Date: 1935 Title: Popular Mechanics - July 1935 (Published monthly by Popular Mechanics Co., Chicago)
Author: Anonymous
Description: The Changing World. Includes a paragraph concerning Broadacre City. "Frank Lloyd Wright has completed a model of a modern self-contained community which he calls ‘Broadacre City." It is built along horizontal lines and covers four square miles of countryside. The families of Broadacre City would be served by a through highway which carries slow and fast traffic..." Original cover price 25 cents.
Size: 6.6 x 9.3
Pages: Pg 26-30
S#: 0397.19.0613
Date: 1946 Title: Popular Mechanics - September 1946 (Published monthly by Popular Mechanics Co., Chicago)
Author: Anonymous
Description: Hilltop House. (Designed for Gerald Loeb, project.) Frank Lloyd Wright, distinguished American architect, designed this house to fit a Connecticut hilltop site. The house itself is not yet built. The model shows the rhythmic arrangement of pavilions, loggias, gardens and pools which will spread over a ground area of 73,728 square feet... Wright’s students built furnished 6 by 12-foot model of house for N.Y. Museum of Modern Art.) Includes four photographs and one illustration (floor plan). Original cover price 25c.
Size: 6.6 x 9.4
Pages: Pg 105
S#: 0685.07.0813
Date: 1951 Title: Popular Mechanics - July 1951 (Published monthly by Popular Mechanics Company, Chicago)
Author: Hicks, Clifford
Description: Usonia (1948-1951 - S.316-318). "‘Co-op’ Village in the Woods. When Frank Lloyd Wright was a young man he had, as you might guess, an unconventional idea. It was his own conception of a modern community, which he called Usonia. Many years later, a successful young engineer named David Henken also had an idea. His was quite conventional. He wanted to build a home for his family..." Includes twelve photographs and two illustration. Original cover price 35 cents.
Size: 6.5 x 9.4
Pages: Pg 72-77
S#: 0857.10.0613
Date: 1952 Title: Popular Mechanics - January 1952
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Popular Mechanics Fiftieth Anniversary Hall of Fame 1902-1952." Frank Lloyd Wright (one of fifty.)
Pages: Pg 169
S#: 0910.04.1204
Date: 1957 Title: Popular Mechanics - July 1957
Author: Whittaker, Wayne
Description: How the Prefabs Got That Custom Look
Pages: Pp 91-96
S#: 1205.01.0301
POPULAR SCIENCE Date: 1945 Title: Popular Science - December 1945
Author: Anonymous
Description: The "Spiral Museum"
Size: Pg 125
S#: 0647.01.0202
Date: 1950 Title: Popular Science - January 1950 (Published Monthly by the Popular Science Publishing Co., New York)
Author: Anonymous; Drawings by Rouse, Stewart
Description: S.C. Johnson and Son research laboratory. "Research Laboratory built Like a Tree. Whenever Frank Lloyd Wright designs a building, you can be sure it’ll be different. Usually it is also good looking and functional. This one of his newest, is no exception. A 15-story research laboratory for S. C. Johnson & Son, the wax making firm, it looks something like an oversized chimney, but actually is more closely related to a tree..." Includes two illustrations and one photograph during construction. Original cover price 25c.
Size: 6.5 x 9.5
Pages: Pg 146-7
S#: 0831.35.0114
Date: 1952 Title: Popular Science - October 1952
Author: Francis, Devon
Description: How Karsh Pictures Celebrities. Focusing on the famous took this Ottawa photographer to the top of the heap himself. Includes portrait of Wright.
Pages: Pg 220-5, 256, 258, 260
S#: 0910.02.1202
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Date: 1937 Title: Scientific American - May 1937
Description: Unique Office Structure - Johnson Wax
Pages: Pp 316-17
S#: 0423.00.0501
SCIENCE AND MECHANICS Date: 1946 Title: Science and Mechanics - October 1946
Author: Anonymous
Description: "Fifteen Story Glass Tower to House Research Lab." Johnson Wax tower. Includes illustration.
Pages: Pp 89
S#: 0685.01.0904
Date: 1947 Title: Science and Mechanics - October - November 1947
Author: Anonymous
Description: Design of 47 story glass tower for Dallas Texas. Includes illustration. Never built.
Pages: Pp 24
S#: 0720.02.0904
SCIENCE OF MIND Date: 1958 Title: Science of Mind - February 1958 (Published monthly by the Institute of Religious Science, A Department of Church of Religious Science, Los Angeles, CA)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Based on an address he gave to his apprentices. "Your Need to be Different! ...Look carefully at these hundreds of beautiful, infinitely various little houses (Mr. Wright shows the apprentices a tray full of sea shells). Here you see housing on a lower level, it is true, but isn’t this humble instance a marvelous manifestation of life? ...Once you understand the principle upon which this differentiation depends, you will astonish your kind by your own prolific capacity." Includes one illustrated portrait of Wright and photographs of shells. Original cover price 35c.
Size: 5.25 x 7.75
Pages: Pp 11-16
S#: 1259.41.0814
Title: The Atlantic - August 1959
Author: Bush-Brown, Albert
Description: The Honest Arrogance of Frank Lloyd Wright (Sweeney 1283)
Pages: Pp 23-26
S#: 1283.00.0102BACK TO TOP