Date: 1924 Title: A Primer of Modern Art
Author: Cheney, Sheldon
Description: Text and three photos. (Tenth Edition)
Pages: Pp 16 223 323 328 334 368
S#: 0157.01.1202
Date: 1930 Title: The New World Architecture (Published by Longmans, Green and Co., London, New York, Toronto) (Hard Cover)
Author: Cheney, Sheldon
Description: Page vii, Author's Acknowledgment, second sentence: "But I should like to say a word of direct thanks to certain architects who have given me freely of their time and their ideas: most particularly Frank Lloyd Wright, ..." Second paragraph: "For illustrations, I am especially indebted to Hugh Ferriss for permission to reproduce six of his drawings; and to Frank Lloyd Wright for the fine series of photographs of his earlier and later work." Fifty photographs and two illustrations appear on pages iv, 6, 14, 24, 33, 94-5, 196, 199-200, 202-3, 215, 241, 243, 245, 247, 249-51, 253, 286-7, 311, 314, 327, 341, 383-4, 391, 394. (First Edition)
Size: 8 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 404
S#: 0249.02.0207
Date: 1930
Title: L’Architecture Vivante - Spring & Summer 1930, No 27 & 28. (L’Architecture Vivante translates to “Living Architecture.”) Publication Etablie Par Les Soins Des Editions Albert Morance, A Paris, 30-32, Rue De Fleurus. (Publication Established By The Care Of Editions Albert Morance, In Paris, 30-32, Rue De Fleurus.) (Published by Albert Morance, Paris)
Author: Badovici, Jean
Description: Published in French, this volume includes two issues, Spring and Summer 1930, Numbers 27 and 28. Both were originally published as single magazine issues. The pages and plates in this volume are slipped into a portfolio, stiff boards, beige cloth spine, tied with ribbons.
Spring 1930 Issue: The Problem of the “Minimum House”, by Le Corbusier and P. Jeanneret.
Summer 1930 Issue: “Frank Lloyd Wright.” In 1932, this issue was published as a single volume, Frank Lloyd Wright, Architecte Americain (Sweeney 301).
Introduction: "Frank Lloyd Wright. Nous avons souvent montre dans l'Architecture Vivante, que le sens de sens de l'utile n'excluait nullement la recherche du beau..." (We have often shown in "Living Architecture" that the sense of meaning of the useful does not exclude the search for beauty ...)
The 32 pages (49-76), are single sheets, unbound, 17.75 x 10.75 folded to 8.87, 8 sheets. Pages 49-51 is text written by Jean Badovici, and includes two unidentified floor plans. Pages 52-74 includes illustrations and floor plans of Wright's work. They include: Unity Temple, Coonley, Heurtley, Thomas, Robie, Evans, Heath, Taliesin, Allen, Imperial Hotel, Midway Gardens, McCormick, Larkin, Gratte-ciel (Skyscraper - The 1923 Commercial Building in Copper, Concrete, and Glass), American System Built Homes, McArthur (Apartments), Lexington Terrace, Cutten, Horse Shoe Inn, Como Orchards, Westcott.
Of note is page 60, "Trois Solutions Differentes du Meme Probleme" (Three Different Solutions of the Same Problem). They are not published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Complete Works, Volume 1 or 2, (2011, 2010).
Page 75: Table of Contents. Page 76: List of Plates.
Plates are single sheets, printed one side only. Plates 26-50 include photographs of: Plate 26: Evans, Thomas. Plate 27: Larkin (2). Plate 28: Unity (2), New Theater (Barnsdall). Plate 29: Coonley, Steffens. Plate 30: Coonley (3). Plate 31: Coonley, Roberts, Barnsdall Res B. Plate 32: Robie, Heath. Plate 33: Coonley Playhouse, Heurtley. Plate 34: Missing, Allen (2 Ills). Plate 35: Taliesin, Taliesin Dam. Plate 36: Taliesin (2). Plate 37: Taliesin. Plate 38: Taliesin (2). Plate 39: Midway Gardens (2). Plate 40: Midway Gardens (2). Plate 41: Imperial Hotel (3). Plate 42: Imperial Hotel (3). Plate 43: Imperial Hotel (2). Plate 44: Imperial Hotel (2). Plate 45: German, Plan (multiple dwellings), Press Building (model). Plate 46: Barnsdall (2), Ennis. Plate 47: Barnsdall (2). Plate 48: Barnsdall (4). Plate 49: Miniatura, Freeman. Plate 50: Midway Gardens, Sugarloaf Mountain (3 Ills), Unidentified (1), Romeo and Juliet.
9 x 11, (Sweeney 229)
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pp 49-76; Plates 26-50
S#: 0229.00.0224
L’Architecture Vivante - Summer 1930, No 28. Example of original single magazine issue.
Left: The pages and plates in this volume are slipped into a portfolio, stiff boards, beige cloth spine, tied with ribbons.
Right: The 32 pages (49-76), are single sheets, unbound, 17.75 x 10.75 folded to 8.87, 8 sheets. Pages 49-51 is text written by Jean Badovici.
Left: Plates 26-50 are single sheets, printed one side only.
Right: Page 60, "Trois Solutions Differentes du Meme Probleme" (Three Different Solutions of the Same Problem). They are not published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Complete Works, Volume 1 or 2, (2011, 2010).
L’Architecture Vivante - Spring and Summer 1930, No 27 and 28.
This volume includes two issues, Spring and Summer 1930, Numbers 27 and 28.
This double volume begins with Pages 1-4: Title, Blank, Sub Title, Publisher’s page.
Left: Title Page:
L’Architecture Vivante (Translation: Living Architecture)
Printemps & Ete MCM XXX (Spring & Summer 1930).
Left: Spring 1930, No 27
Page 5:
The Problem of The "Minimum House."
1. - General Considerations.
Text: Pages 5-15
Illustrations: Pages 16-48
Plates 1-25.
Right: The Summer 1930 issue,
Page 49:
Frank Lloyd Wright,
Text: Pages 49-51
Illustrations: Pages 52-74
Plates 25-50.
Left: Page 75:
Table of Contents, Spring and Summer MCMXXX (1930). Studies (p.5 and p.49), Drawings in the text (p.16-48 and p.52-74).
Right: Page 76:
Planches (Boards or Plates), 1-25,
Frank Lloyd Wright 26-50.
This volume ends with two four page sheets.
Left: Summary of The 1930 Spring Booklet.
It consists of the Title, Plates (1-25),
and Drawings in the Text (p.16-48).
The last three pages of each four page sheets are ads.
Right: Summary of The 1930 Summer Booklet.
It consists of the Title, Plates (26-50), and Drawings in the Text (p.52-74).
The last three pages of each four page sheets are ads.
Back Cover: L’Architecture Vivante - Spring and Summer 1930, No 27 and 28.
Back CoverDate: Circa 1930 [1940?]
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, L’Architecture Vivante - Frank Lloyd Wright, Architecte Americain (American Architect) 1930 [1940?]. (L’Architecture Vivante translates to “Living Architecture.”) Publication Etablie Par Les Soins Des Editions Albert Morance, A Paris, 30-32, Rue De Fleurus. (Publication Established By The Care Of Editions Albert Morance, In Paris, 30-32, Rue De Fleurus.) (Published by Albert Morance, Paris)
Author: Badovici, Jean
Description: Published in French, this volume is a reprint of the Summer 1930, Numbers 28 issue, Frank Lloyd Wright. Published in book form with stiff boards and designed cover. The pages and plates in this volume are slipped into a portfolio, stiff boards, Light green cover, black letters, black cloth spine, tied with ribbons. Text on spine “Frank Lloyd Wright” in gilt letters.
Although it appears to repeat the 1930 issue, Daniel Lawler, in his extensive article “L’Architecture Vivante and its Extraits, 2018, dates this volume Circa 1940.
In 1930, this issue was reprinte as a double issue L’Architecture Vivante - Spring & Summer 1930, No 27 & 28.
In 1932, this issue was published as a single volume, Frank Lloyd Wright, Architecte Americain (Sweeney 301).
This volume appears to be missing pages 1-4 (unverified), Title, Blank, Sub Title, Publisher’s page.
This volume of the Summer 1930 issue, Frank Lloyd Wright, begins with pages 49-51: Text (a repeat from Summer 1930). Pages 52-74: Illustrations. Page 74 in reality is page 30.
Page 31-32: Table of Contents. Although the text “pages 49-51" and illustrations “pages 52-74" are a pick up from the Summer 1930 issue, the table of contents list the pages as: Text: Pages 5-7; Illustration: Pages 8-30. This would indicate that pages 1-4 (Title, Blank, Sub Title, Publisher’s page) are missing from this volume. Page 31: Plates 1-25. (Summer 1930 lists the plates as 26-50.)
Pages 49-76: Introduction: "Frank Lloyd Wright. Nous avons souvent montre dans l'Architecture Vivante, que le sens de sens de l'utile n'excluait nullement la recherche du beau..." (We have often shown in "Living Architecture" that the sense of meaning of the useful does not exclude the search for beauty ...) The 32 pages (49-76), are single sheets, unbound, 17.75 x 10.75 folded to 8.87, 8 sheets. Pages 49-51 is text written by Jean Badovici, and includes two unidentified floor plans. Pages 52-74 includes illustrations and floor plans of Wright's work. They include: Unity Temple, Coonley, Heurtley, Thomas, Robie, Evans, Heath, Taliesin, Allen, Imperial Hotel, Midway
Gardens, McCormick, Larkin, Gratte-ciel (Skyscraper - The 1923 Commercial Building in Copper, Concrete, and Glass), American System Built Homes, McArthur (Apartments), Lexington Terrace, Cutten, Horse Shoe Inn, Como Orchards, Westcott.
Of note is page 60, "Trois Solutions Differentes du Meme Probleme" (Three Different Solutions of the Same Problem). They are not published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Complete Works, Volume 1 or 2, (2011, 2010).
Page 31: Table of Contents. Pages in the Table of Contents are numbered pages 5 - 30. Page 32: List of Plates. Plates are numbered 1 - 25 in the Table of Contents.
Plates are single sheets, printed one side only. Plates 1-25 include photographs of: Plate 1: Evans, Thomas. Plate 2: Larkin (2). Plate 3: Unity (2), New Theater (Barnsdall). Plate 4: Coonley, Steffens. Plate 5: Coonley (3). Plate 6: Coonley, Roberts, Barnsdall Res B. Plate 7: Robie, Heath. Plate 8: Coonley Playhouse, Heurtley. Plate 9: Allen (2 Ills). Plate 10: Taliesin (1911). Plate 11: Taliesin, Taliesin Dam. Plate 12: Taliesin Living Room. Plate 13: Taliesin (2). Plate 14: Midway Gardens (2). Plate 15: Midway Gardens (2). Plate 16: Imperial Hotel (3). Plate 17: Imperial Hotel (3). Plate 18: Imperial Hotel (2). Plate 19: Imperial Hotel (2). Plate 20: German, Plan (multiple dwellings), Press Building (model). Plate 21: Barnsdall (2), Ennis. Plate 22: Barnsdall (2). Plate 23: Barnsdall (4). Plate 24: Miniatura, Freeman. Plate 25: Midway Gardens, Sugarloaf Mountain (3 Ills), Unidentified (1), Romeo and Juliet.
Acquired from an auction house in London. (Sweeney 229)
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pp 49-76; Pls 1-25
S#: 0229.02.0924
Page 5:
This volume appears to be missing pages 1-4 (unverified), Title, Blank, Sub Title, Publisher’s page.
This volume of the Summer 1930 issue, Frank Lloyd Wright, begins with pages 49-51: Text (a repeat from Summer 1930). "Page 49-51" in reality are pages 5-7.
Pages 52-74: Illustrations. Pages 52-74 in reality are pages 8-30.
Pages 31-32:
Page 31-32: Table of Contents. Although the text “pages 49-51" and illustrations “pages 52-74" are a pick up from the Summer 1930 issue, the table of contents list the pages as:
Text: Pages 5-7;
Illustration: Pages 8-30.
This would indicate that pages 1-4 (Title, Blank, Sub Title, Publisher’s page) are missing from this volume.
Page 31: Plates 1-25. (Summer 1930 lists the plates as 26-50.)
Date: 1932
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Architecte Americain (American Architect). Extrait de "L'Architecture Vivante" (Excerpt from "Living Architecture"). Publication Etablie Par Les Soins Des Editions Albert Morance, A Paris, 30-32, Rue De Fleurus. (Publication Established By The Care Of Editions Albert Morance, In Paris, 30-32, Rue De Fleurus.). (Published by Albert Morance, Paris)
Author: Basdovici, Jean
Description: Published in French, this volume is a reprint of an extensive article on the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, first published in the French publication L'Architecture Vivante, Summer 1930 (Sweeney 229).
Although undated, Bernard Karpel dated this volume 1932, What Men Have Written About Frank Lloyd Wright, Compiled and annotated For House Beautiful, 1955.
This volume consisting of: Pages 1-4: Title, Blank, Sub Title, Publisher’s page. Pages 5-7: Text. Pages 8-30: Illustrations. Page 31-32: Table of Contents. Plates 1-25.
“Frank Lloyd Wright. Nous avons souvent montre dans l'Architecture Vivante, que le sens de sens de l'utile n'excluait nullement la recherche du beau...” (We have often shown “Living Architecture” that the sense of meaning of the useful does not exclude the search for beauty ...)
Pages in this volume are slipped into a portfolio, stiff boards, cloth spine, tied with ribbons. The 32 pages are single sheets, unbound, 17.75 x 10.75 folded to 8.87, 8 sheets. Pages 5-7 is the text in written by Jean Badovici, and includes two unidentified floor plans. Pages 8-30 includes illustrations and floor plans of Wright’s work. They include: Unity Temple, Coonley, Heurtley, Thomas, Robie, Evans, Heath, Taliesin, Allen, Imperial Hotel, Midway Gardens, McCormick, Larkin, Gratte-ciel (Skyscraper - The 1923 Commercial Building in Copper, Concrete, and Glass), American System Built Homes, McArthur (Apartments), Lexington Terrace, Cutten, Horse Shoe Inn, Como Orchards, Westcott. Of note is page 16, “Trois Solutions Differentes du Meme Probleme” (Three Different Solutions of the Same Problem). They are not published in Complete Works, Volume 1 or 2, (2011, 2010). Page 31: Table of Contents. Page 32: List of Plates. Plates are single sheets, printed one side only. Plates 1-25 include photographs of: Evans, Thomas, Larkin (2), Unity (2), New Theater (Barnsdall), Coonley (5), Steffens, Roberts, Barnsdall Res B, Robie, Heath, Coonley Playhouse, Heurtley, Allen (2 Ills), Taliesin (4, 1 Ills), Taliesin Dam, Midway Gardens (5), Imperial Hotel (10), Plan (multiple dwellings), German, Press Building (model), Barnsdall (8), Ennis, Sugarloaf Mountain (3 Ills), Romeo and Juliet. Plate 24, “Blokslab, Hollywood, Details is missing in this set. (Sweeney 301)
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pp 32, Plus 25 Plates
S#: 0301.00.0519
Left: Back Cover
Pages in this volume are slipped into a portfolio, stiff boards, cloth spine, tied with ribbons. The 32 pages are single sheets, unbound, 17.75 x 10.75 folded to 8.87, 8 sheets. Plates are single sheets, printed one side only.
Page 16, "Trois Solutions Differentes du Meme Probleme" (Three Different Solutions of the Same Problem). They are not published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Complete Works, Volume 1 or 2, (2011, 2010).
This volume consisting of:
Left: Pages 1-4: Title, Blank, Sub Title,
Publisher’s page.
Right: Pages 5-7: Text.
Pages 8-30: Illustrations.
Page 31-32:
Left: Table of Contents.
Right: Plates 1-25.Understanding the three L’Architecture Vivante volumes.
1) (Tan Cover) L’Architecture Vivante - Spring and Summer 1930, No 27 and 28.
This volume includes two issues, Spring and Summer 1930, Numbers 27 and 28.
Translation: Living Architecture
Spring & Summer MCM XXX (1930)
The Spring 1930 issue consists of: Pages 1-4: Title, Blank, Sub Title, Publisher’s page. Pages 5-15: Text. Pages 16-48: Illustrations. Plates 1-25.
The Summer 1930 issue, Frank Lloyd Wright, consists of: Pages 49-51: Text. Pages 52-74: Illustrations. Page 75: Table of Contents, Spring and Summer MCMXXX (1930). Studies (p.5 and p.49), Drawings in the text (p.16-48 and p.52-74).
Page 76: Planches (Boards or Plates), 1-25, Frank Lloyd Wright 26-50.
This volume ends with two four page sheets. The first page of each is a “Summary, or Index for each issue, Spring and Summer. It consists of the Title, Plates (1-25, and 26-50), and Drawings in the Text (p.16-48 and p.52-74). The last three pages of each are ads. (S.229.00)
2) (Light Green Cover) L’Architecture Vivante - Summer 1930, No 28. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architecte Americain (American Architect) 1930 [1940?].
This volume is a single issue, Summer 1930, Numbers 28.
Translation: Living Architecture
Summer MCM XXX (1930)
This copy appears to be missing pages 1-4 (unverified), Title, Blank, Sub Title, Publisher’s page.
This copy of the Summer 1930 issue, Frank Lloyd Wright, begins with pages 49-51: Text (a repeat from Summer 1930). Pages 52-74: Illustrations. Page 74 in reality is page 30.
Page 31-32: Table of Contents. Although the text “pages 49-51" and illustrations “pages 52-74" are a pick up from the Summer 1930 issue, the table of contents list the pages as: Text: Pages 5-7; Illustration: Pages 8-30. This would indicate that pages 1-4 (Title, Blank, Sub Title, Publisher’s page) are missing from this volume. Page 31: Plates 1-25. (Summer 1930 lists the plates as 26-50.) (S.301.00)
3) (Yellow Cover) Frank Lloyd Wright, Architecte Americain (American Architect) 1932. Although undated, Bernard Karpel dated this volume 1932, What Men Have Written About Frank Lloyd Wright, Compiled and annotated For House Beautiful, 1955.
This volume is the Summer 1930 issue published in book form, consisting of: Pages 1-4: Title, Blank, Sub Title, Publisher’s page. Pages 5-7: Text. Pages 8-30: Illustrations. Page 31-32: Table of Contents. Plates 1-25. (S.229.02)Date: 1947
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Stiff Soft Cover) (Published by II Balcone, Milano, Italy)
Author: Zevi, Bruno
Description: Volume 3 in the series "Architetti del movimento moderno" (Architects of the modern movement). Italian text. Inside cover: "Tra tutti gli architetti moderni, Frank Lloyd Wright costituisce la personalita intorno a cui maggiormente si centra l'odierna critica architettonica. Gia attivamente operante all'alba del secolo, quest'uomoe ancora oggi alla ribalta della creazione e della polemica..."
Translation: Of all modern architects, Frank Lloyd Wright is the personality around whom today's architectural criticism is most centered. Already actively operating at the dawn of the century, this man is still at the forefront of creation and controversy. The questions that arise in front of his buildings and his organic conceptions of edificare are many: is he an individualist? Is he a genius outside the historical cultural procces? Does it have an inherent consistency? Why is it the subject of this? Vast attention today in Europe if its architecture initially took place outside and against the in-industrialization of construction? Is your inspiration of a romantic character and a rural nature? Is the organic movement that finds in him its greatest protagonist antithetical to the rationalist tendency? Also published in 1954, 1980, 1990, 1998. (First Edition) (Sweeney 687)
Size: 4.75 x 6.75
Pages: Pp 133
S#: 0687.00.0823Date: 1950
Title: Contemporary Structures in Architecture (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York)
Author: Michasels, Leonard
Description: Dust Jacket: Anyone merely leafing through the pages of this book will be fascinated by the grace and beauty of present-day building structure. There is plenty to see, too, because the author has provided 259 photographs and 75 drawings to illustrate all the structural methods presently available to the architect and engineer. Mr. Michaels takes us all over the world to show us, among many other things: a beautiful aviary for high flying birds in Rome, airplane hangars in Germany, a sports arena in London, some of Robert Maillart's graceful bridges in Switzerland and a few of the remarkable structures by Sulli-van, Wright and others in the U. S.
Every major structural system is carefully analyzed and compared with other systems. The first half of the book considers the skeleton frame. Here the author discusses the various methods employed to join framing members whether the structure be of steel, reinforced concrete, wood or some other material. He then presents the various methods of jointing in relation to single-story and multi-story frames and discusses various methods for providing the horizontal infilling for the collection of loads on a horizontal plane....
Includes details of Frank Lloyd Wright’s work. Cover, 61, 101,136-138, 156-157, 172. Thirteen photographs and illustrations include, Johnson Wax Headquarters and Tower, Fallingwater and Huntington Hartford Sports Club (project). Original cover price $10.00.
Size: 8.75 x 11.75
Pages: Pp 229
ST#: 0831.117.0124Date: 1954
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Stiff Soft Cover) (Published by II Balcone, Milano, Italy. First published in 1947. A revised and expanded edition, first published in 1947.)
Author: Zevi, Bruno
Description: Volume 3 in the series "Architetti del movimento moderno" (Architects of the modern movement). Italian text. Inside cover: "Tra tutti gli architetti moderni, Frank Lloyd Wright Zevi, Bruno costituisce la personalita intorno a cui maggiormente si centra l'odierna critica architettonica. Gia attivamente operante all'alba del secolo, quest'uomoe ancora oggi alla ribalta della creazione e della polemica..." (Of all modern architects, Frank Lloyd Wright is the personality around which today's architectural criticism is most centered. Already actively operating at the turn of the century, this man is still today in the forefront of creation and controversy...) First published in 1947. Also published in 1954, 1980, 1990, 1998. (Second Edition, Expanded) (Sweeney 998)
Size: 4.75 x 6.76
Pages: Pp 174
S#: 0998.00.0321Date: 1955
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Editorial Nueva Vision, Buenos Aires)
Author: Tedeschi, Enrico
Description: Text in Spanish. Section one is a study of Frank Lloyd Wright's life and work. Section two includes a description and photographs of Wright's work, including: The Coonley Residence (12 photographs and illustrations); Robie House (10); S. C. Johnson (16). A total of 38 photographs and illustrations. Cover flap includes a short biography of the author. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1049)
Size: 5.6 x 7.75
Pages: Pp 87
S#: 1049.00.0819Date: 1957 Title: Architecture as Space, How to Look at Architecture (Published by Horizon Press, New York) (Hard Cover DJ)
Author: Zevi, Bruno
Description: "To all my Friends in the Movement for Organic Architecture." Dust Jacket: "Frank Lloyd Wright says: "Bruno Zevi is the most penetrating and outspoken critic of our time..." Pg 271: "It should not be necessary to repeat how much the author of this book owes to the writings of contemporary architects (in particular to Frank Lloyd Wright...)" Includes 12 photographs and four illustrations related to Wright. Original cover Price $10.00. (First Editions)
Size: 8.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 288
S#: 1159.01.0207
Date: 1960
Title: Usonia, Aspectos de la obra de Wright (Aspects of the work of Wright) (V.1 Stiff Cover, DJ; V2: Stiff Cover, both fit within a Slip Case) (Published by Ediciones Infinito, Buenos Aires)
Author: Sacriste, Eduardo
Description: Two volume set with slip case. Volume One: "A year after the death of Frank Lloyd Wright, - a year during which his vigorous personality has endured and strengthened - Ediciones Infinito is proud to present his readers with this essay on the 'master of Taliesin'. Usonia is the first book about Wright written by an Argentine architect, expert of his work and the significance of it; Hence his interest for Spanish- speaking reader." (Dust Jacket.) Seventeen Illustrations. Forty plates include: Fallingwater (1); S.C. Johnson (23); Wingspread (2); Jacobs I (7); Hanna (4); Taliesin West (1); Pauson (2); Pew (5); Lloyd Lewis (7); Jacobs II (9); Florida Southern College (2); Beth Sholom (2); Erdman (1); Guggenheim(1). Volume Two: Ten folded sheets set within a stiff cover. 1) Hanna plot plan; 2) Pauson (2) and Lloyd Lewis (2) floor plans; 3) S.C. Johnson floor plan; 4) S. C. Johnson Construction detail and elevation; 5) Fallingwater Plot Plan; 6) Fallingwater Floor Plan (2) and Elevation; 7) Jacobs I Detail, Elevation and Plot Plan; 8) Jacobs II Detail, Elevation and Plot and Floor Plan; 9) Willey and Erdman Plot Plan; 10) Comparative Schemes. 6 x 9, Unfolded single sheets (First Edition) (Sweeney 1393)
Size: 18 x 12
Pages: V1: Pp 99 plus 40 plates. V2: 10 Sheets
S#: 1393.00.0517
Left: Slip Case.
Left: Volume One.
Right: Volume Two.
Left: Two volume set with slip case.
Right: Volume Two.Date: 1960
Title: Usonia, Aspectos de la obra de Wright (Aspects of the work of Wright) (Volume 2 only, rebound in red hard cover by the library.) (Published by Ediciones Infinito, Buenos Aires)
Author: Sacriste, Eduardo
Description: Volume Two only: Ten folded sheets set within a stiff cover. 1) Hanna plot plan; 2) Pauson (2) and Lloyd Lewis (2) floor plans; 3) S.C. Johnson floor plan; 4) S. C. Johnson Construction detail and elevation; 5) Fallingwater Plot Plan; 6) Fallingwater Floor Plan (2) and Elevation; 7) Jacobs I Detail, Elevation and Plot Plan; 8) Jacobs II Detail, Elevation and Plot and Floor Plan; 9) Willey and Erdman Plot Plan; 10) Comparative Schemes.
Size: 6 x 9, Unfolded single sheets 18 x 12.
Pages: Vol 2: 10 Sheets
S#: 1393.01.0517MASTERS OF WORLD ARCHITECTURE SERIES Date: 1960 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Masters of the World Architecture Series) (Hard Cover) (Published by George Braziller, Inc, New York)
Author: Scully, Vincent Jr.
Description: Original HC List Price $5.95. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1394)
Pages: Pp 125
S#: 1394.00.0999
Date: 1960 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Masters of the World Architecture Series) (Soft Cover) (Published by George Braziller, Inc, New York)
Author: Scully, Vincent Jr.
Description: Original SC List Price $2.95. (Fourth Edition) (Sweeney 1394)
Pages: Pp 125
S#: 1394.00.0504
Date: 1960 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Masters of the World Architecture Series) (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by George Braziller, Inc, New York)
Author: Scully, Vincent Jr.
Description: Original HC List Price $5.95. (Fifth Edition) (Sweeney 1394)
Pages: Pp 125
S#: 1394.00.0701
Date: 1960
Title: Louis Sullivan (Masters of the World Architecture Series) (Hard Cover) (Published by George Braziller, Inc., New York)
Author: Bush-Brown, Albert
Description: Only the Heroic Scale measures Louis Sullivan. The titanic task he set himself was to shape his society through architecture, as the Parthenon did for Athens, the Cathedral for Paris. He was the first prophet to build for the American condition. His childhood dream, the mighty Craftsman, was a grandiose vision come to a boy on a farm during a summer vacation, but it had the drive and momentum of a whole civilization.
At eighteen, standing in the Sistine Chapel, he communed in silence with "The first mighty man of Courage . . . power as he had seen it in the mountains, . . . in the open sky, . .. the primal power of Life at work." He saw imagination there, imagination speaking truths beyond reason, timelessly, mysteriously revealing "uncompromising faith in Life, as faith in man. . . .
He determined to seek the forces at work in his own society, to organize them, lead them toward humane ends, and express them in the plastic, rhythmic fluency of buildings. That his vision excelled his accomplishment was a hero's fate; that his prophecy went largely unheeded and unrewarded gave tragic scope, not to himself, but to his purpose, as he intimated by telling his life-story in the third person and calling it, The Autobiography of an Idea....
Includes references to Frank Lloyd Wruight and his relationship to L:ouis Sullivan.
Size: 7.5 x 10
Pages: Pp 128
S#: 1394.03.0923Date: 1960
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Master Architect (Soft Cover) (Published by the United States Information Service. Not Dated.)
Author: United States Information Service; Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Published for foreign distribution upon the death of Frank Lloyd Wright. Introduction: Early in his career Frank Lloyd Wright already was regarded as an architectural genius. He began by introducing the American "prairie house" concept and went on to develop many other new forms. He attacked prevailing theories of design and extended the bounds of architectural thinking. An individualist who embodied the American pioneer heritage, Wright believed in freedom above all else and followed this principle both as an artist and in his personal life. He lived and spoke as he liked with the result that he was continuously a controversial figure. Though he often stood alone, his role in the history of architecture now seems assured.
He remains the arch-rebel of modern architecture as well as one of its founders. More than 700 buildings stand in many parts of the world as a testament to his life and work... In the following pages in his own words are expressed some of his views on architecture and what he was striving to accomplish. Acquired from a book shop in Italy. Includes 16 photographs. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1399)
Size: 8.3 x 10.5
Pages: Pp 32
S#: 1399.00.1123Date: 1961
Title: Architecture in America: A Battle of Styles (Published by Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. New York)
Author: Edited by: Coles, William A.; Reed, Henry Hope Jr. 1-3) Wright, Frank Lloyd 4) Moholy-Nagy, Sibyl 5) Zevi, Bruno 6-8, 10) Wright, Frank Lloyd 10) Price, Harold C.; Price, Joe D.; Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. 12) Mumford, Lewis 13) Monroe, Harriet
Description: A compilation of articles. Includes articles written by and about Wright. 1) "Louis Sullivan - His Work" Arch Record July 1914. 2) "The Art and Craft of the Machine" Catalogue of the Fourteenth Exhibition of the Chicago Architectural Club 1901. 3) "An Organic Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy" published by Lund Humphries & Co 1939. 4) "Frank Lloyd Wright and The Ageing of Modern Architecture" Progressive Architecture May 1959. 5) "Architecture as Space, How to look at Architecture" Horizon Press 1957. 6)"Address at the Meeting of the Students Chapter Members, the American Institute of Architects" June 25, 1952 New York. 7) "Frank Lloyd Wright Speaks Up" House Beautiful July 1953. 8) "The Story of the Tower" Horizon Press 1956 9) "Frank Lloyd Wright's Concrete and Copper Skyscraper" Arch Forum May 1953. 10) "On the Price Tower in Bartlesville, Oklahoma" Arch Record February 1956. 11) "Skyscraper Casts Its Shadow on the Plains" Business Week Feb 18, 1956. 12) "From the Ground Up" Harcourt, Brace 1956 13) "A Poet's Life" Macmillan Co. 1938. Includes two photographs and one illustration related to Wright. 5.5 x 8.25. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 412 1) 50-1 2) 51-57 3) 58-59 4) 116-117 5) 132-133 6) 350-351 7) 351-353 8) 354-362 9) 362-368 10) 369-373 11) 373-378 12) 379-383 13) 384
S#: 1464.05.0407Modern Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy By Vicent Scully, Jr. (1961, 1977) Date: 1961
Title: Modern Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Prentice-Hall International, London; George Braziller, New York)
Author: Scully, Vincent, Jr
Description: This book is in an attempt to define the historical dimensions of modern architecture and to evaluate its meaning in terms of modern life. Although it is not intended as a historical survey, it shows how the rise of the architecture of democracy is related to the roots and formulation of contemporary thought. Professor Scully traces the major developments which have taken place in modern architecture beginning with the democratic and industrial revolutions of the late eighteenth century and the subsequent breakdown of the old humanist, man centered world. From the Baroque synthesis of freedom and order evolved two diversified tendencies: one was what the author calls Romantic - Classicism, and the other was Romantic - Naturalism." (Dust jacket) Includes many references and photographs related to Frank Lloyd Wright. Original list price $30.00. Photographs printed in photogravure. (First Edition)
Size: 7.25 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 128
S#: 1483.32.1217Date: 1977
Title: Modern Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy (Soft Cover) (Published by George Braziller, New York)
Author: Scully, Vincent, Jr.
Description: "This revised edition of the important work published in 1961 offers and opportunity to focus on the major new developments in architecture in the last 20 years, and in the light of these events, to revise and enlarge the view of modern architectural history as a whole which the original text presented. Unlike the earlier addition, the revision devotes considerable attention to city planning. The author traces the major developments which have taken place in modern architecture beginning with the democratic and industrial revolutions of the late 18th century and the subsequent breakdown of the old humanist, man - centered world. From the Baroque synthesis of freedom and order evolved two diversified tendencies: one was what the author calls Romantic - Classicism, and the other was Romantic - Naturalism." (Back cover) This edition included an additional chapter, "Twelve Years After: The Age of Irony," as well as an additional 32 plates. Includes many references and photographs related to Frank Lloyd Wright. Unlike the first addition where the photographs were printed in photogravure, these are printed standard halftone. Original list price $5.95. (Eight Edition)
Size: 7 x 10
Pages: Pp 158
S#: 2033.23.0215Frank Lloyd Wright, A Study in Architectural Content By Norris Kelly Smith (1966, 1979, 1979) Date: 1961
Title: A Study of The Architectural Imagery of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover) (Published by Norris Kelly Smith and Columbia University)
Author: Smith, Norris Kelly
Description: Doctoral thesis by Norris Kelly Smith. From the title page: "Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Faculty of Philosophy, Columbia University." This doctoral thesis was revised and published as Frank Lloyd Wright, A Study in Architectural Content, published by Prentice-Hall, Inc, in 1966. Although revised in the 1966 edition, the chapters in the book follow closely the chapters in the thesis.
Abstract. Advisor: Meyer Schapiro. There is undertaken in this essay an initial inquiry concerning the relationship between Wright's ideas, as one finds them expressed in his books and articles, and the shapes he devised from his buildings. The period covered extends from 1892 until 1940.
Chapter 1. It is argued that architecture is an inherently conservative art, and that Wright's in particular is conservative in style (i.e., sober and restrained, in contrast to the exuberant architecture of the 1870s) and in purpose; for its purpose is held to be that of defending the institution of the family as a critical point in its history and, in addition, to preserving an image of the free individual which Wright had received from his Unitarian forebears - an image inseparable from the names of Emerson and Whitman... Acquired from the estate of Wilbert R. Hasbrouck. Pages are printed from typed pages, single side.
Size: 6.25 x 8
Pages: Pp 244
S#: 1483.37.0320Date: 1966 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: A Study in Architectural Content (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ)
Author: Smith, Norris Kelly
Description: Two copies, one with, and one without a dust jacket. Original HC List Price $5.95. (First and Second Edition) (Sweeney 1636)
Size: 6 x 8
Pages: Pp 178
S#: 1636.00.0606, 1636.02.0799
Date: 1966 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: A Study in Architectural Content (Soft Cover) (Published by Prentice-Hall, Inc.)
Author: Smith, Norris Kelly
Description: Original SC List Price $2.45 (First Edition) (Sweeney 1636)
Pages: Pp 178
S#: 1636.01.0401
Date: 1979 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: A Study in Architectural Content (Hard cover - DJ) (Published by American Life Foundation & Study Institute, Watkins Glen, NY)
Author: Smith, Norris Kelly
Description: First published in 1966 by Prentice-Hall, Inc. This edition has been revised by the author, re-designed, re-set, and some new illustrations added. Two thousand soft cover and one thousand hard cover were printed. Original 1979 HC List Price $15.00. (First Revised Edition) (Sweeney 1636)
Size: 8.75x11
Pages: Pp 200
S#: 1636.04.0606
Date: 1979 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: A Study in Architectural Content (Soft Cover) (Published by American Life Foundation & Study Institute, Watkins Glen, NY)
Author: Smith, Norris Kelly
Description: Original 1979 SC List Price $10.00. Two thousand soft cover were printed. (First Revised Edition) (Sweeney 1636)
Pages: Pp 200
S#: 1636.03.0101
Date: 1979 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: A Study in Architectural Content (Soft Cover) (Published by American Life Foundation & Study Institute, Watkins Glen, NY)
Author: Smith, Norris Kelly
Description: First published in 1966 by Prentice-Hall, Inc. This edition has been revised by the author, re-designed, re-set, and some new illustrations added. Although not indicated as a second edition, the covers (front and back, inside front and back) of this version differs from 1636.03. The inside matches completely. Two thousand soft cover and one thousand hard cover were printed. (First Revised Edition) (Sweeney 1636)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 200
ST#: 1636.05.0914
Date: 1963 Title: Problems of the 19th & 20th Centuries. Studies in Western Art. Acts of the Twentieth International Congress of the History of Art. Volume IV (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ)
Author: Introduction: Hitchcock, Henry-Russell; Scully, Vincent Jr.; Brooks, H. Allen; Jacobs, Stephen W.; Meeks, Carroll L.; Summerson, John
Description: This volume contains papers presented at the Twentieth International Congress of the History of Art, held in New York City September 7-12, 1961. Five presentations include: "Frank Lloyd Wright and Twentieth-Century Style" by Scully; "The Prairie School, the Midwest Contemporaries of Frank Lloyd Wright" by Brooks; "California Contemporaries of Frank Lloyd Wright, 1885-1915" by Jacobs; "Wright's Eastern-Seaboard Contemporaries: Creative Eclecticism in the United States around 1900" by Meeks; "The British Contemporaries of Frank Lloyd Wright" by Summerson. "Some years ago a student asked Frank Lloyd Wright how he could make his own work wholly original. Wright replied, in effect, 'You can't. I invented a new architecture... about 1900, and all you can do is learn its principles and work with them' ", Scully. Original list price $8.50. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1529)
Size: 6.25 x 9.5
Pages: Pp 1-87
S#: 1529.00.1013
Date: 1964
Title: The Contemporary Bearing Wall, Architectural Studies (Soft Cover) (Published by the Structural Clay Products Institute, Washington D.C.)
Author: Structural Clay Products Institute
Description: Cover illustration: Larkin Building, Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Although the cover illustration of the Larkin Building, designed by Wright in 1903, the content of the booklet does not mention Wright or his work. AIA File No. 5-Q. (First Edition)
Size: 11 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 28
S#: 1596.70.0918Date: 1964
Title: The Contemporary Bearing Wall, Construction Techniques (Soft Cover) (Published by the Structural Clay Products Institute, Washington D.C.)
Author: Structural Clay Products Institute
Description: Cover illustration: Larkin Building, Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Although the cover illustration of the Larkin Building, designed by Wright in 1903, the content of the booklet does not mention Wright or his work. AIA File No. 5-Q. (First Edition)
Size: 11 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 16
S#: 1596.71.0918Date: 1964
Title: The Contemporary Bearing Wall, Structural Design (Soft Cover) (Published by the Structural Clay Products Institute, Washington D.C.)
Author: Structural Clay Products Institute
Description: Cover illustration: Larkin Building, Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Although the cover illustration of the Larkin Building, designed by Wright in 1903, the content of the booklet does not mention Wright or his work. AIA File No. 5-Q. (First Edition)
Size: 11 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 36
S#: 1596.72.0918Date: 1966
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Pioneer of Organic Architecture (Egypt) (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by National House for Printing and Publishing, Egypt)
Author: Hammad, Mohammad; Karim, Sayed
Description: Published in Arabic. Volume reads from back to front. Text is all in Arabic. Many photographs and illustration throughout. This may have been an unauthorized edition. The photographs are of a poor quality. It appears that the photographs were scanned from other books, not original photographs. They have the appearance like a Zerox copy. The cover portrait is a copy of the illustration and frontispiece from Frank Lloyd Wright, Rebel in Concrete, Forsee, 1959, and illustrated by Guy Fry. Note: Text in Arabic. Translation to English by the bookseller in Alexandria, Egypt, and by Google Translator.) (First Edition) (Sweeney 1631)
Size: 9.5 x 8.75
Pages: Pp 231
S#: 1631.00.1223Date: 1966
Title: Architects on Architecture: New Directions in America (Hard Cover)
Author: Heyer, Paul
Description: (First Edition) (Sweeney 1632)
Pages: Pp 60-6
S#: 1632.00.0201Date: 1967
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, His Life. His Works. His Views (Egypt) (Stiff Soft Cover) (Published by Arab Renaissance House, Egypt)
Author: Mahmoud, Mohammed Tawfiq; Fathi, Hassan
Description: Published in Arabic. Volume reads from back to front. Text is all in Arabic. Many photographs and illustration throughout. A few color plates. This may have been an unauthorized edition. The photographs are of a poor quality. It appears that the photographs were scanned from other books, not original photographs. They have the appearance like a Zerox copy. Cover illustration adapted from a Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation First Day Cover, 1966, which may have been adapted from an earlier illustration. Cover spine is missing. Note: Text in Arabic. Translation to English by the bookseller in Alexandria, Egypt, and by Google Translator.) (First Edition)
Size: 6.6 x 9.5
Pages: Pp 946
S#: 1720.99.1223Date: 1980
Title: Architecture of the Western World (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Edited: Raeburn, Michael
Description: Original HC List Price $?, PB List Price $19.95. (First Crescent Books Edition 1984)
Pages: Pp Cover, 10 15 20 27 32-3 35 237 243 250-1 268 282 284
ST#: 1980.01.1201Date: 1980 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover)
Author: Zevi, Bruno
Description: Published by Studio paperback. Text is in German. Also published in 1954, 1980, 1990, 1998. (Second Edition)
Pages: Pp 286
ST#: 1980.06.0804
Frank Lloyd Wright By Daniel Treiber (1986, 1988, 1995, 2008) Date: 1986 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Collection Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by Fernand Hazan, Paris) (French)
Author: Treiber, Daniel
Description: Printed in French. "This study was undertaken in 1974 at the request of Henri Bonnemazou." From the cover flap: "In this monograph on the varied, remarkable and unusual work of Frank Lloyd Wright, Daniel Treiber sets out to trace the great metaphors of this original art of construction. This is an indispensable tool for anyone who wishes to find out about the architecture of the 20th century and about one of its most exceptional and topical masters." Original list price 150 Franks. (First Edition)
Size: 7 x 9.75
Pages: Pp 137
ST#: 1986.63.0516
Date: 1988 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Collection Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Boston, Berlin) (German)
Author: Treiber, Daniel; Translated from the French by Priska Brutsche
Description: Printed in German. "This study was undertaken in 1974 at the request of Henri Bonnemazou." From the cover flap: "In the seventy-year period of his work by the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1869 - 1959) developed an unrivaled variety of architectural forms and ideas. Based on the principle of his teacher Louis Henri Sullivan he developed the plan from the inside outwards. Wright created buildings that are designed from the realities of the countryside, of purpose, materials, construction and grown organically..." (First German Edition)
Size: 7 x 9.75
Pages: Pp 136
ST#: 1988.89.0516
Date: 1995 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture Collection (Soft Cover) (Published by E & FN Spon, An Imprint of Chapman & Hall, London, Glasgow, Weinheim, New York, Tokyo, Melbourn, Madras. First published in French in 1986 by Fernand Hazan, Paris)
Author: Treiber, Daniel
Description: "This study was undertaken in 1974 at the request of Henri Bonnemazou." From the cover flap: "In this monograph on the varied, remarkable and unusual work of Frank Lloyd Wright, Daniel Treiber sets out to trace the great metaphors of this original art of construction. This is an indispensable tool for anyone who wishes to find out about the architecture of the 20th century and about one of its most exceptional and topical masters." Originally published in French in 1986. Original SC List Price $54.95. (First English Edition)
Size: 7 x 9.75
Pages: Pp 136
ST#: 1995.28.0603
Date: 2008 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover) (Published by Birkhuser Verlag GmbH, Basel, Switzerland. Originally published by Spon, London; New York, 1995)
Author: Treiber, Daniel
Description: Published in English. Also published in Italian. Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) exercised a shaping influence on architectural history throughout the world as only very few other architects beside him have done. His structures - developed from landscape, program, material, and construction - are highly individual and independent of the stylistic developments of modern architecture. His constant attempts to invent new things gave rise to the idiosyncratic forms and constructions that are typical of his work. The author, Daniel Treiber, has produced a well-researched and thorough presentation that highlights the fundamental aspects of the American architect's work that are relevant from a contemporary perspective. He systematically investigates the forms, types, and strategies of Wright's oeuvre and accompanies his outstanding texts with a lavish offering of photographs and plans. (Publisher's description.) Original list price $35.00. (First Revised 2008 Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 9.7
Pages: Pp 192
ST#: 2008.29.0416
Date: 2008
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover) (Published by Jaca Book spa, Milan, Italy)
Author: Treiber, Daniel; Translated from French to Italian: Mastrorilli, Antonella
Description: Published in Italian. First published in French. Also published in English. Back Cover: Molti storici dell'architettura annoverano Frank Lloyd Wright tra gli inventori della modernita. Tuttavia, in una epoca come quella attuale, caratterizzata da una curiosità dilagante per il paesaggio, da una valorizzazione forte dell'ecologia e dello sviluppo sostenibile, l'opera di Wright ci appare sotto una luce nuova...
Translation: Many architectural historians list Frank Lloyd Wright among the inventors of modernity. However, in an era like the current one, characterized by a rampant curiosity for the landscape, by a strong enhancement of ecology and sustainable development, Wright's work appears to us in a new light.
While analyzing the architect's production in a balanced way, from youth works to the last, freer houses, this book does not propose a chronological approach to the work, but a thematic one.
Beyond the prowess of the architectural space, the volume also invites you to consider the harmony of the buildings with their landscape, the relationship with the seasons or even the attention paid to the very materiality of the buildings; whether they are luxurious decorations or more modest, rougher materials, they always appear immersed in bright sophisticated atmospheres that wonderfully link transparency and penumbra.
Acquired from a bookseller in the United Kingdom. Original list price 45 Euro. (First Edition)
Size: 8.6 x 9.75
Pages: Pp 191
ST#: 2008.54.0125Date: 1988 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright 1941-1959. A Selection of Buildings and Projects (A record of a seminar held at the Southern California Institute of Architecture from January to April 1988)
Author: Edited by: Smith, Kathryn; Authors: Boscanin, Nikola; Steele, Scott; Tal, Orly; Lew, Edwin; Yang, Tien-Chu; Pattratara, Anan; Beltramo, Fernando; Skepner, Brad; Moore, Monique; Herrera, Anthony; Pan, Chia-Hsiang; Watari, Gayle; Beg, Conway; Gubel, Gustavo; Guzman, Eulogio
Description: "This book is a product of a seminar focusing n the projects and buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright designed between 1941 and 1959... to analyze for common motifs and themes, which the whole group tackled together; and fifteen specific subjects - the various building types Wright addressed in those prolific years, which we examined individually. The fifteen topics included Usonian Houses of modest or ore generous sizes and budgets, housing projects, hotels and apartments, resorts and motels, museums, megastructures, churches, commercial buildings, theatres and large scale complexes... As it turns out, we have concluded that the latter period beginning in 1938 is dominated by Wright's interest in circular geometry which appears in more than two-thirds of the buildings studied..." A study of fifteen structures including an essay for each, and 56 illustrations. Spiral bound. (First Edition) Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 8.5 x 8.5.
Pages: Pp 75 (Printed singled sided)
ST#: 1988.49.0711
Date: 1988 Title: The Nature of Frank Lloyd Wright (Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London) (Hard Cover DJ)
Author: Edited by: Bolon, Carol R.; Nelson, Robert S.; Seidel, Linda
Description: Papers were presented at a symposium, organized to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House, by the Department of Art of the University of Chicago, held in October 1984. Authors included Vincent Scully, Joseph Connors, Neil Levine, David Van Zanten, Donald Hoffman, Gwendolyn Wright, Julia Meech-Pekarik, Thomas H. Beeby, Lloyd Wright, Larzer Ziff. Original cover price $29.95. Two copies, with and without dust jacket. (First Edition)
Size: 8.25 x 8.25.
Pages: Pp 193
ST#: 1988.41.1008, 1988.06.1100
Date: 1989 Title: 9 Commentaries on Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Kaufmann, Edgar Jr.
Description: Original HC List Price $32.50. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 158
ST#: 1989.06.1299
Date: 1990 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, a cura di Bruno Zevi (Soft Cover) (Published by Nicola Zanichelli S.p.A., Bologna, Italy)
Author: Zevi, Bruno
Description: Italian Version, Originally published in 1979. Original cover price: L.17 000. Also published in 1954, 1980, 1990, 1998.
Size: 5.75 x 8.25
Pages: Pp 280
ST#: 1990.46.0506
Date: 1990 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Versus America, The 1930s (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London)
Author: Johnson, Donald Leslie
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright versus America combines interpretation, factual revelation, and anecdote in a highly readable narrative, pursuing answers to such questions as why until 1936 "it took intelligence to hire Wright but only money thereafter" (Leonard Eaton), why Wright changed from "simply a very good architect to the Greatest American Genius" (Reyner Banham), why the Soviets and British were fascinated by him, and why his architecture of this period differed so greatly from his previous work. (Publisher's description.) Original HC List Price $45.00. (Second Edition)
Pages: Pp 436
ST#: 1990.15.0202
Date: 1990 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Versus America, The 1930s (Soft Cover) (Published by The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London)
Author: Johnson, Donald Leslie
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright versus America combines interpretation, factual revelation, and anecdote in a highly readable narrative, pursuing answers to such questions as why until 1936 "it took intelligence to hire Wright but only money thereafter" (Leonard Eaton), why Wright changed from "simply a very good architect to the Greatest American Genius" (Reyner Banham), why the Soviets and British were fascinated by him, and why his architecture of this period differed so greatly from his previous work. (Publisher's description.) (Second Edition)
Size: 9.5 x 7.25
Pages: Pp 436
ST#: 1990.112.1014
Frank Lloyd Wright By Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer (1991, 1994, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2007) Date: 1991
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Taschen)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: 1) Pfeiffer presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. (Publisher's description.) An appendix includes a biography, and completed works. Text in English, German and French. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 175
ST#: 1991.04.1100Date: 1994
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Taschen)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: 2) Pfeiffer presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. (Publisher's description.) An appendix includes a biography, and completed works. Text in English, German and French. (Second Edition)
Pages: Pp 175
ST#: 1994.31.0604Date: 1994
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: 3) Pfeiffer presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. (Publisher's description.) An appendix includes a biography, and completed works. Text in English, German and French. (Third Edition, First B&N Edition)
Pages: Pp 175
ST#: 1994.04.0800Date: 1998
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Stiff Soft Cover) (Published by Borders Press)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: 4) Pfeiffer presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. (Publisher's description.) An appendix includes a biography, and completed works. Text in English, German and French. (Fourth Edition, First BP Edition)
Pages: Pp 175
ST#: 1998.05.1100Date: 2000
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Taschen)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: 5) Pfeiffer presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. (Publisher's description.) An appendix includes a biography, and completed works. Text in English, German and French. First published in 1991. Original HC List Price $29.95. (Fifth Edition)
Pages: Pp 175
ST#: 2000.24.0402Date: 2002
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Stiff Soft Cover) (Published by Taschen)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: 6) Pfeiffer presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. (Publisher's description.) An appendix includes a biography, and completed works. Text in English, German and French. Smaller Flex-cover Version. First published in 1991. Original SC List Price $19.99. (Sixth Edition)
Pages: Pp 182
ST#: 2002.53.1104Date: 2007
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Taschen, Hong Kong, Koln, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Paris, Tokyo)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks; Edited by Gossel, Peter; Leuthauser, Gabriele
Description: 7) Taschen's 25th anniversary - Special edition. Pfeiffer presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. (Publisher's description.) An appendix includes a biography, and completed works. Text in English, German and French. First published in 1991. (Seventh Edition)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 175
ST#: 2007.49.0608Revised Edition: Frank Lloyd Wright By Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer (2004, 2004, 2015, 2021) Date: 2004
Title: Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Barnes & Noble Books, New York)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: 1) Pfeiffer presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. (Publisher's description.) An appendix includes a biography, and completed works. Text in English, German and French. A condensed paperback version of Pfeiffer's book, "Frank Lloyd Wright". First published in 2004 by Taschen, Koln, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Paris, Tokyo, paperback. Originally published in 1991. Original HC List Price $7.95. (First Edition)
Size: 7.5 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 96
ST#: 2004.09.0105Date: 2004
Title: Wright (Stiff Soft Cover) (Published by Taschen, Koln, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Paris, Tokyo)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: 2) Pfeiffer presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. (Publisher's description.) An appendix includes a biography, and completed works. Text in English, German and French. A condensed paperback version of "Frank Lloyd Wright". First published in 1991. Original SC List Price $11.90. (First Edition)
Size: 7.25 x 9
Pages: Pp 96
ST#: 2004.02.0604Date: 2015
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (HB Taschen) (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Taschen GmbH, Koln, Germany)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: 3) First published in 2004. "Acclaimed as the "father of skyscrapers," the quintessentially American icon Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) was an architect of aspiration. He believed in giving cultivated American life its fitting architectural equivalent and applied his idealism to structures across the continent, from suburban homes to churches, offices, skyscrapers, and the celebrated Guggenheim Museum. Wright's work is distinguished by its harmony with humanity and its environment, a philosophy he called organic architecture, and which found its paradigm at Fallingwater, a house in rural Pennsylvania, cited by the American Institute of Architects as "the best all-time work of American architecture." Wright also made a particular mark with his use of industrial materials, and by the simple L or T plan of his Prairie House which became a model for rural architecture across America. Wright was also often involved in many of the interior elements of his buildings, such as the furniture and stained glass, paying particular attention to the balance between individual needs and community activity. Exploring Wright's aspirations to augment American society through architecture, this book offers a concise introduction to his at once technological and Romantic response to the practical challenges of middle-class Americans. (Second Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 10.5
Pages: Pp 196
ST#: 2015.31.0718Date: 2021
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (HB Taschen) (Hard Cover) (Published by Taschen GmbH, Koln, Germany)
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: 4) Description: First published in 2004. "Acclaimed as the "father of skyscrapers," the quintessentially American icon Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) was an architect of aspiration. He believed in giving cultivated American life its fitting architectural equivalent and applied his idealism to structures across the continent, from suburban homes to churches, offices, skyscrapers, and the celebrated Guggenheim Museum.
Wright's work is distinguished by its harmony with humanity and its environment, a philosophy he called organic architecture, and which found its paradigm at Fallingwater, a house in rural Pennsylvania, cited by the American Institute of Architects as "the best all-time work of American architecture." Wright also made a particular mark with his use of industrial materials, and by the simple L or T plan of his Prairie House which became a model for rural architecture across America. Wright was also often involved in many of the interior elements of his buildings, such as the furniture and stained glass, paying particular attention to the balance between individual needs and community activity.
Exploring Wright's aspirations to augment American society through architecture, this book offers a concise introduction to his at once technological and Romantic response to the practical challenges of middle-class Americans.
Original list price $20.00 (Third Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 10.5
Pages: Pp 96
ST#: 2021.49.0724Frank Lloyd Wright, A Primer on Architectural Principles (1991, 2006) Date: 1991 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, A Primer on Architectural Principles (Soft Cover) (Published by Princeton Architectural Press, New York)
Author: Editor: McCarter, Robert. Authors: Frampton, Kenneth; Graf, Otto; Lipman, Jonathan; MacCormac; Mackenzie, Archie; McCarter, Robert (2); Finnell, Patrick; Seligmann, Werner
Description: Nine essays that illuminate the complex and creative mind of Frank Lloyd Wright at work. Focusing on Wright's work itself - the buildings and projects that Wright understood as the "particular" examples of his "general" principles of design - this book is written from the perspective of architects, rather than art historians, and offers a more complete understanding of Wright than that offered by more traditional studies. Over 400 photographs and diagrammatic analyses complement the incisive texts. (Back cover). Original SC List Price $29.95. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 10
Pages: Pp 308
ST#: 1991.05.1000
Date: 1991 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, A Primer on Architectural Principles (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Princeton Architectural Press, New York)
Author: Editor: McCarter, Robert. Authors: Frampton, Kenneth; Graf, Otto; Lipman, Jonathan; MacCormac; Mackenzie, Archie; McCarter, Robert (2); Finnell, Patrick; Seligmann, Werner
Description: Nine essays that illuminate the complex and creative mind of Frank Lloyd Wright at work. Focusing on Wright's work itself - the buildings and projects that Wright understood as the "particular" examples of his "general" principles of design - this book is written from the perspective of architects, rather than art historians, and offers a more complete understanding of Wright than that offered by more traditional studies. Over 400 photographs and diagrammatic analyses complement the incisive texts. (Back cover). Two copies, dust jacket printed on gloss (1) and matt (1) paper. (Second Edition)
Size: 8.6 x 10.25
Pages: Pp 308
ST#: 1991.60.0511 (Gloss), 1991.61.0511 (Matt)
Date: 2005 Title: On and By Frank Lloyd Wright, A Primer of Architectural Principles (Published by Phaidon Press Limited, London, New York) (Hard Cover DJ)
Author: Edited by McCarter, Robert. Authors: Finnell, Patrick; Frampton, Kenneth; Graf, Otto Antonia; Hoesli, Bernhard; Levine, Neil; Lipman, Jonathan; MacCormac, Richard; Mackenzie, Archie; McCarter, Robert (2); Rowe, Colin; Sergeant, John; Seligmann, Werner; Smith, Kathryn; Van Zanten, David; Wright, Gwendolyn; Wright, Frank Lloyd (3)
Description: Originally published as "Frank Lloyd Wright, A Primer on Architectural Principles", Princeton Architectural Press, 1991. This 2005 edition is expanded from nine essays to fourteen analytical essays that use Wright's buildings as a means to understanding his complex creative process. Included are previously published contributions from well-known historians and Wright scholars such as Kenneth Frampton, Colin Rowe, and Gwendolyn Wright, John Sergeant, Kathryn Smith, Neil Levine, Jonathan Lipman as well as new commentary from the book's editor, Robert McCarter. It also includes three of Wright's essays. Original cover price $59.95. 7.25 x 10. (First Edition)
Size: 7.25 x 10
Pages: Pp 372
ST#: 2005.10.0507
Date: 2011
Title: On and By Frank Lloyd Wright, A Primer of Architectural Principles (Soft Cover) (Published by Phaidon Press Limited, London, New York)
Author: Edited by McCarter, Robert
Description: A reprint of the 2005 edition. A completion of fourteen analytical essays that use Wright's buildings as a means to understanding his complex creative process. Included are previously published contributions from well-known historians and Wright scholars such as Kenneth Frampton, Colin Rowe, and Gwendolyn Wright, John Sergeant, Kathryn Smith, Neil Levine, Jonathan Lipman as well as new commentary from the book's editor, Robert McCarter. It also includes three of Wright's essays. Dust Jacket: "On and By Frank Lloyd Wright: A Primer of Architectural Principles contains fourteen analytical essays that use Wright's buildings - the legacies he left us - as a means to understanding his complex creative process. Architect of many of the twentieth century's most important buildings, Wright largely remains an enigma today. Written by renowned architects and architectural historians, On and By Frank Lloyd Wright provides a unique and informed look at Wright's buildings from inception to completion, from his earliest works to his final masterpieces. With over four hundred images, including photographs, archival material, and diagrammatic analyses, the primer provides a more complete understanding of Wright's work than previous studies. The final word comes from the master himself in a set of three essays in which Wright discusses his own architectural philosophies - a final lesson from this great American teacher." Contains over 400 images. Original cover price $29.95. (Second Edition)
Size: 7 x 9.6
Pages: Pp 372
ST#: 2011.26.0520Date: 1991 Title: The Wright Space (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Hildebrand, Grant
Description: The pattern and meaning in Frank Lloyd Wright's houses. Original HC List Price $55.00. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 192
ST#: 1991.23.0804
Date: 1991 Title: The Wright Space (Soft Cover)
Author: Hildebrand, Grant
Description: The pattern and meaning in Frank Lloyd Wright's houses. Original SC List Price $40.00. (Fourth Edition)
Pages: Pp 192
ST#: 1991.20.0902
Date: 1992 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright Between Principle and Form (Soft Cover) (Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold)
Author: Laseau, Paul & Tice, James
Description: Original SC List Price $34.95. (Second Edition)
Pages: Pp 204
ST#: 1992.01.0301
Wright Studies Volume One & Two (1992, 2000) Date: 1992 Title: Taliesin 1911-1914: Wright Studies Volume 1 (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Edited: Menocal, Narciso
Description: Five Studies: Neil Levine, Scott Gartner, Anthony Alofsin, Narciso Menocal, Anthony Alofsin. Original HC List Price $50.00. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 141
ST#: 1992.25.0502
Date: 1992 Title: Taliesin 1911-1914: Wright Studies Volume 1 (Soft Cover)
Author: Edit: Menocal, Narciso
Description: Five Studies: Levine, Neil; Gartner, Scott; Alofsin, Anthony; Menocal, Narciso; Alofsin, Anthony. Original SC List Price $22.50. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 141
ST#: 1992.16.0701
Date: 2000
Title: Fallingwater and Pittsburgh, Wright Studies Volume Two (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville, Illinois)
Author: Edit: Menocal, Narciso
Description: "In Wright Studies Volume Two: Fallingwater and Pittsburgh, contributors Kathryn Smith, Neil Levine, and Richard Cleary concentrate on two themes: Smith focuses on Wright's interest in the imagery of water in architecture while Levine and Cleary look at Wright's relationship with Edgar Kaufmann, the department store magnate, and analyze the results-aesthetic and otherwise-of that relationship. All three deal with Fallingwater, built for Kaufmann in the 1930s, and other projects planned for Pittsburgh, which included a planetarium, a civic center, a parking garage, and an apartment house. Smith discusses how Wright refined his integration of bodies of water into his designs over the course of his career, the most successful of which is Fallingwater. Levine provides historical background on Fallingwater and analyzes the architectural elements of the design while emphasizing Fallingwater's temporal dimension. Cleary covers Wright's Pittsburgh projects and Edgar Kaufmann Sr.'s role in them." (Publisher's description.) Original SC List Price $35.00, HC List Price $50.00. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 113
ST#: 2000.84.0817Date: 2000 Title: Fallingwater and Pittsburgh, Wright Studies Volume Two (Soft Cover) (Published by Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville, Illinois)
Author: Edited by Menocal, Narciso
Description: "In Wright Studies Volume Two: Fallingwater and Pittsburgh, contributors Kathryn Smith, Neil Levine, and Richard Cleary concentrate on two themes: Smith focuses on Wright's interest in the imagery of water in architecture while Levine and Cleary look at Wright's relationship with Edgar Kaufmann, the department store magnate, and analyze the results-aesthetic and otherwise-of that relationship. All three deal with Fallingwater, built for Kaufmann in the 1930s, and other projects planned for Pittsburgh, which included a planetarium, a civic center, a parking garage, and an apartment house. Smith discusses how Wright refined his integration of bodies of water into his designs over the course of his career, the most successful of which is Fallingwater. Levine provides historical background on Fallingwater and analyzes the architectural elements of the design while emphasizing Fallingwater's temporal dimension. Cleary covers Wright's Pittsburgh projects and Edgar Kaufmann Sr.'s role in them." (Publisher's description.) Original SC List Price $35.00, HC List Price $50.00. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 113
ST#: 2000.15.0402
Seven Ages of Frank Lloyd Wright By Donald W. Hoppen (1993, 1998) Date: 1993
Title: The Seven Ages of Frank Lloyd Wright: A New Appraisal
Author: Hoppen, Donald W.
Description: SC (Capra Press) (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 186
ST#: 1993.19.0302Date: 1998
Title: The Seven Ages of Frank Lloyd Wright: The Creative Process
Author: Hoppen, Donald W.
Description: Dover Edition, First published in 1993 by Capra Press (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 188
ST#: 1998.02.0301Date: 1994
Title: First Impressions: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Rubin, Susan Goldman
Description: (Second Edition)
Pages: Pp 92
ST#: 1994.25.0103Date: 1994 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright and the Meaning of Material (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Patterson, Terry L.
Description: Original HC List Price $46.95. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 260
ST#: 1994.30.0404
Lost Wright, Frank Lloyd Wright's Vanishing Masterpieces By Carla Lind (1996) Date: 1996
Title: Lost Wright, Frank Lloyd Wright's Vanished Masterpieces. (Hard Cover DJ) (Produced by Archetype Press, Inc. Washington D.C. Published by Simon & Schuster Editions, New York)
Author: Lind, Carla
Description: Dust Jacket. "Despite Frank Lloyd Wright's renown as America's most celebrated architect, more than one hundred of his buildings -- one of every five built -- have been destroyed. Thirty-one burned, two fell to natural disasters, four were shops or offices that changed use, and twenty-two were meant to be temporary. But the majority were razed either for economic reasons or because fashions changed. Gone are his majestic Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and the playful Midway Gardens in Chicago. Buffalo, New York, has lost the innovative Larkin Administration Building. Residents of Madison, Wisconsin, near Wright's own home, no longer have his delightful boathouse on Lake Mendota. Gone, too, are notable residences such as the palatial Little house in Minnesota and the stables in Mississippi he designed for his mentor, Louis Sullivan. Ocatilla, his ethereal camp in the Arizona desert, was meant to be temporary, but it is gone nonetheless. Apartment buildings, houses large and small, retail spaces, resort colonies, garages, garden structures, and monumental high-profile commissions -- all have been lost to future generations." Original HC List Price $35.00. (First Edition)
Size: 9.25 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 177
ST#: 1996.13.0599Date: 1996
Title: Lost Wright, Frank Lloyd Wright's Vanished Masterpieces. (Hard Cover DJ) (Produced by Archetype Press, Inc. Washington D.C. Published by Pomegranate Communications, Inc. Petaluma, CA)
Author: Lind, Carla
Description: First published by Simon & Schuster. Minor revisions. Dust Jacket. "Despite Frank Lloyd Wright's global renown, more than one hundred of his buildings--one of every five built--have been destroyed. Gone are his majestic Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and the playful Midway Gardens in Chicago. Buffalo has lost the innovative Larkin Administration Building. Gone, too, are notable residences such as the palatial Little House in Minnesota and the stables in Mississippi he designed for his mentor, Louis Sullivan. Apartment buildings, houses large and small, retail spaces, resort colonies, garages, garden structures, and monumental high-profile commissions--all have been lost to future generations. "How could it happen?" asks author Carla Lind in Lost Wrights. She then proceeds to show exactly how and why each of these buildings is no longer here. Illustrated with fascinating and often rare photographs, descriptions are arranged by building type from houses to apartments, recreation to business. Originally published in 1996 but out of print for several years, this is a revised and expanded edition." Original list price $35.00. 9.25 x 9.25 (Third Edition)
Size: 9.25 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 177
ST#: 1996.85.0818Date: 1996
Title: The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Princeton University Press)
Author: Levine, Neil
Description: Original HC List Price $85.00. (Third Edition)
Pages: Pp 524
ST#: 1996.34.0902Frank Lloyd Wright By Robert McCarter (1997, 1999) Date: 1997 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Phaidon Press Limited, London)
Author: McCarter, Robert
Description: This book provides a comprehensive critical overview of the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, one of the great masters of modern architecture. Beautifully illustrated with a wealth of photographs of many of Wright's best known buildings, Frank Lloyd Wright explores the key themes in the architect's work, presenting the consistent and systematic qualities that underlie all of his designs. Robert McCarter's text analyses Wright's work chronologically, emphasizing key designs and work relating to that, in parallel to an examination of several predominant themes active in Wright's design work, and singled out by Wright as being of fundamental importance in his understanding of architecture. The themes of space and the spatial experience of the user are thus examined, alongside a discussion of construction and a coherent tectonic order, and a investigation of the relationship between Wright's architecture and the landscape. (Dust Jacket.) Original HC list price $79.95. (First Edition)
Size: 10 x 11.75
Pages: Pp 368
ST#: 1997.62.0514
Date: 1999 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Phaidon Press Limited, London)
Author: McCarter, Robert
Description: This book provides a comprehensive critical overview of the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, one of the great masters of modern architecture. Beautifully illustrated with a wealth of photographs of many of Wright's best known buildings, Frank Lloyd Wright explores the key themes in the architect's work, presenting the consistent and systematic qualities that underlie all of his designs. Robert McCarter's text analyses Wright's work chronologically, emphasizing key designs and work relating to that, in parallel to an examination of several predominant themes active in Wright's design work, and singled out by Wright as being of fundamental importance in his understanding of architecture. The themes of space and the spatial experience of the user are thus examined, alongside a discussion of construction and a coherent tectonic order, and a investigation of the relationship between Wright's architecture and the landscape. (Dust Jacket.) Original SC list price $45.00. (Second Edition)
Size: 10 x 11.75
Pages: Pp 368
ST#: 1999.02.0200
Date: 1998 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover)
Author: Zevi, Bruno
Description: Chronological examination of Wright's work. Text is in German. Published by Birkhauser. Original SC List Price $24.95. Also published in 1954, 1980, 1990, 1998. (First Birkhauser Edition)
Pages: Pp 286
ST#: 1998.26.0403
Date: 1998
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright and the Living City
Author: De Long, David G.
Description: (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 334
ST#: 1998.20.0502Date: 1998
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright - The Lost Years (Soft Cover) (Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London)
Author: Alofsin, Anthony
Description: Original SC List Price $35.00. (First Paper Edition)
Pages: Pp 397
ST#: 1998.29.0700Date: 1998
Title: The Ferro-Concrete Style (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Hennessey + Ingalls, Santa Monica, California. Originally published in 1928 by the Architectural Book Publishing Co., Inc.)
Author: Onderdonk, Francis S.
Description: Originally published in 1928. Preface: The purpose of this book is to trace the beginning of the Ferro-Concrete Style and to indicate the developments which are to be expected in the future.
Readers who glance thru the illustrations before reading the text should bear in mind that some of the buildings are shown as aberrations and not as examples of the Ferro-Concrete Style. A few photographs of buildings constructed of other materials have been added to illustrate esthetic contentions...
Includes 13 photographs related to Frank Lloyd Wright’s buildings: Midway Gardens (5); Unity Temple (2); Ennis Residence (3); Millard, La Miniatura (1); Freeman (2). (First Edition)
Size: 8.25 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 265
ST#: 1998.119.0924Date: 1999 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright's Living Space (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by the Northern Illinois University Press, DeKalb, Illinois)
Author: Satler, Gail
Description: From the dust jacket: "The space within the building is the reality of that building." So says Frank Lloyd Wright in "The Destruction of the Box," an address in which he recalls for his audience the origins of his break with previous architectural thought. According to Satler, Wright's approach, "organic architecture, " reveals space as a lived and living entity, one that achieves its full meaning only when it becomes inscribed with the actual practices of those who inhabit it. This sociological analysis of Wright's architecture examines the interaction between people and the spaces they create. Satler shows how Wright explored a new architectural dimension, the space in which we live. Focusing on the Larkin Building (1904) and Unity Temple (1907), works that Wright considered important but that have received little attention, Satler delineates the social nature of space... First Edition)
Size: 5.5 x 8.75
Pages: Pp 194
ST#: 1999.74.0414
Date: 2001
Title: Shaping the Modern: American Decorative Arts at The Art Institute of Chicago 1917-65 (Soft Cover) (Published by The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois)
Author: Barter, Judith A.; Downs, Jennifer M.
Description: Part of the series, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago Museum Studies.
There is no better way to introduce readers to The Art Institute of Chicago's growing collection of twentieth-century decorative arts than to offer a brief sense of both the ambition and complexity of the modernist move-ment, which dominated the cultural life of the last century, and whose practitioners sought to do no less than eliminate traditional distinctions between fine art and craft. As the above quotations suggest, moreover, they did so in a way that invested the objects they designed with a powerful, and indeed utopian, social importance. In reconsidering the history and diversity of modernist designs, it quickly becomes apparent that not all versions of modernism-or modernist visions of utopia-were the same, and that an aesthetic that began around the turn of the twentieth century with an eye toward...
Chapter 14: Frank Lloyd Wright, Richard J. Neutra. Architects Frank Lloyd Wright and Richard J. Neutra created some of the most important American buildings of the first half of the twentieth century; their furniture designs, including the tubular-steel pieces shown here, were not mass-produced, but rather planned and executed for these specific environments.' Wright conceived his patented ergonomic desk and chair for his Johnson Wax Administration Building (Racine, Wisconsin; 1936-39), while Neutra intended his armchair, with its patented steel-spring support, to be used in several of his interiors, including his own Los Angeles home and studio (1932), and the ticket office for the Catalina Island ferry, which he designed in 1937? Although highly original, these examples of Wright's and Neutra's work reflect prominent design ideals of the day: streamlined in form, they were made to correspond with their architectural surroundings...
Includes three images related to S. C. Johnson Administration Building. (First Edition)
Size: 8.25 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 112
ST#: 2001.94.1024Date: 2005
Title: Educating Frank Lloyd Wright. 1885-1899. Volume One (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Striking Impressions, Los Angeles, California)
Author: Koppany, B. III
Description: All three volumes extensively cover the period of Frank Lloyd Wright's career from 1885 until 1899, and the forces that influenced Wright during that time period. Growing up, working with Silsbee, his time with Adler & Sullivan, and an extensive, in-depth look at the 1893 Chicago World's Columbian Exhibition. "It was only when I got to the photograph of the pavilion of Turkey where I started to believe that there may be a relationship between Frank Lloyd Wright and the founding father of modern architecture's importance on the 1893 World's Columbian Exhibition. In Wrights' autobiography, and almost every book written by Wright, there is at least one reference to the 1893 Chicago World's Columbian Exhibition (World's Fair). It intuitively followed that Wright thought this fair was very important to him even if he didn't like it..." Heavily illustrated with period photographs and their influence on Wright's work. 650 illustrations. Original list price $180.00. Gift from the author.
Size: 11 x 12.25.
Pages: Pp 338
ST#: 2005.46.1117Date: 2005
Title: Educating Frank Lloyd Wright. 1885-1899. Volume Two (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Striking Impressions, Los Angeles, California)
Author: Koppany, B. III
Description: Volume two continues an extensive, in-depth look at the 1893 Chicago World's Columbian Exhibition. Heavily illustrated with period photographs and their influence on Frank Lloyd Wright's work. Original list price $180.00. 374 illustrations. Gift from the author.
Size: 11 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 339-568
ST#: 2005.47.1117Date: 2005
Title: Educating Frank Lloyd Wright. 1885-1899. Volume Three (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Striking Impressions, Los Angeles, California)
Author: Koppany, B. III
Description: All three volumes extensively cover the period of Frank Lloyd Wright's career from 1885 until 1899, and the forces that influenced Wright during that time period. Volume three includes a list of architectural books owned by Louis Sullivan, items in Louis Sullivan's estate sale, Frank Lloyd Wright's book collection as well as other items and information related to Frank Lloyd Wright. 232 illustrations. Original list price $155.00. Gift from the author.
Size: 11 x 12.25
Pages: Pp 569-833
ST#: 2005.48.1117Date: 2006 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Reaktion Books Ltd, London as part of the Critical Lives Series)
Author: McCarter, Robert
Description: Back Cover: "An unforgettable cultural icon who refined both the twentieth-century city-scape and America's suburban and rural landscape, Frank Lloyd Wright has been studied from what seems to have been every possible angle. But this book is the first to focus on Wright's professional persona - that of an architect and designer enmeshed in a web of connections between prominent public figures and competing ideologies. Robert McCarter distils Wright's life and work into a concise account that explains both the beliefs and relationships so powerfully reflected in his architecture and interior design." (Publisher's description.) Includes 36 photographs and illustrations. Original list price $16.95. (First Edition)
Size: 5.1 x 7.8.
Pages: Pp 224
ST#: 2006.38.0112
Date: 2006
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: Works & Projects (Spanish & Portugese) (Soft Cover) (Printed in Spain)
Author: Zevi, Bruno
Description: Published in Spanish & Portugese. Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) es, sin duda, el gran maestro de la arquitectura americana del siglo xx...
Translation: Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is, without a doubt, the great master of American architecture of the 20th century. He began his engineering studies at the University of Wisconsin and, in 1887, moved to Chicago, where he worked in the office of architects Adler & Sullivan. From 1887 he began to carry out his own projects, which were characterized by a "free plant" and the predominance of horizontality; he raised the houses on a stone baseboard, had roofs with large overhangs and was convinced that the windows did not constitute simple gaps, but that they exercised a structural function. Of his extensive work, it is worth highlighting the Larkin office building (Buffalo, 1904), the Robie house (Chicago, 1908), the famous House of the Waterfall (Bear Run, 1936), the buildings for the S. C. Johnson & Son Administration (Racine, 1936-1950), to the Taliesin West school (Scottsdale, 1938) or the Guggenheim Museum (New York, 1959). (Tenth Impression)
Size: 5.5 x 8
Pages: Pp 300
ST#: 2006.72.1224Date: 2007 Title: Buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright. FLWBC Response to NPS Questions. June 2007 (Produced by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy)
Author: Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
Description: The process of choosing the twelve buildings exemplifying Frank Lloyd Wright's artistic genius and extraordinary contribution to modern architecture and culture took place over a period of two years. The list was compiled by a committee of leading Wright scholars and restoration architects appointed by the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy. The committee included Neil Levine, David G. De Long, Jack Quinan, John G. Thorpe, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer. The twelve selected were: Fallingwater, Hollyhock House, Jacobs House, Marin County Civic Center, Millard House, Price Tower, Robie House, S.C. Johnson & Son, Guggenheim Museum, Taliesin, Taliesin West, Unity Temple.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 19
ST#: 2007.57.0110
Date: 2008
Title: Geschichte der Architektur im 20. Jahrhundert (History of Architecture in the 20th Century) (Soft Cover) (Published by C.H. Beck, Munchen, Germany)
Author: Huse, Norbert
Description: Published in German. "Die Geschichte der Architektur im 20. Jahrhundert beginnt mit den wegweisenden Bauten des 19..." Translation: "The history of architecture in the 20th century begins with the pioneering buildings of the 19th century, when industrialization brought with it new building tasks, new technologies, new builders and new mentalities. Here the foundation stone is laid for the diversity of styles in the 20th century, which ranges from Art Nouveau, Chicago's skyscrapers and the Bauhaus to postmodernism and the current trends of the new millennium. On these forays through the 20th century, one encounters formative figures such as Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe or Robert Venturi, whose groundbreaking buildings and designs keep captivating them." Includes Frank Lloyd Wright and photographs and illustrations of: Guggenheim (1), Willits (2), Fallingwater. Original list price 8,95.
Size: 4.6 x 7
Pages: Pp 127
ST#: 2008.44.0220Date: 2011 Title: Architectural and Musical Interrelations. Counterpoint as a Tool of Composition in Music and Architecture (Soft Cover) (Published by Patakis, Athens, Greece)
Authors: Biris, Tasos; Demiri, Konstantina; Tsiraki, Sofia; Athanasopoulos, Jannis; Angelou, Angelos
Description: This publication includes essays - written by five university teachers - focusing on the notion of 'counterpoint' as a tool for composition in music and in architecture. The core issue of the book is explored in the course, taught in the School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens, entitled "Music and Architectural Correspondences: 'Counterpoint' as a Music and Architectural Tool". The book includes, conversations held between the students and the teachers on issues raised during the course and also students' architectural compositions. An attached CD, that includes auxiliary music excerpts, helps the reader to understand the function of contrapuntal relationships between architecture and music. Published in Greek. We assisted the publisher by providing a photograph related to Frank Lloyd Wright. Original list price 32.00 ($42.15). Gift from Patakis. To order. (First Edition)
Size: 9 X 8.25
Pages: Pp 367
ST#: 2011.03.0811
Date: 2012/2015
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Historic American Building Survey Volume 1 (Soft Cover) (Published by Marc Rochkind)
Author: Rochkind, Marc
Description: First published in 2012, reprinted in 2015. The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) was started in 1933 as one of the New Deal make-work programs, to employ jobless architects, draftspeople, and photographers. Its purpose is to document the nation's architectural heritage, especially those buildings that are in danger of ruin or deliberate destruction. Today, the HABS is part of the National Park Service and its repository is in the Library of Congress, much of which is available online at loc.gov.
Of the tens of thousands HABS buildings, I found 44 Frank Lloyd Wright designs that have been digitized. Each HABS survey includes photographs and/or drawings and/or a report. I've included here what the Library of Congress had-sometimes all three, sometimes two of the three, and sometimes just one. There might be a single photo or drawing, or, such as in the case of Florida Southern College (in volume two), over a hundred.
While all of the documents in these books are on the Library of Congress website, they're inconvenient to access. It's time consuming to download the drawings as PDFs, which is what you have to do if you want to see their detail. The reports are separate PDFs, too. But I've done all that for you, and even turned the drawings on their side so that they fill the page.
Contents of Volume 1: American System-Built Homes; Auldbrass (Stevens); Emil Bach House; Barnsdall Park; Barnsdall Park - Hollyhock House; Barnsdall Park - Residence A; Beth Sholom Synagogue; F. C. Bogk House; Patricia Boulter House; E. E. Boynton; House B. Harley Bradley House; Broad Margin (Austin); James Charnley House; Avery Coonley House; Susan Lawrence Dana House; Ennis House; Fallingwater. (First Edition / Reprinted 2015)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 324
ST#: 2012.38.1123Date: 2012/2015
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Historic American Building Survey Volume 2 (Soft Cover) (Published by Marc Rochkind)
Author: Rochkind, Marc
Description: First published in 2012, reprinted in 2015. The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) was started in 1933 as one of the New Deal make-work programs, to employ jobless architects, draftspeople, and photographers. Its purpose is to document the nation's architectural heritage, especially those buildings that are in danger of ruin or deliberate destruction. Today, the HABS is part of the National Park Service and its repository is in the Library of Congress, much of which is available online at loc.gov.
Of the tens of thousands HABS buildings, I found 44 Frank Lloyd Wright designs that have been digitized. Each HABS survey includes photographs and/or drawings and/or a report. I've included here what the Library of Congress had-sometimes all three, sometimes two of the three, and sometimes just one. There might be a single photo or drawing, or, such as in the case of Florida Southern College (in volume two), over a hundred.
While all of the documents in these books are on the Library of Congress website, they're inconvenient to access. It's time consuming to download the drawings as PDFs, which is what you have to do if you want to see their detail. The reports are separate PDFs, too. But I've done all that for you, and even turned the drawings on their side so that they fill the page.
Contents of Volume 2: Florida Southern College; Francis Apartments; Samuel Freeman House; A. Glasner House; Isaac N. Hagan House; R. Heath House; Isidore Heller House; F. B. Henderson House; Johnson Wax Corporation Building; Lindholm Oil Company Service Station; Darwin D. Martin House; William E. Martin House; Meyer S. May House; V. C. Morris Store; Park Inn & City National Bank; Rose Pauson House; Price Tower; Ravine Bluffs; Development Bridge. (First Edition / Reprinted 2015)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 303
ST#: 2012.39.1123Date: 2012/2015
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright, Historic American Building Survey Volume 3 (Soft Cover) (Published by Marc Rochkind)
Author: Rochkind, Marc
Description: First published in 2012, reprinted in 2015.
The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) was started in 1933 as one of the New Deal make-work programs, to employ jobless architects, draftspeople, and photographers. Its purpose is to document the nation's architectural heritage, especially those buildings that are in danger of ruin or deliberate destruction. Today, the HABS is part of the National Park Service and its repository is in the Library of Congress, much of which is available online at loc.gov.
Of the tens of thousands HABS buildings, I found 44 Frank Lloyd Wright designs that have been digitized. Each HABS survey includes photographs and/or drawings and/or a report. I've included here what the Library of Congress had-sometimes all three, sometimes two of the Rochkind, Marc three, and sometimes just one. There might be a single photo or drawing, or, such as in the case of Florida Southern College (in volume two), over a hundred.
While all of the documents in these books are on the Library of Congress website, they're inconvenient to access. It's time consuming to download the drawings as PDFs, which is what you have to do if you want to see their detail. The reports are separate PDFs, too. But I've done all that for you, and even turned the drawings on their side so that they fill the page.
Contents of Volume 3: Frederick C. Robie House; Rookery Building; Pope-Leighey House; Oscar Steffens House; Storer House; Albert W. Sullivan House; Louis H. Sullivan Summer House; Suntop Houses; Taliesin - Tan-Y-Deri; Unity Temple; Lowell Walter House; William H. Winslow House; Wright Home & Studio; Reverend Jessie R. Ziegler House. (First Edition / Reprinted 2015)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 269
ST#: 2012.40.1123Date: 2013
Title: Breaking Wright's Grid (Educating Frank Lloyd Wright 1900-1902) (Soft Cover) (Published by Striking Impressions, Prescott, AZ
Author: Koppany, B. III
Description: "For the first time the hidden architectural design grid of Frank Lloyd Wright is revealed. Wright used this grid over and over again from the start of his career up to his last works. This grid base unit of 7/8 inches is shown for the first time in the opening chapter of the book, overlapping Wright's grid on a conventional six inch grid. Wright's proportions for interior detail (baseboards to wainscot to picture rail to ceiling) is shown. Wright's time with Lyman Silsbee is examined, and is shown not to use a grid system. At Adler & Sullivan, the grid Wright was to use it shown to exist from the auditorium building (prior to Wright starting with the firm), it includes major commissions such as the Seattle Opera House, Kehilath Synagogue, McVicker's theater, Schiller (Garrick) Theater, and the Chicago Stock Exchange. Grids are shown for Wight's submittal to Louis Sullivan for a job, Louis Sullivan Summer Cottage by Wright, the Frank Lloyd Wright Residence, and the Blossom Residence (bootleg) by Wright..." Original list price $24.95. (Third Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 433
ST#: 2013.22.1117Date: 2014
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: Preservation, Design, and Adding to Iconic Buildings (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by the University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville & London)
Author: Edited By: Longstreth, Richard. Authors include: Richard Longstreth, De Teel Patterson Tiller, Sidney K. Robinson, Anne Biebel, Mary Keiran Murphy, Mark Hertzberg, Dale Allen Gyure, Neil Levine, Scott W. Perkins, Tom Kubala, Eric Jackson-Forsberg, Lynda S. Waggoner, Patrick J. Mahoney, Thomas Templeton Taylor.
Description: The buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright are not immune to the social and environmental forces that affect all architecture. Because of the popular recognition and historical significance of his work, however, the stakes are unusually high when his buildings are modified in any way. Any additions or changes must meet the highest standards; how exactly this can be achieved is the debate that fuels this compelling new book. The essays collected here are authored by many of the top professionals in the fields of architecture and preservation. Some of the contributors worked directly on the buildings discussed and provide invaluable firsthand accounts of these projects. This is the most thorough discussion of modifying Wright's works published to date and a fascinating commentary on preserving our architectural legacy. (Dust Jacket) Original list price $50.00. (First Edition)
Size: 8 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 289
ST#: 2014.40.0318Date: 2015
Title: Key Works of Modern Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright (Published as a PDF) (Published by Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago)
Author: Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
Description: "Nomination to the World Heritage List by the United States of America. Foreword. It Is a privilege for the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy to present the Key Works of Modern Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright as a nomination for inscription to the World Heritage list of UNESCO. Our organization welcomed the opportunity to initiate and coordinate this serial nomination after many discussions over a number of years. the Conservancy, in the course of fulfilling its mission to facilitate the preservation and maintenance of all the remaining built work of Wright, collaborates and communicates with all Wright sites, both private and those open to the public, including the sites listed in this nomination. We support the individual preservation and education efforts of each Wright site and provide opportunities for collective activities. this nomination is certainly one of the most important shared endeavors we have undertaken to date..."
Size: 11 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 427
ST#: 2015.33.0419Date: 2019
Title: The 20th-Century Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, Chicago)
Author: Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
Description: "Nomination to the World Heritage List by the United States of America (2016) Revised 2019. Foreword. The Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy is honored to present this revised document, The 20th-Century Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, as a nomination for inscription to the World Heritage List. As the only organization with the mission to facilitate the preservation and maintenance of the remaining structures designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, this nomination is one of the most important shared endeavors we have undertaken. After the World Heritage Committee's referral decision in July 2016, the Frank Lloyd Wright World Heritage Council worked closely with the United States National Park Service and, through them, with ICOMOS, to seriously consider their comments and use them to make appropriate changes to the proposal. This dossier represents a strong collaboration between the eight Wright component sites and a group of established Wright scholars, including the Conservancy's current and former Board members David DeLong, Neil Levine, Richard Longstreth, and Jack Quinan. We thank representatives from each site who contributed their time and knowledge to this project. We are enormously grateful to Lynda Waggoner and Scott Perkins (both of Fallingwater), Jeffrey Herr (Hollyhock House), and Stuart Graff (Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation) for their contributions to writing the revised sections, and to the invaluable guidance of Phyllis Ellin and Stephen Morris of the Office of International Affairs at the National Park Service." We were pleased to provide ten photographs for this volume.
Size: 11 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 369
ST#: 2019.02.0419Date: 2016
Title: Close-Up View of Froebel's Kindergarten, with Frank Lloyd Wright at the Drawing Table (Soft Cover) (Published by Xlibris, Bloomington, IN)
Author: Rogers, Wally
Description: Unparalleled account of two astute thinkers - German Friedrich Froebel and American Frank Lloyd Wright - about an intertwined connection between a captivating school-master and a tenacious master- architect. An in-depth examination of how children learn coupled with what Wright learned in Froebel's Kindergarten and how he applied it at the drawing table. Appropriate for parents, caretakers and educators of children and young people up through college age; and academic scholars and avid practitioners who advocate for the preservation of Wright's legacy. Narrative transcends years of commonplace thinking and practices founded upon an unrivaled method that accurately led to patterns of lovely shapes and magnificent angles, the bedrock of Froebel's historical kindergarten and Wright's timeless architecture. (Back Cover) Original list price $48.99. Gift from the author. To order www.Xlibris.com
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: Pp 1032
ST#: 2016.03.0816Date: 2016 Title: The Urbanism of Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Princeton University Press, New Jersey)
Author: Levine, Neil
Description: "This is the first book devoted to Frank Lloyd Wright's designs for remaking the modern city. Stunningly comprehensive, The Urbanism of Frank Lloyd Wright presents a radically new interpretation of the architect's work and offers new and important perspectives on the history of modernism. Neil Levine places Wright's projects, produced over more than fifty years, within their historical, cultural, and physical contexts, while relating them to the theory and practice of urbanism as it evolved over the twentieth century. Levine overturns the conventional view of Wright as an architect who deplored the city and whose urban vision was limited to a utopian plan for a network of agrarian communities he called Broadacre City..." (Publisher's description.) Original list price $65.00. (First Edition) Gift from Jeremy Steiner.
Size: 9.5 x 11.25
Pages: Pp 446
ST#: 2016.01.0116
Date: 2017
Title: Prairie Mind. Frank Lloyd Wright & Usonian Architecture of Self-Space (Soft Cover) Published by i-Catching Books)
Author: Somov, Pavel
Description: Architecture was the language of Wright’s dharma of healing. His vision of psychological sovereignty was as panoramic as his wall-to-wall windows. The goal of this book is to translate Wright’s language of architecture into the language of psychology. The book discusses the correspondence between Wright's architecture and Tibetan Buddhist tradition of Dzogchen, Akashic theory (a Vedic teaching on space), Gurdjieff-style pattern-interruption, etc. Excerpt: "We have to redesign our sense of self – our field of being - to leave the dualistic caves that imprison and box us in. We must move towards a more organic (less dual) architecture of mind." Really? (First Edition)
Size: 5 x 8
Pages: Pp 157
ST#: 2017.51.0124Date: 2017
Title: Travels With Frank Lloyd Wright. The First Global Architect (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Lund Humphries, London)
Author: Jones, Gwyn Lloyd
Description: Dust Jacket: "Frank Lloyd Wright is known as the architect of an enduring modern American vision, but was himself extremely well-travelled, with journeys to far-flung corners of the world serving as opportunities to develop and promote his globalizing 'organic' philosophy. Visits to Japan and Germany informed his Prairie House period, his Usonian manifesto was presented in Russia and the UK, and later he spent time in Italy and the Middle East during his Legacy period." Original list price £19.99. (First Edition)
Size: 6.25 x 9.5
Pages: Pp 232
ST#: 2017.38.1120Date: 2020
Title: Art, Vision, and Symmetry. The Hidden Geometry of Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Mission Point Press, Traverse City, Michigan)
Author: Shoaff, John H.
Description: Publishers description: When Frank Lloyd Wright wrote that certain "principles behind the effects" gave his buildings "such vitality, integrity, and magic as they have," he confronted us with a dual challenge: first, to uncover these principles, and, second, to explain how they yielded the remarkable qualities of "vitality and magic"-- always suffused with a clarity, immediacy, and harmony that imbue all his works with a lucent aesthetic "signature." He gave us our first clue when he wrote that each building emerges from "the differentiation of a single, certain, simple form." But then he left it for us to find the "the ideal of internal order, the integration that is organic" that led to and characterized the finished masterpiece. This book traces the emergence of that "ideal of internal order." In twelve representative case studies it presents the differentiation process by which a final well-integrated building plan emerges from a single, simple form. We see simple geometries repeat, grow, crystallize, and overlap, usually disciplined by their internal symmetrical structure, to yield unique and beautiful designs. The generative geometries are highlighted and presented in sequence... (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11.
Pages: Pp 95
ST#: 2020.09.0321Date: 2020
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: Cinq Approches (Five Approaches) (Soft Cover) Published by Parentheses, Marseille, France)
Author: Treiber, Daniel
Description: Published in French. Publishere’s description:
A giant of 20th-century architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright was throughout his career an extraordinary figure who, until the end, refused to accept limits—of space, matter, and time.
His work, punctuated by marked "periods" and nourished by continual renewals, has not ceased to seduce, question, and inspire.
This is the case for the author of this work, the second of which he devotes to the American "master." Moving away from a monographic perspective, he offers here a sensitive analysis in five approaches, like so many facets of a mirror held up, from one century to the next, to this immense architect, his drawings, his writings, his life, his utopias. A mirror that reflects an image of Wright that is both less well-known and, surprisingly, more familiar. From California to the Arizona desert, from architectural icons to confidential projects, we discover a man who, until he was 90, was exceptionally modern, seeking to be ever more in tune with the living, the " organic " and the Earth of which he said he was the emissary. A Frank Lloyd Wright whose life led him to think big and see far: far to us, to whom he still has something to say.
Original list price 34 €.
Size: 6.75 x 9.5
Pages: Pp 318
ST#: 2020.27.0125Date: 2021
Title: 50 Lessons to Learn from Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover) (Published by Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., New York)
Author: Brtsky, Aaron; Shapiro, Gideon Fink
Description: Publisher's Description: "This book begins with a simple question. What lessons can designers today learn from Frank Lloyd Wright? Unlike recent books focusing on Wright's tumultuous personal life and the Taliesin Fellowship, and equally unlike certain works that paint Wright as a mythical hero or genius, this handsome and valuable volume aims to reveal some of the design tools Wright used to create exceptional architecture, interiors, and landscapes-and how we may glean insight from an American master and find inspiration for the thoughtful design of our own homes. By means of succinct examples, pithy texts by noted architecture experts Aaron Betsky and Gideon Fink Shapiro, and evocative visuals provided by photographer Andrew Pielage, they share fifty lessons, or "learning points," with an eye to Wright-designed houses and interiors, ranging from "Let Nature Inspire You," "Screen, Don't Close," and "Embroider Rooms with Textiles," to "Look to Asia," "Design for Resilience" and "Balance the Whole..." Photographs by Andrew Pielace. Original list price $32.50. First Edition)
Size: 9.5 x 7.25
Pages: Pp 248
ST#: 2021.07.0821Date: 2021
Title: Frank L. Wright and the Architects of Steinway Hall. A Study in Collaboration (Soft Cover) (Published by ORO Editions, Novato, CA)
Author: Cohen, Stuart
Description: Publisher’s description: In 1897, Frank Lloyd Wright, Robert Spencer, Dwight Perkins, and Myron Hunt, all young architects just starting out in practice, shared office space in Chicago. This book is both a history of that brief period and an attempt to assess the extent to which they collaborated on their architectural designs and on the creation of architectural theory which would impact a half century of architectural design. While there is little firsthand documentation of the time spent in their shared loft office in Steinway Hall, this study engages in a side by side comparison of projects they each designed while working there. Overlapping ideas, design similarities, and an analysis of their subsequent work, all suggest that these individuals formed a creative “collaborative circle” of friends, who jointly developed ideas later claimed as the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. This is a book about artistic collaboration at a time when discussions of art and architectural history are still largely dominated by the belief that significant works are created by the lone artistic genius.
Original list price $35.00.
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: Pp 316
ST#: 2021.47.0324Date: 2022
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright. L’Organicite De L’Architecture (French) (Soft Cover) (Published by Atelier Vis-A-Vis, Marseille, France)
Author: Poitevin, Delphine
Description: Printed in French. “Considerer l'architecture de Frank Lloyd Wright à l'aune des bouleversements écologiques que nous connaissons aujourd'hui est riche de signification et d'enseignement...
“Considering Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture in the light of the ecological upheavals we are experiencing today is rich in meaning and teaching.
“Even if environmental concerns were already present at the time Frank Lloyd Wright built and thought of his architecture, these were little widespread in the dominant architecture, or even despised by his contemporaries. He therefore appears as a pioneer figure in the field of ecological architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright defended the ideal of organic architecture, i.e. an architecture that integrates with the site, adapts to the climate, uses local materials, etc.
“Even today, although these ecological principles are recognized, they are far from being commonly applied in architecture...” Includes photographs and illustrations of Fallingwater. Copies: 250. Original list price €15.00. (First Edition)
Size: 6 x 8.25
Pages: Pp 8
ST#: 2022.25.0424Date: 2024
Title: La Crisi del Profesta, Frank Lloyd Wright (The Prophet’s Crisis, Frank Lloyd Wright) (Italian) (Soft Cover) (Published by Quodlibet Studio, Rome, Italy)
Author: Mardi, Carlo
Description: Published in Italian. Chi ha scelto di leggere questo libro ha probabilmente una minima conoscenza del tema. Difficilmente, altrimenti, lo avrebbe preso in mano. A chi invece capita accidentalmente di sfogliarlo va premesso che il protagonista di questo racconto è il più noto architetto americano di sempre e una delle più rilevanti figure artistiche della modernità...
Translation: Those who have chosen to read this book probably have minimal knowledge of the subject. Hardly, otherwise, he would have taken him in hand. To those who accidentally browse it, it must be assumed that the protagonist of this story is the most famous American architect ever and one of the most relevant artistic figures of modernity:
Frank Lloyd Wright, original master of 20th century architecture and, although very great, somehow put on the sidelines.
This study is mainly aimed at an Italian reader for two reasons: the first is because it moves from attention to Wright's period of stay in Italy, in Florence and Fiesole, in 1910; the second is because it tries to investigate the architect with particular attention to his cultural difference, focusing on his "Americanity" at the center... Original list price 20,00 Euro. (First Edition)
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 177
ST#: 2024.14 .1124STUDIES IN BIBLIOGRAPHY Date: 2018
Title: Studies In Bibliography, Volume 60, 2018 (Digital Edition) (Published by Bibliography Society of the University of Virginia)
Author: Lawler, Daniel
Description: L’Architecture Vivante and its Extraits.
Jean Badovici, a Romanian by birth, studied architecture in Paris at the École des Beaux Arts and the École Spéciale d’Architecture, where he earned his degree in 1919. His subsequent architectural practice consisted largely in his participation in the post-WWII reconstruction of several towns in northeast is participation in the post-WWII reconstruction of several towns in northeast France, and a minor role in his earlier collaboration on his own houses in Vézelay and Cap-Martin with his then-lover, the Irish designer Eileen Gray. But it was as an editor and author, in books and periodicals throughout the 1920s and 30s, that he played a pivotal role in the documentation and dissemination of the international architectural avant-garde. And the informal architectural education ernational architectural avant-garde. And the informal architectural education he provided Gray, along with the publication of its most prominent result – the house at Cap-Martin known as E.1027 – both gave birth to and preserved one of the era’s residential masterpieces...
Page 267: 7. Frank Lloyd Wright.
Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecte Américain is the only volume of the extraits not listed in Valdras, despite the certainty that it was published within the time period it covers; its dating is therefore the most speculative of the collection. The work was originally published in the Summer 1930 fascicule of l’Architecture Vivante, three copies of which were sent to Wright on November 17 of that year. On January 9, Wright telegrammed Badovici requesting twenty additional copies, and again eleven days later requesting another thirty. The fi fty copies were sent nd again eleven days later requesting another thirty. The fifty copies were sent to Wright, along with an invoice, and for the remainder of 1931 Wright and Morancé haggled over the cost, with Wright’s office arguing that the use of his drawings and photographs “for free” should entitle him to some type of discount. Morancé and Badovici, with Wright’s drawings in hostage, threatened to send a collection agency. That the yearlong discussion concerned individual fascicules collection agency... (Digital Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 251-277
ST#: 2018.58.1124BACK TO TOP
©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2025