The Natural House. "When Frank Lloyd Wright turns his attention to one of the most important personal problems now facing practically everyone in our society - it is a time for rejoicing. The world's greatest architect here meets the urgent problem of suitable shelter for The Family in a democracy, in a magnificent and - as was to be expected - challenging book. Here, presented at last in full detail, is the natural house. The moderate cost houses described in this book and profusely illustrated with 116 photographs, plans and drawings, are houses - of infinite variety for people of limited means - in which living has become for their owners a purposeful new adventure in freedom and dignity. Mr. Wright tells the story of the world famous 'Usonian' houses, so that we now see, in text and illustrations, how they have evolved from original conception to final execution. He has also written a step-by-step description of the 'Usonian Automatic,' explaining just how that remarkable house is built - a simplified method of construction so devised that the owners themselves can build it with great economy and beauty. For this purpose, there are, in addition to Mr. Wright's text, special photographs and drawings of the method and materials, showing clearly how the Usonian Automatic is built. For more than a half century Frank Lloyd Wright has been the prophet of a new idea in architecture. It is called 'organic architecture.' It has spread throughout the world. Its liberating influence now appears - or semblances of it appear - nearly every structure being built. During this period of incomparable achievement, there has been a profoundly mistaken notion that Mr. Wright has built only for the rich. This book is convincing evidence of the error of that notion." (Dust Jacket)
Date: 1954 (First Edition) Title: The Natural House (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover DJ, Thin board) (Red Letter - Which appears to be the true First Edition)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Horizon did not indicate first or second edition, but made slight changes. On the cloth cover, this edition has a "FLLW / 54" in black lettering within the red box. Text in black just to the right, "The Natural House." Spine: "Frank Lloyd Wright" (Black), "The Natural House" (Red), "Horizon" (Black). The first page adjacent to the inside front cover has a large red square (5.5 x 5.5") with the words "Frank Lloyd Wright", a repeat of the dust jacket. Frontispiece has a portrait of Wright with a red square just beneath. The title page indicates "Horizon Press New York 1954." The last page, adjacent to the inside back cover has a Credo in red. Review in Saturday Review. Original list price $6.50 (Inside Flap), $7.50 (Back Cover) (DJ). 8.25 x 10.25. (First Edition) (Sweeney 992)
Size: 8.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 223
S#: 0992.00.0699
Left; On the cloth cover, this edition has a "FLLW / 54" in black lettering within the red box. Text in black just to the right, "The Natural House."
Right: The first page adjacent to the inside front cover has a large red square (5.5 x 5.5") with the words "Frank Lloyd Wright", a repeat of the dust jacket.
Left: Frontispiece has a portrait of Wright with a red square just beneath.
Right: The last page, adjacent to the inside back cover has a Credo in red.Date: 1954
Title: The Natural House (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover DJ, Thin board) (Red Letter - Which appears to be the true First Edition) (Note, exactly like first edition, but only change to volume is missing "54" on front cover. Only change on dust jacket, $7.50 on Inside Flap and on Back Cover.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Horizon did not indicate first or second edition, but made slight changes. On the cloth cover, this edition has a "FLLW" in black lettering within the red box but is missing the "54". Text in black just to the right, "The Natural House." Spine: "Frank Lloyd Wright" (Black), "The Natural House" (Red), "Horizon" (Black). The first page adjacent to the inside front cover has a large red square (5.5 x 5.5") with the words "Frank Lloyd Wright", a repeat of the dust jacket. Frontispiece has a portrait of Wright with a red square just beneath. The title page indicates "Horizon Press New York 1954." The last page, adjacent to the inside back cover has a Credo in red. Original list price $7.50 (Inside Flap), $7.50 (Back Cover) (DJ). (First Edition) (Sweeney 992)
Size: 8.25 x 10.25.
Pages: Pp 223
S#: 0992.09.1116Date: 1954 (Second Edition, Boxed Set)
Title: The Natural House (Hard Cover DJ, Thin board) (Published by Horizon Press, New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Not indicated as a second edition, but is missing items from the first edition. Missing "54" in red box on the cloth cover. Missing red box and text on inside front and back covers. Interior remains the same. Boxed set which also includes "The Living City" and "The Future of Architecture". "220 West 42nd Street" address on dust jacket. Price has also changed. Original list price $7.50 (DJ). (Second Edition) (Sweeney 992)
Size: 8.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 223
S#: 0992.02.0107
Date: 1954 (Third Edition)
Title: The Natural House (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover, Thick stiff board)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Not indicated as third edition, but additional changes. Small red box missing from frontispiece. Cover board is thicker and stiffer. Interior remains the same. (Third Edition) (Sweeney 992)
Size: 8.25 x 10.25.
Pages: Pp 223
S#: 0992.03.0499Date: 1954 (First Bramhall Edition)
Title: The Natural House (Hard Cover, Thick stiff board) (Published by Bramhall House, a division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc. New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: First Bramhall Edition. Bramhall House published a less expensive edition. Red square only (no text) on cloth cover. Text on spine is all in red. Small red box missing from frontispiece. Cover board is thicker and stiffer. Interior remains the same. (First Bramhall Edition) (Sweeney 992)
Size: 8 x 10.25.
Pages: Pp 223
S#: 0992.04.0499Date: 1954 Title: The Natural House (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Bramhall House, A Division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Third Bramhall Edition. Bramhall House published a less expensive edition of Horizon Press books. Third Bramhall Edition indicated with a "(C)" on the page with publishing information. Red square only (no text) on cloth cover. Text on spine is all in red. Small red box missing from frontispiece. Cover board is thicker and stiffer. Interior remains the same. (Third Bramhall Edition) (Sweeney 992)
Size: 8.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 223
S#: 0992.05.0205
Date: 1963 Title: The Natural House (Soft Cover) (Published by New American Library, New York)
The Natural House (Soft Cover) (Published by The New American Library, New York, Toronto, London. A Mentor Book.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: First New American Library edition. Copyright 1954 by Horizon Press Inc. Publication date not indicated, but published in 1963. Original cover price $1.25. (Third Edition) (Sweeney 991)
Size: 4.25 x 7.
Pages: Pp 224
S#: 0992.06.0898
Date: 1967
Title: The Natural House (Hard Cover Slip Case) (Published by Shokokusha, Tokyo,. Translated by Raku Endo)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Japanese Edition. Published in Japanese. This Japanese edition divides this volume in two parts, Book One: 1936-1953; and Book Two: 1954.
From the dust jacket, Horizon Publishing Edition, 1954: When Frank Lloyd Wright turns his attention to one of the most important personal problems now facing practically everyone in our society - it is a time for rejoicing.
The world's greatest architect here meets the urgent problem of suitable shelter for The Family in a democracy, in a magnificent and - as was to be expected - challenging book. Here, presented at last in full detail, is the natural house.
The moderate cost houses described in this book and profusely illustrated with 116 photographs, plans and draw-ings, are houses - of infinite variety for people of limited means - in which living has become for their owners a purposeful new adventure in freedom and dignity.
Original cover price Y2800. (First Edition)
Size: 6 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 200
S#: 0992.11.0724
Left: Slip Cover Front
Right: Slip Cover BackDate: Circa 1970
Title: The Natural House (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover, Thick stiff board)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Copyright 1954, but publication date not indicated. Red square only (no text) on cloth cover. Text on spine is all in red. Small red box missing from frontispiece. Cover board is thicker and stiffer. Interior remains the same. ISBN number printed on dust jacket and publication information page. Standard Book Numbering (SBN) numbers were first implemented in 1967. ISBN numbers were implemented in 1970. Horizon Press address is now "156 Fifth Avenue, New York." (Sweeney 991)
Size: 8 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 223
S#: 0992.07.0916Date: 1970
Title: The Natural House (Soft Cover) (Published by A Plume Book from New American Library, New York, Toronto and London.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: First Printing, March 1970. Second Printing. Copyright Horizon Press, Inc., 1954.
Back cover: “An Organic Architecture for the largest number of people to experience and enjoy was Frank Lloyd Wright's concern as a creative artist. Here, shown in photographs, plans, and drawings, are houses for people of Wright, Frank Lloyd limited means, each individually designed to fit its surroundings and to satisfy the needs and desires of its owners.
“The Natural House incorporates all of Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous convictions concerning the basic integrity necessary to a great architecture – convictions which have changed the architectural shape of the twentieth century. ‘If his work at times appears as pure fantasy, we should remember that his extraordinary intuition has often anticipated technological advances (and the experts therein) by dozens of years.’ The New York Times.” Original list price $2.95. (Second Printing) (Sweeney 991)
Size: 5.25 x 8
Pages: Pp 224
S#: 0992.10.0324Date: 1970
Title: The Natural House (Soft Cover) (Published by The New American Library, New York and Scarborough, Ontario. A Meridian Book.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: First Meridian Printing 1970. Copyright Horizon Press, Inc., 1954, renewed 1982 by Horizon Press. Note: This edition uses the same plates as the volume published by Plume Books, 1970 (S#0992.10). “The Natural House incorporates all of Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous convictions concerning the basic integrity necessary to a great architecture – convictions which have changed the architectural shape of the twentieth century. ‘If his work at times appears as pure fantasy, we should remember that his extraordinary intuition has often anticipated technological avances (and the experts therein) by dozens of years.’ The New York Times.” Original list price $8.95.
Size: 5.25 x 8
Pages: Pp 224
S#: 0992.08.0916Date: 1971
Title: The Natural House (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Pitman Publishing S. A. Ltd., London. Note: Sweeney indicates that British Edition was published in 1972, but this edition is dated 1971.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: First British Edition. First published by Horizon Press in 1954. This volume appears to use the same plates created by Horizon Press.
Dust Jacket: The persistent concern of twentieth-century architects is this: to use the new materials of technology in the most economical yet imaginative ways. It is easy to be pessimistic when faced with much of today's housing. Their second-rate, outmoded styles, do not relate to the function of the materials employed, but serve as ornamental concessions - the "environmental bonus". There is ample evidence in other fields of design, however, that creative freedom does not preclude economic methods of production. This may suggest that the movement started this century to make the thoughtful, individual planning of homes a human necessity is bearing fruit as architects pay more attention to the cost of materials.
Frank Lloyd Wright made the designing of relatively low-cost housing one of his major pre-occupations. In this classic exposition of his findings, appearing for the first time in this country, he described and illustrated (with over 100 photographs, plans and drawings) how he came to build the world-famous "Usonian" houses from their original conception to their final execution...
Original list price £3.50, inside flap. (First Edition) (Sweeney 991)
Size: 8.25 x 10.25.
Pages: Pp 223
S#: 0992.12.0824Date: 2010
Title: The Natural House (Soft Cover) (Published by Gakugei Bunko, Japan)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Printed in Japanese. Translated by Yoshito Tomioka. First published in 1954.
Back Cover (Google translation): Frank Lloyd Wright, an architect who is overwhelmingly popular in Japan. The house he designed harmonizes with the earth and nature, and while taking advantage of the beauty of the material, the organic space unfolds as if plants were Wright, Frank Lloyd growing. What is the underlying philosophy? The design, which eliminates waste, was also supported by the idea of democracy that humans are free to decide their own lives. Wright's main work, which talks about his own aesthetics and beliefs, has been read for a long time. A new translation of the classics that is re-evaluated not only as a must-read for architectural theory, but also in the context of modern American thought and environmental theory. Includes more than 100 drawings and photos. With a full explanation.
Original list price Y1300. (First Edition)
Size: 4.2 x 5.8
Pages: Pp 327
ST#: 2010.54.1024
©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2024