1935 1943 BEAUTY 1950 WRIGHT/WELCH 1950 WRIGHT/PEISCH 1953 CARAWAY 1950-1958 WRIGHT 1957 THIS WEEK (BEAUTY 1957)
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Studio Letterhead, Oak Park, Illinois, 1903 (1897 - S.004).
Description: Typed letter on Frank Lloyd Wright Studio letterhead dated 1903. Frank Lloyd Wright’s Home and Studio were connected. He worked in the studio until 1909 when he traveled to Europe. Upon his return, he moved to Spring Green.
Text top left: “From Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Forest and Chicago Avenues, Oak Park, Illinois. Telephone Oak Park Fifty Three. In Chicago By Appointment Only.”
Typed: “Dear Sirs: – Please send us a catalog of Siphon Intermittent Discharge Sewage Tanks. Yours truly, Frank Lloyd Wright. Flush Tank Co., Aurora, Illinois. Feb. 17, 1903.” Under the typed name of Frank Lloyd Wright, there are three initials written in pencil: “WBG.” Walter Burley Griffin was an integral part of the Wright Studio from 1901 to 1905, Prairie Style, Legler, 1999, p.200
Printed on beige stock, in two color, black and red. Monograph printed in red. This was Frank Lloyd Wright’s first monogram, a Celtic cross within a circle, within a square. In 1895 Wright installed a carved stone plaque (2002.136.0519-4) outside his Oak Park office which included his monogram. He included it in the design for the title page of The Eve of St. Agnes, lower right hand corner. He also added it through-out The House Beautiful. Bottom left had corner has burn mark.
Size: 8.5 x 4.25
Date: Circa 1905
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Studio Letterhead, Oak Park, Illinois, Circa 1905 (1897 - S.004).
Description: Letterhead for the Frank Lloyd Wright Studio circa 1905. Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio were connected. He worked in the studio until 1909 when he traveled to Europe. Upon his return, he moved to Spring Green.
Unused Letterhead, beige handmade paper with Fabriano watermark, when held up to the light, has the appearance of laid paper, but disappears when light is removed. Top edge uncut and deckle, other three sides are trimmed. Letterhead stock matches envelope stock. Letterpress in two colors on both sides, dark brown and red. Text is on the front, the red monogram is on the back. Text on front, lower left: “From Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Forest and Chicago Avenues, Oak Park, Illinois. Telephone Oak Park Fifty Three.” The solid red square was Frank Lloyd Wright’s second monogram. His first monogram was a Celtic cross within a circle, within a square.
In 1895 Wright installed a carved stone plaque (2002.136.0519-4) outside his Oak Park office which included his first monogram. He included it on his first letterhead. He also included it in the design for the title page, lower right hand corner, of The Eve of St. Agnes, and was added through-out The House Beautiful. Providence: Ex. collection of Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer. Acquired from Pfeiffer by Kathryn Smith. Acquired from the private collection of Kathryn Smith.
Size: 8.25" x 4.75"
S#: 0058.61.1223
Top Left: Front side of letterhead. Lower Left: Back side.
Date: Circa 1905
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Studio Envelope, Oak Park, Illinois, Circa 1905 (1897 - S.004).
Description: Envelope for the Frank Lloyd Wright Studio circa 1905. Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio were connected. He worked in the studio until 1909 when he traveled to Europe. Upon his return, he moved to Spring Green.
Unused Envelope, beige handmade paper with Fabriano watermark, when held up to the light, has the appearance of laid paper, but disappears when light is removed. The envelope retains its original adhesive. Envelope stock matches letterhead stock. Letterpress in two colors on single side, dark brown and red. Text is on the front, the red monogram is on the flap. Text on front, lower left: “From Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Forest and Chicago Avenues, Oak Park, Illinois. Telephone Oak Park Fifty Three.” The solid red square was Wright’s second monogram. His first monogram was a Celtic cross within a circle, within a square.
In 1895 Wright installed a carved stone plaque (2002.136.0519-4) outside his Oak Park office which included his first monogram. He included it on his first letterhead. He also included it in the design for the title page, lower right hand corner, of The Eve of St. Agnes, and was added through-out The House Beautiful.
The black stains on the crease and also the smudges most likely from the 1914 fire at Taliesin. Providence: Ex. collection of Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer. Acquired from Pfeiffer by Kathryn Smith. Acquired from the private collection of Kathryn Smith.
Size: 8.5" x 5." With flap open: 8.5" x 9.75"
S#: 0058.62.1223
Top Left: Envelope with flap closed. Lower Left: Envelope with flap open.
Date: Circa 1905
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Studio Specification Folder, Oak Park, Illinois, Circa 1905 (1897 - S.004).
Description: Specification folder for the Frank Lloyd Wright Studio circa 1905. Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio were connected. He worked in the studio until 1909 when he traveled to Europe. Upon his return, he moved to Spring Green.
Unused Folder for Specifications. Letterpress in two colors, dark brown and red. Dark green card stock, folded, unused, printed on a single side of the sheet, Text on front, lower left: “From Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Forest and Chicago Avenues, Oak Park, Illinois. Telephone Oak Park Fifty Three.” When folded, the red monogram is on the back, lower and centered. The solid red square was Wright’s second monogram. His first monogram was a Celtic cross within a circle, within a square. When folded, the fold is at the top.
In 1895 Wright installed a carved stone plaque (2002.136.0519-4) outside his Oak Park office which included his first monogram. He included it on his first letterhead. He also included it in the design for the title page, lower right hand corner, of The Eve of St. Agnes, and was added through-out The House Beautiful. Providence: Ex. collection of Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer. Acquired from Pfeiffer by Kathryn Smith. Acquired from the private collection of Kathryn Smith.
Size: Sheet size: 8 5/16" x 19." Folded to 8 5/16" x 9.5."
S#: 0058.60.1223
Top Left: Front side of folder. Lower Left: Back side of folder. When folded, the fold is at the top.FRANK LLOYD & CATHERINE WRIGHT 1918 Date: 1918
Title: Original Handwritten Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Catherine L. Wright, 1918.
Description: An original handwritten letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Catherine L. Wright dated October 2nd, 1918. Wright attempts to persuade Catherine to grant him a divorce. She continues to refuses.
On June 1, 1889, Catherine and Frank were married in Chicago, Illinois. She was 17 years old. Raising a family dominated most of her time. In 1903, Frank Lloyd Wright designed a house for Edwin H. And Mamah Borthwick Cheney In 1909, Mamah and Frank left their respective spouses and traveled to Europe, settling in Italy for about a year. Upon their return in 1911, they settled at Taliesin in Spring Green, Wisconsin. On January 2, 1912, Edwin announced his intentions to marry Mamah's sister, his sister-in-law. On August 15, 1914, one of Wright's recently hired domestic workers murdered Mamah, both her children, three of Wright's associates, and a son of one of the associates. He set fire to one wing of Taliesin, and murdered the seven people with an ax as they tried to escape the fire. At the time, Wright was overseeing work on Midway Gardens in Chicago. Catherine Wright would refuse to give Wright a divorce until November 13, 1922.
Immediately after the tragic death of Mamah Cheney on August 15, 1914, Miriam Noel sent condolences to Wright. Within weeks Wright became involved with Miriam and she moved into Taliesin. On November 7, 1915 she was quoted in the Chicago Daily Tribune "...Frank Wright and I care nothing for what the world may think. We are as capable of making laws for ourselves as were the dead men who made the laws by which they hoped to rule the generations after them." Although Wright had not yet received a divorce from Kitty, they live together and travel to Tokyo, Japan in 1916. In 1922, Wright's first wife, Kitty, granted him a divorce. He was required to wait one year and on November 19, 1923, Miriam and Frank were married in Spring Green, Wisconsin.
Their relationship was quite tumultuous. Wright explains in his Autobiography that he married her to rescue their relationship. "Marriage resulted in ruin for both. Instead of improving with marriage, as I had hoped, our relationship became worse." (An Autobiography, p 260). They quarreled a great deal, she was addicted to morphine, and in less than a year they were separated. In 1924, after the separation, but while still married, Wright met Olgivanna at the Petrograd Ballet in Chicago. On November 27, 1925 Miriam filed for a divorce, alleging desertion and cruelty. After a three year legal battle, they were divorced on August 26, 1927. Olga and Frank were married on August 25, 1928 at midnight in Rancho Santa Fe near La Jolla. The ceremony was held one year to the day after Wright's divorce from Miriam... Continue...Text of letter:
Dear Catherine,
All the real assett I am or was to you or to the children is my good feeling and good conscience regarding you.
Destroy this in me and you have left to you nothing but the small end of a legal quibble. Less than nothing because you will lose what you already have. I do not quail in the face of vengeance whatever disguise it wears.
I am bound to give you and the children (those not grown men and women) what you need - no more.
No ones real need is as much as I have given you. All above actual need is a gift from me.
The children are bound to support either you or me in case of your need or my need. This is an obligation imposed by law for the support they have received up to their coming of age -
No help has ever come from one of them to me. The children are yours by blood and sympathy.
I have raised and educated them for you and yours.
If you have not made them an asset to you instead of a liability for which you expect me to continue to pay in my declining years, the greivance is mine against you not yours against me. For ten years past you have had nothing else to do.
You have done nothing toward helping me to establish...
Size: 13.125" x 4.375" folded to 4.56" x 4.375."
S#: 0139.21.0523![]()
Title: In The Cause of Architecture. Purely Personal.
Description: Carbon Copy of an article written by Frank Lloyd Wright on May 15, 1928. According to Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, "Wright use the title "In the Cause of Architecture" for more than simply the collection of his articles that appeared in the Architectural Record during 1927 in 1928. The title became for him a general heading for several other writings pertaining to the state of architecture in America and to the new influences from France, Germany, and Holland. "Purely Personal" and "Composition as a Method in Creation" are examples of such statements. "Purely Personal" was later modified and edited by Wright to appear in book reviews as book reviews of Le Corbusier's "Towards a New Architecture" and of Fiske Kimball's American Architecture. But the original draft... includes more material, much of it straightened and sometimes raw." Frank Lloyd Wright Collected Writings, Volume 1, 1992, p.255.
In the Cause of Architecture.
Purely Personal.
Mr. Hitchcock's articles in the Record, on Modernity in Architecture, are the immediate occasion of a desire to interrupt this series and utter a few harsh, vain things. Also, there is the newly translated book by Le Corbusier, Fiske Kimball's "History of American Architecture", and "ditto" by Talmadge, to add rage to the urge.
"Ists" and "isms" offend, now as ever. What a "New Traditionalist" may be, none may exactly know. Mr. Hitchcock says I am one, Monsieur Corbusier is, by the same token, the leader of the "New Pioneers."
Why "New"? A pioneer is a pioneer, n'est ce pas ?
A Pioneer by nature is new, and Tradition ever old?
However that may be found to be, all Monsieur has to say or can do "Towards a New Architecture" was here at home in our own country and at work with Mr. Sullivan in his field and with myself in mine more than twenty-five years ago.
To say this is ungracious, -perhaps inhospitable, but true. And there is worse to follow. The Corbusier formula was at work here and there and then in three dimensions while Monsieur claims for it but two, -"surface and mass."
"New" pioneering pronouncements now reach us with eclat, as discovery, in a style as stark as a gas-pipe railing at the edge of one of the "New" cantilever-porches.
Le Corbusier, at least, is no sentimentalist.
These discoveries affect our "historians" with all the charm of French novelty.... Tonjour "L'etranger!*
* * * * *
But, the two products "surface and mass" which, as elements, constitute the Architecture of the "New" pioneering were the skeleton products of...
Published in Frank Lloyd Wright Collected Writings, Volume 1, Pfeiffer, 1992, p.255-258. Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway. Seven pages typed single side,
Size: 8.5 x 11
S#: 0215.31.0820FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT 1935
Date: 1935
Title: Concerning Fellowship Initiative and Cooperation, By Frank Lloyd Wright, 1935.
Description: Carbon Copy of an Undated unpublished Article by Frank Lloyd Wright, 1935. Note: Columbia University Library, Avery Archives has the original transcript, sighed by Frank Lloyd Wright and is dated 1935.
Page 1:
Apprenticeship to Mr. Wright as I understand it, means to Love the ideal with Mr. Wright and love it with him because the Ideal is brought near and made tangible for you by the work he has done and the work that you will do under his leadership - Learning the way by accomplishment. You are an apprentice because of your own lack of experience and your belief that you are unable to find equal help and inspiration otherwise. And, inasmuch, as this apprenticeship must be in residence with him, trying meantime to help him establish a good life suited to the common endeavor.
Frank Lloyd Wright.
Concerning Fellowship Initiative and Cooperation.
The Fellowship depends for its existence upon a certain amount of money. But that money must not be allowed to enter into the Fellowship as a hindrance or confusion where Fellowship initiative and cooperation in getting work done for the growth of the Fellowship is concerned. Money would poison our lives if we did allow it to enter as a let or a hindrance to our work.
The presence in the Fellowship of anyone presumes that that one is giving the best possible account of himself or herself in the building up of the Fellowship. Some will inevitable be more useful than others (money being a kind of usefulness) but even so, if those less useful are honestly doing all they can do in the Fellowship, the difference should cause no discrimination whatever. Inevitably it will appear that as certain Fellows thrive and grow in the circumstances others will as certainly lapse owing to inability or handicap or inherent fault.
Therefore there will always be some dead-wood in the Fellowship growth that should be cut away. At no time in the Fellowship existence probably will this will this not be a matter to be reckoned with. Your leader (himself the largest financial contributor to your work) cannot do more than approximate justice in this respect so the Fellowship has continued some experiments too long and others not long enough- and may against the will of your leader make other mistakes. But it is a principle of work and
life at Taliesin that all shall do all they can with no distinctions nor... (end of page 1)
Frank Lloyd Wright
Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway.
Size: Two pages typed single side, 8.5 x 13.
S#: 0397.62.0820
Date: 1943
Title: Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Mary Fritz and Francis Caraway 1943.
Description: "Dear Mary and Francis: Your bread and cookies are just as good as ever and hope you all are too." (Signed) "F. LL. W." "Frank Lloyd Wright. January 2nd, 1943." Envelope is addressed to: "Mary Fritz, Francis Caraway, Hyde, Ridgeway, Wisconsin." Postmarked "Spring Green. Jan 4 1943." We surmise that Mary and Francis must have attended a Taliesin holiday function, Christmas or New Years, brought bread and cookies to the function, and Wright was sending them a thank you. Note: Hyde is about 9 miles from Taliesin. Herbert Fritz Sr. was one of the early draftsman who worked with Frank Lloyd Wright in 1913 in Spring Green, and was one of two that survived the fire at Taliesin in 1914, killing seven including Mamah Cheney and her two children. Herb married Mary Olava Larson, Wright's stonemason's daughter. Their son was Herb Fritz Jr. (1915-1998), also an apprentice with Wright in from 1937-1941. Their daughter, Frances Fritz, married another Taliesin Fellow, Jesse Claude (Cary) Caraway. Herbert Jr. Married Eloise, their daughter Barbara married another Taliesin fellow, Jim Dresser.
Size: Letterhead: 11 x 8.5. Envelope: 8.9 x 3.9.
S#: 0595.07.0517
BEAUTY 1950 Date: 1950
Title: Original Transcript: "Beauty".
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Original vintage typescript for an address read to the Taliesin Fellowship following a Sunday Breakfast, June 11, 1950 (taken from notes jotted down the preceding evening). Two Pages. Authenticity Kelmscott Gallery. Purchased from the William Wesley Peters estate. Published in Frank Lloyd Wright: Collected Writings, Volume 5, page 23.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 2
S#: 0800.01.0404
Date: 1950
Title: Philip B. Welch 1950. Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Peter B. Welch, March 16th, 1950.
Description: "Mr. Peter B. Welch. General Delivery. Carmel. California. Dear Peter Welch: There is no room for a family in the Fellowship at this time and not likely to be for some years. Very Sorry - Sincerely, Frank Lloyd Wright (Signed), Frank Lloyd Wright . March 16th, 1950." Envelope: "Mr. Peter B. Welch. General Delivery. Carmel. California." Welch did go on to work with Wright, and became close friends with Bruce Goff (1904 - 1982). In 1996 he published "Goff on Goff: Conversations and Lectures." University of Oklahoma Press. Edited and with an introduction by Peter B. Welch. Page 3: "My interest in Bruce Goff began in 1948, when an article about his work, "Pride of the Prairie," appeared in Architectural Forum. I wrote him in 1950 and met him shortly there after, beginning in association the continued through many years... When I first met Goff, in 1950, I had graduated in architecture from Stanford and was working for Frank Lloyd Wright..." Page 6: "...when I decided to become an architect, I recalled Cheney's book (New World Architecture). Within two weeks of my decision to become an architect, I was at Taliesin West speaking with Frank Lloyd Wright... This was March 1947. I had enrolled in the architecture program at Stanford University and visited Wright to see about joining his fellowship after graduation. He said to join him when I was done at Stanford. However when I graduated, the Taliesin Fellowship was full and I would have to wait. I move down the California coast to Carmel and work for an architecture specializing in schools and hospitals - excellent training for my future work with Frank Lloyd Wright..." Page 7: All during this time, I kept in contact with Frank Lloyd Wright. After we finished the college, I visited Wright at Taliesin in Wisconsin and arranged to meet him in San Francisco to discuss supervising a job for him. I met him at the St. Francis Hotel, during his visit to the V. C. Morris shop, then under construction... Wright gave me the working drawings of the Walker House for Carmel, California, and asked me to look them over and report to him in the morning what I thought about supervising the job. Having just finished the community college, I knew all of the contractors and subcontractors in Monterey and felt that I was well prepared to do the job for him. I excepted the assignment..." Text on label pasted to verso of framed letter: "The great genius of Modern Architecture in America - F. L. Wright pens a short note to his student Philip Welch. At the time Welch was an apprentice to the Taliesin group and was looking to move onto the Fellowship grounds. Alas not! Goff was a successful designer on his own and recently passed away. As a writer he (Welch) completed a monograph on the architect Bruce Goff (Goff on Goff) which was published in November." Note: Letter is heavily wrinkled. One can only speculated that upon receiving the rejection, Welch crumpled the letter, threw it in the trash, but then had a change of mind... but one can only speculate.
Size: Letter: 10.5 x 8.3 folded to 5.25 x 8.3. Envelope: 5.6 x 4.3. Frame: 14.5 x 24.75.
S#: 0831.66.1117
Date: 1996
Title: Goff on Goff, Conversations and Lectures (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by the University of Oklahoma Press, Norman and London)
Author: Edited and with an Introduction by Welch, Philip B.; Foreword: Dyson, Arthur
Description: "Architect Bruce Goff was not afraid to be different. One of the most innovative designers the United States has produced in the twentieth century - a member of a select band that included Frank Lloyd Wright (with whom Goff worked), Louis Sullivan, and Mies Van der Rohe - he rode the crest of the architectural wave that swept through the country with the post-World War II technological revolution. In the 1950s, when Goff was head of the University of Oklahoma School of Architecture, Oklahoma emerged as the nation's most daring, avant-garde training ground in the discipline. This book, edited by Philip B. Welch, is compiled from tapes recorded with Goff's permission by Welch, who was one of Goff's students, a longtime friend, and himself a prominent teacher of architecture. Goff on Goff embodies some of the architect's most stimulating lectures and conversations. They have never before been available to readers... Philip B. Welch practiced architecture for more than thirty years. He was Chair of the Departments of Art and Architecture and of Creative Arts at the University of Santa Clara and taught at the University of California Polytechnic, the Art Institute of Chicago, the University of Illinois, the University of California--Berkeley, and the University of Oklahoma." (Dust jacket.) (First Edition)
Size: 5.75 x 8.75
Pages: Pp 338
ST#: 1996.80.1117WRIGHT/PEISCH 1953
Date: 1953
Title: Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Mark Peisch, Columbia University 1953.
Description: Typed and signed letter from Frank Lloyd Wright on Taliesin West stationery with the original envelope. "Mr. Mark L. Peisch, Foreign Student Advisor, Columbia University in the City of New York, New York 27, N. Y. My dear Mr. Peisch: Walter Burley Griffin was employed by me in the Oak Park Studio for about six years. (about 1893 to 1899 - (not sure)). It was all the education in Architecture he received so far as I know. His wife, Marian was also there with me for eleven years. Sincerely, Frank Lloyd Wright, February 21, 1953." Note: After graduation from the University of Illinois in 1899, Griffin worked as a draftsman in the office of Dwight Perkins, Robert C. Spencer, Jr., and H. Webster Tomlinson in Chicago. He then went to work in Wright's Studio in Oak Park from 1901 to 1905. He then opened his own practice. Biography from Columbia University: Mark Lyons Peisch (b. 1921) received his B.A. in History and History of Art from Dartmouth College in 1944. At Dartmouth, he was introduced by Professor Hugh Morrison, noted scholar of Louis Sullivan, to the work of Chicago School architects Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin. Peisch taught briefly at Dartmouth in 1947 before entering Columbia University in 1949 as a graduate student in the Department of Fine Arts and Archeology. His doctoral thesis was on the Griffins and their contemporaries. He was awarded his Ph.D. from Columbia in 1959 with the completion of his dissertation "The Chicago School and Walter Burley Griffin, 1893-1914: Growth and Dissemination of an Architectural Movement and a Representative Figure," which was published in 1964 by Columbia University Press and Random House as "The Chicago School of Architecture: Early Followers of Sullivan and Wright."
Size: Letterhead: 10.9 x 8.4, Envelope: 8.9 x 3.9.
S#: 0987.92.0917
FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT 1957 Date: 1957
Title: Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Cary Caraway.
Description: Letter dated March 23rd, 1957 from Frank Lloyd Wright to Cary Caraway. Text: "Dear Cary: Not ready to take this part in fund-raising yet. Come out with William Stuart and we'll talk it over. Affection, Frank Lloyd Wright. March 23rd, 1957." Signed: "F LL. W." William M. Stuart was the president of the Martin-Senour Paint Company, which developed a selection of paint colors developed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1955 and was part of the Taliesin Ensemble which included: Heritage-Henredon, Furniture; Karastan, Rugs; The Martin-Senour Company, Paints; Minic, Accessories; F. Schumacher & Co., Fabrics & Wallpaper. In February 1957, Stuart was named the Midwest regional chairman of the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund. Printed on Taliesin West Letterhead. Beige laid paper with the watermark: "Permanized Plover Bond, Rag Content, U S A." Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway.
Size: 11 x 8.5
S#: 1205.118.1121Date: 1957
Title: Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Cary Caraway concerning The Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund 1957.
Description: "Copy. My dear Cary: A long talk with Senator Benson opened my eyes to the hazards we face in future if we go on with the Endowment Fund Campaign. I believe it is better to concentrate on the Foundation as it stands - trying to clear up its status and promote its prestige - by bringing proper outside authority and influence to bear on our present situation and our needs... Let's direct our efforts now not toward this endowment fund-raising but toward strengthening the foundation itself - now practically a three million dollar establishment. My Will would become the document that will ensure the proper direction of its use and growth in future and those authorized to help. After considerable thought on the part of Olgivanna, the Fellows and myself - this is our conclusion. I see the acquisition of the Robie House is in line with this decision, making it a Foundation Library Center for Organic Architecture there in Chicago. An angel might be found who would put up the necessary purchase to buy the place if the Foundation would guarantee a reasonable quarterly interest payment... The establishment called Taliesin is so far developed now that the association in almost any form is a distinction to be coveted. I am sure that her we have a unity instead of a duplicity requiring too much engineering and likely to win little confidence from donors... I do not like the endowment und idea, Cary. I prefer the build-up from within as I describe it here. Affection, Frank Lloyd Wright. April 6th, 1957. " Three typed pages on Taliesin West letterhead. Envelope: "Via Air Mail : Special Delivery. Mr. Cary Caraway, The Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund, 29 South LaSalle, Chicago, Illinois." Postmarked: "Scottsdale, Apr 12 1957." Postmark on verso: "Chicago, Apr 13? 1957."
Size: Letterhead: 11 x 8.5. Envelope: 8.9 (torn) x 4.1.
S#: 1205.77.0517Date: 1957
Title: Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to William Benton, 1957.
Description: Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to William Benton introducing Cary Caraway. Text: "Dear Bill: This will introduce you to Cary Caraway who is [a] "Taliesin" spark-plug for the International Organization proposing to raise a ten million dollar endowment fund in order to promote the work of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Kindly listen to him and if there is anything you are willing to do to help 'organize' I shall be immensely gratified. Affectionately, Frank Lloyd Wright. N. B. Cary is not asking for money but for your know-how and endorsement." Hand written correction: "Taliesin." Sighed: "Frank." Not dated, circa 1957. William Benton was an American Senator from Connecticut, and was publisher of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Printed on Taliesin West Letterhead. Beige laid paper with the watermark: "Permanized Plover Bond, Rag Content, U S A." Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway.
Size: Letterhead: 11 x 8.5, Envelope: 9.5 x 4.125.
S#: 1205.119.1121Date: 1957
Title: Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Fowler McCormick, 1957.
Description: Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Fowler McCormick introducing Cary Caraway. Text: "Dear Fowler: This will introduce you to Cary Caraway who is [a] "Taliesin" spark-plug for the International Organization proposing to raise a ten million dollar endowment fund in order to promote the work of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Kindly listen to him and if there is anything you are willing to do to help 'organize' I shall be immensely gratified. Affectionately, Frank Lloyd Wright. N. B. Cary is not asking for money but for your know-how and endorsement." Hand written correction: "Taliesin." Sighed: "Frank." Not dated, circa 1957. Fowler McCormick, the son of Harold McCormick and Edith Rockefeller, was the third generation of his family to head the International Harvester Company. Printed on Taliesin West Letterhead. Beige laid paper with the watermark: "Permanized Plover Bond, Rag Content, U S A." Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway.
Size: Letterhead: 11 x 8.5, Envelope: 9.5 x 4.125.
S#: 1205.120.1121
Date: 1957
Title: Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Harold Price, 1957.
Description: Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Harold Price introducing Cary Caraway. Text: "Dear Hal: This will introduce you to Cary Caraway who is [a] "Taliesin" spark-plug for the International Organization proposing to raise a ten million dollar endowment fund in order to promote the work of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Kindly listen to him and if there is anything you are willing to do to help 'organize' I shall be immensely gratified. Affectionately, Frank Lloyd Wright. N. B. Cary is not asking for money but for your know-how and endorsement." Hand written correction: "Taliesin." Not dated, circa 1957. Harold Charles Price founded the H. C. Price Company, which specialized in pipeline construction and non-corrosive pipe coatings. Wright designed the firm's headquarters, The Price Tower, which was built in Bartlesville, Oklahoma in 1956. Printed on Taliesin West Letterhead. Beige laid paper with the watermark: "Permanized Plover Bond, Rag Content, U S A." Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway.
Size: Letterhead: 11 x 8.5, Envelope: 9.5 x 4.125.
S#: 1205.121.1121
Date: 1957
Title: Letter Concerning Robie House.
Description: Carbon copy two-page letter to Chicago Theological Seminary from Frank Lloyd Wright concerning destruction of Robie House mailed to Cary Caraway. Dated April 15th, 1957. Mailed in Taliesin West envelope addressed to Cary Caraway. "Dr. Arthur Cushman McGiffert, Junior. The Chicago Theological Seminary... Dear Mr. President: Your letter makes clear that all you know about the Robie House is that the masterpiece is where you want to put a rooming-house and your architect is waiting - willing. So why hope for ethics? Neither public sentiment nor ethics seem to appeal to your "rights" where either religion or architecture is concerned. The house is too heavily of brick to move, not to mention the indignity if moved aside for a rooming-house. Mount Vernon, if moved aside for a housing-development, would suffer similar indignity. What I meant to offer was the design for your development - anywhere convenient. A building becoming and suitable. I was told that there was a sorority house facing Woodlawn Avenue next above you, wishing to sell. But what can be done with public sentiment will now be done. Manifestly the Robie House honors are worldwide. Would you kindly publish the testimony you have received? Sincerely, Frank Lloyd Wright. April 15, 1957." Envelope addressed to Mr. Cary Caraway. Postmarked "April 15th, 1957."
Size: Carbon copy two-page letter: 8.5 x 11, Envelope: 9.5 x 4.1.
S#: 1205.91.0818
Date: 1957
Title: Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Cary Caraway about a court hearing in Madison concerning income tax, 1957.
Description: "Dear Cary: The Foundation is to appear at a court-hearing on Saturday, June 18th, at 10:00 a.m. in Madison, State of Wisconsin, concerning income tax. Our status as a cultural organization seems in jeopardy and taxation retroactive. The loss of our present status would probably ruin our work. We are writing to some of you staunch boys now out in the world for yourselves, asking you to testify as to what of cultural value you received from life at Taliesin - backing that up with a statement of what you are now doing. Some photographs of your buildings of published recognition of work would help give testimony credence. Would you appear for us in this struggle and testify at the hearing? We are on the way to Bagdad on commission, returning about May 21st. Kindly let us hear from you at Taliesin North. The greatest service you could render us would be to appear in court and testify to the value of pour work in Organic Architecture where you were concerned with Taliesin leadership. The Foundation will pay your expenses to and from Wisconsin. The matter is serious. By our enemies we may have Taliesin taken away from us. Affectionately," (Signed) "F. LL. W" "Frank Lloyd Wright. May 9th, 1957."
Size: Letterhead: 11 x 8.5.
S#: 1205.78.0517CARAWAY CORRESPONDENCE (1950-58)
Date: 1950
Title: Employer's Affidavit from Frank Lloyd Wright for Cary Caraway 1950.
Description: A photocopy of Employer's Affidavit, describing Cary Caraway's apprenticeship at Taliesin signed by Frank Lloyd Wright, August 26, 1950. Text: "Employer" Affidavit. Architect. I hereby certify that I am a registered architect in good standing in the State of Wisconsin and that Jesse S.. Caraway was employed by me in architectural work in regular full-time apprenticeship continuously from June 8, 1935 to August 15, 1942 in an office at Spring Green, Wis. & Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona. I further certify that I was a registered architect in good standing in the State of Wisconsin. Frank Lloyd Wright (Signed), Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin. Subscribed and sworn to me this 26th day of August, 1950." Also included a single sheet, written in pencil, presumably written by Caraway, describing the "Principles for the Practice of Architecture as adopted by the Taliesin Associated Architects." Signed by Frank Lloyd Wright on original. Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway. These items were included in a lot related to Cary Caraway.
Size: Affidavit : 8 x 5.5. Sheet: 8.5 x 11
S#: 0831.111.1121Date: 1955
Title: Western Union Telegraph from Frank Lloyd Wright to Cary Caraway 1955.
Description: Western Union Telegram dated January 19, 1955, from Frank Lloyd Wright to Cary Caraway. Text: "Phoenix Ariz 19 922am. Cary Caraway. Route 2 Box 988 West Chicago, Ill. Dear Cary In New York this month why not come here Feb 26th 27th will talk to Ralph Walker most Suitable Speaker. If not then George Howe Philadelphia Gesundheit = Frank Lloyd Wright." Stamped on face: "1955 Jan 19 PM 12 21." Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway. This item was included in a lot related to Cary Caraway.
Size: 8 x 5.75
S#: 1092.176.1121Caraway Correspondence 1955. Seven pieces of correspondence to and from Cary Caraway related to Movie rights about Frank Lloyd Wright. March 11, 1955 - June 7, 1955. Date: 1955
Title: 1) Letter: March 11, 1955. Original letter to Mr. Cary Caraway from Rodney J. Griffiths.
Description: "Now in regard to the possibility of giving the funds of financial start by selling moving (sic) rights to the Frank Lloyd Wright story... Milton Krantz, my informant, said that it is always well to ask the party (in this case, Mr. Wright) to put a provision in his will mentioning said contract. He did not explain it other than to say that it supports creditors and can be done to preclude probate. The usual step is then to commission a writer to collaborate and then get the story in the script form. This will cost anywhere from $5,000.00 to $15,000.00 and the top writers and agency insist on some small percentage (or maybe it is a big percentage; I don't know)..." Signed "Rod."
Size: Two original, stapled pages 8.5 x 11
S#: 1092.105.0817 (1)Date: 1955
Title: 2) Letter: April 19, 1955. To Mr. Wright from Cary Caraway. Original carbon copy of the letter.
Description: "We have just received the Charter for the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund. I hope this is the beginning of a perpetual endeavor that will give you and your work the assistance you so highly deserve. Our cause his noble and we go forth with high hope! So be it. As the first official act, I am enclosing two copies of an agreement concerning the motion picture we discussed. If you find them in the order would you please sign one copy... It was an honor to be able to come back to the place to which we owe so much. To visit with you and Mrs. Wright and to be in the environment which you have created is to become re-inspired and renewed. For this I am thankful."
Size: Original carbon copy 8.5 x 11
S#: 1092.105.0817 (2)Date: 1955
Title: 3) Letter: April 19, 1955. To Mrs. Wright from Cary Caraway. Original carbon copy of the letter.
Description: "It was indeed a privilege to visit you and Mr. Wright - your gracious hospitality is unmatched. Being again in the environment that gave me so much, brought back fond memories and renewed the will to do better. It was wonderful to see the new growth and good condition of Taliesin West. Your Sunday morning recording session was simply amazing - your intellectual banter with Mr. Wright was a delight. I am sure only a few realize the great importance of these recordings. Please do not relent - keep them going... We have just received the Charter for the Frank Lloyd Wright endowment fund - this, I hope, is the beginning of an endowment that will permit Taliesin and what it stands for to go on forever..."
Size: Original carbon copy 8.5 x 11
S#: 1092.105.0817 (3)Date: 1955
Title: 4) "Contract with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation: April 22, 1955.
Description: "Contract With The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Granting Right to Use Copyrighted Book and Life Story for Talking Motion Picture Production. Agreement made this twenty-second day of April, 1955, between the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, near Spring Green, Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as the party of the first part, and the Frank Lloyd Wright endowment fund of 29 South LaSalle Street, Chicago 3, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the party of the second part, witnesses: Whereas, the party..."
Size: Two original, carbon copy stapled pages 8.5 x 11
S#: 1092.105.0817 (4)Date: 1955
Title: 5) Letter: June 9, 1955. To Mr. Norman Rose, American Broadcasting Station. From Rodney J Griffiths, Secretary-Treasurer, Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund.
Description: "Thank you so much for your kind and gracious treatment of your Frank Lloyd Wright TV program last evening at 11 o'clock. My only regret is that I do not have a film and tape of your program to add to our keepsakes for the school at Spring Green, and in Arizona. As far as I know, you were the first reporter who stressed Mr. Wright as a great teacher rather than just a great personality. We, that know Mr. Wright so well, are much aware of the fact that his greatest contribution to the coming generations will be the result of his teachings..."
Size: Original carbon copy 8.5 x 11
S#: 1092.105.0817 (5)Date: 1955
Title: 6) Form: December 14, 1955. US Treasury Department - Internal Revenue Service, Exemption Application.
Description: Three pages. Page 1, Front and Back: Exemption Application. Page 2: Carbon copy of Supplementary Statement, Form 1023 Exemption Application of Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund. Additional information related to Numbers 7, 10, 11b, 12 & 13. Page 3: Carbon copy of Contact with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Granting Right to Use Copyrighted Book and Life Story for Talking Motion Picture Production.
Size: Three original, carbon copy stapled pages 8.5 x 11
S#: 1092.105.0817 (6)Date: 1955
Title: 7) Form: December 14, 1955. US Treasury Department - Internal Revenue Service, Exemption Application.
Description: Three photo copy pages. Page 1: Photo copy of the front of the Exemption Application. Page 2: Photo copy of the back of the Exemption Application. Page 3: Photo copy of Supplementary Statement, Form 1023 Exemption Application of Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund. Additional information related to Numbers 7, 10, 11b, 12 & 13.
Size: Three original photo copies, stapled pages 8.5 x 11
S#: 1092.105.0817 (7)Caraway Correspondence 1955. Six pieces of correspondence to and from Cary Caraway related to Movie rights about Frank Lloyd Wright. July 2, 1955 - January 9, 1956. Date: 1955
Title: 1) Letter: July 2, 1955. To Milton E. Pickman from Cary Caraway.
Description: Original carbon copy of the letter. "Enclosed are a couple of items I thought might be of help. I will see if I can gather up a few more over the week-end at Taliesin and send them along to you. Also, I understand that the Burnham Library, which is located in the Art Institute of Chicago Building at Michigan and Adams, has an extensive collection on Mr. Wright... Mrs. Wright said she would like to see Sir Laurence Olivier do the part - Maybe he would be interested. I'm sure there is enough material for the story of Frank Lloyd Wright to make one of the greatest American epics yet if the right people become interested and devote their talents to it..." Milton E. Pickman was an American motion picture executive in Hollywood.
Size: Original carbon copy 8.5 x 11
S#: 1092.106.0817 (1)Date: 1955
Title: 2) Telegram: September 6, 1955. To Cary Caraway from Milton E. Pickman.
Description: Original Western Union Telegram. "Beverly Hills Calif. Cary Caraway and Rodney Griffiths... Terrible sorry about the delay on Frank Lloyd Wright story but hope to have in your hand by next week fairly complete report of the activities and possibilities to date kindest regards - Milton Pckman (sic)."
Size: Original Western Union Telegram. 8 x 5.75
S#: 1092.106.0817 (2)Date: 1955
Title: 3) Letter: September 7, 1955. To Milton E. Pickman from Cary Caraway.
Description: Original carbon copy of the letter. "We received your telegram today and are, of course, anxious to hear of progress regarding our project. I am mailing you separately an old issue of "Time" magazine which might be of interest to you. It would be timely if we could get the movie lined up soon so that screen writer could spend time with Mr. Wright in Wisconsin before he leaves for Arizona this fall. Then, by seeing Mr. Wright at Taliesin West in Arizona this winter, the writer should get the spirit of his story. By the way, his places in Wisconsin and Arizona would make magnificent screen sets. Mr. Wright is supposed to be on the TV program, "Meet The Press", Sunday, September 11... The welfare of American architecture is in your hands - so give it your best!"
Size: Original carbon copy 8.5 x 11
S#: 1092.106.0817 (3)Date: 1955
Title: 4) Letter: October 19, 1955. To Milton E. Pickman from Cary Caraway.
Description: Original carbon copy of the letter. "Enclosed are three newspaper items I clipped today which I thought might be of interest to you. The approach to Darryl Zanuck seems to be a natural in-as-much as Mr. Wright thinks Twentieth-Century-Fox is best equipped to produce the movie, and Mrs. Wright would like to see Sir Lawrence Olivier portray Mr. Wright..."
Size: Original carbon copy 11 x 8.5
S#: 1092.106.0817 (4)Date: 1955
Title: 5) Letter: November 16, 1955. To Harry Freedman from Cary Caraway.
Description: Original carbon copy of the letter. "Mr. Griffith's informed me of your discussion regarding the thought of Van Helflin's portraying the part of Frank Lloyd Wright in a movie of his life story. He also related your desire to have more information about the principal subject and asked me if I could help. There has been so much written about Mr. Wright by so many capable riders that I could get all the information you desire from the nearest library. I refer you to the following as a start.. I can also refer you to 325 other books and periodicals about Mr. Wright if the need arises..."
Size: Original carbon copy 8.5 x 11
S#: 1092.106.0817 (5)Date: 1956
Title: 6) Letter: January 9, 1956. To Milton E. Pickman from Cary Caraway.
Description: Original carbon copy of the letter. "This is to acknowledge your returning all of the material that Mr. Rodney Griffiths and I had given you for the use in your effort for promote the production of a motion picture of the life story of Frank Lloyd Wright. I am sorry that you were unable to get the production of this picture under way because we believe it will make a great one..."
Size: Original carbon copy 8.5 x 11
S#: 1092.106.0817 (6)Date: 1956
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund Public Relations Campaign 1956.
Description: An archive of correspondence relating to Frank Lloyd Wright and the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment fund. Carbon copy typescripts on Harshe-Riotman Inc. letterhead, August 31, 1956 - November 2, 1956. Correspondence from Franklin R. Ullrey and others from public relations firm Harshe-Rotman Inc. relating to promotional activities, press releases, media appearances, promotional photographs and the establishment of Frank Lloyd Wright Day in Chicago. Letters also related to Frank Lloyd Wright's appearance "I've Got a Secret," "Wide, Wide World," ABC, WFMT, Chanel !!, NBC, WTTW-TV. Letters addressed to Cary Caraway, Rodney Griffithsw, Sherman Hotel, Eugene Masselink, Frank Lloyd Wright (6), Mr. And Mrs. Fritz (Taliesin visit), Mrs. Wright (2), Ludd Spivey. Letters were addressed to major publications: House Beautiful, Chicago Daily News, Milwaukee Journal, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, Chicago American, Hyde Park Herald. Harshe-Rotman was retained as public relations for the announcement of the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund. This archive was included with items related to Caraway's efforts on Frank Lloyd Wright Day. Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway. 115 pages.
Size: 8.5 x 11
S#: 1147.117.1121Caraway Correspondence 1956. Twelve pieces of correspondence to and from Cary Caraway related to the Frank Lloyd Wright Day, Chicago, Illinois, October 16 - 18, 1956. August 16, 1956 - October 19, 1956. Date: 1956
Title: 1) Letter: August 16, 1956. To Adult Education Council of Greater Chicago from Cary Caraway and Rodney J. Griffiths.
Description: Original carbon copy of the letter. "We intend to hold a day of honor for Frank Lloyd Wright on October 31, 1956, in Chicago. We were tremendously impressed with the Bernard Shaw celebration which your organization sponsored recently. The great success of this location, prompted us to make the following proposal... The purpose of Frank Lloyd Wright day is to pay tribute to Mr. Wright and to focus attention on the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund, which has been established to permanently endow the architectural school established by Mr. Wright at Taliesin."
Size: Original carbon copy 11 x 8.5
S#: 1147.83.1217 (1)
Date: 1956
Title: 2) Letter: August 17, 1956. To Cary Caraway from William Macdonald, and letter to Van Allen Bradley from William Macdonald.
Description: A) Original letter to Cary Caraway from William Macdonald. "This round-robbin (sic) is rather dated, but it will at least supplies some background material. As is rather obvious, I have not done a great deal of work with the program as yet. My schedule is quite full until the 26th September when I shall have the necessary time... Roughly speaking, what I think would be best in terms of a program is one which has the conversation of the specific buildings chosen by the Old Buildings people as it's focal point with Wright in the works of both Sullivan and Wright brought in as illustrative material. This gives us the opportunity of directing the program toward a particular end rather than simply showing Wright's work and having him talk about his past, present, and future..."
B) Original two-page carbon copy of letter to Van Allen Bradley from William Macdonald. "This is simply a filler to keep you informed of the progress of the Old Buildings program here at Channel 11. A number of things of interest and, I think, of considerable important to both the program and the project have occurred since the lunch-meeting in July... I have spoken with Mr. Caraway of the University of Illinois, who is interested in a fund-raising campaign for the perpetuation of Taliesin, to be scheduled through the Adult Education Council of Greater Chicago. Mr. Caraway spent last week at Taliesin with Mr. Wright, who plans to be in Chicago on October 31st with an exhibition of his work. This coincides with the Sullivan exhibition at the Art Institute, which may give us the opportunity of having parts of both exhibitions on the program, as well as Wright himself as guest of honor..."
Size: Original letter and original two-page carbon copy of letter, three pages stapled. 11 x 8.5
S#: 1147.83.1217 (2)Date: 1956
Title: 3) Letter: August 31, 1956. To Rodney Griffiths (cc. Cary Caraway) from Robert Ahrens, Adult Education Council of Greater Chicago.
Description: Original mimeographed copy of the letter. "For the record, a summary of my thoughts and suggestions on the Wright Benefit, after our conference this week. Suggest broad purposes to command full attention or involvement: (1) To pay tribute to Wright, (2) To focus attention on endowment fund and school at Taliesin, (3) To focus attention of world on Chicago as a creative center of arts and sciences, (4) To focus Chicago's attention on itself and it's potential as a city of tomorrow..."
Size: Original mimeographed copy 11 x 8.5
S#: 1147.83.1217 (3)Date: 1956
Title: 4) Letter: 1956 (Un-dated). To Fellow Architects from Leonard Wayman.
Description: Letter printed on "The Frank Lloyd Wright Day" letterhead. "You are cordially invited by the A.I.A. Invitation Committee of the Frank Lloyd Wright Day to participate in the celebration on October 17. We believe that this is a rare opportunity for architects as well as for other citizens of Chicago to see and to hear Frank Lloyd Wright, and to pay him their respects..."
Size: Original copy 10 x 8.5, folds to 8.5 x 8.5.
S#: 1147.83.1217 (4)Date: 1956
Title: 5) Letter: September 5, 1956. To Mr. Wright from Cary Caraway.
Description: Original carbon copy of the letter. "Enclosed are some clippings I thought might be interest you. That was one "release" that went around the world. It probably would create additional interest for our October 17th event if the "Cloudscraper" were made a feature of the exhibit and if unveiling of drawings were made at that time. Also enclosed is a floor plan of the space the Sherman Hotel is making available for the exhibition. There is great interest being shown in "Frank Lloyd Wright Day" in Chicago - so it might be a natural."
Size: Original carbon copy 11 x 8.5.
S#: 1147.83.1217 (5)Date: 1956
Title: 6) Letter: September 7, 1956. To Mr. M. A. Binney, Heritage Furniture, from Cary Caraway.
Description: Original carbon copy of the letter. "In accordance with our telephone conversation, I am closing a rough sketch of our new offices which we hope to furnish with items design by Mr. Wright. I do not have the sizes of the items yet but I am getting them from your offices in the Merchandise Mart. The room dimensions are exact. If Henredon-Heritage would see their way clear to fulfilling the needs of the endowment fund, we would certainly prominently display this fact. And, since the endowment fund is going to be a permanent establishment, I think this would be a good investment. I will see Mr. Wright this weekend about laying out the Henredon-Heritage display for the exhibition.
Size: Original carbon copy 11 x 8.5.
S#: 1147.83.1217 (6)Date: 1956
Title: 7) Proclamation: September 11, 1956.
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright Day by Proclamation of Mayor Richard J. Daley on the 11th Day of September, A. D. 1956. Original copy of the Proclamation. "On the 11th day of September, A. D., 1956, the Honorable Richard J. Daley, Mayor of the City of Chicago, proclaimed and designated that Wednesday, October 17, 1956 as Frank Lloyd Wright day in Chicago and do call upon all citizens to participate in the observance of this celebration..."
Size: Original four-page copy the Proclamation. 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1147.83.1217 (7)Date: 1956
Title: 8) Invitation: 1956 (not Dated).
Description: "You Are Invited to Attend Frank Lloyd Wright Day." "Richard J Daley, Mayor of the city of Chicago has proclaimed Wednesday, October 17th, 1956 Frank Lloyd Wright Day in Chicago. Some excerpts from the proclamation are... Work of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation (including the "Cloudscraper") will be on exhibition October 16th, 17th, and 18th. On October 17th there will be several events climaxed by a dinner with approximately 1400 guests in honor of Mr. Wright..."
Size: Original carbon copy. 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1147.83.1217 (8)Date: 1956
Title: 9) Invitation: 1956 (not Dated).
Description: "You Are Invited to Participate in Frank Lloyd Wright Day." "Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright will unveil details of his history-making mile-high cloudscraper, the "Illinois", at a dinner on Wednesday, October 17, 1956. A special list of sponsors has been drawn up which includes your name among the select few who have been invited to attend. Mayor Richard J. Daley has officially proclaimed this date as Frank Lloyd Wright day in Chicago, and his official proclamation is reproduced here-in. You are cordially invited to attend this dinner to pay tribute to Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright, with others close to his ideas and creative thinking..."
Size: Original carbon copy. 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1147.83.1217 (9)Date: 1956
Title: 10) Letter: 1956 (Un-dated). To Governor William Stratton from Cary Caraway.
Description: Original carbon copy of the letter. " Wednesday, October 17th, 1956 has been proclaimed Frank Lloyd Wright day in Chicago. There will be an extensive exhibition of his work on October 16th, 17th and 18th. This exhibition will be open to the press the morning of the 16th and to the public thereafter. Mr. Wright called today from Wisconsin and asked me to invite you to this event. Knowing the high regard he has for you, I hope you and Mrs. Stratton will attend.
Size: Original carbon copy. 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1147.83.1217 (10)
Date: 1956
Title: 11) Letter/News Release: October 15, 1956.
Description: To City Editor, Chicago Defender from Robert Barker. "Mrs. Borden (Adlai) Stevenson will introduce Frank Lloyd Wright in Orchestra Hall Friday evening, October 19th, at 8:15 P.M. Mr. Wright, 87 years old, we'll talk on the sky city and the American home. The mile high building, the "Illinois" will be discussed and reviewed. The Guggenheim Museum in New York, Monona Terrace in Madison, Wisconsin and the Price Tower in Oklahoma will be on display in the form of models and drawings... Tickets are $1.10, $1.65, $2.20 and $2.75 at Orchestra Hall."
Size: Original letter and envelope. Letter : 8.5 x 11, Envelope: 9.5 x 4.1.
S#: 1147.83.1217 (11)Date: 1956
Title: 12) Letter: October 19, 1956. To Cary Caraway from George M. Burditt,
Description: The Chicago Junior Association of Commerce and Industry. "We certainly appreciate your cooperation in making our Frank Lloyd Wright luncheon such a success. This was one of the biggest and best received luncheons which the Jaycees have had in recent years."
Size: Original letter. 7.5 x 10.5.
S#: 1147.83.1217 (12)Date: 1957
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund Campaign 1957.
Description: Carbon copy typescript, "First Draft Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund Campaign for $5,000,000.00. Saturday, January 12, 1957." The Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund was established for the perpetuation of Taliesin. Typed on legal sheets, bound with copper brads on the left margin. It Outlines the organization, leadership, techniques, tone, goals and prospects for the establishment of an Endowment Fund to preserve Taliesin. Cary Caraway was co-chairman of the Frank Lloyd Wright Day and spearheaded the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund. Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway. 9 pages.
Size: 8.5 x 13.5
S#: 1205.122.1121Date: 1956
Title: Western Union Telegraph from Frank and Olgivanna Lloyd Wright to Cary Caraway 1956.
Description: Western Union Telegram dated December 27, 1957, from Frank and Olgivanna Lloyd Wright to Cary Caraway. Text: "Scottsdale Ariz 27 1144am. Mr and Mrs Cary Caraway. Box 988 Rt 2 West Chicago, Ill. Our best hope to you and yours. Frank and Olgivanna Lloyd Wright." Stamped on face: "1956 Dec 27 PM 24 (17)." Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway. This item was included in a lot related to Cary Caraway.
Size: 8 x 5.75
S#: 1147.118.1121Caraway Correspondence 1957. Twelve pieces of correspondence to and from Cary Caraway related to the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund. January 22, 1957 - April 10, 1957.
Date: 1957
Title: 1) Agreements: January 22, 1957 and February 28, 1957. To Cary Caraway and Rodney Griffiths, Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund from Seymour Fishman.
Description: A) Two original copies of Agreement dated January 22, 1957, signed by Rodney Griffeths, subject to approval and signature of Cary Caraway. "This will confirm our understanding. You desire to raise in aggregate of $5,000,000 over a four year period as an endorsement fund for the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. I have agreed to render services to you, commencing on January 3, 1957, as a consultant with respect to your fund raising campaign..." This agreement was not signed by Cary Caraway.
B) Two original copies of Agreement dated February 28, 1957, signed by Rodney Griffeths, subject to approval and signature of Cary Caraway. Minor changes to the agreement. This agreement was also not signed by Cary Caraway.
Size: All four original copies stapled together, 8.5 x 11. Envelope: Taliesin West, postmarked April 12, 1957, to Cary Caraway. 9.5 x 4.1.
S#: 1205.89.0817 (1)Date: 1957
Title: 2) Meeting Minutes: January 25, 1957.
Description: "The Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund Campaign Drive for $5,000,000.00. Chicago Meeting No. 1, January 25, 1957. This meeting was held in the Jade Room of the Sherman Hotel." Twenty-three people present. "Mr. Caraway open the meeting at 5:20 P.M... Mr. Griffiths reported that a campaign organization was now in the process of being formed... Mr. Harry Linsky reported on special projects... Mr. Meyer Levin, one of the foremost novel lists in the screenwriters in America today has prepared a treatment for motion pictures on the autobiography of Mr. Wright..."
Size: Original copy, six pages. 8.5 x 11
S#: 1205.89.0817 (2)Date: 1957
Title: 3) Meeting Transcript: Not dated, but consistent with January 25, 1957 minutes.
Description: Carbon copy of transcription of Cary Caraway, Mr. Linsky, Mr. Fishman... "This past year, we have endeavored to expose as many people as possible to the Frank Lloyd Wright school and to Mr. Wright himself. We have conducted a broad public relations program as manifested by the Frank Lloyd Wright Day in Chicago last October 17 which most of you, present, attended. We were readying ourselves for a campaign designed to produce the sum of five million dollars. We are now preparing to launch that campaign... Call for the next meeting here at the Sherman for Thursday, February 7th, 1957..."
Size: Two original carbon copy pages stapled. 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.89.0817 (3)Date: 1957
Title: 4) Inter-Office Correspondence: February 26, 1957.
Description: To Mr. Caraway and Mr. Fishman by Seymour Fishman. Subject Mr. William Stuart. Original typed memo. "Mr. Stuart conditionally accepted the Midwest regional chairmanship pending a revision of the by-laws of the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund, to broaden the base of the number of directors and an arrangement whereby his activity is active participation would fit into his own happy business program, which was quite full through May, 1957..."
Size: Original typed memo signed "SF". 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.89.0817 (4)Date: 1957
Title: 5) Inter-Office Correspondence: February 26, 1957.
Description: To Office Memorandum by Seymour Fishman. Subject Mr. James A. Howlett. Original typed memo. "On Monday evening, February 25, 1957, I spoke to Mr. James A. Howlett, who advised me that he felt confident that Mrs. Avery Coonley, who now lives in Washington D.C., might be a prospect for a substantial donation to our campaign. I understand that Mr. Wright built the Coonley estate homes quite sometime ago and that Mrs. Coonley, who is also an octagenarian, is very much smitten with Mr. Wright. Mr. Howard said: "She would probably be very hurt if we did not ask her to participate..."
Size: Original typed memo signed "SF". 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.89.0817 (5)Date: 1957
Title: 6) Inter-Office Correspondence: February 28, 1957.
Description: To Mr. Caraway, Linsky, Griffiths and Fishman by Arlene Hathaway. Subject Three telephone calls of interest. Original typed memo. Summary of conversations with Mr. Rexford Battenberg, Mrs. Joseph H. Biggs and Mr. James Howlett.
Size: Original typed memo signed "A. Hathaway." 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.89.0817 (6)Date: 1957
Title: 7) Inter-Office Correspondence: March 1, 1957.
Description: To Mr. Caraway, Fishman, Griffiths and Linsky, by Arlene Hathaway. Subject Mrs. Grace Pebbles, owner of Le Petit Gourmet. Original typed memo. "I spoke with Mrs. Grace Pebbles... "I don't have time to come to meetings and everyone is pressing me for money." However, she indicated that she would be willing and prepared to get together a party for the people she knew wanted to meet Mr. Wright at lab Petit Gourmet, which she owns..."
Size: Original typed memo signed "A. Hathaway." 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.89.0817 (7)Date: 1957
Title: 8) Questions and Answers: Not Dated, 1957.
Description: Three original sheets. Questions include: "I: What is the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund? II: Who are the officers of the Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund? III: How will the Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund accomplish this? IV: How will this program be financed? V: Will any of this money be used for Taliesin North and Taliesin West, and if so, how..."
Size: Three original copies of typed questions, stapled. 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.89.0817 (8)Date: 1957
Title: 9) Letter: March 31st,1957. Original typed letter with corrections.
Description: Written by Frank Lloyd Wright as the "Preamble" for the Endowment Fund, which was referred to in the notes from the March 30-31 meeting: "...An attestation to Mr. Wright's enthusiastic support was his own personal preparation of the preamble, which, of course, must now be the base of any written material which is distributed." "This campaign is organized to raise funds sufficient to perpetuate the cause of an American Architecture by protection and further cultural and educational promotion extending work in architecture at the Taliesin's under Frank Lloyd Wright. This in order that the establishments there founded may continue in prosperity as the architectural fountainhead of a culture of our own. Preservation and protection of the two Taliesins - North and West - and of the work already done there by those who have helped make them what they are today -- advance agents of decentralization, is the overall objective of this organization. Frank Lloyd Wright. March 31st, 1957."
Size: Original typed letter with hand written corrections. 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.89.0817 (9)Date: 1957
Title: 10) Inter-Office Correspondence: April 4, 1957. To Messrs. Caraway, Griffiths and Linsky, by Seymour Fishman.
Description: Subject: Summary of Week-end Conference at Taliesin West, March 30-31, 1957. Original typed memo. "I present herewith the point by point analysis of our accomplishments over the week-end, as well as the point by point failures. I also present an outline of our immediate problems and suggestions as to how we meet them...
1. Mr. Wright's complete and enthusiastic support of the project. It should be kept in mind that this support is related to the fact that he personally felt that he enlarged the program and developed it. It must also be remembered that the new program is for $10,000,000.00 instead of 5,000,000; that the program is international instead of national; and that the program will involve the creation of a new organization to be known as the American Architecture Organization. An attestation to Mr. Wright's enthusiastic support was his own personal preparation of the preamble, which, of course, must now be the base of any written material which is distributed. A further indication of Mr. Wright's support of the program..."
Size: Original four-page typed memo signed "Seymour Fishman." 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.89.0817 (10)Date: 1957
Title: 11) Inter-Office Correspondence: April 4, 1957.
Description: To Messrs. Caraway, Griffiths and Linsky, by Seymour Fishman. Subject: Mr. William Stuart. Original typed memo. "On Wednesday morning, April 3, I went met with Mr. William Stewart. Mr. Stewart left for Florida on Wednesday... Mr. Stewart felt very strongly that we should proceed very slowly until such time as an organization of top level individuals is set up. He placed particular emphasis on Mr. Fowler McCormick, and Cecil B. DeMille... I was very blunt with him in regard to our budget problems. I indicated that we were $15,000.00 to $20,000.00 in debt and that an additional sum of $50,000.00 was necessary to hire staff, fund raisers, public relations people... He seemed generally in good humor and agreed that the weekend spend a Taliesin was important. He pointed out, however that Mr. Wright had been known in the past to change attitudes and that it is essential to maintain his present attitude, to exploit it by getting the top level man to assume responsibility..."
Size: Original two-page typed memo signed "Seymour Fishman." 8.5 x 11
S#: 1205.89.0817 (11)Date: 1957
Title: 12) Inter-Office Correspondence: April 10, 1957.
Description: To Mr. Caraway. Subject: Long distance call to Mrs. Wright placed 7:30pm 4-10-57. Original typed memo.
Mr. Caraway: "Would you say to Mrs. Wright that I talked with Mr. Wright in New York and while in the course of the conversation he asked if I had received a letter that he wrote from Phoenix asking me to call off the effort which we had already taken on the Endowment Fund and this disturbs me very much and I wondered if she concurred and what caused the change of mind and in general what I should do now."
Operator: "She said that you should have received a letter." "Have you gotten that letter?"
Mr. Caraway: "No"
Operator: "That letter was sent airmail special last Saturday" "To the LaSalle Street address"
Mr. Caraway: "That's where I am now"
Operator: "You do not have the letter..."
Size: Original two-page typed memo. 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.89.0817 (12)Date: 1957
Title: Affidavit of Cary Caraway, 1957.
Description: Carbon copy typescript, an Affidavit, signed "Cary Caraway" and notarized, October 15, 1957. with accompanying cover sheet dated October 10, 1957. Caraway's affidavit regarding his activities as President of the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund. Describing his time as a member of the Taliesin Fellowship and his relationship with the program and Frank Lloyd Wright: "Taliesin represents a unique achievement...Frank Lloyd Wright stands in the forefront of advanced architecture." Cary Caraway was co-chairman of the Frank Lloyd Wright Day and spearheaded the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund. Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway.
Size: 6 pages. 8.5 x 13
S#: 1205.123.1121Date: 1957
Title: Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Cary Caraway concerning The Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund 1957.
Description: "Copy. My dear Cary: A long talk with Senator Benson opened my eyes to the hazards we face in future if we go on with the Endowment Fund Campaign. I believe it is better to concentrate on the Foundation as it stands - trying to clear up its status and promote its prestige - by bringing proper outside authority and influence to bear on our present situation and our needs... Let's direct our efforts now not toward this endowment fund-raising but toward strengthening the foundation itself - now practically a three million dollar establishment. My Will would become the document that will ensure the proper direction of its use and growth in future and those authorized to help. After considerable thought on the part of Olgivanna, the Fellows and myself - this is our conclusion. I see the acquisition of the Robie House is in line with this decision, making it a Foundation Library Center for Organic Architecture there in Chicago. An angel might be found who would put up the necessary purchase to buy the place if the Foundation would guarantee a reasonable quarterly interest payment... The establishment called Taliesin is so far developed now that the association in almost any form is a distinction to be coveted. I am sure that her we have a unity instead of a duplicity requiring too much engineering and likely to win little confidence from donors... I do not like the endowment und idea, Cary. I prefer the build-up from within as I describe it here. Affection, Frank Lloyd Wright. April 6th, 1957. " Three typed pages on Taliesin West letterhead. Envelope: "Via Air Mail : Special Delivery. Mr. Cary Caraway, The Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund, 29 South LaSalle, Chicago, Illinois." Postmarked: "Scottsdale, Apr 12 1957." Postmark on verso: "Chicago, Apr 13? 1957."
Size: Letterhead: 11 x 8.5. Envelope: 8.9 (torn) x 4.1.
S#: 1205.77.0517
Date: 1957
Title: Letter Concerning Robie House.
Description: Carbon copy two-page letter to Chicago Theological Seminary from Frank Lloyd Wright concerning destruction of Robie House mailed to Cary Caraway. Dated April 15th, 1957. Mailed in Taliesin West envelope addressed to Cary Caraway. "Dr. Arthur Cushman McGiffert, Junior. The Chicago Theological Seminary... Dear Mr. President: Your letter makes clear that all you know about the Robie House is that the masterpiece is where you want to put a rooming-house and your architect is waiting - willing. So why hope for ethics? Neither public sentiment nor ethics seem to appeal to your "rights" where either religion or architecture is concerned. The house is too heavily of brick to move, not to mention the indignity if moved aside for a rooming-house. Mount Vernon, if moved aside for a housing-development, would suffer similar indignity. What I meant to offer was the design for your development - anywhere convenient. A building becoming and suitable. I was told that there was a sorority house facing Woodlawn Avenue next above you, wishing to sell. But what can be done with public sentiment will now be done. Manifestly the Robie House honors are worldwide. Would you kindly publish the testimony you have received? Sincerely, Frank Lloyd Wright. April 15, 1957." Envelope addressed to Mr. Cary Caraway. Postmarked "April 15th, 1957."
Size: Carbon copy two-page letter: 8.5 x 11, Envelope: 9.5 x 4.1.
S#: 1205.91.0818
Date: 1957
Title: Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright to Cary Caraway about a court hearing in Madison concerning income tax, 1957.
Description: "Dear Cary: The Foundation is to appear at a court-hearing on Saturday, June 18th, at 10:00 a.m. in Madison, State of Wisconsin, concerning income tax. Our status as a cultural organization seems in jeopardy and taxation retroactive. The loss of our present status would probably ruin our work. We are writing to some of you staunch boys now out in the world for yourselves, asking you to testify as to what of cultural value you received from life at Taliesin - backing that up with a statement of what you are now doing. Some photographs of your buildings of published recognition of work would help give testimony credence. Would you appear for us in this struggle and testify at the hearing? We are on the way to Bagdad on commission, returning about May 21st. Kindly let us hear from you at Taliesin North. The greatest service you could render us would be to appear in court and testify to the value of pour work in Organic Architecture where you were concerned with Taliesin leadership. The Foundation will pay your expenses to and from Wisconsin. The matter is serious. By our enemies we may have Taliesin taken away from us. Affectionately," (Signed) "F. LL. W" "Frank Lloyd Wright. May 9th, 1957."
Size: Letterhead: 11 x 8.5.
S#: 1205.78.0517Caraway Correspondence 1957. Five pieces of correspondence to and from Cary Caraway related to the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund. September 17, 1957 - March 8, 1958. Date: 1957
Title: 1) Letter: September 17, 1957.
Description: Original Duplicate typed letter to I.R.S. To Mr. Needham (IRS) from Willard J. Lassers, Attorney. cc: Cary Caraway and Rodney Griffiths. "Thank you for your letter of August 20, 1957. Upon receipt of the information, we started to work to assemble the data you requested but will not be able to complete this work within the 30 days mentioned in your letter... Accordingly, we request a 30 day extension for answering your letter..."
Size: Original Duplicate typed letter to I.R.S. 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.90.0817 (1)Date: 1957
Title: 2) Letter: September 22, 1957.
Description: Original carbon copy letter to Sidney D. Komie from Rodney Griffiths, Secretary of the FLLW End. Fund. "This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of Sept 20th demanding $1,000.00 from the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund by September 25th to apply to the Hotel Sherman account, wherein you threatened court action unless your demand was met. The FLLW Endowment Fund has no money on hand. I refer you to my last previous letter as to why and as to the prospects of obtaining funds which with which to pay up our indebtedness to you and to others... Cary Caraway, Pres. of the fund suggested that there might be some way to reduce our obligations to long-term interest bearing notes..."
Size: Original carbon copy. 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.90.0817 (2)Date: 1957
Title: 3) Letter: December 12, 1957.
Description: Original carbon copy two-page letter to Rodney Griffiths from Willard J. Lassers. "In accordance with our conversation I am outlining the steps which should be taken in response to the letter from the Internal Revenue Service of December 9. I suggest that one of several persons of stature in the field of architecture prepare a plan for submission to the endowment fund board respecting the plans for loans on structures embodying new principles... Another area was suggested by Mr. Caraway. Perhaps work could be encouraged to stimulate the development of true prefabricated housing. An important feature would be that the component parts would be of standard specifications so that the number of rooms..."
Size: Original carbon copy two-page letter. 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.90.0817 (3)Date: 1957
Title: 4) Letter: (Undated) 1957.
Description: Original carbon copy of letter to Willard J. Lassers from the I.R.S. "In response to our request for a detailed description of all the funds activities to date, the president of the fund stated that activities have consisted largely of contacting prospective contributors and informing them of the funds plans. Before we may determine whether a tentative ruling, as described in our letter dated August 20, 1957, may be issued to the fund, it is essential that the president or other officers of the fund furnish us with a statement stating the extent to which the fund in terms to undertake any activities in furtherance of it stated purpose prior to the retirement of Mr. Wright..."
Size: Original carbon copy two-page letter. 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.90.0817 (4)Date: 1958
Title: 5) Letter: March 8, 1958.
Description: Original letter to Cary Caraway from Willard J. Lassers. "On December 12 I sent you a copy of my letter to Rod regarding the Endowment Fund, which was in relation to a letter from the Internal Revenue Service of December 9. I believe that if we supply the Internal Revenue Service with the information requested we stand a reasonable chance of obtaining the tax exemption... I feel a sense of personal concern because of my continuing relationship with the Internal Revenue Service. It looks bad to be pressing for action then fail to supply requested data. I wouldn't want the endowment fund matter to prejudice any future applications that I may have with this agency. If nothing is to be done I would much prefer dismissing the application..."
Size: Original two-page letter. 8.5 x 11.
S#: 1205.90.0817 (5)GREAT LAKES ARCHITECTURE Date: 1956
Title: Great Lakes Architecture, Designing - Construction - Sept-October, 1956 (Published bi-monthly by E. B. Stapleford, Inc, Cleveland, Ohio)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright to be honored at Chicago dinner. Frank Lloyd Wright, celebrating his 65th year as an architect, will be honored at a dinner in Chicago, Wednesday, October 17. The $25 a plate dinner, to be held at the Hotel Sherman, will climax a three day exhibit of the pioneer architect's work. Sponsoring the affair are a number of businesses and social leaders who have formed the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund too carry on the architectural school founded and operated by Wright at his Wisconsin home since 1932... There are expected to be over 1000 admirers of the noted architect to attend the affair in the Grand Ballroom. Wright will be the principal speaker. The exhibit, which covers an area of 7500 square feet is composed of models and drawings of structures design by Wright... The Frank Lloyd Wright endowment fund was established for the purpose of raising $4 million to perpetuate the school." Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway. Original cover price 50c.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 26
S#: 1147.88.0818
THIS WEEK MAGAZINE (BEAUTY 1957) Date: 1957 Title: This Week Magazine - January 27, 1957 (Published Weekly by United Newspapers Magazine Corporation, New York.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "This Way To Beauty." Have you ever said, "It's beautiful, but it isn't practical"? Then read this. Wright discusses beauty. Includes one photograph.
Size: 11 x 13.5
Pages: Pp 2
S#: 1205.20.1106
D ate: 1959
Illustration by Ralph Stein.
Title: This Week Magazine (Detroit News) - May 24, 1959 (Published by Detroit News and United Newspapers Magazine Corporation, New York)
Author: Stein, Ralph
Description: "Mr. Wright's wonderful automobile. Frank Lloyd Wright was famous as America's greatest architect. But he was original in another way you never suspected. Here's his design for your 1960 car... The late Frank Lloyd Wright has been hailed in newspapers, magazines and over the air for his great and often revolutionary contributions to the art of designing houses, factories and public buildings... But few people are aware that this modern Leonardo da Vinci also had some highly original ideas about automobiles... There is much that is great in Mr. Wright's design. Don't laugh at it. Someday you may be taking your turn at Mr. Wright's tiller!" Includes one portrait of Wright as well as four illustrations of the Wright designed automobile.
Size: 10.75 x 13.5
Pages: Pp 13, 15
S#: 1377.96.0818
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Will.
Description: Copy of Frank Lloyd Wright's 1958 last will and testament. Heavily annotated by Frank Lloyd Wright. This was a single copy from the original, from the files of Kelmscott Gallery, Chicago. Dated 25 April, 1958. Filed May 19, 1959. Pp 4.
Size: 8.5 x 14
S#: 1259.09.0305
Left: Page 1. Right: Page 4.
BEAUTY 1959 Date: 1959 Title: Words to Live By (Hard Cover) (Published by Simon and Schuster, Inc. New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited By William Nichols
Description: Comprised of over ninety essays previously published in "This Week Magazine" from 1947 to 1959. Wright's essay "Beauty" was published in the January 27, 1957 issue. Each essay is proceeded by a quote or poem. Of interest, is the quote by John Keats proceeding Wright's essay. Wright's essay pages 147-148. Includes 4 x 6 four page descriptive Presentation Card listing Frank Lloyd Wright on the cover, as one of authors. Stamped on back cover: Compliments of Broce Construction Co. "Beauty" was originally an address to the Taliesin Fellowship following a Sunday Breakfast, June 11, 1950. (First Edition)
Size: 6 x 9.1
Pages: Pg 242
S#: 1274.01.0101
Date: 1959
Title: Words to Live By. Selected and Interpreted by Ninety Eminent Men and Women. (Boxed, Stiff Cover, Oxford Bound in Leather and Fibre by Brown & Bigelow, Saint Paul, Minnesota) (Published by Simon and Schuster, Inc. New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited By William Nichols
Description: Comprised of over ninety essays previously published in "This Week Magazine" from 1947 to 1959. Wright's essay "Beauty" was published in the January 27, 1957 issue. Each essay is proceeded by a quote or poem. Of interest, is the quote by John Keats proceeding Wright's essay. Wright's essay pages 147-148. Includes 4 x 6 four page descriptive Presentation Card listing Frank Lloyd Wright on the cover, as one of authors. Stamped on back cover: Compliments of Broce Construction Co. "Beauty" was originally an address to the Taliesin Fellowship following a Sunday Breakfast, June 11, 1950. (First Edition)
Size: 6.25 x 9.5
Pages: Pp 242
S#: 1274.03.0911
Title: Correspondence: Invitation from Olgivanna Lloyd Wright to celebrate birthday of Frank Lloyd Wright.
Description: "Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship request the honor of your presence at the traditional memorial dinner on the birthday of Frank Lloyd Wright to be given this year at Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin. June 8, 1967. RSVP Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona. 7:00 PM Black Tie." Envelope addressed to Mr. And Mrs. Cary Caraway. Also includes smaller return envelope. Acquired from the Cary Caraway estate.
Size: Invitation: folded to 5.3 x 4.2. Envelope: 5.6 x 4.4.
S#: 1720.47.0219Date: 1968
Title: Correspondence: Invitation from Olgivanna Lloyd Wright to celebrate birthday of Frank Lloyd Wright.
Description: "Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship request the honor of your presence at the traditional memorial dinner on the birthday of Frank Lloyd Wright to be given this year at Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin. June 8, 1968. RSVP Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona. 7:00 PM Black Tie." Envelope addressed to Mr. And Mrs. Cary Caraway. Acquired from the Cary Caraway estate.
Size: Invitation: folded to 5.3 x 4.2. Envelope: 5.6 x 4.4.
S#: 1757.24.0219Date: Circa 1968
Title: Undated typed and hand written thank you note from Olgivanna Lloyd Wright to Frances and Cary Caraway.
Description: "Dear Frances and Cary, It was very nice of you to send the delicious homemade cookies. I shared them with the fellowship at our New Year's Eve party. I hope your winter has not been too hard, and that we shall see you happy and gay as usual. Love Olgivanna Lloyd Wright." Acquired from the Cary Caraway estate.
Size: 4 x 6, folded to 4 x 3.
S#: 1757.25.0219Date: 1983
Title: Typed and hand written thank you note from Olgivanna Lloyd Wright to Frances and Cary Caraway.
Description: "January 10, 1983. Dear Frances and Cary, Thank you for the fragrant, fresh, delicious Wisconsin apples. I forgot how the real apples taste. With love, Mrs. Wright." Note: hand writing does not appear as smooth as in the past. Acquired from the Cary Caraway estate.
Size: Invitation: folded to 5.5 x 4.25.
ST#: 1983.49.0219Date: 1984
Title: Typed and hand written thank you note from Olgivanna Lloyd Wright to Frances and Cary Caraway.
Description: "January 18, 1984. Dear Frances and Cary, Bigelow cheese has always been a favorite of mine, and it was very nice to have it again. I shared it with the Fellowship at our New Year's Eve party as a special treat. Love Mrs. Wright." Note: hand writing does not appear as smooth as in the past. Acquired from the Cary Caraway estate.
Size: Invitation: folded to 5.5 x 4.25. Envelope: 5.6 x 4.4.
ST#: 1984.54.0219
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