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1939 Version
A Treasury of Great American Speeches
1970 Version
1939 An Organic Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy  (Hard Cover)  (Published by Lund Humphries & Co. LTD., London) Frank Lloyd Wright The Sir George Watson Lectures of the Sulgrave Manor Board. Four lectures delivered by Wright at the Royal Institute of British Architects in May, 1939.  Original cover price £6.  (Second Edition)  (Sweeney 463) Pp 56 0463.01.0802
1959 A Treasury of Great American Speeches  (Hard Cover)  (Published by Hawthorn Books, Inc., New York) Ed. Hurd, Charles: Frank Lloyd Wright A new integrity of human life. May 1939, given in response to an invitation to deliver the annual Sir George Watson Lectures of the Sulgrave Manor Board.  (First Edition) Pp 194-9 1275.01.0102
1970 An Organic Architecture: The Architecture of Democracy  (Hard Cover DJ)  (Published by M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts) Frank Lloyd Wright A facsimile edition of Sweeney 463.  This version published by M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. (First Edition) (Sweeney 1815) Pp 56 1815.00.0303 1815.00.0504


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