Date: 1955 Title: What Men Have Written About Frank Lloyd Wright. A bibliography arranged by decades from 1900 to 1955 (Published by House Beautiful Magazine, New York)
Author: Karpel, Bernard
Description: Compiled and annotated by Bernard Karpel for House Beautiful Magazine. To be used in connection with HB's special issue of November 1955, which is devoted to the work, meaning and contribution of Frank Lloyd Wright.
"Prophetically enough, the earliest significant association of Frank Loyd Wright in the company of print occurred with ‘The House Beautiful, in a setting designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.' This limited edition of a text by William C. Gannett was issued in 1897, and is charmingly described, in the best Morris transition – as ‘printed by hand at the Auvergne Press in River Forest.' Of equal interest is the fact that the small folio, half calf with gilt top, was printed in the basement of the first house Mr. Wright himself erected (1894), and in partnership with his cultivated client, William Herman Winslow. So, in the very beginnings, the basic leitmotifs are sounded: roots in nineteenth century traditions, personal participation in the crafts, simplicity in inextricably blended with luxury, intimacy of designer and client, and most potent of all, the fascination of words for this most eloquent of builders."
A second booklet was published in 1959 to include writings by Wright. Three copies. Two copies acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway, included in a lot related to Cary Caraway. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1046)Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 34
S#: 1046.00.0606, 1046.01.1121, 1046.02.1121
Date: 1959 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: Selected Works by Wright. House Beautiful Magazine, October 1959. (Published by House Beautiful Magazine, New York)
Author: Karpel, Bernard
Description: Compiled and annotated by Bernard Karpel for House Beautiful Magazine. To be used in connection with HB’s special issue of October 1959, which is devoted to the work, meaning and contribution of Frank Lloyd Wright. Mr. Karpel has now extended his previous record by this selective list of 79 major publications which have been published from 1897 to 1959. Original list price 50c. Note: Notice in the October issue of House Beautiful, page 57. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1264)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 10
S#: 1264.00.0606
Date: 1972 Title: The American Association of Architectural Bibliographers, Papers, Volume IX, 1972 (Hard Cover, No DJ) (Published for The American Association of Architectural Bibliographers by The University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia)
Author: Muggenberg, James R.; Edited by William B. O’neal
Description: Section 4: Frank Lloyd Wright in Print, 1959-1970. "Wright, along with Sullivan, Gropius, Le Corbusier, and Mies was a pivotal talent in the development of modern architecture. It has appeared to some that he was passed by and out of touch. I doubt if time will bear this out. Perhaps it will become increasingly clear that Wright’s Usonian philosophy is more lasting, versatile, and viable than anyone had thought." An annotated bibliography of books and catalogs (by author), motion pictures, recordings, manuscript collections, periodicals (by author), and additional obituaries and portraits published between 1959-1970. Separated by these categories and listed alphabetically. Also includes Bibliographies on Walter Gropius, Sir Christopher Wren and Benjamin Henry Latrobe. Original list price of $7.50 for non members. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1879)
Size: 6.25 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 85-132
S#: 1879.00.1112
Date: 1976 Title: American Architects from the Civil War to the First World War. A Guide to Information Sources (Hard Cover) (Published by Gale Research Company, Detroit, Michigan)
Author: Wodehouse, Lawrence
Description: Volume 3 in the Art and Architecture Information Guide Series. Section on Frank Lloyd Wright begins with a short biography and summary. An annotated bibliography that lists a total of 161 books and periodical articles by and about Wright. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2007)
Size: 5.5 x 8.75.
Pages: Pp 226-258, 276
S#: 2007.00.1212
Date: 1978 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, An Annotated Bibliography (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Hennessey & Ingalls, Inc. Los Angeles)
Author: Sweeney, Robert L.
Description: If you are a serious Frank Lloyd Wright Book collector, this is the most valuable volume to own. A must! Original HC List Price $29.95. (First Edition)
Size: 5.5 X 8.75
Pages: Pp 303
ST#: 1978.03.0900
Date: 1983
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright. A Research Guide to Archival Sources (Hard Cover) (Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York & London)
Author: Meehan, Patrick J.
Description: "The primary goal of this book, in the words of its dedicated and indefatigable author Patrick J. Meehan, is to provide an organized working guide to Frank Lloyd Wright archival material in the widest sense of the term. The research guide locates, records and describes original manuscripts, drawings, letters, documents, and, importantly, furniture, building fragments and other artifacts that are in collections accessible to the public. The research guide thus points the way to countless treasures which, through widely dispersed, often acquired accidentally or bequeathed fortuitously, and in some cases saved by chance or luck, can be found in a number of archives, libraries and museums across the country and even in two European collections. The very existence of many of these treasures was until now known only to a very few specialists; there are also some instances of objects or documents whose reputed existence could not be verified. In both respects, in tracking down the heretofore unknown and in setting the record straight on the fictitious, Mr. Meehan has performed a major service..." (Foreword: Adolf K. Placzek) (First Edition)
Size: 5.5 x 8.75
Pages: Pp 681
ST#: 1983.41.0917Date: 1983
Title: An Update on Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), And Some Sources for Review (Soft Cover) (Published by Vance Bibliographies, Monticelio, Illinois)
Author: Bibliographic Research Library
Description: Introduction: Since many consider Frank Lloyd Wright to be the dean of American architects, it stands to reason that his work is discussed most widely in the architectural literature. And so it is. Also there has been extensive bibliographical coverage of his writings and those about him. Consequently the purpose of this brief bibliography is not to duplicate what has already been produced, but to update and list the major bibliographic instruments that will give one access to this vast body of writing... The majority of the material listed below cover books and articles published since 1979 except for the bibliographies. Original list price $2.00. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 6
ST#: 1983.40.0717Date: 1990
Title: A Bibliography of Frank Lloyd Wright Sources in the Illinois State Historical Library (Soft Cover) (Published by the Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, IL)
Author: Heerman, George
Description: "In early September, 1990, the Historical Sites Division of the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency will reopen the Frank Lloyd Wright - designed home in Springfield, Illinois for the first time in three years. Throughout its long history, the Illinois State Historical Library has acquired and maintained a collection of published resources on architecture. The philosophy of the design for the places where we work and the places where we live has always been a topic of interest for historians..." A list of 53 volumes compiled by George Heerman. (First Edition)
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 9
ST#: 1990.131.0517Date: 1997 Title: Books on Frank Lloyd Wright, 1997/98 (Soft Cover) (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio Foundation, Oak Park)
Author: Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio Foundation
Description: "Our catalog for 1997 contains 162 listings - everything in print - on Frank Lloyd Wright. Includes ten illustrations. Acquired on a visit to the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio. Original price, no charge. (First Edition)
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 28
ST#: 1997.53.0698
Date: 2003 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: A Bio-Bibliography (Hard Cover) (Published by Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT, an imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group.)
Author: Langmead, Donald
Description: This volume is a chronologically arranged, annotated bibliography of English- and foreign-language sources including over 3,500 primary entries, with thousands more connected references, presented alphabetically by decades and genres. The book documents not only the literature on Wright from 1886 to the present, but also his own extensive writings. It covers source books, monographs, anthologies, exhibition catalogues, book and exhibition reviews, periodical articles, and obituaries. Includes a comprehensive chronology of the architect's life and career, which spanned 70 years and produced about 450 buildings and almost 550 unrealized architectural projects. (Publisher’s description) Original list price $103.95. (First Edition)
Size: 6.2 x 9.5
Pages: Pp 430
ST#: 2003.44.1212