The Tour of The 400, To Mexico (Dig Edition) (Self published,
printed at the Press of Hartzell, Lord Co. 190 La Salle Street.
Author: Brown, Grace Owen
Mrs. Brown dedicated the book to: "To Mr. and Mrs.
Edmund Douglass Brigham." Paul Brown
was Brigham’s attorney and close friend. In 1908, Brigham hired
Frank Lloyd Wright to design a home for himself. Edmund Brigham
was a prominent executive of the Chicago & North Western
Railway. Marvin Hughitt was president. Second in command was his
son Marvin Hughitt, Jr. Edmund Brigham’s position is the company
was third. Brigham was also invested in a number of mining
operations. An article published in the Colorado Harold Democrat
enhances his position in the company. "Prominent Chicago Man
Visits Leadville Mines... The party is returning from a trip to
California, where Mr. Brigham has been spending his vacation,
and looking over mining property in that state In which he is
interested. They left last night over the Denver and Rio Grande
in the Chicago and Northwestern private car "400" for their
homes in Chicago. Mr. Brown, who is traveling with Mr. Brigham
Is a prominent attorney In Chicago, being a member of the firm
of Horton and Brown..." April 19, 1907. Interesting to note that
the private car had to be pulled by a private locomotive. One
year earlier, 1906, Mr. And Mrs. Brigham invited Paul and Grace
Brown, as well as a number of other guest on a trip to Mexico,
memorialized in this volume by Grace Owen Brown.
5 x 7
Pages: Pp 159
0080.43.1119 |
Edmund D. Brigham Residence Ground and
Garage Plan, Glencoe, Illinois 1908 (1908 - S.184).
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1908,
construction began in 1908 and completed in 1909. In 1907, Frank
Lloyd Wright proposed a concrete house in the April issue of
The Ladies Home Journal
in his article "A Fireproof House for $5,000." One year later
Wright designed the Brigham House as a reinforced board-formed
concrete house. Text on plan, bottom left: "Plan of Grounds."
Bottom right: "Mr. E. D. Brigham Dwelling. Glencoe, Illinois.
Frank Lloyd Wright Architect, Oak Park, Ill. Plan of Garage."
Hand written bottom left corner: "1503.05." Courtesy of the
Columbia University, Avery Library.
8 x 9.5 B&W photograph.
0085.43.1119 |
Edmund D. Brigham Residence First Floor
Plan, Glencoe, Illinois 1908 (1908 - S.184).
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1908,
construction began in 1908 and completed in 1909. In 1907, Frank
Lloyd Wright proposed a concrete house in the April issue of
The Ladies Home Journal
in his article "A Fireproof
House for $5,000." One year later Wright designed the Brigham
House as a reinforced board-formed concrete house. Text on plan,
bottom right: "Mr. E. D. Brigham Dwelling. Glencoe, Illinois.
Frank Lloyd Wright Architect, Oak Park, Ill. First Floor Plan."
Hand written bottom left corner: "1503.03." Courtesy of the
Columbia University, Avery Library.
Size: 8
x 9.5 B&W photograph.
0085.44.1119 |
Edmund D. Brigham Residence First Floor
Plan, Glencoe, Illinois 1908 (1908 - S.184).
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1908,
construction began in 1908 and completed in 1909. In 1907, Frank
Lloyd Wright proposed a concrete house in the April issue of
The Ladies Home Journal
in his article "A Fireproof
House for $5,000." One year later Wright designed the Brigham
House as a reinforced board-formed concrete house. Text on plan,
bottom right: "First Floor Plan." Hand written bottom left
corner: "1503.02." Hand written bottom right: "For contractor to
build for himself. FLLW." "Brigham house On Sheridan Road."
Courtesy of the Columbia University, Avery Library.
8 x 9.5 B&W photograph.
0085.45.1119 |
Edmund D. Brigham Residence Second Floor
Plan, Glencoe, Illinois 1908 (1908 - S.184).
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1908,
construction began in 1908 and completed in 1909. In 1907, Frank
Lloyd Wright proposed a concrete house in the April issue of
The Ladies Home Journal
in his article "A Fireproof House for $5,000." One year later
Wright designed the Brigham House as a reinforced board-formed
concrete house. Text on plan, bottom right: "Mr. E. D. Brigham
Dwelling. Glencoe, Illinois. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect, Oak
Park, Ill. Second Floor Plan." Hand written bottom left corner:
"1503.04." Courtesy of the Columbia University, Avery Library.
8 x 9.5 B&W photograph.
0085.46.1119 |
Edmund D. Brigham Residence Stable Plan,
Glencoe, Illinois 1908 (1908 - S.184).
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1908,
construction began in 1908 and completed in 1909. In 1907, Frank
Lloyd Wright proposed a concrete house in the April issue of
The Ladies
Home Journal in his article "A Fireproof
House for $5,000." One year later Wright designed the Brigham
House as a reinforced board-formed concrete house. Text on plan,
bottom right: "Mr. E. D. Brigham. Stable. Frank Lloyd Wright
Arch, Oak Park, Illinois." Hand written: "Revised May 11 - 08."
Hand written bottom left corner: "0811.01." Published in "Frank
Lloyd Wright, Complete Works 1885-1916," Pfeiffer, 2011,
p.308. Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.
Copy 10 x 5.5 color photograph.
0085.47.1119 |
Title: The National Builder -
March 1910 (Digital Copy) (Published by Porter-Hodgeson Co., Chicago)
Author: The Chicago Millwork
Supply Company
Description: "From Manufacturer Direct."
The full page ad includes two photographs of the
Edmund Brigham Residence.
Although not identified, it includes an interior and exterior
photograph of the house. Interior caption: "Interior View of
House Shown Below." View toward the living room from the
Reception room. Exterior caption: "Handsome Illinois Residence
for Which the Chicago Millwork Supply Company Furnished the
Millwork." View of the Bingham Residence from the Northeast.
Note: Interior view shows that the work on the interior has been
completed. The exterior view shows the yard and drive covered in
snow. Because of publishing deadlines, these photographs would
have to have been taken during January at the latest, which
would indicate the home was completed by January 1910 at the
latest. Edmund Brigham indicated that constructed of the house
took place during the winter of 1908-9. So it is very feasible
that the home was finished by the time these photographs were
taken. Original cover price 20c.
8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 52
0094.62.1119 |

Universal Portland Cement Monthly Bulletin - April, 1910
(Digital copy) (Published monthly by the Universal Portland
Cement Co., Chicago, and is distributed free of charge.)
Universal Portland Cement Co.
Description: Page 16
is an ad for the booklet "Representative Cement Houses." "This
booklet was designed to meet the demand for a practical
discussion of the various forms of concrete construction as
applied to residences. It contains illustrations, descriptions
and statements of cost of nearly one hundred cement houses of
different types, built in all parts of the country. Special
chapters are devoted to decorative design for interiors and the
production of attractive exterior surface finishes. A copy will
be sent to any address upon receipt of fifty cents. Address the
nearest office of the Company." The illustration show the cover
of the booklet and one spread. The left hand side of the spread
is a photograph of the
Edmund Brigham Residence.
5.5 x 8.5
Pages: P.16
booklet was designed to meet the demand for a practical
discussion of the various forms of concrete construction as
applied to residences. It contains illustrations, descriptions
and statements of cost of nearly one hundred cement houses of
different types, built in all parts of the country. Special
chapters are devoted to decorative design for interiors and the
production of attractive exterior surface finishes. A copy will
be sent to any address upon receipt of fifty cents. Address the
nearest office of the Company." The illustration show the cover
of the booklet and one spread. The left hand side of the spread
is a photograph of the
Edmund Brigham Residence.
Representative Cement Houses (Soft Cover) (Published by the
Universal Portland Cement Company, Chicago, Pittsburg)
Universal Portland Cement Co.
Preface: The object of this book is to indicate by illustrations
and descriptions, one of the newer but very rapidly expanding
fields of the application of cement, namely, in residence

Section One: Reinforced Concrete Houses. Page 28: Mr. E. D. Brigham's Residence,
Glencoe, Ill. This house is owned by Mr. Edmund D.
Brigham. Regarding his home, he says: "The
reinforced concrete house built by me during the past year,
constructed principally during the winter of 1908-9, is located
in Glencoe, on Sheridan Road, north of Central Avenue.
"The house has proven to be cool in summer and should be warm in
winter, equipped as it is with hot water heat, and, excepting
the unusually large amount of window space, is well protected
from heat and cold, being solid in its construction.
"From a practical and artistic standpoint, I am more than
pleased with the style of building and consider the cost about
equal to that of brick or stone."
The type of construction is practically the same as that used in
Mr. Frank Darling's residence, a detailed account of which is
given in the description of his house. Four-way conduit tile, in
combination with a monolithic outer wall, are used as
foundation, the upper wall having a one-way tile backing.
The interior plastering is applied directly to the tile. The
under structure of the roof, the interior partitions, floor,
stair-ways and outside trim are of wood, the roof covering being
red tile. The exterior trim was creosoted, hence no painting and
little future repairing will be necessary. The exterior surface
of the concrete, until recently, was in the same condition as it
was when the forms came off; but a short time ago, Mr. Brigham
had the surface painted with a thin cement grout, and the
appearance of the house is much improved. Universal Portland
Cement was used throughout. The total cost of this residence was
Note: One photograph of the exterior of the
house, was most likely taken in the fall of 1909, or possibly
the spring of 1910 after the snow melted. It is interesting to
note that he has only lived in it during the summer - "should be
warm in winter" which indicates he lived in the house during the
summer of 1909, and wrote this during the fall of 1909. It is
also interesting that Frank Lloyd Wright is not listed as the
architect for this house, even though he was. He is listed as
architect in the other three houses in this booklet that he did
design, Evans,
Gilmore and
Page 72, Page
76, Page 81.
6.25 x 9.25
Pages: Pp 128
0094.64.1119 |
Universal Portland Cement Monthly Bulletin - July, 1910 (Digital
copy) (Published monthly by the Universal Portland Cement Co.,
Chicago, and is distributed free of charge.)
Universal Portland Cement Co.
Description: An
Attractive Concrete Residence. The house of E. D. Brigham is
shown in the illustration below, the accompanying drawings being
reproductions of the floor plans of this house. Its unique
arrangement and the methods of construction employed make it an
especially interesting residence. The walls are constructed of
monolithic concrete, air spaces being provided by a backing of
conduit tile. The foundation is built of four-way conduit tile,
laid in a trench fifteen inches wide with a concrete wall
5.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp.14-16
0094.65.1119 |
Title: American Architect -
November 4, 1914 (Published every Wednesday by The American Architect
(Inc.), New York)
Author: Ad: Atlas-White
Description: Half page ad by Atlas-White Portland Cement. "Simple, Sturdy Lines show best in strong, durable
material like Atlas-White non-staining Portland Cement. Watch the growth
of concrete home building, and the constantly increasing use of
Atlas-White. Ask yourself why. The answer is you’ll want to use atlas
yourself if you haven't started yet." Illustration of Frank Lloyd Wright
house. Caption: "Architect - F. L. Wright."
Observation: The ad refers to a "concrete home building," and
illustrates a Frank Lloyd Wright house. The house is a Frank Lloyd
Wright house, but not Wright’s "concrete" house, the
Brigham Residence. The illustration is of
the Ward W. Willits House, Highland Park, Illinois (1901 - S.054). In
fact, The illustration was taken from a photograph by Henry Fuermann,
which was published in
Frank Lloyd Wright, Chicago, Wright, 1911,
p.50. Wright did design a concrete house in 1908, the Edmund F. Brigham
Residence, and it was constructed of concrete, Wright’s only concrete
house. The Willets House is similar in design to the Brigham House, and
to the untrained eye, it could be confused. But there is a lot
of misconceptions associated with the date of the house. The
accepted date of construction is 1915, but we have presented
conclusive evidence that it was constructed and completed by the
fall of 1909. Although it incorrectly identified the Wright home
that is constructed of concrete, it does confirm that Wright did
design a home out of concrete prior to 1915. This ad also
appeared in The Architect and Engineer of California, November
1914, p.34. Atlas-White also ran an ad in the July 1914 issue of
Keith's Magazine, which included an unidentified Prairie styled
house very similar in design to both the Willets and Brigham
houses, but is not a Wright home, even though it is attributed
to Wright as architect. Original cover price 25c.
9 x 12
Pages: Pp 13
0124.39.1219 |
Frank Lloyd Wright's concrete
Willits Residence.
Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe,
Illinois, Portrait of Edmund D. Brigham,
1918 (1908 - S.184).
Edmund Brigham was a
prominent executive of the Chicago & North Western Railway. In
1907, Frank Lloyd Wright proposed a concrete house in the April
issue of
The Ladies Home Journal
in his article "A Fireproof House for $5,000." Wright designed
the Edmund Brigham house in 1908, revised the stables on May 11,
1908. Construction began later that year. Notice and portrait
published in Railway Review: "Edmund D. Brigham has been
appointed manager of iron ore, coal and grain traffic for the
United States Railroad Administration, with office at Duluth,
Minn. He will, in addition, have charge of general
transportation matters throughout the Lake Superior district,
and supervision over Duluth and Superior terminals. Mr. Brigham
has just completed a service of 45 years with the Chicago &
North Western Ry., having held every position in the freight
traffic department up to assist ant freight traffic manager, and
from which he now retires to devote his entire time to this
important work for the railroad administration." August 3, 1918,
p.192. Edmund D. Brigham past away on March 5, 1921, Services
were held in Glencoe.
3.5 x 5 B&W copy
0139.12.1119 |
Edmund D.
Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184).
Description: Set of 87 images of the Edmund
Douglass Brigham Residence 2019 (1908 - S.184). On a trip to
Chicago, we had the opportunity to visit the Brigham Residence.
The Brigham Residence was designed in 1908 by Frank Lloyd
Wright. It has all the characteristics of Wright designed
Prairie styled house – horizontal lines, bands of casement
windows, broad overhanging eaves, low-pitched hipped roof,
massive chimney and a concealed entrance. What is not
stereotypical is that it is concrete, the first and only house
built of concrete. But it is not Wright’s first project in
Concrete. In 1901 Wright...
Set of 87 high res 20 X
13.5 digital images.
2019.10.1119 (1-87) |
Additional Photographs... |
Additional Photographs... |
Edmund Douglass Brigham Residence 2019
(1908 - S.184). On a trip to Chicago, we had the opportunity
to visit the Brigham Residence. The Brigham Residence was
designed in 1908 by Frank Lloyd Wright. It has all the
characteristics of a Wright designed Prairie styled house –
horizontal lines, bands of casement windows, broad
overhanging eaves, low-pitched hipped roof, massive chimney
and a concealed entrance. What is not stereotypical is that
it is concrete, the first and only house built of concrete.
But it is not Wright’s first project in Concrete. In 1901
Wright designed "A Village Bank Cast in Concrete" and
"Monoliths Concrete Bank." It was later published as
XII accompanied with a tissue overlay in
Bauten und Entwurfe von Frank Lloyd Wright, 1910. In
1905, Wright designed Unity Temple, Oak Park, built of
concrete, his first completed building constructed out of
concrete. In 1907, Frank Lloyd Wright proposed a concrete
house in the April issue of
The Ladies Home Journal
in his article "A Fireproof House for $5,000." The Brigham
Residence was the first completed reinforced board-formed
concrete house. But there is a lot of misconceptions
associated with the date of the house. One of the earliest
list chronicling Frank Lloyd Wright’s work was compiled by
Henry-Russell Hitchcock and published in "In The Nature of
Materials. The Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright 1887-1941,"
1942, p.107-130. There are two listing related to the
Brigham Residence: 1) "1908: Project: E. D. Brigham
stables." 2) "1915: E. D Brigham house, Sheridan Rd.,
Glencoe, Ill. (Unsupervised)." These are Hitchcock‘s only
references to the Brigham Residence, and it appears that
these two listings may have set the foundation for dating
the house. Why would Hitchcock date this house 1915? Written
on the Brigham drawings in the Avery Library, bottom left
hand corner: "1503." Wright’s third project in 1915.
Stable: A drawing for the Brigham Stable is published in
"Frank Lloyd Wright 1885-1916," Pfeiffer, 2011, p.308. "Mr.
E. D. Brigham, Stable, Frank Lloyd Wright, Arch, Oak Park,
Illinois." Hand written on the drawing: "Revised May 11 -
08." Pfeiffer notes that the Stable was demolished in 1968, Residence: There is much speculation as to the date of
the Residence. But the date of 1915 seems to have survived.
On a trip to Chicago, we had the opportunity to visit the
Brigham Residence and spend a few minutes with the present
owners and talk about the house. He sent us a copy to an ad
for Chicago Millwork Supply Company, published in "The
National Builder," March 1910, p.52. Although it does not
mention the Brigham Residence by name, there are two
photographs of the house. A photograph of the living room
and an exterior view of the house. Upon further study, we found three more published
photographs of the Brigham Residence published in 1910. The
first was a full page ad for the booklet "Representative Cement Houses," published in the "Universal Portland Cement
Co. Bulletin," April, 1910, p.16. The ad includes the cover
and pages 28-29. Page 28 is a description of the Edmond D.
Brigham Residence. The second is a three page article on the E. D. Brigham
Residence published in the "Universal Portland Cement Co.
Bulletin," July, 1910 pages 14-16. The article includes a
photograph of the house as well as three floor plans, the
Basement, First and second floors. The article goes into
detail about its construction, but never mentions the
architect, Frank Lloyd Wright.
The third is published in the booklet
"Representative Cement Houses," published by Universal
Portland Cement Co. in 1910. Wright is not listed as
architect, and Brigham take credit for building the house.
Regarding his home he says: "The reinforced concrete house
built by me during the past year, constructed principally
during the winter of 1908-9, is located in Glencoe on
Sheridan Road, north of Central Avenue. The house has proven
to be cool in summer and should be warm in winter equipped
as it is with hot water heat, and, excepting the unusually
large amount of window space, is well protected from heat
and cold, being solid in its construction. From a practical
and artistic standpoint, I am more than pleased with the
style of building and consider the cost about equal to that
of brick or stone." Although Wright is not credited as the
architect, the booklet also includes the
Gilmore and
Stockman Residences, all three credited to Frank Lloyd
Wright. There are also two additional newspaper articles in the
Chicago Examiner confirming Brigham’s residency prior to
1915. A wedding
announcement for their daughter on August 17, 1913, and a
funeral for his close friend Paul Brown on December 21,
1914, the reception and the funeral held at their address
790 Sheridan Road, Glencoe.
Edmund Brigham was a prominent executive of the Chicago &
North Western Railway. Marvin Hughitt was president. Second
in command was his son Marvin Hughitt, Jr. Edmund Brigham’s
position is the company was third. Brigham was also invested
in a number of mining operations. An article published in
the Colorado Harold Democrat enhances his position in the
company. "Prominent Chicago Man Visits Leadville Mines...
The party is returning from a trip to California, where Mr.
Brigham has been spending his vacation, and looking over
mining property in that state In which he is interested.
They left last night over the Denver and Rio Grande in the
Chicago and Northwestern private car "400" for their homes
in Chicago. Mr. Brown, who is traveling with Mr. Brigham Is
a prominent attorney In Chicago, being a member of the firm
of Horton and Brown..." April 19, 1907. Interesting to note
that the private car had to be pulled by a private
locomotive. One year earlier, Mr. And Mrs. Brigham invited Paul and
Grace Brown, as well as a number of other guest on a trip to
Mexico, memorialized by Grace Owen Brown in "The Tour of The
400," 1907. Time line: In 1907, Frank Lloyd Wright proposed a
concrete house in the April issue of
The Ladies Home
Journal in his article "A Fireproof House for $5,000."
Wright designed the Edmund Brigham house in 1908, revised
the stables on May 11, 1908. Construction began later that
year. Inferring from Brigham’s statement published in
Representative Cement Houses, "The reinforced concrete
house built by me during the past year, constructed
principally during the winter of 1908-9...," Brigham opted
to become his own contractor. On one of the drawings
(1503.02), Wright wrote, "For contractor to build for
himself. FLLW." What becomes clear is that the house was not
built in 1915, but shortly after Wright finished the
drawings. Photographed during a visit to Chicago by Douglas M.
Steiner October 18, 2019. Copyright 2019. In an effort to
expedite adding these photographs to this website, we have
dispensed with a description for each photograph. Set of 87
high res 20 X 13.5 digital images. (ST#2019.10 1-87)
Edmund D. Brigham Residence Ground and Garage Plan, Glencoe,
Illinois 1908 (1908 - S.184). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in
1908, construction began in 1908 and completed in 1909. In 1907,
Frank Lloyd Wright proposed a concrete house in the April issue
The Ladies Home Journal
in his article "A Fireproof House for $5,000." One year later
Wright designed the Brigham House as a reinforced board-formed
concrete house. Text on plan, bottom left: "Plan of Grounds."
Bottom right: "Mr. E. D. Brigham Dwelling. Glencoe, Illinois.
Frank Lloyd Wright Architect, Oak Park, Ill. Plan of Garage."
Hand written bottom left corner: "1503.05." Courtesy of the
Columbia University, Avery Library. (S#0085.43.1119) |
Edmund D. Brigham Residence First Floor Plan, Glencoe, Illinois
1908 (1908 - S.184). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1908,
construction began in 1908 and completed in 1909. In 1907, Frank
Lloyd Wright proposed a concrete house in the April issue of
The Ladies Home Journal
in his article "A Fireproof
House for $5,000." One year later Wright designed the Brigham
House as a reinforced board-formed concrete house. Text on plan,
bottom right: "Mr. E. D. Brigham Dwelling. Glencoe, Illinois.
Frank Lloyd Wright Architect, Oak Park, Ill. First Floor Plan."
Hand written bottom left corner: "1503.03." Courtesy of the
Columbia University, Avery Library. (S#0085.44.1119) |
Edmund D. Brigham Residence First Floor Plan, Glencoe, Illinois
1908 (1908 - S.184). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1908,
construction began in 1908 and completed in 1909. In 1907, Frank
Lloyd Wright proposed a concrete house in the April issue of
The Ladies Home Journal
in his article "A Fireproof
House for $5,000." One year later Wright designed the Brigham
House as a reinforced board-formed concrete house. Text on plan,
bottom right: "First Floor Plan." Hand written bottom left
corner: "1503.02." Hand written bottom right: "For contractor to
build for himself. FLLW." "Brigham house On Sheridan Road."
Courtesy of the Columbia University, Avery Library. (S#0085.45.1119) |
Edmund D. Brigham Residence Second Floor Plan, Glencoe, Illinois
1908 (1908 - S.184). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in
1908, construction began in 1908 and completed in 1909. In 1907,
Frank Lloyd Wright proposed a concrete house in the April issue
The Ladies Home Journal
in his article "A Fireproof House for $5,000." One year later
Wright designed the Brigham House as a reinforced board-formed
concrete house. Text on plan, bottom right: "Mr. E. D. Brigham
Dwelling. Glencoe, Illinois. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect, Oak
Park, Ill. Second Floor Plan." Hand written bottom left corner:
"1503.04." Courtesy of the Columbia University, Avery Library.
(S#0085.46.1119) |
Edmund D. Brigham Residence Stable Plan, Glencoe, Illinois
1908 (1908 - S.184). Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1908,
construction began in 1908 and completed in 1909. In 1907,
Frank Lloyd Wright proposed a concrete house in the April
issue of
The Ladies
Home Journal in his article "A Fireproof
House for $5,000." One year later Wright designed the
Brigham House as a reinforced board-formed concrete house.
Text on plan, bottom right: "Mr. E. D. Brigham. Stable.
Frank Lloyd Wright Arch, Oak Park, Illinois." Hand written:
"Revised May 11 - 08." Hand written bottom left corner:
"0811.01." Published in "Frank
Lloyd Wright, Complete Works 1885-1916," Pfeiffer, 2011,
p.308. Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. (S#0085.47.1119) |
Interior view of the Edmond Brigham Residence. The National Builder -
March 1910 (Published by Porter-Hodgeson Co., Chicago) "From
Manufacturer Direct." The full page ad includes two
photographs of the
Edmund Brigham Residence.
Although not identified, it includes an interior and
exterior photograph of the house. Interior caption:
"Interior View of House Shown Below." View toward the living
room from the Reception room. Exterior caption: "Handsome
Illinois Residence for Which the Chicago Millwork Supply
Company Furnished the Millwork." View of the Bingham
Residence from the Northeast. Note: Interior view shows that
the work on the interior has been completed. The exterior
view shows the yard and drive covered in snow. Because of
publishing deadlines, these photographs would have to have
been taken during January at the latest, which would
indicate the home was completed by January 1910 at the
latest. Edmund Brigham indicated that constructed of the
house took place during the winter of 1908-9. So it is very
feasible that the home was finished by the time these
photographs were taken. (S#0094.62.1119) |
Exterior view of the Edmond Brigham Residence. The National Builder -
March 1910 (Published by Porter-Hodgeson Co., Chicago) "From
Manufacturer Direct." The full page ad includes two
photographs of the
Edmund Brigham Residence.
Although not identified, it includes an interior and
exterior photograph of the house. Interior caption:
"Interior View of House Shown Below." View toward the living
room from the Reception room. Exterior caption: "Handsome
Illinois Residence for Which the Chicago Millwork Supply
Company Furnished the Millwork." View of the Bingham
Residence from the Northeast. Note: Interior view shows that
the work on the interior has been completed. The exterior
view shows the yard and drive covered in snow. Because of
publishing deadlines, these photographs would have to have
been taken during January at the latest, which would
indicate the home was completed by January 1910 at the
latest. Edmund Brigham indicated that constructed of the
house took place during the winter of 1908-9. So it is very
feasible that the home was finished by the time these
photographs were taken. (S#0094.62.1119) |

1910) Representative Cement Houses (Published by the
Universal Portland Cement Company, Chicago, Pittsburg)
Preface: The object of this book is to indicate by
illustrations and descriptions, one of the newer but very
rapidly expanding fields of the application of cement,
namely, in residence construction... Page 28:
Mr. E. D. Brigham's Residence,
Glencoe, Ill. This house is owned by Mr. Edmund D. Brigham.
Regarding his home, he says:
"The reinforced concrete house built by me during the
past year, constructed principally during the winter of
1908-9, is located in Glencoe, on Sheridan Road, north of
Central Avenue.
"The house has proven to be cool in summer and should be
warm in winter, equipped as it is with hot water heat, and,
excepting the unusually large amount of window space, is
well protected from heat and cold, being solid in its
construction. "From
a practical and artistic standpoint, I am more than pleased
with the style of building and consider the cost about equal
to that of brick or stone."
The type of construction is practically the same as that
used in Mr. Frank Darling's residence, a detailed account of
which is given in the description of his house. Four-way
conduit tile, in combination with a monolithic outer wall,
are used as foundation, the upper wall having a one-way tile
backing. The
interior plastering is applied directly to the tile. The
under structure of the roof, the interior partitions, floor,
stair-ways and outside trim are of wood, the roof covering
being red tile. The exterior trim was creosoted, hence no
painting and little future repairing will be necessary. The
exterior surface of the concrete, until recently, was in the
same condition as it was when the forms came off; but a
short time ago, Mr. Brigham had the surface painted with a
thin cement grout, and the appearance of the house is much
improved. Universal Portland Cement was used throughout. The
total cost of this residence was $18,000. Note: One
photograph of the exterior of the house, was most likely
taken in the fall of 1909, or possibly the spring of 1910
after the snow melted. It is interesting to note that he has
only lived in it during the summer - "should be warm in
winter" which indicates he lived in the house during the
summer of 1909, and wrote this during the fall of 1909. It
is also interesting that Frank Lloyd Wright is not listed as
the architect for this house, even though he was. He is
listed as architect in the other three houses in this
booklet that he did design, Evans, Gilmore and Stockman. (S#0094.64.1119) |
JULY 1910 |
Portland Cement Monthly Bulletin - July, 1910 (Published
monthly by the Universal Portland Cement Co., Chicago.)
An Attractive Concrete Residence. The
house of E. D. Brigham is shown in the illustration below,
the accompanying drawings being reproductions of the floor
plans of this house. Its unique arrangement and the methods
of construction employed make it an especially interesting
residence. The walls are constructed of monolithic concrete,
air spaces being provided by a backing of conduit tile. The
foundation is built of four-way conduit tile, laid in a
trench fifteen inches wide with a concrete wall six inches
thick outside the tile. Three feet above the ground single
tile was substituted for the four-way kind and the forms
were altered to provide a four-inch concrete wall in place
of the thicker foundation wall.

The electric wiring was all carefully planned before
construction and the wires were run through the conduits in
the walls, thus insuring perfect insulation, the wiring for
each floor being done before the concrete was poured.
Vertical runs of tile were provided where necessary for
vertical wiring. All the interior partition walls were built
of single conduit tile, plastered on both sides without
Small blocks of wood were inserted between
the tile to provide for the attachment of trim and electric
fixtures. The forms were made of seven-eighths inch
flooring, six inches wide, reinforced with short pieces of
two-by-four studding. These were then wired tightly in place
and a wet-mixed concrete poured in. The floors are also of
concrete with nailing strips (2" x 2") set in to extend
one-half inch above the surface of the concrete. The rough
planks which had been used for the forms were then nailed
diagonally across these strips and the finished oak flooring
placed on top. Some time after the completion of the
building the entire exterior surface of the concrete was
coated with a thin cement grout, which finish has admirably
withstood weather conditions and is in excellent condition
at the present time.

Glancing at the floor plans one cannot fail to note the
unique arrangement used. The basement contains besides the
exterior rooms, two servants' bedrooms and a large bathroom.
As will be noted, the first floor plan is also out of the
ordinary. The reception, living and dining rooms are not
separated by doors or partitions. A large pier in the center
of the house is the only means used to separate these rooms.
A large fireplace is on one side of this, bookcases and
recessed seats on two other sides, and the fourth side is
plain. At the south end of the house is a large porch which
is used as an open-air dining room in summer.

The upstairs arrangement is nothing out of the ordinary,
with the exception of the balcony, which will be noted, has
concrete posts and a concrete floor, which is in strict
keeping with the general arrangement of the house, concrete
having been used wherever possible. The total cost of this
house was $18,000, and Mr. Brigham, the owner, is thoroughly
satisfied with it in every way.(S#0094.65.1119) |
1) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital
image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-1) |
2) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-2) |
3) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-3) |
4) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-4) |
5) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-5) |
6) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-6) |
7) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-7) |
8) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-8) |
9) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-9) |
10) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-10) |
11) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-11) |
12) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-12) |
13) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-13) |
14) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-14) |
15) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-15) |
16) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-16) |
17) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-17) |
18) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-18) |
19) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-19) |
20) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-20) |
21) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-21) |
22) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-22) |
23) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-23) |
24) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-24) |
25) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-25) |
26) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-26) |
27) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-27) |
28) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-28) |
29) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-29) |
30) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-30) |
31) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-31) |
32) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-32) |
33) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-33) |
34) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-34) |
35) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-35) |
36) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-36) |
37) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-37) |
38) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-38) |
39) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-39) |
40) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-40) |
41) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-41) |
42) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-42) |
43) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-43) |
44) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-44) |
45) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-45) |
46) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-46) |
47) Edmund D. Brigham Residence,
Glencoe, Illinois 2019 (1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October
18, 2019. Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2019.10.1119-47) |
48) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-48) |
49) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-49) |
50) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-50) |
51) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-51) |
52) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-52) |
53) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-53) |
54) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-54) |
55) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-55) |
56) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-56) |
57) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-57) |
58) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-58) |
59) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-59) |
60) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-60) |
61) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-61) |
62) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-62) |
63) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-63) |
64) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-64) |
65) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-65) |
66) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-66) |
67) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-67) |
68) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-68) |
69) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-69) |
70) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-70) |
71) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-71) |
72) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-72) |
73) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-73) |
74) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-74) |
75) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-75) |
76) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-76) |
77) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-77) |
78) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-78) |
79) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-79) |
80) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-80) |
81) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-81) |
82) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-82) |
83) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-83) |
84) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-84) |
85) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-85) |
86) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-86) |
87) Edmund D. Brigham Residence, Glencoe, Illinois 2019
(1908 - S.184). Exterior. 20 x 13.5 digital image
photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 18, 2019.
Copyright 2019, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2019.10.1119-87) |