LIFE MAGAZINE LOOK MAGAZINE SATURDAY EVENING POST LIFE MAGAZINE Date: 1938 Title: Life Magazine - January 17, 1938 (Published weekly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Full page Ad: “The Architectural Forum has the honor to announce the publication of an entire issue written and designed by and devoted to the new and unpublished work of Frank Lloyd Wright.” Ad for January issue. $2 per copy. Includes one photograph by Henrich Blessing. Original cover price 10 cents.
Size: 10.5 x 14
Pages: P Inside Front Cover
S#: 0457.03.0307
Date: 1938 Title: Life Magazine - September 26, 1938
Author: Frank Lloyd Wright
Description: "Modern" house for Blackbourns of Minneapolis: If you earn $5,000-6,000 you can build one like it. "For the family in the $5,000-$6,000 income group, Life chose the Blackbourns of Minneapolis. "We call the style Usonian meaning 'of these United States'. If the house seems a little open for your Northwest, that openness has been taken care of by building the house upon a paved concrete mat itself heated by steam pipes laid under it in the gravel filling beneath. This insures comfort no matter how cold outside and there are no radiators in sight. What looks like them in the drawings are really the folding screens between the several paces opening into the central or general space -- a kind of enclosed patio..." Model of house for Blackbourns. Also published in Architectural Forum, November, 1938, p.331-335. Related Book: The 1940 Book of Small Houses (1938). (Sweeney 447)
Pages: Pp 56, 60-61
S#: 0447.00.0900
Date: 1939 Title: Life Magazine - March 20 1939 (Published weekly by Time Inc., Chicago, IL)
Author: Anonymous
Description: “Life Presents Landscapes and a Garden Calendar for Life’s Houses.” Follow-up to Life’s September 26, 1938 Issue. Includes eight illustrations, one of which is Wright’s “Modern for $5,000-$6,000 income”. Original cover price 10c.
Size: 10.5 x 14.
Pages: Pg 24-26
S#: 0489.01.1006
Date: 1939 Title: Life Magazine - May 8 1939
Description: Johnson Wax Bldg (Sweeney 489)
Pages: Pp 15-17
S#: 0489.00.0700
Date: 1942 Title: Life Magazine - November 9, 1942
Author: Anonymous
Description: Midwesterners Stay Calm in Critical Times. Photo and caption about Wright. (Sweeney 592)
Pages: Pp 109
S#: 0592.00.0302
Date: 1945 Title: Life Magazine - October 8, 1945 (Published weekly by Time, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: 1) "Speaking of Pictures ...New Art Museum will be New York’s Strangest Building." Includes five photographs of Frank Lloyd Wright and the Guggenheim Museum Model. Original cover price 10c. (Sweeney 645) Description: 2) "The Waldorf-Astoria. Most Famous U.S. Hotel Thrives on Sumptuous Efficiency." An eight story on the Waldorf-Astoria and Lucius Boomer (1953 - S.261) client of Frank Lloyd Wright, Includes one photograph of Lucius Boomer. Size: 10.5 x 14 Pages: Pp 12-13, 15 Pages: Pp 98-105. S#: 0645.00.0200 Date: 1946 Title: Life Magazine - August 12, 1946
Author: Sargent, Winthrop
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright: The titan of modern architecture still flings his houses and his insults at backward colleagues
Pages: Pp 84-96
S#: 0676.00.0401
Date: 1948
Title: Life Magazine - September 6, 1948 (Published weekly by Time, Inc. Chicago)
Author: Anonymous; Photos: Eisenstaedt, Alfred
Description: "The Good Life in Madison, Wisconsin. Is it the Best Place in America to Live?" Extended article on Madison Wisconsin. Includes one photograph of the Jacobs I House by Alfred Eisenstaedt. Caption: "Modern Architecture is popular. This is the first low-cost house designed by the famed Frank Lloyd Wright, who is born in Richland Center, Wisconsin." Original cover price 20c.
Size: 10.5 x 14
Pages: Pg 51-59
S#: 0746.35.1020
Date: 1950 Title: Life Magazine - December 11, 1950
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Speaking of Pictures": Johnson’s new ‘Heliolab’ makes strange patters both by night and by day". S.C. Johnson and Son.
Pages: Pg 8-10
S#: 0831.04.0604
Date: 1951 Title: Life Magazine - April 30, 1951 (Published weekly by Time, Inc. Chicago)
Author: Anonymous
Description: “Speaking of Pictures... These show modern church designs.” Caption: “Steep-roofed prow of Unitarian Church in Madison, Wis., designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, serves as the main part of the church, and comprises the auditorium, pulpit, choir loft and bell tower. Includes one photograph. Original cover price 20 cents.
Size: 10.5 x 14
Pages: Pg 16-17
S#: 0857.04.0607
Date: 1952 Title: Life Magazine - February 4, 1952 (Published weekly by Time Inc., Chicago) (Relates to Huntington Hartford Resort, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, Project 1947-8)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Art Trouble in Paradise. Modernism upsets grocery heir’s Eden. About three years ago millionaire Huntington Hartford, 40-year-old heir to the A&P fortune, concluded that much of the violence of modern society was due to an ignorance of the arts. So he created the Huntington Hartford Foundation and on the outskirts of Los Angeles, in a hidden canyon, built a $600,000 retreat where struggling young artists, writers, composers and sculptors could live and create free from the cares of the world..." Wright’s plans for the resort were presented to Hartford in 1947, and revised in January 1948, but neighborhood opposition ended the project. It was after that (around 1949) that Hartford created his art community instead. Lloyd Wright designed a studio apartment building for the property. Includes nine photographs, one of the building designed by Lloyd Wright.
Size: 10.5 x 14
Pages: Pg 76-79
S#: 0910.31.0515
Date: 1953 Title: Life Magazine - June 15, 1953
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Give Me Land, Lots of Land". Article mentions Frank Lloyd Wright’s receipt of Gold Metal from the National Institute of Arts and Letters among other things. (Sweeney 943)
Pages: Pg 48
S#: 0943.00.0302
Date: 1955
Title: Life Magazine - February 21, 1955 (Published weekly by Time Inc., Chicago)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Change of Mind For An Architect. Frank Lloyd Wright had vowed to leave Wisconsin after it levied $18,000 in taxes on his architectural school. Last week well-wishers, including Governor Kohler (third from left), turned out in Madison and, before his model for a civic center, gave Wright (fifth from left) $10,000. Wright decided to remain. Includes one photograph of the Monona Terrace Testimonial Dinner in honor of Frank Lloyd Wright. Original cover price 20 cents.
Size: 10.5 x 14
Pages: Pp 92
S#: 1092.283.0225
Monona Terrace Testimonial Dinner for Frank Lloyd Wright. Last week well-wishers, including Governor Kohler (third from left), turned out in Madison and, before his model for a civic center, gave Wright (fifth from left) $10,000. Wright decided to remain.Date: 1955 Title: Life Magazine - May 30, 1955
Author: Frank Lloyd Wright
Description: Ad written by Wright endorsing Life Magazine: "You have to see from inside".
Pages: Pg 98-9
S#: 1147.01.0502
Date: 1956 Title: Life Magazine - March 5, 1956
Author: Anonymous
Description: Spreading out, stretching up. Includes text and one photo about the Dana House.
Pages: Pg 98-9
S#: 1147.01.0502
Date: 1957 Title: Life Magazine - May 13, 1957
Description: Wright Picks a Fight in Arizona: Architect scorns a skyscraper and offers a weird substitute. (Sweeney 1203)
Pages: Pg 59
S#: 1203.00.0302
Date: 1957 Title: Life Magazine - June 3, 1957 (Published weekly by Time, Inc. Chicago)
Author: Schultz, Gerhard; Rogers, Charles; Entwistle, Harold Author: Anonymous Description: Letters: “Wright Picks a Fight.” Three letters published in response to the article in the May 13, 1957 issue. “...is an example of Arizona’s gross stupidity...” “Wright must think Arizona is inhabited by rockheads.” “Wright picks fights all over the place and currently has the city of Madison in a dither...” Includes update on the Madison project and one photograph of Wright’s model for Madison. Description: “Notable Modern Buildings” Architects Institute picks outstanding designs of past decade. Includes caption and full page photograph of the Price Tower, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Original cover price 20 cents. 10.5 x 14. Size: Size: Pages: Pg 16 Pages: Pg 62 S#: 1203.01.0507 Date: 1957
Title: Life Magazine - November 11, 1957 (Published weekly by Time Inc., Chicago)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Although these Fiberthin Air House variations are not credited to Frank Lloyd Wright, in 1956-7 Wright designed four variations of Fiberthin Air Houses for the U. S. Rubber Company. Caption: "Nylon Airhouses pop up on a university campus in Kentucky. Made of U. S. Rubber Company’s Fiberthin, a vinyl-covered nylon fabric four times as strong as waterproof canvas yet 40% lighter in weight, domelike houses are kept up by air, pumped in by small blowers. They are anchored at base by ballast ring of sand or water. Already catching on for industrial and military use, they are being developed as vacation homes for around $1,000 for a 20-foot-diameter size." Original cover price 25c.
Size: 10.5 x 14
Pages: Pg 134-137
S#: 1205.86.1017Date: 1959 Title: Life Magazine - April 27, 1959
Author: Author: Jones, Cranston Description: The Finale At 89 for a Fiery Genius (Sweeney 1292) Description: Pride and Prejudices of the Master (Sweeney 1323) Size: Size: Pages: Pg 53 Pages: Pg 54-6 S#: 1292.00.0901 S#: 1323.00.0901 Date: 1959 Title: Life Magazine - November 2, 1959 (Published weekly by Time Inc., Chicago)
Author: Anonymous
Description: “Wright’s Startling Museum Spiral.” Opening of the Guggenheim Museum. Wright predicted “When it is finished and you go into it, you will feel the building. You will feel it as a curving wave that never breaks. Includes one photograph. Original cover price $0.20.
Size: 10.5 x 14.
Pages: Pg 81
S#: 1377.27.1106
Date: 1960 Title: Life Magazine - January 18, 1960
Author: Anonymous
Description: Kalita Humphreys Theater. The only theater designed by Frank Lloyd Wright draws raves at Dallas opening.
Pages: Pp 75
S#: 1458.03.0102
Date: 1971 Title: Life Magazine - June 11, 1971
Author: Wainwright, Loudon
Description: Guardian of Legacy (Sweeney 1855)
Pages: Pp 44-55
S#: 1855.00.1000
Date: 1985 Card Title: "Life Magazine Remembers" Card from game - 1985
Author: Mydans, Carl
Description: "Life Magazine Remembers" the Imperial Hotel. Card #53 from game. Picture circa 30-40's
Size: 5 x 3
ST#: 1985.07.0202
Date: 1990 Title: Life Magazine - Fall 1990
Author: Anonymous
Description: "The 100 Most important Americans of the 20th Century." Frank Lloyd Wright Maverick Architect of a Functional Form.
Pages: Pp 105
ST#: 1990.30.1104
Date: 1995
Title: Life Magazine - June 5, 1995 (Published monthly by Time, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Life Celebrates 1945. "Visionary Builder. Once upon a time, buildings were big boxes divided into smaller boxes. Then along came Frank Lloyd Wright, with his ‘organic’ buildings that grew from the inside out and mirrored their environments. Jutting serenely out of prairies and over waterfalls, Wright’s structures were as eccentric, innovations - carports, corner windows, open floor plans..." Includes one photograph of Wright with the model of the Guggenheim Museum. Original cover price $4.95.
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pp 143
ST#: 1995.90.0617Date: 1997 Title: Life Magazine - May 1997
Author: Allen, Jenny
Description: The 97 Life Dream Home: Continuing the tradition of the legendary Frank Lloyd Wright, His Firm, Taliesin Architects, Designs a home for today.
Pages: Pp 103-132
ST#: 1997.09.0597
Date: America The Beautiful, 100 Places to See in Your Lifetime (2007) Title: America The Beautiful, 100 Places to See in Your Lifetime (Soft Cover) (Published by Time, Inc., Life Books, Des Moines, IA)
Author: Editor: Sullivan, Robert; Copy: Gaspar, Lesley; McGaw, Parlan
Description: Fallingwater is one of the 100 places to visit in your lifetime. "Most children play in tree houses or wish they could. Or they dream of castles in the sky or underwater homes. As adults, we usually put such dreams aside, but not always and not all of us..." (Page 29) Includes one illustration. Original Soft Cover price $10.99. (First Edition)
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pp 144
ST#: 2007.56.0607
Title: Look Magazine - November 8, 1949 (Published by Cowles Magazines, Inc., New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Duchamp, Marcel
Description: "Modern Art Argument." Ten experts talk it over for 9 hours in San Francisco and try to clear up some public mis-understandings. Original List Price 15 cents.
Size: 10.5 x 13.25
Pages: Pp 80-83
S#: 0798.04.0305Date: 1952
Title: Look Magazine - January 1, 1952
Author: Anonymous
Description: Journey to Taliesin West (Sweeney 895)
Size: 10.5 x 13.25
Pages: Pp 28-31
S#: 0895.00.0901Date: 1954
Title: Look Magazine - September 7, 1954 (Published every other Tuesday by Cowles Magazines, Inc., Des Moines, Iowa)
Author: Bailey, Perkins H.
Description: "A Man Expresses Himself With his necktie. For a capsule character analysis, look at any man’s tie – his last outpost of independence..." Portraits of 14 different men, one of which is Frank Lloyd Wright. Caption: "Architect Frank Lloyd Wright: As surprising in his choice of cravat as in his architecture." One portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright. Original cover price 15c. (Sweeney 1020)
Size: 10.5 x 13.25
Pages: Pp 58
S#: 1020.00.0620Date: 1957
Title: Look Magazine - September 17, 1957
Author: Peter, John Author: Peter, John Description: A Visit with Frank Lloyd Wright. (Sweeney 1194) Description: Two weeks with a genius. Size: 10.5 x 13.25 Pages: Pp 28-37 Pages: Pp 128 S#: 1194.00.0501 S#: 1194.01.0501 SATURDAY EVENING POST Date: 1952
Title: Saturday Evening Post - June 28, 1952 (Published Weekly by The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, PA)
Author: Morris, J. Malcolm
Description: "My Six Fantastic Years at the Imperial Hotel”. In 1945 Lieutenant J. Malcolm Morris became a billet at the Imperial Hotel for senior officers of the Allied occupation forces. When he became a civilian, he stayed on as manager until 1951. In 1954 Morris expanded his stories and published "The Wise Bamboo". Includes four photographs. Original cover price 15c.
Size: 10.75 x 13.75.
Pages: Pg 36-37 74 77-79
S#: 0910.06.1106Date: 1960
Title: Saturday Evening Post - December 3, 1960
Author: Wyden, Peter
Description: The Town Millionaires Built. Scottsdale, Arizona, is a dazzling Western town full of culture, offbeat enterprises and money, money, money... Includes FLW and photo of Mrs. Wright at the Arizona Biltmore.
Pages: Pg 19-21, 78-80
S#: 1458.05.0602Date: 1961
Title: Saturday Evening Post - January 7, 1961
Author: Farr, Finis
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright: Defiant Genius, Part One: Wisconsin’s Gift to Chicago (Sweeney 1469)
Pages: Pp 17-21, 83,85-6
S#: 1469.01.0301Date: 1961
Title: Saturday Evening Post - January 14, 1961
Author: Farr, Finis
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright: Defiant Genius, Part Two: The Birth of a Legend (Sweeney 1469)
Pages: Pp 32-3, 76-8
S#: 1469.02.0301Date: 1961
Title: Saturday Evening Post - January 21, 1961
Author: Farr, Finis
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright: Defiant Genius, Part Three: Scandal and Sorrow (Sweeney 1469)
Pages: Pp 24, 60-2
S#: 1469.03.0301Date: 1961
Title: Saturday Evening Post - January 28, 1961
Author: Farr, Finis
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright: Defiant Genius, Part Four, Years of Trial (Sweeney 1469)
Pages: Pp 32, 89, 91-2
S#: 1469.04.0301Date: 1961
Title: Saturday Evening Post - February 4, 1961
Author: Farr, Finis
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright: Defiant Genius, Conclusion: The Years of Glory (Sweeney 1469)
Pages: Pp 38, 93, 95-6
S#: 1469.05.0301Date: 1978
Title: Saturday Evening Post - November 1978 (Published monthly by The Saturday Evening Post Company, Indianapolis, Indiana)
Author: McKown, David L.
Description: Fallingwater. "Frank Lloyd Wright's Masterpiece. Fallingwater, just a two-hour drive from Pittsburgh, was once derided as a dream on the verge of collapse. Born in the valley of a rushing mountain stream in the softwood forests of western Pennsylvania’s Laurel Highlands, a product of the genius of Frank Lloyd Wright, it clung to the rocky cliff and was nourished by native sandstone and timber. Sons of the rugged mountains fed yet, tended it, and shaped its development until it reached adulthood. It still lives deep in that valley, cooled by the mist from the waterfall, and is acknowledged as one of the greatest architectural achievements of modern man. It's name is Fallingwater, and it is among the world’s best known private residences..." Includes four photographs of Fallingwater. Original cover price $1.25.
Size: 8.25 x 11
Pages: Pg 57-59
ST#: 1978.62.0521Date: 2017
Title: The Saturday Evening Post - May/June 2017 (Published bimonthly by The Saturday Evening Post Society, Indianapolis, IN)
Author: 1) Wilkinson, Todd 2) Finis Farr
Description: 1) "Frank Lloyd Wright. On his 150th birthday, we celebrate the long and stormy career of America’s most renowned architect. Two springs after the Civil War ended — and exactly 150 years ago on June 8, 1867 — Frank Lloyd Wright, one of this country’s most original forces of nature, was born to an eccentric minister father and schoolteacher mother in pastoral Wisconsin. Few clues, other than, possibly, his affinity for playing with building blocks, could have foretold his future as an iconoclast who would help shape and even define modern society..."
2) "From the Archive: Wright’s Masterwork. When it opened in 1959, the Guggenheim Museum generated delight and derision in equal measure. On a blue afternoon toward the end of October in 1959, a number of notables gathered at 1071 Fifth Avenue in the city of New York. They were met to dedicate the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. Aside from a motor salesroom on Park Avenue, this mass of concrete was the city’s only example of work by the world’s most famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. Therefore its opening was an occasion for oratory, and thousands of citizens waited behind barricades while the men of distinction sounded off. The mercifully short speeches ended by 2 p.m., and the patient public shuffled in to view the wonders of the Guggenheim..." Reprinted from January 1961, Saturday Evening Post, FLW: Defiant Genius, Finis Farr. A five part series. Includes 13 photographs and illustrations. Cover illustration by Eric M. O’Malley. Original cover price $5.99.
Size: 8 x 10.5
Pages: Pg Cover 36-43
ST#: 2017.05.0417
©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2025