Wright Studies
Hartford Cottage Group Center, Scheme II, Hollywood, CA (1948 Project) |
Set of 10 original blueprints for the Huntington Hartford
Cottage Group Center, Scheme II. Huntington Hartford was
born into one of the wealthiest families in the United
States on April 18, 1911. His grandfather, founded the Great
Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company (A&P) in 1859. At the age
of 12, he inherited $90 million, the equivalent of nearly
$1.25 billion in today's dollars. In 1942 Huntington
Hartford purchased a 160 acres estate in the Hollywood
Hills. In 1947 he commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design
a resort for the property which developed into five
projects. 1. Cottage Group Center, Scheme I (4721); 2.
Huntington Hartford House (4724); 3. Sports Club and Play
Resort (4731); 4. The Stables (4737); and in January, 1948,
5. Cottage Group Hotel Scheme II (4837). Assisting Wright
with the project as the landscape architect was Lloyd
Wright, his son who had offices in Hollywood. Wright
presented plans for the projects in October |
1947. The hotel-resort was for members only, and
designed to accommodate 130 guests. Wright placed the
cottage units on the western slopes of the canyon and named
it the Cottage Group Center, because of the nature of the
cottage groupings rather than a single hotel building. Three
months later, in January 1948, Wright totally revised the
plans with Scheme II. The major difference was moving the
whole complex from the West side of the canyon to the East
side. Wright reasoned that morning sun cast on the western
slopes would give the guests a more agreeable view of the
opposite side of the canyon in the morning. Wright also
scaled down the size, reducing accommodations from 130 to 78
guests. Neighborhood opposition put the project on hold, and
never gained enough traction to start up again. Note: The
levels of this scheme are identified by the topographic
numbers on the various levels. |
Huntington Hartford Resort Complex Original
Position |
Sheet 1) Huntington Hartford Resort Complex, Original
Position. Birds-eye view of the canyon toward the Southwest.
Text bottom left: "Original Position." One of the two view
points can be seen in the foreground on the left. A bridge
can be seen on the top left. The Sports Club and Play Resort
can be seen in the background on the right, on the Eastern
ridge. The sports complex included |
swimming, tennis, saunas, dining, dancing,
a cinema, balconies, terraces and an apartment for Hartford
and his guests. On Scheme II, Wright moved the Sports Club
to the Western ridge of the canyon. Original blueprint.
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Sheet 1) Huntington Hartford Resort Complex, Original
Position. Birds-eye view of the canyon toward the Southwest.
Text bottom left: "Original Position." One of the two view
points can be seen in the foreground on the left. A bridge
can be seen on the top left. The Sports Club and Play Resort
can be seen in the background on the right, on the Eastern
ridge. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Resort Complex, Original
Position. Birds-eye view of the canyon toward the Southwest.
Text bottom left: "Original Position." One of the two view
points can be seen in the foreground on the left. A bridge
can be seen on the top left. The Sports Club and Play Resort
can be seen in the background on the right, on the Eastern
ridge. (Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and
enhanced them for readability.) |
Detail of one of the two view
points. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Sports Club, Original
Position. The Sports Club and Play Resort can be seen on the
Eastern ridge. The sports complex included swimming, tennis, saunas, dining, dancing,
a cinema, balconies, terraces and an apartment for Hartford
and his guests. On Scheme II, Wright moved the Sports Club
to the Western ridge of the canyon. |
Huntington Hartford Birds-Eye View Scheme II |
Sheet 2) Huntington Hartford Birds-Eye View Scheme II.
Viewed from the Southwest. Text: "Alternate. Huntington
Hartford. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Lloyd Wright
Associate." Box bottom right appears to be dated "Jan 30,
48." The Sports Club and Play Resort can be seen in the
upper left corner on the Western ridge. The sports complex
included swimming, tennis, saunas, dining, dancing, a
cinema, balconies, terraces and an apartment for |
Hartford and his guests. The entrance to the Cottage Group
Center can be seen on the bottom right. The main portion of
the complex included the registration and lobby, offices,
lounge, dining pavilion, café, sun terraces, patios and
gardens. Original blueprint. (Note: We have converted the
plans to B&W and enhanced them for readability.) |
Sheet 2) Huntington Hartford Birds-Eye View Scheme II.
Viewed from the Southwest. Text: "Alternate. Huntington
Hartford. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Lloyd Wright
Associate." Box bottom right appears to be dated "Jan 30,
48." The Sports Club and Play Resort can be seen in the
upper left corner on the Western ridge. The sports complex
included swimming, tennis, saunas, dining, dancing, a
cinema, balconies, terraces and an apartment for Hartford
and his guests. The entrance to the Cottage Group Center can
be seen on the bottom right. The main portion of the complex
included the registration and lobby, offices, lounge, dining
pavilion, café, sun terraces, patios and gardens. Original
blueprint. |
Detail of the Huntington Hartford Birds-Eye View Scheme
II. Viewed from the Southwest. The Sports Club and Play
Resort can be seen in the upper left corner on the Western
ridge. The sports complex included swimming, tennis, saunas,
dining, dancing, a cinema, balconies, terraces and an
apartment for Hartford and his guests. The entrance to the
Cottage Group Center can be seen on the bottom right. The
main portion of the complex included the registration and
lobby, offices, lounge, dining pavilion, café, sun terraces,
patios and gardens. (Note: We have converted the plans to
B&W and enhanced them for readability.) |
Detail of
the entrance. As
you enter the property, you cross a bridge over a pool that
is on both sides of the road. As you pull forward, you drive
under a large terrace that stretches over the road. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Lobby and Dining, Scheme II. After
you cross the bridge and pull forward, you drive under a
large terrace that stretches over the road. The entrance
leads to the lobby, clerk’s deck, vault and manager’s
office. There are areas of plantings, that are open above.
The cottages are terraced above on the hillside. The main
portion of the complex includes the registration and lobby,
offices, lounge, dining pavilion, café, sun terraces, patios
and gardens. |
Detail of
the Huntington
Hartford Sports Club and Play Resort Scheme II, on the
Western ridge. The sports complex included swimming, tennis,
saunas, dining, dancing, a cinema, balconies, terraces and
an apartment for Hartford and his guests. The swimming pool
with its cascading waterfall has been repositioned to it
faces the cottage center. |
Huntington Hartford Entrance Scheme II |
Sheet 3) Huntington Hartford Entrance View Scheme II. Viewed
from the South. Text: "View From Entrance Drive. Cottage
Group Center. For Huntington Hartford. Frank Lloyd Wright
Architect. Lloyd Wright Associate." Frank Lloyd Wright
originally presented the plans for the Cottage Group Center
Scheme I, in October, 1947. Three months later, in January
1948, Wright totally revised the plans with Scheme II. The
major difference was moving the whole complex from the West
side of the canyon to the East side. Wright reasoned that
morning sun cast on the western slopes would give the guests
a more agreeable view of the opposite side of the canyon in
the morning. As you enter the property, you pass through a
set of Wright designed gates. Wright also moved the Sports
Club from the East ridge to the West ridge which can |
be seen on the top left corner. This design retained the
cottage concept as in the first, thus The Cottage Group
Center. These cottages were terraced on the canyon hillside
and included cantilevered terraces and gardens, bedrooms,
sitting rooms and kitchenettes. The main portion of the
complex included the registration and lobby, offices,
lounge, dining pavilion, café, sun terraces, patios and
gardens. Wright transformed the eastern side of the canyon
while leaving the view of the western slope in its natural
state. Scheme II was dated January 1948, and he placed the
red square on the right corner of the plans versus the
original left side of Scheme I. Original blueprint.
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Sheet 3) Huntington Hartford Entrance View Scheme II. Viewed
from the South. As you enter the property, you pass through a
set of Wright designed gates. The Sports
Club, moved from the East ridge to the West ridge which can
be seen on the top left corner. The cottages are terraced on the canyon hillside
and included cantilevered terraces and gardens, bedrooms,
sitting rooms and kitchenettes. The main portion of the
complex included the registration and lobby, offices,
lounge, dining pavilion, café, sun terraces, patios and
gardens. Wright transformed the eastern side of the canyon
while leaving the view of the western slope in its natural
state. Original blueprint. |
Detail of the Huntington Hartford Entrance View Scheme II. Viewed
from the South. As you enter the property, you pass through a
set of Wright designed gates. The Sports
Club, moved from the East ridge to the West ridge which can
be seen on the top left corner. The cottages are terraced on the canyon hillside
and included cantilevered terraces and gardens, bedrooms,
sitting rooms and kitchenettes. The main portion of the
complex included the registration and lobby, offices,
lounge, dining pavilion, café, sun terraces, patios and
gardens. Wright transformed the eastern side of the canyon
while leaving the view of the western slope in its natural
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Detail of the Huntington Hartford Entrance and main
complex. The main portion of the
complex included the registration and lobby, offices,
lounge, dining pavilion, café, sun terraces, patios and
gardens. Wright transformed the eastern side of the canyon
while leaving the view of the western slope in its natural
state. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Sports Club. Wright moved the Sports
Club from the East ridge to the West ridge. |
Frank Lloyd Wright
originally presented the plans for the Cottage Group Center
Scheme I, in October, 1947. Three months later, in January
1948, Wright totally revised the plans with Scheme II. The
major difference was moving the whole complex from the West
side of the canyon to the East side. Wright reasoned that
morning sun cast on the western slopes would give the guests
a more agreeable view of the opposite side of the canyon in
the morning. |
Huntington Hartford Plan at 565 Scheme II |
Sheet 4) Huntington Hartford Plan at 565, Scheme II.
Automobile entrance. Text: "Plan at 565. Cottage Group
Center. For Huntington Hartford. Frank Lloyd Wright
Architect. Lloyd Wright Associate." Level 565 is the
automobile entrance. As you enter the property, you cross a
bridge over a pool that is on both sides of the road. As you
pull forward, you drive under a large terrace that stretches
over the road. The entrance leads to the lobby, clerk’s
deck, vault and manager’s office. There are areas of
plantings, that are open above. From the lobby, elevators
and |
stairs lead to level 575. Driving forward leads to
underground garage as well as addition outdoor parking. The
plan is laid out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid
pattern. Plantings at this level includes: Palms, magnolia
and acacia. The line for Cross Section "A - A" cut through
the road and managers office at this level. "C - C" cuts
through the entrance and lower lobby. The levels of this
scheme are identified by the topographic numbers on the
various levels. Original blueprint.
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Sheet 4) Huntington Hartford Plan at 565, Scheme II.
Automobile entrance. Level 565 is the automobile entrance.
As you enter the property, you cross a bridge over a pool
that is on both sides of the road. As you pull forward, you
drive under a large terrace that stretches over the road.
The entrance leads to the lobby, clerk’s deck, vault and
manager’s office. There are areas of plantings, that are
open above. From the lobby, elevators and stairs lead to
level 575. Driving forward leads to underground garage as
well as addition outdoor parking. The plan is laid out
utilizing an equilateral triangle grid pattern. Plantings at
this level includes: Palms, magnolia and acacia. The line
for Cross Section "A - A" cut through the road and managers
office at this level. "C - C" cuts through the entrance and
lower lobby. The levels of this scheme are identified by the
topographic numbers on the various levels. Original
blueprint. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 565, Scheme II. Automobile
entrance. Level 565 is the automobile entrance. As you enter
the property, you cross a bridge over a pool that is on both
sides of the road. As you pull forward, you drive under a
large terrace that stretches over the road. The entrance
leads to the lobby, clerk’s deck, vault and manager’s
office. There are areas of plantings, that are open above.
From the lobby, elevators and stairs lead to level 575.
Driving forward leads to underground garage as well as
addition outdoor parking. The plan is laid out utilizing an
equilateral triangle grid pattern. Plantings at this level
includes: Palms, magnolia and acacia. The line for Cross
Section "A - A" cut through the road and managers office at
this level. "C - C" cuts through the entrance and lower
lobby. The levels of this scheme are identified by the
topographic numbers on the various levels.
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Entrance Plan at 565, Scheme II.
Automobile entrance. As you pull forward, you drive under a
large terrace that stretches over the road. The entrance
leads to the lobby, clerk’s deck, vault and manager’s
office. There are areas of plantings, that are open above.
From the lobby, elevators and stairs lead to level 575.
Driving forward leads to underground garage as well as
addition outdoor parking. The plan is laid out utilizing an
equilateral triangle grid pattern. Plantings at this level
includes: Palms, magnolia and acacia. The line for Cross
Section "A - A" cut through the road and managers office at
this level. "C - C" cuts through the entrance and lower
lobby. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Entrance Plan at 565, Scheme II.
Automobile entrance. As you enter the property, you cross a
bridge over a pool that is on both sides of the road. |
Huntington Hartford Plan at 575 Scheme II |
Sheet 5) Huntington Hartford Plan at 575, Scheme II. Main
lounge. Text: "Plan at 575. Cottage Group Center. For
Huntington Hartford. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Lloyd
Wright Associate." The main lounge is on this level, and
Wright labels it Living Room which includes built-in seating
and two fireplaces. It opens to an outdoor lounge that
covers the drive below. There are built-in planting boxes.
Stairs on the east side lead to the open landscape. To the
North of the living room are washrooms, storage and the
upper garage, with ramps that lead to the lower garage
below. From the Living Room, a walkway leads to the south
wing which includes three cottages. Cottage Type (1), there
are two, includes a |
sitting room with built-in seating and fireplace, an outdoor
terrace, one bedroom, kitchen, a built-in dining table, and
a bath. The larger Cottage Type (3) includes a sitting room
with a fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each
with their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table.
The plan is laid out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid
pattern. Plantings at this level include: Palms, plum,
avocado, walnut, acacia, bay, pine, broadleaf, grapefruit,
laurel and bamboo.
The levels of this scheme are identified by the
topographic numbers on the various levels. Original
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Sheet 5) Huntington Hartford Plan at 575, Scheme II. Main
lounge. The main lounge is on this level, and Wright labels
it Living Room which includes built-in seating and two
fireplaces. It opens to an outdoor lounge that covers the
drive below. There are built-in planting boxes. Stairs on
the east side lead to the open landscape. To the North of
the living room are washrooms, storage and the upper garage,
with ramps that lead to the lower garage below. From the
Living Room, a walkway leads to the south wing which
includes three cottages. Cottage Type (1), there are two,
includes a sitting room with built-in seating and fireplace,
an outdoor terrace, one bedroom, kitchen, a built-in dining
table, and a bath. The larger Cottage Type (3) includes a
sitting room with a fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three
bedrooms, each with their own bath, kitchen and a built-in
dining table. The plan is laid out utilizing an equilateral
triangle grid pattern. Original blueprint. |
Detail of the Huntington Hartford Plan at 575, Scheme II.
Main lounge. The main lounge is on this level, and Wright
labels it Living Room which includes built-in seating and
two fireplaces. It opens to an outdoor lounge that covers
the drive below. There are built-in planting boxes. Stairs
on the east side lead to the open landscape. To the North of
the living room are washrooms, storage and the upper garage,
with ramps that lead to the lower garage below. From the
Living Room, a walkway leads to the south wing which
includes three cottages. Cottage Type (1), there are two,
includes a sitting room with built-in seating and fireplace,
an outdoor terrace, one bedroom, kitchen, a built-in dining
table, and a bath. The larger Cottage Type (3) includes a
sitting room with a fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three
bedrooms, each with their own bath, kitchen and a built-in
dining table. The plan is laid out utilizing an equilateral
triangle grid pattern.
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 575, Scheme II. To the North
of the living room are washrooms, storage and the upper
garage, with ramps that lead to the lower garage below. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 575, Scheme II. The main
lounge is on this level, and Wright labels it Living Room
which includes built-in seating and two fireplaces. It opens
to an outdoor lounge that covers the drive below. There are
built-in planting boxes. Stairs on the east side lead to the
open landscape. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 575, Scheme II. From the Living
Room, a walkway leads to the south wing which includes three
cottages. Cottage Type (1), there are two, includes a
sitting room with built-in seating and fireplace, an outdoor
terrace, one bedroom, kitchen, a built-in dining table, and
a bath. The larger Cottage Type (3) includes a sitting room
with a fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each
with their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 575, Scheme II. From the Living
Room, a walkway leads to the south wing which includes three
cottages. Cottage Type (1), there are two, includes a
sitting room with built-in seating and fireplace, an outdoor
terrace, one bedroom, kitchen, a built-in dining table, and
a bath. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 575, Scheme II. From the Living
Room, a walkway leads to the south wing which includes three
cottages. The larger Cottage Type (3) includes a sitting
room with a fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms,
each with their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining
table. |
Huntington Hartford Plan at 585 Scheme II |
Sheet 6) Huntington Hartford Plan at 585, Scheme II. Dining
Pavilion. Text: "Plan at 585. Cottage Group Center. For
Huntington Hartford. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Lloyd
Wright Associate." Above the living room (main lounge), is
the "upper part of the Living Room" and has two fireplaces.
Just to the north is the cocktail lounge and bar. Continuing
north is a sun gallery and the kitchen. The ceiling is
covered with triangular skylights. Next is the
hexagonal-shaped dining pavilion. Taking a few steps up to a
raised level is an area with a fireplace. The dining room
looks |
out at a water cascade. To the South of the upper living
room a passageway leads to terraced garden, then on to a
larger Cottage Type (3) which includes a sitting room with a
fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each with
their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table. The
plan is laid out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid
The levels of this scheme are identified by the
topographic numbers on the various levels. Original
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Sheet 6) Huntington Hartford Plan at 585, Scheme II.
Dining Pavilion. Above the living room (main lounge), is the
"upper part of the Living Room" and has two fireplaces. Just
to the north is the cocktail lounge and bar. Continuing
north is a sun gallery and the kitchen. The ceiling is
covered with triangular skylights. Next is the
hexagonal-shaped dining pavilion. Taking a few steps up to a
raised level is an area with a fireplace. The dining room
out at a water cascade. To the South of the upper living
room a passageway leads to terraced garden, then on to a
larger Cottage Type (3) which includes a sitting room with a
fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each with
their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table. The
plan is laid out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid
The levels of this scheme are identified by the
topographic numbers on the various levels. Original
blueprint. |
Detail of Huntington Hartford Plan at 585, Scheme II.
Dining Pavilion. Above the living room (main lounge), is the
"upper part of the Living Room" and has two fireplaces. Just
to the north is the cocktail lounge and bar. Continuing
north is a sun gallery and the kitchen. The ceiling is
covered with triangular skylights. Next is the
hexagonal-shaped dining pavilion. Taking a few steps up to a
raised level is an area with a fireplace. The dining room
out at a water cascade. To the South of the upper living
room a passageway leads to terraced garden, then on to a
larger Cottage Type (3) which includes a sitting room with a
fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each with
their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table. The
plan is laid out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid
The levels of this scheme are identified by the
topographic numbers on the various levels. Original
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Detail of Huntington Hartford Plan at 585, Scheme II.
Dining Pavilion. On the North is a sun gallery and the
kitchen. The ceiling is covered with triangular skylights.
Next is the hexagonal-shaped dining pavilion. Taking a few
steps up to a raised level is an area with a fireplace. The
dining room looks
out at a water cascade. |
Detail of Huntington Hartford Plan at 585, Scheme II.
Above the living room (main lounge), is the "upper part of
the Living Room" which has two fireplaces. Just to the north
is the cocktail lounge and bar. |
Detail of Huntington Hartford Plan at 585, Scheme II. To the South of the upper living
room a passageway leads to terraced garden, then on to a
larger Cottage Type (3) which includes a sitting room with a
fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each with
their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table. |
Huntington Hartford Plan at 595 Scheme II |
Sheet 7) Huntington Hartford Plan at 595, Scheme II. Patio.
Text: "Plan at 595. Cottage Group Center. For Huntington
Hartford. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Lloyd Wright
Associate." Above the living room is a patio labeled "upper
part of the Living Room." To the North is the glass and
copper top over the dining pavilion, as well as employee
rooms and a small sitting room. At the Southern end of this
plan is another large three bedroom Cottage Type (3). The
layout of this three bedroom cottage differs from the two |
on the lower levels, but still includes a sitting room with
a fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each with
their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table. It is
reached by stairs from levels 585 and 605. The plan is laid
out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid pattern.
The levels of this scheme are identified by the
topographic numbers on the various levels. Original
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Sheet 7) Huntington Hartford Plan at 595, Scheme II. Patio.
Above the living room is a patio labeled "upper
part of the Living Room." To the North is the glass and
copper top over the dining pavilion, as well as employee
rooms and a small sitting room. At the Southern end of this
plan is another large three bedroom Cottage Type (3). The
layout of this three bedroom cottage differs from the two
on the lower levels, but still includes a sitting room with
a fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each with
their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table. It is
reached by stairs from levels 585 and 605. The plan is laid
out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid pattern.
blueprint. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 595, Scheme II. Patio. Above the living room is a patio labeled "upper
part of the Living Room." To the North is the glass and
copper top over the dining pavilion, as well as employee
rooms and a small sitting room. At the Southern end of this
plan is another large three bedroom Cottage Type (3). The
layout of this three bedroom cottage differs from the two
on the lower levels, but still includes a sitting room with
a fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each with
their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table. It is
reached by stairs from levels 585 and 605. The plan is laid
out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid pattern.
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 595, Scheme II. On the North
end of this level is the glass and
copper top over the dining pavilion, as well as employee
rooms and a small sitting room. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 595, Scheme II. To the North
of the Living Room is the glass and
copper top over the dining pavilion, as well as employee
rooms and a small sitting room. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 595, Scheme II. Patio.
Above the living room is a patio labeled "upper
part of the Living Room." |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 595, Scheme II. At the Southern end of this
plan is another large three bedroom Cottage Type (3). The
layout of this three bedroom cottage differs from the two
on the lower levels, but still includes a sitting room with
a fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each with
their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table. It is
reached by stairs from levels 585 and 605. |
Huntington Hartford Plan at 605 Scheme II |
Sheet 8) Huntington Hartford Plan at 605, Scheme II. Open
Patio and bedrooms. Text: "Plan at 605. Cottage Group
Center. For Huntington Hartford. Frank Lloyd Wright
Architect. Lloyd Wright Associate." Above the living room is
an open patio labeled "upper part of the Living Room," and
includes planned plantings on the roof. To the North is a
single bedroom and bath, and a long terrace garden over the
employee bedrooms below. To the South are eight guest rooms
with fireplaces, and bathrooms. At the Southern end of this
plan is another large three bedroom Cottage Type (3). |
The layout of this three bedroom cottage differs from the
two on the lower levels, but still includes a sitting room
with a fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each
with their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table.
The plan is laid out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid
The levels of this scheme are identified by the
topographic numbers on the various levels. Original
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Sheet 8) Huntington Hartford Plan at 605, Scheme II. Open
Patio and bedrooms. Above the living room is an open patio
labeled "upper part of the Living Room," and includes
planned plantings on the roof. To the North is a single
bedroom and bath, and a long terrace garden over the
employee bedrooms below. To the South are eight guest rooms
with fireplaces, and bathrooms. At the Southern end of this
plan is another large three bedroom Cottage Type (3). The
layout of this three bedroom cottage differs from the two on
the lower levels, but still includes a sitting room with a
fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each with
their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table. The
plan is laid out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid
The levels of this scheme are identified by the
topographic numbers on the various levels. Original
blueprint. |
Detail of Huntington Hartford Plan at 605, Scheme II.
Open Patio and bedrooms. Above the living room is an open
patio labeled "upper part of the Living Room," and includes
planned plantings on the roof. To the North is a single
bedroom and bath, and a long terrace garden over the
employee bedrooms below. To the South are eight guest rooms
with fireplaces, and bathrooms. At the Southern end of this
plan is another large three bedroom Cottage Type (3). The
layout of this three bedroom cottage differs from the two on
the lower levels, but still includes a sitting room with a
fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each with
their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table. The
plan is laid out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid
The levels of this scheme are identified by the
topographic numbers on the various levels.
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Detail of Huntington Hartford Plan at 605, Scheme II. To
the North of the Living Room is a single bedroom and bath,
and a long terrace garden over the employee bedrooms below. |
Detail of Huntington Hartford Plan at 605, Scheme II.
Above the living room is an open patio labeled "upper part
of the Living Room," and includes planned plantings on the
roof. |
Detail of Huntington Hartford Plan at 605, Scheme II. To
the East and South are eight guest rooms with fireplaces,
and bathrooms. |
Detail of Huntington Hartford Plan at 605, Scheme II. At
the Southern end of this plan is another large three bedroom
Cottage Type (3). The layout of this three bedroom cottage
differs from the two on the lower levels, but still includes
a sitting room with a fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three
bedrooms, each with their own bath, kitchen and a built-in
dining table. |
Frank Lloyd Wright
originally presented the plans for the Cottage Group Center
Scheme I, in October, 1947. Three months later, in January
1948, Wright totally revised the plans with Scheme II. The
major difference was moving the whole complex from the West
side of the canyon to the East side. Wright reasoned that
morning sun cast on the western slopes would give the guests
a more agreeable view of the opposite side of the canyon in
the morning. |
Huntington Hartford Plan at 615 Scheme II |
Sheet 9) Huntington Hartford Plan at 615, Scheme II. Upper
Level. Text: "Plan at 615. Cottage Group Center. For
Huntington Hartford. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Lloyd
Wright Associate." The upper level provides additional
cottages on the North and South, with Guest Bedrooms in the
center. The roof above the lower "Living Room" is planted as
a large Terrace Garden with a large irregular hexagon open
to the patio below. To the North are three large
three-bedroom Cottages Type (2). The layout of these three
bedroom cottages differ from those on the lower levels. They
includes a sitting room with a fireplace, an outdoor
terrace, three bedrooms, each with their own bath, kitchen
and a built-in dining table. The larger bedroom includes a
fireplace. The five Guest |
Bedrooms located just next to the Living Room roof, are
reached by stairs from the lower level. Each of the bedrooms
include a bath and fireplace. This level of bedrooms are
stepped back, so that the roof of the lower bedrooms provide
a "Terrace Garden over Lower Bedrooms." Two the South are
two one-bedroom cottages. Each has a sitting room and
fireplace, kitchen, bedroom and bath. One has a built in
dining table. Both are surrounded by lush plantings and terraces. The plan
is laid out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid
The levels of this scheme are identified by the
topographic numbers on the various levels. Original blueprint.
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Sheet 9) Huntington Hartford Plan at 615, Scheme II.
Upper Level. The upper level provides additional cottages on
the North and South, with Guest Bedrooms in the center. The
roof above the lower "Living Room" is planted as a large
Terrace Garden with a large irregular hexagon open to the
patio below. To the North are three large three-bedroom
Cottages Type (2). The layout of these three bedroom
cottages differ from those on the lower levels. They
includes a sitting room with a fireplace, an outdoor
terrace, three bedrooms, each with their own bath, kitchen
and a built-in dining table. The larger bedroom includes a
fireplace. The five Guest Bedrooms located just next to the
Living Room roof, are reached by stairs from the lower
level. Each of the bedrooms include a bath and fireplace.
This level of bedrooms are stepped back, so that the roof of
the lower bedrooms provide a "Terrace Garden over Lower
Bedrooms." Two the South are two one-bedroom cottages. Each
has a sitting room and fireplace, kitchen, bedroom and bath.
One has a built in dining table. Both are surrounded by lush plantings and terraces. The plan
is laid out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid
The levels of this scheme are identified by the
topographic numbers on the various levels. Original blueprint. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 615, Scheme II. Upper Level.
The upper level provides additional cottages on the North
and South, with Guest Bedrooms in the center. The roof above
the lower "Living Room" is planted as a large Terrace Garden
with a large irregular hexagon open to the patio below. To
the North are three large three-bedroom Cottages Type (2).
The layout of these three bedroom cottages differ from those
on the lower levels. They includes a sitting room with a
fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each with
their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table. The
larger bedroom includes a fireplace. The five Guest Bedrooms
located just next to the Living Room roof, are reached by
stairs from the lower level. Each of the bedrooms include a
bath and fireplace. This level of bedrooms are stepped back,
so that the roof of the lower bedrooms provide a "Terrace
Garden over Lower Bedrooms." Two the South are two
one-bedroom cottages. Each has a sitting room and fireplace,
kitchen, bedroom and bath. One has a built in dining table.
Both are surrounded by lush plantings and terraces. The plan
is laid out utilizing an equilateral triangle grid
The levels of this scheme are identified by the
topographic numbers on the various levels.
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 615, Scheme II. To the North
of the Living Room are three large three-bedroom Cottages
Type (2). The layout of these three bedroom cottages differ
from those on the lower levels. They includes a sitting room
with a fireplace, an outdoor terrace, three bedrooms, each
with their own bath, kitchen and a built-in dining table.
The larger bedroom includes a fireplace. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 615, Scheme II. The upper
level provides additional cottages on the North and South,
with Guest Bedrooms in the center. The roof above the lower
"Living Room" is planted as a large Terrace Garden with a
large irregular hexagon open to the patio below. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Plan at 615, Scheme II. The five
Guest Bedrooms located just next to the Living Room roof,
are reached by stairs from the lower level. Each of the
bedrooms include a bath and fireplace. This level of
bedrooms are stepped back, so that the roof of the lower
bedrooms provide a "Terrace Garden over Lower Bedrooms." Two
the South are two one-bedroom cottages. Each has a sitting
room and fireplace, kitchen, bedroom and bath. One has a
built in dining table. Both are surrounded by lush plantings and terraces. |
Huntington Hartford Cross Sections Scheme II |
Sheet 10) Huntington Hartford Cross Sections, Scheme II.
Text: "Sections. Cottage Group Center. For Huntington
Hartford. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect. Lloyd Wright
Associate." This plan shows five cross sections, "A - A"
through "E - E." A - A is on the top left, C - C is on the
top right, E - E is in the center, D - D is on the bottom
left, and B - B is on the bottom right. On the plans, the
cross sections run from North to South: B - B; C - C; A - A
in the center; E - E; D - D on the South. Of interest is B -
B, the |
cross section of the of the Dining Room. Wright has added a
spire rising from the roof made of glass and copper. There
is also evidence of a water feature that cascades from the
North to the South. It begins on the North by the Dining
Pavilion and runs to the South, ending in the Pool at the
Entrance. Original blueprint.
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Sheet 10) Huntington Hartford Cross Sections, Scheme II.
This plan shows five cross sections, "A - A"
through "E - E." A - A is on the top left, C - C is on the
top right, E - E is in the center, D - D is on the bottom
left, and B - B is on the bottom right. On the plans, the
cross sections run from North to South: B - B; C - C; A - A
in the center; E - E; D - D on the South. Of interest is B -
B, the
cross section of the of the Dining Room. Wright has added a
spire rising from the roof made of glass and copper. There
is also evidence of a water feature that cascades from the
North to the South. It begins on the North by the Dining
Pavilion and runs to the South, ending in the Pool at the
Entrance. Original blueprint. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Cross Sections, Scheme II. This plan shows five cross sections, "A - A"
through "E - E." A - A is on the top left, C - C is on the
top right, E - E is in the center, D - D is on the bottom
left, and B - B is on the bottom right. On the plans, the
cross sections run from North to South: B - B; C - C; A - A
in the center; E - E; D - D on the South. Of interest is B -
B, the cross section of the of the Dining Room. Wright has
added a spire rising from the roof made of glass and copper.
There is also evidence of a water feature that cascades from
the North to the South. It begins on the North by the Dining
Pavilion and runs to the South, ending in the Pool at the
(Note: We have converted the plans to B&W and enhanced them
for readability.) |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Cross Section B - B, Scheme II. On
the plans, the cross sections run from North to South: B -
B; C - C; A - A in the center; E - E; D - D on the South. Of
interest is B - B, the cross section of the of the Dining
Room. Wright has added a spire rising from the roof made of
glass and copper. There
is also evidence of a water feature that cascades from the
North to the South. It begins on the North by the Dining
Pavilion and runs to the South, ending in the Pool at the
Entrance. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Cross Section C - C, Scheme II. On
the plans, the cross sections run from North to South: B -
B; C - C; A - A in the center; E - E; D - D on the South. There
is also evidence of a water feature that cascades from the
North to the South. It begins on the North by the Dining
Pavilion and runs to the South, ending in the Pool at the
Entrance. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Cross Section A - A, Scheme II. On
the plans, the cross sections run from North to South: B -
B; C - C; A - A in the center; E - E; D - D on the South. There
is also evidence of a water feature that cascades from the
North to the South. It begins on the North by the Dining
Pavilion and runs to the South, ending in the Pool at the
Entrance. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Cross Section E - E, Scheme II. On
the plans, the cross sections run from North to South: B -
B; C - C; A - A in the center; E - E; D - D on the South. There
is also evidence of a water feature that cascades from the
North to the South. It begins on the North by the Dining
Pavilion and runs to the South, ending in the Pool at the
Entrance. |
Detail of
Huntington Hartford Cross Section D - D, Scheme II. On
the plans, the cross sections run from North to South: B -
B; C - C; A - A in the center; E - E; D - D on the South. There
is also evidence of a water feature that cascades from the
North to the South. It begins on the North by the Dining
Pavilion and runs to the South, ending in the Pool at the
Entrance. |