THE PRAIRIE SCHOOL REVIEW 1964 V I 1965 V II 1966 V III 1967 V IV 1968 V V 1969 V VI 1970 V VII 1971 V VIII 1972 V IX 1973 V X 1974 V XI 1975 V XII
1976 V XIII 1977 V XIV
1964 - VOLUME I Date: 1964 Title: Prairie School Review - No 1, 1964. Volume I, Number 1 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Hobson, L. H. Author: Cuscaden, R. R. Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: Book Review: The House Beautiful. Reviews the 1963 version. (Sweeney 20) Description: FLlW’s Drawings Preserved. Negative photostats preserve drawings of 17 Wright buildings. (Sweeney 1577) Description: HABS in Chicago. Includes information on the Robie House and Charnley House Description: An Invitation. An invitation to submit articles and material to be published in The Prairie School Review. Articles will include Wright. Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 17 Pages: Pp 18 Pages: Pp 18 Pages: Pp 18 S#: 0020.00.0404 S#: 1577.00.0404 S#: 1577.01.0404 S#: 1577.02.0404 Date: 1964 Title: Prairie School Review - No 2, 1964. Volume I, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Hobson, L. Henri 2) Hasbrouck, Wilbert R. 3) Drummond, William E. 4) Hedlund, Carolyn 7) Ianelli, Alfonso
Description: 1) Book Review: "Buildings, Plans and Designs by Frank Lloyd Wright.1963, Horizon Press, 100 Plates, 16 x 24, $100. Horizon Press has released ‘Buildings, Plans and Designs by Frank Lloyd Wright,’ the long awaited facsimile edition of Wasmuth’s ‘Ausgefuhrte Bauten und Entwurfe.’ Frank Lloyd Wright’s Wasmuth portfolio, as this set of drawings is generally called, has a long and interesting history with the present printing actually being a fourth ‘edition’... Includes one illustration of the Willetts house. (Sweeney 89). Also in this issue:
2) The Architectural Firm of Guenzel & Drummond.
3) On Things of Common Concern.
4) Life in a Prairie School House.
5) A Portfolio of Guenzel & Drummond.
6) Letters to the Editor. Including letters from Eaton, Leonard K.; Purcell, William G.; Besinger, Curtis; Hitchcock, H. R.;
7) Book Review: A System of Architectural Ornament.
8) The Work of Guenzel & Drummond. A partial Listing.
Includes a total of 35 photographs and illustrations, one of the River Forest Tennis Club. Original cover price $1.50. (Sweeney 89)Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 28
S#: 0089.00.0216
Date: 1964 Title: Prairie School Review - No. 3, 1964. Volume I, Number 3 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Kostka, Robert Author: LHH Description: Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater, 25 Years After (Sweeney 1538) Description: Book Review: Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright in Seven Middle Western States Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 17 Pages: Pp 17 S#: 1538.00.0902 S#: 1538.01.0902
Author: Hasbrouck, W.R. Author: Anonymous Author: Eaton, Leonard K. Description: Frank Lloyd Wright’s First Independent Commission. Winslow House (Sweeney 1582) Description: A Portfolio of The Winslow House Description: W.H. Winslow and the Winslow House Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp Cover 4-7 Pages: Pp 8-11 Pages: Pp 12-14 S#: 1582.00.0902 S#: 1582.01.0902 S#: 1582.02.0902 Date: 1964 Title: Prairie School Review - No 4, 1964. Volume I, Number 4 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Hobson, L.H. Author: Kalec, Donald Author: Anonymous Description: Book Review: The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright from 1893 to 1900. (Sweeney 1573) Description: The Prairie School Furniture (Sweeney 1588) Description: Portfolio of Prairie School Furniture. Includes Wright pieces. Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp Cover 2 5-15 Pages: Pp Cover 2 5-15 Pages: Pp 16-21 S#: 1573.00.0902 S#: 1588.00.0902 S#: 1588.01.0902 1965 - VOLUME II Date: 1965 Title: Prairie School Review - No 1, 1965. Volume II, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous
4-5) Gebhard, DavidDescription: 1) Book Review: Beth Sholom Synagogue, Cohen, 1959, $1.00 (SC), $3.00 (HC). "Nicely produced, this small volume is primarily concerned with the religious aspects of Beth Sholom Synagogue. Several fine photographs are included along with comments by Mr. Wright." (Sweeney 1262) Description: 2) Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright, Architecture and Space, Blake, 1964, $1.25 (SC). "This is a reissue of a portion of Peter Blake’s The Master Builders, first published in 1960. It is an excellent Book for the interested layman, being particularly strong in regard to Wright’s early or ‘Prairie’ years..." (Sweeney 1381) Description: 3) Book Review: Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium, Smith, 1964, $1.00. "The Wright buffs will all want this brochure. Large (12" x 12") and well done, it has plans, photographs and a history of the building from conception thru construction." (S#1570) Also in this issue: 4) Purcell and Elmslie Architects 5) A Guide to the Architecture of Purcell & Elmslie. 6) Book Review: Inspiration, An Essay by Louis H. Sullivan, R.F. Seymour, 1964, $2.00. Includes a total of 37 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $1.50. (Sweeney 1570) Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 28 S#: 1262.00.0216 S#: 1381.00.0216 S#: 1570.00.0216 Date: 1965 Title: Prairie School Review - No 2, 1965. Volume II, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Sprague, Paul 2) Baron, Rachel
Description: 1) Adler & Sullivan’s Schiller Building. The Garrick Theater.
2) The Theater, by Dankmar Adler (Auditorium Theater
3) Book Review: Chicago’s Famous Buildings, Siegel, 1965.
4) Book Review: Landscape Artist in America Jens Jensen, Eaton 1964.
Includes 36 photographs and illustrations, one of the Francisco Terrace Apartments. Original cover price $1.50.Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 32
S#: 1628.52.0216
Date: 1965 Title: Prairie School Review - No 3, 1965. Volume II, Number 3 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Eaton, Leonard K.
Description: Book Review: The Chicago School of Architecture. (Sweeney 1568)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 20
S#: 1568.00.0404
Author: Anonymous Author: Tetzlaff, Ray; Corley, John Author: Kump, Peter Description: "A Wright House on the Prairie." Issue is devoted to the Sutton House. "The basic material for this study has been the letters, drawings, and notes preserved by the Sutton family for the past sixty years. The first systematic cataloging of these documents was undertaken by Don L. Morgan in 1965 while he was a student of architecture at the University of Nebraska." Includes 24 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $1.50. 8.5 x 11 (Sweeney 1627) Description: Letters: Geneva Inn to be demolished. Description: Letters: Response to Hobson’s review of Buildings, Plans and Designs. Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp Cover 2 5-19 23 Pages: Pp 22 Pages: Pp 22 S#: 1627.00.0404 S#: 1627.01.0404 S#: 1627.02.0404 Date: 1965 Title: Prairie School Review - No. 4, 1965. Volume II, Number 4 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Donaldson, J.H. Author: Griggs, Joseph Description: Book Review: The Valley of the God-Almighty Joneses. (Sweeney 1598) Description: Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright, America’s Greatest Architect (Sweeney 1602) Description: Letter to the Editor (Sweeney 1607) Description: Alfonso Iannelli, The Prairie Spirit in Sculpture (Sweeney 1610) Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 25 Pages: Pp 25 Pages: Pp 26 Pages: Pp Cover 2 5-23 S#: 1598.00.0902 S#: 1602.00.0902 S#: 1607.00.0902 S#: 1610.00.0902
1966 - VOLUME III Date: 1966 Title: Prairie School Review - No 1, 1966. Volume III, Number 1 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Author: Brooks, H. Allen Description: Book Review: The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright, The Great Wendingen Edition. 1965 Edition. (Sweeney 166) Description: In Chicago. Ralph Fletcher Seymour, author of many Wright books, killed in auto accident. (Sweeney 1662) Description: Robie Fund Sketches. Competition for a three week exhibition entitled "Frank Lloyd Wright, Vision and Legacy" Held by University of Illinois for the benefit of Robie House. (Sweeney 1672) Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 24 Pages: Pp 26 Pages: Pp 24 S#: 0166.00.0404 S#: 1662.00.0404 S#: 1672.00.0404 Date: 1966
Title: Prairie School Review - No 2, 1966. Volume III, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: Editor: Hasbrouck, W. R. 2) Van Zanten, David T.
Description: 1) From the Editor. 2) The Early Work of Marion Mahony Griffin. 3) Book Review: Culture and Democracy. 4) Letters to the Editor. Includes 34 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $1.50.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 27
S#: 1679.21.0419Date: 1966 Title: Prairie School Review - No 3, 1966. Volume III, Number 3 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Hobson, Lloyd H. Author: Kostka, Robert Description: Book Review: "A guide to the Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright in Oak Park and River Forest, Illinois." (Sweeney 1635) Description: Frank Lloyd Wright in Japan. Issue is devoted to the work of Wright in Japan. (Sweeney 1665) Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 25 Pages: Pp Cover 2 5-23 S#: 1635.00.0404 S#: 1665.00.0404 Date: 1966
Title: Prairie School Review - No 4, 1966, Volume III, (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Chicago)
Author: Editor: Hasbrouck, William. R.; 2) Chappell, Sally Anderson 3) Eaton, Leonard; Terkel, Studs 4) Kostka, Robert
Description: 1) From the Editor. 2) Barry Bryne, Architect: His Formative Years. Includes his work with Frank Lloyd Wright. 3) Book Reviews 4) Letter to the Editor. 5) Selected Bibliography. Original cover price $1.50.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 26
S#: 1679.26.05201967 - VOLUME IV Date: 1967 Title: Prairie School Review - No 1,1967. Volume IV, Number 1 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Anonymous Author: Eaton, Leanard K. Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Description: Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright, Vision and Legacy", by the Committee of Architectural Heritage. 1966. (Sweeney 1630) Description: Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright: A Study in Architectural Content" by Norris Kelly Smith. 1966. (Sweeney 1640) Description: "Ethics of Ornament". A portion of a lecture delivered by Wright in a 1909 in a local weekly paper, "Oak Leaves" in Oak Park. (Sweeney 1717) Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 23 Pages: Pp 21 Pages: Pp 16-17 S#: 1630.00.0404 S#: 1640.00.0404 S#: 1717.00.0404 Date: 1967 Title: Prairie School Review - No 2, 1967. Volume IV, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Hines, Thomas S., Jr. 2) Sprague, Paul E. 4) Sullivan, Louis H.
Description: 1) Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright, His Life, His Work, His Words, Wright, 1966, $7.50. "Exactly why was this book produced? The precise motivations which prompted it are not, at face value, apparent. Only when it is placed within the contexts of the author’s earlier titles and within the larger syndrome of Taliesin hagiolatry, does the book fall into place. For, despite the stature of its subject and the good intentions of its author, it is, regrettably, little more than the latest testimonial from a curious (and self-defeating) hero cult..." Also in this issue:
2) The National Farmer’s Bank, Owatonna, Minnesota
3) The Restoration of Sullivan’s Bank in Owatonna
4) Artistic Brick.
Includes 39 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $1.50. (Sweeney 1651)Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 32
S#: 1651.00.0216
No 3, 1967. Volume IV, Number 3 (Need) Date: 1967 Title: Prairie School Review - No 4, 1967. Volume IV, Number 4 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Kostka, Robert Author: Anonymous Author: Anonymous Description: Book Review: The Japanese Print (1967) (Sweeney 110) Description: Book Review: Architectural Essays From the Chicago School. (1967) (Sweeney 1683) Description: "Frederick C. Robie House, Frank Lloyd Wright Architect" (Sweeney 1696) Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 27-29 Pages: Pp 29 Pages: Pp Cover 2, 10-19 S#: 0110.00.0404 S#: 1683.00.0404 S#: 1696.00.0404
Author: Hitchcock, Henry-Russell Author: Morton, Terry Brust Author: Anonymous Description: "Frank Lloyd Wright 1867-1967." This article first appeared in a slightly different form in Zodiac, 17, 1967. (Sweeney 1700) Description: "Wright’s Pope-Leighey House". (Sweeney 1705) Description: "Wright Drawings." Two drawings gifted from Wright to the School of Architecture at Texas A&M University. Booth and Stewart House. (Sweeney 1716) Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 5-9 Pages: Pp 20-26 Pages: Pp 31 S#: 1700.01.0404 S#: 1705.00.0404 S#: 1716.00.0404 1968 - VOLUME V Date: 1968 Title: Prairie School Review - No 1 & 2, 1968. Volume V, Number 1-2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Kennedy, Roger 2) Bragdon, Claude 3) Garden, Hugh M. G.
Description: 1) Long Dark Corridors: Harvey Ellis
2) Harvey Ellis: a Portrait Sketch
3) Harvey Ellis, Designer and Draughtsman (2 & 3 are reprinted from the December 1908 Architectural Review.)
4) Michael McGuire, Architect
5) Earl H. Reed, 1884-1968.
Includes 95 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50.Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 52
S#: 1757.19.0216
Date: 1968 Title: Prairie School Review - No. 3, 1968. Volume V, Number 3 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: McCoy, Robert E.
Description: Rock Crest / Rock Glen. Prairie Planning in Iowa (Sweeney 1746)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp Cover 5-39
S#: 1746.00.0902
Date: 1968 Title: Prairie School Review - No 4, 1968. Volume V, Number 4 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Tafel, Edgar Author: Cuscaden, Rob Description: Book Review: "The Imperial Hotel", James, Cary. (Sweeney 1724) Description: Book Review: "The Robie House", The Prairie School Press. (Sweeney 1728) Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 27 Pages: Pp 28 S#: 1724.00.1104 S#: 1728.00.1104 1969 - VOLUME VI Date: 1969
Title: Prairie School Review - No 1, 1969. Volume VI, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: Editor: Hasbrouck, W. R. 1) Brooks, H. Allen 3) Ganschinietz, Suzanne 4) Vaughn, Edward J.
Description: 1) Book Review: "Frank Lloyd Wright: The Early Work, by C. R. Ashbee. With a new introduction by Edgar Kaufmann, Jr. Horizon Press, New York, 1968, 144 pp., Illust., $15.00. The famous Wasmuth edition of 1911 has now been re-issued, and in such a manner as to be more useful and serviceable than before. The original title, Frank Lloyd Wright: Ausgeführte Bauten, had, of necessity, to be changed since ‘Executed Work’ would, today, imply that the content covered Wright’s entire life span rather than only the dramatic prairie years. Therefore the new title: Frank Lloyd Wright The Early Work. When originally published in Berlin this volume, with over 200 photographs and plans, served to complement the magnificent and lavish hundred-plate folio of drawings and plans illustrating Wright’s work with Ernst Wasmuth had published the previous year..." This issue also covers: 2) From the Editors. 3) William Drummond: I. Talent & Sensitivity. 4) Sullivan and The University of Michigan. This issue includes 33 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $1.50. (Sweeney 97)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 24-25
S#: 0097.00.0419Date: 1969 Title: Prairie School Review - No 2, 1969. Volume VI, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Ganschinietz, Suzanne 2) Vaughn, Edward J.
Description: 1) William Drummond: II. Partnership & Obscurity
2) Sullivan & Elmslie at Michigan. Decoration Without Architecture - Little known Works by Louis H. Sullivan and George Grant Elmslie
3) Book Review.
Includes 44 photographs and illustrations two of which relate to Wright and Como Orchards. Original cover price $1.50.Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 28
S#: 1803.16.0216
Date: 1969 Title: Prairie School Review - No 3, 1969. Volume VI, Number 3 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Greengard, Bernard C. 2) Karlowicz, Titus M. 3) Griggs, Joseph 4) Myers, Denys Peter 6) Hoffmann, Don 7) Hasbrouck, W. R.
Description: 1) Sullivan / Presto / The Krause Music Store
2) The Chicago School and the Tyranny of Usage. "...Wright’s work on the Wainwright, and his association with Sullivan, becomes remarkably more significant. The younger architect was born not to emulate the master; moreover, he would not deny him. Wright did leave Sullivan, as he made the break the master could not, but he did carry on the spirit of an architecture preached, if not practiced by the master..." (Includes photo of the Willits house.)
3) Book Review: The Orpheum Theater Posters, Iannelli, 1965 (6 posters, silk screened $5 ea.).
4) Book Review: American Architecture and Urbanism, Scully, 1969.
5) Letters to the Editors. Includes John Lloyd Wright and Alan M Drummond.
6) Ernest Olaf Brostrom (obituary).
7) Book Review: Drawings for Architectural Ornament By George Grant Elmslie, 1902-1936, Catalogue, $6.50.
Includes 21 photographs and illustrations one of which relate to Wright and the Willits house. Original cover price $1.50. Size:8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 28
S#: 1803.17.0216
Date: 1969
Title: Prairie School Review - No 4, 1969. Volume VI, Number 4 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: Editor: Hasbrouck, W. R. 2) Engelbrecht, Lloyd C.
Description: 1) From the Editors. 2) Henry Trost: The Prairie School in the Southwest. This issue includes 50 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 32
S#: 1803.27.04191970 - VOLUME VII Date: 1970 Title: Prairie School Review - No 1, 1970. Volume VII, Number 1 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Webster, J. Carson Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Description: Book Review: "Two Chicago Architects and their Clients". (1969) (Sweeney 1768) Description: "The New Larkin Administration Building". Originally printed in the Nov 1906 Larkin Idea. (Sweeney 1845) Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 20-21 Pages: Pp 2-3 14-19 20- S#: 1768.00.0404 S#: 1845.00.0404 Date: 1970
Title: Prairie School Review - No 2, 1970 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Inc., Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: 1) Kostka, Robert 2) Anonymous
Description: 1) Bruce Gooff and the New Tradition.
2) Earliest Work of John Lloyd Wright. Mrs. M. J. Wood, Encondido, California. Includes 37 photographs and illustrations.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 23
S#: 1846.137.0122Date: 1970 Title: Prairie School Review - No 3, 1970. Volume VII, Number 3 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Unity Temple Restoration". Also printed as a separate four page brochure. (Sweeney 1841)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 2 13-16
S#: 1841.00.0404
Date: 1970 Title: Prairie School Review - No. 4, 1970. Volume VII, Number 4 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Radde, Bruce F. Author: Hasbrouck, Wilbert R. Author: Sorell, Susan Description: Book Review. "Frank Lloyd Wright: Public Buildings" (Sweeney 1681) Description: "The Earliest Work of Frank Lloyd Wright". Includes Unity Temple and The All Souls Church. (Sweeney 1824) Description: "Silsbee: The evolution of a Personal Architectural Style". Touches on Wright’s earlier work. (Sweeney 1840) Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 24-25 Pages: Pp 2 14-16 Pages: Pp 5-13 S#: 1681.00.0404 S#: 1824.00.0404 S#: 1840.00.0404 1971 - VOLUME VIII Date: 1971 Title: Prairie School Review - No 1, 1971. Volume VIII, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Yanul, Thomas 2) Kalec, Donald 3) Hallmark, Donald P. 4) Van de Venter, Vincent E.
Description: 1) Book Review: An Organic Architecture, Wright, 1970, $6.95. "...Although dissatisfied with most of what he sees of knows of in the contemporary world, Wright does find a few things, albeit few, that he sincerely believes are right or good. Among them, naturally, is his own architecture as well as that of his ‘Lieber Meister’ Louis Sullivan. Plaudets are also accorded architectures of the past which were, in his words, ‘Organic - in a sense..." (S#468).
2) Book Review: The Pope-Leighey House, Wright, 1969, $.50 Cloth. "It is amazing to find how low cost housing in American is the crying need of the hour. I feel it is the most important field that we have and it has been neglected by our architects. With these words in 1936, Frank Lloyd Wright produced a 3 bedroom which cost $4,800, including architect’s fee. It was not one-of-a-kind prototype but the pilot model for a new type of house which Wright named ‘Usonian’ meaning ‘of, or belonging to the United States..." (S#1761). Also in this issue:
3) Richard W. Bock, Sculptor. Part I: The Early Work
4) Book Review: Bruce Goff, A Portfolio, Murphy; Muller, 1970, $10.00.
Includes 22 photographs and illustrations one of which relate to Wright and Dana house. Original cover price $2.50. (Sweeney 468 & 1761)Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 28
S#: 0468.00.0216, 1761.00.0216
Date: 1971 Title: Prairie School Review - No. 2, 1971. Volume VIII, Number 2 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Hallmark, Donald P. Author: N.I. Associates, Inc. Description: "Richard W. Bock, Sculptor. Part II: The Mature Collaborations". Issue devoted to Bock. Includes work with Wright. Description: Ad: "Frank Lloyd Wright’s Early Works". Set of 80 slides on Wright’s early work. Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp Cover 2-3 5-29 Pages: Pp 31 S#: 1856.00.0404 S#: 1856.01.0404 Date: 1971 Title: Prairie School Review - No 3, 1971. Vol VIII, Number 3 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Hasbrouck, William R. 2) Johnson, Donald L. 3) Kalec, Don
Description: 1) Book Review: Genius and The Mobocracy, Wright, 1971, $20.00. First published in 1949. "Louis Sullivan would have liked this book. In spite of its faults, which are many, he would have liked it. It is a book by his most famous, his most controversial, his most successful disciple. It is a book with a made up word in its title, a word Sullivan would have understood and approved of. Mobocracy. Especially today Sullivan would have approved of this book here in Chicago..." (S.756).
Also in this issue: 2) Castlecrag: A Physical and Social Planning Experiment.
3) Letters: "In regard to my book review of The Pope-Leighey House (PSR 1-1971) I would like to clarify several points. The Herbert Jacobs house has 2 bedrooms and a study - not three bedrooms as I stated..."
Includes a total of 19 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50. (Sweeney 756)Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 20
S#: 0756.00.0216
Date: 1971 Title: Prairie School Review - No 4, 1971. Volume VIII, Number 4(Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Sprague, Paul E. 2) Ramsey, Ronald Lanier
Description: 1) Book Review: Frank Lloyd Wright and His Midwest Contemporaries, Brooks, 1972, $25.00. "This splendidly produced and well-written book is accurate and comprehensive far beyond anything yet published about the contemporaries and students of Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright. The design of this elegant volume is almost beyond criticism. Its size, nine inches square, makes it very convenient to handle and its arrangement, with notes alongside the text and illustrations inserted as they are mentioned, renders one’s journey through its lucid and almost novel-like text as easy as it is informative..." (S.1874). Also included in this issue:
2) Williams Wells: Towers in Oklahoma.
Includes 19 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50. (Sweeney 1874)Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 20
S#: 1874.00.0216
1972 - VOLUME IX Date: 1972 Title: Prairie School Review - No 1, 1972. Volume IX, Number 1 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Weisman, Winston
Description: "The Chicago School of Architecture: A Symposium - Part I." Although Frank Lloyd Wright is not the focus of this issue, he is mentioned in the article. Original cover price $2.50.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 1-30
S#: 1909.44.1214
Date: 1972 Title: Prairie School Review - No 2, 1972. Volume IX, Number 2 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Condit, Carl S.
Description: "The Chicago School of Architecture: A Symposium - Part I." Although Frank Lloyd Wright is not the focus of this issue, he is mentioned in the article. Original cover price $2.50.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 1-38
S#: 1909.45.1214
Date: 1972
Title: Prairie School Review - No 3, 1972. Volume IX, Number 3 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Brooks, H. Allen 2) Eaton, Leonard K.
Description: 1) Percy Dwight Bentley at La Crosse 2) John Wellborn Root and the Julian M. Case House. Includes 41 photographs and illustrations, one of which is an illustration of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Ladies Home Journal, 1907, Fireproof House. Original cover price $2.50. (Two copies)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 24
S#: 1909.48.0216, 1909.51.0818Date: 1972
Title: Prairie School Review - No 4, 1972. Volume IX, Number 4 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: Turak, Theodore
Description: A Celt Among Slavs: Louis Sullivan’s Holly Trinity. "...The Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago designed by Louis H. Sullivan deserves an issue of its own. It was one of the first of Sullivan’s ‘independent commissions after leaving Dankmar Adler..." Includes 33 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 24
S#: 1909.49.02161973 - VOLUME X Date: 1973 Title: Prairie School Review - No 1, 1973. Volume X, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1 & 2) Sprague, Paul E.
Description: 1) Griffin Rediscovered in Beverly.
2) Griffin’s Beverly Buildings, A Catalog
3) Book Review.
Includes 72 photographs and illustrations, including 10 related to Wright homes. Original cover price $2.50.Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 36
S#: 1940.15.0216
Date: 1973
Title: Prairie School Review - No 2, 1973. Volume X, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: Editor: Hasbrouck, W. R. 2) Steiner, Frances
Description: 1) From the Editor. 2) E. E. Roberts: Popularizing the Prairie School. 3) E. E. Roberts, A Catalog. 4) Book Review: The Architecture of Frank Furness. Includes 45 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 26
S#: 1940.26.0419Date: 1973 Title: Prairie School Review - No 3, 1973. Volume X, Number 3 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Warn, Robert R.
Description: 1) Part I: Bennett & Sullivan, Client & Creator.
2) Book Reviews.
Includes 15 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50.Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 20
S#: 1940.16.0216
Date: 1973 Title: Prairie School Review - No 4, 1973. Volume X, Number 4 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Warn, Robert R. 2) Hasbrouck, Marilyn Whittlesey
Description: 1) Part II: Louis H. Sullivan, "...an air of finality."
2) The Prairie School Review Index, I - X (1964-1973)
3) Book Reviews.
Includes 19 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50.Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 28
S#: 1940.17.0216
1974 - VOLUME XI Date: 1974 Title: Prairie School Review - No 1, 1974. Volume XI, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Bordes, Marilynn Johnson 2) Kihlstedt, Folke T.
Description: 1) Book Review: The Arts and Crafts Movement in America 1876-1916, Clark, 1972, $$25.00 Cloth, $7.50 Paper (S#1875). "...A number of my acquaintances, still question that a man like Frank Lloyd Wright belongs to the Arts and Crafts Movement. Part of this may be due to our concept of cult of genius, but part is also certainly due to Wright’s ideas about the machine, as given in his famous Hull House lecture (the title of which alone should indicate his preoccupation with Arts and Crafts movement questions...." Also in this issue:
2) Grand Central Station, Chicago.
3) Book Reviews
4) Letters to the Editors.
Includes 31 photographs and illustrations, one of which is a photograph of Wright’s copper Weed Holder. Original cover price $2.50.Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 28
S#: 1875.01.0216
Date: 1974 Title: Prairie School Review - No 2, 1974. Volume XI, Number 2 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Kalec, Donald J. 2) Severens, Kenneth W. 3) Allen, James R. 4) Sprague, Paul E.
Description: One Book – Two Reviews: Frank Lloyd Wright: An Interpretative Biography, Twombly, 1973, $10.00 (S#1920). 1) "... This is not a twice told tale but a substantial piece of work based on original research done over the course of several years. A great amount of new material, especially the early formative years, is brought to light... Twombly’s book works better as a book for people who already know a great deal about Wright and want additional data and a few insights..." (S#1925)
2) "... Confronted by a subject who consciously and unconsciously obscured both the details and the meaning of his life and who would not have been cooperative if he were still alive, Twombly has written a biography which is no small accomplishment. He has ambitiously organized the vast material and frequently has added new research and fresh analysis... A skillful biography has been written which will effectively serve as a more factual but less poetic counterpoint to Wright’s An Autobiography..." (S#1926). Also in this issue:
3) Ernest M. Wood: A provincial Testament.
4) Letters to the Editor.
Includes 28 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50. (Sweeney 1925 & 1926)Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 28
S#: 1925.00.0216, 1926.00.0216
Date: 1974 Title: Prairie School Review - No 3, 1974. Volume XI, Number 3 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Gregerson, Charles E. 2) Sprague, Paul E.
Description: 1) Early Adler & Sullivan Work in Kalamazoo.
2) Sullivan’s Scoville Building, A Chronology
3) Book Reviews.
Includes 26 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50.Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 28
S#: 1963.17.0216
Date: 1974 Title: Prairie School Review - No 4, 1974. Volume XI, Number 4 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Turak, Theodore
Description: 1) French and English Sources of Sullivan Ornament and Doctrine.
Includes 65 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50.Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 32
S#: 1963.18.0216
1975 VOLUME XII Date: 1975 Title: Prairie School Review - No 1, 1975. Volume XII, Number 1 (Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 1) Goss, Peter L.
Description: 1) The Prairie School Influence in Utah. Includes 33 photographs and illustrations. Original cover price $2.50.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 24
S#: 1996.20.0216
Date: 1975
Title: Prairie School Review - No 2, 1975. Volume XII, Number 2 (Edited and Published by William R. And Marilyn Whittlesey Hasbrouck. Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 2) Gelbloom, Mara 3) Cohen, Stuart E.
Description: 1) From The Editors. 2) Ossian Simonds: Prairie Spirit in Landscape Gardening. 3) Book Review. Prairie School Architecture: Studies from "Western Architect", Introduction by H. Allen Brooks, 1975, 333 pp., $30.00. Original cover price $2.50.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 24
ST#: 1996.39.0818Date: 1975 Title: Prairie School Review - No. 3, 1975. Volume XII, Number 3 (Published four times a year by The Prairie School Press, Palos Park, Illinois)
Author: Anonymous Author: Severens, Kenneth W. Description: From the Editors (Sweeney 1979) Description: The Reunion of Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright (Sweeney 1991) Size: 8.5 x 11 Pages: Pp 4 Pages: Pp Cover 5-21 S#: 1979.00.0902 S#: 1991.00.0902 Date: 1975
Title: Prairie School Review - No 4, 1975. Volume XII, Number 4 (Edited and Published by William R. And Marilyn Whittlesey Hasbrouck. Published four times a year by the Prairie School Press, Park Forest, Illinois)
Author: 2) Orr, Gordon 3) Pressman, Lenore
Description: 1) From The Editors. 2) The Collaboration of Claude and Starck with Chicago Architectural Firms. 3) Graceland Cemetery: Memorial to Chicago Architects. 4) Book Reviews. Note: The final double issue of Prairie School Review was devoted to the work of Louis Claude.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 24
ST#: 1996.40.08181976 VOLUME XIII No. 1-4, 1976. Volume XIII, Number 1-4 (Single Issue) (Need) Date: 1976 Title: Prairie School Press
Description: A Broadside listing books available from the Prairie School Press. (Broadside published by Prairie School Press, Chicago) Gift of Greg Brewer.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 1
S#: 2020.24.0516
1977 VOLUME XIV Date: Volume XIV, Final Issue Title: The Prairie School Review - Volume XIV, Final Issue (Double Issue) (Published by the Prairie Avenue Bookshop, Chicago)
Author: Orr, Gordon D., Jr.
Description: (Side note) 1) “Louis W. Claude: Madison Architect of The Prairie School.” Entire issue devoted to the work of Louis Claude. Includes 35 photographs and four illustrations. 2) Building list including: Residences, Libraries, Schools, Banks, Business & Public Structures and Religious Buildings. 3) Selected Bibliography. Original cover price $10.00.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 36
S#: 1981.14.0307