PERIODICALS (1950-1959) PERIODICALS PUBLISHED BETWEEN: 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Bottom
Architectural Forum - February 1950 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc., New York) Anonymous "China and Gift Shop By Frank Lloyd Wright, For V.C. Morris, Maiden Lane, San Francisco, California. World-wide repercussions followed the opening of Frank Lloyd Wright's brick-front, circular-roomed, spiral-ramped San Francisco store. This many-sided impact is conveyed in the words of a front-rank architectural observer, of the owners, of the plastic consultants, finally the architect." Photography by Maynard Parker. Includes nine photographs and three illustrations. Original List Price $1.00. 9.75 x 12.50. (Sweeney 803) Pp Cover 79-85 0803.00.0707 1950
Interiors - July 1950 (Published Monthly by Whitney Publications, Inc., New York) Drexler, Arthur "Too many houses, when they are not little stage settings or seen paintings, are mere notion stores, bazaars, or junk shops." Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture for the Arizona desert has a monumental luxury, inseparable from the materials themselves, which is impossible to imitate. The forms he has assigned to stone and wood, in this house, seem logical; they certainly have as art a strength and conviction so personal that questions of logic, attempting... Continue... (Sweeney 804) Pp 66-69 0804.00.0821 1950
Fortune - February 1950 (Published monthly by Time Inc., Chicago) Anonymous "Glass house for researchers. Probably the most fanciful structure designed for was operations since the adoption of the beehive is this Frank Lloyd Wright cantilevered tower, being erected at Racine, Wisconsin, for the wax researchers of S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. The outer walls will be mostly glass. Inside the inner core, which will support the whole structure, are air-conditioned tubes, elevators, stairway." Includes one photograph. Original cover price $1.25. 10.25 x 13 (Sweeney 810) Pp 16 0810.00.0416 1950
Architectural Forum - August 1950 Loeb, Gerald Letters: A Stockbroker Meets F.LL.W. (Sweeney 816) Pp 24, 28 0816.00.0602 1950
Time - July 24, 1950 (Published weekly by Time, Inc., Chicago) Anonymous People: Portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright by Harris & Ewing (S#798.25). "No one knows anything about architecture," America's Frank Lloyd Wright, 81, told students at a London school of architecture." For 500 years the thing has been going downhill until no one knows a good building from a bad one." Then, as he handed out the year-end prizes, architect Wright assured the winners that their achievements meant nothing: "The judges throw out the best and the worst, and prices... Continue... (Sweeney 819) Pp 38 0819.00.1220 1950
Architectural Record - December 1950 Anonymous Wright's core-supported tower unveiled in photographs. Johnson Wax tower. (Sweeney 829) Pp 11a-b 0829.00.0203 1950
Magazine of Art - May 1950 (Published monthly October through May by The American Federation of Arts, Washington D.C.) Zevi, Bruno "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Conquest of Space." Translated by Edgar Kaufmann, Jr., from Mr. Zevi's introduction to Architetti del Movimento Modernop, Vol. III: Frank Lloyd Wright, Milam, Il Balcone, 1947. Bruno Zevi, Italian architect and critic, has been among the foremost European interpreters of the work of the American architects Sullivan and Wright. Includes 13 photographs and two illustrations. Original cover price 75 cents. 9 x 12. Three copies. (Sweeney 830) Pp Cover 186-191 0830.00.0607 0830.01.0607 0830.02.0607 1950
Art D"Aujourd"Hui - October 1950 (French) Anonymous Maquette Pour Le Musee S.R. Guggenheim. Architecte Frank Lloyd Wright. Article and two photos of Museum model. (French publication) Pp 2, 12 0831.02.0402 Anonymous Related Article: Museum of Non-Objective Painting, S.R. Guggenheim Foundation - New York, N.Y. Article and 8 photos of existing museum. (French publication) Pp 2, 13 0831.03.0402 1950
Baumeister - November 1950 (Published by Georg D.W. Callwey, Munchen) Pfister, Dr. Rudolf Published in German. Translation: Two Students of Frank Lloyd Wright Build Single-family Houses. After the death of Saarinen, Frank Lloyd Wright is probably the undisputed "Seniorchef"* of the American architects. According to the principle of "in their fruits you should recognize them", it is not absurd to improve the achievements of the "schooL' of a man, who has pretty much completed his own life's work and exerted a strong influence on contemporaries and offspring through direct... Continue... Pp 697-707 0831.113.0822 1950
Flair - August 1950 (Published monthly by Cowles Magazines, Inc., New York) Anonymous "Return to Tradition. College Architecture Regains Its Early Freedom..." Includes two photographs of the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel by Pedro Guerrero. Exterior caption: "Frank Lloyd Wright's chapel for Southern Florida interprets its function, its day, its climate." Interior color photograph caption: "Cool and luminous, Frank Lloyd Wright's Chapel for Florida Southern uses baffles and skylights to modulate the blazing Florida sun. Pinpoint outer windows are set with cut-glass jewels." Original cover price 50c. 9.75 x 13 Pp 60-63 0831.62.0617 1950
Life Magazine - December 11, 1950 Anonymous "Speaking of Pictures": Johnson's new "Heliolab" makes strange patters both by night and by day". S.C. Johnson and Son. Pg 8-10 0831.04.0604 1950
Los Angeles Times - January 15, 50 Anonymous "Talk Slated by Architect". Wright to speak at Home Builders Institute. Part 5, Pg 1 0831.05.1004 1950
Parade, The Sunday Picture Magazine - April 2, 1950 (Published weekly by the Chicago Sun Times, Chicago) Anonymous "The Turning Point... Most original architect of our century is the U. S. - and perhaps the world - is scholarly Frank Lloyd Wright. He remembers now, at the age of 80, how he stumbled into new forms of building in a moment of passion rather than after years of reflection. In his earliest years, Wright was as conservative an architect as anyone who ever placed a classic frieze over the doorway of a public library. But burning within him was the knowledge that some day his mind would outdistance... Continue... Pp 4 0831.45.0215 1950
Popular Science - January 1950 (Published Monthly by the Popular Science Publishing Co., New York) Anon; Drawings by Rouse, Stewart S.C. Johnson and Son research laboratory. "Research Laboratory built Like a Tree. Whenever Frank Lloyd Wright designs a building, you can be sure it"ll be different. Usually it is also good looking and functional. This one of his newest, is no exception. A 15-story research laboratory for S. C. Johnson & Son, the wax making firm, it looks something like an oversized chimney, but actually is more closely related to a tree..." Includes two illustrations and one photograph during construction. Original cover price 25c. 6.5 x 9.5 Pg 146-7 0831.35.0114 1950
SEE - September 1950 Greenbie, Sydney Tomorrows College is Todays Wonder: Frank Lloyd Wright's Sun-swept masterpiece turns Florida orange grove into geometric glory. Pp 28-31 0831.01.1101 1950
The Seminary News - April 1950 (Published six times a year by The Southwest Christian Seminary, Phoenix, AZ) Canary, Peyton H. Jr. Southwest Christian Seminary (Project). "Our Architect. Dr. Frank Lloyd Wright. The patrician pictured above is known and admired in every nation under heaven as the greatest architect in the world has ever known. More than a quarter of a century ago, this scribe fell in love with the buildings, the artistic ideals, with the genius that is Frank Lloyd Wright. I read everything he had in print, then, and ever since have followed his work with mounting joy and wonder... And it may be that even now God... Continue... Pp 1-2 0831.74.0319 1951 1951
Magazine of Art - April 1951 (Published by The American Federation of Arts, Washington D.C. Bound within a volume that includes all of 1951) Morrison, Hugh Book Review: "Genius and the Mobocracy," Wright, 1949, $5.00. "This is Frank Lloyd Wright's long-awaited book on his lieber Meister, Louis Sullivan. Or rather, it is about both men: their work-life together, the thoughts they shared a half century ago, and Wright's reflections today on the significance of the tragic and triumphant careers which both men have experienced. It is intensely personal, it is often arrogant and bitter and egotistic, and it is honest - as Wright's writing always is..." Original cover price $0.75. 9 x 12. (Sweeney 757) Pp 154-155 0757.00.0815 1951
Newsweek - February 5, 1951 (Published weekly by Weekly Publications, Inc., New York.) Anonymous Business & Culture: Sixty Years of Living Architecture: The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright was a traveling exhibition of Wright's work, consisting of Models, photographs and original drawings. A Preview of the exhibition was held in Philadelphia at Gimbel Brothers Gallery in January, 1951. "When Arthur C. Kaufmann, executive head of Gimbals, Philadelphia, turned over the department stores auditorium to an exhibition dealing with the architecture of the great Frank Lloyd Wright last week... Continue... (Sweeney 839) Pp 76 0839.00.0420 1951
Magazine of Art - May 1951 (Published monthly October through May by The American Federation of Arts, Washington D.C.) Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr. "Frank Lloyd Wright at the Strozzi. On closer look the exhibition of Frank Lloyd Wright's work at the Palazzo Strozzi - which might be thought an international exchange of urbanities - resembles a whirlpool drawing together fragments of civilization and history in irresistible homage to human creativity in art. Through sixty years of unremitting development, Wright has established the humanity of his architecture and the creativity of his imagination. The rebel Wright, we can see now... Continue... (Sweeney 846) Pp 190-192 0846.00.0815 1951
Architectural Forum - January 1951 Wright, Frank Lloyd Published as part of the January issue, and later as an offprint for distribution in connection with the comprehensive exhibit "Sixty years of Living Architecture". First exhibited at the Gimbel Philadelphia store, then Florence, Zurich, Paris, London and Munich. Captions translated into Italian, French, German and Russian. A color presentation of the Johnson Wax Co., Lowell, Adelman, Jacobs II, Pew, Friedman homes and the Florida Southern College. Includes 41... Continue... (Sweeney 854) Pp Cover, 73 - 108 0854.00.0200 1951
Architectural Forum - January 1951 Wright, Frank Lloyd This offprint was reprinted for distribution in connection with the comprehensive exhibit "Sixty years of Living Architecture". First exhibited at the Gimbel Philadelphia store, then Florence, Zurich, Paris, London and Munich. Captions translated into Italian, French, German and Russian. A color presentation of the Johnson Wax Co., Lowell, Adelman, Jacobs II, Pew, Friedman homes and the Florida Southern College. Includes 41 photographs and nine illustrations. The cover was... Continue... (Sweeney 854) Pp Cover, 75 - 106 0854.01.0203 0854.02.0507 1951
House Beautiful - March 1951 Roche, Mary A taste for Naturalism produces A new feeling for Materials. Wright's influence. Pp 116-119 130-1 0857.01.0203 1951
Kansas City Star - January 7, 1951 (Section 3, Page 1 & 3 Carlson, Conwell Sondern / Adler House, Kansas City, Missouri (1939/1948 - S.279/307) “The Guests Had Toasty Toes at this Housewarming. Kansas City's Only Home Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Is Heated by Pipes in Concrete Floors, Adding to Interest of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Adler's Visitors at 3600 Belleview...” An article about the Housewarming after the Adler Addition to the Sondern Residence. Highlights: The housewarming was for an addition to the house. The original house was designed for Mr... Continue... Pp 1C, 3C 0857.61.0423 1951
L'Architecture Francaise - 1951, No 119-120 (French) (Published in Paris)
Anonymous A review of two of Frank Lloyd Wright's projects. The V. C. Morris Gift Shop and the Guggenheim Museum.
1) "Magasin a San Francisco. Ce magasin pour articles de luxe realise une idee chere a Wright: faciliter l'exposition d'objets d'art ou autres en creant un mouvement..." (Store in San Francisco. This luxury goods store realizes an idea dear to Wright: to facilitate the exhibition of art and other objects by creating a movement ...) 2) "Projet Pour Le Musee Guggenheim A New-York. On... Continue...Pp 66 0857.52.0421 1951
Life Magazine - April 30, 1951 (Published weekly by Time, Inc. Chicago) Anonymous "Speaking of Pictures... These show modern church designs." Caption: "Steep-roofed prow of Unitarian Church in Madison, Wis., designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, serves as the main part of the church, and comprises the auditorium, pulpit, choir loft and bell tower. Includes one photograph. Original cover price 20 cents. 10.5 x 14. Pg 16-17 0857.04.0607 1951
Popular Mechanics - July 1951 (Published monthly by Popular Mechanics Company, Chicago) Hicks, Clifford Usonia (1948-1951 - S.316-318). "Co-op" Village in the Woods. When Frank Lloyd Wright was a young man he had, as you might guess, an unconventional idea. It was his own conception of a modern community, which he called Usonia. Many years later, a successful young engineer named David Henken also had an idea. His was quite conventional. He wanted to build a home for his family..." Includes twelve photographs and two illustration. Original cover price 35 cents. 6.5 x 9.4 Pg 72-77 0857.10.0613 1951
Realites (French Publication) - July 1951 (Published Monthly in French, by Humbert Frerejean and Didier W. Remon, Paris) Anonymous "Maisons De Verre pour riches Americains..." Glass Houses for Wealthy Americans. Two giants dominate contemporary architecture: Le Corbusier (Réalités of February 1950) and the American Frank Lloyd Wright. One and the other are joined by the rational use of modern materials, by the systematic search for air, sun and light, and by the large windows that bring the space inside the house. They are distinguished by the fact that Le Corbusier was an idealist who thought in terms of collective... Continue... Pp 86-91 0857.53.1221 1951
Sunday Mirror Magazine - June 3, 1951 (Published by King Features Syndicate, Inc., New York) Zerbe, Jerome "Functionalism Fights Back. Famed Frank Lloyd Wright Made it a Creed of Modern Architecture but Now it Invades His Paradise. Mention the word "˜functionalism" to anyone familiar with architectural trends and he will immediately, almost as if by reflex action, say "Frank Lloyd Wright." For the eccentric Mr. Wright, dean of American architects, is high priest of the functionalist school of design. That is to say, Wright, who is now 81, has for most of his life preached the doctrine of combining the utilitarian... Continue... Pp 8-9 0857.37.0119 1952 1952
Architectural Forum - December 1952 Anonymous Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright - Sixty Years of Living Architecture, by Werner Moser, (Sweeney 859) Pp 158, 166 0859.00.0203 Anonymous Ad for Taliesin Drawings Pp 156 0859.01.0203 1952
Saturday Review - October 4, 1952 (Published weekly by The Saturday Review Associates, Inc. New York) Soby, James Thrall Book Review: "The Unaging Frank Lloyd Wright" Review of "Taliesin Drawings". Includes one photograph and one illustration. Original Cover Price $0.20. 8 x 11. (Sweeney 868) Pg 58-59 0868.00.1106 1952
Der Spiegel - (German) - September 17, 1952 (Published by Spiegel, Hannover, Germany) Anonymous (Possibly by S. Titel) "Der amerikanische Ausdruck." (The American expression.) A review of the traveling exhibition, "Sixty Years of Living Architecture: The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright." A Preview of the exhibition was held in Philadelphia at Gimbel Brothers Gallery in January, 1951. The world wide tour opened in Palazzo Strozzi Florence, Italy (June 1951). The Exhibition catalogs are dated: Paris (April 1952); Zurich (End of May 1952); Munich (May 16 - June 15, 1952); Rotterdam (dated June... Continue... (Sweeney 870) Pp Cover 28-33 0870.00.0919 1952
New Yorker - July 5, 1952 (Published weekly by The New Yorker Magazine, Inc. New York.) Anonymous 84th annual convention of the American Institute of Architects (A.I.A.), at the Waldorf. "Fighting the Box. We consulted our program in search of something more comprehensible and lit on a students" symposium, in the Empire Room, at which the chief speaker was to be Frank Lloyd Wright... A mirrored double door at the back of the room opened, several flashlight cameras flashed, and Mr. Wright, a fantastically distinguished figure at eighty-three... "Boys," said Mr... Continue... (Sweeney 879) Pp 16-17 0879.00.0114 1952
Architectural Forum - December 1952 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York.) Anonymous "A church designed and built in the Attitude of Prayer... A form that serves as chapel, spire and perish hall in one... Meeting house of the First Unitarian Society of Madison, Wisconsin." Frank Lloyd Wright, architect: "As the square has always signified integrity and the sphere universality, the triangle stand for aspiration... Here is a church where the whole edifice is in the attitude of prayer." (Sweeney 880) Pp Cover 85-92 0880.00.0203 Anonymous Anarchy in our churches. Includes Wright. Pp 93 0880.01.0203 1952
Architectural Forum - Dec 1952 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York. Offset with Cover possibly produced by The Unitarian House, Madison, Wisconsin, 1947 - S.291) Anonymous Offset with cover: "The First Unitarian Society. 900 University Bay Drive. Madison, Wisconsin." "A church designed and built in the Attitude of Prayer... A form that serves as chapel, spire and perish hall in one... Meeting house of the First Unitarian Society of Madison, Wisconsin." FLW, architect: "As the square has always signified integrity and the sphere universality, the triangle stand for aspiration... Here is a church where the whole edifice is in the attitude of prayer." Bound with stiff cover and tissue... Continue... (Sweeney 880) Pp 8 (85-92) 0880.04.0417 1952 Offset
Architectural Forum - December 1952 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York. Offset possibly produced by The Unitarian House, Madison, Wisconsin) (1947 - S.291) Anonymous Offset with tissue cover: "A church designed and built in the Attitude of Prayer... A form that serves as chapel, spire and perish hall in one... Meeting house of the First Unitarian Society of Madison, Wisconsin." Frank Lloyd Wright, architect: "As the square has always signified integrity and the sphere universality, the triangle stand for aspiration... Here is a church where the whole edifice is in the attitude of prayer." Two copies bound with a tissue cover. 9.75 x12.5 (Sweeney 880) Pp 8 (85-92) 0880.02.0612 0880.05.0612 1952
Architectural Forum - September 1952 (Published monthly by Time Inc. New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Spivey, Ludd M. "Florida Southern College Revisited for Glimpses of the Administration Group in Wright's Organic Campus. FLW: About 15 years ago this spring," when Dr. Ludd M. Spivey, the presidential good-genius of Florida Southern College, flew to Taliesin, he came with the express and avowed purpose of giving the US at least one example of a college wherein modern life was to have the advantages of modern science and art in actual building construction. He said he wanted me as much for my... Continue... (Sweeney 881) Pp 120-127 0881.00.0716 1952 Offset
Architectural Forum - September 1952 (Offset) (Published as an offset by Time Inc. New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Spivey, Ludd M. Cover text: "Florida Southern College. A Reprint From The September 1952 Archgitectu5ral Forum."
"Florida Southern College Revisited for Glimpses of the Administration Group in Wright's Organic Campus. Frank Lloyd Wright: About 15 years ago this spring, when Dr. Ludd M. Spivey, the presidential good-genius of Florida Southern College, flew to Taliesin, he came with the express and avowed purpose of giving the US at least one example of a college wherein modern life was to... Continue... (Sweeney 881)Pp 10 0881.00.0223 1952
Architectural Record - March 1952 Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright in New Kind of Exhibit: Exhibit of Johnson Wax Bldg (Sweeney 882) Pp 374 0882.00.0401 Churchill, Henry S. Evaluation of Arch, Comments & Photos Pp 162, 165 0882.01.0401 1952
L'Architecture Francaise - 1952, No 123-124 (French) (Published in Paris) 1-2) Wright, Frank Lloyd; 3) Morey, Jean: 4) Wright, Frank Lloyd; 6) Noviant, L.-G.; 16) Wright, Frank Lloyd;
The special issue devoted to the work of Frank Lloyd Wright to coincide with the exhibition "Sixty Years of Living Architecture" held at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, in April 1952. This issue is more extensive than many of the catalogs produced for the exhibitions. 1) To Young Architects. 2) Message to France. Taliesin West, January 1951. 3) Introduction To The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright. 4) Broadacre City. 5) Fifty Years of Domestic Architecture: Heurtley, Ross, Willits, Robie, Kaufmann... Continue.... (Sweeney 884) Pp Cover, 3-72 0884.00.0321 1952
Architectural Forum - April 1952
Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright's Masterwork, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Memorial Museum. Two copies. (Sweeney 887) Pp 141-4 0887.00.0103 0887.00.1119 1952
Die Neue Stadt (The New City) - No. 9, 1952 (Published monthly by Eduard Stichnote, Berlin and Darmstradt, Germany) Henning, Heinrich Frank Lloyd Wright. 60 Years of Living Architecture. "Frank Lloyd Wright Ausstellung hat Deutschland wieder verlassen. Der Meister hat - wie eine Diva - seine Presse gehabt; der Beifall ist verrauscht." A review of Wright's exhibition " 60 Years of Living Architecture," May 16 through June 15, 1952 held in Munich, Germany. Includes photographs and illustrations of: SC Johnson (4), Pfeiffer Chapel (1) Guggenheim Museum (2), New Theater (1), and V. C. Morris (1). 8.25 x 11.25. (Sweeney 891) Pp 388-395 0891.00.1217 1952
Die Neue Stadt (The New City) - No. 9, 1952 (Published monthly by Eduard Stichnote, Berlin and Darmstradt, Germany) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Ãœber Die Lehrzeit Des Architekten." A reprint of an article published in the September 1936 issue of Architectural Record. "Apprenticeship-Training for the Architect. Why do you - does any one - want to become an architect? If you can truthfully say you love building and want to know buildings, how do you expect to become the kind of builder we should call "architect"? Precisely what do you expect to learn in the schools that will help you build good or great buildings... " Pp 396-397 0891.01.1217 1952
Architectural Record - May 1952 (Published Monthly by F.W. Dodge Corp., New York) Anonymous "Honestly arrogant and " F. LL. W. Restates Lifelong Creed. Frank Lloyd Wright, in New York to oversee preliminaries to his Guggenheim Museum, was guest of honor at luncheon given by Thomas S. Holden, president of F. W. Dodge Corp. Wright, who remarked "I early decided that an architect must be either honestly arrogant or hypocritically humble," noted that his credo, written 58 years ago and first published in architectural record in 1908, has never changed. ( see pages 148 to 154)... Continue... (Sweeney 904) Pp 14 0893.00.0915 1952
House & Home - December 1952 (Published monthly by Time, Inc., New York) Anonymous; Photographs by Stoller, Ezra The first in a series of new Wright homes to be published in H&H. "A house by Frank Lloyd Wright for Mr. & Mrs. Herman T. Mossberg in South Bend, Ind., William Reinke, General Contractor." Pictorial essay on the Mossberg residence. Includes 12 photographs by Ezra Stoller and 3 illustrations. Original cover price $1.00. 9.75 x 12.5. (Sweeney 893) Pp Cover 66-73 0894.00.1007 1952
Look Magazine - January 1, 1952 Anonymous Journey to Taliesin West (Sweeney 895) Pp 28-31 0895.00.0901 1952
Baukunst und Werkform - No. 2,3 1952 (Published monthly by Alfons Leitl) Leitl, Alfons A four part article on the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. "Architecture Between Mies and Frank Lloyd Wright. 1. Discussion about a house by Mies van der Rohe. Mies van der Rohe completed the floating house Farnsorth near Chicago, and the photographs of this building are currently making their rounds through the architecture magazines of the world." Includes one photograph of Fallingwater. 2. Frank Lloyd Wright in Europe. An exhibition of his life's work in Zurich." (Sixty years of Living... Continue... (Sweeney 897) Pp 36-60 0897.00.1217 1952
Baukunst und Werkform - No. 2,3 1952 (Published monthly by Alfons Leitl) Anonymous The academician Frank Lloyd Wright. The American Academy of Art and Literature... Pp 80, 82 0897.01.1217 1952
Architectural Record - January 1952 Anonymous New Honors for Frank Lloyd Wright. Two new awards. (Sweeney 901) Pp 22 0901.00.0602 1952
Harper's Bazaar - June 1952 (Published monthly by Hearst Magazines, Inc., New York) Anonymous "The Grand Old Men of Modern Architecture." Article includes paragraph and photograph on Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Gropius and Frank Lloyd Wright. Full page portrait or Wright by Richard Avedon. Original cover price 60 cents. 9.75 x 12.75. Pp 68-71 0903.00.0307 1952
Architectural Record - July 1952 Reed, Henry H. Jr. Frank Lloyd Wright Conquers Paris: and Vice Versa. Henry H. Reed Jr. Analyzes Reviews of Beaux Arts Exhibit; Even Communists Bow to "Most Famous American Architect" (Sweeney 904) Pp 22, 268, 272 0904.00.0502 1952
Architectural Record - July 1952 Reid, Alfred D. Wright's Guggenheim Museum: Dictionary of Classic Terms? Illustration of Guggenheim pointing out definitive terms. Pp 22 0904.01.0502 1952
Architectural Forum - April 1952 Anonymous Book Review: American Peoples Encyclopedia Year Book. A reprint of Wright's comments in their entirety. Two copies. (Sweeney 908 Pp 212 16 24 0908.00.0103 0908.00.1119 Anonymous People: Update on Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel. Pp 53 0908.01.0103 0908.01.1119 1952
Architectural Record - May 1952 (Published Monthly by F.W. Dodge Corp., New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Few realize that the principles of Wright's "organic architecture" we're actually written in 1894. They were first published an article by Wright in Architectural Record, March 1908, and are republished here, along with his current article. His credo, dated 1894 but difficult to improve upon today, is important background for his criticism of the contemporary architectural scene." That "credo" is reprinted along the top of the pages of the article. The new article "Organic Architecture... Continue... (Sweeney 909) Pp 148-154 (+4) 0909.00.0915 1952
Art Photography - November 1952 (Art Photography is published monthly, Chicago, Illinois) Faurot, Louis “Studies In Structure. Imaginative Photographers Probe Exciting, New Designs of Modern Architects and Discover Source for Interesting Camera Studies.
The startlingly original buildings designed by men like Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Mies Van der Rohe have changed the appearance of the world's landscape. The sweeping curves, unbroken ribbons of glass, the crisp vertical and horizontal lines herald new concepts in design. The creative photographer is an architect with a camera... Continue...Pp 32-35 0910.78.0423 1952
Ford Times - February 1952 (Published monthly by the Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan) Anonymous (Related Story) Glass church designed by son Lloyd Wright, Swedenborgian. Pp 7 0910.03.0904 1952
Journal of the American Oil Chemists" Society, April 1952 (Published by Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany) Rahles, W. F.; Reents, A. C.; Stromquist, D. M. "Sweetwater Deionization on a Plant Scale." Presented at the 25th Annual Fall Meeting, American Oil Chemists' Society, Chicago, Ill., Oct. 8-11, 1951. Donald M. Stromquist, Illinois Water Treatment Company, Rockford, Illinois. 8.5 x 11. (Digital and printed version) (See our Wright Study on the Stromquist Residence) Pp 133-136 0910.20.0310 1952
Life Magazine - February 4, 1952 (Published weekly by Time Inc., Chicago) (Relates to Huntington Hartford Resort, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, Project 1947-8) Anonymous "Art Trouble in Paradise. Modernism upsets grocery heir's Eden. About three years ago millionaire Huntington Hartford, 40-year-old heir to the A&P fortune, concluded that much of the violence of modern society was due to an ignorance of the arts. So he created the Huntington Hartford Foundation and on the outskirts of Los Angeles, in a hidden canyon, built a $600,000 retreat where struggling young artists, writers... Continue... See our Wright Study on the Huntington Hartford Resort Project. Pg 76-79 0910.31.0515 1952
Milwaukee Journal - 1952 (Published weekly by The Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) Doyle, Robert Frank Lloyd Wright's Madison Church. Unitarian Church in Madison Wisconsin. 0910.01.0702 1952
Milwaukee Sentinel - July 13, 1952 (Published by King Features Syndicate, Inc.)
Anonymous "A Rare Visit With Frank Lloyd Wright. Famous Architect's Birthday Party." 11 x 15. Pp 12-13 0910.05.0305 1952
Popular Mechanics - January 1952 Anonymous "Popular Mechanics Fiftieth Anniversary Hall of Fame 1902-1952." Frank Lloyd Wright (one of fifty.) Pg 169 0910.04.1204 1952
Popular Science - October 1952 Francis, Devon How Karsh Pictures Celebrities. Focusing on the famous took this Ottawa photographer to the top of the heap himself. Includes portrait of Wright. Pg 220-5 56 58 60 0910.02.1202 1952
Road & Track - August 1952 (Published monthly by Enthusiast's Publications, Inc. 540 W. Colorado Blvd., Glendale CA) Lane, Joseph J. Jr. 1) Jaguar Ad (Pg IFC) Hoffman Motor Car Co., NY. 2) "Bridgehampton Road Race. "Max Hoffman had been really pouring on the coal, building up a lead of about a minute over the second place man... he had started to take off the pressure, having built up what seemed to be an unsurmountable lead... Slowly Botts whittled away the Porsche's lead till finally Hoffman (getting word from the pit) started to step up his speed... finally in... Continue... (See our Wright Study on the Hoffman Showroom for more information.) Pp IFC, 20-21 31 0910.21.1110 1952
Saturday Evening Post - June 28, 1952 (Published Weekly by The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, PA) Morris, J. Malcolm "My Six Fantastic Years at the Imperial HoteL'. In 1945 Lieutenant J. Malcolm Morris became a billet at the Imperial Hotel for senior officers of the Allied occupation forces. When he became a civilian, he stayed on as manager until 1951. In 1954 Morris expanded his stories and published "The Wise Bamboo". Includes four photographs. Original cover price 15c. 10.75 x 13.75. Pg 36-37 74 77-79 0910.06.1106 1953 1953
Arizona Homes and Gardens (Published B-Monthly by the Akers Publishing Co., Inc. Phoenix, AZ) Anonymous "A hemi-cycle house above a patio. Exposed concrete masonry lends its character and beauty to Frank Lloyd Wright's most romantic house design." Includes six photos. Original cover price 20c. 8 x 11. Pp Cover, 8-10 0987.07.0405 1953
Saturday Review - November 14, 1953 (Published weekly by The Saturday Review Associates, Inc., New York) Andrews, Wayne Book Review: "The Great Uncompromiser." Review of "The Future of Architecture". Includes four photographs. Original Cover Price $0.20. 8 x 11. (Sweeney 914) Pg 15-16 0914.00.1206 Kalb, Bernard "The Author." Kalb describes one of Wright's visits to New York. Includes a portrait of Wright. Original Cover Price $0.20. 8 x 11. Pg 15 0914.00.1206 1954
House & Home - March 1954 (Published by Time, Inc., New York) Anonymous Book Review: The Future of Architecture, Wright, Horizon Press, $7.00. "At about the time that Frank Lloyd Wright's exhibit, Sixty Years of Living Architecture, open in New York (H&H, November 53), Wright published this collection of essays and lectures, until then largely out of print. To Wright disciples and many others the book is worth its price for the famous Hull House lecture (1903) alone, in which he called on twentieth-century architecture to lay down the jigsaw and pick... Continue... (Sweeney 915) Pp 174 0915.00.0212 1953
New York Times Book Review - November 1, 1953 (Published weekly by The New York Times Company, New York) Hamlin, Talbot "To Be Victoriously Himself." Book Review: "The Future of Architecture", Wright, Horizon Press, $7.50. "The publication of a new volume by Frank Lloyd Wright is a measure of the respect, almost the reverence, in which he is held. This nearly universal admiration is a well-earned tribute not only to the author's complete devotion to his ideals through storm and calm, attack and adulation, but also and perhaps even more to his creative imagination and his sense of the poetry... Continue... (Sweeney 920) Pp 7 0920.00.0511 1953
Perspectives USA No. 4 - Summer 1953 (Published quarterly by Intercultural Publications Inc., Brooklyn, NY) Andrews, Wayne "Looking at the Latest of Frank Lloyd Wright. It would be silly to say that Frank Lloyd Wright, whose eighty-fourth birthday fell on the eighth of last June, is the most unpredictable of American architects, for if you think over all he has accomplished in his long career, you will probably agree that he is a highly predictable artist. The thing that is astonishing, and that makes his most recent work so remarkable, is that this octogenarian has succeeded, year after year, in... Continue... (Sweeney 927) Pp 115-125 0927.00.1106 1953
Profiles (Perspectives) No. 4 - Summer 1953 (Published quarterly by Intercultural Publications Inc., Paris, New York) Andrews, Wayne "Frank Lloyd Wright is Eighty-Four Years Old. It would be absurd to say that Frank Lloyd Wright is among American architects the one who reserves the greatest surprises for us; Frank Lloyd Wright celebrated his eighty-fourth anniversary on June 8 and as long as we think about everything he has accomplished during his long career, we will probably admit that we know perfectly what this artist is capable of. What is truly wonderful and what makes his recent works so... Continue... (Sweeney 927) Pp 91-101 0927.00.1122 1953
Marj - December 1953 (Published monthly by Marj Publications, Bombay, India) Andrews, Wayne (Text and photographs) "The Recent Work of Frank Lloyd Wright. ...The thing that is astonishing, and that makes his most recent work so remarkable, is that this octogenarian has succeeded, year after year, in surprising even his most ardent admirers. Unlike most of his contemporaries... (he) has never seen anything to be proud of in repeating an experiment successfully performed..." Includes eight photographs by Wayne Andrews, including the V. C. Morris Gift Shop, Taliesin West, Johnson... Continue... (Sweeney 928) Pp 5-10 0928.00.0412 1953
Architectural Record - September 1953 (Published Monthly by F.W. Dodge Corp., New York) d"Harnoncourt, Rene MOMA responds to Frank Lloyd Wright. Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright recently published a statement under the title: In The Cause of Modern Architecture, in which he denounces the International Style of architecture as an "evil crusade... Continue... (Sweeney 931) Pp 12 0931.00.1222 Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright and Froebel toys. "F.LL.W. in Knee Pants. The search for influences on the work of Frank Lloyd Wright has now been pushed to the point where the next step may have to be taken by specialists in pre-natal influence... Continue... Pp 356, 360 0931.01.1222 1953
Art News - October 1953 Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright. Review of Exhibit at the Guggenheim Museum, October 9 - November 15, 1953 (Sweeney 932) Pp 44 0932.00.0102 1953
House & Home - March 1953 (Published monthly by Time, Inc., New York) Anonymous Editorial: "Frank Lloyd Wright and 1,000,000 houses a year." Defines the impact Wright has had on home design. "H&H is proud to show you another Wright house on the following pages..." Includes two photographs. Original cover price $1.00. 9.75 x 12.5. (Sweeney 933) Pp 105 0933.00.1007 1953
House & Home - November 1953 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous; Photographs by Stoller, Ezra; Guerrero, P. E. "Frank Lloyd Wright builds in the middle of Manhattan, shows how to make a small, simple house rich and spacious. In this 1,700 sq. ft. exhibition house lie Frank Lloyd Wright's suggestions to the average American who builds or buys a home - suggestions first made in 1900 when his houses embodying the same principles first appeared on the prairie outside Chicago." A Usonian home, built as part of the exhibition "Sixty Years of Living Architecture", on the site for... Continue... (Sweeney 935) Pp 118-121 0935.00.1209 1953
Architectural Forum - October 1953 Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright exhibits 60 years" work. Temporary pavilion for exhibit of 60 years" of architectural work set up at Guggenheim site. (Sweeney 937) Pp 45 0937.00.0425 1953
Architectural Forum - May 1953 (Published monthly by Time Inc. New York) Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright's Concrete and Copper Skyscraper on the Prairie, for H. C. Price Co. The Skyscraper Frank Lloyd Wright had been planning and replanning for nearly a generation goes into actual construction this summer - not in New York, not in Chicago, not in San Francisco, but in Bartlesville, Okla." This is Frank Lloyd Wright's challenge to the dogma of "simplicity". Includes three model photographs by Joe Price and seven illustrations. Original... Continue... (Sweeney 939) Pp 98-105 0939.00.0807 1953
Architectural Forum - June 1953 (Published monthly by Time Inc. New York) Anonymous News: "Two more bridges to span SF Bay; FLLW offers design for one." Includes one illustration. Pp 39 0939.01.0406 Anonymous News: "In New York, Architect Frank Lloyd Wright accepts a Gold Medal from the National Institute of Arts and Letters." Original cover price $2.00. 10x12.5. Pp 51 0939.02.0406 1953
House Beautiful - July 1953 Wright, Frank Lloyd Frank Lloyd Wright Speaks Up: ...speaks up forthrightly against the sterility and the totalitarian threat of the "International Style". A reprint of an editorial Wright wrote and published in booklet form titled "In the Cause of Architecture". (Sweeney 940) Pp 86-8 90 0940.00.0503 1953
House & Home - June 1953 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York, New York) 1) Anonymous
2) Anonymous
3) Horsley, Mary S.1) The David Wright House. "Frank Lloyd Wright: This New Desert House For His Son is a Magnificent Coil of Concrete Block. In this strange and wonderful house Frank Lloyd Wright again challenges a dozen fixed ideas. Some men grow timid as they grow older - others gain confidence. Only Wright's supreme confidence, at the age of 84, made this house possible: a house that will be praised, talked about - and argued over - as no other way Wright house since Falling Water (sic). A house... Continue... (Sweeney 942) 1) Pp Cover 99-107
2) 108-1150942.00.0318 1953
Life Magazine - June 15, 1953 Anonymous "Give Me Land, Lots of Land". Article mentions Frank Lloyd Wright's receipt of Gold Metal from the National Institute of Arts and Letters among other things. (Sweeney 943) Pg 48 0943.00.0302 1953
Newsweek - November 2, 1953 (Published weekly by Weekly Publications, Inc., New York.) Anonymous "Man of Culture. Frank Lloyd Wright is perhaps not a testy man, but he sometimes seems to suffer from a superfluity of relevance. Last week in New York, for instance, the great American architect expressed an annoyance at the humorous was in which he feels some of the press has dealt with him. "When they make fun," he asserted, "it is a sign of immaturity. As a nation we still have no maturity, and until we get it we only have a civilization and not a culture. You"d think we... Continue... (Sweeney 948) Pp 64 0948.00.0416 1953
The Art Quarterly - Summer 1953 (Published quarterly by the Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan) Manson, Grant Carpenter "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Fair of "93. In his role as confidant and privileged draftsman to Louis Sullivan, the preparations for the World's Columbian Fair at Chicago in 1893 were for many months a matter of immediate, practical concern to Frank Lloyd Wright. The design of the Transportation Building, Adler and Sullivan's agonizingly small share of the total layout, and one which seemed hopelessly engulfed by the title wave of Beaux-Arts revivalism that was destined to be the Fair's pervading... Continue... (Sweeney 949) Pp 114-123 0949.00.0219 1953
The Architectural Review - June 1953 (Published monthly by The Architectural Review, London, England) Manson, Grant C. "Wright in The Nursery. The influence of Froebel Education on the Work of Frank Lloyd Wright. It is difficult and open to challenge to try to define, in the usual way, a set of "influences" that may have affected the career of so pioneer a genius as Frank Lloyd Wright. But he is an alert and sensitive human being, and it would be a mistake to think, no matter how beguiling it may be, that his art sprang whole from a certain complex of inheritances at a fixed moment in time. Other than the... Continue... (Sweeney 950) Pp 349-351 0950.00.0517 1953
New Yorker - November 28, 1953 (Published weekly by The New Yorker Magazine, Inc., New York) Mumford, Lewis Sixty Years of Living Architecture Exhibit. "The Sky Line. A Phoenix Too Infrequent. New York is finally, to its past discredit and its present honor, harboring its first building by Frank Lloyd Wright, the last and greatest of the trio of master builders that began with Henry Hobson Richardson and Louis Henri Sullivan. This building, a little red prairie dwelling, has but momentarily alighted, like a bird of passage, on the edge of central park at Eighty-ninth Street and Fifth Avenue... Continue... (Sweeney 952) Pp 80-82, 85-87 0952.00.1221 1953
Time (Canadian Edition) - August 10, 1953 (Published weekly by Time International of Canada Ltd., Montreal, Quebec.) Anonymous, Wright "Naughty Nautilus. For the better part of his 84 years, Frank Lloyd Wright, the grand, infuriating and tireless old nautilus of U.S. architecture, has built ever more amazing mansions, put ever vaster domes over such projects as a mortuary in San Francisco, a chapel for Florida Southern College, a laboratory tower for Johnson Wax. When the Guggenheim Foundation asked him in 1945 to build an art museum for Manhattan's upper Fifth Ave..." Article on the Guggenheim... Continue... (Sweeney 953) Pp 60 0953.00.0612 1953
House & Home - November 1953 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous; Photographs by Guerrero, P. E. "A new house by Frank Lloyd Wright opens up a new way of life on the old site. For 30 years the Henry Neilses lived in this big, Italian-French-Spanish box... Now the Neilses have a new home by Frank Lloyd Wright, a structure that is at the same time more sheltering and more open to nature." The Henry J. Neils Residence (S.314), Minneapolis. Includes 11 photographs by P. E. Guerrero and two illustrations of the floor plan. Original cover price $1.00. 9.75 x 12.3. (Sweeney 954) Pp Cover 122-127 0954.00.1209 1953
New York Times Book Review - November 1, 1953 (Published weekly by The New York Times Company, New York) Nichols, Lewis "Talk With Mr. Wright. ...As an author, Mr. Wright is through. With the conclusion of his book, "The Future of Architecture," he has spoken his piece, and hereafter will just build it. Anyone knowing Mr. Wright will regard it as unlikely that this withdrawal from he printed word is only the first of a series of farewell performances, in the great operatic traditions." Includes six photographs from "The Future of Architecture". 11 x 13. (Sweeney 955) Pp 24 0955.00.0511 1953
Architectural Forum - February 1953 Anonymous Our New Crystal Towers. Working mainly with the same materials - glass - four architects come out with four widely different interpretations. Includes Johnson Wax Tower. (Sweeney 956) Pp 142-3 0956.00.0602 1953
L'Architecture D"Aujourd"Hui (The Architecture of Today) - December 1953 (Published in French in Paris France) 1B) Morris, Lawrence S.; 1C) Giedion, S.
2) Persitz, A.Description: American Contributions to the Contemporary Architecture. 1) A: Introduction; B: Preface; C: "Aspects of the architecture in the United States in 1953". Includes information on Frank Lloyd Wright and one illustration of a "Project of a bridge above the bay in San Francisco". 2) "Frank Lloyd Wright". Extensive article concerning Wright and his architecture. Portrait of Wright. A) Illustration of the Sailing Club, Madison, Wisconsin 1902. B) Illustration... Continue... (Sweeney 958) Pp 1) 2-9 2) 10-25
0958.00.0512 1953
Time - May 25, 1953 (Published weekly by Time, Inc., Chicago, Illinois) Anonymous A) Cities. "Very Village-Like." New Yorkers, still discussing Edna Ferber's taunt that their city was "the dirtiest in the world" (Time, May 4), got some new criticism to chew on last week. "I don't think it's filthy," declared famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright, 83, in the big city for a brief inspection hour. "It's a greatly overgrown Village. It has phases unworthy of a great city " trucks mixed with taxi cabs and private conveyances, the whole thing a melee, and then the garbage... Continue... .(Sweeney 961) Pp 25 and Pp 94 0961.00.1220 1953
Architectural Forum - November 1953 (Published monthly by Time Inc. New York) Anonymous "Sixty Years of Living Architecture" - The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright. A review of the temporary New York exhibit which has been traveling Europe. Built on the site for the Guggenheim Museum. Includes fourteen photographs. Original cover price $2.00. 10x12.5. (Sweeney 965) Pp 152-5 0965.00.0406 1953
House & Home - March 1953 (Published monthly by Time, Inc., New York) Anonymous; Photographs by Stoller, Ezra Part of the series of new Wright homes published in H&H. "This new House by Frank Lloyd Wright is a rich textbook of the principles he pioneered. For Mr. & Mrs. Eric V. Brown, Parkwyn Village, Kalamazoo, Mich. David Corning, contractor." Pictorial essay on the Brown residence. Includes 12 photographs by Ezra Stoller and 3 illustrations. Original cover price $1.00. 9.75 x 12.5. (Sweeney 967) Pp Cover
106-1130967.00.1007 1953
Magazine of Art - April 1953 (Published by The American Federation of Arts, New York) Tselos, Dimitri "Exotic Influences in the Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. In the minds of many enthusiastic admirers, almost all the mature works of Frank Lloyd Wright have appeared to be completely free from the influence of other architects either of the distant or the near past. Whenever such influence was suggested it was either dismissed or minimized. The present study intends to show that, like other great artists and great men, he is not an island but a part of the continent - a lofty pinnacle of the... Continue... (Sweeney 969) Pp 160-169, 184 0969.00.1104 0969.00.0414 1953
Architect and Engineer - October 1953 (Published monthly by The Architect and Engineer, Inc., San Francisco, CA) Anonymous Wright Awarded Brown Metal. Frank Lloyd Wright, architect, was awarded the Frank P. Brown Metal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania at the institutes Metal Day Ceremonies held October 21. The award was made for: "No one man has had so much to do with the shaping of our external world during the past half century... His name has become synonymous with architecture. In consideration of his very expensive contributions to the entire field of architecture over a period... Continue... (Sweeney 972) Pp 33 0972.00.1018 1953
Architectural Review - May 1953 (Published by Knapp, Drewett & Sons Ltd, London) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Richards, J. M. "Against the Steamroller. The survival of quality and individual feeling in an age which inevitably thinks in terms of quantity production and rule-of-thumb solutions is a matter that exercises the minds of all who worry about the way architecture is going. Frank Lloyd Wright, who has always championed the individual against the steamroller, and J. M. Richards contribute below their thoughts on this subject, with Wright leading and Richards commenting. Architecture is the mother--art. Its... Continue... (Sweeney 974) Pp 283-285 0974.00.1021 1953
Architectural Record - June 1953 Wright, Frank Lloyd Excerpts from the "International Style", an editorial Frank Lloyd Wright wrote and published in booklet form titled "In the Cause of Architecture". Includes portrait of Wright by Tommy Weber. (Sweeney 975) Pp 12, 332 0975.00.0401 Anonymous Panel Discussion, Photo Johnson Wax Building. Pp 172 0975.01.0401 1953
Art News - October 1953 Wright, Frank Lloyd Frank Lloyd Wright: some answers. Dialogue which is being published in "The Future of Architecture", from a London lecture hall, 1939. (Sweeney 977) Pp 42-3 0977.00.0102 1953
New York Times Magazine - Feb 1, 1953 (Published weekly by The New York Times Company, New York)Wright, Frank Lloyd The Future: Four Views. To the question, "What will tomorrow's New York be like?," four distinguished contemporaries " two of them residence, two non-residents of the city - have made characteristic, brief replies... Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect: "A successful New York skyscraper-broker, speaking of the New York skyscraper, declared recently: "The Slabs the thing." Well, every graveyard, if it could, would say amen to that. So overwhelming is this epitaph that the capital city... Continue... (Sweeney 982) Pp 64 0982.00.0319 1953
Architectural Forum - May 1953 (Published monthly by Time Inc. New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd "The Language of Organic Architecture. Organic (or intrinsic) architecture is the free architecture of ideal democracy. To defend and explain whatever I have myself written on the subject I here append a nine-word lexicon that seems needed, world wide, at this moment." Wright defines Organic Architecture. Originally published as "Taliesin Square-Paper 16" (S 2069), Wright's final square-paper, in February 1953. Includes one photographs by P. E. Guerrero. Original cover price $2.00. 9.75 x 12.5. (Sweeney 983) Pp 106-107 0983.00.0807 1953
Newsweek - May 11, 1953 (Published weekly by Weekly Publications, Inc., Dayton, Ohio) Anonymous "Wright is Right. In Salt Lake City this week, professional hospital administrators and aides, attending the 23rd annual conference of the Association of Western Hospitals, listened with reddened faces to the words of a man bent on letting sunlight into the lives of all hospital patients. He was Frank Lloyd Wright, the celebrated 84-year-old architectural iconoclast. In Salt Lake to discus plans for a cultural center which he is scheduled to design for tiny... Continue... (Sweeney 985) Pp 97-98 0985.00.0416 1953
Architectural Record - October 1953 Anonymous Wright Makes New York, Sixty Years of Living Architecture Exhibit (Sweeney 986) Pp 20 0986.00.0401 Stoller, Ezra (Photographer) Photo of Taliesin Pp 146 0986.01.0401 1953
Time - November 9, 1953 (Published weekly by Time Inc., Chicago, Illinois) Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright's exhibit, "Sixty Years of Living Architecture," New York. Wright's Might. "Early in life," says Frank Lloyd Wright, "I had to choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility. Today, at 84, architect Wright would never be accused of humble hypocrisy. But he is also revered, at home and abroad, as the world's greatest living architect. Last week the U.S. could take a long backward look at the array of Wright's achievements expressed both in words and deeds... Continue... (Sweeney 987) Pp 74 0987.00.1220 1953
Aperture - October 1953, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Published quarterly in April, July, October and January by Minor White, San Francisco, California) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Reproduced from a tape of Mr. Wright's talk, July 1, 1953, at Short Course in Photo-Journalism, University of Wisconsin. You have to be rather suspicious in this kind of an atmosphere, you know... I'm one of those fellows that has been on the off side of press photography for about 60 years. I've seen almost every angle of it, and I think I've been the victim of more good and bad photographers than perhaps anybody here - I don't see so many grey heads. I'm talking to about Press... Continue... Pp 30-32, 35-40 0987.102.1218 1953
Bauwelt, Issue 5 - February 2, 1953 (Bauwelt Verlag, Berlin-Tempelhof Anonymous Published in German. "Das Phänomen Frank Lloyd Wright." (The phenomenon Frank Lloyd Wright.) "Sechzig Jahre lebendige Architektur" heiBt der Bildbericht, den Werner Moses... ("Sixty Years of Living Architecture" is the picture report, by Werner Moses... The fourth exhibition of "Sixty Years of Living Architecture" was held in Munich, Germany from May 16 - June 15, 1952. Includes five photographs. The Little House (1902), the Goetsch-Winckler House (1939), the V. C. Morris Gift Shop... Continue... Pp 87 0987.91.0617 1953
Focus - December 9, 1953 Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright Talks: "...Cramped Boxes ...Like Coffins" Pp 34-37 0987.01.0202 1953
The Iowan - September 1953
Turk, Carl An Iowa Home from Iowa Stone. The Millers of Charles City live with their beautiful site in a home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Pp 24-6 0987.02.0702 1953
La Revue Francaise - November 1953, No. 50 (Published monthly in Paris) Colombier, Pierre Du Published in French. "Frank Lloyd Wright and Organic Architecture. In the spring 1952, in the atmosphere slightly muffled and dusty from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, had been presented the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, the architectural burgrave of the United States. I knew his name very well, and the rest very badly. For me it was a revelation, but it does not seem to me that the French public reacted like me, because the exhibition position did not meet with much echo. I was about yet... Continue... Pp 32-34 0987.130.0922 1953
Magazine of Books - November 15, 1953 (Published weekly by the Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois) Newcomb, Rexford Book Review: The Future of Architecture, Wright, 1953."Frank Lloyd Wright's Criticism. This volume, better than any so far published, sets forth Frank Lloyd Wright's philosofy (sic) of architecture. It opens with Wright's latest [1953] pronouncement embodied in a conversation with Hugh Downs and proceeds with essays, some new, some long imprint but now difficult to obtain, to round out the thinking that has activated a uniquely creative career in the profession of architecture. Thus... Continue... Pp 10 0925.01.0820 1953
People Today - November 4, 1953 (Published is published bi-weekly by Hillman Periodicals Inc., New York) Anonymous People VS People. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright: "It was useless giving women the vote. They always vote as their husbands do." Tex McCrary: "Frank Lloyd Wright is on he other side of every argument." Includes one portrait of Wright. Original cover price 10c. 4 x 6 P 49 0987.40.0611 1953
Quick - May 25, 1953 Anonymous What they are saying. Photo and Wright quoting Churchill. Pp 26 0987.05.0404 1953
The Dodgeville Chronicle - September 24, 1953 (Published weekly by The Dodgeville Chronicle, Dodgeville, Wisconsin) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Mr. Wright in Dispute With Court Decision". Threatens to take back Foundation as a Private School. Original Price 6 cents. 5,000 copies printed. 18x24. Pp 1, 7 0987.06.0305 1954 1954
The Saturday Review - December 18, 1954 (Published weekly by the Saturday Review Associates, Inc., New York) Andrews, Wayne Book Review: "The Natural House" by Frank Lloyd Wright 1954. "Architects Creed. ...The truth, as everyone knows, is that Frank Lloyd Wright has never been embarrassed since the day he was born, if then. He would not even be nonplussed if he were asked tomorrow morning to redesign every house in the United States. He would simply take the news in stride... "The house of moderate cost" he makes plain, "is not only America's major architectural problem, but the problem... Continue... (Sweeney 993) Pg 17, 41 0993.00.0710 1955
Architectural Record - January 1955 (Published monthly by F. W. Dodge Corporation, Concord, N. H.) Book Review. The Natural House. By Frank Lloyd Wright. Horizon Press, 1954, $6.50. "In this book the master turns his ingenuity to the small house, the economical house. Wright calls it the Usonian Automatic; a newspaper reporter calls it the U-Drive-it house. The book, incidentally, is timed to coincide with the opening by Wright of a New York office for the purpose of pushing his pour-it-yourself scheme. Goble, Emerson Along with the ingenuity the author dispenses the expected... Continue... (Sweeney 995) Pp 46 0995.00.1222 1954
Americas - April 1954 (Published by Pan American Union, General Secretariat of the Organizations of American States, Washington 6, D.C. Covering North Central and South America) Campo, Santiago del (Incomplete, inside pages on Wright removed.) "An afternoon with Frank Lloyd Wright." Includes cover photograph by Pedro Guerrero. Original cover price 25c. 8.25 x 10.75. (Sweeney 1003) Pp Cover, 9-12, 44-46 1003.00.1111 1954
House & Home - December 1954 (Published by Time, Inc., New York) Anonymous 1) Frank Lloyd Wright says he'll quit Wisconsin. A few days after voters in Madison, Wisconsin had expressed their preferences for him as architect of the cities proposed Civic Center (see p. 42) Frank Lloyd Wright heard news from another quarter that he said would impel him to move his Taliesin out of Wisconsin forever. The Wisconsin Supreme Court handed down a decision that Wright's home and school near Spring Green (the school is situated on 80 acres of 3000 that he owns there)... Continue... (Sweeney 1009) Pp 53, 42 1009.00.0718 1009.01.0718 1954
Photography - February 1954 (Published Monthly by Ziff-Davis Publishing Co., New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Frank Lloyd Wright talks about photography. A great modern architect tells photo-journalists what he thinks the camera can do - and what it can"t... So instead of "composition," I offer you a sense of proportion. Is photography an art; would you say so, you boys who practice it? Are we going to take you into the realm of fine arts? You"ve been trying hard to get there all these years... You have to be artistic, but that is not the same as being a creative artist." Includes five photographs... Continue... (Sweeney 1010) Pp 40-41, 118 1010.00.0810 1954
Architectural Forum - June 1954 (Published monthly by Time Inc. New York) Anonymous "Glass-towered synagogue, Frank Lloyd Wright's first. Rabbi Mortimer J. Cohen of Beth Sholom Congregation in Philadelphia made some sketches of what he thought a synagogue should embody and showed it to a friend. The friend said: "Only one man can do it - Frank Lloyd Wright"." Includes three illustrations. Original cover price $2.00. 9.75 x 12.5. (Sweeney 1011) Pp 145 1011.00.0407 1954
Lincoln-Mercury Times - March/April 1954 Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright. Photos by Pedro E. Guerrero and Robert H. Miller. Includes photo of two customized Lincolns. (Sweeney 1012) Pp 5-7 1012.00.0403 1954
House Beautiful - October 1954 Anonymous House Beautiful dedicated this exhibit to Frank Lloyd Wright (Sweeney 1014) Pp 176-7 1014.00.0601 1954
New York Times Magazine - March 21, 1954 Anonymous A New Debate In Old Venice. Frank Lloyd Wright's design for a "different" building divides a city that cherishes tradition. Comments by Wright and Bernard Berenson concerning the Masieri Memorial Building project in Venice. (Sweeney 1018) Pp 8-9 1018.00.0103 1954
New York Times Magazine - March 21, 1954 Cyma Watches Ad: Portrait and text honoring Wright. P 6 1018.01.0103 1954
House & Home - March 1954 (Published by Time, Inc., New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Anonymous "As transparent as the waves, yet as sturdy as the rock... with the long white surf lines of the sea. That is the kind of house I promised my client. This "cabin on the rocks" is not a family house but a haven at the seaside for a single individual living in specific comfort of her own choosing..." Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin West, February 1954. The article was introduced by Wright with a two page spread that included Wright's text and a large photograph. Article is entitled "A planning... Continue... (Sweeney 1019) Pp 98-105 1019.00.0212 1954
Look Magazine - September 7, 1954 (Published every other Tuesday by Cowles Magazines, Inc., Des Moines, Iowa) Bailey, Perkins H. "A Man Expresses Himself With his necktie. For a capsule character analysis, look at any man's tie - his last outpost of independence..." Portraits of 14 different men, one of which is Frank Lloyd Wright. Caption: "Architect Frank Lloyd Wright: As surprising in his choice of cravat as in his architecture." One portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright. Original cover price 15c. 10.5 x 13.25 (Sweeney 1020)
Pp 58 1020.00.0620 1954
Newsweek - June 14, 1954 (Published weekly by Weekly Publications, Inc., Dayton, Ohio) Anonymous Birthdays: "I"m famed by my modesty," declared Frank Lloyd Wright, previewing a Los Angeles exhibition of his work a week before his 85th birthday, June 8. He said that once, after he testified in court that he was the worlds greatest architect, a friend criticized him for not being more modest. "How could I?" Wright replied." I was under oath." Includes one portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright. Original cover price 20c. 8.25 x 11.25. (Sweeney 1021)
Pp 73 1021.00.0420 1954
Newsweek - November 22, 1954 (Published weekly by Weekly Publications, Inc., Dayton, Ohio) Anonymous "Wright's Exodus: Architect Frank Lloyd Wright threatened to move his school from Spring Green, Wis., to New York after the state supreme court ruled that it was not a tax-exempt , educational institution. "We don"t mind paying the taxes," said the irascible dean of modern architects, but the decision "shows a lack of understanding and appreciation for our work." Wisconsin, he added, was a great state once upon a time, inhabited by great men, but of late [it] has become... Continue... (Sweeney 1022) Pp 63 1022.00.0416 1954
Architectural Forum - May 1954 Anonymous Question: Is Venice Ready for a FLLW Palazzo? Masieri Memorial Building in Venice. (Sweeney 1026) Pp 39 1026.00.0502 1954
Art News - March 1954 (Published monthly from September to May and quarterly May-August by The Art Foundation, Inc., New York) Scully, Vincent J. Jr. "Wright vs the International Style. Although Frank Lloyd Wright is the greatest originator of modern architecture, how has his style been affected by influences from European architects whose works he has been violently attacking?... Wright's influence on Europe: 1910-11 German publication of Wright's early work gave direction to the new European architects. Wright's Mason City (Iowa) Hotel, 1908 is clearly the prototype of Gropius" Factory in the 1914 Cologne Exposition... Continue... (Sweeney 1026) Pp 32-35, 64-66 1031.00.0510 1954
House & Home - November 1954 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc., New York) Anonymous The Anthony House, Benton Harbor, Michigan."Seven lessons from Frank Lloyd Wright. Few builders and not all architects can tell you what makes this Frank Lloyd Wright house beautiful without first taking the house apart to see how it is put together. 1. Note how the walls were built in layers. 2. Note how the big roof makes the house look bigger. 3. Note how the low ceiling dramatizes the high one. 4. Note how roof edge and planting edge go their own ways. 5. Note how open the kitchen... Continue... (Sweeney 1032) Pp Cover 98-105 1032.00.0418 1954
Journal of The Franklin Institute - September 1954 (Reprint) (Published by The Journal of The Franklin Institute. Reprinted from The Journal of The Franklin Institute, Vol. 258, No. 3, September 1954.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Presentation of the Frank P. Brown metal. Proceedings of the presentation of the frank P. Brown metal, deferred from the 1953 metal day ceremonies, and presented June 4, 1954, in the lecture hall of The Franklin Institute. 1) "Mr. Sellers: Mr. President., I present Frank Lloyd Wright for an award. Our candidate is without question the dean of American Architecture. His influence on the architectural thought of our times has been great and far reaching, both in this country and abroad. His career is unmatched... Continue... (Sweeney 1037) Pp 217-224 1037.00.1099 1037.00.0618 1954
Phi Delta Kappan - May 1954 Wright, Frank Lloyd More than the Turtle Shell. Two copies. (Sweeney 1041) Pp 297-9 302 1041.00.0401 1041.00.0501 1954
Time - March 22, 1954 (Published monthly by Time, Inc., Chicago, Illinois) Anonymous The Masieri Memorial Building, Venice (Project). Wright or Wrong. The Grand Canal of Venice is the most spectacular of all municipal thoroughfares. Graceful gondolas and chugging motorboats travel its waters, and its banks are lined with great pink-tinted palazzi, decorated with balconies and frills of cake-icing beauty and delicacy. Last week Venetians and Venetian-lovers were engaged in a heated esoteric and sentimental wrangle with the advocates of progress and modern... Continue... (Sweeney 1043) Pp 92 1043.00.1220 1954
Time - August 2, 1954 (Published weekly by Time, Inc., Chicago) Anonymous Art: "The Wright Word". "Architect Frank Lloyd Wright, ensconced in Manhattan's Plaza Hotel, began to get things rolling last week for the building of his spiral-shaped Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum." He also comments on The Plaza, New York, The Age, Architecture and Talk. Original cover price twenty cents. 8.25 x 11. (Sweeney 1045) Pp 61 1045.00.0307 1954
Milwaukee Journal, Sunday Picture Journal - March 14, 1954 (Published by the Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, Wisconsin)Anonymous "The Master. Frank Lloyd Wright, Wisconsin's famed architect, and some of his associates and apprentices are shown at their winter school and home, Taliesin West, near Phoenix, Arizona. Above are right and his wife, with their daughter, Iovanna, and a grandson, Eric. The apprentice and staff group is shown relaxing at afternoon tea outside the drafting room, and company with some children of the associates... Taliesin West. Wright is still making news. Although he will be 85 years old in June... Continue... Pp Cover 3-7 1045.49.0319 1954
People Today - January 13, 1954 Anonymous Quote and portrait of Wright Pp 43 1045.03.0203 1954
People Today - August 25, 1954 Anonymous Quote and portrait of Wright Pp 21 1045.01.0103 1954
Perspectives USA No. 8 - Summer 1954 (Published Quarterly by Intercultural Publications Inc., Brooklyn, New York) Alex, William "The Skyscrapers: USA." Frank Lloyd Wright is included in the article. "During the past seventy years a third grade structural system has taken it's place besides the post and lintel and the arch as a determining factor in the history of architecture... The apartment house project designed in 1929 by Frank Lloyd Wright for St. Marks in-the-Bouwerie, New York... In plan, structure, and visual effect, the project demonstrated once more Wright's complete originality and freshness of approach..." Includes... Continue... Pp 86-103 1045.44.0318 1954
Read Magazine - January 15, 1954 (Published bi-weekly during the school year by the American Education Publications, Wesleyan University, Columbus, Ohio.) Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright: Freedom in Architecture. A young architect had startling things to say 60 years ago when he first began his work. He still says many of the same things, but his audience listens with greater attention. Today, when we think of modern architecture, we think of Frank Lloyd Wright, artist and master craftsman. Compare a modern house with the house of 60 years ago. Compare the long, low lives of the roof with the high, pointed gables of the 1890's; the broad expanse of glass with the tall... Continue... Pp 14-15 1045.54.0919 1954
Realites (French Publication) - March 1954 Anonymous Modern Architecture Goes to Town. The vision of three men - Gropius, Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier - is changing the face of our cities. Pp 42-47 1045.02.0103 1954
Fashion & Travel - Summer 1954 (Published quarterly by The Fashion & Travel Quarterly, Inc., New York) Torch, Maria Elena "Frank Lloyd Wright, An Appreciation." Author recounts experience with Frank Lloyd Wright at Spring Green. Includes full page photograph of Wright. Original cover price $0.50. 9.75 x 12.75. Pp 72-3 112 1045.04.0906 1954
Ford Times - October 1954 (Published monthly by the Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan) Anonymous "Favorite Recipes of Famous Taverns." "Yesteryear occupies a large rambling eighteen-room home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1900. Lunch and dinner served, except Monday. It is located on Harrison Avenue at the river in Kankakee, Illinois." Recipe for German Crumb Cake. The B. Harley Bradley Residence (1900 - S.052). Includes one illustration of the Bradley Residence by Roscoe Misselhorn. 5 x 7. Pp 58-59 1045.13.0410 1955 1955
Perspectives No. 13 - Autumn 1955 (Published in Great Britain by Hamish Hamilton Ltd., London, for International Publications Inc. of New York.) Gutheim, Frederick Book Report: "The Natural House," Wright. 1954, Horizon Press, $6.50. "Scissors and paste for two thirds of the way, the rest is a series of notes on the design of houses, notes which go into practically everything the architectural client may want to know... Wright is now eighty-six, and has become a sort of architectural Father William... Wright, of course, is the antithesis of Gropius. He abhors industrialism, except as it puts new and fascinating tools in the hands of the architect... The Wright... Continue... Pp 150-155 0998.01.0915 1955
Architectural Record - October 1955 Anonymous Book Rev: From Richardson to the Origins of Wright Pp 62 66 410 1048.01.0401 Art News - February 1956 (Published monthly September to May, quarterly June-August by The Art Foundation, New York) See Sweeney 1135 Scully, Vincent J. Jr. Book Review: "Architecture and ancestor worship." An American Architecture, Wright/Kaufmann, 1855. "...In normal familial... (Sweeney 1056 & 1135) Pp 26 56-57 1955
Wisconsin Magazine of History - Spring 1955 (Published by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Bohrer, Florence Fifer "The Unitarian Hillside Home School. The Hillside Home School on the Wisconsin River near Spring Green was founded in 1887 by two sisters, Ellen and Jane Lloyd-Jones. They built the school on they site of their old family farmhouse. The main building was designed by a nephew, Frank Lloyd Wright, then a young amateur architect working for J. L. Silsbee in Chicago. While the school was established primarily for the education of the many nieces and nephews then living... Continue... (Sweeney 1064) Pp 151-155 1064.00.0215 1955
House Beautiful - November 1955 (Published monthly by the Hearst Corp., New York) 2) Barry, Joseph A. 3) Hill, John de Koven 5) Mosher, Robert 6) Zevi, Bruno 7) Wright, Frank Lloyd 8) Fitch, James Marston... A whole issue devoted to Frank Lloyd Wright. 1) House Beautiful is devoting this entire issue to Frank Lloyd Wright. Taliesin (3), Taliesin West (2), Walker Residence (2). 2) Frank Lloyd Wright: the man who liberated architecture. Portraits (6), Robert Llewellyn Wright (2). 3) The Poetry of Structure. Fallingwater, S. C. Johnson, Laurents (2), Albert Adelman. 4) The Character of the Site is the Beginning of Architecture. Walter (2), Taliesin, Miller, Iowa, Fallingwater, Wingspread... Continue... (Sweeney 1066)
- Cover 41,43,
- 47-8,94,103, 185, 233-380
1066.00.1199 1955
House Beautiful - November 1955 (Also published as a Hard Cover) (Published monthly by the Hearst Corp., New York) 2) Barry, Joseph A. 3) Hill, John de Koven 5) Mosher, Robert 6) Zevi, Bruno 7) Wright, Frank Lloyd 8) Fitch, James Marston... A whole issue devoted to Frank Lloyd Wright. 1) House Beautiful is devoting this entire issue to Frank Lloyd Wright. Taliesin (3), Taliesin West (2), Walker Residence (2). 2) Frank Lloyd Wright: the man who liberated architecture. Portraits (6), Robert Llewellyn Wright (2). 3) The Poetry of Structure. Fallingwater, S. C. Johnson, Laurents (2), Albert Adelman. 4) The Character of the Site is the Beginning of Architecture. Walter (2), Taliesin, Miller, Iowa, Fallingwater, Wingspread... Continue... (Sweeney 1066)
- Cover 41,43,
- 47-8,94,103, 185, 233-380
1066.01.0417 1955
House & Home - April 1955 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous Alvin Miller Residence (1946 - S.289). "FLLW's characteristic double-decker flat top: its long lines give it great repose... and the clerestory lights the center of the house... Terracing underscores horizontal planes of house and forms its pedestal... Flat roof is economical for it lets you plan more freely... Deep overhangs frame the view... marry the house to the ground, and protect walls and inhabitants... Double-decker ceilings dramatize interior spaces... High ceilings for... Continue... (Sweeney 1068) Pp Cover 116-121 1068.00.0214 1955
House & Home - April 1955 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous "FLLW's double-decker flat-top idea was adapted in Utah builder house. Many builders who don"t use flat roofs just don"t know what they are missing... Using principles characteristic of Frank Lloyd Wright (see pp. 116-121), this building team has found that with flat roofs: - you can shelter any plan - even a two level plan..." Includes one Wright photograph from page 116-117. Original cover price $1.00. 9.75 x 12.5 (Sweeney 1069) Pp 122-125 1069.00.0214 1955
House & Home - January 1955 (Published by Time, Inc. New York) Anonymous Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright and "The Natural House" ". Published by Horizon Press, New York, $6.50. "In his latest book, America's master architect retraces 65 years" experience, presents his low-cost, Usonian automatic house and introduces fresh ideas - including the one shown here (Usonian Automatic). Includes one portrait of Wright by Helen Levitt, two illustrations, and four photographs. One of the Adelman Residence, and one of Keyes Residence. Original cover price $1.00. 9.5 x 12.5. (Sweeney 1070) Pp 166-168 1070.00.1014 1955
Architectural Forum - April 1955 Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright completes a long, low industrial arts building for Florida Southern University ... and begins a civic center for the capital of his home state. (Monona Terrace Project). (Sweeney 1071) Pp 1 144-121 1071.00.1104 1955
Architectural Forum - July 1955 Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright designs a small commercial installation: a showroom in New York for sports cars." Hoffman Jaguar auto showroom. (Sweeney 1073) Pp 132-133 1073.00.1204 Gustin-Bacon Mfg Co. Ad: Includes photo of Johnson Wax Building. Pp 15 1073.01.1204 1955
The Diplomat - March 1955 (Published monthly by the Diplomat Publishing Company, Washington D.C.) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Radlovic, I. Monte "Frank Lloyd Wright looks at the world". An interview with the editor. Includes seven photographs. Original cover price 50 cents. To be continues in April. 8.75 x 11.5 Pp 24-27 1074.01.1007 1955
Saturday Review - May 21, 1955 Haverstick, John To Be or Not to be (Guggenheim Museum) (Sweeney 1076) Pp 13 1076.00.1001 Ad Advertising "Natural House", "Future of Arch", "60 Yrs of Living Arch" Pp 4 1076.01.1001 1955
American Fabrics and Fashions, No 35 - Winter 1955-56 (Published quarterly by Reporter Publications, Inc., New York) Anonymous "A Master Architect Creates Fabric and Wallpaper Designs, Frank Lloyd Wright. The Taliesin line of fabrics and wallpapers designed by Frank Lloyd Wright is a significant example in textile arts of the application of universal principles of fundamental design. The notable collection of decorative fabrics and wallpapers designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and executed by F. Schumacher and Co., is Mr. Wright's first application of his principle of organic design to the home... Continue... (Sweeney 1079) Pp 50-51 1079.00.0415 1955
People Today - January 26, 1955 Anonymous "Mold it Yourself" - Usonian homes Pp 27-9 1079.01.0402 1955
Architectural Record - October 1955 Anonymous New Era for Wright at 86: The Marketplace Redeemed? Schumacher Fabrics & Wallpaper (Sweeney 1081) Pp 20 1081.00.0401 1955
Architectural Record - August 1955 Shear, John Knox Frank Lloyd Wright and the Design for the Air Force Academy (Sweeney 1084) Pp 132a-b 1084.00.0401 Fogarty, Rep. John E.; Wright, Frank Lloyd Debate over Air Force Academy Design Pp 16-18 1084.01.0401 1955
California Homes Illustrated (Published monthly by Homes Illustrated, Inc. Los Altos, California) Anonymous "Carmel-by-the-Sea Home for Mrs. Clinton Walker. All who have visited the charming Monterey peninsula surely have seen and remarked on the genius and artistry of Frank Lloyd Wright as exemplified in the home for Mrs. Clinton Walker... The dean of American architects, Mr. Wright... The focal point of the dwelling is the gorgeous living room... Steel beams were necessary to provide the cantilevered construction over the rocky shore... Continue... Pp 30-33 1092.48.1212 1955
Interiors - October 1955 (Published Monthly by Whitney Publications, Inc., New York) Wagner, Lois "Taliesin to the Trade". Samples of Heritage-Henredon furniture and Schumacher fabrics. (Sweeney 1085) Pp 130-133 1085.00.0405 Anonymous "F.L. Wright Banquet". Dinner to honor Wright - guest speaker. Pg 18 1085.01.0405 Anonymous Ad: "House beautiful devotes its entire November issue to Frank Lloyd Wright". House Beautiful Magazine. Original cover price $1.00. 9 x 12. Pp 76 1085.02.0405 1955
Architectural Record - April 1955 (Published monthly by F. W. Dodge Corporation, Concord, N. H.) Anonymous Monona Terrace Project and Wright's taxes. Wright Makes Peace With Madison. Frank Lloyd Wright will not abandon his native state after all. Following a testimonial dinner in Madison at which he heard glowing accolades of his life and work from an array of distinguished Wisconsin citizens headed by the Governor himself, not to mention a special tribute read by American Institute of Architects Past President Ralph Walker and innumerable messages of esteem from... Continue... (Sweeney 1086) Pp 18 1086.00.1222 1955
Chicago Daily News - 11-19-55 (Published by the Chicago Daily News, Chicago) John M. Smyth Co.; Henredon Ad: Heritage-Henredon. "Frank Lloyd Wright ...Now applies to furniture a genius that is world-renowned. Expertly Made... by Heritage-Henredon. Frank Lloyd Wright, the prophet of new ideas in architecture, now for the first time applies his visionary ability to designing a group of dining rooms, bedroom and living room furniture." Includes illustrations and original prices. Digital reprint. Courtesy of the Henredon Blog. 8 x 11.25 Pp 3 (Roto) 1092.63.0314 1955
Detroit Free Press - November 29, 1955 (Published by the Detroit Free Press) Braun, Lilian Jackson "Four and about women. What Frank Lloyd Wright Would Put in Your Home. The most talked-about furniture in decades is the furniture designed for ordinary, everyday people - by Frank Lloyd Wright. The venerable gentleman (86 last June) has been proclaimed by many as the greatest architect of the past 500 years and compared to the versatile genius Leonardo de Vinci..." Includes four photographs. Digital reprint. Courtesy of the Henredon Blog. 8.25 x 12 Pp -- 1092.64.0314 1955
Seattle Times Pictorial - December 25, 1955 (Published by The Seattle Times, Seattle) Phillips, Margery R. "Furniture by Frank Lloyd Wright. Thus it is that this great architect has turned a talented hand to the designing of furniture to better integrate the site, the house and the interior. Few of us have an opportunity to see the fabulous houses for which Frank Lloyd Wright is noted throughout the world. Until the past few months, the custom-made furniture that Wright designed to grace these homes was noted only in photographs..." Includes eight photographs. Digital reprint. Courtesy of the Henredon Blog. 8 x 9.5 Pp 6-7 1092.65.0314 1955
Saturday Review - May 21, 1955 Wright, Frank Lloyd Future of the City (Sweeney 1091) Pp 10-13 1091.00.1001 1955
Household - May 1955 (Published monthly by Capper Publications, Inc., Topeka, Kansas) McCall, Helen "Never too old to be bold!" Caption: "The Curtin house in Oak Park was a much admired style at the turn of the century, when it was designed by the noted architect Frank Lloyd Wright, and it still maintains rugged individuality." This was actually designed by John S. Van Bergen. He joined Wright in 1909. He produced many working drawings and was supervisor for the Robie House and the Mrs. Thomas Gale House. After leaving Wright's studio he briefly worked for another former... Continue... Pp 27-29 83 1092.18.0907 1955
Liberty (Canadian) - May 1955 Rasky, Frank Frank Lloyd Wright: What makes a genius? Pp 23-24 70-73 1092.01.0701 Wright, Frank Lloyd Whats Wrong with Canadian homes? Pp 25 1092.02.0701 1955
Life Magazine - May 30, 1955 Wright, Frank Lloyd Ad written by Wright endorsing Life Magazine: "You have to see from inside". Pg 123 1092.03.0904 1955
Time - July 25. 1955 (Published weekly by Time, Inc. Chicago) Anonymous "The American Desert, 1955. A new way of life in the U.S. To the ordinary air traveler winging across the U. S. Southwest, the great American desert still seems an arid and forbidding waste of sand dry lake beds and jagged rock mountain... In Arizona's Paradise Valley, where Frank Lloyd Wright and his students at nearby Taliesin West design homes for desert living. Realtor Merle Cheney bought 6,000 acres of land for as low as 25c an acre, now sells it at prices up to $3,000 an acre..." Caption: "Sunbonnet... Continue... Pp 44-53 1092.101.0317 1955
Uncensored - October 1955 (Published monthly by Feature Story Corp., New York) Anonymous "Gar Wood and Frank Lloyd Wright. They"re never too old to yearn. Old Rockin" Chair won"t get these romantic Rover Boys who made their mark in the world - and a few zesty headlines." Describes Wright's relationships with the four women in his life. Includes three photographs, Wright, Miriam Noel Wright and Ann Baxter. Original cover price 25c. 8 x 10.25 Pp 42-43 64-65 1092.34.1009 1956 1956 Saturday Review - August 4, 1956 (Published weekly by the Saturday Review, Inc., New York) Blake, Peter Book Review: "Our Elder Spaceman". Review of "An American Architecture," by Frank Lloyd Wright (edited by Edgar Kaufman, Horizon Press, $10.00). Wright's first major contribution was the discovery of continuous space. Includes one photograph. Original cover price $0.20. 8 x 11. Pg 22-3 1052.00.0906 1956 Architectural Record - December 1956 Anonymous Bust of Wright. Bust of Wright presented to him at the Convention of Architectural Woodwork Institute. (Sweeney 1097) Pp 28 1097.00.0302 Waylite Masonry Ad for Waylight Masonry Units. Example of Erdman Homes, Madison Wisconsin Pp 84 1097.01.0302 Wright Manufacturing Co. Ad for Wright Manufacturing Co. (No relationship.) Wright rubber tile and the Johnson Wax Building. Photos of Johnson Wax Building and Wright. Pp 251 1097.02.0302 1956 Architectural Forum - August 1956 (Published by Time, Inc. New York) 1) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Zeckendorf, William 2) Swedish Crucible Steel Company 1) "Cities: Medieval or Modern." Architect Frank Lloyd Wright and Real Estate Developer William Zeckendorf air differences on the future of the metropolis and the tall building. Excerpts from a discussion telecast by WRCA-TV and NBC. 2) Ad: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Price Tower Equipped with Solid Olsonite Seats." Includes full page photograph of Price Tower. Original List Price $1.00. 9x12. (Sweeney 1098) 1) Pp 151, 168, 172 2) Pp 15 1098.00.0406 1098.01.0406 1956
House & Home - January 1956 (Published monthly by Time, Inc., New York) Anonymous "FLLW designs home furnishing. The furniture, fabrics and wall coverings you see here have been a subject of conversation among architects, buildings and decorations for two months. In November the first Frank Lloyd Wright designs in home furnishings appeared in stores throughout the country... A curved motif, not unlike the ancient Greek key design in reverse, characterizes the architectural theme of each piece - from stacking stool to fabric pattern..." Heritage Henredon... Continue... (Sweeney 1101) Pp 188 1101.00.1215 1956
L'architettura - October 1956 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright, in Rome for a short visit, was guest of honor at a reception given by this magazine. The Italian Minister of Public Works and hundreds of authorities and artists paid a warm tribune to the American master. The Como <<Casa del Fascio>>, built in 1932-36 by Giuyseppe Terragni, is threatened by destruction. This is one of the rare Italian contributions of that period to modern architecture, which must be protected at all costs from building speculation..." Includes 7... Continue... (Sweeney 1102) Pp 398-399, 456 1102.00.0417 1956 Architectural Forum - February 1956 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York) Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright: After 36 years, his tower is completed. On these pages are the pictures of a great artist's imagination at work over the span of a generation. Wright's new tower, standing in the prairie town of Bartlesville... Continue... (Sweeney 1103) Pp Cover, 106-113 1103.00.0707 Tectum Ad: "Pioneer and master of the exposed ceiling concept... Frank Lloyd Wright. For over fifty years the name Frank Lloyd Wright has signified freedom of architecture." Ad includes two photographs related to Wright buildings and... Continue... Pp 247-248 1103.01.0707 1956 Architectural Forum - February 1956 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York) (Offprint) Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright: After 36 years, his tower is completed. On these pages are the pictures of a great artist's imagination at work over the span of a generation. Wright's new tower, standing in the prairie town of Bartlesville, Okla., is the realization of a serious prophecy of beauty and strength which began to grow a long time ago in the architect's mind. Includes ten photographs and ten illustrations. Photographs by Joe D. Price. 9.3 x 12.25. (A reprint of pages 105-113, 12 pages) Pp 12 1103.02.0613 1956 Architectural Forum - November 1956 (Published by Time, Inc. New York)
Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright Day proclaimed in Chicago; Taliesin endowment begun." Mayor Daley proclaims Wright Day October 17. Original List Price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.25. (Sweeney 1105) Pp 21 1105.00.0205 1956 House & Home - May 1956 (Published by Time, Inc., New York)
Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright". Four memorable homes by Wright. Mossberg House, South Bend, H&H 12/52; Walker House, Carmel, H&H 3/54; Neils House, Minneapolis, H&H 11/53; David Wright House, Phoenix, H&H 6/53. Original List Price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.5. (Sweeney 1106) Pp 164-8 1106.00.0205 1956 Architectural Forum - November 1956 (Published by Time, Inc. New York) 1) Wright, Frank Lloyd 2) Wright Manufacturing Company 1) "Frank Lloyd Wright's Mile High Office Tower." Four page fold out includes illustration and Wright's description of "The Illinois" project. 2) Ad: Wright Rubber Tile and the Johnson's Wax Building." Includes two photographs and a portrait of Wright. Original List Price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.25. (Sweeney 1108) 1) Pp 106a-d 2) Pp 214 1108.00.0205 1108.01.0205 1956
Architectural Record - February 1956 (Published monthly by the F. W. Dodge Corporation, Concord, New Hampshire) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Price, Harold C.; Price, Joe D., Kauffman, Edgar Jr. "The H.C. Price Tower. This gentle skyscraper has escaped the big city to live in an American town in the country... To stand there in its own park, casting its own shadow upon its own ground. Reflected in a long slender pool it affords everyone everywhere in it a beautiful view of the rolling countryside that is Oklahoma. The skyscraper in itself, where there is space, is a proper American circumstances; a triumph, not of landlordism, but of our own best technology..." Frank... Continue... (Sweeney 1111) Pp Cover, 153-160 1) Pp 130 2) Pp 308-309 1111.00.0918 1956
House & Home - December 1956 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous Marshall Erdman (Van Tamelen) Prefabricated Homes (1956 - S.406) "Here is prefabrication's biggest news for 1957. Frank Lloyd Wright has at long last built a prefab house and Erdman Homes is putting it on the market for 1957. This is both big news and amazing news. It is big news because it gives prefabrication - once the step child of home building - the prestige associated with the greatest name in contemporary architecture. It is amazing news, because the principle advocate of... Continue... (Sweeney 1112) Pp C 115, 117-121
1) P.20
2) 229
3) 2341112.00.1118 1956
House Beautiful - November 1956 (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York) Hill, John de Koven "The Look of American Life at the Top Level. Two new houses by Frank Lloyd Wright show the quality of life that is the American ideal. The two great houses shown on these eight pages are rich with the beauty that can be had in living at its best in America." Two homes include the Harold Price Sr. House (1954 - S. 378), Paradise Valley AZ and the Harold Price Jr. House (1953 - S. 363), Bartlesville, OK. Includes a floor plan for each and 15 photographs by Maynard Parker. A) Ad... Continue... (Sweeney 1114) Pp 258-65
A) Pp 981114.00.0314 1956
House Beautiful - June 1956 (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York) Anonymous "How Fresh and Fitting Is the Furniture of Frank Lloyd Wright in Traditional Rooms. There is a warmth, richness and dignity in traditional furniture that we cannot - and should not - give up. Yet there is often a time when we should welcome the change, freshening up, as it were, of our rooms, if it did not mean sacrificing all these fine, traditional values in the process. Here, we believe, you can see the virtual miracle of the furniture of the world's greatest modern designer at ease, at... Continue... (Sweeney 1115) P 114-117 1115.00.0118 1956 Colliers - August 3, 1956 Gross, Leonard Listen to Frank Lloyd Wright (Sweeney 1118) Pp 20-1 1118.00.1101 1956
Arts & Architecture - October 1956 (Published monthly by John D. Entenza, Los Angeles, CA) McCoy, Esther Roots of California Contemporary Architecture. From an exhibition of the 1900 to 1935 work of Irving Gil, Green and Green, Bernard Maybeck, Richard Neutra, R. M. Schindler and Frank Lloyd Wright, sponsored by the Los Angeles City Art Department and Arranged by the Architectural Panel. The shape of architecture in California has been largely determined by several men, whose work in the first thirty years of this century is brought together by the architectural panel and exhibited under... Continue... (Sweeney 1119) Pp 14-17, 36-39 1119.00.0718 1956
House & Home - April 1956 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous "Merchandising has been called showmanship plus salesmanship... Beginning 30 house-fulls of ideas..." An article on merchandising homes, showcasing 30 different homes. The introduction includes a two-spread photograph of the Zimmerman House by Ezra Stoller. Caption: Dr. O J. Zimmerman House, Manchester, N.H., Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. (This house will be presented in full in a forthcoming issue.)" It was featured in the September 1956 issue. Original cover price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.5 (Sweeney 1120) Pp 140-141 1120.00.1121 1956 Household - June 1956 Roland, Albert A Modern house in the Old West. Blair House, Cody, Wyoming (Sweeney 1122) For more information on the Blair Residence see our Wright Study. Pp Cover, 4 25-27 70 1122.00.0802 1956 Architectural Record - December 1956 Burnham, Alan; Pickens, Buford 7. Churches. Unity "Temple," Oak Park, Illinois, 1905-08, Frank Lloyd Wright. (Tied for thirteenth) (Sweeney 1124) Pp 180 1124.00.0302 1956 Architectural Record - October 1956 Kaufman, Edgar; Shear, John Knox One Hundred Years of Significant Buildings. 5: Houses Before 1907. Ward W. Willitts House (Sweeney 1125) Pp 194 1125.00.0103 Rudolph, Paul The Six Determinants of Architectural Form (Includes two Wright photos) Pp 185-187 1125.01.0103 Anonymous Louis Sullivan. Includes mention of Wright. Pp 217-20 1125.02.0103 Anonymous Meeting the architect's concept. High velocity air diffusion in the Price Tower. Pp 271 1125.03.0103 1956
L'architettura No.9 - July 1956 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Pellegrin, Luigi Published in Italian. "Eredita delL'Ottocento: La decorazione "funzionale" del primo Wright." (19th Century Origin: The "FunctionaL' Decoration of the First Wright.) "The second essay on Wright's earlier works (see issue N.8) shows the functional value that decoration acquires in a number of his works before 1910. Wright's decorative patterns have a determinating role in his design: they proportion the light, provide a volumetric effects. Wright seems to be abandoning decoration,,, Continue... (Sweeney 1127) Pp 198-203 1127.00.0417 1956 Time - June 11, 1956 Anonymous A review of author Jacques Barzun's work. Includes a mention and portrait of Wright. (Sweeney 1130) Pp Cover 57-62 1130.00.1202 1956 Time - July 2, 1956 Anonymous The 20th Century Form Givers. Portrait and paragraph about Wright. (Sweeney 1131) Pp 51 1131.00.0802 Anonymous Art: The Maturing Modern. Article about Saarinen. Includes comments on Wright, and photo of the Price Tower. Pp 51, 50-7 1131.01.0802 1956
Art News - February 1956 (Published monthly September to May, quarterly June-August by The Art Foundation, New York) Scully, Vincent J. Jr. Book Review: "Architecture and ancestor worship." An American Architecture, Wright/Kaufmann, 1855. "...In normal familial competition with this combination stands Frank Lloyd Wright, the archetype of the,,, Continue... (Sweeney 1056 & 1135) Pp 26 56-57 1135.00.0316 Kaufmann, Edgar "Scraping the skies of Italy. A tower building, designed and now being built in Milan puts a new look on the old American art of skyscraper construction. ...No new tall buildings, I believe, so handsomely and so well conceived in structure... Continue... Pp 38-41 1135.01.0316 1956 Architectural Forum - February 1956 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York) Anonymous News: "Skies clearing for Wright's ramp museum, synagogue. At the completion of Frank Lloyd Wright's Price Tower in Bartlesville, Okla., it appears that 1956 would witness the start of construction on two more of Wright's most spectacular designs." The Guggenheim Museum and the Beth Sholom Synagogue. Wright was notified that Venice's Artistic and Technical Commission had rejected his design for a glass-and-marble building on the famed Grand Canal. Original List Price $1.00. 9.5 x 12.25 (Sweeney 1136) Pp 9 1136.00.0707 1956
Great Lakes Architecture, Designing - Construction - Sept-October, 1956 (Published bi-monthly by E. B. Stapleford, Inc, Cleveland, Ohio) Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright to be honored at Chicago dinner. Frank Lloyd Wright, celebrating his 65th year as an architect, will be honored at a dinner in Chicago, Wednesday, October 17. The $25 a plate dinner, to be held at the Hotel Sherman, will climax a three day exhibit of the pioneer architect's work. Sponsoring the affair are a number of businesses and social leaders who have formed the Frank Lloyd Wright Endowment Fund too carry on the architectural school founded and operated by... Continue... Pp 26 1147.88.0818 1956
Newsweek - September 10, 1956 (Published weekly by Weekly Publications, Inc., Dayton, Ohio)
Anonymous "Tall Tale. Skyscrapers, said Frank Lloyd Wright, a sworn enemy of tall buildings, are "a landlord's ruse to enable a lot area to be sold to the people over and over again as many times as steel can multiply it and engineers can make it stand up." Last week, it appeared that the nation's chronically crusty mast architect was laying the ghost of his old complaint. For a fortnight, he had been working on plans for the behemoth of all world's buildings, a mighty 510-story, mile-high... Continue... (Sweeney 1137) Pp 98, 100 1137.00.0416 1956
House & Home - September 1956 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous Zimmerman House. "This rich and rhythmic house expresses 32 simple and basic design ideas of Frank Lloyd Wright. This is the Zimmerman house in Manchester, N. H., built on a one acre lot in 1951. It was designed for a doctor and his wife, whose children have grown up and moved away. It is a cold - country house, farthest east of all Wright's houses. At first glance, it belongs to Wright's prairie period, but it reflects the continuing evolution of the architects thought, with... Continue... (Sweeney 1138) Pp 136-141 1138.00.1117 1956 Arizona Highways - February 1956 Frank Lloyd Wright, Intro Carlson, Raymond Architecture: Organic Expression of the Nature of Architecture (Sweeney 1142) (Two Copies) Cov, 1, 12-29, 41 1142.00.0699 1142.00.0802 1956 Architectural Forum - October 1956. (Published by Time, Inc., New York)
1) Anonymous 2) McQuade, Walter 1) "Wright sketches 510-story office tower, round blue-roof Greek Orthodox church. Mile High Skyscraper". "The Illinois", Chicago, Gree Orthodox Church, Milwaukee, Monona Terrace, Madison. 2) Related: "Sullivan Survives" (unrelated to Wright). Original List Price $1.00. 9.5 x 12.25. (Sweeney 1147) 1) Pp 17 2) Pp 156-161 1147.00.0205 1147.08.0205 1956 Architectural Forum - October 1956. (Published by Time, Inc., New York)
1) Anonymous 2) Anemostat Corp. 1) "Reception Rooms". (Full page photograph of interior of Johnson Wax building.) 2) Ad: "High velocity air diffusion in the Price Tower". (Includes three photographs.) Original List Price $1.00. 9.5 x 12.25. 1) Pp 162 2) Pp 217 1147.09.0205 1147.10.0205 1956
American Forum - April 22, 1956 Vol XIX No. 14 (Published by the National Broadcasting Company Radio and Television Networks , Washington D.C. and by Ransdell Inc, Printers and Publishers, Washington DC) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Zeckendorf, William; Moderator: McCormick, Stephen A transcript of the conversation between Frank Lloyd Wright and William Zeckendorf. "The proceedings of the American Forum as broadcast simultaneously over the coast to coast radio network and through the television network facilities of the National Broadcasting Company, Inc., are printed, and a limited number are distributed free to further the public interest in important discussions of questions affecting the public welfare. The proceedings of the American forum are held every Sunday... Continue... Pp 12 1147.89.0818 1956 Architectural Forum - September 1956 Sloan Flush Valves Ad: Vertical Masterpiece in a horizontal city. Includes photo and text about Price Tower. Pp 8 1147.03.0404 Anonymous People: Tickets Please. Wright's attempt to revitalize Capital buildings. Pp 37 1147.04.0404 Bauer, Catherine First Job: Control New-City Sprawl. Includes "The Anti City", text, photo and caption about Wright and Broadacre. Pp 105-9 1147.05.0404 Jones, Cranston Views compared by leading architects. Includes text and photo about Wright. Pp 146-9 1768 172 176 1147.06.0404 Anonymous High velocity air diffusion in the Price Tower. Pp 200 1147.07.0404 1956 Life Magazine - March 5, 1956 Anonymous Spreading out, stretching up. Includes text and one photo about the Dana House. Pg 98-9 1147.01.0502 1956
Pictorial Living Magazine - October 14, 1956 (Published weekly by the Chicago American, Chicago, Illinois) Murray, George Frank Lloyd Wright Looks at 2,000 A.D. The Dean of American architects, relaxing in the great trussed arch studio of his Wisconsin estate, leaned back and told his dreams of the city of the future: "It will be everywhere and nowhere, the town blending into the plain. Men will grow bigger, spiritually and intellectually, when not cooped up." Frank Lloyd Wright, the man who at 87 is probably the best known architect in the world, envisioned the city of the year 2000 A.D. as: 1 - A collection of lovely... Continue... Pp 4-5, 15 1147.109.0320 1956 Picture Week - January 17,1956 Anonymous Five Minutes with Frank Lloyd Wright Pp 14-16 1147.02.0403 1956
Time - September 10, 1956 (Published by Time, Inc., New York) Anonymous (Mile High Building) In Chicago, testy old (87) Architect Frank Lloyd Wright casually disclosed his latest high-flown fantasy: a one-mile-high, 510-story office building for the Loop. Topped with a 330-ft. TV antenna, it would be four times taller than the Empire State Building. "It's perfectly scientific, and perfectly feasible." he said, brushing aside questions on how he would get 100,000 office workers in and out of the building on time, or what he would do about the planes that cross the area at... Continue... Pp 52 1131.02.0815 1956 Tempo - July 10, 1956 (Published bi-weekly by Enterprise Magazine Management Inc., Atlanta, Georgia) Anonymous "Shift to the Shaft? A fight is shaping up over the shape of tomorrow's towns... A leader for the uplift is Frank Lloyd Wright, who recently hoisted a skyscraper on he Oklahoma plains. His reasons, told in his "The Story of the Tower" (Horizon Press, N.Y.): In the country, the skyscraper has no competition form surrounding buildings, and gives a wide view of the count4ryside..." Includes one photograph of he Price Tower. Original cover price 15c. 4 x 6. Pp 56-7 1147.48.1012 1957 1958
Progressive Architecture - March 1958 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York.) Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. Book Review: "A Testament, Wright, Horizon Press, 1957, $12.50. A dozen buildings never before between boards, some inspired pages such as only the maturity of genius can pen unabashed, make this book a prize. And ample, nicely presented body of illustrations goes far to balance those passages of text were Wright seems intent upon pushing Polonius.. But by now Frank Lloyd Wright has earned the right to be dull occasionally in his cause of "Truth Against... Continue... (Sweeney 1153) Pp 246 248 1153.00.0419 1957 Architectural Forum - December 1957 Anonymous Book Review: A Testament. Pp 163 1158.01.0602 1957 Architectural Forum - March 1957 (Published by Time, Inc. New York)
Anonymous "Chicagoans rally to save Wright's Robie House." Original List Price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.25. (Sweeney 1164) Pp 9 1164.00.0205 1957
L'architettura - No.22 - August 1957 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Anonymous Published in Italian. "Una democrazia festosa e aderente alle tradizioni: I1 'Capitol' dell'Arizona, architetto Frank Lloyd Wright." (A festive and adhering to tradition: Arizona's Capitol, architect Frank Lloyd Wright." Article on the Arizona Capital Building Project, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Probono. Includes two illustrations. Original cover price Lire 800. 9.6 x 12.75. (Sweeney 1166) Pp 250 1166.00.0417 1957 Architectural Forum - April 1957 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York) Anonymous News: "FLLW fighting to design new Arizona capitol." Wright release sketches of the kind of capitol he felt would be most appropriate for Arizona. Original List Price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.25. (Sweeney 1168) Pp 7, 9 1168.00.1006 News: "Robie House fate uncertain." Chicago Theological Seminary confirmed intentions to demolish Robie House. Several new campaigns to save the house and Wright was taking the lead. Original List Price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.25. Pp 9 1168.01.1006 1957 Coronet - August 1957 Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright: Architectures Stormy Colossus. (Sweeney 1169) Pp 83 - 93 1169.00.0501 1957 True - May 57 Gross, Martin L. Master of the Broken Rule (Two Copies) (Sweeney 1171) Pp 18-20 22 24 26 122-6 1171.00.0102 1171.00.0802 1957
Progressive Architecture - March 1957 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York.) Huxtable, Ada Louise "Progressive Architecture in America. Larkin Company Administration Building -- 1904. Buffalo, New York. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. In 1950, Frank Lloyd Wright's Larkin Company Administration Building was sold for $5000, to be demolished immediately for a $100,000 truck-storage garage. It's passing was a little noticed although, when it was newly completed, this same building electrified the architectural world. So absolute was its departure from tradition, so radical were... Continue... (Sweeney 1172) Pp 141-142 1172.00.0419 1957 Art in America - Fall 1957 Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr. Frank Lloyd Wright 3 new churches. Beth Sholem Synagogue, Philadelphia. Greek Orthodox Church, Milwaukee. Christian Science Church, Bolinas, California. (Sweeney 1175) Pp 22-25 1175.00.1202 1957
New Yorker - August 10, 1957 (Published weekly by The New Yorker Magazine, Inc., New York) Anonymous "Lunch hour. At noon one day last week, we were strolling past the new Guggenheim Museum, a spiraling concrete pile conceived by Frank Lloyd Wright that is being erected on upper fifth Avenue, when we came upon a group of workmen taking their lunch time ease on a curbstone outside the growing edifice. Reflecting that these carpenters, cement mixers, and pipe fitters were of the stuff of the builders who sent the pyramids soaring above the infinities of the desert, we shopped between... Continue... (Sweeney 1176) Pp 17-18 1176.00.0918 1957 House & Home - May 1957 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous 1) "1900's: Birth of an idea." "House of the Century: Since 1857 not house has had more influence." Robie House.
2) "1930's: Dramatization of an idea." Fallingwater. Includes 3 photos and 3 illustrations. Original cover price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.5. (Sweeney 1178)Pp Cover 110 116 121 1178.00.0706 1957
House & Home - September 1957 (Published monthly by Time, Inc., New York) Anonymous 1) "These Fine Early American Homes, with five contemporary houses." Two of the contemporary homes are by Frank Lloyd Wright. The Henry Neils Residence and Taliesin. Text: "Contemporary design in America started with Frank... Continue...
2) "It takes original genius to design one-of-a-kind custom houses like these" (one of which is the Walker House), "but... Builders don"t need a creative artist to design low cost production models." Includes a photograph of the... Continue...1) Pp 110a - 110n
2) Pp 128-1291205.132.0622 1957
Architectural Record - February 1957 (Published monthly by the F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York) 1) Burnham, Alan; Egbert, Donald D.; Kaufmann, Edgar 2) Hamlin, Talbot F. 3) Morrison, Hugh 4) Hamlin, Talbot F.; Taylor... "One Hundred Years of Significant Building. 9: Houses since1907. Eleven of the fourteen houses nominated by Architectural Record's panel have been built in the past fifty years and are presented herewith. The three built before 1907 were published in the fifth installment of this series and include the first of the five houses with which Frank Lloyd Wright dominates the residential sections. 1) Robie House... Tied for first. 2) Fallingwater... Tied for first. 3) Taliesin West... Second. 4) Avery Coonley and... Continue... (Sweeney 1179) Pp 199-206 1179.00.0617 1957
House Beautiful - January 1957 (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York) Anonymous "Our Strongest Influence for Enrichment." The influence of Frank Lloyd Wright. Includes 25 of Wrights work which include: Walker (3); Dana (8); Taliesin (3); Coonley Playhouse windows (1); Imperial Hotel dinnerware (1); Heritage-Henredon and Schumacher (3); Barnsdall (1); Millard (2); Usonian Exhibition (1); Ennis (1); Taliesin West (1). Other ads and articles include: 1) Ad for Martin-Senour paint and Schumacher fabric. 2) Gamble House, Pasadena. 3) "A Square is Not a Box," Gaye... Continue... (Sweeney 1180)
P 40-47, 99, 105-106 1180.00.0319 1957
L'architettura - No.15 - January 1957 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Pellegrin, Luigi Published in Italian. "Eredita delL'Ottocento: La sintesi culturale del primo Wright." (19th Century Heritage: The First Wright Cultural Synthesis.) "The third article on the early work of F. Ll. Wright (See L'a, nos. 8 and 9), analyses the buildings by the American master since 1895. In these two pages are Wright's first office at Oak Park and a house at River forest. The four following pages give a series of houses which show Wright's eclectic but organically disciplined inspiration. The historical origins of... Continue... (Sweeney 1182) Pp 666-671 1182.00.0417 1957
Time - November 11, 1957 (Published weekly by Time, Inc., Chicago, Illinois) Anonymous People: Two old oracles - Poet Carl Sandburg, 77, and Cantankerous Architectitan Frank Lloyd Wright, 87 - played ring-around-the-microphone in what was billed as "the world's first educational TV spectacular" on Chicago's... Continue... #1205.48). Pp 47 1184.00.1220 Bulpitt, Thomas H. Letters: Modern Mayan. Sir: Those early Mayan archaeological discoveries (Oct. 21) look Frank Lloyd Wright inspired. Of course, no offense intended to either architect. Includes one photograph of the Barnsdall Residence. Original cover price 25c. 8.5 x 11. Pp 12, 16 1957 Architectural Forum - April 1957 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York) Anonymous "Proposed State Capitol for Arizona by Frank Lloyd Wright." Foldout insert on beige paper includes description and two illustrations. Original List Price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.25. (Sweeney 1185) Pp 108a-d 1185.00.1006 1957 Architectural Forum - April 1957 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York) Anonymous Editorial: "The value of used architecture." A case for preserving the Robie House. Includes one photograph. Original List Price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.25. (Sweeney 1192) Pp 108-109 1192.00.1006 1957 Look Magazine - September 17, 1957 Peter, John A Visit with Frank Lloyd Wright. (Sweeney 1194) Pp 28-37 1194.00.0501 Peter, John Two weeks with a genius. Pp 128 1194.01.0501 1957
AIA Journal - August 1957 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architect, New York) (Digital Version) 1) Perrin, Richard W. E.
2) Volckers, OttoSave The Robie House. Part 1) Letter to Dr. Arthur McGiffert, President, Chicago Theological Seminary. "To the chorus of protests, which by this time must be quite annoying, I feel that I must, nevertheless, add my own voice concerning the danger of destruction which seems to threaten the Frederick Robie House... My own feelings concerning Mr. Wright's work are adequately summarized by the well-known German critic, Dr. Otto Volckers. I am taking the liberty of enclosing my own..." Continue... (Sweeney 1195) Pp 247-248 1195.00.0618 1957 Saturday Review - December 21, 1957 Wiener, Paul Lester Book Review: "Titan of Taliesin". Book review of A Testament. Pg 18-19 1197.00.0203 1957 Architectural Forum - November 1957 Anonymous News: Wisconsin governor signs spite bill that kills Frank Lloyd Wright's Madison civic center. (Sweeney 1198) Pp 7, 9 1198.00.0602 1957
Saturday Review - September 28, 1957 (Published weekly by Saturday Review, Inc., New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd "Architecture and Music. Music and architecture blossom on the same stem - sublimated mathematics. Mathematics as presented by geometry. Instead of the musician's systematic staff and intervals, the architect has a modular system as the framework of design. My father, a preacher and music-teacher, taught me to see - to listen - to a symphony as an edifice of sound..." Includes an illustration of Unity Temple and a phonograph... Continue... (Sweeney 1199) Pg 72-73 1199.00.0115 1957 Life Magazine - May 13, 1957 Anonymous Wright Picks a Fight in Arizona: Architect scorns a skyscraper and offers a weird substitute. (Sweeney 1203) Pg 59 1203.00.0302 1957 Life Magazine - June 3, 1957 (Published weekly by Time, Inc. Chicago) Schultz, Gerhard; Rogers, Charles; Entwistle... Letters: "Wright Picks a Fight." Three letters published in response to the article in the May 13, 1957 issue. "...is an example of Arizona's gross stupidity..." "Wright must think Arizona is inhabited by rockheads." "Wright picks fights all... Continue... Pg 16 1203.01.0507 Anonymous "Notable Modern Buildings" Architects Institute picks outstanding designs of past decade. Includes caption and full page photograph of the Price Tower, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Original cover price 20 cents. 10.5 x 14. Pg 62 1957 Architectural Forum - December 1957
Anonymous News; Wright, Sandburg steal Chicago Dynamic Show. (Sweeney 1204) Pp 12 14 1204.00.0602 1957 Architectural Forum - March 1957 (Published by Time, Inc. New York) 1) Anonymous 2) Vampco Aluminum Products, Ltd. 1) "Wright to design Bagdad opera." Wright to travel to Bagdad. Includes Portrait. 2) Ad: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Price Tower." Aluminum windows by Vamco.. Includes photograph of Price Tower. Original List Price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.25. (Sweeney 1205) 1) Pp 97 2) Pp 157 1205.00.0205 1205.17.0205 1957
Bauwelt, Issue 21 - May 27, 1957 (Bauwelt Verlag, Berlin-Tempelhof) Anonymous Published in German. "Frank Lloyd Wright baut in die Höhe." (Frank Lloyd Wright is building up.) Two page article on Wright's Mile High Building "The Illinois." Includes 6 illustration of the Mile High Building. 8.25 x 11.75 Pp 484-485 1205.79.0617 1957 Chicago Sun-Times - Robie House News Clippings - 3/19/57 Moore, Ruth Raze Robie House? Wright Joins Battle. News clippings about the possible destruction of the Robie House. Includes two photos. Wright standing at entrance to Robie House with cane in hand. Interior photo of Wright pointing with cane. Pp 3 1205.03.0302 1957 Chicago Area Newspaper - Robie House News Clippings - March 1957 Anonymous Raze Robie House? Wright Furious. News clippings about the possible destruction of the Robie House. Includes photo of Robie House 1205.04.0302 1957 Chicago Area Newspaper - Robie House News Clippings - March 1957 Dalton, Pat, A He Designed Your House. Modern Homes Patterned After Frank Lloyd Wright Ideas. News clippings about the possible destruction of the Robie House. Includes photo of Wright standing at entrance to Robie House with cane in hand. 1205.05.0302 1957 Chicago Area Newspaper - Robie House News Clippings - March 1957 Anonymous Famed Wright Home in Peril? News clippings about the possible destruction of the Robie House. Dated on back of clipping before 3/30/57 1205.06.0302 1957 Chicago Area Newspaper - Robie House News Clippings - March 1957 Anonymous Save The Robie House, German Artists Urge. News clippings about the possible destruction of the Robie House. 1205.07.0302 1957 Independent Journal (Marin County) - August 7, 1957 Anonymous "New Red Charges Hurled at Wright: Mrs. McDougall Shows "Red Front" Report; Fusselman Challenges Contract's Validity". Charges hurled by opponents of Wright designed Civic Center. Defendants point out Wright spoke out against communists. Pp 1, 4 1205.16.0704 1957
Life Magazine - November 11, 1957 (Published weekly by Time Inc., Chicago) Anonymous Although these Fiberthin Air House variations are not credited to Frank Lloyd Wright, in 1956-7 Wright designed four variations of Fiberthin Air Houses for the U. S. Rubber Company. Caption: "Nylon Airhouses pop up on a university campus in Kentucky. Made of U. S. Rubber Company's Fiberthin, a vinyl-covered nylon fabric four times as strong as waterproof canvas yet 40% lighter in weight, domelike houses are kept up by air, pumped in by small blowers. They are anchored at base by ballast ring of sand or water... Continue... Pg 134-137 1205.86.1017 1957 Modern Photography - September 1957 (Published monthly by Photography Publishing Corp., New York) Eisenstaedt, Alfred; Keppler, Herbert "Assignment: Portrait, Photographer: Eisenstaedt, Shooting Time: 45 Minutes. The greatness of a photographer can sometimes be measured by his contact sheets. There, at the press of his shutter release, you can study and learn from each success or failure. Here then, from the files of Life photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt, are six pages of final prints and contact sheets, his own words and thoughts as he photographed FLW." Includes 34 photographs. Original cover price 35 cents. 8.25 x 11.1. Pp 52-57 110-112 1205.27.0707 1957 National Geographic - February 1957 Bowie, Beverley M. Wisconsin, Frank Lloyd Wright, Johnson Wax Pp 176-9 1205.02.0801 1957 Popular Mechanics - July 1957 Whittaker, Wayne How the Prefabs Got That Custom Look Pp 91-96 1205.01.0301 1957
Swank Magazine - February 1957 (Published by Male Publishing Corp, New York) Anonymous Swank Dines Out With Frank Lloyd Wright. The Place: Wisconsin. The Topic: Knocking the Sub out of suburbs. Wonderful to meet you, Mr. Wright. I’ve been admiring your house. You call it Taleisin (sic), don't you?
A. Yes, that's right. Fine to see you. Sit down, sit down. I suppose you had to let yourself in?
Q. Well, as a matter of fact I did. There didn't seem to be anyone about.
A. I have a secretary, but... Continue...Pp 6, 70 1205.139.0624 1957 This Week Magazine - January 27, 1957 (Published Weekly by United Newspapers Magazine Corporation, New York.) Wright, Frank Lloyd "This Way To Beauty." Have you ever said, "It's beautiful, but it isn"t practicaL'? Then read this. Wright discusses beauty. Includes one photograph. 11 x 13.5. Pp 2 1205.20.1106 1958 1958
Progressive Architecture - September 1958 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York.) Brooks, H. Allen, Jr. Book Review: "The spontaneous genius. Frank Lloyd Wright to 1910. Grant C. Manson, Reinhold Publishing Corp., $10. Unlike the more recent illustrative or autobiographical publications, Frank Lloyd Wright to 1910 by Grant C. Manson, is a critical, scholarly study intended to document and evaluate Wright's work and to delve into the thorny problems connected with the development of his highly personal style. In the fulfillment of this task the author... Continue... (Sweeney 1209) Pp 226, 229-230 1209.00.0419 1959
Progressive Architecture - July 1959 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York. Bound into May-August, 1959, Volume 40, Part 2) Feiss, Carl Book Review: "The Living City," Wright, Horizon Press, 1958, $7.50. "Broadacre City Revisited: Frank Lloyd Wright's Restatement, With Embellishments. Since there are few of us who have not been dazzled by Frank Lloyd Wright and his place in the sun and since few of us could look at his extraordinary vigor without envy, any appraisal of recent works, including his literary production, is colored by admiration for a vivid and wonderfully cantankerous personality. This he... Continue... (Sweeney 1219) Pp 181-182, 188 1219.00.0918 1958 Harpers Magazine - May 1958 Bendiner, Alfred How Frank Lloyd Wright Got His Metal (Sweeney 1223) Cover, Pp 30-35 1223.00.0101 1958 Architectural Forum - September 1958 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) 1) Blake, Peter 1) "Frank Lloyd Wright: Master of Architectural Space. Beautiful enclosures are the essence of architecture, and in opening them up in remarkable new ways Wright has created a new kind of space." Includes five photographs and three illustrations. 9.5 x 12.25. (Two copies, one is Bound Volume including July, Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec) (Sweeney 1224) 1) Pp 120-255, 196-197 1224.00.0501 1224.00.1206 2) The Seven Arts Book Society 2) Full page ad which includes "The Natural House" and "A Testament". Includes a photograph of each. 2) Pg 139 1224.01.1206 1958 Concrete Construction - March 1958 (Published monthly by Concrete Construction Magazine, Chicago, Illinois) Cohen, George N. "Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum. He adds new dimensions to the use of poured concrete in building construction... Featuring a spiral ramp making six turns at an approximate grade of 3 percent, stiffened by exterior webs at 30-degree intervals, and an inner court covered by a glass dome, this structure represents the great architects conception of a natural facility for viewing modern art in a modern setting..." Includes seven photographs and... Continue... (Sweeney 1226) Pp Cover 10-13 1226.00.0319
1226.00.03051958 Architectural Forum - February 1958, Volume 108 (Bound Volume includes Jan, Feb, March and June) Anonymous A famous house rescued (Robie House) (Includes photo) (Sweeney 1228) Pp 69 1228.00.0601 1958 Architectural Forum - February 1958, Volume 108 (Bound Volume includes Jan, Feb, March and June) Anonymous Ad for Frank Lloyd Wright "A Testament" Pp 123 1228.01.0601 1958 New Republic - September 8, 1958 Brandon, Henry A Conversation with Frank Lloyd Wright. "Flat on Our Faces" (Sweeney 1229) Pp 14-15 1229.00.0302 1958 Architectural Record - May 1958 (Published monthly by the F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York) Anonymous, Wright, Frank Lloyd "Frank Lloyd Wright, A Selection of Current Work." A compilation of eight selections. Cover page of article includes photograph of Wright at a drawing board working on the Bramlett Motor Hotel Project. 1) "Dallas Theater Center", includes three illustrations. 2) "Monona Terrace Civic Center Project", Madison, Wisconsin. Includes four illustrations. 3) "Music Building for Florida Southern College", includes three illustrations. 4) "A Motor HoteL'. Bramlett Motor Hotel... Continue... (Sweeney 1233) Pp Cover, 24, 167-190 1233.00.0512 1958 Architectural Forum - May 1958 Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lloyd Wright Designs for Baghdad (Sweeney 1234) Cover, 89 - 102 1234.00.0200 1958
Progressive Architecture - January 1958 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York.) Anonymous "The Guggenheim Progresses. Frank Lloyd Wright's first building in New York City, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, is presently taking shape. Works of art will be displayed along a ramp spiraling upward with gradually increasing radius from the main gallery at ground level. The interior will be lighted by a huge glass door at the top of the sixth turn. Sloping exterior walls of the ramp will receive additional natural as well as artificial light from a skylight and continuous... Continue... (Sweeney 1236) Pp 77 1236.00.0419 1959* Art in America - Winter 1958-59 (Hard bound cover) Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr. "The form of space for art - Wright's Guggenheim Museum." (*Note: Sweeney catalogues this in 1958, Copyright is actually 1959.) (Sweeney 1238) Pp 74-77 1238.00.1204 1958 House & Home - January 1958 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd "A master builder's philosophy - excerpts from Frank Lloyd Wright's Testament." "Properly focused upon the needs of twentieth century life, new uses of livable space will continually evolve - improve, more exuberant and serene." Includes 7 photos and 3 illustrations. Original cover price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.5. (Sweeney 1241) Pp 135-141 1241.00.0706 1958 Architectural Record - May 1958 (Published monthly by the F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York) Anonymous Meetings and Miscellany: "For the many contributions to the concrete masonry industry, Frank Lloyd Wright received a medal from the National Concrete Masonry Institute. Mr. Wright is seen here with his son David (at right) and William P. Market of the association." Includes one photograph. Original cover price $2.00. 8.75 x 11.5. (Sweeney 1242) Pp 24 1242.00.0512 1958 Architectural Forum - May 1958 Anonymous No Oscar for Wright. (Sweeney 1245) Pp79, 81 1245.00.0200 1958
Readers Digest - February 1958 (Published monthly by the Reader's Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville, N.Y.) Oboler, Arch "He's Always Magnificently Wright. Building your first house is always an adventure. But when your architect is one of the most colorful and unpredictable in the world, well... I had asked him how he had endured those long years of unremitting attacks on his own prophetic works. Mr. Wright Smiled. "The history of every artist is this," he said. "At first people discover you, and everything you do is wondrous.. Then they begin to look for your feet of clay, and everything... Continue... (Sweeney 1246) Pp 49-54 1246.00.0215 1958 Progressive Architecture - July 1958 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York.) Anonymous P/A News Bulletins: "Frank Lloyd Wright has been named architect for the proposed College of Education Center at University of Wichita, Wichita, Kan. Preliminary plans provided two separate structures - classroom and administration building and circular research elementary school." Juvenile Cultural Study Center (1957 - S.418). Includes one illustration. Original cover price $1.00. 8.75 x 11.5. (Sweeney 1247) Pp 45 1247.00.0313 1958 Architectural Forum - October 1958 Robie, Fred C, Jr. & Sr. Mr. Robie Knew What He Wanted (Two Copies, one is bound.) (Sweeney 1248) Pg 126-7 206 10 1248.00.0103 1248.00.0501 1958 Architectural Forum - October 1958 Loeb, G.M.; Wright, John Lloyd; Musson, Noverre Letters: Key-Keeper Wright. Three letters. One is from son. Pg 83 1248.01.0103 1958
House & Home - August 1958 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Note: Photograph on the cover is flipped horizontally.) Anonymous; Wright, Frank Lloyd "3 New Homes By Frank Lloyd Wright." 1: Harper House, St. Joseph; 2: Thaxton House, Bunker Hill (Houston); 3: Austin House, Greenvillle. 1 House in St. Joseph, Michigan. This house represents a theme Frank Lloyd Wright has been using since the 1920's - the many-angled, prism-like form. "I am convinced," he says, "that the pattern made by the cross section of a honeycomb has more flexibility where human movement is concerned than the square. The obtuse angle is more... Continue... (Sweeney 1250) Pp Cover 101-113 1250.00.0517 1958 Architectural Forum - July 1958, Volume 109 (Bound Volume includes July, Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec) Anonymous Wright Designs an Elementary School (Sweeney 1251) Pp 9 1251.00.0501 1958 Esquire - October 1958 Wright, Frank Lloyd Away with the Realtor (Sweeney 1252) Pp 179-80 1252.00.0501 1958 House & Home - April 1958 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd "America's foremost architect speaks on prefabrication and the role of creative man in the machine age: "Quality and quantity must be partners, science and art must live together"" Includes one illustration of Wright. Opinions: Wright comments on public housing at a press conference at the National Concrete Masonry Assn. Convention. Includes one photograph of Wright. Original cover price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.5
Pp 120-122 Pp 57
1254.00.1206 1254.01.1206
1958 Architectural Forum - Feb 1958, Volume 108 (Bound Volume includes Jan, Feb, March and June) Frank Lloyd Wright Mr. Wrights Argonomy (Sweeney 1255) Pp 150 1255.00.0601 1958 Architectural Forum - May 1958 Frank Lloyd Wright What is Architecture? (Sweeney 1257) Pp102 1257.00.0200 1958 Architectural Forum - Feb 1958, Volume 108 (Bound Volume includes Jan, Feb, March and June) Anonymous Wright to Design Dome Theater for Mike Todd (Includes photo) (Sweeney 1259) Pp 61 1259.00.0601 1958 Architectural Forum - Dec 1958, Volume 109 (Bound Volume includes July, Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec) Projects Church for Northern California Pp 48 1259.01.0501 Abroad Imperial Hotel Pp 180 1259.02.0501 1958 Architectural Forum - Jan 1958, Volume 108 (Bound Volume includes Jan, Feb, March and June) Anonymous Ad - Photo of Johnson Bldg Pp 173 1259.03.0601 1958 Architectural Forum - Mar 1958, Volume 108 (Bound Volume includes Jan, Feb, March and June) Anonymous Wrights New York Museum: Guggenheim Museum Pp 12 1259.04.0601 Anonymous Ad - Photo of Johnson Bldg Pp 35 1259.05.0601 Peter Blake Modern Architecture: its many faces (Photo of Price Tower) Pp 77-81 1259.06.0601 1958 Architectural Forum - June, Volume 108 (Bound Volume includes Jan, Feb, March and June) 1958 Anonymous Delivered: Chicagos Robie House Pp 99 1259.07.0601 1958
Architektura (Poland) - July 1958 (Published monthly by Arkady Publishing House, Warsaw, Poland) K. P. (Note: The book review was signed “K. P.” Initials did not match any editors listed.) Book Review: The Future of Architecture. Przysztosc Architektury (The Future of Architecture). Wydawnictwo "The Architectural Press", Londyn 1955. (Publishing house "The Architectural Press", London 1955.) The Future of Architecture was published in 1953. A British edition was published by the Architecural Press, London, in 1955. Polish text: Ksizka ta skupia w jednym tomie rózne prace pisane autora, rozizucone po licznych wydawnictwach, dzis prewaznie... Continue... Pp 301-304 1259.90.0124 1958
Baltimore Sun Magazine - Nov 2, 1958 (Copy of article. See complete article and photographs.) Stevens, Larry Copy of the two page article published in the Baltimore Sun Magazine. "The Wright house for the Wright family. One of Maryland's most striking homes is certainly that of Robert L. Wright, a Bethesda lawyer. For it was designed for him by his father, Frank Lloyd Wright, and it embodies this famous architect's tenet that a building should be at one and the same time functional, comfortable and organically blended with its surroundings. Situated on the... Continue... Pp 12-13 1259.62.0519 1958
Baukunst und Werkform - No. 8 1958 (Published by Alfons Leitl, Nurnberg, Germany) Kultermann, Udo "Une Architecture Autre." A new thread of architectural development. Frank Lloyd Wright rearranged the building structure from its crystal-clear structure, and saw Antonio Guadi, who recreated the matter through formal fantasy. "Une Architecture Autre." "Ein neugeknupfter Faden der architektonischen Entwicklung. ...Frank Lloyd Wright das Baugefüge von seiner kristalklinen Struktur her neu ordnete, und Antonio Guadi, der die Materie durch... Continue...
Pp 425-441 1259.53.1217 1958 Illinois History - October 1958 (Published October through May by the Illinois Historical Library for the Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield, Illinois) Beals, Robert L. 1) "Birthplace... Illinois. ...Many consider Wright to be the foremost living American architect, since he has always been far in advance of he times in his thinking, planning, and designing... Another of his beautiful and unusually modern residences is the Lawrence home, built just after the turn of the century in Springfield." Pp 12-13 1259.19.0410 Boone, Nancy W. 2) Related: "Soaring to the Sky. Skyscrapers in Chicago... Louis Sullivan was a leader in this movement... Continue... Pp 18-19 1958 Inland Architect, Chicago Chapter, American Institute of Architects - April 1958 (Published monthly except July and August by the Chicago Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, Chicago) Moderator: Cook, Alister; Wright, Frank Lloyd 1) "Forum of Formidable: Discussed by key figures in the building and business worlds, and held as part of the Chicago Dynamic Program at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, October 30, 1957." Moderator: Alister Cook. Participates included Ira Bach, commissioner of planning, Chicago, leading business men and Frank Lloyd Wright. Includes photograph of participants, among them Wright. Pp 14-17 1259.21.0511 Anonymous 2) "Art: the work of Alfonso Iannelli. The work of sculpture Alfonso Iannelli will be on exhibit during may at the office... Continue... Pp 6-7 1958
Science of Mind - February 1958 (Published monthly by the Institute of Religious Science, A Department of Church of Religious Science, Los Angeles, CA) Wright, Frank Lloyd Based on an address he gave to his apprentices. "Your Need to be Different! ...Look carefully at these hundreds of beautiful, infinitely various little houses (Mr. Wright shows the apprentices a tray full of sea shells). Here you see housing on a lower level, it is true, but isn"t this humble instance a marvelous manifestation of life? ...Once you understand the principle upon which this differentiation depends, you will astonish your kind by your own prolific capacity." Includes one illustrated... Continue... Pp 11-16 1259.41.0814 1959 Sweeney 1262: Prairie School Review - No 1, 1965. Volume II, Number 1 1959 Architectural Forum - December 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous Book Review: "FLLW's Drawings". Review of "Drawings for a Living Architecture" Horizon Press, 1959 Kaufmann S#1265. Includes seven illustrations in color. Original cover price $0.55. 9.5 x 12.25. Two Copies. (Sweeney 1266 & 1295 - double numbered) Pp 119-126 1266.00.0501 1295.00.0501 1266.00.1006 1295.00.1006 1959 Architectural Record - Dec 1959 (Published Monthly by F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York) Gutheim, Frederick Book Review: "Wright's Creative Process Shown in Drawings". Review of "Drawings for a Living Architecture" Horizon Press, 1959 Kaufmann. $35. "More is to be learned about Frank Lloyd Wright in this magnificent book than in any other place. At least, by architects. Here, in the moment of conception, we can explore the creative process of our most original architect." Includes one photograph and one illustration. Original cover price $2.00. 8.7 x 11.5. (Sweeney 1268) Pp 66, 70 1268.00.0312 1960 Progressive Architecture - December 1960 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Tafel, Edgar Book Review: "Drawings for a Living Architecture" Kaufmann, 1959. "In the year since the death of Frank Lloyd Wright, it has become clearly evident that his published works should be classified in two categories: his theory of architecture and the architecture itself. In the area of theory many fine and even less than fine works are available, but in the second category two volumes alone remain as the outstanding expression of the architect's hand - the... Continue... (Sweeney 1273) Pp 184, 190 1273.00.0313 1959
Architectural Forum - Jun 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous Book Review: "Our House" Olgivanna Lloyd Wright, 1959, $4.50. "Our House is, in many ways, a suitable, final chapter in the life and woks of one of the most heroic figures our country has ever produced. In this book Frank Lloyd Wright's widow presents, by means of anecdotes and by longer essays an illuminating picture of the architects deeply involved with his peculiar world. That world was, of course, both his profession and the life he had created... Continue... (Sweeney 1275) Pp 193 1275.00.0114 1959
L'OEIL - Decembre 1959 (Published by Odette-Helene Gasnier, 40, rue des Saints-Peres, Paris) Anonymous Published in French. "Art d"aujourd"hui, musee de demain (Art of today, museum of tomorrow). On vient d'inaugurer à New York les nouveaux bâtiments du Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum consacrés à la peinture et à la sculpture contemporaines. C'est la dernière œuvre de Frank Lloyd Wright, mort six mois avant les cérémonies d'ouverture..." (The new buildings of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum dedicated to contemporary painting and sculpture has just... Continue... (Sweeney 1276) Pp 106-111 1276.00.0722 1959 Architectural Forum - December 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) Blake, Peter Blake, Peter "The Guggenheim: Museum or Monument?" The climax of Wright's lifelong search for organic form and space is a challenge to accepted museum techniques and to accepted standards in architecture. Includes 20 photographs and one illustration. Also includes The Guggenheim and the critics - some comments from the New York Press. A list of nine critics and their comments. Original cover price $0.55 9.5 x 12.25. Two Copies. (Sweeney 1279) Pp 86-92 180 184 1279.00.0501 1279.00.1006 1959 Architectural Forum - November 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) 1) Anonymous 1) News: "Guggenheim Museum Opens. Last month, Manhattan's architecturally jaded cognoscenti got their first real jolt since the World's Fair opened two decades ago." Includes one photograph. 1) Pp 5 1279.01.0501 1279.04.1206 2) Horizon Press 2) Ad: "A new book of exhilarating beauty. Seventy years of his masterly drawings in glowing color and monochrome. Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings for a living architecture." Half page ad, includes one illustration. 2) Pp 25 1279.05.1206 3) Anonymous 3) Products: ""Taliesin... Continue... 3) Pp 57 1279.06.1206 1959
Architectural Forum - October 1959 (Bound Volume includes Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec) (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) Follansbee Steel Corp.; 1) Full page ad honoring Frank Lloyd Wright. "Imaginative new conceptions in architecture can frequently trace their origin to a basically simple idea. One of the oldest types of roofing, terne metal, thus lends itself to many... Continue... Pp 257 1279.03.0501 1279.03.0818 Goldstone, Harmon H. 2) Drumhead dome. The photograph in your June issue looking up through the skylight dome of Frank Lloyd Wright's new Guggenheim Museum in New York City bears a striking resemblance to a snapshot of the head of a... Continue... Pp 261 1377.97.0818 1959 Architectural Forum - Dec 1959, Volume 111 (Bound Volume includes Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec) 1959 Anonymous The Guggenheim and the critics - some comments from the New York Press. A list of nine critics and their comments. Pp 93, 180,184 1279.04.0501 1959 Architectural Record - Dec 1959 (Published Monthly by F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York) 1) Anonymous 1) "Wrights Guggenheim Completed. Frank Lloyd Wright's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York opened in the end of October to a hullabaloo in the local press equal to any its architect created in his lifetime." Includes three photographs. (Sweeney 1282) 1) Pp 12 1282.00.0312 2) Dunn, Alan 2) Cartoon: Guggenheim Museum. "Do I have to go through Kandinsky to get to Modigliani?" Cartoon drawn for the Record by Alan Dunn. 2) Pp 25 3) Andersen... 3) Ad: "132 Andersen Flexivents... Continue... 3) Pp 226-227 1959 The Atlantic - August 1959 Bush-Brown, Albert The Honest Arrogance of Frank Lloyd Wright (Sweeney 1283) Pp 23-26 1283.00.0102 1959 Progressive Architecture - December 1959 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York.) Anonymous P/A News Bulletins: "Christmas Present for Dallas: A Theater by Wright. New Center Devoted to Presentation, Education. Two days after Christmas, Dallas Theater Center will open its first repertory season in its brand new building, one of last designs of Frank Lloyd Wright... Dallas Theater Center is approached up a forested hill and over two levels f landscaped terrace. Art exhibitions can be held in specially lighted foyer. The 8000 sq. ft. auditorium... Continue... (Sweeney 1285) Pp 79 1285.00.0313 1959 AIA Journal of The American Institute of Architects - October 1959 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Cooke, Alistair "Memories of Frank Lloyd Wright. These reminiscence of the gentle Jove who has left us are both amusing and deeply revealing, written by the well-known TV figure and columnist. I met him first on a winters afternoon in what I almost slipped into calling the vestry of his suite at the plaza in New York. I pressed the electric button at first timorously, then boldly, then incessantly, and was about to turn away when the door was open by a pretty young woman... Continue... (Sweeney 1286) Pp 42-44 1286.00.0401 1286.00.0618 1959 House & Home - February 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) 1) De Reus, Jim; Edited by Morgan-Ryan, Kathryn 1) "Builder Jim De Reus tells you: What we learned from Frank Lloyd Wright." Carroll Alsop House, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Includes Includes nine photographs and nine illustrations. 1) Pp 126-133 1287.00.1206 2) Follansbee Steel Corporation 2) Ad: Full page ad honoring Wright. "Imaginative new conceptions in architecture can frequently trace their origin to a basically simple idea... FLLW" Includes one photograph. 2) Pp 22 1287.01.1206 Original cover price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.5. 1959 Architectural Review - November 1959 Eaton, Leonard K. History: Frame of Steel. Includes write-up and photo of E-Z Shoe Polish Building (Sweeney 1289) Pp 289 1289.00.0302 The Architectural Press Ad: Half page ad for "A Testament" By Frank Lloyd Wright Pp c 1289.01.0302 The Architectural Press Ad: 1/6 page ad for "A Testament" By Frank Lloyd Wright Pp cii 1289.02.0302 1959 Life Magazine - April 27, 1959 Anonymous The Finale At 89 for a Fiery Genius (Sweeney 1292) Pg 53 1292.00.0901 1959 Architectural Forum - May 1959
Fitch, James Marston Frank Lloyd Wright 1869 - 1959. Includes three pages of statements by other architects and many others. (Sweeney 1294) Pp Cover 108-15 1294.00.0902 1959
Architectural Forum - June 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous; Wright, Frank Lloyd 1) Special section devoted to Wright's life work. "Frank Lloyd Wright." A: "The seven decades, 1889-1959. Seven masterworks take from the decades of Wright's pioneering" (Winslow, Unity Temple, Midway Gardens, Imperial Hotel, S. C. Johnson, Florida Southern College, Beth Sholom). B: "The Guggenheim Museum. His latest, most controversial building shown for the first time." C: "The Taliesins. His own homes remain the truest measure of... Continue... (Sweeney 1298) 1) Pp Cover, 115-146
2) Miller, Richard A.1298.00.0114 1959 Architectural Forum - June 1959 (Offprint) Anonymous, Frank Lloyd Wright Offprint: Frank Lloyd Wright. A portfolio reviewing Wright's achievements. This is a special printing of Pages 117-144 enclosed in a special cover. Inside back cover includes a reprint of a talk to the Taliesin Fellowship, April 1959, "To the young man in architecture". (Sweeney 1298b) Pp 30
- 1298.01.0202
1959 Architectural Record - May 1959 (Published Monthly by F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York) Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright, 1869-1959. Thinking of Frank Lloyd Wright, and remembering, is a kaleidoscopic kind of experience... Wright first appeared in the pages of the Record in 1905... In 1908 came his first major article, a pronouncement about architecture... Wright contributed to our pages in the thirties, the forties, the fifties, through several eras of Record editors, over 54 years. Now we feel, with the world, the loss of its greatest architect, and, for ourselves, the loss... Continue... (Sweeney 1302) Pp 9 1302.00.0612 1959 Progressive Architecture - May 1959 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York.) Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright. 1869-1959. The greatest architect that the United States has yet produced died on April 9. Frank Lloyd Wright's career, spanning the whole development of a modern architecture, encompassed also all possible relationships to that development..." Includes one photograph by Joe Monroe. (Sweeney 1304) Pg 135 1304.00.0213 Anonymous News: "A farm wagon drawn by two black horses bore the coffin of Frank Lloyd Wright from Taliesin East to a small... Continue... Pg 96 1304.01.0213 1959
Progressive Architecture - June 1959 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York. Bound into May-August, 1959, Volume 40, Part 2) Boyd, Thomas J. Frank Lloyd Wright has endorsed terne verbally and through imaginative use. He has said: "Because of its inherent adaptability in both form and color, terne permit's the visible roof area to become a significant part of structural design. His Dopkins residence, at North Canton, Ohio, utilizes terne in a Burmuda-type/horizontal-seam construction. Two forthcoming Wright projects also evidence is appreciation of its qualities: one, the terne roof for the Fasbender Clinic in Hastings... Continue... Pp 172-172 1304.02.0918 1959 AIA Monthly Bulletin, Michigan Society of Architects - December 1959 (Published monthly by the Michigan Society of Architects) Masselink, Eugene "Work of Frank Lloyd Wright in Michigan." Introduction by Eugene Masselink. Photography by Baltazar Korab. Cover design by Phil H. Feddersen. Issue conceived and prepared by the Saginaw Valley Chapter of the AIA. Includes 41 photographs, 10 illustrations and a complete list of homes constructed in Michigan. Also issued as an offprint. Original cover price $0.50. 9 x 12. (Sweeney 1306) Pp Cover 17-32 1306.00.0806 1959
AIA Journal - May 1959 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Anonymous “Frank Lloyd Wright. The long and incredibly productive career of Frank Lloyd Wright ended just two months before his ninetieth birthday. Many eulogies will be written, many books will be printed, many judgments will be passed. But his place in history has long been obvious and secure – as he himself well knew and often said. Here was the man who, fifty and sixty years ago, before many of his critics and admirers were weaned, did most of the basic... Continue... (Sweeney 1307) Pp 42-43 1307.00.0423 1959
AIA Monthly Bulletin, Michigan Society of Architects - May1959 (Published monthly by the Michigan Society of Architects) 1) Anonymous; Comment by Richards, John Noble 1) Obituary for Frank Lloyd Wright. "Frank Lloyd Wright, who died at his home, Taliesin West on April 9, at the age of 89, was considered by many to be the worlds greatest architect. Whether or not he was, it is quite generally agreed... Continue... 1) Pp 11 1307.01.0322 2) Rush, J. Leonard 2) "Bulletin: Shortly after our arrival back from the Southwest, we heard the unfortunate news of the death of Frank Lloyd Wright. It had only been two weeks since we had spoken to the master, on Saturday, March 14, at Taliesin... Continue... 2) P 7 1959 Pacific Arts Association Bulletin - Summer 1959 (Published quarterly by the Pacific Arts Association. Tempe, AZ) 1) Bimson, Walter R.; 2) Wright, Iovanna Lloyd; 3) Masselink, Eugene; 4) Wood, Dr. Harry Issue devoted entirely to Wright. 1) "Frank Lloyd Wright - A Tribute" 2) "To My Father" 3) "Master Teach Frank Lloyd Wright" 4) "Painting Frank Lloyd Wright's Portrait at 89" 5) Frank Lloyd Wright's Greatest Unbuilt Building, The Lost Capitol of Arizona". Includes 25 photos and illustrations. Original list price $1.00. 8.5 x 11. (Sweeney 1310) Pp 28 1310.00.0406 1959
House & Home - June 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) 1) The Editors; 2) Wright, Frank Lloyd 1) "Frank Lloyd Wright's Own Home in the Desert. Nothing is more symbolic of Frank Lloyd Wright's abiding influence on the architecture of the American house than Taliesin west, his home on Maricopa Mesa near Phoenix. Taliesin West is symbolic because it expresses so many of the principles Wright stood for in his lifetime, because it embodies most of the design ideas Wright made a familiar part of the American scene, and because it is a peculiarly living... Continue... (Sweeney 1312) Pp 88-98 1312.00.0617 1959
Journal of The Society of Architectural Historians, May 1959 (Published quarterly by The Society of Architectural Historians) Gebhard, David "A Note on the Chicago Fair of 1893 and Frank Lloyd Wright... One need not seek out obscure examples of Wright's early work to discover several close analogies to the Turkish Exposition Building. The design which bears the closest relationship is his house for W. H. Winslow, River Forest, Illinois, designed in 1893. This dwelling has a similar overhanging roof, and a band of windows and terra cotta ornament placed directly under the eaves of the roof. Both... Continue... (Sweeney 1314) Pp 63-65 1314.00.0215 1959
Newsweek - April 20, 1959 (Published weekly by Weekly Publications, Inc., Dayton, Ohio) Anonymous 1) "The Great Dissenter. It is impossible to grieve at the passing of a man who lived so long and achieved so much: who swept across the face of the land like some vast natural force bending both men and nature to his will. One can only wonder. This thought was expressed in many ways last week as the news came from Phoenix, Ariz., that Frank Lloyd Wright, just two months be fore..." 2) "Wright-With-a-Bite. Frank Lloyd Wright was widely famous for his iconoclastic... Continue... (Sweeney 1316) Pp 99-100 1316.00.0416 1959
Progressive Architecture - July 1959 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York. Bound into May-August, 1959, Volume 40, Part 2) Anonymous P/A News Report:. "Guggenheim Museum spirals toward completion. Photographs reveal interiors at last. New York - The hitherto virtually inaccessible interior of Frank Lloyd Wright's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum has been entered and photographed. The intrepid photographer responsible for the pictures on these pages reports that, after finally having gained admittance to the museum, he had to take shots with the camera concealed beneath... Continue... (Sweeney 1317) Pp 73, 75-77 1317.00.0918 1959
AIA Journal - June 1959 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Holden, Arthur C.
2) Moses, Robert“Is This Death? For Frank Lloyd Wright.
If death were just the stopping of the breath
Death would not matter; Man through God's design
Breathes in and out substance that is divine.
Live beings... Continue... (Sweeney 1320)
2) Also includes: Mr. Moses Discusses Planning, Et Cetera. Moses was New York City’s Construction Coordinator. He makes many references to Frank Lloyd Wright. 8.25 x 11.25Pp 33
2) Pp 28-331320.00.0423 1959
New York Times Magazine - November 15, 1959 (Published weekly by The New York Times Company, New York) Huxtable, Ada Louise "Triple Legacy of Mr. Wright. The extraordinary public response to the new Guggenheim Museum again puts the limelight on the lifetime of accomplishments of its creator, Frank Lloyd Wright. When he died last April, Wright left a triple legacy. First, there is the series of distinguished buildings constructed over seventy years that have become landmarks of modern architecture. Second, there are some fifty buildings in progress, being carried out by Wright's students... Continue... (Sweeney 1322) Pp 18-19 1322.00.1220 1959
New York Times Magazine - October 25, 1959 (Published weekly by The New York Times Company, New York) Huxtable, Ada Louise "That Museum: Wright or Wrong? Frank Lloyd Wright's unconventional structure has opened amid fiery debate. Is it a museum, or a monument to Mr. Wright? Ever since Frank Lloyd Wright's controversial Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum begin to take shape on upper Fifth Avenue, New Yorkers have been playing a guessing game, "What is it?" The massive, circular concrete building has been likened to an inverted cupcake, a wash tub without handles, a giant Jello-mold... Continue... Pp Cover 16-17 91 1322.01.0319 1959 Life Magazine - April 27, 1959 Jones, Cranston Pride and Prejudices of the Master. (Sweeney 1323) Pg 54-6 1323.00.0901 1959
New York Times Magazine - October 25, 1959 (Published weekly by The New York Times Company, New York) Kellogg, Cynthia "Wright Ready Made." Article on the Marshall Erdman Prefab #2, Madison, Wisconsin (1957 - S.412.1). "The man who changed the American home with his ideas of open floor plans, split levels and expansive window areas left us more than his revolutionary architectural principles. In the last years of his life, Frank Lloyd Wright designed three prefabricated houses for Marshall Erdman Associates in Madison, Wisconsin. The first, produced in 1956 is typical... Continue... (Sweeney 1326) Pp 62-64 1326.00.0319 1959 Time - November 2, 1959 (Published weekly by Time Inc., Chicago, Illinois) Anonymous Last Monument. Wright's Guggenheim Museum: Mighty Tower & Babel of Discord. "A war between architecture and painting, in which both come out badly maimed," declared Art Critic John Canaday on Page One of the New York Times; "The most beautiful building in America," retorted Critic Emily Genauer in the New York Herald Tribune. "A building that should be put in a museum to show how mad the 20th Century is," editorialized the New... Continue... (Sweeney 1329) Pp 67 1329.00.0302 1959 Industrial Design - November 1959 (Published monthly by Whitney Publishers, Inc. New York) McAuliffe, George "The Guggenheim: Great architecture, difficult installation. ...was finally opened to the public on October 21st. Designed for a capacity of 1500 people (and host top 16,039 on the first Sunday after it opened) the Guggenheim's curvilinear form provides the most dramatic setting contemporary art has ever had..." Includes six illustrations and photographs. Original cover price $1.50. 9 x 12. (Sweeney 1333) Pp 66-69 1333.00.1112 1959 Progressive Architecture - May 1959 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York.) Moholy-Nagy, Sibyl "F.Ll.W. and the aging of modern architecture. The fallout of genius, good or evil, is absorbed involuntarily by mankind. Hitler, Einstein, Freud, Picasso have affected our existence without personal contact, and scores of volumes have been written to denounce or acclaim their power. ...It is thanks to Wright that the 20th Century has a concept of intrinsic architecture that neither shuns technological progress nor sells out man's... Continue... (Sweeney 1334) Pp 136-142 1334.00.0213 1959 New Yorker - December 5, 1959 (Published weekly by The New Yorker Magazine, Inc. New York.) Mumford, Lewis "The Sky Line. What Wright Hath Wrought. There are many ways of approaching the new Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, and perhaps the best is the roundabout route that has been opened up by the timely appearance of "Frank Lloyd Wright's Drawing for a Living Architecture". ...What is unusual about Wright is that the sketches and the finished presentation drawings of his buildings are works of art in their own right... Wright's creative intentions at their purest... Continue... (Sweeney 1339) Pp 105-6 108 110 112 115-16 118 123-26 129 1339.00.0213 1959 Time - April 2, 1959 Anonymous Native Genius. (Wright's Obituary) (Sweeney 1341) Pp 80 83 1341.00.0302 1959
New Yorker - April 18, 1959 (Published weekly by The New Yorker Magazine, Inc., New York) Anonymous "Notes and Comments." (On Wright's death.) "Frank Lloyd Wright was an old friend of ours, and we shall miss him very much. We doubt whether he had any intention of dying so soon, and we were certainly unprepared for the news of his death. He was one of those people (Bertrand Russell and Picasso are among them) who seem able to outwit the humiliations and diminutions of age, and able, therefore, to out wit its supreme consequence... For the last... Continue... (Sweeney 1343) Pp 33-34 1343.00.0918 1959
L'architettura - No.43 - May 1959 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Anonymous Published in Italian. "Dalle 12,45 di giovedi 9 aprile, il campo e aperto alla filologia. Forse non vale piu occuparsi di architettura - non nello stesso modo." Obituary for Frank Lloyd Wright. Includes two photographs of Wright. Original cover price Lire 800. 9.6 x 12.75 (Sweeney 1348) Pp 4-6 1348.00.0417 1959
Progressive Architecture - August 1959 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York. Bound into May-August, 1959, Volume 40, Part 2) Anonymous P/A News Report: Bulletins. "Second Frank Lloyd Wright building in Greater New York (first was Guggenheim Museum, July 1959 P/A, pp 75 - 77) is prefab house on Staten Island. (William Cass 1959 - S.409.2) Designed by Wright for Erdmann Associates of Madison, Wis., house has skin of sand-colored Masonite board with the wooden battenss giving strong horizontal emphasis. Roof is of terne with mahogany edges. Includes one photograph of... Continue... (Sweeney 1350) Pp 79 1350.00.0918 1959 Architectural Forum - December 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) 1) Peters, Matthew 2) Reed, Henry Hope Jr. Forum: 1) "Two Domes". Dome of Guggenheim looks very much like dome of Vatican museum. Includes two photographs. 2) "Amateur Critics". Wright was rare, if not alone, among architects to criticize work of fellows. Original cover price $0.55. 9.5 x 12.25. (Sweeney 1351) Pp 205 1351.00.0501 1351.00.1006 1959
L'architettura - No.46 - August 1959 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Anonymous Published in Italian. Portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright. Caption: "Il nostro Maestro in una delle sue ultime fotografie. Il gesto e diverso da quelli vitali e scattanti riprodotti nel n. 43. Alla macchina da presa di Baltazar Korab non celo di essere stanco. Anche il giorno... Continue... (Sweeney 1352) Pp 282 1352.00.0417 "L'Albergo Imperiale di Tokyo in Pericolo." (Tokyo Imperial Hotel in Danger.) Short article concerning the Imperial Hotel. Original cover price Lire 800. 9.6 x 12.75 Pp 224 1959
School Arts - June 1959 (Published monthly ten times a year by Davis Publications, Inc., Worcester, Massachusetts) Rago, Louise Elliott "Spirit of the Desert. Frank Lloyd Wright's Last Interview. I was overjoyed. I was to have an audience with Frank Lloyd Wright, king of modern architecture. Architecture is known as queen of the arts. What would I say? What would I do? My first impulse was to go to the library twenty-four hours before my interview, to learn all about this Buddha-like genius who had amazed the world. Certainly Wright is to art and architecture, I thought, as George Bernard Shaw is to... Continue... (Sweeney 1353) Pp 27-30 1353.00.0522 1959 Saturday Review - November 7, 1959 Stone, Edward Durell Hero, Prophet, Adventurer (Sweeney 1361) Pp 15-17 43 1361.00.0701 Kuh, Katharine Architecturally Successful But Paintings Died Pp 36-7 1361.01.0701 1959
Architectural Forum - June 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous 1) "Tributes to Frank Lloyd Wright, 1869-1959. The desire of people in the building industry around the world to comment on the life and work of Frank Lloyd Wright was so overwhelming that only a portion of the tributes received could be included in last month's Forum..." A few of the tributes include those from Grant Manson, H. R. Hitchcock and Edgar Tafel. 2) "Letter's from Readers: Taliesin's Architect..." Includes two letters about Wright. Original cover.. Continue... (Sweeney 1364) 1) Pp 234, 238, 242, 246
2) 263
1364.00.0114 1959
L'architettura - No.49 - November 1959 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Anonymous Published in Italian. Three parts. 1) The Trinity Chapel Project. "In the summer of 1958, Frank Lloyd Wright conceived this design for a non-sectarian chapel to be built on the campus of the University of Oklahoma..." 2) The Lenkurt Electric Co. Project. "This extensive project designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for the Lenkurt Electric Co. Is an industrial building for highly technical electronic work..." 3) The Donahoe Triptych Project. "The last project that Frank.. Continue... (Sweeney 1366) Pp 472-483 1366.00.0717 1959 Architectural Record - September 1959 Anonymous Watch on Wright Landmarks. 16 buildings recommended for Historic Preservation. (Sweeney 1367) Pp 9 1367.00.1102 Follanbee Steel Corp. Ad: Quote by Wright endorsing Follanbee Steel Corp. Includes Photo of Wright Sculpture. Pp 60 1367.01.1102 1959 Architectural Record - October 1959 (Published Monthly by F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York) Reynolds Aluminum Ad: Full page ad of the Temple Beth Sholom (1954 - S.373), Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. "Aluminum in Modern Architecture, A great symbol... a mountain of light, is the way Frank Lloyd Wright describes this extraordinary religious building." Includes one large photograph of the Temple Beth Sholom . Original cover price $2.00. 8.7 x 11.5. Pp 129 1367.02.0312 1959 Architectural Record - November 1959 (Published Monthly by F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York) Anonymous "Wright's Guggenheim Opens. Just over six months after his death, Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum opened last month. The paintings were in place, the lighting was almost installed, and the time had come when the public and his fellow architects could judge the truth of Mr. Wright's Words..." Original cover price $2.00. 8.7 x 11.5. Pp 9 1367.03.0312 1959 Architectural Forum - May 1959 Anonymous Wright dies at 89 (Sweeney 1370) Pp Cover, 5 1370.00.0902 1959 Architectural Forum - May 1959 Anonymous Related: Play about Sullivan gets Broadway backing. "Wright will not play an important part". Pp 11 13 1370.01.0902 1959 Architectural Forum - May 1959 Anonymous Briefs: Madison Wisc. Civic Center Pp 12 1370.02.0902 1959
Architectural Forum - June 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous Briefs: "Wright's Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, survivor of earthquakes, may not survive immutable economics. Only a few weeks after Wright's death, the Imperial's manager call the 37-year-old hotel "uneconomical and not so safe as it used to be," and said it might be replace before the 1964 Olympics..." Original cover price $1.00. 9.5 x 12.25 (Sweeney 1372) Pp 11 1372.00.1014 1959 House Beautiful - September 1959 Anonymous Announcing October Issue Pp 192 1374.01.0901 1959 House Beautiful - October 1959 (Hard Cover) (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York) 2) Besinger, Curtis 8) Gordon, Elizabeth 12) Besinger, Curtis 13) Hill, John deKoven 15 & 23) Gordon, Elizabeth 27) Gannett... Issue devoted to Frank Lloyd Wright. "Your Heritage from Frank Lloyd Wright." 1) Full page Ad: Schumacher's Fabrics by Frank Lloyd Wright. 2) "How Frank Lloyd Wright Used Music. 3) Send for the complete bibliography on Frank Lloyd Wright covering the period from 1900 through 1959. 4) National Concrete Masonry Association Ad: Frank Lloyd Wright and the Beauty of Block. (5 photographs; Wright (1); Price Sr. Residence (2); David Wright
... Continue... (Sweeney 1374)Pp Cover, 48, 50, 57, 186, 188, 193 207-336, 1374.00.1099 1959
House Beautiful - October 1959 (Hard Cover) (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York) 2) Besinger, Curtis 8) Gordon, Elizabeth 12) Besinger, Curtis 13) Hill, John deKoven 15 & 23) Gordon, Elizabeth 27) Gannett... Issue devoted to Frank Lloyd Wright. "Your Heritage from Frank Lloyd Wright." 1) Full page Ad: Schumacher's Fabrics by Frank Lloyd Wright. 2) "How Frank Lloyd Wright Used Music. 3) Send for the complete bibliography on Frank Lloyd Wright covering the period from 1900 through 1959. 4) National Concrete Masonry Association Ad: Frank Lloyd Wright and the Beauty of Block. (5 photographs; Wright (1); Price Sr. Residence (2); David Wright
... Continue... (Sweeney 1374)Pp Cover, 48, 50, 57, 186, 188, 193 207-336, 1374.02.0517 1959
L'architettura - No.48 - October 1959 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Zevi, Bruno Published in Italian. "Taliesin Continua. Taliesin Carries On. A few days after the death of F. Ll. Wright, a press release by Olgivanna announced to the world the great news: Taliesin was continuing to work, designing... Continue... (Sweeney 1375) Pp 366-367 1375.00.0417 Anonymous 2) "Alla Biennale 1960: disegni di Frank Lloyd Wright e di Erich Mendelsohn." (At the 1960 Biennale: drawings by Frank Lloyd Wright and Erich Mendelsohn.) "For the Venice Biennale of 1960 plans have been made for exhibits... Continue... Pp 368 1959 AIA Journal - November 1959 (Published Monthly by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) Walker, Ralph "Books - Design and Content". Out of the six page article, two paragraphs devoted to commenting on Wright's writings. Original price $0.50. 8.25 x 11.25. Pp 31-36 1377.28.1206 1959
AIA Journal Newsletter - November 2, 1959, No. 214 (Published by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) Anonymous Memo, A Newsletter. Wright Museum Opens. Frank Lloyd Wright's unique controversial Guggenheim Museum in New York City opened its doors last week. It is acclaimed as an architectural masterpiece comparable to the Pantheon in Rome or the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, and it is likened to "an inverted oatmeal dish,"" "a hot-cross bun," and "an upside down cake." Philip Johnson calls it "New York's greatest building." In a one page story, New York Times art... Continue... Pp 4 1377.121.0520 1959
AIA Journal - December 1959 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Waechter, H. H. Side note: "The Architecture of Bruce Goff. Bruce Goff is definitely not a myth, but he does seem to have become somewhat of a legend. The author of this brief account of some of his work has been an Associate Professor of Architecture in several architectural schools, and is now practicing architecture in Cresswell, Oregon. In our time, modern architecture is often interpreted in terms of repetitious assembly of predesigned building parts. Organization Man... Continue... Pp 32-36 1377.94.0618 1959 Arquitectura Cuba - April / May 1959 Batista, Eugenio Frank Lloyd Wright in Memoriam Pp 179 1377.03.0902 1959
Art in America - Spring 1959 (Hard Cover) (Published quarterly Vision, Inv., New York) Canaday, John Article includes Frank Lloyd Wright. "New Talent Fifty Years Ago. Fifty years, or half a century, is a good resounding number, appealing to our delusion that history is a succession of forward steps neatly marked off between boundaries of hundred years, instead of the tangled and contradictory business it turns out to be... We decided that two architects, one "advanced" and one conservative but sound, must represent the whole profession. There was no question as to choice... Continue... Pp 19-33 1377.82.0417 1959
Der Architekt - Number 5 - May 1959 (Herausgegeben Vom Bund Deutscher Architekten - Published by the Association of German Architects) Tselos, Dr. Dimitri; Andrews, Wayne; Wright, Frank Lloyd Published in German. "Frank Lloyd Wright " . Frank Lloyd Wright ist im Alter von 89 Jahren gestorben. Er wurde am 8. Juni 1869 im Staate Wisconsin geboren." (Frank Lloyd Wright died at the age of 89 (sic... 91) years. He was born on June 8, 1869 in the state of Wisconsin.) Begins with a short biography on Frank Lloyd Wright, and includes two editorials, and a section by Wright. A) Prof. Dr. Dimitri Tselos, University of Minnesota, "Frank Lloyd Wright - Classics of... Continue... Pp 117-124 1377.83.0617 1959 Carmel by-the-sea (Published by Emil White) Albee, William "Carmel Architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright Home." Includes two photographs. Original List Price $1.00. 9 x 12. Pp 11 1377.07.0205 1959 Chicago Sun Times - September 11, 1959 Kachan, Virginia Frank Lloyd Wright's Artistry in Oak Park House. 1894 Home Meets the Test of Time. Young Residence - Alterations (Three photos) Sec 2 Pg 1 1377.02.0402 1959 China Glass & Tablewares - May 15, 1959 (Published by Ebel-Doctorow Publications, Inc., Easton, Pennsylvania)
Anonymous "The Shop that Frank Lloyd Wright Built". V.C. Morris Company, San Francisco. Includes four photographs. Original List Price 35 cents. 8.5 x 11.5. Pp 12-13 1377.10.0305 1959 Horizon - May 1959 (Published every two months by American Horizon, Inc. New York) Lyon, Peter "Uncle Solomon's Museum". Includes two photographs of the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Guggenheim Museum. Original cover price $3.95. 9 x 12. (Note: this is a hard cover magazine) Pp 15 1377.22.0406 1959 The Iowan - October -November 1959 Grant, Jackie "Life with Frank Lloyd Wright's House". Building a Wright-designed house of Home-mined limestone was not as trying as some people in the parade of visitors. Grant Home. Pp 24-28 53 1377.05.0804 1959
La Domenica del Corriere (Italy) - April 19, 1959 (Supplemento settimanale illustrato del nuevo Corriere Della Sera. [Illustrated weekly supplement of the new Corriere Della Sera.] ) Anonymous "A 90 anni e morto a Phoenix Frank Lloyd Wright, uno dei piu famosi, se non il plu famous architetto del mondo, divenuto addirittura leggendario per le opere profondamente innovatrici..." (At 90, Frank Lloyd Wright died in Phoenix, one of the most famous, if not the most famous architect in the world, who has even become legendary for his profoundly innovative works...) Includes a portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright and an illustration of the "Mile High Building." There is only... Continue... Pp 5 1377.133.1221 1959
Le Monde - April 11, 1959 (Paris, France) (French) Chastel, Andre Published in French. Page 8: Le Genie de Frank Lloyd Wright (The Genius of Frank Lloyd Wright). American architect Frank Lloyd Wright died Thursday at a hospital in Phoenix (Arizona). He was eighty-nine years old. Nothing is more deliberately, moreover, profoundly American than the personality and career of Frank Lloyd Wright. We could define him as a "hero" in the sense of Emerson, a "prophet" in the sense of Walt Whitman, an "adventurer" in the sense of... Continue... Pp 16 1377.135.1221 1959 Let's See - May 22 - June 4, 1959 (Published by Schmidt Publications, Milwaukee) Anonymous "An Era Ends." Summary of Frank Lloyd Wright's work which includes 17 photographs. Original List Price 15 cents. 7.25 x 9.5. Pp Cover, 8-14 1377.06.0305 1959 Life Magazine - November 2, 1959 (Published weekly by Time Inc., Chicago) Anonymous "Wright's Startling Museum Spiral." Opening of the Guggenheim Museum. Frank Lloyd Wright predicted "When it is finished and you go into it, you will feel the building. You will feel it as a curving wave that never breaks. Includes one photograph. Original cover price $0.20. 10.5 x 14. Pg 81 1377.27.1106 1959
L'Express - April 16, 1959 (French) (Published in Paris)Anonymous Published in French. "Un <<dangereus illumine'' Frank Lloyd Wright -- qui vient de mourir a 89 ans -- a trace sa voie a travers le scandale. <<Pionnier genial>>..." (An "illuminated dangerous" Frank Lloyd Wright -- who has just died at 89 -- has made his way through the scandal. "Awesome pioneer", "dangerously enlightened", Frank Lloyd Wright who has just died at the age of 89 in Arizona following a surgical operation, leaves nearly seven hundred works of... Continue... Pp 26 1377.134.1221 1959 Milwaukee Sentinel - April 10, 1959 (Published by the Milwaukee Sentinel, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright Dies After Surgery". Wright passes away with a sigh Thursday at 4:45am. Includes photograph of Wright. Original List Price 7 cents. 15 x 21. Pp 1 1377.11.0305 Richards, John Noble (AP) "Genius of Our Time". Comment by John Noble Richards, President of the American Institute of Architects. Original List Price 7 cents. 15 x 21. Pp 1 1377.12.0305 1959 Milwaukee Sentinel - April 10, 1959 (Published by the Milwaukee Sentinel, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) Anonymous "Wright Sought to Be "Greatest Architect"". Wright's Career. Tokyo Hotel Most Notable Work.. (Page 3, Second Front Page) Original List Price 7 cents. 15 x 21. Pp 3, 17 1377.13.0305 Anonymous "Church Wright Designed to Rise Here". Greek Annunciation Church. (Page 3, Second Front Page) Original List Price 7 cents. 15 x 21. Pp 3 1377.14.0305 Nelson, Gaylord (AP) "Leaves an Aching Void". Comment by Wisc. Gov. Gaylord Nelson. (Page 3, Second Front Page) Original List Price 7 cents. 15 x 21... Continue... Pp 3 1377.15.0305 1959
People Today - November 1959 (Published is published monthly by P. T. Publications, Inc., New York) Anonymous “Wight Angles. Seeing may he believing, but New York's new Guggenheim Museum – designed by the late famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright – can play tricks on anyone's eye-sight. It's been described as a silo, a space ship, an up-side-down cereal dish, a pie and a hat. But whatever it is called, it is a monument to a great man's imagination and ability.” Includes two photographs of the Guggenheim Museum. Original cover price 15c. 4 x 5.6 Pp 11 1377.149.0323 1959 Photography Annual (Published annually by Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, New York) Photo: Lieberman, Archie Photo of Frank Lloyd Wright with Carl Sandburg. Original Cover price $1.25. 8.5 x 11. Pp 29, 227 1377.19.0405 1959
Rocky Mountain News April 10, 1959 (Published every morning by Denver Publishing Co., Denver) Anonymous Master Architect Frank Wright Dies. Phoenix, Ariz., April 9 - (AP) - Colorful Frank Lloyd Wright, 89, (91) master architect who fashion a world reputation for brilliant design, died in Saint Joseph's Hospital here Thursday. Known as the "rebellious old gentleman" of his profession, Wright entered the hospital Saturday and underwent surgery Monday for removal of an intestinal obstruction. He appeared to rest comfortably Wednesday night and physicians felt he was progressing... Continue... Pp 3 1377.85.0917 1959
Saga - March 1959 (Published monthly by Macfadden Publishing, Inc., New York) Kahn, Roger "Lonely Genius. The Story of Frank Lloyd Wright. Almost as famous for breaking rules as he is for building masterpieces, the great architect has been shocking the world throughout his life long life with his ideas and behavior. Frank Lloyd Wright will be 90 years old next June, and, as the great man himself concedes, surviving nine decades of undeluded Wright is a harrowing experience... Wright is a genius, but that's like saying Marilyn Monroe is a female. Wright... Continue... Pp 16-19, 85-87 1377.91.0318 1959 Scamp - January 1959 Schreiner, Harry How to have a ball at Eighty. Includes article about Frank Lloyd Wright. Pp 30-31, 64, 66 1377.04.0604 1959 Select - May 1959 (Published monthly by Select Publications, Inc., Madison Wisconsin) Anonymous: Possibly by Editor Lorna Whiffen, with assistance by Herbert Jacobs Cover: Home of Herbert Jacobs, Madison Wisconsin. Page 8: "A Genius Stands Alone - Among Friends. Alone with his thoughts, Frank Lloyd Wright seemed a man apart - even though surrounded by friends - as he strolled about the grounds of Taliesin West at what was to be, for him, the last of the famous Taliesin Easter morning breakfasts...." Four photographs for the article by Herbert Jacobs, on a visit to Taliesin West to visit his daughter Susan (Jacobs) Wheatley... Continue... Pp Cover, 8, 20 1377.55.1112 1959 Texas Association of Consulting Engineers - October 1959. (Published by Dallas-Ft. Worth Chapter Texas Association of Consulting Engineers) Anonymous Dallas Theater Center designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Includes two illustrations. 7 x 10. Pp 1, 2-3 1377.20.0306 1959 Time - March 2, 1959 Anonymous New World Synagogues designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Beth Sholom Synagogue) Pp 44-5 1377.01.1101 1959
This Week Magazine (Detroit News) - May 24, 1959 (Published by Detroit News and United Newspapers Magazine Corporation, New York) Stein, Ralph Mr. Wright's wonderful automobile. Frank Lloyd Wright was famous as America's greatest architect. But he was original in another way you never suspected. Here's his design for your 1960 car... The late Frank Lloyd Wright has been hailed in newspapers, magazines and over the air for his great and often revolutionary contributions to the art of designing houses, factories and public buildings... But few people are aware that this modern Leonardo da Vinci also... Continue... Pp 13, 15 1377.96.0818 1959 Town-North - May 1959 (Published monthly by Victor Press) Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Dallas Theater Center." Background and information both on Wright and the Dallas Theater Center. Includes one portrait of Wright and one illustration. Original cover price 25c. 8.5 x 11. Pp 11 1377.21.0306 1959 Wisconsin State Journal - April 10, 1959 (Published by Madison Newspapers, Inc., Madison, Wisc.) 2) Matheson, Helen; 9) Prindle, John R. Section One includes eleven articles related to Frank Lloyd Wright. 1) Page 1: "Frank Lloyd Wright, Noted Architect, Dies. Death at Age 89 Ends His Lively Career. Phoenix, Ariz. - Frank Lloyd Wright, 89, the rebellious titanic force of modern architecture, died early Thursday. Mr. Wright died before dawn... his fame finally secure after more than 50 years of artistic and personal controversy with caustic critics..." Cont . P.2, C.1. 2) Page 1: "Wright: A Force of Nature... Continue... Pp 1-2, 6, 7, 10 1377.25.0406 1377.102.0819 1959 Wisconsin State Journal - April 13, 1959 (Published by Madison Newspapers, Inc., Madison, Wisc.) Prindle, John R. Page 1: "Wright Comes Home to Rest. 2 Horses Draw Bier to Grave in Simple Rites. Spring Green - Frank Lloyd Wright, who never cared much for automobiles, was taken from his home to his grave Sunday afternoon in a wagon drawn by two black horses. Mr. Wright, who died Thursday in Phoenix, Ariz., at the age of 89, was buried Sunday in a tiny pine-ringed cemetery a mile from Taliesin, his home near Spring green..." Cont . P.2, C.6. Includes two photographs. Original cover price 5c. 15 x 23.5. Pp 1-2 1377.26.0406 1377.103.0819
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