BOOKS (1950-1959) BOOKS PUBLISHED BETWEEN: 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Bottom
V. C. Morris (Soft Cover) (Published bu V. C. Morris, San Fransico, CA) Mr. And Mrs. V. C. Morris; Kaufmann, Edgar Jr.; Mock, Elizabeth; Wright, Frank Lloyd A Booklet describing the V.C. Morris Gift Shop designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1948. Most of the photographs, text and the floor plan were published in the February 1950 Architectural Forum. Text: A) "A Word From The Owners – Mr. And Mrs. V. C. Morris," text published on p.82, 84 of Arch. Forum. B) "The Morris Shop," transcribed from an article by Edgar Kaufman, Jr. Published in Art News, February 1950. C) Text from The February 1950 Architectural Forum by Elizabeth... Continue... (Sweeney 799) Pp 12 0799.00.0318 0799.00.0522 0799.00.0822 1950 Usonien: When Democracy Builds (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Verlag Gebr. Mann, Berlin) Wright, Frank Lloyd In 1932 Wright published his classic indictment on the city as "The Disappearing City". Wright continued to work on his thesis and in 1945 republished it as "When Democracy Builds". Copyright 1945 by the University of Chicago. Published 1945. This volume was published in Germany from the revised edition published in 1947 by University of Chicago. It includes the additional "Note" by Wright dated September... Continue... (First Edition) (Sweeney 800) Pp 166 +Plates 0800.00.1212 0800.01.0520 1950 Proceedings, American Society of Sugar Beet Technology 1950 (Published by the American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists) Stromquist, Donald M. "Ion Exchange Behavior on Two-Boiling System at Layton Sugar Company" Report on Donald Stromquist’s work in Layton, Utah. Includes three illustrations. 8.5 x 11. (Digital and printed version) Pp 549-553 0831.21.0310 1950
A Dead Red Rose. An Aviator’s Adventures With Desert Angels (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. On beige paper with the watermark "Ragston - S - N.") Aten, Marion A poem in six parts. "Would you know the ways of women? Ask them, of the wild flowers. Ask them of the sunflower with nodding head of gold. Ask them of the moonflower with pale face white and cold. Seek them in the fragrance of the blossoms balmy bosoms, And the softness of their petals; or the cactus’ thorny trimming. Find them where you will, Sir, But ask it not a woman." Title page and decorations by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. 6 x 9.26. (First Edition) Pp 99 0831.63.0617 1950
Contemporary Structures in Architecture (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York) Michasels, Leonard Dust Jacket: Anyone merely leafing through the pages of this book will be fascinated by the grace and beauty of present-day building structure. There is plenty to see, too, because the author has provided 259 photographs and 75 drawings to illustrate all the structural methods presently available to the architect and engineer. Mr. Michaels takes us all over the world to show us, among many other things: a beautiful aviary for high flying birds in Rome, airplane hangars in Germany, a sports arena in London, some ... Continue... Pp 229 0831.117.0124 1950
Cruises In The Sun (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour) Curtis, Kent A compilation of three previously published books. "The Blushing Camel" was published in 1927 by Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. "Drumbeater’s Island was published in 1928 by Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. "The Cameleers" was published serially in the American Boy, from December, 1932 through February, 1933. Fictionally set in south Florida in the early part of the 20th century. "The author has contributed over 60 black and white drawings throughout the text. These are specifically ... Continue... Pp 287 0831.46.0415 0831.53.0317 1950
Florida Southern College; Interlachen 1950 (Yearbook) (Published by Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida)Florida Southern College Yearbook includes and helps date photographs of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings on the campus. Photographs include: Annie Pfeiffer Chapel under construction, completed Annie Pfeiffer Chapel, Seminars Building, Esplanade, Roux Building under construction and complete, Aerial view, Waterdome and Administration Building under construction and completed, five portraits of Frank Lloyd Wright. Article: "Frank Lloyd Wright Designs a College by Donna M. Stoddard. 9.25 x 12.25. (First Edition) Pp 240 0831.75.0718 1950
Lady in Law. A Biography of Mabeth Hurd Paige. Sketching Seventy Five Picturesque and Dramatic Years As Seen Through Her Eyes. (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) Aldrich, Darrach "Lady in Law is the story not only of the significant events of her early life – told with sympathy and humor – but of her increasing participation in public affairs with its ever present necessity of deciding between questions of principle and of expediency. She stood for those she believed to be right. In these battles, which were a vital part of her public work, Mrs. Paige represented the convictions of many people because of which this narrative is, in a way, a picture of one phase of ... Continue... Pp 347 0831.49.0316 1950
Patria Mia. A Discussion of The Arts. Their Use & Future in America (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) Pound, Ezra Patria Mia is Ezra Pound’s appraisal of the meaning of the arts and their probable development. This author is recognized by many of his contemporaries as a significant, brilliant and sometimes erratic poet and essayist, and an authority on qualities and forms of literary expression. His analysis and judgments are sought and respected by most of the modern school. He blasted his own path, starting at Hawley, Idaho, getting as far as the University of Pennsylvania by his 16th year, Hamilton... Continue... Pp 97 0831.86.0420 Circa 1950
The Last Wanigan (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago, Not dated.) Curtis, Kent First published in 1929 by Coward-McCann, New York. "In 1915 and again in 1916, the author, with three good companions, voyaged in canoes from the Turtle river, which joins (or used to) the Manitowish to from the Flambeau; down the Flambeau to the Chippewa and down the Mississippi ... twenty-one days to Prairie du Chien. In those days it was one of the world’s finest canoe trips... But a third trip, in 1923..." (Dust Jacket.) Includes over 60 black and white drawings by the... Continue... Pp 151 0831.39.0814 1950
What is modern design? (Soft Cover) (Published by The Museum of Modern Art, New York) Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr.; MOMA Introductory Series to the Modern Arts, 3. "Why is design important? Why is modern design today different from that of 1920 or even 1940? These are large questions to be answered in so small a book, but pioneering generations of modern designers and teachers have provided work and ideas which point to the answers." Acquired this booklet under the assumption that, like the next, "What is modern interior design?" 1953, it would included information concerning Frank Lloyd... Continue... Pp 32 0831.34.113 1951 1951
Mostra Di Frank Lloyd Wright (Exhibition Of Frank Lloyd Wright). City of Florence, Palazzo Strozzi. Dialogue: “Broadacre City.” Exhibition Of Frank Lloyd Wright. Italian Studio of Art History, May 15, 1951. As previewed at Gimbel Brothers, Philadelphia, APA., January 1951. Wright, Frank Lloyd; Stonorov, Oskar Produced for the exhibition “Sixty Years of Living Architecture” held in Florence Italy, 1951. Text of a conversation between Frank Lloyd Wright and Oskar Stonorov concerning Broadacre City. A Preview of the exhibition was held in Philadelphia (January 1951). The world wide tour opened in Palazzo Strozzi Florence, Italy (June 1951).
Frank Lloyd. Wright: Oskar, what is that you wish me to clarify on the idea of Broadacre City?... Continue... (Sweeney #833)Pp 5 0833.00.0524 1951
Meeting House of The First Unitarian Society of Madison, Wisconsin (Soft Cover) (Published by the Committee on Publications & Publicity. First Unitarian Society, Madison, Wisconsin) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Anonymous Frank Lloyd Wright, architect. Marshall E, Erdman & Associates, builders. "The Unitarian faith is a faith in a living, growing mankind. The growth of man is better told by his buildings then by anything else. No Unitarian would, if he could, neglect the more difficult task of decentralization which face us now, particularly as a people, for a people. So when the churchman came to me with a lot in the city of Madison on which to build their church of tomorrow, I said, as a Unitarian and an architect... Continue... Pp 12 0857.35.0818 1951 Elements of Interior Design and Decoration (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by J.B. Lippincott Company, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York) Whiton, Sherrill Influences of Wright and Sullivan. Includes references on Wright and one photograph of the living room at Taliesin by Stoller. Original HC List Price $7.50. (First Edition) Pp 335,386-8 0834.01.0201 1951
Florida Southern College; Interlachen 1951 (Yearbook) (Published by Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida) Florida Southern College Page 5: "To The Students at Florida Southern College: When Dr. Spivey - the good genius at Florida Southern College – flew up to Taliesin about thirteen years ago this spring – he came with the avowed purpose of giving the United States at least one example of a college wherein modern life was to have the advantages of modern science and the art in actual building construction. He told me he wanted me as much for my philosophy as for my architecture. I assured him they were... Continue... Pp 248 0857.31.0617 1951
Fun In Verse (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Foreword by Thomas Dreier.) Frost, Mary In these two serious days it is more than ever a pleasure to find the chewer quip, the wise aphorism, dressed in gay colors of jollity, to find the presenting of a few of life’s heavy requirements in guise of friendly jokes. This desirable experience may be found in the pages of Mrs. Frost’s delightful book. Fun In Verse. One of Chicago’s features in things that happen and written her viewpoint down for the delectation of her friends... (Dust jacket.) Original list price $2.00. 6.25 x 9.25 (First Edition) Pp 48 0857.25.0415 1951
Spindrift (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, The Alderbrink Press, Chicago. Printed on a light beige stock, trimmed top and bottom, others uncut.)
Fuller, Eugene White A compilation of 28 verses, some of which first appeared in the Chicago Tribune. "Look where the spindrift on that blackened crest, Rides like a horseman plunging up the wind, High struggling image, to the gods addressed, All soon, engulfed, down-beaten and chagrined." Original list price $2.00. 6 x 9 (First Edition)
Pp 43 0857.27.0116 1952 1952 Frank Lloyd Wright / Sixty Years of Living Architecture (Hard Cover) (Published by Verlag Buchdruckerei Winterthur AG, Winterthur und Verlag Hermann Rinn, Munchen) Moser, Werner Cloth Edition (In German) (First Edition) (Sweeney 858) Pp 100 0858.00.0300 1952 Frank Lloyd Wright / Sixty Years of Living Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by Verlag Buchdruckerei Winterthur AG, Winterthur) Moser, Werner Soft Cover Edition (In German) (First Edition) (Sweeney 858) Pp 100 0858.02.0602 1952 Frank Lloyd Wright: 60 Jabre Architektur (Soft Cover) (Published by Veranstalter: Ausstellungsleitung Munchen E.V. Haus Der Kunst) (Presented by the House of Kunst, a Museum, Munich. Cover and Poster Design: Stefan P. Munsing. German Graphic Arts Institute, Munich) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Bartning, Otto; Stonorov, Oskar Published in German and English. A catalogue for the traveling exhibit “Sixty Years of Living Architecture.” 16. May 16 to June 15, 1952 in Munich, Germany. “To Germany. To two great but various cultures I owe most in that strange occurrence we call our education: to Old Germany and Old Japan. Both are no more except as they are alive and working in the soul of all humanity today. I'm happy to say they are so in mine. Both were working in what you will see of this exhibition of a large portion of my... Continue... (Sweeney 861) Pp 71 0861.00.0504 1952 Exposition de L’oeuvre de Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Stonorov, Oskar French catalog for the traveling exhibition "Sixty Years of Living Architecture", Paris, April 1952. In French. (First Edition) (Sweeney 862) Pp 14 0862.00.0105 1952 Frank Lloyd Wright: L’Architecture Organique Regarde (Organic Architecture Looks at Modern Architecture) Text on back: "LA PRODUCTRICE, 51, rue St-Sauveur (2°)". (Published and produced in conjunction with the 1952 Paris catalog for "Sixty Years of Living Architecture". Written by Wright, and either published by Wright to look like a "Square-Paper" or by Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris.) Wright, Frank Lloyd A L'Occasion De L'Exposition De Son Oeuvre. A L’Ecole Des Beaux-Arts A Paris. (On the Occasion of the Exposition of His Work, at the School of Fine Arts, Paris.) Written at Taliesin West and dated February 1952. "Organic Architecture Looks at Modern Architecture" was published in Architectural Record, May 1952. See "In The Cause of Architecture", 1975. Also published in "Collected Writings, V5", 1995. 8.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp 4 0862.01.0606 1952 Frank Lloyd Wright: Rotterdam Ahoy’-gebouw (Published by the Academie van Beeldende Kunsten en Technische) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Oud, J.J.P. Catalogue for the traveling exhibit “Sixty years of Living Architecture” in Rotterdam. Inside Cover: “To Holland” by Wright, June 1st, 1952. Also includes “fllw” by Oud. SC. Includes 13 photos and illustrations. 8.5 x 8.5 (First Edition) (Sweeney 863) Pp 24 0863.00.0306 1952 Taliesin Drawings: Recent Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright Selected from His Drawings (Soft Cover) (Published by Wittenborn, Schuyltz, Inc., New York, as the sixth volume of the series "Problems of Contemporary Art") Wright, Frank Lloyd; Comments by Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. "This small book is the first in over half a century to present the architecture of Wright as it emanates from Taliesin and Taliesin Wets in the forms of drawing. Among the 19 recent structures represented here, only eight have ever been published previously..." Includes 57 illustrations. Original SC List Price $2.50. Review in Saturday Review. (Two copies) (First Edition) (Sweeney 864) Pp 63 0864.00.0600 0864.00.0898 1952 Built in USA: Post war Architecture (Hard Cover) (Published by The Museum of Modern Art, Distributed by Simon & Schuster, New York) Hitchcock, Henry-Russell & Drexler, Arthur Three Chapters on Frank Lloyd Wright (First Edition) Pp 1-2, 17, 27-30,114-123 0869.01.1201 1952
Chess Game and Other Poems (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) DeLamarter, Jeanne A compilation of 53 poems. "Thanks are due the Christian Science Monitor for permission to reprint ‘In Miniature," and the Chicago Tribune for permission to reprint several other poems in this volume." "Marching across the squares they go their ways, inexorably piloted by had, by brain and thought are woven in a maze of war and beauty, visioned, destined, planned, slanting sun diffuses them through sherry..." (First Edition) 6 x 9 Pp 70 0910.28.1014 1952
Dynamic Dissonance in Nature and the Arts. Pablo Picasso, Frank Lloyd Wright, James Joyce, Henry Moore, Ezra Pound, Arnold Schoenberg. (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Farrar, Straus and Young, Inc., New York. Designed by Merle Armitage in 1952 and printed by the Hallmark-Hubner Press, New York.) Danz, Louis "This is one of the most revolutionary books on aesthetics to appear in a hundred years, a book of sharp and deep observations to rebuke the pallid ‘art criticism’ of our day. It is certain to create a storm..." (dust jacket).
"We seek such a man. We seek the architect who gives us everything the machine age can and besides gives us the richness life has to offer. We seek a man who is sunlight and climate, landscape and soil, color and texture, a man who lives his architecture... Continue...Pp 261 0910.25.1213 1952
Florida Southern College; Interlachen 1952 (Hard Back) (Published by Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida) Florida Southern College Florida Southern College Yearbook includes and helps date photographs of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings on the campus. Photographs related to Wright’s work are included on pages 1, 3, 4, 5, 61, 107, 110, 123, 132, 184. 9 x 12.25 (First Edition) Pp 192 0910.82.1224 1952 Roots of Contemporary American Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Mumford, Lewis; Wright, Frank Lloyd 1) Ch. 16: "Nature as Architecture, The Bad Lands." Reprinted from Frank Lloyd Wright on Architecture, 1941, pages 191-199. 2) Ch. 20: "The Art and Craft of the Machine." Reprinted from Modern Architecture, 1931, pages 7-23. Originally delivered at Hull House, Chicago, in 1901. 3) Biographical Sketches: Frank Lloyd Wright. Original HC List Price $7.00. (First Edition) Pp 132-140, 169-185, 435-6 0869.03.0804 1952
The Rise of the Skyscraper (Hard Cover DJ) Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago; Cambridge University Press, London; W.J. Gage & Co., Limited, Toronto) Condit, Carl W. The building boom in Chicago that followed on the great fire of 1871 fast became an aesthetic revolution. Chicago was suddenly the leader in an architectural renaissance which was to leave its mark on the cities of the world. For in the space of a quarter-century, stone masonry, with its age old limitations, was triumphantly replaced by the steel skeleton of the worlds first skyscraper. Brilliant and creative architects -- such man is Sullivan, Burnham, Jenny, Root, Richardson, Adler, Roche, Holabird... Continue... Pp 255 0910.38.0418 1953 1953
7 Arts (Soft Cover) (Published by Permabooks, a division of Doubleday & Company, Inc. Garden City, New York) Selected and edited by Fernando Puma Wright, Frank Lloyd A compilation of published in relationship to the arts and includes a reprint of Frank Lloyd Wright’s "Organic Architecture" originally published in Architectural Record, May, 1952. "The principles of Frank Lloyd Wright’s "organic architecture" we're actually written in 1894. They were first published an article by Wright in Architectural Record, March 1908, and are republished here, along with his current article. His credo, dated 1894 but difficult to improve upon today, is important background... (Sweeney 909) Continue... Pp 64-74 0909.01.1017 1953 Frank Lloyd Wright At the National Institute of Art and Letters By the Recipient of the Gold Medal for Architecture May 27, 1953. (Soft Cover) Wright, Frank Lloyd Two versions. I would say this is the first printing. Slightly different changes. Two Copies (First Edition) (Sweeney 911) Pp 6 0911.00.0904 0911.00.0305 1953 Frank Lloyd Wright: Small Exhibition of Organic Architecture (Soft Cover) Wright, Frank Lloyd Two versions. I would say this is the second printing. At the National Institute of Art and Letters By the Recipient of the Gold Medal for Architecture May 27, 1953. An exhibit catalogue. (First Edition) (Sweeney 911) Pp 6 0911.01.1201 1953 Sixty Years of Living Architecture. The work of Frank Lloyd Wright. (Soft Cover) (Published by The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. (Four copies) (First Edition) (Sweeney 912) Pp 36
- 0912.00.0300
- 0912.02.0102
- 0912.03.0402 0912.04.0403
1953 Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York. First edition appears to include a red square on the outside edge of the front and back end pages.) Wright, Frank Lloyd A collection of previously published work including "A Conversation with Hugh Downs" broadcast May 17, 1953; "Modern Architecture"; "Two Lectures"; "Architecture and Modern Life"; "An Organic Architecture"; "Organic Architecture". Red letter version and “220 West 42nd Street” address on dust jacket. Review in Saturday Review. Original HC List Price $7.50. 8.25 x 10.25. (First Edition) (Sweeney 913) Pp 326 0913.01.0100 1953 Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd Boxed set of three which also includes “The Natural House” and “The Living City”. Red letter version and “220 West 42nd Street” address on dust jacket. Original HC list price $7.50. 8.25 x 10.25. (First Edition) (Sweeney 913)
Pp 326 0913.00.0107 1953 Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd Original HC List Price $7.50. (First Edition) (Two Copies) (Sweeney 913) Pp 326 0913.02.0999 0913.04.0898 1953
Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York. This edition does not indicate second edition, but is missing the red square on the front and back end pages.) Wright, Frank Lloyd "It begins with the long, widely discussed ‘Conversation’ (1953) in which Mr. Wright, at the height of his career, explains his aims and contributions in architecture. By gesture and example as he talks, he here brings home to us in the most graphic and exciting way the essence of his masterwork which has dominated the world of architecture in the twentieth century..." (Dust Jacket.) A collection of previously published work including "A Conversation with Hugh Downs" broadcast May 17, 1953; "Modern Architecture... Continue...
Pp 326 0913.07.1216 1953 Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover - Rebound by the Milwaukee Public Library) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd Original HC List Price $7.50. (Sweeney 913) Pp 326 0913.03.0200 1953 Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Bramhall House, A Division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., New York) Second Copy Wright, Frank Lloyd Bramhall House published a less expensive edition. The only difference is that red square is missing. (Second Bramhall Edition) (Sweeney 913) Pp 326 0913.06.0205 1953 Frank Lloyd Wright, The Future of Architecture (Hard Cover) (Published by Bramhall House, A Division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd Bramhall House published a less expensive edition. The only difference is that red square is missing. (Second Bramhall Edition) (Sweeney 913) Pp 326 0913.05.0699 1953
The Usonian House. The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright. A Feature of the Exhibition: 60 Years of Living Architecture At The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. New York. November 1953. (Signed) (Soft Cover) (Published by The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. A pamphlet describing the Usonian House that was built on the grounds of the Future Guggenheim Museum as part of the exhibition: Sixty Years of Living Architecture. "To say the original of this Usonian house, planted by myself on the good earth of the Chicago prairie as early as 1900 or earlier, was the first truly democratic expression in Architecture of our... Two copies, one signed by Frank Lloyd Wright: "F. LL. W. (Office)."(Sweeney 926) ... Continue... Pp 10 0926.00.0600 0926.00.0919 1953 Florida Southern College, Lakeland: The Frank Lloyd Wright Campus. (Soft Cover) (Published by Florida Southern College) Florida Southern College Includes a reprinted article about the campus from the September 1952 Architectural Forum. (First Edition) (I believe this to be Sweeney 936) Pp 24 0936.00.0304 1953
What is modern interior design? (Soft Cover) (Published by The Museum of Modern Art, New York) Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr. Introductory Series to the Modern Arts, 4. "This booklet grew from a small exhibition first prepared for the Museum of Modern Art in 1947, Modern Rooms of the Last Fifty Years. Its purpose is to show the art of arranging objects for agreeable living as this art developed in the first century of modern design. 1850-1950; to observe in this history a few dominant traits; and to show that these traits are evident in good interiors today. It is intended as a companion and supplement to a booklet... Continue... Pp 32 0987.65.1213 1953 United States Lines: Paris Review (Presented by Marcel Coudeyre in collaboration with the United States Lines Services for the Passengers aboard the s.s United States and the s.s America. Printed in June 1953 on presses of masters printers Arrault et Cie Tours.) Coudeyre, Marcel; Mathieu, Geroge A. "With the advent of the steamship ‘United States’ there was born a new era in shipbuilding in surface transport, an era which calls for advanced and ever advancing methods... It seams appropriate, therefore, in planning this Review that stress should be laid upon the modern trends in other fields of endeavor - the field of Art, Literature, Music and Science... Committee of Honor. The following distinguished persons have kindly agreed to be included... Continue... Pp 136 0987.37.0311 1953
Corridors Of Time (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Alderbrink. Printed on beige laid paper with the watermark:"Linweave Text [Overlapping "LT" ] Made in U.S.A." Top and bottom edges trimmed, side uncut. Boards covered in dark brown cloth, text on cover and spine gilt.) Sanderson, Isabel The second book published by the author. A compilation of 73 poems. Her verses were published in many national magazines, and she also wrote many verses for Hallmark greeting cards. She wrote three books of poetry, Clipped Wing, 1947, Corridors of Time, 1953, and Candles in My Heart, 1957. Her most famous poem ‘He Ain't Heavy, Father… He's My Brother,’ was used on Christmas cards sold by Boys Town near Omaha Nebraska.’ Frontispiece is a portrait of Isabel Sanderson by John Howard... Continue... Pp 92 0987.125.0521 1953
Pale Ink. Two Ancient Records of Chinese Exploration in America (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Printed on fine beige paper with the watermark "Alexandra Japan, Strathmore, U.S.A." Top edge trimmed, others uncut.) Mertz, Henriette "Preface. Four thousand years is a long time to wait. One of the stories, recounted here for the very first time, has waited that long - the second story has waited fifteen hundred years. Both stories, written in China and appearing here in English translation, were written at an early date and both have been carefully preserved in the Chinese archives from that day to this - both still exist. This writing hopes to show that the context of both documents is true. The earliest one has been assumed to be mythological and... Continue... Pp 158 0987.89.0317 0987.93.0917 1954 1954
Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover) (Published in Japanese by The Shokousha Publishing Co., Inc., Tokyo, Japan) Edited by: Amano, Taro; Higuchi, Kiyoshi; Ikuta, Tutomu; Essay: Prof. Baldinger, Wallace Published in Japanese. Frontispieces, Taliesin West (2), Friedman (1). Section I appears to include introductions, and 29 small B&W photographs with descriptions. . Section II includes 146 plates of Fallingwater, Hanna, Jacobs I, Cloverleaf (Project), Sturges, Pauson, Hartford Resort (Project), Broadacre, Florida Southern College, SC Johnson, Walter, Jacobs II, Friedman, A. Adelman, Pew, Mossberg, David Wright, V.C. Morris, Unitarian Meeting... Continue... (Sweeney 988) Pp 158 0988.00.0515 1954 Buildings By Frank Lloyd Wright in Six Middle Western States: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin (Published by Burnham Library of Architecture, The Art Institute of Chicago) Originally compiled by Library Assistant Etta Arntzen Type written text. Originally published in 1949. "This list is an extension of our list of the same title prepared in 1949." Most of the data is based on Hitchcock’s "In The Nature of Materials". Mr. Masselinck also assisted. An annotated list by areas, including address, date of construction, owner’s name and a brief description. "Corrected addresses, recent remodeling and demolitions have been noted where known... Continue... (Second Edition) (Sweeney 989) Pp 14 0989.00.1212 1954 Homes of the Brave (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York) Robsjohn-Gibbings, T.H. Chapter 2: "Organic Architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright. ...It is incorrect to assume - as some of Wright’s disciples do - that the American art of living began with Wright... Of all who contribute to the new house during the nineteenth century, three men were outstanding. They were Horatio Greenough, Louis Sullivan, and Frank Lloyd Wright... To people living in an age of abundance, Wright’s conception seemed at first to offer less... People, land, and building... Continue... (First Edition) Pp 7-16 0990.00.0112 1954 Sixty Years of Living Architecture. The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright. (Soft Cover) (Published by The Municipal Art Patrons and the Art Commission of Los Angeles, California) Wright, Frank Lloyd A catalogue for the traveling exhibition Sixty Years of Living Architecture, exhibited in 1956 at Hollyhock House, Los Angeles. Includes Fifty-two photographs and illustrations related to the work of Frank Lloyd Wright as well as one portrait. Four copies. Three acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway. Set of three copies were included in a lot related to Cary Caraway.8.5 x 8.5 (First Edition) (Sweeney 991) Pp 36 0991.00.1199 0991.01.1121 (A-C) 1954 The Natural House (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover DJ, Thin board) (Red Letter - Which appears to be the true First Edition) Wright, Frank Lloyd Horizon did not indicate first or second edition, but made slight changes. On the cloth cover, this edition has a "FLLW / 54" in black lettering within the red box. Text in black just to the right, "The Natural House." Spine: "Frank Lloyd Wright" (Black), "The Natural House" (Red), "Horizon" (Black). The first page adjacent to the inside front cover has a large red square (5.5 x 5.5") with the words "Frank Lloyd Wright", a repeat of the dust jacket. Frontispiece has a portrait of... Continue... (Sweeney 992) Pp 223 0992.00.0699 1954
The Natural House (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover DJ, Thin board) (Red Letter - Which appears to be the true First Edition) (Note, exactly like first edition, but only change to volume is missing "54" on front cover. Only change on dust jacket, $7.50 on Inside Flap and on Back Cover.) Wright, Frank Lloyd Horizon did not indicate first or second edition, but made slight changes. On the cloth cover, this edition has a "FLLW" in black lettering within the red box but is missing the "54". Text in black just to the right, "The Natural House." Spine: "Frank Lloyd Wright" (Black), "The Natural House" (Red), "Horizon" (Black). The first page adjacent to the inside front cover has a large red square (5.5 x 5.5") with the words "Frank Lloyd Wright", a repeat of the dust jacket. Frontispiece has a portrait of Wright with a... Continue... (Sweeney 992) Pp 223 0992.09.1116 1954 The Natural House (Hard Cover DJ, Thin board) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd Not indicated as a second edition, but is missing items from the first edition. Missing "54" in red box on the cloth cover. Missing red box and text on inside front and back covers. Interior remains the same. Boxed set which also includes "The Living City" and "The Future of Architecture". "220 West 42nd Street" address on dust jacket. Price has also changed... Continue... (Second Edition) (Sweeney 992)
Pp 223 0992.02.0107 1954
The Natural House (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover, Thick stiff board) Wright, Frank Lloyd Not indicated as third edition, but additional changes. Small red box missing from frontispiece. Cover board is thicker and stiffer. Interior remains the same. 8.25 x 10.25. (Third Edition) (Sweeney 992) Pp 223 0992.03.0499 1954
The Natural House (Hard Cover, Thick stiff board) (Published by Bramhall House, a division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc. New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd First Bramhall Edition. Bramhall House published a less expensive edition. Red square only (no text) on cloth cover. Text on spine is all in red. Small red box missing from frontispiece. Cover board is thicker and stiffer. Interior remains the same. 8 x 10.25. (First Bramhall Edition) (Sweeney 992) Pp 223 0992.04.0499 1954
The Natural House (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Bramhall House, A Division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd Third Bramhall Edition. Bramhall House published a less expensive edition of Horizon Press books. Third Bramhall Edition indicated with a "(C)" on the page with publishing information. Red square only (no text) on cloth cover. Text on spine is all in red. Small red box missing from frontispiece. Cover board is thicker and stiffer. Interior remains the same. 8 x 10.25. (Third Bramhall Edition) (Sweeney 992) Pp 223 0992.05.0205 1954
Frank Lloyd Wright (Stiff Soft Cover) (Published by II Balcone, Milano, Italy. First published in 1947. A revised and expanded edition, first published in 1947.) Zevi, Bruno Volume 3 in the series “Architetti del movimento moderno” (Architects of the modern movement). Italian text. Inside cover: “Tra tutti gli architetti moderni, Frank Lloyd Wright Zevi, Bruno costituisce la personalita intorno a cui maggiormente si centra l'odierna critica architettonica. Gia attivamente operante all'alba del secolo, quest'uomoe ancora oggi alla ribalta della creazione e della polemica...” (Of all modern architects, Frank Lloyd Wright is the personality around which today's... Continue... (Sweeney 998) Pp 174 0998.00.0321 1954
Carving His Own Destiny. The Story of Albin Polasek (Soft Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) Sherwood, Ruth This biography of a great American sculptor-artist, Albin Polasek, selected a the one of foreign birth "to have contributed most richly to American culture," tells of his boyhood life in the Besksydy Mountains of old Moravia, now Checko-Slovakia, an environment strange and unfamiliar to Americans, and now forever past... The edition is handsomely designed and produced. Forty-one full page reproductions of sculptural works enrich its more than 400 pages. It is printed on heavy, fine... Continue... Pp 453 1045.25.0214 1954
Materialization Of An Urge (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) Weissenborn, Leo J. A registered architect since 1932, Weissenborn was a native of Sauk City, Wisconsin, and achieved his greatest frame in Chicago. His numerous architectural achievements began with his work on the famous Chicago Tribune Tower and his later project included the WGN Studio Building in Chicago. Chapter XI... "No story of contemporary architects would be complete without some reference to Frank Lloyd Wright who’s colorful career began in Wisconsin then expanded to all parts of this... Continue... Pp 63 1045.43.1117 1954
Nothing But Nonsense (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) Lyon, Leverett Light verses from the pen of an experienced and usually serious-minded writer. A compilation of 117 poems.
Higher Education.
"I read a book on writing verse;
It stirred me, so, for good or worse,
Though no one but myself I please,
I started writing lines like these.
I read a book on mathematics;
Became an expert... Continue...Pp 118 1045.27.1214 1954
Our Midwest: Episodes in the Life of Some Individuals Who Helped Shape the Growth of Our Midwest; Stories of Certain Settlements, Roads, Taverns, and Experiences Encountered when Traveling in the Early Days. (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago, Illinois) Seymour, Ralph Fletcher Written, illustrated and published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. "A book of historical episodes and stories told informally and with some humor, of events in lives of various personalities who were factors in the character forming days of the ever changing mid-west, of religious and economic experiments, early settlements, first roads, tavern life, highway hold-ups, Indians wars, frontier romances, notable deeds of our forefathers; who through it all managed to stay alive, putting in most of the... Continue... Pp 165 1045.22.0214 1954 Portraits of Keats (Hard Cover) (Published by The World Publishing Company, Cleveland, New York) Parson, Donald "Lovers of the poetry of John Keats - and their numbers have grown prodigiously since his death n 1821 - can by no means be sure of the personal appearance of their literary idol. Good likenesses of his notable contemporaries abound..." Extensive and exhaustive look at the portraits of Keats and those that portrayed him. Includes one un-numbered color plate and 94 numbered black and white plates. Ex-library book, "Donated by author’s granddaughter S. Maria Parson, ‘70". 7.25 x 10.25. (First Edition) (Relates to our Wright Study on the The Eve of St. Agnes) Pp 189 1045.16.0112 1955 1955 What Men Have Written About Frank Lloyd Wright. A bibliography arranged by decades from 1900 to 1955 (Published by House Beautiful Magazine, New York) Karpel, Bernard Compiled and annotated by Bernard Karpel for House Beautiful Magazine. To be used in connection with HB’s special issue of November 1955, which is devoted to the work, meaning and contribution of Frank Lloyd Wright. "Prophetically enough, the earliest significant association of Frank Lloyd Wright in the company of print occurred with ‘The House Beautiful, in a setting designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.’ This limited edition of a text by William C. Gannett was issued in 1897, and is charmingly... Continue... (Sweeney 1046) Pp 34 1046.00.0606 1046.01.1121 1046.02.1121 1955 The Shingle Style and the Stick Style 1955
Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Editorial Nueva Vision, Buenos Aires) Tedeschi, Enrico Text in Spanish. Section one is a study of Frank Lloyd Wright’s life and work. Section two includes a description and photographs of Wright’s work, including: The Coonley Residence (12 photographs and illustrations); Robie House (10); S. C. Johnson (16). A total of 38 photographs and illustrations. Cover flap includes a short biography of the author. 5.6 x 7.75 (First Edition) (Sweeney 1049) Pp 87 1049.00.0819 1955 An American Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Kaufmann, Edgar “Wright in now universally regarded as one of history’s great men - the man has liberated architecture, the man whose work is changing the face of the earth.” Includes 250 photographs and illustrations. The first page has a red square in the top right hand corner. Hand written note: It as given as a gift on Dec. 9, 1955. The dust jacket list the price as $10 on the front cover flap and the address for Horizon Press as 220 West 42nd Street, New York 36 on... Continue... (Sweeney 1050) Pp 269 1050.00.1206 1955 An American Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Kaufmann, Edgar While this version indicates it to be a first edition, it varies from the first volume. The first page does not have a red square in the top right hand corner. The dust jacket list the price as $15 on the front cover flap and the address for Horizon Press as 156 Fifth Avenue, New York 10 on the back cover and back cover flap. It also lists the price for The Natural House as $7.50. Comparing this to the previous book leads me to believe that the red square in Wright... Continue... (Sweeney 1050) Pp 269 1050.01.0999 1955 An American Architecture (Hard Cover) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Kaufmann, Edgar This version matches the version with the red square. No DJ. Original HC List Price $15.00. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1050) Pp 269 1050.02.0499 1955 An American Architecture (Hard Cover) (Published by Bramhall House, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Kaufmann, Edgar This Bramhall House version is the same on the inside, but has a different binding. (Third Bramhall Edition) (Sweeney 1050) Pp 269 1050.03.0399 1955 Mon Autobiographie (An Autobiography) (Soft Cover with DJ) (Published by Librairie Plon, Paris) Wright, Frank Lloyd French Version. Original SC List Price 2.400 fr. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1059) Pp 294 1059.00.0404 1955 Mon Autobiographie (An Autobiography) (Soft Cover and Hard Cover: Ex Library copy) (Published by Librairie Plon, Paris) Wright, Frank Lloyd, Translated by Castier, Jules French Version. Original SC List Price 2.400 fr. One copy bound by the City of Verdun Public Library, Quebec, Canada. French Version. Original SC List Price 2.400 fr. Includes 18 B&W photographs. Two copies. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1059) Pp 294 1059.00.0699 1059.00.0613 1955
Io E L’Architettura, Frank Lloyd Wright, Volume I (An Autobiograpy) (Hard Cover DJ) (Published and edited by Arnoldo Mondadori, Milan, Italy) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Arnoldo Mondadori Volume One. Dust Jacket: "An autobiography, like this one by Wright, is not just a long story of things and people, but a significant movement of the spirit. His life is therefore the life of organic architecture, of which he was the founder and greatest exponent in opposition to the aestheticism which, summed up in abstract modules, circulated in Europe at the beginning of the century. From the gradual birth of the new theory we witness in these pages its evolution and then its materialization... Continue... Pp 1-276 1059.01.0721 1955
Io E L’Architettura, Frank Lloyd Wright, Volume II (An Autobiograpy) (Hard Cover DJ) (Published and edited by Arnoldo Mondadori, Milan, Italy) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Arnoldo Mondadori Volume Two. Dust Jacket: "An autobiography, like this one by Wright, is not just a long story of things and people, but a significant movement of the spirit. His life is therefore the life of organic architecture, of which he was the founder and greatest exponent in opposition to the aestheticism which, summed up in abstract modules, circulated in Europe at the beginning of the century. From the gradual birth of the new theory we witness in these pages its evolution and then its materialization... Continue... Pp 277-586 1059.02.0721 1955
Io E L’Architettura, Frank Lloyd Wright, Volume III (An Autobiograpy) (Hard Cover DJ) (Published and edited by Arnoldo Mondadori, Milan, Italy)Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Arnoldo Mondadori Volume Three. Dust Jacket: "An autobiography, like this one by Wright, is not just a long story of things and people, but a significant movement of the spirit. His life is therefore the life of organic architecture, of which he was the founder and greatest exponent in opposition to the aestheticism which, summed up in abstract modules, circulated in Europe at the beginning of the century. From the gradual birth of the new theory we witness in these pages its evolution and then its materialization... Continue... Pp 587-854 1059.03.0721 1955
The Struggle Within (Hard Cover with and without DJ) (Published by Horizontal Press, New York) Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd "...For more than twenty years, Mrs. Wright’s work in the teaching of philosophy in its relation to the religions of the world and to the arts of life, has been a major contribution to the Taliesin Fellowship. Her teaching has inspired the growth of various groups that have been formed around her work in several cities in the united States..." (From dust jacket). Original list price $3.00. Two copies, with and without dust jacket. 5.5 x 8.5 (First Edition) (Sweeney 1060) Pp 176 1060.00.1215 1060.00.1216 1955 The Class of 1955, Princeton University Senior Banquet Princeton University Program for the Princeton University Class of 1955, Senior Banquet on March 16, 1955, Dillon Gymnasium. Frank Lloyd Wright Guest of Honor. Address by Mr. Wright. (First Edition) Pp 4 1060.01.0202 1955 Florida Southern College; Interlachen 1955 (Hard Cover Yearbook) Florida Southern College To bring us today, The college of tomorrow. Text and images of Wright designed buildings (Pp 14-31). FLW... The greatest Architect of our times. Text and images of Wright (Pp 34-35). Down through the years... Construction of Wright buildings (Pp 316-321). (First Edition) Pp 2 5 14-35 64 184 -5 256 9 316-21 1060.02.0404 1955
Frank Lloyd Wright Testimonial Dinner (Soft Cover) (Published by the Testimonial Dinner Committee, Madison, Wisc.) Caraway, Cary; Lescohier, Mary; Groves, Helen Monona Terrace Testimonial Banquet. February 10, 1955. In 1954 the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that Wright owed $10,000 in back taxes on Taliesin. For years he had argued that Taliesin was primarily a school and therefore tax exempt. He was so mad he threatened to destroy Taliesin and move from the state. Cary Caraway, a former apprentice suggested that Wright’s friends express their appreciation and take up a collection. Mary Lescohier and Helen Groves made it happen. 380... Continue... Pp 4 1092.117.0719 1092.177.1121 (A-I) 1955 Schumacher’s Taliesin Line of Decorative Fabrics and Wallpaper (Published by E.W. & Co. - Sample Books, Chicago)
Sweeney lists the date as 1957 but includes: “This book is undated and possible appeared in 1955.” F. Schumacher & Co. was founded in 1889. A letter that accompanied this book states “Our Sixty-Sixth Year” which would make the publication date 1955 as Sweeney alludes to.
Also according to “Frank Lloyd Wright’s House...Schumacher, Frederic Salesmen's sample book for a line of wallpapers designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. 26 wallpaper samples (four large sample designs in six or seven smaller colorways). The wallpaper sold for $5.95 to $7.45 a roll, matched a line of fabrics also produced by Schumacher and coordinated with Wright's furniture for Heritage-Henredon. 13 large fabric samples with an additional 125 smaller samples of 5 to 30 colorways. Designs include No. 103, 504, 102, 101, 502, 104... Continue... (Sweeney 1148) Pp 36 + 1148.00.0706 1955 1955 Letter: “Our Sixty-sixth Year” (Printed by F. Schumacher & Co., New York) H.L. Rose, Sales Manager Frank Lloyd Wright and F. Schumacher & Company Present “Taliesin”. Letter accompanying the 1955 portfolio. 8.5 x 11 1148.01.0706 1955 Frank Lloyd Wright Selects the Taliesin Palette in Martin-Senour Paints (Produced by The Martin-Senour Company, Chicago) According to “Frank Lloyd Wright’s House Beautiful”, Maddex 2000, page 36, “At Elizabeth Gordon’s urging, Wright in 1955 developed a line of home furnishings for people who did not live in one of his houses.”
Martin-Senour Company Inside: House Beautiful and these manufacturers worked together to produce the Taliesin Ensemble: Heritage-Henredon, Furniture; Karastan, Rugs; The Martin-Senour Company, Paints; Minic, Accessories; F. Schumacher & Co., Fabrics & Wallpaper. Includes 36 painted swatches. Back: “In a program that reflects the American spirit and culture, Mr. Wright has designed furniture for Heritage-Henredon, fabrics and wallpaper for F. Schumacher & Co., rugs for... Continue... Pp 4 1148.06.0507 1955
Greater Madison, The Monona Terrace Project. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Taliesin Wisconsin 1955. (Soft Cover) (Published by Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin, May 1st, 1955) Wright, Frank Lloyd Frank Lloyd Wright originally conceived his design for "Olin Terrace - The Dream Civic Center" in 1938, presenting .extensive drawings, perspectives and even a model to the County Board Meeting. Like other large project, obstacle stood in the way and it fell by the wayside. The project was resurrected again in 1953 and Wright created additional drawings and on October 29, 1953 presented his plan to the citizens of Madison. Battle ensues, and on November 2, 1954 voters approved the... Continue... Pp 12 1092.103.0218 1955
Architecture, Ambition and Americans. A history of American architecture, from the beginning to the present, telling the story of the outstanding buildings, the men who designed them and the people for whom they were built. (Hard Cover) (Published by Harper & Brothers, New York)Andrews, Wayne Firsts published in 1947. Andrews published many articles in the 1940-50s. Harper’s Bazaar - July 1948; Saturday Review - November 14, 1953; Perspectives USA No. 4 - Summer 1953. Chapter 6, H: The Chicago Story. "Young Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright is credited, even by his enemies, with being the greatest architect of the twentieth century. He is the greatest artist to emerge from the Middle West, the only one who may be said to have conquered Chicago. One reason for his success is... Continue... Pp 315 1092.95.0816 1955
Man’s High Adventure. With an Introduction by Dr. A. J. Carlson, Ph.D. (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) Harper, Samuel A. "...This book is a simple explanation and correlation of a few of the great and more important facts of modern science in the hope that the reader may be able the better to understand something of the origin and nature of man and his relationship to the universe, and his present and future responsibility for the improvement of himself and the human race..." (Back cover.) Inscribed by the author, "Inscribed with the best wishes of the author - Samuel A. Harper." Cover as well as title page Printer’s Device illustrated by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Original list price $3.00. 6.1 x 8.75 (First Edition) Pp 135 1092.96.0716 1956 1956 The Price Tower. Promotional folder and items. (Published by the H. C. Price Co., Bartlesville, Oklahoma) Wright, Frank Lloyd; H. C. Price Co. The Price Tower, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, February 9, 1956. A two-color folder which includes: Seven 8 x 10 prints; Six post cards; “Personal Commentary by Frank Lloyd Wright”; "Typical Office Floor"; "Notes on the Structure”; An advertisement for "The Story of the Tower". Set missing matching envelope. 8.75 x 11. Two sets. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1093) Pp 4 1093.00.0303 1093.14.0507 1956 The Price Tower. Personal Commentary by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Published by the H. C. Price Co., Bartlesville, Oklahoma) Wright, Frank Lloyd Booklet included in The Price Tower Promotional Folder. “Toward all I raise high the Perpendicular Hand...” Wright comments of the skyscraper, the Price Tower and St. Mark’s. “...Witness this release of the skyscraper from slavery (commercial bondage) to a humane freedom by Hal Price.” Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin West. 3 x 9. Two copies. (First Edition) Pp 8 1093.11.0303 1093.28.0507 1956
The Price Tower. Typical Office Floor. (Published by the H. C. Price Co., Bartlesville, Oklahoma) Wright, Frank Lloyd; H. C. Price Co. Pamphlet included in The Price Tower Promotional Folder. “This model professional office is laid out using the modula system which is shown in dotted lines” Includes one illustration of the typical floor plan. 4 x 10. (First Edition) Pp 4 1093.29.0507 1956 The Price Tower. Notes on the Structure. (Published by the H. C. Price Co., Bartlesville, Oklahoma) Wright, Frank Lloyd; H. C. Price Co. Pamphlet included in The Price Tower Promotional Folder. Text includes specifics about the Price Tower. Includes one photograph that covers the front and back cover. 4 x 10. Two copies. (First Edition) Pp 4 1093.12.0303 1093.30.0507 1956 The Story of The Tower. (Published by Horizon Press inc., New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Horizon Press inc. Flyer included in The Price Tower Promotional Folder. “The Story of the Tower. The Tree that Escaped the Crowded Forest.” Includes information about the book, an order form and one illustration. 9.1 x 6. (First Edition) Pp 2 1093.31.0507 1956
The Price Tower. (Published by the H. C. Price Co., Bartlesville, Oklahoma) H. C. Price Co. Pamphlet. "The Price Tower. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. General Contractor: Culwell Construction Co., Oklahoma City." Informational pamphlet about the Price Tower. Probably handed out to potential residential and business renters. Includes an introduction by Harold C Price, Facts about the Price Tower, and A Word about H. C. Price Co. Includes three photographs and one illustration. 5.5 x 8.5. Four Copies included with folder. (First Edition) Pp 4 1093.32.0507 1093.33.0507 1093.34.0507 1093.35.0507 1956 Sixty Years of Living Architecture. Series Nine Chicago. Early Chicago Buildings. Later Cantilever Structures Including Mile-High Illinois (Soft Cover) (Sponsored by the Frank Ll0yd Wright Day Committee, Chicago, Illinois) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Daley, Richard J. A catalogue for the traveling exhibition Sixty Years of Living Architecture, exhibited from October 16 - 18, 1956 at the Hotel Sherman, Chicago. Includes a proclaimed by Mayor Richard J. Daley. Sponsored by The Frank Lloyd Wright Day Committee. Also includes a four page insert "The Mile-High Illinois" which describes and gives specifications about the mile-high skyscraper, dated October 1, 1956. Forty-seven photographs and illustrations related to Frank Lloyd Wright’s work are reproduced... Continue... (Sweeney 1094) Pp 36 1094.00.0102 1094.03.1121 (A-F) 1956
The Mile-High Illinois (Inserted with the above booklet) Wright, Frank Lloyd Inserted into the above booklet. Four page insert into the Sixty Years of Living Architecture Exhibition Catalog, Chicago. "The Mile-High Illinois. Cantilever Sky-City. One Mile High Tripod in Plan. Four Sections. Aluminum or Stainless Steel Exterior. Especially Designed Tandem-Cab, Ratchet Elevator Service Atomic Power. Escalator Service Three Basements and First Five Floors. Four Four-lane Approaches to Four Entrances. One at Each Corner. Parking for 15,000 Cars and Two... Continue... (Sweeney 1094) Pp 4 1094.01.0102 1094.04.1121 1956
Frank Lloyd Wright Day in Chicago Layout (Signed) (Produced by Cary Caraway with Frank Lloyd Wright) (Note: This item included an archive of other Caraway/Wright items) Caraway, Cary Layout for a booklet for the Frank Lloyd Wright Day in Chicago. Signed within the red square by Frank Lloyd Wright. "Sixty Years of Living Architecture" was exhibited in Chicago from October 16, 17 and 18, 1956 at the Hotel Sherman, Chicago. Frank Lloyd Wright’s Mile-High Building was shown for the first time Tuesday, October 16, with a 22-foot visualization of mile-high building which Wright proposed for Chicago. Mayor Daley proclaimed October 17, Frank Lloyd Wright Day. The layout was... Continue... Pp 10 1147.116.1121 1956
Frank Lloyd Wright Day in Chicago (Soft Cover) (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Day Committee, Chicago) Caraway, Cary, Daley, Richard J. Printer’s proof of cover only. "Frank Lloyd Wright Day, designated by Mayor Richard J. Daily as October 17, 1956, is actually the crowning point of several successive days of exhibit, festival, and tribute in which not just Chicago, but the American people, have joined in doing honor to one of the great creative geniuses of all time..." Printed on cover side only, printers proof. Does not include inside pages. This copy was included in a lot related to Cary Caraway. 8.5 x 10.5 Pp 2 1147.120.1121 1956
Frank Lloyd Wright Day in Chicago (Soft Cover) (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Day Committee, Chicago) Caraway, Cary, Daley, Richard J. "Frank Lloyd Wright Day, designated by Mayor Richard J. Daily as October 17, 1956, is actually the crowning point of several successive days of exhibit, festival, and tribute in which not just Chicago, but the American people, have joined in doing honor to one of the great creative geniuses of all time..." Booklet begins with the proclamation by Mayor Richard J. Daley, designating October 17, 1956 as Frank Lloyd Wright Day. 2) Frank Lloyd Wright Day in Chicago. 3) The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. 4) The Frank... Continue... Pp 10 1092.118.0819 1147.119.1121 (A-H) 1956 Flyer announcing Frank Lloyd Wright speaks on The Mile-High Building - "The Illinois" A R.H. Barker Presentation (Related to above booklet) Frank Lloyd Wright Speaks at the Orchestra Hall, Friday Evening, October 19th at 8:15pm. Similar photograph (coat and tie) "Wright and grandson, Brandoch Peters" Circa 1950. Pg 1 1094.02.0102 1956 The Story of the Tower (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd Original HC List Price $6.00. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1095) Pp 134 1095.00.1100 1956 The Story of the Tower. (Sales Flyer for Book) (Published by Horizon Press inc., New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Horizon Press Wright, Frank Lloyd; Price Tower “The Exciting New Book By Frank Lloyd Wright: The Story of The Tower.” Four page sales brochure includes four photographs. The cover is a reproduction of the cover of the book. Also includes single page insert advertising “An American Architecture” and Order Form on back for these two books as well as “The Natural House” and “The Future of Architecture”. This sheet includes one illustration and one photograph. 6 x 9. Pp 6 1093.13.0806 1956 1956 Letter: “Our Sixty-seventh Year” (Printed by F. Schumacher & Co., New York) H.L. Rose, Sales Manager Bonus Sample! Newest Addition to Taliesin Line. Letter accompanying sample of Design 107. 8.5 x 11 1148.02.0706 1956
1956 Flyer: “A Special Bonus Sample” (Printed by F. Schumacher & Co., New York) F. Schumacher & Co. Small flyer accompanying Design 107. 7.75 x 4.5 1148.03.0706 1956 1956 Letter: “Our Sixty-seventh Year” (Printed by F. Schumacher & Co., New York) H.L. Rose, Sales Manager Latest Additions to The Taliesin Line by Frank Lloyd Wright. Letter accompanying latest samples. 8.5 x 11 1148.04.0706 1956 1956 Letter: “Additions to Frank Lloyd Wright Taliesin Line ” (Printed
by F. Schumacher & Co., New York)H.L. Rose, Sales Manager Price list stapled to above letter accompanying latest samples. 8.5 x 11 1148.05.0706 1956
Siftings, A Major Portion of The Clearing and Collected Writings (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) Jensen, Jens "Siftings" was first published by Seymour in 1939. "The Clearing was first published in 1949 by Seymour. "This edition of ‘Siftings,’ a major portion of ‘The Clearing’ and collected writings by Jens Jensen has been produced in response to the requirements of the many nature lovers and Garden Club members who regard the works and the philosophy of Jens Jensen as one of the more significant contributions toward a better understanding of... Continue... Pp 145 1147.60.0914 1957 1957 A Testament (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd Frank Lloyd Wright separates this volume into two books. Book One - Autobiography. Unlike other volumes that Wright revised and updates, this does not appear to be a revision of his early "An Autobiography, but a fresh autobiography of his life. Book Two - The New Architecture. "Frank Lloyd Wright presents an illuminating synthesis of the nine great principles upon which he has unremittingly based his lifework. This is the basic account of his creative life and ideas – the Testament... Continue... (Sweeney 1149)
Pp 256 1149.00.0799 1957 A Testament (Hard Cover) (Published by Bramhall House, a division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd Frank Lloyd Wright separates this volume into two books. Book One - Autobiography. Unlike other volumes that Wright revised and updates, this does not appear to be a revision of his early "An Autobiography, but a fresh autobiography of his life. Book Two - The New Architecture. "Frank Lloyd Wright presents an illuminating synthesis of the nine great principles upon which he has unremittingly based his lifework. This is the basic account of his creative life and ideas – the Testament... Continue... (Sweeney 1149) Pp 256 1149.01.0305 1149.01.0599 1957 Oasis: Plan for Arizona State Capitol. Submitted by Frank Lloyd Wright - Architect. February 17, 1957. (Published by Taliesin, Scottsdale, Arizona) Wright, Frank Lloyd Prepared for the "Citizens of Arizona". On January 25, 1957, the Arizona Republic carried a photograph of a proposal for a new Arizona State Capitol Building. Disbursed with the proposed design, Frank Lloyd Wright prepared an unsolicited pro-bono plan of his own, an homage to desert-derived architecture. "Oasis: Plan for Arizona State Capitol. Submitted by Frank Lloyd Wright - Architect. February 17, 1957. In any tall structure much expense of time and space is sacrificed to elevator... Continue... (Sweeney 1159) Pp 5 1159.00.0306 1159.03.1121
1159.16.11211957 Architecture as Space, How to Look at Architecture (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover DJ) Zevi, Bruno “To all my Friends in the Movement for Organic Architecture.” Dust Jacket: “Frank Lloyd Wright says: “Bruno Zevi is the most penetrating and outspoken critic of our time...” Pg 271: “It should not be necessary to repeat how much the author of this book owes to the writings of contemporary architects (in particular to Frank Lloyd Wright...)” Includes 12 photographs and four illustrations related to Wright. Original cover Price $10.00. 8.25 x 10.25. (First Editions) Pp 288 1159.01.0207 1957 Mr. And Mrs. William P. Boswell Residence. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect (Specifications) Wright, Frank Lloyd William P. Boswell Residence, Cincinnati, Ohio (1957 - S.423). Detailed specifications for the construction of the Boswell residence, from concrete and masonry, to hardware, plumbing and heating. The home was completed by the Taliesin Architects in 1961. 8.5 x 11 Pp 67 1159.02.0813 1957
Candles In My Heart (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Alderbrink, Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Boards covered in red cloth, lettering in gilt.) Sanderson, Isabel The third book published by the author. A compilation of 77 poems. "Evanston Illinois. Isabel Saunders Sanderson, a poet whose most familiar line, ‘He Ain't Heavy, Father... He's My Brother,’ became a slogan for Boys Town and the title of a pop music hit in the 1970s, died Saturday at age 73. Mrs. Sanderson also wrote verses for Hallmark greeting cards. Her verses were published in many national magazines, and Mrs. Sanderson also wrote three books of poetry, ‘Corridors of Time... Continue... Pp 96 1205.116.0121 1205.100.1019 1957
Humorettes (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago, under the Alder Brink Press Imprint. Illustrated by Don Goodman.) Scholz, Irene Matthews "Much of my material has been published in: The Chicago Daily Tribune, The Reader’s Digest, J.A.M.A., The Camel’s Trail, Golf World, Golf Digest, etc. (I could go on, and on, but from here on I’d be fibbing)" This book of verse is a compilation of 243 poems by the author and 16 illustrations by Don Goodman. Signed by the author. 6 x 9.25 (First Editions) Pp 117 1205.67.0415 1957
The Shingle Style, Architectural Theory and Design from Richardson to the Origins of Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Yale University Press, New Haven and London) Scully, Vincent J. First published in 1955. This third edition published in 1957. Many references to Frank Lloyd Wright including the last chapter on Wright’s early career. Dust jacket: "The Colonial Revival of the 1870s was inspired by a longing for the earlier for the early American past, a nostalgia not present before in this century. This is the closest study yet made of all the complex inspirations and cultural influences that were fused in the shingle style of wooden suburban and resort buildings of the period... Continue... (Sweeney 1047) Pp 181 1047.03.1021 1957
The Autobiography of an Idea (Soft Cover) (Published by Dover Publications, Inc., New York) Sullivan, Louis H. "This is the autobiography of the early creative years of Louis Henri Sullivan (1856-1924), the great architect whose work and theories revolutionized modern American architecture. Generally recognized as the father of the modern skyscraper, Sullivan has been characterized by Lewis Mumford as ‘the first mind in American architecture that had come to know itself with any fullness in relation to its soil, its period, its civilization.’ " Frank Lloyd Wright called Sullivan "der Meister"... Continue... Pp 330 1205.71.1215 1957 This is My Philosophy. Twenty of the world’s outstanding thinkers reveal the deepest meanings they have found in life. Hard Cover - DJ. (Published by Harper & Brothers, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Burnett, Whit Chapter IX: “Definitions from a Builder. The Language of an Organic Architecture.” From “The Future of Architecture” 1953 Horizon Press, and “The Natural House” 1954 Horizon Press. Original list price $4.85. C 6 x 8.5. (First Edition) Pp168-77 1205.18.0405 1958 1958 The Nature of Materials: 1887 - 1941, The Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York) Hitchcock, Henry-Russell First published in 1942. This is the second volume in the series of three published by Duell, Sloan and Pearce devoted to a complete presentation of the life, literature and work of Wright. This is the essential background book on the architect’s work. Includes 414 photographs and illustrations. Original HC list price $12.00. 8.5 x 8.5. (Fifth Edition) (Sweeney 573) Pp 143 0573.00.0607 1958 Frank Lloyd Wright to 1910, The First Golden Age (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York) Manson, Grant C. Two copies, one with and one without dust jacket. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1206) Pp 228 1206.01.0601 1206.03.0503 1958 Frank Lloyd Wright to 1910, The First Golden Age (Soft Cover) (Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York) Manson, Grant C. Original SC List Price $19.95. (Fifth Edition) (Sweeney 1206) Pp 228 1206.02.1200 1958 Mike Wallace Asks: Highlights from 46 Controversial Interviews (Soft Cover) (Published by Simon and Schuster, Inc. New York) Edited by Preston, Charles; Hamilton, Edward A. Chapter 42: "Frank Lloyd Wright". Includes three photographs. Original SC List Price $1.95. 8.5 x 11. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1217) Pp 122 - 128 1217.00.0305 1958
The Living City (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover DJ) (Red Letter - Which appears to be First Edition) In 1930 Wright gave his renowned lecture on The City at Princeton University. In 1932 he published his now classic indictment as "The Disappearing City". Wright continued to work on his thesis and in 1945 republished it as "When Democracy Builds". With this third and final version, "The Living City" he expanded and rewrote it completely. He poured all his ideas up to the present. Before the title page there is a quote by Paracelsus, printed in red. The last two un-numbered pages, the Appendix... Continue... (Sweeney 1218) Pp 224 1218.00,1116 1958 The Living City (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover DJ, Boxed) (Red Letter - Which I believe to be the First Edition) Wright, Frank Lloyd Boxed set of three which also includes “The Natural House” and “The Future of Architecture”. Red letter version and “220 West 42nd Street” address on dust jacket. Original list price $7.50. 8.25 x 10.25. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1218)
Pp 224 1218.01.0107 1958 The Living City (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover) Wright, Frank Lloyd Red Letter Version. This is an exact copy, except that the very first page, a quote by Paracelsus is in Red. The title page had a red square and then the last two pages, the Appendix, from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Essay on Farming, is in red. Other than that it is an exact copy. 8.25 x 10.25. Original HC List Price $7.50. (Red Letter) (First Edition) (Sweeney 1218) Pp 224 1218.02.0899 1958 The Living City (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover) Wright, Frank Lloyd In 1930 Wright gave his renowned lecture on The City at Princeton University. In 1932 he published his now classic indictment on the city as “The Disappearing City”. Wright continued to work on his thesis and in 1945 republished it as "When Democracy Builds". With this third and final version, “The Living City” he expanded and rewrote it completely. He poured all his ideas up to the present. It includes 57 photographs and illustrations, and a foldout (28.75 x 18.25) of Broadacre... Continue... (Sweeney 1218) Pp 224 1218.04.0799 1958 The Living City (Published by Bramhall House, New York, a division of Clarkson N. Potter, Inc.) (Hard Cover DJ) Wright, Frank Lloyd This version is undated, but does not seem to have any other changes to it. 8.25 x 10.25.(First Edition) (Sweeney 1218) Pp 224 1218.04.1106 1958
Abstractions 101 (Hard Cover) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Dust Jacket is folded and glued around stiff boards. Printed on beige paper.) Anderson, Camille A compilation of 101 numbered Abstractions. "Preface: Do not scoff, These verses hold meetings apt and penetrating, Now lingering, On the fringes of the consciousness, Then quickly, Brought to focus in a sudden burst, Of, Insight." Signed by the author. (First Edition) 6 x 7.75 Pp 111 1259.75.0521 1958
A Guide to Significant Chicago Architecture of 1872 To 1922 (Privately published by John D. Randall in a limited edition, Glencoe, Illinois) Randall, John D. The primary purpose of this guide is to make it easier for students and visitors to know the work of Chicago's greatest architects. While it is true that seeing and studying the buildings will bring greater understanding, it is also true that the greater the understanding of architecture, the more one can learn from the buildings themselves. Since they must be seen today, we must consider the times during which they were conceived. We must make allowances for later developments in order to fully appreciate... Continue... Pp 59 1259.88.0123 C 1958
Greek Orthodox Church, For The Milwaukee Hellenic (Soft Cover) (Published by the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale) Vergis, E. N.; Wright, Frank Lloyd During December, 1955 the Perish Council selected Frank Lloyd Wright to design their church buildings. According to John Ottenheimer, "I have a strong recollection of the morning in August of 1956, in the drafting room in Wisconsin, when Mr. Wright came in and said, 'There are two things which have been on my mind quite a while which I want to draw this morning.' I put a clean sheet of drafting paper on Mr. Wright’s table, sharpened his wooden pencil with a pocket knife, and Mr. Wright... Continue... Pp 12 1259.58.0118 1259.80.0822 1958
Masters of Modern Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Bonanza Books, New York) Peter, John Pp 21,26, 41-61, 201-2, 222 Pp 230 1221.01.1201 1958 The College Years (Hard Cover - with and without DJ) (Published by Hawthorn Books, Inc. Publishers, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited by Spectorsky, A. C. A compilation of many writers. Section Five, Chapter Three: "Budding Architect". Reprinted from An Autobiography, 1932, page 49-58. "Frank Lloyd Wright’s name is almost synonymous with revolutionary architectural design. His ‘organic architecture’ fuses house and terrain into a functional, harmonious unit and has set the character for much of modern building." Original list price $7.95. 7 x 10. Two copies. (First Edition) Pp 442-449 1221.04.0711 1221.02.0402 1959 1959 Form Givers at Mid-Century (Soft Cover) (Published by Time Inc. for The American Federation of Arts, New York) Jones, Cranston; Foreword: Linen, James A.; Intro: Belluschi, Pietro.
A catalog for a traveling exhibit on architects, one being Frank Lloyd Wright. Organized and sponsored by Time Magazine for The American Federation of Arts. Introduction: "This architectural exhibition is more than a proclamation of excellence: it presents the work of men who have been in large measure responsible for the New Architecture of our age. The full meaning and importance of their ideas are just now beginning to be widely understood. In looking at the... Continue... (Sweeney 1260) Pp 12-17 1260.00.0503 1959
Beth Sholom Synagogue, A Description and Interpretation (Hard Cover) (Published by the Beth Sholom Synagogue, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania) Cohen, Mortimer J. “In 1953, Beth Sholon Congregation engaged the services of the great American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, to design its new Synagogue. On March 1, 1954 he submitted his designs to the Congregation and early in 1955 impressive ceremonies marked the ground-breaking event...” The cornerstone was laid in 1957, and dedicated on September 20, 1959. Includes the history of Beth Sholom, construction information, and details about the Wright designed synagogue. Designed and... Continue... (Sweeney 1261) Pp 34 1261.00.0823 1959 Beth Sholom Synagogue, A Description and Interpretation (Soft Cover) (Published by the Beth Sholom Synagogue, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania) Cohen, Mortimer J. “In 1953, Beth Sholon Congregation engaged the services of the great American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, to design its new Synagogue. On March 1, 1954 he submitted his designs to the Congregation and early in 1955 impressive ceremonies marked the ground-breaking event...” The cornerstone was laid in 1957, and dedicated on September 20, 1959. Includes the history of Beth Sholom, construction information, and details about the Wright designed synagogue. Designed and... Continue... (Sweeney 1261) Pp 34 1261.00.1112 1959 Frank Lloyd Wright, Rebel in Concrete (Hard Cover - Library Binding) (Published by Macrae Smith Company, Philadelphia) Forsee, Aylesa Includes 20 full pages of photographs. 6.25 x 9.25. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1263) Pp 182 1263.00.0500 1959 Frank Lloyd Wright, Rebel in Concrete (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Macrae Smith Company, Philadelphia) Forsee, Aylesa Includes 20 full pages of photographs. Original HC List Price $2.95. 6.25 x 9.25. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1263) Pp 182 1263.01.0902 1959 Frank Lloyd Wright, Rebel in Concrete (Published by Macrae Smith Company: Philadelphia) (Hard Cover DJ) Forsee, Aylesa Includes 20 full pages of photographs. Original cover price $4.50. 6.25 x 9.25.(Fourth Edition) (Sweeney 1263) Pp 182 1263.02.0307 1959 Frank Lloyd Wright: Selected Works by Wright. House Beautiful Magazine, October 1959. (Published by House Beautiful Magazine, New York) Karpel, Bernard Compiled and annotated by Bernard Karpel for House Beautiful Magazine. To be used in connection with HB’s special issue of October 1959, which is devoted to the work, meaning and contribution of Frank Lloyd Wright. Mr. Karpel has now extended his previous record by this selective list of 79 major publications which have been published from 1897 to 1959. 8.5 x 11. Original list price 50c. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1264) Pp 10 1264.00.0606 1959 Frank Lloyd Wright: Drawings for a Living Architecture (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by the Bear Run Foundation Inc. and the Edgar J. Kaufmann Charitable Foundation by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Essays by: Samona, Giuseppe; Mayor, A. Hyatt "A collection of 200 original sketches and presentation drawings, 75 in color. A drawing of the 1880s is followed by examples of every decade until the present; 60 drawings show some of Mr. Wright's recent, most challenging works. The architect himself supervised the selection of this material from the rich accumulation in the files at Taliesin, his Wisconsin Home." Original HC List Price $35.00. (Two copies.) (First Edition) (Sweeney 1265) Pp 255 1265.00.0502 1265.01.0610 1959 Our House (Hard Cover) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd Original HC List Price $4.50. (Signed by Olgivanna) (First Edition) (Sweeney 1274) Pp 308 1274.00.0399 1959 Our House (Hard Cover, DJ - Part of the boxed three volume set) (Published by Horizon Press, New York) Wright, Olgivanna Lloyd The title of this illuminating book, "Our House," refers to both Taliesin and Taliesin West the homes of Mr. And Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright, so often described as the most beautiful in the world... And "Our House" is a book filled with many kinds of enchantment. For Mrs. Wright has written a fascinating, personal record of the many sided life of Taliesin. She has here brought it all alive – its high... Continue...
Pp 308 1274.02.0899 1959 Words to Live By (Hard Cover) (Published by Simon and Schuster, Inc. New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited By William Nichols Comprised of over ninety essays previously published in "This Week Magazine" from 1947 to 1959. Wright’s essay "Beauty" was published in the January 27, 1957 issue. Each essay is proceeded by a quote or poem. Of interest, is the quote by John Keats proceeding Wright’s essay. Wright’s essay pages 147-148. Includes 4 x 6 four page descriptive Presentation Card listing Frank Lloyd Wright on the cover, as one of authors. Stamped on back cover: Compliments of Broce... Continue... Pg 242 1274.01.0101 1959 Words to Live By. Selected and Interpreted by Ninety Eminent Men and Women. (Boxed, Stiff Cover, Oxford Bound in Leather and Fibre by Brown & Bigelow, Saint Paul, Minnesota) (Published by Simon and Schuster, Inc. New York) Wright, Frank Lloyd; Edited By William Nichols Comprised of over ninety essays previously published in "This Week Magazine" from 1947 to 1959. Wright’s essay "Beauty" was published in the January 27, 1957 issue. Each essay is proceeded by a quote or poem. Of interest, is the quote by John Keats proceeding Wright’s essay. Wright’s essay pages 147-148. Includes 4 x 6 four page descriptive Presentation Card... Continue...
Pp 242 1274.03.0911 1959
A Handbook To The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Collection (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York) Preface: Guggenheim, Harry F.; Introduction: Sweeney, James Johnson Begins with two exterior photographs and two interior photographs of the Guggenheim Museum. The handbook is divided by medium into three sections, each arrange alphabetically by artist. Biographies for each artist appear with the first entry. Paintings, Sculpture, Watercolors and Drawings. 9.5 x 12.25 (First Edition) Pp 270 1377.122.1020 1959 A Treasury of Great American Speeches (Hard Cover) (Published by Hawthorn Books, Inc., New York) Ed. Hurd, Charles; Wright, Frank Lloyd A new integrity of human life. May 1939, given in response to an invitation to deliver the annual Sir George Watson Lectures of the Sulgrave Manor Board. (First Edition) Pp 194-9 1275.01.0102 1959 The House Beautiful Treasury of Contemporary American Homes (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Hawthorn Books, Inc., New York) Barry, Joseph Of the 32 homes featured in this book, nine were designed by Wright. The first three chapters are dedicated to Frank Lloyd Wright. Original HC List Price $12.95. (First Edition) Pp10-21 1275.02.0402 1959 A Special Study Set of Fine Art Reproductions (Prepared by The University Prints. Cambridge, Mass.) University Prints “The Univ. of Rochester, 136 Prints.” Box set of 136 single sheets. Architectural photographs including 11 buildings by Wright. Plate Numbers 71: Larkin Building, Buffalo, NY; 75: W. H. Winslow House, River Forest, IL; 80: Unity Temple, Oak Park, IL; 81: Coonley House, Riverside, IL; 100: Robie House, Chicago; 101: Millard House, Pasadena, CA; 366: Fallingwater, Bear Run PA; 367: Johnson & Sons Tower, Racine WI; 368: Johnson & Sons Interior, Racine WI; 369: Taliesin West, Phoenix, AZ... Continue... Pp 136 1275.05.0405 1959 Dallas Theater Center: Opening Seminar, Sept 9, 1959 (Published by The Dallas Theater Center Graduate School) Dallas Theater Center Graduate School Dallas Theater Center Graduate School: A Vital, Living Theater and School of Drama. Catalog describing School and Theater. Includes illustrations of the Theatre as well as a two-page spread on Wright. 9.5 x 11. (First Edition) Pp 12 1377.23.0406 1959
Frank Lloyd Wright: Prefabricated Houses (Soft Cover) (Published by Marshall Erdman & Associates, Madison, Wisconsin) Erdman, Marshall Booklet on the Frank Lloyd Wright Designed Erdman Prefabricated Homes. The New York Times Magazine, October 25, 1959 reported, "Frank Lloyd Wright designed three prefabricated houses for Marshall Erdman Associates in Madison, Wisconsin. The first, produced in 1956 is typical of his rambling, ground-hugging style. The second went into production last summer (1958) and is shown on these pages. The third is not yet on the market..." Includes photographs, floorplan and... Continue... Pp 8 1377.98.0319 1959
Mid-Century World Architecture - Including the work of such notable architects and engineers as: Frank Lloyd Wright... (Published by the Architectural Record, F. W. Dodge Corporation, New York) Anonymous; Wright, Frank Lloyd An undated volume of articles published in and by the Architectural Record. Pages 63-86: "Frank Lloyd Wright, A Selection of Current Work." This was previously published in the May 1958 issue of Architectural Record in two-colors. This volume published in one-color. A compilation of eight selections. Cover page of article includes photograph of Wright at a drawing board working on the Bramlett Motor Hotel Project. 1) "Dallas Theater Center", includes three illustrations. 2) "Monona Terrace Civic Center... Continue... Pp 127 1377.84.0717 1959 Securities and Exchange Commission News Digest 3/10/59. A brief summary of financial proposals filed with and actions by the S.E.C. (Published by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington D.C.) Anonymous Hoffman Motors Files For Secondary. Hoffman Motors Corporation, 443 Park Ave., New York, filed a registration statement with the SEC on March 9, 1959. Hoffman Motors was organized on February 16, 1959, to succeed to the business of seven corporations which had been organized by Hoffman at varying times commencing in 1947. The company is said to have "pioneered in the promotion and sale of foreign... Continue... (See our Wright Study on the Hoffman Showroom for more information.) Pp 4 1377.44.1110 1959 The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum: Inaugural Selections (Soft Cover) (Published by The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York) Guggenheim Museum Published for the first exhibition in the Museum’s new Frank Lloyd Wright building. This larger version includes six photographs of the museum. This version dated October 21st, 1959. 10 x 6.75. (First Edition) Pp 24 1275.06.0506 1959 The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum: Inaugural Selections (Soft Cover) (Published by The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York) Guggenheim Museum Booklet published for the first exhibition in the Museum’s new Frank Lloyd Wright building. 6.5 x 5. (First Edition) Pp 20 1275.04.0203 1959 The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright; The Midland Art Association; Midland, Michigan; January 11th to 31st, 1959. (Soft Cover) (Published by Midland Art Association; Midland, Michigan) Palmer, William; Wright, Frank Lloyd An Exhibit Catalog listing 52 items on exhibit at the Marin County Government Center. "Why did you choose Frank Lloyd Wright as your architect?" This invariably is the first question asked by as visitor to our home in Ann Arbor. Our answer takes us back to our purchase, ten years ago, of a building site adjacent to the arboretum in the hilly section between the city and the Huron River. For the next two years we busied ourselves in the architectural library reading magazines and books, studying photographs... Continue... Pp 8 1275.03.0202 1275.03.0502 1275.03.0517 1959
Traveler’s Return (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Printed on cream stock with the watermark: "Old Stratford. U.S.A." Top and bottom edges trimmed, sides uncut. Boards covered with beige cloth.) Fuller, Eugene White A compilation of 32 poems.
A Voyage.
From oceans farthest silence
The tide comes in unseen;
It nudges the keel from the sand bed,
It pushes the ponderous mansion
Away from the rigid shore
To cast it alone to the sea,
To the hazards unknown of the sea.
Like a loose, wet garment folding... Continue...Pp 63 1377.130.0121
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