Title: American Artist - July 1980 - (Published monthly by Billboard Publications, Inc. New York, New York)
Author: Schiller, Marlene
Description: Frances Myers, Wisconsin Print Maker. Commissioned work is a healthy percentage of most artists output. It pays expenses and offers the artist an opportunity to practice his or her art... Frances Myers commission to do a folio of etchings based on the important buildings design by Frank Lloyd Wright (18 69-1959) and in homage to him was one of those special situation's. Myers described it this way: "In the mid-1930s, the F (S). C. Johnson Company, a forward-thinking community-oriented company of Racine, Wisconsin - where I grew up - decided to commission a building the town could be proud of and asked Frank Lloyd Wright to design it. The Johnson Wax building became the town landmark and, as a familiar part of my mental and visual world, shaped my early responses to architecture.
"So when Karen Johnson Keland, the daughter of the man who commissioned the Johnson Wax building, decided to commemorate the building by commissioning a print of it - which ultimately led to the folio for Keland's Perimeter Press - I felt I was somehow completing a circle" Includes five examples of her work related to Frank Lloyd Wright. Original cover price $1.50.
Size: 8.25 x 11
Pages: Pp 48-53 74 77
ST#: 1980.62.0122AMERICAN ART REVIEW Date: 1975
Title: American Art Review - May-June 1975 (Published Bi-monthly by the Kellaway Publishing Company, Los Angeles, CA)
Author: 1) Gorky, Arshile Author: 2) Sullivan, Louis Author: 3) Wright, Frank Lloyd Description: 1) "Stuart Davis, 1931 ...Yet the silent consequences of Stuart Davis moves us to the cool and intellectual world we're all human emotions are disciplined upon rectangular proportions. Here these relations take us to the scientific world where all dreams evaporate and logic plays its greatest victory, where the physical world triumphs over all tortures, where all clumsiness dies, and leaves only the elements of virtue, where the aesthetic world takes new impulse for new consequences..." Includes one illustration by Davis and two by Gorky.
Size: 8.5 X 11Description: 2) "Chicago Architecture 1880-1893, 1924. It is easy to become an addict of the writings of Louis Henri Sullivan (1856 to 1924). His ability with words and ideas nearly equaled his genius as an architect. He wrote books, magazine articles, lectures, and poems in pros. Probably his most famous essay is the "Tall Office Building Artistically Considered," 1896, an introduction to the skyscraper in American architecture." Includes 7 photographs. Description: 3) Book Review: Genius and the Mobocracy. "The Master's Work, 1949." Reprint of a portion of Book Three, Chapter 5. "The new in the old and old in the new is ever principle. Principle is all and single the reality the beloved master, Louis Sullivan, ever loved. It gave to the man stature and to his work, true significance. His loyalty to principle was the more remarkable as vision when all around him poisonous cultural mists hung low to obscure or blight any bright hope of finer beauty in the matter of this world..." Includes a portrait of Wright and three photographs of his work. Original cover price $3.75. Pages: 1) Pp 124-126 Pages: 2) Pp 127-32 Pages: ) Pp 132-136 ST#: 1994.00.0620 AMERICAN ARTS & ANTIQUES / ARTS & ANTIQUES Date: 1979 Title: American Art & Antiques March-April 1979
Author: Hanks, David
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright's Decorative Designs: Harmony in the House. Concerns the Decorative Design Exhibits at different locations in 1979.
Pages: Pp 100-7
ST#: 1979.08.0402
Date: 1979 Title: American Art & Antiques - May-June 1979
Author: Reese, Richard Dana
Description: At Home in a Work of Art: Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Masterpiece (Friedman House). See photographs of the Friedman House published in this article.
Pages: Pp 60-67
ST#: 1979.05.0501
Author: Kenner, Hugh
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright's Tree of Life. How a stained-glass window could make a building stand up. Original list price $6.00.
Pages: Pp 96
ST#: 1985.13.0105
Date: 1992
Title: Art & Antiques - May 1992 (Published monthly by Trans World Publishing, Inc. New York)
Author: Patner, Andrew; Sullivan, Louis
Description: Cover Text: "Chicago Rediscovers Wright & Sullivan."¯ Antique Chicago. "Thus We Have Now the Abounding Freedom of Eclecticism, the Winning Smile of Taste, but No Architecture! For Architecture, Be it Known, Is Dead. Let Us Therefore Lightly Dance on its Grave, Strewing Roses as We Glide. Indeed Let Us Gather, in Procession, in the Night, in the Rain, and Make Soulful, Fluent, Epicene Orations to the Living Dead We Neuters Eulogize."¯ - Louis H. Sullivan.
"In 1987, as part of a comprehensive renovation of its galleries, the Art Institute of Chicago unveiled "Fragments of Chicago's Past,"¯ a permanent installation of architectural ornament ringing the museum's grand Central Staircase. Featuring the sensuous flowering brasswork of Louis Henri Sullivan, the geometric color-poems of Frank Lloyd Wright's leaded glass, and the wry sprites of sculptor and Wright collaborator Alfonso lanelli, the display was - and is -- a celebration of the richness of design, color, and materials that marked the buildings of the Chicago and Prairie schools from the 1880s into the 1920s.
But the exhibition is a bittersweet one, for unlike the museum's rich holdings of Monet and Seurat, Titian and Brancusi, the fragments displayed are just that - pieces of lost wholes, remnants of architectural visions saved from the wrecker's ball. Chicago's early men of affairs rebuilt their city as both risen phoenix and beacon for the future after the infamous 1871 Chicago fire. Their successors, however, valued profit over craft, wantonly destroying or "modernizing" the pioneering handiwork that made the city synonymous with American architecture's golden age..." Includes 18 photographs related to Wright and Sullivan. Original cover price $4.95.
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pp 68-74
ST#: 1992.155.0423Date: 1995 Title: Art & Antiques - September 1995 (Published monthly by Trans World Publishing, Inc. New York)
Author: Prisant, Carol
Description: "Decorating the Century."¯ Includes paragraph on Wright and one photo. Original cover price $4.95.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 51, 55
ST#: 1995.43.0405
Date: 2000 Title: Art & Antiques - March 2000
Description: Top Treasures of the Century; Arch: Robie House, Fallingwater, Furniture: Willitts House
Pages: Pp 89, 90 118
ST#: 2000.06.0801
Date: 2008
Title: Art & Antiques - June 2008 (Published monthly by CurtCo/AA, LLC, New York, New York)
Author: Torre, Michael Allan
Description: "Defying Gravity. In Today's Museum Architecture, the Only Rule Is That There Are No Rules. Since then, Museum design has evolved in dramatic fashion. With his hugely successful Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright turned Museum design upside down - literally - with his rounded wide-at-the-top, narrow-at-the-bottom design completed in 1959, the year of his death. Rather than reinforcing the notion of gravity, as museums traditionally have done, it defy gravity. Round in both exterior and interior, it seemed to issue a challenge to the rectangular buildings that surrounded it. Includes two photographs of the Guggenheim Museum. Original cover price $9.00.
Size: 9 x 10.75
Pages: Pp Cover, 70-79
ST#: 2008.46.0521Date: 2019
Title: Art & Antiques - June 2019 (Published monthly by Art & Antiques Worldwide Media, LLC., New York)
Author: Fensom, Sarah E.
Description: "Explorer of the New World. Arshile Gorky, an American refugee, remade himself in America, the synthesizing and art practice that brought him to the brink of Abstract Expressionism... The new Gorky enrolled at the National Academy of Design and the Grand Central School of Art (where he would eventually instruct), but was ultimately self-taught. He haunted the halls of museums and poured over pages of art books and magazines. He studied El Greco, Pieter Bruegel the elder, and Paolo Uccello and filled his sketchbook books with examples of Fayum mummy portraits, Pompeii wall paintings, and Japanese works he discovered at the Met. "He was inhabiting the point of view, techniques, and skills of other artists throughout space and time," says Spender. But this mode of self-pedagogy was so affective, notes Devaney, not simply because it employed studying the masters but because of "how well Gorky chose," adding that Betty Parsons, one of the last century's most noted arbiters of taste, said she had met no one with a more elevated authenticity of sensibility..." Includes 12 examples of Gorky's work. Original cover price $7.99.
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pp 78-87
ST#: 2019.03.0619
AMERICAN MAGAZINE OF ART Date: 1931 Title: American Magazine of Art - August 1931 (Published monthly by The American Federation of Arts, Washington D. C.)
Author: Bright, John Irwin
Description: Book Review: "Modern Architecture," Wright, 1931. $4.00. "These six lectures that Mr. Wright delivered in Princeton last year can be summed up as a statement of his belief that naturalness and honesty of purpose are the foundation of all true art. They are much more than a treatise on any special form of architecture. They embody, rather, his philosophy of the entire range of art, although the word "philosophy." taken in its usual connotation as a process of cold and speculative reasoning, does not fully prepare one for Mr. Wright's fire and passion... But of even greater value that the technician is the thinker - the man who can broaden our mental horizon. In our present temper there is scant danger that there will ever be too many men like Frank Lloyd Wright." Original cover price 50 cents. (Sweeney 256)
Size: 7.75 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 170-172
S#: 0256.00.1015
Date: 1933
Title: The American Magazine of Art - December 1933 (Published monthly by The American Federation of Arts, Washington D. C.)
Author: Watrous, James
Description: Field Notes: Taliesin Fellowship. James Watrous, a recent visitor to Taliesin, near Spring Green, Wisconsin, was good enough to send us word of the progress made during the Fellowship's first year. The Taliesin Fellowship is Frank Lloyd Wright's school for architecture and the allied arts. The progress noted has to do with the development of the physical plant, "a series of buildings to house the physical necessities for creative work in architecture, painting, sculpture, music, and drama."
"About thirty Fellowship apprentices have worked with skilled laborers to build the units that they will soon occupy. Those. near. completion are the central building, which includes the library, theatre, and living room, the main drafting studio, and the women's dormitory.
"The Hillside-Home School, built by Wright at the turn of the century for his aunts, the Misses Jones, who there conducted one of the earliest progressive schools, is the nucleus of the present development. A wing of the former school has become the Fellowship theatre, and will soon be a center for the dramatic work of the school. Individual seats and benches are designed for particular functions in the auditorium, but are removable, thus permitting the unobstructed use of the main floor for other purposes. The original values of the stained woods in beams and walls have been retained but in contrast to them the colorful decorations in the seats and curtains impart theatrical atmosphere. Strong coloration in the powerful reds, greens, blues, and purples, set off by blacks and the deep-stained woods, gives the tenor of the designs for the curtains and the seats. Furnishings for the theatre were designed and made by students.
"At the opposite end of the building from the theatre is the living room and library. To the north the central drafting studio and apprentice quarters are located. These are connected to the older unit by an overhead passageway bridging the main drive into the grounds. Skylights for the drafting room have been completed and work on individual students' rooms is advancing. One fine feature of this new unit is that the apprentice quarters are on two long hallways flanking the main studio. Thus, an apprentice has easy access to the main workroom without disturbing his fellows.
"Directly east of the studio, apprentices are building a long runway that will provide shelter from rain and Wisconsin snows, as far as the dining room and women's dormitory end of the runway is located.
"At present the majority of the apprentices still reside at Taliesin, the home of Frank Lloyd Wright, which lies on the crest of the second hill to the north."¯ (Sweeney 365)
Size: 7.75 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 552-553
S#: 0365.00.0123
Caption: "Frank Lloyd Wright: Plan of Taliesin Fellowship (Detail). Shaded Portions Are Nearing Completion."¯ Original coveer price 50c.
ANTIQUES Date: 1993
Title: Antiques - February 1993
Author: Wilk, Christopher
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright room in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Office of Edgar J. Kaufman Sr.
Pages: Pp 280-3
ST#: 1993.16.0302Date: 2001
Title: Antiques - April 2001
Author: Sloan, Julie L.
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright's Light Screens: The influence of Japan
Pages: Pp 628-35
ST#: 2001.22.0902Date: 2008
Title: Antiques - August 2008 (Published monthly by Brant Publications, Inc., New York, New York)
Author: Mansfield, Howard
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Zimmerman House. The house on the corner of Heather and Union Streets in Manchester, New Hampshire, is surprising. It's a low-slung arrow, as taut as an army cot. When Frank Lloyd Wright designed this Usonian house for Isidore J. and Lucille Zimmerman in 1950, nine out of ten new houses built were ranch style. The Zimmerman House was an upscale cousin to the ranch; now it is estranged. Today, new houses look like a collision at the corner of Queen Anne and colonial. This house is not aging. It is getting more modern as the years pass..." Includes eight photographs of the Zimmerman Residence. Original cover price $5.00.
Size: 9 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 72-77
ST#: 2008.47.0721
Title: Antiques & Fine Art - July/August 1989 (Clipping only)
Author: Maher, Thomas K.
Description: "A New Beginning in Los Angeles. Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House. Frank Lloyd Wright's comments in his autobiography on Hollyhock House and the surrounding complex indicate the enthusiasm and regard in which he held this commission, the first of seven private residences designed and constructed in Los Angeles from 1919-1926: "Individuality is the most precious thing in life after all, isn't it? An honest democracy must believe that it is. In any expression of human spirit it is principle, manifest as character that alone endures. Individuality is the true property of character. Hollyhock House is such a house" " Includes 10 photographs. Original cover price $4.50. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 94-101
ST#: 1989.104.0616Date: 1990
Title: Antiques & Fine Art - January/February 1990 (Published bi-monthly by Fine Arts Publishing, San Jose, CA)
Author: Chusid, Jeffrey M.
Description: "Concrete and Light. A Fabric For Living: The Freeman House of Frank Lloyd Wright. A trio of structures, the Storer, Ennis and Freeman Houses, sit a few miles from each other high on bluffs in the Hollywood Hills - strange and wonderful mixtures of ancient ruin and futuristic vision - the textiles-block houses of Frank Lloyd Wright..." Includes 11 photographs. Original cover price $3.95.
Size: 8.3 x 11.
Pages: Pp Cover, 3, 76-81
ST#: 1990.26.0902
Title: Antiques Journal - September 1966
Author: Anonymous
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright Stamp
Pages: Pp 29
S#: 1679.02.1002
ART & AUCTION Date: 1992 Title: Art & Auction - April 1992 (Published monthly, except July/August, by Art & Auction, New York.)
Author: Brenson, Michael
Description: Cover illustration: Frank Lloyd Wright's vision of the Guggenheim Museum, seen here in a 1955 rendering by the architect. "Big Time at The Guggenheim. Big Art, Big Names, Big Shows, Big Money and Big Ideas are Driving Thomas Krens's Museum. But Michael Brenson wonders if it's all a big mistake. When the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum reopens in June, the art world will finally begin to get answers to questions that have been accumulating for more than three years now, since the then little-known Thomas Krens was called to New York City from Williamstown, Massachusetts, in the heart of Yankee America, and given the helm of one of this country's least trendy and most European Museum..." Besides the cover, there is one illustration of the Guggenheim Museum, by Richard Hamilton, 1965-66.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 90-95 129-131
ST#: 1992.102.1015
3) Poster bound into magazine: Frank Lloyd Wright"s Guggenheim Museum. Poetry in concrete. "The museum is to be suitable for the new abstract art in which line, color, and form make up all language in themselves. The building will be a huge, white sculpture and it and the paintings will combine to form a beautiful poem." - Frank Lloyd Wright..." Illustration: Richard Estes. The Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, oil on canvas. 31" x 55"Date: 1981
Title: Art & Man - April/May 1981 (Published by Scholastic, Inc. under the direction of National Gallery of Art.)
Author: Editor: Janet Soderberg
Description: 1) Frank Lloyd Wright. The American Dream. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright was called "the most arrogant man who ever lived," and "the most creative genius of all time." Find out how this controversial artist almost single-handedly invented a new American architecture. The structures you see on these pages. Guggenheim Museum and Fallingwater are among the most famous and important works of modern art ever created. They don't look that unusual today, but when they were built, nothing like these two buildings had ever been seen before..."
2) "Visions of Perfection. The inside of a Frank Lloyd Wright house was just as important as the outside. Frank Lloyd Wright felt that every detail contributed to the total look of the space. So, when he designed a home he designed everything - furniture, curtains, rugs, window glass, lights, vases, dishes, napkins, silverware, musical instruments, even some of the clothes his clients were to wear in the house. Wright said, "Only in a grudging and dim way did the clients ever understand this idea. Usually they ran out of money and had to drag their old furniture into their new world. (The David Wright Residence.)
3) Poster: Frank Lloyd Wright"s Guggenheim Museum. Poetry in concrete. "The museum is to be suitable for the new abstract art in which line, color, and form make up all language in themselves. The building will be a huge, white sculpture and it and the paintings will combine to form a beautiful poem." - Frank Lloyd Wright..." Illustration: Richard Estes. The Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, oil on canvas. 31" x 55"
4) "Frank Lloyd Wright: Defiant Genius. A flowing cape, a wide-brimmed hat, a graceful and commanding presence, a deep, pleasing voice, a handsome face topped by a head of snowy hair, and a long cane held like an orchestra conductor. Is this the description of a TV personality, a film star, or an actor? Although people knew that Frank Lloyd Wright was an architect, they were much more familiar with his personality than his buildings...."
5) "The Monstrosity? Find out what it was like to be among the first to see Frank Lloyd Wright"s most famous building. On a crisp fall day in 1959, a number of people could be seen hurrying up New York City's Fifth Avenue. By early afternoon a crowd of thousands waited patiently behind the police barricades. For seven years most of them had watched this structure rise on the vacant lot across from Central Park. Each day it looked stranger than it had the day before. Promptly at 2 P.M the doors were opened and the curious public entered the new Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum for the first time..."
6) Creating Your Dream House. Frank Lloyd Wright created this design for someone who wanted to have three connected houses. Frank Lloyd Wright treated architecture as sculpture. In many of his buildings, block like masses are balanced, repeated and contrasted so they work from every angle, just as a sculpture would. Wright uses massive forums, but it is the way in which these forms interact with the "negative" spaces that surround them, that make his structures so unique. Illustration of the Mrs. D. Jay. Donahue Residence (project) near Scottsdale Arizona...."
Includes sixteen photographs and illustrations. Original cover price 75c.
Size: 8.2 x 10.9
Pages: Pp Cover, 2-5, 9-16
ST#: 1981.144.1017
ART BULLETIN Date: 1941 Title: The Art Bulletin - March 1941 (Published Quarterly by The College Art Association of America, New York)
Author: Hitchcock, Henry-Russell
Description: Exhibitions and Collections: "Frank Lloyd Wright at the Museum of Modern Art. This past winter's exhibition of the work of Frank Lloyd Wright at the Museum of Modern Art - November 13, 1940 to January 5, 1941 - was certainly the most important architectural exhibition that has been held there since the international exhibition of Modern Architecture of 1832... I wrote, "There is already no question that Wright is one of the greatest architects of all time." It is unnecessary to repeat that statement today..." Includes photographs of two models, Willey and Jester, and four illustrations, "A Home in a Prairie Town" Perspective and two plans, and the Pauson residence. Original cover price $3.00. (Sweeney 552)
Size: 9.25 x 12
Pages: Pp 73-76a
S#: 0552.00.0514
Date: 1966 Title: The Art Bulletin - June 1966 (Published by the College Art Association of America, New York)
Author: Brooks, H. Allen
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Wasmuth Drawings. Never has interest in Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural drawings been greater than it is today. More major publications and exhibitions have recently been devoted to his drawings than to his architecture, and these drawings of the buildings, rather than phonographs, are increasingly used to illustrate his work. This enthusiasm has been reflected in the soaring price (today quoted in four figures) of Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright, the folio of drawings that was first published by Ernst Wasmuth of Berlin in 1910, which serves as the basis for this study..." Includes 32 illustrations and three photographs. Original cover price $4.00. (Sweeney 1654)
Size: 10 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 193-202
S#: 1654.00.0815
Date: 1985 Title: The Art Bulletin - June 1985 (Published quarterly by the College Art Association of America, Inc., New York)
Author: Smith, Kathryn
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright and the Imperial Hotel: A Postscript. Includes 24 photos and illustrations. Author's Proof. Signed by Kathryn Smith.
Size: 9 x 11.5
Pages: Pp 296-310
ST#: 1985.16.0405
Date: 1985
Title: The Art Bulletin - June 1985 (Published quarterly by the College Art Association of America, Inc., New York)
Author: Smith, Kathryn
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright and the Imperial Hotel: A Postscript. Editor's description: "Very little is known of the inception and building a Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel beyond Wright's Autobiography first published in 1932. This article addresses such fundamental concerns as the date when Wright first heard of the project and how and when he received the commission; where the building was to be located and in what context; when the drawings were executed; what the project schedule was; the delays, and their consequences; when and how Wright travel to Japan and how much time he spent there; when the Annex was built; and under what circumstances the building was completed." Includes 24 photos and illustrations. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 9 x 11.5
Pages: Pp 296-310
ST#: 1985.65.0618
ART DIGEST Date: 1931 Title: The Art Digest - 1st Oct, 1931 (Published Semi-monthly October to May, monthly June to September by The Art Digest, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Wright on a Jury. After delivering a series of lectures at the New School for Social Research, New York, Frank Lloyd Wright, often called "the father of the modern school of architecture," has gone to Rio de Janeiro, where he will serve as North America's representative on the international jury of architects who will select the winning design for the Columbus Memorial Lighthouse n the harbor of Santo Domingo... Today he is considered by many the source of inspiration for the present form of modern architecture and decoration throughout the world. When Prof. Einstein was on his way home from California, he consented to stop three hours in Chicago on the condition that he might have the entire three hours alone with Frank Lloyd Wright." Original cover price 25c.
Size: 8.25 x 11.75
Pages: Pp 18
ST#: 0300.00.0510
Date: 1936
Title: The Art Digest - 1st May, 1936 (Published monthly June - September, Semi-Monthly October - May by The Art Digest, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: " "Old-Fashioned" Print Wins in Philadelphia. Ralph Fletcher Seymour was awarded the Charles M. Lea prize at the Philadelphia Print Club's 13th annual exhibition of American etching, which will remain on view until May 2. His print, entitled "Steamboat at the Landing," shows a seated girl gazing out of a half-curtained window toward the river craft in the distance. "It is the sort of print," says C. H. Bonte in the Philadelphia Inquirer, "that the moderns will call old-fashioned, and it is indeed true that the technique of an older day, involving much more cross-hatching than is customary in such work now, is strongly in evidence..." Includes one illustration of Seymour's work. Original cover price 25 cents.
Size: 8.25 x 11.75
Pages: Pp 21
S#: 0404.30.1016Date: 1940 Title: The Art Digest - February 15, 1940 (Published Semi-monthly October to May, Monthly June to September by The Art Digest, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Wright in Boston"¯ "... Wright came to town the seek and did his darndest to stir up battle. Wright went to Boston on the occasion of the opening of an exhibition of his work at the Institute of Modern Art."¯ Original cover price 25 cents.
Size: 8.7 x 12.1
Pages: Pg 28
ST#: 0531.00.0607
ART IN AMERICA Date: 1957 Title: Art in America - Fall 1957
Author: Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr.
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright 3 new churches. (Sweeney 1175) Beth Sholem Synagogue, Philadelphia. Greek Orthodox Church, Milwaukee. Christian Science Church, Bolinas, California.
Pages: Pp 22-25
S#: 1175.00.1202
Date: 1959 Title: Art in America - Winter 1958-59 (Hard bound cover)
Author: Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr.
Description: "The form of space for art - Wright's Guggenheim Museum." (*Note: Sweeney catalogues this in 1958, Copyright is actually 1959.) Original cost $2.95 (Sweeney 1238)
Pages: Pp 74-77
S#: 1238.00.1204
Date: 1959
Title: Art in America - Spring 1959 (Hard Cover) (Published quarterly Vision, Inv., New York)
Author: Canaday, John
Description: Article includes Frank Lloyd Wright. "New Talent Fifty Years Ago. Fifty years, or half a century, is a good resounding number, appealing to our delusion that history is a succession of forward steps neatly marked off between boundaries of hundred years, instead of the tangled and contradictory business it turns out to be... We decided that two architects, one "advanced" and one conservative but sound, must represent the whole profession. There was no question as to choice: Frank Lloyd Wright and Bettram Goodhue. Wright, who was forty-one, and had around 200 commissions behind him, had just completed his Robie House, but he was new talent if ever there was any, and he still is, from building to building..." Includes one photograph of the Robie House.
Size: 9.25 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 19-33
S#: 1377.82.0417Date: 1965 Title: Art in America - June 1965 (Published bi-monthly by Art in America Co., Inc., New York)
Author: 1) Messer, Thomas M.
Description: 1) "The Growing Guggenheim. Editorial: Past and Future."¯ Includes four photographs and one illustration. 2) "Evolution of a Museum."¯ Begins in 1926 with the introduction of Baroness Hilla Rebay. Includes seven photographs and two illustration. Original cover price $3.00.
Size: 9.5 x 12
Pages: Pp 1) Cover 24-27 2) 28-32
S#: 1616.00.0806
Date: 1966 Title: Art in America - May/June 1966 (Published bi-monthly by Art in America Co., Inc., New York) Author: Robbins, Eugenia S. Author: Keisler, Frederick J. Author: Baro, Gene Description: Review of Books by and about Frank Lloyd Wright. "Taliesin: Bard and Builder. Among the quantity of recent literature published on architecture, it is understandable and justifiable that a considerable portion should be either buy or about perhaps the greatest American master of them all -- Frank Lloyd Wright. What is surprising about the recent spate of Wright books is that instead of being largely interpretive works, as one would expect now that the long and fruitful Life of the man has ended, they are often re-issues of Wright source materials, long out of print or inaccessible. The two publishers most responsible for these publications are Horizon Press and the Prairie School Press, both of whom deserved congratulations..." Includes reviews of 17 books related top Wright. (Sweeney 1671). Description: 1) Includes references to Frank Lloyd Wright. "The Future: Notes on Architecture as Sculpture... The outstanding man concerned with architecture as sculpture in our time are two uncompromising, steadfast believers in the destiny of man: Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier. Thank God for them! I bow to their courage and perseverance... Only at the end of Frank Lloyd Wright life was he permitted to build his masterpiece of architecture and sculpture - the Guggenheim Museum of New York..." Includes one photograph of the interior of the Guggenheim Museum. Description: 2) "Britain's New Printmakers." Includes one photograph of a print of the Guggenheim Museum by Richard Hamilton, 1965. Original cover price $3.00. Size: 9.5 x 12. Pages: Pp 120 124 Pages: Pp 62-63 Pages: Pp 96-97 S#: 1671.00.1018 Date: 1970
Title: Art in America - September/October 1970 (Published bi-monthly by Art in America Co., Inc., New York)
Author: Glueck, Grace
Description: Wright windows on view at the Richard Feigen Gallery. "Around the time that (Patrick Henry) Bruce was Matisse-ing in Paris, Frank Lloyd Wright was designing some of this country's greatest house (a purely phenomeno-logical circumstances: the only thing the two have in common is a place on this season's agenda). A souvenir of that Wright era will be on view from mid-September to mid-October, when they Richard Feigen Gallery, downtown branch, shows a dozen windows, taken from a pergola of the home he designed for Darwin D. Martin in Buffalo, 1904. The windows are of the casement variety; Wright believed in fenestration that "associate the house with out-of-doors," and firmly battled for it with old fashion clients who insisted on "guillotine" or double hung windows..." Includes one photograph of the Darwin Martin window. Original cover price $2.75.
Size: 9 x 12.
Pages: Pp 39
S#: 1822.00.1018Date: 1983 Title: Art in America - September 1983
Author: Levine, Neil
Description: Hollyhock House and the Romance of Southern California
Pages: Pp 150 - 165
ST#: 1983.01.0201
Date: 1992 Title: Art in America - September 1992 (Published by Brant Art Publications Inc.)
Author: Johnson, Ken Author: Heartney, Eleanor Description: "Starship Guggenheim." Update on Guggenheim Museums worldwide. Original List Price $4.95. Description: "Wright Rewrit." Expanding the Guggenheim with Gwathmey Siegel. Original List Price $4.95. Size: 9 x 10.75 Size: 9 x 10.75 Pages: Pp 106-119 Pages: Pp 75 108-115 S#: 1992.45.0105 S#: 1992.46.0105 Date: 2009
Title: Art in America - September 2009 (Published monthly except June/July by Brant Art Media, Inc, New York)
Author: Betsky, Aaron
Description: Wrong Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright Buried in the Guggenheim. Last Spring's exhibition of Picasso's mosqueteros at Gagosian Gallery in New York and the subsequent sale of two examples of related work at Auction for a little over (Sotheby's) and a little under (Christie) $10 million again raise the subject of the worth of an artist's late work... The Frank Lloyd Wright exhibition that filled his late masterpiece, the Guggenheim Museum, at the same time the Picasso's were on view, raised many of the same questions (late de Kooning shows come to mind as well). Even though the Guggenheim's "Frank Lloyd Wright: From Within" was billed as a full career retrospective, the true point of the exhibition was to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the building that houses the Guggenheim and is one of Wright's most distinctive and well-known designs... Includes four photographs and illustrations of the Guggenheim. Original cover price $9.00.
Size: 8.5 x 10.9
Pages: Pp 128-133
ST#: 2009.55.0821ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO Date: 1988 Title: Art Institute of Chicago - 1988 - Volume 13, No. 2 (Published by the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois)
Author: 1) Miller, Ross; 2) Twombly, Robert; 3) Pare, Richard
Description: 1) "Burnham, Sullivan, Roark, and the Myth of the Heroic Architect. Howard Roark, as played by Gary Cooper in the movie version of The Fountainhead, epitomized the myth of the architectural hero... While visionaries like Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright were thought to be Rand's model for Roark, it was Daniel Burnham whose career and attitude toward the profession..." Includes one portrait of Wright (June 8, 1957) and two photographs of the Heath Residence. 2) "Small Blessings: The Burnham Library's Louis H. Sullivan Collection. Louis Henry Sullivan has always been an enigma... Frank Lloyd Wright reported that Sullivan's drawings were "the dearest treasure of his [Sullivan's] heart." " 3) "A selection of Architectural Photographs from the Burnham Library." Includes six photographs related to Wright; Steffens Residence (2); Coonley Residence (1); Midway Gardens (1); Ward Willitts Residence (1); Taliesin, Spring Green (1). 9,500 copies printed. Original cover price $8.50.
Size: 8.5 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 86-95; 146-157; 158-167
ST#: 1988.73.0614
Title: The Art-Interchange - June 1900 (Published monthly by The Art Interchange Co., New York)
Author: Pattison, James William
Description: Husser Residence. "Two fireplaces in mosaic have attractive much attention in Chicago. One is in true mosaic such as the centuries have known: the other is different, and called "mosaic" simply for convenience. It is a new invention, or a new application -- which amounts to the same thing... Frank Lloyd Wright, architect, is responsible for the creation of the innovation, and Orlando Giannnini invented the new glass work... The motive use by Miss Ostertag is based on the study of the wisteria vine in blossom. The thick trunks of the vine climb up either jamb and, branching, lose themselves in a mass of well-drawn foliage above a conventionalized wall. The bunches of flowers are not formally arranged, but seem to grow as the accidents of nature allowed..." Although the article does not mention the Husser Residence by name, the Martin Residence was not designed until 1904. Includes one photograph of the Husser fireplace. (Digital copy.)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 130-131
S#: 0041.25.1018
ART JOURNAL Date: 1963 Title: The Art Journal - Fall 1963 (Published quarterly by the College Art Association of America, New York)
Author: Pyron, Bernard
Description: "Wright's Small Rectangular Houses. Frank Lloyd Wright is recognized as one of the greatest architects of the modern age, probably the most outstanding American Architect of our century. Yet Wright built few public building during his career, although the few executed works were influential enough to give him an important place in architectural history..." Six illustrations include the Weisblatt, Pratt, Carr, Grant (interior and exterior) and the Levin Residences. Four illustrations include the Brown, Lovness, Penfield and Sanders Residences. Original cover price $1.00.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 20-24
S#: 1558.00.0613
Date: 1965
Title: Art Journal - Fall 1965 (Published quarterly by the College Art Association of America, New York)
Author: Dennis, James M.; Wenneker, Lu B.
Description: "Ornamentation and the Organic c Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. In examining the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright it is only natural to concentrate on the three dimensional, on the masterful articulation of solids and voids. After all, as one of his early students put it, Wright's main concern was obviously not mechanical delineation, but "that immeasurably greater thing, the large scale manipulation of spaces and masses into a vital, intrinsic architecture." With this observation in mind it is not surprising to learn that much of the detailed drawing and drafting was left to student assistance. It is also not unusual for these who analyze Wright's architecture to become preoccupied with the dynamics of a plan or elevation. To describe spatial continuity riders search for objectives suggesting constant movement: "hovering roofs," "embracing rooms," "rhythmic patterns of sliding lines and planes," and so on...," Includes sixteen photographs and illustrations of Wright's work. Acquired from a bookseller in Berlin Germany. (Sweeney 1606)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 2-14
S#: 1606.00.1221
THE ART NEWS Date: 1932 Title: The Art News - February 13, 1932
Author: Flint, Ralph
Description: "Present Trends In Architecture In Fine Exhibit". Enlightening showing of work in the International Style now on view at the Museum of Modern Art. ...Special emphasis is given to the work of Frank Lloyd Wright as one of the great pioneers in American architecture...
Pages: Pp 5-6
S#: 0361.01.1104
Date: 1940 Title: The Art News - February 24, 1940 (Published Weekly from October to middle of June, Monthly during July to September by Art News Inc., New York.)
Author: Udall, Mary C.
Description: "Wright: Great U.S. Architect. First Comprehensive Exhibition at Boston's Modern Institute."¯ He has been published and lauded in Europe for thirty years as one of the great architects of our century, his work has not been given a comprehensive exhibition in America. Includes four photographs. Original cover price 25c. (Sweeney 526)
Size: 10 x 14
Pages: Pp 6-7 16
S#: 0526.00.1106
Date: 1953 Title: Art News - October 1953
Author: Anonymous Author: Frank Lloyd Wright Description: Frank Lloyd Wright. Review of Exhibit at the Guggenheim Museum, Oct 9 - Nov 15, 1953 Description: Frank Lloyd Wright: some answers. Dialogue which is being published in "The Future of Architecture", from a London lecture hall, 1939. Size: Size: Pages: Pp 44 Pages: Pp 42-3 S#: 0932.00.0102 S#: 0977.00.0102 Date: 1954 Title: Art News - March 1954 (Published monthly from September to May and quarterly May-August by The Art Foundation, Inc., New York)
Author: Scully, Vincent J. Jr.
Description: "Wright vs the International Style. Although Frank Lloyd Wright is the greatest originator of modern architecture, how has his style been affected by influences from European architects whose works he has been violently attacking?... Wright's influence on Europe: 1910-11 German publication of Wright's early work gave direction to the new European architects. Wright's Mason City (Iowa) Hotel, 1908 is clearly the prototype of Gropius" Factory in the 1914 Cologne Exposition." Includes 10 photographs and eight illustrations. Original cover price $1.00.
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 32-35, 64-66
S#: 1031.00.0510
Date: 1956 Title: Art News - February 1956 (Published monthly September to May, quarterly June-August by The Art Foundation, New York)
Author: Scully, Vincent J. Jr. Author: Kaufmann, Edgar Description: Book Review: "Architecture and ancestor worship." An American Architecture, Wright/Kaufmann, 1855. "...In normal familial competition with this combination stands Frank Lloyd Wright, the archetype of the grandfather image in any mythology of the grandfather image in any mythology. As such he characteristically reaches out across the intervening generation toward the minds of his grandchildren, whom their fathers long ago took away to raise in the city..." Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1056 & 1135) Description: "Scraping the skies of Italy. A tower building, designed and now being built in Milan puts a new look on the old American art of skyscraper construction. ...No new tall buildings, I believe, so handsomely and so well conceived in structure, utility and setting can be found in the Americas today, if we except the two small Midwest communities where Frank Lloyd Wright has been employed by enlightened patrons..." Kaufmann makes additional comparisons to Wright's work. Includes three illustrations related to Wright's work. Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Pages: Pp 26 56-57 Pages: Pp 38-41 S#: 1135.00.0316 S#: 1135.01.0316 Date: 1982 Title: Art News - March 1982 (Published monthly except quarterly June, July and August by ARTnews Associates, New York)
Author: Rowell, Margit
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Temple to Human Creativity."¯ Though she has worked there daily for over 12 years, a curator says she has never ceased to wonder at Wright's Guggenheim Museum. Includes one photograph. Original cover price $3.00.
Size: 8.25 x 11
Pages: Pp 126-127
ST#: 1982.29.1206
Date: 1984 Title: Art News - April 1984
Author: Kimmelman, Michael
Description: "The Frank Lloyd Wright Estate Controversy". The recent sale of the architect's drawings was a financial success. But critics call it a failure of faith.
Pages: Pp 102-105
ST#: 1984.12.0604
Date: 1999 Title: Art News - May 1999 (Published by ARTnews L.L.C., New York)
Author: Kahn, Eve M.
Description: "The Century's 25 Most Influential Artist. Caped Crusader." Wright listed as one of 25. Original List Price $6.00.
Size: 8.25 x 10.75
Pages: Pp Cover, 152
ST#: 1999.41.0205
Title: The Art Quarterly - Summer 1953 (Published quarterly by the Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan)
Author: Manson, Grant Carpenter
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Fair of "93. In his role as confidant and privileged draftsman to Louis Sullivan, the preparations for the World's Columbian Fair at Chicago in 1893 were for many months a matter of immediate, practical concern to Frank Lloyd Wright. The design of the Transportation Building, Adler and Sullivan's agonizingly small share of the total layout, and one which seemed hopelessly engulfed by the title wave of Beaux-Arts revivalism that was destined to be the Fair's pervading style, was never the less an important commission. How many hours Wright, Sullivan's talented young up-country protƩgƩ of 24, may have devoted to the parti, the constructional elements, the great portals of the project, cannot be precisely determined nor quantitatively analyzed for their effect upon the design as it evolved..." Includes five illustrations of Wright's work; Charnley (1), Winslow (1); Heurtley (1); and Coonley (2). Original cover price $1.25. (Sweeney 949)
Size: 8 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 114-123
S#: 0949.00.0219
Date: November 1927 Publication: Arts & Decoration - November 1927 (Published Monthly by Arts & Decoration Publishing Co. Inc., New York, Paris, London)
Author: Vreeland, Francis William
Description: "A New Art Centre For The Pacific Coast. The California Art Club and the City of Los Angeles Share in the Magnificent Gift of a Beautiful House Surrounded by Picturesque Gardens and Olive Groves. The city of Los Angeles, in conjunction with the California Art Club, has received recently what may be considered its first large gift in the name of art - the presentation of a city recreation centre comprising a large house and eight surrounding acres of beautiful gardens - the gift of Miss Aline Barnsdall." Two page spread includes six photographs. Original cover price 50 cents.
Size: 10 x 14
Pages: Pp 64-65
S#: 0199.01.0711
Date: May 1930 Publication: Arts & Decoration - May 1930 (Published monthly by Arts & Decoration Publishing Co., Inc., New York, Paris, London)
Author: Boyd, John Taylor Jr.
Description: "A Prophet of the New Architecture. Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright, as One of the First Builders in the Modern Spirit, Makes us Realize that the New Architecture Was Being Established in This Country Thirty Years Ago - in an Interview with John Taylor Boyd, Jr."¯ Includes nine photographs, seven of which are California block homes. Original cover price $0.50.
Size: 9.75 x 13.5
Pages: Pp 56-59 100 102 116
S#: 0230.00.1206
Date: May 1939 Publication: Arts & Decoration - May 1939
Description: Related: Frank Lloyd Wright is listed as one of the members of the Board of Consulting Editors.
Pages: Pp 2
S#: 0501.01.0702
ART FOR AMERICA Date: June 1898 Title: Arts For America - June 1898, Vol. VII - Nos. 9 and 10. (Published monthly, except July and August in the interest of the Central Art Association and American Art Education, Auditorium Tower, Chicago, Ill..)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Author: Anonymous Description: Wright's First Published Article. "Art in the Home." Read before the Home Decoration and Furnishing Department of the Congress on May 5. (Symposium of the Annual Art Congress held in the Art Institute, Chicago, May 3, 4, and 5, 1898.) 1893 Wright begins his own practice. 1894 (1st), 1895 (2nd) and 1898 (3rd) exhibits work at Chicago Architectural Club. 1986 writes lecture "Architecture, Architect, and Client". Predating this article, Wright's work had been published in a number of periodicals, but this was the first of Wright's writings to be published. Wright was thirty years old. "A "Home" may be the noblest of all works of art, and comprise in its entirety the quality and beauty of the most perfect of its artistic units... Go to Nature, consider her ways. Let your home appear to grow easily from its site, and shape it to sympathize with the surroundings..." Original cover price 25c. For more information on Wright's First Published Article. Description: "Notes From the Congress." "The closing day of the Congress was a perfect symphony... Mr. Frank L. Wright's "Art in the Home" was a summary of actual experiences gained, from many years of labor in his chosen profession. Many of us have not learned that architecture means the home and its furnishings, but Mr. Wright opened the doorway into a complete symphony of architectural thought in which the family requirements formed the central force." Original cover price 25c. Size: 8 x 11.25. Size: 8 x 11.25. Pages: Pp 579-588 Pages: Pp 593-594 S#: 0032.01.1009 S#: 0032.02.1009 ARTS IN VIRGINIA Date: 1962
Title: Arts In Virginia - Fall 1962 (Published three times a year by the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia)
Author: 1) Farr, Finis 2) Anonymous
Description: 1) The Countenance of Principle. Three extraordinary houses in Virginia testify to the genius of America’s greatest architect.
The drawing of the Marden house was lent by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Other drawings are reproduced through the courtesy of the Museum of Modern Art. All are part of a major loan exhibition, Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings, on view at the Virginia Museum from October 26 through November 25. Frank Lloyd Wright's first house in Virginia was the Loren Pope residence at Falls Church, completed in 1940. It was widely believed in those days that only the rich could afford to employ the famous archi-tect, and Wright accepted every opportunity to destroy this legend. The Falls Church commission was therefore much to his liking, for Loren Pope was a newspaper man who needed the help of his publisher in financing the moderate-sized house.
Perhaps the outstanding quality of the Pope house is the certainty of the designer's touch. This unhesitating precision in the handling of line and mass is characteristic of all Wright's work. He said it came from his exposure to the theories of Friedrich Froebel, founder of the kindergarten system, who gave his pupils blocks of pine and maple cut in basic geometric shapes.
"Those blocks stayed in my fingers all my life," Wright would say, his eyes twinkling with the charm that he radiated like a field of magnetic force.
There was more to it than mere geom-etry, as both Wright and his clients knew... Includes 18 photographs and illustrations of Wright’s work. (Sweeney 1502)
2) Frank Lloyd Wright, "Cheney Residence," American, Twentieth Century; Virginia Polytechnic Institute. By 1908, Frank Lloyd Wright had perfected the "Prairie House," and The Studio was well established. A visit to Chicago by Kuno Francke, German philosopher and critic, introduced Wright and his work to a receptive and stimulating mind. Francke urged Ernst Wasmuth, Berlin publisher, to do a monograph on Wright's work. The resulting folio, "Ausgefuehrte Bauten und Entwuerfe," published in 1910, is significant not only as a record of Wright's early work but because of its immediate impact on the European architecture of the day. Through the gift of Frederick Hyland, Richmond architect, the VPI Department of Architecture has acquired a series of these now rare plates.
Shown here is the bungalow in Oak Park which Wright designed in 1904 for Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cheney. It was Mrs. Cheney with whom Wright fled to Berlin in 1910, leaving both their families in Illinois.
Includes one photograph of the Cheney Residence from the portfolio. Original single issue price $4.50.
Size: 8 x 12
Pages: Pp 2-9
ST#: 1502.00.0724Date: 1972
Title: Arts in Virginia - Fall, 1972 (Published in the fall, winter and spring by Virginia Museum, Richmond, Virginia)
Author: Cox, James A. D.
Description: "America's greatest architect left three houses in Virginia, each created during the Most prolific years of his architectural life. Like Sir Christopher Wren in England two hundred years before him, Frank Lloyd Wright dominated the architecture of his country for two generations. But unlike Wren, who was Surveyor General of the Kings work for almost fifty years, he was never given the opportunity of designing a building for his government and his fame resulted from his own persistent nature and his genius. In fact he had virtually two careers, for in his late sixties, when most men would be considering retirement, he emerged from a decade of inactivity and for the next twenty-five years pursued with increasing vigor and inventiveness the most prolific years of his architectural life. It is to this period that Virginia owes its three splendid examples of his work: the Pope-Leighey House at Woodlawn, another house in Northern Virginia (Louis Marden) and the Andrew Cook House in Virginia Beach. Includes 13 photographs and illustrations of Wrights work. Original cover price $2.00. (Sweeney 1891)
Size: 7.75 x 12
Pages: Pp 10-17
S#: 1891.00.1218ARTS MAGAZINE Date: 1962
Title: Arts Magazine - March 1962 (Published monthly September-April, Bimonthly May-June, by The Art Digest, New York)
Author: Scully, Vincent Jr.
Description: "Wright, International Style and Kahn. This paper* is intended to present a thesis for argument, developed as follows: first, that Wright not only created a style of architecture but also, through his long life span, carried that style through all its possible phases; second, that Wright's early work was more fully his own than that of the later period normally was and more fully embodied a balance between his two major principles of design than the latter work usually did; third, that out of one of those principles the International Style of the following decades took form, and out of another the new architecture of the second half of the century, the architecture which may succeed that of Wright, would now seem to be making its beginning..."
"*This paper, here much abridged, was originally read at the Twentieth International Congress of the History of Art, New York, 1961, and will be published next year in considerably longer form, by the Princeton University Press, in the Acts of the Congress. Almost all its numerous illustrations have been admitted, since most of them can easily be found elsewhere, as in my The Shingle Style, 1955: Frank Lloyd Wright, 1960, and Modern Architecture, 1961..." Original cover price $1.25. Two copies. (Sweeney 1516)
Size: 8.25 x 11
Pages: Pp 67-68, 70-71, 77
S#: 1516.00.0322, 1516.00.0922Date: 1962
Title: Arts Magazine - March 1962 (Published monthly September-April, Bimonthly May-June, by The Art Digest, New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Wright Drawings at the Modern. From March 12 to May 6, the Museum of Modern Art in New York will present a major exhibition of the drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright, surveying the architects work from 1895 to his death in 1959. The exhibition will include more than 250 original drawings and will be accompanied by a 320 page book (The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright, 1962) (Horizontal Press) with introductory text by Arthur Drexler, Director of the museums Department of Architecture and Design..." Includes two illustrations. Two copies. (Sweeney 1522)
Size: 8.25 x 11
Pages: Pp 69
S#: 1522.00.0322, 1522.00.0922AUTOGRAPH COLLECTOR Date: 1999
Title: Autograph Collector - July 1999 (Published monthly by Odyssey Publication, Corona, CA)
Author: Lutz, Stuart
Description: "The Writings of Frank Lloyd Wright. Most people would have difficulty naming one American painter who stands out above all the others. When it comes to naming the greatest American writer, the public would probably choose between the likes of Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway and Walt Whitman. But only one man is synonymous with American architecture. His name is Frank Lloyd Wright." Includes a biography and information concerning items signed by Wright: letters, checks, photographs, block of stamps, etc. "... if you are able to obtain a Wright autograph, you will own something from one of the greatest creative minds this country ever produced." Includes 24 photographs. Original cover price $4.95.
Size: 8.3 x 10.8
Pages: Pp 28-32
ST#: 1999.60.0709
CREATIVE ART Date: 1928 Title: Creative Art - November 1928 (Published monthly by Albert & Charles Boni, Inc., New York)
Author: Haskell, Douglas
Description: "Organic Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright. The single passion of Frank Lloyd Wright has been for an architecture universally valid because organic. As the scientist goes far beneath Nature's appearances for her laws, so he has worked far below the orders and alphabets of finished building for the rule so broad as to permit no exceptions, the necessary base for sentient life..." Includes seven photographs of Ennis House (2), Hollyhock House (3), Coonley Residence and Robie House. Original cover price 75 cents. (Sweeney 203)
Size: 8.25 x 11.5
Pages: Pp li-lvii
S#: 0203.00.0113
Date: 1931 Title: Creative Art - May 1931 (Published monthly by Albert & Charles Boni, Inc., New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: The Tyranny of the Skyscraper. This is a reprint of Ch. 5 from "Modern Architecture, Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930", with changes. "Michelangelo built the first skyscraper, I suppose, when he hurled the Pantheon on top of the Parthenon. The Pope named it St. Peter's and the world called it a day, celebrating the great act ever since in the sincerest form of human flattery possible. As is well known, that form is imitation. Buonarroti, being a sculpture himself (he was painter also but, unluckily, painted pictures of sculptures), probably thought Architecture, too, ought to be Sculpture..." Includes six photographs and illustrations of skyscrapers. Original cover price 75c. (Sweeney 296)
Size: 8.25 x 11.5
Pages: Pp 324-32
S#: 0296.01.0416
Date: 1931 Title: Creative Art - May 1931 (Published monthly by Albert & Charles Boni, Inc., New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: The Tyranny of the Skyscraper. This is a reprint of Ch. 5 from "Modern Architecture, Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930", with changes. "Michelangelo built the first skyscraper, I suppose, when he hurled the Pantheon on top of the Parthenon. The Pope named it St. Peter's and the world called it a day, celebrating the great act ever since in the sincerest form of human flattery possible. As is well known, that form is imitation. Buonarroti, being a sculpture himself (he was painter also but, unluckily, painted pictures of sculptures), probably thought Architecture, too, ought to be Sculpture..." Includes six photographs and illustrations of skyscrapers. The New York - Phoenix School of Design rebound this as a single article. (Sweeney 296)
Pages: Pp 324-32
S#: 0296.00.0402
Date: 1932
Title: Creative Art - March 1932 (Published monthly by Albert & Charles Boni, Inc., New York) (Bound volume)
Author: Bauer, Catherine K.
Description: "Exhibition of Modern Architecture, Museum of Modern Art." Review of the "Modern Architecture International Exhibition" held February 10 To March 23, 1932 at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA). "This Exhibition Has Style... For here is Wright the lonely prophet, searching out his own secrets and spurning the market -place. And his latest house, the house on the mesa, even with its air of non-participation of self - sufficiency, of being a citadel apart, is clearly of the same substance as the other houses. It is a long horizontal mass, spacious, serene, severe in detail, flowing in mass" Includes one photograph of the House on the Mesa (project). Original Cover Price 75 cents.
Size: 8.25 x 11.5
Pages: Pp 201-206
S#: 0360.01.0121Date: 1932 Title: Creative Art - April 1932 (Published monthly by Albert & Charles Boni, Inc., New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "Why the Great Earthquake Did Not Destroy the Imperial Hotel." Except from the soon to be published "An Autobiography". Text was printed on pages 213-223, with the addition of three pages in "An Autobiography." "Following wireless received from Tokio (sic) today Hotel stands undamaged as monument of your genius. Hundreds of homeless provided by perfectly maintained service. Congratulations, signed Okura Ompeho." Includes a portrait of Wright and two photographs of the Imperial Hotel. Original Cover Price 75 cents. 8.25 x 11.5. One copy bound. (Sweeney 360)
Size: 8.25 x 11.5
Pages: Pp 268-277
S#: 0360.00.0305, 0360.00.0121
Date: 1932
Title: Creative Art - May 1932 (Published monthly by Albert & Charles Boni, Inc., New York) (Bound volume)
Author: Haskell, Douglas
Description: Is it Functional? Concerning architectural design. Includes on photograph of La Miniatura. Caption: "Compare the wall of this house with that shown on the previous page. At first glance it appears less "functional" because frankly decorative. Yet construction and form are far more integral. This is a natural way to build with concrete. The starting point was not the functioning of the machine, but the organic quality of the surrounding trees. La Miniatura, Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect." Includes one photograph of La Miniatura. Original Cover Price 75 cents.
Size: 8.25 x 11.5.
Pages: Pp 373-378
S#: 0360.02.0121Date: 1932
Title: Creative Art - June1932 (Published monthly by Albert & Charles Boni, Inc., New York) (Bound volume)
Author: Churchhill, Henry C.
Description: Book Review: The International Style: Architecture since 1922, Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Jr. and Philip Johnson, New York: W. W. Norton. $5.00. "...Of Wright it is sadly said that "Instead of developing some one of the manner which he has initiated, he has begun again and with a different material or different problem and arrived at quite a new manner." It does not occur to the author apparently that different materials require quite different uses, or different problems different solutions. And while the essentially organic character of Wright's growth is thus misapprehended, Mr. Hood, who has never initiated anything, but has played along with the fashions, is commended for the very lack of architectural principle which is so roundly condemned in the other American architects who give their clients what they want - even though this giving the client his wants is later referred to as an important function much neglected by European "fundamentalists"..." Original Cover Price 75 cents.
Size: 8.25 x 11.5.
Pages: Pp 489-490
S#: 0360.03.0121
HORIZON Date: May 1959 Title: Horizon - May 1959 (Hard Cover) (Published every two months by American Horizon, Inc. New York)
Author: Lyon, Peter
Description: "Uncle Solomon's Museum"¯. Includes two photographs. Original cover price $3.95. (Note: this is a hard cover magazine)
Size: 9 x 12.
Pages: Pp 15
S#: 1377.22.0406
Date: September 1960 Title: Horizon - September 1960 (Hard Cover) (Published every two months by American Horizon, Inc. New York)
Author: Fitch, James Marston Author: Whelan, Dennis Description: Frank Lloyd Wrights War on the Fine Arts. Original cover price $3.95. (Two Copies) (Note: this is a hard cover magazine) (Sweeney 1415) Description: Mr. Wright Makes Himself Clear: A Recollection. Original cover price $3.95. (Two Copies) (Note: this is a hard cover magazine) (Sweeney 1453) Size: 9 x 12. Size: 9 x 12. Pages: Pp 96-103,127-8 Pages: Pp 128 S#: 1415.00.0899 S#: 1453.00.0899 Date: 1963 Title: Horizon - September 1663 (Hard Cover) (Published every two months by American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: (Not a Wright home) "Mr. ___ Builds His Dream House... It not only must have had an architect but an architect of more than passing acquaintance with the work of the late Frank Lloyd Wright..." The Home of Senator Barry Goldwater. It was actually designed by Paul Christian Yaeger, a one time apprentice of Wright's. The home was later demolished. Original cover price $4.50. 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 103
S#: 1565.40.0114
Date: 1988 Title: Horizon - January/February 1988 (Published 10 times a year by Horizon Publishers, Inc., Tuscaloosa, AL)
Author: Wade, Marcia J.
Description: "The eternal vision of America's most important architect. The Wright Idea. Wingspread, Fallingwater, the Johnson Wax Company headquarters, the "The eternal vision of America's most important architect. The Wright Idea. Wingspread, Fallingwater, the Johnson Wax Company headquarters, the Guggenheim Museum. They are among America's most celebrated buildings, designed by one of our most legendary architects. Frank Lloyd Wright's very name has become synonymous with the visionary elegance of his buildings, whose statements are still strong and clear today, nearly thirty years after his death... Now a major exhibition, "Frank Lloyd Wright: In The Realm of Ideas," takes a provocative look at the Wrightian legacy..." Includes six photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $4.00.
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pp 24-26
ST#: 1988.85.0815
THE INLAND PRINTER Date: 1900 Title: The Inland Printer - November 1900 (Published monthly by the Inland Printer Company, Chicago)
Author: 1) Seymour, Ralph Fletcher 2) Way, W. Irving
Description: 1) Cover designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. It also includes and example of a decorative Tailpiece by Seymour, p.337, 474,
2) The December, 1900 issue includes an article by W. Irving Way, "On "The Making of Books." ...Mr. Seymour's work is not in line with the work of the others mentioned, it is true, but it is an innovation none the less - and perhaps a trifle startling, if not flamboyant in its result. Mr. Seymour's books are printed from blocks reproduced from pen-work, but one ventures to think that the results would be better if his facilities were better...." Page 457 also includes a reproduction of the November 1900 cover designed by Seymour.
3) The December issue also includes four pages of Seymour's work on "The Eve of St. Agnes." P.505-6, and an additional example of a Tailpiece design by Seymour, P.509. (Digital and printed copy)Size: 7 x 10.5
Pages: Pp Cover, 337, 457, 474, 505-6, 509
S#: 0041.20.0116
Date: 1901 Title: Inland Printer - June 1901 (Published monthly by the Inland Printer Company, Chicago)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "The Work of Ralph Fletcher Seymour... Wallace Rice refers pleasantly to the art craft in Chicago, mentioning particularly the clever work of Ralph Seymour Fletcher... Not contented with the better trodden paths, he sought some new road in which artistic excellence might find scope, and. cheered by the successes of William Morris and his Kelmscott Press... Four books have thus come from his workshop... These four books are all lettered by hand and printed from plates. With the skill thus obtained in the formation of letters, Mr. Seymour has now designed a font of type which will be cut and cast during the present year... The new books announced include John Milton's ' Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity,' which is now in hand... In all of these the same scrupulous care manifest in the earlier productions will be exercised. (Digital and printed copy)
Pages: Pp 234
S#: 0049.14.0116
Date: 1901 Title: Inland Printer - September 1901 (Published monthly by the Inland Printer Company, Chicago)
Author: Seymour, Ralph Fletcher
Description: Cover designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. "The cover-designs of The Inland Printer, which for some years past have been changed every month, are one of its most attractive features. The Inland Printer was the first publication in the country to change its covers every month... Among the designers of the covers are such artists as Bradley, Bird, Leyendecker, Hapgood. Wright, Traver, Goudy, Seymour, Craig and others...." The June 1901 issue, p.187. (Digital and printed copy)
Size: 8 x 11
Pages: Pp Cover
S#: 0049.15.0116
Date: 1902
Title: Inland Printer - October 1902 (Published monthly by the Inland Printer Company, Chicago)
Author: Seymour, Ralph Fletcher
Description: Cover illustration by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Printed on a dark green cover stock. Printed in four color: Red, Black, Grey, and White. Three black birds are feasting in the bottom left hand corner. A woman is standing to the right, looking to the right. Signed in the plate, bottom right corner: "Ralph Fletcher Seymour."¯ Cover only. Original cover price 25c.
Size: 8.5 x 12
Pages: Pp Cover
S#: 0052.27.1122INSIGHT - ORANGE COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART Date: 1997
Title: Insight - Orange County Museum of Art - Fall 1997 (Published by the Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, CA)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Announcement of the exhibition Frank Lloyd Wright: Designs for an American Landscape, 1922 - 1932. OCMA Newport Beach October 25 through December 28, 1997... explores five crucial, but little-known, unrealized, visionary projects by Frank Lloyd Wright that bring to life his extraordinary conception of a new American landscape. This singular exhibition features more than 150 original drawings from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and the Library of Congress, among other repositories and collections. Models and computer animation enhance the drawings, and together demonstrate how Wright defined the underlying structure in a landscape, creating buildings that would not only echo the landscape but also shape and unify it..." Includes four illustrations and photographs. Two Copies. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 11 x 17
Pages: Pp 1-2
ST#: 1997.82.1218, 1997.83.1218
THE INTERNATIONAL STUDIO Date: February 1910 Publication: The International Studio, An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art - February 1910 (Published monthly by John Lane Company, New York. One copy single February issue, rebound in a hard cover by the Rosenberg Library, Galveston, TX. One copy is a bound Hard Cover which includes November and December, 1909. January and February, 1910.)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Art Gallery Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. The new art galleries of W. Scott Thurber, in Chicago, show the fortunate result of treating the housing problem involved with serious attention to the architectural requirements, and of finding a sympathetic architect for the task." Article about the Thurber Art Gallery "...situated in the top and fifth floor of the Fine Arts Building in a new addition to the building proper (the Annex)." Includes three photographs. Original cover price .50 cts. 8 x 11.5. (Two copies) (Sweeney 94)
Pages: Pp XCV -XCVI
0094.00.0402, 0094.13.0111
Date: April 1911 Publication: The International Studio - (Published Monthly by the John Lane Company, New York)
Author: Peattie, Elia W.
Description: "The fine Arts Building in Chicago. The Fine Arts Building in Chicago is remarkable among such enterprises as housing within its walls so great a proportion of the artistic, intellectual literary and educational interests of a great city. The building is occupied by sculptors, painters, actors, musicians, writers, illustrators, etchers, gold and silversmiths, carvers, decorators, publishers of special editions, teachers of elocution and expression, the drama and the cognate arts... In short, the Fine Arts Building... does not so much borrow importance from that fact as lend importance to it." Includes five photographs, one of which is of the Thurber Galleries (1909 - S.154). This article was republished in a book form entitled "The Book of the Fine arts Building", 1911. Digital edition. Original cover price 50c. 8 x 11.5. (For additional information see our Study of the Browne's Bookstore.)
Date: May 1915 Publication: The International Studio - (Published Monthly by John Lane Co., New York)
Author: Sell, Henry Blackman
Description: Interpretation, Not Imitation: Work of Frank Lloyd Wright. Includes seven photographs of Midway Gardens. Original Cover Price 50 cents. (Sweeney 127)
Pages: Pp 79-83
Author: Ad - Chicago Portland Cement
Description: Photo of Midway Garden "Spindle" Sprite. Original Cover Price 50 cents.
Pages: Pp b 23
Date: 1931 Title: International Studio - August 1931 (Published monthly by International Studios, Inc., New York)
Author: Bull, Harry Adsit
Description: The stormy petrel of American architecture, for so many years without honor in his own country, has opened an exhibit in Germany where his work, as in Holland, has provided far more influential than it has these shores. We have received the following report of his showing - a comprehensive view from 1893-1930 - at the Prussian Academy of Fine Art, from our Berlin correspondent: "It is very interesting to see how most of the modern ideas of building of today: small ornament, fronts of glass and metal, the block-building, the "American-System" houses of wood. He was also one of the first who used metal furniture and there are designs of such, notably lamps in the same forms as are to be found today... Wright's houses are in some manor romantic for the European eye..." Original cover price 75c. (Sweeney 267)
Size: 9.8 x 13.25
Pages: Pp 54
S#: 0267.00.0316
Title: Magazine of Art - June 1938 (Published monthly by The American Federation of Arts, Washington DC)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Letters (by Frank Lloyd Wright): "May I protest Fiske Kimball's interpretation - first of myself and then of a situation still arising among us, ad libitum? Yes, ad nauseam. I have myself said that no monuments, in the old sense of that term, belong to the idea of life as something to be lived: let's say life "modern." Instead of a monument I advocate a memorial, the difference being that the monument saw life a corpse and the memorial say the spirit alive, notwithstanding. A monument is no real honor to the dead. It is set up to certain people on good terms with themselves..." Original cover price 50c. (Sweeney 459)
Size: 9 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 368
S#: 0459.00.0417Date: January 1941 Publication: Magazine of Art - January 1941
Author: Gutheim, F.A.
Description: "First Reckon with his Future". Frank Lloyd Wright's Exhibit at the Modern Museum. This is a review of "Two Great Americans" exhibit, MOMA, NY. (Sweeney 549)
Pages: Pp 32-3
S#: 0549.00.0302
Date: 1944 Publication: Magazine of Art - January 1944 (Published monthly October through May by The American Federation of Arts, Washington D.C.)
Author: Born, Wolfgang
Description: "Geo-Architecture: An American Contribution to the Art of the Future. ...In modern America Frank Lloyd Wright built a house in which the visions of Deck and Ledoux seem to be materialized. It is "Fallingwater", the Edgar F. Kaufmann house at Bear Run, Pennsylvania., which is constructed above a natural waterfall in such a way that its walls are integrated in the natural rocks of the gorge..." Article describes Fallingwater. Includes one photograph of Fallingwater and Charles Ledoux's painting of a design for the house of a director of a waterworks (end of the 18th century). Original cover price 75 cents.
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 16-21
S#: 0605.01.0412
Date: January 1946 Publication: Magazine of Art - January 1946 (Published by The American Federation of Arts, Washington D.C.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "The Modern Gallery: For The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation: New York City." "For the first time in the history of architecture a true logarithmic spiral has been worked out as a complete plastic building..." Wright describes museum. Includes three photographs of model and Wright with model, courtesy of The Architectural Forum. Original cover price $0.75. (Sweeney 681)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 24-26
S#: 0681.00.0107
Date: May 1950 Publication: Magazine of Art - May 1950 (Published monthly October through May by The American Federation of Arts, Washington D.C.)
Author: Zevi, Bruno
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Conquest of Space."¯ Translated by Edgar Kaufmann, Jr., from Mr. Zevi's introduction to Architetti del Movimento Modernop, Vol. III: Frank Lloyd Wright, Milam, Il Balcone, 1947. Bruno Zevi, Italian architect and critic, has been among the foremost European interpreters of the work of the American architects Sullivan and Wright. Includes 13 photographs and two illustrations. Original cover price 75 cents. Three copies. (Sweeney 830)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp Cover 186-191
S#: 0830.00.0607, 0830.01.0607, 0830.02.0607
Date: 1951 Title: Magazine of Art - April 1951 (Published by The American Federation of Arts, Washington D.C. Bound within a volume that includes all of 1951)
Author: Morrison, Hugh
Description: Book Review: "Genius and the Mobocracy," Wright, 1949, $5.00. "This is Frank Lloyd Wright's long-awaited book on his lieber Meister, Louis Sullivan. Or rather, it is about both men: their work-life together, the thoughts they shared a half century ago, and Wright's reflections today on the significance of the tragic and triumphant careers which both men have experienced. It is intensely personal, it is often arrogant and bitter and egotistic, and it is honest - as Wright's writing always is..." Original cover price $0.75. (Sweeney 757)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 154-155
S#: 0757.00.0815
Date: 1951 Title: Magazine of Art - May 1951 (Published monthly October through May by The American Federation of Arts, Washington D.C.)
Author: Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr.
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright at the Strozzi. On closer look the exhibition of Frank Lloyd Wright's work at the Palazzo Strozzi - which might be thought an international exchange of urbanities - resembles a whirlpool drawing together fragments of civilization and history in irresistible homage to human creativity in art. Through sixty years of unremitting development, Wright has established the humanity of his architecture and the creativity of his imagination. The rebel Wright, we can see now, has never rebelled except against what he believed to be inhuman and unproductive. His architecture is strong enough to dissolve old allegiances and set up those of its own..." Includes photographs of S.C. Johnson Research Tower, Usonian Exhibition House, Midway Garden, Larkin Building, Florida Southern College and drawings of the Golden Triangle and St. Marks (projects). Original cover price 75 cents. 9 x 12. (Sweeney 846)
Pages: Pp 190-192
S#: 0846.00.0815
Date: April 1953 Publication: Magazine of Art - April 1953 (Published by The American Federation of Arts, New York)
Author: Tselos, Dimitri
Description: "Exotic Influences in the Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. In the minds of many enthusiastic admirers, almost all the mature works of Frank Lloyd Wright have appeared to be completely free from the influence of other architects either of the distant or the near past. Whenever such influence was suggested it was either dismissed or minimized. The present study intends to show that, like other great artists and great men, he is not an island but a part of the continent - a lofty pinnacle of the "maine," to paraphrase Donne..." Includes 10 photographs and illustrations related to Wright, including; Midway Sprite, Willitts, A. D. German Warehouse, Wright Home & Studio, Porter House (Hillside), Barnsdall (2), Willey model, Pauson and Bogk. Original cover price 75c. Two copies. (Sweeney 969)
Size: 6.75 x 10
Pages: Pp 160-169, 184
S#: 0969.00.1104, 0969.00.0414
Title: Kelleher's Stamp Collector's Quarterly - 3rd Quarter, 2020 (Published Quarterly by Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, Danbury, CT)
Author: Groten, Arthur H.
Description: "Wartime Survivor! Tokyo's Amazing Imperial Hotel, Jewel of the Orient. One of the most fabled hotels in the world was the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and - beloved by all photographers - one of the most photographed buildings of the 20th century. It was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright who is arguably the finest American born architect of the 20th century. His long career produced several distinct styles of buildings. His earliest work was done in and around Chicago under the tutelage of Louis Sullivan, perhaps the greatest American architect of the 19th century. He lived in Oak Park, Ill., for many years were festivals in tours of his work continues to this day. But this hotel, a wondrous an awesome international landmark, is worthy of being one of his key focal points.." Includes 46 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $7.50.
Size: 8.5 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 60-69
ST#: 2020.18.1221MINKUS STAMP JOURNAL Date: 1966
Title: Minkus Stamp Journal - 1966, Volume 1, No. 1 (Published quarterly by Minkus Stamp Journal, New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright honored with a 2 cent stamp. "Prominent Americans. Six Who Helped Shape the Modern World... Frank Lloyd Wright (1869 - 1959) - American architect whose influence has been world-wide; foremost exponent of an organic architecture based on integration of form, function, building site and materials and on the subordination of style to human needs. 2 cents, June 8, Spring Green, Wisconsin, site of Wright's Taliesin East workshop." Includes one portrait of Wright, published on the cover and on page 6. Original cover price 25c.
Size: 8 x 10.5
Pages: Pp Cover, 6
S#: 1679.24.0220Date: 1966
Title: Minkus Stamp Journal - Spring 1966 Volume 1, No. 2 (Published quarterly by Minkus Stamp Journal, New York)
Author: Hessen, Beatrice
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright honored with a 2 cent stamp. Frank Lloyd Wright. Innovative genius, loyalty to principles, courage - these are some of the elements of human greatness which change the shape of the world. Frank Lloyd Wright was a man of such stature. In recognition of his extraordinary achievement in architecture, the United States will honor Wright on its new Prominent American series. A 2-cent stamp with his portrait will appear on January 8, the date of Wright's birth, at Spring Green, Wisconsin, the site of his famed Taliesin East workshop..." Includes one portrait and five photographs of Wright's work, Robie, Fallingwater, Imperial Hotel, Guggenheim and Taliesin West. Original cover price 25c. Two copies.
Size: 8 x 10.5
Pages: Pp 13-15
S#: 1679.01.0901 1679.25.0220MoMA MAGAZINE Date: 1994
Title: MoMA Magazine of The Museum of Modern Art - Winter/Spring 1994 (No. 16) (Published three times a year by The Museum of Modern Art, New York)
Author: 1) Riley, Terrence 2) Roob, Rona
Description: 1) Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Visions and Revisions Since 1910. In a recent newspaper article, the architect and planner Denise Scott Brown stated that Frank Lloyd Wright's "work and thought form a towering mountain in the field of architecture that has had to be re-evaluated with every shift in architectural philosophy over the last fifty years."¯ In anticipation of The Museum of Modern Art's retrospective exhibition Frank Lloyd Wright: Architect, Ms. Scott Brown wondered, "What revisionist stance will the Modern take?"
Before considering this question, it is important to explore previous shifts, as well as continuities, in the perception of Wright's work over the decades; as the historian Henry-Russell Hitchcock observed, "No book on Wright can ever altogether supersede those that already exist..."¯ Includes six photographs and one illustration of the work of Frank Lloyd Wright.
2) Edgar J. Kaufmann, Jr., Fallingwater and The Museum of Modern Art. The first one-man exhibition of work by Frank Lloyd Wright at The Museum of Modern Art was a small but important show of photographs and plans of Fallingwater, the weekend home at Mill Run, Pennsylvania, designed for Pittsburgh department store magnate Edgar J. Kaufmann. The exhibition, A New House by Frank Lloyd Wright January 25-March 6, 1938), was directed by John McAndrew, who months earlier had become Curator of Architecture and Industrial Art at the Museum; it was installed in the Time-Life building at 14 East 49 Street, where the Museum had temporarily moved while the Goodwin/Stone building was being completed at II West 53 Street. Thousands of people saw this show in the next two years as it traveled to eighteen locations throughout the country under the auspices of the Museum's Department of Circulating Exhibitions. Also during this period, Mr. Kaufmann's son, Edgar JI., began a seventeen-year association with the Museum.
Size: 8.5 x 10.75
Pages: 1) Pp Cover, 1-5; 2) Pp 6
Title: Pacific Arts Association Bulletin - Summer 1959 (Published quarterly by the Pacific Arts Association. Tempe, AZ)
Author: 1) Bimson, Walter R.; 2) Wright, Iovanna Lloyd; 3) Masselink, Eugene; 4) Wood, Dr. Harry
Description: Issue devoted entirely to Wright. 1) "Frank Lloyd Wright - A Tribute"¯ 2) "To My Father"¯ 3) "Master Teach Frank Lloyd Wright"¯ 4) "Painting Frank Lloyd Wright's Portrait at 89" 5) Frank Lloyd Wright's Greatest Unbuilt Building, The Lost Capitol of Arizona"¯. Includes 25 photos and illustrations. Original list price $1.00. (Sweeney 1310)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 28
S#: 1310.00.0406
PORTFOLIO Date: 1980 Title: Portfolio, The magazine of the visual arts - February / March 1980 (Published by Portfolio Associates, New York. Grosvenor Publications, Inc.)
Author: Lockwood, Charles
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright in Los Angeles. Crises in the architect's professional life spawned some of his most intriguing building." Concerns concrete block house in California. Original List Price $3.50.
Size: 8.25 x 10.5.
Pages: Pp 74-79
ST#: 1980.14.0205
PROFESSIONAL ART QUARTERLY Date: 1936 Title: Professional Art Quarterly - June 1936 (Published quarterly by Ben Duggar, Madison Wisconsin)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "Taliesin: Our Cause. Part II. Taliesin is not a back-to-tyhe-land movement. No. Nor is Taliesin interested in art for art's sake. Not at all. But means to go forward, feet on the ground, seeing art as man's practical appreciation of the gift of life by putting his sense of it into the things he makes to live with, and in the way he lives with them..."¯ Includes two photographs. Part one is in the December 1935 S392 issue. Original cover price 25c.
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: Pp 39-41
S#: 0404.00.0707
SCHOOL ARTS Date: 1959
Title: School Arts - June 1959 (Published monthly ten times a year by Davis Publications, Inc., Worcester, Massachusetts)
Author: Rago, Louise Elliott
Description: "Spirit of the Desert. Frank Lloyd Wright's Last Interview. I was overjoyed. I was to have an audience with Frank Lloyd Wright, king of modern architecture. Architecture is known as queen of the arts. What would I say? What would I do? My first impulse was to go to the library twenty-four hours before my interview, to learn all about this Buddha-like genius who had amazed the world. Certainly Wright is to art and architecture, I thought, as George Bernard Shaw is to literature. I then reconciled myself with the fact that it would take years, and possibly a lifetime, to understand Wright's credo on art, architecture, and the creative man. Even though Frank Lloyd Wright was truly American and his art represents significantly the American way of life, he was not readily accepted until after he was discovered by the Germans in 1910..." Includes two portraits and three photographs of Wright's work by Pedro Guerrero: David Wright House, Taliesin West and Pfeiffer Chapel at Florida Southern College. Original cover price 75c. (Sweeney 1353)
Size: 9 x 11.75
Pages: Pp 27-30
S#: 1353.00.0522THE SKETCH BOOK Date: 1905 Title: The Sketch Book - September 1905 (The Sketch Book is published monthly by The Sketch Book Publishing Co., Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Note: This early article was missed by both Sweeney and Langmead and may offer some of the earliest photographs of the Thomas Residence.)
Author: Morris, Alfred
Description: Frank Thomas Residence (1901 - S.067) "A Constant Home. Design and ornament in the home is of such vast importance, that when one comes across a worthy example - one that is consistent and sane - it would surely seem indifferent not to praise. The examples of the exterior and interior applications of design, in the photographs herewith, are ones that have not only a most harmonious consistency, but they also exhibit originality; originality not of the clever sort, but that of dignity and consistent beauty. This house in question is in Oak Park, Illinois, and was designed by that skillful architect and draughtsman, Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright... Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright is original with a reason. His sense of proportion in design is always rational and animated with beauty. His architecture is of a distinct type, harmonious and quietly elegant..." Includes five photographs. Original cover price 10c. Continue... (Digital and printed copy)
Size: 7.5 x 10.5
Pages: Pp 37-41
S#: 0058.13.0116
Date: 1905
George Barr McCutcheon Preston A. Perry Title: The Sketch Book - September 1905 (The Sketch Book is published monthly by The Sketch Book Publishing Co., Fine Arts Building, Chicago.)
Author: Seymour, Ralph Fletcher
Description: Two bookplates designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. For George Barr McCutcheon and Preston A. Perry. "Books are a part of mans prerogative. In formal ink they thoughts and voices hold. That we to them our solitude may give. And make time present travelled that of old." (Digital and printed copy)
Size: 7.5 x 10.5
Pages: Pp 43
S#: 0058.14.0116
Date: 1905 Title: The Sketch Book - December 1905 (The ketch Book is published monthly by The Sketch Book Publishing Co., Fine Arts Building, Chicago. Note: Cover designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour)
Author: Hosking, Arthur Nicholas
Description: "A Few Books and Their Maker. It is no easy matter to write a truthful criticism of a personal friend's work. Close contact multiplies feelings and emotions. A man's theories may be more interesting than his work, and vice versa... This fact, however, does not detract from the things of beauty he has created, of which there are a great number... The pages shown... display the high standard chosen when he first launched into the affairs of bookmaking... With all Mr. Seymour's books rarely fine judgment is displayed in the selection of binding material, and the application of the design for the board covers... The main thought of Ralph Fletcher Seymour's work is this: He believes that a man who makes books should be his own designer, his own illustrator and his own constructor of types... The "Academy" of London compared his books to those of William Morris and said that they equaled anything produced in England... He has set down certain formulas for himself alone - he asks no one else to follow - and by these he has consummated beautiful things worthy of praise, and by these we may judge of his future. Includes 13 photographs and illustrations, one being a portrait. (Digital and printed copy)
Size: 7.5 x 10.5
Pages: Pp 179-186
S#: 0058.15.0116
Date: 1906
Title: The Sketch Book. A Magazine Devoted to the Fine Arts - February 1906 (Published by The Sketch Book Publishing Co. Fine Arts Building, Chicago.)
Author: Seymour, Ralph Fletcher
Description: Cover designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour whose office was also located in the Fine Arts Building (Browne's Bookstore). Signed in illustration lower left: “Ralph Fletcher Seymour.” Original cover price 10c.
Size: 8 x 11
Pages: Pp Cover
S#: 0064.57.0524Date: 1906
Title: The Sketch Book. A Magazine Devoted to the Fine Arts - August 1906 (Published by The Sketch Book Publishing Co. Fine Arts Building, Chicago.)
Author: Seymour, Ralph Fletcher
Description: Full Issue. Cover designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour whose office was also located in the Fine Arts Building. Signed in illustration lower left: “Ralph Fletcher Seymour.” Original cover price 20c.
Size: 8 x 10.9
Pages: Pp Cover (Full Issue, Pp 436-482)
S#: 0064.53.0524Date: 1906 Title: The Sketch Book. A Magazine Devoted to the Fine Arts - August 1906 (Published by The Sketch Book Publishing Co. Fine Arts Building, Chicago.)
Author: Seymour, Ralph Fletcher
Description: Cover Only. Cover designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour whose office was also located in the Fine Arts Building (Browne's Bookstore). Original cover price 20c.
Size: 8 x 10.5
Pages: Pp Cover
S#: 0064.16.0415
Date: 1906
Title: The Sketch Book. A Magazine Devoted to the Fine Arts - September 1906 (Published by The Sketch Book Publishing Co. Fine Arts Building, Chicago.)
Author: Seymour, Ralph Fletcher
Description: Cover designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour whose office was also located in the Fine Arts Building. Signed in illustration lower left: “Ralph Fletcher Seymour.” Original cover price 25c.
Size: 8 x 11.25
Pages: Pp Cover (Full)
S#: 0064.54.0524TREASURES Date: 2017
Title: Treasures, Vintage To Modern Collecting - December 2017 / January 2018 (Published 6 times a year by Pioneer Publishing, Ames, Iowa)
Author: Gaukel, Erich
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright in Alabama. The only structure he designed in the state, the Rosenbaum house is a marvelous building that has stood the test of time. Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian homes were intended for middle-class families. Around 60 of the structures were built, and fewer than half of them went up before World War II. Stanley in Mildred Rosenbaum, after receiving a piece of land and $7500 from Stanley's parents to build a home, hired Wright to design their home in Florence. Constructed in 1939, it would be just the second Usonian home built..." Includes three photographs of the Rosenbaum House by Carol M. Highsmith. Original cover price $6.95.
Size: 8.4 x 10.9
Pages: Pp Cover, 40
ST#: 2017.41.1021BACK TO TOP
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