, and librarians. Their primary objective was to publish books of quality, both in content and design, primarily for their own personal libraries. In addition to the subjects mentioned in the title, this volume also includes: Address of the President... Continue... Pp 101 0080.28.1215 1907
The Faith That Makes Faithful (This version published by James Pott & Company, New York. First published in 1896 by Charles H. Kerr & Company) Gannett, William Channing; Jones, Jenkin Lloyd A book of sermons by two Unitarian ministers. Eight chapters, four by each. Both having connections to Frank Lloyd Wright. Gannett: In 1895 he published "The House Beautiful. In 1896-7 it was published by The Auvergne Press which was established by two of Wright's clients, William H. Winslow and Chauncey L. Williams in the stable designed for Winslow. Jenkin Lloyd Jones was born in 1843. The uncle of the architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, He became... Continue... Pp 228 0080.04.1206 1907
The Tour of The 400, To Mexico (Dig Edition) (Self published, printed at the Press of Hartzell, Lord Co. 190 La Salle Street. Chicago) Brown, Grace Owen Mrs. Brown dedicated the book to: "To Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Douglass Brigham." Paul Brown was Brigham's attorney and close friend. In 1908, Brigham hired Frank Lloyd Wright to design a home for himself. Edmund Brigham was a prominent executive of the Chicago & North Western Railway. Marvin Hughitt was president. Second in command was his son Marvin Hughitt, Jr. Edmund Brigham's position is the company was third. Brigham was also invested in a number of... Continue... Pp 159 0080.43.1119 Circa 1907/1912
Turner, Five Letters and A Postscript. Illustrated with Eight Reproductions in Colour (Published by T. C. & E. C. Jack, London, Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. Color plates printed by Bemrose Dalziel, Ltd., Watford. Text printed by the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh. This volume "Bound by Riviere & Son of London for Browne's Bookstore".)
Note: Skyfall. Scene 10. Bond entered the National Art Gallery, London, to meet the new Q for the first time. He sat in Room 34, on a bench...Hind, C. Lewis William Turner (1775-1851), fine artist. First published circa 1907 by Jack in London and Stokes in New York as part of the "Masterpieces in Colour" Series, each volume highlighting a different artist. The International Studio, February, 1908 reported that "Eight volumes have come to hand of this series", 1s, 6d. net each. Eventually, at least 43 volumes were produced between 1907 and 1910, with... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 78 0080.15.0313 Circa 1907/1912
Velazquez. Illustrated with Eight Reproductions in Colour (Published by T. C. & E. C. Jack, London, Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. Color plates printed by Bemrose Dalziel, Ltd., Watford. Text printed by the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh, Ballantyne, Hanson & Co., Edinburgh & London. This volume "Bound by Riviere & Son of London for Browne's Bookstore". Top edge trimmed and gilt.) Bensusan, S. L. Diego Rodreguez de Silva y Velezquez (1599-1660), Spanish painter who was the leading artist in the court of King Philip IV. First published circa 1907 by Jack in London and Stokes in New York as part of the "Masterpieces in Colour" Series, each volume highlighting a different artist. 43 volumes were produced between 1907 and 1910, with "others in preparation. According to "News Notes of California... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 77 0080.17.0413 1908 1908
The Art Institute of Chicago. Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Japanese Colour Prints March 5 to March 25 1908. Catalogue for a major exhibition of 655 Japanese prints held at the Art Institute of Chicago. (Soft Cover) (Published by The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago) Art Institute of Chicago Committee in charge and major contributors were Clarence Buckingham, Frederick W. Gookin, J. Clarence Webster and Frank Lloyd Wright. Introductory essay by Gookin. It was the largest exhibit of Ukiyo-e prints ever displayed in America. Included 205 Wright prints, 24 illustrations of prints of which Wright owned 7. Wright designed the exhibition installation for the Art Institute. (First Edition) Pp 132 0080.02.0304 1908
Musical Memories, My Recollections of Celebrities of the Half Century, 1850--1900 (Published by A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago. Printed by The University Press, Cambridge, U.S.A.) Upton, George P. "The Studebaker Theatre... is but one feature of the Fine Arts Building... and is the accomplishment of Mr. Charles C. Curtiss. It is a hive of busy workers in music, painting, sculpture, literature, and the arts and crafts. Its various cells house the theatre, the music hall, the assembly hall, the Amateur Musical Club, the Fortnightly Club, the Caxton Club, "The Dial," the only high-class literary periodical in the... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 345 0085.08.0311 1908
Odes, Sonnets, and Lyrics (Hard Cover) (Published by The Century Co., New York. Printed by The De Vinne Press. Embossed leather cover. Edges trimmed and gilt. Marbled end pages. Front and back cover designs by B.M.M.) Keats, John; Preface: Stedman, Edmund Clarence; Note: Gilder, Richard Watson "Lovers of poetry will take genuine delight in the volume giving odes, sonnets and lyrics by John Keats, with a fine critical appreciative study by Edmund Clarence Stedman and an interesting and somewhat extended note by Richard Watson Gilder. The volume contains almost one hundred poetic gems that will appeal to the imagination of those who appreciate poetry and art." "The Arena," November 1908, p.479. Preface is from... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 130 0085.34.1214 Circa 1908
The Eve of St Agnes, And other Poems (Published by George G. Harrap & Co., Covent Gardens, London. Printed by The Riverside Press Ltd., Edinburgh.) Keats, John Number sixteen in the Sesame Booklet Series. Includes The Eve of St Agnes, Ode to a Nightingale, and other short poems. Stiff cover, gilt and black design is stamped, letters are printed on the spine. Pages are trimmed on the top. Photogravure Portrait of Keats on frontispiece by Emory Walker after a portrait by Joseph Severn. Ornamental title page illustration signed by W... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 79 0085.28.0912 1909 1909
Cyclopedia of Architecture, Carpentry and Building, (Single Sheet: Heurtley) (Published by the American School Of Correspondence) American School Of Correspondence Typogravure of the Arthur Heurtley Residence, Oak Park, Illinois. The Arthur Heurtley Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. Single sheet from the ten volume set published in 1909. First published in 1907. Typogravure is a photomechanical engraving and printing technique. Text: "Residence of Mr. Arthur Heurtley, Forest Avenue, Oak Park, Ill. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect, Oak Park, Ill. Walls of Brick, Salmon Color; Roof of Shingles... Continue... P 1 0086.33.0823 1909
Cyclopedia of Architecture, Carpentry and Building, (Single Sheet: Unity Temple) (Published by the American School Of Correspondence) American School Of Correspondence Typogravure of the Unity Temple, Oak Park, Illinois. Unity Temple was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1904. The walls were executed in poured concrete. Soft indirect lighting floods the inner sanctuary from the upper stained glass windows. Single sheet from the ten volume set published in 1909. First published in 1907. Typogravure is a photomechanical engraving and printing technique. Text: "Kenilworth Avenue Facade of Unity Church, Oak Park, Ill. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect... Continue... P 1 0086.34.0823 1909
Cyclopedia of Architecture, Carpentry and Building, (Single Sheet: Unity Temple Floor Plan) (Published by the American School Of Correspondence) American School Of Correspondence Typogravure of the Unity Temple Floor Plan, Oak Park, Illinois. Unity Temple was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1904. The walls were American School Of Correspondence executed in poured concrete. Soft indirect lighting floods the inner sanctuary from the upper stained glass windows. Single sheet from the ten volume set published in 1909. First published in 1907. Typogravure is a photomechanical engraving and printing technique. Text: "Plan of the... Continue... P 1 0086.35.0823 1909
A Day with John Keats (Hard cover) (Published by Hodder & Stoughton, New York. Printed by Percy Lund, Humphries & Co., Ltd., Bradford and London. Boards covered in grey paper. Title, designs and illustrated border and designs in black outlined in gilt.) Byron, May Not dated, but a write-up in the Nov 26, 1910 issue of Publishers Weekly, p.101, "Days With the Poets. Each book deals intimately with a day in the life of the poet. The motives and characteristics of each subject are interestingly dealt with and the sketch of the day is accompanied by selections from the works of the poet illustrated in color reproductions of original paintings To the six volumes published... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 48 0086.13.1114 C 1909
A Gentleman of the Old School. Leisure is Gone.... fine old leisure, "George Eliot." With Numerous Illustrations drawn for Mr. J.C. Vaughan by G. F. Kerr. (Hard Cover) (Printed by Alderbrink Press, Chicago. Cover boards covered with cloth, lettering on cover and spine in gilt. Printed on beige laid paper. Illustrations printed in three color, black, cyan and tan.) Dobson, Austin J. C. Vaughan was a publisher, horticulturist and entrepreneur in the late eighteen to early nineteen hundreds. There are some indications that this volume was published by Vaughan in 1909. Henry Austin Dobson (1840-1921). In 1868 he began publishing his prose and verse in St Paul's, a magazine edited by Anthony Trollope. It was between 1868 and 1874 that "A Gentleman of the Old School" was first published. 5.25 x 7.5 Pp 26 (Unpaginated) 0086.19.1118 1909
A Pageant of The Italian Renaissance (Stiff soft cover) (Published by the Alderbrink Press, Chicago. Cover illustration by Harry L. Gage, printed in three colors, red, cyan and black, and the only dot pattern, not uniform, is the light blue. One illustration by Harry Slater. Credits list Publisher as Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Although not indicated, design and illustrations are attributed to Seymour. Printed on beige laid paper.) Stevens, Thomas Wood This volume is beautifully designed, illustrated and executed. The pageant was produced and preformed at The Art Institute, Chicago, January 26 and 27, 1909, Under the auspices of The Antiquarian Society of The Art Institute. Thomas Wood Stevens (1880-1954) was a writer and director of pageants in early America 20th century. He was head of the Drama Department of Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1913-1925. He worked at the Kenneth Sawyer Goodman Memorial Theatre... Continue... Pp 85 0086.18.1118 1909 Copy
Hillside Home School, (Twenty-third) 1909-10 (Published by Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wisconsin.) Lloyd-Jones, Ellen C. & Jane Booklet for the twenty-third year of Hillside Home School. "It is found by those that are studying the all-important problems of the education of children that city environment is to exciting and stimulating for the healthy growth, and the child often becomes a victim of arrested development... Freedom from city distraction, abundance of pure air and water... The school building is a fine stone structure, with a well-equipped gymnasium, shop, home-science kitchen, and music... Continue... Pp 52 0086.12.0313 Circa 1909/1912
Holbein (Illustrated with Eight Reproductions in Colour (Published by T. C. & E. C. Jack, London, Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. Color plates printed by Bemrose & Sons, Ltd., Derby and London. Text printed by the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh. This volume "Bound by Riviere & Son of London for Browne's Bookstore". Top edge trimmed and gilt.) Bensusan, S. L. Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543). German artist and printmaker. First published circa 1909 by Jack in London and Stokes in New York as part of the "Masterpieces in Colour" Series, each volume highlighting a different artist. To date we have located five other volume bound for Browne's Bookstore in their own covers. Jack's original series included the artist name, color plate and the text... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 80 0086.10.0313 1909
Love In The Valley And Two Songs, Spring & Autumn (Hard Cover) (Published by The Ralph Fletcher Seymour Company, Chicago. Boards cover in leather and blue paper, printed gilt. Endpages are a modeled wash. Printed on beige laid paper with a watermark, deckle edges. Printed in two color throughout) Meredith, George Designed and illustrated by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. From an ad in the December, 1913 Poetry Magazine: "Bound in grey-green paper boards, stamped in ink and gold, at $I.25 a copy. Five copies in vellum binding at $5.00 each. Final page: One of three hundred copies of Love in the Valley, and two songs, By George Meredith. Printed in November MCMIX Alderbrink Press, Chicago." 5.5 x 9.5 (First Edition) Pp 22 0086.29.0421 1909
Pensees of Joubert. Selected and Translated By Henry Attwell (Hard Cover) (Published by Browne's Bookstore, Chicago. Originally published in 1877 by MacMillan & Co., London, with original French appended. This version, "Second Edition" was first published in 1896 by George Allen, London. It is the plates from the second edition that Browne's Bookstore's used in their edition. There is one addition not printed in George Allen's edition which in on Page vi of Browne's... Attwell, Henry "Note. To the Second Edition. The original French is omitted from this Second Edition. The book has been reduced in size in the hope that it may be welcomed as a pocket companion. The portrait from the only existing likeness of Joubert was kindly furnished by M. Louis de Raynal." Page vii. "A dainty and tasteful little volume issued this week by Mr. George Allen is "Pensees of Joubert," selected and translated by Mr. Henry Attwell. A portrait of Joubert is given as a frontispiece... Continue...
Pp 139 0086.27.0420 1909
Six Lectures on Some Nineteenth Century Artists. English and French: Delivered At The Art Institute of Chicago, Being the Scammon Lectures for the Year 1907. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Art Institute of Chicago. Printed and for sale by Ralph Fletcher Seymour Co., The Alderbrink Press, Fine Arts Building, Chicago) Knight, William Note (page 5): "The lectures presented in this volume comprise the third series delivered at the Art Institute of Chicago on the Scammon Foundation. The Scammon Lectureship is established on an ample basis by the bequest of Mrs. Maria Sheldon Scammon who died in 1901. The will prescribes that these lectures shall be upon the history, theory, and practice of the fine arts (meaning thereby the graphic and plastic arts) by persons of distinction or authority on the subject... Continue... Pp 189 0086.20.0119 1909
The Abraham Lincoln Center and All Souls Church Annual.(Digital copy) (Published by The Abraham Lincoln Center, Chicago) Abraham Lincoln Center Report of 1908. Also includes a directory of parish members. Some of the members that had a relationship to Frank Lloyd Wright include: Mr. And Mrs. Charles F. Harding, 4842 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. In 1903, Wright remodeled their dining Room (S.012). Their neighbors and also members included the McArthurs (1892 - S.011) two doors south. McArthurs lived at 4852 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Also listed as members were Mr. And Mrs. Frank L. Wright, Jenkin Lloyd Jones" nephew, and Mrs. Anna L Wright, Wright" mother and sister of Jenkin Lloyd Jones. 7.5 x 12 Pp 105 0086.22.1119 1909
The Caxton Club. Officers, Committees, Constitution and By-Laws, Annual Reports, List of Members. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Caxton Club, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. 250 copies printed on a cream laid paper with a "The PM Co." (within a shield, topped with a crown), "Quality" (within a banner), "Hand-Made In Italy" (within a scroll) watermark. Printed by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. At the Lakeside Press, Chicago. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Caxton Club The Caxton Club was founded in 1895 by fifteen Chicago bibliophiles who desired to support the publication of fine books in the spirit of the prevailing Arts and Crafts Movement. The founders were collectors, publishers, designers, and librarians. Their primary objective was to publish books of quality, both in content and design, primarily for their own personal libraries. In addition to the subjects mentioned in the title, this volume also includes: Address of the President... Continue... Pp 105 0086.14.1215 1909
The Poetical Works of John Keats (Hard Cover) (Published by Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne. Printed by T. And A. Constable, Printers to His Majesty, Edinburgh. Boards are bound in green cloth, spin in gilt. Three sides are trimmed, top is gilt.) Keats, John Number Seven in the 167 volume set of "The World's Classics" Series. First printed in 1901, reprinted in 1902, 1905, and 1909. The first decorative floral title page is initialed with overlapping "TTP" or TPT." The contents include Early Poems, Early Sonnets, Endymion, Tour in Scotland, Poems, Odes, Isabella, Hyperion, Eve of St, Agnes, Lamia, Songs, Faery Songs, Fragments... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 336 0086.15.0515 Circa 1909/1912
Titian. Illustrated with Eight Reproductions in Colour (Published by T. C. & E. C. Jack, London, Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. Color plates printed by Bemrose Dalziel, Ltd., Watford. Text printed by the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh. This volume "Bound by Riviere & Son of London for Browne's Bookstore". Top edge trimmed and gilt.) Bensusan, S. L. Titian Vecelli (1488-1576), fine artist. First published circa 1909 by Jack in London and Stokes in New York as part of the "Masterpieces in Colour" Series, each volume highlighting a different artist. The International Studio, February, 1908 reported that "Eight volumes have come to hand of this series", 1s, 6d. net each. This volume was not included. Eventually, at least 43 volumes were produced... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 78 0086.09.0313 1910 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright - Volume 1 (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Portfolio Cover, Volume I. Text printed on cover: "Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. I. Verlegt Bei Ernst Wasmuth A.-G. Berlin." (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G. Berlin.) Beige paper covers stiff boards. Cloth spine. Four cloth ties. According to Alofsin, 1,275 sets were printed, 25 of which "Wright ordered to be printed on Japan paper and bound in half-leather as a deluxe edition..." Frank Lloyd Wright The Lost Years, 1910-1922, 1998, p.77. Wasmuth... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Pg Two Folio Covers 0087.00.1018 E 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright - Volume II (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Portfolio Cover, Volume II. Text printed on cover: "Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. II. Verlegt Bei Ernst Wasmuth A.-G. Berlin." (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G. Berlin.) Beige paper covers stiff boards. Cloth spine. Four cloth ties. According to Alofsin, 1,275 sets were printed, 25 of which "Wright ordered to be printed on Japan paper and bound in half-leather as a deluxe edition..." Frank Lloyd Wright The Lost Years, 1910-1922, 1998, p.77... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Pg Portfolio Cover 0087.00.1018 F 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Portfolio Cover Boards. Each set consisted of two portfolios and 100 separate plates (sheets). Printed in German. The complete set consisted of 72 plates numbered I through LXIV and included eight with a or b. 28 were tissue overlays and were attached to the corresponding plates. Each set also included a 31 page introduction, consisting of unbound sheets, folded once. 16 x 25.5. Two sets (four portfolios) (First Edition) (Sweeney 87) Pp Four Cover Folios 0087.00.0806 A&B 0087.00.0806 C&D 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright - One Folio Cover And 51 Tissues and plates (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd This set consists of one folio cover and 51 tissues and plates. Portfolio Cover. Each set consisted of two unnumbered folio covers. Text printed on cover: "Ausgefuhrte Bauten Und Entwurfe Von Frank Lloyd Wright." Folios are gray paper over boards, with cloth hinges. The cloth covers 3.5" of the cover, wrapping around the spin, covering 2" on the back. Text in black ink. The flaps also have cloth at the folds. Text printed on cloth in black ink. Plates: The complete... Continue... (Sweeney 87) One Folio Cover and 51 Tissues and Plates 0087.00.0921 H 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright (Published in Berlin by Ernst Wasmuth) Wright, Frank Lloyd Portfolio Cover Volume II. Each set consisted of two numbered portfolios. Printed in German. Text printed vertically on cloth: "Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright In this version, a "I or is printed on the lower part of the spine. This cover is volume. Boards are covered in gray paper with a cloth hinge / spine. The cloth creates the spine, and wraps from front to back. It covers 3 1/4" on the cover and 2" on the back. The "ties are brown cloth... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Pp Cover Portfolio, Volume II 0087.00.1022 J 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Informational Booklet (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) (Note: This set is missing the original pages 1-20, but includes photocopies of those pages. Second copy includes pages 17-31.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Each two volume set of prints included a 31 page introduction, consisting of 8 sheets printed both sides folded once, but unbound. They are loosely placed next to each other. Pages 3 - 20 is Wright's introduction, printed in German. "To thus make of a dwelling place a complete work of art, in itself as expressive and beautiful and more intimately related to life than anything of detached sculptures or painting, lending itself freely and suitably to the individual... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Pp 31
Pp 17-310087.00.1018 G
0087.00.1018 I1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate I (1 Tissue) Entrance details of the Winslow Residence. (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate I (1 Tissue) - House for Mr. W. H. Winslow in River Forest, Illinois. Entrance detail. Many of the features which have since characterize this work originated in this house. The setting of the basement outside the main walls of the house to form a preparation for the projecting sill courses; the division of the exterior wall surfaces into body and frieze; changing the material above the second-story sill line, the wide level eaves, with low sloping roofs; the one massive... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate I (1 Tissue) 0087.01.1118 0087.01.0921
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate I (1) Entrance details of the Winslow Residence. (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate I - House for Mr. W. H. Winslow in River Forest, Illinois. Perspective View. Many of the features which have since characterize this work originated in this house. The setting of the basement outside the main walls of the house to form a preparation for the projecting sill courses; the division of the exterior wall surfaces into body and frieze; changing the material above the second-story sill line, the wide level eaves, with low sloping roofs; the one massive chimney; and the feeling... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate I (1) 0087.01.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate II (2) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate II (2) - House for Mrs. Aline Devin. Ground plan and perspective view. Illustrations include Street and Lake perspective, plan for main and second levels. (Project) "A working out of a difficult problem in planning. A house to be built on a fashionable Chicago Drive. Lot 50 feet wide extending from the Drive to the lake shore. An arrangement was desired which should respect the thoroughfare and locate the living-rooms toward the lake - that is, at the rear of the building... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate II (2) 0087.02.1018 0087.02.1118 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate III (3) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate III (3) - Stable of the Winslow house, River Forest. Ground plan and perspective view. Illustrations include perspective of stable and plot plan showing placement for the house (bottom of page, stable ground floor, middle left, and second level of the stable, middle right. Ground floor plan shows house and stable relationship on the lot. Emboss lower left. Part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. 16 x 25.5 (First Edition) (Sweeney 87) Plate III (3) 0087.03.1018 0087.03.1118 0087.03.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate IV (4) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate IV (4) - Heller Residence. Perspective view and ground plan of a city dwelling for Isadore Heller. Woodlawn Avenue. "Details of Husser House, Buena Park, Chicago. Built in 1896. Brick walls, tile roof and plaster freeze." Description for Tafel IV. The top illustration if a perspective viewed from the street of the Heller Residence. In the background on the left is the stable, in the background on the right is a flipped version of the house. This illustration was first published... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate IV (4) 0087.04.1018 0087.04.1118 0087.04.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate V (5) Francis Apartments (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate V (5) - Perspective and ground plan for the Francis Apartments, and detail of the detail of the Heller Column. "Francis Apartments, Forestville Ave. And 32nd St., Chicago. A characteristic solution of the Apartment house problem as it exists in that neighborhood in 1893." The top illustration is a perspective of the Francis Apartments, the middle is the ground plan. The lower illustration is a detail of the Heller Column, a continuation from plate IV. Emboss... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate V (5) 0087.05.1118 0087.05.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate VI (6) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate VI (6) - Frank Lloyd Wright Studio, Oak Park. "Atelier of Frank Lloyd Wright, Oak Park, Ill. An early study in articulation -- the various functions featured, individualized and grouped. The working office of the architect." Perspective, perspective detail, plot and floor plan. Portions of this illustration were first published in The Architectural Review, June 1900, plate XXXVIII. The upper illustration is a perspective of Wrights Oak Park Studio. The Studio is on the left, the... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate VI (6) 0087.06.1018 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Lexington Terrace Ground Plan. Plate VII (7 Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate VII (7 Tissue ) - "Lexington Terraces. Ground Plan. A solution of the low cost housing problem, typical of the great middle west side of Chicago. The building is an aggregation of 3, 4 and 5-room flats -- in two groups. Each group has its own inner court, with central heating, lighting, laundry and janitor service. A 4-room flat for $20 per month, all included: other flats in proportion. The entrance to each flat is direct from the outside, all common inside halls and stairs having been... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate VII (7 Tissue) 0087.07.1018 0087.07.1118 0087.07.0921 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Bird's eye view of Lexington Terraces. Plate VII (7) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate VII (7) - "Bird's eye view of Lexington Terraces. A solution of the low cost housing problem, typical of the great middle west side of Chicago. The building is an aggregation of 3, 4 and 5-room flats - in two groups. Each group has its own inner court, with central heating, lighting, laundry and janitor service. A 4-room flat for $20 per month, all included: other flats in proportion. The entrance to each flat is direct from the outside, all common inside halls and stairs having been... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate VII (7) 0087.07.1018 0087.07.1118 0087.07.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate VIII (8 Japanese Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd McAfee Ground Plan. Plate VIII (8 Japanese Tissue) - Dwelling for Mr. McAfee (Project). Ground plan. "Perspective of dwelling for Mr. McAfee, Kenilworth Illinois. An early design, made about two years after the Winslow house was designed. A suburban dwelling on the lake shore. Library top lighted: large living room, light on two sides. To be executed in brick, stone, and terra-cotta with the roof." Tissue overlay is the plot and floor plan for the McAfee residence... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate VIII (8) Japanese Tissue 0087.08.1006
Japanese Tissue1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate VIII (8 Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd McAfee Ground Plan. Plate VIII (8 Tissue) - Dwelling for Mr. McAfee (Project). Ground plan. "Perspective of dwelling for Mr. McAfee, Kenilworth Illinois. An early design, made about two years after the Winslow house was designed. A suburban dwelling on the lake shore. Library top lighted: large living room, light on two sides. To be executed in brick, stone, and terra-cotta with the roof." Tissue overlay is the plot and floor plan for the McAfee residence. The shore can be seen on the... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate VIII (8) Tissue 0087.08.1018 0087.08.1118
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate VIII (8) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd McAfee Residence. Plate VIII (8) - Perspective view of dwelling for Mr. McAfee, Kenilworth, Ill (Project). "Perspective of dwelling for Mr. McAfee, Kenilworth Illinois. An early design, made about two years after the Winslow house was designed. A suburban dwelling on the lake shore. Library top lighted: large living room, light on two sides. To be executed in brick, stone, and terra-cotta with the roof." Perspective view for the McAfee residence. The shore can be... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate VIII (8) 0087.08.0704 0087.08.1018 0087.08.1118 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Study and Ground Plan of Metzger Dwelling. Plate IX (9 Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective and Ground Plan of dwelling for Victor Metzger, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. (Project). Plate IX (9 Tissue) - "Study and ground plan of Metzger dwelling." Emboss bottom left. Tissue is folded at the top and affixed to the back of Plate IX. 15.75 x 25.25 (Sweeney 87) Plate IX (9 Tissue) 0087.09.1120 0087.09.0921 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Study and Ground Plan of Metzger Dwelling. Plate IX (9) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective of dwelling for Victor Metzger, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. (Project). Plate IX (9) - "Study of Metzger dwelling." Emboss bottom left. Tissue is folded at the top and affixed to the back. 15.75 x 25.25 (Sweeney 87) Plate IX (9) 0087.09.1120 0087.09.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Hillside Home School. Plate X (10 Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Hillside Home School Plan. Plate X (10 Tissue) - "Hillside Home School Building. Ground Plan. Built for the Lloyd Jones sisters in 1906. Exterior walls are native sandstone and solid oak timber construction. Interior throughout framed of exposed solid oak timbers. Walls sandstone below and plastered above." The top portion of the illustration is the floor plan for the Laboratory building which is connected to Hillside Home School Building below. The two are connected... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate X (10) Tissue 0087.10.1018 0087.10.0921 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Hillside Home School. Plate X (10) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Hillside Home School Building Perspective. Plate X (10) - "Hillside Home School Building. Built for the Lloyd Jones sisters in 1906. Exterior walls are native sandstone and solid oak timber construction. Interior throughout framed of exposed solid oak timbers. Walls sandstone below and plastered above." Perspective view of the Hillside Home School Building. The gymnasium is on the far left, with class rooms in the center. The Assembly Room is on the right. The... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate X (10) 0087.10.1018 0087.10.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. River Forest Golf Club. Plate XI (11) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Gray Paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd River Forest Golf Club. Perspective and Floor Plan. Plate XI (11) - Designed in 1898, it was enlarged in 1901. It was eventually demolished. The perspective at the top is the enlarged, remodeled structure. The floor plan is below. Emboss center left. Three copies. The first is part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. The second copy acquired from Governor Jim Thompson's personal collection. Third from a private collector. Printed on gray stock. (First Edition) (Sweeney 87) Plate XI (11) 0087.11.1018 0087.11.1118 0087.11.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Study For a Concrete Bank Building. Plate XII (12 Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Study For a Concrete Bank Building in a Small City. Plate XII (12 Tissue) - "Study For a Concrete Bank Building in a Small City. Illustrating an article contributed to the Brickbuilder under the caption, "A Village Bank." Illustration is a perspective cut-a-way, revealing the interior. Originally published in The Brickbuilder, August 1901, Pp 160-161. (Architectural Essays, Hasbrouck, (S.1682), pp.18-19. Emboss center left. One plate part of an incomplete two volume... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XII (12 Tissue) 0087.12.0618 0087.12.1018 0087.12.1118 0087.12.0921 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Study For a Concrete Bank Building. Plate XII (12) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Study For a Concrete Bank Building in a Small City. Plate XII (12) - "Study For a Concrete Bank Building in a Small City. Illustrating an article contributed to the Brickbuilder under the caption, "A Village Bank." Upper illustration is a perspective of the exterior. The lower illustration is the floor plan. Originally published in The Brickbuilder, August 1901, Pp 160-161. (Architectural Essays, Hasbrouck, (S.1682), pp.18-19. Emboss lower left. One plate part of an incomplete... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XII (12) 0087.12.0618 0087.12.1018 0087.12.1118 0087.12.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. A typical house intended to form the unit in the group as arranged in the Quadruple Block Plan. Plate XIII (13) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd A typical house intended to form the unit in the group as arranged in the Quadruple Block Plan. Plate XIII (13) - "A typical house intended to form the unit in the group as arranged in the Quadruple Block Plan. A new scheme for subdividing property, designed to divide the usual American block into two parts by means of a private way through the center, and to group the houses in squads of four on each half. The houses are to be placed that a minimum of privacy, and... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XIII (13) 0087.13.1018 0087.13.1118 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. The Quadruple Block Plan. Plate XIIIa (13a) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd The Quadruple Block Plan. Plate XIIIa (13a) - "A typical house intended to form the unit in the group as arranged in the Quadruple Block Plan. A new scheme for subdividing property, designed to divide the usual American block into two parts by means of a private way through the center, and to group the houses in squads of four on each half. The houses are to be placed that a minimum of privacy, and various advantages of position are made possible." The upper illustration... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XIII (13a) 0087.13.1018 a 0087.13.1118 a 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Concrete house originally designed for Ladies" Home Journal. Perspective and ground plan. Plate XIVa (14a) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd Concrete House perspective and floor plans. Plate XIVa (14a) - "Concrete house originally designed for Ladies" Home Journal. Perspective and ground plan. A simple house, four sides alike, for sake of simplicity in making forms, with entry added at side, and trellised terrace. The chimney supports the floors and carries the water from the roof. An insertion of square colored tiles occurs just beneath the soffit of the eaves, certain ones opening for circulation of air in summer... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XIV (14a) 0087.14.1018 a 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Thomas P. Hardy house. Perspective view. Plate XV (15 Tissue A) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Thomas P. Hardy house. Perspective view. Plate XV (15 Tissue A. Note: Plate XV has two tissues affixed to the top of the plate.). "Thomas P. Hardy house. Perspective view." View from the lake shore below. Designed in 1905. Frank Lloyd Wright's other passion was Japanese prints, and this perspective was drawn in that manner. A magnolia flower breaks into the frame on the right. Emboss center left. Tissue is folded at the top and affixed to the back of Plate XV. This... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XV (15 Tissue A) 0087.15.1018 0087.15.0921 Tissue A 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Thomas P. Hardy house. Ground plan. Plate XV (15 Tissue B) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Thomas P. Hardy house. Ground plan. Plate XV (15 Tissue B. Note: Plate XV has two tissues affixed to the plate.) - "Thomas P. Hardy house. Ground plan." Designed in 1905 by Frank Lloyd Wright. The center illustration is the main level showing the plot and floor plan, including the lake shore. The left illustration is the lower level, and the right is the upper level. Emboss upper left. Tissue is folded at the top and affixed to the back of Tafel XV. This is the second... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XV (15 Tissue B) 0087.15.0921 (Tissue B) 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Thomas P. Hardy house. Ground plan. Plate XV (15 Japanese Tissue B) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Thomas P. Hardy house. Ground plan. Plate XV (15 Japanese Tissue B) - "Thomas P. Hardy house. Ground plan." Designed in 1905 by Frank Lloyd Wright. The center illustration is the main level showing the plot and floor plan, including the lake shore. The left illustration is the lower level, and the right is the upper level. Emboss upper left. From the Deluxe Edition printed on cream Japanese vellum. The size is also different, 17.5 x 25.25. (First Edition) (Sweeney 87) Plate XV (15 Japanese Tissue B) 0087.15.0604 Japanese Tissue B 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Thomas P. Hardy house. Perspective view. Plate XV (15) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate XV (15). Thomas P. Hardy house. Perspective view. "Thomas P. Hardy house. Perspective view." View from the lake side. Designed in 1905 by Frank Lloyd Wright. The walls in the illustration have a light white wash. Two copies. The first is part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. Emboss lower left. Printed on gray stock. Tissue is affixed to the back of this plate. 16 x 25.5(First Edition) (Sweeney 87) Plate XV (15) 0087.15.1018 0087.15.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. The Ullman house. Ground plan. Plate XVI (16 Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd The Ullman house. Ground plan. Plate XVI (16 Tissue) - "The Ullman house. Ground plan." (Project) "A further development of the scheme for the Robert Clark house at Peoria. The dining-room is dropped to the garden level and the covered porch placed above it, both being reached directly from the living-room. The kitchen is level with the dining-room and the mezzanine stair landing. Study and servants rooms are level with the covered porch. The bedroom floors above... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XVI (16 Tissue) 0087.16.1018 0087.16.1118 Tissues 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective View of the Ullman house. Perspective Study for the Westcott House. Plate XVI (16) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective View of the Ullman house and Perspective Study for the Westcott House. Plate XVI (16) - "Perspective View of the Ullman house. (Project) Perspective Study for the Westcott House. Plate XVI (16) ."A further development of the scheme for the Robert Clark house at Peoria. The dining-room is dropped to the garden level and the covered porch placed above it, both being reached directly from the living-room. The kitchen is level with the dining-room and... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XVI (16) 0087.16.1018 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. W. R. Heath house. Ground plan. Plate XVII (17 Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate XVII (17 Tissue). W. R. Heath house. Ground plan. "W. R. Heath house. Ground plan." The Heath Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1904. The lower illustration is the plot and floor plan for the first level. The upper illustration is the floor plan for the second level. Emboss upper left. Three copies, one plate is part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. Tissue is folded at the top and affixed to the back of Plate XVII. (First Edition) (Sweeney 87) Plate XVII (17 Tissue) 0087.17.0618 0087.17.1018 0087.17.0921 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective view of dwelling for W. R. Heath, Buffalo, N.Y. Plate XVII (17) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate XVII (17). Perspective view of dwelling for W. R. Heath. "Perspective view of dwelling for W. R. Heath, Buffalo, N.Y. " The Heath Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1904. Perspective view of the Heath Residence from the street. Emboss lower left. Three copies, one plate is part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. Printed on beige stock. Tissue is affixed to the back of this plate. (First Edition) (Sweeney 87) Plate XVII (17) 0087.17.0618 0087.17.1018 0087.17.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Suburban dwelling of Frank Thomas, Oak Park, Ill. Plate XVIII (18) Note: Typo in title, the name is spelled Tomas, not Thomas. (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective, plot and floor plan for the Frank Thomas Residence. Plate XVIII (18) - "Suburban dwelling of Frank Thomas, Oak Park, Ill. Plate XVIII (18). "Plastered on wooden frame. No excavated basement: all rooms above grade. A prairie type. The Thomas Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1901. The upper illustration is a perspective view from the street. The second illustr5ation is the plot and floor plan for the first level, and the second illustration... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XVIII (18) 0087.18.0202 0087.18.1018 0087.18.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Suburban dwelling for Mrs. Martin, Oak Park, Ill. Plate XIX (19) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective, plot and floor plan for the Mrs. Martin Residence. Plate XIX (19) - "Suburban dwelling for Mrs. Martin, Oak Park, Ill." Plate XIX (19). "A practical solution of the porch problem. It is treated here as a semi-detached pavilion placed within the grounds to the south, but not shutting out the sunlight from the living-rooms. The house is a plastered house, and the eaves are plastic in form." The Fricke-Martin Residence was designed for William G. Fricke by Frank... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XIX (19) 0087.19.1018 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Suburban dwelling for Mrs. Martin, Oak Park, Ill. Plate XIX (19) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.)
Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate XIX (19) Drawing of the William G. Fricke Home (1901 S.058). "Suburban dwelling for Mrs. Martin, Oak Park, Ill." Like the Thomas Residence, also 1901 and in Oak Park, it is an all-stucco exterior. But unlike the Thomas Residence which is considered Frank Lloyd Wright's first fully developed prairie styled house in Oak Park, it includes elements of Wright's transitional designs like the Rollin Furbeck Residence: Corners turned at a 45 degree angle; Massive... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XIX (19) 0087.19.1116 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Dwelling for Arthur Heurtley. Plate XX (20) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective, plot and floor plan for the Arthur Heurtley Residence. Plate XX (20) - "Dwelling for Arthur Heurtley." Plate XX (20). "Same type as Thomas house, with living-rooms, kitchen and family-bedrooms on the main floor. Two guestrooms and bath, children's play-room and servants-room on ground floor. No upper floor. The Heurtley Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. The upper illustration is a perspective, viewed from the street. The... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XX (20) 0087.20.1018 0087.20.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Dwelling and garden for W. E. Martin, Oak Park, Ill. Plate XXI (21) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective, plot and floor plan for the W. E. Martin Residence. Plate XXI (21) - "Dwelling and garden for W. E. Martin, Oak Park, Ill." The W. E. Martin Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. The top illustration is the perspective of the Martin residence. The lower illustration is the plot and ground level plan. In both the perspective and the ground floor plan, Wright takes the liberty to add the covered porch which spreads toward the street, as well... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXI (21) 0087.21.1018 0087.21.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Living room in the residence of Harley Bradley, Kankakee, Ill. Plate XXII (22) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Living Room perspective of the Harley Bradley Residence, including two rug patterns. Plate XXII (22) - "Living room in the residence of Harley Bradley, Kankakee, Ill. Two rug patterns." The Harley Bradley Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1900. The illustration of the living room, including Wright designed furniture, built-in seating and art glass, is flanked by two rug patters. Emboss lower left. Three copies. One is part of an incomplete two volume... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXII (22) 0087.22.1018 0087.22.1118 0087.22.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Typical low-cost suburban dwelling contributed to the Curtis Publishing Company. Plate XXIII (23) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective of "A small House with Lots of Room in It." Plate XXIII (23) - "Typical low-cost suburban dwelling contributed to the Curtis Publishing Company." This illustration was published in the Ladies Home Journal, July 1901, p.15, as "A small House with Lots of Room in It. The average home-maker is partial to the gable roof. This house has been designed with a thorough, somewhat new treatment of the gable with gently flaring eaves and pediments... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXIII (23) 0087.23.1018 0087.23.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Suburban dwelling for Warren F. Hickox, Kankakee, Ill. Plate XXIV (24) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective, plot and floor plan for the Warren F. Hickox Residence. Plate XXIV (24) - "Suburban dwelling for Warren F. Hickox, Kankakee, Ill." Upper illustration is a perspective of the Hickox Residence designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1900. The lower illustration showed the plot and ground floor plan. The middle illustration is the floor plan for the second floor. Emboss lower left. Two copies. The first is part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXIV (24) 0087.24.1018 0087.24.1118 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground Plan and View of Ward W. Willit's villa, Highland Park, Ill. Plate XXV (25) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate XXV (25) - "Ward W. Willit's ground plan and perspective of Villa, Highland Park, Illinois. A wooden home, plastered outside upon metal lath with cement plaster. Foundation and bass - course of cement. Trimming of wood." The walls of the front elevation in the illustration have a light white wash. Emboss lower left. Printed on gray stock. 16 x 25.5 (First Edition) (Sweeney 87) Plate XXV (25) 0087.25,0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Masonry dwelling for Mr. Martin, Buffalo, N.Y. Adjoining the Martin residence. Plate XXVI (26) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective and floor plan for the George Barton Residence. Plate XXVI (26) - "Masonry dwelling for Mr. Martin, Buffalo, N.Y. Adjoining the Martin residence." George Barton's wife was the sister of Darwin D. Martin, and the home was built adjacent to Martin's estate by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1903. Upper illustration is a perspective of the Barton Residence. The center illustration is the floor plan for the ground level, and the lower illustration is for the second floor. Emboss... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXVI (26) 0087.26.1018 0087.26.1118 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Suburban house for Mr. Henderson, Elmhurst, Ill. Plate XXVII (27) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective, plot and floor plan for the Henderson Residence. Plate XXVII (27) - "Suburban house for Mr. Henderson, Elmhurst, Ill. A plastered house with cement base and wooden trimming of the open single room type, with alcoved ends, originated in the Warren Hickox house at Kankakee." The upper illustration is a perspective of the Henderson Residence from the street. The lower illustration on the right is a plot and ground floor plan, the illustration on... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXVII (27) 0087.27.1018 0087.27.1118 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Residence of F. W. Little, Peoria, Ill. Plate XXVIII (28) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective and floor plan for the Henderson Residence. Plate XXVIII (28) - "Residence of F. W. Little, Peoria, Ill. 1900. A residence of cream -colored brick. The plan is as the residence was finally built. The exterior sketch, the original scheme." The upper illustration is an aerial perspective of the Little Residence as Wright originally designed it. A covered porch to the left, the two-story garage attached by a covered walkway on the right. The lower illustration is a... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXVIII (28) 0087.28.1018 0087.28.1118 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate XXIX (29). "Studies and Executed Buildings". (Single Sheet) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Original vintage lithograph. Plate XXIX (29) "House of K. C. De Rhodes at South Bend, Ind." Plate XXIX (29) includes a perspective of the front of the house, from the street, and a plot plan that includes the floor plan for the first floor, and a plan for the second floor. In the bottom right hand corner is the top and bottom illustrative border for the House Beautiful, Chapter Two, designed and published by Frank Lloyd Wright 1896-1897. The "Wasmuth Portfolio" (2 folio volumes, 100 plates)... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXIX (29) 0087.29.0618 0087.29.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground plan of the E. H. Cheney house and ground plan for a one-story house for an artist. Plate XXX (30 Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Ground and floor plan of the Cheney residence and a ground and floor plan for an unidentified artist. Plate XXX (30 Tissue) - "Ground plan of the E. H. Cheney house and ground plan for a one-story house for an artist." Text upper left: "Grundriss Des Hauptgeschosses. Im erdgeschoss sind dienerinzimmer wascherei. Heizung vorratsraum und garage. "Floor plan of the main floor. On the ground floor are the service room laundry. Heating storeroom and... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXX (30 Tissue) 0087.30.1018
0087.30.0921 Tissue1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Residence of one-story and basement house of E. H. Cheney, Oak Park, Ill. Plate XXX (30) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective of the Cheney Residence. Plate XXX (30) - "Residence of one-story and basement house of E. H. Cheney, Oak Park, Ill." The notes for Plate XXX reads: "Residents of a one-story and basement house of E. H. Cheney, Oak Park, Illinois. 1904. A one-story brick house set within gardens and close by brick walls. The sleeping-rooms separated from the living rooms by a corridor. Heating room, laundry, storage rooms and servants rooms in the basement." Although... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXX (30) 0087.30.1018 0087.30.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground plan of the Dana house. Plate XXXI (31 Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Ground and floor plan for the Dana House. Plate XXXI (31 Tissue) - "Ground and floor plan for the Dana House. It is not entirely new. The old house, which was incorporated in the structure, is outlined by a heavy line on the plan. The gallery is designed as a gathering place for the artistic activities of the community, and to accommodate the collection made by its owner. It is connected by a covered passage with the house, the passage itself serving as a... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXI (31 Tissue) 0087.31.1018 0087.31.1120 0087.31.0921 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. General view of a city dwelling for Mrs. Susan L. Dana, Springfield, Ill. Plate XXXI (31) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective for the Dana House. Plate XXXI (31) - "General view of a city dwelling for Mrs. Susan L. Dana, Springfield, Ill. A home designed to accommodate the art collection of its owner and for entertaining expensively, some-what elaborately worked out in detail. Fixtures and furnishings designed with the furniture. It is not entirely new. The old house, which was incorporated in the structure, is outlined by a heavy line on the plan. The gallery is designed... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXI (31) 0087.31.1018 0087.31.1120 0087.31.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Interior view of the Susan Dana House. Plate XXXIb (31b) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Interior view of the Susan Dana House including furniture designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate XXXIb (31b) - "Dana house, interior view. A home designed to accommodate the art collection of its owner and for entertaining expensively, some-what elaborately worked out in detail. Fixtures and furnishings designed with the furniture. It is not entirely new. The gallery is designed as a gathering place for the artistic activities of the community, and to accommodate... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXIb (31b) 0087.31.1018 b 0087.31.1118 b
0087.31.1022 b1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground plan of the D. D. Martin. Plate XXXII (32 Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Ground and floor plan for the Darwin Martin House. Plate XXXII (32 Tissue) - "Ground plan of the D. D. Martin. Reference to the general plan of the Martin house will show certain freestanding groups of piers. In the central chamber formed by the piers the radiators are located, and the lighting fixtures are concentrated upon the peers themselves. Bookcases, swinging out ward, are placed below between the peers: the open spaces above are utilized... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXII (32 Tissue) 0087.32.1018 0087.32.0921 0087.32.1022 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Dwelling of D. D. Martin, Buffalo, N.Y. Plate XXXII (32) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Aerial perspective of the Darwin Martin Residence. Plate XXXII (32) - "Dwelling of D. D. Martin, Buffalo, N.Y. The Martin house is fireproof. The walls are of brick, floors of reinforced concrete overlaid with ceramic mosaic: roofs tiled. The vitreous brick used in the exterior walls is worked with bronze joints into the walls in piers of the interior. The brick on these interior surfaces is used in a decorative sense as a mosaic. The woodwork throughout is fumed white oak... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXII (32) 0087.32.0618 0087.32.1018 0087.32.0921 0087.32.1022 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Administration building of the Larkin Company, Interior. Plate XXXIII (33 Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd View of the interior of the Larkin Administration Building from the second level. Plate XXXIII (33 Tissue) - "Administration building of the Larkin Company, Interior. The Larkin Building is one of a large group of factory buildings situated in the factory district of Buffalo. It was built to house the commercial engine of the Larkin Company in light wholesome well-ventilated quarters. The smoke, noise and dirt incident to the locality made it imperative... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXIII (33 Tissue) 0087.33.1018 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground plan and perspective view of the administration building of the Larkin Company. Plate XXXIII (33) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Ground plan and perspective view of the Larkin Administration Building. Plate XXXIII (33) - "Ground plan and perspective view of the administration building of the Larkin Company. The interior of the main building thus forms a single large room in which the main floors are galleries open to a large central court, which is also lighted from above. All the windows of the various stories or galleries are seven feet above the floor, the space beneath being utilized for... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXIII (33) 0087.33.1018 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground plan and perspective view of the administration building of the Larkin Company. Plate XXXIIIa (33a) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Ground plan and perspective view of the Larkin Administration Building. Plate XXXIIIa (33a) - "Ground plan and perspective view of the administration building of the Larkin Company. The entrance vestibules, from either street and the main lobby, together with the toilet accommodations and rest rooms for employees, are all located in an annex which intercepts the light from the main office as little as possible. The fifth floor is given to a restaurant for employees... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXIIIa (33a) 0087.33.1018 a 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground Plan for the C. Thaxter Shaw House. Plate XXXIV (34 Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Ground and floor plan for the C. Thaxter Shaw House. Plate XXXIII (33 Tissue) - "Ground Plan for the C. Thaxter Shaw House. Country house for C. Thaxter Shaw, Montreal, Canada. A design for a granite house on the mountain side at Montreal. Approached on either side by drives, passing in front of the house on a terrace arrangement. Entrance through loggia on this terrace to the living-room is on main floor, which is level with garden at rear and sides. Sleeping rooms above... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXIII (34 Tissue) 0087.34.1018 0087.34.0421 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective of the C. Thaxter Shaw Residence. Plate XXXIV (34) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective of the C. Thaxter Shaw Residence. Plate XXXIV (34) - "Country house for C. Thaxter Shaw, Montreal, Canada. A design for a granite house on the mountain side at Montreal. Approached on either side by drives, passing in front of the house on a terrace arrangement. Entrance through loggia on this terrace to the living-room is on main floor, which is level with garden at rear and sides. Sleeping rooms above. Enclosed garden at front, below terraces." Emboss... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXIV (34) 0087.34.1018 0087.34.0421 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective, ground and floor plan for the Tomek Residence. Plate XXXV (35) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Perspective, ground and floor plan for the Tomek Residence. Plate XXXV (35) - "Suburban residence for Mr. Tomek, Riverside, Ill. A characteristic prairie house, similar in scheme to the Thomas, Heurtley and Coonley houses. The plan was later elaborated into the plan of the Robie house." The upper illustration is a perspective. The lower left is the ground and floor plan for the mail level. The illustration to the right is for the second level. Emboss lower left. Part... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXV (35) 0087.35.1018 0087.35.1118 0087.35.0421 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective and floor plan for the Larkin Company Exposition, and interior perspective for Browne's Bookstore. Plate XXXVI (36) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Exposition building, containing an exhibition-room and lecture-room for the Larkin Co. at the Jamestown Exhibition. Executed in wood and plaster. Browne's Book-Store. A long narrow room in a down-town building converted into a book-store. The walls and ceiling were re-formed, and alcoves with chairs and tables provided for the convenience of customers. The panels and the walls are of stained cream-colored plaster, the wood work of gray oak, the floors of ivory colored... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXVI (36) 0087.36.0607 0087.36.1018 0087.36.1118 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground and floor plan for the Robie House. Plate XXXVII (37T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Ground plan for the Robie house. City dwelling of Fred C. Robie, Woodlawn Ave. And 57th St., Chicago. 1909. A city dwelling with a South front, built of slender brown bricks, with stone trimmings. Roofs tiled, with copper cornices. A single-room type, similar to Tomek, Coonley and Thomas houses, well open to the south, with balcony and enclosed garden. Sleeping-rooms added in belvedere. Garage connected to house, with servants-rooms over. No excavation... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXVII (37T) 0087.37.1018 0087.37.1118 Tissues 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective and third floor plan for the Robie House. Plate XXXVII (37) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "City dwelling of Fred C. Robie, Woodlawn Ave. And 57th St., Chicago. 1909. A city dwelling with a South front, built of slender brown bricks, with stone trimmings. Roofs tiled, with copper cornices. A single-room type, similar to Tomek, Coonley and Thomas houses, well open to the south, with balcony and enclosed garden. Sleeping-rooms added in belvedere. Garage connected to house, with servants-rooms over. No excavation except for heater and coal. A... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXVII (37) 0087.37.1018 0087.37.1118 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground and floor plan for the Horse Shoe Inn. Plate XXXVIII (38T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Ground plan of Horse Shoe Inn. Horse Shoe Inn, Estes Park, Colorado. A summer hotel or inn on a pine-clad slope of the Colorado. mountains. To be built of undressed lumber; the walls sided with wide boards put on horizontally, with battens; stained. The chimney work out in rough, flat field stones." Ground and floor plan for the lower level. The lower illustration is the floor plan for the Horse Show Inn. Emboss top left. Part of nearly complete two volume set acquired from... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXVIII (38 Tissue) 0087.38.1018 0087.38.1118 0087.38.0421 Tissues 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective of the Horse Shoe Inn. Plate XXXVIII (38) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Horse Shoe Inn, Estes Park, Colorado. A summer hotel or inn on a pine-clad slope of the Colorado. mountains. To be built of undressed lumber; the walls sided with wide boards put on horizontally, with battens; stained. The chimney work out in rough, flat field stones." Aerial perspective of the Horse Shoe Inn. Emboss bottom left. Part of nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. 16 x 25.5. (First Edition) (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXVIII (38) 0087.38.1018 0087.38.1118 0087.38.0421 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective, ground and floor plan for the Clark Residence. Plate XXXIX (39) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin Wright, Frank Lloyd "Suburban residence for Mr. Clark, Peoria, Illinois. Perspective and ground plan. 1900. The dining-room dropped below the living-room, and covered porch above, so that both are reached directly from it by a short flight of stairs. From this side is the outlook over the city in the river. Service is arranged to this porch so that it may be used as a dining Dash room in summer. It is Also connected with the bed Dash room floor, and may be used as a sleeping porch." Upper... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XXXIX (39) 0087.39.1018 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective, ground and floor plans for the Waller Workmen's Cottages and cottage for Grace Fuller. Plate XL (40) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Workmen's Cottages for Mr. E, C. Waller, Chicago, Ill. Suburban Cottage for Miss Grace Fuller, Glencoe, Ill." The Larkin Company Workmen's Row Housing Project, 1904, was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright as low-cost rental housing, each brick row house was a laid out as a two story duplex with a basement. The project was never completed, and in 1910 Wright resurrected it and included it in "Ausgefuhrte Bauten" the Wasmuth Portfolio, Tafel XL, and titled it... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XL (40) 0087.40.1018 0087.40.0421 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Two Perspectives and floor plans for the Pettit Memorial Chapel. Plate XLI (41) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd "Pettit Memorial Chapel, Belvidere, Illinois. A small inexpensive burial chapel at Belvidere, Illinois. A simple, not unhomelike room for services, with shelter at rear and sides to accommodate people waiting for cars. A memorial tablet and modest fountain characterize it as a memorial to Mr. Pettit." The upper and lower illustrations are perspectives of the Pettit Memorial Chapel. The center illustration is a ground plan. The walls and clouds in the upper... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XLI (41) 0087.41.1018 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective and floor plan for the River Forest Tennis Club. Plate XLII (42) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin)
"River Forest Tennis Club, River Forest, Illinois. A simple wooden building set up on posts, built to house the River Forest Tennis Club. Located and planned to afford an outlook over the tennis courts and a good dancing floor, with comfortable ingle nooks. The walls are of wide boards laid on horizontally, joints covered with battens." There are three fireplaces. The left side included a Women's Locker Room and Kitchen. The right included the ... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XLII (42) 0087.42.0421 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective and ground plan for Glasner. Plate XLIII (43) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate XLIII (43) - "House for Mr. Glasner in a suburb of Glencoe, Ill. A simple wooden house of bungalow type on the edge of a ravine in Glencoe. Designed to be occupied without servants, although room is provided for them below stairs. The living-room is used as the dining-room in winter. In the summer the enclosed veranda is used." Designed in 1905 on the edge of a ravine, The upper illustration is a perspective with the Library on the left, and the bridge over... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XLIII (43) 0087.43.1018 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Two Perspectives, one for Mr. Stewart in Fresno, California, and the second for Mr. Adams in Highland Park. Plate XLIIIa (43a) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Summer house in Fresno, California. Suburban house in Highland Park, Illinois. A board house for Mr. Stewart at Fresno, California. Sketch for one-story rambling dwelling on the lake shore, beside a deep ravine, at Highland Park, for Mr. Adams. Plaster and wood." The upper illustration is the board and batten residence for Mr. Stewart in Fresno, California. The lower illustration is dwelling for Mr. Adams. Emboss lower left. Part of a nearly complete two volume... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XLIIIa (43a) 0087.43.1018 a
0087.43.0921 a1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective and ground plan for the Millard Residence. Plate XLIV (44) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate XLIV (44) - "Suburban dwelling for George E. Millard, Highland Park, Illinois. A simple wooden house in the woods by a Highland Park ravine." The upper level extends past the main level on either end. The home is reached via a bridge seen on the right. The upper illustration is a perspective of the Millard residence. The lower left is the floor plan for the main level, the illustration on the right, the floor plan for the upper level. Emboss lower left. Acquired from... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XLV (44) 0087.44.1118 0087.44.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective, ground and floor plan for the Gale Residence. Plate XLV (45) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Cottage for Mrs. Thomas H. Gale, Oak Park, Illinois. A Simple treatment of the small house problem, with flat composition roof." The upper illustration is a perspective from the street. The lower left is the ground and floor plan for the main level. The illustration on the right is the upper level. Emboss lower left. Part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. 16 x 25.5. (First Edition) (Sweeney 87) Plate XLV (45) 0087.45.1018 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plan of the Como Orchard Summer Colony. Plate XLVI (46T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Plan of the Como Orchard Summer Colony. Designed to give accommodation to a group of university men owning adjoining orchards and wishing to live near in summer time. An arrangement of simple wooden cabins with a central clubhouse, we're all go for meals, and transients may also be accommodated with rooms." Illustration of the plot plan for the community. Emboss top left. Part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. 16 x 25.5. (Sweeney 87) Plate XLVI (46 Tissue) 0087.46.1018 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective view of Como Orchard Summer Colony. Plate XLVI (46) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "General perspective view of Como Orchard Summer Colony. Designed to give accommodation to a group of university men owning adjoining orchards and wishing to live near in summer time. An arrangement of simple wooden cabins with a central clubhouse, we're all go for meals, and transients may also be accommodated with rooms." Perspective aerial view of the plan for the Como Orchard community. Emboss bottom left. Part of a nearly complete two volume... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XLVI (46) 0087.46.1018 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective view of the Club House for the Como Orchard Summer Colony. Plate XLVII (47) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd "Central club house for the Como Orchard Summer Colony. Designed to give accommodation to a group of university men owning adjoining orchards and wishing to live near in summer time. An arrangement of simple wooden cabins with a central clubhouse, we're all go for meals, and transients may also be accommodated with rooms." Perspective view of the central club house for the Como Orchard Summer Colony. The clouds in the illustration have a light white... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate XLVII (47) 0087.47.0918 0087.47.1018 0087.47.1118 0087.47.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Typical cottages, Como Orchard Summer Colony. Plate XLVIIa (47a) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate XLVIIa (47a) - Typical cottages, Como Orchard Summer Colony. Three perspective views of the typical cottages for the Como Orchard Summer Colony. Emboss bottom left. Printed on beige stock, brown ink. 16 x 25.5. (Sweeney 87) Plate XLVIIa (47a) 0087.47.0921 a 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground and floor plan for three Waller houses. Plate XLVIII (48T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Ground plans for the three houses for Mr. E. C. Waller. Three typical houses for real estate subdivision for Mr. E. Co. Waller. Hip roof, flat roof and gable. Illustration of plot and main level as well as second floor for three different styles of houses. Emboss lower left. Two copies. One is part of nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. The second acquired from Governor Jim Thompson's private collection. 16 x 25.5. (Sweeney 87) Plate XLVIII (48 Tissue) 0087.48.1018 0087.48.1118 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspectives for three different styles of houses for the Waller subdivision. Plate XLVIII (48) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd "Three typical houses for real-estate subdivision for Mr. E. C. Waller. Hip roof, flat roof and gable. Illustrations of three different styles of houses. Edward Carson Waller was a successful real estate developer in Chicago and one of Frank Lloyd Wright's early clients. In 1895 Wright designed the Francisco Terrace Apartments (S.030), and the Edward C. Waller Apartments (S.031). In 1899 Wright remodeled Waller's home in River Forest (S.047). "In 1905 Waller... Continue... Sweeney 87) Plate XLVIII (48) 0087.48.0516 0087.48.1018 0087.48.1118 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective and floor plan for the Bank and Office Building for the City National Bank. Plate IL (49T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Bank and office building for the City National Bank, Mason City, Iowa. A bank with offices to let above." The upper illustration is a perspective of the bank which is on the left side, and the hotel on the right side. The lower illustrations are the floor plans. Emboss lower left. Wright was commissioned to design both the City National Bank (left, 1909 - S.155) and Park Inn Hotel (right, 1909 - S.156) in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. William... Continue... Sweeney 87) Plate IL (49 Tissue) 0087.49.0615 0087.49.1018 0087.49.1118 0087.49.0921 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective view of the Bank Building for the City National Bank. Plate IL (49) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Bank and office building for the City National Bank, Mason City, Iowa. A bank with offices to let above." Perspective view of the City National Bank Building. Wright includes an automobile on the left, and a horse drawn carriage on the far right. Emboss lower left. Wright was commissioned to design the City National Bank (1909 - S.155) in early 1909 and construction began April 1, 1909. William Drummond, Wright's chief draughtsman, supervises the... Continue... Sweeney 87) Plate IL (49) 0087.49.0615 0087.49.1018 0087.49.1118 0087.49.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective view of the Cottage for Stone. Plate L (50) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Cottage for Elizabeth Stone, Glencoe, Illinois. Design for a summer house in the woods. Sleeping-rooms, living-room with balcony, and dining-room, which may be opened like a porch, and each separate by small, open, flower-filled courts." Perspective view of the Cottage for Stone. Emboss lower left. Part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. 16 x 25.5. (Sweeney 87) Plate IL (50) 0087.50.1018 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate LI (51). "Studies and Executed Buildings". (Single Sheet) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate LI (51). "Ground Plan and perspective view for the house of Isabel Roberts, River Forest, Ill. Study for a summer house for Mr. E. E. Waller, Charlevoix, Mich." "Perspective view (top) and floor plan for the first and second floors (center) for the Isabel Roberts Residence. Aerial Perspective of the Waller Summer House (Project). The "Wasmuth Portfolio" (2 folio volumes, 100 plates) is considered the most important and influential architectural monograph of the... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LI (51) 0087.51.0618 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective, ground and floor plan for Walter Gertz. Plate LII (52T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Home for Walter Gertz at Glencoe, Illinois. A simple gabled residence in a garden behind the wall. The music-room, on the bed-room floor, the main feature of the house. The roof is doubled, with circulating air spaces between, the upper roof projecting over the ends, the lower over the sides of the building: the rooms extending into the roof space behind the lower roof. No excavation. Plan given of lower story on garden level." The upper illustration is a perspective of the... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LII (52 Tissue) 0087.52.1018 0087.52.1118 0087.52.0921 Tissues 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective for Walter Gertz. Plate LII (52) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Home for Walter Gertz at Glencoe, Illinois. A simple gabled residence in a garden behind the wall. The music-room, on the bed-room floor, the main feature of the house. The roof is doubled, with circulating air spaces between, the upper roof projecting over the ends, the lower over the sides of the building: the rooms extending into the roof space behind the lower roof. No excavation. Plan given of lower story on garden level." Perspective for the Walter Gertz residence... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LII (52) 0087.52.1018 0087.52.1118 0087.52.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate LIII (53 Japanese Tissue). "Studies and Executed Buildings". (Single Sheet) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate LIII (53 Japanese Tissue) "House, pergola and garage for Burton S. Westcott at Springfield, Ohio." Original vintage lithograph on tissue. 17.5 x 25.25. Possibly from the Deluxe Edition printed on cream Japanese vellum. It appears to have threads. The size is also different. Emboss upper left. Framed. (Sweeney 87) Plate LIII (53 Japanese Tissue) 0087.53.1006 Japanese Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground and floor plan for the Burton S. Westcott House. Plate LIII (53T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Ground plan for Burton S. Westcott house. House, pergola and garage for Burton S. Westcott at Springfield, Ohio. Plastered walls, tile roof, cement base courses and groundwork. House of the large living-room type: the necessary privacy for various functions obtained by screens, contrived as bookcases, and seats beside the central fireplace. In front a tiled terrace, to be covered with awning in summer, and a lily pool, flanked with large cast concrete... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LIII (53 Tissue) 0087.53.1018 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective of Burton S. Westcott House. Plate LIII (53) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Home of Burton S. Westcott, Springfield, Ohio. House, pergola and garage for Burton S. Westcott at Springfield, Ohio. Plastered walls, tile roof, cement base courses and groundwork. House of the large living-room type: the necessary privacy for various functions obtained by screens, contrived as bookcases, and seats beside the central fireplace. In front a tiled terrace, to be covered with awning in summer, and a lily pool, flanked with large cast concrete... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LIII (53) 0087.53.1018 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective and floor plans for the Warren McArthur Apartments. Plate LIV (54) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd "Concrete flat building at Kenwood for Warren McArthur , Chicago, Illinois. Arrangement of three, four and five-room apartments for light housekeeping. The central court open to the south." The upper illustration is a perspective of the Warren McArthur apartments from the street. The lower illustration on the left is the ground and floor plan, and the illustration on the lower right is the floor plan for the second level The exterior walls in the illustration have a... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LIV (54) 0087.54.1018 0087.54.0421 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspectives and floor plan for the University of Wisconsin Boathouse. Plate LV (55) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd "Boathouse for the University of Wisconsin Boat Club. A shelter for rowing shells on the ground floor, with floating landing peers on either side. The floor above is utilized as a club room, with lockers and bath." The upper and lower left illustrations are perspectives of the University of Wisconsin Boathouse from out in the lake. The lower right illustration is the ground and floor plan. Emboss bottom center. Part of a nearly complete two volume set... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LV (55) 0087.55.1018 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate LVI (56) "Studies and Executed Buildings". (Single Sheet) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate LVI (56) "Living Room interior, dwelling for Mr. And Mrs. Avery Coonley, Riverside, Ill." Original vintage lithograph. Reproduced In: 1) #1050 Pg 65; 2) #1401 Pg 51; 3) #1604c Pg 25 4) #1648 Pg 35; 4) #1999-2 Pg 113 (Sweeney 87) Plate LVI (56) 0087.56.0101 0087.56.0618 0087.56.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. View of the Entrance Alcove, Ground and Floor Plan. Plate LVIa (56a) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Original vintage lithograph. Plate LVIa (56a). Ground plan and view of entrance alcove, the Coonley house." The left side includes the Plan for the Ground Floor (top left) and the Main Floor Plan (bottom left). The Entrance Alcove with stairwell and skylight is illustrated on the right. The Wright designed Copper Urn is prominently featured. The "Wasmuth Portfolio" (2 folio volumes, 100 plates) is considered the most important and influential architectural monograph of the... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LVIa (56a) 0087.56.0618 a
0087.56.1018 a
0087.56.1022 a1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground and Floor Plan for the Coonley residence, the Gardner's cottage and the Coach House. Plate LVII (57T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate LVII (57 Tissue) "Ground Plan, Coonley house. Residence of Mr. And Mrs. Avery Coonley. A one-story house designed for the Prairie, with the basement entirely above ground, similar to Thomas, Heurtley and Tomek houses. All rooms, except entrance hall and play-room, are on one floor. Each separate function in the house is treated for and by itself, with light and air on three sides, and grouped together as and harmonious whole. The living-room is the... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LVII (57 Tissue) 0087.57.0506 0087.57.1018 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective view of the Coonley residence, as well as details of the exterior decorative wall and art-glass window design. Plate LVII (57) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate LVII (57) "The Coonley house. Residence of Mr. And Mrs. Avery Coonley. The dining-room forms another unit. The kitchen and servants quarters are in an independent wing. Family sleeping-rooms form still another unit, and the guest-rooms a pendant wing. Stable and gardener's cottage are grouped together and informally connected by a covered way, which terminates in the gardener's veranda. An arbor crosses the garden to the rear, terminating in the service... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LVII (57) 0087.57.0506 0087.57.1018 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground plan for the McCormick house. Plate LVIII (58 Tissue) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate LVIII (58 Tissue) - "Ground plan for the McCormick house. Designed for summer residents of Herold McCormick at Lake Forest. To be cast, window mullions, walls and members in concrete, with overhanging tile roofs. To be situated on a hike bank of Lake Michigan on a projecting point formed by two ravines. Entrance court toward forest; terraces toward lake. Several porches on either side. Family bed-rooms in independent wing, with enclosed garden for... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LVIII (58 Tissue) 0087.58.1118 0087.58.0921 0087.58.1022 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective view of the Summer Residence of Harold McCormick, From the Lake. Plate LIX (59) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Summer Residence of Harold McCormick, From the Lake." Frank Lloyd Wright designed this home on the lakeshore. The lower half is a reflection of the home on the water. Emboss lower left. Printed on gray stock. Dark gray ink. The front elevation is accented with a light white wash. 16 x 25.5. (Sweeney 87) Plate LIX (59) 0087.59.0921 0087.59.1022 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Site Plan and Perspective Study for the Wolf Lake Amusement Resort. Plate LX (60T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate LX (60 Tissue) "Ground Plan and study for amusement resort, Wolf Lake. Amusement resort designed to be built at Wolf Lake, Indiana. Designed to be utilized, by means of dredging, a tract of swamp land bordering on a shallow lake in the vicinity of Chicago, as an amusement resort. The concessions usual to such a project are here screened in a backfield by means of uniform entrances constructed on a spacious circular mall. At the center of the... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LX (60 Tissue) 0087.60.1018 0087.60.1118 0087.60.0921 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective view of the Wolf Lake Amusement Resort. Plate LX (60) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin)
Wright, Frank Lloyd "Amusement resort designed to be built at Wolf Lake, Indiana. Bridges, carrying sale booths, cross this water court, connecting the central field with the mall. On either side of the central field are casinos, towers, pergolas, boat houses, bathing pavilions, connecting with the adjacent gardens by means of bridges and ways, passing through architectural screens and water courts. Balloon- carrying lights and colored streamers fixed to flying gaffs are utilized as... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LX (60) 0087.60.1018 0087.60.1118 0087.60.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective view of the dwelling for William Norman Guthrie. Plate LXI (61) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Dwelling for William Norman Guthrie, Sewanee, Tenn." Perspective view for the Guthrie Residence (Project). The home was never realized, but later built by Frank J. Baker, Wilmette, Illinois (1909 - S.151). Very similar to the Isabel Roberts Residence (1908 - S.150). The illustration is a perspective from the street. Emboss top left. Two copies. One is part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. 16 x 25.5. (Sweeney 87) Plate LXI (61) 0087.61.0618 0087.61.1018 0087.61.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground plan for the Bock Residence and detail decoration for the House Beautiful. Plate LXII (62T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate LXII (62T) - "Ground plan for the Bock atelier. Atelier in concrete for Richard Boch, sculpture, Oak Park, Illinois. Designed as a home and work shop for the sculptor. To be located on a lot 50 feet wide by 175 feet deep. A pool occupies the front of the lot." The upper illustration is the ground and floor plan for the Bock residence. The lower illustration is a detail of the decoration for the House Beautiful, Chapter three, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1896-97. Emboss... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LXII (62 Tissue) 0087.62.0303 0087.62.1118 0087.62.0921 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective of the Concrete House for Richard Bock Residence printed in Gold Ink. Plate LXII (62) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Plate LXII (62) - "Atelier in concrete for Richard Boch, sculpture, Oak Park, Illinois. Designed as a home and work shop for the sculptor. To be located on a lot 50 feet wide by 175 feet deep. A pool occupies the front of the lot." Emboss upper left. Printed on gray paper in gold ink. The tissue is folded at the top and affixed to the back of this Plate LXII. 16 x 25.5. (First Edition) (Sweeney 87) Plate LXII (62) 0087.62.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Elevation and Cross Section of the Unity Temple. Plate LXIII (63T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Elevation and cross section of the Unity Temple. A concrete monolith cast in wooden moulds or "forms". After removing the forms the exterior surfaces are washed clean to expose the small gravel aggregate, the finished result in texture and effect being not unlike a coarse granite. The columns, with their decoration, were cast and treated in the same way. The entrance is common to both buildings, and connects them at the center. Both are lighted from above... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LXIII (63 Tissue) 0087.63.1018 0087.63.0921 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective View of Unity Church. Plate LXIII (63) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd "Design for the house and temple, Unity Church, Oak Park, Illinois. House and Temple, Unity Church, Oak Park, Illinois. The auditorium is a frank revival of the old temple form, as better suited to the requirements of a modern congregation then the nave and transept of the cathedral type. The speaker is placed well out in the auditorium, his audience gathered about him in the fashion of a friendly gathering, rather than as fixed in deep ranks, when it was imperative that the priest make... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LXIII (63) 0087.63.1018 0087.63.0921 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground and Floor Plan for Unity Temple. Plate LXIV (64T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Ground Plan, Unity Temple. A concrete monolith cast in wooden moulds or "forms". After removing the forms the exterior surfaces are washed clean to expose the small gravel aggregate, the finished result in texture and effect being not unlike a coarse granite. The columns, with their decoration, were cast and treated in the same way. The entrance is common to both buildings, and connects them at the center. Both are lighted from above. The roofs are simple... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LXIV (64 Tissue) 0087.64.1018 0087.64.0921 Tissue 1910
Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Facade of Unity Temple. Plate LXIV (64) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Gray paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd "Facade of Unity Temple. The auditorium is a frank revival of the old temple form, as better suited to the requirements of a modern congregation then the nave and transept of the cathedral type. The speaker is placed well out in the auditorium, his audience gathered about him in the fashion of a friendly gathering, rather than as fixed in deep ranks, when it was imperative that the priest make himself the cynosure of all eyes. After services the audience... Continue... (Sweeney 87) Plate LXIV (64) 0087.64.1018
Beauty's Lady and other Verse's by Donald Robertson, Actor (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour Company, The Alderbrink Press, Chicago) Robertson, Donald Review published in The Dial, March 1, 1911, p.178: We have long known Mr. Donald Robertson as one of the most accomplished and intellectual of our actors, sympathetic in the interpretation of the poetry of others, but we had not known him as a poet on his own account until " Beauty's Lady and Other Verses " came into our hands. How genuine is his gift may be evidenced by this Rossettian sonnet:
When dusk has spread his tent where Day had been... Continue...Pp 131 0094.91.0421 1910
Book of The North Shore. Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, Highways and Byways, Past and Present (Digital edition) (Published by J. Harrison White, Chicago) White, Marian A. "America holds the future." So said Matthew Arnold about the time when Chicago, ravaged by flame, contemplated the ruin of that which had been evolved from the hunting grounds and tepees of the Red Man, and of which she had been justly proud. A momentary pang of anguish, a throb of despair, and the afflicted city, in which the true pioneer enterprise had been a tower of strength from... Includes one photograph (Plate 59) of the Oscar M Steffens House (1909 - S.153) by Bemm. 6.25 x 10 Pp 116 0094.74.0620 1910
Bygone Days in Chicago, Recollections of the "Garden City" of The Sixties (Digital Edition) (Published by A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago. April 9, 1910. Printed by The Lakeside Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company, Chicago) Cook, Frederick Francis "Francis F. Browne and The Lakeside". Along with the many changes in the social order that marked the close of the war, there was awakened a literary consciousness, seeking to come into touch with the spirit of older communities... and the new spirit found expression in the pages of The Lakeside Monthly, under the stimulating editorship of Francis F. Browne. The founding of this high class publication... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 400 0094.07.0311 1910
Catalogue of the Ninth Annual Exhibition of Original Designs for Decorations and Examples of Art Crafts having Distinct Artistic Merit (Published by the Art Institute of Chicago) Art Institute of Chicago December 6 To December 23, 1910. In 1907 Frank Lloyd Wright designed the shop for Pebbles & Balch, Oak park (1907 - S.131). Mrs. Grace M. Pebbles exhibited five items at the show. This gives us a glimpse into the types of merchandised, other than wallpaper, that was available at Pebbles & Balch. Item 908:Screen, pine tree design, mahogany mount. 909: Curtain, Silk, horsechestnut design... Continue... See our Wright Study on the Pebbles & Balch Remodel. Pp 94 0094.20.1111 1910
Christ in Flanders, A Legend of the Middle Ages. Retold By Balzac, Translated From The French By Count Stenbock. (Soft Cover) (Published by The Ralph Fletcher Seymour Company, Chicago. "One of 400 Copies of Christ In Flanders Printed by Geo. F. McKiernan & Co. For Ralph Fletcher Seymour." Printed on a handmade light beige laid stock with a "Fabriano (Italy)" watermark.) Stenbock, Count; Balzac Originally published in 1831, it is a short story by Honor de Balzac, a French novelist and playwright. Count Eric Stanislaus Stenbock was a Baltic Swedish poet and writer who was born in 1860 and died in 1895. The story takes place on the coast of Flanders, present-day Belgium. The legend was "told from age to age, repeated from hearth to hearth..." It retells the legend of the appearance of Christ (or a Christ like figure) to a group of travelers on a... Continue... Pp 35 0094.46.0116 Circa 1910
Eve of St. Agnes and other poems (Leather Binding, Not Dated.) (Published by The Gold Medal Library. London, New York, Calcutta.) Keats, John Published as part of a series. The Eve of St. Agnes and thirteen additional poems. Full leather binding. Gilt letters on the cover and spine. Three sides are gilt. Decorative end pages front and back. Portrait of Keats is an engraving of the miniature portrait of John Keats after Severn's copy for George Keats by H. S. Initials are in the bottom right. Etched portrait from an old sketch by Joe Severn. According... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 95 0094.21.0212 1910
The Eve of St. Agnes (Suede) (Published by Letchworth, at the Arden Press) (London) Keats, John Bound in a brown suede soft cover with blind stamped decorative border and center motif, gilt title. All sides trimmed, top gilt. "This edition of "The Eve of Saint Agnes Agnes" was first printed October 1910; reprinted November 1910." 4.4 x 5.6 (Second Edition) For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 21 0094.40.0713 Circa 1910
Hillside Home School Photo Booklet, Circa 1910 (Published by Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wisconsin.) Lloyd-Jones, Ellen C. & Jane Photo booklet for the Hillside Home School. Fifteen photographs are on the right side of the spread, left side is left blank. 15 photographs include the Hillside Home School I & II and the Romeo and Juliet Windmill. Photocopies from the State Historical Society, Madison, WI. Acquired from Kelmscott Galleries, Chicago. Two copies. Originals approximately 4.25 x 4.25. Pp 33 0094.34.0313 1910 Copy
Hillside Home School Yearbook, The Whisperings of the Hillside Pine 1910 (Published by Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wisconsin. Printed by the Print Shop, Madison, Wis.) Lloyd-Jones, Ellen C. & Jane Yearbook for the Class of 1910. Photograph of graduating class includes John K. Wright, son of Frank Lloyd Wright. Class of 1909... Frank Lloyd Wright Jr., who expects to take up landscape architecture as a profession, is in Boston, Mass., where he as a position with Mr. Olmstad, a landscape artist. Two poems by Frank Lloyd Wright, Jr., "To the Pasque Flower", first published in The LaFollette, and Arbor and Bird Day Manual, 1910, and the second... Continue... Pp 61 0094.35.0313 1910
Larkin Co. Product and Premium List, Fall - Winter 1910-11. (Sixty-Fourth Edition. Published by the Larkin Co., Buffalo, NY) Larkin Co. Frank Lloyd Wright's designs for the Larkin Administration building were completed in 1904. The finished building was ready for occupancy in August 1906. Front Cover: The overall design is an adaptation of Wright's designs on the columns in the Administration Building. The photograph at the top is of the Globe sculptures designed by Richard Bock, that sits atop the columns at the front of the Larkin Administration Building. The photograph at the bottom includes the... Continue... Pp 128 0094.47.0316 1910
Neither Dorking Nor The Abbey (Soft cover) (Published by Brown's Bookstore, Chicago. 1910 and in 1912) (This 1910 edition: Greenish blue paper cover with paper label on outside front cover. Silk stitched to inside pages, which were printed on hand-made Strathmore laid paper, with watermarks "The P M Co, Quality, Hand-made in Italy." 1912 edition Light yellowish brown paper cover. Note: We have also seen a 1911 version printed at Hillacre. Sewn greenish dark olive paper cover with... Barrie, J. M.; Hardy, Thomas "Of the many tributes to George Meredith called forth by his death last May, probably the most appropriate and beautiful was that contributed by Mr. J. M. Barrie to '' The Westminster Gazette" of London, under the title "Neither Dorking nor the Abbey." That this brilliant little essay may not be lost to the many who love both Meredith and Barrie, we have issued it in attractive booklet form, printed on... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 14 0094.08.0311 1910
Neither Dorking Nor The Abbey (Soft cover) (Published by Brown's Bookstore, Chicago. 1910) (This 1910 edition: Tan colored laid paper cover with "Fabriano Italy" watermark. The title is printed on cover. Silk stitched to inside pages, which were printed on Strathmore paper, with "Strathmore" and "USA" watermarks. Accompanied by Hardy's poem, "G.M. 1828 - 1909.") (Reprinted again in 1911 and 1912.)
Barrie, J. M.; Hardy, Thomas "Of the many tributes to George Meredith called forth by his death last May, probably the most appropriate and beautiful was that contributed by Mr. J. M. Barrie to '' The Westminster Gazette" of London, under the title "Neither Dorking nor the Abbey." That this brilliant little essay may not be lost to the many who love both Meredith and Barrie, we have issued it in attractive booklet form, printed on... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 14 0094.14.0311 1910
On The Morning of Christ’s Nativity, An Ode By John Milton. Designed and Hand-lettered by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Reilly & Britton Co., Chicago. Printed on handmade deckle edged laid paper with “Van Gelder Zonen” and a “crowned fleur-de-lis symbol” with the letters “V.G.Z.” watermark. Cover illustrator not identified.) Milton, John This edition, published by Reilly & Britton used the original two-color plates created by Ralph Fletcher Seymour in 1901. but is lacking the end pages, solid gilt with black decorative floral corner designs. It is also lacking the first six pages from Seymour’s original edition, which include the first title page, Copyright, Dedication, Numbered copies, and Commentary. The original volume published by Seymour was the fifth volume, illustrated, hand-lettered and publied by.. Continue... Pp 24 0094.110.0524 1910
Representative Cement Houses (Soft Cover) (Published by the Universal Portland Cement Company, Chicago, Pittsburg) Universal Portland Cement Co. Preface: The object of this book is to indicate by illustrations and descriptions, one of the newer but very rapidly expanding fields of the application of cement, namely, in residence construction...
Page 28: Mr. E. D. Brigham's Residence, Glencoe, Ill. This house is owned by Mr. Edmund D. Brigham. Regarding his home, he says : "The reinforced concrete house built by me during the past year, constructed principally during the winter of 1908-9, is located in Glencoe... Continue...Pp 128 0094.64.1119 1910
Selected Poems of Matthew Arnold (Leather Bound Hard Cover) (Published by Macmillan and Co., Limited, London. Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited,, Edinburgh. This volume "Bound by Riviere & Son of London for Browne's Bookstore". Edges trimmed and gilt.) Arnold, Matthew First published in June and October, 1878. Golden Treasury Series. Macmillan and Co. Launched the "Golden Treasury" series, one of the most successful series ever issued by the firm. "This series was inspired by Francis Palgrave's Golden Treasury of English Songs and Lyrics (1861), which had appeared under the Macmillan and Co. imprint. By 1889, the Golden Treasury series numbered 44 titles... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 235 0094.38.1113 1910
The Caxton Club. Officers, Committees, Constitution and By-Laws, Annual Reports, List of Members. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Caxton Club, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. 250 copies printed on a cream laid paper with a "The PM Co." (within a shield, topped with a crown), "Quality" (within a banner), "Hand-Made In Italy" (within a scroll) watermark. Printed by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. At the Lakeside Press, Chicago. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Caxton Club The Caxton Club was founded in 1895 by fifteen Chicago bibliophiles who desired to support the publication of fine books in the spirit of the prevailing Arts and Crafts Movement. The founders were collectors, publishers, designers, and librarians. Their primary objective was to publish books of quality, both in content and design, primarily for their own personal libraries. In addition to the subjects mentioned in the title, this volume also includes: Address... Continue... Pp 108 0094.59.0319 1910
The Michigan Alumnus. October, 1909 - July, 1910 (Digital Edition) (Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Michigan) Alumni Association Obituary: William Storrs Macharg. William Storrs MacHarg was born in Albion, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1847. He was graduated from the University with the degree of Mining Engineer in 1868. For many years he has been a consulting engineer in the City of Chicago. He was interested particularly in hydraulic work. He arranged for the sewerage and water supply system and fire protection for the World's Columbian Exposition, and introduced the sewerage system in Chicago, which eliminated in... Continue... Pp 620 0094.73.0620 1910
Twenty Years at Hull-House, with Autobiographical Notes. (Published by The MacMillan Company, New York, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco. MacMillan & Co., Limited, London, Bombay, Calcutta, Melbourne. The MacMillan Co. of Canada, Ltd. Toronto.) Addams, Jane The Browne's Bookstore edition was published by Macmillan, New York, in 1910. 6 1/4 x 9 3/4". 462 pages including index. Two hundred ten numbered copies were signed by the author, and "Printed especially for Browne's Bookstore, Chicago". It was produced in brown cloth boards, vellum spine with bright gilt titles. This third edition was first published in November 1910, reprinted November and... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 462 0094.15.0411 1911 1911
The Morality of Women and Other Essays. Authorized Translation From the Swedish, of Ellen Key. By Namah Bouton Bothwick (Mamah Bouton Borthwick). (Hard Cover) (Published by The Ralph Fletcher Seymour Co. Fine Arts Building, Chicago.) (Version 1) Key, Ellen; Bothwick, Namah Bouton (Borthwick, Mamah Bouton ) In 1909, Wright and Borthwick left their respective spouses and traveled to Europe, settling in Italy for about a year. Wright worked on his portfolio titled "Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright". Borthwick spent her time translating the work of Ellen Key. After Wright's return to the States from Europe, he presented three manuscripts to Ralph Fletcher Seymour, along with adequate funds to publish the three volumes. "The Morality of Woman... Continue... Pp 78 0095.01.1111 0095.02.1117 1911
The Morality of Wome\an and Other Essays. Authorized Translation From the Swedish, of Ellen Key. By Mamah Bouton Borthwick. (Hard Cover) (Published by The Ralph Fletcher Seymour Co. Fine Arts Building, Chicago.) (Version 4) Key, Ellen; Borthwick, Mamah Bouton In 1909, Wright and Borthwick left their respective spouses and traveled to Europe, settling in Italy for about a year. Wright worked on his portfolio titled "Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright". Borthwick spent her time translating the work of Ellen Key. After Wright's return to the States from Europe, he presented three manuscripts to Ralph Fletcher Seymour, along with adequate funds to publish the three volumes. "The Morality of Woman... Continue... (Sweeney 95) Pp 77 0095.00.0610 1911
Frank Lloyd Wright, Ausgefuhrte Bauten (Executed Buildings) (Soft Cover) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Published in German. "Frank Lloyd Wright. I study and an appreciation by C. R.. Ashbee. In the modern development of the arts America excels in the art of architecture, and there are few cities upon the great continent but can show some piece of good building, or an effort in the direction; it is a popular instinct. The rich man strives to mark his wealth in stone, the cities have great libraries, clubs, colleges and schools, the states vie with one another in the splendor of their state-houses... Continue... (Sweeney 96) Pp 141 0096.00.0202 0096.00.0502 0096.00.0917 0096.00.1022 1911
Ausgefuhrte Bauten Und Entwurfe Von Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) Wright, Frank Lloyd (Digital images only) A small booklet announcing the sale of the 1910 Ausgefuhrte Bauten by Wasmuth, portfolios. "A publication by Wasmuth of Berlin of seventy buildings by this architect, of special interests to the younger architects of America. Printed from drawings prepared for the stones by Mr. Wright expressly for this work, in two portfolios containing one hundred loose plates, and produced in the masterly style for which the German... Continue... (Sweeney 100) Pp 7 0100.00.0214 1911
Frank Lloyd Wright, Chicago. Verlegt bei Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin 1911. 8. Sonderheft der Architektur des XX. Jahrhunderts. (Translation: #8 Special Edition of Architecture of the 20th Century.) Diese deutsche Ausgabe ist nur in Europa vberkauflich. (Translation: This German edition is only available for sale in Europe.) (Soft Cover, Tan Stock) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin)
Wright, Frank Lloyd Introduction: Ashbee, C. R. Second Version of "Frank Lloyd Wright Ausgefuhrte Bauten.” Published in German. “Frank Lloyd Wright. A study and an appreciation by C. R.. Ashbee. In the modern development of the arts America excels in the art of architecture, and there are few cities upon the great continent but can show some piece of good building, or an effort in the direction; it is a popular instinct. The rich man strives to mark his wealth in stone, the cities have great libraries... Continue... (Sweeney 101) Pp 113 0101.00.1204 1911
Frank Lloyd Wright, Chicago. Verlegt bei Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin 1911. 8. Sonderheft der Architektur des XX. Jahrhunderts. (Translation: #8 Special Edition of Architecture of the 20th Century.) (Rebound with a Hard Cover, bound with dark green cloth) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Introduction: Ashbee, C. R. Second Version of "Frank Lloyd Wright Ausgefuhrte Bauten.” Published in German. “Frank Lloyd Wright. A study and an appreciation by C. R.. Ashbee. In the modern development of the arts America excels in the art of architecture, and there are few cities upon the great continent but can show some piece of good building, or an effort in the direction; it is a popular instinct. The rich man strives to mark his wealth in stone, the cities have great libraries... Continue... (Sweeney 101) Pp 113 0101.00.0917 1911
Frank Lloyd Wright, Chicago. Kunstlerhefte (Translation: Artists Notebooks). 8. Sonderheft der Architektur des XX. Jahrh. (Translation: 8th Special Issue of Architecture of the 20th Century.)
Verlag Von Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin W. S. (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin W.S.) (Hard Cover. Spine is covered in dark gray cloth. Front and back covers appear to be covered in a dark tan cloth, but the cloth pattern is printed on paper. Endpages are dark gray...Wright, Frank Lloyd Introduction: Ashbee, C. R. Wright, Frank Lloyd; Introduction: Ashbee, C. R.
Second Version of "Frank Lloyd Wright Ausgefuhrte Bauten.” Published in German. “Frank Lloyd Wright. A study and an appreciation by C. R.. Ashbee. In the modern development of the arts America excels in the art of architecture, and there are few cities upon the great continent but can show some piece of good building, or an effort in the direction; it is a popular instinct. The rich man strives to mark... Continue... (Sweeney 101)Pp 113 0101.00.1124 C 1911
A Miracle in Hotel Building, Being the Story of the Building of the New Canyon Hotel In Yellowstone Park (Published by the Yellowstone Park Hotel Company) Raftery, John Hentry; Photographs by F. J. Haynes Relates to the Quinton Blair Residence (S.351). "...The two regiments of men who spent the winter of 1910-11 building this marvelous mountain hotel have been practically isolated from the world for months. They have worked always seven days of the week ; they had no saloon or club or theater to beguile their time or bemuse their faculties, and even for the younger, pleasure-loving workers there was... Continue... For more information on the Blair Residence see our Wright Study. Pp 15 0104.06.0909 1911
Book of Chicagoans (Published by A. N. Marquis & Company, April 1911) Marquis, Albert Nelson Biographic information on Wright's client. "Francis James Woolley, Lawyer, born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on February 17, 1865. He was the son of James T. And Mary A (Shearman) Woolley. He married Cora B. Low, of Kalamazoo Michigan on June 28, 1892. He had two children, Francis I. and Alice. He was admitted to the bar in 1890..." The Book of Chicagoans, 1911. P.738. 7.25 x 10 Pp 746 0104.23.0620 1911
Echoes of Petrarch, Sonnets of Love and Interludes (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour Co., Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago) (For permission to reprint five sonnets we are indebted to P. F. Volland & Co.) Butler, George F. "Perhaps the best expression that can be used regarding the duty of a sonnet is to say that it must delight. The perfect sonnet has indeed a secondary effect upon the mind in that it excites the admiration of the reader but this pleasant consideration is almost necessarily a sequence of the first... The sonnets in "Echoes of Petrarch" are more than an exhibition of clever workmanship because they have heart and imagination in them... In her Sonnets... Continue... Pp 67 0104.16.0214 1911
Joy of The Road. A Little Anthology in Praise of Walking (Hard Cover) (Published by Browne's Bookstore, Chicago. Note: have seen a copy with "Printed by The Merrymount Press, Boston". This copy does not include that text. No other changes.) Compiled by Browne, Waldo Ralph A compilation of nine poems and short stories by the son of Francis Fisher Browne, which include: "The Joys of the Road", by Bliss Carman; "On Going A Journey", by William Hazlitt; "The Vagabond" by Robert Louis Stevenson; "Walking Tour", by Robert Louis Stevenson; "Afoot", by C. Fox Smith; "Walking" by Henry David Thoreau; "On the Roads" by Arthur Symons; "The Exhilarations... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 104 0104.09.0311 1911
On The Art of The Theatre (Hard Cover) (Published by Browne's Bookstore, Chicago. Printed on cream laid paper in England by Richard Clay & Sons, Limited, London and Bungay.) Craig, Edward Gordon Actor, director, designer and pioneering theorist, Edward Gordon Craig was one of twentieth century theatre's great modernizers. This volume stands as one of the most influential books on theatre of the twentieth century. Loose tissue protects title page. Preface dated August 16, 1911, London, E. G. C. Introduction by Dr. Alexander Hevesi, Dramaturg-Regisseur of the State Theatre, Budapest. July... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 296 0104.10.0411 1911
Rabbi Ben Ezra (Soft Cover) (Published by Browne's Bookstore, Chicago. The cover is printed with two embossed inks, pink and green. The circle and text is printed with a raised gold flecked ink. Two gold ribbons are used to tied the covers shut. Each stanza begins with a decorative two-color capital letter. Printed on laid paper, with a watermark that includes the text 1590 and an illustrated windmill. Top is trimmed and gilt. Others uncut. Includes white box with printed pasted label.) Browning, Robert A 32 stanza poem by Robert Browning. "Rabbi Ben Ezra" was first published as the seventh poem in Dramatis Personse, 1864. "Abraham Ben Meir Ben Ezra was born at Toledo, Spain about 1119 and probably died in 1168. He left Spain for Rome about 1140 lived at Mantua in 1145, at Rhodes in 1155 through 1166 and was in England in 1159. He wrote a great series of Commentaries on the Old... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 32 0104.18.0714 1911
The Ballad of Reading Gaol (Hard Cover) (Published by Browne's Bookstore, Chicago. Printed on cream, laid Abbey Mills Greenfield paper, with "Crown (symbol) Abbey Mills, Greenfield" watermark. Printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to His Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press.) Wilde, Oscar "In Memoriam, C.T.W., Sometime Trooper of the Royal Horse Guards, Obiit (sp) H.M. Prison, Reading, Berkshire, July 7th, 1896." Charles Thomas Wooldridge was a trooper in the Royal Horse Guards. He was convicted of the murder of his wife. He was executed at Reading Gaol (Redding Jail). Wilde was a fellow inmate at the time. "Note. At the end of the completed text, in this... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 86 0104.11.0311 1911
The Birth of Roland (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour Co. The Alderbrink Press, Chicago) This book entitled "the Birth of Roland" is one of an edition of 400 copies printed upon paper and 10 copies printed upon Japan vellum by The Ralph Fletcher Seymour Company, MCMXI.
Hewlett, Maurice Publisher's description: "A first edition of a small book by this eminent English author. Lovers of Hewlett will find this romance of Charlemagne's time written in the most characteristic and charming prose. It is a love story. That vein of romance running like a golden thread through all his work which has won him the eager attention of every imaginative reader is here given its best expression. First and authorized edition limited to 400 copies on... Continue... Pp 54 0104.17.0214 1911
The Charm of Childhood, Being A Little Book On The Modern Child (Dust jacket over stick cover) (Published by Browne's Bookstore, Chicago. Title and end pages printed on cream, laid Abbey Mills Greenfield paper, with "Crown (symbol) Abbey Mills, Greenfield" watermark. Balance of pages printed on cream stock. Lettering on cover embossed and gild. Circular illustration printed in four-color with circular dotted border, embossed and gild. Top edge gilt, others uncut. Only fragments left of... Compiled by: Elwes, Hervey; With a Foreword by: Harker, L. Allen "Foreword: In nothing is changed during the last fifty years more marked than in the mental attitude of the English-speaking races towards children. It seems almost impossible to those born within that fifty years that such places as "Dotheboys Hall," described by Charles Dickens in Nicholas Nickleby, could ever have existed... We have travelled a considerable distance along the road of... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 246 0104.12.0411 1911
The Inner Beauty (Soft Cover, Stiff paper with wrap) (Published by Browne's Bookstore, Chicago. Cover printed in two color, dark and light blue, and gilt letters. Edges trimmed, top edge gilt. Printed on a beige laid paper with the watermark: "<D> Aramingo." embossed on lower edge of back cover: "Made In Gt. Britain.") Maeterlinck, Maurice Part of The Blue Bird Booklet Series. A short and poetic essay by Nobel Prize winner Maurice Maeterlinck. "Nothing in the whole world is so athirst for beauty as the soul, nor is there anything to which beauty clings so readily. There is nothing in the world capable of such spontaneous uplifting, of such speedy ennoblement; nothing that offers more scrupulous obedience to the pure and noble commands it receives... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore.
Pp 31 0104.26.0421 1911
The Upper Trail (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour Company. The Alderbrink Press. Fine Arts Building, Michigan Boulevard, Chicago. Boards are in blue paper, the spine in white cloth, gilt text. The Alderbrink logo is stamped into the cover.) Blanden, C. G. (Charles Granger) A compilation of 144 poems. "A Poet and His Printer. C. G. Blandon, author of "The Upper Trail" (Alderbrink Press, Chicago), is fortunate in his printer. No more tasteful example of the art has come to hand in many a long day than this volume. The poems themselves..." The New York Times Book Review, April 14, 1912, p.228. Title page designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Initials "R F S" bottom left corner. Printed in two colors, blue and black. Each poem has an initial... Continue... Pp 203 0104.21.1019 1912 1912 The Woman Movement. Translated by Mamah Bouton Borthwick, A.M. With an Introduction by Havelock Ellis. (Hard Cover) (Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York and London, The Knickerbocker Press) Key, Ellen; Borthwick, Mamah Bouton The Preface by Ellen Key is dated October 1, 1909. The introduction by Havelock Ellis is dated May 1, 1912. In 1909, Wright and Borthwick left their respective spouses and traveled to Europe, settling in Italy for about a year. Wright produced his portfolio titled "Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright". Borthwick spent her time translating the work of Ellen Key. After Wright's return to the States from Europe, he presented three... Continue... (Sweeney 108) Pp 224 0108.00.0205 Circa 1912
Ellen Key (Portrait) Circa 1913 Photograph by Florlag, Slenders, Copenhagen Clipping was found within a copy of "The Morality of Woman", Key, 1911. Text: "Ellen Key, of Sweden, Who Has Been Called the Greatest of Living Women." Photograph by Slenders Florlag, Copenhagen. The verso of the clipping: "By Anne Steese Richardson, Illustrated by Edwin F. Bayha." (Note: The January 1912 issue of Pictorial Review published a story, "Pals," By Anna Steese Richardson, Illustrated by Edwin F. Bayha.) 3.9 x 4.6 Pp 1 0114.15.0414 1912
The Japanese Print: An Interpretation (Hard Cover) (Published by The Ralph Fletcher Seymour Co., Fine Arts Building, Chicago) Wright, Frank Lloyd Tan cover, text printed in dark blue or black, decorative crane design is printed in green. End paper is a thick fibrous paper. Text is printed on rice paper, both sides. Title page is a repeat of the cover, but text and crane appear to be printed in black. Title page verso: Copyright 1912, Ralph Fletcher Seymour Company. Sweeney indicated that three versions were printed by Seymour in 1912. Wright was displease with the first edition and all... Continue... (Sweeney 109) Pp 35 0109.00.0214 1912
Architectural Styles for Country Homes. The characteristics and merits of various types of architecture as set forth by enthusiastic advocates. The Country House Library. A series of architectural books for the layman. (Hard Cover) (Published by McBride, Nast & Company, New York. Edited by: Saylor, Henry H. Ch. 10: Garden, Hugh M. G. Contains ten articles which were previously published House and Garden "at irregular intervals". Chapter 9 was first published in the October 1910 issue, under the title "Country Homes of the western Plains". "The Style of the Western Plains. I am asked to contribute something on an unnamed style, sometimes vaguely referred to as the product of the Western or Chicago school - it would be presumption to appropriate to anything so tenuous the imposing title "American... Continue... Pp 124 plus 64 0114.11.0313 1912 Copy
Hillside Home School Yearbook, The Whisperings of the Hillside Pine, 1912 (Published by Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wisconsin. Printed by the Dominion Press, Chicago) Lloyd-Jones, Ellen C. & Jane Yearbook for the Class of 1912. Alumni News: Lloyd Wright, "09, is in San Diego, California at work with the Olmstead Brothers, landscape Architect... John Kenneth Wright is an architect in San Diego. Includes three photographs related to the Hillside Home School Buildings I & II. Photocopies from the State Historical Society, Madison, WI. Acquired from Kelmscott Galleries, Chicago. Originals approximately 4 x 6 Pp 54 0114.14.0313 1912
Lyrics of Joy (Soft Cover, Slip Case) (Published by Browne's Bookstore, Chicago.) Light blue paper over slip case. Label pasted to slip case. Cover printed in two color, dark and light blue, and gilt letters. Printed on a beige laid paper with the watermark: "<D> Aramingo." Henley, William Ernest Part of The Blue Bird Booklet series.
The wind on the wold,
With sea-scents and sea-dreams attended,
Is wine!
The air is as gold
In elixir - it takes so the splendid
O, the larks in the blue!
How the song of them glitters, and glances,
And gleams!... Continue...Pp 24 0104.24.1220 1912
My Little Book of Life (Hard Cover) (Published by A.C. McClurg & Co., Chicago. Title page verso: Copyright A. C. McClurg & Co. 1912. Published September, 1912. The Ralph Fletcher Seymour Co., Fine Arts Building, Chicago. This may indicate that this volume was designed by Seymour. Boards covered in paper, cloth spine. Cover design repeated on back cover. Top pages trimmed, others uncut.) Strode, Muriel "Like [Strode's] former publication it is composed of brief and pithy aphorisms betraying an original and independent mind and often furnishing food for helpful thought. The book is daintily made with board covers and there is a marginal decoration on every page printed in green ink while the text is in black."
... Continue...
"If I go unloved, I shall not chide Fate, but I shall bemoan that I should be a thing unlovable."
"I will not ask for succor, but for increased strength."Pp 86 0114.16.0514 1912
Neither Dorking Nor The Abbey (Soft cover) (Published by Browne's Bookstore, Chicago. 1912) Tan colored laid paper cover with "Fabriano Italy" watermark. The title is printed on cover. Silk stitched to inside pages, which were printed on Strathmore paper, with "Strathmore" and "USA" watermarks. Accompanied by Hardy's poem, "G.M. 1828 - 1909." (Note: Other than the edition date, it is an exact match to the tan 1910 version.) Barrie, J. M.; Hardy, Thomas "Of the many tributes to George Meredith called forth by his death last May, probably the most appropriate and beautiful was that contributed by Mr. J. M. Barrie to '' The Westminster Gazette" of London, under the title "Neither Dorking nor the Abbey." That this brilliant little essay may not be lost to the many who love both Meredith and Barrie, we have issued it in attractive booklet form, printed on... Continue... For more information see our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore. Pp 14 0114.05.0311 1912
Shakespeare Festival. In Honor of the Poet's Birthday. Lincoln Park, Chicago. April 23, 1912 (Original Soft Cover rebound by library) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour Co. Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Cover and title page illustrated by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Printed on paper with the watermark "Dresden Pamphlet.") Drama League of America "The drama league offers this Shakespeare festival as a gift to the city of Chicago. Fifteen hundred children of the Public Schools of the city are the performers... The Shakespeare Festival. To be given under the auspice is of the drama league of America. The drama league celebrates Shakespeare's birthday by arranging for the children of Chicago and its suburbs and open air festival, free to the community, which presents in processional form, several of the masters the... Continue... Pp 37 0114.22.0517 1912
The Essentials of Lettering, A Manual for Students and Designers (Hard Cover) (Published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. New York and London) French, Thomas E.; Meiklejohn, Robert Published in 1909, 1910 and 1912, Total issue: 28,500. Includes three examples of the work of Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Preface: There are two general classes of persons among those who are interested in the study of the subject of lettering, first, those who have to use letters to convey information on drawings, as engineering students and draftsmen, architects, etc.; second, those who use lettering in design, as art students, artists, designers and craftsmen. The... Continue... Pp 94 0114.39.0823 1912
The Home of the Larkin Idea (Published by the Larkin Co., Buffalo, NY) (Soft Cover) Anonymous First published in 1901, Revised in 1906 with the third edition. This is the twelfth edition. "We present this book with the hope that, to those who have visited us, it will serve as a reminder of an hour well spent. This seems to indicate that this book may have been given to those touring the Larkin Company. Pages 25-28 includes "The Larkin Administration Building and "The Larkin Restaurant with seven photographs. The back cover includes an... Continue... Pp 32 0111.01.0107 C 1912
The Poetical Works of John Keats. Illustrated by A. A. Dixon. (Hard Cover) (Published by Collins" Clear-Type Press, London & Glasgow. Printed in Great Britain) Keats, John Frontispiece is a half tone photograph of a portrait of John Keats. There are four illustration by A. A. Dixon, one of which is illustrated for "The Eve of St. Agnes." "She knelt, so pure a thing, so free from mortal taint." Page 231. Illustrations appear to be dated "-10" (1910?). The "Bulletin and Review of the Keats-Shelley Memorial." 1913, p.109 dates this volume [1812} SIC, most likely 1912. Title page illustrated by Malcolm Patterson. 4 x 6.1 (First Edition) Pp 454 0114.17.0215 1912
The Voices of The Dunes and Other Etchings (Hard Cover) (Published by Alderbrink Press, The Ralph Fletcher Seymour Company, The Fine Arts Building, Chicago) Reed, Earl H. Preface: "The etchings in this book are reproductions in photogravure, and have been reduced in most instances to meet the requirements of the page. The book is published in response to the expressed desire of many who have wished to possess the etchings in a more accessible form then is afforded by the larger original signed proofs. My acknowledgments and thanks are due to the kind friends who have carried out the themes of some of the plates in... Continue... Unp Pp 56 0114.27.0119 1912 Successful Houses and How to Build Them (See 1923) 1913 1913
Good Things to Eat, An How to Prepare Them (Published by the Larkin Co., Buffalo, N.Y.) Larkin Company More than two hundred and fifty choice recipes compiles especially for customers and friends of the Larking Co., by the Larking Kitchen-Laboratory Department. Bound in cloth and printed in three colors. Uses older "Larkin Co." logo. Many of the illustrated products use design elements from the interior of the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Larkin Administration Building. 5 x 7.75 (Twelfth Edition) Pp 80 0120.14.0214 1913 Hillside Home School, (Twenty-seventh) 1913-14 (Published by Hillside Home School, Hillside, Wisconsin.)
Lloyd-Jones, Ellen C. & Jane Booklet for the twenty-seventh year of Hillside Home School. "It is found by those that are studying the all-important problems of the education of children that city environment is to exciting and stimulating for the healthy growth, and the child often becomes a victim of arrested development ... Freedom from city distraction, abundance of pure air and water... The school building is a fine stone structure, with a well-equipped gymnasium... Continue... Pp 49 0120.13.0915 1913
Modern American Homes (Published by the American School of Correspondence, Chicago) Prepared by von Holst, H. V., A. B., S. B. Begins with a Preface by H. V. von Holst, Table of Contents and Acknowledgment, then includes 108 Plates printed on one side only. Examples of many architects including the work of Walter Burley Griffin, Tallmadge & Watson, Von Holst & Frye, Robert C. Spencer, Charles E. White and George W. Maher. Frank Lloyd Wright, Plate 90, includes four photographs of Wright's work. "Examples of a New Style of Domestic Architecture in and about Chicago. 1) Warren... Continue... Plates 108 0120.11.0411 1913
The Etching of Cities (Published by The Chicago Society of Etchers for its Members, Chicago, Illinois, Designed and Printed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago, Illinois. Printed on French handmade laid texture paper, deckle edges. Watermark: “Ingres D’Arches, M B M (France).” Printed in three colors: Black, red, with illustrations in brown.) Stevens, Thomas Wood This volume is bound in quarter linen and blue boards. Title is stamped and gilt. The Chicago Society of Etchers imprint is stamped on the cover. There is a leather label on the spine with gilt lettering. The Chicago Society of Etchers imprint on the title page is printed in red and brown, and the brown appears to be printed using a Photogravure process. There are thirteen etchings. The frontispiece is a proof by E. D. Roth The twelve additional plates are facsimiles of etchings... Continue.. Pp 75 0120.28.0124 1913
The Larkin Club-of-Ten (Published by Larkin Co., Buffalo, NY) Larkin Co. Includes illustration of Larkin complex including Wright's Larkin Building and the Larkin Logo on the back cover. 6 x 9. (First Edition) Pp 48 0120.04.0507 1913
Twelve Japanese Painters (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour Co, The Alderbrink Press, Chicago. Boards are covered in a dark tan cloth. Stamped in gilt and white. The cover is designed by Frederick W. Gookin, signed "FWG" lower right of the design. Text printed on beige stock. Edges trimmed, top edge gilt.) Ficke, Arthur Davison Review: "This book belongs in any studio that affects the Japanese print. It is forty seven pages of Baedeker for the man who would travel toward Fuji San. It is inspired verse. It is good criticism. It is sound aesthetics. I do not see how any one who cares for prints can read it indifferently. Mr. Ficke's particular faculty is flawlessness from the mosaic standpoint: one inevitable little word after another. His hold on me depends upon the fact that in his best pieces this... Continue.. Pp 49 0120.25.0820 1914 1914
The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright. Work done since the Spring of 1911, Only, is included in this exhibit. (Digital Edition) (Published by The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois) Art Institute of Chicago The 27th Annual Exhibition of the Chicago Architectural Club was held at the Art Institute of Chicago in the Spring of 1914. Frank Lloyd Wright participated in the exhibition, and this four page brochure listed items displayed at the exhibition. His exhibition included models, drawings, dwellings, photographs, details of furniture and glass, educational toys, wooden print stands, an essay on the Japanese color print, In the Cause of Architecture, and... (Sweeney 121) Continue... Pp 4 0121.00.0520 1914
A Leaf from the Past Then and Now (McArthur) (Digital Edition) (Published by the R. E. Dietz Company, Chicago, New York, London) Dietz, Fred Warren McArthur Biography, pages 135-136. Warren McArthur, Exclusive Sales Manager. Mr. Warren McArthur can be classified as the "Pioneer Salesman of Tubular Lanterns" He has sold more lanterns than any other man. He joined forces with the firm of Dennis & Wheeler in the year 1878, who were then licensees under the Irwin patents for the sale of the Tubular Lanterns in the Western States. In 1881 when the business of Dennis & Wheeler was absorbed by the Steam... Continue... Pp.194 0124.38.1219 1914
For The Soul of Rafael. With Many Illustrations From Photographs Taken Expressly for this Book by Harold A. Taylor. Decorative Designs by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. (Hard Cover) (Published by A.C. McClurg & Co., Chicago) Ryan, Marah Ellis First published in 1906. "Upon the appearance of the book has been lavished an amount of attention seldom accorded a book of fiction. It will be printed in two colors with decorations of the most striking character by Ralph Fletcher Seymour." (From McClurg Ad.) Every page is elaborately bordered by an illustration by Seymour. The romantic novel is set in Southern California. "An oath sworn to a dying woman by a young wife is the motif of this romance of old California... Continue... Pp 378 0124.22.0214 1914
Independence Day, July 4, 1914. Celebrated at The Village Beautiful. Lake Bluff, Illinois (Published by the City of Lake Bluff, Illinois. Printed by The Ryan and Hart Company Printers, Chicago.) City of Lake Bluff This booklet is in the collection of the Lake Bluff History Museum. The were kind enough to send digital images of the booklet. On the inside of this booklet, is a photograph of the Herbert Agnster Residence, the only one that has survived to date, taken after completion in 1912. Four other homes are included and the caption reads: “Lake Bluff Homes Are Now Built of Cement or Stucco with All Modern Improvements. They Are Set in Wide Streets. Beautifully Shaded... Continue... 0124.57.0923 1914
Lyrics of a Lad, With a Preface By Maurice Francis Egan (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour Co., Chicago. Frontispiece is a photogravure reproduction of the author from a photograph by Eugene R. Hutchinson. Title page decoration by Michele Greco.) Iris, Scharmel Author's Note: The courteous acknowledgment of the author are extended to The Century Magazine, The Little Review, Atlantic Monthly, Scribner's Magazine, The Forum, Poetry and the Cosmopolitan, of America; The Cork Examiner, Freeman's Journal and Dublin Review, of Ireland; and The English Review and Blackwood's, of England. A compilation of 61 poems. Preface: "...Federico Scharmel Iris was born February tenth, eighteen-eighty-nine... Continue... Pp 77 0124.21.0114 1914
The Travail of a Soul (Hard Cover) (Published by the Ralph Fletcher Seymour Co., Chicago. This edition of "The Travail of a Soul", by George F. Butler, is limited to two hundred copies, of which this is number 93. The Ralph Fletcher Seymour Co., Publishers. Chicago MCMXIV. [Signed] Geo. F Butler. Printed on beige paper, two-color throughout. The frontispiece is a photogravure) Butler, George F. "The eye of the lover of belles lettres searching eagerly the new books for something different, will pause, at first in curiosity, as it falls on "The Travail of a Soul" by George F. Butler, issued by the Ralph Fletcher Seymour Company. This will be because of the oddly attractive, modest yet de luxe dress. But curiosity will rise to lively interest with the opening of the pages of the book, for here in unique alternation of verse and prose will be seen at last the ever-vital theme of... Continue... Pp 79 0124.24.0116 1914
War Rhymes and Peace Poems (Hard Cover) (Published by The Ralph Fletcher Seymour Company, Chicago) Mitchell, Frank Adams "Every now and then the Chicago business man who would be expected to be sufficiently preoccupied in the successful dispatch of his current affairs turns up as a master in the arts. In evidence is the entrance into poetry of Frank Adams Mitchell whose fugitive verse has frequently enlivened the literature of the association Glee club but who now invites more deliberate consideration of his poetic thought and expression in an artistic book... by which token it may... Continue... Pp 53 0124.23.0415 1914
When Mona Lisa Came Home. Florence, December 1913 (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, The Alderbrink Press, Chicago. Printed on beige paper with the watermark: "A" (Winged), "Albion Text." Top and side edges uncut.) Leech, Carolyn Apperson "Only Sprite, the white haired, would have propose such an adventure. All autumn the weather-wise had said "Beautifully enough for Fiesole," and on such afternoons, in the creaking and infrequent tram, with a crowd and assorted company of tourists, we had taken the tiresome journey. But today, as sprite looked from the window, winter winds swirled rain against the panes..." "This addition of "When Mona Lisa Came Home," by Carolyn Apperson Leach, is issued... Continue... Pp 19 0124.53.0122 1915 1915
Dramatic Poems, Songs and Sonnets (Hard Cover) (Published by Seymour, Daughaday & Company, Fine Arts Building, Chicago, Illinois. Alderbrink Imprint.) Robertson, Donald Dramatic Poems, Songs and Sonnets. By Donald Robertson, Actor. Seymour Daughaday & Company Chicago. Most of these poems are short, the longest being ten pages, and, being more than two hundred in number, represent many moods, occasions and inspirations. To a considerable extent, they reflect stage life and stage friendships. It is proper to observe that a community of artistic interests gives a wide range to such friendships and a sincerity of appreciation... Continue... Pp 238 0128.70.1221 1915
The Angel with a Broom (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour for The Cordon) "This is No. xxx (hand written in pencil, possibly a proof) of the first edition of 700 copies printed on hand-made paper at the Alderbrink Press, Chicago. December 1915." Peattie, Elia W. (Literary Editor of the Chicago Tribune) A short story about a social worker, two neighboring families she loves, and a handicapped young man in whom she sees visions of an angel sweeping away the evils of war and conflict. The setting is a little street with shops in a lower class neighborhood of Chicago during the early part of World War I. Note: The Cordon was a club that met in the Fine Arts building in Chicago. Cover is stamped and gilt. Original list price 50c. 4.6 x 6.25 (First Edition) Pp 29 0128.20.0415 1895 /
C 1915
The Complete Poetical Works of John Keats with Notes and Appendices by H. Buxton Forman. (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York. Copyright 1895, By Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Printed in the United States of America) (Note: With confirmation of this 1895 edition being published around 1915, it give some explanation as to the large number of volumes published by Crowell in 1895.) Keats, John; Dole, Nathan Haskell; Forman, H. Buxton; Hunt, Leigh This volume is Copyrighted 1895 and is identical to the 1895 Crowell edition (18.08). The 1895 plates were used, but the later printing date was not listed. Published with a Dust Jacket, it was part of "Crowell's Thin Paper Poets" series. "The books have photogravure portraits, title pages printed in two colors..." This (1895) edition includes an extensive biographical sketch by Nathan Haskell Dole... Continue... For more information on the Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. Pp 661 0128.10.0512 1915
The Lesbiad of Catullus And Pervigilium Veneris (Mood Transcriptions) And Songs of A Wayfarer (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, The Alderbrink Press, Chicago) Dement, Ruth Sheffield This volume is divided into three sections, with a title page for each. Letters on the cover are gilt, with a decorative border stamped on the cover. Printed on handmade beige laid paper with the watermark "TUSCANY." Decorations by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Top is trimmed, sides and bottom are uncut. 5.25 x 8.1 (First Edition) Pp 53 0128.57.1218 1916 1916
City Residential Land Development: Studies In Planning (Hard Cover) (Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago) Wright, Frank Lloyd Publication of the City Club of Chicago. Chapter IV: Non-competitive: "Plan By Frank Lloyd Wright". Only Non-competitive plan in book. Includes text and 7 colored illustrations. Original HC List Price $1.00?. 9.25 x 12.25. (First Edition) (Sweeney 132) Pp 95-102 0132.00.0602 1916/1907
At The Foot of the Rainbow. Paintings in Color by Oliver Kemp. Designs and Decorations by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Grosset & Dunlap, New York) Porter, Gene Stratton First published in 1907. Dust Jacket: “The scene of this charming idyllic love story is laid in Central Indiana. The story is one of devoted friendship, and tender self sacrificing love; the friendship that gives freely without return, and the love that seeks first the happiness of the object. The novel is brimful of the most beautiful word painting of nature, and its pathos and tender sentiment will endear it to all.”
This revised edition inserts and begins with a 45 page biography on the... Continue...Pp 252 0080.67.1224 1916
Basia of Joannes Secundus. Translated into English Verse. To Which is Added the Epithalamium with the English Version of George Ogle. Edited with a Prefatory Memoir by Wallace Rice (Hard Cover) (Published by The Charles T. Powner Co. Printed on Caxton Laid Paper. Pages trimmed.) Secundus, Joannes; Ogle, George This volume first published in 1901 for Frank Morris At The Colonial Press. Same plates are used in this edition. Johannes Secundus (also Janus Secundus) 1511 - 1536, who died at the age of 26, was a poet of Dutch nationality. Frontispiece is an engraving dated 1730. Title page and initials designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Title page signed lower right "Ralph Fletcher Seymour." Initial signed "S." Seymour rarely sign initials. Last page: "This Book is Number 30 [stamped]... Continue... Pp 111 0136.12.0121 1916
Paul Verlaine and His Absinthe-Tinted Song. A Monograph on the Poet, with selections from his work, arranged and translated from the French by Bergen Applegate. (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, The Alderbrink Press, Chicago. T4"his edition of Paul Verlaine consists of 250 copies on old strathford deckle edge paper and contains an original etching of Paul Verlaine. Published in December, MCMXVI." Frontispiece is an etching, pulled from a... Verlaine, Paul; Translated by Applegate, Bergen; Biography by Applegate, Bergen Biography, pages 3-40: "The Man. Wandering from lupanar to lupanar, and from wine-shop to wine-shop, he seems to have staggered out of the pages of Petronius - some vague, indefinite creature, half beast and half man a veritable satyr and who, in the glitter of modern Paris, fared as fatuitously as in a fable. Indeed, well might he be likened to the mythical old Eumpolus, the drunken brawling poet of the Satyricon, reappearing after so many centuries, with a fresh stock... Continue... Pp 212 0136.04.1118 1916
Paul Verlaine: His Absinthe Tinted Song. A Monograph on the Poet, with selections from his work, arranged and translated from the French by Bergen Applegate. (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, The Alderbrink Press, Chicago. Small label on spine: “Paul Verlaine: His Absinthe Tinted Song. Applegatye.” This edition does not include the frontispiece etching. It is also missiong the note, “Published in December, MCMXVI” but copyright date is 1916... Verlaine, Paul; Translated by Applegate, Bergen; Biography by Applegate, Bergen This volume may be a second edition, but it is not stated. Cover design is different. Biography, pages 3-40: “The Man. Wandering from lupanar to lupanar, and from wine-shop to wine-shop, he seems to have staggered out of the pages of Petronius – some vague, indefinite creature, half beast and half man a veritable satyr and who, in the glitter of modern Paris, fared as fatuitously as in a fable. Indeed, well might he be likened to the mythical old Eumpolus, the... Continue... Pp 212 0136.21.0724 1916
Preludes of Poetry and Music (Hard Cover) (Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Pages uncut.) Curtis, Irene "Requests from friends for copies of the poems written by my daughter, Irene, led to the desire to put them into convenient and permanent form. Dear letters have come testifying to the purity, earnestness, and
inspiration idealism of her life, and its hoped that this little volume may in a measure perpetuate that influence. After a struggle of three years against failing health, on April 7, 1916, the sweet spirit passed on, and all that is mortal now rests in the... Continue...Pp 73 0132.22.0414 1917 C 1917
American System-Built Houses, Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The Richards Company Proprietors, Milwaukee. American Homes. Chicago Branch, Pettit and Rockwell, Seven W. Madison St. (Soft Cover) (Published by Pettit & Rockwell, Chicago and The Richards Company, Milwaukee.) Pettit & Rockwell; The Richards Company Descriptive booklet for the American System-Built Houses (1915-17 - S.200-204). Most likely published early 1917. "During the winter of 1916-1917 he (Mr. Wright) has been overseeing the construction of the great new Imperial Hotel..." p.4. A larger six-page booklet was published in 1916 (S.130). The Richards Company was formally dissolved on August 6, 1917. "For you who are contemplating building a home, it is no longer necessary to be content with the usual homely box of a house... Continue... Pp 12
0130.01.0317 1917
Antique Colour Prints from the Collection Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by The Arts Club of Chicago, Chicago) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Arts Club (First Edition) (Sweeney 137) Pp 14 0137.00.1099 1917
An Exhibition of Etchings. Chicago Society of Etchers (Digital copy) (Published by the Chicago Society of Etchers and the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago) Chicago Society of Etchers Catalogue of An Exhibition of Etchings, Under the Management of the Chicago Society of Etchers. February 1 to March 4, 1917. Held at the Art Institute of Chicago. For this exhibition, 551 etchings were submitted out of which 283 were accepted. Ralph Fletcher Seymour was a member of The Chicago Society of Etchers, and exhibited six etchings at this exhibition: Winter, Doorway, Tamarack, Two Trees, Ravinia, Spring in Trepiez; Fourth Presbyterian Church. 7 x 10.75 (Digital Edition) Pp 37 0138.36.0322 1917
Automobile Blue Book - 1917 Hotel Geneva Hotel Geneva Ad - "Hotel Geneva. New and Modern. 70 Rooms with Bath. Dancing, Swimming and Fishing. Fish or Chicken dinners. 9 Hole Golf Course Open to the Public. A. H. Thierbach, E. T. Nussbaum Owners." The Lake Geneva Inn opened for business in 1912. It was demolished in 1970. 4.5 x 4 Ad. 5 x 9 page. For more information on the Hotel Geneva see our Wright Study. Pp 624 0138.02.0107 1917
Music In The Home. An Aid to Parents and Teachers in the Cause of Better Listening. (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) Faulkner, Anne Shaw Many of the chapters in this book are based on articles, which have appeared in the educational numbers of the New York Musical Courier and in a series which were published by the Chicago Sunday Herald during the past year. Foreword: In my long and varied experience as lecturer on musical subjects before clubs and schools, I have frequently been told by members of my audience: "You know I am not musical, but I love music." It seems to be a very well defined theory... Continue... Pp 155 0138.41.0822 1917
Profiles From China. Sketches in Verse of People & Things Seen in the Interior. (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Fine Arts Building, Chicago, Illinois. A small white label with red Chinese characters is pasted to the cover. Printed on beige laid paper with "Booklet," then a shied with a crown, and within the shield, "The P M Co." then a banner with "Quality" watermark.) Tietjens, Eunice Eunice Tietjens was associate editor of Poetry Magazine. Review in The Dial: "A good deal of the discussion as to whether free verse is really poetry has seemed futile to the reviewer... Among those which deserve to be cherished are Mrs. Tietjens's "Profiles from China." The poems are distinguished first by their almost unfailing subjectivity. The writer nearly always interprets each sight in terms of her own reaction. The poetry is personal, intimate, confidential... Continue... Pp 75 0138.22.1118 1917
Sammy's Service Star. The Story of a Christmas Angel (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Printed on beige laid paper. Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Faulkner, Georgene "A short Christmas story dedicated to Sammy at the front and his mother in the home, written by Georgene Faulkner, is published in an art booklet suitable for Christmas greetings. It is entitled Sammy's Service Star and describes Sammy's Christmas Eve in a base hospital at the front before he receives his box and a letter from home and after. Then it takes you back to America, to his home, and tells what the service star means to his mother who is waiting." The Lyceum Magazine,.. Continue... Pp 16 0138.33.0120 1917
Songs of the Skokie And Other Verse (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Fine Arts Building, Chicago, under the Alder Brink Press Imprint.) Spicer, Anne Higginson "If you love modest but sweet and inspiring music you really should read the book yourself." The Chicago Herald. "Indeed her book is a signal addition to the poetry that has come forth from Chicago." The Chicago Tribune. "(The Skokie is the old Indian name for a marshy country lying parallel to Lake Michigan, back of the Ridge, north of the city of Chicago.)" A compilation of 134 poems by Anne Higginson Spicer. Original list price $1.50. 5.75 x 8.2 (First Edition) Pp 167 0138.11.0415 1917
The Book of Chicagoans (Published by A. N. Marquis & Company, October 1917) Marquis, Albert Nelson Henderson, Frank Bignell. F.B. Hendseron Residence, 1901, Elmhurst, Illinois (S.057). Biographic information on Wright's client. Henderson appears on page 318. 6x9. High res digital images. For more information on the Henderson Residence see our Wright Study. The Book of Chicagoans Pp 318 0138.03.1208 1917
The Story of Five Dogs (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Cover stamped and gilt. Photograph glued to cover. Printed on a beige paper. Title page designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour.) Carr, Walter E. A collection of stories about the author's pet dogs owned over the course of his lifetime. The stories were written for his little daughter. Review in Our Dumb Animals, January, 1918, p.128: "If I were condemned to spend twenty-four hours alone with a single creature," says John Galsworthy, "I would choose to spend them with my dog." Of all animals, the dog has the high honor of constant intercourse with man: his fidelity and intelligence have made him deserving of this distinction,... Continue... Pp 34 0138.35.0521 1917
Twelve Months With the Birds and Poets (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Printed on beige laid paper, side is uncut. Limited to two hundred copies. Hand written, "No. 15." Includes 5 illustrations by Fletcher: Frontispiece, Pages 8, 102, 182 and 249. Signed by the author.) Harper, Samuel A. "Devoting a chapter to each month in the year, the author pleasantly interweaves his own observations and appreciation of birds with those of the ornithologist and poet. His reading has evidently carried him far afield in both the science and sentiment of ornithology and combining the results of these excursions with his own he has written a volume which contains much of interest for both bird students and general readers. It is a little difficult to reconcile... Continue... Pp 295 0138.12.0216 1918 1918
The Pacific Reporter, Volume 171 (Published by West Publishing Co., St. Paul) West Publishing Co. "Como Orchard Land Co. v. Markham." Pages 274-276. 6.25 x 10. Relates to the Como Orchard Summer Colony, University Heights (S.144) and the Bitter Root Inn (S.145). (Digital and Printed version.) For more information on the Bitter Root Inn see our Wright Study. Pp 1183 0139.04.1109 1918
Bethlehem's Gift (Soft Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) Arranged by: Free, Margaret Story of Christmas from the New Testament. Scripture arranged by Margaret Free. Six full page illustrations by Jessie Arms Botke. End pages also illustrated by Botke. Chapters include: Prophesies, The Annunciation, The Magnificent, Annunciation to Joseph, The Nativity, The Shepherds, The Star of Bethlehem, and Fulfillment. The sixth illustration, The Wise Men, is reduced and affixed to the front cover. Cover text gilt. Printed throughout in two-color. Top and... Continue... Pp 22 0139.06.0214 1918
From Day to Day. Essays on Things Ordinary (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Boards are covered with a light green paper, the spine is covered in cloth. A label is pasted to the cover and spine.) Mauran, Grace Goodman A compilation of 27 essays. Frontispiece is an etching by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, pulled from a copper plate. "RFS, MCMXVIII" bottom right hand corner, etched in the plate. Publisher's description: "Clever essays on various ordinary subjects such as "At the Death-Bed of Hens," "Curtains," "Memories of Maids" and "The Great Adventure." "Introduction. The writing of daily themes is one of the requirements in the courses in English compositions in universities, and, I believe... Continue... Pp 120 0139.11.1019 1918
Idylls of the Skillet Fork (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Trimmed top and bottom. Paper label on spine.) Wild, Payson, S. Quaint and unusual poems in the vernacular of the native of Egypt, Illinois. Dedication: To The Presiding Spirit (In a Manner of Speaking) Herein Called "B I L L" of Skillet Fork Farm on the Borders of "Egypt." Foreword: Twenty-two of these Bucolics have appeared from time to time during the last three years in "A Line O" Type or Two" of The Chicago Tribune. For permission to reprint them here I am indebted to the genial "Conductor." A compilation of 26... Continue... Pp 80 0139.09.1114 1918
Life of Adrienne d"Ayen, Marquise de La Fayette. Translated from the French by S. Richard Fuller (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Printed on a beige stock with a Watermark: ANGLO-SAXON, J W P CO.) Guilhou, Marguerite This little volume - it is scarcely more than an essay - is interesting mainly for the side lights it gives upon the life of the husband of the central figure. The Marquise de La Fayette was a worthy companion to her distinguished husband sharing to the full his liberal and generous ideas and interfusing them with a piety sincere and deep. Her life was a fairly long one, checkered by the varying fortunes into which her husband fell; she was adored, with him, in the... Continue... Pp 69 0139.08.0814 1918
My Chicago (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) Morgan, Anne Preface. This book was written when the shadow of war was lowering over this country deepening as the months went by that followed the first year of our entry. They are growing still darker and spreading toward what depths, we do not know; creeping round every home in the land, peering through every window like a sinister stranger. My story deals with happier times... That we shall remember tranquil times, filled with the ardor and the glows of old... Continue... Pp 201 0139.07.0814 1918
The Brooklyn Society of Etchers. Third Annual Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum. December ninth to January fifth, 1918-1919. (Published by The Brooklyn Society of Etchers, Brooklyn) Brooklyn Society of Etchers One hundred fifty two etching were on display at the exhibition. Ralph Fletcher Seymour exhibited Spring in Trepiez. (Digital Edition) 4.75 x 10.75 Pp 12 0139.20.0322 1918
Times And Manners. A Pageant (Hard Cover) (Published by the Chicago Women's Club - Chicago. Printed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, The Alderbrink Press. MCMXVIII. Printed on beige paper with the watermark: "SUADE <D> FINISH." Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Peattie, Elia W. One of five hundred copies signed by the author. "Prologue: Governess, who becomes a lady of the Renaissance, and who reads the words of the pageant. First dress, rain coat and hat and galoshes; second dress, golden brocade and pearl head-dress. Pam and Colin, half-grown school children, dressed in modified Kate Greenaway costume. Must look contemporary, but picturesquely so." 5 x 6.25 (First Edition) Pp 33 0139.19.0122 1919 1919
Italy and Austria, A Contrast. The Unification of Italy; The Military violence of Austria Against Italy (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Fine Arts Building, Chicago) Harding, Adelaide Mathews (Mrs. George F. Harding) Dedicated to: The memory of those Italian soldiers and sailors who went forth to fight the enemies of their country but who did not return. Conclusion: Four Italian heroes achieved the unification of Italy - Giuseppi Mazzini - Vittoria Emmanuelli, II. - Count Camillo Cavour - Giuseppi Garibaldi. Notwithstanding the long years of Austrian domination with its benumbing effect on the populace, Italy has been most fortunate in having courageous, enlightened... Continue... Pp 244 0141.08.0114 1919
Laboratories That Turn Losses to Profits (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Boards are covered in a dark green cloth, title in gilt.) Crissey, Forrest "Forrest Crissey was both a writer of fiction and nonfiction. He began as a reporter for the Chicago Times in the early 1880s but left for an editorial position at the Geneva Patrol before the end of the decade. In 1893, Crissey returned to the Chicago Times and subsequently did stints at a number of Chicago-based publications, such as the Chicago Tribune. He worked for magazines as well as newspapers. From 1901 to 1934, Crissey was an editor, the... Continue... Pp 62 0141.13.0321 1919
Notre Pauvre Coeur (Our Poor Heart ) (Soft Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Couverture Par Genevieve Stump. Vignettes Par Anthony Stuffers. Cover By Genevieve Stump. Thumbnails By Anthony Stuffers.) Boria, Jacques Published in French. Dedication: "Amour" petit etre mysterieux, qui desire rester anonyme, c'est a toi, que je dedie ces poemes. ("Love" mysterious little being, who wishes to remain anonymous, it is to you that I dedicate these poems.) "This edition of 'Notre pauvre cceur' is limited to 200 de luxe numbered copies on Albion deckle edge paper, bound in special wrappers, and signed by the author ; and 600 copies of the regular edition. Printed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, The... Continue... Pp 52 0141.12.1220 1919
Trolley Lines Jotted Down Coming and Going (Stiff cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Printed on thick beige stock. Top and bottom edges trimmed, sides uncut. Cover illustration by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Signed "RFS" bottom left back cover. Plain stiff paper cover with printed overwrap, wraps top and sides. Cover printed in five colors. Dark green, light and dark blue, dark beige, and yellow.) Proudfoot, Andrea Hofer A compilation of 51 poems.
"Trolley Line. Water Front.
You who often lie so still,
Sifting the dense fumes of the city
Into sea-lights and satin edgings --
You, who flick through the spaces,
When from intermittent streets
You call us. With your patches of beauty --
You balmy, crouching blue wonder --
You, who shadow our skyline... Continue...Pp 72 0141.14.0521
Pre 1895 BACK TO TOP 1920-1929
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