ON ARCHITECTURE (1941) Published as the initial volume by Duell, Sloan and Pearce in the Frank Lloyd Wright series. Selected writings on architecture between 1894 and 1940. Date: 1941 First Edition Title: Frank Lloyd Wright On Architecture: Selected writings on architecture between 1894 and 1940. (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited Gutheim, Frederick
Description: Published as the initial volume by Duell, Sloan and Pearce in the Frank Lloyd Wright series. Selected writings on architecture between 1894 and 1940. Original HC List Price $3.50. (First Edition) (Sweeney 532)
Size: 8.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 275
S#: 0532.00.0904
Date: 1941 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Duell, Sloan and Pearce (Booklet) (Published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Booklet for three Wright books published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce, Frank Lloyd Wright On Architecture, 1894 - 1940; An Autobiography; In The Nature of Materials, The Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright, 1887 - 1941. All three to be published in 1941-1942. "In this astonishing era of the salesman when everything, from a sausage to a candidate for President of the United States, merit or no merit, is expanded with glowing emotion, it may be proper, As Duell, Sloan and Pearce suggest, for an author to step forward and tell the gentle reader why he should buy and read what, gone beyond the author's recall, has been written. Well, Maybe so. But my proper medium is a hod of mortar and some bricks (or boards), the building unions, somebody's money - all the money somebody ought to get to have a better home or something in a better way. So it seems to me I write only as writing illustrates my buildings..." Of interest is the note for An Autobiography, "Four books in One, 1941," the second in the series of three. Wright's first autobiography was "three books in one." This Autobiography ended up not as four, but "five books in one, the third in the series, and published not in 1941, but 1943.
Size: 8.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 8
S#: 0532.05.0316
Date: 1941 Third Edition
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright On Architecture. Selected Writings 1894 and 1940, Edited with an Introduction by Frederick Gutheim. (Hard Cover, Green Cloth Cover) (Published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited Gutheim, Frederick
Description: "When I first considered the collection and arrangement of the selected writings of Frank Lloyd Wright in one volume I was aware of the existence of a great mass of published and unpublished material. As my work progressed I began to realize how much more extensive was this literature than I had originally supposed. While the selections printed here are but a small part of Wright's literally effort, a work which must be considered of increasing importance, I am confident that they are fully representative of the much larger body of material from which they have been drawn. Each selection has been carefully chosen to preserve the spirit of the original context. For the occasional student whose necessities dictate reference to the original, the reference in the head and the attached bibliography will be helpful..." Frederick Gutheim. (Third Edition) (Sweeney 532)
Size: 8.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 275
S#: 0532.03.0816Date: 1941 Fourth Edition Title: Frank Lloyd Wright On Architecture: Selected writings on architecture between 1894 and 1940, Edited with an Introduction by Frederick Gutheim. (Hard Cover) (Published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited Gutheim, Frederick
Description: Published as the initial volume by Duell, Sloan and Pearce in the Frank Lloyd Wright series. Selected writings on architecture between 1894 and 1940. Original HC List Price $3.50. (Fourth Edition) (Sweeney 532)
Size: 8.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 275
S#: 0532.04.1299
Date: 1943 Title: This America (Hard Cover) (Published by The Macmillan Company, New York. First published in 1942.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Kern, John D.; Griggs, Irwin
Description: Chapter 35: "Organic Architecture". Condensed and reprinted from "Frank Lloyd Wright on Architecture", Wright, Edited by Gutheim, 1941, pages 177-191. First published in Architect's Journal, August, 1936. "In this paper Wright dealt with the period 1893-1920... At the risk of some repetition nearly all of this paper has been reprinted here because it summarizes a great deal of what has been said before in a new perspective." Gutheim, 1941. 6.25 x 9.5. (Second Edition)
Pages: Pp 375-380
S#: 0595.03.0213
Date: 1960 Edition Title: Frank Lloyd Wright On Architecture: Selected Writings (Soft Cover) (Published by Universal Library, Gosset & Dunlap, New York)
Author: Frank Lloyd Wright, Edited by Gutheim, Frederick
Description: First published in 1941 by Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York, as the first volume in the Frank Lloyd Wright trilogy. Original SC List Price $1.65. (First University Library SC version) (Sweeney 532)
Pages: Pp 275
S#: 0532.01.0399
THE KENYON REVIEW Date: 1942 Title: The Kenyon Review - Winter 1942 (Published by Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio)
Author: Goodman, Paul; Goodman, Percival
Description: (Book Review) "Frank Lloyd Wright on Architecture." In depth analysis of Wright's latest book. Discusses "Organic Architecture", "Domestic Architecture", and "Organic Architecture and the International Style". "...Wright does not think as a great entrepreneur; he merely rather hopes that Broadacres is inevitable. (In fact it must be said of him that throughout his long career he has never mixed in the schemes nor compromised with the tastes of his wealthy clients. It is mysterious in these circumstances how he has managed to get along - except that God takes care of his saints.)" Includes 14 photographs and five illustrations. Original cover price 50c. (Sweeney 589)
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: Pp 7 - 29
ST#: 0589.00.0310
Date: 1946 Title: Kenyon Review, The - Winter 1946 (Published by Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio)
Author: Bentley, Eric
Description: Book Review: "When Democracy Builds". "Frank Lloyd Wright's book is important as a symptom of current fallacies or, more precisely, of the classic and time-honored fallacies of philosophic anarchism which are the same yesterday today and forever. His assumption that politics can somehow be by-passed by the builders of the new world is reinforced by what one might call the Professional Illusion - the illusion each profession suffers from, that its methods and matters afford a general panacea..." Original cover price 75c. 6 x 9.
Pages: Pp 160-163
S#: 0624.02.0613
IN THE NATURE OF MATERIALS (1942) Published as the second volume by Duell, Sloan and Pearce in the Frank Lloyd Wright series. The buildings of Wright between 1887 and 1941. Date: 1942 First Edition Title: In The Nature of Materials: 1887 - 1941, The Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York)
Author: Hitchcock, Henry-Russell
Description: This is the second volume in the series of three published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce devoted to a complete presentation of the life, literature and work of Wright. This is the essential background book on the architect's work. Includes 414 photographs and illustrations. Original HC list price $3.50. (First Edition) (Sweeney 573)
Size: 8.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 143
S#: 0573.00.0702
Date: 1942 Third Edition Title: In The Nature of Materials: 1887 - 1941, The Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York)
Author: Hitchcock, Henry-Russell
Description: This is the second volume in the series of three published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce devoted to a complete presentation of the life, literature and work of Wright. This is the essential background book on the architect's work. Includes 414 photographs and illustrations. Original HC list price $6.00. (Third Edition) (Sweeney 573)
Size: 8.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 143
S#: 0573.00.0399
Date: 1958 Fifth Edition Title: The Nature of Materials: 1887 - 1941, The Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York)
Author: Hitchcock, Henry-Russell
Description: First published in 1942. This is the second volume in the series of three published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce devoted to a complete presentation of the life, literature and work of Wright. This is the essential background book on the architect's work. Includes 414 photographs and illustrations. Original HC list price $12.00. (Fifth Edition) (Sweeney 573)
Size: 8.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 143
S#: 0573.00.0607
Date: `1973 Hard Cover Version Title: In The Nature of Materials, The Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by DeCapo)
Author: Hitchcock, Henry-Russell
Description: Original HC List Price $18.50. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1915)
Pages: Pp 143
S#: 1915.00.0703
Date: 1973 Soft Cover Version Title: In The Nature of Materials, The Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by DeCapo)
Author: Hitchcock, Henry-Russell
Description: Original SC List Price $14.95. (Seventh Edition) (Sweeney 1915)
Pages: Pp 143
S#: 1915.00.0199
AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY First published in 1932 by Longmans, Green and Company. Date: 1932 First Edition Title: An Autobiography (Hard Cover) (Published by Longmans, Green and Company, London, New York, Toronto)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright divided his autobiography into four sections. Book One Family, Fellowship; Book Two Work; Book Three Freedom. The fourth section, Photographs, which includes 65 photographs. Wright designed the title page for each section. 500 copies were printed of this edition. (See Frank Lloyd Wright Versus America, Johnson, 1990, Page 37) (First Edition) (Sweeney 303) Two copies.
Size: 7.25 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 371
S#: 0303.00.0202, 0303.00.1217
An Autobiography is made up of three books and a section of photographs. Each book has a front and a back cover. When viewing it for the first time, it appears that the back cover of Book One is part of the cover for Book Two. They are printed on the same sheet, and glued to page 118. A little confusing at first, but when you see what Wright's intent was, it creates a beautiful deign.
Left: Back page Book One. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Appears after page 118.)
Right: Title page Book One Family, Fellowship. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Appears before page 1.)
Left: Back page Book Two. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Appears after page 296.)
Right: Title page Book Two Work. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Appears before page 119.)
Left: Back page Book Tthree. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Appears after page 372.)
Right: Title page Book Three Freedom. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Appears before page 297.)
Left: Back page for the fourth section. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Appears at the end of the book.)
Right: Title page for the fourth section: Photography. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Appears before page 372.)Date: 1933 Second Edition Title: An Autobiography (Hard Cover) (Published by Longmans, Green and Company, London, New York, Toronto)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: First published in 1932. This Autobiography is divided into four books. "Book One: Family, Fellowship." Back cover: "An Autobiography. From Generation To Generation." "Book Two: Work." Back cover: "From Generation To Generation. An Autobiography." "Book Three: Freedom." Back cover: "From Generation To Generation. An Autobiography." Book Four: "Photographs." Back cover: two horizontal lines. Photographs: includes 65 photographs. No more that 2,000 copies were reprinted of this second edition. (See Frank Lloyd Wright Versus America, Page 37) 7.25 x 9.25 Three copies. (Second Edition) (Sweeney 303)
Size: 7.25 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 371 plus 22 pages of photographs
S#: 0303.02.0603, 0303.04.0319, 0303.05.0420
Date: 1938 Third Edition DJ Title: An Autobiography (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Longmans, Green and Company, London, New York, Toronto)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: First published in 1932. Second edition published in 1933. This Autobiography is divided into four sections. Book One: Family, Fellowship; Book Two: Work; Book Three: Freedom; Photographs, includes 65 photographs. No more that 2,000 copies were reprinted of this third edition. (See FLW versus America, Page 37). Original cover price $3.50. (Third Edition) (Sweeney 303)
Size: 7.25 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 371
S#: 0303.01.0900
Date: Ad for 1938 Third Edition Title: Ad for: An Autobiography (Published Longmans, Green & Co., New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Now in a Popularly Priced Edition. Ad for: An Autobiography. Formerly $6.00, New Edition $3.50.
Size: 3.5 x 3
Pages: Pp 1
S#: 0303.03.0808
Date: 1971 Title: Famous American Books (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
Author: Downs, Robert B.
Description: Book Review of "An Autobiography", Frank Lloyd Wright, 1932. Chapter 39: "Master Builder, Frank Lloyd Wright's Autobiography, 1932. When Frank Lloyd Wright died at the age of ninety, he left as his monument 700 completed structures and plans for at least 300 more, including homes, hotels, factories, office buildings, museums, and churches. Wright had achieved fame beyond any American artist and was as renowned abroad as at home... Though a sharp critic of society and of his contemporaries in the architectural world, Wright won more official honors at home and abroad and erected more structure than any other individual architect of the twentieth century. His permanent impact on the history and development of architecture is conceded even by his sharpest critics. Original list price $8.95. (First Edition) (Sweeney 314)
Size: 5.5 x 8.25
Pages: Pp 283-289
S#: 0314.00.1013
AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY (1943) First published in 1932 by Longmans, Green and Company. Duell, Sloan and Pearce reprinted An Autobiography to complete their trilogy. Date: 1943 Edition Title: An Autobiography (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: First published in 1932 by Longmans, Green and Company. Duell, Sloan and Pearce reprints An Autobiography to complete their trilogy. This Duell First Edition divides Book One into Book One and Book Two. Book Three: Work, Book Four: Freedom. There is an addition to the version, Book Five: Form. All the original photographs were deleted and one new photograph added. 3,000 copies were printed of this first edition. By 1962, it had gone through an eighth printing. (See FLW versus America, Page 37) Original HC List Price $4.50. (First Edition) (Sweeney 595)
Size: 8.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 561
S#: 0595.00.1299
In 1943, when Frank Lloyd Wright revised An Autobiography, he also revised the illustrations.
Left and Right: Title page spread, Book One: Family. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Left and Right: Title page spread, Book Two: Fellowship. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Left and Right: Title page spread, Book Three: Work. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Left and Right: Title page spread, Book Four: Work. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Left: Title page, Book Five: Form. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Left and Right: Book Five: Work Song. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.Date: 1943 Title: An Autobiography (Published by Taliesin)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Book Six: Broadacre City. According to Sweeney: "A chapter intended for, but not used in the revised and expanded edition of Wright's 'An Autobiography' published in 1943." Summer 1943. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2048)
Pages: Pp 30
S#: 2048.00.0700
Date: 1944 Title: An Autobiography, Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by Taliesin)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Book Six: Broadacre City. A revised Printer's Proof of Sweeney 2048. A chapter intended for, but not used in the revised and expanded edition of Wright's "An Autobiography" published in 1943. Spring 1944. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2049)
Pages: Pp 32
S#: 2049.00.0403
AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY Additional Editions of "An Autobiography" Date: America is West (1945) Title: America is West (Hard Cover) (Published by the University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: A compilation of many writers. Section Ten, Chapter nine: "Young Architect in Chicago". A reprint from "An Autobiography", 1932 and 1943 Editions page 63-71. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 481-490
S#: 0609.01.1099
Date: 1945 London Edition DJ Title: An Autobiography (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Faber & Faber Limited and The Hyperion Press Limited, London)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: 3,000 copies were printed of this first edition. In 1946 a second edition was printed, and in a third of 2,000 copies was printed in 1947. Original HC List Price £35.00 (App $52.50) (First Edition) (Sweeney 606)
Pages: Pp 486
S#: 0606.00.0205
Date: 1945 London Edition Title: An Autobiography (Hard Cover) (Published by Faber & Faber Limited and The Hyperion Press Limited, London)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: 3,000 copies were printed of this first edition. In 1946 a second edition was printed, and in a third of 2,000 copies was printed in 1947. Second Copy. Original HC List Price £35.00 (App $52.50) (First Edition) (Sweeney 606)
Pages: Pp 486
S#: 0606.01.0301
Date: 1955 French Edition DJ Title: Mon Autobiographie (Soft Cover with DJ) (Published by Librairie Plon, Paris)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: French Version. Original SC List Price 2.400 fr. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1059)
Pages: Pp 294
S#: 1059.00.0404
Date: 1955 French Edition Title: Mon Autobiographie (Soft Cover and Hard Cover: Ex Library copy) (Published by Librairie Plon, Paris)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd, Translated by Castier, Jules
Description: French Version. Original SC List Price 2.400 fr. One copy bound by the City of Verdun Public Library, Quebec, Canada. French Version. Original SC List Price 2.400 fr. Includes 18 B&W photographs. Two copies. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1059)
Pages: Pp 294
S#: 1059.00.0699, 1059.00.0613
Date: 1955
Title: Io E L'Architettura, Frank Lloyd Wright, Volume I (An Autobiograpy) (Hard Cover DJ) (Published and edited by Arnoldo Mondadori, Milan, Italy)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Arnoldo Mondadori
Description: Volume One. Dust Jacket: "An autobiography, like this one by Wright, is not just a long story of things and people, but a significant movement of the spirit. His life is therefore the life of organic architecture, of which he was the founder and greatest exponent in opposition to the aestheticism which, summed up in abstract modules, circulated in Europe at the beginning of the century. From the gradual birth of the new theory we witness in these pages its evolution and then its materialization in forms that are now famous: from the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, House on the waterfall, from the Guggenheim Museum in New York to Taliesin..."
Volume One. Frank Lloyd Wright's An Autobiography, in three volumes, published in Italian. In 1932, Frank Lloyd Wright published An Autobiography. He divided the sections into three books, with chapters in each book. They included Book One: Family, Fellowship; Book Two: Work; Book Three: Freedom. In 1943, Wright revised, expanded and republished An Autobiography and divided the sections into five books. The Duell Edition divided Book One into two books. Book One: Family and Book Two: Fellowship. Book Three: Work; Book Four: Freedom; and the addition of Book Five: Form.
This three volume Italian edition follows the 1943 edition. Volume Primo (Volume One) includes: Libro Primo: La Famiglia (Book One: The Family); and Libro Secondo: La Comunita (Book Two: The Community). With 32 illustrations. Original three volume set price 800. (First Edition)
Size: 4.5 x 7.25
Pages: Pp 1-276
S#: 1059.01.0721Date: 1955
Title: Io E L'Architettura, Frank Lloyd Wright, Volume II (An Autobiograpy) (Hard Cover DJ) (Published and edited by Arnoldo Mondadori, Milan, Italy)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Arnoldo Mondadori
Description: Volume Two. Dust Jacket: "An autobiography, like this one by Wright, is not just a long story of things and people, but a significant movement of the spirit. His life is therefore the life of organic architecture, of which he was the founder and greatest exponent in opposition to the aestheticism which, summed up in abstract modules, circulated in Europe at the beginning of the century. From the gradual birth of the new theory we witness in these pages its evolution and then its materialization in forms that are now famous: from the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, House on the waterfall, from the Guggenheim Museum in New York to Taliesin..."
Volume Two. Frank Lloyd Wright's An Autobiography, in three volumes, published in Italian. In 1932, Frank Lloyd Wright published An Autobiography. He divided the sections into three books, with chapters in each book. They included Book One: Family, Fellowship; Book Two: Work; Book Three: Freedom. In 1943, Wright revised, expanded and republished An Autobiography and divided the sections into five books. The Duell Edition divided Book One into two books. Book One: Family and Book Two: Fellowship. Book Three: Work; Book Four: Freedom; and the addition of Book Five: Form.
This three volume Italian edition follows the 1943 edition. Volume Secondo (Volume Two) includes: Libro Terzo: Il Lavoro (Book Three: The Work); and Libro Quarto: Liberta (Book Four: Freedom). With 32 illustrations. Original three volume set price 800. (First Edition)
Size: 4.5 x 7.25
Pages: Pp 277-586
S#: 1059.02.0721Date: 1955
Title: Io E L'Architettura, Frank Lloyd Wright, Volume III (An Autobiograpy) (Hard Cover DJ) (Published and edited by Arnoldo Mondadori, Milan, Italy)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Arnoldo Mondadori
Description: Volume Three. Dust Jacket: "An autobiography, like this one by Wright, is not just a long story of things and people, but a significant movement of the spirit. His life is therefore the life of organic architecture, of which he was the founder and greatest exponent in opposition to the aestheticism which, summed up in abstract modules, circulated in Europe at the beginning of the century. From the gradual birth of the new theory we witness in these pages its evolution and then its materialization in forms that are now famous: from the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, House on the waterfall, from the Guggenheim Museum in New York to Taliesin..."
Volume Three. Frank Lloyd Wright's An Autobiography, in three volumes, published in Italian. In 1932, Frank Lloyd Wright published An Autobiography. He divided the sections into three books, with chapters in each book. They included Book One: Family, Fellowship; Book Two: Work; Book Three: Freedom. In 1943, Wright revised, expanded and republished An Autobiography and divided the sections into five books. The Duell Edition divided Book One into two books. Book One: Family and Book Two: Fellowship. Book Three: Work; Book Four: Freedom; and the addition of Book Five: Form.
This three volume Italian edition follows the 1943 edition. Volume Terzo (Volume Three) includes: Libro Quinto: La Forma (Book Five: The Form). With 32 illustrations. Original three volume set price 800. (First Edition)
Size: 4.5 x 7.25
Pages: Pp 587-854
S#: 1059.03.0721Date: 1958 The College Years Title: The College Years (Hard Cover - with and without DJ) (Published by Hawthorn Books, Inc. Publishers, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Spectorsky, A. C.
Description: A compilation of many writers. Section Five, Chapter Three: "Budding Architect". Reprinted from An Autobiography, 1932, page 49-58. "Frank Lloyd Wright's name is almost synonymous with revolutionary architectural design. His "organic architecture" fuses house and terrain into a functional, harmonious unit and has set the character for much of modern building." Original list price $7.95. Two copies. (First Edition)
Size: 7 x 10
Pages: Pp 442-449
S#: 1221.04.0711, 1221.02.0402
Date: 1977 Edition Title: An Autobiography (Hard Cover - DJ) Published by Horizon Press, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Original HC List Price $17.50. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2022)
Pages: Pp 620
S#: 2022.00.0699
Date: 1937 Title: Portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright for cover of Time Magazine.
Description: Wright is wearing a dark jacket, dark suit and tie. He is facing slightly to the right, but looking toward the upper right corner. There is an illustration of Fallingwater behind him. There is also a small Asian figurine behind him on the left. This might indicate that it was photographed at Taliesin, Spring Green. This photograph was published on the cover of Time Magazine, January 17, 1938, which would indicate that the photograph would have been taken in the later part of 1937, so they would have it in time for the January 1938 issue. This photograph was also used on the cover of the 1977 edition of "An Autobiography," Wright, Horizon Press. Text on face: "Photograph of Frank Lloyd Wright, by Valentino Sarra. From: An Autobiography by Frank Lloyd Wright. Publication date: May 12, 1977. $17.50." Stamped on verso: "Jun 21 1977." Photograph by Valentino Sarra.
Size: Original 5 x 7.25 B&W photograph.
S#: 0429.27.1015
Date: 1976
Title: An Index and Guide to An Autobiography, The 1943 Edition By Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by Greenwich Design Publications, Hopkins, Minnesota, Spiral Bound, Pages printed singled side.)
Author: Cowles, Linn Ann
Description: "This Index and Guide to An Autobiography was prepared in an attempt to contribute to the reader's understanding of Frank Lloyd Wright. I consider An Autobiography to be the architect's most important written work. It was begun at the suggestion of his wife, and portions were completed in 1926 when the family was staying in Minnesota at Wildhurst on Lake Minnetonka. First published in 1932, the work was revised and its last section added in 1943.
Mr. Wright purposely concentrated on the inspirational message he wished to convey, and not on rational exactitude and accuracy. He therefore allowed the reader to know him very well as a creative and crusading architect. The Index and Guide is intended to assist the scholar in tracking down some of Mr. Wright's references, the identity of people mentioned, and dates and locations where they are of interest. For the latter, I have made use in particular of Henry-Russell Hitchcock's In the Nature of Materials 1887-1941: The Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright (New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce 1942). The entry under 'Wright, Frank Lloyd' carries an outline of the events treated of in the book, thus providing a synopsis of Mr. Wright's life to 1942. The chronology shown in this entry is the contribution of Edgar Kaufmann jr., who presented it in his Frank Lloyd Wright: Writings and Buildings (New York, Horizon 1960). I am especially indebted to Mr. Kaufmann for his encouragement as well, and for sharing with me his great knowledge and intuitive understanding of Mr. Wright and his work." (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 112 (Printed one side only.)
S#: 2020.50.0423Date: 1998 Edition Title: An Autobiography (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 561
ST#: 1998.03.0899
Date: 1995 Title: Geniuses of the Mighty Wisconsin River. Zona Gale, August Derleth, Frank Lloyd Wright. (Published by the August Derleth Society)
Author: Price, Kay
Description: Wright wrote, "I occasionally drove up the river to Portage... to see Zona... While in Japan I read "Lulu Bett." Straightway I made up my mind to know Zona gale better when I got home... Of course, I hated her environment as utterly unworthy of her (she was an exquisite thing, Wisconsin's Zona Gale.) I hadn't met Olgivanna and I thought Taliesin would be a much more appropriate place for the author of "Lulu Bett." ...But she was always glad to see us, asking me to come, although she said she valued her Regency at the University of Wisconsin too much ever to be seen with me in public..." "An Autobiography", 1943. (First Edition)
Size: 16 x 11.5
ST#: 1995.65.0713