Title: Thomas Hart Benton, Frank Lloyd Wright, Studies In The History of Art III (Published by Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Benton, Thomas Hart; Introduction: Onorato; Edited and Afterword: Fels, Thomas Weston
Description: A Transcript of the Addresses and Exchanges Between Frank Lloyd Wright & Thomas Hart Benton, Providence, Rhode Island, November 11, 1932. "...I remember, as case in point, the second house I was asked to build. The first house I built was the Winslow House – it was a radical house, radical in true sense of the term. But my next – second – client came to me with a small illustration in his hand which he had cut out of some English magazine – with a picture of a very charming English half-timbered house one of your Eastern architects had built... ‘We would like to have you build our house, but I don’t want to go down the back streets in the morning to get to the train in order to avoids being laughed at by my neighbors...’ " (First Edition) Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 20
ST#: 1985.57.0616
WRIGHT & EMERSON Date: 1993 Title: Angels of Reality: Emersonian Unfoldings in Wright, Stevens and Ives (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Southern Illinois University Press)
Author: Hertz, David Michael
Description: Emerson’s influences on three artists. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect; Wallace Stevens, Poet; Charles Ives, Composer. Original HC List Price $34.95. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 354
ST#: 1993.35.1104
Date: 2023
Title: Frank Lloyd Wright & Ralph Waldo Emerson: Transforming The Amer Mind (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
Author: Rahmani, Ayad
Description: Dust Jacket: Frank Lloyd Wright and Ralph Waldo Emerson: Transforming the American Mind is an interdisciplinary volume of literary and cultural scholarship that examines the link between two pivotal intellectual and artistic figures. It probes the degree to which the transcendentalist author influenced the architect’s campaign against dominant strains of American thought. Inspired by Emerson’s writings on the need to align exterior expression with interior self, Wright believed that architecture was not first and foremost a matter of accommodating spatial needs, but a tool to restore intellectual and artistic freedom, too often lost in the process of modernization.
Ayad Rahmani shows that Emerson’s writings provide an avenue for interpreting Wright’s complex approach to country and architecture. The two thinkers cohered around a common concern for a nation derailed by nefarious forces that jeopardized the country’s original promise. In Emerson’s condemnations of slavery and inequality, Wright found inspiration for seeking redress against the humiliations suffered by the modern worker, be it at the hands of an industrial manager or an office boss. His designs sought to challenge dehumanizing labor practices and open minds to the beauty and science of agriculture and the natural world. Emerson’s example helped Wright develop architecture that aimed less at accommodating a culture of clients and more at raising national historical awareness while also arguing for humane and equitable policies.
Frank Lloyd Wright and Ralph Waldo Emerson presents a new approach to two vital thinkers whose impact on American society remains relevant to this day. Original list price $49.95. (First Edition)
Size: 6.25 x 9.5
Pages: Pp 324
ST#: 2023.23.0424WRIGHT & GAUDI Date: 2019
Title: Antoni Gaudi and Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by Charles Livers Editors)
Author: Charles Livers Editors
Description: Halfway into the 19th century, Spain's Catalonia underwent a sweeping transformation when it was thrust into not one, but 2 golden eras – the Renaixença and the Industrial Revolution. It was during this explosive period of creativity, thriving prosperity, and invigorated patriotism that a steadfastly nonconforming and fascinatingly eccentric icon was born, one that was about to take Catalonia by storm with his brilliant eye for unorthodox art and his legendary – or as some would say, notoriously – out-of-the-box ideas. Salvador Dalí... Across the pond, America’s most innovative and prolific architect was Frank Lloyd Wright, whose works are almost too vast and diverse to list. Recognized for designing unique churches and distinctive commercial buildings, and admired for his geometric style house designs, Wright has been widely imitated, and his work continues to influence architecture not only in the United States but around the world. Laymen often think they know the definition of "a Frank Lloyd Wright," but they probably don’t fully understand the brilliant mind of the man, nor the intricacies of his Prairie Style. Yet it endures because he has made it so. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 100
ST#: 2019.24.1130
WRIGHT & GRAVES Date: .1983 Title: Kings of Infinite Space (Published by Academy Editions and Architectural Design, London) (Hard Cover)
Author: Jencks, Charles
Description: In the BBC film, “Kings of Infinite Space”, Charles Jencks debates with Michael Graves and Philip Johnson the merits of Pre-Modern and Post-Modern architecture. This ‘book of the film’ fills out the whole debate in much greater detail showing the work of the two great American architects - Wright and Graves. (First Edition)
Size: 9 x 9.5
Pages: Pp 104
ST#: 1983.20.0507
Date: 1985 Title: Kings of Infinite Space (Published by Academy Editions and Architectural Design, London) (Soft Cover)
Author: Jencks, Charles
Description: Revised Enlarged Edition. In the BBC film, “Kings of Infinite Space”, Charles Jencks debates with Michael Graves and Philip Johnson the merits of Pre-Modern and Post-Modern architecture. This ‘book of the film’ fills out the whole debate in much greater detail showing the work of the two great American architects - Wright and Graves. This second edition adds 12 additional color plates, five of which are Wright building. There are also a few minor changes. Original SC List Price $19.95 (Second Edition)
Size: 9 x 9.5
Pages: Pp 104
ST#: 1985.02.0399
Title: Architecture’s Odd Couple, Frank Lloyd Wright and Philip Johnson (Hard Cover DJ) (Published by Bloomsbury Press, New York)
Author: Hugh, Howard
Description: Dust jacket. “In architectural terms, the twentieth century can be largely summed up with two names: Frank Lloyd Wright and Philip Johnson. Wright (1867–1959) began it with his romantic prairie style; Johnson (1906–2005) brought down the curtain with his spare postmodernist experiments. Between them, they built some of the most admired and discussed buildings in American history.
Differing radically in their views on architecture, Wright and Johnson shared a restless creativity, enormous charisma, and an outspokenness that made each man irresistible to the media. Often publicly at odds, they were the twentieth century's flint and steel; their repeated encounters consistently set off sparks. Yet as acclaimed historian Hugh Howard shows, their rivalry was also a fruitful artistic conversation, one that yielded new directions for both men. It was not despite but rather because of their contentious--and not always admiring--relationship that they were able so powerfully to influence history...” Original hard cover list price $28.00.
Size: 6.5 x 9.5
Pages: Pp 333
ST#: 2016.64.0623Date: 2016
Title: Architecture’s Odd Couple, Frank Lloyd Wright and Philip Johnson (Soft Cover) (Published by Bloomsbury Press, New York)
Author: Hugh, Howard
Description: Advance Reading Copy. "In architectural terms, the twentieth century can be largely summed up with two names: Frank Lloyd Wright and Philip Johnson. Wright (1867–1959) began it with his romantic prairie style; Johnson (1906–2005) brought down the curtain with his spare postmodernist experiments. Between them, they built some of the most admired and discussed buildings in American history. Differing radically in their views on architecture, Wright and Johnson shared a restless creativity, enormous charisma, and an outspokenness that made each man irresistible to the media. Often publicly at odds, they were the twentieth century's flint and steel; their repeated encounters consistently set off sparks. Yet as acclaimed historian Hugh Howard shows, their rivalry was also a fruitful artistic conversation, one that yielded new directions for both men. It was not despite but rather because of their contentious--and not always admiring--relationship that they were able so powerfully to influence history..." (Publisher’s description.) Original hard cover list price $28.00. (First Edition)
Size: 6 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 329
ST#: 2016.17.0617
WRIGHT & LE CORBUSIER & MIES VAN DER ROHE & WALTER GROPIUS Date: 1960 Title: The Master Builders: Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover, DJ) (This is a Borzoi Book, published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York. Published Simultaneously in Canada by McClelland & Stewart, Ltd.)
Author: Blake, Peter
Description: The story of modern architecture is told in this absorbing and beautifully illustrated book through the lives and works of the three men who changed the face of the cities we live in..." (Publisher’s description.) Section 3 (15 Chapters): "Frank Lloyd Wright: and the Mastery of Space. Frank Lloyd Wright was, very probably, the last of the true Americans. This is not intended to suggest that he was of Red Indian origin (which he wasn’t) or that his ancestors came over on the Mayflower (which they didn’t). It is intended to mean that Wright was the last great representative of all the things this country once stood for in the world when ‘America’ was still a radical concept, rather than a settled continent: a symbol of absolute, untrammeled freedom..." Original list price $6.50. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1379)
Size: 7 x 9.5.
Pages: Pp 399
S#: 1379.00.0710
Date: 1960
Title: The Master Builders: Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover, DJ) (Published by Victor Gollancz Ltd., London)
Author: Blake, Peter
Description: This British edition is not a copy of the American edition. Different size, different plates, same text.
Dust jacket: Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright: these three, the greatest names in twentieth-century architecture, are the "Master builders" of this most important and absorbing book. These three, more than any of their colleagues, are the men responsible for the changing face of the cities of today. The United Nations building in New York or the UNESCO headquarters in Paris would not have been conceivable without them; nor would the great glass facades of our modern department stores and office blocks, the precincts for pedestrians in the new towns, the curvilinear, shell-formed structure of many of our new buildings, the "open plan" house, the spreading, asymmetrical pattern of modern schools and hospitals with their emphasis on light and space. Indeed, virtually no modern building constructed today would look the way it does but for the work of one or more of these three great seminal influences.
And - what is of even greater significance - they stand above their contemporaries not only as influences but as artists. "All three", Mr. Blake writes, "had a sort of poetic vision of the whole truth as they saw it. and in trying to give form to this poetic... 102 illustrations. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1379)
Size: 5.75 x 8.75
Pages: Pp 306
S#: 1379.00.1223Date: 1961 Title: The Master Builders: Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover, DJ) (This is a Borzoi Book, published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York. Published Simultaneously in Canada by McClelland & Stewart, Ltd.)
Author: Blake, Peter
Description: The story of modern architecture is told in this absorbing and beautifully illustrated book through the lives and works of the three men who changed the face of the cities we live in..." (Publisher’s description.) Section 3 (15 Chapters): "Frank Lloyd Wright: and the Mastery of Space. Frank Lloyd Wright was, very probably, the last of the true Americans. This is not intended to suggest that he was of Red Indian origin (which he wasn’t) or that his ancestors came over on the Mayflower (which they didn’t). It is intended to mean that Wright was the last great representative of all the things this country once stood for in the world when ‘America’ was still a radical concept, rather than a settled continent: a symbol of absolute, untrammeled freedom..." Original list price $8.00.(Second Edition) (Sweeney 1379)
Size: 7 x 9.5.
Pages: Pp 263 -390
S#: 1379.01.0501
Date: 1963 Title: Drei Meisterarchitekten, Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright (Three Master Architect) (German) (Soft Cover) (Published by R. Piper & Co., Verlag, Munchen)
Author: Blake, Peter
Description: Printed in German. "The story of modern architecture is told in this absorbing and beautifully illustrated book through the lives and works of the three men who changed the face of the cities we live in..." (Publisher’s description.) Section 3 (15 Chapters): "Frank Lloyd Wright: and the Mastery of Space. Frank Lloyd Wright was, very probably, the last of the true Americans. This is not intended to suggest that he was of Red Indian origin (which he wasn’t) or that his ancestors came over on the Mayflower (which they didn’t). It is intended to mean that Wright was the last great representative of all the things this country once stood for in the world when ‘America’ was still a radical concept, rather than a settled continent: a symbol of absolute, untrammeled freedom..." (Sweeney 1379)
Size: 5.25 x 8
Pages: Pp 372
S#: 1565.51.0516
Date: 1964 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture and Space (Soft Cover) (Published by Penguin Books)
Author: Blake, Peter
Description: Originally published in 1960 as a section in "Master Builders". Original SC List Price $1.45. (Fourth Edition) (Sweeney 1566)
Pages: Pp 138
S#: 1566.00.0998
Date: 1976 Title: The Master Builders: Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by W.W. Horton & Company, New York, London)
Author: Blake, Peter
Description: Section 3 (15 Chapters): "Frank Lloyd Wright: and the Mastery of Space". Published simultaneously in Canada by George J. McLeod Limited. Original SC List Price $5.95. (Sixth Edition) (Sweeney 1997)
Size: 5 x 7.5.
Pages: Pp 285 -412
S#: 1997.00.0305
Date: 1996 Title: The Master Builders: Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright (Soft Cover) (Published by W.W. Horton & Company, New York, London)
Author: Blake, Peter
Description: Section 3 (15 Chapters): "Frank Lloyd Wright: and the Mastery of Space". Reissued in 1996. First Edition of the 1996 Version Original SC List Price $18.95. (Sweeney 1997)
Size: 5.5 x 8.
Pages: Pp 285 -412
ST#: 1997.01.0202
Date: 1963 Title: Four Great Makers of Modern Architecture: Gropius, Le Corbusier, Mies vander Rohe, Wright. (Published by the Trustees of Columbia University, New York)
Author: Dow, Alden B.; Kaufmann, Edgar Jr.; Manson, Grant; Churchill, Henry S.; Collins, George R.; Smith, Norris; Fitch, James Marston
Description: A Verbatim record of a symposium held at the School of Architecture from March to May 1961. Includes chapters by: Dow: “The Continuity of Idea and Form” Pp 24; Kaufmann: “The Fine Arts and Frank Lloyd Wright” Pp 27; Manson: “Frank Lloyd Wright and the Tall Building” Pp 38; Churchill: “The Social Implications of the Skyscraper” Pp 44; Collins: “Broadacre City: Wright’s Utopia Reconsidered” Pp 55; Smith: “The Domestic Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright” Pp 76 and Fitch: “Wright and the Spirit of Democracy” Pp 84. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1528)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 296
S#: 1528.00.0306
Date: 1970 Title: Four Great Makers of Modern Architecture: Gropius, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Wright. (Hard Cover, No DJ) (A Da Capo Press Reprint Edition. This edition is an unabridged republication of the first edition (S.1528) published in 1963. Published by Da Capo Press, New York)
Author: Dow, Alden B.; Kaufmann, Edgar Jr.; Manson, Grant; Churchill, Henry S.; Collins, George R.; Smith, Norris; Fitch, James Marston
Description: A Verbatim record of a symposium held at the School of Architecture, Columbia University, from March to May 1961. Includes chapters by: Dow: "The Continuity of Idea and Form" Pp 24; Kaufmann: "The Fine Arts and Frank Lloyd Wright" Pp 27; Manson: "Frank Lloyd Wright and the Tall Building" Pp 38; Churchill: "The Social Implications of the Skyscraper" Pp 44; Collins: "Broadacre City: Wright’s Utopia Reconsidered" Pp 55; Smith: "The Domestic Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright" Pp 76 and Fitch: "Wright and the Spirit of Democracy" Pp 84. (First DaCapo Edition) (Sweeney 1806)
Size: 6 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 296
S#: 1806.00.1112
Date: 1977 Title: Masters of Modern Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Rohe, Gropius (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Hoag, Edwin & Joy
Description: Original HC List Price $10.00, HC Library Binding $10.00. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2021)
Pages: Pp 209
S#: 2021.00.1201
Date: 1985 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright & Le Corbusier: The Great Dialogue (Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York) (Hard Cover DJ)
Author: Doremus, Thomas
Description: Considered as embodiments of opposing views for many years, Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier have actually been closer in theory and application of Modern principles than many critics have allowed. (Second Edition)
Size: 10.75 x 8.75
Pages: Pp 192
ST#: 1985.28.0207
Date: 1994 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright & Le Corbusier: The Romantic Legacy (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK & New York)
Author: Etlin, Richard
Description: Original HC List Price $59.95. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 222
ST#: 1994.13.0501
Date: 1997 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright & Le Corbusier: The romantic legacy (Soft Cover) (Published by Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK & New York)
Author: Etlin, Richard
Description: (Second Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 222
ST#: 1997.34.0506
WRIGHT & NEUTRA Date: 2022
Title: Cheap And Thin: Neutra and Frank Lloyd Wright (Hard Cover) (Published by the Neutra Institute Press)
Author: Neutra, Raymond Richard
Description: Back Cover: Dr. Raymond Richard Neutra traces the forty-year relationship between his parents and the great architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
Within nine years of his arrival in the United States Richard Neutra's writings on American building practices and technology and his steel framed "Lovell Health House" and plan for a prefabricated Ring Plan School won him a place in the 1932 "International Style" exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art. Wright's early cordiality changed to vitriol when he characterized those projects as "cheap and thin." Although meant as an insult, the characterization revealed a recognition of the different direction that Richard Neutra's goals had given to the basic strategies that Wright had developed twenty years earlier: Neutra wanted to develop an economic and light way to deploy technology and nature for a happy and healthy life.
Cheap and Thin quotes from the many letters exchanged between Wright and the Neutra's and recounts family memories of visits between them. It then explores the substantial influence of Wright on Neutra and how Neutra adapted, adopted and added strategies and design features to gradually develop what was to become mid-century "California Modern." (First Edition)
Size: 6.25 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 278
ST#: 2022.28.0225
WRIGHT & SANDBURG Date: 1968 Title: The Letters of Carl Sandburg (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., New York)
Author: Ed. Mitgang, Herbert
Description: Original HC List Price $12.50. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 577
S#: 1732.01.0999
WRIGHT & RICHARDSON & SULLIVAN Date: 1991 Title: Three American Architects: Richardson, Sullivan, Wright, 1865-1915 (Soft Cover)
Author: O’Gorman, James F.
Description: Original SC List Price $15.00.
Pages: Pp 170
ST#: 1991.19.0702
Date: 1994
Title: Sullivan, Wright, and Elmslie. The Celtic Imagination and the Chicago School of Architecture. (Published by Kelmscott Enterprises, Inc.)
Author: Elliot, Scott
Description: "At the approach of the Twentieth Century a few of the leading architects and designers were calling for a return to nature as the guiding force in the construction and ornamentation of buildings and their furnishings... Wright’s use of ornament became increasingly restrained. Everything was symbolic. The circle represented infinity, the triangle structural unity, and the square integrity. The color red was the source of life. Wright’s personal insignia was a red square probably derived from the seal of ‘chop’ used by Hiroshige, the great Japanese master of the woodblock print. In the early 1890's Wright’s square enclosed the ancient Celtic symbol of the circle of infinity with the cross of faith running through it..." (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 19
ST#: 1994.104.0417Date: 2007 Title: Three American Architects: Richarson, Sullivan and Wright. Sunday, September 30, 2007. Portland Museum of Art. (Published by the Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Maine)
Description: “James F. O’Gorman, acclaimed author, lecturer, historian and professor emeritus at Wellesley College, will discuss the individual and collective achievements of the recognized trinity of American architecture...” Includes four photographs. (Six copies)
Size: 8 x 5
Pages: Pp 2
ST#: 2007.25.0907 - 2007.30.0907
WRIGHT & HOWARD VAN DOREN SHAW Date: 1969 Title: Two Chicago Architects and Their Clients (Hard Cover) (Published by MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London England)
Author: Eaton, Leonard K.
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright and Howard Van Doren Shaw. Original HC List Price $10.00. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1762)
Pages: Pp 259
S#: 1762.01.1101
Date: 1969 Title: Two Chicago Architects & Their Clients (Soft Cover) (Published by MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London England)
Author: Eaton, Leonard K.
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright and Howard Van Doren Shaw. Original SC List Price $3.95. (First Paper Edition) (Sweeney 1762)
Pages: Pp 259
S#: 1762.02.1200
©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2025