ST# |
1930 |
Imperial Hotel,
Tokyo, Japan (Soft Cover) (Published by the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo,
Japan) |
Imperial Hotel |
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Circa 1930-1935, not dated,
possibly as early as mid 1920
(1915 - S.194). Japanese
version, printed in Japanese
only. Pictorial booklet of the
Imperial Hotel with one
illustration on the cover, 10
color photographs on the
inside. Booklet is published
back to front, and right to
left. Cover: This illustration
was made after the completion
of the Imperial Hotel (circa
1923-24), according to "The
Imperial, the First 100
Years"¯, 1990, p. 119. Page 1)
Main entrance looking past the
reflecting pool (possibly
circa 1927...
Continue... |
Pp 16 |
0249.34.1213 |
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
(Soft Cover) (Published in English and Japanese by the Imperial Hotel,
Tokyo, Japan) |
Imperial Hotel |
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo,
Japan Circa 1930-1935, not
dated, possibly as early as
mid 1920 (1915 - S.194).
English version, printed in
English and Japanese. Changes
have been made from the
Japanese only version.
Pictorial booklet of the
Imperial Hotel with one
illustration on the cover, 10
color photographs on the
inside. Booklet is published
back to front, and right to
left. Cover: This illustration
was made after the completion
of the Imperial Hotel (circa
1923-24), according to "The
Imperial, the First 100
Years", 1990...
Continue... |
Pp 16 |
0249.46.0417 |
C 1930
Frank Lloyd Wright,
L’Architecture Vivante - Frank
Lloyd Wright, Architecte
Americain (American Architect)
1930 [1940?]. (L’Architecture
Vivante translates to “Living
Architecture.”) Publication
Etablie Par Les Soins Des
Editions Albert Morance, A
Paris, 30-32, Rue De Fleurus.
(Publication Established By
The Care Of Editions Albert
Morance, In Paris, 30-32, Rue
De Fleurus.) (Published by
Albert Morance, Paris) |
Badovici, Jean |
in French, this volume is a
reprint of the Summer 1930,
Numbers 28 issue, Frank Lloyd
Wright. Published in book form
with stiff boards and designed
cover. The pages and plates in
this volume are slipped into a
portfolio, stiff boards, Light
green cover, black letters,
black cloth spine, tied with
ribbons. Text on spine “Frank
Lloyd Wright” in gilt letters.
Although it appears to repeat
the 1930 issue, Daniel Lawler,
in his extensive article
“L’Architecture Vivante and
(Sweeney 229) |
Pp 49-76;
Pls 1-25 |
0229.02.0924 |
Our Life in the
Jiyu Gakuen (Soft Cover) |
Wright, Frank
Lloyd |
Jiyu Gakuen
Girls' School, Class of 1923. Introduction by Wright. Includes
history of School as well as photos of the school. 7 x 10.
Edition) |
Pp 64 |
0229.01.0405 |
Revolt in the Arts
(Hard Cover)
(Published by Brentano's, New York) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
Architecture - "In
Between". Chapter by Frank Lloyd Wright, (First
Edition) |
Pp 123-4, 322, 327-9 |
0228.01.1101 |
The New World
Architecture (Published by Longmans, Green and Co., London, New
York, Toronto) (Hard Cover) |
Cheney, Sheldon |
Page vii,
Author's Acknowledgment, second sentence: "But I should like to say a
word of direct thanks to certain architects who have given me freely of
their time and their ideas: most particularly Frank Lloyd Wright, ..."¯
Second paragraph: "For illustrations, I am especially indebted to Hugh
Ferriss for permission to reproduce six of his drawings; and to Frank
Lloyd Wright for the fine series of photographs of his earlier and later
work... Continue...
Pp 404 |
0249.02.0207 |
Scarlet Riders (Hard Cover DJ)
(Published by
Ralph Fletcher Seymour,
Chicago. Printed on beige laid
paper with a watermark that
includes a scale hanging
within a circle and the text
"Utopian."Top edges trimmed,
others uncut. Cover designed
by Ralph Fletcher Seymour.
Signed lower left: “RFS.”) |
Harrison, Edith
Ogden |
A romantic,
western novel about train robbery, banditry and the Royal Mounted Police
of Saskatchewan. "...He handed her the little yellow envelope and bowed
ceremoniously to Maitland. "Even in the eyes of your own social world,
Lady Millicent," he proceeded, "the man whom you have chosen will be
regarded as a fit mate for you. His present victory over all his
adversaries is only the presage of other and more brilliant victories to
come. I have the... Continue...
Pp 188 |
0249.70.0924 |
War Madness (Hard Cover)
(Published by
Ralph Fletcher Seymour,
Chicago) Printed on beige laid
paper with the watermark:
"[Scale] Utopian." Top edge
trimmed, others uncut. |
Capes, Edith Besly |
Chapter 1: "The fifteenth of
April, nineteen hundred and
fifteen, dawned bright and
clear, with sunlight sparkling
on the water. A few robins
trilled in the trees, which
showed a faint tracery of
green. The grass had lost its
sere, brown look and gave
promise of awakening life.
Here and there on the lawn,
crocuses held up their cups. A
deep blue had replaced the
dull grey sky of winter. Once
more the earth lived. The soft
breath of the wind blowing in
at an open window touched
caressingly the cheek of a
Continue... |
Pp 186 |
0249.59.1220 |
Year Book 1929 Of The American
Society of Bookplate
Collectors & Designers.
Washington D.C. (Digital
Edition) (Published by The
Society,. Printed for Members
Only At The Univerity Press of
Sewanee, Tennessee) |
Seymour, Ralph Fletcher |
Section Five of Five Sections:
“Regarding Bookplates, By
Ralph Fletcher Seymour.”
“It is a pleasant experience,
on opening a book, to find a
bookplate on the inside cover.
On such an occasion the
discoverer is predisposed in
their favor, as he holds in
his eager hands a book, a
veritable mirror of life, and
the label is in its way a more
or less bright mirror of the
owner's life. Book plates are,
in this way, a pleasant
episode, much like a lovely
landscape seen in the course
of a long...
Continue... |
Pp 60 |
0249.65.0424 |
1931 |
Modern Architecture, Being
the Kahn Lectures for 1930 (Hard Cover - Printed)
(Published by Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
Wright delivered
a series of six lectures at Princeton University in 1930. The six
lectures included "¯Machine, Materials and Men"¯; "Style in Industry"¯;
"The Passing of the Cornice"¯;
"The Cardboard House"¯; "The Tyranny of the
Skyscraper"¯; "The City"¯. In 1953, this book was reprinted in full as
part of "The Future of Architecture"¯
pages 67-182 (S.913). Book Review in
Review. (Designed Cover) (First Edition)
(Sweeney 250) |
Pp 115 |
0250.02.0518 |
Modern Architecture, Being
the Kahn Lectures for 1930 (Hard Cover - Cloth)
(Published by Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
Wright delivered
a series of six lectures at Princeton University in 1930. The six
lectures included "¯Machine, Materials and Men"¯; "Style in Industry"¯;
"The Passing of the Cornice"¯;
"The Cardboard House"¯; "The Tyranny of the
Skyscraper"¯; "The City"¯. In 1953, this book was reprinted in full as
part of "The Future of Architecture"¯
pages 67-182 (S.913). This cloth cover edition is exactly the same
as the above printed... Continue... (Sweeney 250) |
Pp 115 |
0250.01.0501 0250.03.1011 |
Two Lectures on
Architecture (Soft Wrap Around Cover) (Published by The Art Institute of
Chicago, Chicago. Printed by The Lakeside Press, R.R. Donnelley & Sons
Company, Chicago.) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
The text
of the two lectures given to
The Art Institute of Chicago
on October 1&2, 1930. "In The
Realm of Ideas. The idealist
has always been under
suspicion as performer,
perhaps justly. The explorer
(Henry Morton) Stanley wrote
of a monkey caught and tied up
overnight by a rope around the
neck. The monkey gnawed the
rope in two and departed, the
knot still tied about the
neck. Next morning found the
monkey with the strange
"Necktie" trying to go home,
but each approach to rejoin
(Sweeney 261)
Pp 63 |
0261.00.0902 0261.01.0907
0261.02.1016 0261.03.1221 |
Helvetia by Her
Mother: A fragmentary Diary (Hard Cover) (Published by
Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago, Ill. Blue paper covered boards with dark blue cloth
spine. Decorative color title label is mounted to the front cover. Top
edges trimmed, others uncut.) |
Brown, Helen
Deshler |
"Helvetia took
complete possession of me in Switzerland! I didn't know it at the time.
I thought I was just drinking in the beauties of Lake Leman and its
mountains... As I look back over the long interlude I realize how many
false values of life have fallen away from me and how the non-essentials
have retreated to their merited obscurity. Time should never be measured
by hours and minutes but by each individual's complete oblivion to it or
vivid consciousness... Continue... |
Pp 54 |
0300.07.0114 |
New Lyrics And a Few Old Ones
(Hard Cover) (Published by
Ralph Fletcher Seymour,
Chicago. Printed on beige
paper, with the Watermark: A
scale within a circle with the
text "Utopian." Top edges
trimmed, others uncut. Brown
title box pasted on black
cloth spine.) |
Lee, Agnes (Mrs. Freer) |
"For most of the poems
appearing in this volume
thanks are due to Poetry, a
Magazine of Verse (Chicago).
Fifteen are here reprinted
from an earlier book of the
Faces and Open Doors,
published by Ralph Fletcher
Seymour in 1922. Others have
been in magazines. A
compilation of 39 poems in
three sections. "The reading
of Agnes Lee's poems may never
have been the privilege of the
wide audience upon whose
approbation the literary
career is supposed...
Continue... |
Pp 57 |
0300.13.0519 |
The Case of Frank L. Smith, A
Study in Representative (Hard
Cover DJ) (Published by The
University of Chicago Press,
Chicago.) |
Wooddy, Carroll Hill |
The intrinsic interest
attaching to the case of Frank
L Smith would perhaps in
itself justify an intensive
exploration of its development
and implications. Here,
surely, is drama cast in the
bold outline so characteristic
of the ruggedness of American
life! The cast of characters
lacks neither heroes nor
villains, sinister embodiments
of evil nor bold champions of
virtue. ...But more than this
the career of this long-time
participating in the political
life of a great commonwealth
Continue... |
Pp 393 |
0300.12.0518 |
The Theory of
Evolution (An Inquiry), From A Lawyer's Point of View. (Hard Cover,
Burgundy Cloth, Gold paper label glued to face and spine.) (Published by
The Lakeside Press: Chicago. For Private Circulation.) Originally
published anonymously in 1929. This third edition uses his name and
includes a portrait.) |
Moore, Nathan G. |
Third edition
includes a preface, dated February 1931. Part I: As Applied to Man; Part
II: As Applied to Nature; From A Lawyer's Point of View. In his
conclusion to part one, Moore argues that "The proposition of a common
origin of living things is therefore completely disproved. These groups
of living beings exist, and each family may be traced back to its own
recognizable head, but not a common unit... It is therefore completely
untenable... The... Continue... |
Pp 374 |
0300.06.0212 |
When I Was At Farmington (Hard Cover)
(Published by
Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Fine Arts
Building, Chicago)
Ferry, Abby Farwell |
"Introduction. My devotion
to our beloved Miss Porter I am demonstrating as best I can by compiling
these memories of Farmington days. I am only too well aware that I am
unworthy the task: ceaseless work cannot take the place of efficiency;
the only thing I can claim is, that I have done as well as I could under
the circumstances. A word about these circumstances will not be amiss, I
hope, and will throw about me some feeling of encouragement knowing that
you will...
Continue... |
Pp 296 |
0300.11.1217 |
1932 |
(Related Item:)
Rebel... Prophet... Genius
at the ALBRIGHT ART GALLERY, Buffalo, N.Y.
NOVEMBER 9th (1932) 8:30p.m.
Albright Art
Gallery |
This poster announced
Frank Lloyd Wright's lectures on Modern Architecture. This
was two years after he spoke at Princeton. Those lectures were published in 1931, in
his book called MODERN ARCHITECTURE, Being the Kahn Lectures for 1930. My
assumption would be that since the title was the same, he spoke on some of the same
subjects that were published in his book. Along the lines of a "Book
Tour". |
0250.02.0401 |
Frank Lloyd Wright, Architecte
Americain (American
Architect). Extrait de
"L'Architecture Vivante"
(Excerpt from "Living
Architecture"). Publication
Etablie Par Les Soins Des
Editions Albert Morance, A
Paris, 30-32, Rue De Fleurus.
(Publication Established By
The Care Of Editions Albert
Morance, In Paris, 30-32, Rue
De Fleurus.). (Published by
Albert Morance, Paris) |
Basdovici, Jean |
Published in French, this
volume is a reprint of an
extensive article on the work
of Frank Lloyd Wright, first
published in the French
Vivante, Summer 1930 (Sweeney 229).
Although undated, Bernard
Karpel dated this volume 1932,
What Men Have Written About
Frank Lloyd Wright,
Compiled and annotated For
House Beautiful, 1955.
This volume consisting of:
Pages 1-4: Title, Blank, Sub
(Sweeney 301)
Pp 32, Plus 25 Plates |
0301.00.0519 |
Architecture: Museum of Modern Art. International Exhibition. New
York Feb. 10 To March 23, 1932. Museum of Modern Art. (MOMA)
(Published by the Museum of Modern Art, New York) |
Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, Jr. |
A catalogue for
the exhibit held at MOMA on the leaders of the International Style. Part
II, First Chapter "Frank Lloyd Wright."¯ Includes a biography on Wright; Description of the
"Model in the Exhibition: Project for House on the
Mesa, Denver Colorado"¯; Chronology of his life; List of work completed
through 1932; Seven photographs and five illustrations. This copy
library bound and cover pasted on front and back (5000 original copies
were printed.) 7.5 x 10. (Sweeney 302)
Pp 29-55 |
0302.00.0201 |
An Autobiography
(Hard Cover)
(Published by Longmans, Green and Company, London, New York, Toronto) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
Frank Lloyd Wright
divided his autobiography into
four sections. Book One
Family, Fellowship; Book Two
Work; Book Three Freedom. The
fourth section, Photographs,
which includes 65 photographs.
Wright designed the title page
for each section. 500 copies
were printed of this edition.
Frank Lloyd Wright
Versus America,
Johnson, 1990, Page 37) (First
Edition) (Sweeney 303)
Two copies. 7.25 x 9.25 |
Pp 371 |
0303.00.0202 0303.00.1217 |
Sovremennogo Zapada (Russian)
(English title on Dust Jacket:
Modern Western Architecture)
Boards covered in bark blue
cloth, title stamped in silver
foil. Dust jacket designed by
El Lissitzky. (Hard Cover
DJ)(Published by Izogiz,
Moskva [Moscow], Russia) |
Arkin, David; Wright, Frank
Lloyd; Etc. |
in Russian, in an edition of
7,000. This monograph on
twentieth century architecture
includes essays by Le
Corbusier, Walter Gropius,
Hilberseimer, Lurcat, May,
Moholy- Nagy, Neutra, J. J. P.
Oud, Bruno Taut, and Frank
Lloyd Wright. This volume
analyzes twentieth century
modern western architecture.
Section 5: Frank Lloyd Wright.
Introductory article, p.86-88.
The Third Dimension.
Translation by D. G. Arkin,
p.89-92. Includes five
photographs and one
illustration of Frank Lloyd...
Continue... |
Pp 196 |
0333.01.1124 |
The Disappearing
City (Published by William Farquhar Payson, New York)
(Hard Cover DJ) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
Disappearing City was rewritten in 1945 and published as "When Democracy Builds." It was
rewritten again in 1958 as "The Living City."
In 1969 Horizon Press published a new boxed version with Wright's hand
written revisions titled "The Industrial Revolution Runs Away."
(First Edition) (Sweeney 328) For more information see our Wright Study on The
Disappearing City. |
Pp 90 |
0328.00.0405 |
The Disappearing
(Published by William Farquhar Payson, New York)
(Hard Cover) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
This copy
matches the copy with a DJ. It has a small label that is glued to
the cover. Second copy. (First Edition)
(Sweeney 328)
For more information see our Wright Study on The
Disappearing City. |
Pp 90 |
0328.01.0303 |
Disappearing City (Possible
Popular Edition) (Published by
William Farquhar Payson, New
York) (Hard Cover) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
Sweeney indicates that a
popular edition of the book
was published. The only
difference between the two
copies is the cover. Cover A
was produced by Payson. Blue
cloth boards with a small
label on the front board. The
label is a smaller version of
the illustration on dust
jacket. There is no text on
either the front or spine. The
two-color dust jacket designed
by Wright covered the front
and back. It included the
Continue... (Sweeney
328) For more
information see our Wright Study on The Disappearing City. |
Pp 90 |
0328.03.0819 |
Fur and Feathers
and a Few Other People (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by
Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) |
Heron, Grace |
"Fur and
Feathers is Book Number One of the Checker Series." A collection of
verses and short stories for children. Seymour also published "What Word
Will You Choose," by Heron, 1932. The dust jacket is a decorative
transparent tissue. 7.5 x 9.25. (First Edition) |
Pp 50 |
0361.06.0315 |
"909, Please." A Series Of
Sketches Of Hotel Life (Hard
Cover) (Published by
Fletcher Seymour, Chicago.
Cover printed in two colors,
brown and black. Printed on
beige paper with the watermark
"Strathmore Broadcaster
U.S.A." Top and bottom edges
cut, sides untrimmed.) |
Mauran, Grace Goodman |
Nine stories
of Hotel life. Also by the
From Day to Day,
Out of The Gathering
Basket, 1921;
Intimacies with Inanimates,1927.
and frontispiece most likely
in Mauran's
other three
by the
Goodman Mauran."
5.75 x
Pp 49 |
0361.21.0521 |
Songs And Sonnets, 1915-1932 (Hard Cover) (Published by
Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Printed on stiff, possibly handmade paper. Top is
trimmed and gilt, others untrimmed.) |
Wyman, Rebecca McDoel |
A compilation of 44 Songs
and Sonnets by Rebecca McDoel Wyman. "Offering. I am a string of antique
Chinese jade // Sent as a gift to my heart's emperor. // Hang me about
the throat, // I'll turn as warm as pebbles in June sun. // Shut me
again in my dark box and pass, // I'll stay as cool as twilight air in
spring, // I'll be as meaningless as clouded glass." "Copyright 1832 by
Mrs. William K. Kenly." Kenly was the author's mother. Rebecca McDoel
Wyman past away in 1932...
Continue... |
Pp 77 |
0361.10.0317 |
What Word Will
You Choose? (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Ralph
Fletcher Seymour,
Chicago, Ill) |
Heron, Grace |
"Did you ever
try weighing and testing and measuring words against each other to catch
their scintillating facets of exact meaning, as a jewel does his gens?
All words are worthy in their place and requirement, for every one of
them is a faithful conveyor of some meaning..." Cover and title page
designed by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Eight chapters, each begin with
stylized initial capital letter. Printed cover is wrapped around stiff
boards, folded and glued to... Continue... |
Pp 34 |
0361.03.1213 |
1933 |
An Autobiography
(Hard Cover)
(Published by Longmans, Green and Company, London, New York, Toronto) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
First published in 1932. This Autobiography
is divided into four books. "Book One: Family, Fellowship." Back
cover: "An Autobiography. From Generation To Generation." "Book
Two: Work." Back cover: "From Generation To Generation. An
Autobiography." "Book Three: Freedom." Back cover: "From
Generation To Generation. An Autobiography." Book Four:
"Photographs." Back cover: two horizontal lines. Photographs:
includes 65 photographs...
Continue... (Sweeney 303)
Pp 371
plus 22 pages of photographs |
0303.05.0420 |
Decorative Art. The Studio
Year Book (Hard Cover)
(Published by The Studio
Limited, London, and The
Studio Publications, Inc., New
York) |
Edited By: Holme, C. G. |
"Students of this Year Book
cannot failed to have noticed
within the last few years many
great changes and improvements
in the design of the objects
we produced in its pages.
Greater simplicity, efficiency
and attractiveness
characterize the industrial
products that have been
selected, and change is
especially noticeable in these
industrially produced
articles..." Includes one
photograph of the model for
The House On The Mesa
(Broadacre City). Caption:
"Frank Lloyd Wright...
Continue... |
Pp 140 |
0370.16.0319 |
Feisal The Arabian (Hard
Cover) (Published by
Fletcher Seymour, Chicago, Illinois. Stiff boards covered in
burgundy stock. Title and
decoration gilt. Printed on
beige laid paper.) |
Sperling, Grace Dickinson |
"The urge which culminated in
the writing of this poem,
spring from the fist
fragmentary notes written by
T. E. Lawrence that filtered
through the welter of the
World War. His graphic
delineation of the personality
and high moral character of
the man Feisal, intrigued my
imagination. Lawrence's
absolute belief in, and
knowledge of Feisal's
integrity and purposes, sank
so deeply into my own
consciousness, that I found
myself instinctively seeking
for every scrap of information
centering around...
Continue... |
Pp 66 |
0370.20.0622 |
Hetaira (Hard
Cover) (Published by Ralph
Fletcher Seymour, 410 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago) |
Brown, Cornelia
Dodd |
jacket: "Hetaira is a story
lyrical in utterance and with
dramatic values. What may not
be so apparent, however, to
the reader unversed in modern
psychology, is that, possibly
for the first time in American
fiction, Mrs. Brown has
treated love in terms of those
projections of
our own ego and those
identifications of ourselves
with the traits in others
which reflect our own, which
have only recently been
isolated and described by the
psychologist." Foreword:
"Athens, for once, had a grey, heavy sky...
Continue... |
Pp 293 |
0370.19.0122 |
The Story of Coal (Soft Cover)
(Published by The Museum of
Science and Industry, Chicago,
Illinois) |
The Museum of Science and
Industry |
Informative booklet about the
story of coal. "Coal - man's
chief ally in his conquest of
the physical world..." The
cover illustration is by
Fletcher Seymour. Signed in the plate lower left: "Ralph
Fletcher Seymour." 6 x 8
(First Edition)
Pp 103 |
0370.18.1221 |
1934 |
Modern Art: The Men, the
Movement, the Meaning (Hard Cover - DJ)
(Published by Simon and Schuster, New York) |
Craven, Thomas |
Chapter 14: An American
Architect. In the words of
Frank Lloyd Wright, "The
artist is always a pioneer,
and America cannot afford to
believe that great art, as her
interpreter, is moribund." The
pioneer spirit of America,
driven suddenly from its
conquest of the land into
industrialism, finds
expression today, at the
pinnacle of its recklessness,
in architecture. Its bold and
youthful disregard of
consequence is embodied in
stripped forms of towering
steel. Say what you Craven,
Thomas will of this... (Sweeney 371)
Continue... |
Pp 273-289 |
0371.00.0401 |
Modern Art: The Men, the
Movement, the Meaning (Hard
Cover DJ) (Published by Simon
and Schuster, New York) |
Craven, Thomas |
Version: This version appears
to also be a first edition
S.0371.00.0401). The only
changes appear to be the dust
jacket and the covers. There
do not appear to be any other
Chapter 14: An American
Architect. In the words of
Frank Lloyd Wright, "The
artist is always a pioneer,
and America cannot afford to
believe that great art, as her
interpreter, is moribund." The
pioneer spirit of America,
driven suddenly from its
conquest of the land into
(Sweeney 371)
Continue... |
Pp 273-289 |
0371.00.0125 |
Commonplace Book
1854-1934. (Cover affixed to stiff covers.) (Published by
Fletcher Seymour, Chicago) Signed by the author. "Ellen Dear,
Remembering our many happy times. Love Always, Ruth." |
Compiled by: Jeffries, Ruth Gaddis
"The young ladies of the
middle of the last century did not keep diaries as do the girls of
today, telling of their dates and various and sundry swains and suitors
and their secret thoughts; but kept what they called their "Common Place
Book" - just their thoughts on the common place things of this life,
and, as we shall see, many thoughts of the next! Original poems, written
both by themselves and their closest friends, and selections of the best
loved ones of their times were gathered...
Continue... |
Pp 29 |
0376.01.0517 |
1935 |
A Child’s Bouquet.
Fifteen Songs for Children
(Published by Writer’s
Editions, Santa Fe, New
Mexico. Designed and printed
Fletcher Seymour, The
Alderbrink Press, Chicago,
Illinois) |
Alice; Morley, Mary
Designed and Illustrated by
Ralph Fletcher Seymour. A
Child’s Bouquet. Fifteen Songs
for Children. Music by Mary
Morley. Verse by Alice Corbin.
A Child’s Bouquet.
Wild immortelles and
Pointing Time’s slow and
endles way,
And just one clover bloom to
The passing sweetness of
Back page: This edition of
1000 copies of A Child's
Bouquet has been...
Continue... |
Pp 21 |
0397.85.0324 |
Arizona Biltmore
(Published by Arizona Biltmore Estates, Inc., Phoenix, AZ) |
Arizona Biltmore
Estates, Inc. |
An important
booklet that documents the early days of the Arizona Biltmore. Designed
in 1927, Frank Lloyd Wright assisted Albert McArthur with the design of
the hotel. According to Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, during dinner with Frank
Lloyd Wright, Benjamin Adelman turned to Mr. Wright and asked: "Mr.
Wright, there is so much mystery about who designed this hotel, you or
Albert Chase McArthur. Can't you clear it up once and for all?" Mr.
Wright turned his head in... Continue...
Pp 32 |
0397.35.0315 |
Art In America
(Hard Cover) (Published by Reynal & Hitchcock, New York) |
Hitchcock, Henry Russell Jr. |
Chapter VI. III.
Wright and the International Style (Third Edition) |
Pp 128-130 |
0377.01.0401 |
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
(Soft Cover) (Published in English and Japanese by the Imperial Hotel,
Tokyo, Japan) |
Imperial Hotel |
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Circa 1935-1940, not dated,
possibly as late as 1950 (1915
- S.194). Printed in English
and Japanese. Pictorial
booklet of the Imperial Hotel
with one illustration on the
cover, 10 color photographs on
the inside. Booklet is
published back to front, and
right to left. Cover: This
illustration was made after
the completion of the Imperial
Hotel (circa 1923-24) ,
according to "The Imperial,
the First 100 Years", 1990, p.
119. English text on page 1:
"The Jewel of The Orient. The...
Continue... |
Pp 16 |
0397.78.0322 |
The Nyum-Nyum. An Anonymous
Poem. Illustrated With Woodcuts
By Suzette Morton. (Privately
Printed by
Alderbrink Press, Chicago.
Boards are covered in paper
printed in two color, red and
light olive. End pages are
light olive and have a
"Georgian"¯ watermark. A small
label with the title is pasted
to the spine.) |
Morton, Suzette |
Nyum-Nyum"¯ is a fanciful
children's poem. "The
Nyum-Nyum chortled by the sea,
And sipped the wavelets green:
He wondered how the sky could
be So very nice and clean..."¯
Dedication: "For
Fletcher Seymour."¯ Printed on beige Casinensis Italian hand
made paper with the watermark
of an elaborate two-headed
snake with text below. The
author, Suzette Preston Morton
(1911-1996) was an heiress of
the Morton Salt Company. She
was a granddaughter of Joy
Morton. She was...
Continue... |
Pp 16 |
0397.77.0222 |
Through The
Years, Poems by Elizabeth Newell (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by
Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Printed on laid paper with "Town Crier
Text (American)" watermark. Text is repeated upside down.) |
Elizabeth |
Signed by the
Author. "Poems which have been printed before are included in this
collection by courtesy of and with the consent of The Curtis publishing
Company and other publications." A compilation of 90 poems. This volume
was dedicated to the Terre Haute Pen and Brush Club. The club was
established in 1920. In 1925 and 1934, Newell was a Vice President.
Original list price $1.50. 6 x 8.25 (First
Edition) |
Pp 107 |
0397.21.0414 |
1936 |
Anniversary And Other
Poems (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by
Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Top and bottom edges trimmed. Side
uncut.) |
Thayer, Harriet Maxon |
A compilation of 39 poems by
Harriet Maxon Thayer. "Anniversary. Again he didn't understand her
quite, because of that familiar way she had, Of skipping have a dozen
steps or so, In a literal argument, arriving so, At what, to her,
perhaps, seemed logical, As in he knows on face..." Inscribed: M. H.
Moran, from Maxie - Harriet Moxon Thayer. Original list price $2.00. Two
copies, with and without dust
jacket. 6 x
9 (First Edition) |
Pp 78 |
0404.41.0321 |
Japanese Architecture (Soft
Cover) (Published by Maruzen
Company LTD, Tokyo) |
Kishida, Hideto D. Sc. |
Produced by the Board of
Tourist Industry, Japanese
Government Railways. Preface:
"It is her indigenous culture
which has imparted to Japan
her architectural features,
which are materially and
conspicuously different from
those of European
architecture, both in
conception and form. With
regard to the style and form
developed in the history of
world architecture, it is an
accepted rule to classify
Japanese architect or under
Chinese architecture,
which..." Includes one photograph of the
Imperial Hotel...
Pp 133 |
0404.42.0921 |
Modern Art (Hard Cover)
(Published by The Delphian Society) |
Katz, Leo;
Webster, James Carson |
Chapter on
Wright. Chapter LIII. Frank Lloyd Wright
and the International Style. (First
Edition) |
Pp 775 - 788 |
0404.01.0403 |
1937 |
Architecture and Modern Life (Hard Cover DJ)
(Published by Harper & Brothers, New York and London) |
Brownell, Baker;
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
What is the
effect of architecture on modern life? What, conversely, is the effect
of modern life on architecture? What will be the architecture of
tomorrow? In a work of unique scope and variety, an eminent architect
and a student of contemporary thought survey the whole field of
architecture in its relation to our modern social structure, define
present trends, and dare to prophesy a future when society and
architecture will... Continue... (Sweeney 405) |
Pp 339 |
0405.00.1099 0405.01.0517 |
Architecture And
Modern Life (Hard Cover) (Published by Harper & Brothers
Publishing, New York and London) |
Brownell, Baker;
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
A collaboration
between Wright and philosopher Baker Brownell. Chapter I, "Architecture
and Social Life" was jointly authored. Chapters II and IV by Wright,
Chapters III, V and VI by Brownell. The final, Chapter VII, "Broadacre
City, A Dialogue on the Nature of Structure in Architecture and in the
Integral Life". Three photos by Edmund Teske, one by Baker Brownell,
four illustrations by Wright, three photographs of the Broadacre City...
(Third Edition)
(Sweeney 405) |
Pp 339 |
0405.03.0413 |
Dinner Table Art for The Tired
Business Man. Talks about the
Modern and Classic Point of
View In Works of Art. (Hard
Cover) (Published by
Fletcher Seymour, Fine Arts
Building, Chicago) |
Pynchon, Adeline Lobdell; With
and Introduction by
Archipenko, Alexander |
A compilation of 60 articles.
They have been "reconstructed
and edited from some of the
illustrated newspaper articles
that have appeared weekly
under the title of dinner
table art in the Chicago
Journal of Commerce, those
columns which have a more then
local or passing interest.
Dinner Table Art was a service
designed by the publishers to
help the "tired business man"
to acquire, at least, that's
smattering of art knowledge.
So many requests for back
Continue... |
Pp 138 |
0429.35.1017 |
Modern Building,
Its Nature, Problems, and Forms (Hard Cover) (Published by Harcourt,
Brace and Company, New York) |
Behrendt, Walter
Curt |
Behrendt was a
German-American architect and editor of Die Form. He was a friend of
Lewis Mumford. Includes many references to Frank Lloyd Wright. "
"Wright," said one of his German critics,
"is the first architect to
whom the atmosphere is more than mere background to his work. He uses
it, he calculates with it, again and again he tries to relate his work
so finely with the atmosphere that both must seem indissolubly
connected..." " Photographs related to Wright include the...
Continue... |
Pp 241 |
0429.28.1115 |
1938 |
An Autobiography
(Hard Cover - DJ)
(Published by Longmans, Green and Company, London, New York, Toronto) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
First published in 1932. Second edition published
in 1933. This Autobiography is divided into four
sections. Book One: Family, Fellowship; Book Two: Work;
Book Three: Freedom; Photographs, includes 65 photographs. No more that
2,000 copies were reprinted of this third edition.
FLW versus America, Page
37). Original cover price $3.50.
7.25 x 9.25. (Third Edition)
(Sweeney 303) |
Pp 371 |
0303.01.0900 |
Ad for: An
Autobiography (Published Longmans, Green & Co., New York)
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
"Now in a
Popularly Priced Edition."¯ Ad for: An Autobiography. "Formerly $6.00,
New Edition $3.50."¯ 3.5 x 3. |
Pp 1 |
0303.03.0808 |
A New House on Bear Run,
Penn. By Frank Lloyd Wright.
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1938. (Stiff Soft Cover - with Partial Wrap)
(Published by The Museum of Modern Art, New York) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd (MOMA) |
copies printed. (Has yellow 1/3 wrap around cover) (First Edition)
(Sweeney 430) |
Pp 24 |
0430.00.0500 |
Behind the
Scenes at the Waldorf-Astoria (Soft Cover, Spiral bound) (Published by
the Waldorf-Astoria, New York) |
Boomer, Lucius |
"In these pages
you will see Waldorf meals in preparation, Waldorf bread leavening,
Waldorf pastries molded to lure the eye even as they are made to entice
the palate, and Waldorf banquets served amid the romance add the regalia
of evening..." By 1918, at the age of 39, Boomer was president of the
Boomer-duPont Properties Corporation, owning and managing the McAlpin
and the Claridge Hotels. That year they assumed control and
management... Continue... |
Pp 48 |
0460.18.1014 |
Centerville (Hard Cover)
(Published by Scott, Foresman
and Company, Chicago, Atlanta,
Dallas, New York) |
Hanna, Paul R.; Anderson,
Genevieve; Gray, William S. |
Title Page: "Centerville is
the title of this book. The
stories in it are about a town
called Centerville. It is part
of the Everyday Life Stories
in the Curriculum Foundation
Series. In 1936, Paul & Jean
Hanna commissioned Frank Lloyd
Wright to design their home.
It became know as the
Honeycomb House. 6 x 8.25
(Tenth Edition) |
Pp 288 |
0460.25.0819 |
Fifth International
Exhibition, Etching and
Engraving (Published by the
Art Institute of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois) |
Art Institute of Chicago |
Catalog for the Fifth
International Exhibition,
Etching and Engraving. Held at
the Art Institute of Chicago,
November 4, 1938 to January 9,
Ralph Fletcher Seymour's
etching "Cinema
in Tasco"¯ was exhibited at
the Fifth International
Exhibition of Etchings and
Engravings at the Art
Institute of Chicago, November
4, 1938 to January, 1939.
(PDF) 5.5 x 8.5 |
Pp 16 |
0460.33.1222 |
The 1940 Book of Small Houses
(Hard Cover - DJ)
(Published by Simon and Schuster, Inc., New York) |
By Editors of Arch Forum |
"Frank Lloyd
Wright, Architect, Houses for
$5,000-$6,000 Income, To the Blackbourns" (Fourth Edition, Related article: Life
Magazine - Sept 1938. Original HC List Price $1.96. |
Pp 141-5 |
0430.01.0201 |
1939 |
A Goodly Fellowship (Hard
Cover DJ) (Published in
November by The MacMillan
Company, New York, Boston,
Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, San
Francisco) |
Chase, Mary Ellen |
5. "The Hillside Home School".
Pp 85-121. Describes the
school run by Frank Lloyd
Wright's aunts. "...In 1903
this was connected with an
adequate and beautiful school
building of native limestone,
designed and erected by Frank
Lloyd Wright, the son of Anna
Lloyd-Jones and the nephew of
Ellen and Jane. These
buildings were built or
appropriated in the early
years of the school as the
need arose. By the time ten...
461) |
Pp 305 |
0461.00.0219 0461.00.0306 |
An Organic
Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy. Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard
Cover DJ) (Published by Lund Humphries & Co. LTD., London) |
Wright, Frank Lloyd |
The Sir George
Watson Lectures of the Sulgrave Manor Board. Four lectures delivered on
four different evenings... "were given by Mr.
Frank Lloyd Wright
at the Royal Institute of
British Architects during his
visit to England in May, 1939,
as holder of the Sir George
Watson chair of the Sulgrave
Manor Board." In 1953, the
four lectures were reprinted
in full as part of "The Future of Architecture"¯
pages 221-293. Begins with a color photograph...
(Sweeney 463) |
Pp 56 |
0463.00.1014 0463.01.0802 |
Dinner Talk at
Hull House: Frank Lloyd Wright, November Eighth, 1939 (Mimeographed
transcript of speech by Frank Lloyd Wright) |
Wright, Frank
Lloyd |
Wright, Frank Lloyd "Dinner Talk at Hull House: November 8, 1939."
Wright first spoke at the Hull House on March 6, 1901, when he addressed
the Chicago Arts and Crafts Society. "The Art and Craft of the Machine."
He delivered it again to the Western Society of Engineers, March
20,1901. Nearly forty years later he was invited back and delivered this
"Dinner Talk at Hull House." Excerpts: Today, I hesitate to say it in
the circumstances but... Continue... |
Pp 16 |
0468.01.0813 |
Arizona Biltmore
Hotel near Phoenix, Arizona (Soft
Cover) |
Arizona Biltmore |
describing the Arizona Biltmore. All photographs are in color.
(First Edition) |
Pp 16 |
0501.02.0704 |
Florida Southern
College; Interlachen 1939 (Yearbook) (Published by the Florida Southern
College) |
Florida Southern
College |
Cover is an
illustration of the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel, from the E. Stanley Jones
Foundation. The ground breaking ceremony for the chapel was held on May
24, 1938. Dedicated was held on March 9, 1941. Includes one photograph
of Wright during his visit to the campus on December 20, 1938 (p. 5).
8.25 x 11.25. (First Edition) |
Pp 210 |
0501.19.0213 |
Immortality And Other
Poems: A Compilation of Poems
Selected from Pink Lightning,
Lake of Stars, Prodigal,
Across the Little Space,
“1812" Together with Recent
Verse. (Hard Cover) (Published
by Alderbrink,
Fletcher Seymour Publisher, Chicago) |
Miller, Francesca Falk |
Compilation of 188 poems
written by Francesca Falk
And there
shall come a day ... in Spring
death and winter
their chill, white hold
suddenly. A day of sunlit air
winging birds return,
And earth
her gentle bosoms bare So
that new, thirsty life...
Continue... |
Pp 199 |
0501.62.0724 |
Poems of John
Keats. Selected and edited by Henry Newbolt (Published by Caxton House,
Inc., Rockefeller Plaza, New York) |
Keats, John;
Newbolt, Henry |
Part of the
"Popular Classics of the World"¯. This volume is undated. Rockefeller
Plaza opened in 1933, so this would have been published after that date.
Most likely the late 30s or early 40s. Of interest is the Frontispiece
which is a wood block portrait of John Keats,
possibly sighed "C P"¯, lower left hand corner of portrait. Possibly a
variation of the "Portrait of John Keats After Joseph Severn by
William... Continue...
For more information on the
Eve of St. Agnes see our Wright Study. |
Pp 408 |
0501.17.0113 |
Seven Stars (Hard Cover DJ)
(Published by
Fletcher Seymour, Chicago, Illinois) |
DeLamarter, Jeanne |
Compilation of
40 poems by the author.
Seven Stars. Slowly the desk
unfolds across the heaven,
softly rests the cloud upon
the moon, wind flows gently
eastward over grass.
I count the early stars, and
there are seven; I walk
beneath their shining little
light, and shall not wait to
look and count again.
The ghostly clouds creep
sideways up the sky. My foot
steps make gray patterns in
the dew." Seymour also...
Pp 66 |
0501.51.0620 |
Siftings (Hard Cover)
(Published by
Fletcher Seymour, The Alderbrink Press
Chicago, Illinois. Printed on
beige paper, top edge trimmed,
others uncut. |
Jensen, Jens |
"Preface. By the open fire
memories of earlier days came
back for rehearsal, memories
of my wanderings in many
lands, memories of my own
little world in the heart of
mid-America. For more than 30
years notes have been recorded
without any thought of putting
them into readable shape. But
here they are - experiences
with the soil." The beginning
of each chapter is decorated
with a small illustration,
printed in green. Text is
printed in black. The
Alderbrink imprint on...
Continue... |
Pp 110 |
0501.38.0118 |
Twelve Moods in Rhythm
(Hard Cover) (Published by
Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. Printed on a beige laid paper with
the watermark "Town Crier Text. Made in The U. S. A." Top edge trimmed,
others untrimmed.) |
Hubbard, Susan Weare |
A compilation of twelve
poems, with the addition of a thirteenth, "A Christmas Watch." "[ I ]
Into an empty room, through half closed lattice, a sunbeam lilts its
way. Light shod it slips across the polished floor, Darts between
slender pillars to rest upon a mirror, A mirror, tarnished, dim - But of
a sudden, come to life, Glowing in its own leaping flame. Why is the
room so bright? Why is there perfume of flowers.." Not only was Hubbard
a writer, but also a composer who published at least...
Continue... |
Pp 33 |
0501.33.0317 |