AMERICAN HOMES & GARDEN Date: 1912 Title: American Homes & Garden - March 1912 (Hard bound volume, January - December 1912) (Published monthly by Munn & Co., Inc., New York)
Author: Ames, Robert Leonard
Description: "A Western Suburban House." The Frank J. Baker Residence, Wilmette, IL (1909 - S.151). "For lack of a better name ‘Western Architecture’ has come to be used in designating the style peculiar to certain of these architects, who have paid particular attention to the building of suburban houses, among whom the name of Frank Lloyd Wright, who designed the house at Wilmette, Illinois, here illustrated, stands conspicuously prominent in any discussion of the distinct innovations that have come to mark our American domestic architecture, particularly in the Middle West... The house illustrated in this article, designed for its owner by Frank Lloyd Wright, architect, Chicago, is one of the most beautiful and well-planned in this village of distinctive homes." Includes six photographs and one illustration. Side Note: Includes a Book Review on "On the Art of the Theater", Craig, Chicago, published by Browne’s Bookstore. (See our Wright Study on Browne's Bookstore.) June issue, p. xxii. Original cover price 25c. (Sweeney 112) See Full Article...
Size: 10.5 x 14
Pages: Pp 86-89
S#: 0112.00.0214
THE AMERICAN HOME Date: 1941 Title: The American Home - April 1941
Author: Kimbrough, Emily
Description: Four Family. Suntop House in Ardmore, PA.
Pages: Pp 80-81
S#: 0571.01.0103
CARMEL BY-THE-SEA Date: 1959 Title: Carmel by-the-sea (Published by Emil White)
Author: Albee, William
Description: "Carmel Architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright Home." Includes two photographs. Original List Price $1.00.
Size: 9 x 12.
Pages: Pp 11
S#: 1377.07.0205
Title: California - November 1988 - (Clipping only)
Author: Crotta, Carol A.
Description: "Living Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright invented his own native architecture for California. Like other visionaries before and since, Frank Lloyd Wright found California irresistible. Nineteen houses in the state bear his stamp. Not all of them are great; some seem dated and even uninspired. But others, even half a century after their construction, still take you breath away with the freshness and strength of the master’s revolutionary design..." Wright’s California textile homes pictured include the Ennis, Storer and Freeman homes. Includes eleven photographs. Original cover price $2.00. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 8.25 x 11
Pages: Pp 118-124
ST#: 1988.93.0616
CALIFORNIA HOMES ILLUSTRATED Date: 1955 Title: California Homes Illustrated (Published monthly by Homes Illustrated, Inc. Los Altos, California)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Carmel-by-the-Sea Home for Mrs. Clinton Walker. All who have visited the charming Monterey peninsula surely have seen and remarked on the genius and artistry of Frank Lloyd Wright as exemplified in the home for Mrs. Clinton Walker... The dean of American architects, Mr. Wright... The focal point of the dwelling is the gorgeous living room... Steel beams were necessary to provide the cantilevered construction over the rocky shore... And what does Mrs. Walker think of the House? Well, even is she were not an ardent admirer of Frank Lloyd Wright (which she is), her opinion is that she is a thoroughly satisfied and proud home owner. Includes four photographs by George Seideneck, and one illustration. Original cover price $1.00.
Size: 9.6 x 12.75
Pages: Pp 30-33
S#: 1092.48.1212
Title: Desert Magazine of the Southwest (Published monthly by Desert Magazine, Inc. Palm Desert, Calif.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: In 1938, Frank Lloyd Wright established a winter headquarters in Paradise Valley, Arizona, for his architectural fellowship. Here during the five winter months, students and master worked and studied and observed the desert and with their own hands build Taliesin West. The basic building material was "desert concrete" – native boulders and cement cast into forms; and above the massive foundations and walls, redwood and canvas. In the opinion of one architectural critic, Taliesin West is the most impressive structure erected in the western hemisphere since the days of the Mayans. Write died in April, 1959, but the work of the fellowship continues, as does his influence on architecture throughout the world. Includes 13 quotes by Frank Lloyd Wright, and four early photographs of Taliesin West. Original cover price 40c.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 10-13
ST#: 1526.28.0717ECHOES Date: 1999
Title: Echoes - Winter 1999 (Published quarterly by Deco Echoes Inc., Cummaquid, MA)
Author: 1) Grassel, Robert Author: 2) Anonymous Description: 1) Wright for rent? Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, the Seth Peterson Cottage is the only home by the renowned architect which is available for rent to the general public. Over the years I've made pilgrimages to Frank Lloyd Wright creations, happy to admire them from the outside. Then I learned of the Seth Peterson Cottage, the only Frank Lloyd Wright-designed home available to rent. Yours for the stay, all yours. So I booked our reservation. The cottage is located within the tranquil woods of Wisconsin's Mirror Lake Park. Forty miles to its South lies Taliesin, yet Wright never visited the cottage site. Instead he relied on photographs and maps to gain a sense of place. It's believed the house plans were completed before Wright’s death in April 1959 making this one of his last commissions and the final for his native Wisconsin..." Includes four photographs. Description: 2) Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright. By Naomi Stungo. This small-format book explores Wright’s use of recurring elemental themes and materials with the development of open-plan layouts and geometric lines. 50 color illustrations, 80 pages. Hardcover $14.95." Includes a photograph of the cover. Original cover price $7.00. Size: 8.25 x 10.75 Pages: Pp 11-13 Pages: Pp 94 ST#: 1999.99.1018 ELLE DECOR Date: 1994
Title: Elle Decor - February/March 1994 (Published by Elle Publishing, L.P., a joint venture owned by Hachette Publications, Inc., and managed by Hachette Ffilipacchi Magazines, Inc. New York)
Author: Smith, Kathryn
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright Made His Buildings into Potent Metaphors for Nature: Earth, Fire, Water, Sky. Although Frank Lloyd Wright gave voice to the cause of machine production and industrial materials, his lifelong preoccupation was the duality of art in nature. When budget and client permitted, Wright created lyrical poems to native flora and fauna. The long, deep eaves of the Prairie Houses (which he built by the dozens in and around Chicago for a decade after 1900) reach out in space, echoing the flat Midwestern landscape. In the art glass of the Dana House in Springfield, Illinois, butterflies are crystallized as chandeliers over the dining-room table and light plays against the stylized sumac leaves of the windows as if the house were caressed by the forest..." Original cover price $3.95. Includes 4 photographs. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pp 72
ST#: 1994.110.0618FULLER BRUSH MAGAZINE Date: 1962 Title: The Fuller Brush Magazine - 1962 (Published by the Fuller Brush Company, Hartford, Conn.)
Author: Young, Joanne B.
Description: "Our Heritage of Homes." The article is divided into a number of segments throughout the magazine, each describing a different style of home. The back page is devoted to the Quintin Blair Home (1952 - S.351). "When Frank Lloyd Wright first began designing his ‘Prairie houses’ eccentric was one of the milder terms used to describe his work. Even today a Frank Lloyd Wright house such as the one above built for the Quintin Blairs of Cody, Wyoming -- arouses so much interest that homeowners find they’re suddenly one of the sightseeing wonders of their hometown!" Includes one photograph by Warren Reynolds Photography, Inc. taken in 1956. Original cost: given as a sales tool. For more information on the Blair Residence see our Wright Study.
Size: 8.25 x 10
Pages: P 24
S#: 1526.14.1011
GARDEN & GUN Date: 2018
Title: Garden & Gun - June/July 2018 (Published by The Allee Group LLC, Charleston, SC)
Author: Green, Josh
Description: "Wright Minded." Article on the George Lewis Residence (1952 - S.359). "A Nonprofit Flights to Save the Only Private Frank Lloyd Wright Designed Home in Florida. Byrd Lewis Mashburn steps out of her tiny bedroom and leans against a sweeping balcony made of tidewater red cypress, a favorite building material of her homes architect, one Frank Lloyd Wright. The septuagenarian points to the concrete floor, dyed in Wright’s iconic Cherokee Red, and to what lies beyond the living room’s towering windows. Where others see Wright’s only private residence built in Florida, Mashburn find memories: the balcony where she slept beneath the stars with her brothers; the nook where they'd stand a huge pine at Christmas time; and the home’s original, circular table, where her father, George Lewis, served fresh-caught redfish for supper... Mr. Wright, we’re the Lewises, and we are from Tallahassee. We have a lot of children and not much money, and we hope you will do a house for us..." Includes two color photographs.
Size: 9 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 41
ST#: 2018.03.0518GAZETTE Date: 1995
Title: AKC Gazette - February 1995
Author: Nieder, Jeannette Author: Anonymous Description: The House FLW Build (Zimmerman House). The author subtitles the article "A house designed with a Dalmation in mind". This is a stretch, but it does offer history on the Zimmerman House. Description: More Dog Houses (Bergers Dog House). The only dog house designed by Wright. Size: Pages: Pp 64-9 Pages: Pp 69 S#: 1995.11.1101 S#: 1995.12.1101
GOURMET Date: 1991
Title: Gourmet - February 1991 (Published by The Conde Nast Publications Inc., New York)
Author: Kluger, Marilyn
Description: "Taliesin, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Wisconsin Retreat." Includes six photographs and one illustration. Original List Price $2.50.
Size: 8 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 6 70-73 92-96
ST#: 1991.31.0305Date: 1991
Title: Gourmet - March 1991 (Published monthly by The Conde Nast Publications Inc., New York)
Author: Kluger, Marilyn
Description: "Taliesin West. Frank Lloyd Wright's Arizona Retreat. Taliesin West, in Scottsdale, Arizona, is the permanent winter quarters of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Archives, School of Architecture, and the Taliesin Fellowship of students and faculty. The complex of remarkable buildings, with massive, gently sloping walls of ‘sunburst "desert stone masonry, stretches out on the Mesa below the southern slopes of the McDowell Mountains. According to Wright, Taliesin West’s architecture follows natures desert-world examples of sharp, hard, clean, savage shapes and "cleared the slate of the pastoral loveliness" of Taliesin, Wisconsin, his celebrated earlier home, study center, and – as of the establishment of Taliesin West – summers-only headquarters..." Includes seven photographs by Richard Bowditch. Original cover price $2.50.
Size: 8 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 86-89 136, 138, 140-141
ST#: 1991.96.0121
HOME Date: 1987 Title:
Home - October 1987 (Published by Home Magazine Publishing Corp.)
Author: Anonymous Author: Whiting, Henry II Author: Silverstein, Wendy A. Description: "Go Wright In." A list of six public Wright sites that are open to the public. Original List Price $1.95. (See Wright Study) Description: "Learning the Wright Lessons. An aficionado of Frank Lloyd Wright recounts the 2 ½ years he spent restoring Teater’s Knoll, the architects only Idaho structure." Includes 14 photographs and one illustration. Original List Price $1.95. (See Wright Study) Description: "Rethinking the Kitchen." Original List Price $1.95. (See Wright Study) Size: 8 x 10.75 Pages: Pp 17 Pages: Pp Cover, 2, 38-45 Pages: Pp 43 ST#: 1987.19.0305 ST#: 1987.20.0305 ST#: 1987.21.0305
HOME, FORT LAUDERDALE Date: 2009 Title: Home, Fort Lauderdale - July 2009 (Published six times a year by Home Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale, FL)
Author: Hine, Thomas
Description: "The Wright Way., A major exhibition at the Guggenheim celebrates the landmark structure’s 50th birthday and its iconic architect. Half a century after his death, Frank Lloyd Wright is not just a major American architect, but the American Architect. His long, productive, tumultuous and often scandalous life is still the stuff not just of biographies but of sexy novels and even an opera. Fragments of his architecture can command millions in the auction rooms. And Wright’s great marketing lesson – that an attention-getting building can transform an institution or even put a city on the map – has been embraced from Bilbao to Abu Dhabi to Miami..." Includes five photographs and illustrations. Original cover price 4.95.
Size: 9 x 10.9
Pages: Pp 50-57
ST#: 2009.32.0715
Title: Home & Garden Journal
Author: Anonymous Author: Oregon Gardens Description: The Gordon House Receives $25,000 Grant From The Flora Family Foundation (Three Copies) Description: Gordon House Designed By Frank Lloyd Wright (Three Copies) Size: Size: Pages: Pg 24 Pages: Pg 25-6 ST#: 2002.03.0302, 2002.04.0302, 2002.05.0302 ST#: 2002.07.0302, 2002.08.0302, 2002.09.0302
HOMEARAMA Date: 2002 Title: Homearama, Luxury Edition 2002, (Published by the Home Builders Association of Greater Cincinnati A Supplement to Cincinnati Magazine and Cincinnati Magazine)
Author: Sonnenberg, Elissa Author: Sonnenberg, Elissa Author: Anonymous Author: Eagle Custom Homes Description: Wright At Home: At This Year’s Homearama The Remowned Architect’s Legacy Breathes New Life and Organic Principles into Landscape of Luxury Homes. Description: Wright Stuff Gone Wrong Description: Landmark Ideas: A look at some of Frank Lloyd Wright’s most well-known designs. Description: Nature’s View. Two page ad and four page inserted brochure. Custom Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation / Taliesin Fellowship home. Size: Size: Size: Size: Pages: Pp 10 54-61 Pages: Pp 116-7 Pages: Pp 124 Pages: Pp 38-39 ST#: 2002.39.0108 ST#: 2002.40.0108 ST#: 2002.41.0108 ST#: 2002.42.0108 HOUSEHOLD Date: May 1955
An Original Ad for the Elizabeth Manson House, designed by John S. Van Bergen. The Elizabeth Manson House, designed by John S. Van Bergen as the home looks today Title: Household - May 1955 (Published monthly by Capper Publications, Inc., Topeka, Kansas)
Author: McCall, Helen
Description: “Never too old to be bold!” Caption: “The Curtin house in Oak Park was a much admired style at the turn of the century, when it was designed by the noted architect Frank Lloyd Wright, and it still maintains rugged individuality.” This was actually designed by John S. Van Bergen. He joined Wright in 1909. He produced many working drawings and was supervisor for the Robie House and the Mrs. Thomas Gale House. After leaving Wright's studio he briefly worked for another former Wright employee, William Eugene Drummond. In 1911 he started his own practice. His first design commission was for the in Oak Park. This is the home pictured in the article. Includes 8 photographs. Note: “Guide to Frank Lloyd Wright and Prairie School Architecture in Oak Park”, Sprague #49, Third edition. Original cover price 10c.
Size: 8.25 x 11
Pages: Pp 27-29 83
S#: 1092.18.0907
Date: June 1956 Title: Household - June 1956
Author: Roland, Albert
Description: A Modern house in the Old West. Blair House, Cody, Wyoming (Sweeney 1122) For more information on the Blair Residence see our Wright Study.
Pages: Pp Cover, 4, 25-27, 70
S#: 1122.00.0802
Date: December 1952 Title: House & Home - December 1952 (Published monthly by Time, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous; Photographs by Stoller, Ezra
Description: The first in a series of new Wright homes to be published in H&H. “A house by Frank Lloyd Wright for Mr. & Mrs. Herman T. Mossberg in South Bend, Ind., William Reinke, General Contractor.” Pictorial essay on the Mossberg residence. Includes 12 photographs by Ezra Stoller and 3 illustrations. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 893)
Size: 9.75 x 12.5
Pages: Pp Cover 66-73
S#: 0894.00.1007
Date: March 1953 Title: House & Home - March 1953 (Published monthly by Time, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous; Photographs by Stoller, Ezra Description: Editorial: “Frank Lloyd Wright and 1,000,000 houses a year.” Defines the impact Wright has had on home design. “H&H is proud to show you another Wright house on the following pages...” Includes two photographs. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 933) Description: Part of the series of new Wright homes published in H&H. “This new House by Frank Lloyd Wright is a rich textbook of the principles he pioneered. For Mr. & Mrs. Eric V. Brown, Parkwyn Village, Kalamazoo, Mich. David Corning, contractor.” Pictorial essay on the Brown residence. Includes 12 photographs by Ezra Stoller and 3 illustrations. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 967)
Back to Sweeney 967Size: 9.75 x 12.5 Pages: Pp 105 Pages: Pp Cover, 106-113 S#: 0933.00.1007 S#: 0967.00.1007 Date: 1953
Title: House & Home - June 1953 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York, New York)
Author: 1) Anonymous 2) Anonymous 3) Horsley, Mary S.
Description: 1) The David Wright House. "Frank Lloyd Wright: This New Desert House For His Son is a Magnificent Coil of Concrete Block. In this strange and wonderful house Frank Lloyd Wright again challenges a dozen fixed ideas. Some men grow timid as they grow older - others gain confidence. Only Wright’s supreme confidence, at the age of 84, made this house possible: a house that will be praised, talked about – and argued over – as no other way Wright house since Falling Water (sic). A house that nobody who has seen these pictures will ever forget..." Includes twenty photographs and five illustrations. (Sweeney 942)
2) "Let’s Include Everybody in... All we think we prove is that a few brave pioneers in all parts of the world – led by our own Frank Lloyd Wright -- have done something very impressive about architecture." Article includes Frank Lloyd Wright, and includes 6 photographs and illustrations of Wright’s work.
3) Letters: "Frank Lloyd Wright. Sirs: I do not seek to detract from the creative ability of Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright, but would it not be better to say that he improved upon the corner window born many years before he was? This photograph is of a corner window in the Popenoe house in Antigua, Guatemala, made famous by Louis Adamic in The House in Antigue..."
4) An ad that includes three photographs of the David Wright. (Page 8).
Size: 9.75 x 12.5
Pages: 1) Pp Cover 99-107 2) 108-115
S#: 0942.00.0318Date: November 1953 Title: House & Home - November 1953 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous; Photographs by Stoller, Ezra; Guerrero, P. E. Author: Anonymous; Photographs by Guerrero, P. E. Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright builds in the middle of Manhattan, shows how to make a small, simple house rich and spacious. In this 1,700 sq. ft. exhibition house lie Frank Lloyd Wright’s suggestions to the average American who builds or buys a home - suggestions first made in 1900 when his houses embodying the same principles first appeared on the prairie outside Chicago." A Usonian home, built as part of the exhibition "Sixty Years of Living Architecture", on the site for the proposed Guggenheim Museum. Five photographs by Ezra Stoller, three by P. E. Guerrero and two illustrations of the floor plan. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 935) Description: "A new house by Frank Lloyd Wright opens up a new way of life on the old site. For 30 years the Henry Neilses lived in this big, Italian-French-Spanish box... Now the Neilses have a new home by Frank Lloyd Wright, a structure that is at the same time more sheltering and more open to nature." The Henry J. Neils Residence (S.314), Minneapolis. Includes 11 photographs by P. E. Guerrero and two illustrations of the floor plan. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 954)
Back to Sweeney 954Size: 9.75 x 12.3 Pages: Pp 118-121 Pages: Pp Cover 122-127 S#: 0935.00.1209 S#: 0954.00.1209 Date: March 1954 Title: House & Home - March 1954 (Published by Time, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd; Anonymous Description: Book Review: The Future of Architecture, Wright, Horizon Press, $7.00. "At about the time that Frank Lloyd Wright's exhibit, Sixty Years of Living Architecture, open in New York (H&H, November 53), Wright published this collection of essays and lectures, until then largely out of print. To Wright disciples and many others the book is worth its price for the famous Hull House lecture (1903) alone, in which he called on twentieth-century architecture to lay down the jigsaw and pick up the welders torch. Exhibit and book together form a deeply revealing documentary of this architect’s life long endeavor to hew out a truly American way of building..." Original cover price $1.00. 9.75 x 12.3. (Sweeney 915) Description: "As transparent as the waves, yet as sturdy as the rock... with the long white surf lines of the sea. That is the kind of house I promised my client. This ‘cabin on the rocks’ is not a family house but a haven at the seaside for a single individual living in specific comfort of her own choosing..." Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin West, February 1954. The article was introduced by Wright with a two page spread that included Wright’s text and a large photograph. Article is entitled "A planning lesson from Frank Lloyd Wright, how big can a tiny house be?" Includes twelve photographs by Roger Sturtevant, two of which are in color. Also includes five illustrations. Thomas D. Church, landscape architect. Miles Bain, contractor. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1019) Size: 9.75 x 12.3 Pages: Pp 174 Pages: Pp 98-105 S#: 0915.00.0212 S#: 1019.00.0212 Date: 1954
Title: House & Home - November 1954 (Published Monthly by Time, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: The Anthony House, Benton Harbor, Michigan."Seven lessons from Frank Lloyd Wright. Few builders and not all architects can tell you what makes this Frank Lloyd Wright house beautiful without first taking the house apart to see how it is put together. 1. Note how the walls were built in layers. 2. Note how the big roof makes the house look bigger. 3. Note how the low ceiling dramatizes the high one. 4. Note how roof edge and planting edge go their own ways. 5. Note how open the kitchen is, and yet how shielded. 6. Note the studless wall. 7. Note how Wright masters the diagram, never lets it master him. Includes 10 photographs and six illustrations of the Anthony House. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1032)
Size: 9.75 x 12.3
Pages: Pp Cover 98-105
S#: 1032.00.0418Date: 1954
Title: House & Home - Dec 1954 (Published by Time, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: 1) Frank Lloyd Wright says he'll quit Wisconsin. A few days after voters in Madison, Wisconsin had expressed their preferences for him as architect of the cities proposed Civic Center (see p. 42) Frank Lloyd Wright heard news from another quarter that he said would impel him to move his Taliesin out of Wisconsin forever. The Wisconsin Supreme Court handed down a decision that Wright’s home and school near Spring Green (the school is situated on 80 acres of 3000 that he owns there) was not an educational institution and was therefore subject to local taxation. The tax situation amounts to $13,000 -- there's no hurt there," Wright said, "but the interpretation out of which it springs, that does hurt..." (Sweeney 1009) Description: 2) Frank Lloyd Wright won an election in Wisconsin. Madison voters approved him as architect of a long proposed Civic Center and auditorium, also approved a bond issue for the auditorium and voted for a site on Lake Monona advocated by Wright. The latter had drawn up plans for the spectacular center, to be cantilevered over the lake, 15 years ago. "I am immensely encourage..." he said after the voting. Ironically enough, the people's support came only a few days before the great architect announced that he would move his Taliesin East out of Wisconsin altogether (p.53) because of a court ruling that it was not an educational institution and was therefore subject to local taxation. Original cover price $1.00. Size: 9.75 x 12.5 Pages: Pp 53 Pages: Pp 42 S#: 1009.00.0718 S#: 1009.01.0718 Date: 1955 Title: House & Home - January 1955 (Published by Time, Inc. New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright and ‘The Natural House’ ". Published by Horizon Press, New York, $6.50. "In his latest book, America’s master architect retraces 65 years’ experience, presents his low-cost, Usonian automatic house and introduces fresh ideas – including the one shown here (Usonian Automatic). Includes one portrait of Wright by Helen Levitt, two illustrations, and four photographs. One of the Adelman Residence, and one of Keyes Residence. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1070)
Size: 9.5 x 12.5.
Pages: Pp 166-168
S#: 1070.00.1014
Date: 1955 Title: House & Home - April 1955 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: Alvin Miller Residence (1946 - S.289). "FLLW’s characteristic double-decker flat top: its long lines give it great repose... and the clerestory lights the center of the house... Terracing underscores horizontal planes of house and forms its pedestal... Flat roof is economical for it lets you plan more freely... Deep overhangs frame the view... marry the house to the ground, and protect walls and inhabitants... Double-decker ceilings dramatize interior spaces... High ceilings for main space..." Seven photographs by Marc Neuhof. Includes three illustrations. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1068) Description: "FLLW’s double-decker flat-top idea was adapted in Utah builder house. Many builders who don’t use flat roofs just don’t know what they are missing... Using principles characteristic of Frank Lloyd Wright (see pp. 116-121), this building team has found that with flat roofs: - you can shelter any plan - even a two level plan..." Includes one Wright photograph from page 116-117. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1069) Size: 9.75 x 12.5 Size: 9.75 x 12.5 Pages: Pp Cover 116-121 Pages: Pp 122-125 S#: 1068.00.0214 S#: 1069.00.0214 Date: 1956 Title: House & Home - January 1956 (Published monthly by Time, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "FLLW designs home furnishing. The furniture, fabrics and wall coverings you see here have been a subject of conversation among architects, buildings and decorations for two months. In November the first Frank Lloyd Wright designs in home furnishings appeared in stores throughout the country... A curved motif, not unlike the ancient Greek key design in reverse, characterizes the architectural theme of each piece - from stacking stool to fabric pattern..." Heritage Henredon furniture and F. Schumacher fabrics and wall coverings. Includes nine photographs. (Sweeney 1101)
Size: 9.25 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 188
ST#: 1101.00.1215
Date: 1956
Title: House & Home - April 1956 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Merchandising has been called showmanship plus salesmanship... Beginning 30 house-fulls of ideas..." An article on merchandising homes, showcasing 30 different homes. The introduction includes a two-spread photograph of the Zimmerman House by Ezra Stoller. Caption: Dr. O J. Zimmerman House, Manchester, N.H., Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. (This house will be presented in full in a forthcoming issue.)" It was featured in the September 1956 issue. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1120)
Size: 9.25 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 140-141
S#: 1120.00.1121Date: May 1956 Title: House & Home - May 1956 (Published by Time, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright". Four memorable homes by Wright. Mossberg House, South Bend, H&H 12/52; Walker House, Carmel, H&H 3/54; Neils House, Minneapolis, H&H 11/53; David Wright House, Phoenix, H&H 6/53. Original List Price $1.00. (Sweeney 1106)
Size: 9.25 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 164-8
S#: 1106.00.0205
Date: 1956
Title: House & Home - September 1956 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Zimmerman House. "This rich and rhythmic house expresses 32 simple and basic design ideas of Frank Lloyd Wright. This is the Zimmerman house in Manchester, N. H., built on a one acre lot in 1951. It was designed for a doctor and his wife, whose children have grown up and moved away. It is a cold – country house, farthest east of all Wright’s houses. At first glance, it belongs to Wright’s prairie period, but it reflects the continuing evolution of the architects thought, with many features not found in his early work – like the inside kitchen; the asymmetrical roof pitch; and the large sheets of glass (instead of his earlier mosaic of small panes to break up the reflection on the glass)." Includes thirteen photographs of the Zimmerman house by Ezra Stoller, and the Camera Shop, and three portraits of Wright by Alfred Eistenstaedt. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1138)
Size: 9.25 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 136-141
S#: 1138.00.1117Date: 1956
Title: House & Home - December 1956 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Marshall Erdman (Van Tamelen) Prefabricated Homes (1956 - S.406) "Here is prefabrication’s biggest news for 1957. Frank Lloyd Wright has at long last built a prefab house and Erdman Homes is putting it on the market for 1957. This is both big news and amazing news. It is big news because it gives prefabrication – once the step child of home building – the prestige associated with the greatest name in contemporary architecture. It is amazing news, because the principle advocate of standardization and modular planning had to wait 60 years before he got his chance to put his original theories into practice. Wright had been designing panel construction systems since 1910 using materials like wood, steel and concrete..." Includes 10 photographs and 6 illustrations of the Erdman Prefab. 1) Full page Ad by Waylite Masonry Units, includes two photographs of the Erdman (Van Tamelen) Residence. 2) Full page Ad by Masonite Corp., includes two photographs of the Erdman (Van Tamelen) Residence. 3) Third page Ad by H-P Products, includes One photograph of the Erdman (Van Tamelen) residence. Original cover price $1.00. 9.25 x 12.5 (Sweeney 1112)
Pages: Pp Cover, 115, 117-121
1) P.20
2) 229
3) 234
S#: 1112.00.1118Date: May 1957 Title: House & Home - May 1957 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: 1) “1900's: Birth of an idea.” “House of the Century: Since 1857 not house has had more influence.” Robie House. 2) “1930's: Dramatization of an idea.” Fallingwater. Includes 3 photos and 3 illustrations. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1178)
Size: 9.25 x 12.5
Pages: Pp Cover, 110, 116, 121
S#: 1178.00.0706
Date: 1957
Title: House & Home - September 1957 (Published monthly by Time, Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: 1) “These Fine Early American Homes, with five contemporary houses.” Two of the contemporary homes are by Frank Lloyd Wright. The Henry Neils Residence and Taliesin. Text: “Contemporary design in America started with Frank Lloyd Wright. Here is a new sense of shelter under the great roofs, a new sense of openness as the box is broken open, a new use of today's mechanisms and methods, a new respect for the nature of materials, a new integration with the land.” Includes a photograph of the Neils House by P. E. Guerrero, and Taliesin, Spring Green by Ezra Stoller.
2) “It takes original genius to design one-of-a-kind custom houses like these” (one of which is the Walker House), “but... Builders don’t need a creative artist to design low cost production models.” Includes a photograph of the Walker House.
Size: 9.25 x 12.5
Pages: 1) Pp 110a-110n 2) Pp 128-129
S#: 1205.132.0622Date: January 1958 Title: House & Home - January 1958 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: “A master builder’s philosophy - excerpts from Frank Lloyd Wright’s Testament.” “Properly focused upon the needs of twentieth century life, new uses of livable space will continually evolve - improve, more exuberant and serene.” Includes 6 photos and 3 illustrations, One portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright, five of the Harold Price home, Phoenix, and three of the Harold Price Jr., Bartlesville, Okla. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1241)
Size: 9.25 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 135-141
S#: 1241.00.0706
Date: April 1958 Title: House & Home - April 1958 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Author: Anonymous Description: “America’s foremost architect speaks on prefabrication and the role of creative man in the machine age: ‘Quality and quantity must be partners, science and art must live together’” Includes one illustration of Wright. (Sweeney 1254) Description: Opinions: Wright comments on public housing at a press conference at the National Concrete Masonry Assn. Convention. Includes one photograph of Wright. Original cover price $1.00. Size: 9.25 x 12.5 Pages: Pp 120-122 Pages: Pp 57 S#: 1254.00.1206 S#: 1254.01.1206 Date: 1958
Title: House & Home - August 1958 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York) (Note: Photograph on the cover is flipped horizontally.)
Author: Anonymous; Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "3 New Homes By Frank Lloyd Wright." 1: Harper House, St. Joseph; 2: Thaxton House, Bunker Hill (Houston); 3: Austin House, Greenvillle.
1 House in St. Joseph, Michigan. This house represents a theme Frank Lloyd Wright has been using since the 1920's - the many-angled, prism-like form. "I am convinced," he says, "that the pattern made by the cross section of a honeycomb has more flexibility where human movement is concerned than the square. The obtuse angle is more suited to human to and fro than the right angle..."
2 House in Houston, Texas. This house is a Frank Lloyd Wright solution for the large suburban lot. On the problem of designing for a one or two acre site Mr. Wright says: "We will have a good garden. The house is planned to wrap around two sides of this garden. We must have as big a living room with as much vista and garden coming in as we can afford, with a fireplace in it, and open bookshelves, a dining table in the alcove, benches, and living room tables built-in." A large screened porch virtually doubles the size of the living room, since it can be used all year round in temperate Houston. There is no roof over this porch – only screening. The Bedrooms turn off the living room at a 30o angle to enclose the garden. Street side of the house is almost entirely closed. See Thaxton Residence Study.
3 House in Greenville, South Carolina. This house is a case study of Frank Lloyd Wright’s dictum: "Shelter should be the essential look of any dwelling." As the photograph shows, the great roof of the house is itself, the very epitome of shelter. It projects as much as six feet to shield the house from sun and storm (yet where light is desirable, on the north side, the roof stops at the wall)... Includes 25 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1250)
Size: 9.25 x 12.5
Pages: Pp Cover 101-113
S#: 1250.00.0517
Date: 1959 Title: House & Home - February 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: De Reus, Jim; Edited by Morgan-Ryan, Kathryn Author: Follansbee Steel Corporation Description: “Builder Jim De Reus tells you: What we learned from Frank Lloyd Wright.” Carroll Alsop House, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Includes Includes nine photographs and nine illustrations. Reprinted in the January 11, 1960 issue of Bauwelt. (Sweeney 1287) Description: Ad: Full page ad honoring Wright. “Imaginative new conceptions in architecture can frequently trace their origin to a basically simple idea... FLLW” Includes one photograph. Original cover price $1.00. Size: 9.25 x 12.5 Pages: Pp 126-133 Pages: Pp 22 S#: 1287.00.1206 S#: 1287.01.1206 Date: 1959
Title: House & Home - June 1959 (Published Monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: 1) The Editors; 2) Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: 1) "Frank Lloyd Wright’s Own Home in the Desert. Nothing is more symbolic of Frank Lloyd Wright’s abiding influence on the architecture of the American house than Taliesin west, his home on Maricopa Mesa near Phoenix. Taliesin West is symbolic because it expresses so many of the principles Wright stood for in his lifetime, because it embodies most of the design ideas Wright made a familiar part of the American scene, and because it is a peculiarly living structure to which Wright was adding and making changes almost up to the day of his death..."
2) To The Young Man in Architecture..." An excerpt from one of Wright’s address, published in The Future of Architecture. Includes eight photographs of Taliesin West. (Sweeney 1312)
Size: 9.25 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 88-98
S#: 1312.00.0617Date: 1960 Title: House & Home - September 1960 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "A Portfolio of Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright. On the next ten pages, the editors present four hitherto unpublished houses completed by Frank Lloyd Wright in the years before his death in April of 1959. This portfolio reflects most of the great ideas which Frank Lloyd Wright gave to residential architecture: the integration of house and landscape; the creation of free and flexible spaces by the use of modular plans and modern materials; and the animation of spaces by changes in light, in views, in levels, and in scale." Four homes include the Davis Residence, Marion, Indiana (1950 - S.324); the Palmer Residence, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1950 - S.332); the Hagan Residence, Uniontown, Penn. (1954 - S.377); and the Sander Residence, Stamford, Conn. Includes 21 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1439) For More Information on the Davis Residence Essay...
Size: 9.25 x 12.5
Pages: Pp 113-123
S#: 1439.00.1014
Date: 1962
Title: House & Home - March 1962 (Published monthly by Time Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: 10th Anniversary Issue. "Architecture of ideas. Wellspring of the decade’s progress was a heritage that came to housing from the ‘20s, ‘30s, and ‘40s – a new. Looking ahead, Frank Lloyd Wright wrote in the late ‘50s: "New uses of livable space will continually evolve – improved, more exuberant, and serene" (H&H Jan ‘58)... The Natural House is a great legacy from Frank Lloyd Wright. This example, built in Manchester, N.H., expressed as many of the simple and basic design ideas which we now take for granted -- but which spring from the fertile imagination of Wright. At first glance H&H pointed out when it published this house, it belongs to Wright's Prairie. Period [an early stage of his career when he developed the essential ideas of a house nestled into the land as if it grew there, and open to the land around it]. But it reflects the continuing evolution of the architects thought, with many features not found in his early work..." Lengthy article begins with a full page portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright by Alfred Eisensteadt, and includes a two page spread of the Zimmerman House by Ezra Stoller. Original cover price $1.00. (Sweeney 1498) Description: 1) "On the rolling Prairie... Oskaloosa, Iowa... Here in Oskaloosa new houses like the one above helped set off a chain reaction that is still going on. They spark the demand for better housing in a community where they are where there was no shortages of adequate housing... Over 9,000 people tracked out to look at these two Frank Lloyd Wright custom houses when they were built in 1951. Even though they were private homes -- and not builders’ models -- more than a third of the visitors went back for a second look and what they saw started the homebuilding revolution in Oskaloosa... What else did Oskaloosa find in the Wright houses? ‘Intrinsic value – something so important it can't be measured,’ says their builder Jim DeReus. ‘People came out of curiosity went home with the longing: they, too, wanted a house with all that the word stands for.’ " Includes five photographs and two floor plans of the Carroll Alsop Residence (1948 - S.304) and the Jack Lamerson Residence (1948 - S.305). Photographs by H&H staff, George Johnson and The Iowan. (Sweeney 1514)
2) New Interiors... Includes one full-page photograph of the Herman Mossberg Residence (1948 - S. 302) by Ezra Stoller.Size: 9.25 x 12.5 Pages: Pp 116-127 Pages: 1) Pp 130-133 2) Pp 173-174 S#: 1498.00.0718 S#: 1514.00.0718, 1514.01.0718
Date: August 1948 Title: House & Garden (Published monthly by The Conde Nast Publications Inc., New York)
Author: Mock, Elizabeth B.
Description: “Taliesin West. Elizabeth B. Mock describes a unique way of living embodied in the Arizona headquarters of Frank Lloyd Wright and his student-architects.” Includes 10 photos and one illustration. Original cover price $0.50. (Sweeney 733)
Size: 9.5 x 12.75
Pages: Pp 3, 52-55, 91
S#: 0733.00.0706
Date: December 1962 Title: House & Garden (Published monthly by The Conde Nast Publications Inc., New York)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "How Lovely are Thy Tabernacles..." (Photo of First Unitarian Soc of Madison, Wisc.
Pages: Pp 148-151
S#: 1526.01.1201
Date: 1981
Title: House & Garden - November 1981 (Published monthly by The Conde Nast Publications, Inc., New York)
Author: Hanna, Paul & Jean
Description: “Taking a chance with Frank Lloyd Wright. A California couple tells how they built their famous house with America's greatest architect. As minister’s children, both of us had grown up in Minnesota in a secession of parsonages provided by the congregations our fathers were serving. But every 3 to 5 years a minister was reassigned a different parish. We were not free to remake a parsonage building to suit our particular preferences and needs. Such restrictions developed in both of us a desire to design and build a house to meet our own lifestyles. And, most passionately, each of us long to own a home and live in it permanently...” Includes two photographs sand a floor plan. Original cover price $1.25.
Size: 8 x 11
Pages: Pp 172-174, 188-190
ST#: 1981.152.0322Date: 1983 Title: House & Garden - April 1983 (Published by The Conde Nast Publications, Inc.)
Author: Filler, Martin
Description: "The Little House of Frank Lloyd Wright. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is now the proud possessor of a reconstructed room by America’s greatest architect. Frank Lloyd Wright is the hardy perennial of American architecture. Several times during his extraordinary 70-year career his reputation withered, but it always bloomed again, and the flower of his fame has not faded since his death..." Includes four photographs by Norman McGrath and one portrait. Original cover price $4.00.
Size: 8.25 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 118-123 169-170
ST#: 1983.31.0315
Date: April 1984 Title: House & Garden (Published by The Conde Nast Publications, Inc.)
Author: Filler, Martin
Description: "His House Was His Story. Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin was more than a place to hang his famous hat: it was the embodiment of his eventful life and indomitable creative spirit." Original List Price $4.00.
Size: 8.25 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 180-7, 208 212 216-17
ST#: 1984.20.1204
Date: May 1984 Title: House & Garden (Published by The Conde Nast Publications, Inc.)
Author: Filler, Martin
Description: "His House Was His Oasis. At Taliesin West in Arizona, Frank Lloyd Wright cultivated his personal Garden of Eden." Original List Price $4.00.
Size: 8.25 x 10.75
Pages: Pp 198-203 234 236 238-9 240
ST#: 1984.21.1204
Date: December 1985 Title: House & Garden
Author: Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks
Description: Marilyn Monroe Meets Frank Lloyd Wright
Pages: Pp 62
ST#: 1985.11.0404
Date: 1986 Title: House & Garden - February 1986 (Published monthly by The Conde Nast Publications, Inc., New York)
Author: Filler, Martin
Description: "Wright Wronged. Gwathmey Siegel’s proposed Guggenheim addition raises critical questions about the museum’s role as cultural caretaker. The architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright is essentially about freedom – freedom from historical convention, spatial confinement, and the strictures of routine responses to the world around us... It is safe to predict that the way in which this generation will be regarded by its architectural heirs hangs on the outcome of this misguided and unconscionable scheme. Includes two illustrations and one photograph.
Size: 8 x 11
Pages: Pp 42, 44, 46, 48
ST#: 1986.57.0514
Date: August 1986 Title: Home & Garden - August 1986 (Published by The Conde Nast Publications Inc., New York)
Author: Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr.; Edited by MacIsaac, Heather Smith; Photographs by Gili, Oberto Author: American Standard Author: Anonymous Description: Excerpts from "Fallingwater, A Frank Lloyd Wright Country House." How Right was Wright. Edgar Kaufmann Jr. Recalls his family’s country house, Fallingwater, and how Frank Lloyd Wright made it one with nature. Fallingwater was one of those works by Wright that transformed the world’s opinion of his art. From seeming a figure of earlier decades he leapt into view as a bold innovator. Increasing recognition flowed his way, and Fallingwater received its share..." Includes 6 photographs. Description: American Standard Ad: Photographed at the Ennis-Brown house. Description: News: Exhibition. "Wright in Racine. Frank Lloyd Wright and the Johnson Wax Building: Creating a Corporate Cathedral, Renwick Gallery, Washington, until Sept. 1." Original cover price $4.00. Size: 8.1 x 10.8 Pages: Pp 140-5 168 170 Pages: Pp 161 Pages: Pp 172 S#: 1986.51.0114 Date: 1988
Title: House & Garden - October 1988 (Published by The Conde Nast Publications Inc., New York) (Clipping only.)
Author: Brron, Elizabeth Sverbeyeff; MacRae, Joyce
Description: "The Wright Way. Frank Lloyd Wright’s La Miniatura is his masterpiece of sunlight and shadow, Martin Filler writes. ‘The house is so distinctive that it’s hard to think of living anywhere else. I would rather have built this little house than St. Peter’s in Rome.’ Thus with characteristic modesty wrote Frank Lloyd Wright about one of his most important designs, the Millard house - called La Miniatura - in Pasadena, California. His justifiable pride in that small masterpiece of 1923 contained more than a touch of vindication. This ingenious structure marked the full resurgence of Wright’s creative energies after a fallow spell at mid-life and began a brief comeback, one of several that punctuated his long, uneven career..." Includes seven photographs. Original cover price $4.00.
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pg 150-155, 231
ST#: 1988.92.0616Date: February 1990 Title: House & Garden
Author: Viladas, Pilar Author: Anonymous Description: "Wright in Hollywood". A historic Frank Lloyd Wright house is brought back to life by film producer Joel Silver. Description: "Master Wright". Visit the Phoenix Art Museum . Over 300 Wright renderings Jan 13 - April 8. Size: Size: Pages: Pp 8 78-87 Pages: Pp 31 S#: 1990.28.1104 S#: 1990.29.1104 METROPOLITAN HOME Date: 1987
Title: Metropolitan Home - May 1987 (Published by Meredith Corporation, Los Angeles, CA)
Author: Flanagan, Barbara
Description: Frank Lloyd Wright reproduced design elements for the home, are now available. "Frank Lloyd Wright: Get the legend while he's hot. Nearly three decades after his death, Frank Lloyd Wright's legacy comes alive in new productions of his furniture and rediscovered drawings and designs. The dwelling as a work of art is a better place… to live with, and live for and buy in every sense. Therefore, why not a better ‘investment?’ (Frank Lloyd Wright, from A Testament, 1957). Investing in Frank Lloyd Wright always seemed futile to practical Americans. The nation’s only legendary architect took too many risks and upset too many credos ever since he built his first prairie houses nearly a century ago. And during his long career – 70 combative years – his work fluctuated wildly in style and quality..." Original cover price $2.50.
Size: 9 x 11
Pages: Pp 33-39, 118
ST#: 1987.132.0821
Title: Santa Barbara - May/June 1989 (Published bimonthly by Nanco Publishing, Inc. Santa Barbara, CA)
Author: Carlisle, Lynn
Description: George C. Stewart Residence (1909 - S.160). "Prairie Style West. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1909, this Montecito home gracefully embodies the master architect’s innovative theories. A strait, undistinguished brick walkway leads to a house on a sunny Montecito corner. A short flight of stairs delivers visitors to a simple entry. But once guests cross the threshold of this house, they pass into another world, a light-filled space imbued with the theories of a modern American genius, the home’s architect, Frank Lloyd Wright." Includes seven photographs and one illustration. Original cover price $2.95. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 32-39, 69-71
ST#: 1989.102.0616
Title: Southern Accents - Spring 1979
Author: Anonymous
Description: The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright. Exhibit at Atlanta’s High Museum of Art March 24 - May 6, 1979.
Pages: Pp 2, 14 -4
ST#: 1979.10.0402SUNSET MAGAZINE Date: 1976
Title: Sunset Magazine - June 1976
Description: Wrights celebrated Hollyhock House of 1920... now you can look inside
Pages: Pg 32b-d
S#: 2020.01.0901Date: 2007
Title: Sunset Magazine - June 2007 (Published monthly by Sunset Publishing corporation, Menlo Park, CA)
Author: Fish, Peter; Keaton, Diane
Description: Diane Keaton, the Oscar-winning actress talks about her love of L.A., it's architecture, and saving a Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece. Her new house. I've got a Lloyd Wright done by Frank Lloyd Wright's son. It was built in the 1940s. It's really an odd shape, just filled with very peculiar angles. He always wants to tease you – that's why I find it so seductive... Why she loves the house. It was the drama inherent in any Frank Lloyd Wright. The entrance is so dark, small and mysterious, and then opens into this astonishing living room. You can't believe what you're seeing. And you have this insane view of Los Angeles. There's nothing like it anywhere. Includes two photographs. Original cover price $4.99.
Size: 8.5 x 10.5
Pages: Pp 178
ST#: 2007.94.0721Date: 2009
Title: Sunset Magazine - October 2009 (Published monthly by Sunset Publishing Corporation, Menlo Park, CA)
Author: Boyle, T.C.
Description: "A tall man in a short house. A best-selling author falls in love with a rundown Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece. It changed his life." Boyle, author of "The Women" recalls his first visit to, purchasing, and than restoring the Stewart House, Wright’s first home in California. Includes three photographs. Original cover price $4.99.
Size: 8.4 x 10.5
Pages: Pg 68-69
ST#: 2009.08.1009
TRADITIONAL HOME Date: 1998 Title: Traditional Home - September 1998
Author: Nusbaum, Eliot
Description: America’s 20th Century Architectural Tradition. Stephen Dulls Home in Atlanta GA, Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Student.
Pages: Pp148-57 184
ST#: 1998.13.1201
Date: 1998 Title: Traditional Home - November 1998
Author: Riha, John
Description: Everlasting Wright. Each building created by the maestro of American architecture, FLW, was an opportunity to orchestrate a symphony of interior details.
Pages: Pp74-80 226
ST#: 1998.14.1201
Date: 1999 Title: Traditional Home - Holiday 1999
Author: Bulova Clocks
Description: Full Page Bulova Clock Ad for the Willits Mantel Clock
Pages: Pp 20
ST#: 1999.18.1199
©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2024