





William Storrer's "Complete Catalog" has become the standard for cataloging Wright structures, superseding any other numbering systems. His cataloging system has become invaluable. It has become synonymous with Wright. S.072 Susan Lawrence Dana; S.096 Unity Temple; S.100 Darwin D. Martin; S.194 Imperial Hotel; S.230 Fallingwater; S.310 V.C. Morris Gift Shop; S.400 Guggenheim Museum, just to name a few. It has become an invaluable tool for organizing this collection.

This list was compiled by the University of Texas at Austin. Organized and revised by Douglas M. Steiner.

  000-049    050-099    100-149    150-199    200-249    250-299    300-349    350-399    400-433    PROJECTS 
Storrer # Date Project name Client City State
S.000 1886 Unity Chapel   Spring Green WI
S.001 1887 Hillside Home School Jones, Nell and Jane Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.002 1889 Frank Lloyd Wright Residence Wright, Frank Lloyd Oak Park IL
S.003 1895 Frank Lloyd Wright Residence Playroom Addition Wright, Frank Lloyd Oak Park IL
S.004 1897 Frank Lloyd Wright Studio Wright, Frank Lloyd Oak Park IL
S.002-4A 1911 Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio Apartment Conversion Wright, Frank Lloyd Oak Park IL
S.005 1890 Louis Sullivan Bungalow Sullivan, Louis Ocean Springs MS
S.006A 1890 Louis Sullivan Stables Sullivan, Louis Ocean Springs MS
S.006B 1890 Louis Sullivan Servant's Quarters Sullivan, Louis Ocean Springs MS
S.007 1890 James Charnley Bungalow Charnley, James Ocean Springs MS
S.008A 1890 James Charnley Guesthouse Charnley, James Ocean Springs MS
S.008B 1890 James Charnley Stable Cottage Charnley, James Ocean Springs MS
S.009 1891 James Charnley Residence Charnley, James Chicago IL
S.010 1891 William Storrs MacHarg (McHarg) Residence (Demolished) MacHarg, William Storrs Chicago IL
S.011 1892 William McArthur Residence McArthur, William Chicago IL
S.011A 1900 William McArthur Residence Remodeling McArthur, William Chicago IL
S.011B 1900 William McArthur Residence Garage McArthur, William Chicago IL
S.012 1903 Kenwood Dining Room Remodeling   Chicago IL
S.013 1893 W. Irving Clark Residence Clark, W. Irving LaGrange IL
S.014 1892 George Blossom Residence Blossom, George Chicago IL
S.015 1892 Robert G. Emmond Residence Emmond, Robert G. LaGrange IL
S.016 1892 Thomas H. Gale Residence Gale, Thomas H. Oak Park IL
S.017 1892 Robert P. Parker Residence Parker, Robert P. Oak Park IL
S.018 1892 Dr. Allison W. Harlan Residence Harlan,  Allison W.  (Dr.) Chicago IL
S.019 1892 Albert Sullivan Residence Sullivan, Albert Chicago IL
S.020 1893 Walter M. Gale Residence Gale, Walter M. Oak Park IL
S.021 1893 Robert M. Lamp Cottage (Rocky Roost) Lamp, Robert M. Madison WI
S.021A 1901 Robert M. Lamp Cottage Additions and Alterations Lamp, Robert M. Madison WI
S.022 1893 Municipal Boathouse (Lake Mendota) Madison Improvement Association Madison WI
S.023 1893 Francis Woolley Residence Woolley, Francis Oak Park IL
S.024 1894 William Herman Winslow Residence Winslow, William Herman River Forest IL
S.025 1894 William Herman Winslow Residence Stable Winslow, William Herman River Forest IL
S.026 1894 Robert W. Roloson Rowhouses (Study) Roloson, Robert W. Chicago IL
S.027 1894 H.W. Bassett Residence Remodeling Bassett, H.W. (Dr.) Oak Park IL
S.028 1894 Frederick Bagley Residence (Study) Bagley, Frederick Hinsdale IL
S.029 1893 Peter Goan Residence Goan, Peter LaGrange IL
S.030 1895 Francisco Terrace Apartments Waller, Edward Carson Chicago IL
S.031 1895 Edward C. Waller Apartments Waller, Edward Carson Chicago IL
S.032 1895 Francis Apartments Terre Haute Trust Company Chicago IL
S.033 1895 Chauncey L. Williams Residence (Study) Williams, Chauncey L. River Forest IL
S.033A 1895 Chauncey L. Williams Residence Dormer Alterations (Study) Williams, Chauncey L. River Forest IL
S.034 1895 Nathan G. Moore Residence Moore, Nathan G. Oak Park IL
S.034A 1923 Nathan G. Moore Residence Remodeling Moore, Nathan G. Oak Park IL
S.035 1923 Nathan G. Moore Residence Stable Moore, Nathan G. Oak Park IL
S.036 1895 Harrison P. Young Residence Additions and Remodeling Young, Harrison P. Oak Park IL
S.037 1896 Romeo and Juliet Windmill Jones, Nell and Jane Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.037A 1938 Romeo and Juliet Windmill  (II) Wright, Frank Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.038 1896 Isidore Heller Residence (Study) Heller, Isidore Chicago IL
S.038A 1896? Isidore Heller Residence Alterations (Study) Heller, Isidore Chicago IL
S.039 1894 Henry and Lily Mitchell Residence Mitchell, Henry and Lily Racine WI
S.040 1896 Charles E. Roberts Residence Remodeling Roberts, Charles E. Oak Park IL
S.041 ca. 1900 Charles E. Roberts Stable Roberts, Charles E. Oak Park IL
S.042 1896 Harry  C. Goodrich Residence Goodrich, Harry C. Oak Park IL
S.043 1897 George Furbeck Residence Furbeck, Warren Oak Park IL
S.044 1897 Rollin Furbeck Residence Furbeck, Warren Oak Park IL
S.044A 1907 Rollin Furbeck Residence Remodeling   Oak Park IL
S.045 1896 George W. Smith Residence Smith, George W. Oak Park IL
S.046 1899 Joseph and Helen Husser Residence (Study) Husser, Joseph and Helen Chicago IL
S.047 1899 Edward C. Waller Residence Remodeling Waller, Edward Carson River Forest IL
S.048 1900 William and Jessie M. Adams Residence Adams, William Chicago IL
S.049 1900 S.A. Foster Residence  Foster, Stephen A. Chicago IL
S.050 1900 S.A. Foster Stable Foster, Stephen A. Chicago IL
S.051 1900, 1906 Edward R. Hills Residence Remodeling Moore, Nathan G. Oak Park IL
S.052 1900 B. Harley Bradley Residence Bradley, B. Harley Kankakee IL
S.053 1900 B. Harley Bradley Stable Bradley, B. Harley Kankakee IL
S.054 1901 Ward Winfield Willits Residence Willits, Ward Winfield Highland Park IL
S.055 1901 Ward W. Willits Gardener's Cottage with Stables Willits, Ward Winfield Highland Park IL
S.056 1900 Warren Hickox Residence Hickox, Warren Kankakee IL
S.057 1901 F.B. Henderson Residence (Study) Henderson, F.B. Elmhurst IL
S.058 1901 William G. Fricke (Fricke-Martin) Residence Fricke, William G. Oak Park IL
S.059   Dropped      
S.060 1907 Emma Martin Garage (Fricke-Martin) Martin, Emma Oak Park IL
S.061 1902 William E. Martin Residence Martin, William E. Oak Park IL
S.061A 1909 William E. Martin Residence Pergola Martin, William E. Oak Park IL
S.062 1898 River Forest Golf Club River Forest Golf Club River Forest IL
S.062A 1901 River Forest Golf Club Additions and Alterations River Forest Golf Club River Forest IL
S.063 1901 Buffalo Exposition Pavilion Universal Portland Cement Co. Buffalo NY
S.064 1902 Lake Delavan Yacht Club Lake Delavan Yacht Club Delavan  WI
S.065 1901 Edward C. Waller Gates Waller, Edward Carson River Forest IL
S.066 1901 Edward C. Waller Stables & Poultry House Waller, Edward Carson River Forest IL
S.067 1901 Frank Wright Thomas Residence Rogers, James C. Oak Park IL
S.068 1901 E. Arthur Davenport Residence Davenport, E. Arthur River Forest IL
S.069 1902 Hillside Home School II Jones, Nell and Jane Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.070 1902 Francis W. and Mary Little Residence I Little, Francis W. & Mary Trimble Peoria IL
S.071 1902 Francis W. and Mary Little Stable Little, Francis W. & Mary Trimble Peoria IL
S.072 1902 Susan Lawrence Dana (Dana-Thomas) Residence Dana, Susan Lawrence Springfield IL
S.072A 1902 Susan Lawrence Dana Stable Remodeling Dana, Susan Lawrence Springfield IL
S.072B ca. 1902 Susan Lawrence Dana White Cottage Basement Dana, Susan Lawrence Springfield IL
S.073 1905 Lawrence Memorial Library none listed Springfield IL
S.074 1902 Arthur and Grace Heurtley Residence Heurtley, Arthur Oak Park IL
S.075 1902 Arthur Heurtley Cottage Remodeling Heurtley, Arthur Marquette Island MI
S.076 1900 E.H. Pitkin Residence Pitkin, E.H. Sapper Isl., Desbarats Ontario
S.077 1902 Mrs. George Gerts Double House (Bridge Cottage) Gerts, Mrs. George Whitehall MI
S.078 1902 Walter Gerts Cottage Gerts, Walter S. Whitehall MI
S.079 1900 Henry Wallis Cottage (Wallis-Goodsmith) Wallis, Henry Delavan  WI
S.080 1897 Henry Wallis Cottage Boathouse Wallis, Henry Delavan  WI
S.081 1902 George W. Spencer Residence Spencer, George W. Delavan  WI
S.082 1902 Charles S. Ross Residence Ross, Charles S. Delavan  WI
S.083 1900 Fred B. Jones Residence (Penwern) Jones, Fred B. Delavan  WI
S.084 1901 Fred B. Jones Gate Lodge with Water Tower & Greenhouse Jones, Fred B. Delavan  WI
S.085 1901 Fred B. Jones Barn with Stables Jones, Fred B. Delavan  WI
S.086 1900 Fred B. Jones Boathouse Jones, Fred B. Delavan  WI
S.087 1905 A.P. Johnson Residence Johnson, A.P. Delavan  WI
S.088 1897 Mr. Thomas H. Gale Cottage Gale, Thomas H. Whitehall MI
S.088.1 1909 Mrs. Thomas H. Gale Cottage 1 Gale, Mrs. Thomas H. Whitehall MI
S.088.2 1909 Mrs. Thomas H. Gale Cottage 2 Gale, Mrs. Thomas H. Whitehall MI
S.088.3 1909 Mrs. Thomas H. Gale Cottage 3 Gale, Mrs. Thomas H. Whitehall MI
S.089 1902 A.W. Hebert Residence Remodeling Hebert, A.W. (Dr.) Evanston IL
S.090 1905, 1908 Darwin D. Martin Gardener's Cottage Martin, Darwin D. Buffalo NY
S.091 1903 J.J. Walser, Jr. Residence Walser, J.J., Jr. Chicago IL
S.092 1903 W.H. Freeman Residence Freeman, W.H. Hinsdale IL
S.093 1903 Larkin Company Administration Building Martin, Darwin D. Buffalo NY
S.094 1903 Scoville Park Fountain (Horse Show Fountain) none listed Oak Park IL
S.095 1903 Abraham Lincoln Center Jones, Jenkin Lloyd (Reverend) Chicago IL
S.096 1904 Unity Temple Unity Church Oak Park IL
S.097 1903 Robert M. Lamp Residence Lamp, Robert M. Madison WI
S.098 1904, 1909 Mrs. Thomas H. Gale Residence Gale, Mrs. Thomas H. (Laura R.) Oak Park IL
S.099 1904 Burton J. Westcott Residence Westcott, Burton J. Springfield OH
S.099A 1904 Burton J. Westcott Pergola and Detached Garage Westcott, Burton J. Springfield OH
S.100 1904 Darwin D. Martin Residence Martin, Darwin D. Buffalo NY
S.101 1904 Darwin D. Martin Residence Conservatory Martin, Darwin D. Buffalo NY
S.102 1904 Darwin D. Martin Residence Garage with Stables Martin, Darwin D. Buffalo NY
S.103 1903 George Barton Residence Barton, George Buffalo NY
S.104 1903 Mamah Borthwick and Edwin H. Cheney Residence Cheney, Mamah Borthwick & Edwin Oak Park IL
S.105 1904 William R. Heath Residence Heath, William R. Buffalo NY
S.106 1905 Harvey P. Sutton Residence Sutton, Harvey P. McCook NE
S.107 1904 Hiram Baldwin Residence Baldwin, Hiram Kenilworth IL
S.108 1905 Mary M.W. Adams Residence Adams, Mary M.W. Highland Park IL
S.109 1905 William A. Glasner Residence Glasner, William A. Glencoe IL
S.110 1905 Charles A. Brown Residence Brown, Charles A. Evanston IL
S.111 1905 Frank L. Smith Bank (First National Bank of Dwight) (Study) Smith, Frank L. Dwight IL
S.112 1905 E.W. Cummings Real Estate Office Cummings, E.W. River Forest IL
S.113 1905 Rookery Building Entryway and Lobby Remodeling Waller, Edward Carson Chicago IL
S.114 1905 E-Z Polish Factory Martin, Darwin D. & W.E. Martin Chicago IL
S.115 1905 Thomas P. Hardy Residence Hardy, Thomas P. Racine WI
S.116 1906 William H. Pettit Mortuary Chapel Pettit, Emma Glasner Belvidere IL
S.117 1906 Peter A. Beachy Residence Beachy, Peter A. Oak Park IL
S.118 1906 Frederick D. Nichols Residence Nichols, Frederick D. Flossmoor IL
S.119 1906 River Forest Tennis Club River Forest Tennis Club River Forest IL
S.120 1906 P.D. Hoyt Residence Hoyt, P.D. Geneva IL
S.121 1906 A.W. Gridley Residence Gridley, A.W. Batavia IL
S.122   Dropped      
S.123 1906 Grace Fuller Residence Fuller, Grace Glencoe IL
S.124 1906 C. Thaxter Shaw Residence Remodeling Shaw, C. Thaxter Montreal, Quebec Canada
S.125 1906 K.C. DeRhodes Residence DeRhodes, K.C. South Bend IN
S.126 1906 George Madison Millard Residence Millard, George Madison Highland Park IL
S.127 1906 Frederick C. Robie Residence (Robie House) Robie, Frederick C. Chicago IL
S.128 1904 Ferdinand Frederick and Emily Tomek Residence Tomek, Ferdinand F. & Emily Riverside IL
S.129 1907 Colonel George Fabyan Remodeling (Fabyan Villa) Fabyan, George (Colonel) Geneva IL
S.130 1907 Fox River Country Club Addition Fabyan, George (Colonel) Geneva IL
S.131 1907 Pebbles & Balch Shop Remodeling  (Study) Balch, Oscar. B.  Oak Park IL
S.132 1907 Larkin Jamestown Exhibition Pavilion Larkin Company Norfolk VA
S.133 1907 George Blossom Garage Blossom, George Chicago IL
S.134 1907 Andrew T. Porter Residence (Tanyderi) Porter, Andrew T. Spring Green WI
S.135 1907 Avery Coonley Residence Coonley, Avery Riverside IL
S.136 1911 Avery Coonley Gardener's Cottage Coonley, Avery Riverside IL
S.137 1911 Avery Coonley Garage with Stables (Coach House) Coonley, Avery Riverside IL
S.138 1908 Stephen M.B. Hunt Residence I Hunt, Stephen M.B. LaGrange IL
S.139 1908 G.C. Stockman Residence Stockman, G.C. Mason City IA
S.140 1908 Raymond W. Evans Residence Evans, Raymond W. Chicago IL
S.141 1908 Browne's Bookstore (Study) Browne, Maurice Chicago IL
S.142 1908 L.K. Horner Residence Horner, L.K. Chicago IL
FLW 0531 1908-9 Ingwald Moe Residence Ingwald Moe Gary IN
S.143 1912 Observation Platform for the Island Woolen Mills Island Woolen Mills Baraboo WI
S.144 1909 Como Orchard Summer Colony (Study) Como Orchard Land Co. Darby MT
S.144A 1909 Como Orchard Clubhouse (Inn) (Study) Como Orchard Land Co. Darby MT
S.144B 1909 Como Orchard One-room Cottage/Manager's Office (Study) Como Orchard Land Co. Darby MT
S.144C 1909 Como Orchard Three-bedroom Cottage (Study) Como Orchard Land Co. Darby MT
S.144D 1909 Como Orchard Small Cottage (Study) Como Orchard Land Co. Darby MT
S.145 1908 Bitter Root Inn (Study) Bitter Root Valley Irrigation Co. Stevensville MT
S.146 1908 Eugene A. Gilmore Residence (Airplane House) Gilmore, Eugene A. Madison WI
S.147 1908 Edward E. Boynton Residence Boynton, Edward E. Rochester NY
S.148 1908 Meyer May Residence May, Meyer Grand Rapids MI
S.149 1908 Walter V. Davidson Residence Davidson, Walter V. Buffalo NY
S.150 1908 Isabel Roberts Residence (Roberts-Scott S.394) Roberts, Mary River Forest IL
S.151 1909 Frank J. Baker Residence Baker, Frank J. Wilmette IL
S.151A 1909 Frank J. Baker Residence Carriage House Baker, Frank J. Wilmette IL
S.151B early 1920s Frank J. Baker Residence Additions Baker, Frank J. Wilmette IL
S.152 1909 Robert D. Clarke Additions to the Little Stable Clarke, Robert D. and Cora G. Peoria IL
S.153 1909 Oscar Steffens Residence Steffens, Oscar Chicago IL
S.154 1909 W. Scott Thurber Art Gallery Thurber, W. Scott Chicago IL
S.155 1909 City National Bank Building Blythe, James E. & J.E.E. Markley Mason City IA
S.156 1909 Park Inn Hotel Blythe, James E. & J.E.E. Markley Mason City IA
S.157 1910 Law Offices Remodeling Blythe, James E. & J.E.E. Markley Mason City IA
S.158 1909 William H. Copeland Residence Alterations Copeland, William H. (Dr.) Oak Park IL
S.159 1908 William H. Copeland Residence Garage Alterations Copeland, William H. (Dr.) Oak Park IL
S.160 1909 Emily and George C. Stewart Summer Residence Stewart, Emily and George C. Montecito CA
S.161 1909 J. Kibben Ingalls Residence Ingalls, J. Kibben River Forest IL
S.162 1909 Peter C. Stohr Arcade Building (Study) Stohr, Peter C. Chicago IL
S.163 1910 New York City Exhibition Universal Portland Cement Co. New York NY
S.164 1910 Reverend Jessie R. Ziegler Residence Ziegler, Jessie R. (Rev.) Frankfort KY
S.165 1909 Edward P. and Florence Bernice Irving Residence Irving, Edward P. Decatur IL
S.165A 1909 Edward P. and Florence Bernice Irving Detached Garage Irving, Edward P. Decatur IL
S.166 1909 Edward C. Waller Bathing Pavilion Waller, Edward Carson Charlevoix MI
S.167 1914 Women's Building Inter-County Fairgrounds Spring Green WI
S.168 1911 O.B. Balch Residence Balch, Oscar B. Oak Park IL
S.169 1911 Herbert Angster Residence Angster, Herbert Lake Bluff IL
S.170 1911 Banff National Park Pavilion Banff National Park Banff, Alberta Canada
S.171 1911 Lake Geneva Hotel Richards, Arthur & John Williams Lake Geneva WI
S.172 1911 Taliesin I Wright, Frank Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.173 1912 Francis W. Little Residence II (Northome) Little, Francis W. Deephaven MN
S.174 1912 Avery Coonley Playhouse Coonley, Avery Riverside IL
S.175 1912 Park Ridge Country Club Remodeling Park Ridge Country Club Park Ridge IL
S.176 1912 William B. Greene Residence Greene, William B. Aurora IL
S.177 1911 Walter Gerts Residence Remodeling Gerts, Walter S. River Forest IL
S.178 1913 Sherman M. Booth Summer Cottage Booth, Sherman M. Glencoe IL
S.179 1913 Harry S. Adams Residence Adams, Harry S. Oak Park IL
S.179A 1913 Harry S. Adams Detached Garage Adams, Harry S. Oak Park IL
S.180 1913 Midway Gardens (Study) (Study) Waller, Edward Carson. Jr. Chicago IL
S.181 1914 Mori Oriental Art Studio unknown Chicago IL
S.182 1914 Taliesin II Wright, Frank Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.183 1915 A.D.German Warehouse German, Albert Dell Richland Center WI
S.184 1908 Edmund F. Brigham Residence Brigham, Edmund F. Glencoe IL
S.184A 1915 Edmund F. Brigham Detached Garage Brigham, Edmund F. Glencoe IL
S.185 1915 Ravine Bluffs Architectural Features Booth, Sherman M. Glencoe IL
S.186 1915 Ravine Bluffs Development Bridge Booth, Sherman M. Glencoe IL
F.1123 1915 Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Railway Station Booth, Sherman M. Glencoe IL
S.187 1915 Sherman M. Booth Residence Scheme II Booth, Sherman M. Glencoe IL
S.188 1915 Chelsey R. Perry Residence Perry, Chelsey R. Glencoe IL
S.189 1915 Hollis R. Root Residence Root, Hollis R. Glencoe IL
S.190 1915 William F. Kier Residence Kier, William F. Glencoe IL
S.191 1915 William F. Ross Residence Ross, William F. Glencoe IL
S.192 1915 Lute F. and Daniel Kissam Residence Kissam, Lute F. and Daniel Glencoe IL
S.193 1915 Emil Bach Residence Bach, Emil Chicago IL
S.194 1915 Imperial Hotel (Study) Imperial Hotel Tokyo Japan
S.195 1919 Imperial Hotel Annex (Study) Imperial Hotel Tokyo Japan
S.196 1916 Frederick C. Bogk Residence Bogk, Frederick C. Milwaukee WI
S.197 1916 Ernest Vosburgh Summer Residence Bosburgh, Ernest Grand Beach MI
S.198 1916 Joseph J. Bagley Summer Residence Bagley, Joseph J. Grand Beach MI
S.199 1916 W.S. Carr Summer Residence Carr, W.S. Grand Beach MI
    American System-Built Homes (ASBH)      
S.200 1916 Arthur R. Munkwitz Duplex Apartments (Richards ASBH) Munkwitz, Arthur R. Milwaukee WI
S.201 1916 Arthur L. Richards Duplex Apartments (Richards ASBH) Richards, Arthur L. Milwaukee WI
S.202 1915 Arthur L. Richards Small House (Richards ASBH) Richards, Arthur L. Milwaukee WI
S.203.1 1915 Richards Bungalow (Richards ASBH) Richards, Arthur L. Milwaukee WI
S.203.2 1915 Lewis E. Burleigh Residence (Richards ASBH) Burleigh, Lewis E. Wilmette IL
S.203.3 1915 Ida and Grace McElwain Residence (Richards ASBH) McElwain, Ida and Grace Lake Bluff IL
S.203.4 1917 Stephen M.B. Hunt Residence II (Richards ASBH) Hunt, Stephen M.B. Oshkosh WI
S.204.1 1917 Guy C. Smith Residence (Richards ASBH) Smith, Guy C. Chicago IL
S.204.2 1917 H.H. Hyde Residence (Richards ASBH) Hyde, H.H. Chicago IL
S.204.2A 1917 H.H. Hyde Garage (Richards ASBH) Hyde, H.H. Chicago IL
S.204.3 1917 Oscar A. Johnson Residence (Richards ASBH) Johnson, Oscar A. Evanston IL
S.204.4 1917 Delbert W. Meier Residence (Richards ASBH) Meier, Delbert W. Monona IA
S.204.5 1917 Wilbert Wynant Residence (Richards ASBH) Wynant, Wilbert Gary IN
S.204.6 1917 Charles Heisen Residence (Richards ASBH) Heisen, Charles Villa Park IL 1917 Elizabeth Murphy House (Model A203) Elizabeth Murphy Shorewood WI
S.205 1916 Henry J. Allen Residence (Allen-Lambe) Allen, Henry J. Wichita KS
S.205A 1916 Henry J. Allen Residence Detached Garage Allen, Henry J. Wichita KS
S.206 1917 Aisaku Hayashi Residence Hayashi, Aisaku Tokyo Japan
S.207 1918 Arinobu Fukuhara Residence Fukuhara, Shinzo Gora, Hakone  Japan
S.208 1917 Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Barnsdall, Aline Los Angeles CA
S.209 1920 Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Spring House Barnsdall, Aline Los Angeles CA
S.210 1920 Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Residence A Barnsdall, Aline Los Angeles CA
S.211 1920 Aline Barnsdall Hollyhock House Studio Residence B. Barnsdall, Aline Los Angeles CA
S.212 1918 Tazaemon Yamamura Residence Yamamura, Tazaemon Ashiya Japan
S.213 1921 Jiyu Gakuen Girls' School   Tokyo Japan
S.214 1923 Mrs. Alice (George Madison) Millard Res. (La Miniatura) Millard, Alice Pasadena CA
S.215 1923 John Storer Residence Storer, John Hollywood CA
S.216 1923 Harriet and Samuel Freeman Residence Freeman, Samuel Los Angeles CA
S.217 1923 Mabel & Charles Ennis Res. (Ennis-Nesbitt) (Ennis-Brown) Ennis, Charles and Mabel Los Angeles CA
S.217A 1923 Detached Chauffeur's Quarters Ennis, Charles and Mabel Los Angeles CA
S.217B 1940 John Nesbitt Alterations to the Ennis Residence Nesbitt, John Los Angeles CA
S.218 1925- Taliesin III Wright, Frank Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.219 1945 Taliesin III Dams Wright, Frank Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.220 1959 Enclosed Garden at Taliesin Wright, Mrs. Frank Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.221 1927 Arizona Biltmore Hotel McArthur, Warren, Charles, & Albert Phoenix AZ
S.222A 1927 Six Single-story Type I (four apartment) Cottages McArthur, Warren, Charles, & Albert Phoenix AZ
S.222B 1927 Five Single-story Type 2 (five apartment) Cottages McArthur, Warren, Charles, & Albert Phoenix AZ
S.222C 1927 Four Two-story Cottages McArthur, Warren, Charles, & Albert Phoenix AZ
S.223 1927 Beach Cottages unknown Dumy't Egypt
S.224 1928 Ocatilla Desert Camp Wright, Frank Lloyd Chandler AZ
S.225 1927 Isabel Martin Residence (Greycliff) Martin, Isabel (Mrs. Darwin Martin) Derby NY
S.226 1927 Isabel Martin Residence Garage Martin, Isabel (Mrs. Darwin Darwin) Derby NY
S.227 1929 Richard Lloyd Jones Residence (Westhope) Jones, Richard Lloyd Tulsa OK
S.227A 1929 Detached Garage and Servants' Quarters Jones, Richard Lloyd Tulsa OK
S.228 1932- Taliesin Fellowship Complex Wright, Frank Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.228A 1932 Hillside Drafting Studio Wright, Frank Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.228B 1933 Hillside Playhouse Wright, Frank Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.228C 1952 Hillside Theatre Wright, Frank Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.229 1933 Malcolm E. Willey Residence Willey, Malcolm E. Minneapolis MN
S.230 1935 Liliane S. & Edgar J. Kaufmann, Sr., Residence (Fallingwater) Kaufmann, Edgar J., Sr. Mill Run PA
S.231 1938 Edgar J. Kaufmann, Sr., Guesthouse Kaufmann, Edgar J., Sr. Mill Run PA
S.233 1937 Edgar J. Kaufmann, Sr., Office Kaufmann, Edgar J., Sr. Pittsburgh PA
S.234 1936 Herbert and Katherine Jacobs Residence (Jacobs I ) Jacobs, Herbert Madison WI
S.235 1936 Jean S. and Paul R. Hanna Residence (Honeycomb House) Hanna, Paul R. Stanford CA
S.235A 1950 Jean S. and Paul R. Hanna Residence Workshop Addition Hanna, Paul R. Stanford CA
S.235B 1957 Jean S. and Paul R. Hanna Residence Alterations Hanna, Paul R. Stanford  CA
S.236 1936 Mrs. Abby Beecher Roberts Residence (Deertrack) Roberts,  Abby Beecher Marquette MI
S.237 1936 S.C. Johnson & Son Administration Building Johnson, Herbert F. Racine WI
S.237A 1951 S.C. Johnson & Son Administration Building Additions Johnson, Herbert F. Racine WI
S.238 1944 Johnson Research Tower (Heliolaboratory) Johnson, Herbert F. Racine  WI
S.239 1937 Herbert F. Johnson Residence (Wingspread) Johnson, Herbert F. Wind Point WI
S.240 1937 Ben Rebhuhn Residence Rebhuhn, Ben Great Neck Estates NY
S.241 1937 Taliesin West Wright, Frank Lloyd Scottsdale AZ
S.242 1937 Taliesin West Sign Wright, Frank Lloyd Scottsdale AZ
S.243 1949 Taliesin West Cabaret Theatre Wright, Frank Lloyd Scottsdale AZ
S.244 1956 Taliesin West Music Pavilion Wright, Frank Lloyd Scottsdale AZ
S.245 1937 Taliesin West Sun Trap Wright, Frank Lloyd Scottsdale AZ
S.245A 1948 Taliesin West Sun Cottage remodeling of Sun Trap Wright, Frank Lloyd Scottsdale AZ
S.246 1938 Midway Barns Wright, Frank Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.247 1947 Dairy and Machine Sheds Wright, Frank Lloyd Spring Green WI
S.248 1938 Suntop Homes Mallery, Otto Tod (Tod Company) Ardmore PA
S.249 1938 Charles L. Manson Residence Manson, Charles L. Wausau WI
S.250 1939 Rose Pauson Residence (Shiprock) Pauson, Rose Phoenix AZ
    Florida Southern College      
S.251 1938 Annie Merner Pfeiffer Chapel Florida Southern College Lakeland FL
S.252 1941 E.T. Roux Library Florida Southern College Lakeland FL
S.253.1-3 1940 Seminar Buildings Florida Southern College Lakeland FL
S.253A 1940- Conversion to Offices of Seminar Buildings Florida Southern College Lakeland FL
S.254 1942 Industrial Arts Building Florida Southern College Lakeland FL
S.255 1945 Administration Building Group Florida Southern College Lakeland FL
S.255A 1938, 1948 Waterdome Florida Southern College Lakeland FL
S.255B 1945 Emile E. Watson Administration Building Florida Southern College Lakeland FL
S.255C 1945 Benjamin Fine Administration Building Florida Southern College Lakeland FL
S.256 1953 Science and Cosmography Building Florida Southern College Lakeland FL
S.257 1946 Esplanades Florida Southern College Lakeland FL
S.258 1954 Minor Chapel (William H. Danforth Chapel) Florida Southern College Lakeland FL
S.259 1939 Sidney Bazett Residence (Bazett-Frank) Bazett, Sidney Hillsborough CA
S.259A 1954 Louis and Betty Frank Playroom/Studio Addition Frank, Louis and Betty Hillsborough CA
S.260 1939 Andrew F.H. Armstrong Residence Armstrong, Andrew F.H. Ogden Dunes IN
S.261 1940, 1951 Auldbrass Plantation Stevens Residence Stevens, C. Leigh Yemassee SC
S.261A 1940, 1993 Auldbrass Plantation Guesthouse Stevens, C. Leigh Yemassee SC
S.262 no date Auldbrass Plantation Seven Cottages Stevens, C. Leigh Yemassee SC
S.263A no date Auldbrass Plantation Granary (Barn) Stevens, C. Leigh Yemassee SC
S.263B no date Auldbrass Plantation Chicken Runs Stevens, C. Leigh Yemassee SC
S.263C no date Auldbrass Plantation Shop Stevens, C. Leigh Yemassee SC
S.263D no date Auldbrass Plantation Caretaker's Quarters Stevens, C. Leigh Yemassee SC
S.264A no date Auldbrass Plantation Stables Stevens, C. Leigh Yemassee SC
S.264B no date Auldbrass Plantation Kennels Stevens, C. Leigh Yemassee SC
S.264C no date Auldbrass Plantation Manager's Office Stevens, C. Leigh Yemassee SC
S.265 1939 Lloyd Lewis Residence Lewis, Lloyd Libertyville IL
S.266 1943 Lloyd Lewis Residence Farm Unit Lewis, Lloyd Libertyville IL
S.267 1939 Stanley and Mildred Rosenbaum Residence Rosenbaum, Stanley and Mildred Florence AL
S.267A 1948 Stanley and Mildred Rosenbaum Residence Addition Rosenbaum, Stanley and Mildred Florence AL
S.268 1939 Loren B. Pope Residence (Pope-Leighey) Pope, Loren B. Falls Church VA
S.269 1939 Goetsch-Winckler Residence Goetsch, Alma & Katherine Winckler Okemos MI
S.270 1939 Joseph Euchtman Residence Euchtman, Joseph Baltimore MD
S.271 1939 Bernard Schwartz Residence Schwartz, Bernard Two Rivers WI
S.272 1939 George D. Sturges Residence Sturges, George D. Brentwood Heights CA
S.273 1938 John Clarence Pew Residence Pew, John Clarence Shorewood Hills WI
S.274 1940 Gregor S. and Elizabeth B. Affleck Residence Affleck, Gregor S. and Elizabeth B. Bloomfield Hills MI
S.275 1940 Arch Oboler Gatehouse Complex Oboler, Arch Malibu CA
S.276 1941 Eleanor's Retreat Oboler, Arch Malibu CA
S.275A 1944 Additions to Arch Oboler Gatehouse Complex Oboler, Arch Malibu CA
S.275B 1955 Oboler House Oboler, Arch Malibu CA
S.277 1940 Theodore Baird Residence Baird, Theodore Amherst MA
S.277A 1940 Theodore Baird Residence Detached Shop Baird, Theodore Amherst MA
S.278 1940 James B. Christie Residence Christie, James B. Bernardsville NJ
S.278A 1940 James B. Christie Residence Detached Shop Christie, James B. Bernardsville NJ
S.279 1939 Clarence Sondern Residence (Sondern-Adler 307) Sondern, Clarence Kansas City MO
S.280 1940 Community Church Jenkens, Burris (Rev. Dr.) Kansas City MO
S.281 1941 Carlton David and Margaret Wall Residence (Snowflake) Wall, Carlton David & Margaret Plymouth MI
S.282 1940 Stuart Richardson Residence Richardson, Stuart Glen Ridge NJ
S.283 1944 Herbert and Katherine Jacobs Residence (Jacobs II) Jacobs, Herbert Middleton WI
S.284 1945 Lowell and Agnes Walter Residence (Cedar Rock) Walter, Lowell and Agnes Quasqueton IA
S.284A 1945 Lowell and Agnes Walter Residence Council Fire Walter, Lowell and Agnes Quasqueton IA
S.284B 1945 Lowell and Agnes Walter Residence Gate Walter, Lowell and Agnes Quasqueton IA
S.285 1948 Lowell and Agnes Walter River Pavilion Walter, Lowell and Agnes Quasqueton IA
S.286 1945 Arnold Friedman Vacation Lodge (The Fir Tree) Friedman, Arnold Pecos  NM
S.286A 1952, 1973 Arnold Friedman Vacation Lodge Caretaker's Quarters Friedman, Arnold Pecos  NM
S.287 1946 Sara and Melvyn Maxwell Smith Residence Smith, Melvyn Bloomfield Hills MI
S.288 1946 Douglas and Jackie Grant Residence Grant, Douglas and Jackie Marion (Cedar Rapids) IA
S.289 1946 Alvin Miller Residence Miller, Alvin Charles City IA
S.290 1946 Chauncey L. and Johanna Griggs Residence (Study) Griggs, Chauncey L. Tacoma WA
S.291 1947 Unitarian Meeting House (Study) Unitarian Society Shorewood Hills WI
S.292 1947 Dr. A.H. Bulbulian Residence Bulbulian, A.H. (Dr.) Rochester MN
S.293 1947 Amy Alpaugh Studio Residence Alpaugh, Amy Northport MI
    Galesburg Country Homes      
S.294 1948 David I. and Christine Weisblat Residence (Galesburg) Weisblat, David I. and Christine Galesburg MI
S.295 1948 Eric and Pat Pratt Residence (Galesburg) Pratt, Eric and Pat Galesburg MI
S.296 1948 Samuel Eppstein Residence (Galesburg) Eppstein, Samuel Galesburg MI
S.297 1948 Lillian and Curtis Meyer Residence  (Galesburg) Meyer, Lillian and Curtis Galesburg MI
    Parkwyn Village      
S.298 1948 Robert Levin Residence (Parkwyn) Levin, Robert Kalamazoo MI
S.299 1949 Helen and Ward McCartney Residence (Parkwyn) McCartney, Ward Kalamazoo MI
S.299A 1949 Helen and Ward McCartney Residence Bedroom Wing Addition McCartney, Ward Kalamazoo MI
S.299B 1956 Helen and Ward McCartney Residence Remodeling McCartney, Ward Kalamazoo MI
S.299C 1956 Helen and Ward McCartney Residence Carport Addition McCartney, Ward Kalamazoo MI
S.300 1949 Anne and Eric V. Brown Residence (Parkwyn) Brown, Eric V. Kalamazoo MI
S.300A 1950 Anne and Eric V. Brown Residence Addition Brown, Eric V. Kalamazoo MI
S.301 1950 Robert D. Winn Residence (Parkwyn) Winn, Robert D. Kalamazoo MI
S.302 1948 Herman T. Mossberg Residence Mossberg, Herman T. South Bend IN
S.303 1948 J. Willis Hughes Residence (Fountainhead) Hughes, J. Willis Jackson MS
S.304 1948 Carroll Alsop Residence Alsop, Carroll Oskaloosa IA
S.305 1948 Jack Lamberson Residence Lamberson, Jack Oskaloosa IA
S.306 1948 Mrs. Clinton Walker Residence Walker, Clinton (Mrs. Della) Carmel CA
S.307 1948 Arnold Adler Addition Sondern (S.279) Residence (Sondern-Adler) Adler, Arnold Kansas City MO
S.308 1948 Albert (Ollie and Edie) Adelman Residence Adelman, Ollie and Edie Fox Point WI
S.309 1948 Katherine Z. and Maynard P. Buehler Residence Buehler, Maynard P. Orinda CA
S.310 1948 V.C. Morris Gift Shop Morris, V.C. San Francisco CA
S.311 1948 Charles E. Weltzheimer Residence Weltzheimer, Charles E. Oberlin OH
S.312 1948 Erling P. and Katherine Brauner Residence Brauner, Erling P. Okemos MI
S.313 1949 James and Dolores Edwards Residence Edwards, James and Dolores Okemos MI
S.314 1949 Henry J. Neils Residence Neils, Henry J. Minneapolis MN
S.315 1949 Howard E. and Helen C. Anthony Residence Anthony, Howard E. and Helen C. Benton Harbor MI
    Pleasantville Usonia Homes      
S. 316 1948 Sol Friedman Residence (Pleasantville) Friedman, Sol Pleasantville NY
S.317 1949 Edward Serlin Residence (Pleasantville) Serlin, Edward Pleasantville NY
S.318 1951 Roland and Ronny Reisley Residence (Pleasantville) Reisley, Roland and Ronny Pleasantville NY
S.318A 1956 Roland and Ronny Reisley Residence Addition (Pleasantville) Reisley, Roland and Ronny Pleasantville NY
S.319 1949 Kenneth and Phyllis Laurent Residence Laurent, Kenneth Rockford IL
S.320 1950 Wilbur C. Pearce Residence Pearce, Wilbur C. Bradbury CA
S.321 1950 Thomas E. Keys Residence Keys, Thomas E. Rochester MN
S.322 1950 Gladys and David Wright Residence Wright, David Phoenix AZ
S.323 1951 John Haynes Residence Haynes, John Fort Wayne IN
S.324 1950 Dr. Richard and Madelyn Davis Residence (Woodside) Davis, Richard (Dr.) Marion IN
S.324A 1954 Davis Residence North Bedroom Wing Addition Davis, Richard (Dr.) Marion IN
S.325 1950 J.A. and Muriel Sweeton Residence Sweeton, J.A. and Muriel Cherry Hill NJ
S.326 1950 Raymond Carlson Residence Carlson, Raymond Phoenix AZ
S.327 1950 John O. Carr Residence Carr, John O. Glenview IL
S.328 1950 Don and Mary Lou Schaberg Residence Schaberg, Don and Mary Lou Okemos MI
S.329 1950 Dr. R. Bradford and Ina Moriss Harper Residence Harper, R. Bradford  & Ina Morriss Saint Joseph MI
S.330 1950 Robert and Gloria Berger Residence Berger, Robert and Gloria San Anselmo CA
S.330A 1956 Berger Residence Eddie's (Dog) House for Jim Berger Berger, Jim San Anselmo CA
S.331 1950 Arthur C. Mathews Residence Mathews, Arthur C. Atherton CA
S.332 1950 William and Mary Palmer Residence Palmer, William and Mary Ann Arbor MI
S.333 1950 Dr. Isadore and Lucille Zimmerman Residence (Study) Zimmerman, Isidore and Lucille Manchester NH
S.334 1950 Robert and Elizabeth Muirhead Farmhouse Residence Muirhead, Robert and Elizabeth Hampshire (Plato Cntr) IL
S.335 1950 Karl A. Staley Residence Staley, Karl A. North Madison OH
S.336 1950 S.P. Elam Residence (Study) Elam, S.P. Austin MN
S.337 1950 Berenice and Richard Smith Residence Smith, Bernice and Richard Jefferson  WI
S.338 1950 John A. Gillin Residence Gillin, John A. Dallas TX
S.339 1950 Seamour and Gerte Shavin Residence (Study) Shavin, Seamour and Gerte Chattanooga TN
S.340 1951 Russell W.M. and Ruth Kraus Residence Kraus, Russell W.M. and Ruth Kirkwood MO
S.341 1951 Charles F. Glore Residence Glore, Charles F. Lake Forest  IL
S.342 1951 Margaret and Patrick Kinney Residence Kinney, Margaret and Patrick Lancaster WI
S.343 1951 Nathan and Jeanne Rubin Residence Rubin, Nathan and Jeanne Canton OH
S.344 1951 Benjamin Adelman Residence Adelman, Benjamin Phoenix AZ
S.344A 1951 Adelman Detached Sitting Room and Servant's Quarters Adelman, Benjamin Phoenix AZ
S.344B 1951 Benjamin Adelman Residence Detached Carport Adelman, Benjamin Phoenix AZ
S.345 1951 Gabrielle and Charlcey Austin Residence (Broad Margin) Austin, Gabrielle and Charlcey Greenville SC
S.346 1951 A.K. Chahroudi Cottage Chahroudi, A.K. Lake Mahopac NY
S.347 1951 Welbie L. Fuller Residence Fuller, Welbie L. Pass Christian MS
S.348 1951 Aaron Green - Frank Lloyd Wright Field Office Wright, Frank Lloyd San Francisco CA
S.349 1952 Arthur Pieper Residence Pieper, Arthur Paradise Valley AZ
S.350 1952 Ray Brandes Residence (Study) Brandes, Ray Issaquah WA
S.351 1952 Quintin and Ruth Blair Residence Blair, Quintin and Ruth Cody WY
S.352 1952 Archie Boyd and Patricia Teater Studio (Study) Teater, Archie Boyd & Patricia Bliss ID
S.353 1952 R.W. Lindholm Residence Lindholm, R.W. Cloquet MN
S.354 1952 Frank S. Sander Residence (Springbough) Sander, Frank S. Stamford CT
S.355 1952 Price Company Tower  Price, Harold C., Sr. Bartlesville OK
S.356 1952 Anderton Court Shops  Anderton, Nina Beverly Hills CA
S.357 1952 Luis and Ethel Marden Residence Marden, Luis and Ethel McLean VA
S.358 1953 Elizabeth and Robert Llewellyn Wright Residence Wright, Robert Llewellyn & Elizabeth Bethesda MD
S.359 1952 Clifton and George Lewis Residence (Spring House) Lewis, Clifton and George Tallahassee FL
S.360 1953 Andrew B. and Maude Cooke Residence (Study) Cooke, Andrew B. and Maude Virginia Beach VA
S.361 1953 Jorgine Boomer Residence Boomer, Jorgine Phoenix AZ
S.362 1953 John J. and Syd Dobkins Residence Dobkins, John J. and Syd Canton OH
S.363 1953 Harold Price, Jr., Residence (Hillside) Price, Harold Jr. Bartlesville OK
S.364 1953 Lewis H. Goddard Residence Goddard, Lewis H. Plymouth MI
S.365 1953 Louis Penfield Residence Penfield, Louis Willoughby Hills OH
S.366 1954 Gloria Bachman and Abraham Wilson Residence Wilson, Abraham & Gloria Bachman Millstone NJ
S.367 1953 Riverview Terrace Restaurant Wisconsin River Development Corp. Spring Green WI
S.368 1954 Karen Johnson Keland Residence (Johnson-Keland) Keland, Willard H. Racine WI
S.369 1953 New York Usonian Exhibition House (Study) Wright, Frank Lloyd New York NY
S.370 1953 New York Usonian Exhibition Pavilion (Study) Wright, Frank Lloyd New York NY
S.371 1954 Alice and Ellis A. Feiman Residence (Study) Feiman, Alice and Ellis A. Canton OH
S.372 1954 Dr. Maurice and Margaret Greenberg Residence Greenberg, Maurice and Margaret Dousman WI
S.373 1954 Beth Sholom Synagogue Beth Sholom Synagogue Elkins Park PA
S.374 1954 E. Clarke Arnold Residence Arnold, E. Clarke Columbus WI
S.375 1954 John E. and Catherine Christian Residence (Samara) Christian, John E. and Catherine West Lafayette IN
S.376 1954 Louis B. Fredrick Residence Fredrick, Louis B. Barrington Hills IL
S.377 1954 I.N. Hagan Residence (Kentuck Knob) Hagan, I.N. Chalkhill PA
S.378 1954 Harold Price, Sr., Residence (Grandma House) Price, Harold Sr. Paradise Valley AZ
S.379 1954 Cedric G. and Patricia Boulter Residence Boulter, Cedric G. and Patricia Cincinnati OH
S.379A 1958 Cedric G. and Patricia Boulter Residence Addition Boulter, Cedric G. and Patricia Cincinnati OH
S.380 1954 Hoffman Auto Showroom (Study) Hoffman, Maximilian New York NY
S.381 1954 Frank Lloyd Wright, Hotel Plaza Apartment Remodeling Wright, Frank Lloyd New York NY
S.382 1954 Municipal Art Gallery (at Barnsdall Park - S.208) Wright, Frank Lloyd Los Angeles CA
S.383 1955 John L. Rayward Residence (Rayward-Shepherd) (Tirranna) Rayward, John L. New Canaan CT
S.383A 1958 John L. Rayward Residence Additions Rayward, John L. New Canaan CT
S.383B 1957 Rayward Playhouse Rayward, John L. New Canaan CT
S.384 1954 William L. Thaxton Residence Thaxton, William L. Bunker Hill TX
S.385 1955 Harriet and Randall Fawcett Residence Fawcett, Harriet and Randall Los Banos CA
S.386 1954 Gerald B. Tonkens Residence Tonkens, Gerald B. Amberley Village OH
S.387 1955 Dr. Toufic H. and Mildred Kalil Residence Kalil, Toufic H. and Mildred Manchester NH
S.388 1955 Dr. H. and Dorothy H. Turkel Residence Turkel, H. and Dorothy Detroit MI
S.389 1955 Elizabeth and William B. Tracy Residence Tracy, Elizabeth and William B. Normandy Park WA
S.390 1955 Maximilian Hoffman Residence Hoffman, Maximilian Rye NY
S.391 1955 Donald and Virginia Lovness Residence Lovness, Donald and Virginia Stillwater MN
S.392 1955 Theodore A. and Bette Pappas Residence Pappas, Theodore A. and Bette Saint Louis MO
S.393 1955 Robert H. Sunday Residence Sunday, Robert H. Marshalltown IA
S.394 1955 Warren Scott Remodeling of Isabel Roberts (S.150) Residence Scott, Warren River Forest IL
S.395 1955 Dallas Theatre Centre (Kalita Humphreys Theatre) Baker, Paul Dallas TX
S.396 1955 Karl Kundert Medical Clinic Kundert (Dr.) and Fogo (Dr.) San Luis Obispo CA
S.397 1956 Kenneth L. Meyers Medical Clinic Meyers, Kenneth L. Dayton OH
S.398 1956 Paul J. and Ida Trier Residence Trier, Paul J. and Ida Johnstown IA
S.399 1956 Annunication Greek Orthodox Church Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Wauwatosa WI
S.400 1956 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation New York NY
S.401 1956 Wyoming Valley Grammar School Wyoming Valley Grammar School Wyoming Valley WI
S.402 1956 Dudley Spencer Residence Spencer, Dudley Wilmington DE
S.403 1956 Allen Friedman Residence Friedman, Allen Bannockburn IL
S.404 1956 Frank and Eloise Bott Residence Bott, Frank and Eloise Kansas City MO
S.405 1956 Clyde Nooker Remodeling of the Frank Lloyd Wright Studio Nooker, Clyde (Mr. and Mrs.) Oak Park IL
    Marshall Erdman Prefabricated Homes #1      
S.406 1956 Eugene Van Temelen Residence (Erdman Prefab #1) Van Tamelen, Eugene Madison WI
S.407.1 1957 Dr. Arnold and Lora Jackson Residence (Erdman Prefab #1) Jackson, Arnold and Lora Madison/Beaver Dam WI
S.407.2 1957 Elizabeth and Don C. Duncan Residence (Erdman Prefab #1) Duncan, Elizabeth and Don C. Lisle/Acme PA IL
S.408 1957 Frank Iber Residence (Erdman Prefab #1) Iber, Frank Stevens Point WI
S.409.1 1957 Carl Post Residence (Erdman Prefab #1) (Borah-Post) Borah, Al Barrington Hills IL
S.409.2 1959 William and Catherine Cass Residence (Erdman Prefab #1) Cass, William and Catherine Richmond (Staten Isl) NY
S.410 1961 Celeste & Socrates Zaferiou Residence (Erdman Prefab #1) Zaferious, Celeste and Socrates Blauvelt NY
S.411.1 1958 Joseph Mollica Residence (Erdman Prefab #1) Mollica, Joseph Bayside WI
S.411.2 1960 Dr. Edward & Laura Jane LaFond Residence (Erdman Prefab #1) LaFond, Edward (Dr.) and Laura Jane Saint Joseph MN
    Marshall Erdman Prefabricated Homes #2      
S.412.1   Mary Ellen and Walter Rudin Residence (Erdman Prefab #2) Rudin, Mary Ellen and Walter Madison WI
S.412.2 1957 James B. McBean Residence (Erdman Prefab #2) McBean, James B. Rochester MN
S.413   Dropped      
S.414 1956 R.W. Lindholm Service Station Lindholm, R.W. Cloquet MN
S.415 1957 Marin County Civic Center Post Office Marin County San Rafael CA
S.416 1957 Marin County Civic Center Administration Building Marin County San Rafael CA
S.417 1957, 1967 Marin County Civic Center Hall of Justice Marin County San Rafael CA
S.418 1957 Juvenile Cultural Study Center (Harry F. Corbin Education Center) Wichita State University Wichita KS
S.419 1956 Conrad Edward and Evelyn Gordon Residence Gordon, Conrad Edward and Evelyn Aurora/Silverton OR
S.420 1956 Julia and Duey Wright Residence Wright, Julia and Duey Wausau WI
S.421 1957 Dr. Robert G. and Mary Walton Residence Walton, Robert G. and Mary Modesto CA
S.422 1957 Dorothy Ann and Sterling Kinney Residence Kinney, Dorothy Ann and Sterling Amarillo TX
S.423 1957 William P. Boswell Residence Boswell, William P. Indian Hill OH
S.424 1957 Herman T. Fasbender Medical Clinic (Mississippi Valley Clinic) Drs. Fasbender & Frank Cahill Hastings MN
S.425 1958 Lockridge Medical Clinic Drs. Lockridge, McIntyre, Whalen Whitefish MT
S.426 1957 Carl Schultz Residence Schultz, Carl Saint Joseph MI
S.427 1958 Dr. Paul and Helen Olfelt Residence Otfelt, Paul and Helen Saint Louis Park MN
S.428 1958 Dr. George and Millie Ablin Residence Ablin, George and Millie Bakersfield CA
S.429 1958 Don M. Stromquist Residence Stromquist, Don M. Bountiful UT
S.430 1958 Seth Condon Peterson Cottage Peterson, Seth Condon Lake Delton WI
S.431 1958 Pilgrim Congregational Church Pilgrim Congregational Church Redding CA
S.432 1959 Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium Arizona State University Tempe AZ
S.433 1959/ 1966 Aime and Norman Lykes Residence Lykes, Aime and Norman Phoenix AZ
Project 1896 Charles Roberts Ridgeland Development (FLLW #9608) Charles E. Roberts Oak Park IL
Project 1904 Charles W. Barnes House Charles W. Barnes McCook NE
Project 1904 H. J. Ullman House H. J. Ullman Oak Park IL
Project 1925 Mrs. Samuel Gladney House, Scheme I & II (FLLW #2502/8) Mrs. Samuel Gladney Fort Worth TX
Project 1926 Oak Park Play Houses "Kindersymphonies" (FLLW #2601) Oak Park Playground Association Oak Park IL
Project 1928/2004 Blue Sky Mausoleum    Buffalo NY
Project 1929 St. Mark's in-the-Bouwerie Guthrie, William Norman New York NY
Project 1930 Elizabeth Noble Terrace Apartments (FLLW #2903) Elizabeth Noble Los Angeles CA
Project 1931 Capital Journal Buidling (FLLW #3101)    Salem, Oregon OR
Project 1931 House on The Mesa Frank Lloyd Wright/MOMA      
Project 1935 Broadacre City Frank Lloyd Wright      
Project 1937 Harold Espey "All Steel Houses" (FLLW #3705) Harold Espey Los Angeles CA
Project 1938/1971 Jester / Pfeiffer Residence Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer Phoenix AZ
Project 1939 L. N. Bell House "Hillcrown" (FLLW #3908) L. N. Bell Los Angeles CA
Project 1939 Edgar F. Mauer House (FLLW #3910) Edgar F. Mauer Los Angeles CA
Project 1939 E. A. Smith House (FLLW #3811) E. A. Smith Piedmont Pines CA
Project 1940 Crystal Heights   Washington D.C.
Project 1940 John Nesbitt House "Sea Garden" (FLLW #4031) John Nesbitt Carmel CA
Project 1941 Vigo Sundt Residence Vigo Sundt Madison WI
Project 1942/1982 Lloyd Burlingham House (Pottery House) (FLLW #4202) Lloyd Burlingham El Paso (Santa Fe) TX 
Project 1944 Gerald M. Loeb Residence      
Project 1945 George Berdan Residence (FLLW #4501) George Berdan Ludington MI
Project 1946 Rogers Lacy Hotel   Dallas TX
Project 1947/1948 Huntington Hartford Projects (FLLW #4721, 24, 31, 37, 4837) Huntington Hartford Hollywood CA
Project 1947/1949 Butterfly/Wing Bridge   San Fransisco CA
Project 1950 Dr. G. Kenneth Hargrove House (FLLW #5109) Dr. G. Kenneth Hargrove Orinda CA
Project 1950/1972 Southwest Christian Seminary/First Christian Church Peyton Canary/William Boice Phoenix AZ
Project 1952 Horace B Sturtevant House (FLLW #5209) Horace B Sturtevant Oakland CA 
Project 1954 Arthur J. Levin House (FLLW #5633) Arthur J. Levin Palo Alto CA
Project 1955 Melvin R Blumberg Residence Melvin R Blumberg Clinton Iowa
Project 1955 R. W. Coats House (FLLW #5503) R. W. Coats Hillsborough CA
Project 1955 J. L. Smith Residence (FLLW #5522) J. L. Smith Kane County IL
Project 1955 Snow Flake Motel Sahig and Christina Sarkisian St. Joseph MI
Project 1956 Christian Science Church (FLLW #5537) Christian Science Church Bolinas CA
Project 1956 John Gillin House "Alladin" (FLLW #5528) John Gillin Hollywood CA
Project 1956 Fiberthin Air House (FLLW #5725) U.S. Rubber Co.    
Project 1957 Arizona State Capital Building Frank Lloyd Wright Phoenix AZ
Project 1957 Claremont Hotel Wedding Chapel (FLLW #5709) Claremont Hotel Berkeley CA
Project 1957 Plan For Greater Bagdad   Bagdad Iran
Project 1958 Dr. Jarvis H. Luechauer Clinic (FLLW #5814) Dr. Jarvis H. Luechauer Fresno CA
Project 1959 Louis Penfield House Scheme II Louis Penfield    
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©Copyright Douglas M. Steiner, 2001, 2025