





When Burton J. Westcott’s father passed away in 1907, he inherited the Westcott Carriage Co. located in Richmond, Ohio. He converted the company to the Westcott Motor Car Co. and produced two-seater in 1909. By 1911 they were producing a larger sedan. Around 1915, Burton moved the company from Richmond to Springfield, about 190 miles to the west. His wife Orpha past away in 1923, Burton J. Westcott past away in 1926. Roscoe Pierce purchased the house in 1927.

Date: 1907

Title: Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Presentation Drawing Circa 1907 (1907 - S.099) (FLLW #0712.54).

Description: Aerial perspective drawing of the Westcott Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907, completed in 1909-11. This is possible one of the earliest presentation drawing of the Westcott Residence. Very similar to Ausgefuhrte Bauten Tafel LIII (Plate 53). This rendering is missing the large urns as well as the stairs on either side of the front of the pool, that are visible in the 1910 Ausgefuhrte Bauten illustration. Frank Lloyd Wright described the Westcott house, “Plastered walls, tile roof, cement base courses and groundwork. House of the large living-room type: the necessary privacy for various functions obtained by screens, contrived as bookcases, and seats beside the central fireplace. In front a tiled terrace, to be covered with awning in summer, and a lily pool, flanked with large cast concrete bases. The grounds are terraced above the street." Published in the
March 1908 issue of Architectural Record, p.218. Caption: “House For Mr. B. J. Westcott. Springield, Ohio. A simple treatment of the same problem as the Coonley house at Riverside, III. Living room at center; dining room on one side and sleeping rooms on the other; service wing extending from the rear of the living room.” Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, Avery Library. See Aditional Details...

Size: 10 x 6.25 B&W photograph.

Date: 1907

Title: Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Front Elevation 1907 (1907 - S.099) (FLLW #0712.07).

Description: Front elevation of the Westcott Residence with Urns. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907, completed in 1909-11. Hand written lower right: “Burton Westcott House. Springfield, Ohio, 1907.” Hand written lower left: “0712.07.” Frank Lloyd Wright described the Westcott house, “Plastered walls, tile roof, cement base courses and groundwork. House of the large living-room type: the necessary privacy for various functions obtained by screens, contrived as bookcases, and seats beside the central fireplace. In front a tiled terrace, to be covered with awning in summer, and a lily pool, flanked with large cast concrete bases. The grounds are terraced above the street." Published in the
March 1908 issue of Architectural Record, p.218. Caption: “House For Mr. B. J. Westcott. Springield, Ohio. A simple treatment of the same problem as the Coonley house at Riverside, III. Living room at center; dining room on one side and sleeping rooms on the other; service wing extending from the rear of the living room.” Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, Avery Library. See Aditional Details...

Size: 10 x 4 B&W photograph.

Date: 1908

Title: Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Circa 1908 (1907 - S.099).

Description: Perspective view of the Westcott Residence from the Southeast. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Westcott purchased the lot in July, 1907. “On October 7, 1907, The Springfield Gazette reported: “The foundation is being laid for a new residence for Burton J. Westcott at the corner of High Street and Greenmount Avenue.” Frank Lloyd Wright’s Westcott House in Springfield, Siek, Ohio History, Summer 1978, p.282. Siek indicated that the Westcotts moved into their house in 1909, but was not completed until 1911. Taken near the completion of the home. The large exterior vases on the terrace have not been installed nor the awnings over the veranda. The second floor "Veranda" (balcony) has not been enclosed. The home to the West (left), 1330 E. High Street has not been constructed. It is visible in the photograph dated circa 1912 (S#0114.06). There are three trees in the front of the house, and in 1912, the two larger threes have been removed, and the center tree has matured. Courtesy of the Clark County Historical Society, which dates this image 1908. See Aditional Details...

Size: 10 x 4 B&W photograph.

Date: 1908

Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Wall Sconces. Pair, Circa 1908.

Description: Two original wall sconces used in a number of Frank Lloyd Wright’s prairie house commissions. We have identified ten Wright designed homes and buildings, to date, where these fixtures are used. Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio (1889-1911), Westcott (1907), Robie (1906), Coonley Residence (1907) and Coach House (1911), Meyer May (1908), Isabel Roberts (1908), Hotel Geneva (1911), Oscar Balch (1911), Allen (1916).
       Not only did Frank Lloyd Wright design houses and building, but the furnishings and lighting. Lighting styles included the chandelier, the single- and double-pedestal table lamps and wall sconces.
       Sconces are manufactured in brass and mahogany. The brass base is square: 3.906" x 3.906" x 0.59". Brass pins in the center of each side holds the wood in place. Four brass screws hold the pedestal in place. The socket assembly and screws also appear to be brass. Stamped on the exterior of the socket assembly: “Perkins. Pat. June 13-99. 3 A. 250 V.” A round “nut” with a threaded tube is embedded in the wood base. The socket is screwed to the threaded tube and secured by a small headless screw. Although the socket is clearly manufactured by Perkins, the sconce itself has no manufacturing marks. Some of these sconces had pull cords to turn the light off and on, this set did not. Providence Toomey & Co.

Size: The wood base within the brass is square: 3.75" x 3.75" x .5". The brass pedestal is a sleeve that slides over the electrical socket. The square base of the pedestal is 3.4375' x 3.4375". The neck of the pedestal is square and is 1.75" x 1.75" x 2.28". The top of the pedestal is 2.125" x 2.125" x 31". Overall height: 3.25".

0085.54.0323 (1&2)
Date: 1908

Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Wall Sconce, Circa 1908.

Description: Wall sconce attributed to Frank Lloyd Wright’s prairie house commissions and were used a number of Frank Lloyd Wright’s prairie house commissions. We have identified ten Wright designed homes and buildings, to date, where these fixtures are used. Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio (1889-1911), Westcott (1904), Robie (1906), Coonley Residence (1907) and Coach House (1911), Meyer May (1908), Isabel Roberts (1908), Hotel Geneva (1911), Oscar Balch (1911), Allen (1916). Not only did Frank Lloyd Wright design houses and building, but the furnishings and lighting. Lighting styles included the chandelier, the single- and double-pedestal table lamps and wall sconces. Sconce is manufactured in brass and mahogany. Providence Toomey & Co.

Size: The brass base is square: 4.375" x 4.375" x 0.5". Brass pins in the center of each side holds the wood in place. The wood base within the brass is square: 4.3" x 4.3" x .5". The brass pedestal is a sleeve that slides over the electrical socket. The base of the pedestal is 1.9375” x 1.9375" x .125". The neck of the pedestal is square and is 1.75" x 1.75" x 2.6875". The top of the pedestal is 2" x 2" x .125". Overall height: 3.375". Two bolts in the base of the pedestal holds it in place. The sconce has no manufacturing marks. Some of these sconces had pull cords to turn the light off and on, this does not. The large wood base may or may not be original. It measures 7.125" x 7.125" x 2".


Westcott Residence, photographed by Phil
Armstrong in 2018. Courtesy of Phil Armstrong.

Westcott Residence, photographed by Phil
Armstrong in 2018. Courtesy of Phil Armstrong.
Date: 1910

Title: Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective View of the Ullman house. Perspective Study for the Westcott House. Plate XVI (16) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.)

Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd

Description: Plate XVI (16). Perspective View of the Ullman house and Perspective Study for the Westcott House. "Perspective View of the Ullman house. (Project) Perspective Study for the Westcott House. "A further development of the scheme for the Robert Clark house at Peoria. The dining-room is dropped to the garden level and the covered porch placed above it, both being reached directly from the living-room. The kitchen is level with the dining-room and the mezzanine stair landing. Study and servants rooms are level with the covered porch. The bedroom floors above." Upper illustration is the Perspective View of the Ullman house (Project). The lower illustration is the Perspective Study for the Westcott House. The Westcott Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Emboss lower left. Part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium.
(First Edition) (Sweeney 87) See Aditional Details...

Size: 16 x 25.5

Pages: Plate XVI (16)

Date: 1910

Title: Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground and floor plan for the Burton S. Westcott House. Plate LIII (53T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin)

Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd

Plate LIII (53 Tissue). "Ground plan for Burton S. Westcott house. House, pergola and garage for Burton S. Westcott at Springfield, Ohio. Plastered walls, tile roof, cement base courses and groundwork. House of the large living-room type: the necessary privacy for various functions obtained by screens, contrived as bookcases, and seats beside the central fireplace. In front a tiled terrace, to be covered with awning in summer, and a lily pool, flanked with large cast concrete bases. The grounds are terraced above the street." The lower illustration is the ground and floor plan. The upper right illustration is the floor plan for the second floor. Emboss upper left. Part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. (First Edition) (Sweeney 87) See Aditional Details...

Size: 16 x 25.5

Pages: Plate LIII (53 Tissue)

0087.53.1018 Tissue
Date: 1910

Title: Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective of Burton S. Westcott House. Plate LIII (53) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin)

Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd

Plate LIII (53). "Home of Burton S. Westcott, Springfield, Ohio. House, pergola and garage for Burton S. Westcott at Springfield, Ohio. Plastered walls, tile roof, cement base courses and groundwork. House of the large living-room type: the necessary privacy for various functions obtained by screens, contrived as bookcases, and seats beside the central fireplace. In front a tiled terrace, to be covered with awning in summer, and a lily pool, flanked with large cast concrete bases. The grounds are terraced above the street." Perspective of the Westcott Residence designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1904. Emboss top center. Part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. (First Edition) (Sweeney 87) See Aditional Details...

Size: 16 x 25.5

Pages: Plate LIII (53)


Detail of Westcott Automobiles from above photograph.

Date: 1912

Title: Burton J. Westcott Residence (1907 - S.099), circa 1912.

Description: Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907, completed 1909-1911. View of the South and East side and the garage. Hand written on verso: "By Frank Lloyd Wright. Westcott House, Springfield, Ohio, 1912. 1340 E. High Street. Present owner Roscoe Pierce, who bought house in 1927." In dating this photograph the date written on the back (1912), presents a few questions. A brief history: When Burton Westcott’s father passed away in 1907, he inherited the Westcott Carriage Co. located in Richmond, Ohio. He converted the company to the Westcott Motor Car Co. and produced the first two-seater (seen on the far right) in 1909. By 1911 they were producing a larger sedan, seen to the left of the two-seater. Around 1915, Burton moved the company from Richmond to Springfield, about 190 miles to the west. Westcott would have been driving the latest models of his vehicles, but it is difficult to date the vehicles in the photograph. Production continued until 1925, so this photograph would have been taken between 1910-1925, so most likely 1912 is correct. The Oak Park Public Library attributes this photograph to Grant Manson. Manson was born in 1904. That would have place Manson at 8 years old. So most likely Manson acquired the photograph but did not take it. Burton's wife Orpha past away in 1923, Burton J. Westcott past away in 1926. Roscoe Pierce purchased the house in 1927. Also, in dating this photograph it is noted that the second floor "Veranda" (balcony) has been enclosed, which was not originally intended by Wright. Acquired from the Art Institute of Chicago.

Size: Original 4.75 x 2.75 B&W Print.

S#: 0114.06.1011

  Westcott Motor Car Company Ads.
Date: 1912

Title: Burton J. Westcott Residence (1907 - S.099), circa 1912.

Description: Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907, completed 1909-1911. Viewed from the South. Dining Room on the left, Living Room in the center, Sitting Room on the far right, first floor. Photographed at the same time as S#114.06. Noted that the second floor "Veranda" (balcony) has been enclosed, which was not originally intended by Wright. Acquired from the Art Institute of Chicago.

Size: Original 4.75 x 2.75 B&W Print.

S#: 0114.07.1011

Date: 1915

Title: Westcott Motor Sedan circa 1915 (1907 - S.099).

Description: When Burton J. Westcott’s father passed away in 1907, he inherited the Westcott Carriage Co. located in Richmond, Ohio. He converted the company to the Westcott Motor Car Co. and produced two-seater in 1909. By 1911 they were producing a larger sedan. Sedan facing left, "Grand (B) Stand" can be seen in the background. Hand written on verso: "Natimal (car) Indianapolis 1915 - Ada & Parks driving to New York." Stamped on verso: "261C."

Size: Original 3.5 x 2.5 B&W photograph.

Date: Circa 1935-41

Title: Burton J. Westcott Residence (1907 - S.099), circa 1935-41.

Description: Designed in 1907, completed 1909-1911. Viewed from the Southeast. Dining Room on the left, Living Room in the center, Sitting Room on the far right, first floor. Photographed by Gilman Lane. Noted that the second floor "Veranda" (balcony) on the far right has been enclosed, which was not originally intended by Wright. Published in "In The Nature of Materials" Hitchcock, 1942, pl 135. Acquired from the Art Institute of Chicago.

Size: Original 8 x 5.75 B&W Print.

S#: 0397.09.1011

Date: Circa 1935-41

Title: Burton J. Westcott Residence (1907 - S.099), circa 1935-41.

Description: Designed in 1907, completed 1909-1911. Viewed from the Southeast. Sitting Room on the left, Entrance to the Home in the center, first floor. Pergola in the center between the house and the Garage on the far right. Photographed by Gilman Lane. Noted that the second floor "Veranda" (balcony) on the far left has been enclosed, which was not originally intended by Wright. Courtesy of the OPPL.

Size: Original 8 x 5.75 B&W Print.

S#: 0397.10.1011

Date: Circa 1935-41

Title: Burton J. Westcott Residence (1907 - S.099), circa 1935-41.

Description: Designed in 1907, completed 1909-1911. Viewed from the Southeast. Entrance to the Pergola is on the left, the Pergola in the center and the Garage on the far right. Photographed by Gilman Lane. Courtesy of the OPPL.

Size: Original 8 x 5.75 B&W Print.

S#: 0397.11.1011

Date: Circa 1935-41

Title: Burton J. Westcott Residence (1907 - S.099), circa 1935-41.

Description: Designed in 1907, completed 1909-1911. Viewed from the East. Sitting Room on the left, Entrance to the Home in the center, first floor. Pergola is on the right. Photographed by Gilman Lane. Acquired from the Art Institute of Chicago.

Size: Original 8 x 6 B&W Print.

S#: 0397.12.1011

Date: Circa 1935-41

Title: Burton J. Westcott Residence (1907 - S.099), circa 1935-41.

Description: Designed in 1907, completed 1909-1911 (according to Storrer). Viewed from the Northeast. The Home on the left, Pergola in the center, the Garage is on the far right. Photographed by Gilman Lane. Acquired from the Art Institute of Chicago.

Size: Original 8 x 6.25 B&W Print.

S#: 0397.13.1011

Date: Circa 1995

Title: Burton J. Westcott Residence (1907 - S.099), circa 1990s.

Description: Viewed from the South. Dining Room on the left, Living Room in the center, Sitting Room on the far right, first floor. Harry Van Pelt is sitting in his 1920 Westcott Automobile in front of the Westcott Residence during the 1990s. The Westcott House Foundation was established in September 2000 to manage the restoration. The house was fully restored and opened to the public on October 15, 2005. Acquired from the Harry Laybourne Collection of Springfield, Ohio, author of "Images of America, Springfield", 1998 and "Springfield, Ohio, Revisited", 2000. Stamped on verso: "Harry Laybourne, Springfield, Ohio".

Size: Original 5 x 3.5 Color Photograph.

ST#: 1995.61.0712

Date: 2006

Title: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Westcott House. A Significant Architectural Treasure Restored.

Description: Produced by The Westcott House Foundation, Springfield, Ohio. Directed by Lisa Steele.
       Back Cover: Perhaps the most influential American architect of the 20th century, Frank Lloyd Wright considered The Westcott House one of his special commissions because it perfectly exemplified his innovative ideas. This film chronicles the $5.8 (million), four-year restoration of The Westcott House, Wright's only Prairie style structure in Ohio. Located on "Millionaires Row" in Springfield, The Westcott House, completed in 1908, was the home of auto magnate Burton J. Westcott and his family. After his wife's untimely death, and his death just three years later, the property passed through several hands and suffered years of decline until the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy saved it and turned it over to a local foundation to complete its extensive restoration. It opened to the public as a house museum in 2005.

Size: 27:30 Minutes. Includes a 6 page insert. 4.75 x 7.25


 Includes a 6 page insert. 4.75 x 7.25.
Date:  2023

Title: Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099).

Description: Set of 74 exterior photographs of the Westcott Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907, completed in 1909-11. We were able to visit the house on an overcast day near the end of October.
       When Frank Lloyd Wright published Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe in 1910, he included two perspectives of the Westcott House. The first, a perspective study for the Westcott House. Plate XVI (16). This version is variation of the completed house, but remained a study. Plate LIII (53) is the version that was completed, a perspective of Westcott House, and a tissue overlay of the grand and first floor plan, and a floor plan for the second floor. Wright described the Westcott... Continue...

Size: Original 23 X 15 high res digital images

ST#: 2023.21.0324 (1-74)

 See additional photogrfaphs...

 See additional photogrfaphs...
Date:  2023

Title: Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099).

Description: Set of 59 interior photographs of the Westcott Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907, completed in 1909-11. We were able to visit the house on an overcast day near the end of October.
       When Frank Lloyd Wright published Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe in 1910, he included two perspectives of the Westcott House. The first, a perspective study for the Westcott House. Plate XVI (16). This version is variation of the completed house, but remained a study. Plate LIII (53) is the version that was completed, a perspective of Westcott House, and a tissue overlay of the grand and first floor plan, and a floor plan for the second floor. Wright described the Westcott... Continue...

Size: Original 23 X 15 high res digital images

ST#: 2023.22.0324 (1-59)

 See additional photogrfaphs...

 See additional photogrfaphs...
1) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Presentation Drawing Circa 1907 (1907 - S.099) (FLLW #0712.54). Aerial perspective drawing of the Westcott Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907, completed in 1909-11. This is possible one of the earliest presentation drawing of the Westcott Residence. Very similar to Ausgefuhrte Bauten Tafel LIII (Plate 53). This rendering is missing the large urns as well as the stairs on either side of the front of the pool, that are visible in the 1910 Ausgefuhrte Bauten illustration. Frank Lloyd Wright described the Westcott house, “Plastered walls, tile roof, cement base courses and groundwork. House of the large living-room type: the necessary privacy for various functions obtained by screens, contrived as bookcases, and seats beside the central fireplace. In front a tiled terrace, to be covered with awning in summer, and a lily pool, flanked with large cast concrete bases. The grounds are terraced above the street." Published in the March 1908 issue of Architectural Record, p.218. Caption: “House For Mr. B. J. Westcott. Springield, Ohio. A simple treatment of the same problem as the Coonley house at Riverside, III. Living room at center; dining room on one side and sleeping rooms on the other; service wing extending from the rear of the living room.” (S#0080.61.0324)
1B) Detail of the Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Presentation Drawing Circa 1907 (1907 - S.099) (FLLW #0712.54). Aerial perspective drawing of the Westcott Residence.
2) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Front Elevation 1907 (1907 - S.099) (FLLW #0712.07). Front elevation of the Westcott Residence with Urns. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907, completed in 1909-11. Hand written lower right: “Burton Westcott House. Springfield, Ohio, 1907.” Hand written lower left: “0712.07.” Frank Lloyd Wright described the Westcott house, “Plastered walls, tile roof, cement base courses and groundwork. House of the large living-room type: the necessary privacy for various functions obtained by screens, contrived as bookcases, and seats beside the central fireplace. In front a tiled terrace, to be covered with awning in summer, and a lily pool, flanked with large cast concrete bases. The grounds are terraced above the street." Published in the March 1908 issue of Architectural Record, p.218. Caption: “House For Mr. B. J. Westcott. Springield, Ohio. A simple treatment of the same problem as the Coonley house at Riverside, III. Living room at center; dining room on one side and sleeping rooms on the other; service wing extending from the rear of the living room.” (S#0080.62.0324)
2B) Detail of the Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Front Elevation 1907 (1907 - S.099) (FLLW #0712.07). Front elevation of the Westcott Residence with Urns
1) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Circa 1908 (1907 - S.099). Perspective view of the Westcott Residence from the Southeast. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Westcott purchased the lot in July, 1907. “On October 7, 1907, The Springfield Gazette reported: “The foundation is being laid for a new residence for Burton J. Westcott at the corner of High Street and Greenmount Avenue.” Frank Lloyd Wright’s Westcott House in Springfield, Siek, Ohio History, Summer 1978, p.282. Siek indicated that the Westcotts moved into their house in 1909, but was not completed until 1911. Taken near the completion of the home. The large exterior vases on the terrace have not been installed nor the awnings over the veranda. The second floor "Veranda" (balcony) has not been enclosed. The home to the West (left), 1330 E. High Street has not been constructed. It is visible in the photograph dated circa 1912 (S#0114.06). There are three trees in the front of the house, and in 1912, the two larger threes have been removed, and the center tree has matured. Courtesy of the Clark County Historical Society, which dates this image 1908.
1B) Detail of the Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Circa 1908 (1907 - S.099). Perspective view of the Westcott Residence from the Southeast.
  TAFEL XVI (Plate 16)    TAFEL LIII (Plate 53 Tissue)    TAFEL LIII (Plate 53) 
1) Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright, 1910. Perspective View of the Ullman house. Perspective Study for the Westcott House. Plate XVI (16) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth, A.-G. Berlin.) Wright, Frank Lloyd. Plate XVI (16). Top: Perspective View of the Ullman house and Perspective Study for the Westcott House. "Perspective View of the Ullman house. (Project). Bottom: Perspective Study for the Westcott House. "A further development of the scheme for the Robert Clark house at Peoria. The dining-room is dropped to the garden level and the covered porch placed above it, both being reached directly from the living-room. The kitchen is level with the dining-room and the mezzanine stair landing. Study and servants rooms are level with the covered porch. The bedroom floors above." Upper illustration is the Perspective View of the Ullman house (Project). The lower illustration is the Perspective Study for the Westcott House. The Westcott Residence was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Emboss lower left. Part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. (First Edition) (Sweeney 87) (S#0087.16.1018)
1B) Detail of the  Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright, 1910. Study for the Westcott House. Plate XVI (16)
1) Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground and floor plan for the Burton S. Westcott House. Plate LIII (53T) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin). Wright, Frank Lloyd. Plate LIII (53 Tissue). "Ground plan for Burton S. Westcott house. House, pergola and garage for Burton S. Westcott at Springfield, Ohio. Plastered walls, tile roof, cement base courses and groundwork. House of the large living-room type: the necessary privacy for various functions obtained by screens, contrived as bookcases, and seats beside the central fireplace. In front a tiled terrace, to be covered with awning in summer, and a lily pool, flanked with large cast concrete bases. The grounds are terraced above the street." The lower illustration is the ground and floor plan. The upper right illustration is the floor plan for the second floor. Emboss upper left. Part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. (First Edition) (Sweeney 87), Plate LIII (53 Tissue) (S#0087.53.1018 Tissue)
1B) Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground and floor plan for the Burton S. Westcott House. Plate LIII (53 Tissue)
1C) Details of the floor plan for the Burton S. Westcott House. Plate LIII (53 Tissue). Adapted by Douglas M. Steiner.
1) Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective of Burton S. Westcott House. Plate LIII (53) (Published by Ernst Wasmuth A.-G., Berlin). Wright, Frank Lloyd. Plate LIII (53). "Home of Burton S. Westcott, Springfield, Ohio. House, pergola and garage for Burton S. Westcott at Springfield, Ohio. Plastered walls, tile roof, cement base courses and groundwork. House of the large living-room type: the necessary privacy for various functions obtained by screens, contrived as bookcases, and seats beside the central fireplace. In front a tiled terrace, to be covered with awning in summer, and a lily pool, flanked with large cast concrete bases. The grounds are terraced above the street." Perspective of the Westcott Residence designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1904. Emboss top center. Part of a nearly complete two volume set acquired from Bruxelles, Belgium. (First Edition) (Sweeney 87). Plate LIII (53) (S#0087.53.1018)
1B) Detail of the Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective of Burton S. Westcott House. Plate LIII (53)
1C) Detail of the Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective of Burton S. Westcott House. Plate LIII (53)
1D) Detail of the Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank Lloyd Wright. Perspective of Burton S. Westcott House. Plate LIII (53)
  EXTERIOR 2023    INTERIOR 2023   
Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior and Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). Set of 74 exterior and 59 interior photographs of the Westcott Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907, completed in 1909-11. We were able to visit the house on an overcast day near the end of October.
       When Frank Lloyd Wright published Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe in 1910, he included two perspectives of the Westcott House. The first, a perspective study for the Westcott House. Plate XVI (16). This version is variation of the completed house, but remained a study. Plate LIII (53) is the version that was completed, a perspective of Westcott House, and a tissue overlay of the grand and first floor plan, and a floor plan for the second floor. Wright described the Westcott house, “Plastered walls, tile roof, cement base courses and groundwork. House of the large living-room type: the necessary privacy for various functions obtained by screens, contrived as bookcases, and seats beside the central fireplace. In front a tiled terrace, to be covered with awning in summer, and a lily pool, flanked with large cast concrete bases. The grounds are terraced above the street."
       It is interesting to note that although Wright included illustrations of the Westcott Residence in Ausgeführte Bauten, there are no accompanying photographs of the completed house in either Frank Lloyd Wright, Ausgeführte Bauten or Frank Lloyd Wright, Chicago, both published in 1911.
       A rendering of the Westcott House is included in the March 1908 issue of Architectural Record, p.218.
       Burton J. Westcott was born in 1868 in Richmond, Indiana. His father, John Westcott was the founder and president of the Hoosier Drill Company in Richmond, Indiana. They manufactured farm equipment. He also founded the Westcott Carriage Company. After Burton graduated from the university, he became involved in his father's businesses. He was a successful businessman, and was also a Director of the Lagonda National Bank. In 1903 he moved to Springfield. He became active in the community and in local politics.
       When Burton J. Westcott’s father passed away in 1907, he inherited the Westcott Carriage Co. located in Richmond, Ohio. He converted the company to the Westcott Motor Car Co. and produced a two-seater in 1909. By 1911 they were producing a
  larger sedan. Around 1915, Burton moved the company from Richmond to Springfield, about 190 miles to the west. His wife Orpha past away in 1923, Burton J. Westcott past away in 1926.
       Westcott purchased the lot in July, 1907. “On October 7, 1907, The Springfield Gazette reported: “The foundation is being laid for a new residence for Burton J. Westcott at the corner of High Street and Greenmount Avenue.” Frank Lloyd Wright’s Westcott House in Springfield, Siek, Ohio History, Summer 1978, p.282. Siek indicated that the Westcotts moved into their house in 1909, but was not completed until 1911.
       Although many date the design of the house to 1904, in 1987, The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation dated the design 1907 (FLLW #0711). The 1907 date of the design would seem to be the most acurate.

       In some respects, the entrance to the Westcott Residence has similarities to the entrance of the Moore Residence. Both houses are on corner lots. Both entrances, in some respects, almost appear as the side entrances. The most recognized and photographed view of the Westcott House is from High Street. The entrance is actually on the side of the house on South Greenmount Avenue. The Nathan Moore House is also located on a corner. The most recognized and photographed view of the Moore house is in reality, the back of the house facing the yard. The front entrance of the Moore Residence is on the opposite side, on Superior Street. The side of the house faces Forest Avenue and is just down the street from Wright’s Home and Studio, the Copeland Residence, the Heurtley and Beachy Residences.
       It cost about $15,000 to build the Westcott Residence. Aalmost one hundred yeqrs later, in 2005, restoration of the Westcott Residence cost over $5 million.
       Set of 74 exterior and 59 interior photographs of the Burton J. Westcott Residence photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on an overcast day on October 28, 2023. Our intent is to record the details that create the totality of the design, creating a complete picture, as-well-as the present condition of the home. In an effort to expedite adding these photographs to this website, we have dispensed with a description for each photograph. Original 23 X 15 high res digital images.
1) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-1)
2) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-2)
3) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-3)
4) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-4)
5) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-5)
6) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-6)
7) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-7)
8) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-8)
9) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-9)
10) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-10)
11) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-11)
12) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-12)
13) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-13)
14) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-14)
15) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-15)
16) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-16)
17) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-17)
18) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-18)
19) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-19)
20) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-20)
21) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-21)
22) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-22)
23) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-23)
24) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-24)
25) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-25)
26) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-26)
27) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-27)
28) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-28)
29) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-29)
30) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-30)
31 Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-31)
32) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-32)
33) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-33)
34) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-34)
35) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-35)
36) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-36)
37) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-37)
38) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-38)
39) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-39)
40) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-40)
41) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-41)
42) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-42)
43) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-43)
44) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-44)
45) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-45)
46) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-46)
47) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-47)
48) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-48)
49) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-49)
50 Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-50)
51) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-51)
52) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-52)
53) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-53)
54) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-54)
55) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-55)
56) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-56)
57) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-57)
58) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-58)
59) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-59)
60) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-60
61) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-61)
62) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-62)
63) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-63)
64) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-64)
65) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-65)
66) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-66)
67) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-67)
68) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-68)
69) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-69)
70) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-70)
71) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-71)
72) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-72)
73) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-73)
74) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Exterior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.21.0324-74)
1) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-1)
2) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-2)
3) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-3)
4) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-4)
5) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-5)
6) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-6)
7) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-7)
8) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-8)
9) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-9)
10) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-10)
11) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-11)
12) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-12)
13) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-13)
14) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-14)
15) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-15)
16) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-16)
17) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-17)
18) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-18)
19) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-19)
20) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-20)
21) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-21)
22) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-22)
23) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-23)
24) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-24)
25) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-25)
26) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-26)
27) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-27)
28) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-28)
29) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-29)
30) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-30)
31) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-31)
32) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-32)
33) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-33)
34) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-34)
35 Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-35)
36) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-36)
37) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-37)
38) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-38)
39) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-39)
40 Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-40)
41) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-41)
42) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-42)
43) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-43)
44) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-44)
45) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-45)
46) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-46)
47) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-47)
48) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-48)
49) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-49)
50) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-50)
51) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-51)
52) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-52)
53) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-53)
54) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-54)
55) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-55)
56) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-56)
57) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-57)
58) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-58)
59) Burton J. Westcott Residence, Springfield, Ohio, Interior 2023 (1907 - S.099). 23 x 15 high res digital image, photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 28, 2023. Copyright 2023, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2023.22.0324-59)
Date: 1978

Title: Ohio History - Summer 1978 (Published Quarterly by the Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.)

Author: Siek, Stephen

Description: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Westcott House in Springfield. "The Westcott House is historically distinctive in that it was Frank Lloyd Wright’s first, and for many years, commission in Ohio. It is architecturally significant in that it employs a garden theme of such dominant proportions, giving it a type of regal dignity that is uncommon even to other Wright homes of the Prairie period." Extensive biography of the Westcotts and of their Wright designed home. Includes five photographs and Illustrations. Original cover price $2.00.

Size: 6 x 9.

Pages: Pp Cover, 276-293

ST#: 1978.40.0712

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©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2025