
Date: Circa 1907

Title: 1) Colonel George Fabyan Residence First Floor Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).

Description: Floor plan for the first floor of the Fabyan Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Text: "First Floor Plan, For Mrs. Fabyan, Geneva, Ill. Alterations and Addition. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Oak Park, Illinois. March 25, ‘07." It is interesting to note that this first plan is for Mrs. Fabyan. Possibly because the addition of a bedroom on the South side was for Mrs. Fabyan. Text bottom left: "0703.01." Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, Avery Library. See additional details...

Size: 10 x 8 B&W photograph.

Date: Circa 1907

Title: 1C) Colonel George Fabyan Residence Color First Floor Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).

Description: Color floor plan for the first floor of the Fabyan Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Text: "First Floor Plan, For Mrs. Fabyan, Geneva, Ill. Alterations and Addition. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Oak Park, Illinois. March 25, ‘07." It is interesting to note that this first plan is for Mrs. Fabyan. Possibly because the addition of a bedroom on the South side was for Mrs. Fabyan. Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Complete Works 1885-1916, Pfeiffer, 2011.  See additional details...

Size: 10 x 8 Color photograph.

Date: Circa 1907

Title: 2) Colonel George Fabyan Residence Second Floor Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).

Description: Floor plan for the second floor of the Fabyan Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Text: "Second Floor Plan. Col. Fabyan," Possibly titled for Col. Fabyan because the second floor bedroom was for Mr. Fabyan. Three of the rooms are listed as "Old Room,’ with one "New Room" which was part of the addition. Text bottom left: "0703.03." Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, Avery Library. See additional details...

Size: 10 x 8 B&W photograph.

Date: Circa 1907

Title: 2C) Colonel George Fabyan Residence Color Second Floor Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).

Color Floor plan for the second floor of the Fabyan Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Text: "Second Floor Plan. Col. Fabyan," Possibly titled for Col. Fabyan because the second floor bedroom was for Mr. Fabyan. Three of the rooms are listed as "Old Room,’ with one "New Room" which was part of the addition. Text bottom left: "0703.03." Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Complete Works 1885-1916, Pfeiffer, 2011. See additional details...

Size: 10 x 8 Color photograph.

Date: Circa 1907

Title: 3) Colonel George Fabyan Residence Basement Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).

Description: Floor plan for the Basement of the Fabyan Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Text: "Mr. Geo. Fabyan Dwelling. Revised Plan of Basement. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Oak Park, Illinois." Text bottom left: "0703.02." Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, Avery Library. See additional details...

Size: 10 x 8 B&W photograph.

Date: Circa 1907

Title: 4) Colonel George Fabyan Residence Design for the Window Seats 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).

Description: Design for the Window Seats for the Fabyan Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Text: "Mr. George Fabyan, Detail of Window Seats. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Oak Park, Illinois." Caption center left: "Elevation of Window Seat. One like this in Bed Room #2 & Bed Room #3." Caption center right: "Elevation of Window Seat. One in Bed Room #2 & Bed Room #3." Text bottom left: "0703.04." Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, Avery Library. See additional details...

Size: 10 x 8 B&W photograph.

Date: 1907

Title: George Fabyan Villa Windmill Circa 1907 (1907 - S.129). Published by TC Co. Chicago.

Description: View of the Windmill at York Center before Fabyan purchased, moved and restored it in 1907, Colonel George Fabyan commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to remodel an existing house, Fabyan Villa, in Geneva, Illinois. The remodel left little trace of the existing home. The villa encompassed approximately 300 acres. The windmill was built in the 1850s and was located in York Center, now part of Lombard Illinois. Over the years, neglect left it in disrepair. Fabyan purchased it in 1914 and moved it to his estate and fully refurbished it. The authentic Dutch windmill stands five stories tall, and was considered one of only a few authentic Dutch windmills in the country. Text of face: "Windmill on Aurora, Elgin & Chicago Railway. 701" Text on divided verso: "This Space for Writing Messages. Post Card. [Place Stamp Here. Domestic One Cent. Foreign Two Cents.] This space for Address only. TC Co. Chicago (logo)." Undivided back, post marked Apr 17 1907. The printing of this card utilizes four inks, but different printing processes. The black plate has a half-tone dot pattern. The cyan (light blue), magenta and yellow use a cellotype or photogravure process.

Size: 3.4 x 5.4.

S#: 0080.42.0619

Note: Copy of a postcard using the same  image that reads: "701. Old Dutch Wind Mill at York Centre, East of Myer's Road Station, Aurora, Elgin & Chicago Railway." Undivided back, postmarked Apr 17 1907.
Date: C 1935-1945

Title: Colonel George Fabyan Residence, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois, Circa 1935-45 (1907 - S.129).

Description: Perspective view of the Fabyan Villa from the Northeast. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Like the Hills (1900, 1906 - S.051) and Beachy Residence Remodeling (1906 - S.117), Frank Lloyd Wright made dramatic changes. The Fabyan farmhouse was originally L-shaped, the area which is now the Living Room, Dining Room and Kitchen. Wright transformed the house by creating a cruciform design, adding a bedroom on the South end, a Veranda on the North and South sides, a covered porch, veranda and two bay windows on the East side. Text bottom left: "67401." Photographed by Gilman Lane. Courtesy of the Art Institute of Chicago. See additional details...

Size: 10 x 8 B&W photograph.

Date: 2013

Title: George Fabyan, The Tycoon Who Broke Ciphers, Ended Wars, Manipulated Sound, Built a Levitation Machine, and Organized the Modern Research Center. (Soft Cover) (Published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing, North Charleston, South Carolina)

Author: Munson, Richard

Description: Back cover: "George Fabyan, The Tycoon Who Broke Ciphers, "The rich are different, but George Fabyan was unique among millionaires. This Gilded Age tycoon sponsored and inspired a "community of thinkers" who changed how we wage wars and keep secrets, how we transmit sound and design buildings, and how we stimulate scientific advances. Fabyan created perhaps the first independent research center, laid the foundation for the top-secret National Security Agency, and even helped end World War I by breaking German codes, capturing foreign terrorists, and developing more effective trench mortars..." Page 54: "...Fabian initially purchased a rather simple farmhouse, but in 1907 hired Frank Lloyd Wright to add features that would complement the surrounding Prairie. Two of Fabyan’s neighbors -- the Gridley's of Batavia and the Hoyts of Geneva --had previously employed Wright, and the colonel appreciated the architects confidence and flair, as well as his interest in Japanese art and culture..."

Size: 6 x 9

Pages: Pp 185

Date: 2018

Title: Colonel George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).

Description: Set of 92 photographs of the exterior of the Fabyan Villa. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Photographed on October 5, 2018 during a visit to the Chicago area. "...George Fabyan was unique among millionaires. This Gilded Age tycoon sponsored and inspired a "community of thinkers" who changed how we wage wars and keep secrets, how we transmit sound and design buildings, and how we stimulate scientific advances. Fabyan created perhaps the first independent research center, laid the foundation for the top-secret National Security Agency, and even helped end... Continue...

Set of 92 high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.

2018.37.1021 1-92
Date: 2018

Title: Colonel George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).

Description: Colonel George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129). Set of 56 photographs of the interior of the Fabyan Villa. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Photographed on October 5, 2018 during a visit to the Chicago area. "...Fabian initially purchased a rather simple farmhouse, but in 1907 hired Frank Lloyd Wright to add features that would complement the surrounding Prairie. Two of Fabyan’s neighbors -- the Gridley's of Batavia and the Hoyts of Geneva --had previously employed Wright, and the colonel appreciated the architects... Continue...

Size: Set of 56 high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.

ST#: 2018.38.1021 1-56
1) Colonel George Fabyan Residence First Floor Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129). Floor plan for the first floor of the Fabyan Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Text: "First Floor Plan, For Mrs. Fabyan, Geneva, Ill. Alterations and Addition. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Oak Park, Illinois. March 25, ‘07." It is interesting to note that this first plan is for Mrs. Fabyan. Possibly because the addition of a bedroom on the South side was for Mrs. Fabyan. Text bottom left: "0703.01." (S#0080.48.1021)
1B) Detail of the Colonel George Fabyan Residence First Floor Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).
1C) Colonel George Fabyan Residence Color First Floor Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129). Color floor plan for the first floor of the Fabyan Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Text: "First Floor Plan, For Mrs. Fabyan, Geneva, Ill. Alterations and Addition. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Oak Park, Illinois. March 25, ‘07." It is interesting to note that this first plan is for Mrs. Fabyan. Possibly because the addition of a bedroom on the South side was for Mrs. Fabyan. Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Complete Works 1885-1916, Pfeiffer, 2011. (S#0080.49.1021)
1D) Detail of the Colonel George Fabyan Residence Color First Floor Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).
2) Colonel George Fabyan Residence Second Floor Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129). Floor plan for the second floor of the Fabyan Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Text: "Second Floor Plan. Col. Fabyan," Possibly titled for Col. Fabyan because the second floor bedroom was for Mr. Fabyan. Three of the rooms are listed as "Old Room,’ with one "New Room" which was part of the addition. Text bottom left: "0703.03." Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, Avery Library. (S#0080.50.1021)
2B) Detail of the Colonel George Fabyan Residence Second Floor Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).
2C) Colonel George Fabyan Residence Color Second Floor Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129). Color Floor plan for the second floor of the Fabyan Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Text: "Second Floor Plan. Col. Fabyan," Possibly titled for Col. Fabyan because the second floor bedroom was for Mr. Fabyan. Three of the rooms are listed as "Old Room,’ with one "New Room" which was part of the addition. Text bottom left: "0703.03." Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Published in Frank Lloyd Wright, Complete Works 1885-1916, Pfeiffer, 2011. (S#0080.51.1021)
2D) Detail of the Colonel George Fabyan Residence Color Second Floor Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).
3) Colonel George Fabyan Residence Basement Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129). Floor plan for the Basement of the Fabyan Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Text: "Mr. Geo. Fabyan Dwelling. Revised Plan of Basement. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Oak Park, Illinois." Text bottom left: "0703.02." Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, Avery Library. (S#0080.52.1021)
3B) Detail of the Colonel George Fabyan Residence Basement Plan 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).
4) Colonel George Fabyan Residence Design for the Window Seats 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129). Design for the Window Seats for the Fabyan Residence. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Text: "Mr. George Fabyan, Detail of Window Seats. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Oak Park, Illinois." Caption center left: "Elevation of Window Seat. One like this in Bed Room #2 & Bed Room #3." Caption center right: "Elevation of Window Seat. One in Bed Room #2 & Bed Room #3." Text bottom left: "0703.04." Courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, Avery Library. (S#0080.53.1021)
4B) Detail of  the Colonel George Fabyan Residence Design for the Window Seats 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).
4C) Detail of  the Colonel George Fabyan Residence Design for the Window Seats 1907, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129).
Colonel George Fabyan Residence, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois, Circa 1935-45 (1907 - S.129). Perspective view of the Fabyan Villa from the Northeast. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Like the Hills (1900, 1906 - S.051) and Beachy Residence Remodeling (1906 - S.117), Frank Lloyd Wright made dramatic changes. The Fabyan farmhouse was originally L-shaped, the area which is now the Living Room, Dining Room and Kitchen. Wright transformed the house by creating a cruciform design, adding a bedroom on the South end, a Veranda on the North and South sides, a covered porch, veranda and two bay windows on the East side. Text bottom left: "67401." Photographed by Gilman Lane. Courtesy of the Art Institute of Chicago. (S#0397.74.1021)

Colonel George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129). Set of 92 photographs of the exterior of the Fabyan Villa. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Photographed on October 5, 2018 during a visit to the Chicago area.
       "...George Fabyan was unique among millionaires. This Gilded Age tycoon sponsored and inspired a "community of thinkers" who changed how we wage wars and keep secrets, how we transmit sound and design buildings, and how we stimulate scientific advances. Fabyan created perhaps the first independent research center, laid the foundation for the top-secret National Security Agency, and even helped end World War I by breaking German codes, capturing foreign terrorists, and developing more effective trench mortars..." (Back cover.)
"...Fabian initially purchased a rather simple farmhouse, but in 1907 hired Frank Lloyd Wright to add features that would complement the surrounding Prairie. Two of Fabyan’s neighbors -- the Gridley's of Batavia and the Hoyts of Geneva --had previously employed Wright, and the colonel appreciated the architects confidence and flair, as well as his interest in Japanese art and culture..." (Page 54.) George Fabyan, The Tycoon Who Broke Ciphers.
       Like the Hills (1900, 1906 - S.051) and Beachy Residence Remodeling (1906 - S.117), Frank Lloyd Wright made dramatic changes. The Fabyan farmhouse was originally L-shaped, the area which is now the Living Room, Dining Room and Kitchen. Wright transformed the house by creating a cruciform design, adding a bedroom on the South end, a Veranda on the North and South sides, a covered porch, veranda and two bay windows


on the East side.
       Although the plans are sketchy, it is interesting to reference the notes on each plan.
       1) First Floor Plan. Text: "First Floor Plan, For Mrs. Fabyan, Geneva, Ill. Alterations and Addition. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Oak Park, Illinois. March 25, ‘07." It is interesting to note that this first plan is for Mrs. Fabyan. Possibly because the addition of a bedroom on the South side was for Mrs. Fabyan. Text bottom left: "0703.01."
       2) Basement Plan. Text: "Mr. Geo. Fabyan Dwelling. Revised Plan of Basement. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Oak Park, Illinois." Text bottom left: "0703.02."
       3) Second Floor Plan. Text: "Second Floor Plan. Col. Fabyan," Possibly title for Col. Fabyan because the second floor bedroom was for Mr. Fabyan. Three of the rooms are listed as "Old Room, with one "New Room" which was part of the addition. Text bottom left: "0703.03."
       4) Design for the Window Seats. Text: "Mr. George Fabyan, Detail of Window Seats. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Oak Park, Illinois." Caption center left: "Elevation of Window Seat. One like this in Bed Room #2 & Bed Room #3." Caption center right: "Elevation of Window Seat. One in Bed Room #2 & Bed Room #3." Text bottom left: "0703.04."
       Our intent is to record the details that create the totality of the design, creating a complete picture. Photographed during a trip to Chicago, by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5, 2018. In an effort to expedite adding these photographs to this website, we have dispensed with a description for each photograph. Set of 92 high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.

1) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-1)
2) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-2)
3) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-3)
4) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-4)
5) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-5)
6) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-6)
7) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-7)
8) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-8)
9) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-9)
10) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-10)
11) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-11)
12) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-12)
13) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-13)
14) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-14)
15) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-15)
16) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-16)
17) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-17)
18) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-18)
19) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-19)
20) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-20)
21) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-21)
22) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-22)
23) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-23)
24) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-24)
25) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-25)
26) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-26)
27) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-27)
28) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-28)
29) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-29)
30) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-30)
31) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-31)
32) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-32)
33) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-33)
34) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-34)
35) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-35)
36) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-36)
37) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-37)
38) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-38)
39) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-39)
40) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-40)
41) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-41)
42) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-42)
43) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-43)
44) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-44)
45) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-4)
46) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-46)
47) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-47)
48) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-48)
49) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-49)
50) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-50)
51) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-51)
52) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-52)
53) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-53)
54) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-54)
55) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-55)
56) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-56)
57) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-57)
58) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-58)
59) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-59)
60) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-60)
61) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-61)
62) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-62)
63) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-63)
64) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-64)
65) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-65)
66) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-66)
67) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-67)
68) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-68)
69) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-69)
70) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-70)
71) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-71)
72) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-72)
73) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-73)
74) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-74)
75) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-75)
76) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-76)
77) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-77)
78) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-78)
79) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-79)
80) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-80)
81) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-81)
82) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-82)
83) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-83)
84) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-84)
85) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-85)
86) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-86)
87) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-87)
88) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-88)
89) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-89)
90) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-90)
91) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-91)
92) George Fabyan Residence Exterior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.37.1021-92)

Colonel George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois (1907 - S.129). Set of 56 photographs of the interior of the Fabyan Villa. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1907. Photographed on October 5, 2018 during a visit to the Chicago area. "...Fabian initially purchased a rather simple farmhouse, but in 1907 hired Frank Lloyd Wright to add features that would complement the surrounding Prairie. Two of Fabyan’s neighbors -- the Gridley's of Batavia and the Hoyts of Geneva --had previously employed Wright, and the colonel appreciated the architects confidence and flair, as well as his interest in Japanese art and culture..." (Page 54.) George Fabyan, The Tycoon Who Broke Ciphers.
       Like the Hills (1900, 1906 - S.051) and Beachy Residence Remodeling (1906 - S.117), Frank Lloyd Wright made dramatic changes. The Fabyan farmhouse was originally L-shaped, the area which is now the Living Room, Dining Room and Kitchen. Wright transformed the house by creating a cruciform design, adding a bedroom on the South end, a Veranda on the North and South sides, a covered porch, veranda and two bay windows on the East side.
       From the front door, visitors step into the Entryway with a built-in bench. To the left, straight ahead is the Dining Room. To the left is the Living Room, and to the right is a hall that


leads to the kitchen and a bedroom, and a stairway that leads to the upper level. Oak trim is used throughout the lower level. Exposed wood beams cover the Living Room ceiling. There are four fireplaces, in the Living Room and Bedroom on the lower level, and in the two end bedrooms on the upper level. Each of the rooms with a fireplace also have a bay window with built-in seating on the East elevation. There is an additional built-in seat in the Northwest corner of the Living Room.
       In the Dining Room there is a partition that divides the Dining area from the hall. Spindles are utilized for the upper portion of the partition. Spindles are repeated in a "window" between the hall and stairway. Behind the stairway is the kitchen, and at the end of the hall is a bedroom. On the opposite side of the Dining Room, the outer wall has windows and a set of doors on either end that lead to a covered porch, which is now enclosed. The enclosed porch leads to a large veranda.
       Our intent is to record the details that create the totality of the design, creating a complete picture. Photographed during a trip to Chicago, by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5, 2018. In an effort to expedite adding these photographs to this website, we have dispensed with a description for each photograph. Set of 56 high res 20 X 13.5 digital images.

1) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). View from dining room to entrance. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-1)
2) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). View from dining room to entrance. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-2)
3) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-3)
4) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Living room. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-4)
5) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Living room. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-5)
6) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Living room. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-6)
7) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Living room. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-7)
8) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Living room. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-8)
9) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Living room. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-9)
10) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Dining room. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-10)
11) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Dining room. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-11)
12) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Dining room. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-12)
13) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Enclosed dining room porch. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-13)
14) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Enclosed dining room porch. Enclosed dining room porch. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-14)
15) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Enclosed dining room porch. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-15)
16) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Enclosed dining room porch. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-16)
17) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Enclosed dining room porch. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-17)
18) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Enclosed dining room porch. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-18)
19) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Hall. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-19)
20) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Hall. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-20)
21) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Hall. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-21)
22) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). First floor bedroom. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-22)
23) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). First floor bedroom. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-23)
24) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). First floor bedroom. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-24)
25) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). First floor bedroom. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-25)
26) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). First floor bedroom. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-26)
27) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). First floor bedroom. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-27)
28) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). First floor bedroom. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-28)
29) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). First floor bedroom. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-29)
30) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Kitchen pantry. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-30)
31) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Kitchen pantry. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-31)
32) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Kitchen. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-32)
33) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Kitchen. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-33)
34) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Kitchen. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-34)
35) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Kitchen. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-35)
36) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Kitchen. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-36)
37) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). South bedroom, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-37)
38) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). South bedroom, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-38)
39) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). South bedroom, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-39)
40) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). South bedroom, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-40)
41) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). South bedroom, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-41)
42) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). South bedroom, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-42)
43) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Center room, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-43)
44) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Center room, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-44)
45) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Center room, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-45)
46) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Center room, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-46)
47) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). North bedroom, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-47)
48) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). North bedroom, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-48)
49) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). North bedroom, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-49)
50) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). North bedroom, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-50)
51) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). North bedroom, upper floor. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-51)
52) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Fabyan Residence model. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-52)
53) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Fabyan Residence model. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-53)
54) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Fabyan Residence model. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-54)
55) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Fabyan Residence model. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-55)
56) George Fabyan Residence Interior, Fabyan Villa, Geneva, Illinois 2018 (1907 - S.129). Fabyan Residence model. 20 x 13.5 digital image photographed by Douglas M. Steiner on October 5. 2018. Copyright 2021, Douglas M. Steiner. (ST#2018.38.1021-56)
Additional Wright Studies
Frank Lloyd Wright's First Published Article (1898)
Photographic Chronology of Frank Lloyd Wright Portraits
Frank Lloyd Wright's Nakoma Clubhouse & Sculptures."
A comprehensive study of Wright’s Nakoma Clubhouse
and the Nakoma and Nakomis Sculptures. Now Available.
Limited Edition.
More information.
Text copyright Douglas M. Steiner, Copyright 2014, 2021.
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