S.077) |
GERTS 1907
Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Floor
Plan 1902 (1902 - S.077).
Description: Floor plan for the Mrs. George E.
Gerts Summer Cottage. The cottage is very small, 1,026 square
feet, not including the two porches. The house is divided in
half, with each side mirroring itself. The entrance is from the
small porch, not facing the lake. Each side has a portion of the
porch, with stairs, a 9' x 9' kitchen and a 6' x 6' servants
bedroom. There is not a second bedroom or even a single
bathroom. The living room is both private with a portion shared.
The fireplace is very unique. It is a double fireplace,
triangular in shape. The porch facing the lake is share by both
sides. A roof covered half the large porch, and it was not
enclosed. The exterior is finished in horizontal board and
batten. The cottage is laid out using a three-foot grid system.
Text top right: “Mrs. G. E. Gerts Summer Cottage. White Lake,
Michigan. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Oak Park.” Text bottom
left: “0202.01.” Text bottom right: “1.” Courtesy of the Avery
Library Archive, Columbia University.
See Additional Details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
0052.23.0822 |
Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan,
Elevations 1902 (1902 - S.077).
Description: North, South and East Elevations of
the Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage. The North Elevation
faces the lake and a bridge spans Birch Brook. Windows and doors
run from corner to corner. The South Elevations has a small
porch and two entrances, one for each side of the double house.
The East Elevation shows the entrance on the left, bridge on the
right, and windows that covers two-thirds of the main portion of
the house. The cottage is very small, 1,026 square feet, not
including the two porches. A roof covered half the large porch,
and it was not enclosed. The exterior is finished in horizontal
board and batten. The cottage is laid out using a three-foot
grid system. Text bottom left: “0202.02.” Text bottom right:
“2.” Courtesy of the Avery Library Archive, Columbia University.
See Additional Details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
0052.24.0822 |
Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan,
Sections and Details 1902 (1902 - S.077).
Description: Transverse Section, Details and
Longitudinal Section for the Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage. Transverse Section illustrated the two fireplaces and
the living rooms. Longitudinal Section illustrated the entrance
on the left and the bridge on the right. A roof covers half the
large porch, and it was not enclosed. The exterior is finished
in horizontal board and batten. Text bottom right: “Boards and
Battens same as those on side, sprung on soffit of arch,
lengthwise of span. Text bottom left: “0202.03.” Text bottom
right: “3.” Courtesy of the Avery Library Archive, Columbia
University. See Additional Details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
0052.25.0822 |
George E. Gerts Circa 1902 (1902 - S.077).
Description: Portrait of George E. Gerts,
Chicago. Caption: “Born in Portland, Me., in 1827. Came to Chgo.
in 1S50, establishing himself in the business of a brush
manufacturer, and located on Wells St., now Fifth Ave. ; the
business was conducted under the name of Geo. E. Gerts,
afterward Gerts & Loder; afterward it became Geo. E. Gerts &
Co., and subsequently Gerts, Lumbard A Co.” Published in “Men In
Illinois,” 1902. Published by Halliday Witherspoon, Chicago.
5 x 7 B&W photograph.
0052.26.0822 |
Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Circa
1907 (1902 - S.077).
Description: View of the Mrs. George E. Gerts
Summer Cottage from the Northeast. Designed by Frank Lloyd
Wright in 1902. First published in the March, 1908,
Architectural Record. Wright captioned it “Summer Cottage – Mrs.
Geo. E. Gerts.” Summer leaves date the photograph prior to the
fall of 1907. By 1907, an elongated addition appears to be at
the “front” of the house, either an addition or separate
building. The bridged porch can be seen in the foreground. Also
published in
Frank Lloyd
Wright, Ausgeführte Bauten, 1911. Wright captions the
photograph “Doppelsommerlandhaus Geo E. Gets, Birch Brook,
Mich.” (Twin Summer Cottage Geo E. Gets, Birch Brook, Mich.). It
was also published in
Lloyd Wright, Chicago, 1911, and
is titled “Doppel sommerlandhaus Geo E. Gerts, Birch Brook,
Mich.” (Double Summer Cottage Geo E. Gerts, Birch Brook, Mich.)
See Additional Details...
8 x 10 B&W copy photograph.
0080.55.0822 |
Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Circa
1935-1945 (1902 - S.077).
Description: View of the
Southwest corner of the Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage from
the Northwest. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. As the
cottage was designed, it only had 1,026 square feet, not
including the two porches. It did not have a second floor, and
in fact, as designed, the area today that is two floors was not
part of the original design. By 1907, when it was photographed
for the March 1908 Architectural Record, an elongated addition
appears to be at the “front” of the house, either an addition or
separate building. But this appears to be altered again when
Gilman Lane photographed this house. This image shows a two
story addition, much like it appears today. Text lower left:
“67505.” Courtesy of the Art Institute of Chicago. (Note: In the
collection at the Art Institute of Chicago, there is a second
photograph identified as the George Gerts Double House, Gilman
Lane #67504. It has been misidentified, and is actually the Gale
Cottage 1, 1909 - S.088.1.) See Additional Details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
0531.94.0822 |
Date: 2021
Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021
(1902 - S.077).
Description: Set of 50 exterior and five interior
photographs of the Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage.
Photographed on September 20, 2021 during a visit to Michigan.
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. Little has been written
about the Gerts Cottage. Henry-Russell Hitchcock in
In The Nature of Materials,
1942, merely notes the date, 1902. Grant Manson, Frank Lloyd
Wright to 1910, 1958, makes reference to it. Frank Lloyd Wright
did not include it in Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank
Lloyd Wright, 1910, but interestingly includes a photograph and
floor plan in Frank Lloyd...
Set of 50 exterior and five interior high res 20 X 13.5 digital
2021.31.0822 (1-55) |

See additional details... |

See additional details... |
Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Floor Plan 1902 (1902 -
S.077). Floor plan for the Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage. The cottage is very small, 1,026 square feet, not
including the two porches. The house is divided in half,
with each side mirroring itself. The entrance is from the
small porch, not facing the lake. Each side has a portion of
the porch, with stairs, a 9' x 9' kitchen and a 6' x 6'
servants bedroom. There is not a second bedroom or even a
single bathroom. The living room is both private with a
portion shared. The fireplace is very unique. It is a double
fireplace, triangular in shape. The porch facing the lake is
share by both sides. A roof covered half the large porch,
and it was not enclosed. The exterior is finished in
horizontal board and batten. The cottage is laid out using a
three-foot grid system. Text top right: “Mrs. G. E. Gerts
Summer Cottage. White Lake, Michigan. Frank Lloyd Wright,
Architect. Oak Park.” Text bottom left: “0202.01.” Text
bottom right: “1.” Courtesy of the Avery Library Archive,
Columbia University.(S#0052.23.0822) |
1) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Floor Plan 1902 (1902 -
S.077). Floor plan for the Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage. The cottage is very small, 1,026 square feet, not
including the two porches. The house is divided in half,
with each side mirroring itself. The entrance is from the
small porch, not facing the lake. Each side has a portion of
the porch, with stairs, a 9' x 9' kitchen and a 6' x 6'
servants bedroom. There is not a second bedroom or even a
single bathroom. The living room is both private with a
portion shared. The fireplace is very unique. It is a double
fireplace, triangular in shape. The porch facing the lake is
share by both sides. A roof covered half the large porch,
and it was not enclosed. The exterior is finished in
horizontal board and batten. The cottage is laid out using a
three-foot grid system. Text top right: “Mrs. G. E. Gerts
Summer Cottage. White Lake, Michigan. Frank Lloyd Wright,
Architect. Oak Park.” Text bottom left: “0202.01.” Text
bottom right: “1.” Courtesy of the Avery Library Archive,
Columbia University. (S#0052.23.0822) |
2) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Elevations 1902 (1902 -
S.077). North, South and East Elevations of the Mrs. George
E. Gerts Summer Cottage. The North Elevation faces the lake
and a bridge spans Birch Brook. Windows and doors run from
corner to corner. The South Elevations has a small porch and
two entrances, one for each side of the double house. The
East Elevation shows the entrance on the left, bridge on the
right, and windows that covers two-thirds of the main
portion of the house. The cottage is very small, 1,026
square feet, not including the two porches. A roof covered
half the large porch, and it was not enclosed. The exterior
is finished in horizontal board and batten. The cottage is
laid out using a three-foot grid system. Text bottom left:
“0202.02.” Text bottom right: “2.” Courtesy of the Avery
Library Archive, Columbia University. (S#0052.24.0822) |
2B) Detail of the Mrs. George E. Gerts
Summer Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Elevations 1902 (1902 -
S.077). The North Elevation faces the lake and a bridge
spans Birch Brook. Windows and doors run from corner to
corner. |
2C) Detail of the Mrs. George E.
Gerts Summer Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Elevations 1902
(1902 - S.077). The South Elevations has a small porch and
two entrances, one for each side of the double house. |
2D) Detail of the Mrs. George E.
Gerts Summer Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Elevations 1902
(1902 - S.077). The East Elevation shows the entrance on the
left, bridge on the right, and windows that covers
two-thirds of the main portion of the house. |
3) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Sections and Details 1902
(1902 - S.077). Transverse Section, Details and Longitudinal
Section for the Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage. The
North Elevation faces the lake and a bridge spans Birch
Brook. Windows and doors run from corner to corner.
Transverse Section illustrated the two fireplaces and the
living rooms. Longitudinal Section illustrated the entrance
on the left and the bridge on the right. A roof covers half
the large porch, and it was not enclosed. The exterior is
finished in horizontal board and batten. Text bottom right:
“Boards and Battens same as those on side, sprung on soffit
of arch, lengthwise of span. Text bottom left: “0202.03.”
Text bottom right: “3.” Courtesy of the Avery Library
Archive, Columbia University. (S#0052.25.0822) |
3B) Detail of the Mrs. George E.
Gerts Summer Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Sections and
Details 1902 (1902 - S.077). Transverse Section illustrated
the two fireplaces and the living rooms. |
3C) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Sections and Details 1902
(1902 - S.077). Longitudinal Section illustrated the
entrance on the left and the bridge on the right. A roof
covers half the large porch, and it was not enclosed. The
exterior is finished in horizontal board and batten. |
1907 |
1) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Circa 1907 (1902 - S.077).
View of the Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage from the
Northeast. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. First
published in the March, 1908, Architectural Record. Wright
captioned it “Summer Cottage – Mrs. Geo. E. Gerts.” Summer
leaves date the photograph prior to the fall of 1907. By
1907, an elongated addition appears to be at the “front” of
the house, either an addition or separate building. The
bridged porch can be seen in the foreground. Also published
Frank Lloyd
Wright, Ausgeführte Bauten, 1911. Wright captions the
photograph “Doppelsommerlandhaus Geo E. Gets, Birch Brook,
Mich.” (Twin Summer Cottage Geo E. Gets, Birch Brook,
Mich.). It was also published in
Lloyd Wright, Chicago, 1911, and
is titled “Doppel sommerlandhaus Geo E. Gerts, Birch Brook,
Mich.” (Double Summer Cottage Geo E. Gerts, Birch Brook,
Mich.) (S#0080.55.0822) |
1B) Detail of the Mrs. George E. Gerts
Summer Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Circa 1907 (1902 -
S.077). View of the Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage from
the Northeast. |
1940 |
1) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Circa 1935-1945 (1902 -
S.077). View of the Southwest corner of the Mrs. George E.
Gerts Summer Cottage from the Northwest. Designed by Frank
Lloyd Wright in 1902. As the cottage was designed, it only
had 1,026 square feet, not including the two porches. It did
not have a second floor, and in fact, as designed, the area
today that is two floors was not part of the original
design. By 1907, when it was photographed for the March 1908
Architectural Record, an elongated addition appears to be at
the “front” of the house, either an addition or separate
building. But this appears to be altered again when Gilman
Lane photographed this house. This image shows a two story
addition, much like it appears today. Text lower left:
“67505.” Courtesy of the Art Institute of Chicago. (Note: In
the collection at the Art Institute of Chicago, there is a
second photograph identified as the George Gerts Double
House, Gilman Lane #67504. It has been misidentified, and is
actually the Gale Cottage 1, 1909 - S.088.1.) (S#0531.94.0822) |
1) Detail of the Mrs. George E. Gerts
Summer Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, Circa 1935-1945 (1902 -
S.077). View of the Southwest corner of the Mrs. George E.
Gerts Summer Cottage from the Northwest. |
Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan,
2021 (1902 - S.077). Set of 50 exterior and five interior
photographs of the Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer Cottage.
Photographed on September 20, 2021 during a visit to
Michigan. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1902. Little has
been written about the Gerts Cottage. Henry-Russell
Hitchcock in In The
Nature of Materials, 1942, merely notes
the date, 1902. Grant Manson, Frank Lloyd Wright to 1910,
1958, makes reference to it. Frank Lloyd Wright did not
include it in Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwürfe von Frank
Lloyd Wright, 1910, but interestingly includes a photograph
and floor plan in
Frank Lloyd
Wright, Ausgeführte Bauten,
1911, p.92, and
Lloyd Wright, Chicago, 1911, p.78.
This same photograph was published earlier in The
Architectural Record, March 1908, p.193. Summer leaves date
the photograph prior to the fall of 1907.
It has often been referred to as the George Gerts Double
House, but on the original 1902 plans it is called the “Mrs.
G. E. Gerts Summer Cottage.” In the March, 1908,
Architectural Record, Wright captioned it “Summer Cottage –
Mrs. Geo. E. Gerts.” In 1911, Wright redefines the title in
Frank Lloyd Wright, Ausgeführte Bauten. He titles it
“Doppelsommerlandhaus Geo E. Gets, Birch Brook, Mich.” (Twin
Summer Cottage Geo E. Gets, Birch Brook, Mich.), and in
Frank Lloyd Wright, Chicago, 1911, he titles it “Doppel
sommerlandhaus Geo E. Gerts, Birch Brook, Mich.” (Double
Summer Cottage Geo E. Gerts, Birch Brook, Mich.). .
The cottage is very small, 1,026 square feet, not including
the two porches. The house is divided in half, with each
side mirroring itself. The entrance is from the small
porch, not facing the lake. Each side has a portion of the
porch, with stairs, a 9' x 9' kitchen and a 6' x 6' servants
bedroom. There is not a second bedroom or even a single
bathroom. The living room is both private with a portion
shared. The fireplace is very unique. It is a double
fireplace, triangular in shape. The porch facing the lake is
share by both sides. A roof covered half the large porch,
and |
it was not enclosed. The exterior is finished in horizontal
boardand batten. The cottage is laid out using a three-foot
grid system. One can
only surmise that possibly the Living room doubled as a
bedroom, hence no additional bedrooms on the original
design? But it does
not appear that this design lasted long. By 1907, when it
was photographs for the March 1908 Architectural Record, an
elongated addition appears to be at the “front” of the
house, either an addition or separate building. But this
appears to be altered again by 1935-45 when Gilman Lane
photographed the house. His photograph shows a two story
addition, much like it appears today. George Gerts was born
in 1827 and past away in 1914. He was a successful brush
manufacturer. He was one of the founders of Unity Temple,
but not a member at the time of his death.
Walter S. Gerts, son of George and Mary Gerts, owned the lot
next to them on the lake. Walter and Ethel also had Wright
design a cottage for them (1902 - S.078). Ethel’s sister was
Laura Gale, wife of Thomas H. Gale who Wright built four
cottages on the lake (1897 - S.088.0) and (1909 - S.088.1 –
088.3). The Gales were one of Wright’s earliest clients
(1892 - S.016). Wright also designed a later house for Mrs.
Gale in Oak Park (1904 - S.098). Thomas Gale, brother of
Walter M. Gale (1893 - S.020) was another early clients of
Wright’s. Walter S. Gerts had Wright remodel their home
after a fire (1911 - S.177). The Gale’s father never had
Wright build a home for them, but did live next door to
Walter S. Gale. And now we are complete overloaded on family
connections. Photographed on September 20, 2021
during a visit to Michigan by Douglas M. Steiner. Our intent
is to record the details that create the totality of the
design, creating a complete picture. In an effort to
expedite adding these photographs to this website, we have
dispensed with a description for each photograph. Set of 50
exterior and five interior high res 20 X 13.5 digital
images. |
1) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-1) |
2) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-2) |
3) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-3) |
4) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-4) |
5) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-5) |
6) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-6) |
7) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-7) |
8) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-8) |
9) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-9) |
10) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-10) |
11) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-11) |
12 Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-12) |
13) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-13) |
14) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-14) |
15) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-15) |
16) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-16) |
17) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-17) |
18) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-18) |
19) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-19) |
20) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-20) |
21) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-21) |
22) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-22) |
23) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-23) |
24) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-24) |
25) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-25) |
26) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-26) |
27) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-27) |
28) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-28) |
29) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-29) |
30) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-30) |
31) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-31) |
32) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-32) |
33) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-33) |
34) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-34) |
35) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-35) |
36) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-36) |
37) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-37) |
38) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-38) |
39) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-39) |
40) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-40) |
41) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-41) |
42) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-42) |
43) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-43) |
44) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-44) |
45) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-45) |
46) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-46) |
47) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-47) |
48) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-48) |
49) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-49) |
50) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-50) |
51) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage Interior, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-51) |
52) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage Interior, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-52) |
53) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage Interior, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-53) |
54) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage Interior, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-54) |
55) Mrs. George E. Gerts Summer
Cottage Interior, Whitehall, Michigan, 2021 (1902 - S.077). 20 x 13.5
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 20, 2021. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2021.31.0822-55) |