S.134) |
Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin
Perspective 1907 (1907 - S.134).
Description: Presentation drawing of the Andrew
Porter House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907 for his
sister and brother-in-law Jane and Andrew T. Porter. He designed
the house when Andrew Porter became headmaster of Hillside Home
School. The Porter Residence preceded Taliesin by six years and
was built on one of the higher hills at Taliesin, just beneath
Romeo and Juliet. The home's floor plan is based on Wright's "Fireproof House for $5,000"
published in Ladies Home Journal in 1907. It is square with an
extension off the front, enclosing the stairway, and creating a
balcony above it on the second floor. One of twelve drawings in
the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Archives at the Avery Library,
Columbia University. Text bottom left: "0709.09." Frank Lloyd
Wright Foundation #0709.09. Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright
Foundation Archives, Avery Library, Columbia University.
See assitional details...
10 x 8" B&W photograph.
0080.56.0123 |
Circa 1940
Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi, Spring
Green, Wisconsin Circa 1940 (1907 - S.134).
View of the entrance to the Porter
Residence from the Southwest. Tanyderi, translates "Under the
Oaks" in Welch. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907 for his
sister and brother-in-law Jane and Andrew T. Porter. He designed
the house when Andrew Porter became headmaster of Hillside Home
School. Mrs. Jane Porter taught voice and gave piano lessons.
The Porter Residence preceded Taliesin by six years and was
built on one of the higher hills at Taliesin, just beneath Romeo
and Juliet. The home's floor plan is based on Wright's "Fireproof House for $5,000"
published in Ladies Home Journal in 1907. It is square with an
extension off the front, enclosing the stairway, and creating a
balcony above it on the second floor. The roof is covered in
shingles, as are the exterior sides. The horizontal battens are
cypress. The foundation is sandstone and limestone with concrete
caps. Photographed by Gilman Lane. Courtesy of the Art Institute
of Chicago. See assitional details...
9 x 8" B&W photograph.
0531.97.0123 |
Andrew Porter Residence Tanyderi 1967 (1907 - S.134).
Description: Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in
1907 for his sister and brother-in-law Jane and Andrew T. Porter.
They moved to Taliesin when he became headmaster of Hillside Home
School. Wright called it Tanyderi, meaning "Under the Oaks" in
Welch. Stamped on verso: "Filed Dec 19 1967." Hand written on verso:
"Frank Lloyd Wright - Homes Designed By Him.) Tany-Deri House.
Porter House 1907 Taliesin." See
assitional details...
Original 10 x 8 B&W Photograph.
1720.46.0319 |
1) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Perspective 1995 (1907 - S.134).
Perspective view of Tanyderi from the
Southwest. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Copy
photograph of the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS)
drawing of the Andrew Porter Residence. This illustration is an
adaptation of Wright's original perspective (0707.09) from 1907.
Text right side: Tan Y Deri is the Welsh word meaning "under the
oaks." Frank Lloyd Wright chose the name for this
stained-shingle home built for his sister Jane and her husband
Andrew Porter in the ancestoral Lloyd Jones Valley. It is on a
wooded hillside located between Taliesin and the Hillside Home
School, just below the windmill tower Romeo and Juliet. A group
of tall oaks hover over the house on the upper slope- thus the
name Tan Y Deri. A great maple tree, planted by Mr. Wright's
Welsh grandmother, reaches over the other half of the house from
the car entry court. The plan is a simple square, with living
and dining room as an "L," both opening to a veranda-terrace
since roofed and screened, the remainder of the plan taken up by
a small bath and kitchen. Upstairs are four bedrooms and a bath
with a second bath added later. The house is steeped in the
memories of the Lloyd Jones family, first as the summer home for
sister Jane, and later - when the living quarters of Tallesin
burned at the end of summer in 1925 - Olgivanna and Frank Lloyd
Wright lived at Tan Y Deri. The partially demolished Taliesin
was within sight across the fields and from Tan Y Deri they
began to not only build Taliesin but to continue building their
own freshly created lives together. They met not quite one year
before Taliesin's fire. "It was a wonderful time for us both,"
Mrs. Wright recollected. "I stayed in Tan Y Deri, generously
offered to us for refuge by Jane and Andrew, preparing the meals
and tending household while Mr. Wright went over each day to
supervise the reconstruction of Taliesin. In the autumn the air
was crisp and full of marvelous fragrances; Mr. Wright
frequently wore leather jackets and suede knickers. That scent
of leather and suede combined with the wood smoke from the
fireplace on fall evenings always brings those days at Tan Y
Deri out of the past and into the present." When Mrs. Porter
died, her son Franklin came to Taliesin and walked over the Tan
Y Deri property with his uncle Frank. Unable at that time to
maintain Tan Y Deri himself he made arrangements that it...
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph, 1907-1913, Pfeiffer, 1987. Set
of 12 drawings of the Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi, by the
National Park Service for the Historic American Building Survey
(HABS). Sheet 1 of 12. Drawn by: Patric McGujire, Kathy Schaack,
Oliver Shubert, John Timmerman. Courtesy of The Library of
Congress. 8 x 10 B&W photograph. See
assitional details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
1995.113.0123 (1) |
2) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Master and Site Plan 1995 (1907 -
Map, Taliesin Master Plan and Tanyderi Site
Plan. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Copy photograph of
the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) drawing of the
Andrew Porter Residence. Top left: Location Map. Lower left:
Taliesin Master Plan. Right: Tanyderi Site Plan. Set of 12
drawings of the Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi, by the
National Park Service for the Historic American Building Survey
(HABS). Sheet 2 of 12. Drawn by: Oliver Shubert, John Timmerman.
Courtesy of The Library of Congress.
assitional details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
1995.113.0123 (2) |
3) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Ground Plan 1995 (1907 - S.134).
Ground Plan for Tanyderi. Designed by Frank
Lloyd Wright in 1907. Copy photograph of the Historic American
Buildings Survey (HABS) drawing of the Andrew Porter Residence.
Text: Ground Plan. Set of 12 drawings of the Andrew Porter
Residence, Tanyderi, by the National Park Service for the
Historic American Building Survey (HABS). Sheet 3 of 12. Drawn
by: Oliver Shubert, John Timmerman. Courtesy of The Library of
Congress. See
assitional details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
1995.113.0123 (3) |
4) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS First Floor Plan 1995 (1907 -
First Floor Plan for Tanyderi. Designed by
Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Copy photograph of the Historic
American Buildings Survey (HABS) drawing of the Andrew Porter
Residence. Text: First Floor. Set of 12 drawings of the Andrew
Porter Residence, Tanyderi, by the National Park Service for the
Historic American Building Survey (HABS). Sheet 4 of 12. Drawn
by: Oliver Shubert, John Timmerman. Courtesy of The Library of
Congress. See
assitional details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
1995.113.0123 (4) |
5) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Second Floor Plan 1995 (1907 -
Second Floor Plan for Tanyderi. Designed by
Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Copy photograph of the Historic
American Buildings Survey (HABS) drawing of the Andrew Porter
Residence. Text: Second Floor. Set of 12 drawings of the Andrew
Porter Residence, Tanyderi, by the National Park Service for the
Historic American Building Survey (HABS). Sheet 5 of 12. Drawn
by: Oliver Shubert, John Timmerman. Courtesy of The Library of
Congress. See
assitional details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
1995.113.0123 (5) |
6) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS North and West Elevations 1995
(1907 - S.134).
North and West Elevations of Tanyderi.
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Copy photograph of the
Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) drawing of the Andrew
Porter Residence. Upper text: North Elevation. Lower text: West
Elevation. Set of 12 drawings of the Andrew Porter Residence,
Tanyderi, by the National Park Service for the Historic American
Building Survey (HABS). Sheet 6 of 12. Drawn by: Oliver Shubert,
John Timmerman. Courtesy of The Library of Congress.
assitional details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
1995.113.0123 (6) |
7) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS South and East Elevations 1995
(1907 - S.134).
South and East Elevations of Tanyderi.
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Copy photograph of the
Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) drawing of the Andrew
Porter Residence. Upper text: South Elevation. Lower text: East
Elevation. Set of 12 drawings of the Andrew Porter Residence,
Tanyderi, by the National Park Service for the Historic American
Building Survey (HABS). Sheet 7 of 12. Drawn by: Oliver Shubert,
John Timmerman. Courtesy of The Library of Congress.
assitional details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
1995.113.0123 (7) |
8) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Section 1995 (1907 - S.134).
Section AA of Tanyderi. Designed by Frank
Lloyd Wright in 1907. Copy photograph of the Historic American
Buildings Survey (HABS) drawing of the Andrew Porter Residence.
Text: Section AA. Set of 12 drawings of the Andrew Porter
Residence, Tanyderi, by the National Park Service for the
Historic American Building Survey (HABS). Sheet 8 of 12. Drawn
by: Oliver Shubert, John Timmerman. Courtesy of The Library of
Congress. See
assitional details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
1995.113.0123 (8) |
9) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Sections 1995 (1907 - S.134).
Section BB and CC of Tanyderi. Designed by
Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Copy photograph of the Historic
American Buildings Survey (HABS) drawing of the Andrew Porter
Residence. Left text: Section BB. Right text: Section CC. Set of
12 drawings of the Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi, by the
National Park Service for the Historic American Building Survey
(HABS). Sheet 9 of 12. Drawn by: Oliver Shubert, John Timmerman.
Courtesy of The Library of Congress. See
assitional details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
1995.113.0123 (9) |
10) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Window Details 1995 (1907 -
Window details of Tanyderi. Designed by
Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Copy photograph of the Historic
American Buildings Survey (HABS) drawing of the Andrew Porter
Residence. Left text: Interior Elevation. Exterior Elevation.
Typical Window. Right text: Typical Head. Typical Jamb. Typical
Sill. Set of 12 drawings of the Andrew Porter Residence,
Tanyderi, by the National Park Service for the Historic American
Building Survey (HABS). Sheet 10 of 12. Drawn by: Oliver
Shubert, John Timmerman. Courtesy of The Library of Congress.
assitional details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
1995.113.0123 (10) |
11) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Bookcase and Closet 1995 (1907 -
First Floor Built-in Bookcase and Chimney
Closet of Tanyderi. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Copy
photograph of the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS)
drawing of the Andrew Porter Residence. Left text: Elevation.
Section. Floor Built-in Bookcase. Right text: Elevation. Chimney
Closet. Set of 12 drawings of the Andrew Porter Residence,
Tanyderi, by the National Park Service for the Historic American
Building Survey (HABS). Sheet 11 of 12. Drawn by: Oliver
Shubert, John Timmerman. Courtesy of The Library of Congress.
assitional details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
1995.113.0123 (11) |
12) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Stair and Chimney Detail 1995
(1907 - S.134).
Stair and Chimney Detail for Tanyderi.
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Copy photograph of the
Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) drawing of the Andrew
Porter Residence. Left text: Stair Elevation. Right text: Plan.
Elevation. Chimney Detail. Set of 12 drawings of the Andrew
Porter Residence, Tanyderi, by the National Park Service for the
Historic American Building Survey (HABS). Sheet 12 of 12. Drawn
by: Oliver Shubert, John Timmerman. Courtesy of The Library of
Congress. See
assitional details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
1995.113.0123 (12) |
Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin,
Floor Plan 1995 (1907 - S.134).
Description: Floor Plan for Tanyderi. Designed by
Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Adaptation of HABS sheet 4, First
Floor Plan. The home's floor plan is based on Wright's "Fireproof House for $5,000"
published in Ladies Home Journal in 1907. It is square with an
extension off the front, enclosing the stairway, and creating a
balcony above it on the second floor. Originally drawn by Oliver
Shubert and John Timmerman. Adaptation by Douglas M. Steiner.
assitional details...
8 x 10 B&W photograph.
1995.114.0123 |
Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022
(1907 - S.134).
Description: Set of 15
and 29 interior photographs of the
Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi, meaning "Under the Oaks" in
Welch. Photographed on September 12, 2022 during a visit to
Wisconsin. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907 for his sister
and brother-in-law Jane and Andrew T. Porter. He designed the
house when Andrew Porter became headmaster of Hillside Home
School. Mrs. Jane Porter taught voice and gave piano lessons. It
preceded Taliesin by six years and was built on one of the
higher hills at Taliesin, just beneath Romeo and Juliet. The
home's floor plan is based on Wright's "Fireproof House for $5,000"
published in Ladies Home...
Set of 15 exterior and 29 interior 23 X 15 high res digital
2022.13.0123 (1-15), Interior: 2022.14.0123
(1-29) |

assitional details... |

assitional details... |

assitional details... |

assitional details... |
Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, Floor Plan 1995 (1907 - S.134). Floor Plan for Tanyderi. Designed by
Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Adaptation of HABS sheet 4, First
Floor Plan. The home's floor plan is based on Wright's "Fireproof House for $5,000"
published in Ladies Home Journal in 1907. It is square with an
extension off the front, enclosing the stairway, and creating a
balcony above it on the second floor. Originally drawn by Oliver
Shubert and John Timmerman. Adaptation by Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#1995.114.0123) |
Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin
Perspective 1907 (1907 - S.134).
Presentation drawing of the Andrew
Porter House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907 for his
sister and brother-in-law Jane and Andrew T. Porter. He designed
the house when Andrew Porter became headmaster of Hillside Home
School. The Porter Residence preceded Taliesin by six years and
was built on one of the higher hills at Taliesin, just beneath
Romeo and Juliet. The home's floor plan is based on Wright's "Fireproof House for $5,000"
published in Ladies Home Journal in 1907. It is square with an
extension off the front, enclosing the stairway, and creating a
balcony above it on the second floor. One of twelve drawings in
the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Archives at the Avery Library,
Columbia University. Text bottom left: "0709.09." Frank Lloyd
Wright Foundation #0709.09. Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright
Foundation Archives, Avery Library, Columbia University. (S#0080.56.0123) |
Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin Circa 1940 (1907 - S.134). View of
the entrance to the Porter Residence from the Southwest.
Tanyderi, translates "Under the Oaks" in Welch. Designed by
Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907 for his sister and brother-in-law
Jane and Andrew T. Porter. He designed the house when Andrew
Porter became headmaster of Hillside Home School. Mrs. Jane
Porter taught voice and gave piano lessons. The Porter
Residence preceded Taliesin by six years and was built on
one of the higher hills at Taliesin, just beneath Romeo and
Juliet. The home's floor plan is based on Wright's "Fireproof House for $5,000"
published in Ladies Home Journal in 1907. It is square with
an extension off the front, enclosing the stairway, and
creating a balcony above it on the second floor. The roof is
covered in shingles, as are the exterior sides. The
horizontal battens are cypress. The foundation is sandstone
and limestone with concrete caps. Photographed by Gilman
Lane. Courtesy of the Art Institute of Chicago. (S#0531.97.0123) |
Andrew Porter Residence Tanyderi 1967 (1907 - S.134).
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in
1907 for his sister and brother-in-law Jane and Andrew T. Porter.
They moved to Taliesin when he became headmaster of Hillside Home
School. Wright called it Tanyderi, meaning "Under the Oaks" in
Welch. Stamped on verso: "Filed Dec 19 1967." Hand written on verso:
"Frank Lloyd Wright - Homes Designed By Him.) Tany-Deri House.
Porter House 1907 Taliesin."
(S#1720.46.0319) |
2) Detail of the
Andrew Porter Residence Tanyderi 1967 (1907 - S.134).
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in
1907 for his sister and brother-in-law Jane and Andrew T. Porter.
They moved to Taliesin when he became headmaster of Hillside Home
School. Wright called it Tanyderi, meaning "Under the Oaks" in
Welch. |
3) Detail of the
Andrew Porter Residence Tanyderi 1967 (1907 - S.134).
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in
1907 for his sister and brother-in-law Jane and Andrew T. Porter.
They moved to Taliesin when he became headmaster of Hillside Home
School. Wright called it Tanyderi, meaning "Under the Oaks" in
Welch. |
HABS 12 |
Residence, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS 1995
(1907 - S.134). Perspective view of Tanyderi from the
Southwest. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Tan Y Deri is the Welsh word meaning "under the
oaks." Frank Lloyd Wright chose the name for this
stained-shingle home built for his sister Jane and her husband
Andrew Porter in the ancestoral Lloyd Jones Valley. It is on a
wooded hillside located between Taliesin and the Hillside Home
School, just below the windmill tower Romeo and Juliet. A group
of tall oaks hover over the house on the upper slope- thus the
name Tan Y Deri. A great maple tree, planted by Mr. Wright's
Welsh grandmother, reaches over the other half of the house from
the car entry court. The plan is a simple square, with living
and dining room as an "L," both opening to a veranda-terrace
since roofed and screened, the remainder of the plan taken up by
a small bath and kitchen. Upstairs are four bedrooms and a bath
with a second bath added later. The house is steeped in the
memories of the Lloyd Jones family, first as the summer home for
sister Jane, and later - when the living quarters of Tallesin
burned at the end of summer in 1925 - Olgivanna and Frank Lloyd
Wright lived at Tan Y Deri. The partially demolished Taliesin
was within sight across the fields and from Tan Y Deri
they began to not only build Taliesin but to continue building their
own freshly created lives together. They met not quite one
year before Taliesin's fire. "It was a wonderful time for us
both," Mrs. Wright recollected. "I stayed in Tan Y Deri,
generously offered to us for refuge by Jane and Andrew,
preparing the meals and tending household while Mr. Wright
went over each day to supervise the reconstruction of
Taliesin. In the autumn the air was crisp and full of
marvelous fragrances; Mr. Wright frequently wore leather
jackets and suede knickers. That scent of leather and suede
combined with the wood smoke from the fireplace on fall
evenings always brings those days at Tan Y Deri out of the
past and into the present." When Mrs. Porter died, her son
Franklin came to Taliesin and walked over the Tan Y Deri
property with his uncle Frank. Unable at that time to
maintain Tan Y Deri himself he made arrangements that it...
Frank Lloyd Wright
Monograph, 1907-1913, Pfeiffer, 1987.
Set of 12 drawings of the Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
by the National Park Service for the Historic American
Building Survey (HABS). Drawn by: Patric McGujire, Kathy
Schaack, Oliver Shubert, John Timmerman. Courtesy of The
Library of Congress. (ST#1995.113.0123 -1-12)
1) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Perspective 1995 (1907 -
S.134). Perspective view of Tanyderi from the Southwest.
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. This illustration is an adaptation
of Wright's original perspective (0707.09) from 1907. Text
right side: Tan Y Deri is the Welsh word meaning "under the
oaks." Frank Lloyd Wright chose the name for this
stained-shingle home built for his sister Jane and her
husband Andrew Porter in the ancestoral Lloyd Jones Valley.
It is on a wooded hillside located between Taliesin and the
Hillside Home School, just below the windmill tower Romeo
and Juliet. A group of tall oaks hover over the house on the
upper slope- thus the name Tan Y Deri. A great maple tree,
planted by Mr. Wright's Welsh grandmother, reaches over the
other half of the house from the car entry court. The plan
is a simple square, with living and dining room as an "L," both opening to a veranda-terrace since roofed and screened,
the remainder of the plan taken up by a small bath and
kitchen. Upstairs are four bedrooms and a bath with a second
bath added later. The house is steeped in the memories of
the Lloyd Jones family, first as the summer home for sister
Jane, and later - when the living quarters of Tallesin
burned at the end of summer in 1925 - Olgivanna and Frank
Lloyd Wright lived at Tan Y Deri... |
1B) ...The partially
demolished Taliesin was within sight across the fields and
from Tan Y Deri they began to not only build Taliesin but to
continue building their own freshly created lives together.
They met not quite one year before Taliesin's fire. "It was
a wonderful time for us both," Mrs. Wright recollected. "I
stayed in Tan Y Deri, generously offered to us for refuge by
Jane and Andrew, preparing the meals and tending household
while Mr. Wright went over each day to supervise the
reconstruction of Taliesin. In the autumn the air was crisp
and full of marvelous fragrances; Mr. Wright frequently wore
leather jackets and suede knickers. That scent of leather
and suede combined with the wood smoke from the fireplace on
fall evenings always brings those days at Tan Y Deri out of
the past and into the present." When Mrs. Porter died, her
son Franklin came to Taliesin and walked over the Tan Y Deri
property with his uncle Frank. Unable at that time to
maintain Tan Y Deri himself he made arrangements that it...
Frank Lloyd Wright Monograph, 1907-1913, Pfeiffer, 1987.
Sheet 1 of 12.
(ST#1995.113.0123-1) |
2) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Master and Site Plan 1995 (1907 -
Map, Taliesin Master Plan and Tanyderi Site
Plan. Top left: Location Map. Lower left:
Taliesin Master Plan. Right: Tanyderi Site Plan. Sheet 2 of 12.
(ST#1995.113.0123-2) |
2B) Detail Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Master and Site Plan 1995 (1907 -
S.134). Map, Taliesin Master Plan and Tanyderi Site
Plan. Top left: Location
Map. Lower left: Taliesin Master Plan. (ST#1995.113.0123-2) |
2C) Detail Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Master and Site Plan 1995 (1907 -
S.134). Map, Taliesin Master Plan and Tanyderi Site
Plan. Right: Tanyderi Site Plan.
(ST#1995.113.0123-2) |
3) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Ground Plan 1995 (1907 -
S.134). Ground Plan for Tanyderi. Text: Ground Plan. Sheet 3
of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-3) |
3B) Detail Andrew Porter Residence,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Ground Plan 1995
(1907 - S.134). Ground Plan for Tanyderi. (ST#1995.113.0123-3) |
4) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS First Floor Plan 1995 (1907 -
First Floor Plan for Tanyderi. Text: First Floor. Sheet 4 of 12.
(ST#1995.113.0123-4) |
4B) Detail Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS First Floor Plan 1995 (1907 -
S.134). First Floor Plan for Tanyderi. (ST#1995.113.0123-4) |
5) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Second Floor Plan 1995 (1907 -
Second Floor Plan for Tanyderi. Text: Second Floor. Sheet 5
of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-5) |
Detail Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Second Floor Plan 1995 (1907 -
S.134). Second Floor Plan for Tanyderi. Text: Second Floor. Sheet
5 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-5) |
6) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS North and West Elevations 1995
(1907 - S.134).
North and West Elevations of Tanyderi.
Sheet 6 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-6) |
6B) Detail Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS North and West Elevations 1995
(1907 - S.134).
North and West Elevations of Tanyderi.
Sheet 6 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-6) |
6C) Detail Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS North and West Elevations 1995
(1907 - S.134).
North and West Elevations of Tanyderi.
Sheet 6 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-6) |
7) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS South and East Elevations 1995
(1907 - S.134).
South and East Elevations of Tanyderi.
Upper text: South Elevation. Lower text: East
Elevation. Sheet 7 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-7) |
7B) Detail Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS South and East Elevations 1995
(1907 - S.134). South and East Elevations of Tanyderi.
Upper text: South Elevation. Sheet 7 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-7) |
7C) Detail Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS South and East Elevations 1995
(1907 - S.134). South and East Elevations of Tanyderi.
Lower text: East
Elevation. Sheet 7 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-7) |
8) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Section 1995 (1907 - S.134).
Section AA of Tanyderi. Text: Section AA. (ST#1995.113.0123-8) |
Detail Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Section 1995 (1907 - S.134). Section AA of Tanyderi. Text: Section AA.
(ST#1995.113.0123-8) |
9) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Sections 1995 (1907 - S.134).
Section BB and CC of Tanyderi. Left text: Section BB. Right text: Section CC. Sheet 9 of 12.
(ST#1995.113.0123-9) |
9B) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Sections 1995 (1907 - S.134).
Section BB and CC of Tanyderi. Left text: Section BB. Sheet 9 of 12.
(ST#1995.113.0123-9) |
9C) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Sections 1995 (1907 - S.134).
Section BB and CC of Tanyderi. Right text: Section CC. Sheet 9 of 12.
(ST#1995.113.0123-9) |
10) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Window Details 1995 (1907 -
Window details of Tanyderi. Left text: Interior Elevation. Exterior Elevation.
Typical Window. Right text: Typical Head. Typical Jamb. Typical
Sill. Sheet 10 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-10) |
Detail Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Window Details 1995 (1907 -
S.134). Window details of Tanyderi. Left text: Interior Elevation. Exterior Elevation.
Typical Window. Sheet 10 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-10) |
11) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Bookcase and Closet 1995 (1907 -
First Floor Built-in Bookcase and Chimney
Closet of Tanyderi. Left text: Elevation.
Section. Floor Built-in Bookcase. Right text: Elevation. Chimney
Closet. Sheet 11 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-11) |
Detail Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Bookcase and Closet 1995 (1907 -
S.134). First Floor Built-in Bookcase and Chimney
Closet of Tanyderi. Left text: Elevation.
Section. Floor Built-in Bookcase. Sheet 11 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-11) |
11C) Detail Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Bookcase and Closet 1995 (1907 -
S.134). First Floor Built-in Bookcase and Chimney
Closet of Tanyderi. Right text: Elevation. Chimney
Closet. Sheet 11 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-11) |
12) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Stair and Chimney Detail 1995
(1907 - S.134). Stair and Chimney Detail for Tanyderi.
Left text: Stair Elevation. Right text: Plan.
Elevation. Chimney Detail. Sheet 12 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-12) |
12) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Stair and Chimney Detail 1995
(1907 - S.134). Stair and Chimney Detail for Tanyderi.
Left text: Stair Elevation. Sheet 12 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-12) |
12) Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi,
Spring Green, Wisconsin, HABS Stair and Chimney Detail 1995
(1907 - S.134). Stair and Chimney Detail for Tanyderi.
Right text: Plan.
Elevation. Chimney Detail. Sheet 12 of 12. (ST#1995.113.0123-12) |
Andrew Porter Residence, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022
(1907 - S.134). Set of 15 exterior
and 29 interior photographs of the Andrew Porter Residence,
Tanyderi, meaning "Under the Oaks" in Welch. Photographed on
September 12, 2022 during a visit to Wisconsin. Designed by
Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907 for his sister and brother-in-law
Jane and Andrew T. Porter. He designed the house when Andrew
Porter became headmaster of Hillside Home School. Mrs. Jane
Porter taught voice and gave piano lessons. It preceded Taliesin
by six years and was built on one of the higher hills at
Taliesin, just beneath Romeo and Juliet. The home's floor plan
is based on Wright's "Fireproof House for $5,000" published in
Ladies Home Journal in 1907. It is square with an extension off
the front, enclosing the stairway, and creating a balcony above
it on the second floor. A porch and terrace are extended off the
back side. The roof is
covered in shingles, as are the exterior sides. The horizontal
battens are cypress. The foundation is sandstone and limestone
with concrete caps. Lettering carved into one of the foundation
stones reads "TAN Y DERI 1907." Windows are diamond pattern
leaded glass.
The living
room covers half of the first floor, a dining room, kitchen and
bath in the other half. The living and dining room, when
combined, form an "L." The fireplace is centrally located. Both
the living room and dining room open out to the veranda.
Upstairs are four bedrooms and a bath. A second bath was added
at a later date. Wright did not design furniture for the
Porters, but there is furniture from the Wright designed
House. The Arthur B. Heurtley House, was designed in 1902.
In 1920 the house was purchased by Wright's sister, Jane
Porter, and her husband, Andrew. The Porters lived in the
Heurtley House for 26 years. When they sold it, part of the
furniture was brought to the Porter house. Three Heurtley armchairs set in the
living room.
Photographed on September 12, 2022 during a visit to Wisconsin
by Douglas M. Steiner. Our intent is to record the details that
create the totality of the design, creating a complete picture.
In an effort to expedite adding these photographs to this
website, we have dispensed with a description for each
Set of 15 exterior and 29
interior 23 X 15 high res digital
1) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-1) |
1B) Detail - Andrew Porter Residence
Exterior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-1B) |
2) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-2) |
3) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-3) |
4) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-4) |
5) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-5) |
6) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022 . 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-6) |
7) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-7) |
8) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-8) |
9) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-9) |
10) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-10) |
11) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-11) |
12) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-12) |
13) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-13) |
13B) Detail - Andrew Porter Residence
Exterior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15
high res digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-13B) |
14) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-14) |
15) Andrew Porter Residence Exterior,
Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res
digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on
September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M. Steiner.
(ST#2022.13.0123-15) |
1) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-1) |
2) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-2) |
3) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-3) |
3B) Detail -
Andrew Porter Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green,
Wisconsin 2022. 23 x 15 high res digital image photographed
by Douglas M. Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022,
Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-3B) |
4) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-4) |
5) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-5) |
6) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-6) |
7) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. See additional
Wright designed chairs... (ST#2022.14.0123-7) |
8) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. See additional
Wright designed chairs... (ST#2022.14.0123-8) |
9) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-9) |
10) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. See additional
Wright designed chairs... (ST#2022.14.0123-10) |
11) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. See additional
Wright designed chairs... (ST#2022.14.0123-11) |
12) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. See additional
Wright designed chairs... (ST#2022.14.0123-12) |
13) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-13) |
14) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-14) |
15) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-15) |
16) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-16) |
17) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-17) |
18) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-18) |
19) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-19) |
20) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-20) |
21) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-21) |
22) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-22) |
23) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-23) |
24) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-24) |
25) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-25) |
26) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-26) |
27) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-27) |
28) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-28) |
29) Andrew Porter
Residence Interior, Tanyderi, Spring Green, Wisconsin 2022.
23 x 15 high res digital image photographed by Douglas M.
Steiner on September 12, 2022. Copyright 2022, Douglas M.
Steiner. (ST#2022.14.0123-29) |