PERIODICALS (1980-1989) PERIODICALS PUBLISHED BETWEEN: 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Bottom
YEAR PERIODICAL TITLE AUTHOR ARTICLE TITLE PAGES ST# 1980 1980 AIA Journal - April 1980 (Published 14 times yearly by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) Rand, George "A Civic Center and Its Civitas. Mr. Wright meets now-mellow Marin County, Calif., with still-unfolding impact." The Marin County Civic Center. Includes 17 photos and two illustrations. Original $2.50. 9 x 12. Pp Cover, 3, 46-55 1980.18.0706 1980
AIA Journal - June 1980 (Published 14 times a year by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D. C.)
Anonymous "Welcome Back, Mr. Wright - Again. Two articles in this issue deal with Frank Lloyd Wright. He also dominated the April issue... Continue... Pp 29 1980.31.0314 Reitherman, Robert King "The Seismic Legend of the Imperial Hotel. How did it really fare in the Tokyo earthquake of 1923? "Hotel stands undamaged as monument of your genius. Hundreds of homeless provided... Continue... Pp 42-47, 70 Gutheim, Frederick "The Turning Point in Mr. Wright's Career. A case that it was his Princeton lectures of exactly a half-century ago. At Taliesin in the winter... Continue... Pp 48-49 1980
American Artist - July 1980 - (Published monthly by Billboard Publications, Inc. New York, New York) Schiller, Marlene Frances Myers, Wisconsin Print Maker. Commissioned work is a healthy percentage of most artists output. It pays expenses and offers the artist an opportunity to practice his or her art... Frances Myers commission to do a folio of etchings based on the important buildings design by Frank Lloyd Wright (18 69-1959) and in homage to him was one of those special situation's. Myers described it this way: "In the mid-1930s, the F (S). C. Johnson Company, a forward-thinking community... Continue... Pp 48-53 74 77 1980.62.0122 1980 Architectural Record - July 1980 (Published by McGraw-Hill, Inc.) C.K.G. Published as an eight page Supplement. "rizona Biltmore Hotel." Brief history and restoration since 1973 fire. Includes 18 photos and illustrations. 9 x 12. Pp 8 1980.16.0506 1980
Architecture and Urbanism July 1980 No 118, 80:07 (Published monthly by A & U Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) Hoesli, Bernhard Printed in Japanese and English. Extensive article on Fallingwater. "Frank Lloyd Wright: Falling Water (sic Fallingwater). Why Falling Water? One may indeed ask if this once remarkable work of the Modern Movement can still attract our interest and if so, for what reason, at a time it has been a claimed as Post-Modern. Today it seems no doubt a classic as remote as the Capella Pazzi, as a Santa Maria della Consolazione at Todi, as l'Arlesinne of Picasso or a still life of 1913 Braque. I remember that I first saw photographs of it shown... Continue... Pp Cover, 147-166 1980.55.0320 1980 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - First Quarter 1980 V3#1
Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 1) Miller Craig 2) Linch, Mark David 3) Tanigawa, Masami 4) Thomas, Scott 5) Mosca... Masthead design by John H. Howe. 1) Wright and Modern Design: An Appraisal 2) Design Origins of the Ward Willits House 3) The Odawara Hotel 4) Book Reviews 5) Historic Paint Research: Its Role in the Private Residence 6) A day at Taliesin West - A Look Forward 7) Letters to the Editor 8) Museums 9) Tours 10) "Saguaros" A Crayon Drawing by Wright. Original List Price $5.00. 8.5 x 11. Pp 20 1980.07.0105 1980 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - Second Quarter 1980 V3#2 Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 1) Elizabeth Wright Ingraham 2) Johnson, Donald Leslie 3) Wright, Robert Llewellyn... Masthead design by Elizabeth Wright Ingraham. 1)The Chapel in the Valley 2) Notes on Wright's Paternal Family 3) A son as Client 4) Taliesin Fellowship Directory 5) Taliesin Seminar Schedule 6)Fall Lecture Schedule in New York 7) Descendants of Anna Lloyd-Jones 8) Wright and the Princeton Lectures of 1930 9) Recent Publications 10) Restoration Update 11) Robie House Tours Expand 12) A folio of Aquatints Celebrating Wright 13) "Saguaros" A Crayon Drawing by Wright. Original List... Continue... Pp 20 1980.08.0105 1980 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - Third Quarter 1980 V3#3 Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 1) Moran, Maya 2) Hildebrand, Grant 3) Moran, Maya 4) Meehan, Patrick J. 7) Miller, Craig R. Masthead design by Maya Moran. 1) Through a Wright Window 2) Privacy and Participation: Wright and the City Street 3)Scale Drawing 4) Wright Structures Which are on the National Register of Historic Places 5) Restoration Update 6) Exhibitions 7) Letters 8) Recent Publications. 9) "Saguaros" A Crayon Drawing by Wright. Original List Price $5.00. 8.5 x 11. "Saguaros" A Crayon Drawing by Wright. Original List Price $5.00. 8.5 x 11. Pp 20 1980.09.0105 1980 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - Fourth Quarter 1980 V3#4 Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 1) Strauss, Irma 2) Schmidt, Walter 3) Tafel, Edgar 4) Wilson, Richard Guy & Lahendro, Joseph Dye... Masthead design by Robert Overstreet. 1) An Interview with Lorraine Robie O'Connor 2) Catherine Tobin Wright's Scrapbook 3) Postcards from Taliesin 4) Larkin Company Jamestown Exhibition Pavilion 5) Scale Drawing 6) Grady Gammage Auditorium & Bagdad Opera Project: Two late Designs by Wright 7) Book Review 8) Third "Taliesin Day" Seminar Scheduled 9) "Saguaros" A Crayon Drawing by Wright. Original List Price $5.00. 8.5 x 11. "Saguaros" A Crayon Drawing by Wright... Continue... Pp 20 1980.10.0105 1980 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - May 1980 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. "Precedent and Progress in the Work of Frank Lloyd Wright." Comments on the "Inglenook". Includes seven photographs and nine illustrations. Copies printed: 4,800. Original cover price $4.50. 8.5 x 11. Pp 145-9 1980.21.0806 1980 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1980 (Published by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia)
Turner, Paul Venable "Frank Lloyd Wright's Other Larkin Building." The Larkin Company pavilion at the Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition 1907. Includes three photographs. Pp 304-306 1980.11.0205 Gebhard, David Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright. An Annotated Bibliography." 1978. $29.95. Pp 336 1980.12.0205 Robinson, Sidney K.; Fitch, James M.; Quinan, John F.... "Frank Lloyd Wright" Papers delivered in the Thematic Sessions of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Madison, Wisconsin, 23-27 April 1980. Original List Price $4.50. 4,300 Copies Printed. 8.5 x 11. Pp 350 1980.13.0205 1980
Perspecta 16: The Yale Architectural Journal - 1980 (Published by The MIT Press, Cambridge and London) (Published in Modern Architecture and Other Essays, Scully, Levine, 2003, p.170-197) Scully, Vincent A talk given in Oak Park, Illinois on 7 September 1977 under the auspices of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and the Yale Club of Chicago. "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Stuff of Dreams. It should be said at the outset that this article is about Wright and Freud. The fact that it backs into that topic and at intervals backs away into that topics and at intervals backs away from it is due in part to its original conception, which was as a general talk about Wright's early work... Continue...
Pp 8-31 1980.35.0716 1980 Portfolio, The magazine of the visual arts - February / March 1980 (Published by Portfolio Associates, New York. Grosvenor Publications, Inc.) Lockwood, Charles "Frank Lloyd Wright in Los Angeles. Crises in the architect's professional life spawned some of his most intriguing building." Concerns concrete block house in California. Original List Price $3.50. 8.25 x 10.5. Pp 74-79 1980.14.0205 1980 PSA Magazine - January 1980 Pastier, John In the Shadow of Frank Lloyd Wright; Can Taliesin West perpetuate the Master's Legacy? Pp 2, 85-9 1980.02.0202 1981 1981
AIA Journal - August 1981 (Published 14 times yearly by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) Abercrombie, Stanley "When a House Becomes a Museum. Fallingwater acquires a respectful new visitors center... To transform a house into a house museum may seem the least radical type of reuses, but imagine the problems: Wright had designed Fallingwater as a weekend retreat for a small family and its guests; this year, on a pleasant October Saturday, it will be visited instead by approximately 900 people, along with their cars, their pets, their children, their wet boots, their chewing gum and their... Continue... Pp 54-57 1981.38.0314
Architecture and Urbanism - January 1981 No 124 (Published monthly by A & U Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) 1) Uchii, Shozo Printed in Japanese and English.
1) "Frank Lloyd Wright, an Architect for Human settlement." Text in Japanese. Includes 24 photographs, Fallingwater (4), S. C. Johnson (4), Wright Home and Studio (2), Charnley (1), Moore (1), Thomas (1), Gale (1), Winslow (1), Heurtley (1), Robie (4), Guggenheim (1), Dallas Theater (1), V. C. Morris (1), Scoville Fountain (1).Pp 205-220 1981.149.1219 2) Fujii, Yoshimasa 2) "A Letter From Taliesin." Text in Japanese. Includes 9 photographs of Taliesin West. 8.6 x 11.5 1981
Art & Man - April/May 1981 (Published by Scholastic, Inc. under the direction of National Gallery of Art.) Editor: Janet Soderberg 1) Frank Lloyd Wright. The American Dream. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright was called "the most arrogant man who ever lived," and "the most creative genius of all time." Find out how this controversial artist almost single-handedly invented a new American architecture. The structures you see on these pages. Guggenheim Museum and Fallingwater are among the most famous and important works of modern art ever created. They don't look that unusual today, but when they were built, nothing... Continue... Pp Cover, 2-5, 9-16 1981.144.1017 1981 Fine Homebuilding - June/July 1981 No 3 Heinz, Thomas A. Frank Lloyd Wright's Jacob II House. An owner-built, passive solar home designed in 1944 by one of the 20th century's greatest architects. Pp 20-27 1981.05.0103 1981 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - First Quarter 1981 V4#1
Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 1) Pearson, Gay L. 4) Heinz, Thomas A.
5) Zurowski, Thomas
6) Drap, Al
7) Kelmscott Gallery...Masthead design by Al Drap. 1) The Muirhead House: An Interview with Robert and Betty Muirhead 2) Tours 3) Restoration Update 4) Wright's Art Glass: A Photo Essay (39 examples) 5) Scale Drawing 6) Thoughts on the Masthead Design 7) Frank Lloyd Wright 16 May - 27 June. Original List Price $5.00. 8.5 x 11. Pp 22 1981.08.0105 1981 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - Second Quarter 1981 V4#2 Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 1) Norton, Margaret Williams 2) Meehan, Patrick J. 3) Coleman, Wendy 4) Love, Jeannine.. Masthead design by Al Drap. 1) Japanese Themes and the Early Work of Wright 2) Wright's Lake Geneva Hotel 3) Scale Drawing 4) Blanche Ostertag: Another Wright Collaborator 5) The Archives of the Wright Memorial Foundation 6) Wright was not Short 7) National Register Update 8) New Visitors Center Completed at Fallingwater 9) Wright Float Design wins First Place. Original List Price $5.00. 8.5 x 11. Pp 20 1981.09.0105 1981 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - Third & Fourth Quarter 1981 V4#3&4 Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 1) Teske, Edmund 2) Gutheim, Frederick 4) Heinz, Thomas A. 6) Gebhard, David Masthead design by Al Drap. 1) The Photographs of Edmund Teske for Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin and Taliesin West, 1936-1942 (Issue devoted to Teske, includes 45 photographs) 2) Book Review 3) Dana House is Sold to the State of Illinois 4) Taliesin Day 5) Recent Publications 6) Letters 7) Fourth Taliesin Day. Original List Price $10.00. 8.5 x 11. Pp 52 1981.10.0105 1981
Historic Illinois - October 1981 (Published bimonthly by the Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Historic Sites, Springfield, Illinois) 2) Allen, James
3) Taylor, Richard S.
4) Urbas, Andrea1) "Wright-Designed House Newest State Historic Site. On August 5, 1981, the Illinois Department of Conservation acquired its newest state historic site, purchasing the Dana-Thomas House in Springfield..." 2) "Springfield's Dana-Thomas House. Buildings are too often the lease understood aspect of material culture, and this is especially the case where great architects are involved..." Includes 9 photographs.
3) "Susan Lawrence, the Woman Who Hired Frank Lloyd Wright. To portray... Continue...1) P.2 2) Pp Cov-3, 12-14 3) Pp 4-5, 14 4) Pp 10-11 1981.139.0714
House & Garden - November 1981 (Published monthly by The Conde Nast Publications, Inc., New York) Hanna, Paul & Jean "Taking a chance with Frank Lloyd Wright. A California couple tells how they built their famous house with America's greatest architect. As minister's children, both of us had grown up in Minnesota in a secession of parsonages provided by the congregations our fathers were serving. But every 3 to 5 years a minister was reassigned a different parish. We were not free to remake a parsonage building to suit our particular preferences and needs. Such restrictions developed in both of us a desire... Continue... Pp 172-174, 188-190 1981.152.0322 1981 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - May 1981 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. "Form Became Feeling," a New View of Froebel and Wright." Froebel's influence on Wright. Copies printed: 4,500. Original cover price $4.50. 8.5 x 11. Pp 130-3 1981.13.0806 1981 Progressive Architecture Supplement - November 1981 (Published by Reinhold Publishing Company, Inc.) Morton, David Published as an eight page Supplement. "rizona Biltmore: Wrighting wrongs? Brief history and restoration since 1973 fire. Includes 18 photos and illustrations. 9 x 12. Pg 8 1981.12.0506 1981 The Prairie School Review - Volume XIV, Final Issue (Double Issue) (Published by the Prairie Avenue Bookshop, Chicago) Orr, Gordon D., Jr. (Side note) 1) "Louis W. Claude: Madison Architect of The Prairie School." Entire issue devoted to the work of Louis Claude. Includes 35 photographs and four illustrations. 2) Building list including: Residences, Libraries, Schools, Banks, Business & Public Structures and Religious Buildings. 3) Selected Bibliography. Original cover price $10.00. 8.5 x 11. Pp 36 1981.14.0307 1981 Wisconsin State Journal - March 5, 1981 Anonymous Elvehjem acquires 2,800 Japanese prints. Bequested from Nobel Prize winner John H. Van Vleck to the Elvehjem Museum of Art ar the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Pp 5, Section 2 1981.07.1004 1982 1982 AIA Journal - July 1982 (Published 14 times yearly by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) DeLong, David Tower Expressive of Unique Interiors. It embodies Frank Lloyd Wright's ideal of the tall building more than any of his other work." The Price Tower. Includes six photos and two illustrations. Original $3.00. 9 x 12. Pp 78-83 1982.28.0706 1982 Americana - September/October 1982 Lockwood, Charles Where a Famous Architect Once Lived. Restoring Wright's home and studio. Pp 2, 52-7 1982.11.0402 1982 Americana - September/October 1982 Anonymous Wright Houses in Oak Park, Illinois Pp 57 1982.12.0402 1982 Architectural Digest - November 1982 Edgar Tafel Historic Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright - Lovness House & Cottage Pp 156 - 163 1982.01.1100 1982 Arizona Highways - January 1982 Hait, Pam Dream Merchants of the Desert Pp Cover, 2-11 1982.08.0501 1982 Art News - March 1982 (Published monthly except quarterly June, July and August by ARTnews Associates, New York) Rowell, Margit "Frank Lloyd Wright's Temple to Human Creativity." Though she has worked there daily for over 12 years, a curator says she has never ceased to wonder at Wright's Guggenheim Museum. Includes one photograph. Original cover price $3.00. 8.25 x 11. Pp 126-127 1982.29.1206 1982 Banff Crag & Canyon - March 10, 1982 (Published by the Banff Crag & Canyon, Banff, Alberta) Anonymous "Banff pavilion may rise again. There has been a recent renewal of interest in the pavilion structure which had been located in Banff but was removed in 1938... The committee for the Reconstruction of the Banff Pavilion was formed in late 1981." (Photocopy courtesy of the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies, Banff, Alberta.) 6 x 6.5. For more information on the Banff National Park Pavilion see our Wright Study. Pg 2 1982.34.0910 1982
Chicago History - Fall & Winter 1982 (Published quarterly by the Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, IL) Kruty, Paul "The Blue Sky Press of Hyde Park, 1899-1907. Drawing from the great number of Chicago artists and writers of the time, three ambitious young men and the circle of hard workers who gather around them produced almost fifty books and a monthly magazine which form a significant chapter in the history of American fine art printing...." Article touches on Way & Williams, Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Frank Lloyd Wright, Harriett Monroe, Elia W. Peattie, William Morris... Includes 11 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50. 7.5 x 10.25 Pp 142-155 1982.55.0517 1982 Fine Homebuilding - December 1982 / January 1983 (Published bimonthly by The Tauton Press, Inc. Newtown, CT) Snyder, Tim Restoring the J. Willis Hughes House. Restoring Fountainhead. Brilliant in form and function but flawed in structure, a Frank Lloyd Wright house is renewed by a thoughtful and thorough architect. When J. Willis Hughes was in college studying geology in 1930, he clipped an article out of the local newspaper in Austin, Tex. It was about a well-known architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, whose ideas on designing houses were unusual and impressive. Almost 20 years passed before Hughes sent Wright... Continue... Pp 27-33 1982.09.0402 1982 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - First Quarter 1982 V5#1
Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 1) Quinan, Jack 2) Zabel, Craig 3) Coleman, Wendy A. 4) Thomas, Scott Masthead design by Al Drap. 1) Wright's Buffalo Clients 2) Prairie Banks of Frank Lloyd Wright 3) Scale Drawing 4) Wright and the Cult of Individuality 5) Tours 6) Sculptures Installed at Johnson Wax 7) Wright's Fiesole Studio 8) New Correspondents. Original List Price $5.00. 8.5 x 11. Pp 20 1982.19.0105 1982 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - Second Quarter 1982 V5#2 Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 1) Hanna, Paul R. & Jean S. 2) Ludwig, Delton 3) Coleman, Wendy A. 6) Kamrath, Karl Masthead design by Thomas A. Heinz. 1) Furnishing our Wright Home 2) Wright in the Bitter Root Valley of Montana 3) Scale Drawing 4) Exhibition: MOMA, New York 5) Potpouri 6) Book Review. Original List Price $5.00. 8.5 x 11. Pp 20 1982.20.0105 1982 Historic Illinois - April 1982 (Published bimonthly by the Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Historic Sites, Springfield, IL) Allen, James; Patterson, John; Taylor, Richard; "Frank Lloyd Wright and Springfield's Lawrence School. In November, 1902 the Springfield Board of Education voted to erect a new grade school on the city's south side. One board member, Edward W. Payne, reported played an important role in convicting his associates that such a school was needed in what then seemed like a rather sparsely settled area..." Includes four photos and one illustration. Original list price $1.00. 8.5 x 11. Pp 1-3, 12-13 1982.39.0812 1982
Inland Architecture - November/December 1982 (Published 10 times a year by Inland Architect Press, Chicago, IL) O'keefe, Daniel R. Inlandscape: "Grand entrances. ...were what the colorful mining heiress Susan Lawrence Dana liked to make, and them she did in the vast, vista-filled house that a 32-year-old Oak Parker named Frank Lloyd Wright designed for her down in Springfield, Illinois. Commissioned in 1899 and opened with a Christmastime party for the workers who built it in 1904, the Dana house became a showplace where many a governor was entertained..." Includes five photographs. Original... Continue... Pp Cover, 30-31 1982.141.0616 1982 The Journal of Historic Madison, Inc., of Wisconsin, Volume VII: 1981-82 (Published annually by Historic Madison, Inc., Wisconsin) Hamilton, Mary Jane "Wright's Nakoma Country Club: An Unrealized Madison Masterpiece. ...One of the most interesting of these unbuilt designs is the 1923-24 plan for the Nakoma County Club.... The use in the Nakoma project of non-rectangular rooms, pointed, tepee-like roof forms, textile block construction, brilliant exterior color, and gravity heat offers the basis for several comparisons with earlier Wright designs..." Includes six photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $3.50. 5.5 x 8.5. Pp Cover, 2-14 1982.40.1012 1982 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - October 1982 (Published by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia)
Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. Notes: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Mementos of Childhood." Kindergarten gifts. Pp 232-237 1982.21.0205 Quinan, Jack Notes: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Reply to Russell Sturgis." Concerns the Larkin Building, including seven photographs. Original List Price $4.50. 4,000 Copies Printed. 8.5 x 11. Pp 238-244 1982.22.0205 1982 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - October 1982 (Published by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Hoffman, Donald Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Hanna House: The Clients' Report." Paul R. and Jean S. Hanna, 1981. $25.00. Pp 245 1982.23.0205 Hoffman, Donald Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright." Thomas A., 1982. $11.95 (paper). Pp 245 1982.24.0205 Hoffman, Donald Book Review: "Writings on Wright: Selected Comments on Wright." H. Allen Brooks, 1981. $17.50. Original List Price $4.50. 4,000 Copies Printed. 8.5 x 11. Pp 245 1982.25.0205 1982 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1982 (Published by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Hildebrand, Grant; Bosworth, Thomas Notes: "The Last Cottage of Wright's Como Orchards Complex." . Original List Price $4.50. 4,200 Copies Printed. 8.5 x 11. Pp 325-327 1982.26.0205 1982 Mercedes - Volume V Anonymous World's most distinguished showroom? Restoration of the Mercedes-Benz Manhattan showroom. Pp 4 1982.14.0103 1982
Stained Glass - Summer 1982 (Published quarterly by the Stained Glass Association of America, St. Louis, MO) Editor Editor: "The Wright Way? Two Frank Lloyd Wright Houses in Illinois are in the news. Both were falling into disuse and disrepair... Continue... Pp 115 1982.43.0414 Stern, Arthur "The Wright Way... This is architectural glass of the purist form, integral ornament to the architecture. The geometric patterns relate to... Continue... Pp Cover 136-137 Morse, Richard R. & Melotte, Ralls The Dana-Thomas House. The Dana-Thomas House in Springfield, Illinois contains what is perhaps the most extensive and resplendent collection of architectural stained glass ever... Continue... Pp 138-141 1982
Wisconsin Trails - Spring 1982 (Published quarterly by Wisconsin Tales & Trails, Inc., Middleton, WI) Dean, Jeff "Taliesin. Taliesin is a place, according to one eminent scholar, that is to be found more easily on the map of the world than on the map of Wisconsin. Located in the gently rolling hills of southern Wisconsin, it was the home, office, studio, and classroom of world-renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who lived there much of the time from 1911 until his death in 1959. Although it is often but an object of curiosity to Wisconsin's residents, it is a global magnet for... Continue... Pp 4-10 1982.49.0616 1983 1983
AA Files - January 1983 - (Annals of the Architectural Association School of Architecture. Published by The Architectural Association, London) Levine, Neil "Landscape into Architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House and the Romance of Southern California. Few private houses in the twentieth century have been designed with such monumental purpose as Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House. Fewer still have been invested with the degree of symbolic expression normally reserved for buildings of a more public nature. Once dismissed as turgid, decorative, and imitative, it now may be seen in the light of post-modernism's rejection... Continue... Pp Front & Back Covers, 22-41 1983.33.0815 1983 Arizona Living - May 1983 (Reprint) Marlin, William Olgivanna and Frank Lloyd Wright: Convictions and Continuity. Eight page reprint of an article in the May 1983 Issue. Pp 8 1983.07.0802 1983 Art in America - September 1983 Levine, Neil Hollyhock House and the Romance of Southern California Pp 150 - 165 1983.01.0201 1983 Chicago - May 1983 (Published monthly by WFMT, Inc., Chicago) Neisser, Judith; Shapiro, Brenda "What's right about living with Wright. Those houses on the prairie look better than ever. Back in 1972, Jack Prost was in the process of buying a house in Oak Park. He was informed by the owner, that this house was designed by a kind of famous guy, who worked here in the early 1900s, named Frank Lloyd Wright." Perhaps no one would have been more surprised at the misnomer than Frank Lloyd Wright..." Includes sixteen photographs and three illustrations. Cover photo by John Murphy. Other... Continue... Pp Cover 160-167 1983.23.0811 1983
Cooper-Hewitt Newsletter - Summer 1983 (Published by the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Design, New York) Taylor, Lisa (Director) 1) "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie School... The Cooper-Hewitt pays tribute to Wright's creative genius with the exhibition Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie School. Included in the exhibition are drawings, furniture, lams, windows, sculpture, prints, photographs, and decorative objects designed by Wright and his associates from the early 1890s to 1930..." Held August 30, 1983 to January 1. 2) Recent Acquisitions... "the museum purchased 37 drawings by Frank Lloyd Wright and his... Continue... Pp 8 1983.39.0616 1983 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1983 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Turner, Paul Venable "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Young Le Corbusier," Wright's influence on Europe and Le Corbusier. Includes seven photographs and 13 illustrations. Copies printed: 4,500. Original cover price $4.50. 8.5 x 11. Pp 350-9 1983.17.0806 1983
House & Garden - April 1983 (Published by The Conde Nast Publications, Inc.) Filler, Martin "The Little House of Frank Lloyd Wright. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is now the proud possessor of a reconstructed room by America's greatest architect. Frank Lloyd Wright is the hardy perennial of American architecture. Several times during his extraordinary 70-year career his reputation withered, but it always bloomed again, and the flower of his fame has not faded since his death..." Includes four photographs by Norman McGrath and one portrait. Original cover price $4.00. 8.25 x 10.75 Pp 118-123 169-170 1983.31.0315 1983
Psychology Today - March 1983 (Published by Ziff-Davis Publishing Company) McCullough, David "Mama's Boy. Lyndon Johnson, Douglas MacArthur, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Frank Lloyd Wright - Historic Figures Who Adored Their Mothers and Were Adored in Return. Maybe the Relationship Did the Boys Some Good.... And Frank Lloyd Wright, who, because of his mother, never had a chance to pursue any career but Architecture..." Extensive article on the relationship between famous men and their mothers. "Even Before Frank Lloyd Wright was Born, His Mother Decided That He... Continue... Pp 32-38 1983.61.0622 1983 The Iowan - Fall 1983 (Published quarterly by The Iowan, Inc., a division of Mid-America Publishing Corp., Des Moines, Iowa) Anonymous "Cedar Rock. Thanks to the generosity of an Iowa couple, a stunning Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece is a gift to the State." The Lowell Walter house near Quasqueton. Includes nine photographs, Ezra Stoller (3). Original cover price $3.50. 9 x 12. Pp 48-51 1983.19.0107 1983 Time - October 5, 1983 Anonymous Letters: Reprint of a 1945 letter by Wright & a quote by Masselink. Responding to a September 24 article about himself. (S#633) Also includes an autograph. Pp 13-14 1983.09.0203 Anonymous Art: Usonian Architecture. Condensed reprint of a 1938 article . (Sweeney 454) Pp 124 1983.10.0203 1984 1984 A3, Art and Architecture - March 1984 (Published Bi-Monthly by the A3 Partnership, Calgary, Alberta) Ferrari, Drew "Frank Lloyd Wright - The Banff Pavilion. ...Recently, the Banff Pavilion Committee was formed with the goal of the pavilion's reconstruction, to be part of the 1985 centennial celebrations in Banff national Park..." Includes three photographs and one illustration. Original cover price $2. (Photocopy courtesy of the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies, Banff, Alberta.) 11 x 17. For more information on the Banff National Park Pavilion see our Wright Study. P 5 1984.34.0910 1984 Architectural Digest - May 1984 Lynes, Russell Pp 56 - 65 1984.06.0584 1984 Arizona Highways - May 1984 Cheek, Lawrence W. Arizona's Architecture; The Wright Way Pp 5, 18-19 1984.01.0301 1984 Art News - April 1984 Kimmelman, Michael "The Frank Lloyd Wright Estate Controversy". The recent sale of the architect's drawings was a financial success. But critics call it a failure of faith. Pp 102-105 1984.12.0604 1984 Fine Homebuilding - April/May 1984 (Published bimonthly by The Tauton Press, Inc. Newtown, CT) Harboe, Thomas; Lepre, Vincent "Frank Lloyd Wright Comes to the Met. How restorers reassemble a Prairie School living room in a museum." Reconstruction of the living room from Wright's Francis W. Little Residence II (1912 Wayzata, Minn.) inside The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The home was demolished in 1972. Includes eight photographs and one illustration. Original cover price $3.50. 9 x 12. Pp 73-79 1984.29.0207 1984
Historic Preservation - December 1984 (Published bimonthly by the National Trust for historic Preservation, Washington D.C.) Nelson, Carl L. "Wright House Reopens At Woodlawn Plantation. Loren Pope still feels the same way. Forty-five years ago he commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design a small house for his family in East Falls Church, Va... It does things for a person that are hard to explain. It is like living in a work of art...." The Pope-Leighey house story begins with the passion of Pope, then a young newspaper editor, to own a Wright-designed home. In 1939 he wrote to Wright: "There are certain things a man wants during... Continue... Pp 52-53 1984.42.0414 1984 House & Garden - April 1984 (Published by The Conde Nast Publications, Inc.)
Filler, Martin "His House Was His Story. Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin was more than a place to hang his famous hat: it was the embodiment of his eventful life and indomitable creative spirit." Original List Price $4.00. 8.25 x 10.75. Pp 180-7, 208 212 216-17 1984.20.1204 1984 House & Garden - May 1984 (Published by The Conde Nast Publications, Inc.) Filler, Martin "His House Was His Oasis. At Taliesin West in Arizona, Frank Lloyd Wright cultivated his personal Garden of Eden." Original List Price $4.00. 8.25 x 10.75. Pp 198-203 234 236 238-9 240 1984.21.1204 1984 Inland Architect - March/April 1984 (Published by Inland Architect Press, Chicago) Morgan, Maya "In the Garden with Frank Lloyd Wright". The lasting impressions of Wright influenced one Wright house inhabitant to generate a profusion of garden flowers and plants. Tomek House, Riverside, Illinois. Original List Price $2.50. 8.75 x 11.5. Pp Cover 1 26-9 1984.22.0305 Birkey, Randal Ad: "Randal Birkley Architectural Delineation". Uses Plate 40, Hardy House perspective, Wasmuth Portfolio. Original List Price $2.50. 8.75 x 11.5. Pp 52 1984.23.0305 Stubbs, John H. Ad: "Rare Books & Prints". Uses cover of 1934 Taliesin Publication "Taliesin, Volume 1, No 1". Original List Price $2.50. 8.75 x 11.5. Pp 52 1984.24.0305 Anonymous Events: Milwaukee Art Museum thru May 13. Illustrations for Architecture: Wright's Wasmuth Portfolio. Includes one illustration. Original List Price $2.50. 8.75 x 11.5. Pp 52, 55 1984.25.0305 1984 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - March 1984 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Reinberger, Mark "The Sugarloaf Mountain Project and Frank Lloyd Wright's Vision of a New World," Wright's 1925 project for Sugarloaf Mountain, Maryland. Includes two photographs and 18 illustrations. Copies printed: 4,600. Original cover price $6.50. 8.5 x 11. Pp 38-52 1984.27.0806 1984 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1984 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Turner, Paul Venable; Doremus, Thomas L.; Le Corbusier "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Young Le Corbusier: An Addendum." An addendum to an article written by Turner in the December 1983 issue of the Journal. Also includes a letter Written by Doremus, author of "Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier: the Great Dialogue", 1985. Also included is "A Statement on the Death of Frank Lloyd Wright" by Le Corbusier, published in the "Zodiac" 5, Fall 1959, translated by Paul Venable Turner. Copies printed: 4,425. Original cover price $6.50. 8.5 x 11. Pp 364-365 1984.39.0613 1984 Mercedes - Volume XII (Published four times a year by Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc. Montvale, NJ) Marlin, William "The Radiant Legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright" "...The entrances that Wright made were as dramatic as the ones he designed, and he had a reputation for calling on his clients unannounced and at all hours. Even if no one was home, he would usually let himself in... Twenty five after Wright's death, His architecture is a vibrant as ever." Includes fourteen photographs and one illustration. 9 x 11. (Two Copies) Pp 2, 16-23 1984.07.0601 1984.32.1109 1984
Monthly Film Bulletin - February 1984 (Published monthly by the British Film Institute, London) Adair, Gilbert Film Review. The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. Great Britain, 1983.
As an 'album', the glossy, expensive type one tends to buy for other people's birthdays, The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright is not without its virtues: to wit, a crisp, intelligible commentary (somewhat breathily spoken by Wright's granddaughter, the actress Anne Baxter) and a comprehensive visual survey of his life's work (Murray Grigor having taken two years... Continue...Pp 41 1984.65.0524 1984
Scottsdale Scene Magazine - January 1984 (Offprint) (Offprint published by The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Montooth, Charles "Taliesin. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Long before Scottsdale was anything more than a crossroads town with a few stores, a bar, and a gas station or two, a bold new experiment in desert architecture was beginning to take shape at the base of the McDowell Mountains to the north. About 13 miles from the outskirts of town at the end of a dusty trail which wound its way upward along a dry wash, young men and women were busy building a complex of stone and... Continue... Pp 6 1984.47.0616 1984
Stained Glass - Summer 1984 (Published quarterly by the Stained Glass Association of America, St. Louis, MO) Rub, Timothy F. "Architecture and Ornament: Frank Lloyd Wright's Art Glass. Among the best known and most beautiful decorative elements of Frank Lloyd Wright's early work are his designs for art glass - the abstract, rhythmically complex compositions of leading and colored glass which pattern the windows, cabinets, and doors in nearly all the buildings he designed between 1893 - the year in which he began independent practice - and the mid 1920s..." Includes six photographs... Continue... Pp Cov 130-135 1984.43.0414 1985 1985
Architectural Digest - December 1985 Gill, Brendan Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright (Pottery House) Pp 140 - 147 1985.01.0301 1985
Architecture - January 1985 Anonymous Book Review: The Prairie School: Frank Lloyd Wright & His Midwest Contemporaries Pp 90 1985.06.0401 1985
Art & Antiques - May 1985
Kenner, Hugh Frank Lloyd Wright's Tree of Life. How a stained-glass window could make a building stand up. Original list price $6.00. Pp 96 1985.13.0105 1985
The Art Bulletin - June 1985 (Published quarterly by the College Art Association of America, Inc., New York) Smith, Kathryn Frank Lloyd Wright and the Imperial Hotel: A Postscript. Includes 24 photos and illustrations. Author's Proof. Signed by Kathryn Smith. 9 x 11.5. Pp 296-310 1985.16.0405 1985
The Art Bulletin - June 1985 (Published quarterly by the College Art Association of America, Inc., New York) Smith, Kathryn Frank Lloyd Wright and the Imperial Hotel: A Postscript. Editor's description: "Very little is known of the inception and building a Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel beyond Wright's Autobiography first published in 1932. This article addresses such fundamental concerns as the date when Wright first heard of the project and how and when he received the commission; where the building was to be located and in what context; when the drawings were executed; what the project schedule was... Continue... Pp 296-310 1985.65.0618 1985
Design Book Review - Summer 1985 (Published quarterly by Design Book Review, Berkeley, CA) 1) Banham, Reyner 2) Smith, Norris Kelly 3) Beach, John 4) Polledri, Paolo 1) "The Wright Stuff. " A review of five books about Frank Lloyd Wright. "Frank Lloyd Wright's Hanna House; The Client's Report," Hanna, 1981; "The Pope-Leighey House," Morton, 1969; "The Robie House of Frank Lloyd Wright," Connors, 1984; "Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House," Hoffman, 1984; "Frank Lloyd Wright at the Metropolitan Museum of Art," Kaufmann, 1982. 2) Ad: Mit Press, includes "Man About Town," Muschamp, with a review by Smith. 3) book review of "The Architecture of Alden B. Dow... Continue... Pp: 1) 8-11 2) 41 3) 42-43 4) 63-65 1985.61.1116 1985
Friends of Taliesin - April 1985 Vol. 1, No 1 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation 1) In Memoriam, Olgivanna Lloyd Wright. March 1, 1985. 2) Message From The Chairman. William Wesley Peters. 3) The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. 4) Taliesin Associated Architects. 5) Fund Raising. 6) Publications. 7) Fellowship Life. 8) A Day At Taliesin. Address to Cary Caraway. Acquired from the Cary Caraway estate. Includes 8 photographs. 8.5 x 8.5. Pp 4 1985.69.0219 1985
Historic Preservation - August 1985 (Published bimonthly by the National Trust for historic Preservation, Washington D.C.) Cohen, Daniel; Shulman, Julius (Photos) "Hollywood Discovers the Wright Stuff. Producer Joel Silver's meticulous Restoration of the Storer House attests to the new celebrity of Modern architectural classics. .. Silver faced a disaster area' when he began restoring Frank Lloyd Wright's 1923 Storer house... With help from Eric Wright, Joel Silver's determined detective work located original plans and early photographs from the Lloyd Wright files and from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation at Taliesin West in Scottsdale..." Includes five... Continue... Pp Cover 20-25 61 1985.53.0414 1985.54.0414 1985
House & Garden - December 1985 Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Marilyn Monroe Meets Frank Lloyd Wright P 62 1985.11.0404 1985
Inland Architect - J/A 1985 (Published six times a year by Inland Architect Press, Chicago) Clarke, Jane H.; Weigard, Elizabeth 1) "A Moving Violation? ...On March 21, 1985, Wright's body was disinterred by a local mortician. Following cremation in Madison, Wisconsin, the famous architect's ashes were removed to Arizona to be placed next to those of his third wife, Olgivanna, who died March 1..." 2) "The Arts At Midway Gardens. The Midway Gardens were to be, Frank Lloyd Wright said, a place of light, color, music, movement." Briefly they were. Designed by Wright in 1913-14, the indoor-outdoor garden-theater, concert... Continue... Pp 1 3-4 45-47 1985.60.1116 1985
Ottagono 79 - December 1985 (Published in Italy) Baroni, Daniele Published in Italian, with English translations. "Frank Lloyd Wright, An American Dream. Considering even a small part of the work of one of the greatest exponents of architecture of the modern age is no easy matter, all the more so as, though a great deal has been written in a very general sense, there have not been any specific philological studies on determined subjects..." Includes 32 illustrations. Original cover price 6.500. 8.25 x 9.5 Pp 36-43, 192-193 1985.55.0714 1985
The New York Times Magazine - June 16, 1985 (Published by the New York Times, New York) Goldberger, Paul :A Lasting Wright Legacy. Frank Lloyd Wright can be celebrated as a great maker of flowing space, or as a bold experimenter in new building technologies, or as a crusader who sought to bring the values of architecture within reach of the common man. Wright, the protean genius of 20th-century architecture, was all of those people. Even more, though, he was an architect who sought out the underlying nature of a place and who struggled to express that nature... Continue... Pp 54-57 72 1985.58.0616 1985
"Life Magazine Remembers" Card from game - 1985 Mydans, Carl "Life Magazine Remembers" the Imperial Hotel. Card #53 from game. Picture circa 30-40's 5 x 3 1985.07.0202 1985
Progressive Architecture - November 1985 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing, A division of Penton /IPC, Cleveland) Viladas, Pilar "Invisible Reweaving" A 1923 Textile-block house by Frank Lloyd Wright is meticulously restored by a team of patient perfectionists. Storer House, Los Angeles. Includes 18 photographs and three drawings. Original List Price $7.00. 9 x 12. Pg 3, 112-117 1985.14.0405 Anonymous Building Materials: Storer Residence, Los Angeles, Calif. List of companies involved in restoration. Original List Price $7.00. 9 x 12. Pg 158 1985.15.0405 1986 1986
Architectural Record - September 1986 (Offprint) (Published monthly by McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York. Offprint published by Steelcase, Inc.) Brenner, Douglas "Wright at home again. Restoration of The Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio, Oak Park, Illinois... The present appearance of intact survival belies the formidable complexity and scope of the 12-year, $2.1-million restoration conducted by a committee of staff and volunteers at the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation. (The National Trust, besides furnishing technical assistance, provided substantial funding, as did the Steelcase Corporation, the project's major corporate... Continue... Pp 12 1986.62.0416 1986
Architecture - November 1986 (Offprint) (Offprint published by Circle Gallery, San Francisco, CA) Crosbie, Michael J. "Masterpiece Put To Suitable Use. V.C. Morris Shop becomes a gallery. Frank Lloyd Wright's 1948 V.C. Morris gift shop in San Francisco has been renovated into an art gallery, restored into an art gallery, restored with care by a former apprentice, Michel Marx, AIA, of Berkeley. The gift shop created a sensation when it opened, with crowds virtually closing narrow Maiden Lane, where it is found just off Union Square..." Includes six photographs and two illustrations. Includes Circle Gallery Envelope. 8.5... Continue... Pp 44-47 1986.71.0616 1986
Bulletin of Florida Southern College - April 1986, Volume XCIX, Number 2 (Published Quarterly by Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida) Florida Southern College 1) "Frank Lloyd Wright's 'Child of the Sun'." Map with a list of Wright designed buildings. Includes four photographs. 2) The Frank Lloyd Wright Campus." Aerial view of campus and photograph of Wright. 8.5 x 11 Pp 3-5, 13-14 1986.58.0614 1986
Domus - #675 - September 1986 (Published by Domus S.p.A., Milano, Italy. Published in Italian and English) De Fusco, Renato "Frank Lloyd Wright Storer Residence, Hollywood. De Fusco argues against the canonical interpretation of Wright's architecture, and hypothesizes a configuration of interior space originating from the construction of its outer... Continue... Pp 92-97 1986.55.0414 Allison, Filippo "F.L Wright Furniture Design 1908-1949-1986. What design in the architecture of F.L. Wright? What is the meaning of an object, originally designed form limited craft production, reintroduced through modern production processes and... Continue... Pp 98-104 1986
Fine Homebuilding - April/May 1986 Koontz, Thomas Building Basics: What makes structures stand up, and fall down. References Wright and Fallingwater, includes photo of Fallingwater Pp 29-33 1986.12.0402 Kalec, Don; Abernathy, Ann Frank Lloyd Wright's Oak Park Studio. Painstaking attention to detail restores a landmark building to its original state. Pp Cover, 60-66 1986.13.0402 Kalec, Don A tour through Wright's Studio Pp 66 1986.14.0402 1986
Friends of Taliesin - April 1986 Vol. 2, No 1 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation 1) Visitor Center. (At Taliesin West.) 2) Fund Raising. 3) Rejuvenation. (At Taliesin West.) 4) NCA Meeting. 5) Library News. (Taliesin West.) 6) First phase of electrical work at Taliesin Complete. 7) Taliesin architect appointed to Scottsdale. (Charles Montooth.) 8) Gates Dedication. (Taliesin Gates Development.) 9) Volunteers at Taliesin. 10) Letters to Clients. (Pfeiffer book released.) Includes 9 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 8.5. Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 6 1986.83.0618 1986
Friends of Taliesin - August 1986 Vol. 2, No 2 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation 1) Heloise Crista Donates Sculpture. 2) Famed Landmark Due for Restoration (Romeo and Juliet). 3) Spring Events. 4) Lockhart Receives CSI Award. 5) Ling Po Exhibit and Trip. 6) First Master of Architecture Awarded. 7) Alumni Picnic on Schnebley Hill. 8) Coming Events. 9) Friends of Taliesin. Includes 8 photographs. 8.5 x 8.5 Pp 6 1986.142.0723 1986
Friends of Taliesin - December 1986 Vol. 2, No 3 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation 1) Reproduction Program. 2) Friends of Taliesin. 3) Coming Events. 4) Fall Events. 5) Visitor Center/Bookstore 6) Taliesin Associated Architects. Includes 12 photographs. 8.5 x 8.5. Pp 6 1986.84.0918 1986
House & Garden - February 1986 (Published monthly by The Conde Nast Publications, Inc., New York) Filler, Martin "Wright Wronged. Gwathmey Siegel's proposed Guggenheim addition raises critical questions about the museum's role as cultural caretaker. The architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright is essentially about freedom - freedom from historical convention, spatial confinement, and the strictures of routine responses to the world around us... It is safe to predict that the way in which this generation will be regarded by its architectural heirs hangs on the outcome of this misguided... Continue... Pp 42, 44, 46, 48 1986.57.0514 1986
Home & Garden - August 1986 (Published by The Conde Nast Publications Inc., New York) Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr.; Edited by MacIsaac, Heather Smith; Photographs by Gili, Oberto Excerpts from "Fallingwater, A Frank Lloyd Wright Country House." How Right was Wright. Edgar Kaufmann Jr. Recalls his family's country house, Fallingwater, and how... Continue... Pp 140-5 168 170 1986.51.0114 American Standard Ad: Photographed at the Ennis-Brown house. Pp 161 News: Exhibition. "Wright in Racine. Frank Lloyd Wright and the Johnson Wax Building: Creating a Corporate Cathedral, Renwick Gallery, Washington, until Sept. 1." Original cover price $4.00. 8.1 x 10.8 Pp 172 1986
Illinois Magazine - January - February 1986 (Published bi-monthly by Henrichs Publications, Inc., Litchfield, Illinois) 1) Holok, John A. 1) Richard W. Bock and his Museum at Greenville College. Quietly nestled within the friendly, southwest-em Illinois town of Greenville is the historic Almira College House. Constructed in 1855, it serves as the permanent home... Continue... 1) Pp 12-15 1986.151.0824 2) Tefertuillar, Robert L. 2) The Dana-Thomas House. In 1904, Frank Lloyd Wright completed one of the famous "prairie houses" for socialite Susan Lawrence Dana. The house, purchased in 1980 by the State of Illinois, remains today a state historic site, open to ... Continue...
2) Cover, 16-191986
Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts - Summer/Fall 1986 (Published quarterly by the Wolfson Foundation of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, Inc., Miami, Florida) Menocal, Narciso G. "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Question of Style. ...Wright considered his work to be based on principles of nature, to be organic, yet at no point did he use the free flowing curvilinear forms that usually evoke the rhythms of life, as for instance Art Nouveau did, and later Alvar Aalto. Wright's architecture was always strictly controlled by geometry, using almost exclusively squares, rectangles, octagons, triangles, hexagons, circles, and arcs of circles - not organic forms these, but forms... Continue... Pp 4-19 1986.53.0414 1986.54.0414 1986
New Mexico - April 1986 Raether, Keith Shaping the Pottery House Pp Cover 1, 3, 34-41 1986.11.0302 1986
New York Times - June 8, 1986 (Published by The New York Times, New York, reprinted by permission.) (Offprint) Lockwood, Charles "The Houses Wright Built. Oak Park, Ill., is an open-air museum of the architects early work... For years, visitors have explored Oak Park's handsome tree-shaded streets and traced Wright's growth from fledgling draftsman around 1890 to world-renowned Prairie House architect. Now, a 12-year, $2 million restoration of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio is almost finished, and visitors can finally see what all the rooms originally looked like..." Includes four photographs. 8.5 x 11 Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 4 1986.67.0616 1986
Perspecta 22: The Journal of the Yale School of Architecture. Paradigms of Architecture. 1986. (Published by Rizzoli International Publication, Inc. New York. Number of copies printed: 3000) 1) Rudolph, Paul
2) Scully, Vincent
3) Perkins, John; Rosenblatt, Paul; Sage, Jennifer1) "Excerpts From a Conversation... I was twelve or fourteen when I first saw a Frank Lloyd Wright house. That was in Florence Alabama. I forget now how I knew about this house, but I did, so I got my parents to drive me over... I have probably told you about the piano hinges and cantilevered roof, no? The cantilevered carport roof, I suppose, was about eighteen feet. I've never seen anything like that. Well I was completely delighted with the whole idea that this would hold itself up, and I didn't... Continue... 1) Pp 102-107
2) 108-109
3) 142-1871986.95.0120 1986
The Pittsburgh Press Sunday Magazine - January 5, 1986 (Published weekly by The Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) Rause, Vince "Frank Lloyd Wright's Pittsburgh. Innovation or Insanity. For Frank Lloyd Wright, Pittsburgh in the 1930s was a bad dream come true. According to the iconoclastic philosopher /architect's poetic approach to building, a structure's design should "grow" organically, shaped by its natural surroundings and the needs of its human inhabitants, and not be arbitrarily designed according to the dictates of prevailing fashion. It should harmonize with its environment, not attempt to dominate it. It should show... Continue... Pp Cover, 8-12 1986.127.0323 1986
Smithsonian - April 1986 Stewart, Doug Modern designers still can't make the perfect chair. Includes photo and text about Wright. Pp 96-105 1986.16.0103 1986
St. Louis Post-Dispatch - January 5, 1986 (Published by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, St. Louis) (Article only) Porter, E.F. Jr.; Photos: Holt, Robert C. Jr. "The Saga of Ted & Bette Pappas & Frank Lloyd Wright. If you are rich and famous - or even merely rich - a designer house is like a designer garment: you can enjoy the satisfaction of ownership without the agonies of creation and upkeep, and you can get out of it whenever you feel like it. But suppose you're like Theodore and Betty Pappas, by their own account just ordinary folk: struggling and hard-working when they were young, and now, in their late-middle years, comfortable but not... Continue... Pp Cover, 5-10 1986.92.0717 1986
The Structurist - No. 25/26, 1985/1986 (Published biennially by the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada) Bell, Keith Book Report: "Man About Town: Frank Lloyd Wright in New York City," Muschamp, 1983. During the current critical assault upon modern architecture the complaint is frequently made that architects have ignored the needs of the people who use their buildings, and have instead impose their own style and concept of society upon frequently unwilling recipients . This is certainly the opinion of Herbert Muschamp, who in his "Man About Town" discusses Frank Lloyd Wright's stay in New York during the 1920s... Continue... Pp 133-138 1986.82.0418 1987 1987
Abitare - July-August 1987 (Published monthly by Editrice Abitare Segesta, Milano, Italy. Published in Italian and English.) Irace, Fulvio "Coonley House. 'The most successful of my houses', wrote Wright in his autobiography, on the subject of Coonley House at Riverside; remembering with pleasure that he had been commissioned by the owners to design it... Continue... Pp 198-203 1987.84.1114 Irace, Fulvio "Wright at Oak Park... Starting from a generally neo-medievalist source, but sensitive also to the legacy of the local Shingle Style tradition, Wright combined their linguistic etyms and his own desire for innovation. Despite his later... Continue... Pp 204-205 1987
The Architects' Journal - November 4, 1987 (Great Britain) (Published by The Architectural Press, Ltd., London) 1) Anonymous
2) Kronenburg, Robert1) Plans for a 10-story addition to the Guggenheim Museum.
2) "Wright At Home. It may be the year of Corb but it is also a notable year for another 'great' of the twentieth century, Frank Lloyd Wright. His studio and home in Oak Park, Chicago, which he occupied for 20 years, has been totally restored and opened as a museum. Robert Kronenburg recounts the history of the house's development, and reports on the dilemmas faced by the restores... Continue...Pp 12
Pp 40-471987.134.1021 1987
Architectural Digest - March 1987 Goldberger, Paul (Related Story) Reorienting a Classic: Inventive decor for a Lloyd Wright (Son) House Pp 108-115 1987.08.0401 1987
Arizona Monthly - April 1987 (Offprint) (Published by the Arizona Monthly) Bell, Carrie Sears An offprint of an article printed in the Arizona Monthly. "The Rise of the Wright. Successors of America's Greatest Architect Confront the Realities of Keeping a Legacy Alive. Bold, flamboyant, complex, egotistical, brilliant. This was Frank Lloyd Wright, the man whose personal contributions to 20th-century American architecture stack up like an immense skyscraper next to the lesser achievements of his peers. Some have even gone so far as to call... Continue... Pp 33-36 1987.92.0616 1987
The Arizona Republic - February 15, 1987 1) Patterson, Ann 2) Anonymous
1) The Wright Impression. Copies of architect's work now can furnish your home. (Six Photos) 2) Foundation strives to protect Wright's work.
1) Pp S33 2) Pp S33
1987.13.0502 1987.14.0502
The Beaver, Exploring Canada's History. December 1987 - January 1988 (Published bi-monthly by The Governor and Company of Adventurers of England Trading into Hudson's Bay, known as the Hudson's Bay Company, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) Chisholm, Dorothy "Francis Conroy Sullivan. An Architect Ahead of His Time... 'I am your friend because you have tried hard to do something superior in your work and tried to do it honestly." In these lines from a letter written around 1917 American architect Frank Lloyd Wright paid tribute to a brilliant, eccentric and neglected Canadian architect named Francis Conroy Sullivan... In 1911 they worked together on the Pembroke... Continue... For more information on the Banff National Park Pavilion see our Wright Study. Pp 48-54 1987.61.0709 1987
Design Solutions - Fall 1987 (Published quarterly by the Architectural Woodwork Institute, Richmond, VA) Anonymous 1) "A House Built the Wright Way." Restoration of Wright's home and studio in Oak Park. Includes five photos. 2) Tech Solutions: Museum window display for 15 Little windows. Includes one photo and one illustration. Original cover price $5.00. 8.25 x 11. Pp 17-20 74-75 1987.25.0506 1987
Fine Homebuilding - August/September 1987 Miller, Charles 1) Pottery House, Building a house based on a design by Frank Lloyd Wright 2) Wright's unbuilt works 3) The original Pottery House Pp 26-31 1987.01.0301 1987
Friends of Taliesin - April 1987 Vol. 3, No 1 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona) Editor: Freed, Elaine 1) The Focus House 2) The Box 3) Moss's Tenet 4) Taliesin Day 5) Library Expands 6) Kerr Center 7) Tour Programs Soars 8) Razzamatazz... 9) American Players Theatre 10) Married Student Housing 11) Archives Receives $25,000 National Endowment Award to Conserve Drawings 12) Taliesin West Bookshop Stocks 80 FLLW Titles 13) Documenting Taliesin 14) New Staff 15) The Box Project 16) Architects Design Law Offices 17) TAA in Wisconsin Year 'Round. 8.5 x 8.5. Pp 8 1987.46.0507 1987
Friends of Taliesin - September 1987 Vol. 3 No. 2 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona) Editor: Freed, Elaine; Writers: Hollis, Mark; Legler, Dixie 1) Casey, Tom 1) School of Architecture Accredited. 2) Apprentices to Celebrate Their 50th: 1937-1987. 3) The Box. 4) Nemtin Blazes a Trail. 5) In The News. 6) Changing of the Guard for Getty. 7) Wright's Meyer May House Restored. 8) Bradley Foundation Challenge Nears Half-Way Mark. 9) Milwaukee's Meyer Foundation Funds Taliesin Inventory. 10) In The Realm of Ideas. Includes 8 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 8.5 Pp 6 1987.91.0616 1987
Home - October 1987 (Published by Home Magazine Publishing Corp.)
Anonymous "Go Wright In." A list of six public Wright sites that are open to the public. Pp 17 1987.19.0305 Whiting, Henry II "Learning the Wright Lessons. An aficionado of Frank Lloyd Wright recounts the 2 years he spent restoring Teater's Knoll, the architects only Idaho structure." Includes 14 photographs and one illustration. Pp Cover, 2, 38-45 1987.20.0305 Silverstein, Wendy A. "Rethinking the Kitchen." Original List Price $1.95. 8 x 10.75. (See Wright Study) Pp 43 1987.21.0305 1987
Idaho Yesterday - Winter 1987 (Published four times a year by the Idaho State Historical Society, Boise, Idaho) Waite, Robert G. "A Spot of Interest to Humanity. Hagerman's Archie Theater Studio, Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. While Frank Lloyd Wright is well known as an architect, the one structure he designed in Idaho is not at all well known. The story of its construction is an intriguing one, told here by a professional historian who was also one of the work crew that spent two and a half years restoring the house. All photographs but those on pages 19 and 24 are kindly provided by the owner of the house, Henry Whiting... Continue... Pp 18-30 1987.108.0519 1987
Interior Design - November 1987 (Reprint) (Reprinted from the November 1987 issue of Interior Design, published by Cahners Publishing Company) Cooper, Jerry "A Prairie Home Interior. Steelcase's restoration of the Meyer S. May house in Grand Rapids illuminates the American master architect's skill as an interior designer. While the Venderbilts were building French Gothic chateaux on Fifth Avenue and baronial piles by the sea in Newport, Frank Lloyd Wright was developing a native American architecture with the Prairie houses he designed in cities of the northern Midwest. Reacting to what he considered gauche stylistic hodgepodges... Continue... Pp 12 1987.87.0316 1987
Metropolitan Home - May 1987 (Published by Meredith Corporation, Los Angeles, CA) Flanagan, Barbara Frank Lloyd Wright reproduced design elements for the home, are now available. "Frank Lloyd Wright: Get the legend while he's hot. Nearly three decades after his death, Frank Lloyd Wright's legacy comes alive in new productions of his furniture and rediscovered drawings and designs. The dwelling as a work of art is a better place to live with, and live for and buy in every sense. Therefore, why not a better 'investment?' (Frank Lloyd Wright, from A Testament, 1957). Investing in Frank Lloyd... Continue... Pp 33-39, 118 1987.132.0821 1987
Midwest Living - June 1987 (Published bimonthly by Meredith Corporation, Des Moines, IA) Jaffin, Rhoda "The Wright Revival. Our prairies inspired Frank Lloyd Wright's bold genius. Now the world is rediscovering the legacy he left in the Heartland." There are also two side articles: "Living with Wright: Ida Trier, Johnston, Iowa", and "Living with Wright: The Drings, Oak Park, Illinois" concerning the Fricke House. Includes fifteen photographs. Original cover price $2.50. 8 x 10.5. Pp 101-105 1987.71.0911 1987
Montana, The Magazine of Western History - Summer 1987 (Published quarterly by the Montana Historical Society, Helena, MT) Johnson, Donald Johnson "Frank Lloyd Wright's Architectural Projects in the Bitterroot Valley, 1909-1910... Frank Lloyd Wright was invited to participate in this optimistic enterprise. His role was that of architect and community planner for BRVICo, and he began the first project in the Bitterroot Valley in early 1909 with a plan for University Heights, a subdivision development to be located near Darby. Wright's success with that commission encouraged... Continue... (See Wright Study in Montana) Pp 12 - 25 1987.83.1014 1987
News From the Freeman House - Number 1: November 1987 (Published by the School of Architecture at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA) Chusid, Jeffrey M. "An Occasional Letter for Friends and Patrons of the Restoration of FLW's Samuel and Harriet Freeman House, Hollywood, California." Sections of the newsletter include: 1) As We Begin... We launch this newsletter as part of a desire to share the process of restoring the Freeman House with all those interested in this historic project... 2) A Brief History. 3) The Restoration. 4) Joining in the Restoration. 5) The Architect in Residence. 6) A Videotape Introduction. 7) A Wright Festival in Los... Continue... Pp 6 1987.90.0616 1987
Oak Leaves, Oak Park - May 5, 1987 - (Published by Oak Leaves, Oak Park, Ill.) Special section on Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright revisited: The man and his architecture. The Frank Lloyd Wright home celebrates the completion of the restoration of the Home and Studio this week. In this special section, Oak Leaves examines Wright the man, his contributions to architecture, the features of his designs and the people who made the renovations of his Oak Park home possible. Pp 16 1987.78.0313 Wiederhold, Eve Rebellious life impedes... Continue... 1987
Old-House Journal - September/October 1987 Poore, Patricia Tile Roofs (Photo of Robie House) Pp 22-29 1987.10.0901 Restoration Products Frank Lloyd Wright Products Pp 66 1987.11.0901 1987
On Wisconsin - December 1987 (Published quarterly by the University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, Wisc., with a grant from the University of Wisconsin Foundation.) Editor: Gruber, John 1) "The Wright Legend in Madison. A major exhibition about Frank Lloyd Wright, opening in September at the Elvehjem Museum of Art, is shedding new light on the famous architect's work in Madison, where he lived as a child and University student. Wright's 32 Madison designs, many of which are virtually unknown, have been the focus of a scholarly research project." 2) "Wright Shared Ideas with Landscape Faculty, Students." Includes five photographs and illustrations. 11.5 x 17.5... Continue... Pp 1, 6-7 1987.62.0809 1987
Pennsylvania Magazine - February 1987 (Published every other month by Pennsylvania Magazine Company, Camp Hill, PA) Fiorina, Tom "The Greatest Work of Art in Western Pennsylvania, Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater... said by Kaufmann at the October 29, 1963 ceremony... It is one of the most beautiful; works made by man for man... Designed for this setting, the house was hardly up before its fame circled the earth; it was recognized as one of the clearest successes of the American genius, Frank Lloyd Wright. The house is usually perceived through a swarm of fables; it seems to breed them spontaneously... Continue... Pp Cover 34-37 1987.81.0414 1987
The Prairie House Journal (Premier and only issue published by Domino's Pizza, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan) 1) Monaghan, Thomas S. 2) Hanks, David A.
3) Tafel, Edgar
4) Heinz, Thomas A.
5) Eaton, Leonard K...This premier issue was published on the occasion of "The Wright People," a symposium and festival celebrating the clients of Frank Lloyd Wright and the manufacturers of his designs. 1) Forward 2) Introduction 3) Frank Lloyd Wright and his Clients 4) The Role of the Client 5) The Early Years: Twenty Years After 6) The Alpaugh House in Northport 7) How Fallingwater Began 8) The Lovness Residence 9) The Wright Choice 10-15) Manufacturers: Steelcase; Schumacher... Continue... Pp 52, Separate folio of five sheets 1987.40.1206 1987
Progressive Architecture - November 1987 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing, A Division of Penton Publishing, Cleveland, OH) 1) Doubilet, Susan
2) Boles, Daralice D.
3) Viladas, Pilar 4) Fisher, Thomas1) Wright Prevails. The Meyer May House in Grand Rapids, Mich., a Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie House design, is restored by coordinator Carla Lind and architects Tilton & Lewis. 2) The Selling of Frank Lloyd Wright. Record-breaking prices paid for original furniture by Frank Lloyd Wright, the controversial sales of his drawings and designs, and an expanding market for Wright reproductions beg the question: who owns the rights to Wright? 3) The First of its Kind. The Jacobs House I... Continue... Pg 112-131 1987.86.0715 1987
West Michigan Magazine - October 1987 (Published monthly by the West Michigan Telecommunications Foundation, Grand Rapids.) 1) McGookey, Kathi; 2) Atwell, Amy; 3) Hartley 1) "Discovering Frank Lloyd Wright." Concerns Frank Lloyd Wright. 2) "Touring the Meyer May." Article concerns the Meyer May house, Grand Rapids. 3) "At Home with Frank Lloyd Wright." Article about Anne and Tom Logan, living in the Amberg House, Grand Rapids. 4) "Frank Lloyd Wright's West Michigan." Text and photographs concerning: The Gertz Cottage, Whitehall 1902; The Heritage Hill Houses, Grand Rapids 1909, May and Amberg Houses; Summer Houses, Grand Rapids... Continue... Pp 18; 19-25; 26-28, 31; 34-44 1987.89.0618 1987
Wright Angles - April-June 1987 (Published quarterly by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, Oak Park, IL) Editor: Arlene Sanderson 1) Foundation Office Is Renovated. 2) Foundation Elects New Officers and Board Members. 3) Wright Renaissance Celebrated. 4) Bookshop Flourishes as a Resource on Wright. 5) Wright Things to Do. 6) Wilcoxon Named Executive Director. 7) Architects Document Restoration. 8) Research Center Organizes Collections. 9) "Wright Plus" Sells Out. Includes 8 photographs. This copy acquired from the estate of Thomas & Suzanne Miller, owners of the K. C. DeRhodes Residence, South Bend, Indiana (1906 - S.125). 8.5 x 11 Pp 6 1987.138.1022 1987
Wright Angles - October-December 1987 (Published quarterly by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, Oak Park, IL) Editor: Arlene Sanderson 1) Walkers Step out for Foundation. 2) Board Launches Fund-Raising Campaign. 3) New Staff Welcomed. 4) Tour Center Receives Donation. 5) Focus on Linda Hutchinson. 6) Wright Things to Do. 7) Research Center Opens. 8) Teachers Learn about Programs. 9) Book Shop Offers Unique Gift Items. 10) Holidays Celebrated with Free Tours. Includes 8 photographs. This copy acquired from the estate of Thomas & Suzanne Miller, owners of the K. C. DeRhodes Residence, South Bend, Indiana (1906 - S.125). 8.5 x 11 Pp 6 1987.139.1022 1988 1988
American Craft - June / July 1988 (Published bimonthly by the American Craft Council, New York) Lebensohn, Jeremy "Mighty Miniatures. The craft of model making has changed dramatically in this century in response to the demands of the market and the development of technology..." Includes one photograph of a model of Fallingwater by Joseph... Continue... Pp 34-38, 100 1988.81.1014 Tognini, Joyce "Wright Restored. Brought back to its original glory, Frank Lloyd Wright's Meyer May House in Grand Rapids, Michigan, offers a rare look at a total environment as the master architect envisioned it." Two year resonation by... Continue... Pp 80-83 1988
American Heritage - November 1988 (Published by American Heritage, Inc., New York) Bernier, Oliver "The Wright Bowl. When a quirky genius who is also the greatest American architect of his time sets out to redesign the way people live then the results are likely to be at the very least arresting. And Frank Lloyd Wright's chairs and desks and inkwells are every bit as arresting as his houses... Nearly sixty years after Frank Lloyd Wright first designed this covered bowl, Tiffany has started to product it." Sterling silver bowl designed for the Leerdam Company... Continue... Pp 28-29 1988.62.0213 1988
Architectural Business - Third Quarter 1988 (Published quarterly by Edaburi, Inc., Raleigh, NC) Sawyer, Robert; Photography by Jon Miller, Hedrich Blessing "Frank Lloyd Wright: The Master Revisited." The Wright Home and Studio in Oak Park is dedicated after a 13 year, $2.1 million dollar renovation. Includes one photograph. Original cover price $2.00. 8.5 x 11. Gift from Randolph C. Henning. Pp 7, 13 1988.45.0709 1988
Architectural Lighting - August 1988 (Published monthly by Aster Publishing Corporation, Eugene, OR) Kalec, Donald; photography by Brummel, Chester; Miller, Jon, Hedrich Blessing; Kalec, Donald; Sadin/Karant "Restoring 1909 lighting in Frank Lloyd Wright's home and studio. No electricity was available in the Chicago suburb of Oak Park when Frank Lloyd Wright built his first home there in 1889 - but he knew it was only a matter of time. The newlywed Wright, who was only 22, worked as chief draftsman at the architectural office of Adler and Sullivan. The firm was just finishing the Auditorium Building, one of the first large structures in the united states... Continue... Pp Cv, 8, 20-27, 70 1988.46.0709 1988.71.0414 1988
Arizona Highways - November 1988 Swaback, Vernon Frank Lloyd Wright: A Personal Perspective. Pp 1, 36-45 1988.01.0301 1988
Art Institute of Chicago - 1988 - Volume 13, No. 2 (Published by the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois) 1) Miller, Ross; 2) Twombly, Robert; 3) Pare, Richard 1) "Burnham, Sullivan, Roark, and the Myth of the Heroic Architect. Howard Roark, as played by Gary Cooper in the movie version of The Fountainhead, epitomized the myth of the architectural hero... While visionaries like Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright were thought to be Rand's model for Roark, it was Daniel Burnham whose career and attitude toward the profession..." Includes one portrait of Wright (June 8, 1957) and two photographs of the... Continue... Pp 86-95; 146-157; 158-167 1988.73.0614 1988
Arts & Crafts Quarterly - Summer 1988 V2 #3 (Published quarterly by American Art Pottery/Arts and Crafts, Trenton, New Jersey)Maimon, Jill "Live from Pennsylvania: It's Frank Lloyd Wright. At the Allentown Art Museum, visitors can actually enter a magnificent Wright Library. There's a little known architectural gem at the Allentown Art Museum in Allentown, Pennsylvania: the library from the Francis W. Little House (1912 - 1914), also called 'Northome," designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Unlike rooms at other museums, this one is refreshingly open and inviting, without a stern velvet rope restricting one from entering. In this impressive... Continue... Pp 7-9 1988.120.1021 1988
Artscene - September/October 1988 (Published by the Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, Madison) Elvehjem Museum of Art 1) "After almost ten years of research and more than two years of planning, Frank Lloyd Wright and Madison: Eight Decades of Artistic and Social Interaction opens on September 2..." 2) Hiroshige Color Woodblock Prints. 3) Exhibitions. 4) Education. 5) Frank Lloyd Wright Madison Tour. Includes 13 photographs and illustrations related to Wright. 11 x 17. Pp 9 1988.99.0617 1988
California - November 1988 - (Clipping only) Crotta, Carol A.
"Living Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright invented his own native architecture for California. Like other visionaries before and since, Frank Lloyd Wright found California irresistible. Nineteen houses in the state bear his stamp. Not all of them are great; some seem dated and even uninspired. But others, even half a century after their construction, still take you breath away with the freshness and strength of the master's revolutionary design..." Wright's California textile homes pictured... Continue... Pp 118-124 1988.93.0616 1988
Chicago History - Fall & Winter 1987-88 (Published quarterly by the Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, IL) Kruty, Paul Pleasure Garden on the Midway. An undisputed masterpiece by architect Frank Lloyd Wright, Midway Gardens was also a pioneering effort to merge urban cosmopolitanism and popular entertainment in a concert garden setting. The name "Midway Gardens" evokes dual images - of fairground and park, carnival and cafe, public spectacle and private enjoyment. To Chicagoans it was once all of those things and more. Like Chicago itself, it was a "city in a garden." The idea of Midway Gardens stirred... Continue... Pp 4-27 1988.113.1220 1988
Chicago History - Spring & Summer 1988 (Published by the Chicago Historical Society, Chicago) Chicago Historical Society Bound reply card for the Chicago Historical Society Museum Store. "In conjunction with the Society's recent exhibition "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Johnson Wax Building", the Museum Store offers a variety of publications about the architect and his work." The exhibition began at the Smithsonian in Washington DC on April 26, 1986. It was exhibited in eleven cities, ending in Chicago, October 8, 1988 - December 31, 1988. Includes one portrait of Wright. Reply... Continue... Pp 50A 1988.53.0911 1988
Cobblestone: The History Magazine for young people - August 1988 (Published monthly by Cobblestone Publications, Inc., Peterborough, NH) Blohm, Graig E. "An American Architectural Genius. ...Frank Lloyd Wright remained active until his death in 1959 at the age ninety-one. While most people retire, Wright worked on, creating in his later years buildings such as the Martin County (California) Civic Center and the famous Guggenheim Museum in New York. Today, some of his buildings have been demolished (the Imperial Hotel, for example, is gone), and many others, such as his proposed mile-high office building for Chicago... Continue... Pp 18-21 1988.86.0815 1988
Custom Builder - February 1988 (Published monthly by The Willows Publishing Group, Inc. Peterborough, NH) 1) Fisette, Paul; 2) Goska, Dave 1) "A Famous Flat Roof: A fix for Frank Lloyd Wright after 50 years." Fixing Fallingwater. Includes three photos. 2) "Great Contemporaries: What a Wright client does for an encore." Loren Pope post Wright. Original cover price $3.50. 8 x 11. Pp 1 25, 33-35 1988.27.0506 1988
Daidalos, Architektur Kunst Kultur - March 15, 1988 (Published quarterly by Bertelsmann Fachzeitschriften GmbH, West Berlin, Germany) Banham, Reyner Published in German and English. "Edison, Missing Pioneer. Through the entire history of human civilization up to a certain moment in time, there had only been one approach in architecture to set limits on the volume, to enclose an area, to create room and space. To this end walls had to be erected in buildings constructed. For some time now, thanks to electricity, it has been possible to employ light to .impose limits upon open spaces instead of using built structures..." Includes only one vague reference... Continue... Pp 48-57 1988.106.0620 1988
FLLW Update - (#1) Volume 1, Number 1 - October 1988 (Published by WAS Productions, Newark, New Jersey) Editor: Storrer, William Allin 1) The purpose of the FLLW update. 2) Search for plans to Wright-design buildings completed. 3) Wright designed buildings for which suitable publishable plans in line-art form remain unknown/unfound. 4) Fourth annual 1989 Frank Lloyd Wright symposium and festival, Assessing Wright's Legacy. 5) News of upcoming publications about the man and his work; Frank Lloyd Wright. Original subscription price $12.00 for twelve issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 4 1988.128.0722 1988
FLiW Update - (#2) Volume 1, Number 2 - November 1988 (Published by WAS Productions, Newark, New Jersey) Editor: Storrer, William Allin 1) The purpose of the FLiW update. 2) Subject matter of the F(rank) Ll(oyd) W(right) Update. 3) "FliW Update" is the F(rank) Ll(oyd) W(right) Update. 4) Wright-designed buildings of which photographic evidence remains unknown. 5) News of restoration. Coonley Playhouse. 6) Frank Lloyd Wright publications; sometimes the best work never gets past the sensors. 7) A corrected listing for the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: W. Irving Clark residence. Original subscription price $12.00 for twelve issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 4 1988.129.0722 1988
FLiW Update - (#3) Volume 1, Number 3 - December 1988 (Published by WAS Productions, Newark, New Jersey) Editor: Storrer, William Allin 1) The purpose of the FLiW update. 2) This issue is devoted to one subject, the Gale family. The story is told entirely through expanded listings for the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. Robert P. Parker residence; Walter M. Gale residence; Thomas H. Gail summer residence; Mrs. Thomas H. Gail rental cottages; Mrs. Thomas H. Gail residence. Includes two illustrations. Original subscription price $12.00 for twelve issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 4 1988.130.0722 1988
Friends of Taliesin - February 1988 Vol. 4, No 1 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona) 1) Haberman, Liz 2) De Long, James 3) Guerrero, Pete; Freed, Elaine 1) "Spriitely Exchange at the Arizona Biltmore" 2) "The 50th: Afterglow" 3) "Taliesin Profile: Pedro Guerrero" 4) "Taliesin West Visitor Numbers Near 40,000 Annually" 5) "Apprentice Studios Attract Donated Goods and Services" 6) "The Usonian House: IN the Realm of Ideas" 7) "Taliesin Day: New Directions". Includes 11 photographs. 8.5 x 11. Pp 6 1988.24.0305 1988
Friends of Taliesin - May 1988 Vol. 4, No 2 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona) Edited by Legler, Dixie 1) "In the Realm of Ideas' Moves to the Smithsonian" 2) "Exhibition Itinerary" 3) Tom Broce 4) Tours: Wisconsin and Arizona 5) "News From The Archives" 6) "Taliesin applauded by National College Deans" 7) "New York Law Offices Redesigned" 8) "Awards Earned" 9) "The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Gift Report: 1986, 1987". Includes two photographs and one illustration. 8.5 x 8.5. Pp 6 1988.25.0305 1988
Friends of Taliesin - October 1988 Vol. 4, No 3 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona) Edited by Legler, Dixie; 3) Freed, Elaine 1) "Wisconsin Governor Creates Panel to Study Preservation of Taliesin" 2) "Breakfast at the Smithsonian" 3) "Taliesin Profile: Marshall Erdman" 4) "Documenting Taliesin" 5) "The Box Project" 6) "Architects Design Law Offices" 7) "TAA in Wisconsin Year Round" 8) "Archives Receives $25,000 National Endowment Award to Conserve Drawings" 9) "Taliesin West Bookshop Stocks 80 FLLW Titles" 10) "Wright and Madison - Sept 2 - Nov 6" Includes nine photographs. 8.5 x 8.5. Pp 6 1988.26.0305 1988
Grand Street - Spring 1988 (Published quarterly by Grand Street Publications, Inc., New York) Bender, Thomas "A Great American Life. Frank Lloyd Wright was one of the few great American architects to publish an autobiography (along with Louis Sullivan and Ralph Adams Cram). He also published, by one scholar's count, seventeen other books and more than two hundred articles, letters and reviews. Writing in 1929, in the middle of a decade of painfully few commissions, Wright noted: I would much rather build than write about building, but when I am not building I will write about building or the significance... Continue... Pp 186-193 1988.94.0317 1988
Historic Illinois - August 1988 (Published bimonthly by the Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Historic Sites, Springfield, IL) Hallmark, Donald P. "First Phase Completed. Dana-Thomas House Restoration. When the State of Illinois purchased the Dana-Thomas House from Charles C. Thomas Publishing Company in 1981, State officials hoped to restore the house to its appearance when Springfield socialite Susan Lawrence Dana occupied the house in the first decades of the twentieth century... After an exhaustive study of the house's structure, design, and mechanical systems, it was officially... Continue... Pp 10 1988.76.0814 1988
Historic Preservation - July/August 1988 (Published bi-monthly by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington D. C.) Gary, Grace Restoration of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio. "Wright at Home. Exacting resonation of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio in Oak Park, Ill., offers a rare glimpse at a troubled genius. How does an artist muster the necessary courage to break with convention? Often slowly, Frank Lloyd Wright, irascible genius of American architecture, literally built up to it..." Restoration of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio. Five photographs by Jon Miller... Continue...
Pp 46-51 1988.64.1113 1988
Horizon - January/February 1988 (Published 10 times a year by Horizon Publishers, Inc., Tuscaloosa, AL) Wade, Marcia J. "The eternal vision of America's most important architect. The Wright Idea. Wingspread, Fallingwater, the Johnson Wax Company headquarters, the "The eternal vision of America's most important architect. The Wright Idea. Wingspread, Fallingwater, the Johnson Wax Company headquarters, the Guggenheim Museum. They are among America's most celebrated buildings, designed by one of our most legendary architects. Frank Lloyd... Continue... Pp 24-26 1988.85.0815 1988
House & Garden - October 1988 (Published by The Conde Nast Publications Inc., New York) (Clipping only.) Brron, Elizabeth Sverbeyeff; MacRae, Joyce "The Wright Way. Frank Lloyd Wright's La Miniatura is his masterpiece of sunlight and shadow, Martin Filler writes. The house is so distinctive that it's hard to think of living anywhere else. I would rather have built this little house than St. Peter's in Rome." Thus with characteristic modesty wrote Frank Lloyd Wright about one of his most important designs, the Millard house - called La Miniatura - in Pasadena, California. His justifiable pride in that small masterpiece of 1923 contained... Continue... Pg 150-155, 231 1988.92.0616 1988
Lake Geneva Magazine - March/April 1988 (Published Bimonthly by R. James Beam, dba Lake Geneva Magazine, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin) 1, 3, 4) Schaefer, Ted 2) Meehan, Patrick J.
1) "No Rooms Available. Once-Famous Lake Geneva Hotel Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Checks out of Local History." "The lobby - roofed by a stained glass skylight and lit by handing lamps designed by Wright - included a alcove with a massive open wood-burning fireplace between built-in upholstered benches. All his life Wright loved fireplaces and according to some Wright scholars, the Lake Geneva Hotel fireplace, with its arching brick sunburst... Continue... Pp 6-13 1988.42.0209 1988
Madison Magazine - September 1988 (Published monthly by Madison Magazine, Inc., Madison Wisconsin) Stith, Grace 1) "Wright in the middle of Madison. Two forthcoming exhibitions, Frank Lloyd Wright and Madison: Eight Decades of Artistic and Social Interaction and the House Beautiful: Frank Lloyd Wright for Everyone, are expected to attract large crowds from throughout the United States. The exhibitions, at the Elvehjem Museum of Art, will run from September 2 through November 6. Other Wright exhibitions will be on display in other locations throughout the city. Frank Lloyd Wright and Madison explores... Continue... Pp Cov, 18-22 1988.118.0521 1988
Newsweek - February 1, 1988 (Published weekly by Newsweek, Inc., New York) Davis, Douglas "The Wright Stuff. A crusty old genius of architecture (1867-1959 is hotter than ever. FLW, the very soul of iconoclasm during his life, now seems to be a god among architects. The man who never hesitated to defy vested truths and upset the pillars of tradition has become an icon himself." Includes information on the Usonian exhibit at Dallas Museum and purchases by Monaghan. Also includes review of Many Masks, Gill, 1987. Includes six photographs. 8.25 x 10.75 Pp 3, 52-54 1988.72.0614 1988
Northeast, The Hartford Courant - July 10, 1988 (Published by The Hartford Courant, Hartford, CT.) Frank, Jenifer Hartford Theater Project/Dallas Theater. Missed Chances. Three case studies in the lost art of Connecticut. 1. Wright and Wrong. The first story on the subject appeared in The Courant under the headlines "New Theater Plan for next Spring." The second paragraph of the article published on November 13, 1948, begins: "Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, famous architect, the legitimate theater will be located west of Hartford, although the exact site was not revealed. Mr. Wright agreed to... Continue... Pp 8-13 1988.115.0121 1988
Progressive Architecture - November 87 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing, A Division of Penton Publishing, Cleveland, OH) Doubilet, Susan; Boles, Daralice D.; Viladas, Pilar; Fisher, Thomas Reprinted by Steelcase, Inc. 1) Wright Prevails. The Meyer May House in Grand Rapids, Mich., a Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie House design, is restored by coordinator Carla Lind and architects Tilton & Lewis. 2) The Selling of Frank Lloyd Wright. Record-breaking prices paid for original furniture by Frank Lloyd Wright, the controversial sales of his drawings and designs, and an expanding market for Wright reproductions beg the question: who owns the rights to Wright... Continue... Pg 24 1988.12.0902 1988
The Friends of Fallingwater - Number Three - August 1988 (Published semi-annually by The Friends of Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA) Editor: Leff, Scott 1) Newsletter. 2) Editorial. 3) Unexpected Preservation. 4) Grants. 5) Nudging Nature. 6) Art History Interns. 7) Conservation News. 8) Frank Lloyd Wright Building Owners' Conference. 9) Humanities Youth Project. Includes four photographs. 8 x 11 Pp 8 1988.104.1019 1988
Wisconsin, The Milwaukee Journal Magazine (Published by The Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, Wisc.) Kult, Joyce; Hayes, Paul G. "Junk Heap or Jewel? A Frank Lloyd Wright-designed love nest now is a hard-luck house hidden in a state park... In the mid-1950s, Seth Peterson, a young computer specialist working in Madison, began to pester Wright for plans for a cottage into which, according to local stories, he hoped to move with his bride after their marriage. Peterson showed up repeatedly at Taliesin, Wright's summer home near Spring Green..." Includes three photographs and one illustration. 10.5 x 11.5. Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp Cover, 10-16 1988.91.0616 1988
Wisconsin Trails - October 1988 (Published quarterly by Wisconsin Tales & Trails, Inc., Madison, WI
Patau, Peter "Frank Lloyd Wright's Madison. A major exhibit and related events pay tribute to one of Wisconsin's most heralded native sons. Architectural power grows out of the barrel of a 4B pencil, and those who can wield it reign, like monarchs, over their profession," writes Charles Jencks in Kings of Infinite space. In American architecture, no one ever ruled more flamboyantly, more controversially, and with more lasting impact than Wisconsin's own Frank Lloyd Wright..." Includes... Continue... Pp Cover, 18-25 1988.90.0616 1988
Wright Angles - Winter 1988, Volume 14 #1 (Published quarterly by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, Oak Park, IL) Editor: Arlene Sanderson 1) Wrights Tour Restored Building. 2) Holiday Celebrations at the Home and Studio. ) Foundation Hosts National Conference. 4) Focus On: Jean Eckenfels. 5) Wright Things to Do. 6) "Wright Stride" 1987.Prizewinners. 7) Research Center Receives Donation. 8) Education Awarded Grants. 9) Restoration Projects Continue. 10) Winter Reading Selections. Includes 6 photographs. This copy acquired from the estate of Thomas & Suzanne Miller, owners of the K. C. DeRhodes... Continue... Pp 6 1988.131.1022 1988
Wright Angles - Spring 1988 Volume 14 #2 (Published quarterly by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, Oak Park, IL) Editor: Arlene Sanderson 1) Remodeled Visitors Center Opens. 2) Volunteers Honored at Annual Meeting. 3) Foundation Publishes Guidebook. 4) Focus On: Terry Light. 5) Restoration Projects Underway. 6) Wright Things to Do. 7) Raffle Offers Chance to Win Wright. 8) Education Programs Reach into City Schools. 9) Foundation Receives Rare Sketches. 10) Exhibit Inspires Book from Taliesin. 11) "Wright Plus" Focuses on Prairie School. Includes 7 photographs and illustrations. This copy acquired from the estate of... Continue... Pp 6 1988.132.1022 1988
Wright Angles - Summer 1988 Volume 14 #3 (Published quarterly by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, Oak Park, IL) Editor: Arlene Sanderson 1) "Wright Plus" Highlights the Prairie School. 2) Raffle Pays off in Prices and Profits. 3) Research Center Provides Resources and Answers. 4) Young Architects Plan "Dream House." 5) Foundation Seeks Furnishings for Building. 6) Exhibit Update. 7) Rugs Exhibited in Home. 8) Home Receives Finishing Touches. 9) Focus on... Marylee Lyndall. 10) Book Shop Tops $500,000 Sales Mark. 11) Wright Things to Do. 12) Bookshop Summer Fair. Includes 7 photographs. This copy acquired... Continue... Pp 6 1988.133.1022 1988
Wright Angles - Fall 1988 Volume 14 #4 (Published quarterly by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, Oak Park, IL) Editor: Arlene Sanderson 1) New Grads Join Volunteer Corps. 2) Donors Equip Office Space. 3) Holidays Re-created in the Wright Style. 4) Focus On: L. Joe Moravy. 5) Wright Things to Do. 6) Anniversary Recalls Significant Dates. 7) Holiday Gifts for Children. Includes 8 photographs. This copy acquired from the estate of Thomas & Suzanne Miller, owners of the K. C. DeRhodes Residence, South Bend, Indiana (1906 - S.125). This copy acquired from the estate of Thomas & Suzanne Miller, owners of the K. C. DeRhodes... Continue... Pp 6 1988.134.1022 1988
Wrightian - August 1988 V3#5 (Published by the Wrightian Association)
Danforth, Steve 1) The Oboler House 2) The Sales Process 3) The Bottom Line 4)The Oboler Gatehouse 5) The Pearce House Tour 6) The Freeman House 7) The Oboler Property. Original list Price $5.00. 5.5 x 8.5 Pp 16 1988.21.1204 1988
Wrightian - September 1988 V3#6 (Published by the Wrightian Association) Danforth, Steve 1) The Stewart House 2) The Oboler Property 3) Eleanor's Retreat... the Oboler guest house 4) Viewpoint 5) The Oboler Property 6) Other Lands. Original list Price $5.00. 5.5 x 8.5 Pp 16 1988.22.1204 1988
Wrightian - October 1988 V3#7 (Published by the Wrightian Association) Danforth, Steve 1) Letters 2) Next Wrightian Tour: The 1958 Ablin House 3) The Stewart House 4) The Oboler House Update 5) Viewpoint 6) FLLW's Cottage Hotel for Hollywood. Original list Price $5.00. 5.5 x 8.5 Pp 20 1988.23.1204 1989 1989
Antiques & Fine Art - July/August 1989 (Clipping only) Maher, Thomas K. "A New Beginning in Los Angeles. Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House. Frank Lloyd Wright's comments in his autobiography on Hollyhock House and the surrounding complex indicate the enthusiasm and regard in which he held this commission, the first of seven private residences designed and constructed in Los Angeles from 1919-1926: Individuality is the most precious thing in life after all, isn't it? An honest democracy must believe that it is. In any... Continue... Pp 94-101 1989.104.0616 1989
Architectural Record - Mid-April 1989 (Published monthly by McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York) Rieselbach, Anne E. Related: "In the Wright Spirit. Frank Lloyd Wright's words about the integrity of materials, modern means of production, simple details that complement the whole, and unified interior spaces... Theodore Ceraldi, an architect based in Nyack, New York..." Nice mix of Wright styles. Includes 14 photographs and four illustrations. Original cover price $7.00. 9 x 11.75. Pp 42-49 1989.68.0602 1989
Architectural Record - July 1989 (Published monthly by McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York) Anonymous "FLW furniture. Architect Thomas A Heinz, who has worked on many Frank Lloyd Wright structures as well as the Wright Room at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, is responsible for the documentation and authentic details of a line of Wright furniture reproduced in contemporary fabrics, finishes and wood." Includes the Dana dining room chair and print table, a slant-back chair used in several early Wright interiors, a desk lamp and two-shelf floor lamp... Continue... Pg 145 1989.67.0602 1989
Architecture - November 1989 Donohue, Ms. Fixing Fallingwaters Flaws Pp 99-101 1989.16.0801 1989
Daidalos, Architektur Kunst Kultur - March 15, 1989 (Published quarterly by Bertelsmann Fachzeitschriften GmbH, West Berlin, Germany) Buchel, Wolfgang Published in German and English. "Every architecture is ambivalent. Ambivalent. For it is the task of architecture to bring expediency and beauty (in terms of Vitruvius utilitas and venustas) to expression. If the expedient and functional and the beautiful or aesthetic parts within this duality are in a state of disequilibrium, the architecture will be perceived accordingly as imperfection..." There is one paragraph that includes references to Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum. "An example is the central space of... Continue... Pp 66-75 1989.115.0620 1989
Fine Homebuilding - October/November 1989 (Published bimonthly by The Tauton Press, Inc., Newtown, CT) Abernathy, Ann; Fieroh, Lem "Restoring Frank Lloyd Wright's Oak Park Home. An open plan and exquisite details are brought back to life with sensitive surgery. The first home Frank Lloyd Wright built for himself was a picturesque cottage on a tanglewood lot in Oak Park, a new suburb of Chicago. It was 1889; the young designer was 21 and his bride Catherine was 18. Wright lived in the house for the next 20 years, making frequent alterations and additions as his family and private... Continue... Pp 82-87 1989.99.0815 1989
FLiW Update - (#4) Volume 1, Number 4 - January 1989 (Published by WAS Productions, Newark, New Jersey) Editor: Storrer, William Allin 3) Rubin, Jeanne 1) The purpose of the FLiW update. 2) Editorial. 3) This issues feature article: The Froebel-Wright kindergarten connection; a new perspective." 4) Buildings by Wright for which no plans are known. 5) Wither Woolley? 6) A corrected listing for the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: C. Thaxter Shaw residence remodeling. Original subscription price $12.00 for twelve issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 4 1989.121.0722 1989
FLiW Update - (#5&6) Volume 1, Number 5 & 6 - February - March 1989 (Published by WAS Productions, Newark, New Jersey) Editor: Storrer, William Allin Part one. 1) "The plan is the idea of the house." Editors preface to this issue. 2) Romanza, the California Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. Gebhard. 1988. 3) Conjectural re-creation of the Thomas H. Gail Summer Residence, 1897. Part two. 1) Californian Romance. 2) Romanza, the California Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. Gebhard. 1988. 3) Lamberson Residence. 4) The Wrightian Association, Steve Danforth, founder and president is dedicated to the recognition: Includes three... Continue... Pp 8 1989.122.0722 1989
FLLW Update - (#7) Volume 1, Number 7 - April 1989 (Published by WAS Productions, Newark, New Jersey) Editor: Storrer, William Allin 1) "Only the pure of heart can make a good soup." 2) Needed: Biographical information on Wright. 3) Correction. Oakbrook Esser studios. Includes eight illustrations. Original subscription price $12.00 for twelve issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 4 1989.123.0722 1989
FLLW Update - (#8) Volume 1, Number 8 - May 1989 (Published by WAS Productions, Newark, New Jersey) Editor: Storrer, William Allin 1) Usonia. 2) Basic L plan. 3) L plan with Gallery. 4) In-line plan. 5) Outside L plan. 6) 120 in line plan. 7) Save the Seth Peterson cottage. 8) Taliesin red, anyone? Includes six illustrations. Original subscription price $12.00 for twelve issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 4 1989.124.0722 1989
FLLW Update - (#9) Volume 1, Number 9 - June 1989 (Published by WAS Productions, Newark, New Jersey) Editor: Storrer, William Allin 1) The Wright conservancy conference, an editorial. 2) What's in a plan? The Blossom/Fisk cottage. 3) Blossom Cottage, ci. 1894. 4) Chicago - Michigan connection? Includes three illustrations. Original subscription price $12.00 for twelve issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 4 1989.125.0722 1989
FLLW Update - (#10) Volume 1, Number 10 - July 1989 (Published by WAS Productions, Newark, New Jersey) Editor: Storrer, William Allin 1) Evaluating Wright's work as art. 2) Phone numbers of public buildings East of the Mississippi. 3) Chicago: The Jay Morton House and the Isaac Tomlinson subdivision. 4) One lost (to John van Bergen), one gained. 5) Frank Lloyd Wright correspondence index. Original subscription price $12.00 for twelve issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 4 1989.126.0722 1989
FLLW Update - (#11) Volume 1, Number 11 - August 1989 (Published by WAS Productions, Newark, New Jersey) Editor: Storrer, William Allin 1) Frozen music and the unit system. 2) Prairie vocabulary. 3) Usonian vocabulary. 4) Chicago area information? 5) Fallingwater not recognized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Includes 17 illustrations. Original subscription price $12.00 for twelve issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 4 1989.127.0722 1989
FLLW Update - (#12) Volume 1, Number 12 - September-October 1989 (Published by WAS Productions, Newark, New Jersey) Editor: Storrer, William Allin 1) Assessing Wright's legacy? Or assessing the Monaghan campus of U of M. 2) Coming in future issues. 3) The all-new 1990 edition of the Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, a Guide to Extant Structures. 4) Refinishing Usonian concrete floors in Taliesin Red. 5) Auldbrass Plantation; phase One restoration complete. 6) Restoration progress report: Florida Southern College. 7) Wright furniture built from plans. Original subscription price $12.00 for twelve issue. 8.5 x 11 Pp 4 1989.128.0722 1989
FLLW Update - (#13) Volume 2, Number 1 - November-December 1989 (Published by WAS Productions, Newark, New Jersey) Editor: Storrer, William Allin; 1) Marlin, William Roofs. 1) The 1914 Women's building at the intercounty fairgrounds, Spring Green. 2) Wright's original design for the women's building. 3) The women's building and the neighborhood club. 4) The one known photograph of the woman's building. 5) Buildings currently under restoration. 6) Robin's-egg blue for Copper 7) Planning Director. 8) The National Register of Historic Places. 9) Historic American Building Survey HABS and the Historical Historic American Engineering Record. 10) Michigan... Continue... Pp 16 1989.129.0722 1989
Forbes Personal Affairs - October 23, 1989 (A Supplement to Forbes Magazine, Published by Forbes Magazine, New York) Matthews, Anne "The Leaning Power of Pizza. It's no big thing for a demibillionaire to collect antique cars or baseball teams. But Tom Monaghan has now focused on Frank Lloyd Wright, and hopes to alter the course of American architecture." Discusses Monaghan's collection of Wright's items and reaction to it. Cover and pages 28-29 include photographs of the Husser Dining Room table and chairs. Also includes eight additional photographs. 8.1 x 10.75. Pp Cover, 4-5, 28-33 1989.78.0212 1989
Friends of Taliesin - February 1989 Vol. 5, No 1 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona) Edited by Legler, Dixie 1) Freed, Elaine 1) Wright's Romeo and Juliet Windmill Slated for Restoration. 2) Taliesin Counsel, Honors Governor Tommy Thompson. 3) New Council Member. 4) Foundation Meets Bradley Challenge Receives $73,000 Award. 5) A Special Fund to Restore Romeo and Juliet. 6) International Fabric Artist Establishes Research Facility at Taliesin West. 7) Apprentice Design Is Published. 8) Grant Received to Document Work of Taliesin Artist. 9) Frank Lloyd Wright: the Crowning Decade, 1949-1959. Includes 7 photographs. 8.5 x 8.5 Pp 6 1989.134.0723 1989
Friends of Taliesin - May 1989 V5N2 (Published quarterly by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Edited by Legler, Dixie 1) Protecting the Frank Lloyd Wright Legacy 2) Romeo and Juliet Revived 3) Wisconsin Governor Received Taliesin Commission Report 4) New - Walking Tours of Taliesin 5) "In the Realm of Ideas" Opens in Chicago 6) Drawings Show Opens Wright Celebration. 8.5 x 8.5. Pp 8 1989.35.0406 1989
Friends of Taliesin - October 1989 V5N3 (Published quarterly by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ) Edited by Legler, Dixie 1) Key Grants Provide Funds for Preservation 2) Arizona Celebrates the Work of Frank Lloyd Wright 3) 300 Original Wright Drawings on View in Phoenix 4) The Enduring Legacy of Edgar Kaufmann, Jr. 5) Foundation Seeks Copyright Protection for Masterpieces 6) In the Realm of Ideas 7) Carolyn Allen Named Director of Development. 8.5 x 8.5. Pp 6 1989.36.0406 1989
Illinois Historical Journal - Summer 1989 (Published four times a year by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency) Hallmark, Donald P. 1) "Frank Lloyd Wright's Dana-Thomas House. Its History, Acquisition and Preservation." Includes 13 photographs. 2) "Dana-Thomas House exhibit at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry." Original cover price $6.25. 7.5 x 9.5 Pp Cover, 113-126 1989.34.0306 1989
News From the Freeman House - Number 2: February 1989 (Published by the Restoration Association, Freeman House; School of Architecture, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA) Harris, Robert S.; Chusid, Jeffrey M. "This is the second in an occasional series of newsletters designed to provide information about the restoration of the Samuel and Harriet Freeman House. This noted building was designed by FLW in 1923-24, and constructed by his son Lloyd in 1924-25." Sections of the newsletter include: 1) Two Major Grants. 2) Student Research. 3) Work in Progress. 4) Reproductions of the Textile Block. 5) Westweek, CPF, and LA Conservancy Tours. Includes five photographs and one... Continue... Pp 6 1989.103.0616 1989
Pacific Magazine - October 8, 1989 Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright: The man who broke the "box", An exhibit opening at the Bellevue Art Museum, "In the Realm of Ideas". Pp Cover, 1 1989.19.1089 1989
Pacific Magazine - October 8, 1989 Ament, Deloris Tarzan Frank Lloyd Wright: Organic Architect (An exhibit opening at the Bellevue Art Museum, "In the Realm of Ideas". A traveling Usonian home was constructed in Belevue next to the Art Museaum) Pp 8-15 1989.20.1089 1989
Pacific Magazine - October 8, 1989 Albert, Fred Still Fresh. In the 50s, a couple with land in Issaquah called their favorite architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. Brandes House. Pp 50-53 1989.21.1089 1989
Phoenix Home & Garden - February 1989 (Published Monthly by PHG, Inc., Phoenix) Trulsson, Nora Burba; Photographs by Boisclair, Mark "Restoring A Classic. The Phoenix home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for Arizona Highways editor Raymond Carlson in 1951 has been sympathetically restored by new owner Christian Petersen and architect Charles Schiffner." Includes six photographs. Original cover price $2.00. 8.25 x 10.75. Pp Cv 46-53 1989.66.0709 1989
Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine - November 5, 1989 Kaye, Ellen Making it Wright Again. After a fire, the Ardmore Experiment' needed a correction. Suntop. Pp 40-41 1989.26.0404 1989
Progressive Architecture - April 1989 Guise, David Preservation: Price Tower Vacant Pp 21,26 1989.07.0591 Boles, Daralice D. From House to HQ: Charnley House Restoration Pp 76-81 1989.08.0591 Mays, Vernon Revealing Wright: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Pp 82-85 1989.09.0591 1989
Progressive Architecture - May 1989 Anonymous Wrights Meyer May House Restoration - Arch honored Pp 24 1989.10.0591 1989
Progressive Architecture - June 1989 (Ad 48d), Boles, Daralice D. Related article: Wrights Gammage Auditorium Pp 65-77, Cover 1989.11.0591 1989
Progressive Architecture - July 1989 Cassidy, Victor M. Restoration of Taliesin East Pp 19, 24 1989.12.0591 1989
Progressive Architecture - August 1989 Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright: Domino's Pizza Collection, Traveling Exhibit Pp 39 1989.13.0591 1989
Santa Barbara - May/June 1989 (Published bimonthly by Nanco Publishing, Inc. Santa Barbara, CA) Carlisle, Lynn George C. Stewart Residence (1909 - S.160). "Prairie Style West. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1909, this Montecito home gracefully embodies the master architect's innovative theories. A strait, undistinguished brick walkway leads to a house on a sunny Montecito corner. A short flight of stairs delivers visitors to a simple entry. But once guests cross the threshold of this house, they pass into another world, a light-filled space imbued with the theories of a modern... Continue... Pp 32-39, 69-71 1989.102.0616 1989
Seattle Post-Intelligencer - October 5, 1989 Hackett, Regina "Frank Lloyd Wright 'In the Realm of Ideas' puts Bellevue Art Museum in the realm of major art exhibitions. Pp C1 C3 1989.27.1089 1989
Seattle Weekly - October 4, 1989
Staten, Peter "Master plans. Frank Lloyd Wright: In the Realm of Ideas." Bellevue Art Museum October 9 through January 7 Pp 37-38 1989.28.1089 1989
Southwest Profile - March 1989 McCoy, Ron Frank Lloyd Wright: The Arizona Years. The state is a treasure-trove of masterworks by this greatest American Architects. Pp 18-21 1989.24.0303 1989
Time - July 10, 1989 (Published weekly by The Time Inc. Magazine Company, New York) Andersen, Kurt "Design: Antoni Gaudi meets Frank Lloyd Wright. A grand Folly in Ottawa. Canada's newest museum is costly, controversial and curious." Article only makes reference to Wright. Original cover price $2.00. 8 x 11. Pp 3 64 1989.38.0706 1989
US Air - September 1989 (Clipping only) Donohue, Judith Higgins Meyer May House Restoration. "Preserving Genius. "If the rood doesn't leak, the architect hasn't been creative enough," Frank Lloyd Wright reportedly once said. But in addition to leaky roofs, his houses have sagging balconies and dining room without access to the kitchen. He designed some homes with no bedrooms, no closets, and poor ventilation, and steadfastly refused to apologize for any of his blunders. He never completed a project on time, and always spent for more than... Continue... Pp 56-59, 62-64, 68, 70, 72-73 1989.105.0616 1989
Wisconsin Magazine of History - Winter 1988-1989 (Published quarterly by the State History of Wisconsin, Madison) 1) Holzhueter, John O. 2) Kruty, Paul 1) "Frank Lloyd Wright's Designs for Robert Lamp." This included the Lamp Cottage, "Rocky Roost" (1893) (S.021), the Lamp Residence (1903) as well as unbuilt projects. Includes 28 photographs and 25 illustrations. 2) Book Review: "Many Masks: A Life of Frank Lloyd Wright." Gill, HC 1987 $24.95, SC 1988 $12.95. Original cover price $6.25. 7.5 x 10. 1) Pp Cover 82-125 Back Cover 2) 143-144 1989.46.0307 1989
Wisconsin Magazine of History - Spring 1989 (Published quarterly by the State History of Wisconsin, Madison) Holzhueter, John O. 1) "Cudworth Beye, Frank Lloyd Wright, and the Yahara River Boathouse, 1905." "To give Cudworth Beye his due, the project should be designated henceforth in the list of Wright's work as 'The Yahara River Boathouse for Cudworth Beye, December, 1905.' Includes 32 photographs and 11 illustrations. 2) "How the Beye Letters Were Discovered." Original cover price $6.25. 7.5 x 10. 1) Pp 162-196 2) 197-198 1989.47.0307 1989
Wisconsin Magazine of History - Summer 1989 (Published quarterly by the State History of Wisconsin, Madison) Holzhueter, John O. "Frank Lloyd Wright's 1893 Boathouse Design for Madison's Lakes." Wright's early history and history of boathouse and it's destruction. Includes 28 photos and illustrations. Original price $6.25. 7.5 x 10. Three copies. Pp Cover 273-92 Back Cover 1989.39.0706 1989.41.0806 1989.48.0307 1989
Wisconsin Magazine of History - Autumn 1989 (Published quarterly by the State History of Wisconsin, Madison) Manson, Grant Carpenter "The Wonderful World of Taliesin: My Twenty Years on Its Fringes." Manson's involvement with Wright and information about writing his book. Includes five photos. Original price $6.25. 7.5 x 10. (Complete digital article) Pp 33-41 1989.65.0908 1989
Wright Angles - Winter 1989 Volume 15 #1 (Published quarterly by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, Oak Park, IL) Editor: Arlene Sanderson 1) Wrights Donate to Museum's Collection. 2) 1895 Stairs Reconsidered. 3) Chicago Day. 4) A View from the Village 100 Years Ago. 5) Two Day Wright Plus Slated. 6) Foundation Salutes Volunteers. 7) Recollections from a Reader. 8) Climate Control Analysis Underway. 9) Wright Things to Do. 10) The Last Decade. Includes 11 photographs. This copy acquired from the estate of Thomas & Suzanne Miller, owners of the K. C. DeRhodes Residence, South Bend, Indiana (1906 - S.125). 8.5 x 11 Pp 8 1989.130.1022 1989
Wright Angles - Spring 1989 Volume 15 #2 (Published quarterly by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, Oak Park, IL) Editor: Arlene Sanderson 1) Centennial Theme Inspires Wright Plus. 2) Major Exhibition on Wright Opens in Chicago. 3) Climate Control Project Wins Approval and Funds. 4) Focus On: Mary McLeod. 5) Wright Things to Do. 6) A View from the Village 100 Years Ago. 7) Bookshop Features Centennial Designs. Includes 7 photographs. This copy acquired from the estate of Thomas & Suzanne Miller, owners of the K. C. DeRhodes Residence, South Bend, Indiana (1906 - S.125). 8.5 x 11 Pp 6 1989.131.1022 1989
Wright Angles - Summer 1989 Volume 15 #3 (Published quarterly by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio Foundation, Oak Park, IL) Editor: Arlene Sanderson 1) Exhibit Celebrates Oak Park Home Centennial. 2) Museum Foundation. (Sixty Yeas Exhibition) 3) Wright Properties Conservancy Organized. 4) A Closer Look at Foundation Members. 5) A View from the Village 100 Years Ago. 6) In Memorium: Edgar Kaufmann Jr. 7) Focus on... Jim Yunker. 8) Bookshop Offers Adaptation of Robie House window. 9) Consultants Redesign Bookshop Catalog. Includes 9 photographs. Bound into volume. 8.5 x 11 Pp 6 1989.107.0117 1989
Wrightian - March 1989 V4#2 (Published by the Wrightian Association) Danforth, Steve 1) Ligar Tour 2) Kendrick Kellogg Tour 3) Tyler House - 1947 4) Bergren House - 1951 5) Williamson/Leger House - 1979 6) FLLW Update (Newsletter) 7) Book Review: Romanza 8) 1989... Wrightian Assoc. 9) Land Forum 9) Letters 10) Viewpoint. Original list Price $5.00. 5.5 x 8.5 Pp 48 1989.29.1204 1989
Wrightian - April 1989 V4#3 (Published bi-monthly by the Wrightian Association, Hollywood, California) Danforth, Steve 1) Kendrick Kellogg Tour 2) Landsberg House - 1989. 3) Kellogg Home and Studio - 1989. 4) Bailey House - 1989. 5) Schrimpht House - 1989. Original List Price $5.00. 5.5 x 8.5. Pp 55 1989.114.1119 1989
Wrightian - July 1989 V4#4 (Published by the Wrightian Association) Danforth, Steve 1) Letters 2) Organic News 3) Ligar Home and Studio - 1951 4) Romeo La Perle House - 1951 5) Kolvord House - 1951 6) Ennis-Brown House - 1924 7) Freeman House - 1924 8) Oboler House - 1942 9) Pan Pacific Auditorium - 1934 10) Viewpoint. Original list Price $5.00. 5.5 x 8.5. Pp 76 1989.30.1204
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