Title: Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House, Los Angeles, Rendering Circa 1917-1919 (1917 - S.208).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. View from the Southwest. Designed in 1917 by Frank Lloyd Wright as an appropriate style for Southern California, Hollyhock House was built in 1920-1921. Hand written lower left: "1705.(16?)." Published in "Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill," Smith, 1992, p.43.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0138.29.1219Date: 1917
Title: Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House, Los Angeles, Five Elevations, Circa 1917-1920 (1917 - S.208).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Five elevations. Designed in 1917 by Frank Lloyd Wright as an appropriate style for Southern California, Hollyhock House was built in 1920-1921. Text: "Residence A. Barnsdall, Hollywood, Cal. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Elevations." Hand written lower left: "1705.04." Published in "Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill," Smith, 1992, p.85. Also "Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1914-1923," Pfeiffer, 1990, p.144. Also "Wright 1917-1942," Pfeiffer, 2010, p.48.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0138.30.1219, 0138.31.1219Date: 1917
Title: Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House, Los Angeles, Living Room Fireplace Relief, Circa 1917-1920 (1917 - S.208).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Fireplace elevation. Designed in 1917 by Frank Lloyd Wright as an appropriate style for Southern California, Hollyhock House was built in 1920-1921. The Fireplace is the focal point of the Living Room. "The bas-relief at the fireplace is composed in blocks of art-stone and ranks among the few and great mural abstractions that Wright deigned. Strictly geometric, monochromatic and austere in pattern, it is at the same time rich in references..." Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hollyhock House, Hoffmann, p.61. Hand written lower left: "1705.27." Published in "Wright 1917-1942," Pfeiffer, 2010, p.57.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 0138.32.1219Date: 1918
Title: Aline Barnsdall Theater, Los Angeles, Elevation 1918 Project (1918 - FLLW #2005).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Elevation for the Aline Barnsdall Theater. Aline Barnsdall had an early interest in the theater, and moved to Chicago in 1914, formed the Players Production Company, performing in one of the Theaters in the Fine Arts Building, Chicago Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.15.) This began her connection with Frank Lloyd Wright. Although Barnsdall did not have a specific site, she hire Wright to design a theater. Text hand written bottom left: "... For Model. (Revision ?) of 1918.."
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0139.13.1219Date: 1918
Title: Aline Barnsdall Theater, Los Angeles, 1918 Project (1918 - FLLW #2005).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Longitudinal Section for the Aline Barnsdall Theater. Aline Barnsdall had an early interest in the theater, and moved to Chicago in 1914, formed the Players Production Company, performing in one of the Theaters in the Fine Arts Building, Chicago Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.15.) This began her connection with Frank Lloyd Wright. Although Barnsdall did not have a specific site, she hire Wright to design a theater. Text hand written bottom left: "2005.34" Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.31. Also published in Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph 1914-1923, Pfeiffer, 1990, p.170. Also published in Wright, 1917-1942, Pfeiffer, 2010, p.43.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0139.14.1219Date: 1918
Title: 1) Aline Barnsdall Theater II, Los Angeles, California, Model 1918 (1918 - FLLW #2005).
Description: Set of 2 - 35mm slides. Model of the Aline Barnsdall Theater II. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1918. Frank Lloyd Wright Project #2005. Aline Barnsdall had an early interest in the theater, and moved to Chicago in 1914, formed the Players Production Company, performing in one of the Theaters in the Fine Arts Building, Chicago Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.15.) This began her connection with Frank Lloyd Wright. Although Barnsdall did not have a specific site, she hire Wright to design a theater. Published in Wendingen VII No. 9, 1926, p.160. Text on sleeve: "Wright, F. L. Barnsdall Theater II. 3-1. Barnsdall Theater II. Model. 1918. Wright, Frank Lloyd. U of Virginia FAIC." Acquired from the archives of the University of Virginia. See other Wright Models.
Size: 35mm Color slide, sandwiched between glass, plastic mount.
S#: 0139.16.0720Date: 1918
Title: 2) Aline Barnsdall Theater II, Los Angeles, California, Model 1918 (1918 - FLLW #2005).
Description: Set of 2 - 35mm slides. Model of the Aline Barnsdall Theater II. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1918. Frank Lloyd Wright Project #2005. Aline Barnsdall had an early interest in the theater, and moved to Chicago in 1914, formed the Players Production Company, performing in one of the Theaters in the Fine Arts Building, Chicago Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.15.) This began her connection with Frank Lloyd Wright. Although Barnsdall did not have a specific site, she hire Wright to design a theater. Text on sleeve: "Wright, F. L. Barnsdall Theater II. 3-2. Barnsdall Theater II. Model, view of interior space. 1918. Wright, Frank Lloyd. U of Virginia FAIC." Acquired from the archives of the University of Virginia. See other Wright Models.
Size: 35mm Color slide, sandwiched between glass, plastic mount.
S#: 0139.17.0720Date: 1920
Title: Aline Barnsdall Residence A, Four Elevations, 1920 (1920 - S.210).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Aline Barnsdall Residence A, which is also known as the Director’s House, was designed in 1920. Four Elevations: 1) Front Elevation; 2) North Elevation; 3) South Elevation; 4) East Elevation. Text: "Elevations. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. Drawn Jan. 15th, 1920. Sheet 1." And "2002.02." Published in Wright, 1917-1942, Pfeiffer, 2010, p.61.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0142.20.1219Date: 1920
Title: Aline Barnsdall Residence A, Floor Plan, 1920 (1920 - S.210).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Aline Barnsdall Residence A, which is also known as the Director’s House, was designed in 1920. Floor Plan: Top) First Floor; Lower) Second Floor. Text: "Floor Plan. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. Drawn. Sheet 2." And "2002.03." Published in Wright, 1917-1942, Pfeiffer, 2010, p.61.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0142.21.1219Date: 1920
Title: Aline Barnsdall Residence B, Ground Plan, 1920 (1920 - S.210).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Aline Barnsdall Residence B, was designed in 1920, demolished in 1950. Text: "Residence B. Los Angeles, Sept. 1st, 1920. Approved Sept. 2, 1920." And "2005.09." Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.100.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0142.22.1219Date: 1920
Title: Aline Barnsdall Terrace Stores and Houses, Plan and Elevation, 1920 (1920 - FLLW #2005).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Aline Barnsdall Terrace Stores and Houses were designed in 1920. The lower level was designed as shops at street level, with Housing on the second level. Residence A is included top left. Text: "2005.39." Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.106-7, and also published in Wright, 1917-1942, Pfeiffer, 2010, p.67.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0142.23.1219Date: 1920
Title: Aline Barnsdall Terrace Stores and Houses, Plan and Elevation Detail, 1920 (1920 - FLLW #2005).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Detail of the Aline Barnsdall Terrace Stores and Houses were designed in 1920. The lower level was designed as shops at street level, with Housing on the second level. Residence A is included top left. Text: "2005.39." Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.106-7, and also published in Wright, 1917-1942, Pfeiffer, 2010, p.67.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0142.24.1219Date: 1923
Title: Aline Barnsdall Beverly Hills House Detail of Front Elevation 1923 (1923 - FLLW #2009).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Detail of front elevation for Aline Barnsdall Beverly Hills House, designed in 1923. Project was designed, but never built. Full view published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.167.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0156.73.1219Date: 1923
Title: Aline Barnsdall Beverly Hills House Ground Plan 1923 (1923 - FLLW #2009).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Ground plan for the Aline Barnsdall Beverly Hills House, designed in 1923. Project was designed, but never built. Similar view published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.168 and Wright, 1917-1942, Pfeiffer, 2010, p.89.
Size: Original 8 x 10 B&W photograph.
S#: 0156.74.1219Date: 1923
Title: Aline Barnsdall Community Theater, "The Little Dipper," Los Angeles, California, Elevation 1923 (Project 1923 - FLLW #2301).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1923. Elevation for Aline Barnsdall Community Theater, "The Little Dipper." Construction began, was halted, then cancelled. The design was to use the concrete block construction. The Little Dipper was a progressive school for younger children that Barnsdall founded. The main room facing Northeast. FLLW #2301.21. Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.184. Additional illustrations published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1917-1942, Pfeiffer, 2011, p.86-87.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 0156.84.1219Date: 1923
Title: Aline Barnsdall Community Theater, "The Little Dipper," Los Angeles, California, Elevation 1923 (Project 1923 - FLLW #2301).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1923. Elevation for Aline Barnsdall Community Theater, "The Little Dipper." Construction began, was halted, then cancelled. The design was to use the concrete block construction. The Little Dipper was a progressive school for younger children that Barnsdall founded. Hand written text: "Study 1922. Barnsdall Kindergarten. Block House. FLW. L.A. 1920-21." FLLW #2301.02. Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.183. Additional illustrations published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1917-1942, Pfeiffer, 2011, p.86-87.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 0156.85.1219Date: 1923
Title: Aline Barnsdall Community Theater, "The Little Dipper," Los Angeles, California, Plan 1923 (Project 1923 - FLLW #2301).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1923. Preliminary plan for Aline Barnsdall Community Theater, "The Little Dipper." Construction began, was halted, then cancelled. The design was to use the concrete block construction. The Little Dipper was a progressive school for younger children that Barnsdall founded. Hand written text: "Barnsdall Kindergarten. Block House. FLW. L.A. 1920-21." FLLW #2301.01. Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.183. Similar illustrations published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1917-1942, Pfeiffer, 2011, p.87.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 0156.86.1219Date: Circa 1923 Title: Aline Barnsdall Residence A Circa 1923 (1920 - S.210).
Description: View of the west elevation from the Northwest. The Living Room (first floor) and Dining Room (second floor) are on the far left. The Entrance and Kitchen (second floor) are in the center, the Bedrooms are to the right. Besides the main residence, Hollyhock House, the master plan also included a Theater, this home, the (Theater) Director’s House, Residence A, and Residence B. Aline Barnsdall’s Residence A was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1920. These four photographs were published in the April, 1926 issue of Wendingen.
Size: 10 x 7 B&W Photograph.
S#: 0156.52.1115 1-4
See additional images... Date: Circa 1925
Title: Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Circa 1925 (1917 - S.208).
Description: View of the South elevation and South patio from above the Nursery. Two Guest bedrooms are toward the right, the Conservatory is on the left. The semi-circular Terrace is to the far left out of view. In 1927, Aline Barnsdall gave Hollyhock House and eleven surrounding acres to the city of Los Angeles for use as a public art park in memory of her father, Theodore Barnsdall. For the next fifteen years the house was home to the California Art Club, which made full use of its dramatic design to stage plays and display artwork. The house was leased again in the 1940s and 1950s by Dorothy Clune Murray’s Olive Hill Foundation. First published in "Wendingen" Series, p.134, 1925, and "The Life-Work of the American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright," p.134, 1925. Also published in "Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hollyhock House," Hoffmann, 1992, p.45. Clipping pasted to verso: "A side view shows "Hollyhock house" standing against the Sierra Madre mountains to the north. The design with (sic) virtually complete in 1918, but was finished in 1920, not entirely in accordance with the Wright’s hopes. The house has not been maintained properly." Stamped on clipping: "Dec 12 1965." Stamped on verso: "1965 Nov 3."
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 0171.31.0619Date: 1926
Title: Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Circa 1926 (1917 - S.208).
Description: View of the exterior of the Living Room from the South. A terrace is on the far right. A stylized hollyhock is designed into the roof of the Living Room. Designed in 1917 by Frank Lloyd Wright as an appropriate style for Southern California, the house was built in 1920-1921. This photograph was published in publication Wendingen, Volume VII, No. 8 1926, page 135. The sixth issue of seven part series. Then bound into "The Life-Work of the American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright" which combined all seven issue. January 1928 issue of Architectural Record, and "Frank Lloyd Wright." Hitchcock, 1928. Mounted in a small folder with label hand written: "12467 Applied Str. Holly..." Purchased from Toulouse, France.
Size: Original 5 x 4 B&W photograph.
S#: 0172.43.0318Date: Circa 1930 Title: Aline Barnsdall Residence A, Circa 1930 (1920 - S.210).
Description: View of the North end of the West elevation. The Living Room and Dining Room is on the first and second levels. The Dining Room, top center, overlooks the two story Living Room. The large opening leads to the basement and possibly a garage. The Entrance is to the far right. Besides the main residence, Hollyhock House, the master plan also included a Theater (project), this home, the (Theater) Director’s House, Residence A, and Residence B (demolished). Aline Barnsdall’s Residence A was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1920. In 1927, Barnsdall donated an additional 2 acres and Residence A to the City of Los Angeles, bringing the total to 13 acres, 11 of which included Hollyhock House. (Note: Dating this image circa 1930. The two trees on either side of the garage were just a few feet tall in 1923.) These four photographs were A. D. White Architectural Photograph Collection at the Cornell University Library. Andrew Dickson White was the first President of the University. Courtesy of the Cornell University Library.
Size: 10 x 7.75 B&W photograph.
S#: 0249.42.1115 1-4
See additional images... Date: Circa 1930-35 Title: Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Terrace (1917 - S.208
Description: Hand written on verso: "Terrace of California Club by Frank Lloyd Wright whose architectural exhibition is now at Art Institute." The City of Los Angeles was approached by Aline Barnsdall to manage part of her estate at Olive Hill as a cultural arts centre. In 1926 the City of Los Angeles agreed to manage eight acres of the Hollywood estate. Part of the ensuing negotiations between the City and Miss Barnsdall included a provision that the California Art Club would be granted a fifteen-year lease on Hollyhock House. The California Art Club happily accepted on August 31, 1927 and it remained the club's gallery and headquarters from 1927 until 1942. For additional aerial images for dating this photograph, see "Hollyhock House and Olive Hill" Smith, pages 162-3 (1922) and 190-1 (1947).
Size: Original 6.25 x 8 B&W print.
S#: 0249.20.0310
Date: 1945
Title: Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House, Hollywood, CA, C 1945 (1917 - S.208). Not dated.
Description: Exterior view of the Barndall Residence from the Northwest. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1917. Photographed by Wayne Andrews, published in "Architecture in America," Andrews, 1960, p.132. Mounted to dark gray board. Label pasted to board: "Arch. U.S.A. 20th cent. Frank Lloyd Wright. Res. Aline Barnsdall, Hollywood, California (1920). Wayne Andrews #489. Indiana University, Fine Arts Department." Photographed by Wayne Andrews. Acquired from the archives of the Indiana University.
Size: Original 9.5 x 7.5 B&W Photograph.
S#: 0647.45.0920Date: 1945
Title: Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House, Hollywood, CA, Circa 1945 (1917 - S.208). Not dated.
Description: Exterior view of the Barndall Residence from the Northwest. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1917. Photographed by Wayne Andrews, published in "Architecture in America," Andrews, 1960, p.132. Mounted on a gray board. Label affixed to verso: American Architecture. Residence of Aline Barnsdall, Exterior, 1920. Frank Lloyd Wright, architect (1868- ). Hollywood. Note that Frank Lloyd Wright was still alive when this photograph was produced. Second label affixed to verso: Mead Art Building, Amherst College. Number A-Am, L897, m10a0.3. American Architecture. Los Angeles, Hollyhock House. Aline Barnsdall Residence, Exterior, General View; 1920. Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959) architect.
Size: Original 9 x 7.25 B&W Photograph.
S#: 0647.53.1024Date: 1954
Title: Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Living Room Fireplace (1917 - S.208) 1954.
Description: In 1926, Aline Barnsall donated Hollyhock House to the City of Los Angeles, with a lease going to the California Art Club. By 1942, the city had condemned the house and ordered it to be vacated, due to structural damage. The home was left in shambles. A minor restoration project was undertaken in 1945. In 1954 Frank Lloyd Wright designed a Master Plan for Barnsdall Park which included a museum which remained a unbuilt. (Monograph 8, p.146-7). Also in 1954, Barnsdall Park was the one of the stops for Wright’s traveling exhibition "Sixty Years of Living Architecture." The premiere of the exhibit in Los Angeles was held at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Center at Barnsdall Park on June 1, 1954. A temporary pavilion, similar to the pavilion in New York, was attached to the line of kennels that reached from the house to the garage. The entrance to the pavilion was through the Hollyhock House. (Wright, 1943-1959, p.346). Photographed on May 27, 1954, days before the exhibition opened. Note the pond in front of the fireplace which has been filled in. Female is seated on a Frank Lloyd Wright designed living room chair. Stamped on verso: "Mirrorfoto by Bob Martin, Staff Photographer. May 27, 1954." (Two copies)
Size: 11 x 14
S#: 1045.40.0916, 1045.41.0916Date: 1954
Title: Sixty Years of Living Architecture Exhibition, Los Angeles 1954 (Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation project #5427).
Description: A traveling exhibition of Wright's work, consisting of models, photographs and original drawings. A Preview of the exhibition was held in Philadelphia (January 1951). The world wide tour opened in Palazzo Strozzi Florence, Italy (June 1951). In "Sixty Years" (New York), Wright notes that from Florence the Exhibition traveled to "Switzerland, France, German and Holland". The Exhibition catalogs are dated: Paris (April 1952), Zurich (End of May 1952), Munich (May 16 - June 15, 1952), and Rotterdam (dated June 1, 1952). After two years in Europe the exhibition crossed the Atlantic to Mexico City, then to New York (1953). After an exhibition in Los Angeles, June, 1954, the final exhibition took place in Chicago, October, 1956. The Los Angeles exhibition premiere was held at Barnsdall Park’s Municipal Art Center on June 1, 1954, then open to the public from June 2 to July 11, and was extended to July 25, 1954. A temporary pavilion, similar to the pavilion in New York, was attached to the line of kennels that reached from the house to the garage. The entrance to the pavilion was through the Hollyhock House. It would appear that Loch photographed the Living Room as he passed from the House to the Exhibition. Photographed by Loch Crane in June, 1954.
Size: B&W 2.25" negative, high res scan, and 8 x 8 B&W photograph
S#: 1045.42.1116-1Date: 1958
Title: Barnsdall Park Gallery, Los Angeles, California, Plan and Elevation 1958, (Project 1958 - FLLW #5428).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1958. Elevation and plan for the Barnsdall Park Gallery. The Gallery was proposed to be adjacent to the East side of Hollyhock House. An elongated building, a circular pool was on either end. Upper illustration: a portion of the Hollyhock House. Center illustration: Plan for the Main Gallery. Lower: Elevation. Text: "Gallery For Barnsdall Park, Los Angeles, California. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect." Additional illustrations published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1943-1959, Pfeiffer, 2009, p.522-523.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 1259.68.1219Date: 1958
Title: Barnsdall Park Gallery, Los Angeles, California, Entrance Cross Section 1958, (Project 1958 - FLLW #5428).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1958. Cross section at the entrance for the Barnsdall Park Gallery. The Gallery was proposed to be adjacent to the East side of Hollyhock House. An elongated building, a circular pool was on either end. Illustration: Parking is on the lower level on the left. A terrace is on the left side of the building. A TV tower is on the right side of the building. Text: Cross Section Through Entrance." Additional illustrations published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1943-1959, Pfeiffer, 2009, p.522-523.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 1259.69.1219Date: 1958
Title: Barnsdall Park Gallery, Los Angeles, California, Study for Cross Section 1958, (Project 1958 - FLLW #5428).
Description: Photograph of original drawing in the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1958. Study for the Cross section at the entrance for the Barnsdall Park Gallery. The Gallery was proposed to be adjacent to the East side of Hollyhock House. An elongated building, a circular pool was on either end. Illustration: Parking is on the lower level on the left. A terrace is on the left side of the building. Text: Cross Section." Additional illustrations published in Frank Lloyd Wright, 1943-1959, Pfeiffer, 2009, p.522-523.
Size: Original 10 x 8 B&W photograph.
S#: 1259.70.1219Date: 1965 Title: Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House (1917 - S.208) 1965.
Description: View of the Southwest corner. In 1927, Aline Barnsdall gave Hollyhock House and eleven surrounding acres to the city of Los Angeles for use as a public art park in memory of her father, Theodore Barnsdall. For the next fifteen years the house was home to the California Art Club, which made full use of its dramatic design to stage plays and display artwork. The house was leased again in the 1940s and 1950s by Dorothy Clune Murray’s Olive Hill Foundation. Photographed by Marvin Rand. Acquired from the Library of Congress.
Size: Original 10 x 7 B&W photograph.
S#: 1628.24.0413
Date: 1965 Title: Aline Barnsdall Residence A 1965 (1917 - S.208).
Description: Viewed from the Southwest. The Dining Room and main entrance is on the far left, the Kitchen is in the center, Bedrooms on the right. West (left) and South (right) elevations. Residence A is one of two surviving structures on Olive Hill designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for Aline Barnsdall. It was completed in 1920. By 1965, changes were made to Residence A by the city of Los Angeles. The original Living Room’s North balcony was removed and replaced with a wooden one. Exterior stairs and a doorway were added, leading to the second floor, on the Southwest corner. The road, sidewalk and retaining wall in the foreground were also a recent addition. The sidewalk and retaining wall has since been removed. Photographed in September, 1965 by Marvin Rand. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.
Size: 10 x 7 B&W photograph.
S#: 1628.50.1115 1-6
See additional images... Date: 1965 Title: Barnsdall, Aline; Residence A (HABS No. CAL-375), 4800 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, California. (Published by Historic American Building Survey, National Park Service, Western Office, San Francisco, California.)
Author: Winter, Robert; Girvigian, Raymond
Description: Includes: Architectural and Historical Significance; Historical Information; References, Architectural Description; First and Second Floor Plans. Corresponds with a set of six photographs.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 9
S#: 1628.51.1115
Date: 1974
Title: Aline Barnsdall Residence A 1974 (1917 - S.208).
Description: View of the West elevation from the Southwest. The Dining Room is on the left, Kitchen to the right. The Dining Room overlooks the two story Living Room. The Entrance to the home is on the lower right, below the Kitchen. Stamped on face of sleeve: "Dec 74." Printed on verso of sleeve: "Color Transparency."
Size: Original 35mm slide. 8 x 5.5 High Res digital image.
S#: 1963.41.0421Date: 1975
Title: Aline Barnsdall Residence A, 1975 (1917 - S.208)
Description: 1) Set of three 35mm Color Kodachrome slides. Viewed from the Southwest. The Dining Room and main entrance is on the far left, the Kitchen is in the center, Bedrooms on the right. Residence A is one of two surviving structures on Olive Hill designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for Aline Barnsdall. It was completed in 1920. By 1965, changes were made to Residence A by the city of Los Angeles. The original Living Room’s North balcony was removed and replaced with a wooden one. Exterior stairs and a doorway in the foreground were added, leading to the second floor. The road, sidewalk and retaining wall in the foreground were also an addition. The sidewalk and retaining wall has since been removed. Similar view from 1923 in "Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill," Smith, 1992, p.158. Stamped on face of sleeve: "15. May 75." Printed on verso of sleeve: "Kodachrome Transparency. Processed by Kodak." Set of three 35mm slides taken in May, 1975.
Size: 10 x 7 High Res digital image.
S#: 1996.41.0818 (1)Date: 1975
Title: Aline Barnsdall Residence A, 1975 (1917 - S.208)
Description: 2) Aline Barnsdall Residence A 1975 (1917 - S.208). Set of three 35mm Color Kodachrome slides. Detail of the Southwest corner viewed from the Northwest. View from 1923 is published in "Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill," Smith, 1992, p.158. Stamped on face of sleeve: "17. May 75." Printed on verso of sleeve: "Kodachrome Transparency. Processed by Kodak." Set of three 35mm slides taken in May, 1975. 10 x 7 High Res digital image.
Size: 10 x 7 High Res digital image.
S#: 1996.41.0818 (2)Date: 1975
Title: Aline Barnsdall Residence A, 1975 (1917 - S.208)
Description: 3) Aline Barnsdall Residence A 1975 (1917 - S.208). Set of three 35mm Color Kodachrome slides. Viewed from the North. The two-story Living Room covers the whole North end of the house. Five doors open outward onto a balcony. Patterned borders frame each two-story set of the windows and doors. The Dining Room, on the west end (right) of the second floor, overlooks the two story Living Room. By 1965, changes were made to Residence A by the city of Los Angeles. The original Living Room’s North balcony was removed and replaced with a wooden one. See original view. Stamped on face of sleeve: "18. May 75." Printed on verso of sleeve: "Kodachrome Transparency. Processed by Kodak." Set of three 35mm slides taken in May, 1975. 10 x 7 High Res digital image.
Size: 10 x 7 High Res digital image.
S#: 1996.41.0818 (3)Date: Circa 1980
Title: Aline Barnsdall Residence Hollyhock House, Los Angeles, California, Circa 1980s (Not Dated) (1917 - S.208).
Description: Exterior view. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1917. Text on sleeve: Mod: Arch: Am: Wright, F. L.: Los Angeles, CA: Res: Barnsdall (Holly Hock) House: Ext. Front 1917-20. Universal SQ160620.516A. 087884. Holy Cross. Acquired from the archives of The College of Holy Cross. Appears to be a copy of a published photograph.
Size: Original 35mm Color slide, sandwiched between glass, plastic mount.
ST#: 1980.70.1223Date: 1985
Title: Barnsdall Art Park - (Stiff cover. "Barnsdall Art Park" embossed on cover) (Published by the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department)
Author: Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department
Description: Includes a history of Barnsdall Park, the Mission Statement, Exhibition Program, as well as information about Frank Lloyd Wright and the Hollyhock House. Includes four photographs related to Frank Lloyd Wright and the Hollyhock House. Gift from Kathryn Smith. (First Edition)
Size: 9 x 12
Pages: Pp 16
ST#: 1985.59.0616Date: 1985 Title: Hollyhock House, 1985.
Description: "A Sunday afternoon at Hollyhock House... January 27, 1985, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. "...will be your first opportunity to see a special exhibit of photography from the personal album of Aline Barnsdall, the owner of Hollyhock House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Join us t this special event... Hollyhock House, operated by the Cultural Affairs Department of the City of Los Angeles, is located in Barnsdall Park..." Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 8.5 x 3.75
Pages: Pp 4
ST#: 1985.35.0711
Date: 1986
Title: Aline Barnsdall Residence Hollyhock House, Los Angeles, California, Nursery, 1986 (1917 - S.208).
Description: View of the Nursery from the Southwest. The Master bedroom is above. Set of seventeen 35mm Color slides. Designed in 1917 by Frank Lloyd Wright as an appropriate style for Southern California, the house was built in 1920-1921. Stamped on face of sleeve: “28. July 86.” Printed on verso: “Color Transparency.” Photographer unknown. Set of seventeen 35mm slides taken in July, 1986.
Size: 5.5 x 8 High Res digital image.
ST#: 1986.125.0323 (1-14)
See additional photographs...
See additional photographs...Date: 1986 Title: Hollyhock House. You are cordially invited to attend...
Description: Invitational brochure for "Tours of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hollyhock House and Lloyd Wright’s Sowden House", Saturday evening, September 13th, 1986, 7 p.m., Barnsdall Park, 4808 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles." One illustration. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 4.25 x 5.3 opens to 16.75 x 5.3.
Pages: Pp 4, printed one side only.
ST#: 1986.40.0711
Date: 1992
Title: Barnsdall House: Frank Lloyd Wright, Architecture in Detail (Soft Cover) (Published by Phaidon Press, Inc. London, New York)
Author: Steele, James
Description: (Second Edition)
Size: 11.5 x 11.5
Pages: Pp 60
ST#: 1992.40.0803Date: 1992
Title: Barnsdall Park, Taliesin Architects Response to Request (Spiral Bound) (Produced by the Taliesin Architects, Scottsdale, AZ)
Author: Taliesin Architects
Description: Copy of the response from the Taliesin Architects for a Request for Qualifications for the Master Plan for the future development of Barnsdall Park. Spiral bound booklet includes: Letter from John Rattenbury; Taliesin Architects Experience; List of Planning Projects; Biographies of John Rattenbury, Eric Lloyd Wright, Louis Wiehle, William E. Mims, Laurence W. Heiny, Kathryn Smith and others; Letters of Reference. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 70
ST#: 1992.110.0616Date: 1992
Title: Concrete Abstractions, Details of Hollyhock House, Los Angeles, California (Soft Cover) (Published by Couturier Gallery, Los Angeles, CA. One thousand copies printed.)
Author: Cowan, Craig
Description: A volume resulting from the exhibition "Concrete Abstractions" exhibited in Hollyhock House Gallery from April through September of 1991. "Constructed between 1919 and 1921 for oil heiress Aline Barnsdall, Hollyhock House was Frank Lloyd Wright’s first Los Angeles Commission. Barnsdall met Wright in Chicago in 1914 where she proposed that he design a theater for her. A trip to the West Coast shifted her plans from the Midwest to Los Angeles and in 1919 she purchased a thirty-six acre site known as Olive Hill, located on the eastern edge of Hollywood Boulevard, on the south by Sunset Boulevard, on the east by Vermont, and on the west by Edgemont..." Includes 17 plates detailing the Hollyhock House. Gift from Kathryn Smith. (First Edition)
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 36
ST#: 1992.108.0616Date: 1992 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright : Hollyhock House and Olive Hill (Hard Cover - DJ) (Published by Rizzoli International Publications)
Author: Smith, Kathryn
Description: Original HC List Price $45.00. (First Edition)
Pages: 224
ST#: 1992.08.0492
Date: 1992 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright’s 125th Birthday.
Description: June 6th & 7th, 1992. Barnsdall Art Park, Los Angeles, CA. Events, Tours and Exhibitions related to Frank Lloyd Wright and Hollyhock House. Presentations by Scot Zimmerman, Curated by Kathryn Smith. Gift from Kathryn Smith. Nine copies.
Size: 8.5 x 5.5
Pages: Pp 6
ST#: 1992.79.0711
Date: 1992 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Olive Hill.
Description: The City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department Invites You to Attend A Reception... Models and drawings of unbuilt projects for Aline Barnsdall prepared by students of the Southern California Institute of Architecture. Curated by Kathryn Smith. Friday 5 June 1992, 6:00 - 9:00 pm. Hollyhock House, Barnsdall Art Park. Exhibition - 6 June 1991 to 17 January 1993. Includes illustration of the Hollyhock House stain glass window pattern. Three copies. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Pages: Pp 1
ST#: 1992.76.0711, 1992.77.0711, 1992.78.0711
Date: 1992 Title: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hollyhock House (Soft Cover)
Author: Hoffmann, Donald
Description: Original SC List Price $11.95. (First Edition)
Pages: 118
ST#: 1992.24.0102
Date: 1992 Title: "Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hollyhock House." (Produced by the City of Los Angeles, CA)
Author: Written by Levis, Sandra A. B.
Description: Short biography on Aline Barnsdal, Wright, and the history of the Hollyhock House. Includes eight photographs and three illustrations.
Size: 4 x 9
Pages: 8
ST#: 1992.62.0492
Date: 1993 Title: Oilman’s Daughter, Biography of Aline Barnsdall (Hard Cover - DJ)
Author: Karasick, Norman & Dor
Description: (Signed) Original HC List Price $25.95. (First Edition)
Pages: 268
ST#: 1993.07.0400
Date: 1994 Title: Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House 1994 (1917 - S.208).
Description: Set of 28 exterior photographs during a trip to Los Angeles, September 1994. Designed in 1917 by Frank Lloyd Wright as an appropriate style for Southern California, the house was built in 1920-1921. Barnsdall’s plan for the 36 acre Olive Hill was to include her home, theater and an arts community. Of all the projects Wright designed, only Hollyhock House and two additional residences were built. Residence B was demolished. Barnsdall lived in the home until 1927, when she gave Hollyhock House and eleven surrounding acres to the city of Los Angeles for use as a public art park in memory of her father, Theodore Barnsdall. For the next fifteen years the house was home to the California Art Club. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner.
Size: 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image.
ST#: 1994.92.1015 1-18
See additional images... Date: 1994 Title: Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House 1994 (1917 - S.208).
Description: Set of 18 interior photographs during a trip to Los Angeles, September 1994. View of the Living Room Fireplace looking South. The Fireplace is the focal point of the Living Room. "The bas-relief at the fireplace is composed in blocks of art-stone and ranks among the few and great mural abstractions that Wright deigned. Strictly geometric, monochromatic and austere in pattern, it is at the same time rich in references..." Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hollyhock House, Hoffmann, p.61. Designed in 1917 by Frank Lloyd Wright as an appropriate style for Southern California, the house was built in 1920-1921. Barnsdall’s plan for the 36 acre Olive Hill was to include her home, theater and an arts community. Of all the projects Wright designed, only Hollyhock House and two additional residences were built. Residence B was demolished. Barnsdall lived in the home until 1927, when she gave Hollyhock House and eleven surrounding acres to the city of Los Angeles for use as a public art park in memory of her father, Theodore Barnsdall. For the next fifteen years the house was home to the California Art Club. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner.
Size: 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image.
ST#: 1994.93.1015 1-18
See additional images... Date: 1994 Title: Aline Barnsdall Residence A 1994 (1920 - S.210).
Description: Set of 7 photographs during a trip to Los Angeles, September 1994. View of Residence A from the Southwest. Stairs lead to the second floor. The Dining Room is on the far left, the Kitchen is in the center, Bedrooms on the right. Just to the left of the stairs, a second stairway leads down to the lower level and the entrance to the home, the Entrance Hall and a large two story Living Room. Stairs are not originals. Designed in 1920, Barnsdall’s plan for the 36 acre Olive Hill was to include her home, theater and an arts community. Of all the projects Wright designed, only Hollyhock House and two additional residences were built. Residence B was demolished. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner.
Size: 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image.
ST#: 1994.94.1015 1-7
See additional images... Date: 1997 Title: Barnsdall Park, A New Master Plan for Frank Lloyd Wright‘s California Romanza (Published by Spacemaker Press, Washington D.C., Cambridge, MA)
Author: Simo, Melanie; Forward: Smith, Kathryn
Description: The Barnsdall Park Master Plan was prepared by Peter Walker William Johnson and Partners for the City of Los Angeles, Department of Recreation and Parks. Featuring historic photographs and drawings by Frank Lloyd Wright, this volume presents the history of Barnsdall Park in Los Angeles. The first half of the book chronicles the life of Aline Barnsdall, client and patron, and her relationship with Wright. The second part of the book describes, with text, drawings, and models, Peter Walker and Partners' new master plan for the park, presented to the city in 1995. (Publisher’s description.) Original cover price $24.95. (First Edition)
Size: 10.5 x 10.5
Pages: 63
ST#: 1997.46.1109
Date: 2002
Title: Hollyhock House Docent Roster, 2002 - 2003 (Spiral Bound) (Revised December 2002, Compiled by Gabriel Cifarelli)
Author: Cifarelli, Gabriel
Description: Docent: A person who acts as a guide, typically on a voluntary basis, in a museum or art gallery. Spiral bound booklet includes: Thirteen photographs of the Hollyhock House Rehabilitation taken between 2001-2002, courtesy of Mallcraft, Inc.; City of Los Angeles and Barnsdall Art Park; Friends of Hollyhock House; Docents Listed by Year of Membership; Hollyhock HOu8se Docents. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 24
ST#: 2002.111.0616Date: 2009 Title: Supplemental Historic Structure Report, Hollyhock House (Published as a PDF document for Project Restore and the City of Los Angeles)
Author: LSA Associates
Description: Under contract to Project Restore, LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA) has prepared this supplemental Historic Structure Report (HSR) for Hollyhock House located within the Aline Barnsdall Complex, one of two extant residential buildings designed on the site by Frank Lloyd Wright for Aline Barnsdall 1919–1921. The purpose of this supplemental HSR is to add new information to the 1992 Hollyhock House HSR prepared by Martin Weil, assess the current condition, and provide treatment recommendations for a focused list of priorities to facilitate Phase III repairs.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 73
ST#: 2009.33.1115
Date: 2012 Title: Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Coin Bank circa 2012 (1917 - S.208). (Produced by Landmark Models, Seattle, WA)
Description: Features the distinctive living room facade, complete with balcony and ornamental details. Constructed between 1918 and 1921 for oil heiress and arts patron Aline Barnsdall, Hollyhock House was Frank Lloyd Wright’s first project in Los Angeles. Though the structure appears to be made of concrete, it is actually wood and stucco. (Manufacturer’s description.) Cast in beige resin. Original cost $69.00.
Size: 7" wide, 3.5" deep, and .5." tall.
ST#: 2012.20.0315
The Master Plan included Hollyhock House, the main residence; The Theater; Residence A, (the Theater Director’s House); and Residence B. Aline Barnsdall’s Residence A was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1920. These four photographs were published in the April, 1926 issue of Wendingen. 1) Aline Barnsdall Residence A Circa 1923 (1920 - S.210). View of the west elevation from the Northwest. The Living Room (first floor) and Dining Room (second floor) are on the far left. The Entrance and Kitchen (second floor) are in the center, the Bedrooms are to the right. This photograph was also published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Hollyhock House and Olive Hill, Smith, 1992, p.158. Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. 10 x 7 B&W Photograph. (S#0156.52.1115-1) 2) Aline Barnsdall Residence A Circa 1923 (1920 - S.210). View of the West elevation from the Southwest. The Living Room (first floor) and Dining Room (second floor) are on the far left. The Entrance and Kitchen (second floor) are on the right. Stairs, bottom right, lead past the wall topped with an urn, and leads to the Entrance Courtyard. Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. 8 x 10 B&W photograph. (S#0156.52.1115-2) 3) Aline Barnsdall Residence A Circa 1923 (1920 - S.210). View of the North (left) and West elevation (right) from the Northwest. The two-story Living Room covers the whole North end of the house. Five doors open outward onto a balcony. Patterned borders frame each two-story set of the windows and doors. The Dining Room, on the west end of the second floor, overlooks the two story Living Room. Also published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Cahiers d'Art, 1928. Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. 10 x 7.5 B&W photograph. (S#0156.52.1115-3) 4) Aline Barnsdall Residence A Circa 1923 (1920 - S.210). View of the Northwest corner of the two-story Living Room. Five doors open outward onto a balcony on the left. Patterned borders frame each two-story set of the windows and doors. The Dining Room, top right of the second floor, overlooks the two story Living Room. Also published in In The Nature of Materials, 1942, Hitchcock, plate 242. Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. 7.5 x 10 B&W photograph. (S#0156.52.1115-4)
Set of 28 exterior photographs during a trip to Los Angeles, September 1994. Designed in 1917 by Frank Lloyd Wright as an appropriate style for Southern California, the house was built in 1920-1921. Barnsdall’s plan for the 36 acre Olive Hill was to include her home, theater and an arts community. Of all the projects Wright designed, only Hollyhock House and two additional residences were built. Residence B was demolished. Barnsdall lived in the home until 1927, when she gave Hollyhock House and eleven surrounding acres to the city of Los Angeles for use as a public art park in memory of her father, Theodore Barnsdall. For the next fifteen years the house was home to the California Art Club. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 1) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Entrance 1994 (1917 - S.208). Viewed from the North, the Entrance is at the end of the long open and covered Loggia. The roof is cantilevered over the Porte-cochere. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-1) 2) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Porte-cochere Niche 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Porte-cochere Niche at the Entrance to the home. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-2) 3) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Plaque 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Plaque near the Entrance to the home. "These premises were given to the city of Los Angelese in 1927 by Aline Barnsdall ‘For the study of the art of this and other Countries.’ In 1947 this building was reconstructed, furnished, and equipped and will be maintained for the same purpose by the Olive Hill Foundation, which was founded and endowed by Dorothy Clune Murray, in Memory of her son." Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-3) 4) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Flower Urn 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Flower Urn at the North end of the Entrance to the home. A stylized hollyhock is designed into the planter. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-4) 5) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Flower Urn Detail 1994 (1917 - S.208). Detail of the Flower Urn at the North end of the Entrance to the home. A stylized hollyhock is designed into the planter. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-5) 6) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Double Pedestal Flower Urn 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of a double pedestal flower urn, one of many of the Urns designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for the Hollyhock House. A stylized hollyhock is designed into the planter. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-6) 7) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Lamp Post 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the upper portion of the lamp post at the North end of the Entrance to the home. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-7) 8) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Lamp Post Base 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the base of the lamp post at the North end of the Entrance to the home. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-8) 9) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Porte-cochere Niche Exterior 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Porte-cochere Niche from the West. There is a built-in planter at the base of the back side. The exterior view of the niche mimics the shape of the Living Room. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-9) 10) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Living Room 1994 (1917 - S.208). Viewed from the Northwest, stairs lead up to the Terrace on the left, and is bordered with a Flower Urn and long built-in planter. The Living Room is in the background to the right. A stylized hollyhock is designed into the roof of the Living Room. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-10) 11) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Living Room 1994 (1917 - S.208). Viewed from the West, there is a Terrace, Flower Urn and built-in planter on either side of the Living Room. The pool is in the foreground. A stylized hollyhock is designed into the roof of the Living Room. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-11) 12) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Living Room 1994 (1917 - S.208). Viewed from the Southwest, stairs lead up to the Terrace on the right, and is bordered with a Flower Urn and long built-in planter. The Living Room is in the background to the left. A stylized hollyhock is designed into the roof of the Living Room. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-12) 13) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Detail 1994 (1917 - S.208). Detail of the stylized hollyhock designed into the roof. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-13) 14) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Flower Urn 1994 (1917 - S.208). Note: This Flower Urn is on the property, but we could not verify if it was designed by Wright. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-14) 15) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Playroom 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Children’s Playroom from the West. Glass panels are not designed as single pieces but as a complete design, flowing from one panel to the next. Corners are glass. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-15) 16) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Playroom 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Children’s Playroom from the South. Art glass surrounds the Playroom. Even the corners are glass. Two Hollyhock sculptures grace the upper corners. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-16) 17) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Playroom 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Children’s Playroom from the East. Glass panels are not designed as single pieces but as a complete design, flowing from one panel to the next. Corners are glass. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-17) 18) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Playroom 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Children’s Playroom from the East. Detail of the stylized hollyhock designed into the roof. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-18) 19) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Sleeping Alcove 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Sleeping Alcove from the East. This is the largest expanse of art glass in the house. A built-in planter is level with the base of the windows. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-19) 20) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Pool 1994 (1917 - S.208). (Note: This photograph was taken on the East side of the home.) Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-20) 21) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Garden Court 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Inner Garden Court from the East. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-21) 22) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Garden Court 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Inner Garden Court from the East. The Gallery is on the left, Loggia and Living Room straight ahead. The Colonnade and Kitchen are on the far right. Stairs lead to the roof Terrace. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-22) 23) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Gallery Window 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Gallery’s Art Glass windows from the Garden Court. Past the Colonnade is the Kitchen. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-23) 24) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Colonnade 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Colonnade from the Southwest. Past the Colonnade is the Kitchen. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-24) 25) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Roof Top 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the roof top from the Southeast. The Loggia is on the lower left, the Living Room on the far left. The Colonnade is on the lower right, Dining Room and Kitchen on the far right. Note the downed Hollyhock sculpture lying on the ground by the Loggia, a casualty of the earthquake. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-25) 26) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Roof Top 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the roof top from the Southeast. The Music Room is in the background on the left. The Colonnade is on the lower right, Dining Room in the center and the Kitchen on the far right. Note the "Hollywood" sign in the background hills on the left. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-26) 27) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Kitchen Yard 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Kitchen yard from the East. The Kitchen is on the left, Dining Room straight ahead. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-27) 28) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Entrance Passageway 1994 (1917 - S.208). Viewed from the Northeast, the Dining Room is on the left, the Entrance Passageway is on the right. The Motor Court garden is in the foreground. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.92.1015-28)
Set of 18 interior photographs during a trip to Los Angeles, September 1994. View of the Living Room Fireplace looking South. The Fireplace is the focal point of the Living Room. "The bas-relief at the fireplace is composed in blocks of art-stone and ranks among the few and great mural abstractions that Wright deigned. Strictly geometric, monochromatic and austere in pattern, it is at the same time rich in references..." Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hollyhock House, Hoffmann, p.61. Designed in 1917 by Frank Lloyd Wright as an appropriate style for Southern California, the house was built in 1920-1921. Barnsdall’s plan for the 36 acre Olive Hill was to include her home, theater and an arts community. Of all the projects Wright designed, only Hollyhock House and two additional residences were built. Residence B was demolished. Barnsdall lived in the home until 1927, when she gave Hollyhock House and eleven surrounding acres to the city of Los Angeles for use as a public art park in memory of her father, Theodore Barnsdall. For the next fifteen years the house was home to the California Art Club. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 1) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Living Room Fireplace 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Living Room Fireplace looking South. The Fireplace is the focal point of the Living Room. "The bas-relief at the fireplace is composed in blocks of art-stone and ranks among the few and great mural abstractions that Wright deigned. Strictly geometric, monochromatic and austere in pattern, it is at the same time rich in references..." Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hollyhock House, Hoffmann, p.61. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-1) 2) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Living Room Fireplace Skylight 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Living Room Fireplace art-glass skylight. The complex design includes wood, glass and art-glass. When combined with the pool below, as a whole, the fireplace symbolizes fire, light, water and earth. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-2) 3) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Living Room Fireplace Pool 1994 (1917 - S.208). September 1994. View of the Living Room Fireplace pool from the East. The pool is lines with gold tile. The pool was fed by water from the pool just to the West of the Living Room, then returned again. A small art-stone once bridged the pool. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-3) 4) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Living Room 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Living Room from the Northeast. The Fireplace is to the left, the outdoor pool is to the far right. The furniture ensemble was designed by Wright. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-4) 5) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Living Room 1994 (1917 - S.208). Detail of the built-in lamp, part of the furniture ensemble. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-5) 6) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Living Room Furniture 1994 (1917 - S.208). The furniture ensemble included couch, desk and chair, lamp and table. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-6) 7) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Living Room Art Glass 1994 (1917 - S.208). Detail of the Living Room art glass, looking East toward the Loggia and the Garden Court. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-7) 8) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Living Room Trim 1994 (1917 - S.208). Detail of the Living Room oak trim. Wide mitered molding included beadwork. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-8) 9) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Dining Room Chair 1994 (1917 - S.208). Backs of the dining room chair continue the hollyhock motif. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-9) 10) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Dining Room Art Glass 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Dining Room windows from the Southwest. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-10) 11) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Dining Room Art Glass Detail 1994 (1917 - S.208). Detail of the Dining Room art glass windows. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-11) 12) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Dining Room Light Fixture 1994 (1917 - S.208). Detail of the Dining Room light fixture. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-12) 13) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Playroom 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Southwest corner of the Children's Playroom. Glass panels are not designed as single pieces but as a complete design, flowing from one panel to the next. Corners are also glass. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-13) 14) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Playroom 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Southwest corner of the Children's Playroom. Corners are glass. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-14) 15) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Playroom 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the South end of the Children's Playroom. Detail of the art-glass windows. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-15) 16) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Master Bedroom 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Master Bedroom built-in shelves and cabinets, located above the Nursery. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-16) 17) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Master Bedroom 1994 (1917 - S.208). Just above the built-in shelves and cabinets in the Master Bedroom is this art-glass skylight. Broken pane possibly from the earthquake. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-17) 18) Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Master Bedroom 1994 (1917 - S.208). View of the Art-glass doors and windows that lead out to the Balcony over the Playroom, looking South. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.93.1015-18)
Set of 7 photographs during a trip to Los Angeles, September 1994. Designed in 1920, Barnsdall’s plan for the 36 acre Olive Hill was to include her home, theater and an arts community. Of all the projects Wright designed, only Hollyhock House and two additional residences were built. Residence B was demolished. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 1) Aline Barnsdall Residence A 1994 (1920 - S.210). View of Residence A from the Southwest. Stairs lead to the second floor. The Dining Room is on the far left, the Kitchen is in the center, Bedrooms on the right. Just to the left of the stairs, a second stairway leads down to the lower level and the entrance to the home, the Entrance Hall and a large two story Living Room. Stairs are not originals. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.94.1015-1) 2) Aline Barnsdall Residence A Dining Room 1994 (1920 - S.210). View of Dining Room from the Southwest. The large window looks out to the West. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.94.1015-2) 3) Aline Barnsdall Residence A Kitchen 1994 (1920 - S.210). View of Kitchen windows. The Entrance is just below. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.94.1015-3) 4) Aline Barnsdall Residence A 1994 (1920 - S.210). View of South end of the home. Stairs are not originals. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.94.1015-4) 5) Aline Barnsdall Residence A 1994 (1920 - S.210). Detail of the Southwest corner and the patterned borders. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.94.1015-5) 6) Aline Barnsdall Residence A 1994 (1920 - S.210). Detail of the patterned borders. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.94.1015-6) 7) Aline Barnsdall Residence A Living Room 1994 (1920 - S.210). View of the two story Living Room windows of the North elevation. Five doors open outward onto a balcony that originally matched the rest of the home. Patterned borders frame each set of the five windows and doors. Photographed by Douglas M. Steiner. 35mm color slide and 12 x 8" high res color digital image. (ST#1994.94.1015-7) CALIFORNIA ART CLUB BULLETIN Date: 1927
Title: California Art Club Bulletin - February 1927, Vol. II No. 5 (Published by The California Art Club, Los Angeles, California)
Author: Editor: Holmes, Ralph; 2) Anderson, Antony; Regan, Mrs. Francis
Description: This issue is devoted to the Aline Barnsdall Residence, Hollyhock House, and the gift of the house to the California Art Club.
1) “California Art Club News... The January Dinner of the Club was given in honor of Miss Aline Barnsdall, donor of the new home of the California Art Club and to Mrs. Michael Regan, art Patron and friend...”
2) “The California Art Club. The California Art Club, which is receiving a lavish present from Miss Aline Barnsdall in the form of her beautiful home, situated on the brow of Olive Hill, has been in existence for about twenty years. The growth of this Club for these twenty years is coincidental with the phenomenal material growth of the city itself...”
3) “The Gift of Miss Aline Barnsdall; The Home of the California Art Club; Olive Hill, Vermont Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, Ca. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect.
4) “Vision. February, 1927, in the annals of the California Art Club, will mark one of the great steps in the progress of the organization. The dinner this month celebrates the opening of the Art Club's Exhibition graciously tendered it by the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce in honor of Aline Barnsdall, art lover, and donor of the Club's new home on Olive Hill. This home, her own residence, is a vision, a work of great beauty from the hand of Frank Lloyd Wright, artist and architect...”
5) “Address of Mrs. Michael Francis Regan... Your most munificent gift, dear Miss Barnsdall...”
Includes 10 photographs and one illustration of Hollyhock house.
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: NP Pp 1-8
S#: 0199.06.0722ELEMENTS Date: 1996
Title: Elements, The Newsletter of the Friends of Hollyhock House - September, 1996 Vol 4 No 1 (Published by the Cultural Affairs Department, Los Angeles, CA)
Author: Editor: Olguin, Patricia E. 1) Burton, Ted 2) Ron Kline 3) Marsh, Nina 4) Reidy, Peter 5) Palmer-Lacy, Jennifer 6) Olguin, Patricia E. 7) Raff, Merritt Evan 8) Willis, Mark
Description: 1) Movie night recalls romance of the past. 2) President’s Report. 3) Fining the Wright Angles in the Bay Area. 4) Getting our stories straight. (Hollyhock House library door.) 5) Wright Family Portraits: Catherine Wright Baxter. 6) From the Editor 7) Setting the tome 8) Wright in Michigan Includes 5 photographs and illustrations. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 8
ST#: 1996.83.0618Date: 1996
Title: Elements, The Newsletter of the Friends of Hollyhock House - October, 1996 Vol 4 No 1 (Published by the Cultural Affairs Department, Los Angeles, CA)
Author: Kazor, Virginia
Description: Special Supplement. Behind the Scenes at Barnsdall Art Park. Cultural Affairs Department. Gift from Kathryn Smith.
Size: 8.5 x 11
Pages: Pp 1
ST#: 1996.84.0618
©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2024