The Dining RoomDate: 1897 Title: House Beautiful - February 15, 1897 (Digital) Published monthly by Klapp & Company, Chicago)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Successful Houses. III. How often does the architect, while creating the most beautiful effects for others, attain a satisfactory result in his own house? The mind which can plan and originate for a living, seems inadequate when it comes to planning for pleasure alone. Though often good enough as far as mere laying out of rooms goes, the homes of many architects, which naturally should be demonstrations in taste are uninteresting, commonplace and lacking in originality, Why this is so is difficult to say... As recent impressions of the house of Mr. Frank Wright at Oak Park are very strong it will serve as an example of the exception. Here is a case where nothing has been done hastily or carelessly, and every room has been arranged with the intention of obtaining a complete composition..." Includes five photographs of Wright's Oak Park Home. (Note: These are some of the earliest images of Wright's home on record.) (Sweeney 26)
Size: 6.25 x 9.5
Pages: Pp Frontispiece, 64-69
S#: 0026.00.0116
The House The Living Room
The Play Room, East End
The Play Room, West End Date: 1899 Title: House Beautiful - December 1899 (Digital) (Published monthly by Herbert S. Stone & Company, Chicago)
Author: Granger, Alfred H.
Description: "An Architects Studio. When one attempts to describe almost any modern building, the first question to be asked is, "What style?" ...One of the most radical of these opponents is Mr. Frank L. Wright, whose house and studio I have the privilege of describing... One's first impression of the dinning-room is its simplicity - no rugs, no curtains, and only the necessary furniture, which, however, is in perfect harmony with the room. One entire end of the room opposite the fireplace is practically of glass, laid in leading of a very delicate design, which was evidently inspired by the lotus flower. The harmony of color between the brown and the red is perfect, and is accentuated (if one can accentuate a harmony) by the color of the walls and ceiling, which are covered with arras of a soft brown, and which give to the entire room a golden tone such as one sees in a rich sunset. In the center of the ceiling is a design of exquisite tracery, through which at night a soft light filters, and gives to the whole room a warm, rich glow. Includes 11 photographs and illustrations. (Sweeney 35)
Size: 7 x 9.75
Pages: Pp 36-45
S#: 0035.00.0116
Date: 1902
Title: The Book of a Hundred Houses. A collection of Pictures, Plans and Suggestions for Householders (Hard Cover) (Published by Herbert S. Stone & Company, Eldridge Court, Chicago. Herbert S. Stone also published House Beautiful. Top edge trimmed and gilt, others uncut.)
Author: Editor: Dow, Joy Wheeler; Chapter written by: Granger, Alfred H.
Description: The article "An Architects Studio " by Alfred H. Granger was first published in the December 1899 issue of House Beautiful. It is reprinted in this volume. "An Architects Studio. When one attempts to describe almost any modern building, the first question to be asked is, "What style?" ...One of the most radical of these opponents is Mr. Frank L. Wright, whose house and studio I have the privilege of describing... One's first impression of the dining-room is its simplicity - no rugs, no curtains, and only the necessary furniture, which, however, is in perfect harmony with the room. One entire end of the room opposite the fireplace is practically of glass, laid in leading of a very delicate design, which was evidently inspired by the lotus flower. The harmony of color between the brown and the red is perfect, and is accentuated (if one can accentuate a harmony) by the color of the walls and ceiling, which are covered with arras of a soft brown, and which give to the entire room a golden tone such as one sees in a rich sunset. In the center of the ceiling is a design of exquisite tracery, through which at night a soft light filters, and gives to the whole room a warm, rich glow. Includes 5 photographs. Note: Listed in Sweeney, but not seen by the author. (First Edition) (Sweeney 35B)
Size: 7 x 8.75
Pages: Pp 207-214
S#: 0035.00B.0317
Date: 1904 Title: The House Beautiful - March 1904 (Published by Herbert S. Stone, Chicago)
Author: Colson, Ethel M.
Description: "A Yellow Dining-Room". The Warren McArthur house. "It is difficult to decorate a dining room successfully, and this for a variety of reasons. Softness without dimness, warmth without stuffiness, simplicity without bareness, and plenty of light with no suggestion of either garishness or glare, are apparently conflicting demands by no means easy to reconcile.
The dining-room of the Warren McArthur house at 4852 Kenwood Avenue, Chicago, is so nearly perfect that the tale of its carefully planned attractions should be useful to others. Evolved slowly, with the aid of much thought and study, and many experiments, the scheme has individuality and charm. Certain minor problems in connection with the beautiful room remain to be solved. Fifteen by eighteen feet in size, it is distinguished by a large, two-sided corner window of southwestern exposure, so planned and arranged that it can never be shadowed by encroaching walls or obstructions. Its quaintly leaded panes swing out upon the flower garden just beyond. A door directly opposite this window leads to a spacious and convenient pantry. Opposite this door, again, is a double door of leaded glass similar to that in the window, and the fourth corner of the room is occupied by the duplicate..." Continue... Includes two interior photos. Original List Price 20 cents. (Sweeney 55)Size: 7 x 9.75
Pages: Pp 208 - 210
S#: 0055.00.0105
Date: (Bound Volume includes Oct, Dec 1905 & Jan, Feb, May, June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 1906)
Title: The House Beautiful - June 1906 (Bound Volume) Title: The House Beautiful - August 1906 (Bound Volume) Author: Percival, C.E. Author: Percival, C.E. Description: A House on a Bluff (Sweeney 62) Description: A House without a Servant (Sweeney 63) Size: Size: Pages: Pp 11-13 Pages: Pp 13-14 S#: 0062.00.0101 S#: 0063.00.0101 Date: 1905
Title: House Beautiful - September 1905 (Digital Edition) (Published monthly by Herbert S. Stone, Chicago)
Author: Spencer, Robert C., Jr.
Description: "Plaster Houses and Their Construction." A three page article on the construction of plaster houses. Although the article does not mention Frank Lloyd Wright in the article, it includes a photograph of the Joseph J. Walser House and caption: "Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect."
Size: 9.5 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 23-25
S#: 0058.31.0720Date: 1906
Title: House Beautiful - March 1906 (Published monthly by Herbert S. Stone, Chicago)
Author: Spencer, Robert C., Jr.
Description: "Windows." A four page article on the use of art-glass windows. Although the article does not mention Frank Lloyd Wright in the article, it includes a photograph of the Darwin D. Martin, Tree Of Life window and caption: "Examples of Effective Leading in Metal Bar. Designed by... and Frank Lloyd Wright. Executed by Linden Glass Co."
Size: 9.75 x 12.75
Pages: Pp 22-25
S#: 0062.01.1224Date: July 1906 Title: The House Beautiful - July 1906 (Published monthly by The House Beautiful Company, Chicago)
Author: Percival, C.E.
Description: "Solving a Difficult Problem. A House at South Bend, Indiana; Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. A common problem, and one not easy to solve, is the semi-urban dwelling in a neighborhood where land is expensive, and fifty feet of ground is the width of the usual lot... The De Rhodes House (1906 S.125)... is one of Frank Lloyd Wright's solutions of this difficult problem." Includes one illustration. Original cover price 20 cents. Two copies, one bound. (Sweeney 64)
Size: 9.75 x 13.
Pages: Pp 20-21
S#: 0064.00.0101, 0064.00.0910
Date: 1908
Title: House Beautiful - April 1908 (Published monthly by The House Beautiful Company, Chicago)
Author: Spencer, Robert C., Jr.
Description: "The Bath-Room... In the best houses, as in the best hotels, every bedroom and suite must have its private bath. The little seven or eight room house must have at least one small room devoted to soap and water..." Includes one photograph of wall-hung toilet designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Caption: "Fig. 9. A special type of water closet designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect for the Larkin Building, Buffalo, N. Y., and since manufactured as a stock pattern. With some slight modifications this would be an ideal form for residence as well as commercial buildings." It has been written that Wright would not patent the design because he didn't want his name tied to the design of a toilet. Original cover price 25c.
Size: 9.75 x 13
Pages: Pp 28-30
S#: 0085.37.0717Date: November 1908 Title: House Beautiful - November 1908 (Published monthly by The House Beautiful Company, Chicago)
Author: Spencer, Robert C., Jr.
Description: "Decorative use of Stucco and Cement." Although Spencer does not mention Wright in the article, three of the photographs are Wright houses, and he is mentioned in the captions (Winslow 1894, Heller 1896). Original cover price $0.25.
Size: 9.75 x 13
Pages: Pp 133-137
S#: 0085.04.0907
Date: October 1911 Title: House Beautiful - October 1911 (Published monthly by The House Beautiful Company, New York)
Author: White, Charles E.
Description: "House Design: Good Taste and Poor Taste." Image of the Frank Thomas Residence, Oak Park (S.067). "Plate O. - Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Casement Window with Pattern of Metal Bar." Original cover price 25c.
Size: 9.25 x 12.75
Pages: Pp 132
S#: 0104.01.0706
Date: October 1913 Title: House Beautiful - October 1913 (Published monthly by The House Beautiful Company, New York)
Author: White, Charles E. Jr.
Description: "The Best Way to Use Cement". Incorporating cement plaster as an exterior covering. Although Wright is never mentioned in the article, out of the 13 photographs, five are Wright homes, and two captions credit Wright as the architect. Fig. A Tomek Residence (1904); Fig. D Fricke Residence (1901); Fig. E Coonley Residence (1907); Fig. K Hickox Residence (1900); Fig. L Brown Residence (1905). Original cover price 25c.
Size: 9.75 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 130-134
S#: 0120.02.1006
Date: June 1946 Title: House Beautiful - June 1946 (Published by Hearst Magazines, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous, Portrait by Karsh, Yousuf
Description: "Meet Frank Lloyd Wright". House Beautiful introduces you to the people who influence your life. Portrait by Yousuf Karsh. Original List Price 35 cents. (Sweeney 666)
Size: 9.25 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 76-77, 163
S#: 0666.00.0305
(Back to S.661) (Back to S.670) Date: December 1946 Title: House Beautiful - December 1946 (Published monthly by Hearst Magazines Inc., New York)
Author: Gordon, Elizabeth Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: "One Man's House. We give much lip service to two architectural principles: That a man's house should be a personal expression and that it should take its place naturally in the landscape. Frank Lloyd Wright's winter home and workshop in Arizona really does both. The result is beautiful, exciting and very hard to explain." All photographs by Maynard Parker. Includes 31 photographs. Original cover price 35c. (Sweeney 661) Description: 1) "The most influential design source of the last 50 years." "The effect of any genius is seldom seen in his own time. But the case of Frank Lloyd Wright is different..." Includes portrait by Yousuf Karsh. Original cover price 35c. (Sweeney 670) Description: 2) "What inspired House Beautiful? Like most institutions that outlive their originators, House Beautiful was stared as a crusade. Our birth was influenced by six widely-reprinted sermon-essays entitled "The House Beautiful," written by William C. Gannett in 1895, and printed in 1896 in a deluxe, edition designed by Frank Lloyd Wright." Includes two photographs by Fred Lerner of the cover and inside spread of The House Beautiful. Original cover price 35c. Description: 3) "America Did it First. Frank Lloyd Wright designed this house in 1903. Opposite you'll see its influence on Modern today..." The caption reads "Home of Mr. And Mrs. T.H. Goodspeed, Grand Rapids, Michigan". Wright claimed this home as one of his designed, the David M. Amberg House (1909). Amberg was Meyer May's father-in-law. In Storrer's early editions he lists it as S.166. A design for the Amberg House was published in the Western Architect of October 1913 under Von Holst's name, with Marion M. Griffin listed as Associate. Also see "Frank Lloyd Wright, His Life and His Architecture" Twombly 1979, Pp 160-2. Includes three photographs. Original cover price 35c. Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Pages: Pp 186-196, 235 Pages: Pg 185 Pages: Pp 150-151 Pages: Pp 156-157 S#: 0661.00.0607 S#: 0670.00.0607 S#: 0670.01.0607 S#: 0670.02.0607 Date: 1948
Title: House Beautiful - Aug 1948 (Published monthly by the Hearst Corp., New York)
Author: Pope, Loren
Description: Pope Residence. "The Love Affair of a Man and His House. This story of what a modern house means to its owner came to house beautiful unsolicited. We held it for more than a year before we decided to be brave enough to publish it. We say brave because it will make a lot of our readers very angry. But since it is true that the house is so much more then a shelter, we think people ought to know about it. (Pope:) For six years we lived in a truly modern house, designed and built for us by Frank Lloyd Wright, the world's greatest Architect and one of its greatest man. And because there are many people to whom honest, organic architecture is and uncertain venture, we want to tell what it has meant to us. What we have found is this: it is the only kind of house fit for man to live in. It is not expensive. It is the best kind of home investment. It is far and away the most practical. It is the only kind that has anything to offer the spirit and finally, the lending public is way behind the buying public in its standard judgment of what kind of house is desirable in valuable..." Includes four photographs of the Pope Residence. Original cover price 50c. (Sweeney 734)
Size: 9.25 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 32-34 80 90
S#: 0734.00.0617Date: 1949
Title: House Beautiful Home Maintenance and Building Manual - 1949 Number XXI (Published by the Hearst Corp., New York)
Author: Pope, Loren
Description: This issue contains 44 of the best housing articles published in House Beautiful during the past year, Plus 24 pages of new, never-published-before material.
This is a reprint of an article that was published in House Beautiful, August 1948.
The Love Affair of a Man and His House. This story of what a modern house means to its owner came to house beautiful unsolicited. We held it for more than a year before we decided to be brave enough to publish it. We say brave because it will make a lot of our readers very angry. But since it is true that the house is so much more then a shelter, we think people ought to know about it. (Pope:) For six years we lived in a truly modern house, designed and built for us by Frank Lloyd Wright, the worlds greatest Architect and one of its greatest man. And because there are many people to whom honest, organic architecture is and uncertain venture, we want to tell what it has meant to us. What we have found is this: it is the only kind of house fit for man to live in. It is not expensive. It is the best kind of home investment. It is far and away the most practical. It is the only kind that has anything to offer the spirit and finally, the lending public is way behind the buying public in its standard judgment of what kind of house is desirable in valuable... Includes four photographs of the Pope Residence. Original cover price $1.
Size: 9.25 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 86-88 162 191-192
S#: 0798.44,0524Date: March 1951 Title: House Beautiful - March 1951
Author: Roche, Mary
Description: A taste for Naturalism produces A new feeling for Materials. Wright's influence.
Pages: Pp 116-119 130-1
S#: 0857.01.0203
Date: July 1953 Title: House Beautiful - July 1953
Author: Frank Lloyd Wright
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright Speaks Up: ...speaks up forthrightly against the sterility and the totalitarian threat of the "International Style". A reprint of an editorial Wright wrote and published in booklet form titled "In the Cause of Architecture". (Sweeney 940)
Pages: Pp 86-8 90
S#: 0940.00.0503
Date: 1953 Title: In the Cause of Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: An editorial attacking on the International Style. "The "International Style" is neither International nor a Style..." Also published in House Beautiful, July 1953 and Architectural Record, June 1953. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2065)
Size: 8.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 7
S#: 2065.00.0506
Date: October 1954 Title: House Beautiful - October 1954
Description: House Beautiful dedicated this exhibit to Frank Lloyd Wright (Sweeney 1014)
Pages: Pp 176-7
S#: 1014.00.0601
(Also published as a hard cover - below)
Date: 1955
Title: House Beautiful - November 1955 (Hard Cover) (Published monthly by the Hearst Corp., New York)
Authors: 2) Barry, Joseph A. 3) Hill, John de Koven 5) Mosher, Robert 6) Zevi, Bruno 7) Wright, Frank Lloyd 8) Fitch, James Marston 9) Wright, Frank Lloyd 10) Gordon, Elizabeth 13) Williams, Richard 17) Starr, Cecil
Description: A whole issue devoted to Frank Lloyd Wright.
1) House Beautiful is devoting this entire issue to Frank Lloyd Wright. Taliesin (3), Taliesin West (2), Walker Residence (2).
2) Frank Lloyd Wright: the man who liberated architecture. Portraits (6), Robert Llewellyn Wright (2).
3) The Poetry of Structure. Fallingwater, S. C. Johnson, Laurents (2), Albert Adelman.
4) The Character of the Site is the Beginning of Architecture. Walter (2), Taliesin, Miller, Iowa, Fallingwater, Wingspread.
5) The Eloquence of Materials. Mossburg, South Bend, David Wright, Walker, Ennis (2), Lloyd Lewis, Libertyville, Benjamine Adelman, Phoenix (5), Albert Adelman, Fox Point, Taliesin.
6) The Reality of a House is the Space Within. Neils, Minn (2), Taliesin (2), S.C. Johnson Headquarters, V. C. Morris Shop.
7) "I Believe a House is more a Home by Being a Work of Art." Taliesin (6), NY City Exhibition House, Hollyhock House (2), Coonley, La Miniatura.
8) This exhibition house symbolizes Frank Lloyd Wright's Contribution to Your Daily Life. NY City Exhibition House (13 plus floor plan).
9) Faith in your own Individuality.
10) The Symphonic Poem of a Great House. Coonley (18 plus floor plan).
11) A Modern Castle in the Air. David Wright (13 plus floor plan).
12) And now Frank Lloyd Wright designs home furnishings you can buy! Heritage Henredon (22), Schumacher (4).
13) Music and Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright at piano, Taliesin (3).
14) At Taliesin, parties are artistic affairs. Taliesin (5).
15) The Writings of Frank Lloyd Wright. 16) Wright as a Landscape Architect. Taliesin West, Taliesin (7), Walter.
16) The worlds most honored architect. (List of honors.)
17) Movies and Frank Lloyd Wright.
18) What men have written about Frank Lloyd Wright.
19) The Storage Hallway (2).
Ads: P.41: Flour City, Photograph of the Neils Residence, Minn.
P.43: Airtemp, David Wright Residence, Phoenix.
P.48-49: Heritage Henredon.
P. 94: Schumacher.
P.103: Thermopane, Photograph of the Albert Adelman Residence, Fox Point, Wics.
P.204: Martin Senour Paints.
P.303: Revere, Affleck (2), Portrait.
P.304: Belgian Linen, Portrait.
P.305: Trush, Fallingwater.
Original cover price 50c. (Sweeney 1066)
Size: 9.5 x 12.75
Pages: Cover 41,43, 47-8,94,103, 185, 233-380
S#: 1066.00.1199, 1066.01.0417Date: 1955
Title: Ad in House Beautiful - November 1955 (Published monthly by the Hearst Corp., New York)
Description: The Karastan Ad in House Beautiful indicated that Wright was designing a line of carpets. Wright adapted the drawings he proposed in 1926-28 for the covers of Liberty Magazine. "On the way ...A collection of rugs by Frank Lloyd Wright for Karastan. In the firm belief that today's home requires a rug as fresh and provocative as the new trends in building design, we're asking Frank Lloyd Wright to create a series of rugs for Karastan. The Taliesin Collection, to be introduced next spring, is still on the drawing boards. But we can safely predict that it will be as beautiful and livable, as thoughtful and original as everything this great designer has done." November 1955, p.349.
Size: 4 x 10.5 B&W photograph
S#: 1066.01.0620Date: 1956
Title: House Beautiful - June 1956 (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "How Fresh and Fitting Is the Furniture of Frank Lloyd Wright in Traditional Rooms. There is a warmth, richness and dignity in traditional furniture that we cannot - and should not - give up. Yet there is often a time when we should welcome the change, freshening up, as it were, of our rooms, if it did not mean sacrificing all these fine, traditional values in the process. Here, we believe, you can see the virtual miracle of the furniture of the world's greatest modern designer at ease, at home, yet always itself, in an atmosphere field with the familiar furniture of the past. Might one say these pieces by Frank Lloyd Wright - the chests, the tables, the open shelves - seem to bring more life, more warmth, more richness and interest to the traditional pieces then they had had without them..." Includes two photographs of Frank Lloyd Wright's Heritage-Henredon designed furniture in traditional living rooms. (Sweeney 1115)
2) "Announcing The Taliesin Palette of Frank Lloyd Wright Colors." Quarter page announcement of The Martin-Senour Company Taliesin Palette of colors.
Size: 9.75 x 12.75
Pages: P 114-117
S#: 1115.00.0118Date: 1956 Title: House Beautiful - November 1956 (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York)
Author: Hill, John de Koven
Description: "The Look of American Life at the Top Level. Two new houses by Frank Lloyd Wright show the quality of life that is the American ideal. The two great houses shown on these eight pages are rich with the beauty that can be had in living at its best in America." Two homes include the Harold Price Sr. House (1954 - S. 378), Paradise Valley AZ and the Harold Price Jr. House (1953 - S. 363), Bartlesville, OK. Includes a floor plan for each and 15 photographs by Maynard Parker.
A) Ad: Martin Senour Paints with Frank Lloyd Wright Color Palette booklet.
B) Also includes articles on three additional homes, Marko home by Alfred Parker (p. 224-5), Parker's own home (p. 236-7), and Paul home by Aaron Green (p. 240-2). Original cover price 50c. (Sweeney 1114)Size: 9.5 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 258-65 A) Pp 98
S#: 1114.00.0314
Date: 1957
Title: House Beautiful - January 1957 (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Our Strongest Influence for Enrichment." The influence of Frank Lloyd Wright. Includes 25 of Wrights work which include: Walker (3); Dana (8); Taliesin (3); Coonley Playhouse windows (1); Imperial Hotel dinnerware (1); Heritage-Henredon and Schumacher (3); Barnsdall (1); Millard (2); Usonian Exhibition (1); Ennis (1); Taliesin West (1). Other ads and articles include:
1) Ad for Martin-Senour paint and Schumacher fabric.
2) Gamble House, Pasadena.
3) "A Square is Not a Box," Gayer House by Alfred Browning Parker written by Curtis Besinger.
4) "A 70-Year-Old Prophecy Has Now Come True," excerpts from Louis Sullivan's Kindergarten Chats, 1955.
5) "The Tradition of Ornament in Modern Architecture" written by Edgar Kaufmann. Includes Wright photographs of the: Moore (1); Sullivan's Residence (1); Ennis (1).
6) "The new artists for the new era are now appearing." The work of Eugene Masselink with photographs of a wood screen in the Harold Price Jr. Residence (2), Wall mural in the Price Tower (1), Table cloth and service plates (2, One shown on the cover), illustrations (2). From the Jack Howe estate, a gift from Kathryn Smith. (Sweeney 1180)
Size: 9.75 x 12.75
Pages: Pp 40-47, 99, 105-106
S#: 1180.00.0319Date: September 1959 Title: House Beautiful - September 1959
Description: Announcing Oct Issue
Pages: Pp 192
S#: 1374.01.0901
Date: October 1959 Title: House Beautiful - October 1959 (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York)
Author: 2) Besinger, Curtis 8) Gordon, Elizabeth 12) Besinger, Curtis 13) Hill, John deKoven 15 & 23) Gordon, Elizabeth 27) Gannett, William C.
Description: issue devoted to Frank Lloyd Wright. "Your Heritage from Frank Lloyd Wright." 1) Full page Ad: Schumacher's Fabrics by Frank Lloyd Wright. 2) "How Frank Lloyd Wright Used Music. 3) Send for the complete bibliography on Frank Lloyd Wright covering the period from 1900 through 1959. 4) National Concrete Masonry Association Ad: Frank Lloyd Wright and the Beauty of Block. (5 photographs; Wright (1); Price Sr. Residence (2); David Wright (1); Kalil (1). 6) Wright's way with a hall: Put it to work. Wright (2); Erdman (1). 7) Your Legacy from Frank Lloyd Wright: A Richer Way of Life. Taliesin (1). 8) The Essence of Frank Lloyd Wright's Contribution. 9) Wright was one of the Founders of House Beautiful. 10) The Structure of a Genius. Donahoe Triptych (Ill.). 11) Work Continues in the Taliesin Studio. 12) Shelter that enclises without confining. 13) Interior Space as Architectural Poetry. Unitarian Meeting House (1), Taliesin West (1), Florida Southern College (2), Walker (1), Price Sr. (1), Pfeiffer Chapel (1), S. C. Johnson (4), Taliesin (1), S. C. Johnson (3). 14) The Inner Garden. 15) Wright's Way with Little Things. Portrait (1), Taliesin (3), Schumacher (3). 16) Exploiting the rich possibilities in material. La Miniatura (1), Benjamin Adelman (1), David Wright (1), Florida Southern College (3). 17) Integration: the art of knitting everything together into one strong whole. V. C. Morris (1). 18) The Open Plan. 19) Wright Considered Ornament Desirable. David Wright (2), Taliesin (1) Masselink (3), Moore (1), Ennis (2), Coonley (1). 20) The Wrightian Look built into an existing Structure. 21) Architectural Use of Fine Possessions. 22) A Small House can have a Big Presence. 23) Exploding the Box to Gain Spaciousness. Taliesin (1). 24) Architects who understand and use Wrightian principles. 25) Fresh design grows out of solving problems. Taliesin West (4). 26) Luxury in a Tent-Like Shelter. Taliesin West (7). 27) House Furnishings. House Beautiful (1). 28) A Poetic Image realized in Concrete Form. Robert Llewellyn Wright (4). Light from above breaks up a box. Taliesin (1), Lloyd Lewis (1). 29) Wright interlocks site and structure. Taliesin (5). The Wrightian Way: Extending the structure into the landscape. Taliesin (1). 30) Making a little Estate out of a Small Area. Original cover price 60c (unbound) 9.5 x 12.75. Hardbound, Red cloth, gilt lettering. (Sweeney 1374)
Size: 9.75 x 13
Pages: Pp Cover, 48, 50, 57, 186, 188, 193 207-336,
S#: 1374.00.1099Date: 1959
Title: House Beautiful - October 1959 (Hard Cover) (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York)
Author: 2) Besinger, Curtis 8) Gordon, Elizabeth 12) Besinger, Curtis 13) Hill, John deKoven 15 & 23) Gordon, Elizabeth 27) Gannett, William C.
Description: issue devoted to Frank Lloyd Wright. "Your Heritage from Frank Lloyd Wright." 1) Full page Ad: Schumacher's Fabrics by Frank Lloyd Wright. 2) "How Frank Lloyd Wright Used Music. 3) Send for the complete bibliography on Frank Lloyd Wright covering the period from 1900 through 1959. 4) National Concrete Masonry Association Ad: Frank Lloyd Wright and the Beauty of Block. (5 photographs; Wright (1); Price Sr. Residence (2); David Wright (1); Kalil (1). 6) Wright's way with a hall: Put it to work. Wright (2); Erdman (1). 7) Your Legacy from Frank Lloyd Wright: A Richer Way of Life. Taliesin (1). 8) The Essence of Frank Lloyd Wright's Contribution. 9) Wright was one of the Founders of House Beautiful. 10) The Structure of a Genius. Donahoe Triptych (Ill.). 11) Work Continues in the Taliesin Studio. 12) Shelter that enclises without confining. 13) Interior Space as Architectural Poetry. Unitarian Meeting House (1), Taliesin West (1), Florida Southern College (2), Walker (1), Price Sr. (1), Pfeiffer Chapel (1), S. C. Johnson (4), Taliesin (1), S. C. Johnson (3). 14) The Inner Garden. 15) Wright's Way with Little Things. Portrait (1), Taliesin (3), Schumacher (3). 16) Exploiting the rich possibilities in material. La Miniatura (1), Benjamin Adelman (1), David Wright (1), Florida Southern College (3). 17) Integration: the art of knitting everything together into one strong whole. V. C. Morris (1). 18) The Open Plan. 19) Wright Considered Ornament Desirable. David Wright (2), Taliesin (1) Masselink (3), Moore (1), Ennis (2), Coonley (1). 20) The Wrightian Look built into an existing Structure. 21) Architectural Use of Fine Possessions. 22) A Small House can have a Big Presence. 23) Exploding the Box to Gain Spaciousness. Taliesin (1). 24) Architects who understand and use Wrightian principles. 25) Fresh design grows out of solving problems. Taliesin West (4). 26) Luxury in a Tent-Like Shelter. Taliesin West (7). 27) House Furnishings. House Beautiful (1). 28) A Poetic Image realized in Concrete Form. Robert Llewellyn Wright (4). Light from above breaks up a box. Taliesin (1), Lloyd Lewis (1). 29) Wright interlocks site and structure. Taliesin (5). The Wrightian Way: Extending the structure into the landscape. Taliesin (1). 30) Making a little Estate out of a Small Area. Original cover price 60c (unbound) 9.5 x 12.75. Hardbound, Red cloth, gilt lettering. (Sweeney 1374)
Size: 9.75 x 13
Pages: Pp Cover, 48, 50, 57, 186, 188, 193 207-336,
S#: 1374.02.0517
Date: 1963 Title: House Beautiful - January 1963 (Hardcover) (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York)
Author: 3-6) Hanna, Dr. Paul and Jean 7) Wright, Frank Lloyd 8-12) Hanna, Dr. Paul and Jean 13-14) Besinger, Curtis 15) Hanna, Dr. Paul and Jean
Description: Issue is devoted to the Hanna House (1936 - S.235). "How a Great Frank Lloyd Wright House -Changes -Grew -Came to Perfection." 1) What king of people live in the honeycomb house (P.6). 2) If you want a good house study the great houses (P.53). 3) Our love affair with our house (P.54-57+). 4) Pardon our pride but... (P.58-63). 5) The most "lived-in" room in our house (P.64-67+). 6) Out of this plan cam a beautiful simplicity (P.68-69+). 7) What Frank Lloyd Wright said about this house (P.70-71+). 8) The emergence of a magnificent master suite (72-75). 9) Ours has been a changing house (P.76-79). 10) How inside rooms can have outside light and air (P.80-83). 11) We have so many "places to go out to (P.84-89). 12) We can eat and entertain almost everywhere (P.90-93+). 13) This house can show you How to find the Art in Architecture (P.94-95). 14) To appreciate the pleasures of the house (P.96-103+). 15) From this shop came our "custom-made furniture (P.104). 16) Hopefully... a memorial to Frank Lloyd Wright (P.105). (Pages 106-120, a continuation of many articles.) Ad: Order this great issue of House Beautiful - in a permanent binding... Red, gilt lettering, $4.00. Original cover price 60c (unbound). Hardbound $4.00. One copy from the Jack Howe estate, a gift from Kathryn Smith. (Sweeney 1548)
Size: 9.5 x 12.5
Pages: Pp Cover, 6, 8, 53-120
S#: 1548.00.1001, 1548.00.0319
Date: 1963 Title: House Beautiful - January 1963 (Hardcover) (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York)
Author: 3-6) Hanna, Dr. Paul and Jean 7) Wright, Frank Lloyd 8-12) Hanna, Dr. Paul and Jean 13-14) Besinger, Curtis 15) Hanna, Dr. Paul and Jean
Description: Issue is devoted to the Hanna House (1936 - S.235). "How a Great Frank Lloyd Wright House -Changes -Grew -Came to Perfection." 1) What king of people live in the honeycomb house (P.6). 2) If you want a good house study the great houses (P.53). 3) Our love affair with our house (P.54-57+). 4) Pardon our pride but... (P.58-63). 5) The most "lived-in" room in our house (P.64-67+). 6) Out of this plan cam a beautiful simplicity (P.68-69+). 7) What Frank Lloyd Wright said about this house (P.70-71+). 8) The emergence of a magnificent master suite (72-75). 9) Ours has been a changing house (P.76-79). 10) How inside rooms can have outside light and air (P.80-83). 11) We have so many "places to go out to (P.84-89). 12) We can eat and entertain almost everywhere (P.90-93+). 13) This house can show you How to find the Art in Architecture (P.94-95). 14) To appreciate the pleasures of the house (P.96-103+). 15) From this shop came our "custom-made furniture (P.104). 16) Hopefully... a memorial to Frank Lloyd Wright (P.105). (Pages 106-120, a continuation of many articles.) Ad: Order this great issue of House Beautiful - in a permanent binding... Red, gilt lettering, $4.00. Original cover price 60c (unbound). Hardbound $4.00. (Sweeney 1548)
Size: 9.75 x 13
Pages: Pp Cover, 6, 8, 53-120
S#: 1548.01.0216
Date: February 1965 Title: House Beautiful - February 1965 (Published Monthly by The Hearst Corporation, New York)
Author: Andrews, Wayne; Photo by Hedrich-Blessing
Description: "The Impatient Evolution of the American House. ..."Democracy needs something basically better than the box." Wright had decided... He was rewarded. He became so famous that he could be excused for declaring that he intended to be the greatest architect who ever lived." The article is followed by a 14 page portfolio of pivotal American architecture, which includes a two page spread of the Robie House. Includes one photograph of the Robie House by Hedrich-Blessing. Original cover price 60c.
Size: 9.75 x 12.4
Pages: Pp 90-103
S#: 1628.14.1010
Date: February 1966 Title: House Beautiful - February 1966
Author: Anonymous
Description: "A Master's Masterwork." Fallingwater. Spread contains text and two large photos.
Pages: Pp 132-3
S#: 1679.03.0904
Date: June 1992 Title: House Beautiful - June 1992
Author: Margolies, Jane Author: Anonymous Author: Flanagan, Barbara Description: Remembering Mr. Wright. All Americans know Frank Lloyd Wright's remarkable buildings. But what was he like? Four colleagues tell us. Description: The Wright stuff. 13 reproductions. Description: Reproducing Wright. When copies of Frank Lloyd Wright's custom fabrics and furniture were first introduced in 1955, most Americans didn't get it. Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp 18-19 22 24 122 Pages: Pp 26-27 Pages: Pp 30 32 ST#: 1992.27.0802 ST#: 1992.28.0802 ST#: 1992.29.0802 Author: Giovannini, Joseph Author: Gropp, Louis Oliver Author: Pittel, Christine Description: Architecture's genius, America's hero Description: A salute to genius. Description: Finally: the Guggenheim as Wright conceived it. Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp 34 38 40 45 46 Pages: Pp 65 Pages: Pp 82-88 134 ST#: 1992.30.0802 ST#: 1992.31.0802 ST#: 1992.32.0802 Date: June 1992 Title: House Beautiful Tribute - June 1992 (A separately bound supplement of the Wright articles in the June Issue of House Beautiful.)
Author: Gropp, Louis Oliver; Margolies, Jane; Pittel, Christine; Flanagan, Barbara; Giovannini, Joseph; Pope, Loren
Description: 1) A Salute to Genius. 2) Remembering Mr. Wright. 3) Finally the Guggenheim as Wright Conceived it. 4) Light Fantastic. 5) The Guggenheim Light Fantastic. 6) Reproducing Wright. 7) The Wright Stuff. 8) Architecture's Genius America's Hero. 9) A Frank Lloyd Wright House for the People. 10) Wright Houses You Can Visit.
Pages: Pp 48
ST#: 1992.43.1004
Date: March 1994 Title: House Beautiful - March 1994
Author: Filler, Martin
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright at MOMA
Pages: Pp 146-151
ST#: 1994.23.0802
Date: June 1995 Title: House Beautiful - June 1995 (Published monthly by the Hearst Corp. New York)
Author: Schlang, Lisa Jill
Description: "Anderson does it Wright." The architect's art glass windows are being reproduced. Original cover price $2.50.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 50
ST#: 1995.44.0405
Date: 1995
Title: House Beautiful - 1995 (Published by House Beautiful and Chrysler Corporation)
Author: 1) Gale, Thomas C. 2) Margolies, Jane 4) Giovannini, Joseph 6) Pittel, Christine
8) Legler, Dixie 9) Pope, Loren
Description: Published in conjunction with the exhibition, "The Legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright." Held in nine major Cities across the US from October 31, 1995 - July 7, 1996. Articles were first published in House Beautiful, June, 1992, and House Beautiful Tribute to Frank L:loyud Wright and The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1992.
Articles include: 1) The Legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright. 2) Remembering Mr. Wright. 3) The Wright Stuff. Reproducing Wright. 4) Architecture's Genius America's Hero. 5) The Legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright Exhibition Schedule. 6) Finally the Guggenheim as Wright Conceived it. 7) Wright Houses You Can Visit. 8) Frank Lloyd Wright Away From Home. (First published in the Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly, Summer, 1994. 9) A Frank Lloyd Wright House for the People.
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pp 42
ST#: 1995.115.0623Date: July 1996 Title: House Beautiful - July 1996
Author: Filler, Martin
Description: Wright in a New Light
Pages: Pp 52-53
ST#: 1996.30.0802
Date: November 1996 Title: House Beautiful - November 1996
Author: Filler, Martin Author: Margolies, Jane Author: Connors, Thomas Description: Surveying a Century. Description: Meeting Mr. Wright. Life-enhancing architecture was Frank Lloyd Wright's cause, and our former editor-in-chief Elizabeth Gordon was his comrade-in-arms. Description: Wright for the Night. Rent the Seth Peterson cottage Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp 117 120 6 8-9 132 4 Pages: Pp 136 138 Pages: Pp 140 ST#: 1996.31.0802 ST#: 1996.32.0802 ST#: 1996.33.0802 Date: 2000 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright's House Beautiful (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Hearst Books, New York. Produced by Archetype Press, Inc., Washington D.C.)
Author: Maddex, Diane
Description: Original HC List Price $40.00. Two copies. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 176
ST#: 2000.10.1201, 2000.33.0806
Date: 2017
Title: Tastemaker. Elizabeth Gordon, House Beautiful and the Postwar American Home (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Yale Univerity Press, New Haven and London)
Author: Penick, Monica
Description: The author, Monica Penick, extensively covers the work of Frank Lloyd Wright and the collaboration with Elizabeth Gordon and House Beautiful.
Dust Jacket: From 1941 to 1964, House Beautiful magazines crusading editor-in-chief Elizabeth Gordon introduced and promoted her vision of good design and better living to an extensive middle-class American readership. Her innovative magazine-sponsored initiatives, including House Beautifuls Pace Setter House Program and the Climate Control Project, popularized a livable and decidedly American version of postwar modern architecture. Gordons devotion to what she called the American Style attracted the attention of Frank Lloyd Wright, who became her ally and collaborator. Gordons editorial programs reshaped ideas about American living and, by extension, what consumers bought, what designers made, and what manufacturers brought to market. This incisive assessment of Gordons influence as an editor, critic, and arbiter of domestic taste reflects more broadly on the cultures of consumption and identity in postwar America. Nearly 200 images are featured, including work by Ezra Stoller, Maynard Parker, and Julius Shulman. This important book champions an often-neglected sourcethe consumer magazineas a key tool for deepening our understanding of mid-century architecture and design.
Original list price $69.00. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 248
ST#: 2017.57.0824Date: 2020
Title: House Beautiful - Jan/Feb 2020 (Published by Hearst, New York)
Author: Keller, Hadley
Description: Restoration of the Celeste and Socrates Zaferios Residence, Blauvelt, New York. (1961 - S.410). This was one of Marshall Erdman's Prefabricated homes #1. Rewriting History. It's every architecture lover's dream: You're strolling through real estate websites and stumble upon a Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian house, still inhabited by its original owners, in virtually the same condition it was when Wright approve the plans almost 60 years ago. "Being the cynical New Yorker, I didn't believe it at first," laughs Manhattan - based designer Sarah Andersen-Magness. " called the realtor immediately and asked, Is this real? If it is, I want to come see you today." " Suffice it to say: The house was indeed real, and now here Andersen-Magness is, two years later, telling the story of her pain staking renovation while perched on a sofa that Wright specified for the home (one of three prefab models he designed with Marshall Erdman). Includes 11 photographs of the home by Adrian Gaut.
Size: 8.25 x 10.9
Pages: Pp 4, 66-73
ST#: 2020.01.0120
©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2025