Taliesin Publications are those that were published by Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship. Wright was constantly writing and publicizing his concepts and architectural philosophy and was a brilliant promoter. Note: Sweeney groups these under it's own section.
1933 1934 1938 1939 1940 1941 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1951 1953 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960
1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1974 1977 1981 1983 1986 1987 1988 1990
1993 2003 Bottom
The Taliesin Fellowship (Published by the Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Wisconsin) Pages appear to be backed with rice paper. Wright, Frank Lloyd; Taliesin Fellowship A prospectus and original application for The Taliesin Fellowship, dated January 1, 1933. Includes a list of Charter Applicants. "The Taliesin Fellowship is and extension of architecture at Taliesin to the architecture of music sculpture and painting by way of agriculture manufacture and building to include seventy apprentices and seven... Frank Lloyd Wright, together with a leader who will be in residence with the apprentices, for resident associates, a technical research man in structural engineering... Continue... (Sweeney 2035) Pp 16 2035.00.0817 1933
The Taliesin Fellowship, December 1933 Wright, Frank Lloyd; Taliesin Fellowship (Envelope Addressed to Alfonso Iannelli) (First Edition) (Sweeney 2036) Pp 15 2036.00.0599 1934 1934
Taliesin, Volume 1, No 1. "Taliesin. Nine Times a Year. Frank Lloyd Wright, Editor. The Taliesin Fellowship Sole Contributor and Factor. No Copyright ----Advertising." Wright, Frank Lloyd; de Fries, Heinrich; Papadaki, Stamo; Schubart, Pauline; Liang, Yen; Field, Dorothy Johnson... Wright's intent with the publication was to publish it nine times a year. Needless to say, it was the only issue to be published at the time. Includes articles, photographs, illustrations, editorial, and Wright's "Four Organic Commandments" (see S.2057). Wright did not attempt to publish a second issue until 1940, when he decided to reinstitute the publication. It too was numbered Volume 1, No. 1 (S.2040). (First Edition) (Sweeney 2037) Pp 27 2037.00.1000 1938 1938
Taliesin Eyes - Nov. 12, 1938 - Vol. 1 No. 6 (Published by the Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Wisc.) Mosher, Bob; Gros, Bob In 1938, the Taliesin Fellowship apprentices published single sheet "newspapers" in various sizes. They were published on October 1, 8, 15, 22, and Nov. 5, 12, 19 and 24, 1938. A total of eight issues were published. The last three issues included linoleum-cut illustrations. "Prelude: It won’t be long before the Taliesin Caravan for the fourth time takes to the Dodgeville road, south across the Mississippi and west to the Desert. The non-descript collection of conveyance of former years, superseded by ‘Cherokee Reds... Continue... (Sweeney 2038) Pp 5 2038.06.0911 1939 C 1939
Taliesin (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Wisconsin) The Taliesin Fellowship A broadside describing Taliesin, the Taliesin Fellowship, the Taliesin Playhouse and its programs, an invitation to visitors to tour the buildings and attend the Playhouse programs, a list of Wrights books for sale, an illustration of Taliesin and a map of the Taliesin Complex. "Taliesin. Taliesin is the name because in Welsh tradition the word ‘Taliesin’ means ‘shining brow’ and was the name of the only British bard ever to sing the glories of fine arts: a Welsh name because of the Welsh ancestry of its master architect and... Continue... (Sweeney 2039) Pp 4 2039.00.0417 1940 1940
Taliesin. Taliesin Fellowship Publication, Frank Lloyd Wright, Editor. The New Frontier, Broadacre City. Taliesin Fellowship Publication, Frank Lloyd Wright, Editor." Vol 1 No 1, October 1940. Published by the Taliesin Fellowship.) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Nott, Stanley The New Frontier, Broadacre City. In reality this is actually No, 2. Wright's first attempt at this publication was in 1934 which he numbered Volume 1, No. 1 (S.2037). Broadacre city matter fills this issue. Modeling the city of the future to sight and touch has meant a search for a new cultural form to absorb our American energies plus enough machine leverage not only to live to better advantage but to better purpose. To the Taliesin Fellowship this effort seems greatly important. For five months the... Continue... (Sweeney 2040) Pp 38 2040.00.0300 2040.00.0119 1940
Taliesin. Taliesin Fellowship Publication, Frank Lloyd Wright, Editor. The New Frontier, Broadacre City. Vol 1 No 1, October 1940. (Published by the Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green. Printed in two color by the Taliesin Press.) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Nott, Stanley This copy edited by Frank Lloyd Wrighjt with graphite pencil on pp. 26, 28, 35, 36 and 37. Introduction page 3: Broadacre city matter fills this issue. Modeling the city of the future to sight and touch has meant a search for a new cultural form to absorb our American energies plus enough machine leverage not only to live to better advantage but to better purpose. To the Taliesin Fellowship this effort seems greatly important. For five months the Fellowship devoted its energies to the models illustrated... Continue... (Sweeney 2040) Pp 38 2040.00.1223 1940
Taliesin 1, No. 1 Subscription Blank (Published by the Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green. Printed in two color by the Taliesin Press. To be folded into four quarters as a self-mailer. This copy unused and unfolded.) Taliesin Fellowship "TALIESIN" Magazine of the Taliesin Fellowship, edited by Frank Lloyd Wright, is in publication. A limited number of the first two issues are now available at Taliesin. The third will be issued soon. Subsequent issues are in work and will be available during the year. Each of these subsequent issues will carry as a lead one of the series "The Nature of Materials" by Frank Lloyd Wright. 1. Concerning Broadacre City, Our New Frontier. 2. Concerning the Taliesin Fellowship. 3. In the Nature of Materials... Continue... (First Edition) Pp 1 2040.02.1223 1940
The Taliesin Fellowship, The Playhouse Program.
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Taliesin Fellowship A pamphlet describing the Taliesin Fellowship and invitation to the programs in August. Not dated, but Sunday programs Aug 11, 18, 25) would indicate 1940. A single sheet folded in quarters. Similar to Sweeney 2039. Addressed to Charles Manson. Wright built home for Manson in Wausau, Wisc 1938. (First Edition) Pp 4 2040.01.0403 1941 1941
Taliesin, Vol. 1 No 2, February 1941. "Taliesin, The Taliesin Fellowship Publication. Frank Lloyd Wright Editor." Wright, Frank Lloyd; Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd; Peters, William Westley; Masselink, Eugene; May, Robert Carroll; Goodrich... In reality this is actually No, 3. Wright's first attempt at this publication was in 1934 which he numbered Volume 1, No. 1 (S.2037). Two Copies. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2041) Pp 34 2041.00.0702 2041.00.0506 1941
A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 1. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." (Digital Copy) Wright, Frank Lloyd "To London." Written in response to a request from the News Chronicle of London. January 25, 1941. "Cablegram from London, January 21, 1941 to Frank Lloyd Wright, Spring Green, Wisconsin, U.. S. A. Would You Be Willing to Write for Publication Exclusively in the News Chronicle of London an Article of Fifteen Hundred Words on Quote How I Would Rebuild London Unquote Stop News Chronicle Is Liberal Morning Newspaper with National Circulation Has Reputation as Popular Forum for Architectural... Continue... (Sweeney 2042) Pp 4 2042.00.1221 1941
Taliesin Square-Paper #2. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone fro the life of the nation." (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Of What Use Is a Great Navy with No Place to Hide? Hitler is winning this war without a navy. We are facing a new kind of warfare that the British Empire, owing to traditional faith in a great navy, cannot learn in time even if we furnished the equipment. We couldn't furnished equipment because we don't yet know how to make... Frank Lloyd Wright; Taliesin. May 15, 1941. Is Going to War the Only Way the United States Can Meet and Enemy to its Principles?" Addressed to Mrs. Elsie Hartmen... Continue... (Sweeney 2043) Pp 4 2043.00.0918 1941
Taliesin Square-Paper No, 3. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.) Wright, Frank Lloyd The following text, and exchange between myself and William T. Evjue, Editor, is reproduced from the Capital Times of Madison, Wisconsin, Thursday, May 29, 1941. A second Wright, Frank Lloyd article replying to the accusation he had made that, pressed for a better plan than the President’s I had been only “vague”, was printed in the times, Friday, June 6, 1941. A friendly gibe at the thought of America's salvation coming from the green hills of Taliesin was his conclusion. No. 3. 1941. "Good Afternoon... Continue... (Sweeney 2044) Pp 4 2044.00.0201 2044.01.1221 1941
Taliesin Square-Paper No, 4. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." “Square Paper Number 4. Printed and sent to you by gift of Charles Walters.” (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.) Wright, Frank Lloyd “Defense. No matter by what evidence the truth may be confronted, mankind in these United States is more individualized from day to day. Men are getting more and more concerned for Wright, Frank Lloyd their individuality. They do not take increasing pride in the personal element. Universality is, therefore, losing importance and power as quality rises above quantity. Notwithstanding such success as we are seeing in European warfare and American big-business general formulae prove... Continue... (Sweeney 2045) Pp 4 2045.00.1221 1941
Taliesin Square-Paper No, 5. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." “Square Paper Number 5.” (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.) Wright, Frank Lloyd “To Beat The Enemy. These crimes must cease: Crime 1. Chronic artificial-scarcity. Crime 2. Real poverty. Crime 3. The general frustration of the people. On account of these three crimes this nation has now utterly unrepayable money-debt, thousands of billions of hours of perfectly good man-power steadily unemployed year in and year out, lottery-conscripts by the million and countless billions wasted on exploited fright, Wright, Frank Lloyd again betrayed into a war with neither top, bottom nor sides... Continue... (Sweeney 2046) Pp 4 2046.00.1221 1941
A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 6. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." "Square Paper Number 6." (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Usonia, Usonia South and New England, Declaration of Independence... 1941... With this elected president cheerfully making a role for himself never intended for the president of this republic, in any circumstances whatsoever, the role of ruler, we the people of this country, unable to see clearly, are sinking deeper into fatal coma—we are less and less able to recognize ourselves as a free, independent nation. Instead of an honest forthright independence, all we know is what we read... Continue... (Sweeney 2047)
Pp 4 2047.00.1221 1943 1943
An Autobiography (Published by Taliesin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Book Six: Broadacre City. According to Sweeney: "A chapter intended for, but not used in the revised and expanded edition of Wright’s 'An Autobiography' published in 1943." Summer 1943. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2048) Pp 30 2048.00.0700 1944 1944
An Autobiography, Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by Taliesin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Book Six: Broadacre City. A revised Printer’s Proof of Sweeney 2048. A chapter intended for, but not used in the revised and expanded edition of Wright’s "An Autobiography" published in 1943. Spring 1944. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2049) Pp 32 2049.00.0403 1944
Taliesin Square-Paper #7: A Nonpolitical Voice From our Democratic Minority. (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.) Wright, Frank Lloyd “To The Mole.” Also “The Occasion”. June 21, 1944... August 15, 1944. 8.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2050) Pp 4 2050.00.0306 C 1944
The Taliesin Fellowship (Published by the Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Wisconsin) Wright, Frank Lloyd A Prospectus For: The Taliesin Fellowship. In the Philosophy and Practice of Organic Architecture the Work of Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin Is Extended as the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation to Include Apprenticeships for about Thirty-five Young Men and Women.
Apprentices Prepare Plans, Details and Models for Building Construction and Work upon Construction Going on Throughout the Country. All Share in the Tilling of Taliesin Farm Fields and... Continue...Pp 4 2050.01.0724 C 1944
The Personal Architectural Service of Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by the Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Wisconsin) Wright, Frank Lloyd The Personal Architectural Service of Frank Lloyd Wright are available for ten percent of the cost of the completed building which invariably includes the planting of the grounds and major furnishings considered as part of the building scheme. The fee is the same for a million dollar building or for a five thousand dollar dwelling: divided in three parts as follows:
1) 3% of proposed cost of the building when preliminary studies are accepted. These however may be modified without... Continue...Pp 1 2050.03.0724 C 1944
Application For Fellowship At Taliesin (Published by the Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Wisconsin) Wright, Frank Lloyd Application for apprenticeship should be accompanied by payment to the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation of two hundred dollars. One half the balance of yearly tuition, four hundred and fifty dol-lars, to be paid when the applicant arrives at Taliesin. Remainder of the tuition, four hundred and fifty dollars, is due four months after arrival. No apprenticeships will be accepted for less than one year. We reserve the right to Wright, Frank Lloyd reject an apprentice at any time returning, pro rata, any balance paid above the initial fee... Continue... Pp 1 2050.02,0724 1945 1945 Taliesin Square-Paper #8: Nonpolitical Voice Wright, Frank Lloyd The Price of Peace. May 1945. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2051) Pp 4 2051.00.0404 1945 Taliesin Square-Paper #9: Nonpolitical Voice Wright, Frank Lloyd Nature. August 1945. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2052) Pp 4 2052.00.0404 1946 1946
Taliesin Square-Paper #10: Nonpolitical Voice. Delivered on the occasion of the Herald Tribune Forum, Waldorf Astoria, New York at 5:30 pm, October 29, 1946. Reprinted in the Annual Forum, 1946, New York Herald Tribune Wright, Frank Lloyd Building a Democracy (First Edition) (Sweeney 2053) (Two Copies) Pp 4 2053.00.0601 2053.00.0404 1947 1947
Taliesin Square-Paper #11: A Nonpolitical Voice From our Democratic Minority. (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.) Wright, Frank Lloyd “Mimic No More.” Delivered on the occasion of the Princeton Bicentennial Conference on planning Man’s Physical Environment at the Conference Dinner in Proctor Hall Thursday evening March 6, 1947. Eight o’clock. 8.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2055) Pp 4 2055.00.0306 1948 1948
Taliesin Square-Paper #12: A Nonpolitical Voice From our Democratic Minority. (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.) Wright, Frank Lloyd “Harum-Scarum.” Wright writes about Communism and Democracy. Not dated. 8.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2056) Pp 4 2056.00.0306 1948
Taliesin To Friends 1948-1949 (Published by the Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Taliesin West, Phoenix) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Taliesin, To Friends 1948 - 1949. Love is the virtue of the Heart. Sincerity the virtue of the Mind. Decision the virtue of the Will. Courage the virtue of the Spirit. The Organic Commandment." Printed on a single sheet, single side, folded twice. Printed in gold, burgundy and red ink on dark rose stock. Envelope with Red Square addressed to Mr. And Mrs. Carey Caraway. Postmarked Jan 8, 1949, Spring Green. Return address printed on envelope: Taliesin West, Phoenix, Arizona. This design was utilized again... Continue... (Sweeney 2057) Pp 3 2057.00.1218 1948
Taliesin To Friends 1948-1949 (Published by the Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Taliesin West, Phoenix) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Taliesin, To Friends 1948 - 1949. Love is the virtue of the Heart. Sincerity the virtue of the Mind. Decision the virtue of the Will. Courage the virtue of the Spirit. The Organic Commandment." Printed on a single sheet, single side, folded twice. Printed in gold, burgundy and red ink on dark rose stock. This was found in a copy of "An Autobiography, Wright, 1943. (Copy is taped.) This design was utilized again as a Christmas greeting by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation in 1974. 20.75 x 6.25 folded twice to 9.2 x 6.25. (Second copy) (Sweeney 2057) Pp 3 2057.01.0420 1949 1949
Taliesin Square-Paper #13: Nonpolitical Voice With Envelope Wright, Frank Lloyd The American Institute of Architects Citation, Acceptance Speech (First Edition) (Sweeney 2058) Pp 8 2058.00.0601 1949
A Taliesin Square-Paper #14: A Nonpolitical Voice From our Democratic Minority. A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone fro the life of the nation. (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press) Wright, Frank Lloyd "We want the Truth. Occasion: Award of the Peter Cooper Medal for the advancement of art at the 90th anniversary convocation of the Cooper Union on November 2nd, 1949." The Cooper was established in 1859, is among the nation's oldest institutions of higher education. The college, was founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist, Peter Cooper. Single sheet folded to 8.5 x 8.5. Purchased from the estate of the one-time Wright apprentice Earl Nisbet. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2059) Pp 8 2059.00.1113 1951 1951
The Sovereignty of the Individual: In the Cause of Architecture. Preface to Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe. Published by Wasmuth Berlin 1910 Reprinted as Introduction to Exhibition Palazzo Strozzi Florence Italy 1951. (Soft Cover) (Published by Frank Lloyd Wright as a preface to the Italian Exhibition) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Sixty Years of Living Architecture: The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright" was a traveling exhibition of Wright's work, consisting of Models, photographs and original drawings. A Preview of the exhibition was held in Philadelphia (January 1951). The world wide tour opened in Palazzo Strozzi Florence, Italy (June 1951). Note: Originally prepared for publication of the German monograph by Wasmuth, September 1910. Reprinted here May 1951 as preface to Italian Exhibition of my work, Palazzi, Florence, Italy... Continue... (Sweeney 2063) Pp 19 2063.00.1204 2063.01.1317 2063.02.1121 1951
A Taliesin Square-Paper (#15). A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. A Free Fearless Enlightened Minority is The Conscience of a Democratic Nation. When This is Stifled, Democracy is Gone From the Life of the Nation. (Published by Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin West. January 1951.) Wright, Frank Lloyd "On an Architecture for Democracy 1951. The Foreword from the book ‘When Democracy Builds’ is here printed as Taliesin Square Paper Number fifteen on the occasion of the opening of the Italian Exhibition: A preview in Philadelphia at Gimbel Brothers Gallery. When a great Oak is to die a few yellow-green leaves appear on topmost branches. Next season much of the upper part of the tree is yellow: next year the upper branches remain without leaves. After several following seasons we say the tree is ‘dry... Continue... (Sweeney 2064) Pp 4 2064.00.0601 2064.01.0317 2064.02.1121 1953 1953
In the Cause of Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Wright, Frank Lloyd An attack on the International Style. “The ‘International Style’ is neither International nor a Style...” Also published in House Beautiful, July 1953 and Architectural Record, June 1953. 8.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2065) Pp 7 2065.00.0506 1953 Frank Lloyd Wright. In the Cause of Architecture: The "International Style" (Taliesin Square-Paper #17) (Soft Cover) (Published by Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Wright, Frank Lloyd Wright attacks the International Style. "The International Style is neither international nor a style. Internationalism is Totalitarianism. All ISMS are merely derivative. An ISM is only a notion. At most the notion becomes a fashion and a Fashion is -- always -- some passing show of imitation: probably an imitation by a bad imitator. In any international ‘style,’ therefore, we would have more invasion than invention. Though unfortunately serviceable to the commerce of Education as it now runs is this latest propaganda... Continue... (Sweeney #2066) Pp 8 2066.00.0305 2066.00.0306 2066.02.1121 1953
Music, Temple Dances and Ritual Exercises Invitation (Published by Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Taliesin Fellowship An invitation to the Taliesin Fellowships first Music festival: Music, Temple Dances and Ritual Exercises by George Gurdjieff, performed at the Goodman Theater, The Art Institute of Chicago. Introduced by Frank Lloyd Wright.
The Taliesin Fellowship presented its first music festival: Music, Ritual Exercise and Ritual Dances in 1953. 1953 was the inaugural music festival. Many of the festival covers, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for liberty magazine, were... Continue...Pp 4 2067.01.0724 1953
Music, Ritual Exercises and Temple Dances by George Gurdjieff. Introduced by Frank Lloyd Wright. Presented by Members of the Taliesin Fellowship Under the Auspices of The Art Institute of Chicago at The Goodman Theatre, November 3, 1953. (Soft Cover) (Published by Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship)
Wright, Frank Lloyd; Taliesin Fellowship "Program. The ancient and universal symbol of the Enneagram is fundamental to all the ritual exercises in the world you are about to see. This symbol is a circle divided into nine equal parts signifying the Law of Three in union with the Law of Seven. The Law of Three is the sacred Trinity, in the symbol the triangle, being the higher conscience in man, it is also the active, passive, and reconciling forces working together as one. The Law of Seven, or the Law of Octaves, shown by the intersecting lines... Continue... (Sweeney 2067) Pp 12 2067.00.0218 1953
Organic Architecture: Language of Organic Architecture Wright, Frank Lloyd A revised version of Wright's description concerning Organic Architecture. Dated 20 May, 1953. In 1953, this was reprinted in full as part of “The Future of Architecture” pages 319-325 (S.913). (First Edition) (Sweeney 2068) Pp 6 2068.00.0101 1953 Taliesin Square-Paper #16: A Nonpolitical Voice From our Democratic Minority. (Published by Taliesin West, February 1953.) Wright, Frank Lloyd “The Language of Organic Architecture.” Wright summarizes his thoughts on Organic Architecture. 8.5 x 8.5. Also published in the May 1953 issue of Architectural Forum. In 1953, this was reprinted in part as part of “The Future of Architecture” pages 319-325 (S.913).(First Edition) (Sweeney 2069) Pp 8 2069.00.0406 1953
Taliesin Tract, Number One: Man (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Wisconsin, Christmas Morning 1953.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Dated Christmas 1953. This was numbered "One", indicating an intent to publish additional issues. No additional issues were published. Includes mailing envelope. "Taliesin Tract, Number One: Man. Literature tells about man. Architecture presents him. The Architecture that our man of Democracy needs and prophecies is bound to be different from that of the common or conditioned man of any other socialized system of belief. As never before, this new free-man’s... Continue... (First Edition) (Sweeney 2070) Pp 5 2070.00.0600 1953
Taliesin Tract, Number One: Man (Signed) (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Wisconsin, Christmas Morning 1953.)Wright, Frank Lloyd Dated Christmas 1953. This was numbered "One", indicating an intent to publish additional issues. No additional issues were published. Includes mailing. Inscribed in ink by Frank Lloyd Wright: "F. LL. W. To the Caraways /54." "Taliesin Tract, Number One: Man. Literature tells about man. Architecture presents him. The Architecture that our man of Democracy needs and prophecies is bound to be different from that of the common or conditioned man of any other socialized... Continue... (First Edition) (Sweeney 2070) Pp 5 2070.01.1121 1956 1956 Man: Frank Lloyd Wright Birthday, June 8, 1956 Wright, Frank Lloyd Single sheet folded twice to 5.5 x 8. Same text as Sweeney 2070, but different layout. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2071) Pp 6 2071.00.0404 1957 1957 The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Performance Program. Performed at Taliesin West, April 24, 25, 26, 1957. Director of Music, Charles Inman; Director of Dance, Iovanna Lloyd Wright; Leader of Taliesin Choir, John Amarantides. Performed by the Taliesin Fellowship. 6.1 x 9. (First Edition) Pp 8 2071.01.0507 1958 1958 The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Performance Program. Performed at Taliesin West, April 16, 17, 18, 1958. Director of Music, John Amarantides; Director of Dance, Iovanna Lloyd Wright. Performed by the Taliesin Fellowship. 6.1 x 9.25. (First Edition) Pp 12 2071.02.0507 1958
Taliesin Festival Concert (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Wisconsin. Printed on beige laid paper.)Taliesin Fellowship Festival Concert Program. Spring Green High School Auditorium, Spring Green, Wisconsin. Sunday, June 29, 1958. Selections preformed by the Taliesin Chamber Ensemble, Taliesin Choir and the Taliesin-Spring Green Chorus. Single sheet 13 x 9, folded twice to 5 x 9. Cover design possibly by Gene Masselink. Two Copies (First Edition) Pp 6 2071.03.0619 2071.04.0724 1959 1959
To My Father (Published by the Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Wright, Iovanna Lloyd A poem written by Iovanna Lloyd Wright, which she wrote to Frank Lloyd Wright her father for his 90th birthday (June 8, 1957) and gave to him at Christmas. This piece was published after his death. "I thought you may like to have this poem which our daughter Iovanna wrote for her father’s 90th birthday but gave to him at Christmas. He enjoyed it and frequently read it to our friends. Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright ." Partially published in Pacific Arts Association Bulletin, Summer, 1959. "...Dwellings that grew... Continue... (Sweeney 2072) Pp 4 2072.00.0517 1959 The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Performance Program. Performed at Taliesin West, April 7, 8, 9, 10, 1959. Director, Iovanna Lloyd Wright; Conductor, John Amarantides; Music Arranged by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer. Program designed by Eugene Masselink. Performed by the Taliesin Fellowship. 6.1 x 9.25 (First Edition) Pp 12 2072.06.0507 1959
Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance 1959 (Published by the Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green. Front and back cover printed in gold and black on stiff cover stock.) Taliesin Fellowship Presented at the University of Wisconsin, by the Wisconsin Union Theater Committee. July 19, 1959 - 8 p.m. Wisconsin Union Theater. The program is dedicated to Frank Lloyd Wright. Director - Iovanna Lloyd Wright. Conductor - John Amarantides. Music arranged by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer. Program designed by Eugene Masselink. "Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power... The 150th Psalm. Prologue. In the moving pageant of these dances you show witness the... Continue... Pp 12 2072.12.0718 1959 Taliesin Fellowship of Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Spring green and Scottsdale) Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd “The Taliesin Fellowship of Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation includes Apprentices for about fifty-five young men and women...” Descriptive four page pamphlet describing the Fellowship. Written by Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright, dated June, 1959. This may have been the earliest publication printed after Wright’s death. Includes eight photographs. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 4 2072.05.0706 1959 Taliesin Fellowship Application
Wright, Mrs. Frank Lloyd "No apprentice is accepted without a personal interview with Mrs. Wright... This is the application that was included with the above publication. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 1 2072.02.0305 1960 1960
Invitation from Olgivanna Lloyd Wright to Mrs. Fritz, 1960. Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd "April 30, 1960. Dear Mr. Fritz, We are traditionally celebrating Mr. Wright’s birthday on June 8th at Taliesin. We would like to have you with us for 7 o’clock formal dinner and the concert which will follow. (Signed) Love Olgivanna Lloyd Wright." Herbert Fritz Sr. was one of the early draftsman who worked with Frank Lloyd Wright in 1913 in Spring Green, and was one of two that survived the fire at Taliesin in 1914, killing seven including Mamah Cheney and her two children. Herb married Mary Olava Larson, Wright’s stonemason’s... Continue... Pp 1 2072.11.0517 1961 1961 The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Performance Program. Performed at The Pavilion at Taliesin West April 19, 20, 21 and 23, 1961 - 8:30 P.M. A second program for the performance at The Dallas Theater Center May 7, 8, and 9, 1961 - 8:30 P.M. Choreography, Iovanna Lloyd Wright: Music, Olgivanna Lloyd Wright; Musical Director, John Amarantides. Program designed by Eugene Masselink. Performed by the Taliesin Fellowship. 6.25 x 8.2 and 6.25 x 8.4. Two copies. (First Edition) Pp 12 2072.03.0306 2072.07.0507 1961 The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Handbill for the Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance at the Dallas Theater Center, Texas, May 7 - 8 - 9 - 8:15 P.M. 6 x 9. (First Edition) Pp 1 2072.04.0306 1962 1962 The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Performance Program. Performed at The Pavilion at Taliesin West, April 10, 11, 12, 17 and 18, 1962. Choreography, Iovanna Lloyd Wright; Music, Olgivanna Lloyd Wright; Musical Director, John Amarantides. Program designed by Eugene Masselink. Performed by the Taliesin Fellowship. 6.25 x 9.75. (First Edition) Pp 12 2072.08.0507 1963 1963
The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Performance Program. “Urizen” A dance drama in two acts adapted by Iovanna Lloyd Wright from the poem ‘Urizen’ by William Blake. Performed at The Pavilion at Taliesin West, 1963. Choreography, Iovanna Lloyd Wright; Music, Olgivanna Lloyd Wright; Orchestrated, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer; Conducted and Directed, John Amarantides. Cover designed by Eugene Masselink. Performed by the Taliesin Fellowship. 6.25 x 9.75. (First Edition) Pp 20 2072.09.0507 1964 1964
The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance. (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Performance Program. Performed at The Pavilion at Taliesin West, 1964. Choreography, Iovanna Lloyd Wright; Music, Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright; Orchestration, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer; Conducted and Directed, John Amarantides, Cover design by Eugene Masselink. Performed by the Taliesin Fellowship. 6.25 x 9.75. Two copies. (First Edition) Pp 16 2072.01.0305 2072.10.0507 1965 1965
Taliesin (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship) Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd A booklet describing the Taliesin Fellowship. 28 photographs, 12 of which are in color. Cover illustration by Eugene Masselink. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2073) Pp 12 2073.00.0404 1965
The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Performance Program. Performed at The Pavilion at Taliesin West, 1965. “The Beautiful Country”. A Dance Drama in Two Acts by Iovanna Lloyd Wright, Music by Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright. Orchestration, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, Conducted, John Amarantides, Cover design by Vernon Swaback. Performed by the Taliesin Fellowship. 6.25 x 9.5. (First Edition) Pp 12 2073.04.0507 1966 1966
The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Performance Program. Performed at The Pavilion at Taliesin West, April 23, 24, 25,1966, 8:30pm. “Urizen” A dance drama in two acts adapted by Iovanna Lloyd Wright from the poem ‘Urizen’ by William Blake. Choreography, Iovanna Lloyd Wright; Music, Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright; Orchestrated, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer; Conducted, John Amarantides. Cover design by Vernon Swaback. Performed by the Taliesin Fellowship. 6.25 x 9.5. (First Edition) Pp 16 2073.05.0507 1966
Application for Fellowship at Taliesin, The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation "No apprentice is accepted without a personal interview with Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright..." 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 1 2073.06.0307 1966
The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Supplement to Brochure, Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Includes Board of Directors, Staff, Purpose, Locations, Admission, Tuition, Facilities, Book List. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 9 2073.07.0307 1967 1967
The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Performance Program. Performed at The Pavilion at Taliesin West, April 21, 22, 23, 1967, 8:30pm. “An American Montage” A dance drama by Iovanna Lloyd Wright; Music by Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright; Orchestration, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer; Conducted, John Amarantides. Program cover is an abstraction designed in 1926 by Frank Lloyd Wright. Performed by the Taliesin Fellowship. Includes a reprint of “Work Song” by Frank Lloyd Wright. 6.1 x 9.5. (First Edition) Pp 16 2073.08.0507 1968 1968
The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Taliesin Festival Program. Performed at The Pavilion at Taliesin West, April 25, 26, 27, 28, 1968, 8:30pm. “An American Montage” A dance drama by Iovanna Lloyd Wright. Music by Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright. Orchestration, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, Conducted, John Amarantides.
Program cover is an abstraction designed in 1926 by Frank Lloyd Wright. May Baskets was designed for Liberty Magazine. This is the firtst time this design has been published.
Performed by the... Continue...Pp 16 2073.09.0507 1969 1969
The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Taliesin Festival Program. Performed at The Pavilion at Taliesin West, April 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 1969, 8:30pm. “Time Upon Timer” A dance drama by Iovanna Lloyd Wright. Music by Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright. Orchestration, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, Conducted, John Amarantides.
Program cover is an abstraction designed in 1926 by Frank Lloyd Wright. The Canary, Bird in a Cage was designed for Liberty Magazine.
Performed by the Taliesin Fellowship. Acquired from the Kathryn Smith collection. 6.25 x 9.5Pp 12 2073.12.0724 1970 1970
The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Performance Program. Performed at The Pavilion at Taliesin West, April 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 1970, 8:30pm. “Time Upon Time” A dance drama by Iovanna Lloyd Wright; Music by Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright; Orchestration, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer; Conducted, John Amarantides. Program cover is an abstraction designed in 1926 by Frank Lloyd Wright. Performed by the Taliesin Fellowship. 6.25 x 9.5. (First Edition) (See march Balloons) Pp 12 2073.10.0507 1971 1971
The Taliesin Players Resent An Evening of Music and Dance Taliesin Fellowship (S#2073.11) (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Scottsdale, AZ) Taliesin Fellowship Performed May 20 and 21, 1971, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco. Choreographed by Iovanna Lloyd Wright. Music by Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright. The musicians and dancers are students at the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture which covers many fields including sculpture, painting, mosaics, music and dance. 6.25 x 9.5 (First Edition) Pp 4 2073.11.0415 1974 1974
Taliesin Broadside: Organic Commandment (Published by the Taliesin Fellowship)
Taliesin Fellowship Taliesin. To Friends 1974-1975. The Organic Commandment. 9 x 6.25, opens to 20.25 x 6.25. Printed single side only. (First Edition) Pp 6 2073.01.0502 1977 1977
The Taliesin Festival of Music and Dance (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West) Taliesin Fellowship Taliesin Festival Program. Performed at The Pavilion at Taliesin West, April 26, 27, 29, 30. May 1, 1977, 8:30pm. “An American Montage” A dance drama by Iovanna Lloyd Wright. Music by Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright.
Program cover is an abstraction designed in 1926 by Frank Lloyd Wright. May Baskets was designed for Liberty Magazine. This cover was first published in 1968 for the cover of The Taliesin Festival.
Performed by the Taliesin Fellowship. Includes a reprint of “Work Song... Continue...Pp 16 2073.13.0724 1981 1981
Taliesin Fellowship, Holiday Card, 1981 Reproduction (Produced by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation in cooperation with The Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation. Fotofolio/Artpost, Box 661, Canal Sta., NY, NY 10013. AN281-150.) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Reproduction of a holiday card sent by Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship, 1981. Design by Fellowship member Margaret Allen Montooth. Design covers front and back (7 x 10, folds to 7 x 5). Inside: "Be Healthy. Be Happy. Have a Long Life! The Taliesin Fellowship." Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway. 7 x 5
Pp 4 1981.142.1216 1983 1983
"A Day At Taliesin. September 10, 1983. (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Wisc.) Taliesin Fellowship The main theme of the day will be Broadacre City. Included will be Lectures, Discussion and Activities. Broadacre: The Idea; The elements and present applications; The integration of planning & architecture; Original Frank Lloyd Wright drawings & Model. Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright and members of the Taliesin Fellowship, the staff and students invite you to a day at Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin." 16 x 8.25 folded to 5.5 x 8.25. Pp 6 1983.32.0415 1986 1986
"A Day At Taliesin. March 15, 1986. (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Wisc.) Taliesin Fellowship Heritage of Organic Architecture for Tomorrow. Lectures, Discussion and Activities. The Force of Change; A Future Agenda; The Organic Architect’s Role; Exhibition of the Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright; Frank Lloyd Wright Achieves..." 14 x 8.5 folded to 4.75 x 8.5. Pp 6 1986.60.0415 1987 1987
"A Day At Taliesin. September 12, 1987. (Published by The Taliesin Fellowship, Spring Green, Wisc.) Taliesin Fellowship In The Realm of Ideas. Frank Lloyd Wright characterized his work as an architecture of ideas. The Day at Taliesin will be built around the ideas of Space, Site, Material and Community in the form of lectures, discussions and activities. ‘In The Realm of Ideas’ will be the title of a major touring exhibition that will open in Dallas, Texas in January 1988." 14 x 8.25 folded to 4.75 x 8.25. Pp 4 1987.85.0415 1988 1988
The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. An Overview 1988-89. (Published by The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture) (Soft Cover) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Informational booklet on the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. 8.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 40 1988.19.1004 1990 1990
The Taliesin Fellowship - 1990 - Holiday Season (Published by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation) Taliesin Fellowship With All Good Wishes This Holiday season. The Taliesin Fellowship. Back: Leaf Patterns From "Songs of The Earth" By Cornelia Brierly. The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation 1990. Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway. 5 x 7 Pp 6 1990.157.1019 1993 1993
The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, An Overview 1993 - 1994 (Published by The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture) (Soft Cover) Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture An overview of the School of Architecture for the 1993 - 1994 school years. Includes many photos and illustrations. 8.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 53 2073.03.0306 2003 2003
The Taliesin Fellowship (Soft Cover) (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation) Wright, Frank Lloyd Facsimile of 1933 Version by Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West. One difference is that this does not have the address flap for mailing. Includes mailing envelope. Original SC List Price $7.50. (First Edition) Pp 15 2073.02.0404
©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2024