HISTORIC PRESERVATION Date: April - June 1968 Publication: Historic Preservation
Author: Kobayashi, Bunji
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. (Sweeney 1743)
Pages: Pp 62-68
S#: 1743.00.0404
Author: Feiss, Carl; Morton, Terry Brust
Description: True or False; Living Architecture, Old and New. Includes illustration, caption and text concerning Wright.
Pages: Pp 50-58
S#: 1743.01.0404
Date: April - September 1969 Publication: Historic Preservation
Author: Bullock, Helen Dudpry & Morton, Terry B.
Description: The Pope-Leighey House. Special issue on the Pope-Leighey House. Whole issue devoted specific to this Wright House. This was later re-issued as a book, see S#1760. (Sweeney 1790)
Pages: Pp 120
S#: 1790.00.0404
Date: July -September 1976 Publication: Historic Preservation
Author: Jacobs, Herbert Author: Sprague, Paul Description: Our Wright Houses (Sweeney 2014) Description: Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio: Homeward Bound (Sweeney 2020) Size: Size: Pages: Pp 9-13 Pages: Pp 4-8 S#: 2014.00.0302 S#: 2020.00.0302 Date: 1977 Title: Historic Preservation - January -March 1977 (Published quarterly by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington D.C.)
Author: Dring, William B. Author: Johannesen, Eric Author: Poppeliers, John; Chambers, S. Allen; Schwartz, Nancy B. Description: Letters: "Though indeed the major changes to the Home and Studio made after 1911 were made by Frank Lloyd Wright, it is quite apparent that the changes were largely the result of expediency and brought the removal of some of the most important and beautiful portions of the buildings..." Dring was the Chairman of the Restoration Committee for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, Oak Park. (Sweeney 2025) Description: Letters: "I enjoyed "Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio: Homeward Bound" (HP, July-September, 1976). However, please register one vote against generally returning the buildings to their appearance when Wright lived and worked there.’ I hasten to add that I am not familiar with the interior of the house, and this is a purely philosophical objection..." Original cover price $1.00. 8.5 x 9 (Sweeney 2028) Description: What Style Is It? Part Four. Five sections: Chicago School; Prairie style; The period house; Art Deco; International Style. Prairie style. The acknowledged leader and spokesman of the movement - and the architect who produced the most noteworthy examples - was Frank Lloyd Wright. A number of young architects, some of whom worked in Wright’s studio, also designed in the Prairie style during its brief but prolific heyday before 1920..." Includes two Wright photographs, Boynton Residence and Robie House. Original cover price $1.00. Size: 8.5 x 9 Size: 8.5 x 9 Pages: Pp 47 Pages: Pp 47 Pages: Pp 14-23 S#: 2025.00.0314 S#: 2028.00.0314 Date: 1984 Title: Historic Preservation - December 1984 (Published bimonthly by the National Trust for historic Preservation, Washington D.C.)
Author: Nelson, Carl L.
Description: "Wright House Reopens At Woodlawn Plantation. Loren Pope still feels the same way. Forty-five years ago he commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design a small house for his family in East Falls Church, Va... ‘It does things for a person that are hard to explain. It is like living in a work of art....’ The Pope-Leighey house story begins with the passion of Pope, then a young newspaper editor, to own a Wright-designed home. In 1939 he wrote to Wright: ‘There are certain things a man wants during life, and of life. Material things and things of the spirit. The writer has one fervent wish that includes both. It is for a house created by you.’ " Includes one photograph of the Pope-Leighey home. Original cover price $2.50.
Size: 8 x 11
Pages: Pp 52-53
ST#: 1984.42.0414
Date: 1985 Title: Historic Preservation - August 1985 (Published bimonthly by the National Trust for historic Preservation, Washington D.C.)
Author: Cohen, Daniel; Shulman, Julius (Photos)
Description: "Hollywood Discovers the Wright Stuff. Producer Joel Silver’s meticulous Restoration of the Storer House attests to the new celebrity of Modern architectural classics. .. Silver faced a ‘disaster area’ when he began restoring Frank Lloyd Wright’s 1923 Storer house... With help from Eric Wright, Joel Silver’s determined detective work located original plans and early photographs from the Lloyd Wright files and from the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation at Taliesin West in Scottsdale..." Includes five photographs by Julius Shulman. (Note: An ad for the 12 volume set, "Frank Lloyd Wright, The Complete Works." Page 61) Original cover price $2.50. (Two copies)
Size: 8.1 x 10.9
Pages: Pp Cover 20-25 61
ST#: 1985.53.0414, 1985.54.0414
Date: 1988 Title: Historic Preservation - July/August 1988 (Published bi-monthly by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington D. C.)
Author: Gary, Grace
Description: Restoration of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio. "Wright at Home. Exacting resonation of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio in Oak Park, Ill., offers a rare glimpse at a troubled genius. How does an artist muster the necessary courage to break with convention? Often slowly, Frank Lloyd Wright, irascible genius of American architecture, literally built up to it..." Restoration of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio. Five photographs by Jon Miller / Hedrick-Blessing. Original cover price $2.50.
Size: 8.1 x 10.9
Pages: Pp 46-51
ST#: 1988.64.1113
Date: November / December 1993 Publication: Historic Preservation (Published Bi-monthly by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington D.C.)
Author: Dean, Andrea Oppenheimer Author: Gooch, Mark Description: "Self-Portrait. Frank Lloyd Wright made the Taliesin Complex in Wisconsin a work in progress. That is one of the challenges of the unique restoration project now being undertaken." Includes 13 photographs. Description: "The Rookery Restoration." Twenty-five years after Wright gave the interior a face-lift, William Drummond, who lacked the sensitivity of either Root or Wright, disfigured the entry lobbies. Restoration of Wright’s face-lift. Includes one photograph. Original cover price $4.50. Size: 8.25 x 11 Pages: Pp Cover 2 26-33 96- 97 101-102 Pages: Pp 68-69 S#: 1993.058.0107, 1993.073.0414 Date: November / December 1994 Publication: Historic Preservation
Author: Freeman, Allen
Description: Work In Progress: Restoration of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio Foundation in Oak Park
Pages: Pp 36-45, 88-89
ST#: 1994.11.1200
Date: 1997 Title: Preservation - September/October 1997 (Published bimonthly by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington D. C.)
Author: Freeman, Allen
Description: Buehler Residence (1948 - S.309). "Wright Again. A California couple built their dream house in 1949. Half a century later, a fire took them once more down the same path. In January 1938, as the 68-year-old Frank Lloyd Wright was reviving a career wracked by a marital scandal and the Depression, Architectural Forum magazine devoted an issue to his recent designs... In 1947, when they were ready to build, they enclosed photographs of their site long with a letter to the Great Man himself. He responded with one of his one-sentence notes: ‘I am ready to go to work for you.’ " Includes eight photographs and two illustrations. Original cover price $4.50.
Size: 8.25 x 10.9
Pages: Pp 68-75
ST#: 1997.67.0815
MAGAZINE OF HISTORYMIAMI Date: 2010 Publication: The Magazine of HistoryMiami - Volume 38, No. 1, 2010 (Published by HistoryMiami and the Miami-Dade Cultural Center, Miami, Florida)
Author: Henning, Randolph C.
Description: "The Relationship of Two Maverick Architects. The American architectural icon Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) taught many apprentices who produced valid architecture based upon his organic philosophy. Incredibly, a few creative disciples learned indirectly from afar and not under the personal tutelage of Wright as an apprentice within the Taliesin Fellowship, Wright’s unconventional school of architecture that he founded in 1932. Unquestionably, one of Florida’s most respected and renowned architects, Alfred Browning Parker (1916- ) was one such individual." Includes six photographs. Original cover price $5.00. Gift from Randolph C. Henning.
Size: 8.5 x 10.9
Pages: Pp 2, 19-24
ST#: 2010.03.0111
PRESERVATION Date: 2012 Title: Preservation (The Magazine of the National Trust for Historic Preservation - Spring 2012 (Published quarterly by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington D.C.)
Author: 3) Snider, Bruce D. 5&6) Berke, Arnold 7) Skolnik, Lisa
Description: 1) Timeline: "Frank Lloyd Wright and Hotel Design." Includes Como Orchards, Bitter Root Inn, Park Inn Hotel, Lake Geneva Hotel, Imperial Hotel. Includes four photographs. 2) "American masterpieces." Full page ad includes image of the Pope-Leighey House. 3) "Growing Up Wright. Donna Grant Reilly’s parents built a Frank Lloyd Wright house, mostly with their own hands - one stone at time. In 1945, Doug and Jackie Grant (1946 - S.288) set out to build a house on he wooded lot they’d purchased just outside Cedar Rapids, Iowa... They mailed their letter to Wright... the Grants built one of the finest of the Usonian houses - dwellings Wright conceived for clients of modest means - and lived there for the rest of their lives." Includes seven photographs. 4) Frank Lloyd Wright house open to the public. List of 29 homes and buildings, pages 24-27. 5) "Wright Here in Mason City. Everything’s up to date at the last standing Frank Lloyd Wright hotel... The Historic Park Inn - the last standing hotel designed by Frank Lloyd Wright - looks like t has just been built but is in fact a century old... In the early 1900s Mason City was booming. Brick, drain tile, and cement making, as well as meatpacking and farming fueled the local economy." Includes nine photographs by Karen Melvin concerning the Hotel and Bank. City National Bank Building (1909 - S.155), Park Inn Hotel (1909 - S.156) 6) "Prairie School Central. While Wright was in Mason City working on the Park Inn and National City Bank, physician George Stockman and his wife, Eleanor, commissioned a house from him. Using his ‘fireproof house for $5,000' published in The Ladies’ Home Journal..." 7) "Wright Restoration. A preservation architect’s quest for authenticity and sustainability. The home was originally built in 1915 as one of five houses for Sherman M. Booth, Wright’s attorney, who commissioned the architect to design his own house as well as a housing development surrounding it, called Ravine Bluffs." Restoration of the William F. Ross Residence (1915 - S.191). Includes ten photographs. Original cover price $5.00.
Size: 8.5 x 10.5
Pages: Pp 1) 8-12 2) 17 3) 22-27 7) Cover 28-
ST#: 2012.09.0113
Date: 2002 Title: Preservation - May/June 2002 (Published bi-monthly by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington D.C.)
Author: Winegardner, Mark
Description: "Not Fallingwater, but Falling Apart. An unusual house designed by Wright declines in obscurity (Lewis - S.359)... In recent years as the house slid into alarming disrepair – broken doors, inoperable windows, and a contagion of wood rot, water damage, warped siding, and crumbling stonework – various people have contacted Lewis and tried to provide the means to complete and restore the house...: Includes three photographs.
Size: 8.25 x 10.9
Pages: Pp 9-11
ST#: 2002.107.0715
BOOKS ON PRESERVATION Date: 2001 Title: Saving America’s Treasures, National Trust for Historic Preservation (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by National Geographic, Washington, D.C.
Author: Young, Dwight; Essays by: Frazier, Ian; Mallon, Thomas; Petroski, Henry; Prose, Francine; Suarez, Ray; Theroux, Phyllis
Description: "America's treasures come in all shapes and sizes. Tucked away in every corner of the nation, they literally embody the history of our country and our culture -- but all too often they languish forgotten, the priceless legacy of our past crumbling quietly, inexorably, irreplaceably away... This fascinating, vividly illustrated book is a wonderfully varied showcase of 47 treasures, carefully selected to display the extraordinary breadth of the project's scope and profiled in a concise text that captures its place in our national chronicle. ...from the ancient cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde to Taliesin, home of our quintessentially modern architect, Frank Lloyd Wright..." (Dust Jacket) Original list price $35.00. (First Edition)
Size: 9.25 x 11.1
Pages: Pp 192
ST#: 2001.56.0313