




BOOKS (1970 - 1979)
  BOOKS    Pre 1895    1895-1919    1920-1929    1930-1939    1940-1949    1950-1959    1960-1969    1970-1979   1980-1989    1990-1999 
2010-2019    2020-2024    HABS (S.2074-2095) 
1970    1971    1972    1973    1974    1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    Bottom
An American Architecture (Hard Cover Slip Case) (Published by Shokokusha, Tokyo. Translated by Masami and Yoshiko Tanigawa.) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Ed Kaufmann, Edgar Japanese Edition. "Wright in now universally regarded as one of history's great men - the man has liberated architecture, the man whose work is changing the face of the earth." His building designs - for dwellings and skyscrapers, industrial plants and housing projects, hotels and theatres - have enriched the world beyond measure; hardly a structure is now build anywhere that does not in some way bear the mark of his genius. And "organic architecture," the phrase long used by Mr. Wright... Continue... (Sweeney 1050) Pp 309 1050.04.1017
C 1970
The Natural House (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover, Thick stiff board) Wright, Frank Lloyd Copyright 1954, but publication date not indicated. Red square only (no text) on cloth cover. Text on spine is all in red. Small red box missing from frontispiece. Cover board is thicker and stiffer. Interior remains the same. ISBN number printed on dust jacket and publication information page. Standard Book Numbering (SBN) numbers were first implemented in 1967. ISBN numbers were implemented in 1970. Horizon Press address is now "156 Fifth Avenue, New York." 8 x 10.25 (Sweeney 991) Pp 223 0992.07.0916
The Natural House (Soft Cover) (Published by A Plume Book from New American Library, New York, Toronto and London.) Wright, Frank Lloyd First Printing, March 1970. Second Printing. Copyright Horizon Press, Inc., 1954.
       Back cover: “An Organic Architecture for the largest number of people to experience and enjoy was Frank Lloyd Wright's concern as a creative artist. Here, shown in photographs, plans, and drawings, are houses for people of Wright, Frank Lloyd limited means, each individually designed to fit its surroundings and to satisfy the needs and desires of its owners. The Natural...
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Pp 224 0992.10.0324
The Natural House (Soft Cover) (Published by The New American Library, New York and Scarborough, Ontario. A Meridian Book.) Wright, Frank Lloyd First Meridian Printing 1970. Copyright Horizon Press, Inc., 1954, renewed 1982 by Horizon Press. Note: This edition uses the same plates as the volume published by Plume Books, 1970 (S#0992.10). “The Natural House incorporates all of Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous convictions concerning the basic integrity necessary to a great architecture – convictions which have changed the architectural shape of the twentieth century. ‘If his work at times appears as pure fantasy, we should remember that... Continue... (Sweeney 991) Pp 224 0992.08.0916
The Living City (Soft Cover) (Published by A Plume Book from New American Library, New York, London, and Scarborough, Ontario.) Wright, Frank Lloyd First Printing, March 1970. Third Printing. Copyright Horizon Press, Inc., 1958.
       Back cover: “A Master Architect of the twentieth century unfolds his revolutionary idea for a city of the future, a brilliant solution to the ills of urbanization whereby man can attain dignity in his home, his work, his community.
       "The Living City not only presents Wright's amazing plans for his model community, Broadacre City, but also... Continue... (Sweeney 1218)
Pp 255 1218.07.0424
The Living City (Soft Cover) (Published by The New American Library, New York and Scarborough, Ontario. A Meridian Book.) Wright, Frank Lloyd First Printing, March 1970. Fifth Printing. Copyright Horizon Press, Inc., 1958.
       Back cover: “A Master Architect of the twentieth century unfolds his revolutionary idea for a city of the future, a brilliant solution to the ills of urbanization whereby man can attain dignity in his home, his work, his community. 
       “The Living City not only presents Wright's amazing plans for his model community, Broadacre City, but also... Continue... (Sweeney 1218)
Pp 255 1218.08.0524
Frank Lloyd Wright, His Life, His Work, His Words  (Hard Cover)  (Published by Editorial Troquel S.A., San Jose, Buenos Aires) Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd (Spanish Version)  Very similar to the 1966 English version.  8x10. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1648) Pp 240 1648.03.0906
Frank Lloyd Wright, His Life, His Work, His Words  (Great Britain Version)  (Published by Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd., London, Nairobi, Kenya; Victoria, Australia; Johannesburg, S. Africa)  (Hard Cover DJ) Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd Exactly the same as the 1966 English version except for the cover and dust jacket.  Original cover price 70s (£3.50).  8.25 x 10.25.  (First Edition) (Sweeney 1648) Pp 224 1648.04.0407
Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by G. C. Sansoni, Florence, Italy. Published in English and Spanish in 1972.) Bardeschi, Marco Dezzi Published in Italian. Description from the 1972 English edition Dust Jacket: "In 1887, at the age of 18, Frank Lloyd Wright went to work as a draftsman in the Chicago offices of Adler in Sullivan, the outstanding architectural rebels of the day. While Sullivan wrestled with the problems of sky-scraper office blocks, his young assistant was allowed to deal with the lesser responsibility of designing private houses for the rich clients. Thus from the outside Wright was a stranger to...  Continue... (First Edition)  (Sweeney 1804) Pp 96 1804.00.0401

Bannerstone House: A Frank Lloyd Wright House  (Soft Cover)

Cavanaugh, Tom R. & Thomas, Payne E. L. Dana House.  In 1944 Charles C. Thomas, a publisher purchased the Dana House with most of its original furnishings.  He maintained the house and its contents as the headquarters of his publishing firm and renamed it Bannerstone House.  Original SC List Price $3.75.  (First Edition)  (Sweeney 1805) Pp 41 1805.00.0902
Four Great Makers of Modern Architecture: Gropius, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Wright. (Hard Cover, No DJ) (A Da Capo Press Reprint Edition. This edition is an unabridged republication of the first edition (S.1528) published in 1963. Published by Da Capo Press, New York) Dow, Alden B.; Kaufmann, Edgar Jr.; Manson, Grant; Churchill, Henry S.; Collins, George R.; Smith... A Verbatim record of a symposium held at the School of Architecture, Columbia University, from March to May 1961. Includes chapters by: Dow: "The Continuity of Idea and Form" Pp 24; Kaufmann: "The Fine Arts and Frank Lloyd Wright" Pp 27; Manson: "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Tall Building" Pp 38; Churchill: "The Social Implications of the Skyscraper" Pp 44; Collins: "Broadacre City: Wright's Utopia Reconsidered" Pp 55; Smith: "The Domestic...   Continue...  (Sweeney 1806) Pp 296 1806.00.1112
GA 1: Global Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright, Johnson & Son, Administration Building and Research Tower, Racine, Wisconsin. 1936-9 Edited and Photographed by Futagawa, Yukio; Text by Isozaki, Arata See Second Edition (Sweeney #1808) Pp 48  
GA 2: Global Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright, Kaufmann House, "Fallingwater," Bear Run Pennsylvania. 1936  (Soft Cover) Futagawa, Yukio & Marlin, Paul (First Edition)  (Sweeney 1809) Pp 48 1809.00.0904
Public Works: A Dangerous Trade (Published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York) Moses, Robert In 1942, Moses was appointed to the New York City Planning Commission. When Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned to design the Guggenheim Museum, he was also tasked with finding the location. Wright sought the help of his second cousin, Robert Moses. In this volume, Moses includes correspondence between himself, Wright and Harry Guggenheim (p.855-872). He also includes one letter from his niece and Wright client Mrs. Patrick...  Continue...  (Sweeney 1810) Pp 952 1810.00.0416
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Frank Lloyd Wright I: Public Buildings (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Simon and Schuster, New York) Pawley, Matrin; Photography: Futagawa, Yukio First published in Japanese in 1967. Dust jacket: "Frank Lloyd Wright's reputation rests largely on his houses designed for private clients, but as the author notes, 'Wright's lifelong adherence to the rugged individualism of the private did not....prevent him from concerning himself with the problems of society at large...' All of Wright's public buildings reveal the extent of the architect's pioneering techniques and ideas. In 1906, Wright had been among the first to make use...  Continue... (Sweeney 1811) Pp 130 1811.00.0780 1811.02.0105
Treasure Rooms of America's Mansions Manor and Houses (Hard Cover, No DJ) (Published in association with Country Beautiful Corporation, Waukesha, Wisconsin by Coward-McCann, Inc., New York) Reif, Rita Darwin D. Martin House, Buffalo, New York. Frank Lloyd Wright's "Prairie House". Short history and update on the restoration of the home. Designed by Wright in 1904 for the Martins. In 1939 when the Martin family left, it was divided into three apartments and an office. In 1967 the home was purchased in 1967 to provide an official home for he president of the State University of New York. They hired Edgar Tafel to restore the home to its original condition...  Continue...  (Sweeney 1812) Pp 294-298 1812.00.1112
Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium Designed By Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Arizona state University, Tempe, AZ) Edited by: Smith, Dean Revised edition of the same sized booklet produced in 1964 (S#1569). Includes some of the same sections and photographs, but completely revised and updated. "They had walked the length and breadth of the campus that warm May afternoon in 1957, seeking a site for a university auditorium that was as yet only an improbable dream... Mr. Wright studied the grassy area in momentary silence, noting its circular frontage bounded by a busy highway, and...  Continue...  (Sweeney 1813) Pp 36 1813.00.0612
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The Imperial Hotel Story  (Soft Cover)  (Published by The Imperial Hotel, Japan) Tiltman, Hessell Revised edition.  See #1571.01. (Sweeney 1814) Pp 80 1814.00.0800
An Organic Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy  (Hard Cover DJ)  (Published by M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts) Wright, Frank Lloyd First published in 1939 (S.463).  The Sir George Watson Lectures of the Sulgrave Manor Board.  Four lectures delivered by Wright at the Royal Institute of British Architects in May, 1939.  In 1953, the four lectures were reprinted in full as part of "The Future of Architecture" pages 221-293 (S.913).  This facsimile edition published by M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1815) Pp 56 1815.00.0303 1815.00.0504
The Future of Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by A Plume Book from New American Library, Times Mirror, New York and Toronto) Wright, Frank Lloyd "A Prophetic Vision of one man, Frank Lloyd Wright, dominates the world of architecture in the twentieth century. In this challenging volume the master architect looks back over his career and explains his aims, his ideas, his art. The book begins with the widely discussed 'Conversation' (1953). Mr. Wright's assessment of his work is accompanied by and highlighted with photographs of his buildings in an illustrated text which brings his concepts of an organic architecture...  Continue...  (Sweeney 913) Pp 352 1846.39.0120
The Future of Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by A Meridian Book from New American Library, New York and Scarborough, Ontario) Wright, Frank Lloyd This version first published in 1970. "A Prophetic Vision of one man, Frank Lloyd Wright, dominates the world of architecture in the twentieth century. In this challenging volume the master architect looks back over his career and explains his aims, his ideas, his art. The book begins with the widely discussed 'Conversation' (1953). Mr. Wright's assessment of his work is accompanied by and highlighted with photographs of his buildings in an illustrated text which brings his concepts of an organic architecture...  Continue...  (Sweeney 913) Pp 352 1815.03.0304
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Frank Lloyd Wright: Writings and Buildings  (Soft Cover)  (Published by Meridian Books, Inc., Cleveland and New York) Ed Kaufmann & Raeburn Original SC List Price $3.95.  (Ninth Paper Edition)  (Sweeney 1401) Pp 346 1401.03.0399
Production Dwellings: An Opportunity for Excellence (Published by the Department of Natural Resources, Madison, Wisconsin, and The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Spring Green, Wisconsin) Swaback, Vernon D. Prepared by Taliesin Associated Architects of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.  Copyright The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. 11 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 48 1815.04.0506
Riverside, A Village in a Park (Soft Cover) (Published by The Frederick Laws Olmsted Society of Riverside, Riverside, Illinois) Heidrich, Robert W. Pages 30-31: "Formost of Riverside's architectural works is the celebrated Coonley House at Coonley and Bloomingbank Roads. Of stucco and ornamental tile, it was completed in 1908, establishing once and for all Frank Lloyd Wright's supreme virtuosity in residential design. This is one of his Prairie Houses, also known as a Zoned House, with each function of the household in a separate wing. A gardener's cottage and greenhouse were added in 1911. A playhouse in 1912. The Frank Lloyd Wright...  Continue...  Unpaginated (Pp 40) 1846.38.0919
The Rise of An American Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published in Association with The Metropolitan Museum of Art by Praeger Publishers, New York, Washington, London) Hitchcock, Henry-Russell; Fein, Albert; Weisman, Winston; Scully, Vincent "This book was conceived as a counterpart to an exhibition opening under the same name and the same auspices at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in May of 1970. ...The exhibition, which will travel to several American cities, gives prominence to nine important, still standing American buildings of the period 1815 to 1915", (p223). Text from the Exhibition: Frank J. Baker's House, Wilmette, Illinois, 1909. Frank Lloyd Wright, architect, (p232-3). Exhibition Director Edgar...  Continue...  Pp 241 1846.14.1010
Famous American Books (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York Downs, Robert B. Book Review of "An Autobiography", Frank Lloyd Wright, 1932. Chapter 39: "Master Builder, Frank Lloyd Wright's Autobiography, 1932. When Frank Lloyd Wright died at the age of ninety, he left as his monument 700 completed structures and plans for at least 300 more, including homes, hotels, factories, office buildings, museums, and churches. Wright had achieved fame beyond any American artist and was as renowned abroad as at home... Though a sharp critic of...  Continue...  (Sweeney 314) Pp 283-289 0314.00.1013
The Natural House (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Pitman Publishing S. A. Ltd., London. Note: Sweeney indicates that British Edition was published in 1972, but this edition is dated 1971.) Wright, Frank Lloyd First British Edition. First published by Horizon Press in 1954. This volume appears to use the same plates created by Horizon Press.
       Dust Jacket: The persistent concern of twentieth-century architects is this: to use the new materials of technology in the most economical yet imaginative ways. It is easy to be pessimistic when faced with much of today's housing. Their second-rate, outmoded styles, do not relate to the function of the materials employed, but serve as...  Continue...  (Sweeney 992)
Pp 223 0992.12.0824
Lloyd Wright, Architect: 20th Century Architect in an Organic Exhibition (Soft Cover) (Published by Art Galleries, University of California, Santa Barbara, California) Gebhard, David and Harriette Von Breton Lloyd Wright, an architect in his own right was the eldest son of Frank Lloyd Wright. This is a catalog for an exhibition organized by David Gebhard and Harriette Von Breton for the Art Galleries, University of California, Santa Barbara, from November 23 to December 22, 1971. Extensive biography describes his life growing up in the Wright household, and his experience assisting his father before 1930. Includes numerous illustrations and photographs of his work, as well as...  Continue...  (Sweeney 1847) Pp 101 1847.00.1112
Frank Lloyd Wright: The Architectural Genius of the Twentieth Century  (Published by SamHar Press, Charlotteville, NY)  (Soft Cover - Laminated) Salsini, Paul Original HC List Price $4.95, SC List Price $?.  (First Edition)  (Sweeney 1848) Pp 32 1848.00.0401
Genius and the Mobocracy. The work-life of a great master, Louis Sullivan, and of the pencil in his hand - myself." - F.LL.W. (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd First published in 1949 by Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York. "This enlarged edition of "Genius and the Mobocracy" contains, in addition to the thirty-nine drawings by Louis Sullivan from the original edition, two drawings by Frank Lloyd Wright incorporated in the text; a separate section of twenty drawings, nineteen by Louis Sullivan and one by Frank Lloyd Wright, all hitherto unpublished, fifty-four photographs; and two essays by Louis Sullivan on Frank Lloyd...  Continue...  (Sweeney 1849) Pp 247 1849.00.1012
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Consecration. Sept 12, 1971 (Soft Cover) (Published by the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) Annunciation Greek Consecration Service for the church building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, held on September 12, 1971. "It is our great pleasure and privilege to extend our heartfelt congratulations on the solemn and most important occasion of the Consecration of your beautiful Church on September 12th..." Archbishop Iakovos, For the Greek Orthodox Church in North and South America. "The Annunciation Church was a very exciting project for my husband since he knew that the Greek Orthodox Church was the...  Continue...  Pp 136 1867.28.0622
History of Notable American Houses, The American Heritage (Hard Cover - DJ) Davidson, Marshall B. Original HC List Price $19.95. (First Edition) Pp 239 72, 306-10 13 19-24 26 30-31 34 39 46-7 49 50-51 55 1850.01.0301
Mountain Run Master Plan (Soft Cover, Spiral Bound) (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Spring Green and Scottsdale.) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation In 1971, Weilliam MacWilliams approached the Taliesin Architects at the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation to create a master plan for a 600 acre planned Community. Mountain Run was proposed as a planned community centered on 600 acres of private land on the west flank of the Massanutten Mountain. Seven miles northeast of New Market, it adjoins the 75,000 acre George Washington National Forest. The planned community featured a year-round resort with skiing, riding, fishing, hunting, camping...  Continue...  Pp 91 1867.18.1217

Robie House (Published by The University of Chicago, Office of Special Events, Chicago)

Anonymous (FTS:sps, aas) "Architectural and Historical Guide." A well written and informative paper which includes the history of Robie House and quotes by and about Wright and the Robie House. First copy was tucked in a purchased book, dated 1971, eight pages printed both sides. Second copy not dated, eight pages printed single sided. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 8 1850.02.0202 1867.25.0920
The World's Most Modern Office Building (Single sheets) (Published by S.C. Johnson & Son, Racine, Wisc.) S.C. Johnson & Son "The Johnson's Wax Administration Building, called by architects the greatest contribution to business housing since the design of the skyscraper, was officially opened April 22-23-24, 1939..." A six-page typewritten narrative, describing major innovations, 43 miles of glass, the dendriform columns, the Great Workroom, Cherokee red brick walls, modern furniture, features and highlights. Includes 10 photographs. 8.5 x 11. Pp 6 1867.15.0614
A Testament  (Soft Cover) (Published by Avon-Discus.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Frank Lloyd Wright separates this volume into two books. Book One - Autobiography. Unlike other volumes that Wright revised and updates, this does not appear to be a revision of his early "An Autobiography, but a fresh autobiography of his life. Book Two - The New Architecture. "Frank Lloyd Wright presents an illuminating synthesis of the nine great principles upon which he has unremittingly based his lifework. This is the basic account of his creative life and ideas - the Testament...  Continue...  Pp 190 1149.06.0504
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Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto. First published in Italian by G. C. Sansoni, Florence, Italy, 1970. Also published in Spanish in 1972.) Bardeschi, Marco Dezzi Published in English. Description from the 1972 English edition Dust Jacket: "In 1887, at the age of 18, Frank Lloyd Wright went to work as a draftsman in the Chicago offices of Adler in Sullivan, the outstanding architectural rebels of the day. While Sullivan wrestled with the problems of sky-scraper office blocks, his young assistant was allowed to deal with the lesser responsibility of designing private houses for the rich clients. Thus from the outside Wright was a stranger to... Continue... (First Edition) (Sweeney 1868) Pp 94 1868.00.0579
Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover) (Published in Spanish by S. A. Reunidas, Barcelona. First published in Italian by G. C. Sansoni, Florence, Italy, 1970. Also published in English by The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto in 1972.) Bardeschi, Marco Dezzi; Translated by Fernando Hernandez Observation: Our first impression from the cover, was that this book was about Lloyd Wright, Frank Lloyd Wright's Son. Text on the spine: Lloyd Wright. We quickly realized the publisher's misunderstanding. The title page has the same large block lettering as the cover, but reads "Frank Lloyd Wright." The balance of the book is a reprint of the Italian and English editions, but in Spanish. Published in Spanish. Description from the 1972 English edition Dust Jacket: "In 1887, at the age of 18...  Continue... (First Edition) (Sweeney 1868) Pp 95 1868.01.1119
The Arts & Crafts Movement, in America 1876-1916 (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by the Trustees of Princeton University. Distributed by Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey) Published in conjunction with an exhibition by the same title, organized by the Art Museum, Princeton University, and The Art Institute of Chicago. Edit: Clark, Robert Judson; Ch. 2) Hanks, David A.; Exhibited at The Art Museum, Princeton University, 21 October - 17 December Ch. 4) Thompson, Susan Otis 1972; The Art Institute of Chicago, 24 February - 22 April 1973; and Renwick Gallery of the National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, 1 June - 10 September 1973. Chapter 2: “Chicago and the Midwest” has a section “Frank Lloyd Wright”, Hanks, which includes 13 descriptions and photographs, pages 68-75. Chapter 4: “The Arts and Crafts Book” Thompson, includes...  Continue... (Sweeney 1875) Pp 190 1875.00.0524
The Arts & Crafts Movement, in America 1876-1916 (Published by the Trustees of Princeton University.  Distributed by Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey)  Published in conjunction with an exhibition by the same title, organized by the Art Museum, Princeton University, and The Art Institute of Chicago.  Edited: Clark, Robert Judson;  Ch. 2) Hanks, David A.;  Ch. 4) Thompson, Susan Otis Exhibited at The Art Museum, Princeton University, 21 October - 17 December 1972; The Art Institute of Chicago, 24 February - 22 April 1973; and Renwick Gallery of the National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, 1 June - 10 September 1973.  Chapter 2: "Chicago and the Midwest" has a section "Frank Lloyd Wright," Hanks, which includes 13 descriptions and photographs, pages 68-75.  Chapter 4: "The Arts and Crafts Book," Thompson, includes one...  Continue...  (Sweeney 1875) Pp 190 1875.00.0207
The American Association of Architectural Bibliographers, Papers, Volume IX, 1972 (Hard Cover, No DJ) (Published for The American Association of Architectural Bibliographers by The University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia) Muggenberg, James R.; Edited by William B. O'neal Section 4: Frank Lloyd Wright in Print, 1959-1970. "Wright, along with Sullivan, Gropius, Le Corbusier, and Mies was a pivotal talent in the development of modern architecture. It has appeared to some that he was passed by and out of touch. I doubt if time will bear this out. Perhaps it will become increasingly clear that Wright's Usonian philosophy is more lasting, versatile, and viable than anyone had thought." An annotated bibliography of books and catalogs (by...  Continue...  (Sweeney 1879) Pp 85-132 1879.00.1112
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Frank Lloyd Wright American Architect  (Hard Cover - DJ) Willard, Charlotte Original HC List Price $5.95.  5.75 x 8.5. (First Edition)  (Sweeney 1881) Pp 183 1881.00.0100
First Christian Church (Soft Cover) (Published by Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona) Boice, William S. Booklet describing the First Christian Church, Phoenix, Arizona. Includes a history of the church and the design. Frank Lloyd Wright was commissioned by Peyton Canary, the President of Southwest Christian Seminary in Glendale, AZ, to design the buildings for their 80 acre campus. Dr. Canary cofounded the Seminary in 1947. The campus was to include the administrative buildings, seminar rooms and library, a Greek theater, faculty housing and a chapel. Drawings were completed in 1950 but shelved...  Continue...  Pp 16 1909.53.1019
F. L. Wright, Understanding the Yamamura House (Stiff Paper Covers) (Published by The Architectural Institute of Japan.) I) Katsuki; Sakamoto; II) Tanigawa, Masami III) Many authors, including Tanigawa IV) Tanigawa Japanese text. The Tazaemon Yamamura Residence (1918 - S.212) was one of four buildings Frank Lloyd Wright designed in Japan. The others being: The Imperial Hotel (1915 - S.194); Aisaku Hayashi Residence (1917 - S.206); Arinobu Fukuhara Residence (1918 - S.207, destroyed 1923 earthquake); Jiyu Gakuen Girls' School (1921 - S.213). This volume includes a short biography on Wright, as-well-as a bibliography on published books by and about Frank Lloyd Wright, floor plans for each of the...  Continue...  Pp 72 1909.51.1017
Roots of Contemporary American Architecture. 37 Essays from the Mid-Century to the Present (Published by Dover Publications, Inc., New York) Collected and Edited By: Mumford, Lewis First published in 1952 by Reinhold publishing. This Dover edition replaced the original "Prefatory Note" with the "Preface to the Second Edition" which was published in 1959 by Grove Press, Inc. 1) Ch. 16: "Nature as Architecture, The Bad Lands." Reprinted from Frank Lloyd Wright on Architecture, 1941, pages 191-199. 2) Ch. 20: "The Art and Craft of the Machine." Reprinted from Modern Architecture, 1931, pages 7-23. Originally delivered at Hull House, Chicago, in 1901...  Continue...  Pp Cover, 132-140, 169-185, 435-437 1909.10.0810
Frank Lloyd Wright in Imperial Hotel   (Hard Cover - DJ, Boxed slip cover, Custom Cardboard Packing Box) Akashi, Nobumichi The most complete photographic record I have seen.  Before and during destruction.  In Japanese.  Boxed slip cover.  Original HC List Price ¥18,000.  (First Edition)  (Sweeney 1882) Pp 183 1882.00.0902
Architects And Man's Skyline (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Dodd, Mead & Company, New York) Poole, Gray Johnson Chapter 7: "Frank Lloyd Wright, 1869-1959. Prolific in prose and in his innovative architectural designs, he had no doubt about his own genius. Childhood toys and architect Louis H. Sullivan were acknowledged by Frank Lloyd Wright as major influences on his work. The playthings, always referred to by Wright as the gifts, or first seen by his schoolteacher mother in the Friedrich Froebel Kindergarten exhibit at the Philadelphia Centennial of 1876..." Dust jacket: "From the beginning of civilization...  Continue...  Pp 176 1909.69.0921
 Vidas Ilustres - May 15, 1972 (Published by the "Organizacion Editorial Novaro, S.A." Naucalpan de Juarez, State of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico) Macotela, Fernando: Literary Adaptation First published in 1965. Published in Spanish. Note: In this edition, the cover is new, the introduction has been deleted, but the illustrations remain the same. Camo sera¡n las casas del futuro? Un hombre genial las comenza a construir... What will the houses of the future be like? A great man started building them...
       Introduction from 1965 edition: (Frank) Lloyd Wright, Arquitecto Del Futuro (Architect of the Future). Presentamos en este cuaderna tustrado una historia que... We Present...  Continue... 
Pp 32 1909.72.0423
Frank Lloyd Wright: Yellowstone Art Center, Billings, Montana, October 1 - November 17, 1973. "The Selected Work of Frank Lloyd Wright: 1887 - 1959. An exhibition at the Yellowstone Art Center, Billings, Montana. (Soft Cover) (Published by the Yellowstone Art Center, Billings, Montana) Yellowstone Art Center, Introduction by Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks A catalog folder with 16 single sheets printed both sides. This is the first time in over ten years that a comprehensive exhibition of the work of Frank Lloyd Wright has been made available to the public... He never touched his pencil to paper for any new design until the project was so crystallized in s min tat he was... "walking around inside the building, placing bowls of flowers, and arranging furniture... ...the furniture of Frank Lloyd Wright was constructed by the Yellowstone Art...  Continue...  Pp 32 1910.00.0904
Historic Architecture in Mississippi (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by the University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi) Crocker, Mary Wallace Part Three, Ocean Springs: "Louis Sullivan Cottages (1890 - S.005-006, Charnley 1890 - S.007-008). Who designed the two bungalows and the octagonal cottage located on east beach in Ocean Springs - Louis Sullivan or Frank Lloyd Wright? There will probably never be definitive answer to that question. Sullivan Wrote... Frank Lloyd Wright, however, in is biography of Sullivan entitled "The Genius and the Mobocracy", wrote "He remained away for six weeks at Ocean Springs...  Continue...  (Sweeney 1911) Pp 96-99 1911.00.1212
GA 25. Global Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright, Houses in Oak Park & River Forest, Illinois. 1889-1913.  (Soft Cover) Futagawa, Yukio & Marlin, William (First Edition)  (Sweeney 1912) Pp 48 1912.00.0502
An Architect and His Client: Frank Lloyd Wright and Francis W. Little  (Published by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, May 2, 1973) Heckscher, Morrison; Miller, Elizabeth G. A catalog for an exhibition that is a prelude to the permanent installation of the great living room from Northome.  Exhibition includes examples of leaded glass, furniture, original drawings, photographs, letters and books from the Francis Little House, all from the Museum's collection.   Text concerns The Architect, Client, House, Glass and Furniture.  Includes 24 phonographs and illustrations.  6.8 x 8.75. (First Edition)  (Sweeney 1914) Pp 24 1914.00.0507
In The Nature of Materials, The Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright  (Hard Cover - DJ)  (Published by DeCapo) Hitchcock, Henry-Russell Original HC List Price $18.50.  (First Edition)   (Sweeney 1915) Pp 143 1915.00.0703
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In The Nature of Materials, The Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright  (Soft Cover)  (Published by DeCapo) Hitchcock, Henry-Russell Original SC List Price $14.95.  (Seventh Edition)  (Sweeney 1915) Pp 143 1915.00.0199
Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture, Oak Park, River Forest, Illinois (Soft Cover) (Published by Oak Park - River Forest Chamber of Commerce, Oak Park, Ill.) Ed: Sanderson, Warren Originally published in 1969 as a program and calendar of events celebrating Frank Lloyd Wright Day - June 8, 1969. Includes photos, drawings and map for 31 homes and structures. Original price $1.00. 8 x 8. (Two copies) (Second Edition)  (Sweeney 1918) Pp 28 1918.00.0500 1918.00.1111
Frank Lloyd Wright: A Bibliography  (Little House destruction)  (Soft Cover) Starosciak, Kenneth & Jane (#308 of 750 Copies) (First Edition)  (Sweeney 1919) Pp 44 1919.00.1000
FLWInterpretiveBio-Twombly 2.jpg (6515 bytes)
Frank Lloyd Wright: An Interpretive Biography  (Hard Cover - DJ)  (Published by Harper & Row, Publications, New York, Evanston, San Francisco, London) Twombly, Robert Twombly presents a complete look at the man who demythologized American architecture through liberating the concepts of ram materials, the wool and steel, which were his tools.  His strong horizontal lines, projecting eaves and centralized family areas spoke of Wright's understanding of the quality of life.  Portions of this work previously appear in "The Wisconsin Magazine of History" and in "American Quarterly". 5.6 x 8.4. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1920) Pp 373 1920.00.0199
What Makes It Great? (Soft Cover) (Published by Winthrop Laboratories, New York) Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd "What Makes it Great? My husband created Organic Architecture because of his love of the earth, love of people, and concern for their happiness. He saw too many buildings that related little to human beings or to their environment. He wanted to create an architectural environment of such nature that it would have the effect upon man of making him nobler in every respect so that the building in which he lives and works would be a constant source of inspiration to him..." Olgivanna Lloyd Wright... Continue... (Sweeney #1927) Pp 8 1927.00.0522
Architecture in Chicago & Mid-America. A Photographic History (Soft Cover) (Published by Harper & Row, New York, Evanston, San Francisco, London) Andrews, Wayne Originally published in hardcover by Atheneum Publishers. Back cover: "In 260 photographs here are the important buildings of the middle west from the days of the Greek and Gothic Revivals to the present. Mansions in the Chicago area in Cleveland and Grosse Point are shown. The famous Chicago skyscrapers are included and the masterpieces of Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, and the Saarinens. And there is the work of lesser known but significant architects such as Howard Van Doren Shaw...  Continue...  Pp 186 1940.21.0119
Architecture in New England, A Photographic History (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by The Stephen Greene Press, Brattleboro, Vermont.) Andrews, Wayne Dust Jacket: "And here - in 230 striking photographs, 220 of his own taking, and an evocative text -- Mr. Andrews proves his case. For it was 18th century New England that gave us Peter Harrison, the first American architect. From here, too, spring Asher Benjamin, who published the first American handbook for carpenters and builders... But most important, as Wayne Andrew so well documents in this impressive one-volume panorama of New England architecture, ninety years ago New England -- thanks...  Continue...  Pp 202 1940.28.0520
The Chicago School of Architecture. A plan for Preserving a Significant Remnant of America's Architectural Heritage. (Soft Cover) (Published by the United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service) Miller, Hugh C. "Between the late 1870's and the First World War one of the most significant architectural movements since the Renaissance flourished in Chicago. The "Chicago School," as it came to be called, produced an original architectural expression based on the application of industrial technology responsive to new economic demands and social concerns. Mirroring and shaping life styles, this architecture anticipated and influenced today's patterns of urban and suburban life in the United States and Europe...  Continue...  Pp 37 1940.19.0417
A History of The Modern Movement: Art, Architecture, Design (Soft Cover in Three Volumes) (Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York; Looking and Seeing, London) Rowland, Kurt Includes information on Sullivan and Wright. Photographs related to Frank Lloyd Wright's work include: Vol 1: The Winslow, Willits, Martin, Robie and Coonley Houses as well as Unity Temple (p.43-47). Vol 3: Robie (p168) and Westcott House (p.180). Original price stamped inside $3.95 (each). 8.5 x 10.5 (First Edition)  Pp 240 1940.18.0716 (1-3)
America: An Illustrated Diary of Its Most Exciting Years  (Hard Cover - DJ) Wright, Frank Lloyd Ch. 6: Why the Japanese Earthquake Did Not Destroy the Hotel Imperial. One Chapter by Frank Lloyd Wright, includes six photos. (First Edition)  Pp Cover 46-55 1927.01.0402
Great Americans of the Twentieth Century, No. 708.  (Published by The Instructo Corp., Paoli, Pennsylvania. Subsidiary of McGraw-Hill) Anonymous Instruction booklet that accompanies set of 10 Posters. Set also includes 9.5 x 4 informational card.  Page 11 concerns Wright.  5.5 x 8.5. (First Edition)  Pp 11 1940.04.0906
Tesla Speaks (Through Mental Transmission or ESP) (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Unarius - Science of Life, El Cajon, California) Norman, Ruth E.; Speagel, V Dust jacket: "In regard to the manner in which this book Tesla Speaks was written, let it be said that it was not done in the usual manner of planning, effort, trial and error or of writing either with pen or on the typewriter - a thousand or more sheets, then the normal (for the earth man) way of sifting out the comparatively few pages - possibly two hundred or less, of the several thousand that the author later feels adequate to be installed within his book..." Chapter 30 (Pages 291-300). "8/7/73 -- 9:30 p.m. Frank...  Continue... Pp 334 1940.22.0118
GA 1: Global Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright, Johnson & Son, Administration Building and Research Tower, Racine, Wisconsin. 1936-9  (Published by A. D. A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo) Edited and Photographed by Futagawa, Yukio; Text by Isozaki, Arata First Published in 1970.  Interior text in Japanese.  Includes 23 photographs and four illustrations.  Original cover price 2000¥. 10 x 14.25. (Second Edition) (Sweeney #1808) Pp 48 1808.01.0507
Together They Built a Mountain (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Sutter House, Lititz, Pennsylvania) Davis, Patricia Talbot "For his entire professional life Mortimer J. Cohen served as rabbi to one Philadelphia congregation, Beth Sholom... He turned hopefully to America's greatest living architect, Frank Lloyd Wright... It was to be the last building designed, supervised and completed by the architect before his death. This is the story of the special relationship between Wright and his friend and client, "My dear rabbi," Mortimer J. Cohen." (Dust Jacket) 6 x 9.25. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1941) Pp 179 1941.00.0613
Nakoma, Nakomis, Winnebago Indian Memorials: Two Sculptures by Frank Lloyd Wright, 1924; Bronze Edition, 1974.  (Soft Cover) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Hubbard Associates Pamphlet includes a short biography on Wright, examples of Wright's Dana House, Midway Gardens and Imperial Hotel sculptures, Wright's original drawings of the Nakoma and Nakomis, and photographs of the two new bronze sculptures. On Wright's original drawing of the female squaw, the name Nakomis is clearly written twice, while on the drawing of the male chief there is no writing at all. This lead to the misconception that Nakoma was the Indian chief. 8 x 9" (First Edition)  (Sweeney 1942) Pp 12 1942.00.1004
Related Item:  Nakoma-Nakomis, Winnebago Indian Memorials: Two Sculptures by Frank Lloyd Wright 1924 Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Hubbard Associates Small Poster or Card announcing the exhibit or sale of the two sculptures. 5.5 x 8.5 1942.01.1201
The Arizona Biltmore Hotel, History and Guide (Soft Cover) (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona, Spring Green, Wisconsin) Ch. 1: Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd
Ch. 2: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Ch. 3: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
The cover is a reproduction of Frank Lloyd Wright's drawing, "Phoenix - 1927." A variation of the Liberty Magazine cover "Saguaro Forms and Cactus Flowers." Chapter 1: "Frank Lloyd and the Arizona Biltmoree Hotel. The concept for the Arizona Biltmore dates back to 1927 when the McArthur family, by then well established in Phoenix, envisioned a luxury hotel in the north Phoenix foothills which would incorporate all the amenities for a gracious vacation on the Arizona desert. The... Continue... (Sweeney 1943) Pp 20 1943.00.0522
Frank Lloyd Wright Week  (Soft Cover) Cultural Heritage Foundation & ASA This is a 12 page program for the Frank Lloyd Wright Week in Los Angeles.  Opening reception May 29, 1974.  Tours of Homes and Gallery on June 8-9, 1974.  (First Edition(Sweeney 1944) Pp 12 1944.00.0202
Frank Lloyd Wright. Prairie School of Architecture. A selection of Material in the Oak Park Public Library (Soft Cover, Self Cover) (Published by the Oak Park Public Library, Oak Park, Illinois) Oak Park Public Library This booklet lists a selection of titles from the library's extensive holdings, with the aim of suggesting the variety of materials available. Sections include: Some reading about the Prairie School and its background; Works by and about Frank Lloyd Wright and their actives in the Prairie School; Important first editions; Foreign language editions; Pamphlets, catalogs, etc.; Periodicals; Non-print materials; Guides to area architecture available for... Continue... (Sweeney 1946) Pp 8 1946.00.1111
The Bridge and the Building: The art of government and the government of Art (Hard Cover DJ) (A Hearthstone Book. Published by Carlton Press, Inc., New York, N.Y. Stated: Revised edition. Copyright 1973, 1974, but no evidence of an earlier edition.) Radford, Evelyn Morris A study of the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Marin County Civic Center and the Golden Gate Bridge. "Who would ever think, seeing the beautiful Frank Lloyd Wright designed Civic Center of Marin County, that it was born in controversy and still is the subject of debate... Radford explains the history of Marin County, its politics, the principal figures involved in making the Center a reality, and the effect of the controversy on the community." (From Dust Jacket.)...  Continue...  (Sweeney 1947) Pp 156 1947.00.1212
The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, The: A Complete Catalog (Hard Cover DJ) (The Mit Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London) Storrer, William Allin; Foreword: Henry-Russell Hitchcock "This work is, first of all, the only publication that documents all of the buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright that were actually constructed. Taken simply as a chronological listing, it is definitive and complete and includes a significant number of authentic buildings not found in previous listings. But beyond this, the book also offers a short commentary on each building and a picture of each extant structure. Most of the illustrations are photographs... Continue... (Sweeney 1948) Pp 450 1948.00.0616
Edmund Teske  (Soft Cover) Edmund Teske (Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery) Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery. Barnsdale Park. September 18 - October 20, 1974. A catalog for an exhibition of photographs. (First Edition(Sweeney 1949) Pp 29 1949.00.0804

Frank Lloyd Wright Research. Modern Architectural History Lecture Material. (Soft Cover) (Published by Nihon University Faculty of Engineering)

Tanigawa, Masami Japanese text is hand written. Chapters include: Frank Lloyd Wright; The Industrial Revolution Runs Away; Yamamura House; Imperial Hotel Manager; Manson, The Lean, Lost Years & Significant Years; Yamamura House Memo; Fukuhara House Memo; Odawara Hotel; Motion Picture Theater (Barnsdall); A Bibliographical list of 59 books. Includes 14 photographs and illustrations. Acquired from the estate of Wilbert and Marilyn Hasbrouck. 7 x 10 Pp 50 1963.20.1017

Le Matrici Di Una Architettura Organica. F. LL. Wright (The Matrix of An Organic Architecture) (Stiff Soft Cover with Wrapper) (Published by Teorema Edizioni, Florence)

Brunetti, Fabrizio "Frank Lloyd Wright's personality - the man and the architect - is still largely immersed in the mystery of the myth that he himself consciously created and carefully contributed to maintaining, has prevented, among other things, a historically correct assessment of the enormous architecture production and the vast theoretical commitment of the maximum protagonist of the organic movement. For this reason and why not lose the most current motives of Wright's heritage at such a crucial moment for the very... Continue... Pp 183 1949.01.0417
The Case of Frank L. Smith, A Study in Representative Government (Hard Cover) (First published in 1931 by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. This reprint edition published by Arno Press, A New York Times Company, New York. Part of the Series "Politics and People. The Ordeal of Self-Government in America.") Wooddy, Carroll Hill Summary: Smith, Frank Leslie, a Representative and a Senator-elect from Illinois. This book describes the political career of Frank L. Smith, who refused his Senate seat in 1926 as a result of an investigation into his campaign finances. He was the Dwight village clerk in 1894; an unsuccessful candidate for lieutenant governor 1904; internal-revenue collector 1905-1906; elected as a Republican to the...  Continue...  See our Study on the Frank l. Smith Bank Pp 393 1963.16.0815
W. Irving Way, 1853-1931, An autobiographical fragment. (Privately published for the 1974 joint meeting of the Roxburghe and Zamorano Clubs on September 28 and 29 in Los Angeles, from Roby Wentz and Grant Dahlstrom. Limited Edition.) Way, W. Irving; Introductory Note: Wentz, Roby; Originally transcribed by: Earle, Homer P. Note: On February 3, 1936, Zamoranan Harold C. Chambers wrote Zamoranan Charles K Adams that, while going through the archives of the then-eight-year-old Zamorano Club, he had found a short autobiographical note by W. Irving Way, and honorary founding member and the Club's erstwhile Secretary and Curator of the Club library. Chambers suggested to Adams that Way's notes should be published in Hoja Volante... The...  Continue...   See our Study on Way & Williams. Pp i-x, 5 1963.06.0511
Prairie School Architecture. Studies from "The Western Architect" (Hard Cover) Published by University of Toronto Press, Toronto and Buffalo) Brooks, H. Allen "The Western Architect, published in Minneapolis between 1902 and 1931, was the only journal to document extensively the architecture of the Prairie School..." Reprints sections include: Frank Lloyd Wright; Griffin; Purcell, Feick & Elmslie; Maher; Drummond; Van Bergen; Tallmadge & Watson and Sullivan, and an introduction for each. Chapter 1: "City National Bank of Mason City, Iowa." December 1911. Includes eight photographs and the floor plan (Sweeney 102). Chapter 13...  Continue... (Sweeney 102 and 163) Pp 333 0102.03.0317 0163.01.0317
The Prairie School: Frank Lloyd Wright & His Midwest Contemporaries (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by the University of Toronto Press, Toronto and Buffalo) Brooks, H. Allen First published in 1972, This reprint 1975. "The Prairie School was a regional manifestation of the international revolt and reform which occurred in the visual arts during the early years of the century., Inspired by Louis Sullivan and given guidance and prominence by Frank Lloyd Wright, the members of the movement sought to achieve a fresh and original architectural expression." (Dust Jacket.) 8.75 x 8.75 (Second Edition) (Sweeney 1869) Pp 373 1869.02.1117
Nederlandse architecture, 1880-1930: Americana. Rijksmuseum Kr, Otterlo (Soft Cover) Eaton, Leonard K.; Auke van der Woud A catalogue of an exhibition, held in Otterlo between August 24 and October 26, 1975, on the influence of American architecture on the Netherlands. Forward by Leonard K. Eaton. Extensive article by Auke van der Woud includes: "20 Years Interest in Frank Lloyd Wright"; "Frank Lloyd Wright and Style; "Frank Lloyd Wright and the creation of the architecture of Style"; "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Amsterdam School"; "Frank Lloyd Wright influence in the twenties". Also includes...  Continue...  (Sweeney 1964) Pp 112 1964.00.1212
SEE SECOND EDITION (1981):  GA 36: Global Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright, Soilomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City, N.Y. 1943-59; Marin County Civic Center, California. 1957-1970. Edited and Photographed by Futagawa, Yukio; Text by Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks (Sweeney 1965) Pp 48  
GI 9: Global Interior #9: Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright 1 (Soft Cover) (Published by A. D. A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo) Futagawa, Yukio Edited and photographed by Futagawa, Yukio. Text in Japanese. Interior and exterior photographs of 26 homes which include the Frank Lloyd Wright Residence, Play Room and Studio, the Winslow, Bradley, Willits, Martin, and Davenport Residences, the Fricke Residence and Martin Alterations, the Dana Residence and Lawrence Memorial Library, the Heurtley, Gale, Cheney, Hardy, Gridley, and Robie Residences, Coonley Residence, Gardeners Cottage and Coach House, the Gilmore, Roberts... Continue... (Sweeney 1966) Pp 184 1966.00.1017
Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio, Oak Park, Ill  (Soft Cover) Kalec, Donald G. & Heinz, Thomas A. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1967) Pp 24 1967.00.1000
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum  (Soft Cover) Guggenheim Foundation 10,000 Copies Printed (First Edition) (Sweeney 1969) Pp 47 1969.00.0602
1975 Studies and Executed Buildings By Frank Lloyd Wright. Ausgefhrte Bauten und Entwrfe von Frank Lloyd Wright  (Hard Cover - DJ) Wright, Frank Lloyd Published by Prairie School Press.  This is a smaller reproduction of the 1910 edition, but bound in book form.  Includes Dust Jacket. Original HC List Price $40.00.  (First Edition) (Sweeney 1970) Pp 234 1970.00.0704
Studies and Executed Buildings By Frank Lloyd Wright. Ausgefhrte Bauten und Entwrfe von Frank Lloyd Wright  (Hard Cover) Wright, Frank Lloyd Published by Prairie School Press.  This is a smaller reproduction of the 1910 edition, but bound in book form.  Original HC List Price $40.00.  (First Edition)   (Sweeney 1970) Pp 234 1970.02.0502
In the Cause of Architecture (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by the Architectural Record, a McGraw-Hill Publication, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Preface: Gutheim, Frederick A compilation of essays by eight who knew him, and a complete list of 16 essays by Wright from the Architectural Record 1908-1928, and one from 1952. A) F. LL. W. At Taliesin West, 1958. Eight photographs by Mildred F. Schmertz. B) Eight essays by those who knew him: Elizabeth Kassler; Henry Klumb; Andrew Devane; Elizabeth Wright Ingraham; Karl Kamrath; Victor Hornbein; Edgar Kaufmann, Jr; Bruno Zevi. C) Eleven drawings by Frank Lloyd Wright that...  Continue...   (Sweeney 1971) Pp 246 1971.00.0402 1971.00.0114 1971.01.0999
Restored America  (Hard Cover - DJ) Stanforth, Deirdre Arthur Davenport Residence, River Forest, Ill.  Original HC List Price $25.00.  (First Edition) Pp 138-41 1971.03.0102
The Rookery (Published by he Commission on Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks, Chicago, Illinois) Project Coordinator: Legner, Linda The history and architectural significance of the building by architects Burnham and Root and the lobby by Frank Lloyd Wright. "...When Frank  Lloyd Wright remodeled the space in 1905, he removed most of Root's elaborate ornament and substituted ironwork of simple geometric design in his own Prairie style. He encased the mezzanine stairs in white marble, added huge rectangular planters also of white marble, and replaced the light standards with hanging rectangular fixtures..." Includes twelve photographs and illustrations, one of which if the lobby designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (First Edition) 4.25 x 11 Pp 12 1996.64.0622
The Prairie School: Frank Lloyd Wright and His Midwest Contemporaries (Soft Cover) (Published by W. W. Norton & Company, New York, London) Brooks, H. Allen First published in 1972 by the University of Toronto Press. "The Prairie School was a regional manifestation of the international revolt and reform which occurred in the visual arts during the early years of the century. Inspired by Louis Sullivan and given guidance and prominence by Frank Lloyd Wright, the members of the movement sought to achieve a fresh and original architectural expression." (Back Cover). Original cover price $14.95. 8.5 x 8.5. (Fifth Edition)  (Sweeney 1869) Pp 373 1869.05.0701
1976 The Prairie School: Frank Lloyd Wright and His Midwest Contemporaries (Soft Cover) (Published by W. W. Norton & Company, New York, London) Brooks, H. Allen First published in 1972 by the University of Toronto Press. "The Prairie School was a regional manifestation of the international revolt and reform which occurred in the visual arts during the early years of the century. Inspired by Louis Sullivan and given guidance and prominence by Frank Lloyd Wright, the members of the movement sought to achieve a fresh and original architectural expression." (Back Cover). Original cover price $17.95. 8.5 x 8.5. (Seventh Edition)  (Sweeney 1869) Pp 373 1869.07.0407
1976 The Master Builders: Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright  (Soft Cover) (Published by W.W. Horton & Company, New York, London) Blake, Peter Section 3 (15 Chapters): "Frank Lloyd Wright: and the Mastery of Space".  Published simultaneously in Canada by George J. McLeod Limited. Original SC List Price $5.95. 5 x 7.5.  (Sixth Edition) (Sweeney 1997) Pp 285 -412 1997.00.0305
GA 40: Global Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright, Pfeiffer Chapel, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida, 1938. Beth Sholom Synagogue, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, 1954. (Soft Cover) (Published by A. D. A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo) Edited and Photographed by Futagawa, Yukio; Text by Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks Photographic essay on two of Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings, the Pfeiffer Chapel, Florida Southern College, and the Beth Sholom Synagogue, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. Interior text in Japanese and English. "The new materials and new ways of building, the machine techniques characteristics of the twentieth century, have rendered the construction methods for architectural orders of the past obsolete. It is only where the older forms were conceived as a consequence of principle that... Continue...  (Sweeney 1998) Pp 48 1998.00.1116
1976 GI 10: Global Interior #10: Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright 2 (Soft Cover) (Published by A. D. A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo) Futagawa, Yukio Edited and photographed by Futagawa, Yukio. Text in Japanese and English. Interior and exterior photographs of 26 homes which include the Willey Residence, Fallingwater, the Hanna, Wingspread Lloyd Lewis Residence and Farm Unit, the Pope, Schwartz, Sturges, Pew, Affleck, Baird, Wall, Jacobs II, Walter Residence and River Pavillion, Smith. Mossberg, Walker, Laurent, Zimmerman, Robert Wright, Boomer, Price Jr. And Sr, Kalil and Lykes Residences. Original cover price Y3,200. Two... Continue... (Sweeney 1999) Pp 184 1999.00.0804 1999.00.0917
SEE SECOND EDITION (1981):  Frank Lloyd Wright: Three Quarters of a Century of Drawings  (Hard Cover - DJ) Izzo, Alberto; Gubitosi, Camillo; Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Angrisani, Marcello (Sweeney 2000) Pp 189  
SEE SECOND EDITION (1981):  Frank Lloyd Wright: Three Quarters of a Century of Drawings  (Soft Cover) Izzo, Alberto; Gubitosi, Camillo; Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Angrisani, Marcello (Sweeney 2000) Pp 189  
1976 Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Houses: The Case for Organic Architecture (Published by Watson-Guptill Publications) (Hard Cover - DJ) Sergeant, John Original cover Price $24.50. 9 x 10. (First Edition)  (Sweeney 2001) Pp 207 2001.00.0306
Guide to Frank Lloyd Wright & Prairie School Arch in Oak Park (Soft Cover ) (Published by the Oak Park Bicentennial Commission of the American Revolution; The Oak Park Landmark Commission; The Village of Oak Park) Sprague, Paul E.; Foreword by H. Allen Brooks "The term "Prairie School" refers to a group of architects working in the Chicago metropolitan area between 1890 and 1917 who shared the common I deal of producing an original style of architecture not derived from or inspired by the storage buildings..." (Sprague.) Foreword by H. Allen Brooks. Includes an introduction by Sprague, maps for locating buildings, a photograph and description for each building listed. 27 of the 79 homes and buildings were designed by Wright. Closes with a biography of each architect. 6 x 9 (First Edition)  (Sweeney 2005) Pp 96 2005.00.0917
1976 American Architects from the Civil War to the First World War. A Guide to Information Sources (Hard Cover) (Published by Gale Research Company, Detroit, Michigan) Wodehouse, Lawrence Volume 3 in the Art and Architecture Information Guide Series. Section on Frank Lloyd Wright begins with a short biography and summary. An annotated bibliography that lists a total of 161 books and periodical articles by and about Wright. 5.5 x 8.75. (First Edition)  (Sweeney 2007) Pp 226-258, 276 2007.00.1212
1976  ShingleStyle 2.jpg (6123 bytes) The Shingle Style and the Stick Style  (Soft Cover)  (Published by Yale University Press, New Haven and London) Scully, Vincent J. First published in 1955. A revised edition was published in 1971. This edition was published in 1976. Many references to Wright including Chapter nine on Wright's early career. Back cover: "As the definitive study of the complex inspirations and cultural influences that were fused in the Shingle Style of wooden suburban and resort buildings of the period 1872 to 1889, Mr. Scully's book has received much critical acclaim. He presents the published designs in the written statements of the architects...  Continued... (Sweeney 1047) Pp 184 1047.04.0501
An Index and Guide to An Autobiography, The 1943 Edition By Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by Greenwich Design Publications, Hopkins, Minnesota, Spiral Bound, Pages printed singled side.) Cowles, Linn Ann "This Index and Guide to An Autobiography was prepared in an attempt to contribute to the reader's understanding of Frank Lloyd Wright. I consider An Autobiography to be the architect's most important written work. It was begun at the suggestion of his wife, and portions were completed in 1926 when the family was staying in Minnesota at Wildhurst on Lake Minnetonka. First published in 1932, the work was revised and its last section added in 1943. Mr. Wright purposely concentrated... Continued... Pp 112 (Printed one side only.) 2020.50.0423
Buffalo and Western New York, Architecture and Human Values (Soft Cover) (Published privately by John Randall, Williamsville, New York. 500 copies published, No. 183 of 500.) Randall, John D. Introduction: If you have but a few minutes for this book, understand that our city is unmatched in its ideals and love and in the dedication and dreams of its found-ers. These quite naturally brought to us the astounding creativity of geniuses Like Richard Upjohn, Frederick Law Olmsted, Henry Hobson Richardson, George B.
Post, Daniel Burnham, Louis Sullivan, Stanford White, Albert Kahn, Wright, Guastavino, Ralph Adams Cram, and Eliel Saarinen, among a host of other great architects and planners... Continued...
Pp 200 2020.56.0424
Buildings, Plans & Designs By Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover with Slip Case) (Published by A.D.A Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd, Tokyo) Wright, Frank Lloyd: Foreword By Peters, William Wesley Originally published in 1963 as a portfolio edition, Horizon Press. Translated by Tadashi. Text in Japanese and English. Includes: Contents (p.5); Foreword by William Wesley Peters (p.6-7); Introduction by Frank Lloyd Wright (p.8-24); Plans and Designs (p.25-199); Notes by Frank Lloyd Wright (p.201-209); Guide to Terms (210-211). Foreword: "At the end of the First decade of the century there was published in Germany a monograph of the work of an American architect destined to... Continued... (Langmead #1512) Pp 211 2020.36.0618
Chicago Architects (Possibly rebound with stiff boards, cover pasted to boards) (Published by The Swallow Press, Inc. Chicago) Cohen, Stuart E.; With an introduction Tigerman, Stanley Documenting the exhibition of the same name, organized by Lawrence Booth, Stuart E. Cohen, Stanley Tigerman, and Benjamin Weese. For decades, Chicago has been evolving as a major creative center of American architecture. Its buildings are admired the world over for their inspired and original designs, which has made the city a mecca for architecture enthusiasts. Ends with biographies and a portrait for 47 architects. Of the 110 plates, four are related to Frank Lloyd Wright. Plate 8: Abraham...  Continued...  Pp 120 2020.38.0818
1976 Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation (Spiral Bound Portfolio, Slip Boxed) (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation) Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Portfolio of work by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Annunciation Greek Church (1961), Arizona Baltimore Restoration (1973), Arizona Baltimore Estates Master Plan (1973), Ascension Lutheran Church (1964), Ball Office Complex (1972-75), Bank of Spring Green (1972), Bartell Motel (1963), Belmont Pavilion & Grandstand (1964), Beth Sholom Synagogue (1959), Bush Community Services Building (1971), Center College Fine Arts center (1973), San Jose...  Continued...  Pp 68 (Single sided) 2020.12.0412
Great Americans, 1977 Burger King Calendar (Published by Burger King Corporation) Burger King "Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959) declared himself a revolutionary architect, opposed to the international style of architecture. He viewed the house as part of a larger landscape complex. Among his most notable creations were the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo (which survived a major earthquake in 1923), his own home, Taliesin, in Wisconsin, and New York's Guggenheim Museum, which was completed after his death." (June, 1977). Includes one illustration of Wright, the Guggenheim... Continue... Pp 24 2020.20.1013
Historic Architecture: The Hasbrouck Sprague Survey of Historic Architecture in Oak Park (Soft Cover Spiral Bound) (Published by the Landmarks Commission, Village of Oak Park, Illinois. April, 1974 - March, 1965.) Hasbrouck, Wilbert R.; Sprague, Paul E. (April 19, 1970) Text by Wilbert R. Hasbrouck, Paul E.Sprague April 19, 1970. Sections: 1) Introduction & Survey Program. 2) Architectural Styles in Oak Park. Includes 23 photographs, Four of which were designed by Frank Lloyd Wright: Walter Gale, Heurtley, Goodrich and Fricke. 3) Oak Park Architects. A list of 11 architects, one of which is Frank Lloyd Wright. 4) Buildings of Architectural Merit in Oak Park, Illinois. The list identifies 25 designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. 5) Five maps... Continue... Pp 44 2020.46.0422
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Garry Moore Show. Behind the Scenes When TV Was New. (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Stein and Day, New York) Sanford, Herb; Introduction by Garry Moore Chapter 13. Frank Lloyd Wright, Rocky Graziano, and More. In the mid-fifties, celebrated architect Frank Lloyd Wright appeared on "Omnibus" and "Adventure." In each case he walked off the set in the middle of the interview. This was puzzling. Both shows were immaculately produced. The host -- Alastair Cook on "Omnibus" and Charles Collingwood on "Adventure" were knowledgeable and charming. But we still wanted to persuade Frank Lloyd Wright to visit the Gary Moore Show... Continue... Pp 127-132 2020.37.0618
The World of Frank Lloyd Wright (Japanese) (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Gihodo Publishing Co., Ltd, Tokyo) Tanigawa, Masami: Photography by Masuda, Akihisi Tanigawa wrote in "The Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter," Jan-Feb 1978: "The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright in Japan contains the results of my research from 1966 to 1976, concentrating on Wright's work in Japan. It's purpose is to focus attention on all his projects in Japan including the Imperial Hotel, and to check the authenticity of certain stories about his life and work here. In 1974 the Japanese government designated the Yumamura house an important cultural landmark. This is the most recent building among... Continue... Pp 206 2020.26.0917
The World of Frank Lloyd Wright (Japanese) (Delux edition, Labeled Box, Slip Cover, Hard Cover DJ, Chappteres are divided with tissue.) (Published by Gihodo Publishing Co., Ltd, Tokyo) Tanigawa, Masami: Photography by Masuda, Akihisi Tanigawa wrote in "The Frank Lloyd Wright Newsletter," Jan-Feb 1978. "The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright in Japan contains the results of my research from 1966 to 1976, concentrating on Wright's work in Japan. It's purpose is to focus attention on all his projects in Japan including the Imperial Hotel, and to check the authenticity of certain stories about his life and work here. In 1974 the Japanese government designated the Yumamura house an important cultural landmark. This is the most recent building among... Continue... Pp 206 2020.54.1223
You Are What You Write (Soft Cover) (Published by Collier Books. A division of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York. Copyright 1973 by Hartford.) Hartford, Huntington Back Cover: "What does a person's handwriting tell us about his/her personality? How does a trained graphologist analyze a writing sample? What signs indicate sickness rather than health? An aggressive character rather than a passive one? Creativity? Egotism? A generous spirit? These questions and many more are answered in this introduction to the science of graphology." Page 86: "...I am reminded of a letter... Continue...  See our Wright Study on the Huntington Hartford Resort Project. Pp 380 2020.21.0515
Architectural Collections of the Library of Congress (Soft Cover) (Published by The Library of Congress, Washington D.C.) Peatross, C. Ford Reprinted from the July 1977, Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress. Pages 28-29: "The careers of individual architects and firms may also be traced through various groups of material. A quick check of two probable sources, the photographs of Frank Lloyd Wright, both early and late in his career, the latter showing him at work with his students at Taliesin West in 1951. As for his buildings, thirteen have been surveyed by HABS alone, often with measure drawings like those for the influential...  Continue...  Pp 36 2033.29.0920
Architecture in America. A Photographic History From The Colonial Period To The Present (Soft Cover) (Published by New York Atheneum Publishers, New York) Andrews, Wayne Originally published in 1960. "In more than 250 photographs, finally reproduced, the entire range of American architecture, from the beginning to the present, is brilliantly surveyed... Wayne Andrews is a writer who thirty-six years ago began wondering what American architecture looked like. Since that time he and his camera have explored forty-five states and the District of Columbia. Architecture in America is the record of his quest. No other photographer has succeeded in documenting...  Continue... 

Pp 179

Frank Lloyd Wright: Drawings 1887 - 1959 (Soft Cover) (French Version. Published by Centro Di. Printed in Italy May 1977 Originally printed in Italian in 1976. An English h version was printed in 1977. This French edition was printed in May, 1977. Catalog 87) Izzo, Alberto; Gubitosi, Camillo; Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Angrisani, Marcello A catalog for a traveling exhibition of 232 illustrations. The exhibition was organized by the Institute of Architectural Analysis of the University of Naples in collaboration with the Frank Lloyd Wright Memorial Foundation, Taliesin, Arizona.  A) Napoli, Palazzo Reale, December 9, 1976 - January 10, 1977.  B) Paris, Special School of Architecture, June 8 - July 9, 1977.  C) Helsinki, Museum of Finnish Architecture, August 10 - September 10, 1977... Continue... (Sweeney 2000) Pp 189 2000.04.0616
1977 Frank Lloyd Wright: Drawings 1887 - 1959 (Soft Cover) (English Version. Published by Centro Di. Printed in Italy October 1977 Originally printed in Italian in 1976. A French version was printed in 1977. This English edition was printed in October, 1977. Catalog 88) IIzzo, Alberto; Gubitosi, Camillo; Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Angrisani, Marcello A catalog for a traveling exhibition of 232 illustrations. The exhibition was organized by the Institute of Architectural Analysis of the University of Naples in collaboration with the Frank Lloyd Wright Memorial Foundation, Taliesin, Arizona. A) Napoli, Palazzo Reale, December 9, 1976 - January 10, 1977. B) Paris, Special School of Architecture, June 8 - July 9, 1977. C) Helsinki, Museum of Finnish Architecture, August 10 - September 10, 1977... Continue... (Sweeney 2000) Pp 189 2000.00.0404
Masters of Modern Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Rohe, Gropius (Hard Cover - DJ) Hoag, Edwin & Joy Original HC List Price $10.00, HC Library Binding $10.00.  (First Edition) (Sweeney 2021) Pp209 2021.00.1201
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An Autobiography  (Hard Cover - DJ)  Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd Original HC List Price $17.50.  (First Edition) (Sweeney 2022) Pp 620 2022.00.0699
Frank Lloyd Wright Selected Drawings Portfolio Volume One (Boxed, Single Sheets) (Published by A.D.A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Wright Olgivanna L. Boxed portfolio of fifty drawings by Frank Lloyd Wright. Each illustration is printed in color, and mounted to a heavy beige sheet. Fifty plates are housed in a box, covered in black cloth, secured with ivory slips. Introduction: Alexander Woolcott, the famous American critic and journalist, once wrote, "If I was suffered to limit the word "genius" to only one man, I would have to save it up for Frank Lloyd Wright." But in the past forty years since Alexander Woolcott's statement, the word genius has been... Continue... (Sweeney 2023) Pp 1-50 2023.00.0320
1977 The Intellectual Versus The City. From Thomas Jefferson to Frank Lloyd Wright. (Soft Cover) (Published by Oxford University Press, Oxford, London, New York. First published in 1962 by Harvard University Press and The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass.) White, Morton & Lucia Includes a chapter on Frank Lloyd Wright. Chapter 12: "Architecture against the City: Frank Lloyd Wright. ...A powerful artist, a dramatic personality and lively writer, he dominates twentieth-century American architecture in a way that makes him an inevitable representative of his discipline in a study like the present one." This 1977 includes a new Foreword for 1977. Original list price $3.955.25 x 8. (Third Edition) Pp189-99 1487.01.0412
The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright  (Soft Cover) Hanks, David A. Published on the occasion of an exhibition originated by Renwick Gallery of the National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC, and cosponsored by the Grey Art Gallery and Study Center, New York University.  1977 - 79.  Original SC List Price $1.10  (First Edition) Pp 18 2023.01.0999
1977 Peoria Two, East/West Bluff Pre-1940  (Published by the Architectural/Historical Survey Committee, Peoria) Anonymous Historical record of the pre 1940 homes in Peoria, IL. A full spread is given to the Little House which includes a brief history and five photographs on pages 21-22. The cover illustration is a line drawing of the Little House which wraps around the back cover. No credit given to the illustration.  11 x 17. (First Edition) Pp 34 2023.02.0205
1977 An American Architect: Its Roots, Growth & Horizons (Published by the Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) Nordland, Gerald; Spencer, Brian A. Catalog for exhibit at Milwaukee Art Center.  Includes listings of over 400 items of which 113 items are related to Wright. 9 x 12. Pp 24 2023.04.0406
The Architecture of Walter Burley Griffin (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by MacMillan Company of Australia Pty Ltd, Sydney) Johnson, Donald Leslie Walter Burley Griffin was an integral part of Frank Lloyd Wright's studio in Oak Park from 1901 to 1905. He then opened his own practice. Dust Jacket: "Buildings are the most subtle, accurate and enduring records of life - hence their problems are the problems of life and not problems of form. Walter Burley Griffin 1928. Robin Boyd described Walter Burley Griffin as 'a great pioneer of architecture in his own right and the equal to Lloyd Wright in many ways'. A product of the Prairie School and...  Continue... Pp 163 2033.27.0918
Fine Arts Building (Soft Cover) (Published by the Commission on Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks, Chicago) Pomaranc, Joan Fine Arts Building, Solon S. Beman, Architect. Constructed in 1885, Converted to Fine Arts Building in 1898. "The Five Studebaker brothers began manufacturing carriages and wagons in South Bend, Indiana in 1852... The Studebakers decided to retain ownership of the older building and it into studios and theaters. They were persuaded to undertake such a project by Charles C. Cuttiss who became... Continue...  (For additional information see our Wright Study of the Browne's Bookstore.) Pp 12 2033.03.0211
1977 Mason City, Iowa, An Architectural Heritage (Published by Mason City Department of Community Development) Forward by: Kenneth E. Kew, Mayor An inventory of historic and architecturally significant buildings in Mason City. Many Prairie style examples. Includes Wright's City National Bank, adjoining Park Inn (Cover, Pg 23) and the Stockman House (Pg 53).  Cover is a reprint from the Wasmuth Portfolio Tafel IV (Plate 49), "Bank in Mason City, Iowa" (1910).  8.5 x 11. Pp 82 2023.03.0306
The Meeting House, First Unitarian Society, Madison - Wisconsin (Published by Friends of the Meeting House) Anonymous An informative folder concerns: The Building of the Meeting House; The Architectural Design; Building Details; Frank Lloyd Wright Comments; Frank Lloyd Wright in Madison; Friends of the Meeting House; and The Roof Fund. "First it is a Unitarian meeting-house for those whose faith is placed in the Unity of the Trinity - its all embracing human significance. As the square has always signified integrity and the sphere university, the triangle stands for aspiration. In this edifice the form...  Continue... Pp 16 2023.07.0616
Modern Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy (Published by George Braziller, New York) Scully, Vincent, Jr. "This revised edition of the important work published in 1961 offers and opportunity to focus on the major new developments in architecture in the last 20 years, and in the light of these events, to revise and enlarge the view of modern architectural history as a whole which the original text presented. Unlike the earlier addition, the revision devotes considerable attention to city planning. The author traces the major developments which have taken place in modern architecture beginning with the democratic...  Continue... Pp 158 2033.23.0215
The Prairie School in Iowa (Soft Cover) (Published by The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa) Wilson, Richard Guy; Robinson, Sidney K. Introduction: "Thoroughly saturated with the spirit of the prairie," is how Frank Lloyd Wright described his work in 1903. Nestled in the broad flat landscape of the Midwest are buildings that are part of the region, that belong. In the history of art and architecture, regional styles have been one of the more creative and fascinating attempts by people to project their own identities. The Prairie School style of the midwestern United States is one example, founded very directly on the climate, land forms, and life-style...  Continue... Pp 127 2033.35.0124
1977 Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century: Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier. (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Basic Books, Inc., New York) Fishman, Robert "Is there an ideal city for the twentieth century, a city that best combines the power of beauty of modern technology with the most enlightened ideas of social justice? Between 1800 and 1930 three planners - Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Le Corbusier - tried to answer that question. They began by designing their own urban utopias and worked out their plans in meticulous detail, creating important innovations in housing, transportation, and other aspects of urban design...  Continue... Pp 332 2033.11.0313
Further Teachings of Gurdjieff, Journey Through the World (Soft Cover) (Published by Routledge & Kegan Paul, London and Henley. First published by Routledge & Kegan in 1969. Reprinted in 1974. Reprinted and first published as a paperback 1978.) Nott, C.S. Chapter 17, pages 138-156: "Taliesin and the Frank Lloyd Wrights." From the back cover: "...This book includes an account of the time the author and his family spent with the Frank Lloyd Wrights at their estate Taliesin, in Wisconsin..." (Summer 1939) Olgivanna Hinzenberg was one of Gurdjieff's pupils from 1919 to 1924. On November 30, 1924, Wright met Olgivanna at a Russian Ballet. Wright remembered the moment vividly, recalling it in his...  Continue...  (Sweeney 1964) Pp 254 1772.03.1214
Architectural Digest: American Interiors.  Ten Years of Innovative Interior Design in the United States.  (Hard Cover - DJ) Rense, Paige (Ch 26 - Chapter on Frank Lloyd Wright.) Frank Lloyd Wright Revised.  Maximilian Hoffman Residence.  Reprint of an article in the Architectural Digest, Jan 1976 Issue.  Original HC List Price $35.00. (First Edition) Pp 198-205 1978.04.0102
Circa 1978 Bartlesville's New Community Center (Published by Bartlesville Community Center, Bartlesville, OK) Bartlesville's Comm Center A multipurpose facility for the entire community. A wide variety of arrangements for a multitude of uses. A master plan for Bartlesville's future. Designed by William Wesley Peters. Construction began in December 1979, and was completed on January 12, 1982. Includes five illustrations. 11 x 8.5. Gift from Randolph C. Henning. (First Edition) Pp 4 1978.31.0709
1978 Building With Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Chronicle Books, San Francisco) Jacobs, Herbert Original HC list price $14.95. 10.25 x 8.75. (First Edition) Pp 147 1978.25.0806
Building With Frank Lloyd Wright  (Soft Cover)  (Published by Chronicle Books, San Francisco) Jacobs, Herbert Original SC List Price $8.95, 10 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 147 1978.02.0299
Frank Lloyd Wright - An Annotated Bibliography  (Hard Cover - DJ)  (Published by Hennessey & Ingalls, Inc.  Los Angeles) Sweeney, Robert L. If you are a serious Frank Lloyd Wright Book collector, this is the most valuable volume to own. A must!  Original HC List Price $29.95.  (First Edition) Pp 303 1978.03.0900
 Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater, The House and Its History (Soft Cover) (Published by Dover Publications, Inc., New York) Hoffmann, Donald; Introduction Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. Back Cover: "As everyone knows," Frank Lloyd Wright said, "we live in economic, aesthetic and moral chaos, for the reason that American life has achieved no organic form." Organic form was Wright's credo, and its most splendid embodiment is Fallingwater. Fallingwater, the private dwelling which juts directly over a waterfall at Bear Run in western Pennsylvania, is the boldest and most personal architectural statement of Wright's mature years. When Life magazine featured it on its...  Continue...  Pp 98 1978.65.0522
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Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater, The House and Its History  (Soft Cover)  (Published by Dover Publications, Inc., New York) Hoffmann, Donald; Introduction Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. Back Cover: "As everyone knows," Frank Lloyd Wright said, "we live in economic, aesthetic and moral chaos, for the reason that American life has achieved no organic form." Organic form was Wright's credo, and its most splendid embodiment is Fallingwater. Fallingwater, the private dwelling which juts directly over a waterfall at Bear Run in western Pennsylvania, is the boldest and most personal architectural statement of Wright's mature years. When Life magazine featured it on itst...  Continue...  Pp 98 1978.01.0201
1978 Frank Lloyd Wright: The Library from the Francis W. Little House (Soft Cover) Haight, Deborah S.; Blume, Peter F. The Library from the Francis W. Little House at the Allentown Art Museum.  Original SC List Price $3.00. (First Edition) Pp 20 1978.12.0503
1978 Individual Creations  (Published by HBJ Press, New York, Copyright 1977, Rizzoli Editore-International)  (Hard Cover) Conti, Flavio; Translated by Creagh, Patrick Chapter 8: Guggenheim Museum, U.S.A.  One of eight chapters.  Includes history, text, seven illustrations and 25 photographs.  9 x 12. (First Edition) Pp153-68 1978.28.0407
1978 National Register of Historic Places, H. P. Sutton Residence (Prepared by the Nebraska State Historical Society. Published by the United States Department of the Interior National Park Service, Washington, D.C.) Nebraska State Historical Society; Murphy, David "The external appearance, like the interior, is a much simplified interpretation of Wright's characteristic decorative vocabulary. Budget limitations (the house cost $10,000 to complete which was $5,000 over what the Suttons had wanted to spend) required the simplification. A strong horizontality persists in spite of the box-like two story mass of the whole. This is accentuated by the lines of the roof, the ribbons of casement windows at...  Continue...  See our Wright Study on the Sutton Home. Pp 15 1978.41.0414
Magnificent Builders & their Dream Houses (Boxed Slip Cover) (Published by American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc. New York) Thorndike, Joseph J. Ch. 3: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesins.
To Frank Lloyd Wright, home was more than a place to hang his wide-brimmed hat and his flowing black cape. It was his office, his studio, and his pulpit. It was a standing advertisement of his genius. It was headquarters and dwelling place, not only for his family but also for a devoted band of architectural students, usually numbering from twenty to forty, who came to learn from the master. Wright built the first of two such homes among...  Continue... 
Pp 106-115 1978.10.1202
Magnificent Builders & their Dream Houses (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc. New York) Thorndike, Joseph J. Ch. 3: "Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesins.
To Frank Lloyd Wright, home was more than a place to hang his wide-brimmed hat and his flowing black cape. It was his office, his studio, and his pulpit. It was a standing advertisement of his genius. It was headquarters and dwelling place, not only for his family but also for a devoted band of architectural students, usually numbering from twenty to forty, who came to learn from the master. Wright built the first of two such homes among ...  Continue... 
Pp 106-115 1978.68.1222
The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Catalog  (Hard Cover - DJ) Storrer, William Allin Second Edition. First printing. Originally published in 1974. New Material in this edition.  Original HC List Price $15.00 (Sweeney 1948) Pp 450 1948.01.1104
1978 The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, A Guide to Extant Structures  (Published by The MIT Press)  (Soft Cover) Storrer, William Allin Originally published in 1973, this is the Fifth Edition.  "Nine works, not previously listed in the Guide, are included in this Fifth Edition." Includes 166 maps that are drawn by hand.  6 x 8.5. (Fifth Edition) Pp 50 1978.27.0207
1978 The Fountainhead  (Hard Cover DJ)  (Published by Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., Indianapolis, New York) Rand, Ayn Originally published in 1943.  This version published on the 25th anniversary. The Fountainhead (based on Wright) is a story of one man, Howard Roark, and his struggles as an architect in the face of a successful rival, Peter Keating, and a newspaper columnist, Ellsworth Toohey. But the book addresses a number of universal themes: the strength of the individual, the tug between good and evil, the threat of fascism.  Original list price $15.00.  6.25 x 9.25. (Thirty-ninth Edition) Pp 727 1978.30.0707
The Guggenheims: An American Epic  (Hard Cover - DJ) Davis, John H. Original HC List Price $14.95.  (First Edition) Pp 608 1978.05.0202
The Last of the Grand Hotels  (Hard Cover - DJ) Kramer, J. J. Chapter on Arizona Biltmore, Includes photo of A.B. Lamp page 130 (First Edition) Pp122-5 130 1978.08.0702
Theory and Design in the First Machine Age (Soft Cover) (Published by Praeger Publishers, Inc., New York) Banham, Reyner First published in 1960 (fifth edition). Chapter 11: Holland: Berlage and attitudes to Wright. The rapid evolution of de Stijl theory and practice may be largely attributed to the clear-cut polemical situation in which the group's architects found themselves, with their own Rationalist, mechanistic, abstract approach in direct opposition to the fantasticated, handicraft, figurative approach of the Wendingen group in Amsterdam. But, as is so often the case in polemics of this kind, the violent opponents had...  Continue... Pp 338 1978.69.1023
The Plan for Restoration and Adaptive Use of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio (Soft Cover)  (Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London, for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation) Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation Negotiations began in 1972 for the purchase of the property by the Foundation.  They took occupancy in July of 1974.  Forward by Arthur Drexler.  Five members of the foundation board of directors deserve special mention as prime contributors: William Dring, Thomas Heinz, Carl Hunter, Donald Kalec, John Thorpe.  Wire-bound soft cover, illustrated throughout with photos, drawings and illustrations.  Three copies.  15 x 11.  (First Edition) Pp 82 1978.09.0902 1978.22.0806 1978.29.0607
The Poorhouse, Subsidized Housing in Chicago, 1895-1976 (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville; Feffer & Simons, Inc. London and Amsterdam.) Bowly, Devereux Jr. Excerpt from pages 1-4: "The first subsidized housing in Chicago, Francisco Terrace, was a forty-four unit "model tenement" which stood until 1974 at 255 North Francisco Avenue, three and one-half miles west of the loop. Designed in 1895 by Frank Lloyd Wright, then a twenty-six-year-old little known architect, it is a classic in the history of low income housing. The most important aspect of Francisco Terrace was the way it was laid out. It filled the perimeter of its mid-block rectangular site, completely enclosing...  Continue... Pp 254 1978.56.0119
1978 This is Johnson Wax (Soft Cover) S.C. Johnson & Son Descriptive six page booklet describing the S.C. Johnson and Son facility. (First Edition) Pp 6 1978.15.0604
An Invitation to Visit An American Synagogue, Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Beth Sholom Synagogue (Published by the Beth Sholom Synagogue, Elkins Park., PA) Beth Sholom Synagogue Beth Sholom was founded in 1919 and celebrated its 60th Anniversary in 1979. Originally located in the Logan section of Philadelphia, Beth Sholom moved its facility to its present location with the dedication of the Frank Lloyd Wright sanctuary in 1959... The overall impression of the building is that of a mountain. Indeed, that is what Mr. Wright sought to realize - Mt. Sinai in modern materials of concrete, steel, aluminum and glass... 5.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 12 1979.35.0514
Frank Lloyd Wright, His Life and His Architecture  (Hard Cover - DJ)  (Published by John Wiley & Sons, New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto) Twombly, Robert C. A revision and update of "Frank Lloyd Wright, An Interpretive Biography".  A complete biography covering Wright's private life, architecture, and role in American society, culture, and politics.  Views Wright's buildings as biographical as well as social statements, analyzing his work by type, category, and individual structure.  Examines Wright's struggle to develop a new artistic statement, his dramatic personal life, and his political and economic ideas, including those on...  Continue...   Pp 444 1979.02.0100
1979 Frank Lloyd Wright, His Life and His Architecture  (Soft Cover)  (Published by John Wiley & Sons, New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto) Twombly, Robert C. A revision and update of "Frank Lloyd Wright, An Interpretive Biography".  A complete biography covering Wright's private life, architecture, and role in American society, culture, and politics.  Views Wright's buildings as biographical as well as social statements, analyzing his work by type, category, and individual structure.  Examines Wright's struggle to develop a new artistic statement, his dramatic personal life, and his political and economic ideas, including those on cities...  Continue... Pp 444 1979.19.0207
1979 Frank Lloyd Wright: A Study in Architectural Content  (Hard cover - DJ)  (Published by American Life Foundation & Study Institute, Watkins Glen, NY) Smith, Norris Kelly First published in 1966 by Prentice-Hall, Inc.  This edition has been revised by the author, re-designed, re-set, and some new illustrations added.  Two thousand soft cover and one thousand hard cover were printed.  Original 1979 HC List Price $15.00.  8.75x11. (First Revised Edition)  (Sweeney 1636) Pp 200 1636.04.0606
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Frank Lloyd Wright: A Study in Architectural Content  (Soft Cover)  (Published by American Life Foundation & Study Institute, Watkins Glen, NY) Smith, Norris Kelly Original 1979 SC List Price $10.00.  Two thousand soft cover were printed. 8.5 x 11. (First Revised Edition)  (Sweeney 1636) Pp 200 1636.03.0101
Frank Lloyd Wright: A Study in Architectural Content (Soft Cover) (Published by American Life Foundation & Study Institute, Watkins Glen, NY) Smith, Norris Kelly First published in 1966 by Prentice-Hall, Inc. This edition has been revised by the author, re-designed, re-set, and some new illustrations added. Although not indicated as a second edition, the covers (front and back, inside front and back) of this version differs from 1636.03. The inside matches completely. Two thousand soft cover and one thousand hard cover were printed. 8.5 x 11. (First Revised Edition)  (Sweeney 1636) Pp 200 1636.05.0914
1979 Frontier Guide to Enchanted Banff and Lake Louise (Published by Frontier Publishing, LTD. Aldergrove, B.C. Canada) Frontier Publishing, LTD. "The old tourist pavilion at Banff was a masterpiece of architecture. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and believed to be the first major undertaking in Canada by the celebrated architect..." Original Cover Price $2.50. (Photocopy courtesy of the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies, Banff, Alberta.) 5.5 x 8.5. (Second Edition)  For more information on the Banff National Park Pavilion see our Wright Study. Pp 33 1979.21.0910
1979 GA 1: Global Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright, Johnson & Son, Administration Building and Research Tower, Racine, Wisconsin. 1936-9  (Published by A. D. A. Edita Tokyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo) Edited and Photographed by Futagawa, Yukio; Text by Isozaki, Arata; English translation by Goodman, David. First Published in 1970. This third edition varies from the second.  Interior text in English and Japanese.  Quotes at the back of the book are replaced by expanded and enlarged illustrations.  Includes 23 photographs and five illustrations. Original cover price 2400¥. 10 x 14.25. (Third Edition)  (Sweeney #1808) Pp 48 1808.02.0606
Life: The First Decade  (Soft Cover) Life Magazine Two photos by Torkel Korling of the Johnson Wax Company, 1939. One portrait of Wright by Eliot Elisofon, 1942. (First Edition) Pp 206 1979.11.0103
1979 Of Fact and Fancy... at Florida Southern College.  Soft Cover. (Published by The Florida Southern College Press, Lakeland, Florida) Thrift, Charles T., Jr. Chapter 6: The Early Frank Lloyd Wright Years (Pp 65-110). Includes many images of the building designed by Wright. 6 x 9.  Signed by author. (First Edition) Pp 167 1979.15.0405
Pride of The South, A Social History of Southern Architecture (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Atheneum, New York) Andrews, Wayne Wayne Andrews follows the recent revised reissue of his unique Architecture in America with an entirely new and detailed study of the architecture of the South. Not only is Wayne Andrews our best architectural photographer, he is also a social historian second to none, and he has provided for this lavish volume a brilliant account of the architects, their patrons, and their buildings, from Thomas Jefferson to John Calvin Portman. He has dug deep for his material, and his sparkling text is constantly surprising...  Continue... Pp 181 1979.47.0520
1979 Robert W. Roloson Houses  (Published by the Commission on Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks, Chicago) Barton, Timothy The Roloson Houses are a group of four townhouses designed by Wright and built in 1894, while Wright was still working in Louis Sullivan's office. Wright referred to these designs as his "Bootlegged houses." Includes eight photographs and three illustrations. 4.25 x 11. See Roloson Baluster for more information. (First Edition) Pp 12 1979.17.0806
Search For New Art. Root, Wright, Monet, Cezanne, Brady, Griffith (Soft Cover) (Published by Red Wing, Minnesota) Biederman, Charles Chapter 14: Pages 77-118, New Vision of Architecture. Extensive chapter includes many references to Frank Lloyd Wright as well as photographs of: Larkin Building, Unity Temple (2), Robie House, Husser Residence, Municipal Boathouse, Bradley and Hickox Residences. 8.5 x 11 (First Edition) Pp 145 1979.44.0719
1979 The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright  (Published by E. P. Dutton, New York)  (Hard Cover DJ) Hanks, David A. Published in association with an exhibition originated by Renwick Gallery, Washington D.C., and cosponsored by the Grey Art Gallery and study Center, New York University. Renwick Gallery, December 16, 1977 - July 30, 1978; Grey Art Gallery, September 26 - November 4, 1978; David and Alfred Smart Gallery, January 10 - February 25, 1979.  Original hard cover price $16.95. 6.75 x 9.25. (First Edition) Pp 232 1979.18.1106
The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright  (Published by E. P. Dutton, New York)  (Soft Cover) Hanks, David A. Published in association with an exhibition originated by Renwick Gallery, Washington D.C., and cosponsored by the Grey Art Gallery and study Center, New York University. Renwick Gallery, December 16, 1977 - July 30, 1978; Grey Art Gallery, September 26 - November 4, 1978; David and Alfred Smart Gallery, January 10 - February 25, 1979.  Original soft cover price $9.95. 6.50 x 9. (First Edition) Pp 232 1979.01.0499
The Drawings of Louis Henry Sullivan. A Catalogue of The Frank Lloyd Wright Collection At The Avery Architectural Library (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Princeton University Press, New Jersey) Sprague, Paul E.; Foreword: Placzek, Adolf K. Foreword: "In order to understand the full historical and artistic importance of the drawings which we are proudly presenting in the following pages, one would first want to go back to a scene which - as reported by one of the two participants - occurred in a shabby hotel in Chicago on April 14, 1924. A dying architect sat in a wheelchair in his room. Once highly successful, he was now practically forgotten. For the last time he was visited by one of his former draftsmen, a man who...  Continue... Pp 72 + 185 Plates 1979.38.0316
The Prairie School Tradition. The Prairie Archives of the Milwaukee Art Center. (Published by Whitney Library of Design, an imprint of Watson-Guptill Publications, New York) Spencer, Brian A. Based on a major architectural exhibition held at the Milwaukee Art Center in the fall of 1977 "An American Architecture: Its Roots, Growth and Horizon". Includes a large section on Wright and who influenced him and those he influenced, as well as the work of those that worked for Wright. First published as a Hard Cover in 1979. Listed as a First Edition Soft Cover. Original Cover Price $19.95. 9.25 x 12.25. Pp 304 1979.41.0617
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Years with Frank Lloyd Wright, Apprentice to Genius  (Hard Cover - DJ) Tafel, Edgar From the special vantage point of a former apprentice who for nine years lived and worked under "the fury and wrath of genius," Edgar Tafel presents a wonderfully revealing portrait of America's greatest architect. Unpredictable, cantankerous, a striking figure with white hair, cape and cane, Frank Lloyd Wright was an individualistic spirit who delighted in acting out his own myth. Here is an intimate view of the many moods of Wright the man, warts and all, the inspired teacher, and the...  Continue... Pp 228 1979.03.0899 1979.03.1000
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Years with Frank Lloyd Wright, Apprentice to Genius  (Soft Cover) Tafel, Edgar 1985 Printing. From the special vantage point of a former apprentice who for nine years lived and worked under "the fury and wrath of genius," Edgar Tafel presents a wonderfully revealing portrait of America's greatest architect. Unpredictable, cantankerous, a striking figure with white hair, cape and cane, Frank Lloyd Wright was an individualistic spirit who delighted in acting out his own myth. Here is an intimate view of the many moods of Wright the man, warts and all, the inspired teacher, and the...  Continue... Pp 228 1979.03.0399 1979.03.1200
1960-1969     BACK TO TOP    1980-1989
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