A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." Thus began each issue of A Taliesin Square-Paper. Frank Lloyd Wright used the Taliesin Square Papers as a platform to communicate his views concerning Architecture, Democracy, War, Defense, Victory, Usonia, Peace, Nature, Education, Communism, Truth and Organic Architecture.
No. 4. "Defense... Let this truth come through: Democracy is far stronger than Fascism or Communism or any other ism if allowed to work. The idea of absolute autonomy of a free man has created a power in this world mightier than anything that can be opposed to it!" Frank Lloyd Wright, 1941.
In 1941 Frank Lloyd Wright has a falling out with Louis Mumford because of his isolationist dogmatism about the war in Europe.
No. 6. "Usonia, Usonia South and New England... With this elected president cheerfully making a role for himself never intended for the president of this republic, in any circumstances whatsoever, the role of ruler, we the people of this country, unable to see clearly, are sinking deeper into fatal coma—we are lessand less able to recognize ourselves as a free, independent nation. Instead of an honest forthright independence, all we know is what we read in the papers and all the papers know is what they think is good for the people to known in the circumstances. We are now dependents in order that a "ruler" may make a bid for world-power and for commercial-supremacy. Both were, and always will be, a despot’s mirage. Frank Lloyd Wright, 1946.
No. 10. "Building a Democracy. Democracy and architecture, if both are organic, cannot be two separate things. Neither can democracy nor architecture be enforced, in an sense. Both must come from within, spontaneously... In a democracy there is only Freedom..." Frank Lloyd Wright, 1946.
Taliesin Square-Papers were published between 1941 and 1953.
These broadsides were printed on a single square sheet generally 17" x 17" then folded twice to 8.5" x 8.5." forming a "Square Paper." One quarter of the first side formed the cover and was printed in red and black on newsprint. Once unfolded, the inside was printed as a single sheet in black. For mailing, they were folded one more time, addressed an mailed. All Square Papers followed this format but numbers 13, 16 and 17.No. 1 (1941) No. 2 (1941) No. 3 (1941) No. 4 (1941) No. 5 (1941) No. 6 (1941) No. 7 (1944) No. 8 (1945) No. 9 (1945) No. 10 (1946)
No. 11 (1947) No. 12 (1948) No. 13 (1949) No. 14 (1949) No. 15 (1951) No. 16 (1953) No. 17 (1953)TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 1 Date: 1941
Title: A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 1. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." (Digital Copy)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "To London." Written in response to a request from the News Chronicle of London. January 25, 1941. "Cablegram from London, January 21, 1941 to Frank Lloyd Wright, Spring Green, Wisconsin, U.. S. A. Would You Be Willing to Write for Publication Exclusively in the News Chronicle of London an Article of Fifteen Hundred Words on Quote How I Would Rebuild London Unquote Stop News Chronicle Is Liberal Morning Newspaper with National Circulation Has Reputation as Popular Forum for Architectural Discussion and Few Years Ago Conducted National Competition for New School Designs Stop...
To London. Time is come when this "bomb, bomb, who's got the bomb" is seen as one of the most evil games ever played by Empire. But, meantime the blood and thunder is no unmixed evil. The greatest creature of habit on Earth is London. Slums and ugliness that would have taken centuries to overcome have been blasted out of the way in a few days. And while Sentiment is entitled to its tears, the Art and Science of human habitation may get a break. If English-speaking culture by way of the grit and will of Englishman takes the break, goes ahead and builds in line with this age of mechanical power, the empire would die but the English Domination survive to triumph... Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin...
...Thank You for First Rate Article. Very Pleased with the Piece You Did and Thank You for it Stop You Will Observe That it Has Inspired a Certain Amount of Waspish Criticism Which in Our Experience Is of the Kind That Is Produced Only by Articles Which Have Something to Say Stop... News Chronicle of London...Note: Sir Ian Mcalister, Secretary of the Royal Institute of British Architects, Wrote That the Cablegram Had Been Printed in Every Newspaper in the Country." (Digital Edition) (Sweeney 2042)
Size: 17" x 17" folded to 8.5" x 8.5."
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 2042.00.1221TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 2 Date: 1941
Title: A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 2. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: No. 2. 1941. "Of What Use Is a Great Navy with No Place to Hide? Hitler is winning this war without a navy. We are facing a new kind of warfare that the British Empire, owing to traditional faith in a great navy, cannot learn in time even if we furnished the equipment. We couldn't furnished equipment because we don't yet know how to make... Frank Lloyd Wright; Taliesin. May 15, 1941. Is Going to War the Only Way the United States Can Meet an Enemy to its Principles?" Addressed to Mrs. Elsie Hartmen, River Forest, Illinois. Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2043)
Size: 17" x 17" folded to 8.5" x 8.5."
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 2043.00.0918TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 3
Date: 1941 Title: Taliesin Square-Paper No, 3. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: The following text, and exchange between myself and William T. Evjue, Editor, is reproduced from the Capital Times of Madison, Wisconsin, Thursday, May 29, 1941. A second Wright, Frank Lloyd article replying to the accusation he had made that, pressed for a better plan than the President’s I had been only “vague”, was printed in the times, Friday, June 6, 1941. A friendly gibe at the thought of America's salvation coming from the green hills of Taliesin was his conclusion.
No. 3. 1941. "Good Afternoon, Editor Evjue," and "Again Good Afternoon, Mr. Editor." Two articles written to William Evjue, editor of the Madison Capital Times, published on May 29 and June 6, 1941. Two copies. One addressed to Alfonso Iannelli. Single sheet 17 x 17 folded to 8.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2044)Size: 17" x 17" folded to 8.5" x 8.5."
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 2044.00.0201, 2044.01.1221
Title: Taliesin Square-Paper No, 4. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." “Square Paper Number 4. Printed and sent to you by gift of Charles Walters.” (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: “Defense. No matter by what evidence the truth may be confronted, mankind in these United States is more individualized from day to day. Men are getting more and more concerned for Wright, Frank Lloyd their individuality. They do not take increasing pride in the personal element. Universality is, therefore, losing importance and power as quality rises above quantity. Notwithstanding such success as we are seeing in European warfare and American big-business general formulae prove themselves increasingly insufficient in human affairs as destruction and inane wealth gain headway...” It concludes with Frank Lloyd Wright’s response to a telegram requesting a statement for publication in the Soviet Union concerning support for the Soviet Union against German attack. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2045)
Size: Single sheet 17 x 17 folded to 8.5 x 8.5.
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 2045.00.1221TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 5 Date: 1941
Title: Taliesin Square-Paper No, 5. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." “Square Paper Number 5.” (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: “To Beat The Enemy. These crimes must cease: Crime 1. Chronic artificial-scarcity. Crime 2. Real poverty. Crime 3. The general frustration of the people. On account of these three crimes this nation has now utterly unrepayable money-debt, thousands of billions of hours of perfectly good man-power steadily unemployed year in and year out, lottery-conscripts by the million and countless billions wasted on exploited fright, Wright, Frank Lloyd again betrayed into a war with neither top, bottom nor sides.
No matter who wins this war, we, the people will eventually have to resolve this clash between two despotism's: the visible despotism of the axis powers and the inevitable despotism of the so-called Democratic powers. Why not resolve it now? If not, all must accept this rapidly rising tide of despotism....
A Grain of Hard Sense. The ruler of a self sufficing empire who finances it scientifically by way of social credit does not need to export anything at all, nor to put obstacles in the way of imports. This would apply to a Hitler-Despotism. It would also apply to a Roosevelt-Democracy. Frank Lloyd Wright. Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin, July, 1941.” (First Edition) (Sweeney 2046)
Size: Single sheet 17 x 17 folded to 8.5 x 8.5.
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 2046.00.1221TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 6 Date: 1941
Title: A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 6. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." "Square Paper Number 6." (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Usonia, Usonia South and New England, Declaration of Independence... 1941...
With this elected president cheerfully making a role for himself never intended for the president of this republic, in any circumstances whatsoever, the role of ruler, we the people of this country, unable to see clearly, are sinking deeper into fatal coma—we are less and less able to recognize ourselves as a free, independent nation. Instead of an honest forthright independence, all we know is what we read in the papers and all the papers know is what they think is good for the people to known in the circumstances.
We are now dependents in order that a "ruler" may make a bid for world-power and for commercial-supremacy. Both were, and always will be, a despot’s mirage...
Neither poverty, war, tyranny, taxes, slums, oppression or aggression are necessary. The mobilization of all our resources for war shows that if these resources were mobilized for the abolition of poverty and servitude, peace, plenty and freedom could actually be won...
Frank Lloyd Wright. Taliesin, Spring Green, Wisconsin, August 24th, 1941." (First Edition) (Sweeney 2047)Size: Single sheet 17 x 17 folded to 8.5 x 8.5.
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 2047.00.1221TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 7 Date: 1944 Title: A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 7. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: “To The Mole.” Also “The Occasion”. June 21, 1944... August 15, 1944. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2050)
Size: 17" x 17" folded to 8.5" x 8.5."
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 2050.00.0306
TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 8 Date: 1945 Title: A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 8. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation."
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "The Price of Peace." May 1945. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2051)
Size: 17" x 17" folded to 8.5" x 8.5."
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 2051.00.0404
TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 9 Date: 1945 Title: A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 9. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation."
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "Nature." August 1945. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2052)
Size: 17" x 17" folded to 8.5" x 8.5."
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 2052.00.0404
TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 10 Date: 1946 Title: A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 10. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." Delivered on the occasion of the Herald Tribune Forum, Waldorf Astoria, New York at 5:30 pm, October 29, 1946. Reprinted in the Annual Forum, 1946, New York Herald Tribune
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "Building a Democracy." A transcript of a speech delivered on the occasion of the Herald Tribune Forum, October 29, 1946. "Building a Democracy. Democracy and architecture, if both are organic, cannot be two separate things. Neither can democracy nor architecture be enforced, in an sense. Both must come from within, spontaneously... In a democracy there is only Freedom..." Frank Lloyd Wright, 1946. Two copies. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2053)
Size: 17" x 17" folded to 8.5" x 8.5."
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 2053.00.0601, 2053.00.0404
Date: 1946 Title: Annual Forum, 1946, New York Herald Tribune. Reprinted as the Taliesin Square-Paper #10: Nonpolitical Voice. (Hard Cover) (Published by the New York Tribune, Inc., New York)
Author: New York Herald Tribune
Description: The Struggle for Justice as a World Force. Report of the New York Herald Tribune Annual Forum. At the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City. October 28, 29 and 30, 1946. Second Session: Tuesday, October 29, 1946, 1:46p.m. (#9): "The Right to be One’s Self" Frank Lloyd Wright. Original HC List Price $1.50. (First Edition)
Pages: Pp 113-7
S#: 0648.02.0102
Date: June 1947 Title: Albright Art Gallery, Gallery Notes - June 1947 (Published three times a year by The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, N.Y.)
Author: Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, Jr. Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd Description: "Notes on Wright Buildings in Buffalo. Five examples of Frank Lloyd Wright’s architecture are to be found in Buffalo. The following notes by Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Jr., author and architectural critic, refer to these buffalo buildings which were included in the photographic exhibition, ‘Architecture in Buffalo', shown at the Albright Art Gallery in 1940." The five buildings include the Larkin Administration Building, the Martin, Barton, Heath and Davidson houses. Includes five photographs. Original cover price 25c. (Sweeney 700) Description: "Building a Democracy. Democracy and architecture, if both are organic, cannot be two separate things. Neither can democracy nor architecture be enforced, in an sense. Both must come from within, spontaneously... In a democracy there is only Freedom." "Reprinted by permission of the author from Taliesin Square-Paper Number Ten." On October 29, 1946, Wright spoke at the New York Herald Tribune Annual Forum, held at the Waldorf-Astoria, in New York City. His speech was titled "The Right to Be One’s Self". It was published in "Annual Forum, 1946, New York Herald Tribune". Wright published it as "../Books/TalSqpap.htm#No10" titling it "Building a Democracy". Published in "Truth against the World" Meehan, 1987, pages 297-303. Also published in "Collected Writings Volume 4" Pfeiffer, 1994, pages 300-302. Original cover price 25c. (Sweeney 716) Size: 5.5 x 8.5 Size: 5.5 x 8.5 Pages: Pp 18-21 Pages: Pp 14-18 S#: 0700.00.0410 S#: 0716.00.0410 Date: 1946
Title: The Husk - December 1946 (Published quarterly by the English Club of Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: “The Right To Be One’s Self.” This manuscript article was given as an address by Frank Lloyd Wright at the second session of the Fifteenth Annual New York Herald-Tribune Forum on Current Thought at the Waldorf- Astoria Hotel in New York, October 29, 1946. First published as A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 10 (1946 - S#2053). Reprinted in Annual Forum, 1946, New York Herald Tribune, 1946.
“Democracy and architecture, if both are organic, cannot be two separate things. Neither can democracy nor architecture be enforced, in any sense. Both must come from within, spontaneously. In architecture, as in democracy, this organic way is new to us only because the interior nature of man is still new to mankind, and democracy is still' a search for organic form.
Democracy is not so much a form – even were we to find it- or a policy – even were we to make it – as it is abiding faith in man's indivisible right to himself as himself. That faith is the natural essence of manhood and is therefore the only safe foundation for creative building. In so far as the state is concerned it is the same. It is only the man with self-respect who has any respect for others, and so is capable of faith in mankind, and thus of constructing a government...” (Sweeney 682)
Size: 6.5 x 10
Pages: Pp 37-40
S#: 0682.00.0822TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 11 Date: 1947 Title: A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 11. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: “Mimic No More.” Delivered on the occasion of the Princeton Bicentennial Conference on planning Man’s Physical Environment at the Conference Dinner in Proctor Hall Thursday evening March 6, 1947. Eight o’clock. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2055)
Size: 17" x 17" folded to 8.5" x 8.5."
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 2055.00.0306
TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 12 Date: 1948 Title: A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 12. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press, Spring Green, Wisc.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: “Harum-Scarum.” Wright writes about Communism and Democracy. Not dated. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2056)
Size: 17" x 17" folded to 8.5" x 8.5."
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 2056.00.0306
TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 13 Date: 1949 Title: A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 13. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." With Envelope
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "The American Institute of Architects Citation. The Speech of Acceptance." A reprint of Frank Lloyd Wright's acceptance speech after receiving the American Institute of Architects Gold Medal for 1948, at the Rice Hotel, Houston, Texas, on March 17, 1949. Published in AIA, May 1949. March 17, 1949. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2058)
Size: 17" x 17" folded to 8.5" x 8.5."
Pages: Pp 8
S#: 2058.00.0601
Taliesin Square-Paper #13 EnvelopeTALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 14 Date: 1949 Title: A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 14. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." (Published and printed by The Taliesin Press)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "We want the Truth. Occasion: Award of the Peter Cooper Medal for the advancement of art at the 90th anniversary convocation of the Cooper Union on November 2nd, 1949." The Cooper was established in 1859, is among the nation's oldest institutions of higher education. The college, was founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist, Peter Cooper. Purchased from the estate of the one-time Wright apprentice Earl Nisbet. (First Edition) (Sweeney 2059)
Size: 17" x 17" folded to 8.5" x 8.5."
Pages: Pp 8
S#: 2059.00.1113
TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 15 Date: 1951 Title: A Taliesin Square-Paper No, 15. A Taliesin Square-Paper. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." (Published by Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin West. January 1951.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: "On an Architecture for Democracy 1951. The Foreword from the book ‘When Democracy Builds’ is here printed as Taliesin Square Paper Number fifteen on the occasion of the opening of the Italian Exhibition: A preview in Philadelphia at Gimbel Brothers Gallery. When a great Oak is to die a few yellow-green leaves appear on topmost branches. Next season much of the upper part of the tree is yellow: next year the upper branches remain without leaves. After several following seasons we say the tree is ‘dry.’..." Three copies. The third copy was acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway and was included in a lot related to Cary Caraway. 17" x 17" folded to 8.5" x 8.5." (First Edition) (Sweeney 2064)
Size: 17" x 17" folded to 8.5" x 8.5."
Pages: Pp 4
S#: 2064.00.0601, 2064.01.0317, 2064.02.1121
TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 16 Date: 1953 Title: Taliesin Square-Paper No, 16. "A free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation. A Nonpolitical Voice From Our Democratic Minority." (Published by Taliesin West, February 1953.)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: “The Language of Organic Architecture.” Wright summarizes his thoughts on Organic Architecture. Also published in the May 1953 issue of Architectural Forum. In 1953, this was reprinted in part as part of “The Future of Architecture” pages 319-325 (S.913).(First Edition) (Sweeney 2069)
Size: 8.5" x 8.5"
Pages: Pp 8
S#: 2069.00.0406
TALIESIN SQUARE-PAPER No. 17 Date: 1953 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright. In the Cause of Architecture: The "International Style" (Taliesin Square-Paper #17) (Soft Cover) (Published by Taliesin Fellowship, Taliesin West)
Author: Wright, Frank Lloyd
Description: Wright attacks the International Style.
"The International Style is neither international nor a style. Internationalism is Totalitarianism.
All ISMS are merely derivative.
An ISM is only a notion.
At most the notion becomes a fashion and a Fashion is -- always -- some passing show of imitation: probably an imitation by a bad imitator. In any international ‘style,’ therefore, we would have more invasion than invention. Though unfortunately serviceable to the commerce of Education as it now runs is this latest propaganda 'Postwar Architecture' sold by the Museum of Modern Art, New York, N.Y., I see in it a cliche for the rising tide of mediocrity. You will find that it merely abuses the term — Organic Architecture—The Architecture of Democracy... Frank Lloyd Wright. Taliesin West, February 1953." According to Sweeney, this was the last issue, No. 17, of the Taliesin Square-Paper Series. Three copies. Acquired from the estate of Cary Caraway. This copy was included in a lot related to Cary Caraway. 8.5 x 8.5. (First Edition) (Sweeney #2066)Size: 8.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 8
S#: 2066.00.0305, 2066.00.0306, 2066.02.1121