PERIODICALS (1960-1969) 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 Bottom
Arts & Architecture - September 1960 (Published monthly by John D. Entenza, Los Angeles, CA)
Belluschi, Pietro "Form Givers." A reprint of the introduction published in the exhibition catalogue for Form Givers. "This architectural exhibition is more than a proclamation of excellence: it presents the work of men who have been in large measure responsible for the New Architecture of our age. The full meaning and importance of their ideas are just now beginning to be widely understood. In looking at the photographs and models of their work, one is stuck by the great variety of... Continue... Pp 12-13 1260.01.0815 1960 Saturday Review 11/12/60 (Published weekly by Saturday Review, Inc., New York) Christ-Janer, Albert Book Review: The Master Builders: Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright, Blake, 1960. "Though your shelves may be filling up with books and pamphlets about Corbu, Mies and Wright, you will want to add this one by Peter Blake in which he presents this famed trio with journalistic skill and architectural perception." Includes one photograph of Taliesin West. Original cover price 25c. 8.25 x 11 Pp 28-29 1379.02.1212 1960
AIA Journal - November 1960 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Anonymous Book review: The Master Builders. Blake, 1960. $6.50. The three leaders are, of course: Le Corbusiers, , Miss van der Rohe and Frank Lloyd Wright whom Blake convincingly presents as the "great law givers" of modern architecture. In telling us how their lives developed in theory and practice he acts on his belief that the artist rather than economic, sociological or technological forces write the history of art. He manages to penetrate the fog behind which Corbu and Frank Lloyd Wright insist... Continue... (Sweeney 1380) Pp 84 1380.00.0618 Sweeney 1381: Prairie School Review - No 1, 1965. Volume II, Number 1 Sweeney 1383: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December, 1961 Sweeney 1384: Progressive Architecture - April 1961 1960 Progressive Architecture - November 1960 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Massar, Phyllis Dearborn Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright, Masters of World Architecture", Scully. "My first look at the Braziller Series had me avidly thumbing the books in the expectation of a visual treat. This hope was rudely dashed when I came upon the first morass of mush-grey, hackneyed and amateurish photographs... For whom are these Braziller books intended, then? Why, they are for me! In spite of the proceeding comments... Vincent Scully, whose subject is Frank Lloyd... Continue... Pp 194 196 202-203 206 1394.01.0313 1960 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1960 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians) Manson, Grant C. Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright" by Vincent Scully, Jr. Published by George Braziller, 1960. $3.50. "The text, less than thirty-two pages long, attempts to cover the entire career of America's longest-lived architectural genius. The result is a somewhat superficial romp through Wright, garnished with frequent and often puzzling analogies..." Original list price $1.87 as part of subscription. 8.5 x 11. (Sweeney 1398) Pp 182-183 1398.00.0507 1960
AIA Journal - November 1960 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Eckardt, Wolf Van Book Review: Masters of the World Architectural Series. Frank Lloyd Wright , 1960. The Yale art historian's text is perhaps more sparkling, more penetrating, then the others in the series and certainly more so than anything else written about Frank Lloyd Wright to date. Scully well illuminates Wright's reckless refusal to acknowledge tradition in the world surrounding his buildings because of "his own tragic need... to keep the romantic myth of the artist as isolated creator and superman all live in himself..." Original... Continue... Pp 50-51 1398.01.0618 1960 Progressive Architecture - June 1660 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York) Frame, June Wetherell Book Review: "The Shining Brow - Frank Lloyd Wright", Wright, 1960. "Paean Sung Too Soon. Olgivanna Lloyd Wright has written a tribute to her late husband, Frank Lloyd Wright, whom she admired... Continue... (Sweeney 1407) Pp 250, 256 1407.00.0313 Anonymous Frontispiece: Full page photograph of the "Beth Sholom Tower Sheathed With Reinforced Polyester Panels." Beth Sholom Synagogue, Elkins Park, Pa: Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Hexagonal structure is topped by 80-ft tent of corrugated... Pp 142, 260 1960
AIA Journal - November 1960 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Saylor, Henry H. Book review: Louis Sullivan as He Lived. 1960. With pitiful little to build on, the author has written a biography that will make Louis Sullivan, the man, come alive again for those who would otherwise have to be content merely with a factual record of his architecture. Through his sixteen-year-old entrance and single year at MIT; his brief apprenticeship under Frank Furness... his association with Dankmar Adler, F. L. Wright, Burnham, Root and the world's Columbian Exposition; down through the... Continue... Pp 51 1407.05.0618 1960 Domus #364 - March 1960 (Published by Domus S.A., Milano, Italy) Anonymous "Airhouse. Cosi e stata chiamata questa casa-pallone che fu disegnata da Frank Lloyd Wright..." (Translation:) "Airhouse. So it was called this house balloon that was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and was recently exhibited in New York at the International Home Exposition. It is made up of two plastic fabric domes - a lightweight and very resistant, fiberthin produced by the United States Rubber Company - domes, inflated as balloons, stand for simple internal air pressure, constant pressure maintained... (Sweeney 1408)
Pp 17-18 1408.00.0103 1960
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - March 1960 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians) Brooks, H. Allen Jr. "The Early Work of the Prairie Architects. 'I well remember', wrote Frank Lloyd Wright while referring to the period of about 1900, 'how "the message" burned within me, [and] how I longed for comradeship until I began to know the younger men and how welcome was Robert Spencer, and then Myron Hunt, and Dwight Perkins, Arthur Heun, George Dean, and Hugh Garden. Inspiring days they were, I am sure, for us all. In this way Wright described the years which had been so crucial in his... Continue... (Sweeney 1411) Pp 2-10 1411.00.0317 1960
L'architettura - No.59 - September 1960 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Anonymous Published in Italian. "Carlo Levi e Frank Lloyd Wright." (Carlo Levi and Frank Lloyd Wright.) "The Guggenheim Museum in New York is attracting millions of visitors but the critics are still grumbling that Wright did not like modern paintings and therefore has arranged for paintings and statues to be poorly visible. On the contrary, Wright is the first architect who has succeeded in attracting the crowds and putting them in contact with contemporary art." Original cover price Lire 800. 9.6 x 12.75 (Sweeney 1412) Pp 292 1412.00.0417 1960 Progressive Architecture - December 1960 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Eaton, Leonard K. "Jens Jensen and the Chicago School. Today, when landscape design is taking on a new lease on life, it is a good time to observe the centennial of Jens Jensen, perhaps America's greatest landscape architect. In addition to being a superb artist in his own right, Jensen was active in Chicago... With Wright, Jensen's relationship was more complex... For many years the two were close friends... Wright was a frequent visitor at the Jensen office and that there was... Continue... (Sweeney 1414) Pp 144-150 1414.00.0313 1960 Horizon - September 1960 (Published every two months by American Horizon, Inc. New York) Fitch, James Marston Frank Lloyd Wright's War on the Fine Arts. Original cover price $3.95. 9 x 12. (Two Copies) (Note: this is a hard cover magazine) (Sweeney 1415) Pp 96-103,127-8 1415.00.0899 1960
Architectural Forum - March 1960 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous "FLLW's Dallas theater. Deep-shadowed and many faceted walls contain a revolution in stagecraft and define a new relationship between the audience and the performing art. When a delegation visited Frank Lloyd Wright in 1955 and commissioned him to design the Dallas Theater Center, they had few assets except their own enthusiasm, a rocky 1 -acre site on Turtle creek, and the service of a director, Paul Baker... Fundamental to Wright's scheme... Continue... (Sweeney 1416) Pp 130-135 1416.00.0214 1960 Progressive Architecture - April 1960 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Anonymous "Ground is Broken for Wright's Marin County Center." Administration Building to be First Element. Ground braking ceremony. Includes one photograph and one illustration. Original List Price $1.00. 8.75 x 11.5. (Sweeney 1419) Pp 5 82 1419.00.0806 1960
AIA Journal of The American Institute of Architects - January 1960 (Published monthly at The Octagon, Washington D. C.) Anonymous (Signed Jim??) "The Guggenheim Museum. My talkative friend Cox, of Cox and Box, Architects, didn't quite finish his conversation with his partner last month he was just leading up to his comments on the Guggenheim Museum when the stage manager rang the curtain down on him. Cox is out of town again, so I'm going to speak for him. It was a bright and sunny October day, so Cox thought he'd walk up Fifth Avenue in order to approach the Museum on foot and get a better view of it. He expected to... Continue... (Sweeney 1421) Pp 124 1421.00.1222 1960 Architectural Record - October 1960 (Published monthly except May when semimonthly, by F. W. Dodge Corp., New York) Gutheim, Frederick "The Wright Legacy Evaluated. A forty-page presentation of the most significant work of Frank Lloyd Wright, prepared in collaboration with Frederick Gutheim... In the pages which follow Gutheim's... Continue... (Sweeney 1422) Pp Cover, 147-186 1422.00.0710 Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Ad: "Only Reinforced Concrete Provides such Freedom of Design. As a pioneer in contemporary building design, Frank Lloyd Wright used reinforced concrete freely n the achievement of his most outstanding building... Continue... Pg 268 1422.01.0710 1960
AIA Journal of The American Institute of Architects - August 1960 (Published monthly at The Octagon, Washington D. C.) Pettengill, George E. (Librarian at the American Institute of Architecture) The American Institute of Architecture Library receives copy of The House Beautiful from Edgar Tafel. " Library Notes. The House Beautiful. One day last spring, Edgar A. Tafel, AIA of New York, was in the Library and he asked me if we would like a copy of Frank Lloyd Wright's "The House Beautiful." Although I had to admit to no great familiarity with this, it seemed from Mr. Tafel's description to be of unique interest and I told him we would be delighted. In June it arrived, carefully wrapped and the... Continue... (Sweeney 1424) Pp 60 1424.00.1222 1960 L'Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui (The Architecture of Today) September - November 1960. (Published in Paris France) Anonymous "In Memoriam Frank Lloyd Wright". Guggenheim Museum and Humphreys Theatre, Dallas. Includes 18 photos and Illustrations (Guggenheim) and 7 photos and Illustrations (Humphreys Theatre). 9.5 x 12. (Sweeney 1425) P 11-19 1425.00.0306 1960
Zodiac 5 - 1960 (Published by Ing. C. Olivetti & Co., Ivrea, Italy) 1) Le Corbuster
2) Conrads, Ulrich & Sperlich, Hans G.
3) L'architetturaPrinted in French and English. 1) "...il laisse son oeuvre." (...he leaves his work.) "With the following pages Zodiac aims at providing the reader with a quick photographic survey of Frank Lloyd Wright's work in commemoration of that great architect. Zodiac also thought it might be interesting to have another great architect, Le Corbutser, send us a few lines on Wright..." Introduction by Le Corbutser. Includes a reprint of "Work Song, Frank Lloyd Wright." published in Architectural Forum... Continue... (Sweeney 1433) Pp 28-37 1433.00.0617 1960
L'architettura - No.55 - May 1960 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Pellegrin, Luigi Published in Italian. 1) "Wright in Norvegia. Giunse con questa casa progettata dagli architetti Georg Greve e Geir Grung a Asjordet. A dire il vero, si tratta di un Wright con l'ammortizzatore...." (Wright in Norway. He came with this house designed by architects Georg Greve and Geir Grung in Asjordet. Actually, this is a Wright with the cushion.) " Includes one photograph of a Wright styled house. 2) Book Review: "Disegni di F. Ll. Wright. L'Eccezionale... Continue... (Sweeney 1438) Pp 39-40 1438.00.0417 1960
House & Home - September 1960 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous "A Portfolio of Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright. On the next ten pages, the editors present four hitherto unpublished houses completed by Frank Lloyd Wright in the years before his death in April of 1959. This portfolio reflects most of the great ideas which Frank Lloyd Wright gave to residential architecture: the integration of house and landscape; the creation of free and flexible spaces by the use of modular plans and modern materials; and... Continue... (Sweeney 1439) Pp 113-123 1439.00.1014 1960
Holiday Magazine - September 1960 (Published monthly by Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, PA) Steegmuller, Francis "Battle of the Guggenheim. Who is winning - Frank Lloyd Wright, who designed a New York art museum without picture galleries, or the artist who rate painting above architecture? My first visit to the new Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, at fifth Avenue and 88th St., was on the night of one of the gala previews that preceded its opening last October. Everything was glamour that night. The corrugated mass of the building was a complex of light and deep shadow. It's roundness - that great rarity in New... Continue... (Sweeney 1445) Pp 60-61, 105-106 1445.00.1121 1960
L'architettura - No.57 - July 1960 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Anonymous Published in Italian. "Il teatro di Wright: gli spettatori agganciati. Andarono, con una buona dose di fede e una ancora maggiore di incoscienza, da F.Ll. Wright. Rapresentavano, gli dissero, il Circolo teatrale di Dallas; possedevano solo un acro e mezzo di suolo roccioso, molta frenesia scenica, una piccola somma e se stessi..." (Wright's theater: the spectators are hooked. They went, with a good dose of faith and an even greater degree of unconsciousness, by F.Ll. Wright. They said... Continue... (Sweeney 1449) Pp 185 1449.00.0417 1960 Architectural Record - March 1960 (Published Monthly except May by F. W. Dodge Corp.) Anonymous
"A Theater By Wright. Architectural experience inspired mechanical experiment in the service of experimental theater." Kalita Humphreys Theater of the Dallas... Continue... (Sweeney 1450) Pp 161-166 1450.00.0103 1450.00.0107 Anonymous "A word from the Client." A review of a little booklet on the opening ceremonies of the Guggenheim. Includes remarks by Harry F. Guggenheim. Pg 9 1450.01.0103 1450.02.0107 Altec Lansing Corp. Ad for Altec Lansing Corp. Photo of Guggenheim Museum. Original cover price $2.00. 8.75 x 11.5. Two Copies. Pp 284 1450.03.0103 1450.04.0107 1960
AIA Journal - November 1960 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Weinberg, Robert C. Book Reviews: Frank Lloyd Wright: Writings and Buildings, 1960, $1.65; Frank Lloyd Wright on Architecture, (1960). Two of the books under consideration here... can both be regarded as reference works in compact, inexpensive format. Messrs. Kaufman and Raeburn's little volume is not only a well chosen distillation of Wright's own ideas as he has expounded them over six decades, since so much of what fills our own books in their original form is windy and repetitious rhetoric... Continue... (Sweeney 1451) Pp 62-64 1451.00.0618 1960 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1960 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians) Wheeler, Robert C. "Frank Lloyd Wright Filling Station, 1958." "It will be worth every cent', the late Frank Lloyd Wright assured Ray W. Lindholm in Cloquet, Minnesota." Original list price $1.87 as part of subscription. 8.5 x 11. (Sweeney 1452) Pp 174-175 1452.00.0507 1960 Horizon - September 1960 (Published every two months by American Horizon, Inc. New York) Whelan, Dennis Mr. Wright Makes Himself Clear: A Recollection. Original cover price $3.95. 9 x 12. (Two Copies) (Note: this is a hard cover magazine) (Sweeney 1453) Pp 128 1453.00.0899 1960
L'architettura - No.62 - December 1960 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Anonymous Published in Italian. "La memoria, l'abuso e l'apostasia. Gia si e andato facendo un uso pessimo dell'architettura naturale o organica, in quanto moderna; molto di blasfemo e stato glorificato, ammirato perche opportunistico, convieniente. Facciate architettoniche prive di ogni valore, in materiali inediti, servono oggi da manifesto commercile... Ma perche chiamare 'architettura questa pubblicita platreale, questo abuso di materiali nuovi? Possibile che la citta... Continue... (Sweeney 1455) Pp 551 1455.00.0417 1960
Architectural Design - January 1960 (Published monthly by The Standard Catalogue Co. Ltd., London) 1) Wright, John Lloyd; 1) Frank Lloyd Wright Memorial Issue. The cover incorporated Frank Lloyd Wright's design."This special issue, containing an introduction and appreciation, many personal documents and original drawings, a review of U. S. Architects... Continue... (Sweeney 1457) 1) Pp 1-30 1456.00.0920 2) Anonymous 2) Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Frank Lloyd Wright. The building is a memorial to the late Solomon R. Guggenheim, the industrial list whose wealth was founded on the American Smelting and Refining Company and Chilean... Continue... 2) Pp 31-34 1960 Architectural Design - January 1960 Offprint (Originally published by The Standard Catalogue Co. Ltd., London. Reprinted as an Offprint by the American Registered Architects) Wright, John Lloyd Offprint of an article originally published in Architectural Design, January 1960. Frank Lloyd Wright Memorial Issue. Reprinted as an Offprint by the American Registered Architects. "This special issue, containing an introduction and appreciation, many personal documents and original drawings, a review of U. S. Architects who have been influenced by Frank Lloyd Wright, has been written and designed by John Lloyd Wright." The cover is redesigned: "To Frank Lloyd Wright. June-8-1869... Continue... (Sweeney 1457) Pp 1-30 1456.01.0506 1960 Progressive Architecture - November 1960 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Anonymous 1) "Wright Still Builds with California Church. 1958 Project to begin in Near Future. The legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright continues with the approaching construction of the Pilgrim Congregational Church in Redding, designed by the late architect in 1958... According to Taliesin Associated architects, responsible for overseeing the Wright project." Includes two illustrations. 2)"Johnson Building Addition by Taliesin Associates. Taliesin Associated Pp 70, 71 1457.00.0313 1960 Progressive Architecture - November 1960 (Offset) (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Anonymous 1) "Wright Still Builds with California Church." Plans for Pilgrim Congregational Church in Redding. Includes two drawings. 2) "Johnson Building Addition by Taliesin Associates." Includes one photo. Original List Price $0.42. 8.75 x 11.5. Pp 70, 71 1457.01.0506 1960
L'architettura - No.54 - April 1960 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Zevi, Bruno Published in Italian. "L'incessante polemica sul Museo Guggenheim." (World-wide debate on the Guggenheim Museum.) "One year ago this month Frank Lloyd Wright died. His genius, however, is still alive and working, and will remain so in the coming decades. His New York Museum is now the focus of the international debate on the future of architecture. A great deal of articles have been published for and against this structure, and some essays, particularly those by Lewis Mumford and Peter Blake... Continue... (Sweeney 1458) Pp 798-799 1458.00.0417 C 1960 (1959?)
Amepͷka (America Illustrated Magazine - Russian), No. 49, Circa 1960 (1959?) (Published by the United States Department of State during the Cold War for distribution in the Soviet Union.) Gutheim, Frederick Published in Russian. Not dated. The latest date published in the articles in this issue is 1959. "On April 9, 1959, at the age of ninety, Frank Lloyd Wright died. The great American architect died in an Arizona hospital near his famous Taliesin West winter residence. Wright's activities, spanning nearly three quarters of a century, earned him worldwide fame, and everywhere his death caused deep sorrow. World critics have compared Wright even with such great masters as Leonardo da Vinci and... Continue... Pp 5, 28-34 1458.119.0721 1960
Baumeister Issue 2 - February 1960 (Published by Georg D.W. Callwey, Munchen) Anonymous "Guggenheim Museum, New York. Wright's last work presents an even greater breaking of the picture-gallery tradition. The paintings have been placed along the exterior walls of the gallery which, in wide helical windings, rises 6 stories high. Architecture conceived as a piece of sculpture - the materialization of this idea has been an old wish of Wright's - and its execution has been followed up here with a consequence hitherto unparalleled..." Includes three photographs and four illustrations. Two copies, one acquired from a bookshop in Germany. 9 x 11.75 Pp 98-100 1458.59.0617
Bauwelt, Issue 41 - January 11, 1960 (Published weekly.) Kuhne, Gunther "Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum in New York. Extensive article about the Guggenheim Museum. Includes sixteen photographs and illustrates of the Guggenheim. Pp Cover 35-41 1458.63.1217 De Reus, Jim "What we learned from Frank Lloyd Wright." A reprint of an article that was published in the February, 1959 (S.1287) issue of House & Home. The Carroll Alsop Residence (1948 - S.304), Oskaloosa, Iowa. Includes nine photographs and illustrations. It included an additional... Continue... Pp 45-48 1960 Chicago Tribune - September 18, 1960 Johnson, Abbey Old Wright House Still Feature on Architects' Tours. Heurtley Residence. (Six Photos) Part 8 Pg A 1458.04.0402 1960 CIBA Journal - Autumn 1960 (Reprinted in Switzerland from the CIBA Journal No. 15, Autumn 1960) Offprint. Hoftiezer, Gaylord "Controversy-Sparker in Texas: New Dallas Theater Center." Includes seven photos and illustrations. 8.25 x 11.5. Pp 5 1458.08.0306 1960 Co-ed - March 1960 (Published eight times a year by Scholastic Magazines, Inc., New York) Anonymous It's the latest word in architectural New York's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, designed by the late Frank Lloyd Wright, houses more than 2,500 paintings and sculpture of the 20th century... Looming up in the background is not a giant cement mixer, but a daring new concept in design for housing famous paintings in a circular fashion. This is the main conical portion of the new Guggenheim Museum of Art designed by Frank Lloyd Wright who has given... Continue... Pp Cover, 5, 41 1458.32.0510 1960 Inland: The Magazine of Middle West - Winter 1960 (Published quarterly by Inland Steel Company, Chicago) Gosswiller, Richard E. "Frank Lloyd Wright". Short history about Wright and his work. Includes four photographs. 8.5 x 11.5. Pp 14-19 1458.10.0406 1960 Life Magazine - January 18, 1960 Anonymous Kalita Humphreys Theater. The only theater designed by Frank Lloyd Wright draws raves at Dallas opening. Pp 75 1458.03.0102 1960
Realites (French Publication) - August 1960 (Published Monthly in both French and English, by Humbert Ffrerejean and Didier W. Remon) Anonymous 1) Charles Glore Residence (1951 - S.341). Ad: "A Recent Masterpiece of Frank Lloyd Wright... Superbly built in 1955 of Philippine mahogany, brick and glass, this is one of Wright's most exciting and livable homes. Making dramatic... Continue... 1) Pp 1 1458.101.0620 2) "Dali's Vision of Dante." Extensive article on one of my favorite series of prints is The Divine Comedy. In 1951 Dali was commissioned to paint 100 water color interpretations. The Divine Comedy Suite consists of 100 color wood engravings... Continue... 2) Pp 46-53 1960 Saturday Evening Post - December 3, 1960 Wyden, Peter The Town Millionaires Built. Scottsdale, Arizona, is a dazzling Western town full of culture, offbeat enterprises and money, money, money... Includes Frank Lloyd Wright and photo of Mrs. Wright at the Arizona Biltmore. Pg 19-21, 78-80 1458.05.0602 1960 Think - August 1960 Anonymous Quote of Frank Lloyd Wright Pp 17 1458.01.1101 Pierce, Edward F. New Yorks New House of Art - Guggenheim Museum Pp 30-4 1458.02.1101 1960 This Month in Dallas - March 1960 (Published Monthly by This Month in Dallas, Inc.) Anonymous Cover: See the only Frank Lloyd Wright designed theater in the world... the new million dollar Dallas Theater Center. Photograph of the Dallas Theater Center. Page 30: Dallas Theater Center. Original cover price .35c. 5.75 x 9.
Pp Cover, 30 1458.09.0306 1961 1961
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December, 1961 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians) Brown, Theodore M.; 1) Book Review: "The Master Builders", Blake, 1960 ($6.50). "This book consists of four well-written essays: Le Corbusier and the mastery of form, Mies van der Rohe and the mastery of structure, and Frank Lloyd Wright and... Continue... (Sweeney 1383) Pp 200-1 1383.00.0317 Edited by McCoy, Esther 2) "Letters from Louis H. Sullivan to R. M. Schindler. Dec. 12th, '18. Dear Mr. Schindler, Your letter Dec. 9th recd last evening. I am glad to learn that you and Mr. Smith are to occupy the Wright house in Oak Park for the winter..." Includes... Continue... Pp 179-184 1383.01.0317 1961 Progressive Architecture - April 1961 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York) Fitch, George H. Book Review: "The Master Builders: Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright", Blake, 1960 ($6.50). "Peter Blake, an editor of Architectural Forum, has selected Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, and Frank Lloyd Wright as the star 'artists' of his new book on 20th-century architecture... All of us have been influenced in varying degree by these three and their pupils (for all were teachers). Blake refers to them as 'law givers of the new architecture,' and his... Continue... (Sweeney 1384) Pp 204. 210 1384.00.0313 1961
Architectural Record - January 1961 (Published monthly by F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York) Byrne, Barry Letters. Includes five letters concerning Frank Lloyd Wright. D) "Dissent on Imperial. I have to get the following off my chest: America is not without her share of folklore and mythology. I am referring to the blind faith in the infallibility of Frank Lloyd Wright. Your October 1960 issue which discussed the foundations of the Imperial Hotel..." E) "Wright and Iannelli. My experience has acquainted me with the problems that beset an editor and I am sending this letter... Continue... (Sweeney 1466) Pp 10, 242, 246 1466.00.0214 1961
The Listener and B.B.C. Television Review - July 6, 1961 (Great Britain) (Published by the British Broadcasting Corporation, London) Cooke, Alistair "A Letter from Bath. Alistair Cooke reflects on the City and Frank Lloyd Wright. Having arrived in Bath I cannot get out of my mind the late Frank Lloyd Wright, the great, or at least the grandiose, American architect who - even by his belittlers - was credited with revolutionary discoveries in the art of building, with the first cantilevered house, the first air-conditioned building; he was the master of the tensile strength of steel, the pioneer - as long ago as the eighteen-nineties - of the modern... Continue... (Sweeney 1467) Pp 26-27 1467.00.0122 1961
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - October 1961 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians) Elmslie, G. G.; Wright, Frank Lloyd Letters to the Editor. A response by G. G. Elmslie written on June 12, 1936 to Frank Lloyd Wright's review of Morrison's biography of Louis Sullivan which was published in the December 14, 1935 issue of The Saturday Review (Sweeney 394). A reprint of the review follows Elmslie's letter. Elmslie: "Dear Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright: I read very belatedly with great interest your review of Professor Morrison's biography of Louis Sullivan, as it appears in the Saturday review of December... Continue... (Sweeney 1468) Pp 140-141 1468.00.0317 1961 Saturday Evening Post - January 7, 1961 Farr, Finis Frank Lloyd Wright: Defiant Genius, Part One: Wisconsin's Gift to Chicago (Sweeney 1469) Pp 17-21, 83,85-6 1469.01.0301 1961 Saturday Evening Post - January 14, 1961 Farr, Finis Frank Lloyd Wright: Defiant Genius, Part Two: The Birth of a Legend (Sweeney 1469) Pp 32-3, 76-8 1469.02.0301 1961 Saturday Evening Post - January 21, 1961 Farr, Finis Frank Lloyd Wright: Defiant Genius, Part Three: Scandal and Sorrow (Sweeney 1469) Pp 24, 60-2 1469.03.0301 1961 Saturday Evening Post - January 28, 1961 Farr, Finis Frank Lloyd Wright: Defiant Genius, Part Four, Years of Trial (Sweeney 1469) Pp 32, 89, 91-2 1469.04.0301 1961 Saturday Evening Post - February 4, 1961 Farr, Finis Frank Lloyd Wright: Defiant Genius, Conclusion: The Years of Glory (Sweeney 1469) Pp 38, 93, 95-6 1469.05.0301 1961 Architectural Forum - February 1961 Anonymous News: FLLW job resumed after halt; another advancing. Marin County Civic Center halted and Monona Terrace advances. (Sweeney 1470) Pp 9, 11 1470.00.0402 1961 Architectural Forum - February 1961 Anonymous Editorial: A fine monument can be a profit, too. Work proceeds on Marin County Civic Center. Pp 79 1470.01.0402 1961 Wisconsin Magazine of History - Spring 1961 (Published quarterly by the State History of Wisconsin, Madison) Jacobs, Herbert (Author of two books on Frank Lloyd Wright) "A light look at Frank Lloyd Wright. In writing of Frank Lloyd Wright I want to make it clear at the beginning that I dealing with only one aspect of the man; his facility of self-critical evaluation; or his sense of humor, if you prefer a blunter term. I aim to show that man, not the demigod... During the many years of 'covering' Mr. Wright, I was frequently struck by the contrast between his public utterances - admonitory, reproving, sometimes downright savage... Continue... (Sweeney 1475) Pp 163-176 1475.00.0113 1961
Western Architect & Engineering - March 1961 (Published monthly by McGraw-Hill Company of California, Portland, OR) Possibly Thompson, Victor K. "Mr. Wright and His Successors. For almost two years now Taliesin Associated Architects, successors to the office of Frank Lloyd Wright, have been involved in turning Mr. Wright's last designs from sketches into working drawings and completed buildings. They were well prepared for the task: Among them they have amassed some 200 years at Taliesin, and here, as in many another large office, the highly trained staff has had much to do with the ticklish job of translating Mr. Wright, a tangible... Continue... (Sweeney 1476) Pp 20-33 1476.00.0918 1476.01.0918 1961
L'architettura - No.65 - March 1961 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Anonymous Published in Italian. "Taliesin continua. Il nostro editoriale del n. 48 era intitolato "Taliesin continua". Siamo lieti di darne qui una prova. La Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation lavora in duplice direzione: realizza i progtti del maestro, ed affronta nuovi incarichi.In questa pagina, riproduciamo le vedute prospettiche e le piante di due ville, tra le ultime disegnat da Wright.Sopra, la casa J.P. Hennssey; sotto, la casa Norman Lukes..." (Taliesin continues. Our editorial no. 48 was titled "Taliesin... Continue... (Sweeney 1480) Pp 732-733 1480.00.0417 1961 This Month in Dallas - February / March 1961 (Published monthly by This Month in Dallas, Inc., Dallas) Ad: Dallas Theater Center Cover: See the only Frank Lloyd Wright designed theater in the world... the new million dollar Dallas Theater Center. Photograph of the Dallas Theater Center.
Page 4: Ad for Dallas Theater Center. "Visitors - the World Famous, Fabulous Frank Lloyd Wright designed Dallas Theater Center. Dallas Theater Center, designed and conceived by Frank Lloyd Wright, is truly one of the most unique theatres in the world... Ad includes... Continue...Pp Cover, 4 1483.18.0611 1961 Architectural Forum - December 1961 Anonymous News: Half a Wright project may be better than none. Marin County Civic Center advances and Monona Terrace is halted. (Sweeney 1474) Pp 10 1474.00.0402 1961 Architectural Forum - December 1961 Anonymous Spirit of Byzantium: FLLW's last church. Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church. (Sweeney 1479) Pp 82-7 1479.00.0402 1961 Architectural Forum - December 1961 Anonymous Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright. By Finis Farr. Pp 149 1479.01.0402 1961 Time - August 18, 1961 (Published weekly by Time, Inc., Chicago) Anonymous "Teacup Dome. Architect Frank Lloyd Wright has been dead for two years, but monuments to his originality are still going up. Now another of his last major buildings - the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation at Wauwatosa is all but finished, and sightseers as well as worshipers are crowing to see it." Includes one photograph by Eric Schaal. Original cover price 25 cents. 8.3 x 11. (Sweeney 1481) Pg 50 1481.00.0607 1961
AIA Journal - January 1961 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Bendiner, Alfred Through the Philadelphia Pepper Pot. (Article includes references to Wright.) "...I think Philadelphia gets credit for only about four pieces of Modern Architecture, according to the gospel of Lewis Mumford. They are... All the school boys in the intelligentsia it would make camera pilgrimages to F. L. W.'s arrogantly unpleasing synagogue, and now swoon over Kahn's Medical Towers..." Includes one illustration of Wright's Beth Sholom Synagogue. Original cover price 50c. 8.25 x 11.25 Pp 23-26 1483.35.0618 1961
The American Weekly - July 30, 1961 (Published weekly by the Hearst Corporation) Hickey, Neil "The Key" for Ellis Island (Project). Original concept by Frank Lloyd Wright, original architectural renderings by William Wesley Peters. This illustration adapted from Peters' illustration by Fred Freeman. "Frank Lloyd Wright's Last Dream. Just before he died, America's most exciting architect designed this 'perfect city of tomorrow' (which can be built today). A dream nurtured by Frank Lloyd Wright for more than 40 years - to build a perfect city - sprang to... Continue... Pp 8-11 1483.28.0616 1483.40.0124 1961
El Dorado, Oakland Tribune - Nov 5, 1961 (Published by the Oakland Tribune, Oakland, CA) Pierovich, Andrew Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright," Finis Farr, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, $5.95. "This first full-length biography of Frank Lloyd Wright by Finis Farr moves swiftly from childhood, where the indomitable architect found high satisfaction in Froebel blocks - elemental forms... While Farr treats his subject with admiration and compassion, somehow small doubts about Wright - the American legend - are generated. The textual illustrations point... Continue... Pp 4 1461.01.0615 1961 L'OEIL - Mars (March) 1961 Anonymous "Evolution du gratte-ciel." (Evolution of the skyscraper.) Includes paragraph on Wright and one photograph of the Price Tower. Original cover price 5 N.F. 9.5 x 12.25. Pp 26 1483.07.0107 1961
Milwaukee Journal - July 16, 1961 (Reprint) (Published daily by the The Journal Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) Anonymous; Harrington, Eugene C. Reprint of two articles by the Milwaukee Journal. 1) We Visit a New Church. In our time, superlatives have little meaning. When an olive can be described by its packer as supercolossal, what can one say to convey true beauty, grace and spirit? This is prelude to saying that we have visited the new Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation, the only major piece of work from the hand of the late Frank Lloyd Wright in the Milwaukee area. Our mood still is one of joy mixed with awe. 2) New Greek... Continue... Pp N/P 1483.38.0822 1961 Western Architect & Engineering - October 1961 (Published Monthly by McGraw-Hill Company of California, Portland) Anonymous "A Monument for Marin." Construction progresses on the Marin County Civic Center. Includes five photographs. Original Cover Price $0.50. 8.5 x 11.5. Pp 12-14 1483.03.0506 1962 1962
Progressive Architecture - April 1962 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing corp., New York) Manson, Grant Book Review: "The Unvarnished Truth. 'Frank Lloyd Wright: A Biography' by Finis Farr, Published by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1961, $5.95. For those who followed Finis Farr's book in series from... Continue... (Sweeney 1461)
Pp 206 210 216 222 1461.00.0214 Anonymous "Art: Potpourri. Last month the Museum of Modern Art had two notable exhibitions running concurrently: 'The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright'... The Wright show will remain until May 6. Enough Wright drawings to fill all the... Continue... Pp 80 1461.01.0214 1962 Architectural Record - November 1962 (Published Monthly except May when semi-monthly by F. W. Dodge Corp., a McGraw-Hill Company, New York) Anonymous Book Review: "The Intellectual Versus the City", White, 1962, ($5.50). "The authors, a philosopher and a social worker, suggest that one of the difficulties any approach to the American city suffers is an historical lack of intellectual respect, they convincingly maintain, starts with Jefferson. They proceed to trace this attitude through Emerson, Melville, Hawthorne, Santayana, Wright and Mumford..." Original cover price $2.00. 8.5x11.5. Pp 34 1487.01.0313 1962
Architectural Record - June 1962 (Published monthly by F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York) Schmertz, Mildred F. Book Review: "The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright", By Arthur Drexler for the Museum of Modern Art, Horizon Press, New York, $15. The collection Wright drawings will inevitably be compared with its predecessor by three years, "Drawings for a Living Architecture," a collection of 200 Wright drawings with 75 in color. Both books span Wright's entire career. The 303 black and white drawings in this latest book were chosen by Arthur... Continue... (Sweeney 1493) Pp 42, 48 1493.00.0214 1962
Architectural Forum - April 1962 (Published monthly by Time, Inc., New York) Anonymous Book Review: "The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright." Assembled, with introduction by, Arthur Drexler. Published by the Museum of Modern Art, and Horizon Press, New York, $15. "As a former student of Wright has said, he was one person in the lecture hall, another on the site, but the whole man only when a pencil was in his hand. This volume, one of the most complete collections of his drawings to be published, reproduced - scribbles, erasures, patches... Continue... Pp 165 1494.01.0716 1962
House & Home - March 1962 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous 10th Anniversary Issue. "Architecture of ideas. Wellspring of the decade's progress was a heritage that came to housing from the '20s, '30s, and '40s - a new. Looking ahead, Frank Lloyd Wright wrote in the late '50s: "New uses of livable space will continually evolve - improved, more exuberant, and serene" (H&H Jan '58)... The Natural House is a great legacy from Frank Lloyd Wright. This example, built in Manchester, N.H., expressed as many of the simple and basic design ideas which we... Continue... (Sweeney 1498) Pp 116-127 1498.00.0718 1962
The Texas Quarterly - Spring 1962 (Offprint) (Offprint published by The Texas Quarterly) Armitage, Merle "Frank Lloyd Wright. An American Original. The year was 1923. I believe it was autumn and am certain it was midafternoon. As I looked out the window of my Los Angeles house a most improbable car drove up - a 1920 model Cadillac... Continue... (S#1499) Pp 85-90 1499.00.0919 Leifziger-Pearce, Hugo "The Roots and Direction of Organic Architecture." Includes Frank Lloyd Wright's influence on Organic Architecture. "...Although pioneer planners, sociologist, and architects, including Frank Lloyd Wright, succeeded in finding workable... Continue... Pp 60-84 1962
Arts In Virginia - Fall 1962 (Published three times a year by the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia) 1) Farr, Finis
2) Anonymous1) The Countenance of Principle. Three extraordinary houses in Virginia testify to the genius of Americas greatest architect.
The drawing of the Marden house was lent by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Other drawings are reproduced through the courtesy of the Museum of Modern Art. All are part of a major loan exhibition, Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings, on view at the Virginia Museum from October 26 through November 25. Frank Lloyd Wright's first... (Sweeney 1502)... Continue...Pp 2-9 1502.00.0724 1962
Architectural Record - June 1962 (Published monthly by F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York) Anonymous "First building in Wright's Marin Center to be completed this month (1957 - S.416). The long building whose arched openings span the Santa Venetia hills north of San Rafael will be finished this month and the county officials from whom it provides will be moving in next month... The next phase of construction will provide a Hall of Justice (1957 - S.417) as a continuation of the first wing... The entire complex of some ten buildings is master-planned to... Continue... (Sweeney 1503) Pp 32-4 - 32-5 1503.00.0214 1962 Architectural Record - November 1962 (Published Monthly except May when semi-monthly by F. W. Dodge Corp., a McGraw-Hill Company, New York) Anonymous "First phase of Marin County Center is Complete. First phase of the four-unit Marin County Civic Center, San Rafael , Calif., the Administration Building, was dedicated in mid-October. Last major work of Frank Lloyd Wright, the structure was designed 'to make the landscape more beautiful than it was before that building was built'. The circle theme repeated through the center reflects the contours of Marin's hills. Wright liked to say that buildings... Continue... (Sweeney 1504) Pp 12 1504.00.0313 1962 Architectural Forum - November 1962 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous "The Good Building is one that Makes the Landscape More Beautiful than it was Before - FLLW." The Marin County administration building, just completed. Includes ten photographs and six illustrations. Original cover price $1.00. 9.5 x 12.25. (Sweeney 1507) Pp 122-129 1507.00.1106 1962 New York Times Magazine - March 11, 1962 (Published weekly by The New York Times Company, New York) Huxtable, Ada Louise "Drawings and Dreams of Frank Lloyd Wright. When the great American architect Frank Lloyd Wright died three years ago, at 89, he left behind hundreds of beautiful drawings of great buildings. But the drawings are valuable for more than their beauty: they sometimes tell us more about Wright's thought than is apparent in his finished building. Romantic, fanciful, original, daring, occasionally fantastic, they reflect his creative concepts in their purest form... They are part... Continue... (Sweeney 1508) Pp 24-25 1508.00.0611 1962 L'architettura - August 1962 (Published Monthly by L'architettura, Milan, Italy) Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr. "Twenty five Years of the House on the Waterfall. In the quarter-century that has passed since Fallingwater was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, this weekend home has been ever-increasingly admired. Those who favor Wright's works place it among his masterpieces... In a few weeks' time, we received the first sketches for our home - sketches that required hardly any alterations in execution. Amazingly to us, the house did not look toward the falls, it sat... Continue... (Sweeney 1510) Pp 222-280 1510.00.0513 1962
House & Home - March 1962 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)Anonymous 1) "On the rolling Prairie... Oskaloosa, Iowa... Here in Oskaloosa new houses like the one above helped set off a chain reaction that is still going on. They spark the demand for better housing in a community where they are where there was no shortages of adequate housing... Over 9,000 people tracked out to look at these two Frank Lloyd... Continue... (Sweeney 1514) Pp 130-133 1514.00.0718 Anonymous 2) New Interiors... Includes one full-page photograph of the Herman Mossberg Residence (1948 - S. 302) by Ezra Stoller. Original cover price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.5 Pp 173-174 1514.01.0718 1962
Arts Magazine - March 1962 (Published monthly September-April, Bimonthly May-June, by The Art Digest, New York) Scully, Vincent Jr. "Wright, International Style and Kahn. This paper* is intended to present a thesis for argument, developed as follows: first, that Wright not only created a style of architecture but also, through his long life span, carried that style through all its possible phases; second, that Wright's early work was more fully his own than that of the later period normally was and more fully embodied a balance between his two major principles of design than the latter work usually did; third, that out of one of those principles... Continue... (Sweeney 1516) Pp 67-68, 70-71, 77 1516.00.0322 1516.00.0922 1962
Progressive Architecture - February 1962 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Smith, C. Ray "Rehousing the Drama... The auditorium in Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum is located underneath the exhibition area. Used as a lecture hall, it could also serve as an intimate drama theater: it has a proscenium stage (without a fly loft) and a deep apron..." Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Theater is part of the article and includes a photograph and illustration of the theater. Original cover price $1.00. 8.75 x 11.6 (Sweeney 1517) Pp 96-109 1517.00.0416 1962
Industrial Design - October 1962 (Published monthly by Whitney Publishers, Inc. New York) Anonymous Finishing materials. Sections include: Pigments, Resins, Cellulose Lacquer and Enamels, Shellac, Metallic Paint, Luminescent Paints, Oil-Resin Emulsions, Porcelain Enamel, and Metal Coatings. "Vinyls... Vinyl coatings are used on cement, as well. Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum is a notable example: The reinforced concrete structure was spray-coasted on all exterior concrete surfaces with a 20-mil thick vinyl skin, which seals and fills the concrete..." Includes one photograph of the Guggenheim... Continue... Pp 70-85
1521.01.0217 1962
Arts Magazine - March 1962 (Published monthly September-April, Bimonthly May-June, by The Art Digest, New York) Anonymous "Wright Drawings at the Modern. From March 12 to May 6, the Museum of Modern Art in New York will present a major exhibition of the drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright, surveying the architects work from 1895 to his death in 1959. The exhibition will include more than 250 original drawings and will be accompanied by a 320 page book (The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright, 1962) (Horizontal Press) with introductory text by Arthur Drexler, Director of the museums Department of Architecture and Design... Continue... (Sweeney 1522) Pp 69 1522.00.0322 1522.00.0922 1962 Arizona Highways - April 1962 Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd The Living Heritage of Frank Lloyd Wright. (Sweeney 1523) Pp 1, 2-11 1523.00.0301 1962
Progressive Architecture - September 1962 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York.) Anonymous Wright Post Office. Frank Lloyd Wright's Marin County (California) Civic Center, now approaching first-stage completion, has been joined by a circular United States Post Office. The new structure sports a duck-billed marquee... Continue... (Sweeney 1525) Pp 76 1525.00.0419 "High-Rise from Taliesin. Taliesin Associated Architects have designed the home office building for the Lincoln Income Life Insurance Company which is scheduled to rise in its own park-like surroundings in Louisville, Kentucky. The... Continue... Pp 72, 76 1962 L'architettura - August 1962 (Published Monthly by L'architettura, Milan, Italy) Zevi, Bruno "Alois Riegl's prophecy and Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater. In the famous treatise "Spatromische Kunstindustie", Alois Riegl distinguishes two moments in the architectural process: the formation of spaces and the composition of masses... According to Riegl, this age was that of Gothic; we feel that it has by now a much more advanced and mature expression, which takes shape in the most courageous and consistent achievement of modern research, in... Continue... (Sweeney 1526) Pp 218-221 1526.00.0513 1962
Desert Magazine of the Southwest (Published monthly by Desert Magazine, Inc. Palm Desert, Calif.) Wright, Frank Lloyd In 1938, Frank Lloyd Wright established a winter headquarters in Paradise Valley, Arizona, for his architectural fellowship. Here during the five winter months, students and master worked and studied and observed the desert and with their own hands build Taliesin West. The basic building material was "desert concrete" - native boulders and cement cast into forms; and above the massive foundations and walls, redwood and canvas. In the opinion of one architectural critic, Taliesin West... Continue... Pp 10-13 1526.28.0717 1962 House & Garden - December 1962 Anonymous "How Lovely are Thy Tabernacles..." (Photo of First Unitarian Soc of Madison, Wisc. Pp 148-151 1526.01.1201 1962 New York Times - March 18,1962 Huxtable, Ada Louise The Facts of Wright's Greatness. Exhibit at MOMA, Ends May 6, 1962. Will be exhibiting over 250 examples of his work. Pp X21 1526.02.0303 1962 BOUW - 24 February 1962 (Published weekly in Rotterdam, Weena 700, Netherland) Anonymous "The New Theater. Dallas Theater Center." Includes seven photos and illustrations and one cartoon. (BOUW is a Dutch architectural publication. An abbreviation for "Bouwwezen". 9.5 x 12.5. Pp 252-255 1526.03.0406 1962 The Fuller Brush Magazine - 1962 (Published by the Fuller Brush Company, Hartford, Conn.) Young, Joanne B. "Our Heritage of Homes." The article is divided into a number of segments throughout the magazine, each describing a different style of home. The back page is devoted to the Quintin Blair Home (1952 - S.351). "When Frank Lloyd Wright first began designing his 'Prairie houses' eccentric was one of the milder terms used to describe his work. Even today a Frank Lloyd Wright house such as the one above built for... Continue... For more information on the Blair Residence see our Wright Study. P 24 1526.14.1011 1962 Progressive Architecture - May 1962 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Reese, Ilse M. Related: A detailed study of ten houses, whose solutions range from the architecture of Mies to the organic architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. "Organic Fabrication" Euine Fay Jones; "Shelter as Adventure" Herb Greene; "Vernacular Backdrop" Nicholas Sakellar & Associates. Original cover price $1.00. 8.75 x 11.5. Pp 126-187 1526.06.0307 1963 1963
Progressive Architecture - December 1963 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing, New York)
Manson, Grant
Book Review. House Beautiful, Gannett, Wright, Prairie School, 1963, $22.50. "... To hold in hand a book which so engrossed Wright's creative interest two-thirds of a century ago, even though it is a facsimile, is an evocative experience. Its thin elegance, its characteristically square shape, its curious mixture of literary influence from Elbert Hubbard and design influences Louis Sullivan overlaid by Wright's youthful personality brings the freshness... Continue... (Sweeney 21)
Pp 172, 174
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - May 1963 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians) Byrne, Barry; Early, James Book Reviews:1491: "The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright," Drexler, Arthur, Horizon Press, 1962, $15.00. "Having been a student under Frank Lloyd Wright from 1902 to 1908, I was working for him while most of the drawings... Continue... (Sweeney 1491) Pp 108-109 1491.00.0617
1487.01: "The Intellectual versus the City, From Thomas Jefferson to Frank Lloyd Wright," Morton and Lucia White, Harvard University Press and M.I.T. Press, 1962, $5.50. "The Whites' book, a publication of the Joint Center for Urban Studies... contains a mass of interesting material... Continue... Pp 111 1487.01.0617 1963
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - October 1963 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians) Brooks, H. Allen "Steinway Hall, Architects and Dreams. Frank Lloyd Wright's development as an architect should be traced not only in the buildings he designed but in the milieu in which he worked. In this respect his 'associates', as he called his turn of the century colleagues, were an important part of his Chicago environment. Through them he was exposed to new ideas, and with them he discussed problems of design... It was probably no coincidence that Wright, as a designer, reached maturity during... Continue... (Sweeney 1539) Pp 171-175 1539.00.0617 1963
AIA Journal - June 1963 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Byrne, Barry On Frank Lloyd Wright and His Atelier. While the purpose of this article is to state the case for the apprentice type of architectural training I received in the Oak Park studio of Frank Lloyd Wright, I am faced with the fact, inherent in the circumstances, that I must perforce write overmuch about myself as pupil in relationship to Mr Wright as master. The situation in the studio, as it affected those of us who came there to ork and to learn by working, was a uniform one, and I can truthfully state... Continue... (Sweeney 1540) Pp 109-112 1540.00.0423 1963
AIA Journal - August 1963 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) A) Carroll, J. Roy; B) Anonymous A) Robie House: An Open Letter to the AIA. An international committee of distinguished architects and laymen has been organized to sponsor the rehabilitation of the Robie House and to raise funds for the work.
The national significance of this landmark justifies the interest of The American Institute of Architects. To quote Sigfred Giedion, "The Robie House is really equivalent to Brunelleschi's Pazzi Chapel in terms of contemporary architecture it was the modest origin of a worldwide expansion."... Continue... (Sweeney 1556)Pp 114 1556.00.0423 1963 L'Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui (The Architecture of Today) No. 106 - February/March 1963 (Published in France) Anonymous "Centre Civique de Marin County, Californie, Etats- Unis. Dans les pages pracadentes; on a pu lire sous la signature de diverses personnalitas; le regret que notre pays n'ait pas encore cru nacessaire de confier une oeuvre reprasentative a son plus grand architecte vivant. Frank Lloyd Wright..." (Civic Center of Marin County, California, United States. In the preceding pages, we have read the signature of various personalities; regret that our... Continue... (Sweeney 1541) Pp 10-17 1541.00.1212 1963 Architectural Record - April 1963 (Published Monthly except May when semi-monthly by F. W. Dodge Corp., a McGraw-Hill Company, New York) Anonymous "Committee Plans restoration of Robie House. The restoration of Frank Lloyd Wright's famed Robie House in Chicago is the aim of an international campaign to raise a needed $250,000. At the campaign's launching in February, William Zeckendorf Sr., board chairman of Webb & Knapp inc., presented the deed to the house to Dr. George W. Beadle, president of the University of Chicago. Mr. Zeckendorf spoke of the 'imperishable value' of the house... Continue... (Sweeney 1542) Pp 29 1542.00.0313 1963
Architectural Record - September 1963 1963 (Published Monthly except May when semi-monthly by F. W. Dodge Corp., a McGraw-Hill Company, New York) Anonymous Fund continues slow growth for rescue of Robie House. The Committee for the Preservation of the Robie House for the University of Chicago has, as the Record goes to press, raised about $31,200. The largest contribution has been from the Edgar Kaufmann Charitable Foundation of Pittsburgh... But the results are so far a long way from the committee's year-end goal of $250,000. Ira J. Bach, Chicago city planning commissioner and chairman of the Robie house... Continue... Pp 88 1542.01.0214 1963
Arts & Architecture - September 1963 (Published monthly by Arts & Architecture, Inc., Los Angeles, CA) Anonymous Robie House. "Editorial. Another brave attempt to overrule the Law of Universal Indifference now seems destined to fail. The international effort to preserve Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House in Chicago has reached the half-way mark in point of times but has raised only 10 per cent of the needed $250,000 to save and restore it - and $10,000 was a single gift contributed by Robie House Committee member Edgar Kaufman, Jr., from the charitable trust established by his lat father... Peter Blake... Continue... (Sweeney 1544) Pp 6 1544.00.0916 1963 House Beautiful - January 1963 (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York) 3-6) Hanna, Dr. Paul and Jean 7) Wright, Frank Lloyd 8-12) Hanna, Dr. Paul and Jean 13-14) Besinger, Curtis 15) Hanna, Dr... Issue is devoted to the Hanna House (1936 - S.235). "How a Great Frank Lloyd Wright House -Changes -Grew -Came to Perfection." 1) What king of people live in the honeycomb house (P.6). 2) If you want a good house study the great houses (P.53). 3) Our love affair with our house (P.54-57+). 4) Pardon our pride but... (P.58-63). 5) The most "lived-in" room in our house (P.64-67+). 6) Out of this plan cam a beautiful simplicity (P.68-69+). 7) What Frank... Continue... (Sweeney 1548) Pp 6 8 53-120 Cover 1548.00.1001 1548.00.0319 1963
House Beautiful - January 1963 (Hardcover) (Published monthly by the Hearst Corporation, New York) 3-6) Hanna, Dr. Paul and Jean 7) Wright, Frank Lloyd 8-12) Hanna, Dr. Paul and Jean 13-14) Besinger, Curtis 15) Hanna, Dr... Issue is devoted to the Hanna House (1936 - S.235). "How a Great Frank Lloyd Wright House -Changes -Grew -Came to Perfection." 1) What king of people live in the honeycomb house (P.6). 2) If you want a good house study the great houses (P.53). 3) Our love affair with our house (P.54-57+). 4) Pardon our pride but... (P.58-63). 5) The most "lived-in" room in our house (P.64-67+). 6) Out of this plan cam a beautiful simplicity (P.68-69+). 7) What Frank... Continue... (Sweeney 1548) Pp 6 8 53-120 Cover 1548.01.0216 1963
Perspecta 8 - The Yale Architectural Journal - 1963 (Published by The School of Art and Architecture of Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut) Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. Frank Lloyd Wright and the Fine Arts. Frank Lloyd Wright spent the last decade of his life blasting away at (among other things) modern art; at the same time he was engaged in a long and eventually successful campaign to build the Solomon Guggenheim Museum for modern art. On these grounds he is accused of designing the museum to show the superiority of his own art - architecture - over the arts of painting and sculpture. Now Wright dearly loved a fight and, even more, a paradox;... Continue... (Sweeney 1552) Pp 37-42 1552.00.0123 1963 L'Architecture D'Aujourd'Hui (The Architecture of Today) No. 106 - February/March 1963 (Published in France) Anonymous "La Maison "Robie" De F.L. Wright Sera Sauvee." (Robie House from Frank Lloyd Wright will be saved.) Includes a brief history and one photo0graph. 9.5 x 12.25 (Sweeney 1553) Pp XI 1553.00.1212 1963 The Art Journal - Fall 1963 (Published quarterly by the College Art Association of America, New York) Pyron, Bernard "Wright's Small Rectangular Houses. Frank Lloyd Wright is recognized as one of the greatest architects of the modern age, probably the most outstanding American Architect of our century. Yet Wright built few public building during his career, although the few executed works were influential enough to give him an important place in architectural history..." Six illustrations include the Weisblatt, Pratt, Carr, Grant (interior and exterior) and the... Continue... (Sweeney 1558) Pp 20-24 1558.00.0613 1963 Interiors - October 1963 (Published by Whitney Publications, Inc.) Anonymous "Wright Masterpiece Preserved." Fallingwater given to Western Pennsylvania Conservancy by Edgar Kaufman, Jr. Original List Price $1.00. 9 x 12. (Sweeney 1565) Pp 12 1565.00.0105 1963 Newsweek - October 11, 1963 (Published weekly by Newsweek Inc., New York. A Division of The Washington Post Company.) Anonymous Art: "A Legacy in Danger." Wright's Robie House in Chicago: An American Brunelleschi threatened. Includes three photographs. Original cover price 25 cents. 8.25 x 11. Pp 105 1565.17.0407 1963 Newsweek - November 11, 1963
Anonymous Letters: "Preserving a Heritage". Response to an article in the Oct. 7, 63 issue. P 16 1565.01.0604 1963
Horizon - September 1663 (Hard Cover) (Published every two months by American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc. New York) Anonymous (Not a Wright home) "Mr. ___ Builds His Dream House... It not only must have had an architect but an architect of more than passing acquaintance with the work of the late Frank Lloyd Wright..." The Home of Senator Barry Goldwater. It was actually designed by Paul Christian Yaeger, a one time apprentice of Wright's. The home was later demolished. Original cover price $4.50. 9 x 12 Pp 103 1565.40.0114 1963 Environment - Spring 1963 (Published quarterly by the Interior Design, Division of Whitney Comm. Corp.) Johnson, Mrs. Herbert F. "The Owner's Point-of-View." Mrs. Herbert F. Johnson compares her new home to Wingspread. Original cover price $2.50. 9 x 12. Pp 23-25 1565.02.0306 1963
Saturday Review - February 2, 1963 (Published weekly by Saturday Review, Inc., New York) Christ-Janer, Albert Building on the Wright Foundation. (Book Review on "Life and Shape," by Richard Neutra and "The Evolution of an Architect," by Edward Durell Stone.) "Tributes to Frank Lloyd Wright come from many architects these days, but what a treat to find, in both these introspections, such genuine, such intimate eulogy of a true American titan. To read these books is to realize the full extent to which Edward Durell Stone's simple sentence sums up a fact: "No modem... Continue... Pp 36-37 1565.44.0714 1964 1964 Prairie School Review - No 1, 1964. Volume I, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Hobson, L. H. Book Review: The House Beautiful. Reviews the 1963 version. (Sweeney 20) Pp 17 0020.00.0404 1964
Prairie School Review - No 2, 1964. Volume I, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Hobson, L. Henri 2) Hasbrouck, Wilbert R. 3) Drummond, William E. 4) Hedlund, Carolyn 7) Ianelli, Alfonso 1) Book Review: "Buildings, Plans and Designs by Frank Lloyd Wright.1963, Horizon Press, 100 Plates, 16 x 24, $100. Horizon Press has released 'Buildings, Plans and Designs by Frank Lloyd Wright,' the long awaited facsimile edition of Wasmuth's 'Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe.' Frank Lloyd Wright's Wasmuth portfolio, as this set of drawings is generally called, has a long and interesting history with the present printing actually being a fourth... Continue... (Sweeney 89) Pp 28 0089.00.0216 1964 Prairie School Review - No 3, 1964. Volume I, Number 3 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Kostka, Robert Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater, 25 Years After (Sweeney 1538) Pp 17 1538.00.0902 LHH Book Review: Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright in Seven Middle Western States Pp 17 1538.01.0902 1964 Prairie School Review - No 4, 1964. Volume I, Number 4 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Hobson, L.H. Book Review: The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright from 1893 to 1900. (Sweeney 1573) Pp Cover 2 5-15 1573.00.0902 1964
L'architettura - No.103 - May 1964 (Published Monthly by ETAS, Milan, Italy) Byrne, Barry Published in Italian. "Frank Lloyd Wright e il suo studio." (Frank Lloyd Wright and his study.) "When I visited Europe and the Bauhaus in the early twenties, the new architecture there was germinating in an atmosphere of revolution. The American movement was well rooted in American life: it was an indigenous, healthy plant. But (...) Our architects, and our schools of architecture, unfortunately adopted the Europeanized variant... Small wonder the Wright, with his affinity for our... Continue... (Sweeney 1575) Pp 48-49 1575.00.0417 1964 Prairie School Review - No 1, 1964. Volume I, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) Cuscaden, R. R. FLlW's Drawings Preserved. Negative photostats preserve drawings of 17 Wright buildings. (Sweeney 1577) Pp 18 1577.00.0404 Anonymous HABS in Chicago. Includes information on the Robie House and Charnley House Pp 18 1577.01.0404 Anonymous An Invitation. An invitation to submit articles and material to be published in The Prairie School Review. Articles will include Wright. Pp 18 1577.02.0404 1964 Architecture de lumiere - No. 11, 1964 (Published three times a year in France) 2) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Downs, Hugh 4) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Cover photograph by Ezra Stoller
Printed in French. Includes: 1) Introduction; 2) "une interview de F.L Wright"a translation into French of the interview with Hugh Downs; 3) "F.L.W.: le language d'une architecture organique" (The language of organic architecture), including nine necessities and Wright's definitions. 4) "dans la nature des materianux: une philosphie" (The nature of material, a philosophy.) Photo essay of Taliesin West includes 15 color photographs by de E. Claudius... Continue... (Sweeney 1580) Pp Cover 2-24 1580.00.0607 1964 Prairie School Review - No 3, 1964. Volume I, Number 3 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) Hasbrouck, W.R. Frank Lloyd Wright's First Independent Commission. Winslow House (Sweeney 1582) Pp Cover 4-7 1582.00.0902 Anonymous A Portfolio of The Winslow House Pp 8-11 1582.01.0902 Eaton, Leonard K. W.H. Winslow and the Winslow House Pp 12-14 1582.02.0902 1964 Prairie School Review - No 4, 1964. Volume I, Number 4 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) Kalec,Donald The Prairie School Furniture (Sweeney 1588) Pp Cover 2 5-15 1588.00.0902 Anonymous Portfolio of Prairie School Furniture. Includes Wright pieces. Pp 16-21 1588.01.0902 1964
Progressive Architecture - September 1964 (Published by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Anonymous "Perils of Frank Lloyd Wright: His Tokyo Imperial Hotel Threatened. The works of Frank Lloyd Wright are in varying states of peril and security these days, as usual. As this is being written, there is a strong rumor about that his Imperial Hotel in Tokyo is scheduled for demolition; there is news that one of his houses in Virginia (Pope-Leighey) has been saved; and word from Los Angeles has it that his famous 'Hollyhock House' will be surrounded by a cultural... Continue... (Sweeney 1591) Pp 89, 91 1591.00.1115 1964 Wisconsin Magazine of History - Autumn 1964 (Published quarterly by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin) Perrin, Richard W.E. "Frank Lloyd Wright in Wisconsin: Prophet in His Own Country." Background on Wright and his work in Wisconsin. Includes 20 photographs. Original cover price $1.25. 7.5 x 10. (Digital version) (Sweeney 1592) Pp 32-47 1592.00.0209 1964
AIA Journal - May 1964 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Anonymous Preservation / Saving What's Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House officially became Chicago's first Registered National Historic Landmark April 1 during a presentation made by Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall to Mayor Richard J. Daley. Webb and Knapp, developers in the Hyde Park area, gave the 1909-built house to the University of Chicago, which has agreed to use and maintain it in perpetuity if necessary funds can be raised for its restoration. Meanwhile, back in the nation's capital... Continue... (Sweeney 1593) Pp 12 1593.00.0423 1964 Architectural Forum - May 1964 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) Anonymous "Udall Aids FLLW Landmarks." "Efforts to save Frank Lloyd Wright's famed Robie House received a major boost last month when Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall formally..." Robie House, Chicago; Pope House, Falls Church and Imperial Hotel, Tokyo. Includes two photos, Robie/Udall (Richard Nickel) and Pope House (Hedrich Blessing). Original cover price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.25. (Sweeney 1594) Pp 7 1594.00.0107 1964 Architectural Forum - August / September 1964 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York) 1) Joseph C. Hazen Jr., Publisher 2) Blake, Peter
1) "Publisher's Note. Time Inc.'s Architectural Forum: 1932-1964." History of Architectural Forum. In January 1892 "The Brickbuilder" was first published. In 1917 the name was changed to "Architectural Forum". It was purchased by Time Inc. in 1932. By 1960 the circulation was at 64,000. Includes a section on Wright "A revolutionary architect", a portrait of Wright by Alfred Eisenstadt and the cover of the January 1938 issue devoted to Wright... Continue... 1) Pp 5 2) Pp 83
1596.04.0107 1964 Banff Crag & Canyon - December 16, 1964 (Published by the Banff Crag & Canyon, Banff, Alberta) Anonymous "Swamp Swallows Banff Memorial to Frank Lloyd Wright. The inscrutable mire of the Bow River Valley has consumed the remaining traces of what once was a magnificent monument to the genius of one of the world's greatest architect... The building was built on boggy ground and was subject to severe frost and water damage and eventually deteriorated to the point where it was torn down... Continue... For more information on the Banff National Park Pavilion see our Wright Study. 1596.17.0910 1964
Du, Kulturelle Monatsschrift (Cultural Monthly) - June 1964 (Published by Conzett & Huber, Zurich, Switzerland) Kugler, Silvia Published in German. "Amerikanishe Architektur -- Heute (American Architecture - Today)." An extensive article on American architecture in 1964. It includes the work of thirteen architects, including Frank Lloyd Wright. After a brief introduction... Pp 17-46 1596.107.0521 Kugler, Silvia Book Report: Frank Lloyd Wight: Schriften und Bauten. Dies ist ein eigentliches Handbuch fur alle, die mit Frank Lloyd Wright bekannt werden wollen. Der Meister von Taliesin hat, wie Le Corbusier, so viel geschrieben und gepredigt... Continue...
Pp 64, 66 1964
Skylines and Midwest Architect - December-January 1964 (Digital Copy) (Published monthly by the Kansas City Chapter of The American Institute of Architects, A.I.A.) Hoffmann, Donald L. 1) What Wright Wrought in Kansas City. I'm not for going back to nature," said the shaggy man when he arrived in Kansas city. "I'm for catching up with it, co-operating with it." It was odd that Frank Lloyd Wright was 70 years old before he got a commission in Kansas City. He had built hundreds of structures, spotted here and there from New York to Florida to California to Canada and Japan. But all his life he had belonged to the Midwest. His work had been concentrated in Illinois, Wisconsin... Continue... 1) Pp 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27
2) 29, 311596.111.0423 1964 The Pittsburgh Press: Sunday Roto - September 6, 1964 Brem, Ralph Woodland Showpiece: Fallingwater, A Luxurious and Unique Mansion at Bear Run. Pp Cov, 2, 8-9 1596.01.0202 1964 Time - December 18, 1964 Anonymous Modern Living Section: The City. Article includes text and photos on the Grady Gammage Auditorium Pp 46-56 1596.02.0202 1964 Wichita State University Alumni Magazine - Fall 1964 (Published quarterly by Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas) Powell, Dr. Jackson "Some Comments on The Corbin Education Center." (S.418). "Frank Lloyd Wright Touch on Campus..." Harry F. Corbin was president of the University and Dr. Jackson O. Powell was dean and the moving force behind choosing Wright. Designed in 1957, completed in 1964 by the Taliesin Fellows, dedicated in June and attended by Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright. Includes seven photographs. 8.5 x 11. Pp Cv 4-7 1596.14.0709 1964
Wisconsin Tales and Trails - Autumn 1964 (Published quarterly by Wisconsin Tales and Trails, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin) Oliver, William "The Johnson Foundation and its Wingspread. In the village of Wind Point, which touches the northeast corner of Racine, there stands a lighthouse on the shore of Lake Michigan. A short distance away is a building called Wingspread - it to is a lighthouse of sorts, casting its radiant beam around the world. Here, in this unique building design by Wisconsin's stormy petrol of architecture, the late Frank Lloyd Wright, the Johnson Foundation has its headquarters. The Foundation has dedicated its... Continue... Pp 29-33 1596.108.0621 1965 1965
Prairie School Review - No 1, 1965. Volume II, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) Anonymous 2) Book Review: Beth Sholom Synagogue, Cohen, 1959, $1.00 (SC), $3.00 (HC). "Nicely produced, this small volume is primarily concerned with the religious aspects of Beth Sholom Synagogue. Several fine photographs are included along with comments by Mr. Wright." (Sweeney 1262) Pp 28 1262.00.0216 1965
Prairie School Review - No 1, 1965. Volume II, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) Anonymous 1) Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright, Architecture and Space, Blake, 1964, $1.25 (SC). "This is a reissue of a portion of Peter Blake's The Master Builders, first published in 1960. It is an excellent Book for the interested layman, being particularly strong in regard to Wright's early or 'Prairie' years..." (Sweeney 1381) Pp 28 1381.00.0216 1965
Prairie School Review - No 2, 1965. Volume II, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Sprague, Paul 2) Baron, Rachel 1) Adler & Sullivan's Schiller Building. The Garrick Theater. 2) The Theater, by Dankmar Adler (Auditorium Theater 3) Book Review: Chicago's Famous Buildings, Siegel, 1965. 4) Book Review: Landscape Artist in America Jens Jensen, Eaton 1964. Includes 36 photographs and illustrations, one of the Francisco Terrace Apartments. Original cover price $1.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 32 1628.52.0216 1965 Prairie School Review - No 3, 1965
Eaton, Leonard K. Book Review: The Chicago School of Architecture. (Sweeney 1568) Pp 20 1568.00.0404 1965
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - May 1965 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians) Brooks, H Allen The Buildings, Plans and Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright, foreword by William Wesley Peters, introduction by Frank Lloyd Wright, New York: Horizon Press, 1963, 30 pp., 100 pls. $75.00.
William C. Gannett, The House Beautiful, designed and illustrated by Frank Lloyd Wright, facsimile of the 1897 edition, Park Forest, Illinois: The Prairie School Press, 1963, 54 pp., illus. $22.50
As an author Frank Lloyd Wright was extremely prolific... Continue... (Sweeney 19 & 88)Pp 178-180 0019.00.0123
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1967 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Wiseman, Winston R. Book Review: The Chicago School of Architecture, Carl Condit, 1964. "Carl Condit's latest publication is an outgrowth of 'The Rise of the Skyscraper.' Review is critical for ignoring the significance of Frank Lloyd Wright's contribution. Number of copies printed 3,500. 8.5 x 11 Pp 312-314 1568.01.0617 1965
Prairie School Review - No 1, 1965. Volume II, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) Anonymous
4-5) Gebhard, David3) Book Review: Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium, Smith, 1964, $1.00. "The Wright buffs will all want this brochure. Large (12" x 12") and well done, it has plans, photographs and a history of the building from conception thru construction." (S#1570) Also in this issue: 4) Purcell and Elmslie Architects 5) A Guide to the Architecture of Purcell & Elmslie. 6) Book Review: Inspiration, An Essay by Louis H. Sullivan, R.F. Seymour, 1964, $2.00. Includes a total... Continue... (Sweeney 1570) Pp 28 1570.00.0216 1965 Prairie School Review - No. 4, 1965
Anonymous Book Review: The Valley of the God-Almighty Joneses. (Sweeney 1598) Pp 25 1598.00.0902 1965 Prairie School Review - No. 4, 1965 Anonymous Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright, America's Greatest Architect (Sweeney 1602) Pp 25 1602.00.0902 1965
Edilizia Moderna, n.86, November 1965 (Published by Edizioni Tecniche Moderne, Milano, Italy) Brooks, H. Allen Published in Italian. La Prairie School. Tra il 1890 e il 1900 un grande entusiasmo anim molti giovani architetti e disegnatori di Chicago. Dominava lo spirito del progresso; sembrava che una nuova epoca stesse per sorgere per l'architettura. Louis H. Sullivan... Translated: The Prairie School. Between 1890 and 1900 a great enthusiasm animated many young architects and designers of Chicago. It dominated the spirit of progress; it seemed that a new era was about to arise for architecturet... Continue... (Sweeney 1605) Pp Cover, 65-82 1605.00.0423 1965
Art Journal - Fall 1965 (Published quarterly by the College Art Association of America, New York) Dennis, James M.; Wenneker, Lu B. "Ornamentation and the Organic c Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. In examining the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright it is only natural to concentrate on the three dimensional, on the masterful articulation of solids and voids. After all, as one of his early students put it, Wright's main concern was obviously not mechanical delineation, but 'that immeasurably greater thing, the large scale manipulation of spaces and masses into a vital, intrinsic architecture.' With this observation in mind it is not... Continue... (Sweeney 1606) Pp 2-14 1606.00.1221 1965 Prairie School Review - No. 4, 1965 Donaldson, J.H. Letter to the Editor (Sweeney 1607) Pp 26 1607.00.0902 1965
Progressive Architecture - October 1965 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Anonymous "Gammage: From General to Particulars... Frank Lloyd Wright's only major public building in Arizona, the Grady Gammage Theater, was completed in September of 1964 (See November 164 P/A). In plan, the theater forms two overlapping circular shapes, one embracing the stage functions, the other the audience and its facilities. Extending out from the level of the balcony and grand tier, two bridges span 200 ft to ground-level parking areas..." Includes... Continue... (Sweeney 1608) Pp 210-211 1608.00.0215 1965
Fortune - August 1965 (Published monthly by Time Inc., Chicago) Anonymous "Gold in the Hills of California. Ordinarily, when a county board of supervisors looks for new quarters, it inclines toward a flat architect. In bold and agreeable contrast, the five elected supervisors of Marin County, California, searching for a county center, first purchased 140 acres of hilly terrain outside of San Rafael, and then, in 1957, invited Frank Lloyd Wright to look it over. Clad in cape and aged splendor, Wright cast his eye over the ground and... Continue... (Sweeney 1609) Pp 162-164 1609.00.0416 1965 Prairie School Review - No. 4, 1965 Griggs, Joseph Alfonso Iannelli, The Prairie Spirit in Sculpture (Sweeney 1610) Pp Cover 2 5-23 1610.00.0902 1965
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - March 1965 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians) Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. "Frank Lloyd Wright's Years of Modernism, 1925-1935. Through almost five years, 1925-1929, the very air Frank Lloyd Wright breathed was thick with catastrophe. His home, Taliesin, was once again fully destroyed by fire. Debts drove him to the verge of bankruptcy. Hysterical persecutions pursued him and the new, beloved family who were to remain close to him for the long rest of his life. These blackest years were survived only through personal love and a secure sense of creative accomplishment... Continue... (Sweeney 1612) Pp 31-33 1612.00.0517 1965
Fortune - June 1965 (Published monthly by Time Inc., Chicago) Anonymous "A Late Frank Lloyd Wright is Complete in Kansas. Wichita State University has a campus whose architectural scope ranges from becolumned 1904 Greek revival (the art department) to flat 1951 brick modern revival (the business-administration college). The psychology laboratory lives in a large wooden structure that might be called granary modern. But Wichita State also has a jewel gracing the greensward. The Frank Lloyd Wright building on its campus... Continue... (Sweeney 1614) Pp 186 1614.00.0416 1965
AIA Journal - August 1965 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Anonymous "We have here not a sermon in stone but a sermon in wood and glass and brick, and it says with quiet eloquence what its master wanted to say." Thus Secretary of the Interior Udall referred to the Pope-Leighey House as it was officially opened as a historic house museum midway through convention week. The 300 participants who gathered in the drizzle at Woodlawn Plantation near Mount Vernon, Virginia, also heard architectural critic Edgar J. Kaufmann Jr. interpret the 1940... Continue... (Sweeney 1615) Pp 82 1615.00.0423 1965 Art in America - June 1965 (Published bi-monthly by Art in America Co., Inc., New York) 1) Messer, Thomas M. 1) "The Growing Guggenheim. Editorial: Past and Future." Includes four photographs and one illustration. 2) "Evolution of a Museum." Begins in 1926 with the introduction of Baroness Hilla Rebay. Includes seven photographs and two illustration. Original cover price $3.00. 9.5 x 12. (Sweeney 1616) Pp 1) Cover 24-27 2) 28-32 1616.00.0806 1965
Progressive Architecture - October 1965 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Anonymous "Robie House Restoration Underway. Chicago, Ill. Although only $57,000 of a wished-for $205,000 has been raised to restore Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House, initial work will begin soon. Now owned by the University of Chicago, the house will be used for some still-to-be-established purpose..." Includes one photograph. Original cover price $2.00. 8.5 x 11.5 (Sweeney 1619) Pp 55-56 1619.00.0215 1965
Progressive Architecture - March 1965 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Anonymous "Robie House Still Imperiled. Chicago, Robie House in Chicago is still threatened with destruction because fund raising for its preservation has had little success. Of the 250,000 needed, only $55,000 has been raised. Speaking to the Rochester Society of Architects, Chicago City Planning Commissioner, Ira J. Bach, who is chairman of the Committee for the Preservation of the Robie House... Original cover price $2.00. 8.75 x 11.5 (Sweeney 1620) Pp 53 1620.00.1215 1965 Arizona Highways - February 1965 Smith, Dean E. Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium (Sweeney 1622) Pp 38-47 1622.00.0501 1965 Prairie School Review - No 3, 1965. (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) Morgan, Donald "A Wright House on the Prairie." Issue is devoted to the Sutton House. "The basic material for this study has been the letters, drawings, and notes preserved by the Sutton family for the past sixty years. The first systematic cataloging of these documents was undertaken by Don L. Morgan in 1965 while he was a student of... Continue... (Sweeney 1627) Pp Cover 2 5-19 23 1627.00.0404 Tetzlaff, Ray; Corley, John Letters: Geneva Inn to be demolished. Pp 22 1627.01.0404 Kump, Peter Letters: Response to Hobson's review of Buildings, Plans and Designs. Pp 22 1627.02.0404 1965
L'architettura - June 1965 (Published by ETAS Kompass, Milano, Italy) Anonymous Marin County Civic Center. "Wright project, the Center of Marin-County, in a small town north of San Francisco in 1957. Work began in 1960, after the architect's death, by the Taliesin Foundation. The entire complex will be completed in 1974. For the time being, the office building was built, designed in the form of a bridge. In the photos: on this page, top: the building seen from the southwest..." Includes six photographs and three illustrations. Original cover price L. 900. 9.6 x 12.75 (Sweeney 1628) Pp 108-109 1628.00.0417 1965 House Beautiful - February 1965 (Published Monthly by The Hearst Corporation, New York) Andrews, Wayne; Photo by Hedrich-Blessing "The Impatient Evolution of the American House. ...'Democracy needs something basically better than the box.' Wright had decided... He was rewarded. He became so famous that he could be excused for declaring that he intended to be the greatest architect who ever lived." The article is followed by a 14 page portfolio of pivotal American architecture, which includes a two page spread of the Robie House. Includes one photograph of the Robie House by Hedrich... Continue... Pp 90-103 1628.14.1010 1965 DBZ, Deutsche Bauzeitschrift - February 1965 (Published by C. Bertelsmann Verlag - C. Bertelsmann Publishing House) Anonymous (Published in German.) Fur die Stadt Marin-County, die nordich von San Franzisko in einem immergrunen Hugelgebiet liegt, entwarf Frank lloyd wright 1957 die Plane fur ein grobes Gemeindezentrum. Das umfangreiche Bauprogramm erfahrt eine sinnvolle Aufteilung und Gliederung in verschiedene Baukorper. (Translation: For the city of San Francisco Marin-County , which have been reported in an evergreen hillside area is located, Frank Lloyd Wright... Continue... Pp 157 - 160 1628.21.0811 1965 State Journal-Register, Springfield - November 14, 1965 Muraro, Joan The House That Wright Built. Dana House. First installment includes eight photos. Pp 1, 4, 35 1628.01.0402 1965 State Journal-Register, Springfield - November 21, 1965 Muraro, Joan Focus on Lawrence-Dana House: What Lies Behind That Striking Facade? Second installment includes five photos. Pp 35 37 1628.02.0402 1965 State Journal-Register, Springfield - November 21, 1965 Anonymous Wright Books For Everyone. (Wright books in the public library.) Pp 40 1628.03.0402 1965 State Journal-Register, Springfield - November 28, 1965 Muraro, Joan Focus on The Woman Who Lived In A Fabulous Home. Susan Lawrence Dana Joergen - Dahl Ghermann. Third and final installment includes seven photos. Pp 37 1628.04.0402 1966 1966 Prairie School Review - No 1, 1966
Anonymous Book Review: The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright, The Great Wendingen Edition. 1965 Edition. (Sweeney 166) Pp 24 0166.00.0404 Sweeney 1630: Prairie School Review - No 1,1967 1966 Prairie School Review - No 3, 1966 Hobson, Lloyd H. Book Review: "A guide to the Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright in Oak Park and River Forest, Illinois." (Sweeney 1635) Pp 25 1635.00.0404 Sweeney 1651: Prairie School Review - No 2, 1967. Volume IV, Number 2 1966 Arts & Architecture - Sept 1966 (Published monthly by Arts & Architecture, Inc., Los Angeles, CA) Banham, Reyner "Frank Lloyd Wright as Environmentalist. You may hear, or even read, that Frank Lloyd Wright built the world's first air-conditioned office-block, or even the world's first air-conditioned building of any sort. Mr. Wright himself knew better, and when he wrote of the building in question, the Larkin Administration Building in Buffalo, he had the grace to put quotation marks around the words 'air conditioned' - at least in his 'Autobiography'... Includes 14 illustrations... Continue... (Sweeney 1653) Pp 26-30 1653.00.0613 1966
The Art Bulletin - June 1966 (Published by the College Art Association of America, New York) Brooks, H. Allen "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Wasmuth Drawings. Never has interest in Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural drawings been greater than it is today. More major publications and exhibitions have recently been devoted to his drawings than to his architecture, and these drawings of the buildings, rather than phonographs, are increasingly used to illustrate his work. This enthusiasm has been reflected in the soaring price (today quoted in four figures) of... Continue... (Sweeney 1654) Pp 193-202 1654.00.0815 1966
Architectural Record - March 1966 (Published Monthly except May when semi-monthly by McGraw-Hill Publications, New York) Anonymous Drawings By Louis Sullivan. From the Frank Lloyd Wright Collection, Avery Library, Columbia University. Buildings - even those designed by Louis H. Sullivan - are vulnerable to the speculator, the wrecking ball, and the shifting tides of development. Sullivan lived to see many of his buildings destroyed, but his delicate, poetic drawings live on; treasured and preserved as an important part of a great American architectural heritage. The largest collection was acquired in 1965 by Avery Library... Continue... (Sweeney 1655) Pp 147-154 1655.00.0922 1966
Progressive Architecture - May 1966 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Anonymous "Frontispiece. Custom-designed, do-it-yourself doghouse: Frank Lloyd Wright drew up plans, gratis, for a house of California teacher Robert Berger, who built it entirely by himself. Trading on his father's good fortune, Berger junior got this Wright-designed home for his dog, Eddie. Photo: Gloria A. Berger." Includes two photographs. Original cover price $2.00. 8.5 x 11.5 (Sweeney 1658) Pp 2 114 1658.00.0416 1966
Progressive Architecture - August 1966 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing, AS Division of Penton Publishing, Cleveland, OH) Anonymous "Good use for Robie. Announcement was made in mid-July by Adlai E. Stevenson, Ill, concerning the establishment of a memorial organization to his father, the late ambassador to the United Nations, for the study of international problems. The home of the Adlai E. Stevenson Institute of International Affairs will be Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House, owned by the University of Chicago..." Original cover price $7.50. 8.5 x 11.5 (Sweeney 1660) Pp 61 1660.00.0416 1966
AIA Journal - June 1966 (Published Monthly by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) Anonymous "The Guggenheim Backs up Frank Lloyd Wright. The design of the Frank Lloyd Wright stamp (Issuance date June 8, Spring Green, Wis.) Was a Taliesin project.; The Post Office Department invited the Frank... Continue... (Sweeney 1661) Pp 36 1661.00.1215 Anonymous Books: "The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright. New York: Horizon, 1965. 164 pp. $42.50. The original edition of this work, edited and arranged typographically by T. T. Wijdeveld, was an anthology of seven... Continue... Pp 160 1604.05.1215 1966 Prairie School Review - No 1, 1966 Anonymous In Chicago. Ralph Fletcher Seymour, author of many Wright books, killed in auto accident. (Sweeney 1662) Pp 26 1662.00.0404 1966
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1966 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Media, PA) Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. "Crisis and Creativity: Frank Lloyd Wright, 1904-1914. What happens when creative work is crossed by personal crisis? Individual case histories, frequent enough in biographic literature, tend toward special pleasing with scant factual evidence. It seemed possible to avoid these shortcomings, somewhat, while looking at the life and works of Frank Lloyd Wright around the time of his first marital break and first trip to Europe, 1909-1910. Wright's early architecture has been amply studied... Continue... (Sweeney 1664) Pp 292-296 1664.00.0417 1966 Prairie School Review - No 3, 1966 Kostka, Robert Frank Lloyd Wright in Japan. Issue is devoted to the work of Wright in Japan. (Sweeney 1665) Pp Cover 2 5-23 1665.00.0404 1966
L'architettura - No.132 - October 1966 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Lambertucci, Alfredo Published in Italian. "Tendenze evolutive del concetto di spazio nell'architettura contemporanea." (Evolutionary trends of the concept of space in contemporary architecture.) "If we look at the architectural picture of the last few years, we find that the more or less successful buildings follow a purely three-dimensional concepts... The only master that never gave up this research was F. Ll. Wright. Wright's inheritance should not be limited to naturalism, as many critics claim... Continue... (Sweeney 1666) Pp 400-401 1666.00.0417 1966
RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) Journal - January 1966 (Published by RIBA Publications Ltd., London) Anonymous News: Recent acquisitions by the RIBA Drawings Collection. These three original Frank Lloyd Wright drawings were presented in 1965 to the RIBA Drawings Collection by Henry- Russell Hitchcock. Three Captions: 1) Design (unexecuted) for the Yanara Boat Club, Madison, Wisconsin, 1902. s. (signature) in red square at centre right, FLLW: brown ink on Japanese paper, mounted. 2) Design for the Francis Apartments, 4304 Forestville Ave., Chicago, Illinois, built in... Continue... (Sweeney 1670) Pp 7 1670.00.0722 1966
Art in America - May/June 1966 (Published bi-monthly by Art in America Co., Inc., New York) Robbins, Eugenia S. 1) Keisler, Frederick J. 2) Baro, Gene Review of Books by and about Frank Lloyd Wright. "Taliesin: Bard and Builder. Among the quantity of recent literature published on architecture, it is understandable and justifiable that a considerable portion should be either buy or about perhaps the greatest American master of them all -- Frank Lloyd Wright. What is surprising about the recent spate of Wright books is that instead of being largely interpretive works, as one would expect now that the long and fruitful Life of the man... Continue... (Sweeney 1671). Pp 120 124; 1) 62-63; 2) 96-97 1671.00.1018 1966 Prairie School Review - No 1, 1966, Volume III, (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Chicago) Brooks, H. Allen Robie Fund Sketches. Competition for a three week exhibition entitled "Frank Lloyd Wright, Vision and Legacy" Held by University of Illinois for the benefit of Robie House. (Sweeney 1672) Pp 24 1672.00.0404 1966
Prairie School Review - No 2, 1966. Volume III,(Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) Editor: Hasbrouck, W. R. 2) Van Zanten, David T. 1) From the Editor. 2) The Early Work of Marion Mahony Griffin. 3) Book Review: Culture and Democracy. 4) Letters to the Editor. Includes 34 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $1.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 27 1679.21.0419 1966
Prairie School Review - No 4, 1966, Volume III, (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Chicago) Editor: Hasbrouck, William. R.; 2) Chappell, Sally Anderson 3) Eaton, Leonard; Terkel, Studs 4) Kostka, Robert 1) From the Editor. 2) Barry Bryne, Architect: His Formative Years. Includes his work with Frank Lloyd Wright. 3) Book Reviews 4) Letter to the Editor. 5) Selected Bibliography. Original cover price $1.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 26 1679.26.0520 1966
Progressive Architecture - June 1966 (Published by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Anonymous "The Stamp of Frank Lloyd Wright. Spring Green, Wisc. Ceremonies on June 8 here will mark the official issuance of the Frank Lloyd Wright postage stamp. Designed by Patricia Amarantides, a student at Taliesin West, it will show a picture of Wright superimposed on a portion of the Guggenheim Museum. Mrs. Wright made suggestions for the stamp's design, as did several students..." Includes one photograph of the stamp. 8.75 x 11.5 (Sweeney 1675) Pp 47 1675.00.1115 1966 Antiques Journal - September 1966 Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright stamp Pp 29 1679.02.1002 1966
Design Quarterly (#64) - 1966 (Published quarterly by the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota) Arnheim, Rudolf "The Dynamics of Shape." This lengthy article includes three buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright. The Guggenheim, Grady Gammage and Fallingwater. "... By a similar device, Frank Lloyd Wright changes the cylinder or inverted cone of a rotunda into a spiral. The floor space is reduced to an outer shell surrounding an inner court. This shell assumes the function of a one-dimensional track, and the track is made continuous by the elimination of the separate floors. The subdivision of the floors has given way to a sliding... Continue... Pp 1-31 1679.13.0417 1966 House Beautiful - February 1966 Anonymous "A Master's Masterwork." Fallingwater. Spread contains text and two large photos. Pp 132-3 1679.03.0904 1966
Minkus Stamp Journal - 1966, Volume 1, No. 1 (Published quarterly by Minkus Stamp Journal, New York) Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright honored with a 2 cent stamp. "Prominent Americans. Six Who Helped Shape the Modern World... Frank Lloyd Wright (1869 - 1959) - American architect whose influence has been world-wide; foremost exponent of an organic architecture based on integration of form, function, building site and materials and on the subordination of style to human needs. 2 cents, June 8, Spring Green, Wisconsin, site of Wright's Taliesin East workshop." Includes one portrait of Wright... Continue... Pp Cover, 6 1679.24.0220 1966 Minkus Stamp Journal - Spring 1966 Volume 1, No. 2 (Published quarterly by Minkus Stamp Journal, New York) Hessen, Beatrice Frank Lloyd Wright honored with a 2 cent stamp. "Frank Lloyd Wright. Innovative genius, loyalty to principles, courage - these are some of the elements of human greatness which change the shape of the world. Frank Lloyd Wright was a man of such stature. In recognition of his extraordinary achievement in architecture, the United States will honor Wright on its new Prominent American series. A 2-cent stamp with his portrait will appear on January 8, the date of Wright's birth, at Spring Green, Wisconsin, the... Continue... Pp 13-15 1679.01.0901 1679.25.0220 1966
Progressive Architecture - April 1966 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Anonymous "A Poem Lovely As A Pin-Cushion. Racine, Wisc. 'A good building is the greatest of poems when it is organic architecture,' said Frank Lloyd Wright. Perhaps the Johnson Wax Company was thinking of this when they called their movie theater at the New York World's Fair the Golden Rondelle, for a rondelle, besides being a circular object...Taliesin Associates have designed two auxiliary building, with curved red brick walls and horizontal bands of glass, which will abut it... Continue... Pp 68 72 1679.12.0416 1967 1967
Prairie School Review - No 2, 1967. Volume IV, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Hines, Thomas S., Jr. 2) Sprague, Paul E. 4) Sullivan, Louis H. 1) Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright, His Life, His Work, His Words, Wright, 1966, $7.50. "Exactly why was this book produced? The precise motivations which prompted it are not, at face value, apparent. Only when it is placed within the contexts of the author's earlier titles and within the larger syndrome of Taliesin hagiolatry, does the book fall into place. For, despite the stature of its subject and the good intentions of its author, it is, regrettably, little more than the latest testimonial from a curious (and self-defeating)... Continue... (Sweeney 1651) Pp 32 1651.00.0216 1967 Prairie School Review - No 4, 1967
Kostka, Robert Book Review: The Japanese Print (1967) (Sweeney 110) Pp 27-29 0110.00.0404 1967 Prairie School Review - No 1,1967 Anonymous Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright, Vision and Legacy", by the Committee of Architectural Heritage. 1966. (Sweeney 1630) Pp 23 1630.00.0404 1967
Progressive Architecture - February 1967 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) (See S#1719) Glickman, Mendel; Collins, Peter (Mendel was a charter member of the Taliesin Fellowship in 1932.) Response to Collins' review of "A Study of Frank Lloyd Wright," Smith. "Frank Lloyd Wright and Anti-Semitism: Two Views. Dear Editor: I am impelled to comment on Peter Collins' review of 'A Study of Frank Lloyd Wright' by Norris Kelly Smith, which appeared in the October 1966 P/A. The very title of the review 'Frank-leudreit,' is a snide allusion to its these, which is that Wright was an anti-Semite and Germanophile; and that his philosophy derived from German sources... Continue... (Sweeney 1639) Pp 10, 12, 16 1639.01.0313 1967 Prairie School Review - No 1,1967 Eaton, Leanard K. Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright: A Study in Architectural Content" by Norris Kelly Smith. 1966. (Sweeney 1640) Pp 21 1640.00.0404 1967 Prairie School Review - No 4, 1967 Anonymous Book Review: Architectural Essays From the Chicago School. (1967) (Sweeney 1683) Pp 29 1683.00.0404 1967
Progressive Architecture - December 1967 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Anonymous "Donations May Save Wright's Imperial Hotel. Tokyo, Japan. As the date neared for demolition of Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel last month, Wright's widow, Mrs. Olgivanna Wright, flew to Tokyo to plead for the hotel's preservation. Meeting her there was Wright's long-time friend and publisher Ben Raeburn. Together, they spoke to government officials and obtained agreement from the Minister of Education and Governor of Tokyo to the principle... Continue... (Sweeney 1694) Pp 29 1694.00.1215 1967 Prairie School Review - No 4, 1967 Anonymous "Frederick C. Robie House, Frank Lloyd Wright Architect" (Sweeney 1696) Pp Cover 2, 10-19 1696.00.0404 1967 Japan Architect - November 1967 (Published monthly in English by Shinkenchiku-Sha Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) Higuchi, Kiyoshi "The Significance for Today of Wright's Architecture (Part 2). Residential building is one of the main themes of contemporary architecture. Before the emergence of modern architecture, designers concerned themselves with memorial buildings like shrines and temples and with the residence of the ruling classes... Both Wright and Le Corbusier began their creative lives in residential design work, and each drew up his own ideal image f the city... Wright... Continue... (Sweeney 1698) Pp17-20 1698.00.0912 1967 Wisconsin Magazine of History - Winter 1967 (Published quarterly by the State History of Wisconsin, Madison) Hines, Thomas S. Jr. "Frank Lloyd Wright - The Madison Years: Record versus Recollection". History of Wright's early years. Also verifies Wright was born in 1867. Includes 8 photos and illustrations. Original price $1.25. 7.5 x 10. (Sweeney 1699) Pp 109-119 1699.00.0706 1967
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1967 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Hines, Thomas S. Jr. 1) "Frank Lloyd Wright - The Madison Years: Record versus Recollection". History of Wright's early years. Also verifies Wright was born in 1867. Reprinted from the Wisconsin Magazine of History, Winter 1967. "The architectural... Continue... (Sweeney 1699) Pp 227-233 1699.0B.0617 Editors 2) "North American Architecture. Since the first article of this issue furnishes conclusive proof that Frank Lloyd Wright really was born exactly a century ago (and not in 1869, as h himself asserted), it seems appropriate to devote the whole of this... Continue... Pp 226 1967 Zodiac 17 - 1967 (Published by Ing. C. Olivetti & Co., Ivrea, Italy) Hitchcock, Henry Russell "Frank Lloyd Wright 1867 - 1967". Includes one photograph. This also appeared in a slightly different form in Prairie School Review - No 4, 1967. 8.5 x 10.5. (Sweeney 1700) Pp 6-10 1700.00.0205 1967 Prairie School Review - No 4, 1967 Hitchcock, Henry-Russell "Frank Lloyd Wright 1867-1967." This article first appeared in a slightly different form in Zodiac, 17, 1967. (Sweeney 1700) Pp 5-9 1700.01.0404 1967 AIA Journal - November 1967 (Published Monthly by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) Kamrath, Karl "The Stubborn Hotel is Shaking." Scheduled demolition of the Imperial Hotel. Author's first hand evaluation of the condition of the Imperial Hotel. Includes two photographs. Original price $2.00. 8.25 x 11.25. (Sweeney 1701) Pp 70-72 1701.00.1206 1967
AIA Journal - July 1967 (Published Monthly by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) Koehler, Robert E. (Comment concerning an article by Thomas S. Hines, Jr., S#1699.) "The Wright Record. Any plans for official celebration or recognition of the centenary of Frank Lloyd Wright's birth already are out of date. For several recently discovered documents in the University of Wisconsin Archives show 'conclusively' that he was born on June 8, 1867 - the day and month have never been disputed - rather than on that date in 1869, as has been commonly... Continue... (Sweeney 1702) Pp 3-4 1702.00.1215 1967 Architectural Forum - November 1967 Anonymous Milestone in Madison: Monona Terrace (Sweeney 1704) Pp 30-1 1704.00.0701 1967 Architectural Forum - March 1967 Anonymous Imperial Threats: Imperial Hotel Pp 29-30 1704.01.0701 1967 Prairie School Review - No 4, 1967 Morton, Terry Brust "Wright's Pope-Leighey House". (Sweeney 1705) Pp 20-26 1705.00.0404 1967
AIA Journal - October 1967 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Pundt, Herman G. Academia Sparked. Unless a swift and drastic change of heart and mind will move the profession of architectural education toward action, architecture will die or simply fade away. Long before the student of our schools today will have been given a chance to make a single contribution to a time-honored profession in the service of mankind, he will be rendered obsolete. The computer of tomorrow will be satisfied with numbers, statistics and average norms. The individual creative architect, on... Continue... (Sweeney 1708) Pp 53-56 1708.00.0423 1967 Zodiac 17 - 1967 (Published by Ing. C. Olivetti & Co., Ivrea, Italy) Intro by Bottero, Maria; Frank Lloyd Wright "Rilettura di tre Opere di Wright (A re-reading of Three Works by Wright)." A) "Johnson Offices and Laboratory" B) Morris Shop C) Marin County. Includes excepts from: A) "Architectural Forum",1951 B) "An Autobiography",1947 (11) C) "The Art and Craft of the Machine" talk given in 1901 D) "The Sovereignty of the Individual" preface to Ausgefuhrte Bauten,1910 (3) E) "Modern Architecture, 1931 (2) F) "An Organic Architecture", 1939. 8.5 x 10.5. (Sweeney 1709) Pp 11-46 1709.00.0205 1967 Saturday Review - December 16, 1967 Riley, Frank "Deathwatch in Tokyo". Mrs. Wright's visit to Imperial Hotel to stay off destruction. Article only. (Sweeney 1710) Pg 40, 45 1710.00.1004 1967
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1967 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Smith, Norris "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Problem of Historical Perspective. The Governor of Arizona, recognizing in 1952 the inadequacy of the state's official buildings, took the first steps toward having designs prepared for a new state capitol. Aspects of the problem were explored by separate architectural firms, and in 1956 four offices joined forces, as Associated State Capital Architects, to submit a specific proposal to the legislature, which turned it down..." Number of copies printed 3,500. 8.5 x 11 (Sweeney 1711) Pp 234-237 1711.00.0617 1967 Architectural Forum - December 1967 Anonymous Focus: Squaring the Circle. Addition to Guggenheim Museum designed by Taliesin Fellowship. (Sweeney 1712) Pp 46 1712.00.0402 1967 Architectural Forum - December 1967 Anonymous Sequels: Sayonara? Imperial Hotel closes doors, continues attempt to save it. (Includes a photo of protest.) Pp 23-4 1712.01.0402 1967 Architectural Forum - December 1967 USS Cor-Ten Ad: This administration building is "painting" itself. Ad about the Rocky Mountain National Park Administration Building designed by Taliesin Fellowship. Includes a photo. Pp 86 1712.02.0402 1967
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1967 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Wilson, Stuart The 'Gifts' of Friedrich Froebel. "At the Centennial in Philadelphia, after a sightseeing day, mother made a discovery... the Kindergarten! She had seen the 'Gifts' in the Exposition Building... The strips of colored paper, glazed and 'matt,' remarkably soft brilliant colors. Now came the geometric by-play of those charming checkered combinations! The structural figures to be made with peas and globes. The smooth shapely maple locks with which to build, the sense of which never afterward... Continue... (Sweeney 1715) Pp 238-241 1715.00.0617 1967 Prairie School Review - No 4, 1967 Anonymous "Wright Drawings." Two drawings gifted from Wright to the School of Arch at Texas A&M University. Booth and Stewart House. (Sweeney 1716) Pp 31 1716.00.0404 1967 Prairie School Review - No 1,1967 Frank Lloyd Wright "Ethics of Ornament". A portion of a lecture delivered by Wright in a 1909 in a local weekly paper, "Oak Leaves" in Oak Park. (Sweeney 1717) Pp 16-17 1717.00.0404 1967 Progressive Architecture - February 1967 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Anonymous "Wright's Ship of State. In 1957, shortly after he was selected to design the Marin County Civic Center and Fairgrounds, Frank Lloyd Wright told the people of the country, 'A good building is not one that hurts the landscape, but one that makes the landscape more beautiful than it was before..." Update on Civic Center. Marin County Administration Building opened in October 1962. Construction underway on Hall of Justice. Includes two illustrations. Original cover price $2.00. 8.5 x 11.5 (Sweeney 1719) Pp 30 1719.00.0313 1967
Newsweek - Oct 23, 1967 (Published weekly by Newsweek Inc., Dayton, Ohio) Anonymous "Wright's 'Teahouse': The only restaurant famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright ever designed opened for business last week on the grounds of his estate, Taliesin, 40 miles west of Madison, Wis. Wright designed the structure in 1953, intending it as a teahouse for visitors. At Wright's death, in 1959, however, construction was far from complete and it was only last year that work was resumed by his successors. At the restaurant's opening - it was the first... Continue... (Sweeney 1720) P 78 1720.00.0416 1967 Chicago's American - April 9, 1967 Sheridan, Polly At Heart This House is a Mansion. Moore Residence (Five photos) Sec 4 Pg 3 1720.02.0402 1967 Chicago Tribune - October 22, 1967 Douglas, Anne Frank Lloyd Wright House, a Gem as Collector's Item. Cheney Residence (Five Photos) Sec 10 Pg A 1720.01.0402 1967
Family Handyman - December 1967 (Published bi-monthly by Universal Publishing & Distributing Corporation, New York) Anonymous The Sol Friedman House (1948 - S.316) "Frank Lloyd Wright, master of inner space. Nestled atop a hilly, thick wooded area not far from New York City, is a circular steel, stone, glass and concrete house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, dean of American architects. While all his works are unusual, even startling, each having its own personality, this one is especially fascinating because of the masterly way in which every bit of space was put to work. It is almost as though Wright had set himself an impossible... Continue... Pp Cover, 26-31 1720.59.0620 1967
Laurel Highlands - Volume VII, 1967 (Published annually by Laurel Highlands, Inc., Ligonier, Pennsylvania) Anonymous "Fallingwater " Newest Tourist Attraction. Since its opening to the public in 1964 by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, the famous Fallingwater has become one of the major tourist attractions of the entire Laurel Highlands area. Fallingwater, the architectural masterpiece of Frank Lloyd Wright which was built as a country home for the late Edgar J. Kaufmann, famed Pittsburgh businessman and philanthropist, is located at Bear Run, near Ohiopyle. More than 50,000 persons visited... Continue... Pp 47 1720.97.0223 1967
Milwaukee Journal Sunday Picture Journal - January 22, 1967 (Published weekly by the Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) Anonymous Milwaukee: From the Top. Photographs of Milwaukee from the air. Includes two photographs of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church. One aerial on the cover, and one perspective from the ground on page 5. Photographs by Clarence Schmidt, staff photographer for the Milwaukee Journal. Aquired from the Estate of James Mahos, one of the building committee member for the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church. 11 x 15 Pp Cv 4-8 1720.89.0822 1967 Milwaukee Journal, Sunday Picture Journal - December 10, 1967 (Published weekly by The Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) Salsini, Paul; Photography by Nusbaum, Donald "The Wisconsin Legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright." Expansive article on Frank Lloyd Wright's work in Wisconsin. Includes 47 photographs and two illustrations of: A portrait of Wright, Taliesin Spring Green (6); Hardy (3); Karen Johnson (1); S. C. Johnson (3), Wingspread (3); Midway Garden Chair (1); Map (1); Charles Manson (2); Richard Smith (2); Albert Adelman (1); Duey Wright (2); Pew (1); Schwartz (2); Herbert Jacobs I (1); Arnold (1); Kinney (2); Greenberg (1); Hotel Geneva (1); Lamp House (1); Gilmore... Continue... Pp Cover 4-8, 10, 16-18, 20 22-23, 27, 29-30, 32 1720.07.0410 1720.43.0319 1720.44.0319 1967 This Week in Tokyo - Sept 4, 1967 (Published weekly by This Week in Tokyo Company, Ltd.) Anonymous This weeks cover: Norman Richards, editor of United Air Lines' Mainliner magazine, and James McWayne, photo manager, gathered material in Japan for special Pacific issue of the magazine. Here Richards and McWayne are pictured in front of Tokyo's famed Imperial Hotel. (Photo by Charles Novak). Includes a write up on staying and dining at the Imperial Hotel. A full page ad covers the back cover. Two months after this publishing, on November 15, 1967 the... Continue... Pp Cover, 19, 29 1720.20.0712 1968 1968
Prairie School Review - No 1 & 2, 1968. Volume V, Number 1-2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Kennedy, Roger 2) Bragdon, Claude 3) Garden, Hugh M. G. 1) Long Dark Corridors: Harvey Ellis 2) Harvey Ellis: a Portrait Sketch 3) Harvey Ellis, Designer and Draughtsman (2 & 3 are reprinted from the December 1908 Architectural Review.) 4) Michael McGuire, Architect 5) Earl H. Reed, 1884-1968. Includes 95 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 52 1757.19.0216 1968 Prairie School Review - No 4, 1968
Tafel, Edgar Book Review: "The Imperial Hotel", James, Cary. (Sweeney 1724) Pp 27 1724.00.1104 1968 Prairie School Review - No 4, 1968 Cuscaden, Rob Book Review: "The Robie House", The Prairie School Press. (Sweeney 1728) Pp 28 1728.00.1104 1968
Progressive Architecture - December 1968 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Anonymous 1) "Drum Along Monona. Madison, Wis. The only thing wrong with the site for the Madison Civic Auditorium, overlooking beautiful Lake Monona, just two blocks from the Wisconsin State Capital, is that it is cut off from the capital and the city by the double barrier of expressway and railroad. Designed by Taliesin Associates as the first structure in the long-delayed Frank Lloyd Wright plan to give Madison a civic Center (see p.66, May, 1968 P/A)... William... Continue... (Sweeney 1736) Pp 48 1736.00.1215 1968
Architectural Forum - May 1968 (Published 10 times a year by Urban America, Inc., New York) Dunhill, Priscilla Imperial Hotel. "Requiem for a Masterpiece. On February 28, 1968, the last of the magnificently carved Oya stones of Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel in Tokyo was bulldozed into rubble to make way for the new order; a 17-story skyscraper hotel that will look like all other 17-story skyscraper hotels, everywhere... Wright had sunk so much of himself into his building that he had lost all perspective. He refused to delegate the smallest decision... Continue... (Sweeney 1737) Pp 70-75 1737.00.0715 1968
North Carolina Architect - Oct 1968 (Digital copy) (Published by the North Carolina Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, Raleigh, NC) Anonymous "Frank Lloyd Wright items offered for sale by his son. This year, nearly a hundred years since the birth of Frank Lloyd Wright and almost ten years since his death, his son, John Lloyd Wright, offers for sale sixty-six items concerning the life and work of his famous father. These range from an autographed copy of the original edition of the Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe van Frank Lloyd Wright, through a wide range of books, personal mementos, original manuscripts, paintings and furniture... Continue... (Sweeney 1740) Pp 20-22 1740.00.0417 1968 Historic Preservation - April -June 1968 Kobayashi, Bunji Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. (Sweeney 1743) Pp 62-68 1743.00.0404 Feiss, Carl; Morton, Terry Brust True or False; Living Architecture, Old and New. Includes illustration, caption and text concerning Wright. Pp 50-58 1743.01.0404 1968 Prairie School Review - No. 3, 1968 McCoy, Robert E. Rock Crest / Rock Glen. Prairie Planning in Iowa (Sweeney 1746) Pp Cover 5-39 1746.00.0902 1968
L'architettura - No.155 - September 1968 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Anonymous Published in Italian. "Requiem per l'Imperial Hotel. In memoria dell'Imperial Hotel a Tokio di Frank Lloyd Wright, la cui demolizione e stata decretata ed attuata (L'a, nn. 140, 149), "Japan Architect" pubblica una ampia documentazione in parte inedita del famoso edificio, che sara sostituito da un blocco simile a quello che, nella foto sopra, gia lo fronteggia." (Requiem for the Imperial Hotel. In memory of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Frank Lloyd Wright, whose demolition has been decreed and... Continue... (Sweeney 1751) Pp 385 1751.00.0417 1968
L'architettura - No.148 - February 1968 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Rubino, Luciano Published in Italian. "Flashes su Frank Lloyd Wright, 1" (Flashes on Frank Lloyd Wright, Part 1.) "Oak Park, Illinois, 1889 - 93. Part 1 of a 9 part series (Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec) "In this first part of a series on F. Ll. Wright we illustrate some of his first works at Oak Park, Ill., dating back to 1889-93. Thy include the architect's first office and three houses of almost identical plan on Chicago Avenue." Includes 12 photographs and illustrations of Wright's Oak Park Home and... Continue... (Sweeney 1753-A) Pp 690-694 1753.A0.0417 1968
L'architettura - No.149 - March 1968 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Rubino, Luciano, Published in Italian. 1753B: "Flashes su Frank Lloyd Wright, 2" (Flashes on Frank Lloyd Wright, Part 2.) "Chicago, Illinois, 1904-08. Part 2 of a 9 part series (Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec) "Two very... Continue... (Sweeney 1753-B) Pp 758-764 1753.B0.0417
Anonymous "L'Hotel Imperiale di Tokyo: estrtemi soccorsi." (The Imperial Hotel in Tokyo: help out.) "Come annunciammo, l'impresa Kashima sta demolendo la famosa opera di F. Ll. Wright. Ma il 'Committee for the preservation of the Imperial Hotel... Continue... Pp 704 1753.01.0417 1968
L'architettura - No.150 - April 1968 (Published by ETAS Kompass, Italy) Rubino, Luciano Published in Italian. "Flashes su Frank Lloyd Wright, 3" (Flashes of Frank Lloyd Wright, Part 3.) "Hillside Home School II, Spring Green, Wisconsin 1902." Part 3 of a 9 part series (Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec) "Di tutte le opere di Wright, questa scuola successivamente ampliata, trasformata, distrutta in parte e ricostruita fino a divenire Taliesin East, sede invernale della verita nella nostra personale verifica che estrae dall'enorme... Continue... (Sweeney 1753-C) Pp 830-834 1753.C0.0914 1968
L'architettura - No.151 - May 1968 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Rubino, Luciano Published in Italian. "Flashes su Frank Lloyd Wright, 4" (Flashes on Frank Lloyd Wright, Part 4.) "Taliesin East: l'abitazione dell'architetto, 1925. Part 4 of a 9 part series (Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec) "Taliesin East: l'abitazione dell'architetto, 1925." (Taliesin East: The Architect's Home, 1925.) "The fourth part of our serial on the work of Frank Lloyd Wright deals with Taliesin East, Wis., the home he built for himself at his own birthplace. Twice destroyed by fire, it was twice rebuilt and... Continue... (Sweeney 1753-D) Pp 60-64 1753.D0.0417 1968
L'architettura - No.152 - June 1968 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Rubino, Luciano ublished in Italian. "Flashes su Frank Lloyd Wright, 5" (Flashes on Frank Lloyd Wright, Part 5.) H. F. Johnson House ("Wingspread"), Wind Point, Racine, Michigan, 1937. Part 5 of a 9 part series (Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec) "H. F. Johnson House ('Wingspread'), Wind Point, Racine, Michigan, 1937. The H. F. Johnson House at Wind Point, Mich., is considered to be the last of the 'Prairie Houses'. The floor plan results from the meeting of four winds: (parents... Continue... (Sweeney 1753-E) Pp130-134 1753.E0.0417 1968
L'architettura - No.154 - August 1968 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Rubino, Luciano Published in Italian. "Flashes su Frank Lloyd Wright, 6" (Flashes on FLW, Part 6.) George D. Sturges and John PewHouse. Part 6 of a 9 part series (Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec) "George D. Sturges, Brentwood Heights, Los Angeles 1938; John Pew House, Shorewood Hills, Madison, Wisconsin 1940. These two low-cost houses designed by Wright apply on a social level certain principles from 'Fallingwater' (L'a, No. 82). In some way they are the forerunners of certain later... Continue... (Sweeney 1753-F) Pp 340-344 1753.F0.0417 1968
L'architettura - No.155 - September 1968 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Rubino, Luciano Published in Italian. "Flashes su Frank Lloyd Wright, 7" (Flashes on Frank Lloyd Wright, Part 7.) Jacobs II and Wright's First prefabricated house, Crestwood. Part 7 of a 9 part series (Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec). "Herbert Jacobs House II, Windswept Hills, Madison, 1942. Prima casa prefabbricata, Crestwood, 1957." (First prefabricated house, Crestwood, 1957.) "The first of Wright's two houses presented here, built in 1942, forms a half circle, almost entirely free from internal... Continue... (Sweeney 1753-G) Pp 411-414 1753.G0.0417 1968
L'architettura - No.156 - October 1968 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Rubino, Luciano Published in Italian. "Flashes su Frank Lloyd Wright, 8" (Flashes on Frank Lloyd Wright, Part 8.) John E. Christian House. Part 8 of a 9 part series (Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec) "John E. Cristian (sic) House, Lafayette, Indiana anni '50. This house by F. Ll. Wright, designed in the Fifties, presents an apparent contradiction: a 'rationalistic ' layout following the inventions based on curving and wrapping lines of the David's house at Phoenix, the Morris Shop in San Francisco... Continue... (Sweeney 1753-H) Pp 480-484 1753.H0.0417 1968
L'architettura - No.158 - December 1968 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Rubino, Luciano Published in Italian. "Flashes su Frank Lloyd Wright, 9" (Flashes on Frank Lloyd Wright, Part 9.) S.C. Johnson & Son. Part 9 of a 9 part series (Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec) "S. C. Johnson & Son, Racine, Wisconsin 19360-50. The last of the serial on Frank Lloyd Wright concerns one of the American master's greatest masterpieces: the Johnson Society building at Racine, Wisconsin. This is a widely known and celebrated work. More than thirty years after its construction... Continue... (Sweeney 1753-I) Pp 620-624 1753.I0.0417 1968
Architectural Forum - January/February 1968 (Published 10 times a year by Urban America, Inc., New York) Tafel, Edgar; R. C. Haskett Letters: "Tragedy of the Imperial. Starting in 1916, it took about four years to build Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel, and now demolition will take about four weeks. From the window of my eight-story room in the 'new' Imperial, I've seen the steel wrecking ball swing from 8 a.m. to midnight and have walked through what is left of the grand public areas. Their furnishings have been stripped; it is damp and cold. Outside, frontloaders lift the debris into... Continue... (Sweeney 1754) Pp 15 1754.00.0815 1968 Wisconsin Magazine of History - Spring 1968 (Published quarterly by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison) Twombly, Robert C. "Frank Lloyd Wright in Spring Green, 1911-1932." Includes 14 photos and illustrations. 7.5 x 10. (Sweeney 1756) Pp 200-217 1756.00.0706 1968 Everyday Art - Winter 1968 (Published by The American Crayon Company, Sandusky, Ohio. A division of The Joseph Dixon Crucible Company) Kostka, Robert "The Prairie School." The entire issue is devoted on Wright, as well as his influence on Drummond, Griffin and Purcell. Includes 32 photographs of which 10 are Wright's. Wright photographs of Unity Temple, Robie House and details of the Coonley House. Photography by Richard Nickel and Robert Kostka. 6 x 9. Pp 1-19 1757.05.0307 1968
Potomac Magazine, Washington Post Sunday Magazine - September 8, 1968 (Published weekly by the Washington Post Company, Washington D.C.) Le Sueur, Dorothy Fall Fashions. A full issue dedicated to fall fashions, photographed at the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Pope-Leighey House at Woodlawn.
...This significant casual theme recalls the 1940s, when American sportswear hit the international map with a sonic-size bang. Because of it, this section was photographed at the Pope-Leighey House, designed in 1940 by Frank Lloyd Wright. A property of the National Trust, located at Woodlawn Plantation, Mt. Vernon, Va., this small house is... Continue...Pp 3-44 1757.54.1024 1968 SAGA - April 1968 Galanoy, Terry The World's Most Exotic and Most Expensive Cars. Includes text and color photo of Wright's auto. Pp 8-11, 81-82, 84, 86 1757.01.0404 1968 Wisconsin Beautiful - 1968 Vol. 1,No. 2 (Published by Country Beautiful Foundation, Inc., Waukesha, Wisconsin) Polley, Robert L. "Frank Lloyd Wright, Native Son." A Great Architect of the Twentieth Century Was Born and Nurtured in Wisconsin. Includes six photographs. Original List Price $1.50. 9 x 12. Pp 20-25 1757.02.0305 1969 1969
Prairie School Review - No 1, 1969. Volume VI, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) Editor: Hasbrouck, W. R. 1) Brooks, H. Allen 3) Ganschinietz, Suzanne 4) Vaughn, Edward J. 1) Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright: The Early Work, by C. R. Ashbee. With a new introduction by Edgar Kaufmann, Jr. Horizon Press, New York, 1968, 144 pp., Illust., $15.00. The famous Wasmuth edition of 1911 has now been re-issued, and in such a manner as to be more useful and serviceable than before. The original title, Frank Lloyd Wright: Ausgefuhrte Bauten, had, of necessity, to be changed since 'Executed Work' would, today, imply that the content covered Wright's entire life span... Continue... (Sweeney 97) Pp 24-25 0097.00.0419 1969 Architectural Forum - June 1969 (Published ten times a year by Urban America, Inc., New York)
Hasbrouck, Wilbert R. Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright: The Early Work (1968) (Sweeney 98) Pp 84-85 0098.00.0704 1969
Architectural Record - March 1969 (Published monthly by McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York) Tafel, Edgar Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright: The Early Work, a reissue of Ausgefuhrte Bauten, first published by Wasmuth, Berlin, 1911. Horizon Press, New York, 1968, 144 pp., Illust., $15.00. "Europe's First Knowledge of Wright. In the fall of 1932 some 35 of us - eager recent architectural graduates, or dropouts from the then-Establishment that was still harking back to the Beaux-Arts - all descended upon Taliesin in Wisconsin and the Taliesin Fellowship was born. It was tactically understood... Continue... (Sweeney 99) Pp 148 0099.00.0519 1977
AIA Journal - May 1977 (No Cover) (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York, New York) Loeffler, Jane Canter Book Review: "The Pope-Leighey House, 1969, National Trust for Historic Preservation." At the same that Loeffler reviewed this book, she also reviewed "Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Houses: the Case for Organic Architecture," Whitney Library of Design, Sergeant, 1976. "This is a logical mate to Sergeant's overview. Lauren Pope asked Wright to design for him a 'Jacob-styled house' for $5500, and Wright designed the house in 1940. Taliesin released architect-client correspondence... Continue... Pp 68, 72 1761.01.0218 1969 Interiors - May 1969 (Published by Whitney Publications, Inc.) Anonymous "Chicago resurrections: Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House." Includes nine photos. Original List Price $1.00. 9 x 12. (Sweeney 1777) Pp Cover, 5 114-17 1777.00.0105 1969
Design Quarterly #74-75 - 1969 (Published by Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota) Finch, Christopher Process and Imagination. An extensive article covering the work of number of architects worldwide. "Frank Lloyd Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright's place in any discussion of imagination in modern architecture is undeniable. There is a characteristic difference between his work and that of most of his great contemporaries - Le Corbusier, Gropius, Mies, for example. Their work always seems to be striving for some logical expression of a rational esthetic; when it is lyrical it is a result of a particularly satisfying... Continue... (Sweeney 1778) Pp 13-15 1778.00.0220 1969
AIA Journal - June 1969 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) Anonymous "High Bids Cloud Future of Madison Auditorium. After more than 30 years of controversy which began when Frank Lloyd Wright unveiled... Monona Terrace... Continue... (Sweeney 1783) Pp 24 28 1783.00.0316 Books: "The Robie House: Frank Lloyd Wright. Historic American Building Survey. Palos Park, Ill.; Prairie School Press. 1968... Continue... Pp 140 1723.01.0316 Books: "Frank Lloyd Wright: The Early Work. New York: Horizon Press, 1968. This is strictly a picture book with the text taking... Continue... Pp 140 1732.01.0316 1969
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - October1969 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Donald Hoffmann "Frank Lloyd Wright and Viollet-le-Duc. When, in his youth, Frank Lloyd Wright came upon the writings of Viollet-le-Duc the encounter was evidently more than casual. Viollet-le-Duc's words became a cardinal influence in the formation of Wright's architectural philosophy. Even in his ninetieth year, Wright spoke of their impact. That the words of Viollet-le-Duc should have commanded the attention of Wright - even before he reached the milieu of the Chicago School, where functional and... Continue... (Sweeney 1784) Pp 173-183
1784.00.0417 1969 Architectural Forum - June 1969 (Published ten times a year by Urban America, Inc., New York) Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. Frank Lloyd Wright: The Eleventh Decade (Sweeney 1785) Pp 38-41 1785.00.0704 1969 Northwest Architect - July - August 1969 (Published bi-monthly by the Minnesota Society of Architects, St. Paul, Minnesota) Olson, Allen R.; Hoffmeyer, Alberty L.; Howe, John H.Neils, Henry J.; Olfelt, Dr. Paul; Walter, Lowell E.; Alsop, Mrs. Carroll... "Frank Lloyd Wright 1869 - 1969". A special issue devoted to the work of Wright. Edited by Olson and Hoffmeyer assisted by John Howe. Howe and Olson worked together on the layout. Includes 24 articles and ads, and interviews with several of Wright's clients. 1) Index page 23; 2) "Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin", pages 24-25, includes 11 photographs; 3) "Reflections of Taliesin", Howe, pages 26-30, 63, includes seven photographs; 4) "Mr... Continue... (Sweeney 1788) Pp Cover, 23-78, 92, BC 1788.00.0709 1969 Northwest Architect - September / October 1969 Young, Frank Architecture and Northeast Minnesota. Includes three photos and captions. Pp 46 1788.01.0403 1969 Historic Preservation - April -September 1969 Bullock, Helen Dudpry & Morton, Terry B. The Pope-Leighey House. Special issue on the Pope-Leighey House. Whole issue devoted specific to this Wright House. This was later re-issued as a book, see S#1760. (Sweeney 1790) Pp 120 1790.00.0404 1969
Wisconsin Architect - October 1969 - (Published by the Wisconsin Architect, Inc., Wisconsin Chapter of the American Institute of Architects) Saltzstein, Joan, W. Saltzstein is the granddaughter of Danmar Adler. "Taliesin through the Years. It was during the thirties, the depression years, that I first visited Taliesin East, Frank Lloyd Wright's lovely peaceful Shangri-La at Spring Green, near Madison. Those were difficult times for Frank Lloyd Wright. He no longer had to face the confrontations with the authorities that had plagued the early years of his marriage and his family life with his wife, Olgivanna... Continue... (Sweeney 1793) Pp 14-18 1793.00.0514 1969
L'architettura - No.159 - January 1969 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Anonymous Published in Italian. "Lo scempio del Guggenheim Museum." (The ruin of the Guggenheim Museum.) "In New York, the Guggenheim Museum has been murdered by the construction of a new wing which suffocates Wright's masterpiece." Includes two photographs of the Guggenheim Museum. Original cover price Lire 900. 9.6 x 12.75 (Sweeney 1795) Pp 634 1795.00.0417 1969
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - March 1969 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Tselos, Dimitri "Frank Lloyd Wright and World Architecture. Sixteen years ago I demonstrated in a special article some influences of Japanese and pre-Columbian art on Wright's architecture built before and after the First World War. (Magazine of Art, 1953.) Wright sent immediately a statement to the magazine but it was not published until now for reasons given elsewhere in this article. In that statement Wright refers to his admiration of Columbian architecture and the involvement of all living architecture... Continue... (Sweeney 1799) Pp 58-72 1799.00.0417 1969
AIA Journal - May 1969 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Anonymous; Wright, Olgivanna "Wright Centennial to Give Oak Park a Festive Look; Tours Set for Architects. Oak Park, Ill., the home of Frank Lloyd Wright from 1893 to 1911 and the site of a number of his best known buildings, will salute the master with the celebration begins memorial day, runs through the AIA/RA IC Convention in close by Chicago and culminates on the Fourth of July..."
" 'He Exalted Man as an Individual.' Mrs. Wright. According to my husband's belief and his written statement... Continue... (Sweeney 1800)Pp 12, 16 1800.00.0618 1969 Architectural Forum - June 1969 (Published ten times a year by Urban America, Inc., New York) Wright, Henry "Unity Temple, Oak Park, Ill." "Unity Temple Revisited." Unity Temple after more than sixty years. Includes ten photographs and one illustration plus Wasmuth Plate 62 (on Cover) and Wasmuth Plate 64 (page 31). 9 x 11. (Sweeney 1801) Pp Cover, 28-37 1801.00.0704 1969 Architectural Forum - June 1969 (Published ten times a year by Urban America, Inc., New York) Wright, Henry (Former Editor of the Architectural Forum) Offset: "Unity Temple, Oak Park, Ill." "Unity Temple Revisited." Unity Temple after more than sixty years. Includes ten photographs and one illustration plus Wasmuth Plate 62 (on Cover) and Wasmuth Plate 64 (page 31). 9 x 11. (Sweeney 1801) Pg Cover 28-37 1801.01.1006 1969
L'architettura - No.169 - November 1969 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Zevi, Bruno; Frank, Edward Published in Italian. Zevi: "Frank Lloyd Wright, tomorrow. Distinct signs of exhaustion become manifest. The attempt to revive architecture from the point of view of form appeared to be doomed The lack of a valid convention became apparent, and even the greatest efforts of the artist of the day did not succeed in overcoming this deficiency... To some a revival of Classic forms seemed reasonable an in the field of monumental architecture, even imperative..." Includes 10 photographs... Continue... (Sweeney 1803) Pp 423-486 1803.00.0417 C 1969
Badger History - Wisconsin and the Arts (Single sheet) (A Supplement published by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin) State Historical Society of Wisconsin Text on face: "In 1915, Frank Lloyd Wright traveled to Tokyo to design the Imperial Hotel. Wright planned the hotel to blend with the Japanese city. He supervised every detail of the building. Somehow, Wright managed to make each guest room different from the others. This "earthquake-proof" structure was recently torn down." Photograph from 1923. 11 x 8.5 Pp 1 1803.20.1116 1969
Bauen und Wohnen - August 1969 (Published by Bauen + Wohnen GmbH, Munchen, Germany) Roland von Rebay, Wessling am See Zur Geschichte der Modernen Architektur. Mitte der zwanziger Jahre schrieb J. J. P. Oud in einer Wendingen-Augabe: "Obwohl ich von der Relativitat aller Kunstbetrachtung, soweit es Zeitgenossen und uns nahestehe nde Petersonen batrifft, uberzeugt bin, steht meiner Meinung nach die Gestait Frank Lloyd Wrights so klar uber der Umweit, daB ish es wagen kann, ihn einen der AllergroBten seiner Zeit zu nennen, Ohne furchten zu mussen daB eine spatere Generation dieses Urteil revidieren wird... Continue... Pp VIII 1 - 2 1803.24.0418 1969 Chicago Tribune Sunday Magazine - April 27, 1969 Weiner, Egon; Neimark, Paul G. The Face that launched an artistic obsession. The sculpture saw Frank Lloyd Wright just once and vowed that he would mold that powerful visage in bronze if he had to follow him to the ends of the earth. Pp42 46 48-49 51 53 56 58 60 1803.01.0802 1969 Metropolitan Opera Program 1968-69 (Published by Saturday Review, Inc., New York) Kolodin, Irving "Frank Lloyd Wright's last monument." Grady Gammage Auditorium. "Once inside the structure and in a position to judge the logic of form and function which dominates its design, the monstrous givesway to the memorable. Includes three photographs and one illustration. 8 x 11 Pp 12-13 1803.04.0207 1969
Prairie School Review - No 2, 1969. Volume VI, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Ganschinietz, Suzanne 2) Vaughn, Edward J. 1) William Drummond: II. Partnership & Obscurity 2) Sullivan & Elmslie at Michigan. Decoration Without Architecture - Little known Works by Louis H. Sullivan and George Grant Elmslie 3) Book Review. Includes 44 photographs and illustrations two of which relate to Wright and Como Orchards. Original cover price $1.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 28 1803.16.0216 1969
Prairie School Review - No 3, 1969. Volume VI, Number 3 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Greengard, Bernard C. 2) Karlowicz, Titus M. 3) Griggs, Joseph 4) Myers, Denys Peter 6) Hoffmann, Don 7) Hasbrouck, W. R. 1) Sullivan / Presto / The Krause Music Store 2) The Chicago School and the Tyranny of Usage. "...Wright's work on the Wainwright, and his association with Sullivan, becomes remarkably more significant. The younger architect was born not to emulate the master; moreover, he would not deny him. Wright did leave Sullivan, as he made the break the master could not, but he did carry on the spirit of an architecture preached, if not practiced by the master... Continue... Pp 28 1803.17.0216 1969
Prairie School Review - No 4, 1969. Volume VI, Number 4 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) Editor: Hasbrouck, W. R. 2) Engelbrecht, Lloyd C. 1) From the Editors. 2) Henry Trost: The Prairie School in the Southwest. This issue includes 50 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 32 1803.27.0419 1950-1959 BACK TO TOP 1970-1979
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