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Architect - June 2010 (Published monthly by Hanley Wood, LLC, Washington DC) Anonymous A Steal at Half Price. Dakota Smith reports that Frank Lloyd Wright's iconic Ennis House in Los Angeles has had its asking price reduced to $7.495 million, less than half the original listing of $15 million in June 20-09... Pp 20 2010.42.0219
Gerfen, Katie Wright Meets Foster. A New Centerpiece For SC Johnson Iconic Wisconsin Headquarters. Fortaleza Hall. A Museum and restaurant on the grounds of the Frank Lloyd Wright designed headquarters of SC Johnson. 9 x 10.9 Pp 93-101
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Winter 2010, Vol. 21 No. 1. (Published quarterly by The  Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette 2) Hamilton, Mary Jane Frank Lloyd Wright and His Automobiles. 1) Introduction. 2) Frank Lloyd Wright & His Automobiles. A: The crash and its press coverage, B: Speed, style, and status. C: Acquiring the Cord L-29 Phaeton. D: The Packard Saga. E: Paying for the Cord. F: Consequences of Cord ownership. G: Maintaining the Cord. H: The Phaeton's final cross-country journey. I: A beast of burden. J: Gone but not forgotten. K: The Lincoln Continentals. L: Wright's second Cord L-29: A Cabriolet. M: Wright acquired...   Continued... Pp 32 2010.08.1012
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly Quarterly - February 2010 (Special Reprint) Vol. 16 No. 1 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly Foundation, Taliesin West, Scottsdale, AZ) 2) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Editor: Lucas, Suzette; Copyeditor: Urban, Alice Special Reprint of V16#1: Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly's Encounter with the Arizona Desert. 1) Introduction 2) "Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly's Encounter with the Desert" 3) "Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly's Designs for Arizona" 4) "Wright's Private Living Quarters Now Open for Visitors" 5) "The Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly Foundation" 6) "Books:" "Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly and the House Beautiful" Boyd; Pfeiffer. 7) "Gift Membership Packages." Includes 101 photographs and nine illustrations. 8.5 x 11. Pp 40 2010.20.1014
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Spring 2010, Vol. 21 No. 2. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette 2) Severns, Karen 3 & 4) Severns, Karen Frank Lloyd Wright in Japan. 1) Introduction. 2) Frank Lloyd Wright in Japan. A: A passion is ignited. B: The trip of a lifetime. C: Imperial Hotel, Tokyo 1913-1922. The Imperial's afterlife. 3) Unbuilt Designs. A: United States Embassy. B: Odawara Hotel. C: Ginza Motion Picture Theater. D: Tadashiro Inoue House. E: Prime Minister's Residence. F: Mihara House. G: Shimpei Goto House. H: Hibiya Triangle Building. 4) Other Designs for Japan. A: Aisaku Hayashi House. B: Tazaemon Yamamura...   Continued... Pp 32 2010.09.1012
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Summer 2010, Vol. 21 No. 3. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette 2) Holzhueter, Jack; Lilek, Mike; Fox, Gail American System-Built Homes. 1) Introduction. 2) American System-Built Homes: "The Primary Landmark". A: The precursors: Small-house designs 1889-1916. B: The Richards/Wright collaboration effort. C: Burnham Street Site. D: A System of Design. E: A System of Production. F: A System of Construction. G: After Construction. H: Rediscovery. I: Focus on Renewal. J: The Restoration. 3) Fellowship: 75 Years of Taliesin Box Projects (Price Tower exhibition). 4) Books: "Moxie: The...   Continued... Pp 32 2010.10.1012
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Fall 2010, Vol. 21 No. 4. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette  3) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks The Collections of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. 1) Introduction. Foundation takes steps to ensure integrity of Wright's archives and collections. 2) The Collections of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. A: Original Drawings. B) Historic Photographs. C) Manuscripts, correspondence, oral histories & libraries. D) Art Collections. E) Access. 3) The Hitchcock Collection Comes Home. 4) Midway Gardens Chess Set. 5) New Frank Lloyd Wright Collections Products...   Continued... Pp 32 2010.11.1012
Golf & Lifestyle - September/October 2010 (Published by Golf & Lifestyle Magazine, LLC, Sacramento, CA) Stewart, Bobbi The Reawakening of the Dragon Nakoma Golf Resort. The beautiful and pristine land of Gold Mountain has been housing a magnificent sleeping giant for far to long. After over five years of upheaval and bankruptcy court, the Nakoma golf Resort has been sold, and the 'reawakening' of The Dragon Golf Course has begun... Nakoma... Golf Resort opened in 200, but the architectural concept was conceived by Frank Lloyd Wright in... Continue...  See our Wright study on the Nakoma Clubhouse & Sculptures. Pp Cover 8 28-33 2010.18.0314
Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 035 Summer 2010 (Published two times a year by Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Walker, Anthony 2) Schiffner, Charles Robert 3) Wright, Thomas 4) Sidy, Victor 5) Nisbet, Earl 6) Dyson, Arthur 7) Robinson... 1) Editor's Word. 2) Outgoing President's Message. 3) Incoming President's Message. 4) Dean's Letter. 5) Sole Searching: A Taliesin Reflection. 6) A Day in Volterra 7) The tree house renovation 8) Birth of a radio station: From apprentice desk to on-the-ground. 9) In Memoriam: William Arthur Patrick (1919-2009). 10) New Taliesin Fellows Board Directors. 11) Voices. Frank Lloyd Wright, To The Young [Person] In Architecture. 12) Noteworthy Books. 13) Wright 50. 14) The Educational journey. 15) Calendar...  Continued... Pp 32 2010.34.0618
Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 036 Winter 2010-11 (Published two times a year by Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Walker, Anthony 2) Wright, Thomas 3) Georges, Aris 4) Huntington, Martha 5) Thompson, Kimbal 6) Hewson... 1) Editor's Word. 2) President's Message. 3) Taliesin Next: Student Shelters. 4) Wright's last remaining hotel reborn. 5) Taliesin Fellows: The Early Years. 6) Preserving at Taliesin: Exploring Mrs. Wright's bedroom and guest wing. 7) In Memoriam: Robert Beharka. 8) Prairie School Tradition Exhibition & Conference. 9) Chronicles: Winter 2010-11. 10) Voices. Abrom Dombar: Building at Taliesin, 1932-1935. 11) Calendar. Includes 62 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 8.5. Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 40 2010.35.0618
Modernism Magazine - Spring 2010 (Published quarterly by Modernism, Lambertville, NJ) Henry, Saxon "A New Dawn for Wright's Child of the Sun. When Anne Kerr stepped into her presidency at Florida Southern College in June 2004, she was in for a surprise. Her job description suddenly included a heavy dose of architectural conservation. The development didn't spring from demanding alumni or outside pressure. It was of her own making when she realized that the 12 Frank Lloyd Wright structures on campus, said to be the largest collection of the architect's works on one site in the world, were...  Continued... Pp 60-69 2010.26.0617
The New Yorker - October 25, 2010 (Published weekly by Conde Nast, a division of Advanced Magazine Publishers, Inc., New York.) Schjeldahl, Peter The Art World: "Turning Away. The classical revival between the World Wars. The Art World about an exhibit on early twentieth-century classicism at the Guggenheim. 'Chaos and Classicism: Art in France, Italy, and Germany, 1918-1936,' at the Guggenheim, introduces us to dozens of unfamiliar artists from a time when the traumas of the First World War induced reactions that were termed 'the call to order' in France, 'the return to craft' in Italy, and 'the new objectivity' in Germany..." See possible alternative cover. Original cover price $5.99. 7.75 x 10.75 Pp 90-91 2010.14.0813
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Spring 2010 Volume 1 Issue 1 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago) 1&2) Lockhart, Susan Jacobs   3) Hession, Jane King   4) Ellin, Phyllis   5) Jones, Donald G.   6) Levine, Neil   7) Halstead, Janet The Making of a World Heritage Nomination.   1) President's Message.   2) The Conservancy and the Making of a World Heritage Nomination.   3) The World Heritage List: An Overview.   4) National Park Service Plays Major role In Aiding World Heritage Nominations.   5) The U.S. and US/ICOMOS: Working With UNESCO's World Heritage Program.   6) Establishing the Nomination List: Why We Chose the buildings We Did.   7) The Quest Continues.   8) Head Wright to Cincinnati. Includes 62... Continued... Pp 26 2010.48.1121

SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Fall 2010 Volume 1 Issue 2 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago)
1) Payne, Edith   2) Lockhart, Susan Jacobs   3) Scherubel, Ron; Reed, Jack   4) Hession, Jane King   5) Payne, Edith... So You Bought a Wright House.   1) Editor's Welcome. The Homeowner's Issue.   2) President's Message. Owning and preserving a Wright work of Art.   3) A Preservation Model: The Glasner House.   4) The Restored Turkel House: Source of Community Pride.   5) Making a Wright House a Home: Restoration of the Richards House.   6) Valuing and Pricing Wright Houses: General Principles.   7) Selling a Frank Lloyd Wright House: My Experience with the Brandes House.   8) The Conservancy... Continued... Pp 26 2010.49.1121
The Magazine of HistoryMiami - Volume 38, No. 1, 2010 (Published by HistoryMiami and the Miami-Dade Cultural Center, Miami, Florida) Henning, Randolph C. "The Relationship of Two Maverick Architects. The American architectural icon Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) taught many apprentices who produced valid architecture based upon his organic philosophy. Incredibly, a few creative disciples learned indirectly from afar and not under the personal tutelage of Wright as an apprentice within the Taliesin Fellowship, Wright's unconventional school of architecture that he founded in 1932. Unquestionably, one of Florida's most respected and renowned... Continued... Pp 2, 19-24 2010.03.0111
Wright Angles - February March April 2010 Volume 36 #1 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust, Oak Park, Ill) 1) Mercuri, Joan B. 2) Greenhouse, Wendy 4) Ross, Adam Landscape painters. 1) Dear Members and Friends. 2) Wright and the landscape painters. 3) Preservation Trust News. 4) The Robie House: 100 years of influence. 5) Programs. 6) New and renewing society members. 7) Member resources. 8) Calendar. 9) Shop Wright. 10) Walk Wright in. Includes 17 photographs and illustrations. 9.5 x 9.5. Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 14 2010.31.0618
Wright Angles - May June July 2010 Volume 36 #2 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust, Oak Park, Ill) 1) Mercuri, Joan B. 2) Sommers, Steve 4) Bachand, Cheryl A. Uncle Jenkin. 1) Dear Members and Friends. 2) FLW's Uncle Jenkin: American reformer. 3) Preservation Trust News. 4) Experiencing Beauty: The Robie House as a work of art. 5) Programs. 6) New and renewing society members. 7) Member resources. 8) Calendar. 9) Shop Wright. 10) Experience Chicago and California the Wright way. Includes 17 photographs and illustrations. 9.5 x 9.5. Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 14 2010.32.0618
Wright Angles - August September October 2010 Volume 36 #3 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust, Oak Park, Ill) 1) Schiefelbein 2) Sommers, Steve 4) Bachand, Cheryl A. Robie House 100. 1) Dear Members and Friends. 2) Robie House 100: An illustrated celebration. 3) Preservation Trust News. 4) Frank Lloyd Wright's manifesto on modern architecture. 5) Programs. 6) New and renewing society members. 7) Member resources. 8) Calendar. 9) Shop Wright. 10) Now available - A new all-color book on the Robie House. Includes 32 photographs and illustrations. 9.5 x 9.5. Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 14 2010.33.0618
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - February 2010 Vol. 16 Issue 1 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Sanford, Barbara  1) Hartmann, Bob 2) Pandazi, Maria   3&4) Hice, Denise 8) Henning, Randolph C.  9) Dickison... 1) Wright & Like 2010: Racine/Lenosha. Poetic Spaces, Quiet Places.  2) From the President.  3) Burnham Beat: National Trust Council Visits Burnham.  4) FLLW-WI Awarded Second Save America's Treasures Grant. 5) On Site: Wright Lecture Series at Monona Terrace.  6) Remembering Eugene Van Tamelen.  7) Hall Houses New Frank Lloyd Wright Library (SC Johnson).  8) At Taliesin  9) Members Tour Chicago Area Wright Homes.  10) Vintage Postcard. S.C. Johnson. Includes 15 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 11 Pp 12 2010.27.0516
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - May 2010 Vol. 16 Issue 2 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Sanford, Barbara   1) Hice, Denise 2) Pandazi, Maria  3) Hice, Denise  5) Dickison, Theresa  6) Hartmann... 1) The New Prairie Architecture of Kenneth Dahlin - Beauty & Harmony in Design.  2) From the President.  3) Burnham Beat: Burnham Restoration to Receive Preservation Award.  4) New FLLW Books for Children & Adults: Frank Lloyd Wright and His New American Architecture, Kann, 2010; Death in a Prairie House: Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Murders, Drennan, 2007   5) On Site: Going Green at Wingspread.  6) Mason House Added to Wright & Like 2010 Tour.  7) Kids' Architectural Camp... Continued... Pp 12 2010.28.0516
American History - October 2011 (Published by the Weider History Group, Leesburg, Virginia) Hinman, Kristen "America's Greatest Work of Architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater turns 75 this year. A house of genius and mystery, it may be admired as America's best 500 years from now. December sun are filled the sky in 1934 as department store mogul Edgar Kaufman left Pittsburgh with the legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright. They drove on winding back roads into the deep woods of southwestern Pennsylvania as a light rain, then a soft snow fell. After a few hours, Wright's eyes lit up when an arc... Continued... Pp 32-41 2011.29.0921
Caxtonian. Journal of The Caxton Club. May 2011 (Published monthly by The Caxton Club, Aurora, Illinois) Meyer, Jerry D. "Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Arts and Crafts book designer and illustrator, inveterate networker, and habitual clubman of a century ago... During his long and distinguished career, Ralph Fletcher Seymour (1876-1966) played a central role in the evolution of the Chicago book arts scene in the early years of the 20th century." In October 1900 he published "The Eve of St. Agnes", his fourth book. Wright worked with Seymour in 1911 after his return from Europe. Seymour published "The Morality...   Continued... Pp 16 2011.12.1113
2011 Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Winter 2011, Vol. 22 No. 1. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette  2 & 3) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks  4) Olsberg, Nicholas Taliesin. 100 Years (1911-2011). 1) Introduction. 1911-2011 Taliesin 100 Years. Celebrating the Work of a lifetime. 2) Taliesin: Romance, Tragedy, Rebirth. A: The Valley. B: Taliesin I. C: Taliesin II. D: Taliesin III. 3) Frank Lloyd Wright: Organic Architecture for the 21st Century. Milwaukee Art Museum - February 12 - May 15, 2011. A: The call for decentralization: Broadacre City and the Living City. B: Small houses experimentation, innovation in design and materials. C: Commissioned Houses...   Continued... Pp 40 2011.06.1012
2011 Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Spring 2011, Vol. 22 No. 2. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette 2) Robinson, Sidney K. 3) Guerrero, Pedro E. Celebrating the Work of a Lifetime. 1) Taliesin Centennial. 2) Preservation at Taliesin. 3) Photographing Taliesin. 4) Historic Postcards & Wright (Imperial Hotel, Island Woolen Mills Dam, Arizona Biltmore, Taliesin, Fricke, Cummings, Unity Temple, Sutton, Florida Southern College, Oak Park Home & Studio). 5) In Brief: Wisconsin Special Events. A: A Wright weekend in Wisconsin. B: Wright and Like 2011: Milwaukee. C: Wright & Democracy. 6) News: Wright and Music concert...   Continued... Pp 32 2011.07.1012
2011 Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Summer 2011, Vol. 22 No. 3. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette Frank Lloyd Wright in Wisconsin. 1) Introduction. 2) Frank Lloyd Wright in Wisconsin. A: The Family Homestead. B: Madison Designs. C: Delavan Lake Designs. D: Racine - Early Years. E. Lake Geneva Hotel. F: Milwaukee & Oshkosh. G: A.S. German Warehouse, Richland Center. G: Racine. H: Birth of the Usonian. I: Other Commissioned Houses. J: Unitarian Meeting House. K: Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church. L: Erdman Prefabs. M: Wyoming Valley School. N: Wisconsin...   Continued... Pp 40 2011.08.1012
2011 Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Fall 2011, Vol. 22 No. 4. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette  2) Fici, Filippo. 3) Smith, Kathryn 4) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks 5) Robinson, Sidney K. Frank Lloyd Wright in Italy. 1) Introduction. 2) Frank Lloyd Wright in Florence and Fiesole, 1909-1910. A: The House in Florence. B: Three Americans in Florence. C: Moving to the Villino Belvedere in Fiesole. D: Life in Fiesole. E. Epilogue. 3) The Spirit of Place: The Lessons of Italy (Willits, Taliesin, Imperial Hotel, Storer, Fallingwater, Taliesin West, Walker). 4) Two Projects for Italy. A: Frank Lloyd Wright Studio and Residence - 1910 - Fiesole, Italy. B: Masieri Memorial Students; Library and Dwelling...   Continued... Pp 40 2011.09.1012
Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 037 Winter 2011 (Published twice per year by Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Hawker, Michael
2) Wright, Thomas
3) Maley, Anne 4) Sidy, Victor 5) Hawker, Michael   6) Slyke, Melinda Van...
Taliesin 1911-2011.   1) A Torch is Passed: A New Editor.   2) President's Message.   3) Foundation CEO Message.   4) Dean's Letter.   5) The Seed of Taliesin At 100.   6) A Spring Green View.   7) Reconnection with Old Friends.   8) In Search of an Organic Architecture.   9) Our Legacy: A Call To Action.   10) Centennial Talk at Milwaukee Art Museum: An Important Legacy to Study.   11) This Space Within. Kamal Amin.   12) Taliesin Fellows Gallery. The Eckert Residence by R. Joseph Febris.   13) In... Continued... Pp 44 2011.23.0918
Modernism Magazine - Spring 2011 (Published quarterly by Modernism, Lambertville, NJ) Gunther, Justin "The Kaufmanns of Fallingwater. Modern Tastemakers. Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright's icon of the modern movement and one of the world's most acclaimed houses, celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. Construction began in 1936, and by 1938, when the Museum of Modern Art honored it with a special exhibition, the house was already famous, regarded as a masterwork by both the international architecture community and the general public. Time magazine put the house, along...  Continued... Pp Cover 8 34-41 2011.19.0617
New Yorker - June 6, 2011 (Published weekly by Conde Nast, a division of Advanced Magazine Publishers, Inc., New York.) Saltz, Jerry Art Critic Jerry Saltz's Memories of His Frank Lloyd Wright Past. I grew up in the Chicago suburb of Oak Park, where I hated everybody and everything. I couldn't wait to leave. But Oak Park always struck me as my own "princedom by the sea." The reason: its architecture. I'd pass as many as twenty Frank Lloyd Wright homes on my way to school - scores of Prairie School buildings, breathtaking moments of America's architectural coming-of-age. I once knew someone who lived in one of those homes. A certain...  Continued... Pp 49 2011.35.0423
Old-House Interiors - April 2011 (Published monthly by Home Buyer Publications, Gloucester, MA) Anonymous 1) "Coming Wright Up..." 2011 Wright Plus Housewalk, May 20. Includes an interior photograph of the Rookery Building Lobby. Pp 18 2011.27.0320
Coleman, Brian D. 2) "Wright's Pew House on Lake Mendota in Wisconsin recalls the architect's famed Fallingwater, but on a more modest scale. The owner... Continued... Pp 44-48, 50

3) "Fallingwater. Wright's masterpiece, Bear Run, Pennsylvania." Includes a brief history and one photograph of Fallingwater. Original cover price $4.95 8.25 x 10.9

Pp 49
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Spring 2011 Volume 2 Issue 1 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago)
1) Lockhart, Susan Jacobs   2) Bridgeman, Michael   3) MacGregor, Ann   4) Petersdorf, Susan Muirhead... Wright Overnight.   1) President's Message. An Experiential Leaning Opportunity.   2) Wright Overnight.   3) Historic Park Inn and City National Bank: A Century of Change.   4) Muirhead Farmhouse: The Whole-House Experience.   5) Price Tower: The Tree that Escaped the Crowded Forest.   6) Penfield House: A Tale of Adaptive Re-use.   7) The Palmer House: A Masterpiece of Seclusion in Ann Arbor.   8) Pleasure of Wright Overnights Brings Rewards to Houseowners, Too.   9) Surrounded by Beauty... Continued... Pp 26 2011.31.1121
Theological History - April 2011 (Published quarterly by James A Santucci, Department of Comparative Religion, California State University, Fullerton, CA) Ellis, Eugenia Victoria Communication: The Red Square: Frank Lloyd Wright, Theosophy, and Modern Conceptions of Space. The Red Square. The color red bore a special significance for Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), to him it was the color of creation. In a 1938 edition of Architectural Forum dedicated especially to Wright, a quote from the plant physiologist Timiriazev poetically gave it meaning: "The color red is invincible. It is the color not only of the blood - it is the color of creation. It is the only life-giving color in nature filling the... Continued... Pp 5-24 2011.34.0123
Wright Angles - Fall-Winter 2011 Volume 37 #3 (Published quarterly by the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust, Chicago, IL) 1) Adams, Celeste A Dialogue.  1) Letter from the President and CEO. 2) Meet Noah, Future Artist, and Designer.  3) Making an Impact in Chicago Schools.  4) Interview with Wright Scholar, David Hanks.  5) Robie House Revisited.  6) Light of the Holidays.  7) Tigerman Keynote Lecture.  8) Fall--Winter Programs at the Preservation Trust.  9) Wright Plus Housewalk Saturday, June 2, 2012. Includes 45 photographs and illustrations. This copy acquired from the estate of Thomas & Suzanne Miller, owners of the K. C. DeRhodes... Continued... Pp 16 2011.33.1022
Columbia Magazine - Fall 2012 (Published for Alumni and friends of Columbia University, New York) Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright Papers Coming to Avery. Twenty-three thousand architectural drawings. Forty-four thousand photographs. Six hundred manuscripts. Three hundred thousand letters. "It's a magnitude beyond what anybody can imagine," says Carole Ann Fabian, director of Columbia's Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library. Anonymous
       On September 4, the University announced that Avery, in a joint acquisition with the Museum of Modern Art, will receive from ... Continued...
Pp 44-45 2012.42.1124
2012 Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Winter 2012, Vol. 23 No. 1. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette  2&5) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Frank Lloyd Wright in Arizona. 1) Introduction. Exhibition; 75th Anniversary Benefit Reception; Taliesin West Events and Tours. 2) Taliesin West. A look over the rim of the world. A: Wright's earlier encounters with the Arizona desert. B: The Fellowship visits Arizona. C: Finding a permanent desert site. 3) Timeline and list of Frank Lloyd Wright designs for Arizona. 4) Frank Lloyd Wright: Organic architecture for the 21st century. Phoenix Art Museum Exhibit - December 18, 2011 - April 29...   Continued... Pp 48 2012.05.1012
2012 Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Spring 2012, Vol. 23 No. 2. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette  1) Malone, Sean 2) Berndtson, Indira   4) Brierly, Cornelia Taliesin West: 1937-2012, 75. 1) Letter From the CEO. 2) Olgivanna Lloyd Wright - A "Vivid Inspiration". 3) Archives Project: Olgivanna Lloyd Wright, Correspondence and Manuscripts. 4) Taliesin West: The Early Years. 5) Cornelia Brierly. 6) Sculpture in Motion: The Work of Heloise Crista. 7) Books: "Frank Lloyd Wright, Art Collector", "On and By Frank Lloyd Wright", "Saving Wright: The Freeman House", "Nesting: Body, Dwelling, Mind", "Houses Made of Wood and Light", "Skirting...   Continued... Pp 36 2012.06.1012
2012 Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Summer 2012, Vol. 23 No. 3. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette   3) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks   4) McCrea, Ron The SC Johnson Gallery: At Home with Frank Lloyd Wright. 1) Donor Support for Energizing Taliesin West Recognized. 2) The SC Johnson Gallery: At Home with Frank Lloyd Wright. 3) The Prairie Houses. A: Designs for the American Prairie. B: B. Harley Bradley House. C: Warren Hickox House. D: House for a Prairie Town. E: Susan Lawrence Dana House. F: Ward W. Willits House. G: William R. Heath House. H: Thomas P. Hardy House. I: Frederick C. Robie House. J: Coonley Playhouse...   Continued... Pp 36 2012.07.1012
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Fall 2012, Vol. 23 No. 4 (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette
3) Olsberg, Nicholasd
1) Groundbreaking Joint Stewardship of Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. The Museum of Modern Art, Columbia University Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library, and the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. 2) All in the Hands (12 photographs of Wright by Guerrero). 3) An Archives Chronicle: Forty Views of Wright the Reformer: Reforming the Home, 1891-1913; Reforming the City, 1914-30; Reforming Society, 1930-42; Reforming the World, 1943-1959. 4) Books 5) New Frank Lloyd Wright...   Continued... Pp 40

2012.16.0314 2012.17.0414

Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 038 Fall 2012 (Published two times a year by Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Hawker, Michael 2) Wright, Thomas 3 & 4) Barthelemey, Thomas 5) Kadoch, Aaron 6) Robinson, Sidney 7) Robinson... 1) Editor's Word: Your moral circle. 2) Outgoing President's Message. 3) Incoming President's message. 4) Taliesin Fellows Committees. Why Haiti? 5) Taliesin Fellows on the internet. 6) A Contained world of ornament (imperial Hotel). 7) Minding design. 8) Recent Apprentice Work: Pranav Naik. 9) Recent Apprentice Work: Max Borshchevskiy. 10) Taliesin Fellows Gallery. The Stein Residence by Alden B. Dow. Midland Michigan. 11) A Tribute: Lawrence R. Brink (1937-2011). 12) Excerpts from an Oral...   Continued... Pp 36 2012.30.0618
2012 Preservation. The Magazine of the National Trust for Historic Preservation - Spring 2012 (Published quarterly by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington D.C.) 3) Snider, Bruce D. 5&6) Berke, Arnold 7) Skolnik, Lisa 1) Timeline: "Frank Lloyd Wright and Hotel Design." Includes Como Orchards, Bitter Root Inn, Park Inn Hotel, Lake Geneva Hotel, Imperial Hotel. Includes four photographs. 2) "American masterpieces." Full page ad includes image of the Pope-Leighey House. 3) "Growing Up Wright. Donna Grant Reilly's parents built a Frank Lloyd Wright house, mostly with their own hands - one stone at time. In 1945, Doug and Jackie Grant (1946 - S.288) set out to build a house on he wooded lot they'd...  Continued... Pp 1) 8-12
2) 17 3) 22-27  7) Cover 28-



SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Spring 2012 Volume 3 Issue 1 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago)
1) Scherubel, Ron   2) Woodin, Larry 3) Botsford, Linda   4) Thorpe, John G.; Payne, Edith K.   5) Duplack, Ronald... Strategic Interventions.   1) Editor's Welcome. It's What We do.   2) President's Message. Saving Wright One Building At a Time.   3) An Auspicious Start: Auldbrass Rebirth Nurtures Formative Days of Conservancy.   4) From Boarding House to House Museum: Metamorphosis of the Westscott House.   5) Quick Action Saves Goetsch-Winkler House.   6) A Perfect Hollywood Script: Renaissance of the Ennis House.   7) Peering into Wright: How Peer Review Contributes to Restoration and Construction.   8) Each...  Continued... Pp 26 2012.35.1121
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Fall 2012 Volume 3 Issue 2 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago) 1) Perkins, Scott W.  2) Woodin, Larry  3) Gilmore, Lesley M.  4) Herr, Jeffrey 5) Forsberg, Eric Jackson 6) Cleary... Interior Artistry. 1) On the Surface.  2) President's Message.  3) The Colors of Wright: Paint Analysis At the Robert G. Emmond House.  4) Illuminating the Past at Hollyhock House.  5) Framing the Hearth: Wright's Fireplace Surrounds.  6) Wright and the Corner Office. 7) Architectural Paintings: Murals for Frank Lloyd Wright Residential Interiors.  8) Executive Director's Letter. A Challenge in Phoenix.  9) Events. Includes 56 photographs. 8.5 x 11. Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 26 2012.29.0619
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - February 2012 Vol. 17 Issue 1 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Sanford, Barbara  1) Hertzberg, Mark  2) Hartmann, Robert  3) Hertzberg, Mark   4) Perkins... 1) SC Johnson Conserves FLLW Artifacts.  2) From the President.  3) Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin: Illustrated by Vintage Postcards, by Randolph C. Henning, 2011  4) PrairieMod Receives Wright Spirit Award.  5) SC Johnson: Exemplary Steward of FLLW Buildings.  6) Wright on the Road.  7) Blowing up the Onion: Historic Preservation & the Physical Context of Historic Architecture.  8) At Taliesin  9) In Memorium.  10) A Unique Perspective of Wright Design.  11) Historic Photo. Arthur R. Munkwitz...   Continued... Pp 12 2012.23.0516
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - May 2012 Vol. 17 Issue 2 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Sanford, Barbara  2) Hartmann, Robert  3) Fox, Gail   4) Martinelli, Bill 5) Boyd, Terry 6) Holzhueter, Jack... 1) Wright & Like 2012: Spring Green Hidden Treasures.  2) From the President.  3) Thread of Influence: Fall Tour to Spotlight Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright, Russel Bar Williamson & John Bloodgood Schuster.  4) 20 Years Living Wright: Celebration of Seth Peterson Cottage Restoration.  5) Burnham Beat. Inside the American System-Built Model B1 House.  6) Help Make a Beautiful Neighborhood to Model B1.  7) Sean Malone New Head of FLLW Foundation.  8) At Taliesin  9) SC Johnson Gallery...   Continued... Pp 12 2012.24.0516
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - September 2012 Vol. 17 Issue 3 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Sanford, Barbara   1, 3 & 5) Hertzberg, Mark  2) Hartmann, Robert   4) Boyd, Terry  7) Shokler, Sherri 8) Dahlin... 1) FLLW Wisconsin Purchases American System-Built House.  2) From the President.  3) Gene Szymczak: Hardy House's New Owner  4) Burnham Beat: Burnham Street Docent Program  5) Wright "At Home" at SC Johnson  6) Fall Tour Recap  7) Wright & Like: 2012 Review & 2013 Preview. 2012: What a Marvelous Event It Was.  8) UWM Course on Wright's Organic Architecture  9) At Taliesin  10) Book Review: Building Taliesin: Frank Lloyd Wright's Home of Love and Loss, Ron McCrea, 2012.  11) In...   Continued... Pp 12 2012.25.0516
2013 American Bungalow - Spring 2013 (Published quarterly by American Bungalow, Sierra Madre, CA) Forsyth, Douglas J. "When less is more. Frank Lloyd Wright's Buffalo Cottages." Darwin Martin Residence (1904 - S.100-102) and Gardner's Cottage (1905 - S.090), and the George Barton Residence (1903 - S.103). "...Many visitors come away from this historic site with a curious reaction: they report more vivid memories of the smaller structures on the property - the four bedroom Barton house, designed for Darwin Martin's sister and brother-in-law, and the 1,700-square-foot Gardener's cottage - than...   Continued... Pp Cover, 18-31 2013.01.0313
American Bungalow - Summer 2013 (Published quarterly by American Bungalow, Sierra Madre, CA) 1) Forsyth, Douglas J.  2) Krolikowski, Aaron 1) "Good Bones and Urban Survival: Staying Put in Parkside." Includes Frank Lloyd Wright homes in the Parkside neighborhood in Buffalo, N.Y., including the Darwin Martin complex and the Walter V. Davidson Residence. Includes six photographs related to the two Wright homes.  2) "Buffalo's Treasurers Are Worth Preserving." Includes one photograph of the FLW Darwin Martin Residence. Original cover price $8.95. 8.4 x 10.9 Pp 62-75 109 2013.23.1217
Cincinnati - July 2013 (Published monthly by Cincinnati Magazine, Cincinnati, OH) Murtha, Lisa "Automatic For the People. Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Automatic homes were designed to bring homebuilding to the masses, but only a handful were ever built. Now, one of those - the Tonkens House in Amberley Village - is on the market for the first time. Take a look inside the master's domain. Includes eight photographs by Ryan Kurtz. Original cover price $4.95. 8 x 10.5 Pp 8, 74-81 2013.09.0614
Detroit Home - Autumn 2013 (Published monthly by Hour Media, Royal Oak, Michigan) Konstantin, Lynne; Photos James Haefner Article concerning the Melvyn Maxwell Smith House in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
       The Good Earth. A Glorious Bloomfield Hills Design by Frank Lloyd Wright Is Warmed by the Impassioned Commitment of the Family Who Built it.
       Melvyn Maxwell Smith, Nicknamed Smithy by His Wife-to-be, Sara Stein, Grew up on Alger Street in Detroit During the Depression. Creative and poetic, Smithy had been accepted to the University of Michigan's school of architecture... Continued...
Pp Cover, 56-65 2013.39.1024
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Winter 2013, Vol. 24 No. 1. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Taliesin West, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette 1) Malone, Sean

Pedro E. Guerrero. Views from Both Sides of the Camera. 1) Letter from the CEO. 2) Pedro E. Guerrero. Views from Both Sides of the Camera. 3) New Books 4) FLW Foundation News 5) Wright Sites Open for Public Access. 6) The Taliesin Fellowship Gathers to Celebrate Eightieth Anniversary. Includes 53 illustrations and photographs. Gift from Kathryn Smith. 8.5 x 11

Pp 40 2013.28.1218
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Spring 2013 Vol. 24 No. 2. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Lucas, Suzette 1) Malone, Sean 3) Gyure, Dale Allen 5) West, Jonathan Florida Southern College. 1) Letter from the CEO. 2) Preserve, Shape, Transform. 3) A Lost Opportunity: Wright's Music Building at Florida Southern College. A) Wright and the Theater. B) The Master Plan. C) Music Building 1. D) Music Building 2. E) Music Building 3. F) One Last Try. G) Epilogue. 4) Florida Southern College: Preserving the Wright-Designed Campus. A) Preservation Challenges. B) The esplanades. C) The Water Dome. D) Annie Pfeiffer Chapel. E) Ordway... Continued... Pp 48 2013.07.0414
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Summer 2013, Vol. 24 No. 3. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: West, Jonathan  1) Malone, Sean 3) Arbib, Michael; Gang, Jeanne; McGilchrist, Iain; Pallasmaa, Juhani... 1) Letter from the CEO.  2) Wright News: David Wright House; Elam House; Wright birthday celebration.  3) Minding Design: Exploring the Intersection of Neuroscience, Design Education and the Imagination.  4) Frank Lloyd Wright reflects on Skyscrapers, Jeanne Gang reflects on Building Them.  5) Transformations. An Interview with Walter Robb.  6) Community. A Tribute to Cornelia Brierly, Dr. Joe Rorke, and The Taliesin Fellowship.  7) Learning Through the Skin.  8) Wright Sites Open for Public Access... Continued... Pp 48 2013.18.0417
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Fall 2013 Vol. 24 No. 4. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Malone, Sean 5) McCrea, Ron 5) West, Jonathan 6) Patterson, David W. 7) Berndtson, Indira 1) Letter from the CEO. 2) Wright News in Brief. 3) Wright Books. 4) Wright Events. 5) Civic and Celebration. Wright's Marin County Civic Center. 5) Transformations. Herb Kritz Remembers the Wrights and Apprentices at Taliesin. 6) Frank Lloyd Wright's Musical Origins. 7) Artist to Artist, Marion Pike and the Wrights. 8) Wright Sites. 9) Inset: The Wright Life (8 page catalog.) Includes 102 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 11 Pp 48 2013.08.0414
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Vol 1, No 1. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Editors: Henning, Randolph C.; O'Malley, Eric M.; Scott, William B.;  2) Scott, William B.;  3) Mosher, Robert 1) Introduction.  2) 75 Years at Taliesin West. (Extensive pictorial essay of Taliesin West.)  3) In The Arizona Desert, Taliesin West (Reprint from Taliesin !, February 1941, pp30-35. Includes 59 images. Original cover price $20.00 per issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 40 2013.15.0217

Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Vol 1, No 2. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL)
Editors: Henning, Randolph C.; O'Malley, Eric M.; Scott, William B.;  3) Feddersen, Phil H. 1) Introduction.  2) Phil H. Feddersen, Architect. 3) Some Thoughts on the Creative Architect. Includes 55 images. Original cover price $20.00 per issue. Gift from Kathryn Smith. 8.5 x 11 Pp 40 2013.16.0217
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Vol 1, No 3. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Editors: Henning, Randolph C.; O'Malley, Eric M.; Scott, William B.; Essays: 1) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks 2) Henning... Publisher's Description: "This issue highlights the Pfeiffer residence with a first person account of its history written by its eminent resident Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer. Secondary is an essay by Randolph C. Henning on the proliferation of non-rectilinear plan geometries by Wright and the home's iterations and variations over the twenty-plus years after the initial Jester design." 1) An Abstract Comes to Life. 2) The Pfeiffer House: Past, Present and Future. Includes 50 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $20.00 per issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 40 2013.35.1021
Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 039 Winter 2013 (Published three times a year by Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Thompson, Kimbal 2) Barthelemey, Thomas 3) Malone, Sean 4) Sidy, Victor 5) Amin, Kamal 6) Lapp, Deborah 7) Varros... 1) JTF Editor's message. 2) President's Message. 3) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation CEO message. 4) Dean's message 5) Frank Lloyd Wright, The last of the founding fathers. 6) Surrounded by sculpture: The joy and value of organic architecture. 7) Designing the perfect gift - Taliesin apprentice box projects. 8) Morphohedron: Work of Stephen Wilmoth 9) History of the Taliesin Fellows. Part II: The next ten years: 2000 to 2010. 10) Noteworthy Books. 11) A philosophical summary of Organic Architecture...   Continued... Pp 36 2013.26.0618
Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 040 Summer 2013 (Published three times a year by Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Thompson, Kimbal 2) Barthelemey, Thomas 3) Malone, Sean 4) Sidy, Victor 6) Subra, Mani 7) Spencer, Brian... 1) JTF Editor's message. 2) President's Message. 3) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation CEO message. 4) Dean's message 5) Meet new Taliesin Fellows Board Members 6) Work of Mani and Radika Subra 7) Energizing Taliesin West. 8) The Taliesin Education: From concept to the Present. 9) Wes and Taliesin West 10) Noteworthy Books. 11) In Memoriam, Maxine Pfefferkorn; Paolo Soleri; Dr. Joseph Rorke. Includes 71 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 8.5. Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 40 2013.27.0618
Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 041 Fall 2013 (Published three times a year by the Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Thompson, Kimbal;  1 & 4) Thompson, Kimbal;  2, 8 & 13) Barthelemey, Thomas;  3) Schildroth, James... 1) JTF Editor's Message.  2) President's Message.  3) The Creative Mind.  4) Work of Roy Seikichi Oshiro.  5) Recollections of Taliesin with Frank Lloyd Wright, 1951 - 1959.  6) Organic Graphics. An interview with Frank Lloyd Wright.  7) Development in the Valley of the Sun.  8) Under Construction. Part 1. Carlson Residence.  9) Part 2. Gettysburg Elementary School Remodeling.  10) In Memorial: Elizabeth Wright Ingraham. 11) In Memorial: Sarah Margaret Houston Logue.  12) In Memorial: Barbara Kaiser.  13) In Memorial...   Continued... Pp 40 2013.14.0217
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Spring 2013 Volume 4 Issue 1 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago) 1) Wojeik, Marta   2) Woodin, Larry 3) Murphy, Keiran   4) Nemtin, Frances   5) Quinan, Jack 6) Mahoney, Patrick J... In Unity With Nature. 1) Stop and Smell the Roses.   2) President's Message. 3) Landscape at Taliesin: Carrying on the Legacy. 4) Taliesin West Recollections.  5) Recapturing the Landscape of the Darwin D. Martin House.  6) Graycliff: Landscape for the Lakefront Estate. 7) Growing with the Times: The Weltzheimer-Johnson House. 8) The Coonley House: Unity of Landscape and Architecture.  9) Restoring the Westcott House Gardens.  10) Wasmuth Portfolio.  11) Executive Director's...   Continued... Pp 26 2013.25.0618

SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Fall 2013 Volume 4 Issue 2 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago)
1) Lockhart, Susan Jacobs 2) Woodin, Larry   3) Stipe, Margo 4) Kirschner, Pamela   5) Munoz, Oskar 6) Lockhart, Susan... Sitting Down with Wright.   1) Editor's Welcome. The Furniture Lived With.   2) President's Message. Farewell and a Bright future.   3) Taliesin: Orchestrating Nature, Uniting Spirit and Matter.   4) Preserving Wright Interiors: Case Studies of Wright Furniture and Fabrics, 1904-1956.   5) Taliesin West's Evolving Garden Room.   6) The Furniture I Grew Up With.   7) Finishing the Darwin D. Martin House.   8) The Price Tower Executives Chair as a Product of Customization.   9) Executive Director's Letter. Exploration...   Continued... Pp 26 2013.34.1121
The World of Interiors - November 2013 (Published monthly by Conde Nast Publications Ltd., London) Brittain-Catlin, Timothy Learning the Wright Way. Soon after completing his Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Frank Lloyd Wright turned his attention to a smaller project: the design of a girls' primary school in the city's suburbs. For Timothy Brittain-Catlin, the architect's genius is expressed in wholly original forms that are nonetheless clearly Japanese in character. Photography: Sean Myers.
       We all know about the architect whose talent for self-mythmaking was as prolific and grandiose as his professional genius itself... Continued...
Pp 154-161 2013.38.0224
2013 Town & Country - March 2013 (Published 11 times a year by Hearst Magazines International, New York) Anonymous "Artist in Residence. Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West, his winter home in the Arizona desert, provides the backdrop for sprint collections that infuse architectural minimalism with Bohemian flair. Includes 13 photographs by Bettina Lewin, three historic images by Hendrich Blessing, Russell Lee (1957) and Tony Vaccaro (1940). 9 x 10.8. Original cover price $4.50. Pp 21, 106-117 2013.02.0313
Wall Street Journal Magazine - April 2013 (Published monthly by The Ewall Street Jhournal and Dow Jones and Company, Inc.) Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright’s Millard House. Part of a venture into modular housing by the venerable architect, 1923's Millard House (which Wright himself referred to as "La Miniatura a label to describe his fondness for the house) was created from concrete blocks, each featuring a carved cross and square pattern, in a style he believed would lower the cost of home construction while retaining delicacy and beauty. The 4,230-square-toot, four-bedroom, four-bath home-currently on sale through Crosby Doe Associates... Continued... Pp 108-109 2013.40.1024
Wright Angles - Winter-Spring 2013 Volume 39 #1 (Published quarterly by the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust, Chicago, IL) 1) Adams, Celeste A Dialogue. 1) Letter from the President and CEO. 2) New Neighbor for Robie. 3) Wright Plus - May 18, 2013. 4) Ultimate Plus 2013. 5) Wright Around Chicago Gets Rolling in June. 6) International Lecture Series. UK Arts & Crafts Discovery. 7) 2013 Board Chair. 8) Winter - Spring Programs at the Preservation Trust. Includes 41 photographs and illustrations. This copy acquired from the estate of Thomas & Suzanne Miller, owners of the K. C. DeRhodes Residence, South Bend, Indiana (1906 - S.125). 9.5 x 9.5 Pp 16 2013.36.1022
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - February 2013 Vol. 18 Issue 1 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Sanford, Barbara   2) Hartmann, Robert   4&5) Boyd, Terry   6) Dahlin, Ken 7) Henning, Randolph C.  8) Dahlin, Ken 1) Special Spring Event: Hardy House Tour.   2) From the President.   3) Mary Jane Hamilton & Jack Holzhueter Receive Wright Spirit Awards   4) Burnham Beat: Continuous Learning for Docents. Construction is Gearing Up.   5) Barbara Elsner: Moving Forward   6) What's So Special about Wright?   7) At Taliesin.   8) Ron McCrea Talk at Golden Rondelle   9) Mark Hertzberg to Serve on Wright on the Park Board.   10) Hardy House Restoration   11) Vintage Postcard. Taliesin. Includes 21 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 11 (Digital Copy) Pp 12 2013.19.0516
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - May 2013 Vol. 18 Issue 2 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Sanford, Barbara   1) Hice, Denise  2) Hartmann, Robert   3) Dahlin, Ken   4) Boyd, Terry 6) Henning, Randolph C. 1) Wright & Like 2013: Greetings from Lake Country   2) From the President.   3) Wright's Middle Way   4) Burnham Beat. The Layton Boulevard West Neighborhoods   5) Sherri Shokler: Our Public Face.   6) At Taliesin.   7) Hardy House Tour a Success.   8) SC Johnson Research Tower to Open for Tours   9) Vintage Postcard. Charles A. Stevens Lodge. Includes 23 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 11 Pp 12 2013.20.0516
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - September 2013 Vol. 18 Issue 3 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Sanford, Barbara   2) Berg, Lois   3) Dahlin, Ken   4) Boyd, Terry 5) Hertzberg, Mark   6) Stefansson. Pamela... 1) New Chapter for A. D. German Warehouse   2) From the President.   3) Ornament and Crime   4) Burnham Beat. From a Drawing to a Chair   5) Lois Berg: New Board President   6) On Site: Wyoming Valley School Cultural Arts Center.   7) Farewell to Lake Country and Wright & Like 2013.   8) Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture of the Interior.   9) Madison "Wrightian" Houses May Qualify for National Register.   10) At Taliesin.   11) Jack Holzhueter Receives Madison Trust Award.   12) In Celebration of Pedro...   Continued... Pp 12 2013.21.0516
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Winter 2014, Volume 25 No. 1. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor-in-Chief: West, Jonathan 2) Fabian, Carole Ann; Parks, Janet 3) Bergdoll, Barry 4) West, Jonathan 5) McCrea, Ron 1) Wright News   2) New York Welcomes the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Archives. Archives moved to MOMA.   3) Frank Lloyd Wright and the City: Density Vs. Dispersal. Exhibiting Wright at MOMA.   4) Transformations Interview. A Conversation with Bob Roth. 5) Letters Through the Snow. An account of the first winter at Taliesin. 6) Wright Sites Open for Public Access. We supplied one image for the article "Frank Lloyd Wright and the City". Includes 71 illustrations and photographs...   Continued... Pp 62 2014.01.0114 2014.02.0114
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Spring 2014, Volume 25 No. 2. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor-in-Chief: West, Jonathan 2) Breidenbach, Emily 3) Sergeant, John 4) Perkins, Scott 5) West, Jonathan 6) Flesch, Erik

1) Wright News. 2) John Sergeant, Scholar-In-Residence. 3) Above and Below: A Further Reflection on the Taliesins. Taliesin Spring Green and Taliesin West. 4) In the Abstract: Eugene Beyer Masselink. A bio and the designs of Masselink. 5) Transformations Interview: A Conversation with Jimenez Lai. 6) SC Johnson Research Tower Reawakens. The Tower is open to the public. 7) Wright sites Open to the Public. 8.5 x 11. Includes 69 illustrations and photographs.

Pp 60 2014.16.0215
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Summer 2014, Volume 25 No. 3. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor-in-Chief: West, Jonathan 3) McCrea 4) West, Jonathan 5) Lozar, Miguel De 1) Wright News. 2) Wright Books & Recommended reading. Includes "Frank Lloyd Wright's Nakoma Clubhouse and Sculptures." 3) Love's Labors Not Lost. Building Taliesin, "Building Taliesin, Frank Lloyd Wright's Home of Love and Loss." 4) Open & Accessible: The Kenneth & Phyllis Laurent House. 5) Ocatillo, the Sailboat of the Desert. In depth study of Ocatillo. 6) Wright sites Open to the Public. 8.5 x 11. Includes 54 illustrations and photographs. Pp 52 2014.17.0215
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Fall 2014, Volume 25 No. 4. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor-in-Chief: West, Jonathan 4) Brown, David M. 5) Flesch, Eric 6) West, Jonathan

1) Wright News. 2) Wright Books & Recommended reading. 3) The Frank Lloyd Wright  Foundation in 2014 and Beyond: Impact and Engagement. 4) Wright's Music for the Masses: ASU Gammage Celebrates 50 Years. 5) Jim Pfefferkorn: Two Decades with Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin Fellowship. 6) Transformations: Gunny Harboe. 7) Wright sites Open to the Public. 8.5 x 11. Includes 87 illustrations and photographs.

Pp 72 2014.18.0215
Friends of Fallingwater - Number 24 - Fall 2014 (Published by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Pittsburgh, PA) Waggoner, Lynda
4) Levine, Neil
1) Interpreting Fallingwater Anew. Donated artifacts help interpret Fallingwater's History.   2) Postscript to the Cottages.   3) Interns Play Crucial Role at Fallingwater.   4) Book Review: The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wight. Levine, 1996. Includes 14 photographs. 7.5 x 13.25 Pp 8 2014.54.1021
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 2, No 1. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Editors: Henning, Randolph C.; O'Malley, Eric M.; Scott, William B.; 1) Henning, Randolph C. 2) Henning... Publisher's Description: "Devoted to the artistry and creativity of John Randal McDonald, Architect. Featuring a host of never before published original drawings, vintage and contemporary photographs, an essay by Randolph C. Henning, and an interview with experts, Melissa Grasser and Dave Erickson." 1) John Randal McDonald, Architect. 2) Dave Erickson and Melissa Grasser Interview. Includes 47 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $20.00 per issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 40 2014.52.1021

Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 2, No 2. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL)
Editors: Henning, Randolph C.; O'Malley, Eric M.; Scott, William B.; 1) Henning, Randolph C. Publisher's Description: This issue features both the facts and the puzzling mystery surrounding the Arizona Biltmore Hotel's design authorship: Was it Albert Chase McArthur? Was it Frank Lloyd Wright? Or was it a combination of both? To that mystery we offer insight and perspective by the actual players themselves. That, coupled with an assortment of never-before-published photos from the hotel's early years comes together in this informative and thought- provoking issue." 1) The Arizona Biltmore...   Continued... Pp 40 2014.53.1021
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 2, No 3. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Issue Editor Henning, Randolph C. "A Festival for the Eyes, Organic Abstract Holiday Cards." A collection of "organic" holiday cards which include: American Terra-Cotta, 1922; Louis Sullivan, 1923; Frank Lloyd Wright, 1907; William "Beye" Fyfe, 1933, 1957; Chandle Montgomery, c 1928; Taliesin Fellowship, 1932, 1935; Eugene Masselink, Undated, 1938, c 1943, 1946, 1977, 1983, 1984, 1988; Kamal Amin; William Wesley Peters; Margaret Allen Montooth; Arron Green, 1951, 1996; Cornelia Brierly; John Howe, 1978...   Continued... Pp 40 2014.19.0115

Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 042 Spring 2014 (Published three times a year by the Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ)

Editor: Thompson, Kimbal;  1) Thompson, Kimbal;  2) Barthelemey, Thomas;  3) Laraway, Frank;  4) Stitt, Fred... 1) JTF Editor's Message.  2) President's Message.  3) Letter from JTF Reader.   4) How Did Frank Lloyd Wright's "Thought-Built" Architecture Become Green Building?  5) New Taliesin Board Members: Randolph C. Henning; Heublein, Michael; Clark, Chelsea.  6) Current Apprentice Box Projects: Irakiza, Edgar; Knox, Daniel; Moncayo, Pablo.  7) Frank Lloyd Wright and the Princiuples of Organic Architecture.  8) Work of John Lautner.  9) Under Construction.  10) Eco Villages, Sustainable Communities...   Continued... Pp 40 2014.28.0217
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Bldg Conservancy - Spring 2014, Volume 5, Issues 1&2 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Bldg Conservancy, Chicago)

1) Longstreth, Richard
2) Quinan, Jack
4) Kamin, Blair 5) Scherubel, Ron 6) Levine, Neil  
7) Halstead, Janet  8)...

1) "Wright and Historic Preservation in the United States. 1950-1975." Includes Midway Gardens, Robie, Fallingwater, Pope, Imperial Hotel, Home & Studio. 2) "The origins of the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy. The Darwin D. Martin House (1903-05 in Buffalo, New York, vacated by Isabelle Martin in 1937, suffered a long period of neglect, alterations and partial demolition until 1976, when the threat of turning the principal Martin residence - then a property of the University at Buffalo...   Continued... Pp 49 2014.04.0614

SaveWright in Brief, Frank Lloyd Wright Bldg Conservancy - August 2014 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Bldg Conservancy, Chicago) Anonymous 1) Celebrating 25 years of Saving Wright at Phoenix Conference. 2) German Warehouse in Good Hands. 3) Lamp House Site Safe... For Now. 4) 2014 Annual Meeting and Board Elections. Wright's Laurent House Now Open. 5) In Memoriam: Quinton Blair. 6) An overview of 2013 Financial Results. 7) Auction Action. 8) Out and About Wright Hits Seattle. 9) Progressive Dinner in Usonia (Pleasantville, New York). 10) Wright Public Sites Directors Gather for Summit at Wingspread. 11) Wright...   Continued... Pp 12 2014.06.0914
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - February 2014 Vol. 19 Issue 1 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Templeton, Scott K.  1) Bridgeman, Michael  2) Berg, Lois Y. 3) Boyd, Terry; Lilek, Mike  5) Levine, Jeffrey 6) Schnell... 1) Preserving the Lamp House.  2) President's Message. 3) News Briefs.  4) Burnham Beat: Wright in Wisconsin Received Exceptionally Good Publicity.  5) Wisconsinites Honored with Wright Spirit Awards.  6) Faces of Our Organization.  7) At Taliesin.  8) Wisconsin Wright Sites Tours & Events.  9) Vintage Postcard. Taliesin Fire. Includes 15 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 11 (Digital Copy) Pp 12 2014.35.0516
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - May 2014 Vol. 19 Issue 2 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Templeton, Scott K.  1) Hice, Denise 2) Berg, Lois Y.  5) Bridgeman, Michael  6) Hertzberg, Mark... Wright and Like 2014: Driving Mr. Wright.  1) It's time to Hit the Road!  2) President's Message.  3) News Briefs. 4) A Long Awaited Peek Behind the Pyrex Veil. SC Johnson Research Tower.  5) Future Looking Brighter for Lamp House.  6) Hardy House Restoration Completed.  7) Form & Function.  8) A Stove for American System-Built B1.  9) Changs at Monona Terrace.  10) At Taliesin. 11) Wisconsin Wright Sites Tours & Events.  12) Vintage Postcard. Hillside Home School. Includes 36 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 11 Pp 16 2014.36.0516
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - September 2014 Vol. 19 Issue 3 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Templeton, Scott K.  1) Bridgeman, Michael  2) Berg, Lois Y. 4) Loppnow, Marty  5) Lilek, Mike  6) Dahlin... Welcome Home.  1) Wright Prints Return to Wisconsin. Historical Society secures set of American System-Built drawings.  2) President's Message.  3) Open House at A.D. German; Honoring organic architecture; Expanded Wingspread tours.  4) Three Generations of Wright Fans. It's all in the family for the owner of the Morey House.  5) Cream of the Crop. Restoration work in Milwaukee earns FLLW WI an award.  6) The Japanese Connection.  7) Burnham Beat: Fresh Help.  8) At Taliesin.  9) It All Started With...  Continued... Pp 16 2014.37.0516
The Avery Review - October 2015 (Published by the Trustees of Columbia University, New York) Kelly, Thomas Please Respect the Homeowner's Privacy and Remain on the Public Sidewalks: Frank Lloyd Wright's Oak Park Houses and First Floor Plan Drawings.
       Thirty minutes outside of Chicago is an affluent neighborhood called Oak Park. To find it from the Loop you can take the "L" and go west on the Green Line toward Harlem. Cut your walk in half and get off at the Harlem/Lake station (not the Oak Park station). Now find your way to Forest Avenue and walk north for about fifteen minutes. At the corner...  Continued...
Pp 25-30 2015.50.1224
Classic Car - May 2015 (Published monthly by Hemming Motor News, Bennington, Vermont) Shea, Terry "Art of Design. Frank Lloyd Wright and his 1940 Lincoln Continental. Frank Lloyd Wright was that rarest of architects whose name and work transcended his field, becoming part of the lexicon of 20th century culture, in the U.S. and beyond. His work such as Fallingwater, Robie House and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum remain familiar to those who don't even consider themselves aficionados of architecture. Wright's status as a celebrity remains unrivaled in the field... Continued... Pp 40-43 2015.04.0715
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Winter 2015, Vol. 26 No. 1. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor-in-Chief: West, Jonathan 1) Malone, Sean 5) West, Jonathan 6) McCrea, Ron 7) Scanlan, Dick 1) Letter From the CEO. 2) Wright News in Brief: Aaron Betsky, Unesco's World Heritage List; Wright Cars; Hollyhock House. 3) Wright Events. 4) Wright Books 5) Building with Brick. Adam Reed Tucker Tackles Taliesin West (Legos). 6) Monumental Women: Hilla von Rebay; Hani Motoko; Vera Schultz; Mary Lescohier. 7) Transformations: Dick Scanlan & Josh Schmidt (Musicians). 8) Wright sites Open to the Public. Includes 59 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 11 Pp 52 2015.23.0417
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Fall 2015, Vol. 26 No. 3&4. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Malone, Sean  2) Cuerrero, Dixie Legler  7) McCrea  8) Zimmerman, Ann  10) Johnson, Fisk  11) Georges, Aris 25Years. 1) Letter From the CEO.  2) Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly Celebrates 25 Years.  3) Wright News in Brief  4) Wright Events.  5) Wright Books  6) Gift Ideas  7) Bachman-Wilson House at Crystal Bridges: Seeking Higher Ground.  8) Wasmuth Portfolio Continued its Appeal.  9) Share the inspiration.  10) Transformation: Fisk Johnson. S. C. Johnson.  11) William Wesley Peters.  12) Wright sites Open to the Public.  13) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.  14) The Frank Lloyd Wright Leadership Circle... Continued... Pp 80 2015.24.0417
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 3, No 1. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Issue Editor Henning, Randolph C.:
1) Wharton, Samuel; Apostolou, Dakotah
Publisher's Description: "This issue is devoted to the life and architecture of Frank Henry (1934-2013). While never an officially licensed architect, he nevertheless passionately and enthusiastically practiced the craft as an artist and designer at a high level of skill and refinement for more than fifty years. Frank Henry's understanding of the principles of organic architecture along with the inspiration he found in Wright's work, as well as the stimulating environment of the Southwest, nurtured his...   Continued... Pp 40 2015.02.0715
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 3, No 2. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Issue Editors Henning, Randolph C.; O'Malley, Eric M.; Scott, William B. Jr. 1) Henning; Randolph C. Publisher's Description: "This issue focuses on the American System-Built Houses project (ASBH), also known sometimes as Wright's American Ready-Cut method of building. Frank Lloyd Wright's interest in the challenge of providing low to moderate-cost quality housing was prevalent throughout his entire seventy-five year career. A collaboration of client and architect, the idea of a predetermined mass customization of elements with a menu of options presented Wright an opportunity to explore...   Continued... Pp 40 2015.05.0915
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 3, No 3. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Editors: Henning, Randolph C.; O'Malley, Eric M.; Scott, William B.; 1) Henning, Randolph C. 2) Amarantides, John Publisher's Description: "This issue focuses on the life and work of Frank Lloyd Wright Apprentice, John Amarantides. With never-before-published photos, brochures, and full-color reproductions of John A's stunning graphic designs, this issue showcases one of Taliesin's most beloved apprentices." 1) Taliesin Art of John A. A Visual Performance of Design and Graphics By John Amarantides. 2) Taliesin Art. Includes 58 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $20.00 per issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 40 2015.39.1021
Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 045 Spring 2015 (Published three times a year by the Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Thompson, Kimbal; 1, 3, 13 & 14) Thompson, Kimbal;  2) Sidy, Victor E.;  4) Betsky, Aaron;  5) Malone... 1) JTF Editor's Message.  2) Dean's Message.  3) President's Message.  4) On the Road to Taliesin.  5) Letter To The JTF.  6) Letter to the JTF Editor.  7) Letter to Editor JTF: Report 2014. Taliesin, Taliesin West, The FLLW Foundation, and Taliesin Preservation.  8) Student Work.  9) My Grandfather.  10) Orator Owned Farm Here.  11) David Samuel Wright House Update.  12) Taliesin West Kitchen.  13) Phoenix Art Museum Jury.  14) Dinner at Taliesin West.  15) In Memoriam: James Charles Montooth.  16) Acute...   Continued... Pp 44 2015.21.0217
Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 046 Summer 2015 (Published three times a year by the Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Thompson, Kimbal;  1 & 8) Scott, William Blair;  2) Thompson, Kimbal;  3) Betsky, Aaron; 4) Cordova, Mark... 1) JTF Editor's Message.  2) President's Message.  3) Dean's Message.  4) Student Work.  5) Letters To The JTF  6) My Journey With Frank Lloyd Wright / Allen B Dow.  7) Frank Lloyd Wright in Michigan.  8) Work by the Taliesin Associated Architects in Michigan.  9) Taliesin West Kitchen  10) In Memoriam: Robert Charles Broward; Frances Nemtin. Gift from Kathryn Smith. 8.5 x 8.5 Pp 36 2015.22,0217
Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 47, Fall 2015 (Published three times a year by the Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Thompson, Kimbal;  1 & 4) Henning, Randolph C.  2) Thompson, Kimbal  3) Betsky, Aaron 5 & 6) Baker, Jeffrey... 1) Editor's Message  2) President's Message  3) Dean's Message  4) Organic Architecture in Florida, including Florida Southern College  5) The Interior Restoration of the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel at Florida Southern College  6) The Usonian House at FSC  7) George and Clifton Lewis Residence  8) Taliesin West - Summer 1958  9) Taliesin West Kitchen  10) In Memoriam, Iovanna Lloyd Wright  11) Noteworthy Book, Building the Usonian House. Includes 77 photographs of which we assisted by supplying two. 8.5 x 8.5 Pp 40 2015.11.1215
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Bldg Conservancy - Spring 2015 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Bldg Conservancy, Chicago) 1) Payne, Edith  2) Longstreth, Richard  3) Smith, Kathryn;  4) Severns, Karen;  5) Siry, Joseph M.;  6) Widell, Cherilyn  7)... 1) The Imperial and Beyond (Imperial Hotel). 2) Fulfilling its mission. 3) Frank Lloyd Wright and the Imperial Hotel: A Chronology. 4) Arata Endo: Wright Collaborator and Iconoclast to the Last. 5) Frank Lloyd Wright, Truscon and the Construction of the Imperial Hotel. 6) Saving the Building That Moved Our Hearts: How Tokyo's Myonichikan Was Preserved. 7) Frank Lloyd Wright and the Architecture of Japanese Prints. 8) The Path to World Heritage 9) Wisconsin: Frank Lloyd Wright's Laboratory. Includes 58 photographs and Illustrations. 8.5 x 11 Pp 26 2015.01.0715
SaveWright in Brief, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - August 2015 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago) Anonymous 1) Annual Conference Views Wisconsin As Wright's Laboratory. 2) Muirhead Safe from Power Lines. 3) New Owners for 4 Wright Houses. 4) Five Honorees To Receive Wright Spirit Awards at Conservancy's 2015 Gala. 5) Samara Named National Landmark. 6) Out and About Wright Recap. 7) Touring Wright's Ravine Bluffs. 8) Experience Elegant Dinners in Wright Homes. 9) Wright on the Market. 10) "John H. Howe, Architect," Hession; Quigley, $50, U of Minnesota Press. 11) "Frank Lloyd Wright's Scholarly Clients...   Continued... Pp 12 2015.06.0915
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Fall 2015 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building  Conservancy, Chicago) 1) Lockhart; Susan 2) Levine, Neil 3) Alofsin, Anthony 4 & 5) Quinan, Jack 7) Holzhueter, Jack 8) Lockhart; Susan 11)... 1) Wright and Photography. 2) Wright, Photography and the Design Process. 3) Photographs and the Wasmuth Folios 4) Wright and Photography: The Early Years. 5) Wright's Photographs. 6) William Wesley Peters on Wright and Photography. 7) Wright and Fuermann: An Architect and His Photographer. 8) Wright's Reliance on Photography for His Later House Designs. 9) Auldbrass. 10) Out and About: Arkansas. 11) Committing to the Future. Includes 50 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 11 Pp 28 2015.07.0915
 Wright Angles - Winter-Spring 2015 Vol 41 #1 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust, Chicago, Illinois) Frank Lloyd Wright Trust 1) Adams, Celeste 1) From the President & CEO. 2) World Heritage Nomination For Robie House and Unity Temple. 3) Wright Plus Architectural Housewalk, May 16, 2015. Two Historic Communities, One Enticing House Walk. 4) Ultimate Plus 2015. A Weekend Full of Wright's Wonders. 5) At Home With Wright. Meet The Martin House Family. 6) Reciprocal Sites Program Doubles. 7) New Restoration Resource Center Opens March 12. Experts Speak on Historic Restoration. 8) John Rafkin Elected Board...   Continued... Pp 24 2015.43.0722
Wright Angles - Summer-Fall 2015 Vol 41 #2 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust, Chicago, Illinois) Frank Lloyd Wright Trust 1) Adams, Celeste 1) From the President and CEO. 2) The Frank Lloyd Wright Trust has Welcomed Visitors from 50 States and 30 Countries to Our Site this Year. 3) Chicago Architect John Ronan on October 4. 4) New Wright in the Region Day Trips. 5) Join Travel Wright. International Journeys. U.S. Journeys. 6) Education at the Trust. 7) Introducing a New Vision. 8) New Gordon Parks Hall Opens at University of Chicago Lab Schools. 9) Wright Plus 2015. Celebrating Architecture and Community. 10) 1915 Emil Bach House...   Continued... Pp 24 2015.44.0722
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - May 2015 Vol. 20 Issue 2 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Templeton, Scott K. 1) Moe, Doug  2) Berg, Lois Y. 4) Hall, George 6) Ditmer, Michael  8) Burke... 1) Right Man for Wright Design. James Dennis, steward of the Jacobs I House for over 30 years.  2) President's Message.  3) In Memoriam: Frances Nemtin.  4) Wright and Like 2015: Madison.  5) Jacobs II Tour Opportunity. 6) "Still Bend" Celebrates Anniversary. The Bernard Schwartz House turns 75.  7) Wasmuth Lithographs on Display. New exhibition at SC Johnson offers rare opportunity.  8) SC Johnson joins Chicago Architectural Biennial.  9) So What Does "Organic" Actually Mean? 10) Wright...   Continued... Pp 16 2015.27.0516
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - September 2015 Vol. 20 Issue 3 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Templeton, Scott K. 1) Hertzberg, Mark  2) Berg, Lois Y. 4) Shokler, Sherr  5) Gussert, Andy  6) Dahlin... 1) A Rarity: Unknown Wright Found. FLLW WI board member documents "new" ASBH house.  2) President's Message.  3) News Briefs.  4) Wright and Like 2015 Review. Madison tour a success - 25 states represented.  5) Wright Trail Efforts Detoured for Now. A mandate to create an official tourism route is left unfunded.  6) What Is Organic Architecture?  7) In Memoriam: Jim Yoghourtjian.  8) At Taliesin.  9) Wisconsin Wright Sites Tours & Events.  10) Vintage Postcard. Hillside...   Continued... Pp 16 2015.28.0516
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Winter 2016 V27#1 (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Malone, Sean   3&4) Fisher, Eva   5) Boyle, Brigid 6) Volner, Ian 8) Fisher, Eva 9) Scott, Athena  10) Gamble, Michael... Taliesin West's New and Historic Future.  1) Letter From the CEO.   2) Preservation Zoning Plan of Taliesin West.   3) Letter from the Guest Editor.   4) Building What Matters. Taliesin West.   5) Full Stop? Period Significance, Taliesin West.   6) Building the Right Approach.  7) Thank You.   8) You Spin me Right Round. Guggenheim Museum.  9) A Vision Uncovered. Madison Home.  10) Honoring History. AIA Taliesin West Colloquium.  11) Visitor's View. La Jolla House.  12) Foundation appoints...   Continued... Pp 56 2016.13.0417
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Spring 2016 V27#2 (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Graff, Stuart 2) Brettell, Richard  3) Abernathy, Ann  4) Marshall, Charles T.  5) Degen, Mike  6) Rose, Alison,,, 1) Letter From the CEO.  2) Foreward. Frank Lloyd Wright in Dallas-Fort Worth  3) Of Time and The Theater. How Frank Lloyd Wright's "New Theater" became a Dallas Treasure.  4) Where Dallas Once Stood. Frank Lloyd Wright and the Rogers Lacy Hotel.  5) Driftless Hills. Re-establishing the Vegetation Footprint and Composition of the Welsh Hills as they were in Wright's Time.  6) Upward Climb. Wright's Mile high Building.  7) The Unraveling. The Guggenheim.  8) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation News...   Continued... Pp 40 2016.14.0417
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Summer 2016 V27#3 (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Graff, Stuart 2) Georges, Aris  3) Smith, Kathryn  4) Perkins, Scott W.  5&7) Georges, Aris 6) O'Malley, Eric M. 1) Letter From the CEO.  2) Letter From The Guest Editor.  3) Frank Lloyd Wright: A Life in the Book Arts.  4) On Gene. Eugene Masselink.  5) This Work Continues.  6) Life on the Grid. The Inspirational Power of Taliesin Graphic Design.  7) From Generation to Generation. Design continues.  8) #Wright Challenge  9) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation News.  10) Recommended Reading.  11) Wright sites Open to the Public.  12) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.  13) The Frank Lloyd Wright...   Continued... Pp 48 2016.15.0417
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Fall 2016 V27#4 (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Graff, Stuart I. 2) Pielage, Andrew 3) Rose, Alison 4) Uechi, Naomi Tanabe 5) Goodman, Jeff 7) Patel, Neeta 1) Letter From the CEO.  2) In Paths Untrodden. A Photo Essay from Wisconsin's Heritage Trail.  3) On Journeys Through the States. A Conversation with Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Members Charles Covington and Maja Wessels.  4) For You O Democracy.  5) Grand is the Seen. Frank Lloyd Wright's Personal Notes on Leaves of Grass.  6) With All They Gifts. Preserving Whitman Square at Taliesin West.  7) As I Sit Writing Here. A Brief History of the Taliesin Square-Papers.  8) I Hear America Singing.  9) Frank...   Continued... Pp 48 2016.16.0417
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 4, No 1. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Editors: Henning, Randolph C.; O'Malley, Eric M.; Scott, William B.; 1&2) Henning, Randolph C. 3) Smith, Kathryn... Publisher's Description: "This issue focuses on the story of the little known but visionary Call Building project, including a short essay concerning the mystery of the dating of the project; an informative article, written by JOA+D advisor Kathryn A. Smith, regarding the history of the more well known Call Building model during Wright's lifetime; and an essay on the building of a replica of the model and its return to Taliesin by Eric M. O'Malley." 1) The call Building: Frank Lloyd Wright's First Skyscraper. 2) Call...   Continued... Pp 40 2016.53.1021
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 4, No 2. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Editors: Henning, Randolph C.; O'Malley, Eric M.; Scott, William B.; 1) Henning, Randolph C. 2) Parker, Alfred... Publisher's Description: "In honor of organic architect Alfred Browning Parker's 100th birthday, this issue of the JOA+D celebrates his creative genius by remembering several of his lost works. The goal is to both honor the works while drawing attention to the fact that many of Parker's extant works have been battered by callous remodeling, bruised with unsympathetic additions and many carry the weight and burden of threatened (if not on the cusp of) demolition." 1) Alfred Browning Parker, Works in...   Continued... Pp 40 2016.54.1021
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 4, No 3. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Editors: Henning, Randolph C.; O'Malley, Eric M.; Scott, William B.; 1) Henning, Randolph C. 2) Swaback, Vernon D. Publisher's Description: "This issue focuses on the life and work of Frank Lloyd Wright Apprentice, Vernon D. Swaback. With never-before-published drawings, photos, and full-color reproductions of Vern's stunning graphic designs, this issue showcases one of the Taliesin Fellowship's most talented and prolific members." 1) The Art of Vernon D. Swaback. 2) The Purpose, Place, and Power of Organic Design. Includes 51 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $20.00 per issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 40 2016.55.1021
Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 048 Summer 2016 (Published three times a year by the Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Thompson, Kimbal;  1, 4, 7- 11) Thompson, Kimbal;  2) Betsky, Aaron; 3) Lynn, Jacalyn;  5) Graff... 1) JTF Editor's Message.  2) Dean's Message.  3) School Board Message.  4) President's Message.  5) CEO Message.  6) Zach Rawling Appreciation, David & Gladys Wright House.  7) Introduction to Hawaii, Planning Architecture & Frank Lloyd Wright. 8) Martin Pence,  9) Architect Steve Oyakawa.  10) Kona Coast Hotel.  11) The Hawaii Collection; A Trilogy.  12) Noteworthy Books: "John H. Howe, Architect," Hession, Quigley; "Minnesota Modern: Architecture and Life at Midcentury," Millett.  13)...   Continued... Pp 40 2016.07.0217
Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 049 Fall 2016 (Published three times a year by the Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Thompson, Kimbal;  1, 2, 11, 14; 3) Betsky, Aaron; 4) Graff, Stuart I.;  5) Lynn, Jacalyn;  6) Inostroza, Jaime... 1) JTF Editor's Message.  2) President's Message.  3) Dean's Message.  4) CEO Message.  5) School Board Message.  6) Jaime Inostroza. Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture.  7) Paul Romano. Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture.  8) History of "The Box." 9) Svetlana Wright Peters. 10) Kay Rattenbury and the A,D. German Family.  11) The Dressers.  12) Giovanni Del Prinicipi Del Drago. The Dragon - Myths & Legends. 13) In Memoriam: Henry Grattan Gill; Stephen Gegner. 14) Noteworthy Books...   Continued... Pp 48 2016.08.0217
Ladue News - April 8, 2016 (Special bound pull-out section) (Published by Ladue News, St. Louis, MO) Nay, Brittany Article on the Kraus House. "The 'Wright' Design. The Rich Roots of the Frank Lloyd Wright House in Ellsworth Park Are a Nod to His Democratic Vision of Modern American Architecture. Nestled amid 10 1/2 wooded acres on the outskirts of Kirkwood, Missouri, sits a little known architectural gem designed by a well-known architect. As guest pass through the properties red gate and across the brick homes threshold, they are immersed in the epitome of modern architecture. It's The Frank... Continued... Pp 31-33 2016.29.0818
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Spring 2016 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago) Managing Editor: Lockhart; Susan Jacobs: 1) Perkins, Scott W. Guest Editor; 2) Payne, Edith;  3) Siry, Joseph M... 1) Editor's Message: Wright's Religious Architecture.  2) President's Message.  3) Frank Lloyd Wright's Religious Architecture: Spaces for Communal Worship.  4) Exhibiting History: Beth Sholom's Visitor Center.  5) Lloyd Jones Traditions Resound in First Unitarian Meeting House.  6) Wright's Pfeiffer and Danforth Chapels: College Chapels for Modern Academia.  7) Wish You Were Here: The Religious Structures of Frank Lloyd Wright in Historic Postcards.  8) Executive Director's Letter: Guardians...   Continued... Pp 28 2016.09.0217
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy Conservancy - Fall 2016 Volume 7 Issue 2 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy Conservancy, Chicago) 1) Hession, Jane King  2) Payne, Edith 3) Reisley, Roland   4) Levine, Neil  5) Wojtowicz, Robert  6) Lockhart, Susan... Communities by Design. 1) Communities by Design.  2) President's Message. 3) Reflections on Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonia: Then and Now. 4) Wright's Geometry of Community.  5) Lewis Mumford, Wright and the Politics of Community.  6) Taliesin and Taliesin West: Intentional Communities.  7) A Geometry of Community: A Project Called Cloverleaf. 8) Community Values in the Larkin and Johnson Administration Buildings.  9) Executive Director's Letter. An Irreplaceable Heritage. 10) Events. Includes...  Continued... Pp 28 2016.30.0618
Wright Angles - Winter-Spring 2016 Vol 42 #1 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust, Chicago, Illinois) Frank Lloyd Wright Trust 1) Adams, Celeste 1) From the President and CEO. 2) Spring Means Wright Plus. Housewalk Co-Chairs. 3) Wright Plus 2016. Wright and the Prairie School. 4) Wright Plus Bonus. William Winslow House. 5) Ultimate Plus 2016. 6) Wright in the Region. New Tours This Spring. 7) Community Enrichment Lectures and Tours. 8) John G. Thorpe. In Memorial. 9) Robie House Doors Conservation. 10) Trust Volunteers in Their Own Words. 11) Thanks for Your Support. 12) 2015 Donors Wall. 13) Trust Winter-Spring Programs...  Continued... Pp 24 2016.62.0722
Wright Angles - Summer-Fall 2016 Vol 42 #2 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust, Chicago, Illinois) Frank Lloyd Wright Trust  1) Adams, Celeste Trust Celebrates, Wright 150 in 2017. A Dialogue.  1) Letter from the President and CEO.  2) Wright 150.  3) Thinking into the Future: The Robie House Series on Architecture, Design and Ideas. An Evening with Architect Toshiko Mori.  4) Journeys Celebrate Wright  150.  5) Wright in the Region.  6) Trust Receives Terra Grant.  7) Wright Plus 2016: A Celebration of the Prairie School and Community.  8) Wright Night 2016 Surpasses Previous Record.  9) Support the 2016 Annual Fund.  10) Volunteer...  Continued... Pp 20 2016.63.1022
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - February 2016 Vol. 21 Issue 1 (Published three times annually by Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Editor: Templeton, Scott K.  1) Hamilton, Mary Jane  2) Hall, George  4) Hertzberg, Mark  5) Walter, Barbara... 1) Lightning Strikes Twice. Two ASBH homes identified in Wisconsin in the same year.  2) President's Message. 3) News Briefs: JOA+D on ASBH; Lamp designed for the Schwartz House built 75 years later.  4) Wright and Like 2016 Preview. Three-day architectural feast coming to Racine.  5) How Wright and Like was named.  6) Next Generation of Architects, Wakanda School still breaking boxes.  7) Book Review: John H. Howe, Architect. From Taliesin Apprentice to Master of Organic Design. Hession & Quigley, 2016...   Continued... Pp 20 2016.20.0516
Architectural Digest - June 2017 (Published monthly by Conde Nast Publications, New York, NY) Bergdoll, Barry "The Wright stuff. Curator and architecture history and Barry Bergdoll recounts unpacking the Frank Lloyd Wright archive for this summer's must-see museum show. The numbers alone are daunting: 55,000 architectural drawings, some 300,000 sheets of correspondence, close to 125,000 photographs, 270 film reels, two dozen models. These are just the largest categories in the Frank Lloyd Wright archive, amassed over a seven-decade career that yielded more than 500 buildings...   Continued... Pp 65-6 68 76 2017.12.1217
Architectural Record - February 2017 (Published monthly by BNP Media II, LLC., Troy, Michigan) Stephens, Suzanne Righting Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright's Darwin D Martin House Complex, Buffalo, HHHL Architects. Restoration and reconstruction for one of the major landmarks of early modern architecture is now complete. Frank Lloyd Wright called the grand complex he designed for Darwin D. Martin in Buffalo (1903-05) his "opus" as he wrote in 1954 to a prospective buyer of the property. And it was a major opus - even if just one among many. Now, in time for the celebration of Wright's 150th birthday in June, a 20 year, five-phase Pp 62-69 2017.37.0219
Arts & Crafts Homes And The Revival - Fall 2017 (Published by Cruz Bay Publishing, Inc., Boulder, Colorado) 1) Coleman, Brian D.; Photos by William Wright 1) “A Frank Lloyd Wright Rescue. Vacant And On The Market As A Teardown, The Ross Home In Glencoe, Illinois, Is Resurrected By Architect John Eifler.
       At The Start of the 20th century, wealthy Chicago attorney Sherman Booth
... Continued...
1) Pp 52-57 2017.53.0524
2) Eifler, John 2) “How to prepare for a sensitive Restoration. Restoring a house with cultural or architectural significance can be overwhelming: you're responsible for determining how history will be represented in the finished project. There's no formula, as each... Continued... 2) Pp 58
 Automobile Magazine - February 2017 (Published monthly by TEN: The Enthusiastic Newwork, LLC., New York) Weiner, Eric Photographed at the Palmer House in Ann Arbor, Michigan with Frank Lloyd Wrights 1940 Lincoln-Zephyr and the 2017 Lioncoln Continental.
       “The Wright Stuff. Seeing the Lincoln Continental from the perspective of America’s most celebrated architect. Sitting alongside the leaf-strewn footsteps of Frank Lloyd Wright's Palmer House, the 1940 Lincoln Continental soaks in this moment of belonging. More than 75 years have rolled past since Wright proclaimed Edsel Ford's pet project "the... Continued...
Pp 4, 42-51 2017.54.0524
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Winter 2017 Volume 28 No. 1 (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Managing Editor: Abbott, Gabby  1) Graff, Stuart I. 2) Swaback, Vernon D.  3) Betsky, Aaron 4&6) Abbott, Gabby  7) Georges... Taliesin West: The Desert Laboratory.  1) Letter From the CEO.  2) Frank Lloyd Wright's Greatest Work. Taliesin West.  3) Learning Wright: The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture.  4) Living Architecture. A Conversation with Feed Prozzillo, Director of Preservation at Taliesin West.  5) Taliesin West: Then and Now.  6) Innovative Illustrations: Charles Montooth Drawings.  7) An Elegy on Failure.  8) Wright, In The Digital Age. New Website.  9) Work of Progress: Conserving Whitman Square.  10) Frank Lloyd... Continued... Pp 48 2017.01.0417
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Spring 2017 Volume 28 No. 2 (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Managing Editor: Abbott, Gabby  1) Graff, Stuart  2) Goodman, Jeff  3) Wright, Frank Lloyd  4) Snoke, Georgia Lloyd Jones... Plan. 1) Letter From the CEO.   2) Letter From the Editor.   3) The Logic of the Plan.   4) The God Almighty Lloyd Joneses.   5) Source Material.   6) Rising from Ashes: A Personal Reflection on the Tragedies of Frank Lloyd Wright.   7) Learning by Doing.   8) A Visual History.   9) Olgivanna Lloyd Wright.  10) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation News.   11) Wright Sites Open to the Public. Includes 65 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 8.5 Pp 64 2017.33.0719
 2017 P Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Summer 2017 V28#3 (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Managing Editor: Abbott, Gabby  
1) Graff, Stuart 2) Goodman, Jeff   3) Wright, Frank Lloyd
4) Levi, Sarah; Denison...
Section, 1) Letter From the CEO. 2) Letter From the Editor. 3) In the Nature of Materials: Integrity. 4) The Reality of the Building. 5) A Friendship in Photographs: Pedro E Guerrero and Frank Lloyd Wright. 6) Wright and the Japanese Print. 7) Some Flowers for Architect Frank Lloyd Wright. 8). Knowing Mr. Wright. 9) In Appreciation: Anthony Puttnam. 10) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation News. 11) Wright Sites Open to the Public. Includes 88 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 8.5 Pp 64 2017.47.0522
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Fall 2017 Volume 28 No. 4 (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Managing Editor: Abbott, Gabby  1) Graff, Stuart  2) Goodman, Jeff  3) Wright, Frank Lloyd  4) Monchaux, Thomas de  5) Quinan... Elevation. 1) Letter From the CEO.  2) Letter From the Editor.  3) American Institute of Architects Gold Medal Acceptance Speech.   4) Building a Brand: The Enduring Legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright.   5) Architect of an Image.   6) Lasting Impressions.   7) Formal Education.   8) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation News.   9) Wright Sites Open to the Public. Includes 104 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 8.5 Pp 64 2017.34.0719
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 5, No 1. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) 1) Scott, William B. Jr. Publisher's Description: "This issue concentrates on a short but important chapter in the life of William Wesley Peters - the brief period after he left the Taliesin Fellowship in 1933 and set up a private practice in his hometown of Evansville, Indiana. This would be the only period when Wes would have an independent practice unassociated with Frank Lloyd Wright and deserves closer examination as to its impact on his architectural development." 1) William Wesley Peters The Lost Years. Includes...  Continued... Pp 40 2017.43.1021

Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 5, No 2. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL)
1) Samuelson, Timothy Publisher's Description: "In honor of the sesquicentennial of his birth, this issue explores the often misunderstood early life and career of 'Frank L. Wright' (as the young architect presented himself and signed his drawings). Through progressive education, strong family ties, learning from talented mentors, and experimenting with a variety of styles, this is the story of Frank before the 'Lloyd.' " 1) Wright's Roots. Includes 97 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $20.00 per issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 48 2017.44.1021
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 5, No 3. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Cohen, Aaron Design: O'Malley, Eric M.  Publisher's Deception: "For three months at the end of 1935, Alvin Lustig studied at Taliesin near Spring Green, Wisconsin. Disillusioned by the atmosphere at Taliesin and unable to assimilate, Lustig soon left. However, he never lost his admiration for Frank Lloyd Wright and his career and work as a trailblazing modern graphic designer was very much influenced by his mentor. Sadly, he died at the age of 45 in 1955. This issue explores his relationship with Wright and features a selection of Lustig's...  Continued... Pp 40 2017.20.0618
Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - Issue 050 Spring 2017 (Published three times a year by Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: Thompson, Kimbal 1) Thompson, Kimbal 2) Dyson, Arthur 3) Betsky, Aaron 4) Graff, Stuart I. 5) Lynn... 1) JTF Editor's message. 2) President's Message. 3) Dean's message 4) CEO message. 5) School Board Message 6) Richard Quittenton, Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. 7) August Lietz, Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. 8) It's a (circle) not a (square). Whereever we go, we are among the circle of Taliesin Fellows. 9) Las Terrazas 10) In Memoriam: Frederick Liebhardt; Eloise Fritz; Joe Fabris, Gary Herberger Includes 90 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 8.5. Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 61 2017.21.0618
Journal of the Taliesin Fellows - #51 Autumn 2017 (Published three times a year by the Taliesin Fellows, Scottsdale, AZ) Editor: O'Malley, Eric M.  1) Dyson, Arthur  2) O'Malley, Eric M.  3) Schuetz, Sue  4) Scott, William B. Jr.  5) Henning, 1) President's Message.  2) Editor's Message.  3) Celebrating The Peters-Margedant House.  4) In Memoriam: Carter Hugh Manny, Jr.; Anthony Puttnam.  5) Book Review: Shadow Patterns: Reflections on Fay Jones and His Architecture, Shannon, University of Arkansas Press, 2017; Wright Sites: A Guide to Frank Lloyd Wright Public Places, Fourth Edition, Hugland, Princeton Architectural Press, 2017.  6) Frank Lloyd Wright and Russia. First all-union Congress of Soviet Architects. Moscow...  Continued... Pp 40 2017.14.0618
Metropolis - July/August 2017 (Published 10 times a year by Bellerophon Publications, Inc., New York) Edited by: Medina, Samuel. 1) Havemeyer, Eugenie Cowan  3) Mortixce, Zach 4) Gray, Audrey  5) Musca... A special 72 page supplemental section within the July/August issue, "Wright For Out Times. The Metropolis team is proud to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Frank Lloyd Wright's birth with a unique editorial offering..." Articles include: 1) Leading Light.  2) Revisiting Wright.  3) It seems that the most contemporary aspect of Frank Lloyd Wright's work is his unique proto-algorithmic design process.  4) Wright, the Product Designer.  5) The School of Architecture at Taliesin...  Continued... Pp Cover, 4, 8 1-72 2017.11.0817
Montage Magazine - Summer 2017 (Published quarterly by Montage Magazine, Firebrand Media LLC, Laguna Beach, California) Thornton, Jenn "American vision. Iconic buildings across the country stand as a testament to the architectural talents of Frank Lloyd Wright, who would have turned 150 this year. Famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright was an American original, if not a mirror of America itself - determined, individualistic and complicated. In his seven-decade career, Wright proved himself both poet and pragmatist, a person of prodigious gifts and radical ideas who's architecture constituted a powerful declaration of his uncompromising...  Continued... Pp 40-41 2017.42.1121
Platform - November 2017 - (Published annually by The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture) Managing Edit: Kaleh, Stacey Ingram Platform serves as a "platform" for the school to investigate the intersection of its research, practice, and pedagogic interests with a broader audience. This issue, titled Convergent Voices, is edited by Nichole Wiedemann and Charlton Lewis and centers on a conversation between contributors with expertise ranging from Architectural History and Landscape Architecture to Community and Regional Planning. It represents a dynamic collection of distinct voices and viewpoints brought together by a...  Continued... Pp 44 2017.15.1217
The Saturday Evening Post - May/June 2017 (Published bimonthly by The Saturday Evening Post Society, Indianapolis, IN) 1) Wilkinson, Todd 2) Finis Farr 1) "Frank Lloyd Wright. On his 150th birthday, we celebrate the long and stormy career of America's most renowned architect. Two springs after the Civil War ended - and exactly 150 years ago on June 8, 1867 - Frank Lloyd Wright, one of this country's most original forces of nature, was born to an eccentric minister father and schoolteacher mother in pastoral Wisconsin. Few clues, other than, possibly, his affinity for playing with building blocks, could have foretold his future as an iconoclast who would help shape...  Continued... Pg Cover 36-43 2017.05.0417
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Spring 2017 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago) Managing Editor: Lockhart; Susan Jacobs: 1 & 4) Guest Editor: Gyur, Dale Allen  2) Payne, Edith  3) Rott, Peter 5) Pelkonen... 1) Editor's Message, Wright and Education.  2) President's Message: A Progressive Philosophy.  3) For the Neighbors: A History of Wright's Wyoming Valley School.  4) Florida Southern College and Progressive Education.  5) Frank Lloyd Wright and the Urgency of (Art) Education (Taliesin Fellowship).  6) Frank Lloyd Wright's Rosenwald School For Hampton Institute.  7) The Live Moment: John Dewey and Frank Lloyd Wright on Continuity and Education.  8) Stopping Water Penetration in a Wright...  Continued... Pp 28 2017.06.0617
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy Conservancy - Fall 2017 Volume 8 Issue 2 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy Conservancy, Chicago) 1) Payne, Edith  2) Levine, Neil  3) Mahoney, Patrick  4) Gordon, Barbara Taking Stock of Frank Lloyd Wright at 150.  1) President's Message: An Architectural Awakening.  2) Taking Stock of Frank Lloyd Wright at 150. Contributions from: Holl, Steven; Goldberger, Paul; Eisenman, Peter; Berke, Deborah; Burnette, Wendell; Bruder, Will; Beeby, Thomas; Frampton, Kenneth; Kishi, Waro; Campbell, Robert; Stern, Robert A. M.;Dal Co, Francesco; Rotondi, Michael; Pallasmaa, Juhani; Stephens, Suzanne; Eyck, Jerry van; Whiting, Sarah.  3) Restoring Wright-Designed Bathrooms...  Continued... Pp 28 2017.19.0618
Treasures, Vintage To Modern Collecting - December 2017 / January 2018 (Published 6 times a year by Pioneer Publishing, Ames, Iowa) Gaukel, Erich "Frank Lloyd Wright in Alabama. The only structure he designed in the state, the Rosenbaum house is a marvelous building that has stood the test of time. Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian homes were intended for middle-class families. Around 60 of the structures were built, and fewer than half of them went up before World War II. Stanley in Mildred Rosenbaum, after receiving a piece of land and $7500 from Stanley's parents to build a home, hired Wright to design their home in Florence. Constructed in 1939...  Continued... Pp Cover, 40 2017.41.1021
Wright in Wisconsin, Newsletter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin - September 2017 Vol. 22 Issue 3 (Published three times annually by Wright in Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Edit: Hertzberg, Mark; Copy Edit: Templeton, Scott K.,   2) Hall, George   4) Silverman, Jason   5&6) Hertzberg... 1) A New Day. Our Organization Reorganizes. 2) President's Message. 3) Myriad Celebrations marked the 150th anniversary of Frank Lloyd Wright's birth on June 8, 1867: Taliesin; Bernard Schwartz House; Milwaukee Art Museum; Tan-Y-Deri; Madison Children's Museum; SC Johnson. 4) In Memoriam: Anthony Puttnam. 5) Another Honor for Eugene Szymczak. Seth Peterson Cottage director bestow Kristin Visser Award. 6) New Old Views of Wright Construction. 7) Wright and Like 2017 Recap. 8) Wright...  Continued... Pp 20 2017.13.0618
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Winter 2018 Vol. 29 No. 1 (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Managing Editor: Abbott, Gabby  1) Graff, Stuart  2) Goodman, Jeff  3) Wright, Frank Lloyd  4) Gray, Jennifer  5) Graff, Stuart... Perspective. 1) Letter From the CEO.   2) Letter From the Editor.   3) The Art and Craft of the Machine.   4) Reading Broadacre.   5) Organic Architecture and the Sustaining Ecosystem.   6) From T-Squares to CAD: Taliesin Across the Generations.   7) Putting Historic Preservation in Perspective.   8) Drawing the Future.   9) Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer: Celebration of a Legacy.   10) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation News.   11) Wright Sites Open to the Public. Includes 66 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 8.5 Pp 64 2018.19.0719
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Spring 2018 Vol. 29 No. 2. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Managing Editor: Abbott, Gabby 1) Graff, Stuart 2) Gray, Jennifer 3) Wright, Frank Lloyd 4&5) Gray, Jennifer 6) Hariri, Gilda 7) O'Mallery... Out of The Ground. 1) Letter From the President & CEO. 2) Letter From The Guest Editor. 3) To Arizona. 4) Teaching Gardens. The Sociology of Plants. 5) Floricycle. 6) Taliesin As Text: The Story of the Desert Masonry at Taliesin West. 7) The Solar Hemicycle and Sustainability. 8) 5 Ways to Bring Frank Lloyd Wright's Organic Principles to Your Home. 9) Remembering Heloise Crista. 10) Frank Lloyd Wright foundation News. 11) Frank Lloyd Wright Store 12) Nature Study: Observe, Document, Design! 13)...  Continued... Pp 48 2018.31.0321
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Summer 2018 Vol. 29 No. 3. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Managing Editor: Abbott, Gabby 1) Graff, Stuart   2) Wright, Frank Lloyd   3) Murphy, Keiran 4) Dalton, Max 5) Stipe, Margo... Taliesin: The Shining Brow. 1) Letter From the President & CEO. 2) Why I Love Wisconsin. 3) An Autobiography in Wood and Stone. 4) A View Over The Shining Brow. 5) A Complete Work of Art. 6) Gift of the Land. 7) More Dramatic Elsewhere. 8) Life of the Party: Minerva Montooth's Seven Decades at Taliesin. 9) A Geothermal System at Taliesin. 10) Abstract Landscapes. 11) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation 12) Frank Lloyd Wright Store 13) Wright Sites Open to the Public. 14) Advancing the Way We Build...  Continued... Pp 48 2018.29.0321
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Fall 2018 Vol. 29 No. 4. (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Managing Editor: Abbott, Gabby  1) Graff, Stuart 2) Wright, Frank Lloyd   3) Reinberger, Mark   4)  Abbott, Gabby 6) Georges... Unbuilt Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture for the Automobile. 1) Letter From the President & CEO. 2) From The Disappearing City. 3) Architecture in Motion: The Gordon Strong Automobile Objective. 4) Seeing What Might Have Been: How David Romero Brings Frank Lloyd Wright's Unbuilt Work to Life. 5) Other Unbuilt Works for the Automobile. Butterfly Wing Bridge. Valley National Bank. Roy Wetmore Car Repair and Showroom, Scheme 1. 6) Unity, Integrity, and Organic Tenuity. 7) Frank Lloyd...  Continued... Pp 48 2018.30.0321
Garden & Gun - June/July 2018 (Published by The Allee Group LLC, Charleston, SC) Green, Josh "Wright Minded." Article on the George Lewis Residence (1952 - S.359). "A Nonprofit Flights to Save the Only Private Frank Lloyd Wright Designed Home in Florida. Byrd Lewis Mashburn steps out of her tiny bedroom and leans against a sweeping balcony made of tidewater red cypress, a favorite building material of her homes architect, one Frank Lloyd Wright. The septuagenarian points to the concrete floor, dyed in Wright's iconic Cherokee Red, and to what lies beyond the living room's towering windows...  Continued... Pp 41 2018.03.0518
Indiana Preservation - March/April 2018 (Published Bi-Monthly by Indiana Landmarks, Indianapolis, Indiana) Anonymous Master Class. Is there a more famous American architect than Frank Lloyd Wright? His work, eventful life, and outsized personal ity have inspired architectural acolytes, documentaries, films, novels, and everything from furniture to finger puppets. Born in 1867 in Wisconsin, his career spanned seven decades, during which he produced 1,114 architectural designs, 532 of which were built.
       It’s a famous pedigree that offers no guarantee of protection. In January, the...  Continued...
Pp Cover, 8-13 2018.57.1024
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 6, No 1. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) 1) Smith, Kathryn A   2) Kalec, Donald G.; Design: O'Malley, Eric M. Double size Issue. Publisher's Description. "Frank Lloyd Wright and Taliesin, his residence and studio in southern Wisconsin, are famous in American architectural circles and are well known internationally as well. The same cannot be said for Henry Fuermann (1861-1949) or for his two sons, Clarence (1883-1982) and Leon (1886-1968). The name Fuermann is attributed to some of the most significant photographs of Wright buildings ever published. Especially Taliesin. Yet, almost nothing is known...  Continued... Pp 80 2018.05.0618
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 6, No 3. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Smith, Kathryn Design: O'Malley, Eric M. Double size Issue. Publisher's Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright's account in his autobiography of the building of the Imperial Hotel (1913-1923, demolished 1968) provides essential information from the architect's own perspective. Valuable as this has proven to be, Wright did not concern himself with the dates and details necessary to weave together an historical sequence of events. The story of the Imperial Hotel is a dramatic one and when the complete outline of events is revealed, the complexity of the building...  Continued... Pp 100 2018.45.0422
Phoenix Home & Garden - October 2018 (Published Monthly by PHG, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona) Rhoades, Rebecca L.: Photography by Woodall, Michael A home designed by Charles Montooth. "Masterwork Renewed. Preserving A Taliesin Legacy. A Frank Lloyd Wright apprentice-designed home embraces the famed architects principles of organic design well manifesting it's creators personal vision. In 1932, legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright opened his Spring Green, Wisconsin, home to 23 aspiring architects who would live with him and study under his tutelage. Three years later, Wright moved his students to a camp in Chandler called "Ocotillo," and...  Continued... Pp Cover, 110-125, 143 2018.39.0921
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Spring 2018 Volume 9 Issue 1 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago) 1) Nemeth, Debra   2) Payne, Edith 3) Waters, John   4-6) Ettelson, Karen    7) Nemeth, Debra 8) Loper, Jason... Wright's Low-Cost Housing. 1) Editor's Message, Passion for Low-Cost Housing.  2) President's Message: An Architect's Creation.  3) Beyond the Single-Family House: Wright's Affordable Apartment Building.  4) The $5,000 Fireproof House and the Myth of Affordable All-Concrete Housing.  5) The Booth Summer Cottage: Wright's Most Affordable Home.  6) Re-Examining Ravine Bluffs' "Affordable" House.  7) American System-Built Houses: Wright's Concept of Housing for All. 8 ) An American...  Continued... Pp 28 2018.04.0618

SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Fall 2018 Volume 9 Issue 2 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago)
1) Payne, Edith   2) Scherubel, Ron   3) Abernathy, Ann   4) Gordon, Barbara   5) Uberoi, Barbara... Preserving Wright.   1) Editor's Message. Preserving Wright.   2) Is Your Wright Building Really Protected.   3) Envisioning a Restored Kalita Humphreys Theater at Turtle Creek.   4) The Fight to Save Lockridge Medical Clinic.   5) The Tonkens Trip: Leaning the Hard Way That Restoration is Personal.   6) When Saving Means Moving: The Lindholm House Saga.   7) A Path Back to Beauty: Preserving the Meaning of Wright's Words.   8) Replacing Mitered Windows at the Eppstein House  . 9) Executive Director's...  Continued... Pp 26 2018.41.1121
Studies In Bibliography, Volume 60, 2018 (Digital Edition) (Published by Bibliography Society of the University of Virginia) Lawler, Daniel L’Architecture Vivante and its Extraits.
       Jean Badovici, a Romanian by birth, studied architecture in Paris at the École des Beaux Arts and the École Spéciale d’Architecture, where he earned his degree in 1919. His subsequent architectural practice consisted largely in his participation in the post-WWII reconstruction of several towns in northeast is participation in the post-WWII reconstruction of several towns in northeast France, and a minor role in his earlier collaboration on his...  Continued...
Pp 251-277 2018.58.1124
Arizona Highways - July 2019 (Published monthly by the Arizona Department of Transportation, Phoenix, Arizona 1) Stieve, Robert;
2&3) Cheek, Lawrence W.

1) Editor's Letter. "I grew up 47 miles from Taliesin - Frank Lloyd Wright's summer home in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Now, I'm 12 miles from Taliesin West, his winter compound in north Scottsdale. My link to the legendary architect, however, has nothing to do with the proximity of our front doors. The nexus, if there is one is Raymond Carlson..." 2) "Different by Design." The Architecture of Arizona. Includes a section on Taliesin West. "Taliesin West - the compound that formed Frank Lloyd Wright's...  Continued...

1) Pp 2;
2) Pp 42-43;
 3) 50-51
Art & Antiques - June 2019 (Published monthly by Art & Antiques Worldwide Media, LLC., New York) Fensom, Sarah E. "Explorer of the New World. Arshile Gorky, an American refugee, remade himself in America, the synthesizing and art practice that brought him to the brink of Abstract Expressionism... The new Gorky enrolled at the National Academy of Design and the Grand Central School of Art (where he would eventually instruct), but was ultimately self-taught. He haunted the halls of museums and poured over pages of art books and magazines. He studied El Greco, Pieter Bruegel the elder, and Paolo Uccello and filled his sketchbook...  Continued... Pp 78-87 2019.03.0619
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Winter 2019 V30 #1 (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Gaff, Stuart 2) Gray, Jennifer   3) Wright, Frank Lloyd   4&5) Gray, Jennifer 6) McCarter, Robert   7) Georges, Aris 8) Pero... Beyond Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright in Postwar Italy.   1) Letter from the President & CEO.   2) Letter from the Guest Editor.   3) Patterns Across Time and Place.   4) The Italian Network, Frank Lloyd Wright's Connections + Influence in Italy.   5). Architettura Organica + Democracy.   6) Quattro Progetti Per Venezia Revisited. Frank Lloyd Wright in Venice 1951, 1972, 2018.   7) forcola.   8) Underlying History. Studying Abroad Unearths Key Insights for Architecture Students...  Continued... Pp 48 2019.37.1021
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Spring 2019 Vol. 30 No. 2 (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Managing Editor: Abbott, Gabby 
1) Graff, Stuart 2) Wagner, Kate 
3) Wright, Frank Lloyd
4) Balli, Emily 5) Anderson...
Timeless. Frank Lloyd Wright + Contemporary Pop Culture.  1) Letter From The President & CEO.  2) Letter From the Guest Editor.  3) A Man 100 Years Ahead of His Time: an Excerpt from the Mike Wallace Interview.  4) Lights! Camera! Architecture!.  5) A Step Ahead: Frank Lloyd Wright's Influence Infinite Relevance. Illustrations by Ellen Surrey.  6) Wright Heaven.  7) The Form and Function of Science Fiction.  8) "Frank Lloyd Wright: Timeless." An Exhibition of Contemporary Art Inspired by...  Continued... Pp 48 2019.34.0921
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly - Summer 2019 V30 #3 (Published quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) 1) Gaff, Stuart 2) Armstrong, Richard   3) Wright, Frank Lloyd  Cloepfil, Brad; Alnwick, Keith   5) Mendelsohn, Ashley    6) Dalton, Max... Standing Out in a Crowd: 60 Years of The Guggenheim.   1) Letter from the President & CEO.   2) Letter from the Guggenheim.   3) Concerning the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.   4) Sixty Years Later: Lessons of The Propositional.   5) Designing in an Icon   6) Wright's Revelation: A Circle Among Squares.   7) Rotunda Reflection.   8) Finding The Light.   9) Activity   10) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation News.   11) Bring the Guggenheim Home.   12) Wright Sites. Includes 60 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 11. Pp 48 2019.38.1021
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 7, No 1. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Lockhart, Susan Jacobs; Perkins, Scott W. The Art of Susan Jacobs Lockhart. Publisher's Description: "This issue focuses on the life and work of artist and Taliesin Fellow, Susan Jacobs Lockhart. With never-before-published drawings, photos, and full-color reproductions of Susan's stunning graphic, glass, textile, and other decorative designs, this issue showcases the breadth of her creative talent." Original cover price $20.00 per issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 52 2019.45.0422
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 7, No 2. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Hammons, Mark Louis Wiehle: An Architect of Principle. Publisher's Description: "This landmark double-sized issue focuses on the life/work of architect and Taliesin Apprentice, Alvin Louis Wiehle (1950-64), who also worked in the John Lautner Studio and later with William L. Pereira before starting his independent practice. An important monograph written by author and historian Mark Hammons and rich with unpublished drawings, photos, and full-color reproductions of Louis Wiehle's amazing career in organic architecture." Original cover price $25.00 per issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 108 2019.46.0422
Journal of Organic Architecture & Design - Volume 7, No 3. (Published three times a year by OAD Archives, Inc., Oak Park, IL) Henning, Randolph C. Ocotillo. Desert Camp Memoir: George Kastner and Frank Lloyd Wright. Publisher's Description: "This issue presents the fascinating story of Wright's earliest designs for the southwestern United States, including Ocotillo and the Chandler Heights Citrus Tract Camp. The George Kastner Collection is the foundation of this issue. Kastner was one of Wright's draftsman during the late 1920s. The collection was obtained by Wright Scholar Brian A. Spencer, curator of the landmark Prairie School Tradition exhibit and catalogue. Full of several never-before-published images and new essay by Randolph C. Henning." Original cover price $20.00 per issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 44 2019.47.0422
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Spring 2019 Volume 10 Issue 1 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago) 1) Breisch, Kenneth   2) Payne, Edith   3) Breisch, Kenneth   4) Herr, Jeffrey   5) Lusvardi, Brandy   6) Olsberg, Nicholas... Wright's Influence in Southern California.   1) Editor's Message. Wright's Omnipresent Influence.  2) President's Message. Planning for the Future.   3) The Long Shadow of Frank Lloyd Wright in Los Angeles.   4) New Life for Residence A at the Barnsdall Complex.   5) Wright's "Little Dipper" and the Schindler Terrace.   6) Utopia in the Desert: Lloyd Wright's City of Mentalphysics.   7) Almost All Wright: The Democratic Nature of Concrete.   8) Updating the Laura Gale House for a Modern...  Continued... Pp 26 2019.39.1121
SaveWright, Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy - Summer Newsletter, July 2019 (Published semi-annually by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago) Executive Director: Gordon, Barbara 1) Wright in the World Spotlight.   2) Wright Report: Building Updates and Action.   3) Conservancy Seeking Proposals to Move Booth Cottage.   4) 2019 Wright Spirit Award Honorees.   5) Out and About Wright in Dallas.   6) Looking Back on fall Conference in Madison.   7) Lindholm House Opens to the Public in Pennsylvania.   8) A Path Forward for Dallas' Humphreys Theater.   9) Wright on the Market.   10) 2018 Board of Directors Election.   11) Overview of 2018 Financial Results.   12) Hoffman...  Continued... Pp 12 2019.40
Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy 2019 Annual Report (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago, Illinois) Exec Dir: Gordon, Barbara 30 Years of Saving Wright.   1) Advocacy Highlights.   2) Education Highlights.   3) Preservation Highlights.   4) 2019 Board of Directors and Staff.   5) 2019 Audited Financials.   6) Thank you to our 2019 Donors.   7) Wright on the Market. Includes 20 photographs. 8.5 x 11 Pp 12 2019.42.1121
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