PERIODICALS (1970-1979) PERIODICALS PUBLISHED BETWEEN: 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
YEAR PERIODICAL TITLE AUTHOR ARTICLE TITLE PAGES S#/ST# 1970 1970 Prairie School Review - No. 4, 1970
Radde, Bruce F. Book Review. "Frank Lloyd Wright: Public Buildings" (Sweeney 1681) Pp 24-25 1681.00.0404 1970
Progressive Architecture - August 1970 (Published Monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Brooks, H. Allen Book Review: Two Chicago Architects and Their Clients, Eaton, Leonard K.(1969). "The title... aptly describes the content, for herein are recorded the biographies of 26 clients, half of whom built Wright houses and half of whom patronized architect Shaw... Wright's clients however,, were from a different stratum of society. They were, as Wright often pointed out, middle-class men of business whose homes were built on a budget..." Original cover price $2.00. 8.5 x 11.5 (Sweeney 1763) Pp 100 1763.00.1215 1970 Prairie School Review - No 1, 1970
Webster, J. Carson Book Review: "Two Chicago Architects and their Clients". (1969) (Sweeney 1768) Pp 20-21 1768.00.0404 1970
AIA Journal - January 1970 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Baldridge, J. Alan '"Wright House for the Right Buyer. Your readers may be interested to know that Frank Lloyd Wright's Walser House, built in 1903 in Chicago, is up for sale. There is a problem in that this house is a potential mansion, not an actual one. Right now, it's an old, rundown house in a degenerating neighborhood. Structurally sound and with beautiful lines, yes, but still old and rundown. So far, I've had two offers that were acceptable as far as money is concerned. One party wanted to chop the 12 rooms up into... Continue... (Sweeney 1817) Pp 68 1817.00.0423 1970
Architectural History, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain - Volume 13: 1970 (Published yearly by the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain, Newcastle upon Tyne, Great Britain) Crawford, Alan "Ten letters from Frank Lloyd Wright to Charles Robert Ashbee. The friendship between Frank Lloyd Wright and Charles Robert Ashbee has been noticed in connection with Ashbee's introduction to Frank Lloyd Wright: Ausgefurte Bauten. The following letters, found an Ashbee's journals, add to our knowledge of this friendship; then perhaps to a sense of its intellectual complexity. Ashbee first met Wright at some time in late November or early December 1900. He was impressed, and wrote in... Continue... (Sweeney 1818) Pp 64-73; Fig. 40a 1818.00.0721 1970 Architectural Record - June 1970 (Published Monthly by McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York) Anonymous "The First Christina Church of Phoenix, Arizona, now being built, was designed in 1950 for the Southwest Christian Seminary by Frank Lloyd Wright. The 1000-seat sanctuary is sheltered by a gently pitched roof terminating in a stained glass lantern-spire..." Includes two illustrations. (Sweeney 1821) Pg 42 1821.00.0213 Anonymous "The Rise of an American Architecture, 1815-1915, exhibition opens. A traveling exhibition organized by architectural historian Edgar Kaufmann has opened at New York City's Pg 36 1821.01.0213 1970
Art in America - September/October 1970 (Published bi-monthly by Art in America Co., Inc., New York) Glueck, Grace Wright windows on view at the Richard Feigen Gallery. "Around the time that (Patrick Henry) Bruce was Matisse-ing in Paris, Frank Lloyd Wright was designing some of this country's greatest house (a purely phenomeno-logical circumstances: the only thing the two have in common is a place on this season's agenda). A souvenir of that Wright era will be on view from mid-September to mid-October, when they Richard Feigen Gallery, downtown branch, shows a dozen windows, taken from... Continue... Pp 39 1822.00.1018 1970 Prairie School Review - No. 4, 1970 Hasbrouck, Wilbert R. "The Earliest Work of Frank Lloyd Wright". (Sweeney 1824) Pp 2 14-16 1824.00.0404 1970 Camera - May 1970
Porter, Allan The Johnson Building, Racine, USA. Photos & Caption. (Sweeney 1825) Pp Cover 7, 21, 23-25 1825.00.0404 1970 Phoenix - July 1970 Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright's Circular Sun House. The Lykes House. (Sweeney 1828) See our Wright Study on the Lykes Residence. Pp 5 54-56 1828.00.0404 1970
Architectural Record - April 1970 (Published Monthly by McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York) Anonymous "Masterpieces of two Sullivan students: one is destroyed, one saved. Irving Gill and Frank Lloyd Wright both leaned their art at Louis Sullivan's feet... New life for the... Continue... (Sweeney 1831) Pp 40 1831.00.1115 Book Review: "The Chicago School of Architecture, A History of Commercial and Public Buildings in the Chicago Area, 1875-1925... Continue... Pp 150 1831.01.1115 Book Review: "The Industrial Revolution Runs Away," by Frank Lloyd Wright. The architect's revised edition of The Disappearing City (1932)... Continue... Pp 150 1831.02.1115 1970 Architectural Forum - October 1970 (Published 10 times a year by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York) Swedlow Swedcast Ad: "The right acrylic for the Wright building." Ad for the acrylic sheets used in the newly completed Marin County building designed by Wright. Includes one photograph. Original Cover Price $1.50. 9 x 11.25. Pg 20 1833.01.1206 1970 Architectural Forum - December 1970 (Published 10 times a year by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York) Montgomery, Roger "Frank Lloyd Wright's Hall of Justice." Newly finished Marin County Hall of Justice. Includes 10 photographs by Lucille Dandelet and one illustration. Original Cover Price $1.50. 9 x 11.25. (Sweeney 1833) Pg 54-9 1833.00.1006 1970
Architectural Review - February 1970 (Offprint - Single Sheet) (Published by the Architectural Review, Westminster, Great Britain) Anonymous Restoration of the D. D. Martin and Barton Houses in Buffalo. "Restored Wright. The painstaking restoration by Edgar Tafel (A Wright pupil for nine years) of two adjacent Wright houses in Buffalo is due principally to the enthusiasm of the new president of the State University, Martin Meyerson. The University have financed the work, and the houses, the D. D. Martin House (1904), 1. and the Barton House built for Martin's sister a year earlier, 2. Will in future be used by the president and... Continue... (Sweeney 1835) Single Sheet (Pp 157) 1835.00.0616 1970
L'architettura - No.181 - November 1970 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Zevi, Bruno Published in Italian. "From the Loos-Mendelson-Wright triangle. The volume Erich Mendelsohn: opera completa - architettura ed immagini architettoniche is now in the bookstores. Neutra appears on two occasions... then, in 1924, as interpreter at the meeting between Wright and the expressionist master..." "Richard Neutra, last writings last works. ...I had known L. Sullivan... at his grave I met F.LL. Wright for the first time... this revered and sad man invited me to Taliesin... shortly after Mendelsohn... Continue... (Sweeney 1837) Pp 422-472 1837.00.0417 1970
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - March, 1970 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Shank, Wesley I. "The Residence in Des Moines. The Sedwick S. Brinsmaid house has been the source of some architectural controversy among people interested in the architecture of Des Moines. Some hold that Frank Lloyd Wright designed the house, and others that the designer was not Wright but possibly a student of his. Documentation for the architect has been missing, but most people agreed that the appearance of the house suggested some connection with Wright. Many also thought that... Continue... (Sweeney 1839) Pp 56-59 1839.00.0416 1970 Prairie School Review - No. 4, 1970 Sorell, Susan Sorell "Silsbee: The evolution of a Personal Architectural Style". Touches on Wright's earlier work. (Sweeney 1840) Pp 5-13 1840.00.0404 1970 Prairie School Review - No 3, 1970 Anonymous "Unity Temple Restoration". Also printed as a separate four page brochure. (Sweeney 1841) Pp 2 13-16 1841.00.0404 1970
AIA Journal - February 1970 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Wegg, Talbot "FLLW versus the USA. A personal chronicle about Frank Lloyd Wright's first and only experience of having the United States as a client -- an ill-fated attempt to design a housing project for the Federal Works Agency back in 1941. Ten o'clock of a stifling, humid morning, typical of Washington summertime, in August 1941. The unairconditioned office of Dr. Clark Foreman, director, Division of Defense Housing, Federal Works Agency, where the doctor and the chief of the division's Planning Section are... Continue... (Sweeney 1842) Pp 48-52 1842.00.0423 1970
Progressive Architecture - January 1970 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing corp., Stamford, Conn.) Anonymous "Wright House in Danger of Dissection. Even when landmark buildings have the fortune of being saved, they often undergo some crude from of surgery to be adapted to present-day functions. At the moment, it looks as if this could well happen to one of Frank Lloyd Wright's lesser known Prairie houses in Chicago. The owner of the Walzer (J. J. Walser, Jr. Residence, 1903 - S.091) house describes it as structurally sound but nevertheless "an old rundown house in... Continue... (Sweeney 1844) Pp 25 1844.00.0214 1970 Prairie School Review - No 1, 1970 Frank Lloyd Wright "The New Larkin Administration Building". Originally printed in the Nov 1906 Larkin Idea. (Sweeney 1845) Pp 2-3 14-19 20- 1845.00.0404 1970
L'architettura - No.177 - July 1970 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Zevi, Bruno Published in Italian. "L'idea di Osdkar Stonorov." (The idea of Osdkar Stonorov.) "This has been a tragic year for architecture: we have lost Gropius, Mies van der Rohe, Lescaze, Neutra, Rogers, Nizzoli - and now Oskar Stonorov, who dies last May in an airplane crash together with Walter Reuther, the prestigious United Auto Workers leader... We also remember the exhibition of Wright's work, which he organized in Florence and Paris IN 1951..." Includes one photograph of Wright and Stonorov... Continue... (Sweeney 1846) Pp 142-143 1846.00.0417 1970 Le Nouveau Planete - January/February 1970 #14 (French publication.) (Published by Planete International, Paris, France) Anonymous Text in French."Un texte fondamental de Frank Lloyd Wright" (A fundamental text of Frank Lloyd Wright). Qu'est-ce qui fut a l'origine des cités qui toutes sont mortes? (What was at the origin of the cites which all died?). Le gratte-ciel c'est... Continue... Pp 18-27 1846.18.1112 1970
Prairie School Review - No 2, 1970 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Inc., Palos Park, Illinois) 1) Kostka, Robert
2) Anonymous1) Bruce Gooff and the New Tradition.
2) Earliest Work of John Lloyd Wright. Mrs. M. J. Wood, Encondido, California. Includes 37 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 11Pp 23 1846.137.0122 1970
The New Yorker - January 24, 1970 (Published weekly by The New Yorker Magazine, Inc. New York.) Martin, Charles E. The cover of this issue is a painting of the Guggenheim Museum by Charles E. Martin. A self taught artist, he contributed hundreds of cartoons and covers to The New Yorker. He painted over 144 covers for the New Yorker, not including this one. His drawings appeared in Time, Life, Harper's, The Saturday Evening Post, The Saturday Review, Punch and Esquire. He illustrated children's books and wrote and illustrated "Island Winter" (Greenwillow, 1984), a children's book. He past away in 1959. 8.5 x 11.5 Pp Cover 1846.34.0317 1970 Wisconsin Tales and Trails - Summer 1970 (Published Quarterly by Wisconsin Tales and Trails, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin) 1) Dean, Jill 2) Wells, Robert W. 1) "Beautiful Building, beautiful setting, beautiful food: The Spring Green." History of The Spring Green restaurant design by Wright, as well as a description of the building and restaurant. Includes two photographs. 2) "S.C. Johnson & Son. The firm that waxed great." Text includes... Continue... 1) Pp 10-11 2) Pp 34-40 1846.02.1106 1846.03.1106 1971 1971
Prairie School Review - No 1, 1971. Volume VIII, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Yanul, Thomas; 2) Kalec, Donald 3) Hallmark, Donald P. 4) Van de Venter, Vincent E. 1) Book Review: An Organic Architecture, Wright, 1970, $6.95. "...Although dissatisfied with most of what he sees of knows of in the contemporary world, Wright does find a few things, albeit few, that he sincerely believes are right or good. Among them, naturally, is his own architecture as well as that of his 'Lieber Meister' Louis Sullivan. Plaudets are also accorded architectures of the past which were, in his words, "Organic - in a sense..." (S#468). 2) Book... Continue... (Sweeney 468 & 1761) Pp 28 0468.00.0216 1761.00.0216 1971
Prairie School Review - No 3, 1971. Vol VIII, Number 3 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Hasbrouck, William R. 2) Johnson, Donald L. 3) Kalec, Don 1) Book Review: Genius and The Mobocracy, Wright, 1971, $20.00. First published in 1949. "Louis Sullivan would have liked this book. In spite of its faults, which are many, he would have liked it. It is a book by his most famous, his most controversial, his most successful disciple. It is a book with a made up word in its title, a word Sullivan would have understood and approved of. Mobocracy. Especially today Sullivan would have approved of this book here in Chicago..." (S.756)... Continue... (Sweeney 756) Pp 20 0756.00.0216 1971 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1971 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) 1) Brooks, H. Allen 2) Winter, Robert W. 1) "Chicago Architecture: Its Debt to the Arts and Crafts." Includes references about Wright. Also includes three interior photos of his Oak Park home, two of which have never been published. 2) References Wright's relationship and letters to Charles... (Sweeney 1851) Pp 1) 312-17, 2) 317- 22 1851.00.0806 1851.01.0806 1971 Life Magazine - June 11, 1971 Wainwright, Loudon Guardian of Legacy (Sweeney 1855) Continue... Pp 44-55 1855.00.1000 1971 Prairie School Review - No. 2, 1971 Hallmark, Donald P. "Richard W. Bock, Sculptor. Part II: The Mature Collaborations". Issue devoted to Bock. Includes work with Wright. (Sweeney 1856) Pp Cover 2-3 5-29 1856.00.0404 N.I. Associates, Inc. Ad: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Early Works". Set of 80 slides on Wright's early work. Pp 31 1856.01.0404 1971 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1971 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Michels, Eileen "The Early Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright Reconsidered." Author responds to an article written by Thomas Hines "Frank Lloyd Wright - The Madison Years". Includes one photo and 20 illustrations. Copies printed: 3,800. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11. (Sweeney 1857) Pp 294-303 1857.00.0806 1971
Architectural Forum - July/August 1971 (Published 10 times a year by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York) Anonymous Focus: "Parasol for the Arts. Its distinctly scalloped roof dominates the $2.5 million Veteran's Memorial Auditorium, the latest addition to the 140-acre Marin County Civic Center. Part of the original complex designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, the auditorium was designed by William Wesley Peters of the Taliesin Associated Architects of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation..." Includes one photograph. Original Cover Price $1.50. 9 x 11.25 (Sweeney 1859) Pg 5 1859.00.0815 1971
L'architettura - No.187 - May 1971 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Zevi, Bruno Published in Italian. "Bomba Mendelsohniana: perche la quarta, se sprecate la terza?" (A Mendelsohnian Bombshell: Why the fourth, if you bother the third?) "Look at this sketch by Mendelsohn, dated 1917. To the right, at the top, appear three Guggenheim Museums. The expressionist master was right when he said that "Wright's latest designs are very close to my early sketches.' Unfortunately, Mendelsohn's premature death in 1953 prevented that meting between organic current and expressionism... Continue... (Sweeney 1866) Pp 2-3 1866.00.0417 1971
L'architettura - No.185 - March 1971 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Zevi, Bruno Published in Italian. "Urbanistica / architettura la commedia Gropius + Wright." (Urbanism / Architecture The Gropius Comedy + Wright.) "G. C. Argan claims that the town-planning ideas prevailed after World War II are not those of Gropius but those of Wright, whose architecture is not qualified by the urban fabric, but rather qualifies it. That is right: a town planning with a rigid geometrical layout, which suffocates architecture into uniform aligned boxes, cannot be effective... Continue... (Sweeney 1867) Pp 702-703 1867.00.0417 1971 Du - June 1971 (Published by Conzett + Huger AG, Printers and Publishers, Baslerstrasse 30, Zurich, Switzerland) Gasser, Manuel "Art Nouveau in New York. Mobel (Furniture)." Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867 - 1958. Armchair and Vase. Vase was produced by James A. Miller in Chicago, 71 cm high. Chair was produced by George Niedecken in Milwaukee. Both around 1895... Continue... Pp 443 1867.01.1202 1971
Prairie School Review - No 4, 1971. Volume VIII, Number 4(Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Sprague, Paul E. 2) Ramsey, Ronald Lanier 1) Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright and His Midwest Contemporaries, Brooks, 1972, $25.00. "This splendidly produced and well-written book is accurate and comprehensive far beyond anything yet published about the contemporaries and students of Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright. The design of this elegant volume is almost beyond criticism. Its size, nine inches square, makes it very convenient to handle and its arrangement, with notes alongside the text and... Continue... (Sweeney 1874) Pp 20 1874.00.0216 1972 1972
Architectural Forum - December 1972 (Published 10 times a year by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York) Hasbrouck, Wilbert R. Book Review: The Prairie School. Frank Lloyd Wright and His Midwest Contemporaries. Brooks, 1972. University of Toronto Press, Toronto. $25.00. " The book opens with a capsulized study of Brooks' definition of the Prairie School and its roots. Here he begins the frequent references to the arts and crafts publications and homemaker's journals which carried the Prairie School message to the public... Brooks has written the book which demonstrates what Wright was... Continue... (Sweeney 1871) Pp 12-13 1871.00.0815 1972
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1972 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Hines, Thomas S.; 2) Michels, Eileen 1872: Book Review: The Prairie School, Frank Lloyd Wright and His Mid-west Contemporaries, Brooks, 1972. "This long-awaited book was well worth waiting for - a sound, thorough and suggestive treatment of what surely was, in the author's words, "one of the most native, original and dynamic developments in the history of American architecture... Physically, this volume is a publishing triumph. Even Wright would have liked its design and its square shape..." 1872.01: Letters: Mr. Curtis... Continue... (Sweeney 1872) Pp 332-335, 2) 340 1872.00.0717 1972
Progressive Architecture - September 1972 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing corp., Stamford, Conn.) Anonymous “Arizona church builds Wright design 22 years later. In 1950, Frank Lloyd Wright designed a structure for the Southwest Christian Seminary; it was never built, at least not by the seminary. It is, however, being built by the First Christian Church of Phoenix, thanks to a suggestion by the seminary president, Dr. Peyton Canary. Following Dr. Canary's suggestion that the design might be appropriate as a new sanctuary for the church, the church building committee contacted Mrs. Frank Lloyd... Continue... (Sweeney 1883) Pp 59 1883.00.0823 1972
Architectural Forum - June 1972 (Published 10 times a year by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York) Barnett, Jonathan "Rethinking Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright is being rediscovered as his views about our society in cities take on new meaning in the midst of urban chaos. Richard Weinstein, who is director of Lower Manhattan Development for New York City, admires Frank Lloyd Wright extravagantly and will say so on almost any occasion. Last fall, Richard was launching with the Forums editor, Peter Blake, at one of those caverness Wall Street restaurants where our fiduciary guardians consume... Continue... (Sweeney 1885) Pp 42-47 1885.00.0118 1972 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - October 1972 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Besinger, Curtis "Comments on The Early Drawings of Frank Lloyd Wright Reconsidered." Curtis responds to Eileen Michels article (S#1857). Copies printed: 3,900. Original cover price $3.12. 8.5 x 11. (Sweeney 1886) Pp 216-220 1886.00.0806 1972
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - May 1972 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Besinger, Curtis Letters: Concerning Wright's Age. "I have tended to regard the great concern of architectural historians with regard to the two-year mislocation of Frank Lloyd Wright's biirthdate with some amusement: I don't think that it is a very important issue. While at Taliesin, we celebrated Mr. Wright's birthday each year. On those occasions at which Mr. Wright's sister Jane (Mrs. Andrew Porter) was present, there was always a friendly family quarrel about just how old her brother was..." Copies printed: 4,100. 8.5 x 11. (Sweeney 1887) Pp 159 1887.00.0717 1972
Inland Architect - December 1972 (Published monthly by the Inland Architect Corporation, Chicago) Bowly, Devereux, Jr. Unity Temple, A Masterpiece on the Way to Restoration. Frank Lloyd Wright once said: "Unity Temple, Robie House and the Imperial Hotel, these are what I had to say." The Imperial Hotel, sadly, has gone; the Robie House happily has been saved, although it no longer is used for its original purpose; Unity Temple not only survives but is still a working church - one with the growing membership. Indeed, Wright's early concrete monolith, a block and a half from the rattling "L" in Oak Park... Continue... (Sweeney 1888) Pp 18-19 1888.00.0519 1972
Los Angeles Times West Magazine - April 16, 1972 (Published weekly by the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California) Bradshaw, Jon 2) Anonymous 3) Taylor, Jean Sharley "The Stern Shining Brow. At a curious kind of commune called Taliesin west, Frank Lloyd Wright is the godhead and his widow is the high priestess. Taliesin West is curiously disguised, as though by some geological sleight-of-hand. Seen from the barren Taliesin road, leading away from the tidy Phoenix suburb of Scottsdale, it looks like just another rocky ridge of the McDowell Mountains, which rise precipitously behind - red in the sun and strangely prehistoric. Squeezed between... Continue... (Sweeney 1889) Pp 9-12, 15, 18 2) 12 3) 14 1889.00.0322 1972
Arts in Virginia - Fall, 1972 (Published in the fall, winter and spring by Virginia Museum, Richmond, Virginia) Cox, James A. D. "America's greatest architect left three houses in Virginia, each created during the Most prolific years of his architectural life. Like Sir Christopher Wren in England two hundred years before him, Frank Lloyd Wright dominated the architecture of his country for two generations. But unlike Wren, who was Surveyor General of the Kings work for almost fifty years, he was never given the opportunity of designing a building for his government and his fame resulted from his own persistent... Continue... (Sweeney 1892) Pp 10-17 1891.00.1218 1972
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - March 1972 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Cutler, Anthony "The Tyranny of Hagia Sophia: Notes on Greek Orthodox Church Design in the United States." Includes a large section on Frank Lloyd Wright's Annunciation Church. "Frank Lloyd Wright's Annunciation Church at Milwaukee was designed in 1956, and thus predates the maturity of the Greek Church... Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1956, but not executed until after the architect's death in April 1959, the Church of the Annunciation at Milwaukee was built too late to be included in most scholarly studies... Continue... (Sweeney 1892) Pp 38-50 1892.00.0717 1972
Architectural Forum - December 1972 (Published 10 times a year by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York) Anonymous News: "First Prairie House. Frank Lloyd Wright's Oak Park home and studio are for sale. The 25-room complex (including seven bedrooms and seven baths) was, of course, the locus of Wright's first 'golden age,' as Grant Manson described the Prairie House period. Over the past 25 years, much restoration work has been done (some of it supervised by Wright himself during the 1950's). The owners, Mrs. Clyde Nooker and her late husband, were determined to put the house... Continue... (Sweeney 1893) Pp 12-13, 62 1893.00.0815 1972
Architecture and Urbanism Vol-2 - February 1972 (Published monthly by A & U Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan)Higuchi, Kiyoshi "F. L. Wright and Le Corbustier." Text in Japanese. Part One of an eleven part series which ran from February through December. Includes one photograph of the Romeo and Juliet Windmill. Original cover price $3.20. 8.6 x 11.5 (Sweeney 1894) Pp 7-8 1894.00.0719 A 1972 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - October 1972 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Jermow, Stanley Kenneth "Richardsonian Tradition and Frank Lloyd Wright, with an Excursus on the Flower Pot that Grew into a Church." Research paper. Comments on Greek Orthodox Church. Copies printed: 3,900. Original cover price $3.12. 8.5 x 11. (Sweeney 1895) Pp 234-5 1895.00.0806 1972
Progressive Architecture - September 1972 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing corp., Stamford, Conn.) McCoy, Esther “The four Frank Lloyd Wright textured concrete block houses built in Los Angeles and Pasadena in 1923 and 1924 were not generally considered his best houses. Criticism, in general, followed Walter Curt Behrendt’s comment that the degree to which Wright sought artistic effects for their own sake removed the work from the principles on which it was based. But then 1923 was the year Le Corbusier published "Vers une architecture," and the thinking that went into the Bauhaus was already... Continue... (Sweeney 1898) Pp 76 1898.00.0823 1972
Architectural Forum - June 1972 (Published 10 times a year by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York) Anonymous "Preservation. The Met to The Rescue" New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, salvaging what is it a can of condemned Midwestern landmarks, has bought Frank Lloyd Wright's Francis W. Little house, built in 1913 on the slope above Lake Minnetonka near Minneapolis. Set the bite the dust in favor of a "new" French chateau - style residence, the house, called "Northome" by its original owners, is being carefully unbuilt and boxed for shipment to New York, where it's Cavernous living... Continue... (Sweeney 1904) Pp 22 1904.00.0118 1972 Architectural Forum - March 1972 (Published by Whitney Publishing, Inc., New York) Anonymous "Prefabs: "Wrightmobile". All those interested in spreading the gospel of Frank Lloyd Wright can now do so in a $4000 mobile home designed by his Taliesin - based disciples for the National Homes Corporation, which turned out $175 million worth of factory - build homes in 1971. This summer, it will begin full-scale production of a complete line of dwellings from the Taliesin drafting boards. Most of these will be in the $20,000 to $30,000 range, but a Coonley house - scale custom job will also be... Continue...
(Sweeney 1908)Pp 61 1908.00.0804 1972
L'architettura - No.204 - October 1972 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Zevi, Bruno Published in Italian. "Attualita dell'urbanistica wrightiana." (News of Wright's urban planning.) "Jonathan Barnett, formerly Director of the Urban Design Group of the New York City Planning Department, has published in the June issue of Architectural Forum an exceptionally interesting article which reverses the usual opinion, or prejudice, about F. Ll. Wright's approach to city planning..." Includes seven illustrations. Original cover price Lire 1,000. 9.6 x 12.75 (Sweeney 1909) Pp 352-353 1909.00.0417 1972
AIA Journal - November 1972 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) 1) Swaback, Vernon D.
1) "The Mobile Home Industry Viewed by an Architect. Some people have been inclined to look upon mobile homes as poor relations of so-called conventional housing. But increasingly the potential of quality design in modular dwellings... Continue... 1) Pp 35-37
1909.70.1021 2) Anonymous 2) Lloyd Wright, Architect: 20th Century Architecture in an Organic Exhibition. 1971. Pp.101. $7.25. (S#1847.00) A monograph-catalog prepared for an exhibition in 1971... at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The introductory essay... Continue... 2) Pp 56 1972 Architectural Record - March 1972 (Published Monthly by McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York) Milliken Floor Coverings Ad: "At Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin: Milstar a totally new concept in contract carpet by Milliken." Includes two photographs of Taliestin West Caberet Theatre (S.243 - 1949) and an exterior photograph. Original cover price $3.00. 9 x 12. Pp Inside Back Cover 1909.12.0511 1972 Automobile Quarterly - 2nd Quarter 1972 (Published quarterly by Automobile Quarterly, Inc., New York) Ludvigsen, Karl E. "The Baron of Park Avenue. Today Hoffman is the importer of BMW cars. Since the last war he has been the... For more information and a summary of this article see our Wright Study. Pp 152-167 1909.11.1101 1972 Living Museum - May-June 1972 (Published bimonthly without charge by the Illinois State Museum, Springfield, Illinois) Evans, Robert J. "Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright, Architects." Includes three illustrations. 6 x 9. Pp 102-3 1909.02.0306 1972
Minneapolis Tribune Picture Magazine - August 20, 1972 (Published weekly by the Minneapolis Tribune, Minneapolis, Minnesota) Meier, Peg "A gem of a room finds a museum setting." In 1969, the long time owners of the Francis Little Residence II, in Wayzata, Minnesota was put on the market. After three years, and no interest, they decided to sell the house piece-meal instead of demolishing it. It was purchased by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and they reinstalled the Living Room in the American Wing. "This is the most beautiful room I have ever seen..." Morrison Heckscher, Curator of the American Wing. Includes... Continue... Pp Cover 6-12, 15, 20-21 1909.52.0319 1972 Mother Earth News, The - July 1972 Staley, Karl We Built our own Frank Lloyd Wright Designed House. Pp L42-47 1909.01.0901 1972
Prairie School Review - No 1, 1972 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois) Weisman, Winston "The Chicago School of Architecture: A Symposium - Part I." Although Frank Lloyd Wright is not the focus of this issue, he is mentioned in the article. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11. Pp 1-30 1909.44.1214 1972
Prairie School Review - No 2, 1972 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois) Condit, Carl S. "The Chicago School of Architecture: A Symposium - Part I." Although Frank Lloyd Wright is not the focus of this issue, he is mentioned in the article. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11. Pp 1-38 1909.45.1214 1972
Prairie School Review - No 3, 1972. Volume IX, Number 3 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Brooks, H. Allen 2) Eaton, Leonard K. 1) Percy Dwight Bentley at La Crosse 2) John Wellborn Root and the Julian M. Case House. Includes 41 photographs and illustrations, one of which is an illustration of Frank Lloyd Wright's Ladies Home Journal, 1907, Fireproof House. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11 (Two copies) Pp 24 1909.48.0216 1909.51.0818 1972
Prairie School Review - No 4, 1972. Volume IX, Number 4 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) Turak, Theodore A Celt Among Slavs: Louis Sullivan's Holly Trinity. "...The Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago designed by Louis H. Sullivan deserves an issue of its own. It was one of the first of Sullivan's "independent commissions after leaving Dankmar Adler..." Includes 33 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 24 1909.49.0216 1973 1973
New Yorker - June 2, 1973 (Published weekly by The New Yorker Magazine, Inc. New York.) Anonymous Book Review. "Frank Lloyd Wright," by Robert C. Twombly (Harper Row). There is no fully satisfactory book about Frank Lloyd Wright's life and work. This one, which the author calls 'an interpretative biography,' is a commendable effort, but is seems a little thin. It is long enough (over three hundred pages), and the author has fully covered the signal events of Wright's ninety-one-year life span, but Wright, one of the great and exasperating personalities of our time, remains elusive..." Original cover price 50 cents. 8.5 x 11.5 (Sweeney 1921) Pp 124 1921.00.0217 1973
Inland Architect - June 1973 (Published monthly by the Bruce Publishing Company, Minneapolis, Minn) Miller, Nory "Four architects with their own design for living." One of the four homes includes the Mrs. Thomas Gale Residence. "Howard Rosenwinkel's home is the realization of a boyhood dream. A partner in the firm of... he was inspired to study architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright's Oak Park houses, and now he owns one - the Mrs. Thomas Gale of 1909. He and his wife Nancy bought it in 1963 from Sally Gale, daughter of the original owner. It was stuffed with Victorian furniture; the front balcony... Continue... (Sweeney 1933) Pp 8-13 1933.00.0719 1973 AIA Journal - May 1973 Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Out of the Desert's Mystery (Sweeney 1934) Pp 54-5 1934.00.0501 1973
Progressive Architecture - January 1973 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Corp., Stamford, Conn.) Anonymous "Plaque marks offices of Adler, Sullivan, Wright. In 1890, after the Auditorium Building had been dedicated, Louis Sullivan and Dankmar Adler moved their offices to its 17th floor. Although Adler retired five years later, Sullivan remained until 1918. Frank Lloyd Wright, who had joined the firm in 1887, was there, too, until he left in 1893 to set up his own firm..." Original cover price $3.00. 9 x 12 (Sweeney 1935) Pp 43 1935.00.0416 1973 Christian Science Monitor - August 10, 1973 Hoffman, Marilyn House of the future, Pheiffer House (Two Copies) Pg 11 1940.01.0401 1940.01.0502 1973 Christian Science Monitor - August 10, 1973 Marlin, William An Architect for all seasons (Two Copies) Pp 11 1940.02.0401 1940.02.0502 1973
Minneapolis Tribune Picture Magazine - April 1, 1973 (Published weekly by the Minneapolis Tribune, Minneapolis, Minnesota) Premack, Frank "Life at Taliesin West... Fourteen years after Wright's death, the spirit of the master architect still dominates the Taliesin Fellowship, a community of a few dozen people who spend nine months of the year at Taliesin West, a stone-and-red-beamed enclave in the desert eight miles from Scottsdale, and the summer at Spring Green, Wisconsin, at another Taliesin Wright built...." Includes 16 photographs by Kent Kobersteen of Mrs. Wright, Taliesin West and the apprentices that work there, including... Continue... Pp Cover, 30-35, 38 1940.23.0319 1940.24.0319
Prairie School Review - No 1, 1973. Volume X, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1 & 2) Sprague, Paul E. 1) Griffin Rediscovered in Beverly. 2) Griffin's Beverly Buildings, A Catalog 3) Book Review. Includes 72 photographs and illustrations, including 10 related to Wright homes. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 36 1940.15.0216 1973
Prairie School Review - No 3, 1973. Volume X, Number 3 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Warn, Robert R. 1) Part I: Bennett & Sullivan, Client & Creator. 2) Book Reviews. Includes 15 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 20 1940.16.0216 1973
Prairie School Review - No 4, 1973. Volume X, Number 4 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Warn, Robert R. 2) Hasbrouck, Marilyn Whittlesey 1) Part II: Louis H. Sullivan, "...an air of finality." 2) The Prairie School Review Index, I - X (1964-1973) 3) Book Reviews. Includes 19 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 28 1940.17.0216 1973
Prairie School Review - No 2, 1973. Volume X, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) Editor: Hasbrouck, W. R. 2) Steiner, Frances 1) From the Editor. 2) E. E. Roberts: Popularizing the Prairie School. 3) E. E. Roberts, A Catalog. 4) Book Review: The Architecture of Frank Furness. Includes 45 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 26 1940.26.0419 1973 South Dakota History. South Dakota State Historical Society Quarterly - Summer 1973 (Published quarterly by the South Dakota State Historical Society, Pierre, S.D.) Frank Lloyd Wright "The Bad Lands". A letter written by Wright to Robert D. Lusk, editor of "The Evening Huronite" of Huron, S.D. after seeing the Bad Lands and the Black Hills for the first time in 1935. Includes 12 photographs of the Bad Lands (not taken by Wright). Original cover price $1.25. 6 x 9. Pp 271-284 1940.05.0207 1974 1974
Prairie School Review - No 1, 1974. Volume XI, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Bordes, Marilynn Johnson 2) Kihlstedt, Folke T. 1) Book Review: The Arts and Crafts Movement in America 1876-1916, Clark, 1972, $$25.00 Cloth, $7.50 Paper (S#1875). "...A number of my acquaintances, still question that a man like Frank Lloyd Wright belongs to the Arts and Crafts Movement. Part of this may be due to our concept of cult of genius, but part is also certainly due to Wright's ideas about the machine, as given in his famous Hull House lecture (the title of which alone should indicate his preoccupation... Continue... Pp 28 1875.01.0216 1974
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1974 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Richards, J. M. Book Review: "Antonin Raymond: An Autobiography" Raymond, 1973, $27.50. "...One such comment concerns Frank Lloyd Wright's unawareness, at the time when he was building the Imperial Hotel at Tokyo, of the value of the traditional culture of Japan. Raymond justifiably claims to have done far more than Wright to bring its relevance to modern architectural aspirations to the notice of the West..." Wright is discussed in "An Autobiography" (S.1916). (Sweeney 1917) Pp 360-1 1917.00.0516 1974
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1974 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Brooks, H. Allen Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright: An Interpretive Biography," Twombly, 1973, $10.00 (S.1920) and "The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Catalogue," Storrer, 1974, $9.95 (S.1948). "Wright scholarship suffered a staggering blow when his heirs decided to bar future research - other than their own - into the vast archives which the architect left behind. This it seems certain, was not his intent and one may imagine that Wright is agonizing in his grave at seeing how his... Continue... (Sweeney 1922) Pp 359-360 1922.00.0516 1974
Prairie School Review - No 2, 1974. Volume XI, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Kalec, Donald J. 2) Severens, Kenneth W. 3) Allen, James R. 4) Sprague, Paul E. One Book - Two Reviews: Frank Lloyd Wright: An Interpretative Biography, Twombly, 1973, $10.00 (S#1920). 1) "... This is not a twice told tale but a substantial piece of work based on original research done over the course of several years. A great amount of new material, especially the early formative years, is brought to light... Twombly's book works better as a book for people who already know a great deal about Wright and want additional data and a few insights... Continue... (Sweeney 1925 & 1926) Pp 28 1925.00.0216
Westways - November 1974 (Published monthly by the Automobile Club of Southern California) Dymond, Lura New Life For A Landmark. The City of Los Angeles has an original in such a state that it can be restored. “We have to clear away the dross and save the gold that's here." The speaker was Lloyd Wright, white-haired, eighty-four-year-old son of Frank Lloyd Wright and a distinguished architect himself. He was talking about the restoration of Hollyhock House that started last July 1. When Tom Bradley became mayor of Los Angeles, he was "desirous of taking the facilities available and making them... Continue... (Sweeney 1951) Pp 22 1951.00.0711
1951.00.12241974 The Minneapolis Institute of Arts Bulletin (Published by The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota) Johnson, Kathryn C. "Frank Lloyd Wright's Mature Prairie Style." History of the Francis W. Little Residence in Deephaven, Minnesota. Acquisition of a portion of the home by the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Includes six photographs and four illustrations. 8.5 x 11. (Sweeney 1953) Pp 54-65 1953.00.1106 1974
L'architettura - No.226 - August 1974 (Published Monthly by ETAS-Kompass, Milan, Italy) Pedio, Renato Published in Italian. "Un wrightiano costruisce Wright. Casa Pfeiffer a Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona." (A Wright builds Wright. House Pfeiffer at Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona.) "Is it possible to retrieve the great architect's sketches and ideas and use them, in contexts different from the original ones? If this is feasible, then a great inheritance of the modern artistic and cultural wealth could be recovered. The Pfeiffer House, which B. B. Pfeiffer has built as part of Taliesin West in... Continue... (Sweeney 1955) Pp 240-246 1955.00.0417 1974
Domus #531 - February 1974 Pica, Agnoldomenico "Wright Oggi", Johnson Wax administration building, Racine, Wisconsin. (Sweeney 1956) Pp 6-8 1956.00.0203 1974
Westways - November 1974 (Published monthly by the Automobile Club of Southern California) Ronnie, Art Hollyhock - The Wright House. Like it or leave it. There stands Hollyhock House in Hollywood - conceived and dedicated as a California Romanza. No, not so domestic as the popular neo-Spanish of the region. But comfortable to live in well, with true pride in itself. Yes, Ronnie, Art Hollyhock House is a very Proud House.
So wrote Frank Lloyd Wright in An Autobiography, published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce in 1943, about his first California-designed structure, a Los Angeles residence build... Continue... (Sweeney 1958)Pp 18-22 86 1958.00.0711 1958.00.1224 1974
AIA Journal - May 1974 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) Anonymous "The 1974 Honor Awards: Seven New Buildings, Two Not So New. The 1974 AIA Honor Awards jury has premiered seven new buildings and one restoration and given the 25-year award to a Frank Lloyd Wright building for the second year in a row. This award, to be given to a building of "enduring significance" at least a quarter-century old, last year went to Taliesin West and this year, to the S. C. Johnson & Son Inc. Administration building in Racine, Wisconsin, completed in 1939..." Includes two photographs of the S. C. Johnson building. 9 x 12 Pp 41 1963.42.1021 1974
Arizona Highways - April 1974 Thomas, Margaret Dudley The Arizona Biltmore Pp 14-21 1963.01.0501 1974
Prairie School Review - No 3, 1974. Volume XI, Number 3 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Gregerson, Charles E. 2) Sprague, Paul E. 1) Early Adler & Sullivan Work in Kalamazoo.
2) Sullivan's Scoville Building, A Chronology
3) Book Reviews. Includes 26 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11Pp 28 1963.17.0216 1974
Prairie School Review - No 4, 1974. Volume XI, Number 4 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Turak, Theodore 1) French and English Sources of Sullivan Ornament and Doctrine. Includes 65 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 32 1963.18.0216 1974
The Pittsburgh Press: Sunday Roto - September 15, 1974 (Published weekley by the Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) 1) Carlin, Margie
2) Conroy, Sarah Booth1) Even Vases Have Their Places in Frank Lloyd Wright's Designs. Americans Are Beginning to Deify The Architect They Defined for Years. Frank Lloyd Wright, the outspoken genius of 20th-century architecture, once took a good long look at Pittsburgh and pronounced it "bad."
"It would be cheaper to abandon it than rebuild it," he said.
The pre-Renaissance Golden Triangle was one of Wright's favorite targets.. Continue...Pp Cover, 6-9 1963.56.1224 1975 1975 Architectural Record - September 1975 (Published Monthly by McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York) Anonymous "Benefit tour of FLLW homes net $24,000. About 1,300 visitors toured ten homes designed by FLW in the Chicago area last May 24, paying $25 apiece, and yielding $24,000 for the sponsors, the FLW Home and Studio Foundation. Includes two photographs, the George Furbeck... (Sweeney 1972) Pp 37 1972.00.0911 1975 Architectural Record - February 1975 (Published Monthly by McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York) Anonymous "FLLW sculpture offered in limited edition. A special edition of the Frank Lloyd Wright Indian Memorial Sculptures 'Nakoma-Warrior' and 'Nakomis-Woman' has been cast and is being offered through selected galleries. When Frank Lloyd Wright conceived these two... (Sweeney 1977) Pp 35 1977.00.0811 1975 Prairie School Review - No 3, 1975 Anonymous From the Editors (Sweeney 1979) Pp 4 1979.00.0902 1975 Saturday Review - October 4, 1975 Guerrero, Pedro E. Frank Lloyd Wright: An Unpublished Portfolio (Sweeney 1982) Pp 18-23 & Cover 1982.00.0301 1975
Progressive Architecture - October 1975 (Published monthly by Reinhold Publishing Company, Inc., Cleveland, OH) Anonymous News: "Teliesin (SIC) design for hotel wing - A $5 million wing will be added to the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, complementing the original structure by using the original design for cast concrete blocks by Frank Lloyd Wright. The four-story, free standing wing is the first expansion of the hotel since the opening in Phoenix in 1929. Designed by John Rattenbury of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, the addition will include a meeting room, service kitchen, and 88 deluxe... Continue... (Sweeney 1985) Pp 52-53 1985.00.0915 1975 Du - May 1975 (Published by Conzett + Huger AG, Printers and Publishers, Baslerstrasse 30, Zurich, Switzerland) Kugler, Silvia "Der Grosse Arbeitsraum" "Frank Lloyd Wright's Administration and Laboratory for S. C. Johnson Wax Co. in Racine, Wisconsin." Photographs by Francois Robert. Includes nine photographs and three illustrations. Original cover price 6.80 Francs. 9 x 11.75. (Sweeney 1986) Pp 64-73 1986.00.0107 1975 Saturday Review - October 4, 1975 Marlin, William Frank Lloyd Wright: The Enduring Presence (Sweeney 1988) Pp 14-17 & Cover 1988.00.0301 1975 Prairie School Review - No 3, 1975 Severens, Kenneth W. The Reunion of Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright (Sweeney 1991) Pp Cover 5-21 1991.00.0902 1975
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - December 1975 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Stamm, Gunther "Modern Architecture and the Plantation Nostalgia of the 1930s: Stone's 'Mepkin' and Wright's 'Auldbrass Plantation... Les than 100 miles to the south of 'Mepkin,' Frank Lloyd Wright" started in 1939 to design for Leigh Stevens a "Gentleman's House," trying to unite the ideological essence of "gracious living" with his innovative formalistic canon. The "Auldbrass Plantation" shows innovations which have no parallels in Wright's oeuvre prior to 1939 and yet, at the same time, perpetuates classical... Continue... (Sweeney 1992) Pp 318 1992.00.0717 1975
The Burlington Magazine - December 1975 (Published by The Burlington Magazine Publications LTD, London) Heckscher, Morrison “Frank Lloyd Wright’s Furniture for Francis Little. From the beginning of his career Frank Lloyd Wright claimed that furniture was an integral and important part of his architectural design. Nonetheless, his work as a furniture designer has been almost entirely neglected. In the vast bibliography on Wright it receives only passing comment. Yet this furniture is of the highest importance. On its own it is original and often strikingly handsome. In the context for which it was made it becomes an... Continue... (Sweeney 1983) Pp 866, 869-872 1983.00.1024 1975
American Art Review - May-June 1975 (Published Bi-monthly by the Kellaway Publishing Company, Los Angeles, CA) 1) Gorky, Arshile 1) "Stuart Davis, 1931 ...Yet the silent consequences of Stuart Davis moves us to the cool and intellectual world we're all human emotions are disciplined upon rectangular... Continue... 1) Pp 124-126
1994.00.0620 2) Sullivan, Louis 2) "Chicago Architecture 1880-1893, 1924. It is easy to become an addict of the writings of Louis Henri Sullivan (1856 to 1924). His ability with words and ideas nearly equaled his genius... Continue... 2) Pp 127-132 3) Wright, Frank Lloyd 3) "The Master's Work, 1949." Reprint of a portion of Book Three, Chapter 5. "The new in the old and old in the new is ever principle. Principle is all and single the reality the beloved... Continue... (Sweeney 1994)
3) Pp 132-136 1975
AIA Journal - July 1975 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) Anonymous "Wright Windows Stolen From Rochester House. A house in Rochester, N.Y., designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, was burglarized recently. Four leaded glass window panels and frames were stolen from the detached garage. The panels, the same design as the windows in the house, have been called "abstract painting executed in leaded glass..." Includes one illustration of the window. Original cover price $2.00. 9 x 12 (Sweeney 1996) Pp 14-15 1996.00.1215 1975 Chicago Daily News: Panorama Magazine - September 13-14, 1975 Ratliff, Richard E People who live in Frank Lloyd Wright Houses. Owning a Wright house is like living in a Renoir. Pp Cover 2-3 1996.01.0403 1975
Observer Magazine - February 23, 1975 (Published weekly by Observer Magazine, London) Gardiner, Stephen The strange world of Frank Lloyd Wright. “I thought my eyes were going when I noticed a perfect circle of light on this wall. I traced it to a wall round the corner, but the shape was oval. Then I discovered that the oval had been reflected off another wall over there. Isn't it really strange to think of that tiny fragment of light bouncing round the room, changing shape, then finally coming to rest as a circle? Mr Wright, of course, warned me to expect such things. He told me that his buildings had a life of their own.”... Continue... Pp 24-29 1996.66.0924 1975
Prairie School Review - No 1, 1975. Volume XII, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 1) Goss, Peter L. 1) The Prairie School Influence in Utah. Includes 33 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 24 1996.20.0216 1975
Prairie School Review - No 2, 1975. Volume XII, Number 2 (Edited and Published by William R. And Marilyn Whittlesey Hasbrouck. Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 2) Gelbloom, Mara 3) Cohen, Stuart E. 1) From The Editors. 2) Ossian Simonds: Prairie Spirt in Landscape Gardening. 3) Book Review. Prairie School Architecture: Studies from "Western Architect", Introduction by H. Allen Brooks, 1975, 333 pp., $30.00. Original cover price $2.50. 8.5 x 11 Pp 24 1996.39.0818 1975
Prairie School Review - No 4, 1975. Volume XII, Number 4 (Edited and Published by William R. And Marilyn Whittlesey Hasbrouck. Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois) 2) Orr, Gordon 3) Pressman, Lenore 1) From The Editors. 2) The Collaboration of Claude and Starck with Chicago Architectural Firms. 3) Graceland Cemetery: Memorial to Chicago Architects. 4) Book Reviews. Note: The final double issue of Prairie School Review was devoted to the work of Louis Claude. Pp 24 1996.40.0818 1975
Scholastic Magazines (Published by Scholastic Magazine, Inc.) Anonymous "Transportation Building, Columbia Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Designed by Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright. Library of Congress 13-30." Note: Although Frank Lloyd Wright was still working in Sullivan's office in 1893, the Transportation was attributed to Louis Sullivan. Single sheet. B&W lithograph print. 14 x 11 Pp 1 1996.21.0416 1975 Scholastic Magazines (Published by Scholastic Magazine, Inc.) Anonymous "Frederick C. Robie House, Chicago. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1909. Library of Congress #13-34." Single sheet. B&W lithograph print. 14 x 11 Pp 1 1996.02.1204 1976 1976
Chicago History - Fall 1976 (Published quarterly by the Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, IL) Vinci, John Book Reviews: "More on the Work of Frank Lloyd Wright. During much of his career, except for small but devoted group of clients and admirers, Frank Lloyd Wright was a prophet without honor in his own land. The Germans aesthetician Kuno Francke, in America as an exchange professor at Harvard, toured the Midwest and discovered Wright's buildings. On a visit to the architect's Oak Park studio, Francke urged Wright to live and work in Germany..." "...When the Wasmuth... Continue... (Sweeney 93) Pp 171-2 0093.00.0516 1976
Chicago History - Fall 1976 (Published quarterly by the Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, IL) "Architectural preservation in America is as often determined by historical incident as by the quality of the architecture itself but, as we are reminded by "Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio," here architecture and architectural history have become one. The most American of architects designed, and then frequently altered, this complex, and the changes reflect his growth as an artist as well as the growth of his family. Here he experimented with new ideas and he... Continue... (Sweeney 1968) Pp 171-2 1968.00.0516 1977
AIA Journal - May 1977 (No Cover) (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York, New York) Loeffler, Jane Canter Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Houses: the Case for Organic Architecture," Whitney Library of Design, Sergeant, 1976. "Something happens when you read about Frank Lloyd Wright's little houses that makes you want one. These are not his well known prairie houses, but his later, smaller homes which he alled "Usonians." They were designed between 1936 and 1943 to meet tight budgets, but great expectations. Sergeant's book presents an unusual opportunity to look at this period... Continue... (Sweeney 2003) Pp 68 2003.00.0218 1976
Architectural Record - November 1976 (Published Monthly by McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York) Tafel, Edgar Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Houses: The Case for Organic Architecture, by John Sargeant. $24.50. Working on Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian houses in the later '30s as a Taliesin apprentice was for me more than the ordinary routine. One sensed that Mr. Wright felt he was both searching out a new way of life for America via the single-family house and the automobile, and also creating new systems of building. For some 40 years before he had designed in modules or units... Continue... (Sweeney 2004) Pp 43 2004.0A.0617 1976 AIA Journal - July 1976
- 1) Anonymous 2) Osman, Mary 3) Prairie School Review
- 4) Anonymous
1) Book Review: Guide to Frank Lloyd Wright and Prairie School Arch in Oak Park 2) "Highlights of American Architects, 1776-1976". 46 people nominate the profession's proudest achievements. Many Wright building nominated. Includes 7 photos. 3) Book Review... (Sweeney 2006)
- 1) Pp 200 2) Pp 91-158
- 3) Pp 196 4) Pp 193
2006.00.1104 2006.01.1104 2006.02.1104 2006.03.1104 1976
Inland Architect - February 1976 (A publication of Inland Architect Corporation, Published monthly by the Craftsman Press, Minneapolis, Minn) Bowly, Devereux, Jr. "Saving the idea of Wright's 1895 'model tenement." On Chicago's slum-beset Near West Side is located one of the increasing number of vacant lots in the inner city. Until early in 1974 it had a building which was a classic in the history of low-income housing, Francisco Terrace. If this country had learned the lessons it could have taught us, we might have stayed away from high-rise public housing, and all the problems it has created. Francisco Terrace was a 44-unit "model tenement" designed... Continue... (Sweeney 2008) Pp 18-20 2008.00.0623 1976 Architectural Record - April 1976 (Published Monthly by McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York) Anonymous "Wright Prairie house burns in Oak Park. Forest Avenue in Oak Park, Illinois, boasts no fewer than seven... (Sweeney 2009) Pp 34 2009.00.0911 The Architectural Record The 1976 Architectural Calendar offered by The Architectural Record includes a photograph of Fallingwater in September... Continue... Pp 195 2009.01.0911 1976 Architectural Digest - January-February 1976 Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright Revisited - Redecorating Hoffman House (Sweeney 2011) Pp 35-9 2011.00.0501 1976 Historic Preservation - July -September 1976 Jacobs, Herbert Our Wright Houses (Sweeney 2014) Pp 9-13 2014.00.0302 Sprague, Paul Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio: Homeward Bound (Sweeney 2020) Pp 4-8 2020.00.0302 1976
AIA Journal - August 1976 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) Anonymous "Japan's Williamsburg Gets Part of Wright's Imperial. Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial Hotel, completed in 1922, managed to survive a devastating earthquake and World War II's incendiary bombs, but it could not withstand Tokyo's pollution, subway system, increased land values and industrialization. Although a "save the hotel' campaign was mounted by Japanese architects and others, the building was demolished in 1968. Now a small part of the old Imperial has... Continue... (Sweeney 2015) Pp 8-9 2015.00.1215 1976 AIA Journal - November 1976 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) Anonymous "Unbuilt America: A collection of Unrealized Architectural Visions of What Might Have Been. Mile High Skyscraper - "The Illinois." Frank Lloyd Wright, 1956." Abridged from Architectural Record, November 1956. Includes one photo. Original cover price $2.00. 9 x 12. (Sweeney 2018) Pp 59 2018.00.0506 1976
Concrete Masonry Pictorial - 1976, Vol 32 No.4 (Published by National Concrete Masonry Association, McLean, Virginia)
Anonymous "The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright in Concrete Block. Frank Lloyd Wright is maybe as close to a patron saint as the block industry is ever going to get. At a time when the industry was totally dedicated to the back-up market, this legendary genius was expressing his organic architecture in concrete masonry, itself an organic material..." Includes photographs of the Ennis Residence, David Wright Residence, Arizona Biltmore Hotel and Cottages, Toufic H. Kalil... Continue... Pp 12 2020.25.0616 1976 The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America - April-June 1976 (Published quarterly by the Bibliographical Society of America, New York. 1,700 copies printed.) Krause, Joe W. "The Publishing Activities of Way & Williams, Chicago, 1895-98". This article was the precursor for the book "A History of Way & Williams", 1984. "Although Chicago in the 1890s may seem an unlikely origin for two publishers dedicated to the production of fine printing, the city had reached second place among the printing... Continue... Pp 221-260 2020.19.0113 1976 Sunset Magazine - June 1976 Anonymous Wright's celebrated Hollyhock House of 1920... now you can look inside. Pg 32b-d 2020.01.0901 1977 1977
AIA Journal - July 1977 (Published monthly by The American Institute of Architects, New York) Anonymous Book Report: An Autobiography. Frank Lloyd Wright., New York: Horizon Press, 1977. 620 pp. $17.50. Almost as soon as the first edition of Wright's autobiography (1932) was off the press, he started revising it, working on the process for a period of 16 years. This edition is the first publication of his corrected manuscript. It also contains photographs made over a span of 70 years of Wright, his family, his associates and his architectural projects. Time has not diminished the importance of this autobiography... Continue... (Sweeney 304) Pp 90 0304.00.0423 1977
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - May 1977 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Hoffmann, Donald Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Houses: The Case for Organic Architecture, Sergeant, 1976, $24.50. "So much has been written by and about Frank Lloyd Wright that any new book should at the least be incisive and easy to read. Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Houses is not. John sergeant, an English architect, writes that he travelled 29,000 miles and spent six years in getting this book together; but just how undigested his material remains can be seen near the end of the book... Because it... Continue... (Sweeney 2002) Pp 128-129 2002.00.0717 1977
Historic Preservation - January -March 1977 (Published quarterly by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington D.C.) Dring, William B. Letters: "Though indeed the major changes to the Home and Studio made after 1911 were made by Frank Lloyd Wright, it is quite apparent that the changes were largely the result of expediency and brought the removal of some of the most important and beautiful portions of the buildings..." Dring was the Chairman of the Restoration Committee for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation, Oak Park. (Sweeney 2025) Pp 47 2025.00.0314 1977
Architecture (France) - June 1977 No. 403 (Published by Monitor Publications, Paris, France) Anonymous Published in French, English Translations. "Two hundred thirty of Frank Lloyd Wright's drawings have been assembled by Alberto Izzo and Camillo Gubitosi, professor at the Institute of Architectonic Analysis, University of Naples, and assisted by Alan Calegari, member of the F.L. Wright Foundation. They will be on exhibit in color and in their exact sizes, at the Special Architecture School. 254 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, until 9 July. Hervé Baley, working with the Industrial Creation Center... Continue... (Sweeney 2026) Pp Cover, 42-60
Translation: Pp 135-1362026.00.0922 1977
Historic Preservation - January -March 1977 (Published quarterly by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington D.C.) Johannesen, Eric Letters: "I enjoyed "Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio: Homeward Bound" (HP, July-September, 1976). However, please register one vote against generally returning the buildings to their appearance when Wright lived and worked there." I hasten to add that I am not familiar with the interior of the house, and this is a purely philosophical objection..." Original cover price $1.00. 8.5 x 9 (Sweeney 2028) Pp 47 2028.00.0314 Poppeliers, John... What Style Is It? Part Four. Five sections: Chicago School; Prairie style... Continue... Pp 14-23 1977 Domus, (Monthly Magazine of Architecture, Design, Art) - #569 - April 1977 (Published by Domus S.p.A., Milano, Italy) Pica, Agnoldomenico "F. LL. Wright, Inediti E NON trecento disegni in mostra a napoli." An exhibition of three hundred unpublished drawings in Naples. "The exhibition of Wright's work held from December 9, 1976 to January 10, 1977, was not the third European one - as Gubitosi and Izzo asserted - but, as far as we know, the fifth. Twenty-three years after the first, which was held in Berlin in 1910, came that of the "Gallery of one-man shows" at the 5th Milan Triennale. True, this was a somewhat... Continue... (Sweeney 2030) Pp 1-5 2030.00.0413 1977
Architectural Design - June 1977 Vol 47, No. 6 (Published monthly by Architectural Design Magazine, London, Great Britain) Lee, Davis Book Report: Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Houses: The Case for Organic Architecture, Sergeant, 1976, $24.50. "Sergeant has written about a man who saw that all things in life are connected, and who also had the talent, intelligence, and energy to give form to his perceptions. The book appears at a particular apposite time; Sergeant shows that Wright has something relevant and challenging to say on most of the topics which occupy the minds of active architects and planners today: on identifying contemporary... Continue... Pp 378-380 2033.31.0421 1977
Architecture New Jersey - January/February/ March 1977 (Published by the Mew Jersey Society of Architects, East Orange, N.J.) Grant, Philip S. Jr. "The Christie House. Reassessing of Frank Lloyd Wright's Design. In a region full of reminders of the American Revolution stands a reminder of another revolution of a very different sort. It is the Christie House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, tucked away among the trees of Jockey Hollow Road in Bernardsville, New Jersey. Built in 1941 for a young couple with two children, it was purchased in 1949 by Sultan and Anita Amerie, who have lived there since... The Christie house is the epitome of... Continue... Pp 4-5 2033.26.0218 1977
Builder Architect/Contractor Engineer - December 1977 (Offprint) (Published by Builder Architect/Contractor Engineer) Anonymous Taliesin Architects and The Frank Lloyd Wright Tradition. The Story of a Unique Arizona Fesing Firm. How does a team of Arizona architects manage to become involved with a highway construction project in Colorado? What can the followers of Frank Lloyd Wright contribute to the design of highway bridges and alignments of roadways? Actually, the basis for this kind of work for the architects and planners of Taliesin was established many years ago. Frank Lloyd Wright had written, "Imagine... highways of... Continue... Pp 6 2033.32.0522 1977
Chicago History - Summer 1977 (Published quarterly by the Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, IL) Duis, Perry R. "Where is Athens Now?" The Fine Arts Building 1898 to 1918. During the Summer of 1898, most Chicagoans were preoccupied with America's war with Spain. Parades marched through the Loop, young men lined up at recruiting stations, and newsboys shouted the latest headlines reporting American victories and Spanish atrocities...
Many of the Fine Arts people belonged to the group known as The Little Room, so named for a place that appears and disappears... Continue...Pp 66-78 2033.36.0424 1978 1978 Americana - January/February 1978 Anonymous The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. An Exhibit of His Furnishings Proves He Was More Than a Builder. (Three copies) Pp 43-4
- 1978.06.0302
- 1978.07.0302 1978.14.0203
1978 ![]()
Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - January-February 1978 V1#1 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Association) Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 1) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brook , 2) Hanks, David A. 3)... Masthead design by John H. Howe. 1) "Taliesin Archives" 2) Exhibitions: "The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright" 3) "Frank Lloyd Wright Designs 1887 - 1959" 4) "An American Architecture: Its Roots, Growth and Horizons" 5) Smithsonian Institution: Museum Associate... Continue... Pp 12 1978.16.0105 1978
Architectural Design - August-September, No. 8-9 1978 (Published monthly by Architectural Design Magazine, London, Great Britain) Vickery, Robert "The Transcendental Dream, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Suburbia. Once, not too long ago, there was a beautiful American dream - a transcendental dream, or myth, in which each man was free in communion with God in Nature, happily democratic, serene and secure in his own home, on his own plot of land. This American belief, first fostered by Emerson and Thoreau, came of age and flowered poetically in Whitman, and then matured in the great Prairie House designs of Frank Lloyd Wright during the golden age from... Continue... Pp 512-515 1978.63.0521 1978
Architectural Design - November-December 1978 Vol 48, No. 11-12 (Published monthly by Architectural Design Magazine, London, Great Britain) Chaitkin, Bill Book Report: Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings 1887-1959, Iizzo & Gubitosi, 1977, £9.50. "One reads the captions or Catalogue after looking at these drawings and, overpowered by 232 of them, in a hypnogogic trance of awe and wonder. How'd he do it? (Short answer: with T-square, Ink, leads, etc., and sometimes, especially in the Oak Park years, the creative collaboration of assistants.) From delicate growies ease dribbling over landscaped architecture to the boldness of a monolithic two-dimensionally in... Continue... Pp 583-587 1978.61.0421 1978
Chicago Sun Times - ChicagoStyle Magazine - July 16, 1978 (Published weekly by the Chicago Sun Times, Chicago, Illinois) Anonymous 1) "Incredible Heritage. A Recollection, at Festival Time, of the Master Architects of a Park Who Made an Everlasting American Design Statement. Way back in 1833 when the first visitors journey to what is now known as Oak Park, they faced a days wagon drive west. Today it takes just 20 minutes from downtown Chicago to reach the 1000 acre architectural park... Frank Lloyd Wright was one of the world's greatest architects, one of a few who are native Americans, and the only one to focus his genius... Continue... 1) Pp 6-9
2) Pg 10
3) Pg 121978.64.0122 1978 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - March-April 1978 V1#2 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Association) Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 3) Heinz, Thomas A. 4) Melvyn Maxwell Smith 7 & 8) Taliesin Masthead design by Ling Po. 1) Tours: Wright Plus "78 2) Preservation: "Affleck House, Michigan" 3) "Petit Memorial Chapel, Belvidere, IL" 4)"Melvyn Maxwell Smith House, Michigan" 5)"Unity Temple, Oak Park, IL 6)Preservation Technology 7)"The Taliesin Fellowship" 8) Frank... Continue... Pp 12 1978.17.0105 1978 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - May-June 1978 V1#3 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Association) Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 1, 6 -9) Heinz, Thomas A. 5) Charney, Wayne Michael Masthead design by Bruce Goff. 1) Museums 2) Exhibitions 3) Lloyd Wright 4) Public Buildings in the East 5) Buildings: W.I. Clark House, La Grange, IL 6)The Isadore J. Zimmerman House, New Hampshire 7) Newly Identified Buildings designed by Wright 8) Preservation: Sutton House... Continue... Pp 12 1978.18.0105 1978
Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - July-August 1978 V1#4 (Published by The Frank Lloyd Wright Association, Oak Park) Editor: Heinz, Thomas A.; 2) Montooth, Charles 3) Heinz 4) Hitchcock, H. R. 6) Heinz Masthead design by Vernon Swaback. 1) Buildings. Pence Project, Hilo, Hawaii. 2) Opening Taliesin. The Love and Care of a Masterpiece. 3) Ravine Bluffs Bridge, Glencoe - Endangered. 4) Letters to the Editors 5) Properties Available 6) Avery Coonley House Fire 7) Past: Corporation to Manage Affairs of F. L. Wright, Nov. 24, 1929. 8) Wright Dream of Art Center May Come True. Includes 15 photographs and illustrations. 8.5 x 11 Gift from Kathryn Smith. Pp 12 1978.50.0616 1978 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - September-October 1978 V1#5 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Association) Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 1) Montooth, Charles 2) Puma, Jerome 3 & 4) Heinz, Thomas A. Masthead design by E. Fay Jones. 1) Wright design takes shape in Arizona 2) Larkin Building Demolition 3)The Larkin Building Mechanical System Re-Evaluated 4) The Larkin Building Fence Pier 5) Public Buildings in the West & SW 6) Properties Available. Original List Price $2.50. 8.5 x 11. Pp 12 1978.19.0105 1978 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - November-December 1978 V1#6 (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Association) Heinz, Thomas A. Editor, 1) Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks 2) Sweeney, Robert L... Masthead design by Anthony Puttnam. 1) Original silk screen prints available 2) The Coonley Playhouse, Riverside IL 3) Museums 4) Restoration of a National Treasure: Hillside Drafting Studio Roof 4) Recent Publications. Original List Price $2.50. 8.5 x 11. Pp 12 1978.20.0105 1978 Friends - October 1978 Anonymous The Genius Lives On. It has been 19 years since Frank Lloyd Wright died, but it hasn't been that long since a Frank Lloyd Wright building has gone up. Pp Cv 4-9 1978.11.0103 1978
Glass - October 1978 (Published 6 times a year by Publication Development, Inc., Portland, OR) Wray, T. Donham "The Stained Glass of Frank Lloyd Wright and his theory of ornament. In his Autobiography, Frank Lloyd Wright states the meaning of ornament to be the "imagination giving natural pattern to structure itself. In order to be "natural," a pattern must be as integrated to the structure as spots are to a leopard, or a patterned shell is to the turtle..." 12 photographs include examples of the: Tomak, Coonley Playhouse, Bradley, Glasner, Unity Church, Wright Home and Studio, Blossom, Heath... Continue... Pp Cover 8-23 1978.42.0414 1978 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - March 1978 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. "FLW: Plasticity, Continuity, and Ornament." Includes 13 photographs and six illustrations. Copies printed: 4,400. Original cover price $3.75. 8.5 x 11. Pp 34-9 1978.23.0806 1978 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - October 1978 (Published quarterly by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Banham, Reyner "The Service of the Larkin Building." Ventilation system in the Larkin Administration Building. Includes six illustrations. Copies printed: 4,300. Original cover price $3.75. 8.5 x 11. Pp 195-7 1978.21.0806 1978
New York Magazine - October 23, 1978 (Published weekly by the New York Magazine Company, Inc., New York) Ashbery, John '"Wright They Are. "Even his clients" clothing and the landscape outside their windows were taken by Wright as part of the overall experience..." Frank Lloyd Wright was not only the greatest architect America has yet produced, he was one of our greatest creators in any of the arts. Furthermore, he was, with Whitman, Jackson Pollock, and a few others, an American genius who could only have been an American. For this reason we prize him. But architecture, unlike poetry and painting, is a particularly... Continue... Pp 114-115 1978.66.0922 1978 New York Times - Aug 27, 1978 (Published by the New York Times) (Note: This article was pasted on the verso of two photographs, the Arthur Davenport and the Heurtley Residences.) Goldberger, Paul Excerpts: "Oak Park, Ill. - The moment a workman comes in here, he takes one look around and says, "Oh, this house is one of his, isn't it?" Then he groans and lets you know how much more work it's going to mean for him," said Jeannette Fields, sitting in the living room of her 77-year-old house. Mrs. Fields did not have to say who "˜he" is - her house was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, who lived in Oak park from 1889 until 1909. In that period and the years just following, Wright designed or altered almost 30 houses here and in neighboring River Forest, where the... Continue... Pp - 1978.36.0111 1978.37.0111 1978 Ohio History - Summer 1978 (Published Quarterly by the Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.) Siek, Stephen Frank Lloyd Wright's Westcott House in Springfield. "The Westcott House is historically distinctive in that it was Frank Lloyd Wright's first, and for many years, commission in Ohio. It is architecturally significant in that it employs a garden theme of such dominant proportions, giving it a type of regal dignity that is uncommon even to other... Continue... Pp Cover, 276-293 1978.40.0712 1978
Saturday Evening Post - November 1978 (Published monthly by The Saturday Evening Post Company, Indianapolis, Indiana) McKown, David L. Fallingwater. "Frank Lloyd Wright's Masterpiece. Fallingwater, just a two-hour drive from Pittsburgh, was once derided as a dream on the verge of collapse. Born in the valley of a rushing mountain stream in the softwood forests of western Pennsylvania's Laurel Highlands, a product of the genius of Frank Lloyd Wright, it clung to the rocky cliff and was nourished by native sandstone and timber. Sons of the rugged mountains fed yet, tended it, and shaped its development until it reached... Continue... Pg 57-59 1978.62.0521 1978 Seattle Times Pictorial - August 20, 1978 Mills, Dale Douglas Pacific Northwest Living. Article on Brandes House in Issaquah, Washington. Pp 36-43 1978.13.0303 1978
Tech News, Lawrence Institute of Technology - March 8, 1978 (Published weekly by students of Lawrence Institute of Technology, Southfield, Michigan) Anonymous School of Architecture Given Affleck House. Affleck House, the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed residence of the late Gregor S. and Elizabeth B. Affleck, has been gifted to Lawrence Institute of Technology, Dr. Richard E. Marburger, president of the private Southfield college, announced today.
The home, in the City of Bloomfield Hills, was given in memory of their parents by the Afflecks' daughter, Mary Ann (Mrs. Karl F.) Lutomski of Bloomfield Hills, and son, Gregor... Continue...Pp 1 1978.72.1024 1979 1979 AIA Journal - January 1979 Samuel C. Johnson Four page reprint of the January 1979 issue by The Johnson Foundation. Pp 4 1979.12.0603 1979
AIA Journal - Sept 1979 (Published 14 times a year by The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.) DeNevi, Don "Masters of Light: Frank Lloyd Wright. A prophet of glass and a passionate advocate of sunlight. From the earliest designs on, Wright integrated light within the overall building concept, rejecting the hole-in-the-wall concept of the window.... By... Continue... Pp 63-65 1979.36.0614 Anonymous Books: "The Prairie School Tradition: The Prairie Archives of the Milwaukee Art Center, 1979. $30.00. Through more than 300 illustrations of plans, drawings, buildings and objects, this exceedingly handsome book surveys Prairie... Continue... Pp 102 1979 American Art & Antiques March-April 1979 Hanks, David Frank Lloyd Wright's Decorative Designs: Harmony in the House. Concerns the Decorative Design Exhibits at different locations in 1979. Pp 100-7 1979.08.0402 1979 American Art & Antiques - May-June 1979 Reese, Richard Dana At Home in a Work of Art: Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Masterpiece (Friedman House) Pp 60-67 1979.05.0501 1979 Architectural Digest - October 1979 Heinz, Thomas A. Historic Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright. Ennis-Brown House. Pp104-111, 160 1979.04.0401 1979
Architecture and Urbanism July 1979, No 106, 79:07 (Published monthly by A & U Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) Antoniades, Anthony C. Printed in Japanese and English. Extensive article that includes many sections about Frank Lloyd Wright. "Architecture From Inside Lens." Sections on Wright include: 1) Frank Lloyd Wright and Frank Lloyd Wright. 2) Mendelsohn's Evaluation of Wright. 3) Wright's Aesthetic Appraisals. 4) Interview of a Great Architect and a Poet. (Sandburg). 5) Frank Lloyd Wright and His Disciples. 6) Excellence of Die. (Wright and Goff) 7) Not Afraid of Anybody. (Wright and Goff) 8) Everybody Has a mother. (Wright and... Continue... Pp 3-22 1979.45.0819 1979 Arizona Arts & Lifestyle (Published quarterly by New Arizonan, Inc., Paradise Valley, AZ) Boyle, Marilyn "Don't Give up The Shiprock! Phoenix's plans to build a road to a shopping center spell doom for Wright's Pauson House ruins... It's a unique place - you stand on the stones of the past and look over the desert to the mountains of the future." Includes eight photographs... Pp 48-51 1979.20.1009 1979
Book Digest Magazine - July 1979 (Published by the Book Digest Company, New York) Tafel, Edgar Excerpts from "Apprentice to Genius, Years with Frank Lloyd Wright" Tafel, 1979. Fall, 1935. Taliesin, Wisconsin: Come along, E. J. We're ready for you, boomed Mr. Wright into the hand cranked telephone. The call was from Pittsburgh and E. J. was Edgar J. Kaufmann, Sr., department store president. Mr. Wright was to show him the first sketches for his new house, "Fallingwater." I looked across my drafting table at the apprentice in front of me, Bob Mosher, who's back had already... Continue... Pp 122-142 1979.43.0519 1979
Buffalo Spree - Fall 1979 (Published quarterly by Spree Publishing Co., Buffalo, NY) Fox, Austin M. Frank Lloyd Wright: His Buffalo Houses Revisited. Because so much has been written about Frank Lloyd Wright, it is almost an impertinence to add anything more. It is a little "like trying to say something new about Shakespeare. But no plans for articles about Buffalo area architecture could even pretend to be complete without bringing in Wright somewhere in the blueprints. It might be well at the outset to settle once and for all a favorite Buffalo argument as to how many Wright houses there are in this area... Continue... Pp 76-79, 109 1979.66.0521 1979
Concrete Masonry Pictorial - 1979, Vol 35 No.2 (Published by National Concrete Masonry Association, McLean, Virginia) Anonymous "The Continuing Work of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation in Concrete Masonry. Three years ago, this magazine published an issue on the work of Frank Lloyd Wright in concrete masonry. It evoked more comment from our readers than any other in our thirty-five years of publishing. In this issue, we look at the work of the architects of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation at Taliesin and their continuing use of concrete masonry..." It includes the work of: Anthony Puttnam, Charles Montooth... Continue... Pp 12 1979.39.0416 1979 Connoisseur - January 1979 Amaya, Mario Frank Lloyd Wright and American furniture. Concerns the Decorative Design Exhibits at different locations in 1979. Pp 54-7 1979.09.0302 1979 Domus - (Monthly Magazine of Architecture, Design, Art) - #601B (Supplement to No. 601) - December 1979 (Published by Domus S.p.A., Milano, Italy) Scagliola, Bruno A special issue on the offices and production. "Manuale Sull'Ambiente Di Lavoro (Manual Work Environment)". Although the article does not mention Frank Lloyd Wright, the cover is a photograph of the Larkin Building (1903 - S.093), and also includes two additional photographs of the Larkin Building and S. C. Johnson & Son Administration (1936 - S.237) work spaces. 9.5 x 12.75 Pp 1-5 1979.33.0513 1979 Ford Times - October 1959 (Published monthly by the Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan) McKown, David L. "Fallingwater. A testament to America's greatest and most controversial architect. The general contractor stood ankle deep in the cold waters of Bear Run, leaned on a timber, and looked critically at the huge, gray slab of concrete that loomed over him. Calculations or no... Pp 13-15 1979.22.1010 1979
48Arch+ - December 1979 (Possibly reprinted in December 1985) (German) (Published by Aachen, Klenkes Verlag) Posener, Julius Special issue for Julius Posener's 75th birthday. Julius Posener: Lectures on the history of new architecture. The Poznan lectures are among the classics of architectural literature and were published by Arch. Modern Architecture (1924-1933) In his five lecture cycles, Julius Posener, probably the most important architectural theorist of the 20th century, unfolds the history of modernity since classicism in all its facets and trends. The lectures are as idiosyncratic as they are exciting and informative, they are among... Continue... Pp 80 1979.67.0921 1979 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - V2 #1 - First Quarter 1979 (Published Quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Association, Oak Park, IL) Editor: Heinz, Thomas A.; 1) Riddle, Harriet 2) Strauss, Irma 3) Teske, Edmund 9)... 1) "F.C. Bogk House, Milwaukee, Wisc." 2) "Furniture - Decorative Arts. Husser House Dining Room Set." 3) "Photography with Frank Lloyd Wright." 4) "Support Given Prairie School Book." 5) "Tours, Rockford-Belvidere, Illinois." 6) "Wright Plus '79. Oak Park, Illinois... Gift from Thomas A. Heinz. Pp 20 1979.30.0911 1979 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - V2 #2 - Second Quarter 1979 (Published Quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Association, Oak Park, IL)
Editor: Heinz, Thomas A.; 1) Brooks, H. Allen 2) Quinan, Jack 3) Nickel... Masthead design by Ling Po. 1) The Destruction of the Box. 2) The basement of the Darwin D. Martin House in Buffalo. 3) Interior of Unity Temple. 4) Ward Winfield Willits, A client of Wright. 5) Clarification. 6) Paulson House, Phoenix, Endangered. 7) Wright's 1906 Gridley House... Pp 20 1979.14.0105 1979 Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - V2 #3 - Third Quarter 1979 (Published Quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Association, Oak Park, IL) Editor: Heinz, Thomas A.; 1) Linch, David 2) Hanks, David A. 5) De Long, David G... 1) "The Ward Willits House, By Frank Lloyd Wright" 2) The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright: Frank Lloyd Wright's "The Art and Craft of The Machine" " 3) "Scale Drawing: Willits House." 4) "Dating of Frank Lloyd Wright Buildings... Gift from Thomas A. Heinz. Pp 20 1979.31.0911 1979
Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter - V2 #4 - Fourth Quarter 1979 (Published Quarterly by The Frank Lloyd Wright Association, Oak Park, IL) Editor: Heinz, Thomas A.; 1) Jones, Jenkin Lloyd 2) Prost, Jack H. 3) Tanigawa... 1) "A House for a Cousin: The Richard Lloyd Jones House." 2) Perceiving a Masterpiece: The Heurtley House." 3) "Motion Picture Theatre - Tokyo." 4) "Book Review: The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright", Hanks. 5) "Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright to 1910... Gift from Thomas A. Heinz. Pp 20 1979.32.0911 1979
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - March, 1979 Brooks, H. Allen Frank Lloyd Wright and the Destruction of the Box. Pp 7-14 1979.06.0202 Smith, Kathryn "Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House, and Olive Hill, 1914 - 1924. The decade 1914 - 1924 was crucial in the career of Frank Lloyd Wright. He was at work on two major projects, the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and the Barnsdall commission for Olive Hill in Los Angeles. The Imperial... Continue... Pp 15-33 1979.07.0202 1979
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians - March 1979 (Author's Proof) (Published by the Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia) Smith, Kathryn "Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House, and Olive Hill, 1914 - 1924. The decade 1914 - 1924 was crucial in the career of Frank Lloyd Wright. He was at work on two major projects, the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and the Barnsdall commission for Olive Hill in Los Angeles. The Imperial Hotel, although vast and impressive and its grandeur as a Finished building supervised closely by Wright, is not as revealing as the Barnsdall commission of the process of transition that these years represent. During... Continue... Pp 15-33 1979.42.0618 1979
New Zealand Architect - No. 4, 1979 (Published by the New Zealand Institute of Architects, Wellington, New Zealand) Sipe, Greg "From Prairie House to Usonia. Wright's Wilderness Years, Part one Los Angeles and the Birth of a Building System. Much of what has been written about Frank Lloyd Wright seems to have suffered from a kind of biographer's disease - a tunnel-vision which recognizes too few colleagues or influences - or a Darwinian perspective which ignores or too glibly expanding those events which may not fit a smooth stylistically evolutionary picture..." Twenty-one photographs and illustrations including... Continue... Pp 16-25 1979.40.0616 1979
Observer Magazine (Great Britain) - 11 March 1979 Anonymous "Harmony in The Home". Announces release of "The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright" by David Hanks, and describes Wright items. Pp 17, 62-63 1979.13.0804 1979
Southern Accents - Spring 1979 Anonymous The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. Exhibit at Atlanta's High Museum of Art March 24 - May 6, 1979. Pp 2, 14 -4 1979.10.0402
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