ARIZONA ARTS & LIFESTYLES Date: 1979 Title: Arizona Arts & Lifestyle - Autumn (Published quarterly by New Arizonan, Inc., Paradise Valley, AZ)
Author: Boyle, Marilyn
Description: "Don’t Give up The Shiprock! Phoenix’s plans to build a road to a shopping center spell doom for Wright’s Pauson House ruins... It’s a unique place - you stand on the stones of the past and look over the desert to the mountains f the future." Includes eight photographs, four originals by P. E. Guerrero. Original cover price $1.25.
Size: 8.5 x 11.
Pages: Pp 48-51
ST#: 1979.20.1009
ARIZONA HIGHWAYS Date: 1940 Title: Arizona Highways - May 1940 (Published by the Arizona Highway Department)
Author: Carlson, Raymond Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Description: 1) "Mr. Wright and Taliesin West" Intro on Page 2.
2) "Frank Lloyd Wright" concerns Wright and Taliesin. Original List Price 10 cents. (Sweeney 518)Description: 1) "To Arizona" concerns Taliesin West.
2) "In Arizona, The Taliesin Fellowship"Size: 9 x 12 Size: 9 x 12 Pages: 1) Pp 2 2) Pp 4-5 Pages: 1) Pp 6-13 2) Pp 14-15 S#: 0518.00.0105 S#: 0518.01.0105 Date: 1941 Title: Arizona Highways - October 1941 (Published by the Arizona Highway Department)
Author: Carlson, Raymond
Description: "An Arizona Dwelling by Frank Lloyd Wright". Concerns the Paulson House. Nine photos and site plan. Original List Price 10 cents. (Sweeney 542)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 3, 6-11
S#: 0542.00.0105
Date: 1944 Title: Arizona Highways - November 1944
Author: Miller, Joseph
Description: The Sun Country. (Arizona Biltmore). Interesting captions include: "The original scheme of the hotel is the work of Frank Lloyd Wright...". "Arizona Biltmore was erected under supervision of Albert McArthur, a former apprentice of Wright...". (Sweeney 599)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 2-9
S#: 0599.00.0302
Date: 1947 Title: Arizona Highways - September 1947
Author: Photo by Bob Wilcox
Description: Photo of Arizona Biltmore
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 10
S#: 0720.01.0902
Date: 1949 Title: Arizona Highways - October 1949
Author: Carlson, Raymond Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Description: Frank Lloyd Wright and Taliesin West (Sweeney 767) Description: To Arizona: Excerpts from May 1940 Issue of Arizona Highways Description: Living in the Desert Size: 9 x 12 Size: 9 x 12 Size: 9 x 12 Pages: Pp 4-9 Pages: Pp 10-11 Pages: Pp 12-15 S#: 0767.00.0401 S#: 0767.01.0401 S#: 0767.02.0401 Date: 1956 Title: Arizona Highways - February 1956
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Intro Carlson, Raymond
Description: Architecture: Organic Expression of the Nature of Architecture (Sweeney 1142) (Two Copies)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp. Cover, 1, 12-29, 41
S#: 1142.00.0699, 1142.00.0802
Date: 1962 Title: Arizona Highways - April 1962
Author: Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd
Description: The Living Heritage of Frank Lloyd Wright. (Sweeney 1523)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 1, 2-11
S#: 1523.00.0301
Date: 1965 Title: Arizona Highways - February 1965
Author: Smith, Dean E.
Description: Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium (Sweeney 1622)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 38-47
S#: 1622.00.0501
Date: 1974 Title: Arizona Highways - April 1974
Author: Thomas, Margaret Dudley
Description: The Arizona Biltmore
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 14-21
S#: 1963.01.0501
Date: 1982 Title: Arizona Highways - January 1982
Author: Hait, Pam
Description: Dream Merchants of the Desert
Pages: Pp. Cover, 2-11
ST#: 1982.08.0501
Date: 1984 Title: Arizona Highways - May 1984
Author: Cheek, Lawrence W.
Description: Arizonas Architecture; The Wright Way
Pages: Pp 5, 18-19
ST#: 1984.01.0301
Date: 1988 Title: Arizona Highways - November 1988
Author: Swaback, Vernon
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright: A Personal Perspective
Pages: Pp 1, 36-45
ST#: 1988.01.0301
Date: 1990 Title: Arizona Highways - February 1990
Author: McPherson, Christopher Geoffrey
Description: The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright (Two Copies)
Pages: Pp 38-45
ST#: 1990.03.0599, 1990.03.0502
Date: 1993 Title: Arizona Highways - December 1993
Author: Frank Lloyd Wright (Quote)
Description: The Land I Love. A Wright quote on page 25.
Pages: Pp Cover, 4-29
ST#: 1993.21.0502
Date: 2006 Title: Arizona Highways - January 2006 (Published Monthly by the Arizona Department of Transportation, Phoenix, AZ)
Author: Flayton, Leigh; Photos by Guerrero, Pedro Author: Summerlin, Randy Description: "The Acolyte of Fame. Photographer Pedro Guerrero Documented the Quirks of Frank Lloyd Wright and Other ‘Gods and Goddesses’. ‘I have a glorious life,’ says 88-year-old Mesa native Pedro E. Guerrero, erstwhile friend and photographer of architect Frank Lloyd Wright and two famed artists, Alexander Calder and Louise Nevelson..." Includes 10 photographs. Description: "Visiting Taliesin. Taliesin West, Frank Lloyd Wright’s desert ‘Camp’ and winter home in North Scottsdale, was a remote and unlikely backdrop in 1939 for Pedro Guerrero’s fortuitous introduction to the style-setting architect. Wright and his apprentices were just two years into the Taliesin West-building project, collecting rocks and sand for construction..." Includes three photographs. Original cover price $3.99. Size: 9 x 12 Size: 9 x 12 Pages: Pp 38-41 Pages: P 42 ST#: 2006.44.0414 Date: 2019
Title: Arizona Highways - July 2019 (Published monthly by the Arizona Department of Transportation, Phoenix, Arizona
Author: 1) Stieve, Robert; Author: 2 & 3) Cheek, Lawrence W. Description: 1) Editor’s Letter. "I grew up 47 miles from Taliesin – Frank Lloyd Wright’s summer home in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Now, I'm 12 miles from Taliesin West, his winter compound in north Scottsdale. My link to the legendary architect, however, has nothing to do with the proximity of our front doors. The nexus, if there is one is Raymond Carlson..." Description: 2) "Different by Design." The Architecture of Arizona. Includes a section on Taliesin West. "Taliesin West – the compound that formed Frank Lloyd Wright's winter home, office, school and architectural laboratory – is one of Wright’s finest works and the instrumental essay that shows us how to build in the desert. The noted architect Pietro Belluschi said Taliesin West, more than any of Wright’s other works, shows how to grasp the mood of the land and transform it into a place of harmony and beauty... Description: 3) Not quite Wright. In the late 1950s, Arizona was considering a new state capital. Although an architect had already been selected, Frank Lloyd Wright submitted a plan of his own. The design, a glittery cavalcade of geometry, was flaky and wastefully impractical. But it was inspiring, too. On Sunday morning in 1957, Frank Lloyd Wright joined his associates and students for breakfast at Taliesin West. He was feeling a bit sad and a bit angry, as one of the participants later described it, from his reading of the mornings newspaper. Includes three photographs and drawings of Wright’s work. Size: 8.5 x 10.75 Pages: 1) Pp 2 Pages: 2) Pp 42-43 Pages: 3) 50-55 ST#: 2019.31.0721 Date: 2020
Title: Arizona Highways - November 2020 (Published monthly by the Arizona Department of Transportation, Phoenix, Arizona)
Author: 1) Editor: Stieve, Robert 3) Pielage, Andrew 4) Knoor, Chels 5) Kida, Jeff; Wright, Frank Lloyd; Stieve, Robert 6) Cheek, Lawrence W. 7) Austin, Noah 8) Trulsson, Nora Burba
Description: This issue has a number of articles related to Frank Lloyd Wright. 1) My Mom lives next door to the Ringling Mansion... Many years later, I got the chance, but by then, my interest in Ringlings was eclipsed by the allure of Frank Lloyd Wright. Living in Arizona..." 2) "Night Lights." Student shelter, at night, at Taliesin West. 3) "Q&A: Andrew Pielage." Photographer Andrew Pielage answers questions. Photograph of the David Wright House. 4) Raymond Carlson House, photographed by Mark Boisclair. "The House That Frank Built. In the late 1940's, Frank Lloyd Wright learned that his friend, the editor of Arizona Highways, was living in a small apartment in Phoenix. He thought he deserved more, and offered to help..." 5) "To Be Frank." A Portfolio, Edited by Jeff Kida... Something to Wright Home About. Ten Things you might not have known about Frank Lloyd Wright..." 6) Some Assembly Required. For more than 80 years students at the School of Architecture at Taliesin were tasked with building shelters in the desert..." Photographs by Kerrick James. 7) "World Renowned. There are only 24 Unesco World Heritage Sites in the United States, and there was only one in Arizona. That is, until last year, when the Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright finally made the list..." Eight Wright buildings were added to the Unesco list including Taliesin West in Scottsdale. Arizona 8) The Master’s Student. There aren’t many apprentices left - the men and women who studied under Frank Lloyd Wright. Vern Swaback is one of the few..." Includes 32 photographs related to Frank Lloyd Wright. Original cover price $4.99.
Size: 8.5 x 10.75
Pages: 1) Pp 2 2) Pp 5 3) Pp 14-15. 4) Pp Cover, 18-25 5) Pp 26-35 6) Pp 36-43 7) Pp 44-45 8) Pp 46-51
ST#: 2020.14.0721
ARIZONA HOMES Date: 1953 Title: Arizona Homes and Gardens - January (Published B-Monthly by the Akers Publishing Co., Inc. Phoenix, AZ)
Author: Anonymous
Description: “A hemi-cycle house above a patio. Exposed concrete masonry lends its character and beauty to Frank Lloyd Wright’s most romantic house design.” Includes six photos. Original cover price 20c.
Size: 8 x 11
Pages: Pp Cover, 8-10
S#: 0987.07.0405
ARIZONA LIVING Date: 1983 Title: Arizona Living - May 1983 (Reprint)
Author: Marlin, William
Description: Olgivanna and Frank Lloyd Wright: Convictions and Continuity. Eight page reprint of an article in the May 1983 Issue.
Pages: Pp 8
ST#: 1983.07.0802
Title: Arizona Monthly - April 1987 (Offprint) (Published by the Arizona Monthly)
Author: Bell, Carrie Sears
Description: An offprint of an article printed in the Arizona Monthly. "The Rise of the Wright. Successors of America’s Greatest Architect Confront the Realities of Keeping a Legacy Alive. Bold, flamboyant, complex, egotistical, brilliant. This was Frank Lloyd Wright, the man whose personal contributions to 20th-century American architecture stack up like an immense skyscraper next to the lesser achievements of his peers. Some have even gone so far as to call him the "father of American architecture." Wright designed 1,135 projects (497) were built) during his 70-year career, most in an aggressively modern style..." Includes eight photographs.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 33-36
ST#: 1987.92.0616
THE ARIZONA REPUBLIC Date: February 15, 1987 Title: The Arizona Republic - February 15, 1987
Author: Patterson, Ann Author: Anonymous Description: The Wright Impression. Copies of architect’s work now can furnish your home. (Six Photos) Description: Foundation strives to protect Wright’s work. Size: Size: Pages: Pp S33 Pages: Pp S33 S#: 1987.13.0502 S#: 1987.14.0502 Date: December 2, 1990 Title: Arizona Republic - December 2, 1990
Author: Anonymous Author: Kroloff, Reed Author: Price, Kathie Description: Frank Lloyd Wright: Signature on a Century Description: Let us now praise a great leader we haven’t yet dared to follow. Description: After 60 Years, it’s still futuristic. Usonian home remains ahead of time, technology Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp S1 Pages: Pp S14 Pages: Pp S14 S#: 1990.20.0802 S#: 1990.21.0802 S#: 1990.22.0802
Author: Doerfler, Susan Author: Walker, Judy Author: Anonymous Description: Some of Wright’s favorites died on the drawing board. Wright’s best-laid plans often remained unbuilt. Description: Taliesin doesn’t g by the book. Taliesin teaches via experience Description: Calendar of Events: ‘Arizona Celebrates Frank Lloyd Wright’ Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp S14-15 Pages: Pp S156 Pages: Pp S16 S#: 1990.23.0802 S#: 1990.24.0802 S#: 1990.25.0802
PHOENIX Date: 1970 Title: Phoenix - July 1970
Author: Anonymous
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Circular Sun House. Lykes House. (Sweeney 1828) See our Wright Study on the Lykes Residence.
Pages: Pp 5 54-56
S#: 1828.00.0404
Date: 1998 Title: Phoenix - December 1998 (Published monthly by MAC America Communications, Inc. Phoenix)
Author: Aleshire, Peter Author: Aleshire, Peter Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Description: "The Wright Way. For six decades Taliesin West in Scottsdale had followed visionary founders Olgivanna and Frank Lloyd Wright, preaching their principles of organic architecture – and of life... Just stand anywhere at Taliesin West and let your eye shift back and forth from the line of the roof to the ridge of the McDowells, from the spines of a cholla the detailing... And if, after seeing all of that, you still do not believe in beauty, then you just weren’t paying attention." Description: "Wright Here. His buildings and homes in the Valley share a soaring aesthetic, vivid individuality and playful inventiveness. As was his custom, Wright had hidden the front door – compelling visitors to experience the building’s playful spirit before entering..." A description of the David Wright, First Christian Church, Price, Grady Gammage, Adelman, and a short description of the Boomer, Arizona Biltmore, Carl;son, Pieper and Pinnacle Peak." Description: "Frankly Speaking. ‘Compared to the intoxicating air, sweeping mountain vistas and astonishing cactus plant-life especially created on the rocks and crannies or at large on the ranges of this desert-garden, all else in Arizona is insignificant.’ - Frank Lloyd Wright." Combined there are 25 photographs. Original cover price 2.95. Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 56-67 Pages: Pp 68-71 Pages: Pp 152 ST#: 1998.77.0715 Date: 2001 Title: Phoenix - February 2001
Author: Trulsson, Nora Burba Author: LeRoy, Tammy Description: "Gimme Shelter". At the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, seniority for upper-classmen means graduating from life in a tent to a more permanent structure - one that might even have a roof. Description: "At Home in the Desert". Size: Size: Pages: Pp 12 132-5 Pages: Pp 12 160 S#: 2001.36.0904 S#: 2001.37.0904
PHOENIX HOME & GARDEN Date: 1989 Title: Phoenix Home & Garden - February 1989 (Published Monthly by PHG, Inc., Phoenix)
Author: Trulsson, Nora Burba; Photographs by Boisclair, Mark
Description: "Restoring A Classic. The Phoenix home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for Arizona Highways editor Raymond Carlson in 1951 has been sympathetically restored by new owner Christian Petersen and architect Charles Schiffner." Includes six photographs. Original cover price $2.00.
Size: 8.25 x 10.75.
Pages: Pp Cv 46-53
ST#: 1989.66.0709
Date: 1995 Title: Phoenix Home & Garden - April 1995
Author: 1) Kroloff, Reed 2) Chesterfield, Mary 3) Anonymous 4-5) Miles, Candice 6) Phoenix Art Museum
Description: 1) Frank Lloyd Wright in Arizona. The Mater Architect’s Desert Legacy. Four Homes: Paulson House, Taliesin West, Boomer Cottage, Adelman House.
2) Commentary by Editor
3) The Wright Stuff. Designs for the ‘90's. (Reproductions available today.)
4) Keeper of the Flame. Taliesin archivist preserves the legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright.
5) Design / Build. Taliesin program grows in the Master’s Shadow.
6) Ad for Museum: Frank Lloyd Wright and Japanese Art.Size:
Pages: 1) Pp Cover 10 38-59 2) 14 3) 16-17 4) 26 28 5) 30 32 34 6) 85
ST#: 1995.17.0702, 1995.18.0702, 1995.19.0702, 1995.20.0702, 1995.21.0702, 1995.22.0702
Date: 2002
Title: Phoenix Home & Garden - May 2002 (Reprint of pages only pertaining to the Price House)
Author: Hait, Pam
Description: "The Dotted Line. A Textbook of Wrightian Principles, This Paradise Valley Residence is a True Desert House. Built in 1954 and 1955 for the Price family, the Price House (now that U-Haul house) is an extraordinary example of Wright’s principles for desert living. Nearly pristine in its interior and exterior, it also is a remarkable survivor. During Wright’s 70-year architectural career, he produced more than 1,000 designs, and more than 500 of his revolutionary buildings were constructed in 36 states and two foreign countries. In Arizona, Wright’s adopted desert home, the architect design dozens of buildings, but only about 10 were built. As most were private homes, many of them have disappeared, leaving only romantic names like Ship Rock and Ocatilla behind..." Includes 17 photographs of the Price House by Jeffrey Green (12); Alex Vertikoff (5). Original cover price $4.95.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp Cover, 96-103
ST#: 2002.144.0719Date: 2018
Title: Phoenix Home & Garden - October 2018 (Published Monthly by PHG, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona)
Author: Rhoades, Rebecca L.: Photography by Woodall, Michael
Description: A home designed by Charles Montooth. "Masterwork Renewed. Preserving A Taliesin Legacy. A Frank Lloyd Wright apprentice-designed home embraces the famed architects principles of organic design well manifesting it's creators personal vision. In 1932, legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright opened his Spring Green, Wisconsin, home to 23 aspiring architects who would live with him and study under his tutelage. Three years later, Wright moved his students to a camp in Chandler called "Ocotillo," and in 1937, the group – known as the Taliesin Fellowship --begin construction of the architects Scottsdale retreat, Taliesin West. In the harsh Sonoran Desert climate, the fellowship developed into a creative laboratory that attracted some of the industries greatest minds. During Wright’s lifetime, more than 600 apprentices passed through the compound in the foothills of the McDowell mountains. One such eager protégé was Charles Montooth..." Includes 20 photographs of the Moontooth House. Original cover price $4.99.
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pp Cover, 110-125, 143
ST#: 2018.39.0921
PHOENIX NEW TIMES Date: 1993 Title: Phoenix New Times - February 10-16, 1993
Author: Martin, Philip
Description: Room With No View: Frank Lloyd Wright’s houses are nice places to visit - but you wouldn’t want to live there. (Very negative column.)
Pages: Pp Cover 2 22-29
ST#: 1993.23.0802
Title: Valley Guide - Summer 1996
Author: Freundlich, Carol
Description: The 20th century’s most famous architect’s work thrived in Arizona’s open spaces.
Pages: Pp Cover, 9, 50-53
ST#: 1996.29.0802