For a brief history of the Architectural Forum see the August/September 1964 issue. Date: 1930 Title: Architectural Forum - May 1930 (Published monthly by Building Division , National Trade Journals, Inc. New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: “The Logic of Contemporary Architecture as an Expression of This Age.” Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 247)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 637-8
S#: 0247.00.0406
Date: 1931 Title: Architectural Forum - May 1931 (Published monthly by National Trade Journals, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Book Review: "Modern Architecture, Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930", Wright, 1931, 115 pages, illustrated boards, $4.00, The Princeton University Press, Princeton , NJ. "Frank Lloyd Wright has had so many commentators recently, both competent and incompetent, that it is a pleasure to read what the man actually thinks himself. Having been ‘taken up’ by the young intelligentsia, his views have often been distorted by clever phraseology into theories which he himself would scarcely recognize... Regardless of the attitude which one holds in regard to Mr. Wright, the book will be found interesting by anyone who is all concerned with the development of architecture in this country." Includes two illustrations. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 251)
Size: 8.75 x 11.8
Pages: Pp 15
S#: 0251.00.0214
Date: 1931
Title: Architectural Forum - October 1931 (Published monthly by Rogers and Manson Company. New York, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Excerpts from a speech by Frank Lloyd Wright to the Michigan Architectural Society. “Highlights. I believe that America is less bound by tradition than any great country in the world. But unfortunately, just the same, in this day of concrete there is a good deal of concrete placed where it does not belong. Notwithstanding that misplacement as misfortune I think that there is a great chance for the architect in America. America is a proving ground in which this new idealism, in which this organic architecture we've been talking about can be born...” (Sweeney 290)
Note 1: Ad by Revere Sheet Copper includes two photographs of the Arizona Biltmore.
Size: 8.75 x 11.8
Pages: Pp 409-410; N1: P 2
S#: 0290.00.0822Date: 1933 Title: Architectural Forum - July 1933 (Published monthly by Rogers and Manson Corp. Concord, N.H.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "Another ‘Pseudo.’ When I am asked to write or speak about the Dawes Fair at Chicago - and continually I am asked to do one or the other - my feelings are curious. Mixed. Perhaps something gets to me like the sensations of the woman who longed for a child and, one day, found one gratuitously laid on her doorstep, only to discover the child to be a doll. In this instance, the hoax goes so far as to forge in this foundling on the doorstep a resemblance to myself. Let’s look at the doll..." Wright comments on the Century of Progress Exposition, Chicago, 1933. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 366)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 25
S#: 0366.00.1015
Date: November 1933 Title: Architectural Forum - November 1933 (Published monthly by Rogers and Manson Corp. Concord, N.H.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: “In the Show Window at Macy’s.” Wright comments on the work of eight contemporary architects. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 367)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 419-20
S#: 0367.00.0406
Date: 1937 Title: Architectural Forum - August 1937 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: “Frank Lloyd Wright Tests a Column, Attends a Convention, Visits the Paris Fair.” Racine: Wright tests the column for the Johnson Wax Company. Moscow: One of the few Americans invited to the first All-Union Congress of Soviet Architects Wright sailed with the intent of “quashing the Palace of the Soviets”. Paris: At the fair he found at least five good buildings. Includes six photographs to the column test. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 414)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 10
S#: 0414.00.0507
Date: 1937 Title: Architectural Forum - December 1937 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Architect Forum Author: Anonymous Description: Full Page Announcement: “The Architectural Forum has the honor to announce the opening of its 1938 program with an issue devoted to the new work of Frank Lloyd Wright.” A full page, bound announcement for the January 1938 issue that was devoted to Wright. One photograph by Hedrich-Blessing. Description: “Frank Lloyd Wright, at 68, the year’s most inventive architect.” Wright demonstrates Johnson Wax column to skeptical building authorities. Includes one portrait of Wright by Hedrich. Two copies. Original cover price $1.00. 9 x 12.
Size: Size: Pages: Pp 49 Pages: Pp 4, 64 S#: 0429.03.0307 S#: 0429.04.0507 Date: 1938
Title: Architectural Forum - January 1938 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Book Review: Review of "Architecture and Modern Life" by Baker Brownell and Frank Lloyd Wright. (Sweeney 406)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 18
S#: 0406.00.0200
Wright Designed Supplemental Cover Date: 1938 Title: Architectural Forum - January 1938 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Author: Kastner, George 2-6) Five Ads Description: A full issue devoted to the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. He designed, wrote and edited the cover and the supplemental content which included photographs and text pertaining to Wrights work, the Cheney House (1), Taliesin (23 photographs and illustrations), Broadacre City (1), Hillside (5), Millard (2), Willey (10), Barnsdall Little Dipper (2), Pioneer Chapel Memorial Project (1), Unity Temple (1), Fallingwater (10), Kaufmann Office (2), Model of Texas Prairie Model (5) Prism-Glass office Building (1), St. Marks (4), Coonley House (3), Wingspread (6), Wingspread Farm Unit (1) (Project), San Marcos Project (3), Ocatilla (3), Hanna (13), House on the Mesa project (3), Gilmore (1), Jacobs I (6), Parker Garage, Janesville Project (1), Bramson Dress Shop Project (1), Capitol Journal Project (2), Midway Gardens (2), S. C. Johnson (17), Larkin Building (3). Original cover price $2.00. (Sweeney 457) Description: 1) Letters: "Space Within". Letter from Kastner concerning Wright’s accomplishments. Ads: 2) Hope’s Windows. Full page ad. Photo of windows at Fallingwater. 3) Cabot’s "Quilt". Half page ad. Photo of Fallingwater. 4) Marquette Portland Cement. Half page ad. Photo testing Johnson Wax column. 5) Wright Rubber Tile. Quarter page ad. Photo John Wax Building model. 6) Reynolds Modern Foil Insulation. Quarter page ad. For the attic of The Hanna House. Size: 9 x 12 Size: 9 x 12 Pages: Cover, 1 - 102 Pages: Pp 22 Pp 21 57 58 63 66 S#: 0457.00.0200 S#: 0457.01.0200 Date: 1898
Title: Luxfer Prism Company Corporate Office Building Circa 1897 (Project) (FLLW #9509.001).
Description: Study for the front elevation of the proposed Luxfer Prism Corporate Office Building, published in the Architectural Forum, January 1938, p.54. Caption: "An early design for a prism-glass office building, Chicago... 1896... Notwithstandiong the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893... A Front only." Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.
Size: 5 x 9.5 B&W copy photograph.
S#: 0026.05.0720Unfolded full size page 1.
Date: 1938
Unfolded full size page 2. Emboss has been enhanced. Detail of Frank Lloyd Wright facsimile signature.
Title: Architectural Forum - January 1938 (Two Page Letter) (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Two Page Letter from Frank Lloyd Wright loosely inserted into the magazine. "To the Young Man in Architecture – a Challenge: I have taken over the writing and editing of the January Architectural Forum. I turned editor partly because Howard Myers came to Taliesin and asked me to – partly because I felt the time had come to restate a few fundamentals which are strangely missing from the contemporary scene. The days and nights and the long hours I have put into the making of this issue are important only to me. But important to you are the months and years that went into the making of these buildings whose plans and photographs this issue brings you for the first time with critical text... My purpose and hope in presenting this material in the Architectural Forum is to promote discussion and rekindle enthusiasm for an honest American Architecture..." Two single sheets, printed in three color and embossed. Text in black, red square, signature printed in blue. Of interest is that the cover of the magazine is printed in two color. The first and last pages of the Wright section of the magazine is also printed in two color. The pages of Wright’s section is one color. But this letter is printed in three color and embossed.
Size: 12 x 10 folded to 8 x 10.
Pages: Pp 2
S#: 0457.04.1116Date: 1938 Title: Architectural Forum - February 1938 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Letters
Description: Letters: Written in response to the January 1938 issue of Architectural Forum, including letters from: Hugh S. Morrison; Ernest Born; M. Lincoln Schuster; Ralph Walker; Joseph K. Boltz; J. H. Phillips; Bayard Wilson; W. W. Wurster; Tom Maloney; Gilman Lane (Photographer, Oak Park); Mishal A. Securda; Jacob Moscowitz; Armstead Fitzhugh; T. W. Brooks; Quentin F. Haig; William H. Scheick; Mendel Glickman; Louis Brustein; William Heyl Thompson. Editor: A deluge of letters and telegrams commenting on the January issue continues as The Forum goes to press, indicating clearly that the significance of Frank Lloyd Wright’s work is today recognized across the U. S. As it long has been across the water. These expressions to Mr. Wright, to whom all credit. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 446)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 42, 86
S#: 0446.00.0815
Date: 1938 Title: Architectural Forum - March 1938 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Douglass, Donald M.
Description: Letters: "Frank Lloyd Wright (Cont.)." Responses to the January 1938 issue (S457) which was devoted to Wright and designed by him. "The Forum has become so invaluable and judicious that one must look at the January issue with pain rather than indignation." Original cover price $1.00.
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 36
S#: 0446.01.0107
Date: 1938 Title: Architectural Forum - June 1938 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Elmslie, George G. Description: “Wright and Center.” Wright selected to design the new $1,000,000 E. Stanley Jones educational foundation on the campus of Florida Southern College at Lakeland. Includes one image of Spivey and Wright by Sanborn. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 455) Description: Related: “Ranch House for Griffith, by Lloyd Wright, Architect. Includes 15 photographs and illustrations. Description: George Grant Elmslie (1869 -1952), of Purcell and Elmslie, Architects, response to the letter by Douglass published in the March 1938 issue. Elmslie worked closely with both Wright and Sullivan. “Mr. Sullivan is dead but his spirit is very much alive and if he were alive he would be the first man to give you a wholesome send-off in his choice prose... in publishing your review of Wright’s work just as you did.” Original cover price $1.00. Size: 9 x 12 Size: 9 x 12 Size: 9 x 12 Pages: Pp 12 Pages: Pp 471-478 Pages: Pp 28 S#: 0455.00.0507 S#: 0455.01.0507 Date: 1938
Title: Architectural Forum - July 1938 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Modern Model. When Architect Frank Lloyd Wright designed a Usonian type house for Journalist Herbert Jacobs of Madison, Wis., he did not foresee its use as a model house. But such is the case, according to Ken magazine, which last month noted that recent publicity of the $5,500 house in other magazines (Time and The Forum and Coronet) had attracted droves of visitors, that Opportunist Jacobs had charged 25 cents a look and had earned enough money to pay off his mortgage..." Includes one photograph of the Jacob’s house. Original cover price $1.00.
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 0455.02.0716Date: 1938 Title: Architectural Forum - November 1938 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Life Magazine House for $5,000 - 6,000 Income. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect: House for $5,000-6,000 Income. For the family in the $5,000-$6,000 income group, Life chose the Blackbourns of Minneapolis. "We call the style Usonian meaning 'of these United States'. If the house seems a little open for your Northwest, that openness has been taken care of by building the house upon a paved concrete mat itself heated by steam pipes laid under it in the gravel filling beneath. This insures comfort no matter how cold outside and there are no radiators in sight. What looks like them in the drawings are really the folding screens between the several paces opening into the central or general space -- a kind of enclosed patio..." Includes one model of the Frank Lloyd Wright designed home and five illustrations. Related Book: The 1940 Book of Small Houses (1938). (Sweeney 438)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 331-335
S#: 0438.00.0400
Date: 1939 Title: Architectural Forum - August 1939 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright Takes England." From editorial comment in The Architects Journal, May 11, 1939. "By the time this Journal appears the third of four Sugrave Manor sermons - for sermons they are... will have been delivered by Frank Lloyd Wright at the R.I.B.A." Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 480) Description: "Usonia Comes to Ardmore, when Frank Lloyd Wright invents a four-family house with kitchens as control rooms, floors as radiators." Suntop Homes, Ardmore Pennsylvania. Includes three photographs and three illustrations. Original cover price $1.00.(Sweeney 457) Size: 9 x 12. Size: 9 x 12 Pages: Pp 22-23 Pages: Pp 142-143, 36 S#: 0480.00.0307 S#: 0496.00.0307 Date: 1940 Title: Architectural Forum - September 1940
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Chicago’s Auditorium is Fifty Years old. Wright’s impressions concerning the Auditorium designed by Adler & Sullivan. (Sweeney 527)
Pages: Pp 10, 12
S#: 0527.00.0103
Date: 1941 Title: Architectural Forum - February 1941
Author: Anonymous
Description: Royal Metal comes to America (Sweeney 562) Description: (Related Article) House in Boalsburg, Penna. Raymond Viner Hall, Architect. Adaptation of the Jacobs House. Size: Size: Pages: Pp 10 Pages: Pp 105 S#: 0562.00.0102 S#: 0562.01.0102 Date: 1941 Title: Architectural Forum - June 1941
Author: Anonymous
Description: Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright on Architecture (Sweeney 533)
Pages: Pp 34, 88
S#: 0533.00.0402
Date: August 1941 Title: Architectural Forum - August 1941 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: “Wright Over London.” Excerpts from an article that Wright wrote for the “News Chronicle”. They requested an article entitled “How I would rebuild London.” “Two years ago Wright lectured in London... About eight months ago he was awarded the King George medal, the handsomest British gesture ever.” Also published by Wright as a Taliesin Square-Paper (S#2042). Includes three photographs. Original List Price $1.00. Description: “Billets from Britain.” Excepts from leading British journals. “Wright Reaction. We have tried to get our teeth in Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright’s article on rebuilding London.” Reaction to Wright’s article that appeared in the “News Chronicle”. Description: “Forum of Events. Auditorium Saved.” Chicago Auditorium Theater was to be demolished. “Adler’s acoustics,“ says Frank Lloyd Wright “were a speciality. There is no house in the word equal to the Auditorium in that respect.” Size: 9x12 Size: 9x12 Size: 9x12 Pages: Pp 68 Pages: Pp 108 Pages: Pp 14 S#: 0570.00.1206 S#: 0570.01.1206 S#: 0570.02.1206 Date: 1941 Title: Architectural Forum - October 1941 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: “Built-in Features. Two-way Cupboards.” Open shelves without doors on either dining or kitchen side. One photo and one illustration. Specific home not indicated. Original List Price $1.00.
Size: 9x12
Pages: Pp 281
S#: 0571.02.0606
Date: 1942 Title: Architectural Forum - June 1942 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Book Review: “In The Nature of Materials” by Henry-Russell Hitchcock. Includes two photos and two illustrations. Original List Price $1.00. (Sweeney 575)
Size: 9x12
Pages: Pp 14
S#: 0575.00.0606
Date: 1944 Title: Architectural Forum - January 1944
Author: Anonymous Author: Structural Clay Products Institute Author: Anonymous Description: Slum of the Soul. Wright’s response to tomorrow’s house. (Sweeney 603) Description: Ad for SCPI. Interior photo of Johnson Wax building. Description: Prefab Champion. Includes Wright illustration from the LHJ, 1902. Size: 9x12 Size: 9x12 Size: 9x12 Pages: 104, 106 Pages: Pp 10 Pages: Pp 45 S#: 0603.00.0503 S#: 0603.01.0503 S#: 0603.02.0503 Date: 1944
Title: Architectural Forum - April 1944 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Guggenheim Museum. "News: New York Discovers An Architect. At home in the flat plains of the Middle-West, the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright has markedly failed to stir the imagination of the big investors responsible for New York’s swank avenues. But if the East has been indifferent to Wright, Wright has been indifferent to what he calls the ‘architectural fashion-mongers’, who have littered New York with a collection of ‘architectural fry bones bleaching in the sun.’ Last month the Guggenheim Foundation, responsible for giving New York a bowing acquaintance with such non-objective painters as Ladislas Kaninsky and Rudolf Bauer, said it was planning to introduce Frank Lloyd Wright to Manhattan..." Includes one photograph of the street where the Guggenheim will be built, looking south on 5th Avenue. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 600)
Size: 8 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 70
S#: 0600.00.0417Date: 1944 Title: Architectural Forum - May 1944 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: " ‘Built in the U.S.A. 1932-44'. The Museum of Modern Art opens a show and publishes a book on the best modern U.S. architecture of the past dozen years. A first-rate birdseye view of the achievements of contemporary building... Head and shoulders above all the work stand the three buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright, who at an age when most men exchange the drafting stool for the wheel chair, is showing the younger generation what vision really means." Under the category of "Houses", Falling water (S.230 - 1935) and the Winkler-Goetsch (S.269 - 1939) homes rank number one and two out of 22. Under the category of "Education", Taliesin West (S.241 - 1937) ranked number one of eight. Includes three photographs, one of each of the three. Fallingwater photograph by Hedrich-Blessing, 1937. Original cover price $1.00 single issue.
Size: 8.25 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 81-96
S#: 0603.04.0811
Date: 1945 Title: Architectural Forum - August 1945 (Published by Time Incorporated, New York)
Author: Anonymous (Life)
Description: "Wright’s Spiral". Museum to house the Solomon R. Guggenheim collection of non-objective art. Circular top to project 24 ft. beyond ground level building line. Will cost $1 million. Original List Price $1.00. (Sweeney 639)
Size: 8.25 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 7-8
S#: 0639.00.0305
Date: 1946 Title: Architectural Forum - June 1946 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: “House In Connecticut.” Frank Lloyd Wright transforms a barren hilltop into a Yankee Shangri-la, creating a site for Gerald Loeb’s future residence where none existed before. Includes eight photos and of a model and two illustrations for the proposed Gerald M. Loeb house. See model of the Gerald M. Loeb House. Original List Price $1.00. (Sweeney 665)
Size: 9.5 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 83-88
S#: 0665.00.0506
Date: 1946 Title: Architectural Forum - January 1946 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Allen, Roger; Purcell, William Gray Description: “The Modern Gallery. The world’s greatest architect, at 74, designs the boldest building of his career.” Feature article on the Guggenheim Museum. Includes eight photographs and eight illustrations of the Guggenheim model. Original List Price $1.00. (Sweeney 669) Description: Letters: Two letters in response to Mr. Balwin’s remarks about Wright. Size: 9.5 x 12.5 Size: 9.5 x 12.5 Pages: Pp Cover, 81-88, Pages: Pp 40, 44 S#: 0669.00.1006 S#: 0669.01.1006 Date: 1947 Title: Architectural Forum - Aug 1947 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: News: "Frank Lloyd Wright designed this 47-story glass hotel which Texas oil tycoon Rogers Lacy plans to build in Dallas ‘as soon as costs of labor and material becomes fair.’ Wright said the construction of glass, magnesium and stainless steel will be stronger than reinforced concrete. Outer walls will be diamond-shaped glass panes with an axis measuring 5 ft. 6 in..." Includes one illustration of the Rogers Lacey Hotel project. Original cover price $1.00.
Size: 9.75 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 12
S#: 0705.00.0613
Date: 1947 Title: Architectural Forum - July 1947
Author: Anonymous
Description: Announcements: Awards. Wright chosen as member of the National Institute of Arts and Letters. (Sweeney 691) Description: Materials: Rise of Radiant Heating. Refers to Frank Lloyd Wright’s use of radiant Heat in the Johnson Wax Building in 1937. Size: Size: Pages: Pp 64 Pages: Pp 12 S#: 0691.00.0402 S#: 0691.01.0402 Date: 1947 Title: Architectural Forum - January 1947
Author: Salter, L.J.
Description: Defense of the Imperial Hotel. Response to the Nov. 1946 Issue. He also refers to the Sept. 26, 1923 account in the Pasadena Star-News. (Sweeney 711)
Pages: Pp 34
S#: 0711.00.0402
Date: 1947 Title: Architectural Forum - February 1947
Author: Hadley, Homer Author: Anonymous Description: Letters: Cracks and Cambers. Letter about Imperial Hotel. (Sweeney 697) Description: Wright honored by election to membership of the National Institute of Arts and Letters. (Sweeney 708) Size: Size: Pages: Pp 22 Pages: Pp 12 S#: 0697.00.0403 S#: 0708.00.0403 Date: 1947 Title: Architectural Forum - April 1947
Author: Anonymous Author: Troller, Norbert Author: Bittermann, Eleanor Description: Planners’ Platform: Top-rank professionals spend two day talking about what kind of environment they would plan for modern society - if they has a chance. Includes group photograph and short bio. (Sweeney 706) Description: Letter: Forum Fountain. Czechoslovakian architect voices concerns about Guggenheim and Loeb house. (Sweeney 714) Description: Review: The Architectural Review Jan 1947. Includes mention of Wright’s work. Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp 12-14 Pages: Pp 22 Pages: Pp 150, 154 S#: 0706.00.1104 S#: 0714.00.1104 S#: 0714.01.1104
Date: 1948 Title: Architectural Forum - September 1948
Author: Kennedy, Sighle
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright. A review of the 21 minute film "California Architecture". 16mm, cost $150. (Sweeney 731)
Pages: Pp 200
S#: 0731.00.0102
Date: 1948 Title: Architectural Forum - January 1948
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Description: Portrait (Sweeney 735) Description: Frank Lloyd Wright (Sweeney 745) Size: Size: Pages: Pp 54 Pages: Pp Cover, 65 - 156 S#: 0735.00.0500 S#: 0745.00.0500 Date: 1949 Title: Architectural Forum - January 1949 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Awards: “Frank Lloyd Wright, A.I.A. will give belated honor to world’s great architect. ...finally, the architectural profession in his own country is about to give belated recognition to the man whom many consider to be the greatest living architect.” Includes a portrait of Wright by Ralph Crane. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 770)
Size: 9.75 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 14
S#: 0770.00.0907
Date: 1949 Title: Architectural Forum - May 1949
Author: Kennedy, Sighle
Description: Reviews: Wright’s Hartford Theater show in a New York City museum exhibit. New Theater, Hartford, Conn. Exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art by Frank Lloyd Wright, April 1949. Related item: The New Theatre - Special Exhibition (Sweeney 775)
Pages: Pp 162-3
S#: 0775.00.1204
Date: 1949 Title: Architectural Forum - July 1949 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "People: Frank Lloyd Wright covered a lot of ground last month, made headlines wherever he stopped. In Washington he called on the President, proposed that the Capitol be moved out ‘Alongside the Mississippi – among the prairies, the cradle of democracy.’ ...In San Francisco he offered his own scheme for the new Butterfly Wing Bay Bridge (Project)... In Pittsburgh he advised Carnegie Tech architectural students to ‘leave the university; go home and make something of yourselves..." Includes one portrait of Wright by Dorsey & Peters. Note: This volume bound with July-December, 1949 Issues. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 784)
Size: 9.5 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 14
S#: 0784.00.0615
Date: 1949 Title: Architectural Forum - August 1949 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Book Review: "Genius and the Mobocracy," Frank Lloyd Wright, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, New York, $5.00. "When Frank Lloyd Wright went to see Louis Sullivan about a draftsman’s job, the Chicago architectural firm of Adler & Sullivan was already famous. The commission for the Auditorium building had come into the office, and Sullivan had just finished his first sketches (the tower had a Gothic look). At 34, Sullivan was recognized as one of the most brilliant designers in the country... Wright was 19; he had spent less than a year in an architect’s office. But he brought a sheaf of drawings ‘in his own style.’ There was an instant current of sympathy between the two men. ‘You’ll do.’ said Sullivan, after a quick look at the drawings..." Includes 11 illustrations. Original cover price $2.00.
Size: 9.75 x 12.5
Pages: Pp Cover, 94-97
S#: 0751.00.1114
Date: 1949 Title: Architectural Forum - September 1949 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Foster, Willis
Description: Letters: "F.LL.W. at Carnegie Tech. Forum: Your note in the July issue of Frank Lloyd Wright’s advice to students: ‘leave the University; go home and make something of yourselves’ is a little stale. Forum could do a more profitable service by reporting a realistic, positive, helpful bit of advice from Mr. Wright on the subject... Wright’s comments were not directed specifically at Carnegie Tech, but at all universities and education in general... Editor." Note: This volume bound with July-December, 1949 Issues. Original cover price $1.00.
Size: 9.5 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 26, 28
S#: 0798.22.0615
Date: 1949 Title: Architectural Forum - November 1949 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: 1) News: "Wright Masterpiece to Wreckers (Larkin Building). ‘The character and brutal power as well as the opportunity for beauty of our own age were coming clear to me,’ said Frank Lloyd Wright, recalling his early masterpiece, the Larkin Building, built for a mail-order firm in Buffalo in 1904. The first direct architectural expression of the machine age, the Larkin Building exploded the fakeries that were taken for granted in the building of the day..." Includes one photograph of the Larkin Building. 2) Ad by Standard Dry Wall Products, New Eagle, Penn., includes a photograph of the Florida Southern College Administration Building. The Ad was also published in the September, and October. Note: This volume bound with July-December, 1949 Issues. Original cover price $1.00.
Size: 9.5 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 14
S#: 0798.23.0615
Date: 1949 Title: Architectural Forum - December 1949 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Building Reporter: "Selling wax with architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous Johnson Wax building in Racine has proved such a public relations booster for the manufacturer that he has commissioned Wright to add to the attraction. Last month the new attention-getter neared completion..." S.C. Johnson Research Tower. Includes one photograph of the research tower under construction. Note: This volume bound with July-December, 1949 Issues. Original cover price $1.00.
Size: 9.5 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 112
S#: 0798.24.0615
Date: 1950 Title: Architectural Forum - February 1950 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: “China and Gift Shop By Frank Lloyd Wright, For V.C. Morris, Maiden Lane, San Francisco, California. World-wide repercussions followed the opening of Frank Lloyd Wright’s brick-front, circular-roomed, spiral-ramped San Francisco store. This many-sided impact is conveyed in the words of a front-rank architectural observer, of the owners, of the plastic consultants, finally the architect.” Photography by Maynard Parker. Includes nine photographs and three illustrations. Original List Price $1.00. (Sweeney 803)
Size: 9.75 x 12.50
Pages: Pp Cover 79-85
S#: 0803.00.0707
Date: 1950 Title: Architectural Forum - August 1950
Author: Loeb, Gerald
Description: Letters: A Stockbroker Meets F.LL.W. (Sweeney 816)
Pages: Pp 24, 28
S#: 0816.00.0602
Date: 1951 Title: Architectural Forum - January 1951
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Published as part of the January issue, and later as an offprint for distribution in connection with the comprehensive exhibit “Sixty years of Living Architecture”. First exhibited at the Gimbel Philadelphia store, then Florence, Zurich, Paris, London and Munich. Captions translated into Italian, French, German and Russian. A color presentation of the Johnson Wax Co., Lowell, Adelman, Jacobs II, Pew, Friedman homes and the Florida Southern College. Includes 41 photographs and nine illustrations. Cover of section designed by Wright. (Sweeney 854)
Size: 9.75 x 12.5
Pages: Pp Cover, 73 - 108
S#: 0854.00.0200
Date: January 1951 Offprint Title: Architectural Forum - January 1951
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: This offprint was reprinted for distribution in connection with the comprehensive exhibit “Sixty years of Living Architecture”. First exhibited at the Gimbel Philadelphia store, then Florence, Zurich, Paris, London and Munich. Captions translated into Italian, French, German and Russian. A color presentation of the Johnson Wax Co., Lowell, Adelman, Jacobs II, Pew, Friedman homes and the Florida Southern College. Includes 41 photographs and nine illustrations. The cover was designed by Wright. (Sweeney 854)
Size: 9.75 x 12.5
Pages: Pp Cover, 75 - 106
S#: 0854.01.0203, 0854.02.0507
Date: 1952 Title: Architectural Forum - April 1952
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Masterwork, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Memorial Museum (Sweeney 887) Description: Book Review: American Peoples Encyclopedia Year Book. A reprint of Wright’s comments in their entirety. (Sweeney 908) Description: People: Update on Frank Lloyd Wright’s Imperial Hotel. Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp 141-4 Pages: Pp 212 16 24 Pages: Pp 53 S#: 0887.00.0103 S#: 0908.00.0103 S#: 0908.01.0103 Date: 1952
Title: Architectural Forum - September 1952 (Published monthly by Time Inc. New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Spivey, Ludd M.
Description: "Florida Southern College Revisited for Glimpses of the Administration Group in Wright’s Organic Campus. FLW: About 15 years ago this spring," when Dr. Ludd M. Spivey, the presidential good-genius of Florida Southern College, flew to Taliesin, he came with the express and avowed purpose of giving the US at least one example of a college wherein modern life was to have the advantages of modern science and art in actual building construction. He said he wanted me as much for my Philosophy as for my Architecture, I assured him they were inseparable..." Includes nine photographs by Ezra Stoller, and illustrations. Original cover price $2.00. (Sweeney 881)
Size: 9.75 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 120-127
S#: 0881.00.0716Date: 1952 Offset
Title: Architectural Forum - September 1952 (Offset) (Published as an offset by Time Inc. New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Spivey, Ludd M.
Description: Cover text: “Florida Southern College. A Reprint From The September 1952 Archgitectu5ral Forum.”
“Florida Southern College Revisited for Glimpses of the Administration Group in Wright’s Organic Campus. Frank Lloyd Wright: About 15 years ago this spring, when Dr. Ludd M. Spivey, the presidential good-genius of Florida Southern College, flew to Taliesin, he came with the express and avowed purpose of giving the US at least one example of a college wherein modern life was to have the advantages of modern science and art in actual building construction. He said he wanted me as much for my Philosophy as for my Architecture, I assured him they were inseparable...” Includes nine photographs by Ezra Stoller, and illustrations. (Sweeney 881)
Size: 9.75 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 10
S#: 0881.00.0223Date: 1952 Title: Architectural Forum - December 1952 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York.)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright - Sixty Years of Living Architecture, by Werner Moser, (Sweeney 859) Description: Ad for Taliesin Drawings Description: "A church designed and built in the Attitude of Prayer... A form that serves as chapel, spire and perish hall in one... Meeting house of the First Unitarian Society of Madison, Wisconsin." Frank Lloyd Wright, architect: "As the square has always signified integrity and the sphere universality, the triangle stand for aspiration... Here is a church where the whole edifice is in the attitude of prayer." (Sweeney 880) Description: Anarchy in our churches. Includes Wright. Size: Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp 158, 166 Pages: Pp 156 Pages: Pp Cover 85-92 Pages: Pp 93 S#: 0859.00.0203 S#: 0859.01.0203 S#: 0880.00.0203 S#: 0880.01.0203 Date: 1952 Offset with cover
Title: Architectural Forum - Dec 1952 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York. Offset with Cover possibly produced by The Unitarian House, Madison, Wisconsin, 1947 - S.291)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Offset with cover: "The First Unitarian Society. 900 University Bay Drive. Madison, Wisconsin." "A church designed and built in the Attitude of Prayer... A form that serves as chapel, spire and perish hall in one... Meeting house of the First Unitarian Society of Madison, Wisconsin." FLW, architect: "As the square has always signified integrity and the sphere universality, the triangle stand for aspiration... Here is a church where the whole edifice is in the attitude of prayer." Bound with stiff cover and tissue. Cover unfolded is 26 x 13, folded to 10 x 13 with 6" cover flap. (Sweeney 880)
Size: 10 x 13
Pages: Pp 8 (85-92)
S#: 0880.04.0417
Date: 1952 Offset with tissue cover (not shown) Title: Architectural Forum - December 1952 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York. Offset possibly produced by The Unitarian House, Madison, Wisconsin) (1947 - S.291)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "A church designed and built in the Attitude of Prayer... A form that serves as chapel, spire and perish hall in one... Meeting house of the First Unitarian Society of Madison, Wisconsin." Frank Lloyd Wright, architect: "As the square has always signified integrity and the sphere universality, the triangle stand for aspiration... Here is a church where the whole edifice is in the attitude of prayer." Two copies bound with a tissue cover (not shown). (Sweeney 880)
Size: 9.75 x12.5
Pages: Pp 8 (85-92)
S#: 0880.02.0612, 0880.05.0612
Date: 1953 Title: Architectural Forum - October 1953
Author: Anonymous
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright exhibits 60 years’ work. Temporary pavilion for exhibit of 60 years’ of architectural work set up at Guggenheim site. (Sweeney 937)
Pages: Pp 45
S#: 0937.00.0425
Date: 1953 Title: Architectural Forum - May 1953 (Published monthly by Time Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Description: “Frank Lloyd Wright’s Concrete and Copper Skyscraper on the Prairie, for H. C. Price Co. The Skyscraper Frank Lloyd Wright had been planning and replanning for nearly a generation goes into actual construction this summer - not in New York, not in Chicago, not in San Francisco, but in Bartlesville, Okla.” This is Frank Lloyd Wright’s challenge to the dogma of “simplicity”. Includes three model photographs by Joe Price and seven illustrations. Original cover price $2.00. (Sweeney 939) Description: “The Language of Organic Architecture. Organic (or intrinsic) architecture is the free architecture of ideal democracy. To defend and explain whatever I have myself written on the subject I here append a nine-word lexicon that seems needed, world wide, at this moment.” Wright defines Organic Architecture. Originally published as “Taliesin Square-Paper 16" (S 2069), Wright’s final square-paper, in February 1953. Includes one photographs by P. E. Guerrero. Original cover price $2.00. 9.75 x 12.5. (Sweeney 983) Size: 9.75 x 12.5 Size: 9.75 x 12.5 Pages: Pp 98-105 Pages: Pp 106-107 S#: 0939.00.0807 S#: 0983.00.0807
Date: 1953 Title: Architectural Forum - June 1953 (Published monthly by Time Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: News: “Two more bridges to span SF Bay; FLLW offers design for one.” Includes one illustration. Original cover price $2.00. Description: News: “In New York, Architect Frank Lloyd Wright accepts a Gold Medal from the National Institute of Arts and Letters.” Size: 10 x 12.5 Size: 10 x 12.5 Pages: Pp 39 Pages: Pp 51 S#: 939.01.0406 S#: 939.02.0406
Date: 1953 Title: Architectural Forum - February 1953
Author: Anonymous
Description: Our New Crystal Towers. Working mainly with the same materials - glass - four architects come out with four widely different interpretations. Includes Johnson Wax Tower. (Sweeney 956)
Pages: Pp 142-3
S#: 0956.00.0602
Date: 1953 Title: Architectural Forum - November 1953 (Published monthly by Time Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: “Sixty Years of Living Architecture” - The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright. A review of the temporary New York exhibit which has been traveling Europe. Built on the site for the Guggenheim Museum. Includes fourteen photographs. Original cover price $2.00. (Sweeney 965)
Size: 10 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 152-5
S#: 0965.00.0406
Date: 1954 Title: Architectural Forum - June 1954 (Published monthly by Time Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: “Glass-towered synagogue, Frank Lloyd Wright’s first. Rabbi Mortimer J. Cohen of Beth Sholom Congregation in Philadelphia made some sketches of what he thought a synagogue should embody and showed it to a friend. The friend said: ‘Only one man can do it - Frank Lloyd Wright’.” Includes three illustrations. Original cover price $2.00. (Sweeney 1011)
Size: 9.75 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 145
S#: 1011.00.0407
Date: 1954 Title: Architectural Forum - May 1954
Author: Anonymous
Description: Question: Is Venice Ready for a FLLW Palazzo? Masieri Memorial Building in Venice. (Sweeney 1026)
Pages: Pp 39
S#: 1026.00.0502
Date: 1955 Title: Architectural Forum - April 1955
Author: Anonymous
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright completes a long, low industrial arts building for Florida Southern University ... and begins a civic center for the capital of his home state. (Monona Terrace Project). (Sweeney 1071)
Pages: Pp 1 144-121
S#: 1071.00.1104
Date: 1955 Title: Architectural Forum - July 1955
Author: Anonymous Author: Gustin-Bacon Mfg Co. Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright designs a small commercial installation: a showroom in New York for sports cars." Hoffman Jaguar auto showroom. (Sweeney 1073) Description: Ad: Includes photo of Johnson Wax Building. Size: Size: Pages: Pp 132-133 Pages: Pp 15 S#: 1073.00.1204 S#: 1073.01.1204 Date: 1956 Title: Architectural Forum - August 1956 (Published by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Zeckendorf, William Author: Swedish Crucible Steel Company Description: “Cities: Medieval or Modern.” Architect Frank Lloyd Wright and Real Estate Developer William Zeckendorf air differences on the future of the metropolis and the tall building. Excerpts from a discussion telecast by WRCA-TV and NBC. Original List Price $1.00. (Sweeney 1098) Description: Ad: “Frank Lloyd Wright’s Price Tower Equipped with Solid Olsonite Seats.” Includes full page photograph of Price Tower. Size: 9 x 12 Size: 9 x 12 Pages: Pp 151, 168, 172 Pages: Pp 15 S#: 1098.00.0406 S#: 1098.01.0406
Date: 1956 Title: Architectural Forum - February 1956 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Tectum Author: Anonymous Description: “Frank Lloyd Wright: After 36 years, his tower is completed. On these pages are the pictures of a great artist’s imagination at work over the span of a generation. Wright’s new tower, standing in the prairie town of Bartlesville, Okla., is the realization of a serious prophecy of beauty and strength which began to grow a long time ago in the architect’s mind. Includes ten photographs and ten illustrations. Photographs by Joe D. Price. Original List Price $1.00. (Sweeney 1103) Description: Ad: “Pioneer and master of the exposed ceiling concept... Frank Lloyd Wright. For over fifty years the name Frank Lloyd Wright has signified freedom of architecture.” Ad includes two photographs related to Wright buildings and one illustration, plus a portrait. Description: News: “Skies clearing for Wright’s ramp museum, synagogue. At the completion of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Price Tower in Bartlesville, Okla., it appears that 1956 would witness the start of construction on two more of Wright’s most spectacular designs.” The Guggenheim Museum and the Beth Sholom Synagogue. Wright was notified that Venice’s Artistic and Technical Commission had rejected his design for a glass-and-marble building on the famed Grand Canal. (Sweeney 1136) Size: 9.3 x 12.25 Size: 9.3 x 12.25 Size: 9.3 x 12.25 Pages: Pp Cover, 106-113 Pages: Pp 247-248 Pages: Pp 9 S#: 1103.00.0707 S#: 1103.01.0707 S#: 1136.00.0707 Date: 1956 Title: Architectural Forum - February 1956 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York) (Offprint)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright: After 36 years, his tower is completed. On these pages are the pictures of a great artist’s imagination at work over the span of a generation. Wright’s new tower, standing in the prairie town of Bartlesville, Okla., is the realization of a serious prophecy of beauty and strength which began to grow a long time ago in the architect’s mind. Includes ten photographs and ten illustrations. Photographs by Joe D. Price. (A reprint of pages 105-113, 12 pages)
Size: 9.3 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 12
S#: 1103.02.0613
Date: 1956 Title: Architectural Forum - November 1956 (Published by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Author: Wright Manufacturing Company Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright Day proclaimed in Chicago; Taliesin endowment begun." Mayor Daley proclaims Wright Day October 17. Original List Price $1.00. (Sweeney 1105) Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright’s Mile High Office Tower." Four page fold out includes illustration and Wright’s description of "The Illinois" project. (Sweeney 1108) Description: Ad: Wright Rubber Tile and the Johnson’s Wax Building." Includes two photographs and a portrait of Wright. Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Pages: Pp 21 Pages: Pp 106a-d Pages: Pp 214 S#: 1105.00.0205 S#: 1108.00.0205 S#: 1108.01.0205 Date: 1956 Title: Architectural Forum - October 1956. (Published by Time, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: McQuade, Walter Author: Anonymous Author: Anemostat Corp. Description: "Wright sketches 510-story office tower, round blue-roof Greek Orthodox church. Mile High Skyscraper". "The Illinois", Chicago, Greek Orthodox Church, Milwaukee, Monona Terrace, Madison. Original List Price $1.00. (Sweeney 1147) Description: Related: "Sullivan Survives" (unrelated to Wright). Description: "Reception Rooms". (Full page photograph of interior of Johnson Wax building.) Description: Ad: "High velocity air diffusion in the Price Tower". (Includes three photographs.) Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Pages: Pp 17 Pages: Pp 156-161 Pages: Pp 162 Pages: Pp 217 S#: 1147.00.0205 S#: 1147.08.0205 S#: 1147.09.0205 S#: 1147.10.0205 Date: 1956 Title: Architectural Forum - September 1956
Author: Sloan Flush Valves Author: Anonymous Description: Ad: Vertical Masterpiece in a horizontal city. Includes photo and text about Price Tower. Description: People: Tickets Please. Wright’s attempt to revitalize Capital buildings. Size: Size: Pages: Pp 8 Pages: Pp 37 S#: 1147.03.0404 S#: 1147.04.0404
Author: Bauer, Catherine Author: Jones, Cranston Author: Anonymous Description: First Job: Control New-City Sprawl. Includes "The Anti City", text, photo and caption about Wright and Broadacre. Description: Views compared by leading architects. Includes text and photo about Wright. Description: High velocity air diffusion in the Price Tower. Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp 105-9 Pages: Pp 146-9 1768 172 176 Pages: Pp 200 S#: 1147.05.0404 S#: 1147.06.0404 S#: 1147.07.0404 Date: 1957 Title: Architectural Forum - December 1957
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: News; Wright, Sandburg steal Chicago Dynamic Show. (Sweeney 1204) Description: Book Review: A Testament Size: Size: Pages: Pp 12 14 Pages: Pp 163 S#: 1204.00.0602 S#: 1158.01.0602 Date: 1957 Title: Architectural Forum - March 1957 (Published by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Vampco Aluminum Products, Ltd. Description: "Chicagoans rally to save Wright’s Robie House." Original List Price $1.00. (Sweeney 1164) Description: "Wright to design Bagdad opera." Wright to travel to Bagdad. Includes Portrait. (Sweeney 1205) Description: Ad: "Frank Lloyd Wright’s Price Tower." Aluminum windows by Vamco.. Includes photograph of Price Tower. Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Pages: Pp 9 Pages: Pp 97 Pages: Pp 157 S#: 1164.00.0205 S#: 1205.00.0205 S#: 1205.17.0205 Date: 1957 Title: Architectural Forum - April 1957 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: News: “FLLW fighting to design new Arizona capitol.” Wright release sketches of the kind of capitol he felt would be most appropriate for Arizona. Original List Price $1.00. (Sweeney 1168) Description: News: “Robie House fate uncertain.” Chicago Theological Seminary confirmed intentions to demolish Robie House. Several new campaigns to save the house and Wright was taking the lead. Description: “Proposed State Capitol for Arizona by Frank Lloyd Wright.” Foldout insert on beige paper includes description and two illustrations. (Sweeney 1185) Description: Editorial: “The value of used architecture.” A case for preserving the Robie House. Includes one photograph. (Sweeney 1192) Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Pages: Pp 7, 9 Pages: Pp 9 Pages: Pp 108a-d Pages: Pp 108-109 S#: 1168.00.1006 S#: 1168.01.1006 S#: 1185.00.1006 S#: 1192.00.1006
Date: 1957 Title: Architectural Forum - November 1957
Author: Anonymous
Description: News: Wisconsin governor signs spite bill that kills Frank Lloyd Wright’s Madison civic center. (Sweeney 1198)
Pages: Pp 7, 9
S#: 1198.00.0602
Date: 1958 Title: Architectural Forum - September 1958 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Blake, Peter Author: The Seven Arts Book Society Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright: Master of Architectural Space. Beautiful enclosures are the essence of architecture, and in opening them up in remarkable new ways Wright has created a new kind of space." Includes five photographs and three illustrations. (Two copies, one is Bound Volume including July, Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec) (Sweeney 1224) Description: Full page ad which includes “The Natural House” and “A Testament”. Includes a photograph of each. Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Pages: Pp 120-255, 196-197 Pages: Pg 139 S#: 1224.00.0501, 1224.00.1206 S#: 1224.01.1206 Date: 1958 Title: Architectural Forum - Jan 1958, Volume 108 (Bound Volume includes Jan, Feb, March and June)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Ad - Photo of Johnson Bldg
Pages: Pp 173
S#: 1259.03.0601
Date: 1958 Title: Architectural Forum - February 1958, Volume 108 (Bound Volume includes Jan, Feb, March and June)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Author: Anonymous Description: A famous house rescued (Robie House) (Includes photo) (Sweeney 1228) Description: Ad for Frank Lloyd Wright "A Testament" Description: Mr. Wrights Argonomy (Sweeney 1255) Description: Wright to Design Dome Theater for Mike Todd (Includes photo) (Sweeney 1259) Size: Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp 69 Pages: Pp 123 Pages: Pp 150 Pages: Pp 61 S#: 1228.00.0601 S#: 1228.01.0601 S#: 1255.00.0601 S#: 1259.00.0601
Date: 1958 Title: Architectural Forum - Mar 1958, Volume 108 (Bound Volume includes Jan, Feb, March and June)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Peter Blake Description: Wrights New York Museum: Guggenheim Museum Description: Ad - Photo of Johnson Bldg Description: Modern Architecture: its many faces (Photo of Price Tower) Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp 12 Pages: Pp 35 Pages: Pp 77-81 S#: 1259.04.0601 S#: 1259.05.0601 S#: 1259.06.0601 Date: 1958 Title: Architectural Forum - May 1958
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Author: Anonymous Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Description: Frank Lloyd Wright Designs for Baghdad. (Sweeney 1234) Description: No Oscar for Wright. (Sweeney 1245) Description: What is Architecture? (Sweeney 1257) Size: Size: Size: Pages: Cover, 89 - 102 Pages: Pp79, 81 Pages: Pp102 S#: 1234.00.0200 S#: 1245.00.0200 S#: 1257.00.0200 Date: 1958 Title: Architectural Forum - June, Volume 108 (Bound Volume includes Jan, Feb, March and June) 1958
Author: Anonymous
Description: Delivered: Chicago’s Robie House
Pages: Pp 99
S#: 1259.07.0601
Date: 1958 Title: Architectural Forum - October 1958
Author: Robie, Fred C, Jr & Sr. Author: Loeb, G.M.; Wright, John Lloyd; Musson, Noverre Description: Mr. Robie Knew What He Wanted (Two Copies, one is bound.) (Sweeney 1248) Description: Letters: Key-Keeper Wright. Three letters. One is from son. Size: Size: Pages: Pg 126-7 206 10 Pages: Pg 83 S#: 1248.00.0103, 1248.00.0501 S#: 1248.01.0103 Date: 1958 Title: Architectural Forum - July 1958, Volume 109 (Bound Volume includes July, Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Wright Designs an Elementary School (Sweeney 1251)
Pages: Pp 9
S#: 1251.00.0501
Date: 1958 Title: Architectural Forum - Dec 1958, Volume 109 (Bound Volume includes July, Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec)
Author: Projects Author: Abroad Description: Church for Northern California Description: Imperial Hotel Size: Size: Pages: Pp 48 Pages: Pp 180 S#: 1259.01.0501 S#: 1259.02.0501 Date: 1959 Title: Architectural Forum - December 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Blake, Peter Author: 1) Peters, Matthew 2) Reed, Henry Hope Jr. Description: Book Review: “FLLW’s Drawings”. Review of “Drawings for a Living Architecture” Horizon Press, 1959 Kaufmann S#1265. Includes seven illustrations in color. Original cover price $0.55. Two Copies. (Sweeney 1266 & 1295 - double numbered) Description: “The Guggenheim: Museum or Monument?” The climax of Wright’s lifelong search for organic form and space is a challenge to accepted museum techniques and to accepted standards in architecture. Includes 20 photographs and one illustration. Also includes The Guggenheim and the critics - some comments from the New York Press. A list of nine critics and their comments. (Sweeney 1279) Description: Forum: 1) “Two Domes”. Dome of Guggenheim looks very much like dome of Vatican museum. Includes two photographs. 2) “Amateur Critics”. Wright was rare, if not alone, among architects to criticize work of fellows. (Sweeney 1351) Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Pages: Pp 119-126 Pages: Pp 86-92 180 184 Pages: Pp 205 S#: 1266.00.0501, 1295.00.0501, 1266.00.1006, 1295.00.1006 S#: 1279.00.0501, 1279.00.1006 1279.04.0501 S#: 1351.00.1006 Date: 1959 Title: Architectural Forum - November 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Horizon Press Author: Anonymous Author: Reynolds Aluminum Description: News: “Guggenheim Museum Opens. Last month, Manhattan’s architecturally jaded cognoscenti got their first real jolt since the World’s Fair opened two decades ago.” Includes one photograph. (Two copies, one of which is a bound volume which includes Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec.) Description: Ad: "A new book of exhilarating beauty. Seventy years of his masterly drawings in glowing color and monochrome. Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings for a living architecture." Half page ad, includes one illustration. Description: Products: “‘Taliesin Red’ Paint, created for Wright, goes to market.” $5.00 per gallon. Manufacturer: Martin-Senour Co., Chicago. Description: Four page brochure insert by Reynolds Aluminum. Cover includes full page photo of the Beth Sholom Temple. “A great symbol... a mountain of light,” is a way Frank Lloyd Wright describes this extraordinary religious building. Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Size: 9.25 x 12.25 Pages: Pp 5 Pages: Pp 25 Pages: Pp 57 Pages: Pp 201 S#: 1279.01.0501, 1279.04.1206 S#: 1279.05.1206 S#: 1279.06.1206 S#: 1279.02.0501, 1279.07.1206
Date: 1959 Title: Architectural Forum - May 1959
Author: Fitch, James Marston Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: Frank Lloyd Wright 1869 - 1959. Includes three pages of statements by other architects and many others. (Sweeney 1294) Description: Wright dies at 89 (Sweeney 1370) Description: Related: Play about Sullivan gets Broadway backing. "Wright will not play an important part". Description: Briefs: Madison Wisc. Civic Center Size: Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp Cover 108-15 Pages: Pp Cover, 5 Pages: Pp 11 13 Pages: Pp 12 S#: 1294.00.0902 S#: 1370.00.0902 S#: 1370.01.0902 S#: 1370.02.0902 Date: 1959 Title: Architectural Forum - June 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous; Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: 1) Special section devoted to Wright’s life work. "Frank Lloyd Wright." A: "The seven decades, 1889-1959. Seven masterworks take from the decades of Wright’s pioneering" (Winslow, Unity Temple, Midway Gardens, Imperial Hotel, S. C. Johnson, Florida Southern College, Beth Sholom). B: "The Guggenheim Museum. His latest, most controversial building shown for the first time." C: "The Taliesins. His own homes remain the truest measure of Wright the man." D: "Demolishing the box. A lifelong search traced in the evolving patterns of his house plans." (Winslow, Heurtley, Evans, Vosburgh, Storer, Rosenbaum, Lewis, Sundt, Jester, Burlingham, David Wright and Robert Llewellyn Wright (2 plus 3 photographs). E: "Unfinished work. Three projects selected from the many left on Wright’s drafting board at the time of his death: a church, an art gallery, a civic center." (Projects: Pilgrim Congregational Church, Redding CA; Municipal Art Center, Barnsdall Park; Marin County Civic Center.) F: "To the young man in architecture." A talk to the Taliesin Fellowship, April 1959. Includes two illustrations, front (Unity Temple) and back cover (Guggenheim). Photographs and illustrations included: Winslow (3), Unity Temple (3), Midway Gardens (3), Imperial Hotel (1), S. C. Johnson (3), Florida Southern College (3), Beth Sholom (5), Guggenheim (11), Oak Park Home and Studio (1), Taliesin (2), Taliesin West (5), Robert Llewellyn Wright (5).
2) "The tricks of architectural space." Includes two Wright photographs (S. C. Johnson, Florida southern College). 3) Ads: A: Vampco Windows (full page ad, Price Tower); B: Structoglas (half page ad, two Beth Sholom photographs); C: Overly (full page ad, two Beth Sholom photographs); D: Follansbee Steel Corp. "Imaginative new conceptions in architecture can frequently trace their origin to a basically simple idea... FLLW " (Full page ad honoring Wright. Includes one photograph of a sculpture by Eloise Fichter). Original cover price $1.00.Size: 9.5 x 12.25
Pages: 1) Pp Cover, 115-146; 2) Miller, Richard A.
ST#: 1298.00.0114
Date: June 1959 (Offprint) Title: Architectural Forum - June 1959 (Offprint)
Author: Anonymous: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Offprint: Frank Lloyd Wright. A portfolio reviewing Wright’s achievements. This is a special printing of Pages 117-144 enclosed in a special cover. Inside back cover includes a reprint of a talk to the Taliesin Fellowship, April 1959, "To the young man in architecture". (Sweeney 1298b)
Pages: Pp 30
S#: 1298.01.0202
Date: 1959 Title: Architectural Forum - June 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous; Wright, Frank Lloyd
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: Book Review: "Our House" Olgivanna Lloyd Wright, 1959, $4.50. "Our House is, in many ways, a suitable, final chapter in the life and woks of one of the most heroic figures our country has ever produced. In this book Frank Lloyd Wright’s widow presents, by means of anecdotes and by longer essays an illuminating picture of the architects deeply involved with his peculiar world. That world was, of course, both his profession and the life he had created at Taliesin and Taliesin West..." Includes one portrait of Wright’s from cover. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1275) Description: 1) "Tributes to Frank Lloyd Wright, 1869-1959. The desire of people in the building industry around the world to comment on the life and work of Frank Lloyd Wright was so overwhelming that only a portion of the tributes received could be included in last month’s Forum..." A few of the tributes include those from Grant Manson, H. R. Hitchcock and Edgar Tafel. 2) "Letter’s from Readers: Taliesin’s Architect..." Includes two letters about Wright. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1364) Description: Briefs: "Wright’s Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, survivor of earthquakes, may not survive immutable economics. Only a few weeks after Wright’s death, the Imperial’s manager call the 37-year-old hotel ‘uneconomical and not so safe as it used to be,’ and said it might be replace before the 1964 Olympics..." Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1372) Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Pages: Pp 193 Pages: 1) Pp 234, 238, 242, 246
2) 263Pages: Pp 11 S#: 1275.00.0114 S#: 1364.00.0114 S#: 1372.00.1014
Date: 1959 Title: Architectural Forum - October 1959 (Bound Volume includes Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec) (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Follansbee Steel Corp. Author: Goldstone, Harmon H. Description: 1) Full page ad honoring Frank Lloyd Wright. "Imaginative new conceptions in architecture can frequently trace their origin to a basically simple idea. One of the oldest types of roofing, terne metal, thus lends itself to many dramatic new applications in the contemporary idiom..." Photo of sculptured bust of Frank Lloyd Wright by Eloise Fichter. Description: 2) Drumhead dome. The photograph in your June issue looking up through the skylight dome of Frank Lloyd Wright's new Guggenheim Museum in New York City bears a striking resemblance to a snapshot of the head of a Trinidad steel drum. Did the old master consciously or not, relate the stresses in his dome ribs to the vibration frequency's in different parts of a drum head? Is architecture frozen music? Or, as has also been suggested, is music melted architecture? Includes two photographs. Single copy and bound volume. Size: 9.5 x 12.5 Pages: Pp 257 Pages: Pp 261 S#: 1279.03.0501, 1279.03.0818 S#: 1377.97.0818 Date: 1960 Title: Architectural Forum - March 1960 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "FLLW’s Dallas theater. Deep-shadowed and many faceted walls contain a revolution in stagecraft and define a new relationship between the audience and the performing art. When a delegation visited Frank Lloyd Wright in 1955 and commissioned him to design the Dallas Theater Center, they had few assets except their own enthusiasm, a rocky 1 ½ -acre site on Turtle creek, and the service of a director, Paul Baker... Fundamental to Wright’s scheme was the notion that theater should be "in the round." (He may even have coined that phrase.) But as the Dallas building took form, it was obvious that Wright did not intend a room where performers were merely surrounded by an audience..." Includes 10 photographs and three illustrations. (Sweeney 1416)
Size: 9.4 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 130-135
S#: 1416.00.0214
Date: 1961 Title: Architectural Forum - February 1961
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: News: FLLW job resumed after halt; another advancing. Marin County Civic Center halted and Monona Terrace advances. (Sweeney 1470) Description: Editorial: A fine monument can be a profit, too. Work proceeds on Marin County Civic Center. Size: Size: Pages: Pp 9, 11 Pages: Pp 79 S#: 1470.00.0402 S#: 1470.01.0402 Date: 1961 Title: Architectural Forum - December 1961
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: News: Half a Wright project may be better than none. Marin County Civic Center advances and Monona Terrace is halted. (Sweeney 1474) Description: Spirit of Byzantium: FLLW’s last church. Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church. (Sweeney 1479) Description: Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright. By Finis Farr. Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp 10 Pages: Pp 82-7 Pages: Pp 149 S#: 1474.00.0402 S#: 1479.00.0402 S#: 1479.01.0402 Date: 1962
Title: Architectural Forum - April 1962 (Published monthly by Time, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Book Review: "The Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright." Assembled, with introduction by, Arthur Drexler. Published by the Museum of Modern Art, and Horizon Press, New York, $15. "As a former student of Wright has said, he was one person in the lecture hall, another on the site, but the whole man only when a pencil was in his hand. This volume, one of the most complete collections of his drawings to be published, reproduced - scribbles, erasures, patches, and all - some 300 of them, from the earliest house renderings to some of the more fanciful stadia and driving machines of later years..."
Size: 9.5 x12.25
Pages: Pp 165
S#: 1494.01.0716Date: 1962 Title: Architectural Forum - November 1962 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: “The Good Building is one that Makes the Landscape More Beautiful than it was Before – FLLW.” The Marin County administration building, just completed. Includes ten photographs and six illustrations. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1507)
Size: 9.5 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 122-129
S#: 1507.00.1106
Date: 1964 Title: Architectural Forum - May 1964 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Udall Aids FLLW Landmarks." "Efforts to save Frank Lloyd Wright’s famed Robie House received a major boost last month when Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall formally..." Robie House, Chicago; Pope House, Falls Church and Imperial Hotel, Tokyo. Includes two photos, Robie/Udall (Richard Nickel) and Pope House (Hedrich- Blessing). Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1594)
Size: 9.25 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 7
S#: 1594.00.0107
Date: 1964 Title: Architectural Forum - August / September 1964 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Joseph C. Hazen Jr., Publisher Author: Blake, Peter Description: "Publisher’s Note. Time Inc.’s Architectural Forum: 1932-1964." History of Architectural Forum. In January 1892 "The Brickbuilder" was first published. In 1917 the name was changed to "Architectural Forum". It was purchased by Time Inc. in 1932. By 1960 the circulation was at 64,000. Includes a section on Wright "A revolutionary architect", a portrait of Wright by Alfred Eisenstadt and the cover of the January 1938 issue devoted to Wright. Original cover price $2.00. Description: "The Secret Scrapbook of an Architectural Scavenger." Includes one photograph of Wright sharpening his pencil by Guerrero. Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Size: 9.5 x 12.25 Pages: Pp 5 Pages: Pp 83 S#: 1596.04.0107
Date: 1967 Title: Architectural Forum - March 1967
Author: Anonymous
Description: Milestone in Madison: Monona Terrace (Sweeney 1704)
Pages: Pp 30-1
S#: 1704.00.0701
Date: 1967 Title: Architectural Forum - November 1967
Author: Anonymous
Description: Imperial Threats: Imperial Hotel
Pages: Pp 29-30
S#: 1704.01.0701
Date: 1967 Title: Architectural Forum - December 1967
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: USS Cor-Ten Description: Focus: Squaring the Circle. Addition to Guggenheim Museum designed by Taliesin Fellowship. (Sweeney 1712) Description: Sequels: Sayonara? Imperial Hotel closes doors, continues attempt to save it. (Includes a photo of protest.) Description: Ad: This administration building is "painting" itself. Ad about the Rocky Mountain National Park Administration Building designed by Taliesin Fellowship. Includes a photo. Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp 46 Pages: Pp 23-4 Pages: Pp 86 S#: 1712.00.0402 S#: 1712.01.0402 S#: 1712.02.0402 Date: 1968 Title: Architectural Forum - May 1968 (Published 10 times a year by Urban America, Inc., New York)
Author: Dunhill, Priscilla
Description: Imperial Hotel. "Requiem for a Masterpiece. On February 28, 1968, the last of the magnificently carved Oya stones of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Imperial Hotel in Tokyo was bulldozed into rubble to make way for the new order; a 17-story skyscraper hotel that will look like all other 17-story skyscraper hotels, everywhere... Wright had sunk so much of himself into his building that he had lost all perspective. He refused to delegate the smallest decision, or to curb the pettiness and jealousy which consumed his staff. As a result the hotel opened one year behind schedule at a cost triple its original estimate – a total of 4 3/4 million, an unprecedented sum in those days for a 280 room hotel." Includes seven photographs and one illustration. (Sweeney 1737)
Size: 9 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 70-75
S#: 1737.00.0715
Date: 1968 Title: Architectural Forum - January/February 1968 (Published 10 times a year by Urban America, Inc., New York)
Author: Tafel, Edgar; R. C. Haskett
Description: Letters: "Tragedy of the Imperial. Starting in 1916, it took about four years to build Frank Lloyd Wright’s Imperial Hotel, and now demolition will take about four weeks. From the window of my eight-story room in the ‘new’ Imperial, I’ve seen the steel wrecking ball swing from 8 a.m. to midnight and have walked through what is left of the grand public areas. Their furnishings have been stripped; it is damp and cold. Outside, frontloaders lift the debris into trucks which haul it away for landfill..." Tafel. (Sweeney 1754)
Size: 9 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 15
S#: 1754.00.0815
Date: 1969 Title: Architectural Forum - June 1969 (Published ten times a year by Urban America, Inc., New York)
Author: Hasbrouck, Wilbert R. Author: Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. Author: Wright, Henry Description: Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright - The Early Work (1968) (Sweeney 98) Description: Frank Lloyd Wright: The Eleventh Decade (Sweeney 1785) Description: "Unity Temple, Oak Park, Ill." “Unity Temple Revisited.” Unity Temple after more than sixty years. Includes ten photographs and one illustration plus Wasmuth Plate 62 (on Cover) and Wasmuth Plate 64 (page 31). (Sweeney 1801) Size: 9 x 11 Size: 9 x 11 Size: 9 x 11 Pages: Pp 84-85 Pages: Pp 38-41 Pages: Pp Cover, 28-37 S#: 0098.00.0704 S#: 1785.00.0704 S#: 1801.00.0704 Date: 1969 Offset Title: Architectural Forum - June 1969 (Published ten times a year by Urban America, Inc., New York)
Author: Wright, Henry (Former Editor of the Architectural Forum)
Description: Offset: "Unity Temple, Oak Park, Ill." “Unity Temple Revisited.” Unity Temple after more than sixty years. Includes ten photographs and one illustration plus Wasmuth Plate 62 (on Cover) and Wasmuth Plate 64 (page 31). (Sweeney 1801)
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pg Cover 28-37
S#: 1801.01.1006
Date: 1970 Title: Architectural Forum - October 1970 (Published 10 times a year by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York)
Author: Swedlow Swedcast
Description: Ad: “The right acrylic for the Wright building.” Ad for the acrylic sheets used in the newly completed Marin County building designed by Wright. Includes one photograph. Original Cover Price $1.50.
Size: 9 x 11.25
Pages: Pg 20
S#: 1833.01.1206
Date: 1970 Title: Architectural Forum - December 1970 (Published 10 times a year by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York)
Author: Montgomery, Roger
Description: “Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hall of Justice.” Newly finished Marin County Hall of Justice. Includes 10 photographs by Lucille Dandelet and one illustration. Original Cover Price $1.50.
Size: 9 x 11.25
Pages: Pg 54-9
S#: 1833.00.1006
Date: 1971 Title: Architectural Forum - July/August 1971 (Published 10 times a year by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Focus: "Parasol for the Arts. Its distinctly scalloped roof dominates the $2.5 million Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium, the latest addition to the 140-acre Marin County Civic Center. Part of the original complex designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, the auditorium was designed by William Wesley Peters of the Taliesin Associated Architects of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation..." Includes one photograph. Original Cover Price $1.50. (Sweeney 1859)
Size: 9 x 11.25
Pages: Pg 5
S#: 1859.00.0815
Date: 1972 Title: Architectural Forum - March 1972 (Published by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Prefabs: "Wrightmobile". All those interested in spreading the gospel of Frank Lloyd Wright can now do so in a $4000 mobile home designed by his Taliesin – based disciples for the National Homes Corporation, which turned out $175 million worth of factory – build homes in 1971. This summer, it will begin full-scale production of a complete line of dwellings from the Taliesin drafting boards. Most of these will be in the $20,000 to $30,000 range, but a Coonley house – scale custom job will also be available for $200,000..." Includes two illustrations. (Sweeney 1908)
Size: 9 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 61
S#: 1908.00.0804
Date: 1972
Title: Architectural Forum - June 1972 (Published 10 times a year by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York)
Author: Barnett, Jonathan Author: Anonymous Description: "Rethinking Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright is being rediscovered as his views about our society in cities take on new meaning in the midst of urban chaos. Richard Weinstein, who is director of Lower Manhattan Development for New York City, admires Frank Lloyd Wright extravagantly and will say so on almost any occasion. Last fall, Richard was launching with the Forums editor, Peter Blake, at one of those caverness Wall Street restaurants where our fiduciary guardians consume there at noonday martinis and seafood. During the meal, Richard chanced to remark that when he, Jacqueline Robertson and I first went to work as urban designers for New York City, we found Wright’s urban concepts far more relevant and useful than those of the other great "form givers of modern architecture..." Includes seven of Wright’s illustrations including: San Marcos in the Desert; Lexington Terrace; American Ready-cut System Housing (2); Doheny Ranch Development; Point Park Community Center; and Crystal Heights. (Sweeney 1885) Description: "Preservation. The Met to The Rescue… New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, salvaging what is it a can of condemned Midwestern landmarks, has bought Frank Lloyd Wright’s Francis W. Little house, built in 1913 on the slope above Lake Minnetonka near Minneapolis. Set the bite the dust in favor of a "new" French chateau – style residence, the house, called "Northome" by its original owners, is being carefully unbuilt and boxed for shipment to New York, where it’s Cavernous living room and furnishings will have a place of honor in the museums proposed American Wing by architects Kevin Roche and John Dinkeloo..." Includes two photographs of the Little Residence. 9 x 11.25 (Sweeney 1904) Size: 9 x 11.25 Pages: Pp 42-47 Pages: Pp 22 S#: 1885.00.0118 S#: 1904.00.0118 Date: 1972 Title: Architectural Forum - December 1972 (Published 10 times a year by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York)
Author: Hasbrouck, Wilbert R. Author: Anonymous Description: Book Review: The Prairie School. Frank Lloyd Wright and His Midwest Contemporaries. Brooks, 1972. University of Toronto Press, Toronto. $25.00. " The book opens with a capsulized study of Brooks’ definition of the Prairie School and its roots. Here he begins the frequent references to the arts and crafts publications and homemaker’s journals which carried the Prairie School message to the public... Brooks has written the book which demonstrates what Wright was talking about. It is not the last word. It is a definitive work which will stimulate those who read it to even more extensive examination of the roots of modern architecture." (Sweeney 1871) Description: News: "First Prairie House. Frank Lloyd Wright’s Oak Park home and studio are for sale. The 25-room complex (including seven bedrooms and seven baths) was, of course, the locus of Wright’s first ‘golden age,’ as Grant Manson described the Prairie House period. Over the past 25 years, much restoration work has been done (some of it supervised by Wright himself during the 1950's). The owners, Mrs. Clyde Nooker and her late husband, were determined to put the house and studio in working order..." Includes one photograph. Original Cover Price $2.00. (Sweeney 1893) Size: 9 x 11.25 Pages: Pp 12-13 Pages: Pp 12-13, 62 S#: 1871.00.0815 S#: 1893.00.0815