THIS WEEK VIA (AAA) WESTWAYSBOOKS Date: 2015 Title: The Car is Architecture. A Visual History of Frank Lloyd Wright's 85 Cars (Soft Cover) (Published by Fideli Publishing, Inc., Martinsville, IN)
Author: Herink, Richie
Description: "Cars were one of Frank Lloyd Wright's great obsessions, along with Architecture and Japanese Prints. The last two have been well documented, but the Cars have not been covered at all... until this book. This unique visual history of Wright's 85 cars and one motorcycle uses original magazine ads to describe the make and model of each vehicle. They are presented in the order in which they were purchased and used." (Back cover) Original list price $14.95. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 102
ST#: 2015.10.1215
AAA Date: 1992 Title: AAA Going Places - May/June 1992 (Published bi-monthly by AAA Auto Club, Tampa Bay, Florida)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Child of the Sun. As the 125th anniversary of Frank Lloyd Wright's birth approaches on June 8, Florida Southern College (FSC) in Lakeland - home to the world's largest one-site grouping of Wright's work - is mounting a permanent exhibit of photographers and drawings in his honor. The exhibit traces the 20-year construction period of the collection..." Includes two photographs. Original cover price $2.95.
Size: 8 x 10.5
Pages: Pp 13
ST#: 1992.087.0414
Date: 1992 Title: AAA World - May/June 1992 (Published bi-monthly by American Automobile Association, Heathrow, Florida)
Author: Fischer, Ray
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Gift of Space. Take a side trip during your summer travels and share the vision of an American master. This year marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of Frank Lloyd Wright, generally regarded as America's premier 20th-century architect. In a career that spanned seven decades, Wright advanced the belief that 'form follows function' and changed the way we look at architecture and our world." Includes sections on Taliesin, Fallingwater, The Guggenheim Museum, Taliesin West and Child of the Sun. Includes four photographs. Original cover price $1.00.
Size: 8 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 14-16
ST#: 1992.88.0414
AUTOMOBILE MAGAZINE Date: 1998 Publication: Automobile Magazine - Special Issue 1998 (This Supplement to Automobile Magazine is Published by K-III Magazine Corporation, New York)
Author: Jordan, Michael; Photography by Goddard, Martln
Description: Great Drives. "Midwestern Suburbia, The Wright Way. Oak Park, Illinois to Spring Green, Wisconsin: Frank Lloyd Wright's prairie houses, viewed from a Chrysler Town & Country LXi... Wright is often remembered for the exterior style of his houses, but it is the interior spaces... that have had the most lasting impact on the architecture of American suburbia." Includes 16 photographs and one illustration, as well as a driving "map" and stops of interest on the drive. 8 x 10.75.
Pages: 4, 20-27
ST#: 1998.64.0910
Date: 2017
Title: Automobile Magazine - February 2017 (Published monthly by TEN: The Enthusiastic Newwork, LLC., New York)
Author: Weiner, Eric
Description: Photographed at the Palmer House in Ann Arbor, Michigan with Frank Lloyd Wright's 1940 Lincoln-Zephyr and the 2017 Lioncoln Continental.
“The Wright Stuff. Seeing the Lincoln Continental from the perspective of America’s most celebrated architect. Sitting alongside the leaf-strewn footsteps of Frank Lloyd Wright's Palmer House, the 1940 Lincoln Continental soaks in this moment of belonging. More than 75 years have rolled past since Wright proclaimed Edsel Ford's pet project "the most beautiful car ever designed." Yet, in the shadow of one of Wright's homes, the car still pulls his world-famous ideals of style and form clearly into the present...” Includes twenty photographs.
Size: 8 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 4, 42-51
ST#: 2017.54.0524AUTOMOBILE QUARTERLY Date: 2nd Quarter 1972 Publication: Automobile Quarterly - 2nd Quarter 1972 (Published quarterly by Automobile Quarterly, Inc., New York)
Author: Ludvigsen, Karl E.
Description: "The Baron of Park Avenue. Today Hoffman is the importer of BMW cars. Since the last war he has been the instigator in the importation of such makers as Jaguar, Volkswagen, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Alfa Romeo, Lancia and Fiat, not to mention many of lesser significance and duration. Most of these makes achieved their first modern recognition in the United States through the efforts of Max Hoffman, and most also found themselves designing special models and options for the U.S. market to meet the requests of this persuasive present-day Emil Jellinek..." In 1954, Wright designed the Hoffman Showroom on Park Ave. in New York. Includes twenty five photographs and thirty illustrations by Thomas E. Fornander. Original list price $5.95. 10.6 x 8.5. For more information and a summary of this article see our Wright Study.
Pages: 152-167
ST#: 1909.11.1101
Date: May 1991 Publication: Automobile Quarterly - May 1991
Author: Hockenhull, James L.
Description: Trekking to Usonia. The Crosley cars of Frank Lloyd Wright.
Pages: 40-45
ST#: 1991.25.1004
Date: 1998 Title: Automobile Quarterly - December 1998 (Published quarterly by Automobile Quarterly, Inc., a subsidiary of the Kutztown Publishing Company, Inc., Kutztown, PA)
Author: Wells, Stuart W.
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright. 'Auto-mobility.' Controversial, brilliant, flamboyant - the always intriguing Mr. Wright vigorously addressed the design problems of mobility and the automobile." Includes twenty 14 photographs and 19 illustrations, related to Broadacre City, Robie House, Wright's cars, Gordon Strong, Johnson Was, Lindholm, Cloverleaf, Adelman, Westmore, Hoffman, Baghdad Opera, and Wright's Road Machine. Original single copy price $25.95.
Size: 10.5 x 8.6
Pages: Pp 30-41
ST#: 1998.74.0914
CHRYSLER MAGAZINE Date: 2002 Title: Chrysler Magazine - Volume 1 Issue 1 - (Published by Meredith Integrated Marketing, Des Moines, IA)
Author: Bernstein, Fred
Description: "The Wright Stuff. Living out of tiny shelters in the Arizona desert, aspiring architects apply the philosophies of Frank Lloyd Wright to modern-day design. He was the most promising architect of the 19th century. A windmill he designed in 1896 for his family's farm near Spring Green, Wisconsin, still stands - its dramatic pairing of diamond-shaped and octagonal structures presaging seven decades of invention. And he was the most important architect of the 20th century..." Includes nine photographs by Bill Holt. Original cover price $4.95.
Size: 9 x 10.9
Pages: Pp Cover 26-32
ST#: 2002.106.0715
Date: 2002
Title: Chrysler Magazine - Volume 1 Issue 1 - (Published by Meredith Integrated Marketing, Des Moines, IA) (Offprint)
Author: Bernstein, Fred
Description: Offprint published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale. “The Wright Stuff. Living out of tiny shelters in the Arizona desert, aspiring architects apply the philosophies of FLW to modern-day design. He was the most promising architect of the 19th century. A windmill he designed in 1896 for his family’s farm near Spring Green, Wisconsin, still stands – its dramatic pairing of diamond-shaped and octagonal structures presaging seven decades of invention. And he was the most important architect of the 20th century...” Includes six photographs by Bill Holt.
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pp 1-8
ST#: 2002.150.0124CAR COLLECTOR & CAR CLASSICS Date: 1993
Title: Car Collector and Car Classics - August 1993 (Published monthly by Classic Publishing, Inc. Roswell, Georgia)
Author: Adler, Dennis
Description: A Matter of Design. The Unique Styling of the Raymond Loewy and Frank Lloyd Wright Continentals.
Scratch the surface of every automotive designer and you'll find an artist. And, like artists, designers have a way of putting their signatures on their work; for example, the telltale sweep panel on a LeBaron-bodied Duesenberg dual cowl phaeton, the "coffin nose" on Gordon Buehrig's Cord 810 or, more to the point, the decklid and rear-mounted spare on a Lincoln Continental. The question at hand, however, is not a matter of design, but of designers. How does one stylist put his signature on another's work, especially when the stylists in question happens to be Edsel Ford, Bob Gregorie, Raymond Loewy and Frank Lloyd Wright...
Shortly after taking delivery of a Continental cabriolet in 1940, Frank Lloyd Wright's daughter had an accident with the car. He saw this as an opportunity to add some design features of his own while the Lincoln was being repaired. The result was this Coupe de Ville, very similar to the Loewy vehicles.
Includes 4 photographs of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Continental cabriolet. Original cover price $3.95.
Size: 8 x 11
Pages: Pp 6-13
ST#: .1993.128.1124
CLASSIC CAR Date: 2015 Title: Classic Car - May 2015 (Published monthly by Hemming Motor News, Bennington, Vermont)
Author: Shea, Terry
Description: "Art of Design. Frank Lloyd Wright and his 1940 Lincoln Continental. Frank Lloyd Wright was that rarest of architects whose name and work transcended his field, becoming part of the lexicon of 20th century culture, in the U.S. and beyond. His work such as Fallingwater, Robie House and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum remain familiar to those who don't even consider themselves aficionados of architecture. Wright's status as a celebrity remains unrivaled in the field decades after his death..." Includes 6 photographs.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 40-43
ST#: 2015.04.0715
FORD TIMES Date: Ford Times - February 1952 Publication: Ford Times - February 1952 (Published monthly by the Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan)
Author: Anonymous
Description: (Related Story) Glass church designed by son Lloyd Wright, Swedenborgian.
Page: 7
ST#: 0910.03.0904
Date: Ford Times - October 1954 Publication: Ford Times - October 1954 (Published monthly by the Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Favorite Recipes of Famous Taverns." "Yesteryear occupies a large rambling eighteen-room home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1900. Lunch and dinner served, except Monday. It is located on Harrison Avenue at the river in Kankakee, Illinois." Recipe for German Crumb Cake. The B. Harley Bradley Residence (1900 - S.052). Includes one illustration of the Bradley Residence by Roscoe Misselhorn. 5 x 7.
Pages: 58-59
ST#: 1045.13.0410
Date: October 1959 Publication: Ford Times - October 1959 (Published monthly by the Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan)
Author: McKown, David L.
Description: "Fallingwater. A testament to America's greatest and most controversial architect. The general contractor stood ankle deep in the cold waters of Bear Run, leaned on a timber, and looked critically at the huge, gray slab of concrete that loomed over him. Calculations or no, genius or no, he would not allow his men to be crushed by that thing when they knocked out its supports. He climbed up the banks and told the architect exactly that. Enraged, the older man ignored his nearly 70 years, scrambled down to the water and stood beside one lone workman as the supports were removed. Forty years later..." Includes two photographs of Fallingwater. 5 x 7.
Pages: 13-15
ST#: 1979.22.1010
FRIENDS Date: 1978 Publication: Friends - October 1978
Author: Anonymous
Description: The Genius Lives On. It has been 19 years since Frank Lloyd Wright died, but it hasn't been that long since a Frank Lloyd Wright building has gone up.
Pages: Cover, 4-9
ST#: 1978.11.0103
Date: 1990 Title: Friends - March/April 1990 (Published bi-monthly by The Aegis Group, Troy Michigan)
Author: Sherman, Don
Description: "Of Legendary Frame. We take the Wright perspective on two classic profile - in cars and architecture... McArthur consulted with Wright on the Arizona Biltmore project, and religiously followed his architectural philosophies in the use of space and local materials that blend with the environment. With Wright's permission, McArthur selected an ornamental concrete-block construction technique previously conceived by Wright for a California House..." Includes five photographs of the Arizona Biltmore. Original cover price $2.50.
Size: 8 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 23-26, 60
ST#: 1990.113.0415
Title: Historic Traveler - Summer 1997 (Published six times a year by Cowles Historic Group, Inc., Leesburg, VA)
Author: Bell, Judith; Photographs Bell, T. Josef
Description: "Wright at Home. (1) Touring three residences designed by the master."¯ A) Oak Park (Home and Studio), B) Fallingwater, C) Pope-Leighey House. 2) "The Houses of Frank Lloyd Wright, Trip Planner."¯ Includes 21 photographs and three illustrated maps. Original Cover Price $3.99.
Size: 8 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 1, 50-59
ST#: 1997.44.1007HOLIDAY Date: 1960
Title: Holiday Magazine - September 1960 (Published monthly by Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, PA)
Author: Steegmuller, Francis
Description: "Battle of the Guggenheim. Who is winning - Frank Lloyd Wright, who designed a New York art museum without picture galleries, or the artist who rate painting above architecture? My first visit to the new Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, at fifth Avenue and 88th St., was on the night of one of the gala previews that preceded its opening last October. Everything was glamour that night. The corrugated mass of the building was a complex of light and deep shadow. It's roundness - that great rarity in New York - was emphasized by the curving segments of light pouring up from within, pouring through the glass atop the ninety-two-foot-high dome and the spiral... Perhaps, at the Guggenheim, modern art may eventually regain some of the central pre-eminence now usurped there by Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture." Original cover price 50c. (Sweeney 1445)
Size: 10.75 x 13.5
Pages: Pp 60-61, 105-106
S#: 1445.00.1121LAUREL HIGHLANDS Date: 1967
Title: Laurel Highlands - Volume VII, 1967 (Published annually by Laurel Highlands, Inc., Ligonier, Pennsylvania)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Fallingwater - Newest Tourist Attraction. Since its opening to the public in 1964 by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, the famous Fallingwater has become one of the major tourist attractions of the entire Laurel Highlands area.
Fallingwater, the architectural masterpiece of Frank Lloyd Wright which was built as a country home for the late Edgar J. Kaufmann, famed Pittsburgh businessman and philanthropist, is located at Bear Run, near Ohiopyle.
More than 50,000 persons visited Fallingwater last year. It is estimated that even more people will visit the site in 1966.
Hourly tours of Fallingwater are conducted by trained guides. The house is open daily, except Monday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and from noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday. All visits, however, are made with advance reservation only and children under 12 are not admitted..."¯ Includes one photograph of Fallingwater.
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 47
S#: 1720.97.0223
Title: Lincoln-Mercury Times - February1949 (Published monthly by the Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Arizona Biltmore. Just North of Phoenix, Arizona, snuggled at the foot of Squaw Peak, is the modernistic Arizona-Biltmore Hotel. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, the building is of cement block held together with steel interlacings to form a Spanish type open work design. Roof terraces, loggias, towering pavilions as well as cottages, cabanas and a swimming pool dot the hotel grounds..." Of interest to note is in this article, credit for the design is Frank Lloyd Wright. Includes two illustrations of the Arizona Biltmore.
Size: 5 x 7
Pages: Pp Inside front and back covers
S#: 0798.39.0721Date: 1954 Publication: Lincoln-Mercury Times - March/April 1954
Author: Anonymous
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright. Photos by Pedro E. Guerrero and Robert H. Miller. Includes photo of two customized Lincolns.
Pages: 5-7
ST#: 1012.00.0403
MERCEDES Date: 1982 Volume V Publication: Mercedes - Volume V (Published four times a year by Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc. Montvale, NJ)
Author: Anonymous
Description: World's most distinguished showroom? Restoration of the Mercedes-Benz Manhattan showroom. (See our Wright Study on the Hoffman Showroom for more information.)
Page: 4
ST#: 1982.14.0103
Date: 1984 Volume XII Publication: Mercedes - Volume XII (Published four times a year by Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc. Montvale, NJ)
Author: Marlin, William
Description: "The Radiant Legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright ...The entrances that Wright made were as dramatic as the ones he designed, and he had a reputation for calling on his clients unannounced and at all hours. Even if no one was home, he would usually let himself in... Twenty five after Wright's death, His architecture is a vibrant as ever." Includes fourteen photographs and one illustration. 9 x 11. (Two Copies)
Pages: 2, 16-23
- ST#: 1984.07.0601, 1984.32.1109
ROAD & TRACK Date: June 1947 Publication: Road & Track - June 1947. Volume 1, Number 1 (Published monthly by Road & Track, Hempstead, N.Y.)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Europe on Park Avenue. With the opening in New York City of The Hoffman Motor Car Company's new showroom at 487 Park Avenue, New Yorker's now have the opportunity to seeing for themselves examples of some of the world's finest and most luxurious automobiles. Responsible for the importation of these cars is Mr. M. E. Hoffman, veteran of twenty-five years in the sales of European automobiles, and president of the company. Mr. Hoffman was formerly the Viennese representative for Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Alfa-Romeo, Delahaye and other Continental manufacturers." Includes five photographs. Also includes an additional photograph of a Delahaye, and a full page ad for The Hoffman Motor Car Co. (Digital and printed version.) Original cover price 25 cents. 8.2 x 10.9. (See our Wright Study on the Hoffman Showroom for more information.)
Pages: 8-9
ST#: 0720.08.1110
Date: August 1952 Publication: Road & Track - August 1952 (Published monthly by Enthusiast's Publications, Inc. 540 W. Colorado Blvd., Glendale CA)
Author: Lane, Joseph J. Jr.
Description: 1) Jaguar Ad (Pg IFC) Hoffman Motor Car Co., NY. 2) "Bridgehampton Road Race. "Max Hoffman had been really pouring on the coal, building up a lead of about a minute over the second place man... he had started to take off the pressure, having built up what seemed to be an unsurmountable lead... Slowly Botts whittled away the Porsche's lead till finally Hoffman (getting word from the pit) started to step up his speed... finally in the 15th lap the Porsche didn't come around on schedule. . . Botts was in the lead! As concern grew in the Ecurie Hoffman pit, Koster's Porsche came thru into second. Then came the 'Glockler' Porsche, its front left fender in shreds. Quickly the pit crew bent the fragments out of the way and, with the okay of the steward, Hoffman was off again. in the 21st lap he passed Koster but there just wasn't enough time to catch Botts. And so the race finished . . . in what will probably be a record for some time to come..." Includes one photograph of Hoffman. 3) Jowett Jupiter Ad (Pg 31) Hoffman Motor Car Co., NY. Original cover price 35 cents. 8.2 x 10.9. (See our Wright Study on the Hoffman Showroom for more information.)
Pages: IFC, 20-21 31
ST#: 0910.21.1110
Date: June 1997 Publication: Road & Track - June 1997
Author: Posey, Sam
Description: The Showroom That Frank Lloyd Wright Built. When it came to a Park Avenue showplace, Hoffman turned to Frank Lloyd Wright. (See our Wright Study on the Hoffman Showroom for more information.)
Pages: 194, 197199
ST#: 1997.28.0103
SAGA Date: 1959
Title: Saga - March 1959 (Published monthly by Macfadden Publishing, Inc., New York)
Author: Kahn, Roger
Description: "Lonely Genius. The Story of Frank Lloyd Wright. Almost as famous for breaking rules as he is for building masterpieces, the great architect has been shocking the world throughout his life long life with his ideas and behavior. Frank Lloyd Wright will be 90 years old next June, and, as the great man himself concedes, surviving nine decades of undeluded Wright is a harrowing experience... Wright is a genius, but that's like saying Marilyn Monroe is a female. Wright is not, as Ernest Hemingway is, merely a genius at writing books... Nor is he simply a genius and architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright brings genius to all things. He is, you might say, the genius' genius. And if you don't say it, Wright probably will. We cannot have all this and humility, too..." Includes seven photographs of Wright and is architecture. Original cover price 25c.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 16-19, 85-87
S#: 1377.91.0318Date: 1968
Title: SAGA - April 1968
Author: Galanoy, Terry
Description: The World's Most Exotic and Most Expensive Cars. Includes text and color photo of Wright's auto.
Pages: Pp 8-11, 81-82, 84, 86
S#: 1757.01.0404
SEC Date: 1959 Publication: Securities and Exchange Commission News Digest 3/10/59. A brief summary of financial proposals filed with and actions by the S.E.C. (Published by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington D.C.)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Hoffman Motors Files For Secondary. Hoffman Motors Corporation, 443 Park Ave., New York, filed a registration statement with the SEC on March 9, 1959. Hoffman Motors was organized on February 16, 1959, to succeed to the business of seven corporations which had been organized by Hoffman at varying times commencing in 1947. The company is said to have "pioneered in the promotion and sale of foreign automobiles in the United States and has been a major participant in the rapid post-war growth of this market. It is engaged in the automobiles, both directly to customers in New York City and in Beverly Hills, California, and through more than 475 sub-distributors and dealers located in over 370 cities and towns throughout the United States. Principal sales areas are the Eastern and Far Western States. The cars presently distributed by the company are the Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Lancia, Porsche, Facel Vega and BMW." 8.5 x 11. (See our Wright Study on the Hoffman Showroom for more information.)
Page: 4
Illustration by Ralph Stein.
Title: This Week Magazine (Detroit News) - May 24, 1959 (Published by Detroit News and United Newspapers Magazine Corporation, New York)
Author: Stein, Ralph
Description: "Mr. Wright's wonderful automobile. Frank Lloyd Wright was famous as America's greatest architect. But he was original in another way you never suspected. Here's his design for your 1960 car... The late Frank Lloyd Wright has been hailed in newspapers, magazines and over the air for his great and often revolutionary contributions to the art of designing houses, factories and public buildings... But few people are aware that this modern Leonardo da Vinci also had some highly original ideas about automobiles... There is much that is great in Mr. Wright's design. Don't laugh at it. Someday you may be taking your turn at Mr. Wright's tiller!" Includes one portrait of Wright as well as four illustrations of the Wright designed automobile.
Size: 10.75 x 13.5
Pages: Pp 13, 15
S#: 1377.96.0818
VIA, THE AAA TRAVELER'S COMPANION Date: 2005 Title: Via, The AAA Traveler's Companion (Published Bi- monthly by the California State Automobile Association, San Francisco)
Author: 1) Anderson, Bruce 2) King, John
Description: 1) "Wright and the West"¯. Introduction by the Editor.
2) "Frank Lloyd Wright: Western Masterpieces. America's greatest architect came West, reinvented himself, and left his stamp on buildings up and down the region."¯ After general information about Wright, there are seven sections about specific Wright buildings. A) "Hollyhock House"¯; B) "Ennis-Brown House"¯; C) "Hanna House"¯; D) "V.C. Morris Shop"¯; E) "Arizona Biltmore"¯; F) "Marin Civic Center"¯; G) "Taliesin West"¯. Includes 14 photographs. Original cover price $1.00.Size: 8 x 10.
Pages: 1) Pp 8 2) Pp Cover 5, 50-57
ST#: 2005.06.11.06
WESTWAYS Date: 1974 Title: Westways - November 1974 (Published monthly by the Automobile Club of Southern California)
Author: Dymond, Lura Author: Ronnie, Art Description: New Life For A Landmark. The City of Los Angeles has an original in such a state that it can be restored. “We have to clear away the dross and save the gold that's here." The speaker was Lloyd Wright, white-haired, eighty-four-year-old son of Frank Lloyd Wright and a distinguished architect himself. He was talking about the restoration of Hollyhock House that started last July 1.
When Tom Bradley became mayor of Los Angeles, he was "desirous of taking the facilities available and making them a center for cultural enrichment," according to Bee Lavery, one of his administrative coordinators. Ms. Lavery was assigned to be the liaison with the Municipal Arts Department and, visiting Barnsdall Park, was "shocked and horrified" at the state of Hollyhock House...
Two copies. 8.25 x 11. (Sweeney 1951)Description: Hollyhock - The Wright House. Like it or leave it. There stands Hollyhock House in Hollywood - conceived and dedicated as a California Romanza. No, not so domestic as the popular neo-Spanish of the region. But comfortable to live in well, with true pride in itself. Yes, Ronnie, Art Hollyhock House is a very Proud House.
So wrote Frank Lloyd Wright in An Autobiography, published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce in 1943, about his first California-designed structure, a Los Angeles residence build in 1919 for oil heiress and patroness of the arts Aline Barnsdall...
Includes eight photographs of Hollyhock House. Two copies. 8.25 x 11. (Sweeney 1958)Size: 8.25 x 11 Pages: Pp 22 Pages: Pp 18-22 86 S#: 1951.00.0711, 1951.00.1224 S#: 1958.00.0711, 1958.00.1224
©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2025